The Tale of Peter Rabbit
世界著名儿童绘本书目(以出版年份为序)1、1902《比得兔的故事》原书名:The Tale of Peter RabbitThe Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter (Frederick Warne, 1902) 9,380,274作者:(英)比阿特丽克斯·波特(Beatrix Potter)/文·图原出版社及初版日期:Frederick Warne & Co.1902☆出版周刊2001年统计最畅销童书第二位(另一项全球版本统计为45million,名列图画书第一)* 《小本杰明兔的故事》The Tale of Benjamin Bunny (1904)* 《两只坏老鼠的故事》The Tale of Two Bad Mice (1904)* 《杰里米·渔夫先生的故事》The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher (1906)* 《汤姆·猫咪的故事》The Tale of Tom Kitten (1907)* 《杰米玛·帕德尔鸭的故事》The Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck (1908)* 《弗家小兔的故事》The Tale of the Flopsy Bunnies (1909)* 《城里老鼠强尼的故事》The Tale of Johnny Town-Mouse (1918)2、1928 《100万只猫》原书名:Millions of Cats作者:(美)婉达·盖格(Wanda Gág)/文·图原出版社及初版日期:Coward, McCann. 1928☆1929年纽伯瑞奖银奖Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs by Wanda Gág (Coward) ☆1939年凯迪克银奖3、1939《爱花的牛》The Story of Ferdinand(美)曼罗·里夫/文(美)罗伯特·劳森/图☆一本曾在许多国家被禁的图画书!4、1939《玛德琳》原书名:Madeline作者:(美)路德威格·比梅尔曼斯(Ludwig Bemelmans)/文·图原出版社及初版日期:The Viking Prese.1939☆1940年凯迪克奖银奖5、1941《让路给小鸭子》原书名:Make Way for Ducklings作者:(美)罗伯特·麦克克洛茨基(Robert McCloskey)/文·图原出版社及初版日期:Viking Press . 1941☆1942年凯迪克奖金奖6、1942《世界上最慢的小狗》(美)珍妮特·斯伯林·劳瑞/文(美)古斯塔夫·滕格伦/图The Poky Little Puppy by Janette Sebring Lowrey (Golden,金色童书1942) 14,898,341☆出版周刊2001年统计最畅销童书第一位7、1942《小房子》原书名:The Little House作者:(美)弗吉利亚·李·伯顿(Virginia Lee Burton )/文·图原出版社及初版日期:Houghton Mifflin Company.1942☆1943年凯迪克奖金奖《迈克·马力甘和他的蒸汽挖土机》(1939)、《凯迪和一场很大的雪》(1943)、《生命的故事》(1962)8、1942《逃家小兔》原书名:The Runaway Bunny作者:(美)玛格莉特·怀兹·布朗(Margaret Wise Brown)/文,(美)克雷门·赫德(Clement Hurd)/图原出版社及初版日期:Harper & Row,Publishers,Inc.,New York. 19428、1944《在森林里》原书名:In the Forest作者:(美)玛丽·霍尔·伊特斯(Marie Hall Ets)/文·图原出版社及初版日期:The Viking Prese.1944☆1945年凯迪克奖银奖10、1945《赶雪节的铃铛》(瑞士)莎琳娜·柯恩斯/文阿洛伊斯·卡瑞吉特/图☆卡瑞吉特获1966年首届安徒生奖插画家奖11、1946《小岛》原书名:The Little Island作者:(美)玛格莉特·怀兹·布朗(Margaret Wise Brown)/文(美)雷欧纳德·威斯伽德(Leonard Weisgard)/图原出版社及初版日期:Doubleday. 1946☆1947年凯迪克金奖12、1947《白雪晶晶》原书名:White Snow, Bright Snow作者:(美)阿尔文·崔塞特(Alvin Tresselt)/文(美)罗杰·迪瓦森(Roger Duvoisin)/图原出版社及初版日期:Lothrop, 1947☆1948年凯迪克金奖☆画家也是《快活的狮子》的绘者13、1948《小塞尔采蓝莓》原书名:Blueberries for Sal作者:(美)罗伯特·麦克克洛茨基(Robert McCloskey)/文·图原出版社及初版日期:Viking Press.1948☆1949年凯迪克奖银奖14、1949《重要书》原书名:The Important Book作者:(美)玛格莉特·怀兹·布朗(Margaret Wise Brown)/文(美)雷欧纳德·威斯伽德(Leonard Weisgard)/图原出版社及初版日期:(Harper & Brothers, 1949)15、1954《灰姑娘》原书名:Cinderella, or the Little Glass Slipper作者:(美)玛夏·布朗(Marcia Brown)☆1955年凯迪克金奖《三只山羊嘎啦嘎啦》的绘者Three Billy Goats Gruff16、1956《树真好》原书名:A Tree is Nice (Harper)作者:(美)马可·塞蒙(Marc Simont)/图(美)贾尼思·梅·伍德(Janice Udry)/文☆1957年凯迪克金奖17、1957《戴高帽的猫》The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss 苏斯博士(Random House, 1957) 7,220,982☆出版周刊2001年统计最畅销童书第九位18、1958《克里克塔》原书名:Crictor作者:(法)汤米·温格尔(Tomi Ungerer)/文·图原出版社及初版日期:Diogenes Verlag AG,Z?rich.1958☆1998年国际安徒生奖画家奖得主的代表作,另有作品如《三个强盗》19、1959《小蓝和小黄》原书名:Little Blue And Little Yellow作者:(美)李欧·李奥尼(Leo Lionni)/文·图原出版社及初版日期:Mulberry.195920、1959《睡美人》Dorroeschen(瑞士)霍夫曼(Felix Hoffmann)/文图21、1960《绿鸡蛋和火腿》Green Eggs and Ham by 苏斯博士Dr. Seuss (Random House, 1960) 8,143,088☆出版周刊2001年统计最畅销童书第四位22、1961《从前有一只老鼠》原书名:Once A Mouse...(Scribner)作者:(美)玛夏·布朗(Marcia Brown)☆1962年凯迪克金奖23、1962《月光男孩》原书名:The Boy in the Moon作者:(丹麦)依卜·斯旁·奥尔森(Ib Spang Olsen)/文·图原出版社及初版日期:Gyldendal Denmark.1962☆1972年国际安徒生奖画家奖得主的代表作24、1962《下雪天》原书名:The Snowy Day作者:(美)艾兹拉·杰克·季兹(Ezra Jack Keats)/文·图原出版社及初版日期:The Viking Press.1962☆1963年凯迪克奖金奖25、1962《拔萝卜》(俄)阿·托尔斯泰/编写(日)内田莉莎子/译写(日)佐藤忠良/图26、1963《宝儿:一只没有羽毛的大雁》Borka: The Adventures of a Goose With No FeathersJohn Burningham (英)约翰·伯宁罕☆1964年凯特·格林纳威大奖27、1963《野兽出没的地方》原书名:Where the Wild Things Are作者:(美)莫里斯·桑达克(Maurice Sendak)/文·图原出版社及初版日期:Harper & Row .1963☆1964年凯迪克奖金奖☆1970年国际安徒生奖画家奖得主的代表作28、1963《小黑鱼》原书名:Swimmy作者:(美)李欧·李奥尼(Leo Lionni)/文·图原出版社及初版日期:Alfred A Knopf, Inc.1963☆1964年凯迪克奖银奖29、1963《米菲在海边》原书名:Nijntje aan zee作者:(荷兰)迪克·布鲁纳(Dick Bruna)/文·图原出版社及初版日期:Mercis Publishing bv.196330、1964《爱心树》原书名:The Giving Tree作者:(美)谢尔·希尔弗斯坦(Shel Silverstein)/文·图原出版社及初版日期:Evil Eye Music,Inc.1964☆出版周刊2001年统计最畅销童书第十四位31、1967《田鼠阿佛》原书名:Frederick作者:(美)李欧·李奥尼(Leo Lionni)/文·图原出版社及初版日期:(Pantheon).1967☆1968年凯迪克奖银奖32、1967《苏赫的白马》原书名:《スーホの白い馬》作者:蒙古民间故事·(日)大塚勇三/改编,(日)赤羽末吉/图原出版社及初版日期:福音馆书店.1967☆1980年国际安徒生奖画家奖得主的代表作33、1967《彼得的椅子》原书名:Peter's Chair作者:(美)埃兹拉·杰克·济慈(Ezra Jack Keats)/文·图原出版社及初版日期:Harper Collin.196734、1967《古利和古拉》原书名:《ぐりとぐら》作者:(日)中川李枝子/文,(日)大村百合子/图原出版社及初版日期:福音馆书店.196735、1967《棕色的熊、棕色的熊,你在看什么?》原书名:Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?(美)比尔·马丁(Bill Martin Jr)/文艾瑞克·卡尔(Eric Carle) /图36、1968《母鸡萝丝去散步》原书名:Rosie's Walk作者:(英)佩特·哈金丝(Pat Hutchins)/文·图原出版社及初版日期:Macmillan .1968☆1974 Pat Hutchins, The Wind Blew37、1969《驴小弟变石头》原书名:Sylvester and the Magic Pebble作者:(美)威廉·史塔克(William Steig)/文·图原出版社及初版日期:Simon and Schuster.1969☆1970年凯迪克奖金奖38、1969《亚历山大和发条老鼠》原书名:Alexander and the Wind-Up Mouse作者:(美)李欧·李奥尼(Leo Lionni)/文·图原出版社及初版日期:(Pantheon).1969☆1970年凯迪克奖银奖39、1969《好饿的毛毛虫》原书名:The Very Hungry Caterpillar作者:(美)艾瑞克·卡尔(Eric Carle)/文·图原出版社及初版日期:Philomel Books.1969☆出版周刊2001年统计最畅销童书第二十位4,849,704 另一项全球版本统计数据为30 million,仅次于比得兔40、1969《我家宠物是条龙》原书名:The Quangle Wangle's Hat and The Dragon of an Ordinary Family玛格丽特·梅喜(Margaret Mahy)/文海伦·奥克森伯里(Helen Oxenbury)/图☆海伦是伯宁罕的夫人,也是《我们去捉狗熊》的绘者;1999年再获格林纳威大奖殊荣# 1999 Helen Oxenbury, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland41、1969《我的连衣裙》(日)西卷茅子/文图☆日本图书馆里被翻得最烂的图画书42、1970s《青蛙和蟾蜍》原书名:FROG AND TOAD by Arnold Lobel作者:(美)艾诺·洛贝尔(Arnold Lobel)☆《青蛙和蟾蜍──好朋友》荣获1971年凯迪克银奖☆《青蛙和蟾蜍──好伙伴》荣获1973年纽伯瑞银奖☆《青蛙和蟾蜍──快乐时光》、《青蛙和蟾蜍──快乐年年》荣获1976年美国图书馆协会杰出童书奖43、1970《和甘伯伯去游河》原书名:Mr.Gumpy's Outing作者:(英)约翰·伯宁罕(John Burningham)/文·图原出版社及初版日期:Jonathan Cape Ltd,London.1970☆1970年英国凯特·格里纳威奖大奖44、1971《晴朗的一天》原书名:One Fine Day作者:(美)诺尼·霍格罗金(Nonny Hogrogian)/文·图原出版社及初版日期:(Macmillan).1971☆1972年凯迪克奖金奖45、1971《讨厌黑夜的席奶奶》Hildilid's Night , illustrated by Arnold Lobel; text: Cheli Durán Ryan (Macmillan)(美)艾诺·洛贝尔/图(美)凯利·杜兰·瑞安/文☆1972年凯迪克奖银奖;“青蛙和蟾蜍”创作者46、1971《魔奇魔奇树》原书名:《モチモチの木》作者:(日)齐藤隆介/文·(日)泷平二郎/图原出版社及初版日期:岩崎书店.197147、1972《丢饭团的笑婆子》原书名:The Funny Little Woman作者:(美)阿琳·莫赛尔(Arlene Mosel)重述(美)布莱克·兰特(Blair Lent)图原出版社及初版日期:(Dutton).1972☆1973年凯迪克奖金奖48、1973《圣诞老爸》Father Christmas作者:(英)雷蒙·布力格斯(Raymond Briggs)/文图☆1973年凯特·格林纳威大奖49、1973《不是我的错》(丹麦)莱夫·克里斯坦森/文(丹麦)迪克·斯坦伯格/图50、1973《阿利的红斗篷》(美)汤米·狄波拉(Tomie de Paola)/文图☆代表作还有:《先左脚,再右脚》《楼上的外婆和楼下的外婆》《武士与龙》☆1976年凯迪克奖银奖:Strega Nona by Tomie de Paola (Prentice-Hall)51、1973《推土机年年作响,乡村变了》(瑞士)约克·米勒/文图☆1994年荣获国际安徒生奖画家奖;代表作还有:《森林大熊》《再见,小兔子》《坚定的小锡兵》《书中书》52、1974《鼠小弟的小背心》原书名:《ねずみくんのチョッキ》作者:(日)中江嘉男/文上野纪子/图原出版社及初版日期:ポプラ社.197453、1976《森林大熊》原书名:Der B?r, der ein B?r bleiben wollte作者:(瑞士)约克·史坦纳(J?rg Steiner)/文·(瑞士)约克·米勒(J?rg Müller)图/原创意/法兰塔希林原出版社及初版日期:Verlag Sauerl?nder.1976☆1994年国际安徒生奖画家奖得主的代表作54、1976《喜欢大的国王》(日)安野光雅/文图☆1985年荣获国际安徒生插画家奖55、1976《蚂蚁和西瓜》(日)田村茂/文图56、1977《莎莉,离水远一点》原书名:Come Away from the Water,Shirley作者:(英)约翰·伯宁罕(John Burningham)/文·图57、1977《活了100万次的猫》原书名:《100万回生きたねこ》作者:(日)佐野洋子/文·图原出版社及初版日期:讲谈社.197758、1978《雪人》原书名:The Snowman作者:(英)雷蒙·布力格斯(Raymond Briggs)/图原出版社及初版日期:Hamish Hamilton Ltd.197859、1978《噢,美丽的巴拿马》原书名:Oh, wie sch?n ist Panama作者:(德)雅诺什(Janosch)Das Buch erschien am 15. M?rz 1978.☆1979年德国青少年文学奖60、1978《野马之歌》原书名:The Girl Who Loved Wild Horses作者:(美)保罗·戈布尔(Paul Goble)/文图原出版社及初版日期:(Bradbury).1978☆1979年凯迪克奖金奖61、1980《圆白菜小弟》(日)长新太62、1981《勇敢者的游戏》原书名:Jumanji作者:(美)克里斯·范·奥尔斯伯格(Chris Van Allsburg)/文·图☆1982年凯迪克奖金奖63、1982《生气的亚瑟》(英)希亚文·奥拉姆著(日)喜多村惠图☆插画家代表作还有:《英文字母猜猜猜》《我的秘密阁楼》64、1982《流浪狗之歌》a day, a dog嘉贝丽·文生(Gabrielle Vincent,1928 - 2000)65、原书名:Miss Rumphius作者:(美)芭芭拉·库尼(Barbara Cooney)/文·图原出版社及初版日期:Viking Press.198266、1983《大猩猩》原书名:Gorilla作者:(英)安东尼·布朗(Anthony Browne)/文·图原出版社及初版日期:Walker Books Ltd.1983☆2000年国际安徒生奖画家奖得主的代表作☆1983年英国凯特·格林纳威奖67、1983《最奇妙的蛋》(德)赫姆·海恩/文图☆代表作还有:《大象的算术》(1976年处女作)《好朋友》《老木村的朋友们》68、1984《鳄鱼怕怕牙医怕怕》(日)五味太郎☆代表作还有:《鲸鱼》《巴士到站了》《小牛的春天》69、1984《獾的礼物》原书名:Badger's Parting Gifts作者:(英)苏珊·巴蕾(Susan Varley)/文·图原出版社及初版日期:Andersen Press Ltd.198470、1985《铁丝网上的小花》(意)克里斯托夫·格莱兹/文(意)罗伯特·英诺森提/图☆2008年获得国际安徒生奖插图画家奖。
推荐20本适合3-6岁阅读的凯迪克大奖绘本 - 小花生
推荐20本适合3-6岁阅读的凯迪克大奖绘本 - 小花生凯迪克大奖是一项享誉全球的奖项,是评选优秀儿童图书的最高荣誉。
1. 《蓝色地球的秘密》(The Secret of the Blue Planet)这本绘本以孩子的视角来描绘地球的生态,让孩子更好地了解自然环境,激发孩子保护环境的意识。
2. 《小猫和丝绸花园》(The Cat and the Silk Flower Garden)这本绘本讲述了小猫在花园里的冒险经历,匠心独运的细腻画风和流畅的叙事,是孩子接触文学和美术的理想读本。
3. 《皇帝的新装》(The Emperor’s New Clothes)这是一本寓言故事,讲述的是皇帝被欺骗的经历。
4. 《小熊和爸爸出门坐车》(A Ride on Mother's Back)这本绘本讲述了小熊和爸爸骑独轮车去体验大自然的故事,温馨而感人的文字与细致而逼真的画面,让孩子感受到亲子之间的温暖和美好。
5. 《小象的拇指》(The Thumb)这本绘本给孩子讲述了自然界和人类的关系。
6. 《霓虹腾跃》(Zoom)这本绘本描述的是汽车在城市中行驶过程中的景象,用少言但精炼的文字和逼真的画面让孩子体验到了城市中的现代化。
7. 《胡萝卜圣诞树》(The Carrot Seed)这本绘本讲述的是一个孩子耐心地种植胡萝卜的故事,用细腻的文字和简洁的画面让孩子体验到了植物生长的奇妙。
8. 《游园惊梦》(Journey)这本绘本描述了一个孩子梦幻般的旅行,用细腻的刻画和流畅的叙事展现了孩子天真纯洁的想象力。
9. 《城市的孩子》(City)本书通过一位城市男孩的故事,描绘了城市的种种景象和人类在城市中的生存状态,让孩子了解到城市和乡村的区别,激励孩子保护环境和自然。
比得兔英语故事Peter Rabbit, also known as Beatrix Potter's beloved character, is a mischievous little bunny who gets into all sorts of trouble. Peter, along with his siblings Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cottontail, live in a cozy little burrow in the countryside. One day, Peter is feeling particularly adventurous and decides to venture into Mr. McGregor's garden. This is a big no-no, as Mr. McGregor is known for being a very grumpy old man who hates rabbits. Peter ignores the warnings of his siblings and hops right into the garden.Once in the garden, Peter begins to munch on the fresh lettuce and carrots, completely unaware of the danger he is in. Suddenly, Mr. McGregor appears and begins to chase after Peter with a rake. Peter narrowly escapes, losing his shoes and jacket in the process.Realizing he has gotten himself into quite a predicament, Peter heads back home to his worried siblings. His sisters scold him for being so reckless and tell him he is lucky to have escaped unharmed. Peter agrees and promises to never venture into Mr. McGregor's garden again.From that day forward, Peter becomes known as 'the rabbit who learned his lesson.' He continues to have many adventures,but always remembers to be more careful and thoughtful before jumping into a risky situation.The tale of Peter Rabbit has been beloved by children for generations, teaching valuable lessons about responsibility, consequences, and the importance of family.。
比得兔的简介全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:《比得兔的简介》比得兔是一部非常受欢迎的英国儿童文学作品,由英国作家贝翠克丽斯·波特(Beatrix Potter)创作。
第二篇示例:《比得兔的简介》比得兔是一只充满冒险精神的小兔子,是英国作家贝翠克丝·波特(Beatrix Potter)所著作的一系列童书中的主角之一。
推荐20本适合3-6岁阅读的凯迪克大奖绘本 - 小花生
推荐20本适合3-6岁阅读的凯迪克大奖绘本 - 小花生凯迪克大奖是全球最为著名的儿童文学奖项,旨在表扬全球优秀的儿童文学作品,提高儿童文学的整体水平。
1.《绿色卡车》(Green Eyes by A. Birnbaum)绿色卡车是一辆很特别的卡车,它会闪闪发光,在被阳光照射时变得非常美丽。
2. 《卢加雷塔与美丽的怪物》(Luca and the Fire of Life by Salman Rushdie)本书的主人公是卢加雷塔,他的父亲生病了,他为此不得不踏上了一段冒险旅程。
3. 《超级酷的东西》(Cool Stuff by Charles R. Smith Jr.)这本书主要介绍了各种超级酷的东西,从炫酷的运动员到迷人的自然景观,从鲜艳的衣服到真正的艺术珍品,使孩子们能够学到很多内容,拓宽他们的世界观。
4. 《恐龙博物馆》(The Dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins by Barbara Kerley)这是一本关于恐龙的绘本,孩子们可以了解恐龙的历史,并学习到如何用科学的方法来解释这些生物的特征和行为。
5. 《鹅妈妈》(Mother Goose by Axel Scheffler)这本书含有31首流传了几个世纪的英国童谣,从“失去羊儿”的“玛丽和奶牛”到“钢琴手”的“卢肯博格夫人”,充满了故事情节。
6. 《爸爸,有我吗?》(Am I Yours?by Alex Latimer)鸟妈妈在孵化蛋时,不经意地将恐龙蛋也带回了巢里。
1、《Alice's Adventures in Wonderland(爱丽丝漫游奇境 )《爱丽丝梦游仙境》(Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)是英国作家查尔斯·路德维希·道奇森以笔名路易斯·卡罗尔于1865年出版的儿童文学作品。
3、The Secret Garden (秘密花园) (免费公版书)作品简介在美国的历史上,很少有一本书能像《秘密花园》这样成功,近百年来,人们为它拍摄了各种各样的电影、话剧。
TheTaleofPeterRabbit(一)“The Tale of Peter Rabbit”是一部英国兒童文學經典作品,由著名作家Beatrix Potter創作,於1902年出版。
這部故事以可愛的小兔Peter Rabbit為主角,講述了他為了得到好吃的蔬菜而冒險到農場去的故事。
本文將從故事的主要情節、故事的寓意以及故事的影響三個方面來探討“The Tale of Peter Rabbit”。
一、故事的主要情節“The Tale of Peter Rabbit”講述了一隻名叫Peter Rabbit的小兔子為了吃到好吃的蔬菜,而不聽媽媽的勸告,偷偷地進入了Mr. McGregor的菜園子裡。
Peter Rabbit吃得津津有味,卻沒想到被Mr. McGregor發現了,從而展開了一場追逐。
二、故事的寓意“The Tale of Peter Rabbit”講述了一個典型的行為後果故事,即教育孩子要遵守道德和法律的原則。
故事中Peter Rabbit的行為,違反了兔子媽媽告訴他的不要進入Mr. McGregor的菜園子,這種行為不僅違反了一個重要的道德原則,還違反了法律,因為他侵入了別人的財產。
Peter Rabbit最終成功逃脫了Mr. McGregor的追逐,這個結果反而強化了Peter Rabbit的不良行為,失去了原本可以教育他的機會。
正如故事中的結尾所寫的,“Peter never stopped running or looked behind him till he got home to the big fir-tree”.三、故事的影響“The Tale of Peter Rabbit”是一個充滿教育意義和啟發性的故事,對於孩子的成長和發展具有一定的影響。
故事中的Peter Rabbit,代表孩子們經常會犯的錯誤和違反社會行為規範的行為,而Mr. McGregor則代表了家長、老師和社會,是那些試圖讓孩子們了解原則和告訴他們不能犯錯誤的人。
TheTaleofPeterRabbit(二)- "The Tale of Peter Rabbit" is a beloved children's book written by Beatrix Potter in 1902. It tells the story of a mischievous young rabbit named Peter who disobeys his mother and ventures into Mr. McGregor's garden.- The book has been translated into over 36 languages and has sold millions of copies worldwide, making it one of the most popular children's books of all time.- The story of Peter Rabbit has been adapted into various forms of media, including animated films, television shows, and stage plays.- The character of Peter Rabbit has become an iconic figurein children's literature, inspiring countless other stories and characters in the genre.- The book also has a cultural significance, as it was one of the first children's books to feature anthropomorphic animal characters and paved the way for other works in the genre.- The story of Peter Rabbit teaches children valuable lessons about the consequences of disobedience, the importance of listening to parents, and the dangers of greed.- The book's enduring popularity can be attributed to its charming illustrations, relatable characters, and timeless themes that continue to resonate with readers of all ages.- Overall, "The Tale of Peter Rabbit" is a classic children's book that has captured the hearts of generations of readers and continues to be a beloved staple in children's literature.。
英语作文彼得兔儿Peter Rabbit is a beloved character from the children's literature series created by Beatrix Potter. He first appeared in the book "The Tale of Peter Rabbit," published in 1902. The story is a delightful adventure that follows the mischievous Peter as he disobeys his mother's instructions and ventures into Mr. McGregor's garden.Peter is a charming and curious little rabbit who is full of energy and a sense of adventure. His curiosity leads him into trouble, as he sneaks into the garden to steal vegetables. There, he encounters Mr. McGregor, who is not too pleased with Peter's antics. The ensuing chase is filled with suspense and excitement, as Peter narrowly escapes capture by the gardener.Throughout the story, Peter encounters various animals and objects in the garden, each with their own unique characteristics. Beatrix Potter's vivid illustrations bring the garden to life, and her descriptions of the flora and fauna are both informative and engaging.The moral of the story is clear: children should listen to their parents and not take unnecessary risks. However, it is also a tale of resilience and quick thinking, as Peter manages to outsmart Mr. McGregor and return home safely."The Tale of Peter Rabbit" has been cherished by generationsof children and parents alike. It is a timeless classic that teaches important life lessons while providing a captivating and entertaining story. Peter Rabbit has become a symbol of childhood innocence and imagination, and his adventures continue to inspire readers of all ages.In conclusion, Peter Rabbit is not just a character in a book; he is a symbol of the joy and wonder of childhood. His storyis a reminder to embrace our curiosity and to always bemindful of the risks we take. Through his adventures, Peter teaches us about the importance of family, friendship, andthe value of a good lesson learned.。
小白兔的木房子读后感悟英文回答:The Tale of Peter Rabbit is a classic children's story about a mischievous rabbit who disobeys his mother and gets into trouble. The story teaches children about the importance of listening to their parents and the consequences of disobedience.Peter Rabbit is a curious and adventurous young rabbit who lives with his mother and his sisters, Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cottontail. One day, Peter's mother goes out to gather blackberries, and she warns Peter and his sisters not to go into Mr. McGregor's garden.But Peter is too curious to resist, and he sneaks into the garden while his mother is away. He eats some lettuce, some beans, and some carrots, and he gets into all sorts of mischief.But then, Mr. McGregor catches Peter in his garden, and he chases him all over the place. Peter runs and runs, but Mr. McGregor is too fast for him.Finally, Peter finds a hole in a fence and he escapes into the woods. He is safe, but he is also lost.Peter wanders around the woods for days, trying to find his way home. He is hungry and tired, and he is starting to get scared.Finally, he comes to a clearing, and he sees his mother sitting on a log. She is so happy to see him, and she hugs him tightly.Peter has learned his lesson, and he never disobeys his mother again.中文回答:《小兔彼得的故事》是一个经典的儿童故事,讲述了一只淘气的小兔子不听妈妈的话,惹上了麻烦。
兔子派来一个小比尔读后感英文回答:I recently read a book called "The Tale of Peter Rabbit" by Beatrix Potter, and I must say it was quite an enjoyable read. The story follows a mischievous little rabbit named Peter who disobeys his mother and sneaks into Mr. McGregor's garden to steal vegetables. As a result, he gets into all sorts of trouble but eventually manages to escape.One thing that really stood out to me was the vivid descriptions in the book. Beatrix Potter did a fantastic job of painting a picture of the lush garden and the mischievous antics of Peter. I could almost imagine myself right there with him, running through the vegetable patch and narrowly avoiding capture.Another aspect of the book that I found interesting was the moral lesson it imparted. Peter's disobedience andsubsequent consequences serve as a cautionary tale for children about the importance of listening to their parents and following the rules. It's a timeless message that still resonates with readers today.Overall, "The Tale of Peter Rabbit" is a classic children's story that has stood the test of time. Its charming characters, engaging plot, and valuable life lessons make it a must-read for both children and adults alike.中文回答:最近我读了一本名为《彼得兔的故事》的书,作者是贝雅特丽斯·波特,我必须说这是一本非常令人愉快的读物。
小兔的花围巾读后感英文回答:The Tale of Peter Rabbit is a classic children's story that has been enjoyed by generations of readers. Written by Beatrix Potter in 1902, the story follows the adventures of Peter Rabbit, a mischievous and curious young rabbit who disobeys his mother's orders and ventures into Mr. McGregor's garden.Peter's adventure in the garden is full of excitement and danger. He encounters a variety of characters,including a friendly robin, a grumpy old cat, and a fierce dog. Peter manages to escape from all of these dangers, but not without getting into some trouble along the way.In the end, Peter learns a valuable lesson about the importance of listening to his mother. He also learns that there are consequences to disobeying rules. The Tale of Peter Rabbit is a timeless story that teaches childrenabout the importance of obedience and responsibility.The story is also beautifully illustrated with Potter's charming artwork. The illustrations capture the characters and setting of the story perfectly, and they help to bring the story to life. The Tale of Peter Rabbit is a classic children's story that will continue to be enjoyed byreaders for many years to come.中文回答:《小兔的花围巾》是英国著名插画家和儿童文学作家碧雅翠丝·波特创作的一部经典儿童故事。
彼得兔的故事读后感50字英文The Tale of Peter Rabbit, written by Beatrix Potter, is a timeless children's story that has captured the hearts of readers for generations. Through the mischievous adventures of Peter Rabbit, Potter weaves a cautionary tale about the consequences of disobedience while also celebrating the joys and wonders of nature.As I immersed myself in the story, I couldn't help but be charmed by the vivid descriptions of Peter's world. The lush green garden, with its tempting vegetables and beautiful flowers, came alive on the pages. Potter's illustrations, with their delicate details and soft colors, perfectly complemented the narrative, transporting me into Peter's enchanting realm.However, what struck me most was the valuable lesson at the heart of the story. When Peter defies his mother's warnings and ventures into Mr. McGregor's garden, he finds himself in a perilous situation. His disobedience nearly costs him his life, serving as a poignant reminder of the importance of listening to our elders and respecting boundaries.Yet, Potter's tale is not just a stern admonition. It also celebrates the resilience and cleverness of Peter, who manages to outsmart Mr. McGregor and safely return home. This aspect of the story encourages children to face challenges with bravery and resourcefulness, knowing that they have the ability to overcome obstacles.Moreover, The Tale of Peter Rabbit fosters a deep appreciation for the natural world. Through Peter's explorations, children learn about the beauty and diversity of plants and animals. They develop a sense of wonder and curiosity about the environment, which can inspire a lifelong love for nature.In conclusion, The Tale of Peter Rabbit is a beautifully crafted story that entertains, educates, and inspires young readers. Its enduring popularity is a testament to the universal themes and lessons it imparts. As I closed the book, I felt a renewed appreciation for the power of storytelling and the wisdom that can be found in even the simplest of tales.中文翻译:彼得兔的故事,出自比阿特丽克斯·波特之手,是一个经久不衰的儿童文学作品,几代读者为之倾心。
thetaleofpeterrabbit 小兔彼得的故事
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thetaleofsquirrelnutk in小松鼠纳特金的故事
TheTaleofBenjaminB unny小兔本杰明的故事
演讲人 202x-11-11
01. peterrabbit小兔彼得的奇妙世界1 02. peterrabbit小兔彼得的奇妙世界2 03. peterrabbit小兔彼得的奇妙世界3
PETERRABBIT小兔彼得的奇妙世 界1
peterrabbit小兔彼 得的奇妙世界1
thetaleoftwobadmice 两只顽皮的小老鼠的故事
thetaleoftomkitten小 猫汤姆的故事
TheTaleofMrs.Tittlem ouse小不点鼠太太的故 事
TheTaleofTwoBadMice 两只顽皮的小老鼠的故事
PETERRABBIT小兔彼得的奇妙世 界3
peterrabbit小兔彼 得的奇妙世界3
thestoryofafiercebadr abbit一只坏兔子的故事
thetaleofmr.jeremyfis her青蛙杰里米的故事
thetaleoftimmytiptoe s松鼠提米的故事
thetaleofmrs.tiggy— winkle提吉·温克夫人的 故事
TheTaleofMr.JeremyFi sher青蛙杰里米的故事
TheTaleofTimmyTipto es松鼠提米的故事
比得兔 Peter Rabbit 中英对照剧本抱歉Sorry!不好意思了Y eah, sorry about that.我要讲的故事不是这个That's not the story we're telling.我要讲的故事是关于一只兔子的No. We're here for Peter Rabbit.他叫彼得是故事的主人公The hero of our tale.他喜欢穿蓝夹克可是从来不穿裤子A young rabbit in a blue coat and no pants.嘿有本事欺负大点的啊Hey! Pick on someone your own size.那我就不客气了My pleasure.我不是说我Oh! I didn't mean me.你这是又要去老头的菜园子吗Going into his garden again, I see.去别的地方也有吃的而且安全的多知道吗There are safer ways to get a meal, you know! 知道但是不好玩Y eah, but they're not as fun.我怎么说的要是你再偷偷溜进菜园子What did I tell you about sneakin' into McGregor's? 一定给你带一大颗花椰菜Make sure to get you some cauliflower?真是个好孩子快去吧That's a good boy. Now, off you get.本杰明现在什么情况All right, talk to me, Benjamin.草坪剪了一半了He's mowed half the lawn,也许你的时间有点紧which maybe gives us just enough time.你看看Look at him.坏透了Pure evil.剪个草坪都这么暴躁Even cuts grass angry.要不这样吧Hey, here's a crazy thought.彼得我们今天先不进去What if we don't go in,上次你差点就被他抓住了because last time, you almost got caught.你太可爱了Y ou're so adorable.我真想一口吃了你I could just eat you up.可恶的老头也想一口吃了你That's exactly what he wants to do to you.高点再高点Higher. Higher.你为什么总是站在最上面Why are you always on top?因为我是你们的老大Because I'm the oldest.我们是三胞胎We're triplets!那我是最早出来的I'm still the oldest.早出来秒而已By seconds.你多长时间没洗澡了Ugh. When's the last time you brushed your tail?咱们该干活了快来All right, rest time's over. Come on.耶比你快Y eah. Race you.想比我快没门Not if I race you first.你耍赖No fair.先饱饱眼福Take it all in待会儿我们就能吃个肚歪歪了because we're about to take it all in.抱歉我还是瘦不下来Sorry. I don't know why I'm so out of shape.我只吃沙拉I only eat salad.不能吃沙拉酱的调料放到一边去It's the dressing. Get it on the side.要不干脆挤点柠檬汁Or just have a drizzle of lemon.试试这招再不减肥你完了相信我It'll change your life, trust me.好了大家都是老手Right. Y ou all know the drill.咱们接下来要做的事情I'm not gonna pretend that what we're about to do虽然冲动鲁莽胆大包天不知死活isn't reckless, foolhardy, even dangerous.但是我们会成功的But we will succeed,因为本次行动我们要分工合作because each of us plays a vital role大家都要发挥各自独一无二的作用specifically tailored to our individual talents.放哨望风望风放哨Lookout. Lookout. Lookout. Lookout.英雄Hero.开始行动吧Now let's do this.你带头我断后Right behind ya.你不行为什么Not a chance. Why?你们是不是怕我一脚踩到了陷阱Are you afraid I'm gonna get my foot caught in a trap为了摆脱只好把脚啃下来and I'll have to gnaw it off, and then you'll call me "Stumpy"然后你们叫我小瘸子嘲笑我一辈子for the rest of my life, and I'll have a horrifying scar,腿上的疤不算什么关键是心里的伤再也好不了了but all the real scars will be on the inside? 抱歉我又乱说了Sorry you had to hear that.没关系都是家人我们不会歧视你的It's okay. We're family. This is a safe space.好了围成一圈All right, bring it in.准备好了好了We all ready? Y ep.准备好了随时上Absolutely. Always.差不多了我爱你们I guess. Love you guys.行动正式开始Now, let's do this.这回我要干个痛快It's gonna be a fun one.生菜小萝卜还有大白菜呢Lettuce, radishes, radicchio.知道什么叫白菜吗I'll tell you what's "radicchio."这个老头的菜园子里种的都叫白菜How easy it is to steal this man's vegetables.因为白菜的意思就是白拿别人家的菜Because "radicchio" sounds like "ridiculous."别大喊大叫的Don't explain the joke.弗洛普西Flopsy! Y eah!莫普西Mopsy!棉尾巴CottonTail!我没事I'm good!西红柿也叫番茄Tomayto, tomahto.马铃薯也叫土豆Potayto, potahto.其实没什么人说马铃薯了你发现没有No one actually says "potahto," have you noticed that? 你别胡闹了彼得Stop messing around.我想怎么胡闹就怎么胡闹I can mess around all I want.反正割草机轰轰的响He can't hear us over the lawn...他听不清Mower.有兔子Rabbits.别过来No, no, stop.撤快走Leave. Scram.快点出来Get out of there.你要干嘛Peter, no.我要把这个塞进去你找死I'm gonna put this in there. Don't do that.你觉得这不是个好主意吗不是好主意Y ou think this is a bad idea? Y es, it's a bad idea.我不明白你的意思好还是不好I'm getting mixed signals. Y es or no?当然是不好It's a definite no.我看不清你的嘴门挡住了I can't see your mouth through the gate.不不No. No. No. No.你说的是好不好I think you said yes. No.那我塞进去了不不不不要彼得I'm going with "yes." No, no, Peter.什么我的天What? Oh, God.不Oh, no.不No.彼得住手Peter. No!快跑哦Get out of there. Ooh.兔崽子我要把你做成兔肉馅饼Rabbit, I'm gonna put you in a pie.别脱衣服了Leave the jacket.你爸爸就是这个下场Like I did your dad.早上好麦克雷戈先生Morning, Mr. McGregor.又是你啊Oh, it's you.天气真好不是吗Beautiful day, isn't it?把那兔子给我Give me that rabbit.你胡子上...Y ou got a little something in your...你没事了Y ou're okay.你没事吧Are you okay?你还会挤眉弄眼Did he just wink?我从来都不知道兔子还会这个I didn't even know we could do that.你气色不错啊Y ou look very well.以前头上那根青筋都没了That vein that's usually bulging out of your head's really calmed down.你最近不生气了吗Have you been meditating?这里是我的菜园子This is my garden.我去告诉他Let me pass that along.这里是他的菜园子This is his garden.他们都听到了There we are.我想他们都明白了I think we're all on the same page.小兔子们以后要管住自己的嘴So these rabbits will now surrender只能去别的地方找吃的了their natural instinct to feed themselves.再有下次他们就死定了Next time will be their last.这句话我也一定会告诉他们的I'll be sure to pass that along, too.快来宝贝儿们Oh. Come on, sweeties.快点Come on.这个女孩叫做贝伊This is Bea.她就住在附近我想不用我说你们也看出来了She's nextdoor neighbor to Mr. McGregor and the rabbits.她喜欢小兔子Guess which one she likes better?快点我去给你们倒水喝Inside. Come on. I'll get you something to drink.以后不能再去那儿了Y ou must stop going in there.今天你们差点就被抓住了Y ou almost got caught this time.过来小家伙Come here, little one.我帮你擦擦Dry you off.贝伊是个画家She's an artist.刻意搬到乡下专心创作She moved out to the country to work on her paintings.你要是看不懂她的画也没关系Oh, don't feel bad if you don't understand them, like them,这不是你的问题even know which way to look at them.她画的确实很烂她自己也知道They are terrible and she knows it.所以有的时候她也会画画小动物解闷So for fun, she's been painting portraits of the locals. 这些画的不错Beautiful.只是彼得每次看了But a constant reminder都会想起伤心的往事of what Peter and his family had gone through.我保证我会永远照顾你们I promise I'll always be here for you.贝伊说到做到And she has,兔子妈妈去世后她一直照顾着小兔子们ever since their mother died.雨已经停了The rain stopped.夹克丢了我很难过Sorry about Dad's jacket.爸爸的夹克丢了我也很难过I'm sorry you lost Dad's jacket.我都说过了I just said that.是的但是这话从老大的嘴里说出来Y eah, but coming from the oldest,意义更大it just kind of means more.一件衣服而已Just a jacket.爸爸妈妈永远在我们心里在这里Dad and Mum are still in here.这里这里这里和这里And here. And here. And here. And here.跟你关系小点是因为你不是我们家的But less so with you, since you're just a cousin,你是我们的表兄弟you know. Y ou're a nephew, and by marriage.我没把你当外人I'm not taking anything away, I'm just...但只是觉得有些事有必要分清楚Y ou know, I want to be accurate.过来宝贝们好了别再去菜园子了Okay, just promise me you'll stay out of the garden.夹克回来了爸爸Got it back, Dad.逮着你了兔崽子Got you, rabbit.我就知道你会回来I knew you'd come.现在贝伊小姐也保护不了你了The lady's not here to protect you now.对今天晚餐就吃馅饼I've got a hankering for pie tonight.兔肉馅饼Rabbit pie.干嘛What?搞什么What?这是Is he...看起来他好像死了That's pretty conclusive.肯定死了V ery conclusive.那就是说我刚才刚才That means that... That I...干掉他了That I...干掉他了干掉他了哈哈That I did it. I did it.什么老头完了What? I did it.干掉他了你们饿了么随便吃吧Got rid of him. Who's hungry? Bite into those guys.你又去他的菜园了Y ou went into his garden?不是我去了我们的菜园No. I went into our garden.没带望风的Without lookouts?敢这么冒险是会送命的That's the sort of thing that will get someone killed.是有个人送命了And it did.你说麦克雷戈死了?McGregor's gone?他去了个好地方He's in a better place now.是吗是的Really? Y eah.是的他上了那辆车卖冰淇淋的That ice cream truck with the flashing lights.不过说真的彼得也不敢说In actuality, Peter couldn't even claim是他把老头吓出了心脏病that he gave the old man's heart a fright.这场胜利在于老头坚持了Credit for that goes to years年的不良生活of terrible lifestyle choices.哇简直难以置信Wow. No way.好了这里现在是我们的了但是别太激动瞎糟蹋东西All right, this is our land now, so let's not go crazy straightaway.我们还要打理菜园子不能让它荒了It's our job to nurture it, to sustain it,为将来做好打算prepare for the future.身为园主我要担起责任With privilege, comes responsibility...不好意思差点就能一本正经的说完了I'm sorry. I almost got through that with a straight face. 敞开肚皮吃吧Knock yourself out.等等我我天生就跑不快Wait for me! I wasn't designed for running!谢谢...Thanks to Mr...真是对不起Sorry about that.喜欢什么随便吃可以尝尝番茄Help yourself to anything. Try the tomatoes.哇哦你的个头真大Whoa. Look at you, big fella.哈哈等等你是不是是不是想吃我来着Wait, didn't you... Did you try to eat me?把牙露出来让我看看还真是你我就知道It was you! I knew it.你好吗我们又见面了How are you? So good to see you.嘿小彼得Hey, little rabbit.菜园子的门打开了Got your land back, I see.看来兔哥哥还真有两下子All hail the prodigal son.这不算什么不这很了不起It's no big deal. No, no, a very big deal.你战胜了麦格雷戈老头Y ou vanquished McGregor.算不上战胜我就是跟他说Well, if vanquished means I said to him,我受够了你的压迫"I've had enough of your tyranny."然后他说我要把你做成兔肉馅饼And he said, "I will put you in a pie."然后我说我要把你做成人肉馅饼And I said, "No, sir. I will put you in a pie, sir."反正你赢了多谢款待It doesn't, but thank you for the party.他在啃芹菜是想减肥吗Was Pigling eating celery?他对自己有深深的误解It's a shame when you don't know who you are自欺欺人真可怜or where you belong, you know?想吃点么Want some?那我就吃一口吧Ah, I'll just take one.谢了汤米你真是太好了Thanks, Tommy. Y ou're one of the good ones.嘿这菜园还有一套大房子呢Hey! This garden comes with a free house!嗨起来Y eah, that's right!都听好了麦克雷戈老头欺压我们的时代结束了Mr. McGregor will torment us no more! Whoa!结束了No more! No more!这位是托马斯麦克雷戈Meet Thomas McGregor.通常他的同事称他为Or, as he is known in the store where he works,麦克雷戈先生Mr. McGregor.此刻他正做着他最享受的事情Y ou're seeing him at his happiest.指挥大家迎接新一天的战斗Preparing his troops for battle.这位麦克雷戈先生一定People who say you can't control everything让你见识到强迫症的终极状态haven't met this Mr. McGregor..度倾斜角. degrees.这是阿波罗十三号发射的角度The angle at which Apollo was launched.我知道塔罗斯你觉得我疯了I know, Carlos, you think I'm crazy.但是励志当宇航员的小女孩就知道这个But the little girl who wants to be an astronaut而你刚刚毁了她的梦想is going to know, and you've just blown up her dreams.这个也太可怕了This is a nightmare.你要抖一抖拍拍抖一抖拍拍Y ou've got to toss and fluff, toss and fluff.看见没有It's the small things.不要觉得脏就不要刷到最里面Y ou mustn't be afraid to really get in there, gang.我们的马桶要像纯净水一样干净Our toilets should be clean as a drinking fountain.麦克雷戈先生Mr. McGregor.总经理说现在要见你The general manager has asked to see you.肯定的我要升职了This is it. My promotion.他们说就是这种They said it could be this week.我看起来怎么样How do I look?一幅准备用吸管喝马桶水的样子Like a man about to drink toilet water from a straw?非常好Perfect.我要告诉你一个坏消息托马斯I have some bad news, Thomas.不我们刚刚收到消息No. Y our greatuncle passed away.你的舅爷爷过世了I just received word.我感到非常遗憾I'm very sorry.我什么时候有个舅爷爷I didn't even know I had a greatuncle.我升职的事呢What about the promotion?你说什么副总经理的职位Excuse me? The associate general manager.十年来我一直为这个职位努力现在怎么样了The post I've been working towards for the last years.我理解你一时无法接受这样悲痛的消息Y ou're in shock, I understand. In times of grief...不不不不是悲痛我只是想知道No, there's no grief. I just want to know.我到底能不能升副总经理Did I get the promotion or not?副总经理是班纳曼班纳曼No. It went to Bannerman. Bannerman?他就是个弱智他连弱智都算不上But he is an imbecile. I mean, he's not even that.管班纳曼叫弱智To be rightfully called an imbec ile,那都是恭维他的智商了would be aspirational for Nigel Bannerman.但是他恰恰是总经理的外甥But he also happens to be the managing director's nephew.你要提拔一个傻子担任他绝对无法担任的职位So you're promoting a flagrantly unqualified halfwit就因为他是常务董事的外甥吗to a position of immense importance based purely on nepotism. 这里是英国This is Great Britain.这种做法都可以写进法律了It's practically written in our charter.其他一切都得靠边站Y ou think I want our best man passed over?怎么可以这样Well, then, don't pass me over.现在不是考虑升不升职的时候了托马斯This is not the time to be thinking about work, Thomas.去休个假吧Take some time.想休息多久就休息多久Take as much time as you like.我不想休假抱歉No, I don't want time! I'm sorry.我不想抱歉I don't want... I'm sorry.我想升职是一方面I want the promotion, is the thing,另外你们也该给我升职了and I deserve the promotion.给我升职吧我不会告诉别人的Give me the promotion, June, I won't tell anyone.拜托了Please.让我升职吧Give me the promotion.我很抱歉Sorry.很遗憾先生没关系I'm sorry, sir. It's all right.很遗憾先生说不定下次就轮到我了Sorry, sir. Maybe next time.你好啊麦克雷戈What up, McG...班纳曼Bannerman.恭喜你升职Congratulations.我才不想升职I didn't even want it.我昨晚还在伊比沙岛呢I was in Ibiza last night.这官不好当啊Heavy lies the crown, yeah?我去我的新办公室要休息了I'm taking a break. I'll be in my big office.过来Come here!我在你身上花了这么多时间I gave my life to you!为你付出了一切I gave you everything!为什么要这样对我Why did you treat me...对不起I'm sorry.让你离开或许是一件好事This might actually be a blessing in disguise.心态要放宽有时间多培养培养兴趣爱好Get some perspective. Get a hobby.多亲近亲近大自然Get some dirt underneath your fingernails.这些话我早就听老师家人Y ou sound like every employer, teacher, family member, 朋友说过无数遍了friend, and vague acquaintance I've ever had.托马斯我得收回你的工牌了I'm going to take your name tag now, Thomas.不别啊No, not...欢迎光临哈罗兹Welcome to Harrods.希望马桶里的脏水合你们的胃口I hope you enjoy drinking dirty toilet water.我建议你去乡下修养些日子Might I suggest some time in the country?享受平静It's calming.和安宁Serene!得分分One hundred and eighty!裸奔喽Streaker!好样的这才叫派对Oh, yeah, now it's a party.来一口吧我就吃一口Hors d'oeuvres? I'll just take one.不对是前交换腿跳两拍子的那种No, it's hitch kick, then boogaloo.什么时候我能编舞蹈了When am I going to get to choreograph?等你做老大的时候When you're the oldest.我都等不及了A w, I can't wait that long.嘿去把爸妈的画像挂好Hey, let's go get Mum and Dad.彼得你想要怎么挂Where do you want it, Peter?随便怎么挂Oh, anywhere's fine.放高一点I mean, maybe a... Maybe a little higher?太多了再低一点A lit... No, too much. A little lower.往左边一点在往右边一点Hmm, to the left. No, to the right.太多了下来一点More. Too far. Lower.往右边上去一点To the right. Up.往下下Lower. Down.往右往右Right. Right.低一点低一点Lower. Lower. Lower.向上中间向左Up. Middle. Left.向右低一点向上Right. Lower. Up.往你们的右边移也就是我的左边Y our right. My left.往你们下方移也就是我的上方Y our down. My up.向左好了Left. Right.完美Perfect.爸妈老头死了He's gone now, guys.真希望你们能看到这一幕I just wish you were here to enjoy it.我绝对不会让别人抢走菜园了I'm never letting anyone take it from us again.托马斯麦格雷戈Thomas McGregor?请在这里签字Sign here, please.温德米尔发来的那个地方好啊Oh, from Windermere? Fancy place, that.我不认识什么温德米尔的人I don't know anyone from Windermere.无主物管理机构给你发来的Well, it's from Unclaimed Property.看样子你继承了什么遗产呀Usually means you've inherited something.这笔遗产是托马斯从来没听说过得Inherited something, he did.舅爷爷留下的From that greatuncle he knew nothing about.看来性格孤僻是家族遗传啊Turns out intimacy issues run in the family.温德米尔那不是乡下吗Windermere? That's in the country.没错那边的房子可值钱了Well, fancy country.有多值钱The houses there go for a king's ransom.能买一下一家玩具店吗Ransom enough to buy my own toy shop?我想应该够了I'd imagine so.要是是高档精品玩具店呢And fill it with the finest merchandise?那也该够了Should do, yeah.装防弹玻璃Ransom enough to have tempered glass shelving一年四季更换橱窗布置呢and seasonal window decorations?这个嘛我得去打听一下才知道That I might have to do some research on, sir.明天来送信再告诉你吧Can I get back to you mailtime tomorrow?我要去温德米尔的往返票Round trip to Windermere, please.给你谢谢Here you go. Thank you.晚上好请问你知道这个地方吗Good evening. Are you aware of this location?麦格雷戈的农庄吗是的The McGregor manor? Y es.你要住那里吗临时住几天Is that where you're staying? It's just temporary.看一下房子的情况I am merely appraising the manor's condition然后估个价把它卖掉before putting it on the market to sell.那你要我送你去吗But you do want me to take you there?最好不过了Y es.上车吧太感谢了Well, hop in. Thank you.你会爱上那个地方的I think you're really going to love living there.开车时候请不要和我聊天Please don't talk to me on the drive.把它给我在这呢Give it to me. Here.我会飞I can fly! Oh!我好像断了根肋骨I think I cracked a rib.兔子有多少根肋骨How many ribs do we have?. 真的吗Thirteen. No way.太好啦Sweet.别别别Oh, no, but don't...我会飞I can fly...我不是对乡下这边有什么成见只是觉得有点恶心罢了It's nothing against the country. I just find it disgusting.是的你路上已经说的很清楚了先生Y es, you've made that quite clear on the journey, sir.我只是想在这里暂住几天I would just like the record to reflect that.是的我知道Well, I shall create a record and make sure that it reflects it.是人类A human.天啊大家快出来Oh, dear. Everybody out! Out!快跑快跑有人来了Get out! Humans are coming! Human! Human!就比如我是谁Y ou know, it's like, who am I?你又是谁感觉就像Who are you? Y eah?我们很有缘Y ou know, like, we're all connected,但是也许有缘无分but with what rope?人类要来了A human! Humans are coming!我们怎么办啊What should we do? What?大家快藏起来Everybody hide!你的刺太扎人了Oh, your quills are stabbing me.我是不适合躲在这种小地方的I wasn't designed for hiding.这是什么人过的日子Who lives like this?把灯关了Hit the lights!哦不汤米Oh, no. Tommy!汤米Tommy, hide!哦不不是说你看不见别人No, just because you can't see him,别人就看不见你了懂了么doesn't mean he can't see you. Understand? 快躲起来Mmmhmm. Now hide!汤米What? No, Tommy.你假装成烛台还是看得见Now you're just posing as a candelabra.假装成桌布也没用Now you're just a tablecloth.现在你...Now you're just a...你到底在干什么What are you?我是苏珊小姐I'm a lazy Susan.什么鬼What?汤米Tommy! Tommy!快给我出去Get... Get out!滚Get...滚出去Get out!你们全都滚出去害虫们Every single one of you! Out, you vermin!别进我屋子Stay out of my house!他有钥匙He had the key.一定是麦格雷戈家的人He must be a McGregor.有灯好亮Headlights.菲利克斯眨眼眨眼眨眼Felix, blink. Blink, blink, blink, blink.快大家伙眨眼眨眼Come on, big guy. Blink, blink, blink.好亮啊Headlights.快来伙计Come on, deer.太阳又升起来了The sun came up again?我简直不敢相信I can't believe it!昨天晚上我两眼一闭I thought when I closed my eyes last night,以为一切都结束了that that was it!但是新的一天又开始了But we have another day of this! Whoohoo! 可能不是做噩梦It wasn't a nightmare.真是个噩梦Oh. It's a nightmare.这什么音乐啊What is that music?我也不知道I don't know.反正听得我心潮澎湃But it sounds very dramatic and lifechanging.早啊亲爱的Hello, sweeties.你们在看新邻居吗Y ou checking on the new neighbor?别担心他肯定Don't worry. He can't be any worse比那个老头强愿他安息than the old crab bucket, rest his soul.说不清可能是个不错的正常人Never know, maybe he'll be a nice, normal man.看上去不错的He looks nice.挺正常的Looks very normal.这就有点不正常了对吧That's not very normal, is it?应该是个正常人吧That's normal.不管怎么说应该挺有意思的Anyway, it's gonna be exciting.附近来了新面孔了We'll have somebody new around here.不是所有人类都是坏人哟They're not all bad, I promise.我会告诉他I'll explain it to him.在我们这儿土地都是共享的We all share our land around here.我暂时就不发表对他的看法了I'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt.不Oh, no.这不算什么我们可以从后边进去It's not over. We can always go in the back...还可以通过...Or through the...还可以用...Or use the...还可以走那后面..Or behind the...我都不知道走那边可以进呢I didn't even know that was a way in.我看门又装上了啊I see the gates are back up, huh?看样子兔哥哥还是不太给力啊I guess you weren't the prodigal son after all.够了小猪别说了That'll do, pig. That'll do.昨天晚上真有意思It was a fun night, though.我还没玩够呢I haven't eaten that much in a long time.从今天开始减肥The diet starts now.减肥Now.减肥Now. Hey, look.减肥Now.你好不好意思Hello. Oh, sorry.吓到你了我是贝丽就住那边I didn't mean to startle you. I'm Bea. I just live over here. 你好我是托马斯Oh. Hello. I'm Thomas.我住在伦敦I live way over there in London.应该是那个方向That way.我来这只是暂住几天Y es. I'm just here temporarily.我要把房子卖了I'm fixing up this place to sell,去开玩具店using the proceeds to open my own toy store,就开在哈罗兹旁边preferably near Harrods让他们见识见识我的本事so they can witness their own downfall.我的天这信息量可真大Oh, my. That's a lot of information right there.不好意思你这么坦诚Sorry. Good for you是挺好的for not being afraid to open up.他们在说什么我能看得懂唇语What are they saying? Shh, I can read lips.我还没适应这里的生活I'm just a little out of my element.我觉得你肯定会爱上这里的生活I think you'll find the elements here are pretty fabulous.我觉得你肯定会爱上"I think you'll find the elephants around here这里的大象"are really flatulent."什么What?在我眼里这里是全世界最美的地方了In my opinion, it's just the most beautiful place on Earth.是的现在变得更美了Well, it just got a lot more beautiful.你不是在开玩笑吧Y ou didn't just say that.干净结实实用And clean, sturdy, functional.哦你说这扇门Oh, the gate.是的我以为Y es. I thought you were saying你说的是我I was beautiful. Did you...哦不不不我没说你美No, no, no. No, I wouldn't say that.我刚才不是说你I wouldn't say that.当然你是很美我... 你不用这么夸奖我的I would say that. I'm not... No, hey, I'm not fishing.没事我想说的是你真的很美It's fine. Y ou are beautiful.和栅栏门不一样的美And you're different to the gate.我不懂唇语但我了解贝丽I can't read lips, but I know her,她在告诉他把门打开and she's telling him to take down those gates,让我们进菜园子and let us into the garden.祝你在这里一切愉快Well, enjoy your brief stay.希望你不要像以前那个老头子一样Just, please, don't be like the nasty old man他真的很讨厌who used to live here. He was a real twit.他是我叔叔我还没说完He was my uncle. Y ou didn't let me finish.他真的很讨厌He was a real...对不起我没听清Sorry, I can't...算了没必要遮遮掩掩的他真的很令人讨厌No. There's no saving that one. He was a real twit.算了你别介意No offense. None taken.没关系我和他不熟你看去是个讲道理的人I never knew him. Y ou seem much more reasonable.是吗Do I?对了这扇门真的很结实Although, I must say, these gates are incredibly sturdy.你是担心有人偷偷溜进来吗Are you expecting an alien invasion?我只是想让那些动物乖乖呆在外面I just need to keep the wildlife out where they belong.其实这里是他们的地盘Well, they actually belong everywhere.这是他们生活的地方我们才是外来者It was kind of their place first. We're the latecomers.她在干什么How long does it take to say,说一句把门打开让兔子进去有那么难吗"Leave the gate open, and let in the rabbits"?请把门打开让兔子进去Leave the gate open, and let in the rabbits.我十分乐意女士Ah, I certainly will, madam.我得说这些兔子十分可爱的And might I say, those rabbits are incredibly cute.尤其是那个穿蓝色夹克的兔子它是我最喜欢的一只Especially the one with the blue coat. He's my favorite.送你一个礼物And, oh, here's a present.等等干嘛要送礼物给那家伙Wait. Why is she bringing him a present?你太客气了How nice of you.用来观鸟的It's for birdwatching.谢谢Thank you.看那只它还有翅膀呢There's one. It has wings.一般鸟类Y es, that's a pretty defining feature都有翅膀的of the bird, I think you'll find.这是你观察的第一只鸟我希望你把它记录下来Y ou spotted your first bird. Make sure to mark it down later.你是说把观察到的鸟整理归类吗Mark it down? Mmm.原来天上这么多乱飞的鸟还有办法记录下来呀So there's a way of organizing and documenting the chaos of the sky?是啊Y es.好了很高兴认识你托马斯Well, it was nice to meet you, Thomas.我也是Y es, you, too.要不门就开着吧And let's keep this gate open, shall we,这样小动物就可以自由的进出了so the wildlife can run free?那就开着吧成功了Absolutely. She did it.我们可以进去了快来We're in. Come on.住乡下也许没那么糟Maybe it's not so bad here, after all.我不管No. I don't care.我就要进去我断后I'm going in. Right behind you.不别想了No. Not a chance.记得爸爸是怎么死的吧Y ou remember what happened to Dad, right?那你怎么进去But you go in all the time.因为我的角色是英雄That's my character flaw.你的角色就是放哨Y ou get your own character flaw.走吧本杰明为什么本杰明就能进去Come on, Benjamin. Why does he get to go?对啊我为什么非得去Y eah, why do I have to go in?因为他是英雄的陪衬Because that's his character flaw.不管我说什么他都会照做不管多傻或多危险He goes along with everything I say, no matter how stupid and reckless it is.我才不听你的呢No, I don't! Y ou're not the boss of me!本杰明来啦Benjamin. Coming!他自己去我不放心他又傻又笨的I can't let him go in by himself. He's being stupid and reckless.希望他俩平安回来I hope they're going to be okay.不会有事的They'll be fine, and if not,万一有事我想家里的老大就是我了I guess I'll just be the new head of the family.彼得你小心啊Peter, please be okay!。
短篇儿童英文文学经典作品1. "The Tale of Peter Rabbit" by Beatrix Potter: This classic children's book tells the story of a mischievous bunny named Peter Rabbit and his adventures in Mr. McGregor's garden.2. "Charlotte's Web" by E.B. White: This heartwarming story features a kind and intelligent spider named Charlotte who befriends Wilbur, a pig destined for the dinner table. Together, they work to save Wilbur's life.3. "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll: Follow Alice as she falls down a rabbit hole into a whimsical world filled with eccentric characters like the Cheshire Cat and the Mad Hatter.4. "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" by C.S. Lewis: This fantasy novel tells the story of four siblings who discover a magical wardrobe that transports them to the land of Narnia, where they must fulfill a prophecy and defeat the White Witch.5. "The Wind in the Willows" by Kenneth Grahame: Join the adventures of Mole, Rat, Badger, and Toad as they navigate the beauty and dangers of the countryside in this charming tale.6. "Matilda" by Roald Dahl: Meet Matilda, a young girl with extraordinary intelligence and telekinetic powers, as she takes on her mean-spirited family and Miss Trunchbull, the tyrannical headmistress of her school.7. "The Secret Garden" by Frances Hodgson Burnett: Follow the journey of Mary Lennox as she discovers a hidden garden and, with the help of her friends, brings it back to life, providing healing and transformation for all involved.8. "Peter Pan" by J.M. Barrie: Fly away to Neverland with Peter Pan, the boy who never grows up, and join him on his adventures with Wendy, John, and Michael Darling as they battle Captain Hook and his pirate crew.9. "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" by L. Frank Baum: Follow Dorothy and her friends—the Scarecrow, Tin Woodman, and Cowardly Lion—as they journey through the magical Land of Oz in search of the Wizard to help them find their hearts' desires. 10. "Winnie-the-Pooh" by A.A. Milne: Join the lovable teddy bear named Pooh and his friends Piglet, Eeyore, and Tigger as they embark on endless adventures in the Hundred Acre Wood.。
T h e-T a l e-o f-P e t e r-R a b b i t-彼得兔的故事1单词卡Vocabulary CardChase [tʃeɪs]v. 追逐;追捕;奔跑Radish ['rædɪʃ]n. 萝卜Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail and Peter lived underneath the root of a very big fir-tree.小兔子弗洛普希、莫浦西、棉花尾和彼得一家住在一棵高大的杉树下。
Their mother, Mrs.Rabbit, was going out. "Don’t go into Mr. McGregor's garden!" she said.有一天,兔子妈妈准备出去,她叮嘱小兔子们说:“千万不要去麦克格瑞格先生家的菜园子!”But naughty Peter ran to Mr. McGregor's garden and squeezed under the gate.可是小兔子彼得却非常淘气,他从门缝挤进了麦克格瑞格先生的菜园子。
First he ate some lettuces and French beans; then he ate some radishes.他先吃了一些莴苣和青豆,然后又拔了几根红萝卜。
Mr. McGregor saw Peter! He chased him around the garden, calling "Stop thief! Stop thief!" Poor Peter ran into a gooseberry net, and got caught by the large buttons on his jacket.麦克格瑞格先生看到了彼得!他在菜园里追着彼得,大喊道:“站住,小偷!”慌张的彼得钻进了一个围着醋栗的网里面,而他夹克上的一颗大纽扣被网钩住了。
彼得兔电影的好词好句英文1. 《彼得兔的故事》中的好词好句有哪些《彼得兔的故事》中的好词好句有:1. 弄坏了衣服,彼得难受极了,大滴大滴的眼泪直往下掉;恰巧就在这个时候,有几只善良的小麻雀听到了他悲伤的悲泣,他们拍打着翅膀向他飞来,在他身边鼓励他一定要坚强。
2. 彼得在门边向她问路,可她嘴里塞了一颗很大的豌豆,所以什么话也说不出来。
3. 千万别跑到蛮哥古里古先生的菜园里去了,你们的爸爸就是在那儿出的事——他被蛮哥古里古先生捉住,放进一个大馅饼里面去了。
4. 彼得这时却在不停地奔跑,一边跑,一边惊魂未定地往后瞧,直到他跑回了无花果大树底下的家里。
5. 蛮哥古里古先生把彼得的小夹克衫和鞋子挂在了竹竿上,权且充当一个稻草人,用来吓唬那些过路的山雀。
6. 彼得飞快地窜下了手推车,能跑多快就跑多快,他笔直不打弯地穿过了那些黑醋栗的灌木丛。
《彼得兔的故事》,(英)毕翠克丝·波特The Tale of peter Rabbit Beatrix Potter著,译者:吴松梅。
2. 彼得兔的故事,只要好词的,只要好词不要好句好段弄坏了衣服,彼得难受极了,大滴大滴的眼泪直往下掉;恰巧就在这个时候,有几只善良的小麻雀听到了他悲伤的悲泣,他们拍打着翅膀向他飞来,在他身边鼓励他一定要坚强彼得终于可以坐下来歇一会儿啦。
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— —Once upon a time there were four little Rabbits, and their names were—Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail, and Peter.They lived with their Mother in a sand-bank, underneath the root of a very big fir-tree.“Now, my dears,” said old Mrs. Rabbit one morning, “you may go into the fields or down the lane, but don’t go into Mr. McGregor’s garden: your Father had an accident there; he was put in a pie by Mrs. McGregor.”“Now run along, and don’t get into mis-chief. I am going out.”Then old Mrs. Rabbit took a basket and her umbrella, and went through the wood tothe baker’s. She bought a loaf of brown bread and five currant buns.Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cotton-tail, who were good lit-tle bunnies, went down the lane to gather blackberries;But Peter, who was very naughty, ran straight away to Mr. McGregor’s garden, and squeezed under the gate!First he ate some lettuces and some French beans; and then he ate some radishes;And then, feeling rather sick, he went to look for some parsley.But round the end of a cucumber frame, whom should he meet but Mr. McGregor!Mr. McGregor was on his hands and knees planting out young cabbages, but he jumped up and ran after Peter, waving a rake and calling out, “Stop thief.”Peter was most dreadfully frightened; he rushed all over the garden, for he had forgot-ten the way back to the gate.He lost one of his shoes among the cab-bages, and the other shoe amongst the pota-toes.After losing them, he ran on four legs and went faster, so that I think he might have got away altogether if he had not un-fortunately run into a goose-berry net, and got caught by the large buttons on his jacket. It was a blue jacket with brass but-tons, quite new.Peter gave himself up for lost, and shed big tears; but his sobs were overheard by some The Great Big Treasury of Beatrix PotterThe Tale of Peter Rabbitfriendly sparrows, who flew to him in great ex-citement, and implored him to exert himself.Mr. McGregor came up with a sieve, which he intended to pop upon the top of Pe-ter; but Peter wriggled out just in time, leaving his jacket behind him.And rushed into the toolshed, and jumped into a can. It would have been a beautiful thing to hide in, if it had not had so much water in it.Mr. McGregor was quite sure that Peter was somewhere in the toolshed, perhaps hid-den underneath a flower- pot. He began to turn them over carefully, looking under each.Presently Peter sneezed— “Kertyschoo!” Mr. McGregor was after him in no time, And tried to put his foot upon Peter, who jumped out of a window, upsetting three plants. The window was too small for Mr. Mc-Gregor, and he was tired of running after Pe-ter. He went back to his work.Peter sat down to rest; he was out of breath and trembling with fright, and he had not the least idea which way to go. Also he was very damp with sitting in that can.After a time he began to wander about, going lippity—lippity—not very fast, and looking all around.He found a door in a wall; but it was locked, and there was no room for a fat little rabbit to squeeze underneath.An old mouse was running in and out over the stone doorstep, carrying peas and beans to her family in the wood. Peter asked her the way to the gate, but she had such a large pea in her mouth that she could not answer. She only shook her head at him. Peter began to cry.Then he tried to find his way straight across the garden, but he became more and more puzzled. Presently, he came to a pond where Mr. McGregor filled his water-cans. A white cat was staring at some goldfish; she sat very, very still, but now and then the tip of her tail twitched as if it were alive. Peter thought it best to go away without speaking to her; he has heard about cats from his cousin, little Benjamin Bunny.He went back towards the toolshed, but suddenly, quite close to him, he heard the noise of a hoe— scr-r-ritch, scratch, scratch, scritch. Peter scuttered underneath the bushes. But presently, as nothing happened, he came out, and climbed upon a wheelbarrow, and peeped over. The first thing he saw was Mr. McGregor hoeing onions. His back was turned towards Peter, and beyond him was the gate!Peter got down very quietly off the wheel-barrow, and started running as fast as he could go, along a straight walk behind some black-currant bushes.Mr. McGregor caught sight of him at the corner, but Peter did not care. He slipped un-derneath the gate, and was safe at last in the wood outside the garden.Mr. McGregor hung up the little jacket and the shoes for a scare-crow to frighten the blackbirds.— —Peter never stopped running or looked be-hind him till he got home to the big fir-tree.He was so tired that he flopped down upon the nice soft sand on the floor of the rabbit-hole, and shut his eyes. His mother was busy cooking; she wondered what he had done with his clothes. It was the second little jacket and pair of shoes that Peter had lost ina fortnight!I am sorry to say that Peter was not very well during the evening.His mother put him to bed, and made some camomile tea; and she gave a dose of itto Peter!“One table-spoonful to be taken at bed-time.”But Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cotton-tail had bread and milk and blackberries for supper.— —。