当询问和回答远距离的事物时, 用以下句型: —What's that? —It's... 【注意】What's是缩写形式,其完整形式 为What is。 例句:—What's that?那是什么? —It's an elephant.它是一头大象。
4.The giraffe is tall!长颈鹿很高! 【功能】用于描述某种动物的特征。 【句型】The +动物名称+is +形容词! 例句:The cat is cute!小猫很可爱!
B: OK. I love it!
( B )27.—Hop! Hop! Hop like a __________. —You are cute.
( A )28.—Do y二o、u 看ha图v,e a用p介e词t? on, un—derY, iens, ,ne_a_r_填_空__。____.
2) 狗
3) 宠物
4) 猫
5) 鱼 ;鱼肉
6) 鸟
7) 兔
8) 去;走
9) 动物园
11) 大熊猫
12) 可爱的
13) 猴子
/ˈdʌbəjə/,and /ˈdʌbjə/)
/ɪቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱs/
/haː/ >
/ˈaha/ >
1.矢量图形的转化Illustratior 的滤镜功能,一些只能对位图进行操作,对矢量图必须通过Object Rasterize(光栅化)命令进行转换,才能进行处理。
2.各种滤镜操作Filter 菜单下竖排有三栏。
2.1 再次应用命令1)Apply last Filter:再次应用刚使用过的滤镜功能。
2)Last Filter:再次设置刚使用过的滤镜2.2 Color 颜色1)调整颜色选择图形对象Filter Color AdjustColor,对话框如图6-1所示。
(图6-1 Adjust Color对话框)2)Blend Front to Back前图混合到后图。
3)Blend Horizontally水平放置图形混合选择3个以上水平放置的图形,将结果颜色加在中间图形上。
4)Blend Vertically面混合垂直放置的图形颜色结果同上。
5)Convert CMYK 转换为印刷四色建立的文件须在CMYK模式下。
6)Convert GrayScale转换为灰度颜色7)Convert to RGB转换为RGB颜色建立的文件须在RGB模式下。
8)Invert Colors 反色9)OverPrint Black黑色压印图形须是黑色填充。
10)Saturation 饱和度2.3 Create 创建1)Create Mosaic (马赛克效果)设置对话框如图6-2所示。
(图6-2 马赛克效果设置对话框) Current Size:当前文件大小;✧New Size:新文件大小;✧Tile Spacing:拼贴空隙;✧Number of Tiles:拼贴数量。
✧Option选项下:✓Constrain Ratio:马赛克比例✓Result:颜色。
单音节词[1] –ab lab, cab, crab, dab, drab, grab, jab, nab, slab, stab, swab, tab[2] –ace brace, face, grace, lace, mace, pace, place, race, space, trace[3] –back black, clack, crack, hack, jack, knack, lack, pack, rack,sack, shack, slack, smack, stack, tack, track, whack, wrack[4] –act fact, pact, tact, tract[5] –adge badge, cadge, wadge[6] –ad bad, cad, clad, dad, fad, glad, lad, mad, pad, quad, sad, squad, tad, trad, wad[7] –ade blade, fade, glade, grade, jade, shade, spade, trade, wade[8] –atch batch, catch, hatch, latch, match, patch, scratch, snatch,swatch, watch[9] –afe chafe, safe, strafe[10] –aff chaff, quaff, staff[11] –aft aft, craft, draft, graft, raft, shaft, waft[12] –ag bag, brag, crag, fag, flag, gag, hag, jag, lag, nag, rag, slag, snag, stag, tag, wag[13] –age age, cage, page, rage, sage, stage, wage[14]–aid aid, aide, braid, maid, raid, staid[15] –ail ail, bail, fail, frail, hail, mail, nail, pail, quail, rail, sail, snail, tail, trail, wail[16] –aim aim, claim, maim[17] –ain brain, gain, main, pain, plain, rain, sprain, stain, strain,train, vain[18] –aint faint, quaint, taint[19]–air air, chair, fair, flair, hair, lair, pair, stair[20] –ait bait, gait, plait, strait, trait, wait[21] –ak flak, yak[22] –ake bake, brake, cake, drake, fake, flake, make, quake, rake, sake, shake, slake, snake, stake, take, wake[23] –ald bald, scald[24] –ale ale, bale, gale, hale, pale, sale, scale, shale, stale, tale, whale[25] –alf calf, half[26] –alk balk, chalk, stalk, talk, walk, [caulk][27] –all all, ball, call, fall, gall, mall, pall, shall, small, spall, stall, tall, thrall, wall[28] –alm balm, calm, palm, qualm[29] –alp scalp[30] –alt halt, malt, slat[31] –am clam, cram, dam, damn, dram, gram, ham, jam, pram, scram, sham, slam, tram, wham, yam[32] –amb jamb, lamb[33] –ame blame, dame, lame, name, shame, tame[34] –amp camp, champ, clamp, cramp, lamp, ramp, scamp, swamp, tamp, tramp, vamp[35] –an ban, bran, can, clan, gran, man, pan, plan, scan, span, swan, tan, than, van, wan[36] –ance chance, dance, glance, lance, prance, stance, trance[37] –anch blanch, branch, ranch, stanch[38] –and and, band, bland, brand, grand, hand, land, sand, stand, strand, wand[39] –ane bane, cane, crane, lane, plane, sane, vane, wane[40] –ang bang, clang, fang, gang, hang, pang, slang, tang[41] –ange change, grange, range, strange[42] –ank, bank, blank, clank, crank, flank, frank, hank, lank, plank, prank, rank, shank, spank, swank, tank, thank, yank[43] –ant ant, cant, chant, grant, pant, plant, scant, slant, want[44] –ap cap, chap, clap, crap, flap, frap, gap, lap, map, nap, pap, rap, sap, scrap, slap, snap, swap, tap, wrap, yap[45] –ape ape, cape, drape, gape, grape, nape, rape, scrape, shape, tape[46] –arch arch, larch, march, parch, starch[47] –ar bar, car, char, czar, far, mar, par, scar, spar, tar, war,[48] –are are, bare, blare, cre, dare, fare, flare, glare, hare, pare, scare, share, snare, spare, square, stare, tare, ware[49] –arb barb, garb[50] –ard bard, card, hard, lard, ward, yard[51] –ark ark, bark, dark, hark, lark, mark, nark, park, shark, spark, stark[52] –arl gnarl, snarl[53] –arm arm, charm, farm, harm, swarm, warm[54] –arn barn, darn, tarn, warn, yarn[55] –arp carp, harp, scarp, sharp, warp[56] –arsh harsh, marsh[57] –art art, cart, dart, mart, part, quart, smart, start, tart, swart[58] –ase base, case, chase, phase, phrase, vase[59] –ash ash, bash, brash, cash, clash, crash, dash, flash, gash, gnash, hash, lash, mash, quash, rash, sash, slash, smash, splash, squash, stash, thrash, trash, wash[60] –ask ask, bask, cask, flask, mask, task[61] –asp clasp, gasp, grasp, rasp, wasp[62] –ass ass, bass, brass, class, crass, glass, grass, lass, mass, pass[63] –ast blast, cast, fast, last, mast, past[64] –aste baste, caste, chaste, haste, taste, waste[65] –at at, bat, brat, cat, chat, drat, fat, flat, gant, hat, mat, pat, rat, squat, swat, that, what[66] –atch batch, catch, hatch, latch, match, patch, scratch, snatch, swatch, thatch, watch[67] –ate bate, crate, date, fate, gate, grate, hate, late, mate, pate, plate, prate, rate, sate, skate, slate, spate, state[68] –aul haul, maul[69] –ault fault, vault[70] –aunch paunch, staunch[71] –aunt aunt, daunt, flaunt, gaunt, haunt, jaunt, taunt, vaunt[72] –ave brave, cave, crave, have, knave, lave, nave, pave, rave, shave, slave, stave, suave, wave[73] –aw caw, claw, draw, flaw, gnaw, haw, jaw, paw, raw, saw, straw, thaw, yaw[74] –awk gawk, hawk, squawk[75] –awl awl, bawl, brawl, crawl, drawl, scrawl, shawl, sprawl, trawl[76] –awn brawn, dawn, drawn, fawn, lawn, pawn, prawn, spawn, yawn[77] –ax flax, lax, tax, wax[78] –ay bray, clay, day, flay, fray, gay, hay, lay, may, pay, play, pray, quay, ray, say, slay, splay, spray, stay, stray, sway[79] –aze blaze, craze, daze, faze, gaze, glaze, graze, haze, laze, maze, razeE[1]-e be, he, me, she, we[2]–ea flea, lea, pea, plea, sea, tea, yea[3] -each beach, bleach, breach, each, leach, peach, preach, reach, teach[4] –ead bead, dead, dread, head, knead, lead, mead, plead, read, spread, stead, thread, tread[5] –eaf deaf, leaf[6] –eak beak, bleak, creak, freak, leak, peak, sneak, speak, squeak, steak, streak, weak, wreak[7] –eal deal, heal, peal, real, seal, squeal, steal, veal, weal, zeal[8] –eam beam, cream, dream, gleam, ream, scream, seam, steam, stream, team[9] –ean bean, clean, dean, glean, jean, lean, mean, wean[10] –eap cheap, heap, leap, reap[11] –ear bear, dear, ear, fear, gear, hear, near, pear, rear, sear, shear, smear, spear, swear, tear, wear, year[12] –ease cease, crease, ease, grease, lease, please, tease[13] –east beast, breast, feast, least, yeast[14] –eat beat, bleat, cheat, eat, feat, great, heat, meat, peat, seat, sweat, teat, threat, treat, wheat[15] –eath heath, sheath, wreath[16] -eave cleave, eave, heave, leave, weave[17] –eck beck, check, deck, fleck, heck, neck, peck, speck, wreck[18] –ed bed, red, shed, shred, wed[19] –edge dredge, edge, hedge, pledge, sledge[20] –ee bee, fee, flee, free, glee, knee, lee, pee, see, spree, tee, thee, tree, twee, wee[21] –eech beech, breech, leech, screech[22] –eed bleed, creed, deed, feed, greed, heed, need, reed, screed, seed, speed, steed, tweed, weed[23] –eef beef, reef[24] –eek cheek, creek, Greek, leek, meek, peek, reek, seek, week[25] –eel eel, feel, heel, keel, peel, reel, steel, wheel[26] –eem deem, seem, teem[27] –een green, keen, preen, queen, screen, sheen, spleen[28] –eep beep, cheep, creep, deep, jeep, keep, peep, seep, sheep, sleep, steep, sweep, weep[29] –eer beer, cheer, deer, jeer, peer, queer, seer, sheer, sneer, steer, veer[30] –eet beet, fete, fleet, greet, mete, meet, sheet, sleet, street, sweet, tweet[31] –eeze breeze, cheese, freeze, sneeze, squeeze, wheeze[32] –eft cleft, deft, left, theft, weft[33] –eg beg, egg, keg, leg, peg[34] –elch belch, squelch[35] –eld geld, meld, weld[36] –ell bell, dell, ell, fell, hell, jell, knell, quell, sell, shell, smell, spell, swell, tell, well, yell[37] –elp whelp, yelp[38] –elt belt, felt, melt[39] –elve delve, helve, shelve[40] –em gem, hem, stem, them[41] –empy kempt, tempt[42] –en den, glen, ken, pen, ten, then, when, yen[43] –ench bench, blench, clench, drench, French, quench, stench, trench, wench, wrench[44] –end bend, blend, end, fiend, lend, mend, rend, send, spend, tend, trend, wend[45] –ent bent, dent, Lent, scent, spent, vent[46] –ere here, mere, sphere, there, where[47] –ern fern, stern[48] –erve nerve, serve, swerve, verve[49] –ess bless, chess, dress, less, mess, press, stress[50] –est best, chest, crest, jest, lest, nest, pest, quest, rest, test, west, wrest, zest[51] –et bet, fret, get, jet, let, net, pet, set, wet, whet, yet[52] –etch etch, wretch[53] -ew brew, chew, crew, dew, few, hew, Jew, mew, pew, queue, screw, sew, shrew, skew, slew, spew, stew, strew, thew, view, yew[54] –ex flex, vex[55] –ey grey, hey, keyI[1] –ib bib, crib, fib, glib, jib, nib, rib[2] –ibe bribe, gibe, jibe, scribe[3]–ice ice, mice, nice, price, slice, spice, splice, thrice, trice, twice, rice, vice[4]–ick brick, chick, click, flick, kick, lick, nick, pick, prick, sick, wick[5]–id bod, grid, kid, lid, rid, skid[6]–ide bide, bride, chide, glide, guide, hide, pride, side, slide, snide, stride, tide, wide[7] –ie die, hie, lie, pie, tie, vie[8] -ief brief, chief, grief, thief[9] -ield field, shield, wield, yield[10]–ien lien, mien[11]–ife knife, life, strife, wife[12]–iff biff, cliff, miff, skiff, sniff, stiff, tiff, whiff[13]-ift drift, gift, lift, rift, shift, shrift, sift, swift, thrift[14]–ig big, brig, dig, fig, gig, grig, jig, pig, prig, rig, sprig, swig, twig, wig[15]–ight blight, bright, flight, fright, knight, light, might, night, plight, right, sight, slight, tight[16]–ike bike, dike, hike, like, mike, strike, trike, tyke[17]–ilch filch, zilch[18]–ild child, gild, mild, wild[19]–ile bile, file, guile, mile, pile, rile, smile, stile, tile, while, vile[20]–ill bill, chill, drill, fill, frill, gill, grill, grille, hill, ill, kill, mill, pill, quill, rill, shrill, sill, spill, still, swill, thrill, till, twill, will[21]-ilt gilt, guilt, jilt, lilt, stilt, tilt, wilt[22]–im brim, dim, grim, him, prim, slim, swim, trim, whim, vim[23]–ime chime, crime, dime, grime, mime, prime, time[24]–imp crimp, gimp, limp, pimp, primp[25]–in bin, chin, din, fin, gin, grin, in, kin, pin, shin, sin, skin, spin, tin, thin, twin, win[26]–ince mince, prince, wince[27]-inch cinch, clinch, finch, flinch, inch, lynch, pinch, winch[28]–ind bind, find, mind, rind[29]–ine brine, chine, dine, fine, line, mine, nine, pine, shine, shrine, spine, swine, twine, whine, wine[30]–ing bring, cling, fling, king, ring, sing, sling, spring, sting, string, swing, wing, wring[31]-inge cringe, fringe, hinge, springe, tinge, twinge[32]–ink blink, brink, chink, clink, drink, fink, ink, jink, kink, link, pink, prink, rink, shrink, sink, slink, stink, think, wink[33]–int dint, flint, glint, hint, lint, mint, pint, print, skint, sprint, squint, stint, tint[34]-inx jinx, sphinx[35]–ip chip, clip, dip, drip, flip, grip, hip, lip, nip, pip, rip, ship, sip, skip, snip, strip, tip, whip, zip[36]–ipe gripe, pipe, ripe, snipe, stripe, swipe, wipe[37]–irch birch, smirch[38]-ird bird, gird, third[39]–ire dire, fire, hire, mire, shire, spire, squire, tire, wire[40]-irk irk, dirk, smirk, shirk[41]-irl girl, swirl, twirl, whirl[42]-irm firm, squirm[43]-irt dirt, flirt, shirt, skirt[44]-irth birth, girth, mirth[45]–ise guise, rise, vise, wise[46] -ish dish, fish, wish[47] -isk brisk, frisk, risk, whisk[48] -isp crisp, wisp[49] -iss bliss, kiss, miss, piss[50] -ist fist, gist, list, mist, twist, wrist[51] –it bit, chit, fit, flit, grit, hit, it, kit, knit, pit, sit, skit, slit, spit, split, whit, writ[52] -itch bitch, ditch, hitch, itch, pitch, snitch, stitch, witch[53] –ite bite, cite, kite, mite, rite, site, smite, spite, trite, white, write[54] -ithe blithe, lithe, scythe, writhe[55] –ive dive, five, give, hive, jive, live, skive, strive, thrive[56] -ize size prizeY[1] –y(e) by, dye, fly, guy, my, ply, pry, rye, shy, sly, sty, try, why[2] –ymph lymph, nymph[3] –yre byre, gyre, lyre, pyre, tyreO[1] –oach broach, coach, proach[2] -oar boar, oar, roar, soar[3] –oax coax, hoax[4] –ob bob, cob, mob, throb[5] –obe lobe, probe, robe[6] –ock block, chock, clock, dock, flock, frock, jock, lock, mock, nock, pock, rock, sock, shock, smock[7] –od cod, plod, pod, sod[8] –ode bode, code, lode, mode, node, ode[9] –oe doe, foe, hoe, roe, woe[10] –oad broad, goad, load, road, toad[11] -oam foam, loam, roam[12] –oan groan, moan, roan[13] –oat boat, bloat, coat, float, goat, gloat, moat, throat[14] –off doff, off[15] –og bog, cog, clog, dog, fog, frog, hog, jog, log, slog, smog, tog, rogue, vogue[16] –oil boil, broil, coil, foil, roil, soil, spoil, toil[17] –oin coin, groin, join, loin[18] –oke coke, joke, poke, spoke, stroke, yoke[19] –old fold, hold, mold, old, wold[20] –oll doll, droll, loll, poll, roll, scroll, stroll, toll, troll[21] –olt bolt, colt, jolt, molt[22] –ome dome, gnome, home, Rome[23] –omp pomp, romp[24] –one cone, clone, crone, drone, hone, prone, tone, throne, zone[25] –ong gong, throng, strong, thong, tong, wrong, song, dong[26] –onk honk, monk[27] –oan groan, moan[28] –oak cloak, croak, soak[29] –oast boast, coast, roast, toast[30] –ooch brooch, hooch, mooch[31] –oof hoof, roof, proof, spoof[32] –ook book, brook, cook, crook, hook, kook, look, nook, rook, spook[33] –ool cool, drool, fool, school, spool, stool, tool[34] –oom boom, bloom, broom, doom, gloom, groom, loom, room, zoom[35] –oon boon, croon, loon[36] –op chop, crop, flop, hop, lop, prop, slop, sop[37] –oop coop, droop, hoop, loop, sloop, snoop, stoop, swoop, troop, whoop[38] –oor boor, moor, spoor, floor[39] –oot boot, foot, hoot, loot, moot, soot[40] –ope cope, dope, grope, hope, lope, mope, nope, pope, rope, scope, slope, tope[41] –ord cord, chord, ford, horde, lord, word[42] –ore bore, chore, core, fore, gore, lore, more, pore, score, sore, spore, whore, yore[43] –ork cork, fork, pork, stork[44] –orm dorm, form, worm, norm[45] –orn born, corn, porn, scorn, thorn[46] –ort fort, mort, port, snort, sport, tort[47] –ose close, dose, hose, lose, nose, pose, prose, rose, those[48] –oss boss, cross, dross, fosse, gloss, gross, loss, moss, posse, toss[49] –ost ghost, host, lost, most, post[50] –ot blot, cot, clot, dot, hot, jot, lot, mot, not, pot, plot, rot, sot, slot, snot, spot, tot, trot[51] –otch blotch, botch, notch, scotch[52] –ote cote, dote, mote, note, quote, rote, vote[53] –oth both, broth, cloth, froth, moth, sloth, troth[54] –ounce bounce, flounce, pounce, trounce[55] –ouch couch, crouch, grouch, pouch, slouch, vouch[56] -ough bough, cough, dough, plough, rough, slough, tough, trough[57] –ound bound, found, ground, hound, mound, pound, round, sound, wound[58] –ount count, mount[59] –oup coup, stoup, troupe[60] –our dour, flour, four, our, scour, tour[61] –ouse blouse, browse, douse, dowse, grouse, house, louse, mouse, rouse, souse, spouse[62] –oust joust, oust[63] –out bout, clout, flout, out, pout, rout, scout, shout, spout, sprout, stout, tout[64] –ove clove, cove, dove, grove, hove, Jove, love, move, prove, rove, shove, stove。
【托福阅读】精选阅读真题长难句50句1、 Later experiments in which researchers played recordings of songs to youngbirds showed just how precise this influence was, many of them would learnthe exact pattern of the recording they had heard.2、 The crude song of a bird reared in isolation gives some clues as to what thisrough idea may be the length, the frequency range and the breaking up intonotes are all aspects of chaffinch song shared between normal birds andthose reared in isolation.3、 Whatever the nature of the learning rules in a particular species, there is nodoubt that they are effective, it is very unusual to hear a wild bird singing asong which is not typical of its own species despite the many different songswhich often occur in a small patch of woodland.4、 Chemical analysis of bones enables archaeologists to determine theproportion of meat to vegetable foods in the diet by measuring the proportionof calcium to strontium in ancient bone because strontium in place of calciumin bones comes primarily from ingested plants.5、 Each dwelling had a different arrangement of the giant bones, which camefrom the skeletons of long-dead animals retrieved from the surrounding areaby occupants of the site, not from animals they had recently hunted.6、 In a precedent-setting decision, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commissionordered the dam removed after concluding that the environmental andeconomic benefits of a free-flowing river outweighed the electricity generatedby the dam.7、 Built nearly a century ago to provide power to lumber and paper mills in thetown of Port Angeles, these dams blocked access to upstream spawning bedsfor six species of salmon on what once was one of the most productivesalmon rivers in the world.8、 The Hetch Hetchy Dam in Yosemite National Park might be taken down toreveal what John Muir, the founder of the prestigious environmentalorganization Sierra Club, called a valley “just as beautiful and worthy ofpreservation as the maj estic Yosemite.”9、 A chance collision between two comets, or the gravitational influence of oneof the Jovian planets—Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune—mayoccasionally alter the orbit of a comet in these regions enough to send it tothe inner solar system and into our view.10、 These comets appear to be distributed in all directions from the Sun, forminga spherical shell around the solar system, called the Oort cloud, after theDutch astronomer Jan Oort.11、 After the arrival of hunter-gatherers in the southwestern region of NorthAmerica, several alternative types of agriculture emerged, all involvingdifferent solutions to the Southwest’s fundamental problem: how to obtainenough water to grow crops in an environment in which rainfall is so low andunpredictable that little or no farming is practiced there today.12、 That fate actually befell the Mimbres, who started by farming the floodplainand then began to farm adjacent land above the floodplain as their population ca me to exceed the floodplain’s capacity to support it.13、 However, when drought conditions returned, that gamble left them with apopulation double what the floodplain could support, and Mimbres societycollapsed suddenly under the stress.14、 One more strategy was to plant crops at many sites even though rainfall waslocally unpredictable and then to harvest crops at whichever sites did getenough rain to produce a good harvest and to redistribute some of theharvest to the people still living at all the sites that did not happen to receiveenough rain that year.15、 Sanitation problems caused by larger, more sedentary populations wouldhave helped transmit diseases in human waste, as would the use of animaldung for fertilizer.16、 The increase in many of these came not only from the fact that fewer peoplewere dying from infectious disease and were living longer but also from theresults of modern lifestyles in developed countries and among the upperclasses of developing countries – a more sedentary life leading to lessphysical activity, more stress; environmental pollution, andhigh-fat diets.17、 This evolution may have been encouraged by what some authorities considerour overuse of antibiotics, giving microorganisms a greater chance to evolveresistance by exposing them to a constant barrage of selective challenges.18、 Therefore, on many reefs it is the fast-growing, branching corals thatultimately dominate at the upper, shallower portion of the reef, whereasmore massive forms dominate in deeper areas.19、 The fact that almost all small invertebrates on reefs are so well hidden orhighly camouflaged is another indicator of how prevalent predation is onreefs and its importance in determining reef structure.20、 Finally, they need reliable methods of storage because, where plant foodscannot provide a dietary safety net, planning has to be precise and detailedto ensure that there is enough to tide them over in periods of shortage.21、 Coins also provide a valuable source of written records: they can revealinformation about the location where they are found, which can provideevidence about trade practices there, and their inscriptions can beinformative about the issuing authority, whether they werecity-states (as inancient Greece) or sole rulers (as in Imperial Rome or in the kingdoms ofmedieval Europe).22、 The great risk with historical records is that they can impose their ownperspective so that they begin not only to supply the answers to ourquestions but subtly to determine the nature of those questions and even ourconcepts and terminology.23、 Not all botanists agree with an African-South American center for theevolution and dispersal of the angiosperms, pointing out that many of themost primitive forms of flowering plants are found in the South Pacific,including portions of Fiji, New Caledonia, New Guinea, eastern Australia, andthe Malay Archipelago.24、 To elaborate, before the eighth century, the elite marriage practice, whichwas an important instrument of political alliance making, had encouragedrulers to maintain multiple palaces: that of their own family and those of theirspouses, who commonly remained at or near their native family headquarters,at least for some years after marriage.25、 Nearly five billion years ago, some external influence, such asa shock wavetraveling from a catastrophic explosion (supernova), may have triggered thecollapse of this huge cloud of gases and minute grains of heavier elements,causing the cloud to begin to slowly contract due to the gravitationalinteractions among its particles.26、 Nearly five billion years ago, some external influence, such asa shock wavetraveling from a catastrophic explosion (supernova), may have triggered thecollapse of this huge cloud of gases and minute grains of heavier elements,causing the cloud to begin to slowly contract due to the gravitationalinteractions among its particles.27、 Steady overseas demand for colonial products created a prosperity thatenabled colonists to consume ever-larger amounts not only of clothing but ofdishware, home furnishings, tea, and a range of other items both produced inBritain and imported by British and colonial merchants from elsewhere.28、 Such materials as iron and nickel and the elements of which the rock-formingminerals are composed—silicon, calcium, sodium, and so forth—formedmetallic and rocky clumps that orbited the Sun.29、 This act was intended less to raise revenue than to serve as a protective tariff(tax) that would benefit British West Indian sugar producers at the expenseof their French rivals.30、 Parliament used British tax money to pay modest incentives to Americansproducing such items as silk, iron, dyes, hemp, and lumber, which Britainwould otherwise have had to import from other countries, and it raised theprice of commercial rivals’ imports by imposing protective tariffs on them.31、 The concept of chromatic adaptation was proposed in 1883; and thehypothesis was accepted for about 100 years, until it was realized that suchzonation did not necessarily occur and that the distribution of seaweedsdepended more on herbivory (the consumption of plant material),competition, varying concentration of the specialized pigments, and the abilityof seaweeds to alter their forms of growth.32、First, demand for news increased as Europe’s commercial and politicalinterests spread around the globe—merchants in London, Liverpool, orGlasgow, for example, came to depend on early news of Caribbean harvestsand gains and losses in colonial wars.33、 Industries with high concentrations of employment in urban areas, where aworker’s change of employer does not necessarily require investing in achange of residence, appear to have higher rates of job turnover thanindustries concentrated in nonmetropolitan areas do.34、 Some researchers, for example, have argued that a particular kind of pottery,called Ramey incised (which is incised with figures of eyes, fish, arrows, andabstract objects and was used by the people in the area of present-dayMissouri and Illinois at about A.D 900), was primarily used to distribute foodbut was also used to communicate the idea that the society’s elite, for whomthe pots were made, were mediators of cosmic forces.35、 There are several limiting factors, but results from a recent experimentsuggest that in areas of the ocean where other nutrients are plentiful, ironmay be one of the most important and, until recently, unrecognized variablescontrolling phytoplankton production.36、 In 1894, C. Lloyd Morgan, an early comparative behaviorist, insisted thatanimal behavior be explained as simply as possible without reference toemotions or motivations since these could not be observed or measured.37、 Assuming that in the early 1770s at least half of the demand for grain fromfarmers with surpluses was satisfied through long-distance channels, theproportion of grain produced for consumption beyond the local marketprobably accounted for about a quarter of total grain production consumedby humans.38、Sea turtles’ eggs are laid at night to minimize the likelihood of their discoveryby predators, and the offspring, when ready to emerge from their eggshellsand dig their way out of the sand, hatch at night for the same reason.39、 In short, therefore, the site Memphis offered the rulers of the Early DynasticPeriod an ideal location for controlling internal trade within their realm, anessential requirement for a state-directed economy that depended on themovement of goods.40、 In particular, research has focused on determining why such an apparentlyinhospitable place as Chaco, which today is extremely arid and has very shortgrowing seasons, should have favored the concentration of labor that musthave been required for such massive construction projects over brief periodsof time.41、 In one case, seeds of the arctic lupine, a member of the pea family recoveredfrom ancient lemming burrows in the Arctic, germinated in three days eventhough they were carbon-dated at more than 10,000years old!42、 In fact, unpredictability is probably a greater problem than is the severity ofthe unfavorable period.43、 Similar reasoning suggested that one could estimate total elapsed geologictime by dividing the average thickness of sediment transported annually tothe oceans into the total thickness of sedimentary rock that had ever beendeposited in the past.44、 The process that marine creatures use to create light is like that of thecommon firefly and similar to that which creates the luminous green colorseen in plastic glow sticks, often used as children’s toys or for illuminationduring nighttime events.45、 But its appearance under a microscope is even more spectacular, the livingcopepod appears as if constructed of delicately handcrafted, multicoloredpieces of stained glass.46、 Cleared lands would more likely have been worked by hand tilling, with littledirect help from animals, and the vast forests natural to Northern Europeremained either untouched, or perhaps cleared in small sections by fire, andthe land probably used only so long as the ash-enriched soil yielded goodcrops and then abandoned for some other similarly cleared field.47、 Because nests at the edges of breeding colonies are more vulnerable topredators than those in the centers, the preference for advantageous centralsites promotes dense centralized packing of nests.48、 In discussing the growth of cities in the United States in the nineteenthcentury, one cannot really use the term “urban planning,” as it suggestsmodern concerns for spatial and service organization which, in most instances,did not exist before the planning revolution called the City BeautifulMovement that began in the 1890s.49、 There the limits that topography imposed on production have been tightenedby climate, with the result that agricultural output has been more modest andless reliable, making the risk of crop failure and hardship commensuratelygreater.50、 Because liquid water was present, self-replicating molecules of carbon,hydrogen, and oxygen developed life early in Earth’s history and haveradically modified its surface, blanketing huge parts of the continents withgreenery.。
Hhabitat动物栖息地hail v.欢呼,冰雹hallmark特点halt停止come to halt到达停止状态hamper v.妨碍,牵制(河边洗衣的竹篮) handcraft 手工艺品hands-on亲手抓的hands-off不插手的harden使变硬hardware五金用品harness马具v.利用(河流)产生动力(电力) harness the river to generate electric. harshness粗糙(冬)严酷,严厉hash winter haste n.匆忙hatch孵卵,舱盖haul用力拖haunt神出鬼没,人常去的地方haunted被迷惑的haven港口,避难所heaven天堂hazardous危险的haphazard偶然heed v./n.注意到heel脚后跟helium氦hem边缘ham火腿hemisphere半球left ~左半脑herald先驱,使者Boston Herald先驱报Herculean力大无比的Hercules大力神herd兽群heritage遗产heterogeneous异类的homogeneous同类的hibernation冬眠dormancyhierachy(hier神achy统治)等级制度,层次highlight加亮区,突出hinge(门)铰链hinterland(hinter在后)内地.落后地带foreland前沿hold a lot of stake带有极大冒险性hollow洞,空的horizon地平线go over the horizon有眼界horizontal地平线的,水平的hostile敌意的,hostility敌意amity友好house v.给...房子住huddle拥挤,挤作一团,杂乱的一堆(hug)拥抱hurl用力投掷haul拉回来hydrogen氢hypersensitive过分敏感的hypothesis(hypo次)假说Iiceberg冰山icical冰柱,垂冰icon图标,偶像identical同一的,一模一样的identical twin双胞胎identifiable可确认的identify鉴别identity身份ideology(idea)意识形态idiom习语ignite v.点燃igneous火的igneous rock火成岩illuminate(lumi明亮)阐明,照亮illumination照明illusion幻觉illustrate(lust光亮)阐明,举例说明,图解imaginary想像的,非真实的imaginative有想像力的imbible(pipe管子变体)v.吸收imitation模仿imitateimmense极广大的,无边的immobilize固定不动demobilize复员immune免疫的immunity免疫力impact碰撞,冲击impair损坏,削弱repair修理impart(part) vt.给予,传授impediment (ped脚)n.妨碍,(言语)障碍impede v. imperative a.命令的,强制的imperator古罗马皇帝impermeable a.不能渗透的permeate v.渗透impersonal a.非个人的,公正personable讨人喜欢的impersonate v.扮演某种角色impersonation n. impetuous(pet追求) a.冲动的,激烈的implement n.工具v.实施implication n.含意,暗示imply v.implicit含蓄的explicit外在的import v./n.i进口export出口impose v.强加,征税(levy)impose sth. on sb. imposing a. 使人难忘的, 壮丽的impressive给人深刻印象的,感人的impressed感动expressive 表现的,富于表情的imprint v.留下烙印imprisonment n.监禁,关押improvise(vis看) v.临时准备,即席演出provision(pro提前vis看)n供应,预备,规定in accord with adv.与...一致in common adv.共有,有共同之处in scales ...成比例at scales 大规模scale鱼鳞,攀登,刻度,规模in terms of根据, 按照, 用...的话, 在...方面inaccessible a.达不到的, 难以接近inactivate v.使不活泼, 阻止活动deactivate v.降低活跃性inadequate a.不足够的, 不适当的inappropriate adj.不适当的, 不相称的appropriate a.适当的appropriation拨款,挪用incapacitate(capacity能力)vt.使无能力, 使不能胜任incessant(cess走) adj.不断的, 不停的(同)constant incident n.偶发事件, 事变incidentalinclination n.倾斜,倾向, 爱好be inclined to do sth. incongruence n.不全等,不一致incongruent adj.不一致的incongruous adj.不调和的, incorporate(corporate法人的)合并,组成公司incredible adj.<口>难以置信的indent v.使成锯齿状,订货indented犬牙交错的,高低不平的indicate v.指出,预示indication(s)迹象,暗示indispensable(dispense分配) n./a.不可缺少的(物) individualism n.个人主义, 利己主义inducible(induce) adj.可诱导的, 可导致的induction 感应,归纳deduction 演绎industrialization n.工业化, 产业化industrialized a. inevitable adj.不可避免的, 必然的inextricable adj.无法解脱的, 逃脱不掉的extricate(trick诡计) vt.使解脱,使(气体)游离intricate复杂的infection n.传染;感染力inferiority(inferior) n.自卑;次等(反)superiority infest v.大批滋生,(昆虫)成群结队骚扰n. infestation inflation n.通货膨胀inflator打气筒deflation(反) inflict v.招来麻烦afflict折磨influx n.流入(反)efflux流出influent a.流入的,支流ingenious天才的,有独创性的ingenuous真诚的,直率的ingredient n.(食品)成分inhabit v.居住inhabitant 居民habitat栖息地inherit 继承heritage(文化)遗产,传统inhibit(hibit拿住)禁止,约束inhibition innumerable数不清的numerous无数的insanity(sane) n.精神错乱,疯狂(反)sanity心智健全insight洞察力insightful a.insistence (中性词)n.坚持,坚决主张perseverance(褒义)坚定不移inspection(spect看) n.检查,视察spectacles眼镜inspiration n.灵感inspire v.鼓励,激励instantaneous/instant瞬间的,即刻的instinct本能instinctive本能的distinctive与众不同的,有特色的institute学院,协会institution公共机构,制度institutionalize使制度化instructive有益的,有指导性的instructor讲师instrumentalist乐器演奏家instrumental乐器的,仪器的,对...起到重大作用的insulation隔离insulate v.使绝缘insulator绝缘体insulin胰岛素insula脑岛insulting侮辱性的,欺负人的insult v.insurmountable(sur超越mount山)不可超越的intact(tact接触)完整无缺的,尚未被人碰过的contact联系,接触integral完整的,不可分割的(数)积分integrate v.使成整体integrated完整的intelligible(intellect智力)a.可理解的intense强烈的intension紧张intensive强烈的,精深的extensive广泛的intent/intention意图,目的intend v. 想要,打算interact vi.相互作用interaction||interactive交互式的interconnect vt.使互相连接interconnected a. interdependent a.相互依赖的interference(fer带)冲突,干涉interior内部的,室内的eterior外部的interlock v.互锁interlocking连锁的internal内在的,国内的interpersonal人与人之间的interpretation解释,阐明,口译interrupt v.打断(谈话或行动)interstellar星际间的interval间隔,幕间休息intervention(vent来)干涉intervene v.intimacy亲密关系intimate亲密的(不正常的)v.暗示intoxication(tox毒)陶醉intoxicate/intoxicated intricate(trick诡计)复杂的intricacy复杂intriguing引起兴趣的intrigue v.激发,搞阴谋intrinsic(价值,性质)内在的,固有的intrude/invade v.闯入intrusion||intrusiveextrude挤压出,突出,逐出invade侵略invasioninventroy v./n.详细记录,存货清单invertebrate a./n.无脊椎的(动物),无骨气的(人) vertebrate脊椎动物vertebral脊椎的ion离子ionic离子的irresistible不可抵抗的irreverence(revere尊敬) adj.不尊敬行为irreverent a. irreversible不可逆转的irrevocable不能取消的revoke取消,撤回irrigate灌溉irrigation||iirgative灌溉的isolated 隔离的,孤立的isolationJjealousy妒忌jealous妒忌的jellyfish海蛰jest wtih 取笑jibe嘲笑jibe with sth.与...一致jolt v.摇晃jolting引人震动的journalism新闻业junction(道路)交叉处,接合injunction命令conjunction联合,连接词jury陪审团judgement法官的裁决verdict陪审团的裁决sentence法庭最后的判刑juxtaposition并排juxapose v.并置,并列Kkeen 热切的,渴望的,敏锐的kennel狗窝,狗屋kernel果仁,核心kerosene煤油kinetic运动的kinetics运动学Llaborious(labor)艰苦的labyrinth(lady-ring)迷宫lament v./a.悲伤,哀悼(over)landmass大陆continetlandscape陆地风光seascape海上风光icescape landslide山崩,滑坡,崩塌的泥石larvae幼虫rva larval幼虫的laser激光latitude 纬度,人的活动范围altitude高度lava n.熔岩,火山岩lavatory厕所lave vt.沐浴lavementlayer 地层layman外行learn by rote 靠死记硬背学东西lease n.租约ledge n.架状突出物,暗礁,矿层,壁架legacy n.遗产legume n. 豆类,豆荚lengthen v.加长lettuce n.莴苣,生菜liable of 倾向于做某事light bulb(bulb麟茎)灯泡linestone 石灰石linger v.逗留,拖延litter(垃圾,一窝小猪) with乱丢废物,使混乱livelihood 生计livingquarters 公寓式住房locomote 移动,行动locomotion locomotive火车头log原木,航海日志v.记录long-range missile远程short-range近程loom织布机v.隐现,迫近lore民间的全部传说和知识lumber原木,笨重地行动timber整齐的木料luminosity n.发光度lum亮度luminous明亮的luminary发光体,知识渊博的人,名人lure v.引诱,诱惑alure走廊,诱惑?lyric抒情诗Mmagnesium镁magnet n.磁体,磁铁magnify v.放大,夸张magnitude n.大小,数量,巨大,恒星亮度单位maize玉米(印第安人)音乐性pop corn爆玉米花majestic壮观的,庄严的majesty殿下majority大多数人,多数民族mimority少数民族makeup n.化妆品,补充,结构,外在包装malleability n.有延展性,柔韧性malleable a.有延展性的,可锻造的malleate v.锻造mammal哺乳动物mammoth n.猛犸象,a.巨大的manoeuvre v.操纵,演习,调动n.策略,调动mania狂热病,癫狂maniac 疯狂的manifest a.明显的v.表明,出现manifestation n.显示,证明,示威运动manipulate v.熟练地操作(机器),操纵manipulative a. mansion大厦,官邸地幔manual手工的,手册margin边缘,利润margin benefit边缘利润marine 海洋的,舰队maritime海上的,海员的markedly ad.显著地,明显地marrow 骨髓,精华,元气mask 面具,v.掩盖masonry石工术mason石匠,泥瓦匠massive巨大的,广泛的masterpiece杰作mate 配偶,同伴v.交配meagre 瘦的,贫弱的measures(pl.)措施,方法machanic n.技工machanical机械的,呆板的agile(反) mechanism n.机械原理,机构,机制media 媒体mediae(pl.)melodrama(melod旋律drama戏剧)情节剧memorial n.纪念品,纪念馆mercantile a.商人的,商业的merchandise 商品,货物metabolism(meta变化bol扔)新陈代谢metabolic a. meteorite/meteor陨石,流星meteorology气象学meticulous谨小慎微的meticulosity一丝不苟metropolitan(metro母亲polit城市)首都的,大城市micro-organism微生物microscope显微镜microscopic极微小的microwave oven微波炉migrate迁移migration n.迁来迁去migrant候鸟milestone里程碑millenarian千年的millennium太平盛世,千禧年mime/pantomime哑剧mimetic模仿的,(生)拟态的mingle混合mingling混合的miniature缩小的模型,缩影minimize v.最小化maximizeminuscule n.草写小字,极其微小的minute 分钟,微小的miraculous奇迹的,不可思议的miracle n. mobility能动性,灵活性verticle mobility社会等级的能动性mock模仿性地嘲笑别人moderate适度的,中等的moderation中庸modify(mode模子)更改,修改moisture n.潮湿,湿气molecule分子molten v.熔化,a.熔铸的monochromatic(mono一个chrom颜色)单色的monopolise v.垄断monopoly n.垄断,垄断者monument纪念碑morale n.士气,民心moral道德morphology(morph形状)形态学mostdistinctive最最杰出的,典型的motif(文学,绘画)作品的主题motivation 触动能力,鼓动motive动机mortar灰泥,石臼multifacetive多方面的multiple多样的multiply v.乘,增加multistory多层建筑multitude n.多数,群众mundane世俗的municipal市政的muscular肌肉的,强健的myriad无数的mysterious神秘的myth神秘mythology神话Nnarcotic麻醉药narrater叙述者,讲故事者native to 土生土长在...neat 干净的needy贫困的,缺乏的neoclassical新古典主义的neon霓虹灯nerve cord 骨髓spinal cord脊髓neural神经系统的neutron中子nucleon核子neuter中性的,无性动物niche凹进去的墙壁,用来放佛龛等nickel 五分镍币dime一毛钱nonconformist非国教徒nontraditional非传统的,不符合传统的nostalgia(nost家alg痛ia病) n.思乡病nostrum n.秘方,民间秘方药not as yet迄今为止,还没有not so beautiful much as alurlynotch V形刻痕,峡谷notched有凹口的note 音符score乐谱notorious臭名昭著的noxious a.有害的,有毒的nuclei(pl.)核心nucleus(原形) us-->i。
例如,我们可以说:“The chicken hatched from the egg”(小鸡从蛋里孵化出来)。
例如,我们可以说:“The eggs will hatch in two weeks”(这些鸡蛋两周后会孵化)。
例如,我们可以说:“They hatched a plan to rob the bank”(他们策划了一起抢劫银行的计划)。
例如,我们可以说:“a hatchling bird”(一只刚孵化出来的小鸟)或“a hatchback car”(一辆掀背式轿车)。
例如,我们可以说:“The sun began to hatch out from behind the clouds”(太阳开始从云层后面露出来)。
游艇专业英语词汇(T3)叶端[线]速 tip speed工具钢 tool steel上桅帆 topgallant (or topgallant sail)上桅帆桁吊索 topgallant lift俯仰顶索滑车 topping lift block转矩系数 torque coefficient扭转临界转速 torsional critical[扭转]马力计 torsion meter总排水量 total displacement总落差 total head全围蔽救生艇 totally enclosed lifeboat拖航钢索 towing wire拖缆阻力 tow rope resistance回旋横距,传递 transfer输送泵 transfer pump瞬时,过渡状态 transient state瞬时反应测试技术 transient test technique横向舱壁 transverse bulkhead拖网 trawl拖网绞车 trawl winch踏板,轮具,龙骨长 tread俯仰水泵 trimming pump三螺桨船 triple screw ship三缸泵 triplex pump激紊线(阻力试验) trip wire刮管器 tube scraper管撑 tube stay水管锅炉,火管锅炉 tubular (or water tube) boiler鲔钓母船 tuna mothership涡轮机叶轮 turbine wheel回转时间 turn-around time (tat)旋转力 turning force双绞 twin twisted二节点振动 two-node vibration二[段螺]距螺桨 two pitch propeller二位置动作型 two position action type双通旋塞 two-way cockt-y型接头 t-y joint (or connection)双层甲板船 twin deck vessel舷侧水柜 topside (or gunwale) tank洗舱泵 tank cleaning pump槽[货]柜 tank container舱侧肋骨 tank side frame焦油 tar靶船,目标船 target ship[套筒]伸缩接合 telescopic joint电传打字 telex悬吊罗经 telltale compass温度校正 temperature correction榫臼 tenon and mortise拉应力 tensile stress张力脚式钻油台 tension leg platform (tlp) 终点,端,货柜码头,线端,终端机(电算) terminal 接线盒 terminal box试验 test试验旋塞 test cock涡轮发电机 t/g (= turbo generator)热试验 thermal test推力马力 thp (= thrust horsepower)三段空[气]压[缩]机 three stage air compressor 推力[轴]承环 thrust block ring系紧螺栓 tie bolt肋顶延长部(木船) timber head肘节开关 toggle switch吨 ton减吨舱口 tonnage hatch工具箱 tool box齿轮 toothed wheel (or gear)中帆(四节桅时) topsail水线漆 topside black过转矩 torque rich扭转角度位 torsional deflection扭转常数 torsion constant有毒烟雾 toxic fume轨道,航迹 track火车渡船 train ferry横波 transverse wave三段膨胀引擎 triple expansion engine三脚桅 tripod mast曳绳钓渔船 troller桅顶信号灯,[接近受补船]艏灯 truck light箱舱甲板船 trunk vessel塞入水下(气垫船) tuck-under转轴机 turning engine甲板间[空间],中甲板 tween deck扭矩 twisting moment二相 two phase摆线波 trochoidal wave扭转导波管 twist wave guidet形导波管 tee wave guide遥测仪 telemeter温控替续器 temperature relay试验水头 test head试验样品 test sample试样,试件 test specimen温度测定 thermometry曲柄半径 throw of crank shaft紧[密]性 tightness木材,木料 timber甲板积载木材 timber deck cargo蒂氏梁 timoshenko beam焊接缝突趾 toe of weld公差 tolerance每吋吃水吨数 tons per inch immersion 工具工场 tool shop工具试验器 tool tester顶部柜角装具(货柜) top corner fitting 顶灯 top light中桅(四节桅时) topmast上部壳板 top plating转矩计 torquemeter扭力偶 torsional couple总损失 total loss总阻力 total resistance韧度,韧性 toughness拖曳船速 towing speed拉型拖船 tractor瞬时反应 transient response艉肋板 transom floor电铃线圈 trembler coil架柱,架台 trestle平衡水(潜艇) trim water防挠肘板 tripping bracket摆线泵 trochoid pump运兵船 troopship真滑流 true (or real) slip小艇底部通索孔 trunk hole海啸 tsunami轴道凹部 tunnel recess[中间]轴承 tunnel shaft bearing (or plumber, or plumber block) 转轮 turning wheel捻转开关 turn switch甲板间 tween decks双层甲板船 twin deck vessel扭转导波管 twist wave guide箱舱甲板船 trunk vessel发热焊接 thermit welding厚度规,测隙规 thickness gauge咽喉螺栓 threat bolt三元给水调节 three elements feed water三段变速齿轮 three speed gear三连曲柄轴 three throw crank-shaft三通阀 three way valve帆前上角 throat推力计 thrust meter潮汐表 tide table倒头销 toggle pin夹刀柱 tool post长顶游艇 top open yacht[前桅]顶帆[式帆]船 topsail schooner扭矩限制器 torque limiter转矩记录计 torsiongraph全封可携式货灯 totally enclossed portable type cargo light 韧性试验机 toughness tester拖船 tow (or towing) boat (or tug)描图 tracing plan牵引 traction拖曳车组 tractor-trailer combination收发报机 transceiver横向构系 transverse system梯形定则,梯形积分法 trapezoidal rule移动齿杆 travelling rack俯仰船况 trimming condition跳凸挫曲 tripping buckling绝对风速 true wind velocity钨焊条 tungsten electrode烟囱,轴道,管道 tunnel涡轮机消压轮 turbine dummy涡轮效率 turbine efficiency涡轮机船 turbine ship (ts)涡轮鼓风机 turbo-blower斜纹织 twill weave双舵 twin rudder二冲程引擎 two stroke engine尾阀 tail valve拖船 towing vessel上桅桁 topgalent yard摇变性 thixotropy喉深(焊接) throat depth直接联结 through coupling推力[轴]承座 thrust block seating延时电驿 time delay relay艉骤降(下水) tipping顶部轴衬 top brass上桅桁 topgalent yard[翼]肩舱topside (or gunwale, or corner, or cantilever, or shoulder) tank最高速[率] top speed鱼雷艇 torpedo boat鱼雷艇 torpedo motorboat扭转柔度 torsional flexibility全封式扇冷马达 totally enclosed-fancooled motor拖曳阻力 towing resistance拖车拉系组件 trailer lashing units瞬时电流 transient current瞬间偏差 transient deviation横定倾中心 transverse metacenter横向环肋 transverse ring艏俯下航(潜艇) trimming down箱道通风筒 trunk ventilator管箍 tube furrule管扳钳 tube wrench圆管柱 tubular pillar艉凸部下方,船底后端 tuck齿轮换向器,颠动筒,滚筒 tumbler气体遮蔽钨弧焊 tungsten inert gas arc welding (tig)涡轮机壳 turbine cylinder二凸轮轴型(反转装置) twin cam shaft type二滚子型(反转装置) twin roller type双额定点泵 two rated points pump二速泵 two speed pump双拐曲柄轴 two (or double) throw crank-shaft 螺纹 thread节流,节流阀 throttle小艇帆布天遮 tilt定时燃油泵 timed fuel pump端,梢,倾斜,倾卸 tip叶端泄漏损失 tip clearance leakage loss骤降力矩(下水) tipping moment陶氏青铜 tobin bronze肘节,接根,套环 toggle钳,铗,货柜夹架 tongs工具规 tool gauge艏艛 topgallant forecastle高速齿轮 top gear鱼雷柜(潜艇) torpedo tank转矩常数 torque constant描绘,描迹 tracing拖车 trailer艉梁 transom beam运输舰 transport行程 travel拖网渔船 trawler三行铆接 treble riveting桅支架 trestle tree水平撑杆 triatic stay吊索 tricing line俯仰力矩 trimming moment热带区域 tropical zone筒[形活]塞引擎 trunk engine耳轴,炮耳,空枢 trunnion船舷内倾 tumblehome (or falling home, or fall in) 轴道甲板 tunnel flat紊流,扰流 turbulent flow双绞电缆 twin cable帆布线 twine双[胴]体船 twin hull基型船 type ship圆舷甲板船 turret vessel趾 toe榫,舌 tongue槽榫接合 tongue and groove joint吨位丈量 tonnage measurement顶端横材(货柜) top and rail上桅支索帆 topgallant staysail上部用材 top member[桅顶]俯仰滑车座 topping bracket中桅桁 topsail yard防雷网桁 torpedo net boom扭转惯性矩 torsional moment of inertia补漆 touch up拖缆拱架 towing arch曳航灯 tow steering light转脆温度 transition temperature横向构件 transverse member拖网(渔网) trawl net渔网拖索 trawl warp三孔滑阀 treble ported slide valve试,试航 trial三轴[向]压缩试验 triaxial compression test摆线波 trochoidal wave摆线运动 trochoid motion丁字尺 t square管 tube中间轴 tunnel (or intermediate) shaft涡轮机减速齿轮 turbine reduction gear匝,转数 turn鲸背甲板 turtle (or whale) back deck双重复滑车组 two fold purchase双向无线电话设备 two-way radiotelephone apparatus 土耳其国家标准 ts (= turk standardlari, turkey)工具工场 tool maker shop吹把,火炬,喷灯,手电筒 torch鱼雷 torpedo总压力 total pressure拖索,拖缆 tow line (or rope)高传滑车 transfer head瞬时阻抗 transient impedance经纬仪,子午仪 transit穿透损失,传动损失 transmission loss艉俯 trim by stern自由跳脱空气断路器 trip free air circuit breaker转迹线,摆线 trochoid导管,筒,箱道,箱舱 trunk围堰甲板,箱舱甲板 trunk deck扩管器 tube expander刷管器 tube scaler涡轮往复组合机 turbine and reciprocation combined涡轮压缩机 turbo-compressor涡轮电力推进 turbo-electric propulsion紊流边界层 turbulent boundary layer匝[数]比 turn ratio双叶螺桨 two bladed propeller二冲程油机 two stroke oil engine横波 transverse wave热传递 transmission of heat横肋骨 transverse frame滑阀行程 travel of slide valve三色灯 tri-color light跳脱线圈,脱扣线圈 trip coil热带载重线 tropical loadline (t)波谷,集水槽(窗框) trough净管器 tube cleaner截管器 tube cutter管塞 tube drift (or plug)管板 tube plate拖船 tug boat (or tug)涡轮机转子 turbine rotor涡轮发电机 turbo generator (t/g)二冲程循环 two-stroke cycle (or two cycle)双线系统 two wire system轴道污水井 tunnel well中桅桁 topsail yard透过电子显微镜 transmission electron microscope (tem) 横向定倾高 transverse metacentric height整平(散装货),修整 trimming俯仰表 trimming table跳脱装置 trip gear桅顶,卡车 truck桁架 truss桁架梁 truss girder管刷 tube brush管插件(热交换器) tube insert管柱 tube pillar鲔[延绳]钓渔船 tuna long liner (or tuna clipper) 隧道型艉 tunnel stern涡轮送风机 turbo-fan[松紧]螺旋扣 turnbuckle回旋速[率] turning speed扭曲叶片 twisted blade扭转锁定器 twist lock[容许]二舱区浸水船 two-compartment ship二冲程引擎 two cycle (or stroke) engine跳脱阀 trip valve真应力 true stress箱型舱口 trunk hetchway筒状活塞 trunk piston槽座,桶框 tub管塞 tube stopper管钳 tube vice涡轮增压机 turbo-charger转矩 turning moment回旋半径 turning radius回旋试验 turning trial圆舷甲板船 turret vessel双[胴]船体 twin bull (or catamaran)双脚螺桨支架 two-leg propeller strut型式认可 type approval定时阀 timing valve[套筒]伸缩通气管 telescopic vent干道通风筒 trunk ventilator扭转振动 torsional vibration渔索拖索 trawl warp节流阀 throttle valvet形导波管 tee wave guide转轮 turning wheel定位焊接 tack welding涡轮机叶轮 turbine wheel齿轮 toothed wheel美国造纸工业技术协会tappi (= technical association of the pulp and paper industry, u.s.a.)美国轮胎协会 tra (= tire and rim association, u.s.a.)美国管式交换器制造商协会tema (= tubular exchanger manufacturers association, u.s.a.)。
2014-07-06Reading 移除大坝+珊瑚礁群落+动物群居
Removing DamsFor nearly a century, two United States governmental agencies, the United States Army Corps of Engineers and the Bureau of Reclamation, have constructed dams to store water and to generate electricity. Building these dams provided cheap electricity, created jobs for workers, stimulated regional economic development, and allowed farming on lands that would otherwise be too dry. But not everyone agrees that big dam projects are entirely beneficial. Their storage reservoirs stop the flow of rivers and often submerge towns, farms, and historic sites. They prevent fish migrations and change aquatic habitats essential for native species.The tide may have turned, in fact, against dam building. In 1998 the Army Corps announced that it would no longer be building large dams. In the few remaining sites where dams might be built, public opposition is so great that getting approval for projects is unlikely. Instead, the new focus may be on removing existing dams and restoring natural habitats. In 1999 Bruce Babbitt, then the United States interior secretary, said, “Of the 75,000 large dams in the United States, most were built a long time ago and are now obsolete, expensive, and unsafe. They were built with no consideration of the environmental costs. As operating licenses come up for renewal, dam removal and habitat restoration to original stream flows will be among the options considered.”The first active hydroelectric dam in the United States to be removed against the wishes of its owners was the 162-year-old Edwards Dam, on the Kennebec River in Augusta, Maine. For many years, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service had advocated the removal of this dam, which prevented migration of salmon, shad, sturgeon, and other fish species up the river. In a precedent-setting decision, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ordered the dam removed after concluding that the environmental and economic benefits of a free-flowing river outweighed the electricity generated by the dam. In July 1999 the dam was removed and restoration work began on wetlands and stream banks long underwater.The next dams likely to be taken down are the Elwha and Glines Dams on the Elwha River in Olympic National Park in the state of Washington. Built nearly a century ago to provide power to lumber and paper mills in the town of Port Angeles, these dams blocked access to upstream spawning beds for six species of salmon on what once was one of the most productive salmon rivers in the world. Simply removing the dams will not restore the salmon, however. Where 50-kilogram king salmon once fought their way up waterfalls to lay their eggs in gravel beds, there now are only concrete walls holding back still water and deep beds of muddy deposits. Removing the mud, uncovering gravel beds where fish spawn, and finding suitable salmon types to rebuild the population is a daunting task. Congress will have to appropriate somewhere around $300 to $400 million toremove these two relatively small dams and rehabilitate the area.Environmental groups, encouraged by these examples, have begun to talk about much more ambitious projects. Four giant dams on the Snake River in Washington State, for example, might be removed to restore salmon and steelhead fish runs to the headwaters of the Columbia River. The Hetch Hetchy Dam in Yosemite National Park might be taken down to reveal what John Muir, the founder of the prestigious environmental organization Sierra Club, called a valley “just a s beautiful and worthy of preservation as the majestic Yosemite.” Some groups have even suggested removing the Glen Canyon Dam on the Colorado River. In each of these cases, powerful interests stand in opposition. These dams generate low-cost electricity and store water that is needed for agriculture and industry. Local economies, domestic water supplies, and certain types of recreation all would be severely impacted by destruction of these dams.How does one weigh the many different economic, cultural, and aesthetic considerations for removing or not removing these dams? Do certain interests, such as the rights of native people or the continued existence of native species of fish or wildlife, take precedence over economic factors, or should this be a utilitarian calculation of the greatest good for the greatest number? And does that number include only humans or do other species count as well?Paragraph 1For nearly a century, two United States governmental agencies, the United States Army Corps of Engineers and the Bureau of Reclamation, have constructed dams to store water and to generate electricity. Building these dams provided cheap electricity, created jobs for workers, stimulated regional economic development, and allowed farming on lands that would otherwise be too dry. But not everyone agrees that big dam projects are entirely beneficial. Their storage reservoirs stop the flow of rivers and often submerge towns, farms, and historic sites. They prevent fish migrations and change aquatic habitats essential for native species.1.According to paragraph 1, building dams was beneficial in each of thefollowing ways EXCEPTincreasing the amount of land that could be used for farmingstrengthening local economiesincreasing the availability of low-cost electricityexpanding the aquatic habitats of native speciesParagraph 2The tide may have turned, in fact, against dam building. In 1998 the Army Corps announced that it would no longer be building large dams. In the few remaining sites where dams might be built, public opposition is so great that getting approval for projects is unlikely. Instead, the new focus may be on removingexisting dams and restoring natural habitats. In 1999 Bruce Babbitt, then the United States interior secretary, said, “Of the 75,000 large dams in the United States, most were built a long time ago and are now obsolete, expensive, and unsafe. They were built with no consideration of the environmental costs. As operating licenses come up for renewal, dam removal and habitat restoration to original stream flows will be among the options considered.”2.According to paragraph 2, the likelihood that new dams will be built hasdecreased becauseconstruction costs have increased enormouslysafety standards have become much higherpublic opposition to dam construction has increasedat most suitable sites an existing dam would have to be removed first3.The word "obsolete " in the passage is closest in meaning tounpopularinefficientout of dateunnecessary4.Paragraph 2 supports which of the following ideas about operating licenses forlarge dams?Since 1999 licenses have been renewed only for small dams.Before 1999, owners applying for a license renewal were more likely to have their applications than they were after that date.Strong public opposition to their renewal was common even before 1999, but it was based on safety considerations, not on environmental ones.The environmental cost of dams has been a minor consideration in license renewal applications since 1999.Paragraph 3The first active hydroelectric dam in the United States to be removed against the wishes of its owners was the 162-year-old Edwards Dam, on the Kennebec River in Augusta, Maine. For many years, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service had advocated the removal of this dam, which prevented migration of salmon, shad, sturgeon, and other fish species up the river. In a precedent-setting decision, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ordered the dam removed after concluding that the environmental and economic benefits of a free-flowing river outweighed the electricity generated by the dam. In July 1999 the dam was removed and restoration work began on wetlands and stream banks long underwater.5.According to paragraph 3, why did the United States Fish and Wildlife Servicewant the Edwards Dam removed?Because the age of the dam made it unsafeBecause the dam was negatively affecting various species of fishBecause the dam had caused wetlands to formBecause the dam no longer provided economic benefits6.Paragraph 3 suggests that one main consideration for keeping the EdwardsDam wasthe electricity it generatedthe length of time it had been in operationthe high cost of removing itthe fact that removing it would set a bad exampleParagraph 4The next dams likely to be taken down are the Elwha and Glines Dams on the Elwha River in Olympic National Park in the state of Washington. Built nearly a century ago to provide power to lumber and paper mills in the town of Port Angeles, these dams blocked access to upstream spawning beds for six species of salmon on what once was one of the most productive salmon rivers in the world. Simply removing the dams will not restore the salmon, however. Where 50-kilogram king salmon once fought their way up waterfalls to lay their eggs in gravel beds, there now are only concrete walls holding back still water and deep beds of muddy deposits. Removing the mud, uncovering gravel beds where fish spawn, and finding suitable salmon types to rebuild the population is a daunting task. Congress will have to appropriate somewhere around $300 to $400 million to remove these two relatively small dams and rehabilitate the area.7.According to paragraph 4, why would removing the Elwha and Glines damsnot be enough to restore salmon to the Elwha River?They are not the only dams on the Elwha River.The lumber and paper mills in Port Angeles also block access to upstream spawning beds.Too many species of salmon are competing for survival in one river.The dams have left the river’s spawning beds in an unusable condition.8.The word "suitable " in the passage is closest in meaning tonewhealthyappropriatesimilarParagraph 5Environmental groups, encouraged by these examples, have begun to talk about much more ambitious projects. Four giant dams on the Snake River in Washington State, for example, might be removed to restore salmon and steelhead fish runs tothe headwaters of the Columbia River. The Hetch Hetchy Dam in Yosemite National Park might be taken down to reveal what John Muir, the founder of the prestigious environmental organization Sierra Club, called a valley “just as beautiful and worthy of preservation as the majestic Yosemite.” Some groups have even suggested removing the Glen Canyon Dam on the Colorado River. In each of these cases, powerful interests stand in opposition. These dams generate low-cost electricity and store water that is needed for agriculture and industry. Local economies, domestic water supplies, and certain types of recreation all would be severely impacted by destruction of these dams.9.The word "ambitious " in the passage is closest in meaning toimpressive but difficult to achievedangerous and require considerable planningcomplex and unlikely to be completegreatly needed10.According to paragraph 5, why do environmental groups want the HetchHetchy Dam removed?To restore salmon and steelhead runs to the Snake RiverTo allow access to the headwaters of the Columbia RiverTo increase the size of Yosemite National ParkTo restore a valley to its original beautyParagraph 6How does one weigh the many different economic, cultural, and aesthetic considerations for removing or not removing these dams? Do certain interests, such as the rights of native people or the continued existence of native species of fish or wildlife, take precedence over economic factors, or should this be a utilitarian calculation of the greatest good for the greatest number? And does that number include only humans or do other species count as well?11.The phrase "take precedence over " in the passage is closest in meaning toaffecthave greater importance thanget included amongminimize12.What is the role of paragraph 6 in the passage?To propose a method for deciding whether a given dam should be removed To emphasize the complexity of the issues involved in deciding what should be done about damsTo suggest that the recent tendency not to build new dams may be wrongTo sum up the points made earlier in the passage about the advantages and disadvantages of removing damsParagraph 4The next dams likely to be taken down are the Elwha and Glines Dams on the Elwha River in Olympic National Park in the state of Washington. Built nearly a century ago to provide power to lumber and paper mills in the town of Port Angeles, these dams blocked access to upstream spawning beds for six species of salmon on what once was one of the most productive salmon rivers in the world. Simply removing the dams will not restore the salmon, however. ■Where 50-kilogram king salmon once fought their way up waterfalls to lay their eggs in gravel beds, there now are only concrete walls holding back still water and deep beds of muddy deposits. ■Removing the mud, uncovering gravel beds where fish spawn, and finding suitable salmon types to rebuild the population is a daunting task. ■Congress will have to appropriate somewhere around $300 to $400 million to remove these two relatively small dams and rehabilitate the area. ■13.Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence canbe added to the passage.But aside from the technical challenges, the project will also pose a serious financial challenge.Where would the sentence best fit?14.Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage isprovided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some answer choices do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.Drag your choices to the spaces where they belong. To review the passage, click on View Text.Answer ChoicesUntil recently, the emphasis in dam building was on the economic benefits of low-cost energy and water that dams provided, but more attention is now being paid to the damage they cause.Environmental groups now have a very good chance of forcing the removal of two major dams, the Glen Canyon Dam on the Colorado and the HetchHetchy Dam in Yosemite.The removal of dams remains controversial because of high restoration costs, loss of low-cost electricity, and the loss of water storage facilities.Since the late 1990s, the government has stopped building large dams, instead focusing on removing existing dams and restoring natural habitats. Until recently, the main reason for removing dams was to restore salmon runs, but it is now recognized that a more important reason to remove dams is that they are no longer safe. Although the U. S. government originally planned to remove the Elwha and Glines Dams in Washington, the enormous expense of removal has resulted in a postponement of this effort.Coral Reef CommunitiesCoral reefs are massive underwater structures made from the hard limestone exoskeletons of thousands of tiny living organisms (coral polyps) produced one on top of another in warm, clear, shallow ocean waters. Living polyps extend upward and outward from the coral colony center and live on top of the old dead exoskeletons. Coral reef communities are crowded with other animals representing virtually every major animal phylum. Space is at a premium on reefs, corals, seaweeds (various forms of algae), sponges, or other organisms cover virtually every surface. Because both corals and algae require light to survive, access to light, like space, is also a resource subject to competition.Fast-growing, branching corals can grow over slower-growing, encrusting, or massive corals and deny them light. In response, the slower-growing forms can extend stinging filaments from their digestive cavity and kill their competitor’s polyps. Undamaged polyps on the faster-growing, branching coral, however, may grow very long sweeper tentacles, containing powerful nematocysts (stingers) that kill polyps on the slower-growing form. The faster-growing form repairs the damage and continues to overgrow its competitor. In addition to sweeper tentacles and stinging filaments, corals have several other mechanisms available for attack or defense.In general, slower-growing corals are more aggressive than fast-growing species. In cases where a competitor cannot be overcome, however, corals may survive by taking advantage of differences in local habitats. Massive corals are generally more shade tolerant and able to survive at greater depths. Therefore, on many reefs it is the fast-growing, branching corals that ultimately dominate at the upper, shallower portion of the reef, whereas more massive forms dominate in deeper areas.Corals also must compete with other reef organisms, each with its own strategies for survival. Sponges, soft corals, and seaweeds (algae) can overgrow stony corals and smother them. Algae are competitively superior to corals in shallow water but less so at depth. Survival of coral in shallow water, therefore, may depend on grazing by plant-eating echinoderms (starfish and sea urchins) and fishes. In Jamaica, overfishing removed most of the plant-eating fish from coral reefs. Initially, algal growth was kept in check by grazing sea urchins, but in 1982, a pathogen reduced the population by 99 percent. Without grazers, the algae were able to completely overgrow the coral.Competition may occur among other reef communities. Grazing by urchins and fishes is important in preventing seaweeds from overgrowing the reef. The dominant algae on a healthy reef are usually fast-growing filamentous forms or coralline algae, well protected by calcification (hardening) and the productionof noxious chemicals. These algae are inferior competitors to larger, fleshier seaweeds, so grazing by urchins and fishes on the larger seaweeds allows these algae to persist. Grazing on plants is greatest in the shallow reef areas but decreases with depth, where lower temperatures and light reduce algal growth. The reef is, therefore, a mosaic of microhabitats with different levels of grazing and different algal communities.An additional complexity arises from the activity of damselfish. Because they are territorial, many damselfish species exclude grazers and other species from certain areas of the reef. Algae grow rapidly in these territories, providing habitat for many small invertebrates but overgrowing the corals. Branching corals tend to dominate in damselfish territories because they are upright and faster growing than the more massive or encrusting forms.Although less studied than on rocky shores, predation almost certainly has a significant influence on the community structure of coral reefs. Fish and other predators may preferentially prey on such competitors of corals as sponges and gorgonians, giving competitively inferior reef corals an advantage in securing space. Many species of fish, mollusks, and crustaceans also feed directly on coral polyps. Several surgeonfish and parrotfish may actually pass coral skeletons through their digestive tracts and add sediment to the reef. Both fish and invertebrate corallivores (coral-feeding organisms) seem to attack faster-growing, branching species preferentially, perhaps preventing slower-growing forms from being overgrown. Corallivores, however, rarely ever completely destroy a coral colony except in cases where tropical storms or humans have already done severe damage. The fact that almost all small invertebrates on reefs are so well hidden or highly camouflaged is another indicator of how prevalent predation is on reefs and its importance in determining reef structure.Paragraph 1Coral reefs are massive underwater structures made from the hard limestone exoskeletons of thousands of tiny living organisms (coral polyps) produced one on top of another in warm, clear, shallow ocean waters. Living polyps extend upward and outward from the coral colony center and live on top of the old dead exoskeletons. Coral reef communities are crowded with other animals representing virtually every major animal phylum. Space is at a premium on reefs, corals, seaweeds (various forms of algae), sponges, or other organisms cover virtually every surface. Because both corals and algae require light to survive, access to light, like space, is also a resource subject to competition.1.According to paragraph 1, all of the following are true of coral reefs EXCEPT: Coral reefs grow biggest in the deepest waters of the ocean.The organisms living around coral reefs compete for limited resources.There are many different organisms in coral reef communities.Coral reefs consist of the outer skeletons of small living organisms.Paragraph 2Fast-growing, branching corals can grow over slower-growing, encrusting, or massive corals and deny them light. In response, the slower-growing forms can extend stinging filaments from their digestive cavity and kill their competitor’s polyps. Undamaged polyps on the faster-growing, branching coral, however, may grow very long sweeper tentacles, containing powerful nematocysts (stingers) that kill polyps on the slower-growing form. The faster-growing form repairs the damage and continues to overgrow its competitor. In addition to sweeper tentacles and stinging filaments, corals have several other mechanisms available for attack or defense.2.According to paragraph 2, how do fast-growing branching corals defendthemselves from attacks by slower-growing corals?By producing stinging sweeper tentaclesBy growing on top of the slower-growing coralsBy blocking the light to the slower-growing coralsBy destroying the stinging filament of the slower-growing corals3.The word "mechanisms " in the passage is closest in meaning toadaptationsweaponspartsmeansParagraph 3In general, slower-growing corals are more aggressive than fast-growing species. In cases where a competitor cannot be overcome, however, corals may survive by taking advantage of differences in local habitats. Massive corals are generally more shade tolerant and able to survive at greater depths. Therefore, on many reefs it is the fast-growing, branching corals that ultimately dominate at the upper, shallower portion of the reef, whereas more massive forms dominate in deeper areas.4.The word "ultimately " in the passage is closest in meaning tonaturallyeventuallyquicklyclearlyParagraph 4Corals also must compete with other reef organisms, each with its own strategies for survival. Sponges, soft corals, and seaweeds (algae) can overgrow stonycorals and smother them. Algae are competitively superior to corals in shallow water but less so at depth. Survival of coral in shallow water, therefore, may depend on grazing by plant-eating echinoderms (starfish and sea urchins) and fishes. In Jamaica, overfishing removed most of the plant-eating fish from coral reefs. Initially, algal growth was kept in check by grazing sea urchins, but in 1982, a pathogen reduced the population by 99 percent. Without grazers, the algae were able to completely overgrow the coral.5.The phrase "kept in check " in the passage is closest in meaning tolimitedpreventedallowedstimulated6.In paragraph 4, why does the author discuss the effects of removingplant-eating fish and sea urchins from coral reefs?To identify a situation that contributes to the dominance of corals in shallow watersTo demonstrate the importance of grazing on seaweeds for the survival of some coralsTo provide evidence that seaweeds are better competitors than coral at depthTo argue that sea urchin pathogens also attack corals7.According to paragraph 4, all of these pairs of organisms are in competitionEXCEPTcorals and spongesalgae and coralsechinoderms and coralssea urchins and algaeParagraph 5Competition may occur among other reef communities. Grazing by urchins and fishes is important in preventing seaweeds from overgrowing the reef. The dominant algae on a healthy reef are usually fast-growing filamentous forms or coralline algae, well protected by calcification (hardening) and the production of noxious chemicals. These algae are inferior competitors to larger, fleshier seaweeds, so grazing by urchins and fishes on the larger seaweeds allows these algae to persist. Grazing on plants is greatest in the shallow reef areas but decreases with depth, where lower temperatures and light reduce algal growth. The reef is, therefore, a mosaic of microhabitats with different levels of grazing and different algal communities.8.According to paragraph 5, fast-growing filamentous or coralline algae areusually the dominant algae on healthy coral reefs in part because theyare not affected by noxious chemicals produced by other organismsare less attractive as food for sea urchins and fishes than bigger seaweeds are occupy the areas of coral reefs that have lower temperatures and less lightcan live in a wider variety of microhabitats than their competitors can Paragraph 6An additional complexity arises from the activity of damselfish. Because they are territorial, many damselfish species exclude grazers and other species from certain areas of the reef. Algae grow rapidly in these territories, providing habitat for many small invertebrates but overgrowing the corals. Branching corals tend to dominate in damselfish territories because they are upright and faster growing than the more massive or encrusting forms.9.According to paragraph 6, which of the following is an effect of the activity ofdamselfish on the reef environment?Encrusting corals dominate in damselfish territories.The damselfish attract many species of grazers.Algae grow rapidly.Algal diversity is greater than in other parts of the reef.Paragraph 7Although less studied than on rocky shores, predation almost certainly has a significant influence on the community structure of coral reefs. Fish and other predators may preferentially prey on such competitors of corals as sponges and gorgonians, giving competitively inferior reef corals an advantage in securing space. Many species of fish, mollusks, and crustaceans also feed directly on coral polyps. Several surgeonfish and parrotfish may actually pass coral skeletons through their digestive tracts and add sediment to the reef. Both fish and invertebrate corallivores (coral-feeding organisms) seem to attack faster-growing, branching species preferentially, perhaps preventing slower-growing forms from being overgrown. Corallivores, however, rarely ever completely destroy a coral colony except in cases where tropical storms or humans have already done severe damage. The fact that almost all small invertebrates on reefs are so well hidden or highly camouflaged is another indicator of how prevalent predation is on reefs and its importance in determining reef structure.10.The word "securing " in the passage is closest in meaning tolooking forgettingmaximizingsharing11.Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in thehighlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.The presence of only very small invertebrates on a reef is an indication of widespread predation.Most reefs are structured in a way which allows small invertebrates to remain hidden or camouflaged.Almost all small invertebrates are hidden or camouflaged, indicating the extent and importance of predation to reef structure.Almost all of the small invertebrates on reefs are difficult to find because they are so highly camouflaged.12.Paragraph 7 mentions all of the following as effects of predation on thecommunity structure of coral reefs EXCEPT:Corals are advantaged when predators prefer to attack competitors or corals. Faster-growing corals are prevented from overgrowing slower-growing corals when faster-growing species are preferred by competitors.Predation contributes to the sediment deposit of the reef.Small invertebrates are exposed to competitively superior organisms. Paragraph 3In general, slower-growing corals are more aggressive than fast-growing species. ■In cases where a competitor cannot be overcome, however, corals may survive by taking advantage of differences in local habitats. ■Massive corals are generally more shade tolerant and able to survive at greater depths. ■Therefore, on many reefs it is the fast-growing, branching corals that ultimately dominate at the upper, shallower portion of the reef, whereas more massive forms dominate in deeper areas. ■13.Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence canbe added to the passage.For example, different species of corals have different needs for light.Where would the sentence best fit?14.Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage isprovided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some answer choices do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.Drag your choices to the spaces where they belong. To review the passage, click on View Text.。
6上Unit2 (Story time)
Unit 2 What a day!
Was there a parrot show in the park? What did they see?
Yes, there was. They saw some interesting parrots.
There was a parrot show in the park. We saw some interesting parrots.
Right order: c_,_a_, _f,_d_, _e,_g_, _b________
“T” or “F”
Unit 2 What a day!
1.It rained all day on 20th September.
2.The children saw a parrot show.
Unit 2 What a day! How were they in the afternoon? They were hungry and wet.
In the afternoon, there were black clouds in the sky. It rained. We were hungry and wet.
Unit 2 What a day! What did they bring for lunch? They brought some dumplings, some bread and honey and some drinks.
It was time for lunch. We brought some dumplings, some bread and honey and some drinks.
interesting wonderful (精彩的)
hatch的用法及短语1.hatch的意思是孵化,通常用来描述鸟类或爬行动物从卵中孵化出来2.在农业领域,hatch也可以指代孵化鸡蛋或其他家禽的过程3.在技术领域,hatch可以指代软件中的某种功能,类似于一种特殊的操作或功能4.hatch还可以用来形容计划或阴谋的策划,表示秘密或阴暗的行动5.在日常用语中,hatch还可用于描述想法或计划的产生或形成过程6.hatch out是一个常见的短语,表示某物从卵中孵化出来,常用于描述动物的孵化过程7.hatch up是另一个常见的短语,表示计划或想法的制定或策划8.out of the hatch是一个短语,意思是从某个地方或状态中脱离或逃脱出来9.hatch a plan是一个常用的短语,表示策划或制定计划10.hatch的用法不仅限于动物或计划,还可以用于形容蛋壳的破裂或孵化的过程11.hatch通常用作及物动词,例如:The bird hatched three eggs last night.12.在比喻性的语境中,hatch可以代表新的观点、创意或计划的萌芽或形成13.某些国家或地区的文化中,hatch可能具有神话或象征性的含义14.in the hatch是一个短语,意思是在机密的地方或秘密的计划中15.hatching eggs通常指孵化的鸟类蛋,也可以比喻新计划或创意的萌芽16.hatch的用法多样且灵活,可以根据上下文和语境来理解和运用17.hatch还可以用作名词,表示小的舱口或船舱口18.hatch是一个常用的英语词汇,不仅在日常生活中使用,也在文学、科技和其他领域广泛应用19.在古代文学或诗歌中,hatch可能具有象征性的意义,如新生、希望或复苏20.总的来说,hatch是一个多义词,不仅可以用来描述动物的孵化过程,还可以形容计划、想法、船舱口等不同的事物21.21. hatch a plan - 策划一个计划22.22. hatch an idea - 想出一个主意23.23. hatch a conspiracy - 策划一个阴谋24.24. hatch a scheme - 策划一个计划25.25. in the hatch - 在地下室26.26. open the hatch - 打开舱口27.27. close the hatch - 关上舱口28.28. the hatch door - 舱口门29.29. hatch a chick - 孵化一只小鸡30.30. big hatch - 大孵化31.31. hatch a new business - 创办一个新业务32.32. under the hatch - 在舱口下面33.33. hatch eggs - 孵蛋34.34. hatch a bird - 孵化一只鸟35.35. hatch a product - 开发一个产品36.36. secure the hatch - 紧闭舱口37.37. the small hatch - 小舱口38.38. hatch a dragon - 孵化一只龙39.39. hatch a surprise - 策划一个惊喜40.40. monitor the hatch - 监视舱口41.To hatch a plan: 暗中筹划一个计划42.Hatch a deal: 达成一项交易43.Hatch an idea: 构思一个想法44.Hatch a conspiracy: 策划一个阴谋45.Hatch a project: 策划一个项目46.Hatch an escape: 策划逃跑47.Hatch a surprise: 策划一个惊喜48.Hatch a plot: 筹谋一计49.Hatch a strategy: 策划一项战略50.Hatch a campaign: 筹划一场活动51.Hatch a revolution: 筹谋一场革命52.Out of the hatches: 脱离困境53.Hatch onto something: 抓住机会54.Hatch a dream: 实现一个梦想55.Hatch into action: 起草行动计划56.We must hatch a plan to deal with this situation: 我们必须制定一个计划来处理这个情况57.She hatched a plan to start her own business: 她策划了一项计划,开始自己的业务58.The detective hatched a conspiracy to catch the criminal: 侦探筹划了一个阴谋来抓住罪犯59.They hatched a surprise party for her birthday: 他们为她的生日策划了一个惊喜派对60.He hatched onto the opportunity to showcase his talent: 他抓住机会展示了自己的才华61.hatch a plan: 策划一个计划62.hatch an egg: 孵化蛋63.the eggs are ready to hatch: 蛋已准备孵化64.hatch a conspiracy: 策划一场阴谋65.hatch new ideas: 提出新的想法66.hatch a scheme: 设计一个阴谋67.hatch a deal: 达成一个协议68.waiting for the eggs to hatch: 等待蛋孵化69.finally, the eggs hatch: 最终,蛋孵化70.hatch a business plan: 制定一份商业计划71.hatch a solution: 想出一个解决方案72.hatch a plot: 策划一个情节73.the chicks will hatch soon: 小鸡即将孵化74.hatch a secret: 孵化一个秘密75.the eggs hatch into butterflies: 蛋孵化成蝴蝶76.hatch a relationship: 发展一段关系77.the plan begins to hatch: 计划开始实施78.hatch a project: 推动一个项目79.the eggs will hatch in time: 蛋将会按时孵化80.hatch a surprise: 策划一个惊喜81.hatch a plan: 筹划一个计划82.the eggs began to hatch: 蛋开始孵化83.hatch an idea: 设计一个点子84.a hatch of eggs: 一窝蛋85.a hatch of chicks: 一窝小鸡86.open the hatch: 打开舱口87.hatch a conspiracy: 密谋88.hatch a scheme: 制定一个计划89.batten down the hatches: 关紧舱盖,做好准备90.the escape hatch: 逃生口91.hatch a business plan: 制定一个商业计划92.strike while the iron is hot: 趁热打铁93.be the egg that hatches first: 成功是属于那只先孵化的蛋94.from hatch to dispatch: 从大门到分发95.make sure all hatches are secured: 确保所有舱口都已关闭96.the hatches are battened down tight: 舱口已被牢牢关闭97.hatch a backup plan: 制定一个备用计划98.hatch a new business venture: 开创新的商业项目99.an escape hatch in case of emergency: 紧急情况下的逃生口100.hatch a surprise: 策划一个惊喜101.hatch a plan - 筹划一个计划102.hatch a scheme - 策划一个计划103.hatch an idea - 孵化一个想法104.hatch a conspiracy - 策划一个阴谋105.hatch an agreement - 达成一项协议106.hatch a proposal - 提出一个提案107.hatch a strategy - 制定一项策略108.hatch a project - 开展一个项目109.hatch a product - 推出一个产品110.hatch a new business - 兴办一家新的企业111.hatch a startup - 创建一家初创公司112.hatch a campaign - 发起一场活动113.hatch a new invention - 孵化一项新发明114.hatch a plan of action - 制定一项行动计划115.hatch a marketing strategy - 制定一项营销策略116.hatch a fundraising idea - 筹备一项筹款活动117.hatch a partnership - 成立一项合作关系118.hatch a negotiation - 发起一场谈判119.hatch a merger - 进行一笔合并交易120.hatch a joint venture - 设立一项合资企业121.hatch a plan: 筹划一项计划122.hatch an idea: 构思一个点子123.hatch a conspiracy: 策划一场阴谋124.hatch a project: 设计一个项目125.hatch a scheme: 策划一项计划126.hatch a plot: 策划一场阴谋127.hatch a secret: 孵化一个秘密128.hatch an invention: 发明一项东西129.hatch a dream: 构筑一个梦想130.hatch a solution: 提出一个解决方案131.hatch a hoax: 策划一个恶作剧132.hatch a revenge plan: 筹划一场报复计划133.hatch a business idea: 构思一个商业点子134.hatch a new product: 推出一款新产品135.hatch a story: 编排一个故事136.hatch a surprise: 策划一个惊喜137.hatch a partnership: 构建一个合作关系138.hatch a negotiation: 开展一场谈判139.hatch a plan for the future: 筹划未来计划140.hatch a new venture: 启动一项新冒险141.hatch a plan: 筹划计划142.hatch a scheme: 设计计划143.hatch an idea: 孵化想法144.hatch an egg: 孵化蛋145.hatch a conspiracy: 筹划阴谋146.hatch a plot: 策划阴谋147.hatch a strategy: 制定策略148.hatch a project: 发起项目149.hatch a proposal: 提出建议150.hatch a theory: 提出理论151.hatch a plan for the future: 为未来制定计划152.hatch a plan for success: 为成功制定计划153.hatch a plan for growth: 为增长制定计划154.hatch a plan for innovation: 为创新制定计划155.hatch a plan for change: 为变革制定计划156.hatch a plan for improvement: 为改善制定计划157.hatch a plan for expansion: 为扩张制定计划158.hatch a plan for development: 为发展制定计划159.hatch a plan for transformation: 为转型制定计划160.hatch a plan for sustainability: 为可持续制定计划。
【期刊名称】安徽文学(下半月)【年(卷),期】2016(000)008【总页数】2【关键词】赫奇赫奇山谷资源保护环境保护赫奇赫奇(HetchHetchy)是一个位于加州约塞米蒂国家公园内、有着迷人风光的小山谷,是约翰·缪尔(John Muir)笔下的“又一个约塞米蒂”。
以缪尔为代表的民间环保人士强烈反对建大坝,主张保存完整的自然风光;以吉福特·平肖(Gifford Pinchot)为代表的官方人士则竭力促成大坝的建成,以期获得实际可观的经济利益。
赫氏公司(Hatch Group):始创于1955年,赫氏公司总部位于加拿大多伦多,是一家员工持股的大型国际性综合工程公司,偏重于工程管理领域。
能源业务板块赫氏公司的能源业务主要集中在其下属公司——赫氏能源公司(Hatch Energy)。
以ch结尾的单词有多少以ch结尾的单词:vouch vi. 担保,保证;launch vt.发射;发动(战争等);mulch n. 护盖物,护根,根篱;chaffinch n. 鸟类,(⼀种欧洲鸣禽);zurich n. 苏黎世(瑞⼠城市名);hemstitch n. 抽丝做成的花边装饰;scorch vi.烧焦,枯萎;crunch n. 关键时刻扩展资料 mismatch n. & vt. 失配,不匹配 pouch n. ⼩袋,烟草袋 fitch n. 臭猫,臭猫⽪,臭猫⽑ switch n.开关;转换 vt.转换 touch vt.触摸;接触 blench v. 退缩,畏缩,回避,使变⽩ patriarch n. 家长;族长 ouch int. 哎唷 mach n. 马赫(速度单位) spinach n. 菠菜 couch n.睡椅,长沙发椅 latch n. 门闩 perch n.(禽鸟的)栖⽊ stopwatch n. 跑表;记秒表(可暂停的表) impeach v. 指摘,弹劾 monarch n.君主,最⾼统治者 birch n. 桦树,⾚杨 overarch vt. 在...上做拱 debauch v. 使放荡,堕落 lunch n.午餐,(美)便餐 larch n. 落叶松 squelch v. & n. 压制,镇压 blotch n. (⽪肤上的)红斑点,(墨⽔等)斑点 branch n.枝条;⽀流;部门 munich n. 慕尼⿊(德国城市) hunch n. 直觉,预感 overwatch vt. 看守,掩护射击 leach v. 分离,过滤掉 conch n. 贝壳 goldfinch n. ⾦翅雀 Pentateuch n. 摩西五书 slouch n. 没精打采的样⼦,耷拉,笨⼈ haunch n. 腰,臀部,腰部 etch v. 蚀刻,铭刻 sketch n.略图;速写;概略 peach n.桃⼦,桃树 retch vi. 作呕,恶⼼;n. 恶⼼ French a.法国的 n.法国⼈ loch n. 湖,海湾 batch n. ⼀批,⼤量 itch n. 痒,渴望,疥癣 attach vt.缚,系,贴;附加 chinch n. 臭⾍ insomuch ad. 由于,就此程度⽽⾔ winch n. 绞盘,曲柄,绞车 research n.调查;研究 besmirch v. 诽谤,玷污 belch v. 打嗝,喷出 ditch n.沟,沟渠,渠道 wretch n. 可怜的⼈,卑鄙的⼈,家伙 overreach v. 做事过头 speech n.⾔语,讲话 beseech v. 祈求,恳求 wench n. 少⼥,乡下姑娘,⼥仆 drench vt. 使湿透,使充满 reattach vt. 重新接上 butterscotch n. 奶油糖果 twitch vi. 急拉,抽搐,阵痛 reproach vt.&n.责备,指责 pitch n.沥青 watch n.⼿表 gulch n. 峡⾕;深⾕ vetch n. 野豌⾖ flinch v. 畏缩,退缩 sandwich vt.夹⼊,挤进 paunch n. 腹,胃,⼤肚⼦ botch vt.vi. 拙笨地修补,糟蹋 such adv.那么 adj.这样的 brooch n. 胸针或领针;饰针 which pron.哪⼀个 greenwich 格林威治 ratch n. (机器)棘轮 hitch v. 搭便车,套住 preach vt.说教,布道;⿎吹 fetch vt.拿来;请来,接去 ketch n. ⼀种双桅船;⼀种双轮船 starch n. 淀粉,浆糊,刻板 wristwatch n. ⼿表 patch n.补钉;⼩块⼟地 parch v. 烘烤,⼲热 crosshatch v. 交互配⾎ crutch n. 拐杖,⽀撑,帮助 catch vi.钩住;挂住;绊住 filch v. 偷(不贵重的东西) Dutch n. 荷兰⼈,荷兰语 ostrich n. 鸵鸟,不接受现实的⼈ leech n. ⽔蛭,吸⾎⿁,榨取他⼈利益的⼈ much ad.⾮常,很 a.许多的 punch vt.冲出 n.冲压机 hutch n. 箱,厨,笼,⼩屋 grouch n. 牢骚,不满 cinch n. 容易做的事情,确定的事情 clutch vt.抓住 vi.掌握,攫 scratch vt.&vi.&n.搔;抓 cratch n. 饮料架;饲料架 snatch vt.&vi.攫取;抓住 rich adj.有钱的,富裕的 screech vi.发尖叫声 smirch v. 玷污;n. 污点 blanch v. 使变⽩,(脸⾊)变苍的 distich n. 对句,对联 beech n. ⼭⽑榉,其⽊材 notch n. V字形刻痕,⼭间窄路 crotch n. 分叉处,丫叉 crouch v. 蹲伏、弯腰 lurch n. 突然向前或旁边倒v. 蹒跚⽽⾏ natch ⾃然地 thatch n. 茅草屋顶,茅草 inch n.英⼨ wrench vt.拧,扭伤 n.拧 stitch n.⼀针,缝线 vt.缝 quench vt.熄灭,扑灭;压制 church n.教堂 stomach n.胃;肚⼦;⾷欲 blowtorch n. 吹管 reach vt.&vi.伸⼿去够.. snitch v. 告密,偷窃 detach vt.分开;派遣(军队) overmuch a. 过多的,过度的 ranch n.(北美洲的)⼤牧场 flitch n. 腌的猪肋⾁,⼤⽐⽬鱼的'⾁⽚, bleach vt.漂⽩ vi.变⽩ beach n.海滩,湖滩,河滩 cockroach n. 蟑螂 despatch vt.vi.n. 派遣 breach v. 毁坏,泄密n. 缺⼝ stretch vt.伸展 vi.伸 n.伸展 clench vt.咬紧(⽛关) retouch vt.vi. 润饰,修正 teach vt.讲;教育 vt.教书 finch n. 雀科鸣禽(如燕雀,⾦丝雀等) search vt.在…中搜寻,搜查 staunch adj. 坚定的,忠诚的v. ⽌⾎ encroach v. 侵占,蚕⾷ entrench vt. 保证;确⽴ dispatch vt.派遣;调度 n.急件 tach n. 扣,钩 lynch v. 私刑处死 porch n.门廊,⼊⼝处 bullfinch n. 红腹灰雀 torch n.⽕炬,⽕把;⼿电筒 inasmuch ad.因为,由于 munch vt.vi. ⽤⼒咀嚼,⼤声咀嚼 breech n. 屁股,炮尾 epoch n.(新)时代;历元 eunuch n. 太监,宦官,柔弱的男⼈ hatch vt.孵出 vi.(蛋)孵化 stanch v. ⽌住(⾎等);制⽌(⾎液) clinch v. 钉牢,彻底决定 retrench v. 节省,削减 pinch vt.捏,拧,掐掉 nonesuch n. ⽆匹敌的⼈,⽆双的⼈ enrich vt.使富裕;使丰富 coach vt.辅导,指导,训练 arch n.拱门 vt.⽤拱连接 poach v. 偷猎,偷捕 bewitch vt. 施魔法于,迷惑,使着迷 march n.三⽉ bitch n. 母狗,母狼,母狐 bench n.长凳 milch a. ⽣乳的 match n.⽐赛,竞赛 stench n. 臭⽓,恶臭 approach vt.向…靠近 n.靠近 debouch v. 流出,进⼊(开阔地区) bunch n.束,球,串;⼀群 each pron.各,各⾃ a.各 roach n. 蟑螂 trench n.深沟;壕沟,战壕 Scotch v. 镇压、粉碎 avouch v. 主张,断⾔,承认 broach v. 开瓶,提出(题⽬)。
例句:She became very heated.她不禁怒火中烧。
It was a very heated argument and they were shouting at each other...争论非常激烈,他们相互之间大喊大叫。
You will understand that people get a bit heated about issues such as these...你要明白,对于这类问题人们不免会有些激动。
The issue has caused heated political argument.这个问题已经引发了激烈的政治争论。
The panes glowed like plates of heated metal.玻璃窗闪闪发光,像加热了的金属片。
例句:The water was heated by a naked gas flame.水是用燃气明火加热的。
The iron stick was heated till it glowed.一直把铁条加热到透红。
The water there is naturally heated under the ground.那里的水是在地下自然加热的。
A gas is cooled by expansion and heated by compression. 气体膨胀时冷却,压缩时变热。
"Hatch" 是一个常用的动词,有多种用法,以下是其中一些:
1. 孵化:指鸟类或爬行动物从卵中出来。
例如:The eggs hatched and baby birds chirped in the nest.(鸟蛋孵化了,小鸟
2. 策划,计划:指制定或设计某事物的细节或计划。
例如:They hatched a plan to rob the bank.(他们策划了一场抢劫银行的计划。
3. 引出,发现:指发现或揭示某事物。
例如:The investigation eventually hatched a lead in the case.(调查最终发现了此案件的线索。
4. 暗中孵化:指秘密筹划或进行某活动。
例如:The rebels hatched a plot to overthrow the government.(反叛者策划了一场推翻政府的阴谋。
5. 发表,宣布:指提出或公开宣布某事物。
例如:The company hatched a new product line.(公司推出了一条新产品线。
注意:根据上下文,"hatch" 还可用作名词,表示舱口、甲板上的开口或门。
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Eva Mendes ---(饰)
I don't have time for a boyfriend. - You said that two years ago. Yes, and it's as true today as it was then.
Add sth here and make it like this
A movie clip
Love is your job.
life is not the amount of Add sth here and breaths you take. It's the make it like this moments that take your breath away.
Part Three
Part two
Main characters
Will Smith---(饰)
Basic principles: No matter what, no matter when, no matter who any man has a chance to sweep any woman off her feet. Just needs the right broom.
Kevin James ---(饰) Albert
I had a lot of bad experiences.
Amber Valletta --(饰)Allegra Cole
Well, it looks like I'm still rich. People don't usually talk to me like that. - Close mouth, man.
Part one
Brief Introduction
"Hitch" is a romantic
comedy, timed for Valentine's Day, starring Will Smith as Alex "Hitch" Hitchens, professional dating consultant. In the cutthroat world of New York romance, where fates are decided in an instant, your average Lonely Guy needs skilled counseling. Hitch is your man. He understands women: how to get their attention, how to seem heroic in their eyes, what to tell them and what