DC_DCconverter tutorial
第2章-基本DC-DC变换器 ppt课件
DC-DC电压变换原理电 路及输入、输出波形
图3-1a为基本的DC-DC电压变换原 理电路,从图中可以看出:输入电压 源Ui通过开关管VT与负载RL相串联, 当开VT关管RVL TI导O 通时,输出电压等于输 入电压,Uo=Ui;而当开关管VT关断 时,b) 输出电压等于零,Uo=0。得到的 基本电压变换电路的输出电压波形如 图3-1c所示。
图3-1b为基本的DC-DC电流变换原理电 路,从图中可以看出:输入电流源Ii通过 开关管VT与负载RL相并联,当开关管 VT关断时,输出电流等于输入电流,即 Io=Ii;而当开关管VT导通时,输出电流 等于零,即Io=0。基本电流变换电路的 输出电流波形如图3-1d所示。
显然,若令输出电流的平均值为Io,则 Io≤Ii 。可见,图3-1b所示的电流变换电路 实现了降流型DC-DC变换器(buck电流 变换器)的基本变换功能
uo ii
io ui
C uo ii
2.1.2 boost型 DC-DC变换器的基本结构
以上讨论了buck型 变换器的构建,那 么如何实现升压型 (boost)的电压变 换和升流型(boost
若考虑变换器输入、输出能量的不变性 (忽略电路及元件的损耗),则buck型电 压变换器在完成降压变换的同时也完成了 升流(boost)变换。同理buck型电流变换 器在完成降流变换的同时也完成了升压( boost)变换。
PSCAD BASIC TRAININGTutorials 8 - 11Electric Machines and HVDC ConverterTutorial 8电机的起动和初始化(Machine start up and initialization methods in PSCAD)One machine infinite bus case 单机对无穷大母线例子1)从电压源开始然后切换成电机 Start as a ‘source’ and switch to a ‘machine’2)释放转子动态 Enable rotor dynamics after the transients settle3)无Tm0 Ef0反馈的起动 Run the same case with no feedback from Tm0 and Ef04)电机直接起动观察响应 Start directly as a machine and see the responseT8.1 Open the case case_01_startup.psc.T8.2怎样把电机当电压源起动?How do you start the machine as a ‘voltage source’?怎样从电压源切换到恒速电机? How do you switch from a ‘voltage source’ to a machine rotating at a fixed speed?怎样从恒速电机切换到转动机械动态? How do you enable the rotational dynamics of the machine?T8.3 Ef0和Tm0的作用是什么? What are the functions of signals Ef0 and Tm0 of the synchronous machine model?T8.4 Set the machine initial voltage magnitude to 1.04 pu and the phase to 0.75 rad. T8.5 Run the case and note the Power and Reactive Power levels at steady state. Also measure the input torque Tm and the field voltage Ef at steady state.T8.6 Start the machine in the normal ‘machine’ mode and observe the results.T8.7 Use the steady state Tm and Ef values in T8.5 as inputs to Tm and Ef. Start the machine in the ‘machine’ mode. Observe results.Tutorial 9Machine start up and initialization methods in PSCADInitializing the machine to a load flowT9.1 Open the case Gen_Pqini_startmetds_01.psc.T9.2 Make sure the machine is rated at 150 MVA, 17.32 kV. It should be connected to an infinite bus rated at the same voltage through a transmission line of inductance 0.01 H.T9.3 Calculate the machine terminal voltage in PU and the phase angle in radians, if the steady state power and reactive power flow is 54 MW and 27 MVar respectively.T9.4 Set the machine initial conditions so that the simulation will give the correct steady state P and Q flow.T9.5 How are the governor, turbine and the exciter initialized?T9.6 Start the machine as a source and simulate the case.T9.7 Start the simulation with the machine in the normal ‘machine’ mode. What additional initial conditions are to be supplied to the machine?Tutorial 10DC MachineT10.1 Open the case dc_machine_drive in your …PSCAD/examples/dcmachines folder. Save it in PscadTraining/Tutorial_10.T10.2 Study the input parameters to the machine model.T10.3 How is the machine rotational dynamics calculated?T10.4 Simulate the case and observe the response of the system to disturbances.T10.5 Modify the case so that the rotational dynamics are calculated by the multimass shaft model.异步电机的铭牌及额定值★铭牌:型号,额定值,绕组联结方式,生产厂家等。
莫尔森DC DC转换器产品说明书
30W,Ultra wide input isolated ®ulated dual/single output,DC/DC converterCB Patent ProtectionRoHSFEATURES●Ultra wide input voltage range (4:1)●High efficiency up to 90%with full load ●High efficiency up to 82%with 5%load●No-load power consumption as low as 0.14W ●Isolation voltage:1.5K VDC●Input under-voltage protection,output short circuit,over-voltage,over-current protection ●Operating temperature range:-40℃to +80℃●Meet CISPR32/EN55032CLASS A,without external components●Six-sided metal shielding package●Reverse voltage protection available with A2S(Chassis mounting)or A4S(35mm DIN-Rail mounting)●IEC60950,UL60950,EN60950approvalURA_LD-30WR3&URB_LD-30WR3series are isolated 30W DC-DC products with 4:1input voltage.They feature efficiency up to 90%,1.5K VDC isolation,operating temperature of -40℃to +80℃,Input under-voltage protection,output short circuit protection,over-voltage protection,over-current protection and EMI meets CISPR32/EN55032CLASS A,which make them widely applied in data transmission device,battery power supply device,tele-comunication device,distributed power supply system,remote control system,industrial robot fields.And extension package A2S and A4S also enable them with reverse voltage protection.Product Characteristic CurveFig.1Apply model :URA2405LD-30W(H)R3(9-18V input voltage )、URA2424LD-30W(H)R3(9-18V input voltage )、URA4805LD-30W(H)R3(18-36V input voltage )Fig.2Apply model :URA2405LD-30W(H)R3(18-36V input voltage )、URA2424LD-30W(H)R3(18-36V input voltage )、URA4805LD-30W(H)R3(36-75V input voltage )、URA2412LD-30W(H)R3、URA2415LD-30W(H)R3、URA4812LD-30W(H)R3、URA4815LD-30W(H)R3Fig.3Apply model :URB2403LD-30W(H)R3、URB2405LD-30W(H)R3、URB4803LD-30W(H)R3、URB4805LD-30W(H)R3Fig.4Apply model :URB2409LD-30W(H)R3、URB2412LD-30W(H)R3、URB2415LD-30W(H)R3、URB2424LD-30W(H)R3、URB4812LD-30W(H)R3、URB4815LD-30W(H)R3、URB4824LD-30W(H)R3All the DC/DC converters of this series are tested according to the recommended circuit(see Fig.5)before delivery.If it is required to further reduce input and output ripple,properly increase the input&output of additional capacitors Cin and Cout or select capacitors of low equivalent impedance provided that the capacitance is no larger than the max.capacitive load of the product.V in0VV in0VDual outp ut:Single outputvoltage(VDC)Cout(µF)Cin(µF)Dual outputvoltage(VDC)Cout(µF)Cin(µF)3.3/5/9220100±5/±12/±1522010012/15/24100±241002.EMC solution-recommended circuitSingle outputFig.6Notes:Part①in the Fig.6is used for EMC test and part②for EMI filtering;selected based on needs.Parameter descriptionModel Vin:24V Vin:48VFUSEChoose according to actual inputcurrentMOV S20K30S14K60C0680µF/50V330µF/100VC1330µF/50V330µF/100VC2 4.7µF/50V 2.2µF/100VC3Refer to the Cout in Fig.5LCM1mH,recommended to useMORNSUN’s FL2D-30-102sCY1、CY21nF/2KVDual outputFig.7Notes:Part①in the Fig.7is used for EMC test and part②for EMI filtering;selected based on needs.Model Vin:24V Vin:48VFUSE Choose according to actual inputcurrentMOV S20K30S14K60C0680µF/50V330µF/100VC1 2.2µF/50V 2.2µF/100VC2 2.2µF/50V 2.2µF/100VC3330µF/50V330µF/100VC4Refer to the Cout in Fig.5LDM1 3.3µHCY1、CY2 2.2nF/400V AC Safety Y Capacitor3.Application of Trim and calculation of Trim resistanceTrim up Trim downApplied circuits of Trim(Part in broken line is the interior of models)Calculation formula of Trim resistance:up: a=VrefVo’-VrefR1R=TaR2R-a2-R3down: a=VrefVo’-VrefR2R=TaR1R-a1-R3R T is Trim resistance,a is a self-definedparameter,with no real meaning.Vo’for the actual needs of the up ordown regulated voltageVout(VDC)R1(KΩ)R2(KΩ)R3(KΩ)Vref(V)3.34.801 2.8712.4 1.245 2.883 2.8710 2.597.500 2.8715 2.51211.000 2.8715 2.51514.494 2.8715 2.52424.872 2.8717.8 2.54.It is not allowed to connect modules output in parallel to enlarge the power5.For more information please find DC-DC converter application notes on Horizontal Package(without heat sink)Dimensions and Recommended LayoutHorizontal Package(with heat sink)DimensionsURA_LD-30WR3A2S&URB_LD-30WR3A2S(without heat sink)DimensionsNotes:1.Packing information please refer to Product Packing Information which can be downloaded from .Horizontal Packing Bag Number:58200035(without heat sink),58200051(with heat sink),A2S/A4S Packing Bag Number:58220022;2.The maximum capacitive load offered were tested at input voltage range and full load;3.Unless otherwise specified,parameters in this datasheet were measured under the conditions of Ta=25℃,humidity<75%RH with nominalinput voltage and rated output load;4.All index testing methods in this datasheet are based on Company’s corporate standards;5.We can provide product customization service,please contact our technicians directly for specific information;6.Products are related to laws and regulations:see"Features"and"EMC";7.Our products shall be classified according to ISO14001and related environmental laws and regulations,and shall be handled byqualified units.Mornsun Guangzhou Science&Technology Co.,Ltd.Address:No.5,Kehui St.1,Kehui Development Center,Science Ave.,Guangzhou Science City,Luogang District,Guangzhou,P.R.China Tel:86-20-38601850-8801Fax:86-20-38601272E-mail:***************。
d c使用教程-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1DC使用说明文件说明:在进行下面的演示时需要用到两个文件,一个是,它是描述一个电路的verilog代码,我们的目标就是用DC综合这个代码得到满足约束条件的电路网表;另一个是,它是综合的脚本文件。
1.DC图形界面的启动打开一个终端窗口,写入命令 dv –db_mode,敲入回车。
选择Help-----Man Pages可以查看DC的联机帮助。
例:man man表示查看man命令的帮助。
man create_clock表示查看creat_clock命令的帮助。
相应指令:set search_path [list /tools/lib/smic25/feview_s/version1/STD/Synopsys \ /tools/lib/smic25/feview_s/version1/STD/Symbol/synopsys]set target_library { }set link_library { }set symbol_library { }点OK,设置完成。
4.设置约束条件4.1设置时钟约束在symbol图上选中clk端口选择Attributes-----Specify Clock出来设置时钟约束的对话框,按下图设置,给时钟取名为clock,周期20ns,上升沿0ns,下降沿10ns。
CYCLOCONVERTERSBurak Ozpineci, Leon M. TolbertDepartment of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversity of Tennessee-KnoxvilleKnoxville, TN 37996-2100In industrial applications, two forms of electrical energy are used: direct current (dc) and alternating current (ac). Usually constant voltage constant frequency single-phase or three-phase ac is readily available. However, for different applications, different forms, magnitudes and/or frequencies are required. There are four different conversions between dc and ac power sources. These conversions are done by circuits called power converters. The converters are classified as: 1-rectifiers: from single-phase or three-phase ac to variable voltage dc2-choppers: from dc to variable voltage dc3-inverters: from dc to variable magnitude and variable frequency, single-phase or three-phase ac4-cycloconverters: from single-phase or three-phase ac to variable magnitude and variable frequency, single-phase or three-phase acThe first three classes are explained in other articles. This article explains what cycloconverters are, their types, how they operate and their applications.Traditionally, ac-ac conversion using semiconductor switches is done in two different ways: 1- in two stages (ac-dc and then dc-ac) as in dc link converters or 2- in one stage (ac-ac) cycloconverters (Fig. 1). Cycloconverters are used in high power applications driving induction and synchronous motors. They are usually phase-controlled and they traditionally use thyristors due to their ease of phase commutation.Fig.1 Block diagram of a cycloconverterThere are other newer forms of cycloconversion such as ac-ac matrix converters and high frequency ac-ac (hfac-ac) converters and these use self-controlled switches. These converters, however, are not popular yet.Some applications of cycloconverters are:• Cement mill drives• Ship propulsion drives• Rolling mill drives• Scherbius drives• Ore grinding mills• Mine winders1.Operation Principles:The following sections will describe the operation principles of the cycloconverter starting from the simplest one, single-phase to single-phase (1φ-1φ) cycloconverter.1.1. Single-phase to Single-phase (1φ-1φ) Cycloconverter:To understand the operation principles of cycloconverters, the single-phase to single-phase cycloconverter (Fig. 2) should be studied first. This converter consists of back-to-back connection of two full-wave rectifier circuits. Fig 3 shows the operating waveforms for this converter with a resistive load.The input voltage, v s is an ac voltage at a frequency, f i as shown in Fig. 3a. For easy understanding assume that all the thyristors are fired at α=0° firing angle, i.e. thyristors act like diodes. Note that the firing angles are named as αP for the positive converter and αN for the negative converter.Consider the operation of the cycloconverter to get one-fourth of the input frequency at the output. For the first two cycles of v s, the positive converter operates supplying current to the load. It rectifies the input voltage; therefore, the load sees 4 positive half cycles as seen in Fig. 3b. In the next two cycles, the negative converter operates supplying current to the load in the reverse direction. The current waveforms are not shown in the figures because the resistive loadcurrent will have the same waveform as the voltage but only scaled by the resistance. Note that when one of the converters operates the other one is disabled, so that there is no current circulating between the two rectifiers.Fig. 2 Single-phase to single-phase cycloconverterFig. 3 Single-phase to single-phase cycloconverter waveformsa) input voltageb) output voltage for zero firing anglec) output voltage with firing angle π/3 rad.d) output voltage with varying firing angleThe frequency of the output voltage, v o in Fig. 3b is 4 times less than that of v s , the input voltage, i.e. f o /f i =1/4. Thus, this is a step-down cycloconverter. On the other hand, cycloconverters that have f o /f i >1 frequency relation are called step-up cycloconverters. Note that step-down cycloconverters are more widely used than the step-up ones.The frequency of v o can be changed by varying the number of cycles the positive and the negative converters work. It can only change as integer multiples of f i in 1φ-1φ cycloconverters.With the above operation, the 1φ-1φ cycloconverter can only supply a certain voltage at a certain firing angle α. The dc output of each rectifier is:cos d V απ= (1) where V is the input rms voltage.The dc value per half cycle is shown as dotted in Fig. 3d. Then the peak of the fundamental output voltage is14()cos o v t αππ= (2) Equation 2 implies that the fundamental output voltage depends on α. For α=0°,101do do V V V =×= where 4do V ππ=. If α is increased to π/3 as in Fig. 3d, then 10.5o do V V =×. Thus varying α, the fundamental output voltage can be controlled.Constant α operation gives a crude output waveform with rich harmonic content. The dotted lines in Fig. 3b and c show a square wave. If the square wave can be modified to look more like a sine wave, the harmonics would be reduced. For this reason α is modulated as shown in Fig. 3d. Now, the six-stepped dotted line is more like a sinewave with fewer harmonics. The more pulses there are with different α's, the less are the harmonics.1.2. Three-Phase to Single-Phase (3φ-1φ) Cycloconverter:There are two kinds of three-phase to single-phase (3φ-1φ) cycloconverters: 3φ-1φ half-wave cycloconverter (Fig. 4) and 3φ-1φ bridge cycloconverter (Fig. 5). Like the 1φ-1φ case, the 3φ-1φcycloconverter applies rectified voltage to the load. Both positive and negative converters can generate voltages at either polarity, but the positive converter can only supply positive current and the negative converter can only supply negative current. Thus, the cycloconverter can operate in four quadrants: (+v, +i) and (-v, -i) rectification modes and (+v, -i) and (-v, +i) inversion modes. The modulation of the output voltage and the fundamental output voltage are shown in Fig. 6. Note that α is sinusoidally modulated over the cycle to generate a harmonically optimum output voltage.Fig. 4 3φ-1φ half-wave cycloconverterFig. 5 3φ-1φ bridge cycloconverterFig. 6 3φ-1φ half-wave cycloconverter waveformsa) + converter output voltageb) cosine timing wavesc) – converter output voltageThe polarity of the current determines if the positive or negative converter should be supplying power to the load. Conventionally, the firing angle for the positive converter is named αP , and that of the negative converter is named αN . When the polarity of the current changes, the converter previously supplying the current is disabled and the other one is enabled. The load always requires the fundamental voltage to be continuous. Therefore, during the current polarity reversal, the average voltage supplied by both of the converters should be equal. Otherwise, switching from one converter to the other one would cause an undesirable voltage jump. To prevent this problem, the converters are forced to produce the same average voltage at all times. Thus, the following condition for the firing angles should be met.P N ααπ+= (3) The fundamental output voltage in Fig. 6 can be given as:1()sin o o o v t t ω= (4) where V o is the rms value of the fundamental voltageAt a time t o the output fundamental voltage is1()sin o o o o o v t t ω= (5) The positive converter can supply this voltage if αP satisfies the following condition.1()sin cos o o o o o do P v t t V ωα== (6)where sin do o p V pππ= (p=3 for half wave converter and 6 for bridge converter) From the α condition (3)1cos sin o do P do N v V V αα==− (7) The firing angles at any instant can be found from (6) and (7).The operation of the 3φ-1φ bridge cycloconverter is similar to the above 3φ-1φ half-wave cycloconverter. Note that the pulse number for this case is 6.1.3 Three-Phase to Three-Phase (3φ-3φ) Cycloconverter:If the outputs of 3 3φ-1φ converters of the same kind are connected in wye or delta and if the output voltages are 2π/3 radians phase shifted from each other, the resulting converter is a three-phase to three-phase (3φ-3φ) cycloconverter. The resulting cycloconverters are shown in Figs. 7 and 8 with wye connections. If the three converters connected are half-wave converters, then the new converter is called a 3φ-3φ half-wave cycloconverter. If instead, bridge converters are used, then the result is a 3φ-3φ bridge cycloconverter. 3φ-3φ half-wave cycloconverter is also called a 3-pulse cycloconverter or an 18-thyristor cycloconverter. On the other hand, the 3φ-3φ bridge cycloconverter is also called a 6-pulse cycloconverter or a 36-thyristor cycloconverter. The operation of each phase is explained in the previous section.Fig. 7 3φ-3φ half-wave cycloconverterFig. 8 3φ-3φ bridge cycloconverterThe three-phase cycloconverters are mainly used in ac machine drive systems running three-phase synchronous and induction machines. They are more advantageous when used with a synchronous machine due to their output power factor characteristics. A cycloconverter can supply lagging, leading, or unity power factor loads while its input is always lagging. A synchronous machine can draw any power factor current from the converter. This characteristic operation matches the cycloconverter to the synchronous machine. On the other hand, induction machines can only draw lagging current, so the cycloconverter does not have an edge compared to the other converters in this aspect for running an induction machine. However, cycloconverters are used in Scherbius drives for speed control purposes driving wound rotor induction motors.Cycloconverters produce harmonic rich output voltages, which will be discussed in the following sections. When cycloconverters are used to run an ac machine, the leakage inductance of the machine filters most of the higher frequency harmonics and reduces the magnitudes of the lower order harmonics.2. Blocked Mode and Circulating Current Mode:The operation of the cycloconverters is explained above in ideal terms. When the load current is positive, the positive converter supplies the required voltage and the negative converter is disabled. On the other hand, when the load current is negative, then the negative converter supplies the required voltage and the positive converter is blocked. This operation is called the blocked mode operation, and the cycloconverters using this approach are called blocking mode cycloconverters.However, if by any chance both of the converters are enabled, then the supply is short-circuited. To avoid this short circuit, an intergroup reactor (IGR) can be connected between the converters as shown in Fig. 9. Instead of blocking the converters during current reversal, if they are both enabled, then a circulating current is produced. This current is called the circulating current. It is unidirectional because the thyristors allow the current to flow in only one direction. Some cycloconverters allow this circulating current at all times. These are called circulating current cycloconverters.Fig. 9 Circulating current and IGR2.1 Blocking Mode Cycloconverters:The operation of these cycloconverters was explained briefly before. They do not let circulating current flow, and therefore they do not need a bulky IGR. When the current goes to zero, both positive and negative converters are blocked. The converters stay off for a short delay time to assure that the load current ceases. Then, depending on the polarity, one of the converters is enabled. With each zero crossing of the current, the converter, which was disabled before the zero crossing, is enabled. A toggle flip-flop, which toggles when the current goes to zero, can be used for this purpose. The operation waveforms for a three-pulse blocking mode cycloconverter are given in Fig. 10.The blocking mode operation has some advantages and disadvantages over the circulating mode operation. During the delay time, the current stays at zero distorting the voltage and current waveforms. This distortion means complex harmonics patterns compared to the circulating mode cycloconverters. In addition to this, the current reversal problem brings more control complexity. However, no bulky IGRs are used, so the size and cost is less than that of the circulating current case. Another advantage is that only one converter is in conduction at all times rather than two. This means less losses and higher efficiency.Fig. 10 Blocking mode operation waveformsa) + converter output voltageb) – converter output voltagec) load voltage2.2 Circulating Current Cycloconverters:In this case, both of the converters operate at all times producing the same fundamental output voltage. The firing angles of the converters satisfy the firing angle condition (Eq. 3), thus whenone converter is in rectification mode the other one is in inversion mode and vice versa. If both of the converters are producing pure sine waves, then there would not be any circulating current because the instantaneous potential difference between the outputs of the converters would be zero. In reality, an IGR is connected between the outputs of two phase controlled converters (in either rectification or inversion mode). The voltage waveform across the IGR can be seen in Fig. 11d. This is the difference of the instantaneous output voltages produced by the two converters. Note that it is zero when both of the converters produce the same instantaneous voltage. The center tap voltage of IGR is the voltage applied to the load and it is the mean of the voltages applied to the ends of IGR, thus the load voltage ripple is reduced.Fig. 11 Circulating mode operation waveformsa) + converter output voltageb) – converter output voltagec) load voltaged) IGR voltageThe circulating current cycloconverter applies a smoother load voltage with less harmonics compared to the blocking mode case. Moreover, the control is simple because there is no current reversal problem. However, the bulky IGR is a big disadvantage for this converter. In addition to this, the number of devices conducting at any time is twice that of the blocking mode converter. Due to these disadvantages, this cycloconverter is not attractive.The blocked mode cycloconverter converter and the circulating current cycloconverter can be combined to give a hybrid system, which has the advantages of both. The resulting cycloconverter looks like a circulating mode cycloconverter circuit, but depending on thepolarity of the output current only one converter is enabled and the other one is disabled as with the blocking mode cycloconverters. When the load current decreases below a threshold, both of the converters are enabled. Thus, the current has a smooth reversal. When the current increases above a threshold in the other direction, the outgoing converter is disabled. This hybrid cycloconverter operates in the blocking mode most of the time so a smaller IGR can be used. The efficiency is slightly higher than that of the circulating current cycloconverter but much less than the blocking mode cycloconverter. Moreover, the distortion caused by the blocking mode operation disappears due to the circulating current operation around zero current. Moreover, the control of the converter is still less complex than that of the blocking mode cycloconverter.3. Output and Input Harmonics:The cycloconverter output voltage waveforms have complex harmonics. Higher order harmonics are usually filtered by the machine inductance, therefore the machine current has less harmonics. The remaining harmonics cause harmonic losses and torque pulsations. Note that in a cycloconverter, unlike other converters, there are no inductors or capacitors, i.e. no storage devices. For this reason, the instantaneous input power and the output power are equal.There are several factors effecting the harmonic content of the waveforms. Blocking mode operation produces more complex harmonics than circulating mode of operation due to the zero current distortion. In addition to this, the pulse number effects the harmonic content. A greater number of pulses has less harmonic content. Therefore, a 6-pulse (bridge) cycloconverter produces less harmonics than a 3-pulse (half-wave) cycloconverter. Moreover, if the output frequency gets closer to the input frequency, the harmonics increase. Finally, low power factor and discontinuous conduction, both contribute to harmonics.For a typical p-pulse converter, the order of the input harmonics is "pn+1" and that of the output harmonics is "pn", where p is the pulse number and n is an integer. Thus for a 3-pulse converter the input harmonics are at frequencies 2f i, 4f i for n=1, 5f i, 7f i for n=2, and so on. The output harmonics, on the other hand, are at frequencies 3f i, 6f i, …The firing angle, α, in cycloconverter operation is sinusoidally modulated. The modulation frequency is the same as the output frequency and sideband harmonics are induced at the output. Therefore, the output waveform is expected to have harmonics at frequencies related to both the input and output frequencies.For blocking mode operation, the output harmonics are found at "pnf i+Nf o", where N is an integer and pn+N=odd condition is satisfied. Then the output harmonics for a 3-pulse cycloconverter in blocking mode will be found at frequenciesn=1 3f i, 3f i+2f o, 3f i+4f o, 3f i+6f o, 3f i+8f o, 3f i+10f o …n=2 6f i, 6f i+1f o, 6f i+3f o, 6f i+5f o, 6f i+7f o, 6f i+9f o …n=3 9f i, 9f i+2f o, 9f i+4f o, 9f i+6f o, 9f i+8f o, 9f i+10f o, …n=4, 5,…Some of the above harmonics might coincide to frequencies below f i. These are called subharmonics. They are highly unwanted harmonics because the machine inductance cannot filter these.For the circulating mode operation, the harmonics are at the same frequencies as the blocking mode, but N is limited to (n+1). Thus, the output harmonics for a 3-pulse cycloconverter in circulating mode will be found at frequenciesn=1 3f i, 3f i+2f o, 3f i+4f on=2 6f i+1f o, 6f i+3f o, 6f i+5f o, 6f i+7f on=3 9f i, 9f i+2f o, 9f i+4f o, 9f i+6f o, 9f i+8f o, 9f i+10f on=4, 5,…With N limited in the circulating mode, there are fewer subharmonics expected. According to calculations done in [1], subharmonics in this mode exist for f o/f i>0.6. For the blocking mode, [1] states that the subharmonics exist for f o/f i>0.2.The output voltage of a cycloconverter has many complex harmonics, but the output current is smoother due to heavy machine filtering. The input voltages of a cycloconverter are sinusoidal voltages. As stated before the instantaneous output and input powers of a cycloconverter arebalanced because it does not have any storage devices. To maintain this balance on the input side with sinusoidal voltages, the input current is expected to have complex harmonic patterns. Thus as expected, the input current harmonics are at frequencies "(pn+1)f i+Mf o" where M is an integer and (pn+1)+M=odd condition is satisfied. Thus, a 3-pulse cycloconverter has input current harmonics at the following frequencies:n=0 f i, f i+6f o, f i+12f o, …n=1 2f i+3f o, 2f i+9f o, 2f i+15f o …4f i+3f o, 4f i+9f o, 4f i+15f o,…n=2, 3,…4. Newer Types of Cycloconverters:4.1 Matrix Converter:The matrix converter is a fairly new converter topology, which was first proposed in the beginning of the 1980s. A matrix converter consists of a matrix of 9 switches connecting the three input phases to the three output phases directly as shown in Fig. 12. Any input phase can be connected to any output phase at any time depending on the control. However, no two switches from the same phase should be on at the same time, otherwise this will cause a short circuit of the input phases. These converters are usually controlled by PWM to produce three-phase variable voltages at variable frequency.vvBvCFig. 12 Matrix converterThis direct frequency changer is not commonly used because of the high device count, i.e. 18 switches compared to 12 of a dc link rectifier-inverter system. However, the devices used are smaller because of their shorter ON time compared to the latter.4.2 Single-Phase to Three-Phase (1φ-3φ) Cycloconverters:Recently, with the decrease in the size and the price of power electronics switches, single-phase to three-phase cycloconverters (1φ-3φ) started drawing more research interest. Usually, an H-bridge inverter produces a high frequency single-phase voltage waveform, which is fed to the cycloconverter either through a high frequency transformer or not. If a transformer is used, it isolates the inverter from the cycloconverter. In addition to this, additional taps from the transformer can be used to power other converters producing a high frequency ac link. The single-phase high frequency ac (hfac) voltage can be either sinusoidal or trapezoidal. There might be zero voltage intervals for control purposes or zero voltage commutation. Fig. 13 shows the circuit diagram of a typical hfac link converter. These converters are not commercially available yet. They are in the research state.Among several kinds, only two of them will be addressed here:4.2.1 Integral Pulse Modulated (1φ-3φ) Cycloconverters [4]:The input to these cycloconverters is single-phase high frequency sinusoidal or square waveforms with or without zero voltage gaps. Every half-cycle of the input signal, the control for each phase decides if it needs a positive pulse or a negative pulse using integral pulse modulation. For integral pulse modulation, the command signal and the output phase voltage are integrated and the latter result is subtracted from the former. For a positive difference, a negative pulse is required, and vice versa for the negative difference. For the positive (negative) input half-cycle, if a positive pulse is required, the upper (lower) switch is turned on; otherwise, the lower (upper) switch is turned on.Therefore, the three-phase output voltage consists of positive and negative half-cycle pulses of the input voltage. Note that this converter can only work at output frequencies which are multiples of the input frequency.V 1+-1:n=1High frequency inverter+V d -CycloconverterFig. 13 High frequency ac link converter (1φ hf inverter + (1φ-3φ) Cycloconverter)4.2.2 Phase-Controlled (1φ-3φ) Cycloconverter [5]:This cycloconverter converts the single-phase high frequency sinusoidal or square wave voltage into three-phase voltages using the previously explained phase control principles. The voltage command is compared to a sawtooth waveform to find the firing instant of the switches. Depending on the polarity of the current and the input voltage, the next switch to be turned on is determined. Compared to the previous one, this converter has more complex control but it can work at any frequency.5. Summary:Cycloconverters are widely used in industry for ac-to-ac conversion. With recent device advances, newer forms of cycloconversion are being developed. These newer forms are drawing more research interest.In this article, the most commonly known cycloconverter schemes are introduced, and their operation principles are discussed. For more detailed information, the following references can be used.References:1- B. R. Pelly, Thyristor Phase-Controlled Converters and Cycloconverters, Wiley, New York, 19712- C. Lander, Power Electronics, Second Edition, McGraw Hill, England, 19873- B. K. Bose, Power Electronics and Ac Drives, Prentice-Hall, New Jersey, 19864- H. Li, B.Ozpineci and B.K.Bose, “A Soft-Switched High Frequency Non-Resonant Link Integral Pulse Modulated DC-DC Converter for AC Motor Drive”, Conference Proceedings of IEEE-IECON, Aachen/Germany, 1998, vol. 2, pp 726-7325- B. Ozpineci, B.K. Bose, “A Soft-Switched Performance Enhanced High Frequency Non-Resonant Link Phase-Controlled Converter for AC Motor Drive”, Conference Proceedings of IEEE-IECON, Aachen/Germany, 1998, vol. 2, pp 733-739。
SL500系列单输出DC DC转换器说明书
FeaturesHow to OrderAgency ApprovalsMilitary Grade Environmental Screening Notes:See “Guide to Operation” for full detailsNotes:Standard unit has pins out the top with 6-32 THD inserts,written as SL500SI/28-270• Input Range from 200Vdc to 400Vdc • No Derating from -55 C to +100 C • Efficiency: Up to 91%• Parallelable• Synchronizable• Power Density: Up to 87W / in�• Non-latching Overtemperature Protection • Fixed Frequency Power Conversion • Latching Output Overvoltage ProtectionSL 500 S I / 28 - C (270)SeriesTotal Output Power Single Output OptionsI - Unscreened M - Screened Output Voltage OptionsC - Thru Hole Inserts (0.140 DIA) I - Metric Inserts (M3)Input Voltage100% Environmental Screening for Military Versions Meets MIL – Standards: MIL – STD – 454 P4855 – 1A MIL – STD – 704D MIL – STD – 810E MIL – S – 901C MIL-STD- 461F with companion filter The SL500 converter is a standalone, 91% efficient COTS converter in a standard 2.4” x 4.6” x 0.52” full brick package.Protection features include overvoltage, overcurrent, overtemperature, and short circuit protection.The converter is parallelable for higher power require-ments and synchronizable for noise sensitive systems. A 300 KHz fixed switching frequency aids in filtering of EMI. The SL500 EMI filter is third party qualified and meets Mil-Std-461F for conducted emissions.All “Mil” Grade units receive the following:Stabilization Bake :+125 C for 24 hours per Mil-Std-883, M1108, Condition B Temperature Cycling :10 cycles at -55 C to +125 C (transition period 36 minutes) per Mil-Std-883, M1010, Condition B Burn-in :160 hours at +85 C min.Final TestingModel Number (Unscreened)SL500SI/28 (270)SL500SI/24 (270)SL500SI/15 (270)SL500SI/12 (270)SL500SI/5 (270)SL500SI/3.3 (270)Nominal Output(Vdc)2824151253.3Output Current(Amps)17.920.925254040/powerconversionFor additional information, call 310.542.8561ore-mail:*******************Input Characteristics - 270Vdc InputOutput CharacteristicsInput VoltageBrown Out (75%) Full Load No Load Power Dissipation Inrush Current <20µS Duration Reflected Ripple Current Logic Disable Current (Sink)Logic Disable Power In Input Ripple Rejection (120HZ)Efficiency Up ToInput Transient Per MIL-STD-704D (Operating 100ms)EMIMIN200185TYP 27027302.86091UNITS Vdc Vdc W A A rmsmA W dB %MAX 4000.52Use Companion FilterNote: Output Ripple is measured with 1µF ceramic and 22µF low ESR Tantalum CapacitorSet Point Accuracy Load Regulation Line Regulation Ripple P-P (20MHz)Trim Range Remote Sense 12V , 15V , 24V , 28V3.3V , 5VOvervoltage Protection Current Sharing Transient Response 50-75% Load (0.2A/µS)Temperature Drift Long Term Drift Current Limit Short Circuit Current Turn-on Time (Power Input)Logic Turn-on Time Switching Frequency Sync Input Voltage Sync Input Frequency Sync Input Duty Cycle Turn-on OvershootMIN90110254.533015TYP 11250.010.0215090300MAX 1±0.3±0.231100.500.25135±83/3000.030.05140755.5360550.1UNITS % Vout % Vout % Vout % Vout % Vout Vdc Vdc % Vout % Iout / at Full Load% Vout / µSSetting Time to Within 1% Vout%Vout / C %Vout / 1KHrs%Iout %Iout Hiccup TypemS FL 270V mS FL 270VKHzVp-p KHz %% Vout500VdcSpecificationsTemperature CharacteristicsMechanical CharacteristicsOperating (Baseplate)Storage (Ambient)Over Temperature Shutdown Thermal Resistance (Case to Ambient)MIN-55-55TYP +1055.71MAX +100+125+110UNITS C CC / Auto RecoveryC / WInput to Output Output to Base-plate Input to Base-plate Insulation Resistance (Measured at 50 VDC)Input to Output CapacitanceMIN1000500100050TYP 0.003MAX UNITS Vdc Vdc Vdc MohmµFWeight Size Volume Mounting (STD)ConstructionTYP7.62.4 x 4.6 x 0.5261 x 116.9 x 13.25.7494UNITS oz in mm in�cm�Threaded, #6-325 sided metal can, nickel plated cover, aluminum baseplateIsolation CharacteristicsCase drawingsCase Drawingsinch mmA 4.60116.9B 2.4061.0C .5213.2D 2.00050.80E .205.1F .205.1G .3759.53H 4.200106.68J .5012.7K .40010.20L .70017.8M 1.00025.40N 1.40035.60P.0401.02R .0802.03Standard ModelC OptionThru hole inserts (0.140 DIA)Model number written as SL500SI/28-C (270)Tolerances:Material: Mounting: 6-32 THD inserts are provided in baseplate Metric: M3 insertsInches mm x.xx = ±0.03x.xxx = ±0.015x.xx = ±0.4x.x = ±0.8Pin = Brass (Solder Plating)Baseplate = Aluminum 5050-H32Case = SteelFinish = Nickel PlatingPin placement on top of unitTOP VIEW(MARKING SURFACE)KLMNJB FHE DA12345678109P DIA ±0.005B A S E P L A T EINPUT PINSOUTPUT PINSG MINCR DIA ±0.005B A S E P L A T EG MINP DIA ±0.005CCharacteristicsCharacteristicsIX. TTL Turn OnIII. Ef ficiency vs. Input VoltageII. Efficiency vs. Output Power I. Input Voltage vs. Output PowerVI. Input Transient ResponseV. Load Transient ResponseIV. Output Voltage RippleVII. Input Inrush CurrentVIII. Input Current RippleX. TTL Turn OffXI. Turn OnXII. Turn OffO u t p u t P o w e r (%)Input Voltage VDC E f fi c i e n c y (%)E f fi c i e n c y (%)10090807017017518018540020406080100556065707580859095Output Power (%)Input Voltage VDC9492908886848280787620024028032036040050m V /d i v500m V /d i v5A /d i vTime: 2µS/divBandwidth: 20MHzV in = 270Vdc I out = 17.9A V out = 28VTime: 400µS/divV in = 270Vdc V out = 28VI out = 17.9A V out = 28V200m V /d i v100V /d i vTime: 400µS/div100V /d i v10A /d i vV in = 270Vdc I out = 17.9A V out = 28VTime: 10µS/div 2A /d i vTime: 2µS/div V in = 270Vdc I out = 17.9A V out = 28VV in = 270Vdc I out = 17.9A V out = 28VV in = 270Vdc I out = 17.9A V out = 28VV in = 270Vdc I out = 17.9A V out = 28VV in = 270Vdc I out = 17.9A V out = 28V Time: 400µS/divTime: 200µS/divTime: 20mS/divTime: 20mS/div2V /d i v5V /d i v5V /d i v5V /d i v100V /d i v5V /d i v100V /d i v10V /d i vFor example, if the DC/DC converter in Figure 1a is a50W unit (5VDC @ 10 Amps) with output load regulationspecified at 0.2%; the connection as shown will degradeload regulation by a factor of 10. In this example, the 4feet of #14 AWG wire used to connect the converteroutput to the load, has a total line resistance of 10mΩ(ignoring any contact resistance). For a 50W, 5 VDCoutput converter, the drop across the lead resistance willbe 100 mV (10A x 0.010Ω) or 2% of the output. Thus,the converter is selected for 0.2% regulation, but thepower system layout achieves only 2.2%.This can be corrected by decreasing the distancebetween the converter output and load. If that is notpossible, using larger diameter wire (see Table 1), orPCB runs that have larger cross sectional area andshorter length will also reduce conductor resistance. Theuse of the converter’s remote sense capability will alsowork (see Remote Sense for more information on thisoption).General Application NotesThe most basic use of the power converter is shown inFigure 1. An input fuse is always recommended toprotect both the source and the power supply in theevent of failures. Slow-blow fuse is recommended with acurrent rating approximately 200% of the full load inputcurrent to the converter. Having a slow-blow type fusewill allow for the converter’s inrush charge at turn-on.The sense pins of the converters must be connected totheir corresponding output bus. Inherently, powerconverters will have some internal energy loss, which isdissipated in the form of heat through an aluminummounting surface. This surface must be cooled tomaintain a temperature below the maximum operatingtemperature.Wire Gage & Distance to LoadIf the resistance of the wire, printed circuit board runs orconnectors used to connect a converter to systemcomponents is too high, excessive voltage drop will resultbetween the converter and system components, degrad-ing overall system performance.The SL family of power converters, designed as militarygrade standalone power converters, can also be used ascomponents in complex power systems. The SL Seriesutilizes a high efficiency full bridge isolated DC to DCconverter which operates at 300 KHz constant frequency.The SL units are supplied in five sided metal case tominimize radiated noise. A number of protectionfeatures, as well as electrical and thermal derating ofinternal components per NAVSO P3641A guidelines andthe use of proven topology allow for high reliabilitythroughout an operating range of -55 C to +100 C. Inapplications where even greater reliability is required, theconverter can be screened to MIL-STD-883 upon#AWG91011121314151617181920CurrentResistance(mΩ/Foot)0.7920.9981.2611.5882.0012.5243.1814.0205.0546.3868.04610.13#AWG212223242526272829303132CurrentResistance(mΩ/Foot)12.7716.2020.3025.6732.3741.0251.4465.3781.21103.7130.9162.0Table 1/powerconversionFor additional information, call 310.542.8561ore-mail:*******************General Application Notes - con’tRemote sense pins, +S and -S have been provided on the SL Series converters for applications where precise load regulation is required at a distance from where the converter is physically located. If remote sensing is NOT required, these pins MUST be tied to their repective output pins (+S to +OUT, -S to -OUT, see Figure 2). If one or more of these sense pins are not connected to their respective output pins, the output of the unit will not regulate to within specification and may cause high output voltage condition.Remote On / OffNOTE: High IR drops between the converter and load may cause converter parameters, such as output voltage accuracy, trim range, etc., to appear to be out of specification. High IR drops on input lines may cause start up problems (voltage at the input pins below the input range of the converter). Obviously, any connections made to the power distribu-tion bus present a similar problem. Poor connections (such as microcracking around solder joints) can cause serious problems such as arcing. Contact resistance must be minimized. Proper workmanship standards must be followed to insure reliable solder joints for board mount converters. Terminal strips, spade lugs and edge connectors must be free of any corrosion, dust or dirt. If parallel lines or connections are available for routingconverter output currents, they should be utilized. Remote SenseFigure 2DO NOT connect sense pins to any pin other than their respective output pins or permanent damage will occur. DO NOT connect sense pins to any load other than the same load the output pins are connected to or permanent damage may occur.Remote turn ON / OFF (TTL Pin) is an additional featureto the SL Series. This feature is especially useful inportable/mobile applications where battery powerconservation is critical. The voltage level at the TTL pinis referenced with respect to the converter’s –VIN Input.When the TTL pin is pulled to less than 1.0V with respectto the –VIN pin. Via either an open collector (see Figure3) or a mechanical switch with a 0.5mA capability, the converter shuts down. An optocoupler can also be usedIF the TTL Signals need to be referenced from the outputside. If the TTL pin is left floating the unit remains on.When multiple units are tied to a central switch com-mand, a series resistor of 200 Ohms to each TTL pin isrecommended to increase noise immunity.Figure 3 Output TrimThe output trim pin has been supplied on the SL familyto provide output voltages other than the nominal fixedvoltage. Output voltage can be increased or decreased(+10% Max, -10% Min) by simply connecting a resistorbetween the trim pin and the –Output return pin or the+Output pin respectively (see Figure 4).Figure 4Output Trim - con’tThe value of the resistors required to Trim Hi is shown in the Table 2. The external resistor is connected between the Trim Pin and the Output Return Pin at the power supply (use standard value 1% resistor closest to the table value). Trimming the output voltage too high may activate the over voltage protection circuitry. The value of resistor required to Trim Lo is shown in Table 2.The external resistor is connected between the Trim Pin and the +Output Pin at the power supply (use standard value 1% resistor closest to the table value). A potentiometer can be substituted for the resistor to achieve a more precise output voltage setting. When trimming up or down, the maximum output current and/or maximum output power cannot be exceeded.15Vout110% Vout 108% Vout 106% Vout 104% Vout 102% Vout 100% Vout 98% Vout 96% Vout 94% Vout 92% Vout 90% Vout Volts16.5016.2015.9015.6015.3015.0014.7014.4014.1013.8013.50KΩ122.9153.9205.1309.9616.8OPEN107.846.225.715.49.124VoutVolts26.4025.9225.4424.9624.4824.0023.5223.0422.5622.0821.60KΩ224.0278.6369.8554.91165OPEN103.744.724.614.48.328VoutVolts30.8030.2429.6829.1225.5628.0027.4426.8826.3225.7625.20KΩ268.6331.8435.9650.61282OPEN110.649.528.918.612.43.3Vout110% Vout 108% Vout 106% Vout 104% Vout 102% Vout 100% Vout 98% Vout 96% Vout 94% Vout 92% Vout 90% Vout Volts3.633.563.503.433.373.303.Ω8.3010.414.021.443.3OPEN115.357.137.527.421.45VoutVolts5.505.405.305.Ω18.324.836.158.1134.0OPEN106.948.928.418.312.212VoutVolts13.2012.9612.7212.4812.2412.0011.7611.5211.2811.0410.80KΩ92.6117.1158.1241.7504.6OPEN100.744.424.914.98.80Table 2Military SpecificationsSpecification MIL-STD-704D MIL-STD-810EMIL-S-901CConditionInput TransientVibrationHumidityTemperature/AltitudeAccelerationTemperature ShockHigh Impact ShockMethod514.4507.3520.1513.4503.3Procedure1133Test ConditionTransients up to 500V for 0.1 sec (270Vdc input)Up to 30 gs, each axis for 1 hour95% humidity, non condensing for 10 days40 hours from -55°C to +71°C14 gs each axis-55°C to + 100°C (non-operating, one hour each cycle)5 foot hammer dropSeries OperationSynchronizationThe SL500 family of power converters may be arranged in a series operating mode to supply higher outputvoltages when required (see Figure 5). In this configura-tion, D1 and D2 are added to protect against the applica-tion of a negative across the outputs of the powerconverters during power up and power down. The two (or more) units do not need to have the same output voltage, but the output current supplied in this configura-tion will be limited to the lowest maximum output current of the modules used.Synchronization of switch-mode converters to a central system clock frequency is often essential in noise sensitive systems. The SL Series can be tied to the central clock that is referenced to -OUT (see Figure 7) by inputting a square wave clock signal which has a frequency amplitude and duty cycle within specifiedlimits. The SL Series converter’s internal synchonization circuit is triggered by rising edge of this clock waveform.DO NOT add any capacitance from the SYNC pin line to Ground.Parallel OperationThe SL500 converter family has the capability of being paralleled to drive loads of higher power than a single SL500 unit can handle. The PAR pin is supplied on the unit for this function (see Figure 6). If parallel operation of two or more units is removed, the following precau-tions must be followed:• Corresponding input and output leads or traces on each unit should be as equal in length and size aspractical. The more equivalent the leads are, the closer the unit sharing.• The PAR pins of all units should be tied together.The units do not have to be synchronized for parallel operation but may be if required (see Synchronization ). Or’ing diodes may be included in the positive output leads for true N + 1 redundant systems, but are not necessary. Local sensing should be used whenever possible to minimize noise on the +S and -S pins in parallel applications.Figure 6Parallel OperationSynchronization to External ClockOutput ripple and noise (sometimes referred to as PARDor “Periodic and Random Deviations”) can be defined as unwanted variations in the output voltage of a power supply. In switching power supplies, this output noise is seen as a series of pulses with a high frequency content and is therefore measured as a peak value (i.e., speci-fied as “peak-to-peak”).Ripple & NoiseRipple & Noise - con’tElectro Magnetic Filter (EMI) - SLF500The SL Series of power supplies are specified and tested in our factory with a 20 MHz bandwidth oscillo-scope / probe. Measurements taken by a scope set at higher frequencies (i.e. 300 MHz) may produce signifi-cantly different results due to noise coupling on to the probe from sources other than the power supply. Noise that is common to all output leads of a power converter with repect to the chassis is refered to as common mode noise. Noise that is apparent on one output lead with respect to the other output lead is referred to as differential mode noise. Common mode noise is produced in switching action. Martek Power, a brand of Cooper Bussmann, typically minimizes the level of output common mode noise by incorporating line to chassis ground capacitors (on input and output leads) into the power converters. In most cases, this issufficient to minimize the level of common mode noise. However, if further attenuation is required, additional line to chassis ground capacitance may be added by the customer at the system level. Martek Power noisespecifications (output ripple specifications) all reference the level of differential mode noise at a given bandwidth, not the level of common mode noise. The measurement of differential mode noise is detailed in the following paragraphs.Measurement TechniquesThe length of all measurement leads (especially the ground lead) should be minimized and the sense pins should be tied to their respective outputs (+SENSE to +OUTPUT, - SENSE to - OUTPUT). One inch or less from the output terminals, place a ceramic capacitor of 1µF and a 22µF low ESR Tantalum capacitor. Using an X1 scope probe with a 20 MHz bandwidth, we recom-mend measurement close to the capacitors. We do not recommend using the probe ground clip. Instead,replace it with connecting a short bus wire (generally 0.5 inches or less, making a loop at the end to place the probe in) to the negative and positive outputs on the backside of the connector. Place the tip of the probe on the +OUTPUT, and the ground ring (or ground band) on the -OUTPUT for a true ripple measurement (see Figure 8). Utilizing the probe ground ring (as opposed to a ground clip) will minimize the chance of noise coupling from sources other than the power supply.Figure 8Sense Tied Local+ SENSE + OUTPUT1” max.- SENSE- OUTPUT 1µF 22µFRipple and Noise Test Set-UpMaximum Allowable CapacitanceOutput Voltage3.3V 5V 12V 15V 24V 28VMax Capacitance15,000µF 15,000µF 5,000µF 5,000µF 3,000µF 3,000µFFor applications where electromagnetic interference is a concern, the SLF500, a passive input line filter may be installed at the input of the SL Series converters (see Figure 9). If output power greater than 500 watts are required, multiple SLF500 units will be necessary. For more details, consult the factory.Figure 9Table 3Ripple Reduction TechniquesIn applications where the output ripple of the converter is higher than desired, various techniques can beemployed to reduce output ripple and noise (PARD). One method is to add additional capacitance in parallel with the output leads of the converter (low ESR type tantalums or ceramic are recommended). This should substantially reduce PARD. See Table 3 for maximum allowable capacitance that may be added to the output leads.SLF500 SchematicSL500 Block DiagramINPUTVDCOUTPUTTTL ON/OFF/powerconversionEaton is a registered trademark. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Eaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122 United States © 2017 EatonAll Rights Reserved Printed in USA March 2017ore-mail:*******************。
POWER-SUPPLY CIRCUITS Oct 19, 2000 DC-DC Converter TutorialSwitching regulators offer higher efficiency than linear regulators. Inaddition, they can step-up, step-down and invert the input voltage. Thisarticle outlines the different types of switching regulators used in DC-DCconversion. It also reviews and compares the various control techniques forthese converters.ALSO SEE:q Building a Power Supply That Worksq Power Supply CookbookWhat Is a Switching Regulator?A switching regulator is a circuit that uses an inductor, a transformer, or a capacitor as an energy-storage element to transfer energy from input to output in discrete packets. Feedback circuitry regulates the energy transfer to maintain a constant voltage within the load limits of the circuit.The basic circuit can be configured to step up (boost), step down (buck), or invert output voltage with respect to input voltage.Why Use a Switching Regulator?For battery management, the only other choice is a linear regulator. Linear regulators only step down, and efficiency is equivalent to the output voltage divided by the input voltage. On the other hand, switching regulators operate by passing energy in discrete packets over a low-resistance switch, so they can step up, step down, and invert. In addition, they offer higher efficiency than linear regulators.Using a transformer as the energy-storage element also allows the output voltage to be electrically isolated from the input voltage.The one disadvantage of the switching regulator is noise. Any time you move charge in discrete packets, you create noise or ripple. But the noise can often be minimized using specific controltechniques and through careful component selection.Charge PhaseA basic boost configuration is depicted in Figure 1. Assuming that the switch has been open for a long time, the voltage across the capacitor is equal to the input voltage. During the charge phase, when the switch closes the input voltage is impressed across the inductor and the diode prevents the capacitor from discharging to ground. Because the input voltage is DC, current through the inductor rises linearly with time at a rate that is proportional to the input voltage divided by the inductance. The energy stored in the inductor for the duration shown is equal to one-half the inductance times the square of the peak current.Figure 1. Charge phase: When the switch closes, current ramps up through the inductor. Discharge PhaseFigure 2 shows the discharge phase. When the switch opens again, the voltage across the inductor changes instantaneously to whatever is required to maintain current flow, because the inductor current can't change instantly. In order for current to continue flowing, the inductor voltage must change enough to forward-bias the diode. The voltage on top of the switch (at the diode anode) is equal to a diode forward voltage (V D) above the voltage on the capacitor, and the voltage across the inductor actually switches polarity relative to the charge phase. In this initial cycle, V-switch is equal to V IN plus V D. If we assume that the capacitor is relatively large such that the dV/dt for the resulting inductor peak current is negligibly small, then V OUT remains relatively constant during the second half of the cycle. As V-switch remains at a diode drop above V OUT, the voltage across the inductor also remains relatively constant. This results in a linear di/dt opposite in polarity from the charge phase and proportional to the inductor voltagedivided by the inductance, -V D over L in this initial cycle.Figure 2. Discharge phase: When the switch opens, current flows to the load.If we continue this process over and over, the voltage across the capacitor (V OUT) will rise with every cycle. If we then employ some feedback and control (see Figure 7), the output voltage can be regulated at any value within the breakdown tolerance of the selected components.If we take the same basic elements and rearrange their positions, we can create the other configurations such as the buck converter topology (see Figure 3). Here, when the switch closes, the voltage across the inductor is equal to V IN minus V OUT. Initially this is V IN, because V OUT is zero at startup. Current will ramp up linearly, as in the boost case (Figure 4), and flow into the output capacitor. When the switch opens, the voltage across it will change instantaneously to allow current to flow through the diode and the inductor, and into the output capacitor. Because energy is gated to the output capacitor in each half of the cycle, the buck topology typically offers the greatest efficiency.Figure 3. Buck converter topologyFigure 4. Simple boost converterKeeping the switch in the same place and swapping the inductor and diode positions in the circuit yields the inverting topology (Figure 5). When the switch closes, V IN is impressed across the inductor and the current ramps up as before. When the switch opens again, the current wants to continue to flow in the same direction. Thus, it flows through the diode and charges the output capacitor in the reverse direction, creating an output voltage with the opposite polarity to the input voltage.Figure 5. Inverting topologyUsing a transformer, you can realize boost, buck, or inverting topologies and isolate the output voltage from the input voltage. The circuit shown in Figure 6 is a boost transformer flyback topology.Figure 6. Transformer flyback topologyControl TechniquesPopular control techniques include pulse-frequency modulation, where the switch is cycled at a50% duty cycle until the output voltage comes into regulation; current-limited pulse-frequency modulation, where the charge cycle terminates when a predetermined peak inductor current is reached; and pulse-width modulation, where the switch frequency is constant and the duty cycle varies with the load. Each of these control techniques has advantages and disadvantages.Clocked pulse-frequency modulation, or PFM, is the simplest control technique. With this method, when the output voltage is below the regulation point the control circuit gates a free-running oscillator to the switch. The inductive charge pumping action boosts the output voltage back up to the regulation point. However, the inductor selection is complicated, the peak-to-peak voltage ripple can be quite high, and the noise/ripple spectrum will vary greatly with the load.Current-limited pulse-frequency modulation is similar to standard PFM; but instead of using a 50% duty cycle oscillator, this control scheme employs a peak inductor current limit and a one shot. As soon as the output voltage goes out of regulation, the switch turns on until the inductor current reaches the programmed current limit, usually set with a current sense resistor in the inductor-current path. Once the inductor current reaches the programmed limit, the switch turns off for a time constant set by an internal one shot, generally on the order of a microsecond. At the end of the one-shot time constant, the feedback circuit compares V OUT to the regulation voltage and either turns the switch on again if V OUT remains out of regulation or holds the switch off until V OUT falls out of regulation. Because the inductor peak current is fixed, this control scheme makes inductor selection easier; you only need to size the inductor core to meet the fixed limit. Also, because the peak current is fixed, the peak-to-peak ripple is reduced over the standard PFM, although the noise spectrum still varies with the load.Figure 7. Adding feedback and controlThe pulse-width modulation, or PWM, control technique maintains a constant switching frequency and varies the ratio of charge cycle to discharge cycle as the load varies. This technique affords high efficiency over a wide load range. In addition, because the switching frequency is fixed, the noise spectrum is relatively narrow, allowing simple low-pass filter techniques to greatly reduce the peak-to-peak voltage ripple. For this same reason, PWM is popular with telecom applications where noise interference is of concern.Figure 8 shows an example of the clocked PFM control scheme. V OUT is fed back through a voltage divider to one input of a comparator whose other input is connected to a reference voltage. When the divided-down V OUT falls below V REF, the comparator gates the square-wave oscillator to the switch. This causes it to rapidly open and close, storing energy in the inductor and transferring it to the output capacitor in each cycle.Figure 8. Clocked pulse-frequency modulationThe current-limited minimum-off-time PFM scheme, depicted in Figure 9, is a bit more complicated. As with the clocked PFM, V OUT is fed back through a voltage divider to one input of a comparator whose other input is connected to a reference. The output of this comparator controls the trigger of a one-shot multivibrator. Another comparator looks at the peak inductor current as a voltage across a current sense resistor in the source of the N-channel MOSFET switch. When the output is out of regulation, the SR flip-flop turns the NMOS switch on until the voltage across the current sense resistor is equal to the reference voltage. The flip-flop resets, turning off the NMOS switch, the one-shot timer is triggered, and the switch remains off for the duration of the one shot, usually 1 microsecond. If the output voltage limiting comparator is still indicating an out-of-regulation condition, the flip-flop sets again and the cycle repeats itself.Figure 9. Current-limited minimum-off-time pulse-frequency modulationPulse-width modulation comes in a couple of different flavors. In voltage-mode PWM, shown in Figure 10, the divided-down output voltage is fed to an amplifier whose output is the difference between a voltage reference and the divided-down output voltage. This "error voltage" sets the threshold of a comparator whose other input is connected to a ramp generator. The output of the comparator drives the main switch. On a cycle-by-cycle basis, the greater the error voltage, the higher the comparator threshold on the comparator, and the longer the switch is held on. As the switch is held on longer, the peak current in the inductor is allowed to climb higher, storing more energy to serve the load and maintain regulation.Figure 10. Voltage-mode pulse-width modulationCurrent-mode pulse-width modulation (Figure 11) works in a similar fashion but with a key difference. As with the voltage-mode PWM, the divided-down V OUT is fed to a different amplifier whose output is the difference between the fed-back V OUT and a voltage reference. However, instead of setting the threshold on a ramp generator, this scheme employs a current sense resistor to sense the inductor current and flip-flop to control the switch. With each cycle, the switch is turned on by a pulse oscillator and the current in the inductor ramps up to the threshold set by the error voltage. This control scheme tends to be a bit easier to stabilize than the voltage-mode PWM.Figure 11. Current-mode pulse-width modulationIn striving for maximum efficiency, one of the largest power-loss factors to consider is that through the diode. The power dissipated is simply the forward voltage drop multiplied by the current going through it. This power dissipation (loss) reduces overall efficiency. To minimize this loss, most DC-DC switching regulator circuits use Schottky-type diodes whose relatively low forward voltage drop and high speed minimize losses. However, for maximum efficiency, you can use a switch in place of the diode. This is known as "synchronous rectification" (see Figures 12 and 13). The synchronous rectifier switch is open when the main switch is closed, and the same is true conversely. To prevent "crowbar" current that would flow if both switches were closed at the same time, the switching scheme must be break-before-make. Because of this, the diode is still required to conduct the first bit of current during the interval between the opening of the main switch and the closing of the synchronous rectifier switch.Figure 12. Synchronous rectificationClick to view larger imageFigure 13. Example: Synchronous rectified buck regulatorAnother variant of PWM is the Idle-Mode™ PWM scheme (Figure 14). This technique combines the best of PFM's efficiency at light loads and PWM's efficiency and low-noise characteristics at higher loads. Thus, at light loads it acts similar to a PFM, skipping pulses as necessary, and athigher loads it acts as a PWM, affording the maximum efficiency over the widest possible load range.Figure 14. Idle Mode™ PWMIn Figure 15, we see that the efficiency with Idle-Mode PWM is greater than 90% with V+ = 6V from 20mA or to just over 5A!Figure 15. Efficiency with Idle ModeA174, October 2000More InformationMAX1636:QuickView-- Full (PDF) Data Sheet-- Free SamplesMAX1653:QuickView-- Full (PDF) Data Sheet-- Free Samples。
R1ZX 1W 单输出 DC DC 转换器 产品说明书
FeaturesRegulated Converters• Regulated output with internal linear regulator • Isolated 1W power in SMD package • Up to 2kVDC isolation • Industry standard pinout• -40°C to +100°C operating temperature • IEC/EN/UL62368-1 certified, CB reportR1ZXDescriptionThe R1ZX is similar to the R1SX but with the addition of an internal linear regulator to give a precise, load-independent and low noise output. The output is also continuously short circuit protected. In the event of a continuous overload or over-temperature condition, the output will shut down thus protectingthe converter from damage. The output will automatically restart once the fault condition has been lifted. Typical applications include isolated 5V supplies for sensor, bus-interface and test and measurement circuits.DC/DC Converter1 Watt SMDSingle OutputE224736UL62368-1 certifiedCAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 62368-1-14 certified UL60950-1 certifiedCAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60950-1-07 certified IEC/EN62368-1 certified IEC/EN60950-1 certified CB reportEN55032 compliantSelection GuidePartnom. Input Output Output Efficiency max. CapacitiveNumber Voltage Voltage Current typ. (1) Load (2)[VDC] [VDC] [mA] [%] [µF]R1ZX-0505/P (3)55 200 68 1000Notes:Note1: Efficiency is tested at nominal input and full load at +25°C ambient Note2: Max Cap Load is tested at nominal input and full resistive loadModel NumberingNotes:Note3: standard part is with continuous short circuit protection Note4: without suffix, standard isolation voltage (1kVDC/1 second) with suffix …/H“, high isolation voltage (2kVDC/1 second) Note5: with suffix …-R“, standard packaging tape and reel with suffix …-Tray“ for optional tray packagingPackaging (5)Protection (3)Isolation Voltage (4)Output Power nom. Input Voltage nom. Output VoltageR1ZX-__ __ /_ P-ROrdering Examples:R1ZX-0505/P-R5Vin 5Vout Single Output 1kVDC/ 1 minute isolation with SCP function tape and reel packaging R1ZX-0505/HP-R 5Vin 5Vout Single Output 2kVDC/1 minute isolation with SCP function tape and reel packagingR1ZX-0505/P-Tray 5Vin 5Vout Single Output 1kVDC/ 1 minute isolation with SCP function tray packaging R1ZX-0505/HP-Tray5Vin 5Vout Single Output 2kVDC/1 minute isolation with SCP function tray packagingSpecifications (measured @ Ta= 25°C, nom. Vin, full load and after warm-up unless otherwise stated)BASIC CHARACTERISTICSParameter ConditionMin.Typ.Max.Internal Input Filter capacitorInput Voltage Range nom. Vin = 5VDC±5.0%Input Current 300mA Quiescent Current nom. Vin = 5VDC20mAMinimum Load0%Internal Operating Frequency 20kHzOutput Ripple and Noise (6)20MHz BW30mVp-p100mVp-pEfficiency vs. Load1020304050607080901001008060409070503020100E f f i c i e n c y [%]Output Load [%]Notes:Note6: Measurements are made with a 0.1µF MLCC across output. (low ESR)REGULATIONSParameterCondition ValueOutput Accuracy -0.5 typ. / ±2.0% max.Line Regulation low line to high line, full load±1.0% max.Load Regulation0% to 100% load0.5 typ. / 1.0% max.2.01.00- e v i a t i o n [%]102030405060708090100Output Load [%]Deviation vs. LoadSpecifications (measured @ Ta= 25°C, nom. Vin, full load and after warm-up unless otherwise stated)PROTECTIONSParameterTypeValueShort Circuit Protection (SCP)below 100m W continuous, automatic recoveryIsolation Voltage I/P to O/Pstandardtested for 1 second rated for 1 minute (7)1kVDC 500VAC with suffix “/H”tested for 1 second rated for 1 minute (7)2kVDC 1kVAC Isolation Resistance 10G W min.Isolation Capacitance 100pF max.Leakage Current standard with suffix “/H”1µA max. 2µA max. Insulation GradefunctionalNotes:Note7: For repeat Hi-Pot testing, reduce the time and/or the test voltageNote8: Refer to local safety regulations if input over-current protection is also required. Recommended fuse: slow blow typeENVIRONMENTALParameterConditionValueOperating Temperature Range ******************************/s(seegraph)-40°C to +65°COperating Altitude 5000mOperating Humidity non-condensing5% - 95% RH max.Pollution Degree PD2Vibration according to MIL-STD-202GMTBFaccording to MIL-HDBK-217F, G.B.+25°C +65°C14400 x 10³ hours 3700 x 10³ hoursDerating Graph(@ Chamber and natural convection 0.1m/s)-40-20020407060-30-10103050809065110100100806040907050302010O u t p u t L o a d [%]Ambient Temperature [°C]85Specifications (measured @ Ta= 25°C, nom. Vin, full load and after warm-up unless otherwise stated)DIMENSION and PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICSParameter Type ValueMaterial basePCBblack plastic, (UL94V-0)FR4, (UL94V-0)Dimension (LxWxH)15.24 x 11.10 x 8.5mm Weight 1.6g typ.continued on next pageSpecifications (measured @ Ta= 25°C, nom. Vin, full load and after warm-up unless otherwise stated)PACKAGING INFORMATIONPackaging Dimension (LxWxH)tape and reel (carton)reel355.0 x 340.0 x 35.0mm330.2 x 330.2 x 30.0mm tray260.0 x 205.0 x 27.0mmPackaging Quantity tape and reel250pcs tray30pcsTape Width24.0mm Storage Temperature Range-55°C to +125°C Storage Humidity5% - 95% RH max.The product information and specifications may be subject to changes even without prior written notice.The product has been designed for various applications; its suitability lies in the responsibility of each customer. The products are not authorized for use in safety-critical applications without RECOM’s explicit written consent. A safety-critical application is an application where a failure may reasonably be expected to endanger or cause loss of life, inflict bodily harm or damage property. The applicant shall indemnify and hold harmless RECOM, its affiliated companies and its representatives against any damage claims in connection with the unauthorizeduse of RECOM products in such safety-critical applications.。
罗霍尔ROHM DC DC转换器解决方案仿真器用户指南说明书
User’s Guide ROHM Solution Simulator3.5V to 40V Input, 1A Single 2.2MHz Buck DC/DC Converter for AutomotiveBD9P155MUF-C / Load ResponseThis circuit simulate the load response of BD9P155MUF-C. You can observe the fluctuation of the output voltage when the load current is abruptly changed. You can customize the parameters of the components shown in blue, such as VIN, IOUT, or peripheral components, and simulate the load response with desired operating condition.General CautionsCaution 1: The values from the simulation results are not guaranteed. Please use these results as a guide for your design.Caution 2: These model characteristics are specifically at Ta=25°C. Thus, the simulation result with temperature variances may significantly differ from the result with the one done at actual application board (actual measurement).Caution 3: Please refer to the datasheet for details of the technical information.Caution 4: The characteristics may change depending on the actual board design and ROHM strongly recommend to double check those characteristics with actual board where the chips will be mounted on.1. Simulation SchematicFigure 1. Simulation Schematic2. How to simulateThe simulation settings, such as simulation time or convergence options, are configurable from the ‘Simulation Settings’shown in Figure 2, and Table 1 shows the default setup of the simulation.In case of simulation convergence issue, you can change advancedoptions to solve. Default statement in ‘Manual Options’ sets the time to startsaving the result to 0.4ms. You can modify or delete it.Figure 2. Simulation Settings and execution Table 1.Simulation settings default setupParameters Default NoteSimulation Type Time-Domain Do not change Simulation TypeEnd Time 2.4msAdvanced options Balanced Convergence AssistManual Options “.tran 0 2.4m 0.4m”SimulationSettingsSimulateVINVOUT3. Simulation ConditionsTable 2. List of the simulation condition parametersInstance Name Type ParametersDefaultValueVariable RangeUnitsMin MaxVBAT Voltage Source voltage_level 12 3.5 40 VVEN Voltage Source Pulse_value 12 Use the same value as thevoltage_level of VBATVVOCP_SEL Voltage Source voltage_level 5 0: Max output current =0.5A,or 5: Max output current=1.0AVVMODE Voltage Source voltage_level 50: Auto mode,or 5: FPWM modeVIOUT Current source initial_value 0 0 1 Apulse_value 1 0 1 Aramptime_initial_to_pulse 10 No constraint(Note1)µsramptime_pulse_to_initial 10 No constraint(Note1)µsStart_delay 0.7 - msPulse_width 1.0 - msPeriod 3.0 - ms (Note 1) This is a constraint of the simulation settings and does not guarantee the operation of the IC.3.1 IOUT parameter setupFigure 3 shows how the IOUT parameters correspond to the IOUT stimulus waveform.(a) Overall view(b) Magnified viewFigure 3. IOUT parameters and its waveform IOUT VOUT IOUT VOUT VINStart_delayPeriod(to the next rising edge)*0.2ms of soft start periodWaveforms recorded from t=0.4ms Ramptime_initial_to_pulse Pulse_valueInitial_valueRamptime_pulse_to_initial Pulse_width4. BD9P155MUF-C_Tran modelTable 3 and Table 4 shows the model terminal function implemented. Note that BD9P155MUF-C_Tran is the behavior model for its load/line response operation, and no protection circuits or the functions not related to the purpose are not implemented.Table 3. BD9P155MUF-C_Tran model terminals used for the simulationTerminals DescriptionEN Enable inputVIN Power supply inputPVIN Power supply inputPGND Power groundSW Switching nodeOCP_SEL Over current selector inputMODE PWM mode selector inputGND GroundVOUT_SNS Phase compensation.VREG 3.3V output for internal circuit.Table 4. BD9P155MUF-C_Tran model terminals NOT used for the simulationTerminals DescriptionEN Input is ignored (always enable)BST Input is ignored (Bootstrap not implemented)SSCG Input is ignored (SSCG not implemented)RESET The function is not implementedVOUT_DIS Input is ignoredVCC_EX Input is ignored (function not implemented)(Note 2) This model is not compatible with the influence of ambient temperature.(Note 3) This model is not compatible with the external synchronization function.(Note 4) Use the simulation results only as a design guide and the data reported herein is not a guaranteed value.4.1 Parameter TSSBD9P155MUF-C_Tran model has the property ‘TSS’, which is the soft start time described in page 7 of the datasheet. The product has 3ms (typical) of the startup time of the output voltage. You can short cut the soft start by changing TSS value. The default TSS value is set to 0.2ms in this simulation and you can modify the value in the property editor.Figure 4. TSS property of BD9P155MUF-C_Tran5. Peripheral Components5.1 Bill of MaterialTable 5 shows the list of components used in the simulation schematic. Each of the capacitor and inductor has the parameters of equivalent circuit shown below. The default value of equivalent components are set to zero except for the parallel resistance of L1. You can modify the values of each component.Table 5. List of capacitors used in the simulation circuitType Instance Name Default Value UnitsCapacitor CBLK 220 µFCIN1 0.1 µFCIN2 4.7 µFCREG 1.0 µFCOUT1 22 µFInductor L1 4.7 µH5.2 Capacitor Equivalent Circuits(a) Property editor (b) Equivalent circuitFigure 5. Capacitor property editor and equivalent circuit5.3 Inductor Equivalent Circuits(a) Property editor (b) Equivalent circuitFigure 5. Inductor property editor and equivalent circuitThe default value of PAR_RES is 6.6kohm.(Note 5) These parameters can take any positive value or zero in simulation but it does not guarantee the operation of the IC in any condition. Refer to the datasheet to determine adequate value of parameters.6 Link to the product information and tools6.1 Product webpage link:https:///products/power-management/switching-regulators/integrated-fet/buck-converters-synchrono us/bd9p155muf-c-product6.2 Related documentsThe application notes are available from ‘Documentation’ tab of the product page.6.3 Design assist tools a re available from ‘Tools’ tab of the product page.The Circuit constant calculation sheet is useful for Febiding the application circuit constants.NoticeROHM Customer Support System/contact/Thank you for your accessing to ROHM product informations.More detail product informations and catalogs are available, please contact us.N o t e sThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice.Before you use our Products, please contact our sales representative and verify the latest specifica-tions :Although ROHM is continuously working to improve product reliability and quality, semicon-ductors can break down and malfunction due to various factors.Therefore, in order to prevent personal injury or fire arising from failure, please take safety measures such as complying with the derating characteristics, implementing redundant and fire prevention designs, and utilizing backups and fail-safe procedures. ROHM shall have no responsibility for any damages arising out of the use of our Poducts beyond the rating specified by ROHM.Examples of application circuits, circuit constants and any other information contained herein areprovided only to illustrate the standard usage and operations of the Products. The peripheral conditions must be taken into account when designing circuits for mass production.The technical information specified herein is intended only to show the typical functions of andexamples of application circuits for the Products. ROHM does not grant you, explicitly or implicitly, any license to use or exercise intellectual property or other rights held by ROHM or any other parties. ROHM shall have no responsibility whatsoever for any dispute arising out of the use of such technical information.The Products specified in this document are not designed to be radiation tolerant.For use of our Products in applications requiring a high degree of reliability (as exemplifiedbelow), please contact and consult with a ROHM representative : transportation equipment (i.e. cars, ships, trains), primary communication equipment, traffic lights, fire/crime prevention, safety equipment, medical systems, servers, solar cells, and power transmission systems.Do not use our Products in applications requiring extremely high reliability, such as aerospaceequipment, nuclear power control systems, and submarine repeaters.ROHM shall have no responsibility for any damages or injury arising from non-compliance withthe recommended usage conditions and specifications contained herein.ROHM has used reasonable care to ensur e the accuracy of the information contained in thisdocument. However, ROHM does not warrants that such information is error-free, and ROHM shall have no responsibility for any damages arising from any inaccuracy or misprint of such information.Please use the Products in accordance with any applicable environmental laws and regulations,such as the RoHS Directive. For more details, including RoHS compatibility, please contact a ROHM sales office. ROHM shall have no responsibility for any damages or losses resulting non-compliance with any applicable laws or regulations.W hen providing our Products and technologies contained in this document to other countries,you must abide by the procedures and provisions stipulated in all applicable export laws and regulations, including without limitation the US Export Administration Regulations and the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act.This document, in part or in whole, may not be reprinted or reproduced without prior consent ofROHM.1) 2)3)4)5)6)7)8)9)10)11)12)13)。
DC DC 转换器产品说明书
DC/DC Conver ter Specifications (measured @ ta= 25°C, nominal input voltage, full load and after warm-up)E224736UL-60950-1 CertifiedEN-55022 Certified20 Watt 2:11.6“ x 1“Ribbed StyleSingle OutputSelection GuidePart Input Input Output Output Efficiency Max. CapacitiveNumber VoltageRange Current Voltage Current typ. Load[VDC] [mA] [VDC] [mA] [%] [µF]RPP20-2412S 18-36 940 12 1670 90 1000DescriptionThe RPP20 series 2:1 input range DC/DC converters are ideal for high end industrial applications and COTS Militaryapplications where a very wide operating temperature range of -45°C to +115°C is required. Although the case sizeis very compact, the converter contains a built-in EMC filter EN-55022 Class B without the need for any externalcomponents. The RPP20 is available in a ribbed case style for active cooling. They are UL-60950-1 certified.FeaturesICETechnology*• +115°C Maximum Case Temperature• -45°C Minimum Case Temperature• Built-in EMC Filter• Ribbed Case Style• 2250VDC Isolation• EN-55022 Class B RPP20-2412S* ICE TechnologyICE (Innovation in Converter Excellence)uses state-of-the-art techniques to minimiseinternal power dissipation and to increasethe internal temperature limits to extend theambient operating temperature range to themaximum.Notes:Note1: Typical values at nominal input voltage and full load.Only the single output converters have a trim function that allows users to adjust the output voltage from +10% to -10%, please refer to the trim table that follow for details. Adjustment to the output voltage can be used with a simple fixed resistor as shown in Figures 1 and 2. A single fixed resistor can increase or decrease the output voltage depending on its connection. Resistor should be located close to the converter. If the trim function is not used, leave the trim pin open.Trim adjustments higher than the specified range can have an adverse effect on the converter´s performance and are not recommended. E xcessive voltage differences between output voltage sense voltage, in conjunction with trim adjustment of the output voltage; can cause the OVP circuitry to activate. Thermal derating is based on maximum output current and voltage at the converter´s output pins. Use of the trim and sense function can cause output voltages to increase, thereby increasing output power beyond the converter´s specified rating. Therefore: (Vout at Pins) X (Iout) ≤ rated output power.PROTECTIONSParameterConditionValueOutput Power Protection (OPP)current limit 120% typ.Over Voltage Protection (OVP)10% load 120% typ.Over Temperature Protection (OTP)case temperature 120°C, auto-recovery Isolation Voltage I/P to O/P , at 70% RH I/P to Case, O/P to Case 2250VDC / 1 Minute 1500VDC / 1 MinuteIsolation Resistance I/P to O/P , at 70% RH100M W min.Isolation CapacitanceI/P to O/P1500pF typ.Specifications (measured @ ta= 25°C, nominal input voltage, full load and after warm-up)Notes:Note2:This Power Module is not internally fused. A input fuse must be always used. Recommended Fuse: T1.6AREGULATIONSParameterConditionValueOutput Voltage Accuracy 50% load ±1.5% max.Line Voltage Regulation low line to high line ±0.3% max.Load Voltage Regulation 10% to 100% load±0.5% max.Transient Response 25% load step change, ΔIo/Δt=2.5A/us 800µs typ.Transient Peak Deviation25% load step change, ΔIo/Δt=2.5A/us±2%Vout max.Trimming Output VoltageFigure 2. Trim connections to decrease output voltage using fixed resistorsFigure 1. Trim connections to increase output voltage using fixed resistors+V IN -V INCTRL +V OUT R TRIM UP-V OUTTRIMLOAD+V IN -V INCTRL +V OUT R TRIM DOWN-V OUTTRIMLOADTrim down resistor value (K W )Vout-1%-2%-3%-4%-5%-6%-7%-8%-9%-10%12VDC 322.2137. up resistor value (K W )Vout1%2%3%4%5%6%7%8%9%10%12VDC 238.7113.168.246.332.122.415. Humidity95%, non condensing Temperature Coefficient ±0.04% / °C max.Thermal Impedance natural convection, mounting at FR4(254x254mm) PCB vertical horizontal7.2°C/W 7.8°C/WOperating Temperature Range start up at -45°C-45°C to (see calculation)Maximum Case Temperature +115°CMTBFaccording to MIL-HDBK-217F (+50°C G.B.)according to BellCore-TR-332 (+50°C G.B.)768 x 103 hours 1572 x 103 hourscontinued on next pageDerating Graph(Ta= +25°C, natural convection, typ. Vin and vertical mounting)CalculationSpecifications (measured @ ta= 25°C, nominal input voltage, full load and after warm-up)302535404550102030405060708090100Load [%]C a s e T e m p e r a t u r e [°C ]105060708090100203040506070809010018Vin24Vin 36Vin Load [%]E f f i c i e n c y [%]R thcase-ambient = 7.2°C/W (vertical) T case = Case Temperature R thcase-ambient = 7.8°C/W (horizontal)T ambient= Environment TemperatureP dissipation = Internal lossesR thcase-ambient = T case - T ambientP IN = Input PowerP dissipationP OUT = Output Powerh = Efficiency under given Operating Conditions P dissipation = P IN - P OUT = P OUTapp- P OUTapp R thcase-ambient = Thermal ImpedancehPractical Example:Take the RPP20-2412S with 50% load. What is the maximum ambient operating temperature? Use converter vertical in application.Eff min = 89% @ V nom P OUT = 20WP OUTapp = 20 x 0.5 = 10W P dissipation = P OUTapp- P OUTapp R th = T casemax - T ambient --> 7.2°C/W = 115°C - T ambienthP dissipation1.24Wh = ~88% (from Eff vs Load Graph)T ambientmax = 106.1°CP dissipation = 10- 10 = 1.24W0.89Specifications (measured @ ta= 25°C, nominal input voltage, full load and after warm-up)DC/DC Conver terSpecifications (measured @ ta= 25°C, nominal input voltage, full load and after warm-up)RPP20-2412SSeriesPACKAGING INFORMATIONParameterTypeValuePackaging Dimension (LxWxH)Tube160.0 x 45.0 x 16.0mmPackaging Quantity 5pcsStorage Temperature Range-55°C to +125°CThe product information and specifications may be subject to changes even without prior written notice.The product has been designed for various applications; its suitability lies in the responsibility of each customer. The products are not authorized for use in safety-critical applications without RECOM’s explicit written consent. A safety-critical application is an application where a failure may reasonably be expected to endanger or cause loss of life, inflict bodily harm or damage property. The applicant shall indemnify and hold harmless RECOM, its affiliated companies and its representatives against any damage claims in connection with the unauthorizeduse of RECOM products in such safety-critical applications.。
DC DC 转换器商品说明书
DC/DC ConverterUL60950-1 certifiedCSA/CAN C22.2 60950-1-07 certified UL62368-1 certifiedCSA/CAN C22.2 62368-1 certified CSA/CAN C22.2 60601-01 certified ANSI/AAMI ES60601-1 certified EN55011 certified CB reportY E A Rwa r r a n ty52MOPP 250VACE314885RoHS 2+compliant10 from 1020 Watt4:1 Input1.6“ x 1“Single and DualOutputREM20-W Selection GuidePart Input Output Output Efficiency Max. CapacitiveNumber Voltage Range Voltage Current typ. (1) Load(2)[VDC] [VDC] [mA] [%] [µF]REM20-2405SW (3)9-36 5 4000 87 5000REM20-2412SW (3) 9-36 12 1667 88.5 850REM20-2415SW (3) 9-36 15 1333 88 700REM20-2424SW (3) 9-36 24 833 88 220REM20-4805SW (3) 18-75 5 4000 89.5 2500REM20-4812SW (3)18-75 12 1667 88 500REM20-4815SW (3)18-75 15 1333 88 350REM20-4824SW (3) 18-75 24 833 88.5 5000REM20-2405DW (3) 9-36 ±5 ±2000 86 ±850REM20-2412DW (3) 9-36 ±12 ±833 88 ±700REM20-2415DW (3) 9-36 ±15 ±667 88 ±220REM20-4805DW (3) 18-75 ±5 ±2000 86 ±2500REM20-4812DW (3)18-75 ±12 ±833 88.5 ±500REM20-4815DW (3)18-75±15 ±667 88±350Notes:Note1: Efficiency is tested at nominal input and full load at +25°C ambient Note2: Max Cap Load is tested at nominal input and full resistive loadDescriptionThe REM20-W series of medical grade regulated DC/DC converters features reinforced 5kVAC/1 minute isolation with low 2µA leakage (B, BF and CF compatible) and are 60601-1 3rd Ed. certified for 250VAC continuous working voltage isolation. The industry standard 1.6”x1” package offers tightly regulated single and dual outputs, with low output ripple and zero-load operation. The outputs are also short circuit and overload protected. The converters are certified to CB, IEC/EN and ANSI/AAMI standards and carry the UL mark.“CTRL pin option (positive logic)”W ide Input Voltage Range (4:1)S ingle or D ualOutput Power nom. Input Voltage nom. Output VoltageREM20- __ __ _ W/PModel NumberingNotes:Note3: standard is with suffix …/P“ (CTRL pin with positive logic) without suffix is without CTRL pin (no pin) please refer to “Dimension Drawing (mm)”Ordering Examples:REM20-2412SW/P = 4:1 Input, 9-36Vin, 12Vout, with control pin positive logic REM20-4815DW = 4:1 Input, 18-75Vin, ±15Vout, without control pinSpecifications (measured @ Ta= 25°C, nominal input voltage. full load and after warm-up)Specifications (measured @ Ta= 25°C, nominal input voltage, full load and after warm-up)Specifications (measured @ Ta= 25°C, nominal input voltage, full load and after warm-up)Trim up12345678910[%]Vout set =12.1212.2412.3612.4812.6012.7212.8412.9613.0813.20[VDC]R up (E96) ≈205k 100k 64k947k536k529k424k920k117k915k8[W ]Trim up12345678910[%]Vout set = 5.05 5.10 5.15 5.20 5.25 5.30 5.35 5.40 5.45 5.50[VDC]R up (E96) ≈255k 127k 82k561k948k740k234k830k126k123k7[W ]REM20-xx12SW(/P)REM20-xx05SW(/P)Trim down12345678910[%]Vout set =11.8811.7611.6411.5211.4011.2811.1611.0410.9210.80[VDC]R down (E96) ≈ 768k383k249k182k143k118k97k684k573k263k4[W ]Trim down12345678910[%]Vout set =4.95 4.90 4.85 4.80 4.75 4.70 4.65 4.60 4.55 4.50[VDC]R down (E96) ≈ 249k121k78k756k244k235k729k424k921k18k2[W ]Trim up12345678910[%]Vout set =15.1515.3015.4515.6015.7515.9016.0516.2016.3516.50[VDC]R up (E96) ≈162k 78k749k936k528k 22k618k715k813k311k5[W ]Trim up11121314151617181920[%]Vout set =16.6516.8016.9517.1017.2517.4017.5517.7017.8518.00[VDC]R up (E96) ≈10k 8k87k66k86k 5k34k64k13k63k2[W ]REM20-xx15SW(/P)Trim down12345678910[%]Vout set =14.8514.7014.5514.4014.2514.1013.9513.8013.6513.50[VDC]R down (E96) ≈825K402k261k191k150k124k105k88k776k868k1[W ]Trim CalculationVout nom R 1R 2k u V ref5VDC 5k1W 2k W 2.5 2.5VDC 12VDC 10k W 5k1W 9.515VDC 10k W 5k1W 12.524VDC56k W13k W21.5Practical Example REM20-1212SW +10% / -10%:Calculation:Vout nom = nominal output voltage [VDC]Vout set = trimmed output voltage [VDC]V ref = reference voltage [VDC]R up = trim up resistor [W ]R down = trim down resistor [W ]R 1 & R 2 = internal resistors [W ]k u = trim up factor[ ]R up =10k x 2.5- 5k1 =15k7W13.2 - 2.5 - 9.5R up according to E96 ≈ 15k8WR down according to E96 ≈ 64k3WR down =(10.8 - 2.5) x 10k- 5k1 =64k1W12 - 10.8R down =(Vout set - V ref ) x R 1- R 2Vout nom - Vout setR up =R 1 x V ref - R 2Vout set - V ref - k uSpecifications (measured @ Ta= 25°C, nominal input voltage, full load and after warm-up)PROTECTIONSParameterCondition ValueShort Circuit Protection (SCP) (6)continuous, auto-recovery Over Load Protection (OLP)% of Iout ratedhiccup mode, 150% - 185%Output Over Voltage Protection (OVP)Zener diode clamp5Vout 12Vout 15Vout 24Vout 6.2VDC typ.15VDC typ.20VDC typ.30VDC typ.Over Temperature Protection (OTP)at tc point (refer to “Dimension Drawing (mm)”)+115°C typ.Isolation Voltage (5)I/P to O/P working voltagetested for 1 minute continuous5kVAC 250VAC Isolation Resistance 2G W min.Isolation Capacitance 20pF max.Leakage Current 240VAC, 60Hz 2µA typ. / 2.5µA max.Insulation Grade reinforcedMeans of Protection 2MOPPMedical Device Classification built-in power supplyClearance/Creepage>8.0mmTrim up12345678910[%]Vout set =24.2424.4824.7224.9625.2025.4425.6825.9226.1626.40[VDC]R up (E96) ≈576k 280k 182k 133k 105k 84k569k895k352k345k3[W ]Trim up11121314151617181920[%]Vout set =26.6426.8827.1227.3627.6027.8428.0828.3228.5628.80[VDC]R up (E96) ≈40k235k731k628k726k123k721k519k617k916k2[W ]REM20-xx24SW(/P)Trim down12345678910[%]Vout set =23.7623.5223.2823.0422.8022.5622.3222.0821.8421.60[VDC]R down (E96) ≈4M992M431M621M18931k768k649k562k487k432k[W ]Notes: Note5: For repeat Hi-Pot testing, reduce the time and/or the test voltageNote6: Refer to local safety regulations if input over-current protection is also required. Recommended fuse: slow blow typeREGULATIONSParameterCondition ValueOutput Accuracy ±1.0% max. Line Regulation low line to high line Single Output ±0.2% max.Dual Output ±0.5% max.Load Regulation no load to full loadSingle Output 0.2% max.Dual Output 1.0% max.Cross Regulation assymetrical load 25% / 100% full loadonly Dual Output±5.0% max.Transient Responserecovery time25% load step change100µs typ. / 250µs max.Specifications (measured @ Ta= 25°C, nominal input voltage, full load and after warm-up)SAFETY AND CERTIFICATIONSCertificate Type (Safety)Report / File Number StandardInformation Technology Equipment, General Requirements forSafetyE196683UL60950-1, 2nd Edition, 2014 CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60950-1-07, 2nd Edition, 2014Audio/video, information and communication technology equip-ment. Safety requirementsUL62368-1 CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 62368-1Medical Electric Equipment, General Requirements for Safety and Essential Performance E314885ANSI/AAMI ES60601-1 (2005/R2012 + A1:2012), 2012CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60601-1:14, 3rd Edition, 2014-03Medical Electric Equipment, General Requirements for Safety andEssential Performance (CB Scheme)180505201IEC60601-1:2005, 3rd Edition + AM1:2012 RoHS2+RoHs 2011/65/EU + AM2015/863Specifications (measured @ Ta= 25°C, nominal input voltage. full load and after warm-up)DIMENSION and PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICSParameter Type ValueMaterialcasebaseplatepottingnon-conductive black plastic (UL94-V0)non-conductive black plastic (UL94-V0)silicone (UL94-V0)Dimension (LxWxH)40.6 x 25.4 x 10.2mm Weight24g typ.The product information and specifications may be subject to changes even without prior written notice.The product has been designed for various applications; its suitability lies in the responsibility of each customer. The products are not authorized for use in safety-critical applications without RECOM’s explicit written consent. A safety-critical application is an application where a failure may reasonably be expected to endanger or cause PACKAGING INFORMATIONParameterTypeValuePackaging Dimension (LxWxH) tube290.0 x 43.5 x 19.7mmPackaging Quantity 10 pcsStorage Temperature Range -55°C to +125°C Stoarge Humiditynon-condensing5% to 95% RH max.。
RB系列DC DC转换器说明书
FeaturesUnregulated Converters• Low cost 1W converter•Power sharing on dual output versions•1kVDC/1s or 2kVDC/1s isolation option • Optional continuous short circuit protection • Efficiency up to 85%• UL94V-0 package materialRBDescriptionThe RB series DC/DC converter has been designed for isolating or converting DC power rails in general purpose applications. Although low cost, it does not compromise on features and offers 1KVDC/1s or 2kVDC/1s isolation, a –40°C to +85°C operating temperature range and optional DC/DC Conver ter1 Watt SIP7UL60950-1 certifiedCAN/CSA-C22.2 No 60950-1 certified IEC/EN60950-1 certified EN55032 compliantE358085RB-xx12D (3,4) 3.3, 5, 12, 15, 24 ±12 ±42 78-82 ±220RB-xx15D (3,4) 3.3, 5, 12, 15, 24 ±15 ±33 80-84 ±220RB-xx24D (3,4)3.3, 5, 12, 15, 24±24±2180-84±100Model NumberingNotes:Note3: standard part is without Continuous Short Circuit Protection add suffix …/P“ for Continuous Short Circuit Protection Note4: standard part is with 1kVDC/1s Isolation add suffix …/H“ for 2kVDC/1s Isolation or add suffix …/HP“ for 2kVDC/1s Isolation and Continuous Short Circuit ProtectionOrdering Examples:RB-123.3/P: 12VDC Input Voltage, 3.3VDC Output Voltage, Single Output with continuous short circuit protection and 1kVDC/1s isolationRB-0509D/HP: 5VDC Input Voltage, ±9VDC Output Voltage, Dual Output with continuous short circuit protection and 2kVDC/1s isolationnom. Input Voltage Output VoltageRB- __ /“Protection (4)”“Isolation Option (3)”S ingle or D ualNotes:Note1: Efficiency is tested at nominal input and full load at +25°C ambientNote2: Max Cap Load is tested at nominal input and full resistive load and is defined as the capacitive load that will allow start up in under 1s without damage to the converterSpecifications (measured @ Ta= 25°C, nom. Vin, full load otherwise stated)Specifications (measured @ Ta= 25°C, nom. Vin, full load otherwise stated)REGULATIONSParameter Condition Value Output Accuracy±5.0% typ. Line Regulation low line to high line±1.2% of 1.0% Vin typ.Load Regulation (5)10% to 100% load3.3, 5Vout9, 12, 15, 24Vout15.0% max.10.0% max.Notes:Note5: Operation below 10% load will not harm the converter, but specifications may not be metSpecifications (measured @ Ta= 25°C, nom. Vin, full load otherwise stated)Specifications (measured @ Ta= 25°C, nom. Vin, full load otherwise stated)PROTECTIONSParameter Type ValueShort Circuit Protection (SCP)without suffixwith suffix “/P”1 secondcontinuousIsolation Voltage (6)I/P to O/P without suffixtested for 1 secondrated for 1 minute1kVDC500VAC/60Hz with suffix “/H”tested for 1 secondrated for 1 minute2kVDC1kVAC/60HzIsolation Resistance10GΩ min. Isolation Capacitance20pF min. / 75pF max.Insulation Gradebasic (IEC/EN60950-1) functional (IEC/EN60601-1)Notes:Note6: For repeat Hi-Pot testing, reduce the time and/or the test voltageNote7: Refer to local saftey regulations if input over-current protection is also required. Recommended fuse: slow blow typeENVIRONMENTALParameter Condition Value Operating Temperature Range full load @ free air convection, refer to “Derating Graph”-40°C to +85°C Maximum Case Temperature+105°C Temperature Coefficient±0.03%/K typ. Thermal Impedance56K/W typ. Operating Altitude3000m Operating Humidity non-condensing95% RH max. Pollution Degree PD2MTBF according to MIL-HDBK-217F, G.B.+25°C+85°C16400 x 103 hours10200 x 103 hoursSpecifications (measured @ Ta= 25°C, nom. Vin, full load otherwise stated)-40-20020407060-30-10103050809085110100100806040907050302010O u t p u t L o a d [%]Ambient Temperature [°C]Derating Graph(@ free air convection)Specifications (measured @ Ta= 25°C, nom. Vin, full load otherwise stated)Pinning InformationPACKAGING INFORMATIONParameter Type Value Packaging Dimension (LxWxH)tube 520.0 x 16.0 x 9.0mm Packaging Quantity tube 25pcs Storage Temperature Range-55°C to +125°C Storage Humidity non-condensing95% RH max.The product information and specifications may be subject to changes even without prior written notice.The product has been designed for various applications; its suitability lies in the responsibility of each customer. The products are not authorized for use in safety-critical applications without RECOM’s explicit written consent. A safety-critical application is an application where a failure may reasonably be expected to endanger or cause。
DC-DC Converter (直流变换器)
得 LDiT (1 U D )DiT (1 U U O )
2IO minU i
其中: ILCI0min
iS ii S
iL iO
Uo C
若IO-min过小,所需L过大,可加假负载,但η低; 若负载稳定,此L较小,使IS-on-Max和△UO较大,故一般取:
ILC(15~13)I0mi n
ZR E Sj(L E S1 C )
0L 1 EC S
0 L E S0
u O iC R E S C 1 o0 tiC d t u R Cu 很C 大 u R
n0 1nCo0
缩短C引线,减小分布电感; 多电容并联,减小ESR。
放电 充电 放电 充电
Uo Uo
ffC S
未经滤波的输出电压,即二极管 反压的富氏级数
iS ii S
iL iO
Uo C
u D U i ( D sD i c n t o s2 s i D c n 2 t o s n sn i D c n n o t )
iL iO
Uo C
导通 Ui
连续 (CCM-Continuous Current Mode)
临界 断续(DCM-Discontiuous Current Mode)
DC-DC converter 原理
Signal Measure Point- (C)
Signal Measure Point- (D)
பைடு நூலகம்
Signal Measure Point- (E)
Signal Measure Point- (F)
Signal Measure Point- (G)
Signal Measure Point- (H)
DC/DCCircuit-2-soft start (AT1380)
DC/DC Circuit-2-analysis (AT1380)
DC/DC C i rcui t -2-PWMOUT(AT1380)
DC/DC Circuit -2-structure
protection circuit 3.3V
Signal Measure Point- (F&G)
VQ305C 27V
VQ305B 23.2 V
Signal Measure Point- ( I )
Signal Measure Point- (J)
Signal Measure Point- (K)
Signal Measure Point- (L)
Switching Regulator
Buck:used to reduce a DC voltage to a lower DC voltage. Boost:provides an output voltage that is higher than t input. Buck-Boost :produces a DC output voltage that is opposite in polarity to the input. The negative output voltage can be either larger or smaller in magnitude
DC DC Converter B_S-1WR3 Series Selection Guide
Selection GuideCertification Part No.Input Voltage(VDC)Output Full LoadEfficiency(%)Min./Typ.CapacitiveLoad(µF)Max.Nominal(Range)Voltage(VDC)Current(mA)Max./Min.UL/EN/BS EN/IEC B1203S-1WR312(10.8-13.2)3.3303/3071/752400 B1205S-1WR35200/2076/802400 B1209S-1WR39111/1276/801000 B1212S-1WR31283/976/80560 B1215S-1WR31567/777/81560 B1224S-1WR32442/577/81220 B1505S-1WR315(13.5-16.5)5200/2076/802400 B1509S-1WR39111/1276/801000 B1512S-1WR31283/976/80560 B1515S-1WR31567/777/81560--B1524S-1WR32442/577/81220UL/EN/BS EN/IEC B2403S-1WR324(21.6-26.4)3.3303/3069/752400 B2405S-1WR35200/2073/792400 B2409S-1WR39111/1274/801000B2412S-1WR31283/975/81560 B2415S-1WR31567/775/81560 B2424S-1WR32442/575/81220Input SpecificationsItem Operating Conditions Min.Typ.Max.UnitInput Current (full load/no-load)12V input3.3VDC output--112/8118/--mA 5VDC/9VDC/12VDC output--105/8110/--15VDC/24VDC output--103/8109/--15V input5VDC/9VDC/12VDC output--84/888/--15VDC/24VDC output--83/887/--24V input3.3VDC output--56/861/--5VDC output--53/858/--9VDC output--53/857/--12VDC/15VDC/24VDC output--52/856/--Reflected Ripple Current--15--Surge Voltage(1sec.max.)12VDC input-0.7--18VDC 15VDC input-0.7--2124VDC input-0.7--301W isolated DC-DC converterFixed input voltage,unregulated single outputPatent ProtectionCB Report RoHS UL62368-1EN62368-1BS EN62368-1IEC62368-1FEATURES●Continuous short-circuit protection●No-load input current as low as8mA●Operating ambient temperature range:-40℃to+105℃●High efficiency up to81%●I/O isolation test voltage:1.5k VDC●Industry standard pin-outB_S-1WR3series are specially designed for applications where an isolated voltage is required in a distributed power supply system.They are suitable for:pure digital circuits,low frequency analog circuits,relay-driven circuits and data switching circuits.Input Filter Capacitance filter Hot PlugUnavailableNote:*Refer to DC-DC Converter Application Notes for detailed description of reflected ripple current test method.Output SpecificationsItemOperating ConditionsMin.Typ.Max.UnitVoltage Accuracy See output regulation curves (Fig.1)Linear RegulationInput voltage change:±1%3.3VDC output---- 1.5--5VDC/9VDC/12VDC/15VDC /24VDC output ---- 1.2Load Regulation10%-100%load3.3VDC output --820%5VDC output--5159VDC output --31012VDC output --31015VDC output --31024VDC output--210Ripple &Noise*20MHzbandwidth 3.3VDC/5VDC/9VDC/12VD C/15VDC output --3075mVp-p 24VDC output--50100Temperature Coefficient Full load--±0.02--%/℃Short-Circuit ProtectionContinuous,self-recoveryNote:*The “parallel cable”method is used for Ripple and Noise test,please refer to DC-DC Converter Application Notes for specific information.General SpecificationsItem Operating ConditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit IsolationInput-output electric strength test for 1minute with a leakage current of 1mA max.1500----VDC Insulation Resistance Input-output resistance at 500VDC 1000----M ΩIsolation Capacitance Input-output capacitance at 100kHz/0.1V --20--pFOperating Temperature Derating when operating temperature ≥85℃,(see Fig.2)-40--105℃Storage Temperature -55--125Case Temperature Rise Ta=25℃,nominal input,full load output --25--Pin Soldering Resistance Temperature Soldering spot is 1.5mm away from case for 10seconds ----300Storage Humidity Non-condensing 5--95%RH Vibration10-150Hz,5G,0.75mm.along X,Y and ZSwitching Frequency Full load,nominal input voltage --260--kHz MTBFMIL-HDBK-217F @25℃3500----k hours Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)Emissions CE CISPR32/EN55032CLASS B RE CISPR32/EN55032CLASS B ImmunityESDIEC/EN61000-4-2Air ±8kV ,Contact ±6kVperf.Criteria BNote:Refer to Fig.4for recommended circuit test.Mechanical SpecificationsCase Material Black plastic;flame-retardant and heat-resistant (UL94V-0)Dimensions 11.60x 6.00x 10.16mm Weight1.3g (Typ.)Cooling MethodFree air convectionTypical Characteristic Curves3.3VDC output5VDC/9VDC/12VDC/15VDC/24VDC outputFig.112080-40O u t p u t P o w e r P e r c e n t (%)Ambient Temp.()℃Safe Operating AreaTemperature Derating CurveFig.2Efficiency Vs Output Load (Vin=24V)Efficiency Vs Output Load (Vin=12V)Design ReferenceInput and/or output ripple can be further reduced,by connecting a filter capacitor from the input and/or output terminals to ground as shown in Fig.3.Choosing suitable filter capacitor values is very important for a smooth operation of the modules,particularly to avoid start-up problems caused by capacitor values that are too high.For recommended input and output capacitor values refer to Table 1.Vin 0VDCCinDC CoutTable 1:Recommended input and output capacitor valuesVinCin Vo Cout12VDC2.2µF/25V3.3VDC 10µF/16V 15VDC 2.2µF/25V 5VDC 10µF/16V 24VDC 1µF/50V9VDC 2.2µF/16V ----12VDC 2.2µF/25V ----15VDC 1µF/25V ----24VDC1µF/50V2.EMC compliance circuitFig.4EmissionsC1/C2 4.7µF /50VC3Refer to the Cout in Fig.3LDM 6.8µH CY270pF /2kV3.For additional information please refer to DC-DC converter application notes on Dimensions and Recommended LayoutNotes:1.For additional information on Product Packaging please refer to .Packaging bag number:58200003;2.If the product is not operated within the required load range,the product performance cannot be guaranteed to comply with allparameters in the datasheet;3.The maximum capacitive load offered were tested at input voltage range and full load;4.Unless otherwise specified,parameters in this datasheet were measured under the conditions of Ta=25℃,humidity<75%RH with nominalinput voltage and rated output load;5.All index testing methods in this datasheet are based on our company corporate standards;6.We can provide product customization service,please contact our technicians directly for specific information;7.Products are related to laws and regulations:see"Features"and"EMC";8.Our products shall be classified according to ISO14001and related environmental laws and regulations,and shall be handled byqualified units.MORNSUN Guangzhou Science&Technology Co.,Ltd.Address:No.5,Kehui St.1,Kehui Development Center,Science Ave.,Guangzhou Science City,Huangpu District,Guangzhou,P.R.China Tel:86-20-38601850Fax:86-20-38601272E-mail:***************。
iLrms =
2 ∆iL 2 + iL 12
The above equation is a generalised result for average current iL with a peak-to-peak current ripple ∆iL. Its rms value can be seen in Table 2.1.
Fig. 3 Continuous mode for Buck converter
Fig. 7 Discontinuous mode for Buck converter
Classical switched-mode DC/DC converter
The rms inductor current can be derived by considering the equations during the rising and falling of the current ripple. During the on-state, the inductor current is: − ∆iL ∆iLt iL _ on (t ) = + iL + (2) 2 DTs During the off-state, the inductor current is: ∆i ∆iLt iL _ off (t ) = L − + iL (3) 2 (1 − D)Ts The rms current of the inductor L is obtained by: DT (1− D )Ts ⎫ 1 ⎧ ⎪ s ⎪ 2 2 (4) i Lrms 2 = i ( t ) dt i ( t ) dt + ⎨ ∫ L _ on ⎬ ∫ L _ off Ts ⎪ ⎪ 0 ⎩ 0 ⎭
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§5.1 概述
将一个不受控制的输入直流电压变换成为另一个受控的输 出直流电压称之为DC-DC变换。
随着科学技术的发展,对电子设备的要求是:①性能更加 可靠;②功能不断增加;③使用更加方便;④体积日益减 小。这些使DC-DC变换技术变得更加重要。目前,DC-DC 变换器在计算机、航空、航天、水下行器、通信及电视等 领域得到了广泛的应用,同时,这些应用也促进了DC-DC 变换技术的进一步发展。
3、稳压范围宽。目前DC-DC变换中基本使用脉宽调制 (PWM)技术,通过调节脉宽来调节输出电压,对输入电
由于电力半导体器件工作在高频开关状态,它所产生的电 流和电压会通过各种耦合途径,产生传导干扰和辐射干扰。
2 DC-DC变换分类: 1)按激励方式划分。由于电力半导体器件需要激励信号,
按激励方式划分为它激式和自激式两种方式,它激式DCDC变换中有专业的电路产生激励信号控制电力半导体器件 开关;自激式变换中电力半导体器件是作为振荡器的一部 分(作为振荡器的振荡管)。 2) 按调制方式划分。目前在变換中常使用脉宽调制和频率 调制两种方式,脉宽调制PWM(pulse width modulation) 是电力半导体器件工作频率保持不变,通过调整脉冲宽度 达到调整输出电压。频率调制PFM(pulse frequent modulation)是保持开通时间不变,通过调节电力半导体 器件开关工作频率达到调整输出电压。频率调制在DC-DC 变换器设计中由于易产生谐波干扰、且滤波器设计困难。 脉宽调制与频率调制相比具有明显的优点,目前在DC-DC 变换中占据主导地位。还有混合式,即在某种条件下使用 脉宽调制(PWM),在另一条件下使用频率调制(PFM)。 3)按储能电感与负载连接方式划分。可分为串联型和并联 型两种。储能电感串联在输入输出之间称之为串联型;储 能电感并联在输出与输入之间称之为并联型。
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DC-DC Converter TutorialSwitching regulators offer higher efficiency than linear regulators. In addition,they can step-up, step-down and invert the input voltage. This article outlines the different types of switching regulators used in DC-DC conversion. It also reviews and compares the various control techniquesfor these converters.What Is a Switching Regulator?A switching regulator is a circuit that uses an inductor, a transformer, or a capacitor as an energy-storage element to transfer energy from input to output in discrete packets. Feedback circuitry regulates the energy transfer to maintain a constant voltage within the load limits of the circuit. The basic circuit can be configured to step up (boost), step down (buck), or invert output voltage with respect to input voltage.Why Use a Switching Regulator?For battery management, the only other choice is a linear regulator. Linear regulators only step down, and efficiency is equivalent to the output voltage divided by the input voltage.On the other hand, switching regulators operate by passing energy in discrete packets over a low-resistance switch, so they can step up, step down, and invert. In addition, they offer higher efficiency than linearregulators. Using a transformer as the energy-storage element also allows the output voltage to be electrically isolated from the input v oltage. The one disadvantage of the switching regulator is noise.Any time you move charge in discrete packets, you create noise or ripple. But the noise can often be minimized using specific control techniques and through careful component selection.Charge PhaseA basic boost configuration is depicted in Figure 1. Assuming that the switch has been open for a long time, the voltage across the capacitor is equal to the input voltage. During the charge phase, when the switch closes the input voltage is impressed across the inductor and the diode prevents the capacitor from discharging to ground. Because the input voltage is DC, current through the inductor rises linearly with time at a rate that is proportional to the input voltage divided by the inductance. The energy stored in the inductor for the duration shown is equal to one-half the inductance times the square of the peak current.Figure 1. Charge phase: When the switch closes, current ramps up through the inductor.Discharge PhaseFigure 2 shows the discharge phase. When the switch opens again, the voltage across the inductor changes instantaneously to whatever is required to maintain current flow, because the inductor current can't change instantly. In order for current to continue flowing, the inductor voltage must change enough to forward-bias the diode. The voltage on top of the switch (at the diode anode) is equal to a diode forward voltage (VD) above the voltage on the capacitor, and the voltage across the inductor actually switches polarity relative to the charge phase. In this initial cycle, V-switch is equal to VIN plus VD. If we assume that the capacitor is relatively large such that the dV/dt for the resulting inductor peak current is negligibly small, then VOUT remains relatively constant during the second half of the cycle. As V-switch remains at a diode drop above VOUT, the voltage across the inductor also remains relatively constant. This results in a linear di/dt opposite in polarity from the charge phase and proportional to the inductor voltage divided by the inductance, -VD over L in this initial cycle.Figure 2. Discharge phase: When the switch opens, current flows to the load.If we continue this process over and over, the voltage across the capacitor (VOUT) will rise with every cycle. If we then employ some feedback and control (see Figure 7), the output voltage can be regulated at any value within the breakdown tolerance of the selected components. If we take the same basic elements and rearrange their positions, we can create the other configurations such as the buck converter topology (see Figure 3). Here, when the switch closes, the voltage across the inductor is equal to VIN minus VOUT. Initially this is VIN, because VOUT is zero at startup. Current will ramp up linearly, as in the boost case (Figure 4), and flow into the output capacitor. When the switch opens, the voltage across it will change instantaneously to allow current to flow through the diode and the inductor, and into the output capacitor. Because energy is gated to the output capacitor in each half of the cycle,the buck topology typical ly offers the greatest efficiency.Figure 3. Buck converter topologyFigure 4. Simple boost converterKeeping the switch in the same place and swapping the inductor and diodepositions in the circuit yields the inverting topology (Figure 5). When the switch closes, VIN is impressed across the inductor and the current ramps up as before. When the switch opens again, the current wants to continue toflow in the same direction. Thus, it flows through the diode and charges the output capacitor in the reverse direction, creating an output voltage with the opposite polarity to the input voltage.Figure 5. Inverting topologyUsing a transformer, you can realize boost, buck, or inverting topologies and isolate the output voltage fromthe input voltage. The circuit shown in Figure 6 is a boost transformer flyback topology.Figure 6. Transformer flyback topologyControl TechniquesPopular control techniques include pulse-frequency modulation, where the switch is cycled at a 50% duty cycle until the output voltage comes into regulation; current-limited pulse-frequency modulation, where the charge cycle terminates when a predetermined peak inductor current is reached; and pulse-width modulation, where the switch frequency is constant and the duty cycle varieswith the load. Each of these control techniques has advantages and disadvantages.Clocked pulse-frequency modulation, or PFM, is the simplest control technique. With this method, when the output voltage is below the regulation point the control circuit gates a free-running oscillator to the switch. The inductive charge pumping action boosts the output voltage back up to the regul ation point. However, the inductor selection is complicated, the peak-to-peak voltage ripple can be quite high, and the noise/ripple spectrum will vary greatly with the load.Current-limited pulse-frequency modulation is similar to standard PFM; but instead of using a 50% duty cycle oscillator, this control scheme employs a peak inductor current limit and a one shot. As soon as the output voltage goes outof regulation, the switch turns on until the inductor current reaches the programmed current limit, usually set with a current sense resistor in the inductor-current path. Once the inductor current reaches the programmed limit, the switch turns off for a time constant set by an internal one shot, generally on the order of a microsecond. At the end of the one-shot time constant, the feedback circuit compares VOUT to the regulation voltage and either turns the switch on again if VOUT remains out of regulation or holds the switch off until VOUT falls out of regulation.Because the inductor peak current is fixed , this control scheme makes inductor selection easier; you only need to size the inductor core to meet the fixed limit. Also, because the peak current is fixed, the peak-to-peak ripple is reduced over the standard PFM, although the noise spectrum still varies with the load.Figure 7. Adding feedback and controlThe pulse-width modulation, or PWM, control technique maintains a constant switching frequency and varies the ratio of charge cycle to discharge cycle as the load varies.This technique affords high efficiency over a wide load range. In addition, because the switching frequency is fixed, the noise spectrum is relatively narrow, allowing simple low-pass filter techniques to greatly reduce the peak-to-peak voltage ripple. For this same reason, PWM is popular with telecom applications where noise interference is of concern. Figure 8 shows an example of the clocked PFM control scheme. VOUT is fed back through a voltage dividerto one input of a comparator whose other input is connected to a reference voltage. When the divided-down VOUT falls below VREF, the comparator gates the square-wave oscillator to the switch. This causes it to rapidly open and close, storing energy in the inductor and transferring it to the output capacitor in each cycle.Figure 8. Clocked pulse-frequen cy modulationThe current-limited minimum-off-time PFM scheme, depicted in Figure 9, is a bit more complicated. As with the clocked PFM, VOUT is fed back through a voltage divider to one input of a comparator whose other input is connected to a reference. The output of this comparator controls the trigger of a one-shot multivibrator. Another comparator looks at the peak inductor current as a voltage across a current sense resistor in the source of the N-channel MOSFET switch. When the output is out of regulation, the SR flip-flop turns the NMOS switch on until the voltage across the current sense resistor is equal to the reference voltage. The flip-flop resets,turning off the NMOS switch, the one-shot timer is triggered, and the switch remains off for the duration ofthe one shot, usually 1 microsecond. If the output voltage limiting comparator is still indicating an out-of-regulation condition, the flip-flop sets again and the cycle repeats itself.Figure 9. Current-limited minimum-off-time pulse-frequency modulationPulse-width modulation comes in a couple of different flavors. In voltage-mode PWM, shown in Figure 10, the divided-down output voltage is fedto an amplifier whose output is the difference between a voltage reference and the divided-down output voltage. This "error voltage" sets the threshold of a comparator whose other input is connected to a ramp generator. The output of the comparator drives the main switch. On a cycle-by-cycle basis, the greater the error voltage, the higher the comparator threshold on the comparator, and the longer the switch is held on.As the switch is held on longer, the peak current in the inductor is allowed toclimb higher, storing more energy to serve the load and maintain regulation.Figure 10. Voltage-mode pulse-width modulationCurrent-mode pulse-width modulation (Figure 11) works in a similar fashion but with a key difference. As with the voltage-mode PWM, the divided-down VOUT is fed to a different amplifier whose output is the difference between the fed-back VOUT and a voltage reference. However, instead of setting the threshold on a ramp generator, this scheme employs a current sense resistor to sense theinductor current and flip-flop to control the switch. With each cycle, the switch is turned on by a pulse oscillator and the current in the inductor ramps up to the threshold set by the error voltage. This control scheme tends to be a bit easier to stabilize than the voltage-mode PWM.Figure 11. Current-mode pulse-width modulationIn striving for maximum efficiency, one of the largest power-loss factors to consider is that through the diode. The power dissipated is simply the forward voltage drop multiplied by the current going through it. This power dissipation (loss) reduces overall efficiency.To minimize this loss, most DC-DC switching regulator circuits use Schottky-type diodes whose relatively low forward voltage drop and high speed minimize losses. However, for maximum efficiency, you can use a switch in place of the diode.This is known as "synchronous rectification" (see Figures 12 and 13). The synchronous rectifier switch is open when the main switch is closed, and thesame is true conversely. To prevent "crowbar" current that would flow if both switches were closed at the same time, the switching scheme must be break-before-make. Because of this, the diode is still required to conduct the first bit of current during the interval between the opening of the main switch andthe closing of the synchronous rectifier switch.Figure 12. Synchronous rectificationFigure 13. Example: Synchronous rectified buck regulatorAnother variant of PWM is the Idle-Mode PWM scheme (Figure 14). This technique combines the best of PFM's efficiency at light loads and PWM's efficiency and low-noise characteristics at higher loads. Thus, at light loads it acts similar to a PFM, skipping pulses as necessary, and at higher loads it acts as a PWM, affording the maximum efficiency over the widest possible load range.Figure 14. Idle Mode PWMIn Figure 15, we see that the efficiency with Idle-Mode PWM is greater than 90% with V+ = 6V from 20mA or to just over 5A!Figure 15. Efficiency with Idle Mode。