R8C系列简介 Chinese presentation
瑞萨R8C:达到16位高性能的8位微控制器4位740380007600740族H8/300H H8/300L H8/300L 超低功耗H8族8位16位32位CISCH8S/2100H8S/2200H8S/2300H8S/2400H8S/2500H8S/2600H8S族H8/TinyM16C/TinyR8C/Tiny32引脚~80引脚20引脚~80引脚M16C/30M16C/60M16C/80M32C/80M32C/90R32C/100M16C族H8SX/1500H8SX/1600H8SX族SH/TinySH2-DSP SH-1SH-2SH3-DSP SH-3SH-4SH-4A SuperH族开发中MMU超标量体系结构控制器类型处理器类型按CPU内核展开单周期指令32位RISC SH-2A M32R族M32R/ECU7204500单周期指令单周期指令48引脚~80引脚TinyTiny瑞萨MCU的发展蓝图“”是什么?“”是瑞萨MCU的一个品牌名,它具有成本低、引脚少及封装小型化等特点。
20引脚~80引脚1. 高性能CPU (16bit及以上),小型化封装,2. 高可靠性闪存(可在工厂出货时写入)3. 具有高性能的常用外围功能,以削减应用系统成本。
4. 系列产品之间具备下列共同点,可使系列之间兼容无障碍。
-低成本开发工具-统一的通用外围功能-网站技术支持-简单的OS、中间件支持等“”MCU包括H8/Tiny 系列、R8C/Tiny 系列、M16C/Tiny 系列和SH/Tiny 系列。
无障碍的共通性H8 TINY R8C TINY M16C TINY SH TINY网站提供强大的技术支持低成本的开发环境简单的实时OS中间件、解决方案(加密、TCP-IP等)外围功能的标准化规格入门套件、低价CPU板R8C/Tiny系列产品概念【产品概念】-产品全部为低价位的闪存MCU (可在工厂出货时写入)-由于采用16bit内核,具有强大的运算处理能力(最大工作频率:20MHz)-具备丰富的产品线:20~80pin/4~128KB -内置易于使用的高性能外围功能(高速片内振荡器、通用的定时器、SSU/I 2C、D/A转换、数据闪存)-特别适合C语言编程的高ROM代码效率-低功耗工作-低价位的开发环境:提供On-chip 调试器、入门套件、CPU板等-提供丰富的支持信息(网页、应用笔记、各种手册等)R8CCPU名称族名R8C/TinyR8C/10, 11, 12, 13, 14…系列名R: Renesas 瑞萨8: 内部总线宽度(CPU: 16bit)C: 轻巧型(同M16C族MCU)Tiny: 少引脚, 小型闪存MCUM16C族(M16C 平台)R8C/Tiny系列发展图R8C/Tiny系列MCU 的特有功能■R8C/Tiny具有高性能的CPU、低功耗和高性能的外围功能。
RC001-NMS2 从网管模块...............................................................................................................3
AGENT 程序......................................................................................................................................3
配置 IP 地址.............................................................................................................11
配置以太网接口自协商 ..........................................................................................11
3.4.2 用户管理 ....................................................................................................................................9
WizPro200Nx(有数量控制功能) 编程器使用说明(For 瑞萨系列MCU)版本 1.01本烧写器支持的芯片:1.1Renesas Flash MCU R8C系列、M32C系列MCU,支持序列号功能。
序列号为4个字节长度,其在Flash中存放的地址可由用户通过PC应用程序随意设定,同时序列号的初始值和累加量也由用户自己随意设定;2特点:2.1支持瑞萨(Renesas) R8Cxx系列MCU,包括:R8Cxxx、M16Cxx、M32Cxx系列等;2.2支持UART编程接口;2.3支持3.3V和5.0V接口电平;2.4支持裸片烧写或在板烧写(In-Circuit-Program、On-Board-Program);2.5支持脱机烧写,烧写时无需连接电脑,方便生产线使用;2.6USB通讯接口,方便连接电脑的连接;2.7自动编程优化,编程速度快;2.8支持序列号的设定,地址任意选择;2.9支持烧写数量控制功能(针对方案开发公司该功能可以控制客户烧写的芯片数量,而保证方案公司的利益;2.10操作简单,单键触发,蜂鸣器和LED提示烧写的结果;2.11支持USB在线升级Firmware,便于器件的更新和扩展;2.12可整合成1拖n的烧写平台,满足大批量生产的需要;3外观接口图:4指示灯和蜂明器:2.1 电源指示灯:编程器接通电源后指示灯点亮,表示电源正常;2.2 状态指示灯(红色和蓝色LED灯):2.2.1:编程器通过USB连接到电脑时,打开编程器的PC软件时蓝色和红色的LED灯点亮,同时蜂鸣器响2次长声;2.2.2 编程器下载程序后接上电源时:¾红色和蓝色指示灯交替闪烁:表示系统正进行内部数据校验;¾红色灯亮同时蜂鸣器响2次长声:表示系统内部数据校验失败,须连接电脑重新下载 程序才可正常烧写;¾蓝色灯亮同时蜂鸣器响1次长声;表示系统内部数据校验成功,可以开始烧写芯片;¾蜂鸣器长响1声(约1秒钟):说明编程器内部的Firmware有问题,需到我司网站下载 最新的Firmware或联络我司(我司网址:)2.2.3 编程器完成校验后开始编程时:¾蓝色红色指示灯交替闪烁,表示编程器正在对目标芯片进行编程器;¾红色灯亮同时蜂鸣器响3次短声:表示对目标芯片编程器失败,请作相应检查;¾蓝色灯亮同时蜂鸣器响1次长声:表示对目标芯片编程成功;5按键和接口说明:5.1白色按键:编程器按键,按一下按键系统就开始对目标芯片编程;5.2电源接口:接9~12V DC Adapter,>300mA即可,随机配有一个DC电源适配器;5.3USB接口:用于进行下载程序或在线编程以及编程器内部数据的更新和设定;5.4编程接口:用于对MCU进行编程,排线中箭头指向的一端的为第一脚,注意排线的插入方向(有防呆设计)。
Autodesk Nastran 2023 参考手册说明书
FILESPEC ............................................................................................................................................................ 13
DISPFILE ............................................................................................................................................................. 11
File Management Directives – Output File Specifications: .............................................................................. 5
BULKDATAFILE .................................................................................................................................................... 7
3. You should not alter, modify, copy, or otherwise misappropriate any Renesas Electronics product, whether in whole or in part.
符合IEC 60730安全合规标准的微控制器控制系统的设计
符合IEC 60730安全合规标准的微控制器控制系统的设计从事各种消费类设备的设计团队面临着满足相关安全标准的挑战,包括欧洲IEC 60730规范。
具体而言,IEC 60730-1标准解决了本规范附录H中基于MCU的控制系统的使用问题。
另请注意,IEC 60730背后的概念以及我们将在此讨论的技术可以应用于消费者设备应用之外。
合规方法有三种主要方法可以设计符合IEC 60730标准的基于MCU的系统。
ThinkServer TS140 用户手册 V1.2
其中ψ、θ、φ分别为四旋翼的偏航角、俯仰角、翻滚角;U1、 U2、U3、U4 为四控制输入量;l 为旋翼中心到四旋翼质心的距离。 四旋翼微型飞行平台呈十字形交叉,由4个独立电机驱动螺旋桨 组成,如图所示。当飞行器工作时,平台中心对角的螺旋桨转向 相同,相邻的螺旋桨转向相反。同时增加减小4个螺旋桨的速度,飞行器就垂直上下运动;相反的改 变中心对角的螺旋桨的速度,可以产生滚动、俯仰等运动。
2.1 四旋翼建模………………………………………………………………………………4 2.2 角度、高度 PID 算法……………………………………………………………………5 2.3 PID 算法参数整定……………………………………………………………………… 5
2.2 角度、高度 PID 算法
角度 PID 算法很大程度上参考了 APM(国外成熟开源飞控项目)的控制算法。它是采用的角度 P 和 角速度 PID 的双闭环 PID 算法。角度的误差被作为期望输入到角速度控制器中。双闭环 PID 相比传 统的单环 PID 来说性能有了极大的提升,笔者也曾经调试过传统的 PID 控制算法,即便参数经过了 精心调整和双环控制算法相比在控制效果上的差距依旧很大。无论是悬停的稳定性,打舵时的快速 跟随性和回正时的快速性上都是后者的效果明显优于前者。算法原理图详见附录。 高度开始采用了和角度一样的双环 PID, 但是调参过程中发现参数整定比较艰难, 所以更改为参数较 少的单环 PID,也可以达到较好的效果。
1.1 系统总体框架设计
本飞行器共分为八个模块:主控模 块、姿态模块、高度模块、循迹模块、 电机调速模块、铁片追踪、铁片运输模 块、摄像机模块。系统框图如图所示:
汽车仪表解决方案仪表MCU的特点分以下几个方面:1. 内嵌步进电机PWM控制器:可直接控制和驱动4-6个步进电机,无需外驱动器IC,因此可以节省成本和布局空间,具有优良的EMI/EMC性能;2. 内嵌LCD控制器:28/32段×4公共引脚,可以直接控制LCD,同样无需外置驱动器IC,因此可以节省成本和布局空间,具有优良的EMI/EMC性能;3. 高速CPU:单指令周期,20 MHz的H8S最小指令执行时间为50ns,而40MHz 的H8SX最小指令执行时间是25ns;4. 强大的定时器:片上16位定时器脉冲单元有三个16位定时器通道,包括输入捕捉、输出比较、PWM和相位计算。
Alienware m15Setup and Specifications Computer Model: Alienware m15Regulatory Model: P79FRegulatory Type: P79F001Notes, cautions, and warningsNOTE: A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your product.CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you how to avoid the problem.WARNING: A WARNING indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death.© 2018-2019 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. Dell, EMC, and other trademarks are trademarks of Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. Other trademarks may be trademarks of their respective owners.2019 - 03Rev. A02ContentsSet up your Alienware m15 (5)Create a USB recovery drive for Windows (6)Views of Alienware m15 (7)Right (7)Left (7)Base (8)Display (8)Back (9)Bottom (10)Specifications of Alienware m15 (11)Computer model (11)Dimensions and weight (11)Processors (11)Chipset (11)Operating system (12)Memory (12)Ports and connectors (12)Communications (13)Ethernet (13)Wireless module (13)Audio (13)Storage (14)Keyboard (14)Camera (15)Touchpad (15)Touchpad gestures (15)Power adapter (16)Battery (16)Display (17)Video (17)Computer environment (18)Hybrid power (19)Keyboard shortcuts (20)Alienware Command Center (21)3Getting help and contacting Alienware (22)Self-help resources (22)Contacting Alienware (22)4Set up your Alienware m15NOTE: The images in this document may differ from your computer depending on the configuration you ordered.1 Connect the power adapter and press the power button.2 Create recovery drive for Windows.NOTE: It is recommended to create a recovery drive to troubleshoot and fix problems that may occur withWindows.For more information, see Create a USB recovery drive for Windows.5Create a USB recovery drive for WindowsCreate a recovery drive to troubleshoot and fix problems that may occur with Windows. An empty USB flash drive with a minimum capacity of 16 GB is required to create the recovery drive.NOTE: This process may take up to an hour to complete.NOTE: The following steps may vary depending on the version of Windows installed. Refer to the Microsoft support site for latest instructions.1 Connect the USB flash drive to your computer.2 In Windows search, type Recovery.3 In the search results, click Create a recovery drive.The User Account Control window is displayed.4 Click Y es to continue.The Recovery Drive window is displayed.5 Select Back up system files to the recovery drive and click Next.6 Select the USB flash drive and click Next.A message appears, indicating that all data in the USB flash drive will be deleted.7 Click Create.8 Click Finish.For more information about reinstalling Windows using the USB recovery drive, see the Troubleshooting section of your product's Service Manual at /support/manuals.6Views of Alienware m15Right1USB 3.1 Gen 1 ports (2)Connect peripherals such as external storage devices and printers. Provides data transfer speeds up to 5 Gbps.Left1Security-cable slot (for Noble locks)Connect a security cable to prevent unauthorized movement of your computer.2Network portConnect an Ethernet (RJ45) cable from a router or a broadband modem for network or Internet access.3USB 3.1 Gen 1 port with PowerShareConnect peripherals such as external storage devices and printers.Provides data transfer speeds up to 5 Gbps. PowerShare enables you to charge your USB devices even when yourcomputer is turned off.NOTE: If your computer is turned off or in hibernate state, you must connect the power adapter to charge your devices using the PowerShare port. Y ou must enable this feature in the BIOS setup program.NOTE: Certain USB devices may not charge when the computer is turned off or in sleep state. In such cases,turn on the computer to charge the device.4Headset portConnect headphones or a headset (headphone and microphone combo).7Base1Power button (Alienhead)Press to turn on the computer if it is turned off, in sleep state, or in hibernate state.Press to put the computer in sleep state if it is turned on.Press and hold for 4 seconds to force shut-down the computer.NOTE: Y ou can customize the power-button behavior in Power Options.2Right-click areaPress to right-click.3Left-click areaPress to left-click.4TouchpadMove your finger on the touchpad to move the mouse pointer. Tap to left-click and two finger tap to right-click. Display81Left microphoneProvides digital sound input for audio recording and voice calls.2CameraEnables you to video chat, capture photos, and record videos.3Camera-status lightTurns on when the camera is in use.4Right microphoneProvides digital sound input for audio recording and voice calls.Back1HDMI portConnect to a TV or another HDMI-in enabled device. Provides video and audio output.2Mini DisplayPortConnect to a TV or another DisplayPort-in enabled device. Provides video and audio output.3Thunderbolt 3 (USB Type-C) portSupports USB 3.1 Gen 2, DisplayPort 1.2, Thunderbolt 3 and also enables you to connect to an external display using a display adapter.Provides data transfer rates up to 10 Gbps for USB 3.1 Gen 2 and up to 40 Gbps for Thunderbolt 3.NOTE: A USB Type-C to DisplayPort adapter (sold separately) is required to connect a DisplayPort device.4External graphics portConnect an Alienware Graphics Amplifier to enhance the graphics performance.5Power-adapter portConnect a power adapter to provide power to your computer and charge the battery.9Bottom1Right speakerProvides audio output.2Service Tag labelThe Service Tag is a unique alphanumeric identifier that enables Dell service technicians to identify the hardware components in your computer and access warranty information.3Left speakerProvides audio output.10Specifications of Alienware m15 Computer modelAlienware m15Dimensions and weightTable 1. Dimensions and weightProcessorsTable 2. Processor specificationsChipsetTable 3. Chipset specificationsOperating system•Windows 10 Home (64-bit)•Windows 10 Professional (64-bit) MemoryTable 4. Memory specificationsPorts and connectorsTable 5. External ports and connectors specificationsTable 7. Internal ports and connectors specificationsCommunicationsEthernetTable 8. Ethernet specificationsWireless moduleTable 9. Wireless module specificationsAudioTable 10. Audio specificationsStorageY our computer supports one of the following configurations:•One 2.5-inch hard drives•One M.2 PCIe solid-state drive•One M.2 PCIe solid-state drive and one 2.5-inch hard drive•One M.2 Intel Optane and one 2.5-inch hard drive•Two M.2 PCIe solid-state drivesNOTE: The primary drive of your computer varies depending on the storage configuration. For computers:•with a M.2 drive, the M.2 drive is the primary drive.•without M.2 drive, the 2.5-inch drive is the primary drive.Table 11. Storage specificationsKeyboardTable 12. Keyboard specificationsCameraTable 13. Camera specificationsTouchpadTable 14. Touchpad specificationsTouchpad gesturesFor more information about touchpad gestures for Windows 10, see the Microsoft knowledge base article 4027871 at .Power adapterTable 15. Power adapter specificationsNOTE: Alienware m15 supports Hybrid power feature during heavy loading. For more information, see Hybrid power.BatteryTable 16. Battery specificationsNOTE: Alienware m15 supports Hybrid power feature during heavy loading. For more information, see Hybrid power.DisplayTable 17. Display specificationsVideoTable 18. Discrete graphics specificationsTable 19. Integrated graphics specificationsComputer environmentAirborne contaminant level: G1 as defined by ISA-S71.04-1985 Table 20. Computer environment* Measured using a random vibration spectrum that simulates user environment.† Measured using a 2 ms half-sine pulse when the hard drive is in use.‡ Measured using a 2 ms half-sine pulse when the hard-drive head is in parked position.Hybrid powerThe Hybrid power feature enables your computer to function optimally during the following instances of heavy loading. Examples of heavy loading include:•Graphics and processor-intensive applications and/or gaming•External power loading from devices relying on your computer as a power source such as gaming mice, keyboards, external speakers, and headsetsWhen during instances of heavy loading, system performance is maintained through hybrid power. Hybrid power coordinates the power drawn from the power adapter and battery, allowing power to be drawn from the battery for up to five percent per hour with the power adapter plugged in. This feature is disabled when the battery falls below 20 percent charge.The following table shows the different scenarios and benefits of hybrid power:Table 21. Hybrid power feature descriptionKeyboard shortcutsNOTE: Keyboard characters may differ depending on the keyboard language configuration. Keys used for shortcuts remain the same across all language configurations.NOTE: Y ou can define the primary behavior of the function keys (F1–F12) by changing Function Key Behavior in BIOS setup program.Table 22. List of keyboard shortcutsTable 23. List of Macro keysAlienware Command CenterAlienware Command Center (AWCC) provides a single interface to customize and enhance the gaming experience. The AWCC dashboard displays most recently played or added games, and provides game-specific information, themes, profiles, and access to computer settings. Y ou can quickly access settings such as game-specific profiles and themes, lighting, macros, and audio that are critical to the gaming experience.AWCC also supports AlienFX 2.0. AlienFX enables you to create, assign, and share game-specific lighting maps to enhance the gaming experience. It also enables you to create your own individual lighting effects and apply them to the computer or attached peripherals. AWCC embeds Peripheral Controls to ensure a unified experience and the ability to link these settings to your computer or game.AWCC supports the following features:•FX: Create and manage the AlienFX zones.•Fusion: Includes the ability to adjust game-specific Power Management, Sound Management, and Thermal Management features.•Peripheral Management: Enables peripherals to appear in and be managed in Alienware Command Center. Supports key peripheral settings and associates with other functions such as profiles, macros, AlienFX, and game library.AWCC also supports Sound Management, Thermal Controls, CPU, GPU, Memory (RAM) monitoring. For more information about AWCC, see the Alienware Command Center Online Help.21Getting help and contacting AlienwareSelf-help resourcesY ou can get information and help on Alienware products and services using these online self-help resources: Table 24. Alienware products and online self-help resourcesIn Windows search, typeContacting AlienwareTo contact Alienware for sales, technical support, or customer service issues, see .NOTE: Availability varies by country/region and product, and some services may not be available in your country/ region.NOTE: If you do not have an active Internet connection, you can find contact information about your purchase invoice, packing slip, bill, or Dell product catalog.22。
英特尔 服务器主板 S3000AH 说明书
Consignes de sécurité
Lisez attention toutes les consignes de sécurité et les mises en garde indiquées dans ce document avant de suivre toute instruction. Consultez Intel Server Boards and Server Chassis Safety Information sur le Intel® Server Deployment Toolkit 2.0 CD ou bien rendez-vous sur le site /support/motherboards/server/sb/cs010770.htm.
英特尔 ® 服务器主板 S3000AH 用户指南
Hale Waihona Puke vvi英特尔 ® 服务器主板 S3000AH 用户指南
感谢您购买和使用英特尔 ® 服务器主板 S3000AH。 本手册面向负责对该服务器主板进行故障排除、升级和修复的系统技术人员。本 文档概述了主板 / 机箱的功能、提供了附件或您可能需要的其他组件的列表、故障 排除信息以及有关如何在文档标题上添加和更换组件的说明。若要获取本手册的 最新版本,请访问 /support/cn/motherboards/server/S3000AH/
如果您需要有关本产品的更多信息,或有关本服务器主板可用附件的信息,请使 用以下资源。可从 /support/cn/motherboards/server/S3000AH/ 获得这些文件。 除非在下表中另有说明,否则,请在该 Web 页屏幕左侧的搜索栏中键入文档名称 或软件名称,然后选择搜索 “本产品”的选项。 表 1. 其他信息和软件
RSP1 雷达信号处理器规格书
Rቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱP1 雷达信号处理器规格书
BEYD 深圳市佰誉达科技有限公司 2014/12/11
特点 .................................................................................................................................. 3 1.应用 ............................................................................................................................. 3 2.描述 ................................................................................
【摘要】瑞萨电子株式会社推出六个新型第四代(X4代)、基于V850系列的S 系列微控制器(MCU).该微控制器适用于汽车信息娱乐系统和网络。
1.V850E2/Fx4-L:MCU [J],
2.ST推出高性能STM32 F-2系列MCU并发布全新MCU发展蓝图 [J], 韩霜
60MIPS闪存性能 [J],
4.瑞萨R8C/Lx系列和78K0/Lx3系列MCU的活动监视器(高端)应用方案 [J],
5.Microchip旗下AVR单片机(MCU)产品线再添三个新的tinyAVR MCU系列[J],
西门子 S7-1200 功能安全手册 - 设备手册说明书
SIMATICS7S7-1200 功能安全手册设备手册Siemens AGDigital IndustriesⓅ 10/2022 本公司保留更改的权利 Copyright © Siemens AG 2022. 保留所有权利法律资讯警告提示系统为了您的人身安全以及避免财产损失,必须注意本手册中的提示。
按规定使用 Siemens 产品请注意下列说明:警告Siemens 产品只允许用于目录和相关技术文件中规定的使用情况。
如果要使用其他公司的产品和组件,必须得到 Siemens 推荐和允许。
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瑞萨单片机M16C, R8C 有效的编程技术(培训资料)
M16C族编程技巧(M3T-NC30WA 工具链)2005年2月M3T-NC30WA 特点•支持MCU M16C 族-M16C/60, 30, 20, 10, R8C/Tiny 系列.•性能(Performance) 可以减小ROM大小的辅助功能强大的提高代码效率的优化功能•存储器型号(Memory model) 支持每个变量的near/far限定词•扩展功能(Extended functions)支持嵌入式系统的#pragma指令 •附加工具(Attached tools)IDE -TM 和HEW, 结构汇编器(Structured assembler) 和模拟器(Simulator).M3T-NC30WA存储器分配(Memory allocation )near/far#pragma ADDRESS #pragma BITADDRESS #pragma SECTION #pragma STRUCTetc减小ROM 大小(Reducing ROM size )#pragma SBDATA #pragma SPECIAL #pragma JSRA/JSRW#pragma BIT UTLxx etc 其他#pragma INTERRUPT #pragma PARAMETER #pragma ASM/ENDASM #pragma INTCALLasm( ) etcRTOS#pragma ALMHANDLER #pragma CYCHANDLER #pragma INTHANDLER #pragma TASK提高性能!减小系统消耗(Reduce OS overhead )给不同系统分配存储器!#pragma 扩展功能(Extended Functions)NEAR 修饰符–000000H ~ 00FFFFH 区域FAR 修饰符–000000H ~0FFFFFH 区域每个变量都有Near 和far指定near/far默认ROM areaSFRRAM areanear RAM far ROMFFFF1Mbytesnear areafar areaint near i;int far j;注意: 程序已固定far 属性FFFF默认是NEAR 指针j i *i int * i ;k*k int far * k;FFFFint far * far j ;*j#pragma ADDRESS port 03ECH#pragma ADDRESS base 100H extern int base;#pragma ADDRESS base2 _base+2H extern int base2;#pragma ADDRESS base3 _base+4H extern int base4;不仅对I/O 变量,对RAM 中的变量也很方便.Same as#define base *(volatile int *)0x100#pragma 地址指定变量的绝对地址 可以被用作设定SFR 区#pragma INTERRUPT /B func()Using bank registersvoid func( void ){}R0FB R1R2A0R3A1将后寄存器切换到前寄存器R0FB R1R2A0R3A1R0FBR1R2A0R3A1SB将寄存器切换到后寄存器R0FB R1R2A0R3A1SB声明中断处理器(interrupt handler) /B 使中断处理加快#pragma INTERRUPT /E func() 允许中断(FSET I) 保存寄存器获得自动变量区 释放自动变量区 恢复寄存器 REITvoid func(void){}出口入口/E 允许多个中断支持可以通过下列方式指定中断向量表号#pragma INTERRUPT Vector number Function_nameOr#pragma INTERRUPT Function_name(vect= Vector number )使用编译选项–fmake_vector_table 自动生成变量中断表.#pragma INTERRUPT timerA0(vect=21)void timerA0(void){}.section __NC_rvector,ROMDATA .rvector 21,_timerA0asm function汇编语言可以被直接包含在C 程序中格式是asm(““). 例如: asm(“FSETI”); 使用“$$, $b, $@”来参考参数或自动变量.用户不需要考虑变量的存储类(storage class).asm(“mov.w R0,$@”, value );FB offsetSymbol Register-2[FB]_value R0对于变量:对于位字段:asm(“bset $b”, bit.b1 );Bit position,Symbol1,_bit可以在C 中编写长汇编源代码.int asmRoutine(int arg){return work;分配工作区供汇编代码使用.int work;将工作区的偏移(offset)设置在堆栈上asm (“在#pragma ASM 和#pragma ENDASM 之间编写长汇编源程序.#pragma ASMmov.w R0,work[FB]...#pragma ENDASM注意1 : 不要破坏asm 函数中的寄存器.int func(long arg){register int ret=0;#pragma ASMmov.l #00000000H,R2R0mov.l #_addr,A0mov.l #_addr2,A1mov.w _counter,R3rmpa.wmov.l R2R0,_result #pragma ENDASM………..return ret;}参考并修改寄存器保存寄存器恢复寄存器pushm R0,R2,R3,A0,A1popm R0,R2,R3,A0,A1注意2 : 不要写入会引起汇编源程序控制流混乱的转移(branch)指令。
危险! 意味着如果安全预防措施被忽视,则会导致人员死亡,严重的人身伤害,或 严重的设备损坏。
警告! 意味着如果安全预防措施被忽视,则可能导致人员死亡,严重的人身伤害, 或严重的设备损坏。
版本: R1.02 P/N: ZL_ZNKZ3041.1402
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PCS-221G-G-H2 常规采样合并单元
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警示! 意味着如果安全预防措施被忽视,则可能导致轻微的人身伤害或设备损坏。 本条特别适用于对装置的损坏及可能对被保护设备的损坏。
为增强或修改现有功能,装置的软硬件均可能升级,请确认此版本使用手册和您购买的产品相 兼容。
瑞萨 r8c 2g群 硬件手册
RCJ09B0054-0100瑞萨单片机M16C 族/R8C/Tiny 系列本资料所记载的内容,均为本资料发行时的信息,瑞萨科技对于本资料所记载的产品或者规格可能会作改动,恕不另行通知。
Notes regarding these materialsNotes regarding these materials1. This document is provided for reference purposes only so that Renesas customers may select the appropriateRenesas products for their use. Renesas neither makes warranties or representations with respect to theaccuracy or completeness of the information contained in this document nor grants any license to anyintellectual property rights or any other rights of Renesas or any third party with respect to the information inthis document.2. Renesas shall have no liability for damages or infringement of any intellectual property or other rights arisingout of the use of any information in this document, including, but not limited to, product data, diagrams, charts,programs, algorithms, and application circuit examples.3. You should not use the products or the technology described in this document for the purpose of militaryapplications such as the development of weapons of mass destruction or for the purpose of any other militaryuse. When exporting the products or technology described herein, you should follow the applicable exportcontrol laws and regulations, and procedures required by such laws and regulations.4. All information included in this document such as product data, diagrams, charts, programs, algorithms, andapplication circuit examples, is current as of the date this document is issued. Such information, however, issubject to change without any prior notice. Before purchasing or using any Renesas products listed in thisdocument, please confirm the latest product information with a Renesas sales office. Also, please pay regularand careful attention to additional and different information to be disclosed by Renesas such as that disclosedthrough our website. ( )5. Renesas has used reasonable care in compiling the information included in this document, but Renesasassumes no liability whatsoever for any damages incurred as a result of errors or omissions in the informationincluded in this document.6. When using or otherwise relying on the information in this document, you should evaluate the information inlight of the total system before deciding about the applicability of such information to the intended application.Renesas makes no representations, warranties or guaranties regarding the suitability of its products for anyparticular application and specifically disclaims any liability arising out of the application and use of theinformation in this document or Renesas products.7. With the exception of products specified by Renesas as suitable for automobile applications, Renesasproducts are not designed, manufactured or tested for applications or otherwise in systems the failure ormalfunction of which may cause a direct threat to human life or create a risk of human injury or which requireespecially high quality and reliability such as safety systems, or equipment or systems for transportation andtraffic, healthcare, combustion control, aerospace and aeronautics, nuclear power, or undersea communicationtransmission. If you are considering the use of our products for such purposes, please contact a Renesassales office beforehand. Renesas shall have no liability for damages arising out of the uses set forth above.8. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, you should not use Renesas products for the purposes listed below:(1) artificial life support devices or systems(2) surgical implantations(3) healthcare intervention (e.g., excision, administration of medication, etc.)(4) any other purposes that pose a direct threat to human lifeRenesas shall have no liability for damages arising out of the uses set forth in the above and purchasers whoelect to use Renesas products in any of the foregoing applications shall indemnify and hold harmless RenesasTechnology Corp., its affiliated companies and their officers, directors, and employees against any and alldamages arising out of such applications.9. You should use the products described herein within the range specified by Renesas, especially with respectto the maximum rating, operating supply voltage range, movement power voltage range, heat radiationcharacteristics, installation and other product characteristics. Renesas shall have no liability for malfunctions ordamages arising out of the use of Renesas products beyond such specified ranges.10. Although Renesas endeavors to improve the quality and reliability of its products, IC products have specificcharacteristics such as the occurrence of failure at a certain rate and malfunctions under certain useconditions. Please be sure to implement safety measures to guard against the possibility of physical injury, andinjury or damage caused by fire in the event of the failure of a Renesas product, such as safety design forhardware and software including but not limited to redundancy, fire control and malfunction prevention,appropriate treatment for aging degradation or any other applicable measures. Among others, since theevaluation of microcomputer software alone is very difficult, please evaluate the safety of the final products orsystem manufactured by you.11. In case Renesas products listed in this document are detached from the products to which the Renesasproducts are attached or affixed, the risk of accident such as swallowing by infants and small children is veryhigh. You should implement safety measures so that Renesas products may not be easily detached from yourproducts. Renesas shall have no liability for damages arising out of such detachment.12. This document may not be reproduced or duplicated, in any form, in whole or in part, without prior writtenapproval from Renesas.13. Please contact a Renesas sales office if you have any questions regarding the information contained in thisdocument, Renesas semiconductor products, or if you have any other inquiries.关于利用本资料时的注意事项 1. 䌘 Ўњ䅽⫼ ḍ ⫼䗨䗝 䗖ⱘ ѻ ⱘ 㗗䌘 ˈ Ѣ 䌘 Ё 䆄䕑ⱘ ˈ 䴲ⴔ 㗙ϝ㗙ⱘⶹ䆚ѻ Ҫ 䆕 䖯㸠ⱘ 䇎DŽ2. Ѣ Փ⫼ 䌘 䆄䕑ⱘѻ ǃ ǃ㸼ǃ ǃㅫ⊩ Ҫ ⫼⬉䏃՟㗠 䍋ⱘ 㗙 ϝ㗙ⱘⶹ䆚ѻ Ҫ 䗴 ⢃ˈ ϡ ӏԩ䋷ӏDŽ3. ϡ㛑 䌘 䆄䕑ⱘѻ ⫼Ѣ 㾘⸈ ℺ ⱘ ㄝⳂⱘǃ џⳂⱘ Ҫⱘ 䳔⫼䗨 䴶DŽˈ 乏䙉 ⱘlj ∛ 䌌 ⊩NJ Ҫ ⱘⳌ ⊩Ҹ 㸠䖭ѯ⊩ҸЁ㾘 ⱘ 㽕㓁DŽ4. 䌘 䆄䕑ⱘѻ ǃ ǃ㸼ǃ ǃㅫ⊩ҹ Ҫ ⫼⬉䏃՟ㄝ Ў 䌘 㸠 ⱘ ˈ㛑 џ 䗮ⶹⱘ ϟˈ 䌘 䆄䕑ⱘѻ 㗙ѻ 㾘Ḑ䖯㸠 DŽ ҹ 䌁ф Փ⫼ⱘ ԧѻ П ˈ䇋џ ⱘ㧹Ϯに ⹂䅸 ⱘ 㒣 ⬭ 䗮䖛 Џ义()ㄝ ⱘ DŽ5. Ѣ 䌘 Ё 䆄䕑ⱘ ˈ Ӏ 䆕 ⠜ ⱘ㊒⹂ ˈԚϡ 䌘 ⱘ 䗄ϡ 㗠㟈Փ乒䙁 ㄝⱘӏԩⳌ 䋷ӏDŽ6. Փ⫼ 䌘 䆄䕑ⱘѻ ǃ ǃ㸼ㄝ ⼎ⱘ ǃ ǃㅫ⊩ Ҫ ⫼⬉䏃՟ ˈϡҙ㽕Փ⫼ⱘ 䖯㸠 ⣀䆘Ӌˈ䖬㽕 Ͼ㋏㒳䖯㸠 ⱘ䆘ӋDŽ䇋乒 㞾㸠䋳䋷ˈ䖯㸠 䗖⫼ⱘ DŽѢ 䗖⫼ϡ䋳ӏԩ䋷ӏDŽ7. 䌘 Ё 䆄䕑ⱘѻ 䴲䩜 ϛϔ ⦄ 䱰 䫭䇃䖤㸠 Ӯ 㚕 Ҏⱘ⫳ 㒭Ҏԧ ⱘ ǃ㋏㒳 ⾡ 㺙㕂 㗙䖤䕧Ѹ䗮⫼ⱘǃ ⭫ǃ➗⚻ ǃ㟾 ẄǃḌ㛑ǃ⍋ Ё㒻⫼ⱘ ㋏㒳ㄝ㗠䆒䅵 䗴ⱘ ⡍ Ѣ 䋼 䴴 㽕∖ 催ⱘ ㋏㒳ㄝ˄ ⫼Ѣ≑䔺 䴶ⱘѻ ⫼Ѣ≑䔺 䰸 ˅DŽ 㽕⫼ѢϞ䗄ⱘⳂⱘˈ䇋 џ ⱘ㧹Ϯに 䆶DŽ ˈ Ѣ⫼ѢϞ䗄Ⳃⱘ㗠䗴 ⱘ ㄝˈ ὖϡ䋳䋷DŽ8. 䰸Ϟ䗄 乍 ˈϡ㛑 䌘 Ё䆄䕑ⱘѻ ⫼Ѣҹϟ⫼䗨DŽ ⫼Ѣҹϟ⫼䗨㗠䗴 ⱘ ˈὖϡ䋳䋷DŽ1˅⫳ 㓈 㺙㕂DŽ2˅ỡ ѢҎԧՓ⫼ⱘ㺙㕂DŽ3˅⫼Ѣ⊏⭫˄ 䰸 䚼ǃ㒭㥃ㄝ˅ⱘ㺙㕂DŽ4˅ ҪⳈ Ҏⱘ⫳ ⱘ㺙㕂DŽ9. Փ⫼ 䌘 䆄䕑ⱘѻ ˈ Ѣ 乱 ǃ ⬉⑤⬉ ⱘ㣗 ǃ ⛁⡍ ǃ 㺙 ӊ Ҫ ӊ䇋㾘 ⱘ 䆕㣗 Փ⫼DŽ 䍙 њ 㾘 ⱘ 䆕㣗 Փ⫼ ˈ Ѣ⬅ℸ㗠䗴 ⱘ 䱰 ⦄ⱘџ ˈ ϡ ӏԩ䋷ӏDŽ10. ϔⳈ㟈 Ѣ 催ѻ ⱘ䋼䞣 䴴 ˈԚϔ㠀 䇈ˈ ԧѻ Ӯҹϔ ⱘὖ⥛ ⫳ 䱰ǃ 㗙⬅ѢՓ⫼ ӊϡ 㗠 ⦄䫭䇃䖤㸠ㄝDŽЎњ䙓 ⱘѻ ⫳ 䱰 㗙䫭䇃䖤㸠㗠 㟈Ҏ䑿џ ☿♒䗴 ⼒Ӯ ⱘ ˈ 㛑㞾㸠䋳䋷䖯㸠 ԭ䆒䅵ǃ䞛 ⚻ ㄪ 䖯㸠䰆ℶ䫭䇃䖤㸠ㄝⱘ 䆒䅵˄ ⹀ӊ 䕃ӊϸ 䴶ⱘ䆒䅵˅ҹ 㗕 ⧚ㄝˈ䖭 Ў ㋏㒳ⱘ 䆕DŽ⡍ ⠛ ⱘ䕃ӊˈ⬅Ѣ ⣀䖯㸠偠䆕 䲒ˈ ҹ㽕∖ 乒 䗴ⱘ 㒜ⱘ ㋏㒳Ϟ䖯㸠 Ẕ偠 DŽ11. 䌘 䆄䕑ⱘѻ Ң 䕑ԧ䆒 Ϟ ϟˈ 㛑䗴 䇃 ⱘ 䰽DŽ乒 ѻ 㺙乒 ⱘ䆒 Ϟ ˈ䇋乒 㞾㸠䋳䋷 ѻ 䆒㕂Ўϡ 㨑ⱘ 䆒䅵DŽ Ң乒 ⱘ䆒 Ϟ 㨑㗠䗴 џ ˈ ϡ ӏԩ䋷ӏDŽ12. ⱘџ к䴶䅸 ˈϡ 䌘 ⱘϔ䚼 㗙 䚼䕀䕑 㗙 DŽ13. 䳔㽕њ㾷 Ѣ 䌘 ⱘ䆺㒚 ˈ 㗙 Ҫ ⱘ䯂乬ˈ䇋 ⱘ㧹Ϯに 䆶DŽѢ ⫼ 䌘 ⱘ⊼ џ乍⊼ 㗗䆥 ˈ 义 䕑㣅 ⠜“Cautions” ℷ DŽ产品使用时的注意事项此处,对适用于所有单片机产品的“使用注意事项”进行了说明。
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(1)在R8C/Tiny系列中第一次采用1.8 V低电压操作
新的MCU将较早的R8C/Tiny系列型号的工作电压下限从2.2 V降低到了1.8 V。
工作电压范围已扩展到1.8 V至5.5 V,可以支持
此外,由于数据闪存容量已增加到总共4 KB(四个块每个1 KB),相当于较早
3个新家族均采用16位R8C CPU。
a. R8C/35A:52引脚封装,数据闪存,D/A转换器
b. R8C/33A:32引脚封装,数据闪存,D/A转换器
c. R8C/32A:20引脚封装,数据闪存,无D/A转换器
3个新家族将工作电压下限从较早的R8C/Tiny系列型号的2.2 V降低至1.8 V。
工作电压范围已扩展到1.8 V至5.5 V。