高 了 。 是 城 市 病 也 凸 显 了 。如 交通 、 但 住房 等 问 题 。 虽 然 城 市 的 基 础 设 施 完 善 了 ,但 是 城 市 文 化 的 内 涵 冲 淡 了 。
我 们 生 活 的 条 件 改 善 了 ,但 是 我 们 的 生 活 品 质 却 下 降 了 。这 些 问 题 ,希 望
第十 届 中 国经济论 坛巡礼
罗 亚 蒙
李兴 国
周 春 山
莹 学者 、北京社会科学院城市 毛 专家谢芳 :
我 的 口 号 是 “ 卫 小 城 镇 ” 我 保 。 L 讲 到 城 市 化 ,都 向往 “ 际 化 前 国 市 ”以及我们要发展 多大的城市
模 等 等 ,但 没 提 到 如 何 去 保 护 小
我 看 到 ,清 远 有 很好 的 森 林 、
和 少 数 民 族 多 元 文 化 的 资 源 ,这 ; 西都 是 可 以 直 接 进 入 好 的 经 济 模 的 。 其 实 ,我 们 的 高 速 发 展 应 该
: 。生 活 节 奏 耍 慢 下 来 ,我 们 耍 来 : 代 有 一个 山清 水 秀 的 “ ” 活 。 一 慢 生
国家发改委国土与 区域经济研究
所高级研究员高国力 :
本 人 是 第 一 次 到 清 远 来 ,就 跟
人 和 人 第 一 次 见 面 一 样 , 我 对 清 远
采取 了十 通 一平 工 程 的发 展 计划 ,
这 个计 划 涉 及到 8 3个 项 目。 比 如 , “ 二五” 间我们将建成 3 + 期 8条 公 路 , 通 向珠 三 角 和 港 澳 地 区 ; 建 3 耍 0多 个 大 小 的 绿 化 公 园 ,使 清 远 常 年 四 季 保 持 有 花 。在 旅 游 方 面 ,我 们 计 划 与 国外 公 司 共 同投 资 ,打 造 一个 环 球 嘉
卜 卜 0 P 源自" 3 组
4 加
口 规划师论坛
从 个 人 出行规 划 到 个人 行 为规 划 肖作鹏 , 等
7 - 1 1 中 国经济 社 会转 型 中城 市 化 的质 与 量 7 - 1 6 新 时 期 中 国城 市化 质 与 量协 调 发 展研 究
— —
娇 , 等
朱 喜 钢 朱 介 鸣
峰, 等
毛蒋 兴 , 等 李 韩 郇
基 于 个体 需求 的社 区规 划编 制和 实施体 系 的构建 农 昀, 等 基 于办 公 活动 空 间联 系 的城 市 产业 功 能 区规 划 以北 京 市 为例 商 业 空 间 消 费者 行 为 与规 划
— —
张 景秋 ,等
许 尊 , 等
— —
— — — — — — — — — — 一 — — — —
7 - 2 2 珠 三 角社 会 转型 背 景 下 的新 型城 市化 路 径选 择 7 - 2 8 双 轨城 市化 向并轨 城市 化 转变 进程 中的深 圳社 区 转 型 与 规 划 变革 8 _ 5 “ 两 型社 会 ” 引领 下 的规 划 与规 划 师转 型 8 - 9 城 市规 划范 式 的转 型 : 发展 规 划 8 - 1 3 主 体 功 能 区规 划驱 动 下 的城 市 规 划转 型 8 - 1 8 “ 两 型社 会 ”建 设 背景 下 深圳 城 市总 体 规 划实 施 转型探 索 9 — 5 城 乡规 划一 级 学 科建 设 研 究述 评 及展 望 9 - 1 1 重 庆大 学城 乡规 划学科 教 学体 系创 新与 改革探 索 9 - 1 7 构 建 面 向实 践 的城 乡规 划教 学 科 研体 系 9 - 2 1 城 乡规 划学 下 的城 市设 计 学 科地 位 与作 用 9 - 2 5 学 科 融合 发 展趋 势 下 的城 市 规划 管理 学 科 特 征 1 0 - 5 国外 村镇 规 划 管理 组 织架 构 及启 示 1 0 - 1 3 宪法视 角下 的村 镇 规 划管 理体 制 探讨 1 0 - 1 8 村 镇 规 划管 理法 理 与机 构 建设 思 考及 地 方 实践 1 O 一 2 2 面 向可操 作 性 的村 庄规 划管 理探 讨 以铜 陵市 美 好 乡村 建设 为 例 1 1 - 2 5 《 省域 城 镇 体系 规 划编 制 与 审批 办 法》 的 导 向与 实践 动 向 1 1 - 2 9 “ 三 区” “ 四线 ” 的划 定研 究
第73期 2012年07月12日星期四重点分析 (2)【新石头记】 (2)城市研究 (4)【超高层与硬铺装造就新火炉城市】 (4)【无锡政府力推的影视城建设陷入泥藻】 (4)【温和有效地打造城市形象更可取】 (5)【通州疏解首都行政功能言易行难】 (6)【天津历史建筑为城市注入新活力】 (6)【城市化浪潮下何处安放故乡?】 (7)【“绿色城镇”建设不能单纯追求视觉效果】 (8)重点分析【新石头记】中国是一个多山的国家,站高远望,层层叠叠,绵延而去,似无尽头。
作者:胡序威, HU Xuwei
1.中国社科院世界经济与政治研究所学术动态课题组世界经济全球化现状 1998
2.联合国人口中心.沈建国城镇化的世界 1999
3.顾朝林经济全球化与中国城市发展 1999
4.李红卫.吴志强Global-Kegion:全球化背景下的城市区域现象[期刊论文]-城市规划 2006(08)
5.王坦.赵晓斌全球化下的中国热点城市与区域 2006(zk)
1.高军波.叶昌东香港与新加坡及相关区域经济整合研究[期刊论文]-城市观察 2009(2)
2.陆季春城市化进程中政府公关效能与城市形象建设[期刊论文]-经济研究导刊 2009(35)
3.陈明星.陆大道.张华中国城市化水平的综合测度及其动力因子分析[期刊论文]-地理学报 2009(4)
低碳 发展 理念上 的 ,因此 在楼宇 开发 与道路 空 间 为 联 系 纽 带 的 社 区 则 表 现 为 非 传 统 的 地 域 划 分 方 式 , 建设 上非 常注重 精细 化 ,而西方 式的城 市社 空 间邻近但 又不 限于邻近 ,有助于 将一些个 人的基 本需 求
区 空 间 的 规 划 建 设 至 今 还 没 有 相 应 的 实 践 案 转 化 为 公 共 空 间 的 群 体 性 需 求 ,发 挥 公 共 空 间 与 分 散 人 群
( 五)城 市发展要寻求独特个性
香 港 理 工 大 学 的 陈 汉 云 教 授 在 论 坛 上 道 具 有 三 大 社 会 功 能 ,即 社 会 交 往 的 平 台 、安 全 健 身 的 空
使用 中英粤 三种语 言作 了 主题为 《 香港 的城 间 与 身 心 放 松 的 休 闲 地 。他 因 此 指 出 ,对 街 道 外 部 空 间 的
例 。他认 为 ,香 港的 城市 化发展 在一 定意 义 之 间 的 友 好 沟 通 作 用 。在 上 海 居 住 空 间 较 为 狭 小 的 情 况 上 代 表 了 城 市 发 展 与 更新 改造 的个 性 化 特 下 ,人行道 所具有 的城市 公共空 间功能不 能被城市 政府 忽
征 , 即 城 市 良性 发 展 的 聚 焦 点 在 于 距 离 上 的 视 ,更 不 能 让 马 路 小 摊 长 期 侵 占 , 以 至 于 使 人 行 道 变 成 城 相 近 而 非 策 略 上 的一 致 。 市脏 乱 差 的 庇 护 场 所 。 ( )城 市 发 展 要 重 视 郊 区保 障 房建 设 四 同 济 大 学 建 筑 与 城 市 规 划 学 院 的 黄 怡 副 教 授 作 了题 为
美 传统 乡村根本 不是无序 、简单 的农舍 ,而是一 种结构 井 观 。再 次 是我 国城市 规划 应主打 文化 牌 、可 然的 、与 自然和谐 的城 市化状态 。面对今 天城市 化的各种 持续牌 、环 境牌 ,需 要汲取 新 的生态 与低碳 解 释和 歪曲 ,林 东认为 ,当代 中国需要一 场城市 化模式 革 技术 成果 ,构 建低碳 城市 建设 的实施 机制 , 命 ,需要 从物质主 义的城 市化转 向人的城 市化 ,城 市化过 创 新 传 统 规 划 技 术 与 策 略 , 形 成 城 市 低 碳 化
建设 部等 中央 国家机 关在全 国率 先开展 了节约 型办公 区建
设 , 目前 已 初 见 成 效 。
21 0 2城市发展与规划大会召开
21 0 2年 6月 1 2日 ,2 1 ( 七届 ) 城 市 发 展 与 规 划 大 02 第
住 房和 城 乡建设 部 、国家发 展改 革委 国管 局等 5部 会在桂 林召开 , 本届大会 主题 为 “ 宜居 、 低碳与可持续发展” 。 门作 为建设试点单位 ,通过开展节能诊断科学分析办公 区现 开幕式上 ,住房和城乡建设部副部长 中国城市科学研究会 状和发展需求 ,精心编制节约型办公区建设方案 ,开展 了办 理 事长 、中国城 市规 划学会理事长仇保 兴作主题报告 ,广西 公区能源资源节约综合治理和改造工作 ,目前改造成效已初 壮族 自治区副主席蓝天立致辞 ,住 房和城 乡建设部 总规划师
人 民政 府共 同主办 。与会者 围绕 国内外城市 规划与可持续发 的量 ,也就是要节约 1 . 2亿吨左右标准煤 。
_esxe 闻 递. 闻 Nw p豁新 速 要 Er
公 共 区域 L D 照明 太 阳能光伏发 电、太 阳能热水 雨 污 E
21 0 2年 6月 1 5日 , 中 国土 木 工 程 学 会 第 九 次 全 国 会 员 水 回收 利用 示范 、供 热计 量改 造、用 能监测 系统 、公共 自 9 0吨 , 代 表大会 暨九届一次理事会会 议在北京召开 。住 房和城 乡建 行车 、餐厨垃圾生化处理等 改造项 目,每年可节水 30
的繁荣 和发展 ,致 力于我 国土木 工程科 技人 才 的培养和 成
长, 我国 木 程 技 步 了 贡 。 届理 会 为 土 工 科 进 作出 很大 献 八 事 住 房 和 城 乡建 设 部鼓 励 引导 民资 进入 市 在 任期内 织 组 开展了 在 内 有 影 学术 动, 政公用事业领域 很多 国 外 较大 响的 活
城市与发展 课程文献阅读汇报
[&] J Vernon Henderson. Cities and Development[J]. Journal of Regional Science, 2010 , 50 (1) :515-540《Cities and Development》Author:J. Vernon HendersonPublished source:J Reg Sci. 2010 February ; 50(1): 515–540.Department :Department of Economics , Brown University , and National Bureau of Economic ResearchSpeaker:Cai Yong-long South China Normal UniversityUrbanization and economic development are closely intertwined. While urbanization per se does not cause development, sustained economic development does not occur without urbanization.full urbanization—moving a country from a situation where 10–20% of the population is urbanized to one where 60–85% is urbanized-- occurs now often in a span of about 30 years, as opposed to the more leisurely pace of urbanization in today‘s developed countries which played out over 100–150 years.There are major issues in today‘s urbanization process concerning the role of policy for which there seem few historical counterparts, as we will see.It is therefore necessary to discuss the relevant issues of the links between urbanization and development.In thinking about historical experience of today's developed countries versus the current experience in developing countries, a feature that distinguishes the two is the role that national government policy plays. Rapid urbanization is traumatic.Part oneThis paper starts with a “primer” on what we know about the conceptual and empirical links between development and urbanization.Empirical evidence is partly based on historical experience in developed countries such as the USA, but I try to draw also from the experience in some countries in Latin America and East Asia, which have gone through the urbanization process and proceeded towards middle income status as countries.This is critical question, facing China and India today, with fairly radical proposals on the table which we will discuss for extraordinarily concentrated development, with huge portions of the population to potentially be housed just in mega-cities.the specific problem :Whatever an optimal pattern might be, how costly are deviations, even significant ones from that optimal pattern? How do we conceptualize and measure both the benefits and costs of increased urban concentration ; and how are they linked to a country's evolving national industrial composition ? Within large clusters, or mega-cities, what are the best forms of spatial development and types and spatial forms of infrastructure investments? First concerns the spatial form of development . How spatially concentrated should urbanization be —how much development should be focused in mega-cities, or huge urban clusters, as opposed to spatially dispersed.Part twoPart twoSecond, what are the determinants of spatial income inequality and what is the evolution of such inequality under massive rural-urban migration? Kuznets -Williamson (Williamson, 1965)Does this favoritism in investment policies affect income inequality within and across regions and its evolution? A potential mechanism for increased income inequality with national regional favoritism is local government policies in favored areas that try to restrain directly or indirectly in-migration.This mechanism presents a related set of issues to analyze.Part threeAn end note11 1 1 1 1 Part one :what we know about urbanization and development The urbanization-growth linkAgglomeration and developmentThe Urban Hierarchy Changing Industrial Composition with Development Churning and Stable Size Distributions Summary of some factshigher levels of urbanization as measured by the percent of the national population that lives in urban areas, is associated with increased income per capita.Data: urbanized in 2004●First are the `static' models in Harris-Todaroro (1970) and the new economic geography (Krugman, 1991, Fujita, Krugman, and Venables, 1999)●Second are growth models, with an urban version in Henderson and Wang (2005),growth modelslabor is released from agriculture to work in manufacturing and service sectors. That release occurs for two reasons.One is a demand shift towards manufacturing spurred by technological improvements in manufacturing and world demand patterns where investors are always looking for new low cost countries to house standardized, laborintensive production of parts and components. The other is labor saving improvements in technology in agriculture.Second, manufacturing and services enjoy economies of agglomeration discussed below, which requires efficient production to be in high density locations, or cities.1.1 The urbanization-growth linkWhile there is this association between urbanization and development, it is an equilibrium not causal relationship.such as in sub-Saharan countries from 1970–2000 where urbanization occurs in the face of little or no per capita income growth. The WDR, 2000, notes that urbanization without growth in some African counties in this time period may in part have been fueled by a push out of rural areas due to war and lack of upkeep of rural infrastructure. Correspondingly, econometric studies indicate that, while the form of urbanization causally affects growth, urbanization per se does not.•There are two inter-related conceptual issues as to why development is linked to industrial agglomeration in cities.localized external economies of scale,With the exception of high tech industries, there is limited evidence thatthese manufacturing industries benefit from greater city size per se;ratherthey benefit from being in greater clusters of like, or inter-related activities (localized information spillovers). These are a powerful incentive to cluster,or agglomerate industrial activity together, as a country industrializes anddevelops.emphasizing the benefits of close clustering.scale economy benefits from benefits are correlated with agglomeration and may also affect productivity. But there is also a selection issue: are bigger clusters really more productive or do they just attractive more productive firms or more productive workers.localized knowledge accumulationWork on R&D)and advertising , high density is a key factor in promoting localized external economies of scale and knowledge spillovers. In developing countries bigger cities are also typically the point of technology importation and adaptation, the consequences of which have not been rigorously explored.Theory and empirical evidence suggest scale and knowledge externalities mayinteract, so that scale benefits are enhanced by knowledge accumulation. There isno work yet that looks at this interaction directly(evidence). Unfortunately,researchers tend to look at scale externalities or knowledge effects separately. Indriecting evidence:This finding suggests that cities increase in size over time with knowledge accumulation. The authors show that, in the right tail of the size distribution—metro areas over 100,000 -- metro area sizes over the last 40 years have doubled, most predominantly in countries with rapid human capital accumulation.This discussion presumes two notions—city sizes are limited and cities have different industrial compositions and, related different sizes. These notions arise from our modeling and knowledge of aspects of the urban hierarchy.Scale economies explain why industrial activity agglomerates in cities. On the other side are urban diseconomies and other factors which dissipate(弱化) the benefits of agglomeration, which are why cities are limited in size.1.3.1 Limited city sizes and specializationcosts of commuting and urban diseconomies will escalate, and the extentof a city‘s market will be stretched, so real income per worker peaks and thendeclines with further increases in city size. The new economic geographyliterature stresses the regional size of the market as a limiting factor to a city’ssize as well.But in contrast to the vast literature on scale externalities, good econometric evidence on urban diseconomies is lacking. The idea of a scale economy-diseconomy trade-off leads to the notion of urban specialization.1.3.1 Limited city sizes and specializationurban specializationWhy is there specialization? standardized manufacturing activity benefits from agglomeration of the own industry, not so much from the general level of local agglomeration.High tech industries tend to be found in larger cities.This difference in location of standardized versus high tech manufacturing is related to notions of the product cycle,1.3.2 Larger Metro Areas and the overall hierarchyAt the other extreme to smaller specialized manufacturing cities, and now in countries like the USA, smaller cities specialized in specific consumer service activities, like retirement services, health services, and insurance are huge metro areas that are truly global financial and service oriented cities such as New York or London.Why:Frist: These activities are in the largest cities because they benefit the most from overall agglomeration economies and the diverse economic environments of large cities.Second: economic-legal environment1.3.2 Larger Metro Areas and the overall hierarchywhy: New York and London have high concentrations of business andfinancial servicesBecause(1):within and cross-industry localized scale externalitiesBecause(2):high density buildings and employment foundIn between global cities and small and medium size specialized cities arean array of large metro areas which tend to also specialize relatively but stillhave fairly diverse industrial bases.We still have a long way to go in understanding these patterns andhow they change over time, as we will discuss below. But we have made some progress in overall empirical and theoretical modeling of these general notions. inverted U-shape curves asymmetry1.3.2 Larger Metro Areas and the overall hierarchyinverted U-shape curves asymmetryRelative to the peak of the inverted-U where real income per capita ismaximized, they find an asymmetry: for a given loss in population, there isa sharp per capita income loss from having an under-sized city, but anequal size increase in population generates a much smaller loss.1.4 Changing Industrial Composition with DevelopmentThe largest cities focused on New York and London. While these are now serviceoriented cities, that was not always the case;The concentration of manufacturing has in part to do with `learning', and the fact that a development path may emphasize growth to development of export oriented manufacturing.product cycle in international tradeAs a country develops economically, the largest cities become inefficient locations for standardized manufacturing locations. Two reason: no longer benefit so much from the learning environment of the largest cities.the business service sector is expanding, demanding the large city locations and outbidding manufacturing for central city lands in those cities.The first step is that manufacturing decentralizes to peri-urban and suburban locations of the largest cities, where rents and wages are cheaper, but firms still have access to the infrastructure of the largest cities and often government offices to deal with red tape. This suburbanization process has been analyzed extensively for the USA historically, as well as Colombia, Indonesia, Japan, and Korea in recent decades. There is a nice discussion of some of the evidence in Mohan (1994).The final step is de-industrialization of the largest metro areas, with manufacturing moving to smaller cities and rural areas.In 1910, manufacturing was more heavily concentrated in the largest cities. In 1910 business services were a small part of the USA economy; today they are an enormous part and there is a distinct increase in their share of local employment as we move up the urban hierarchy.From 1970 on in Part (a), Seoul metropolitan area's share of manufacturing in the national capital region (Kyonggi province) declined steadily, with a huge decline in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Since the early 1980s, industry has further decentralized. In Part (b), excluding the satellite cities of the three major metropolitan areas, the share in national manufacturing employment of rural areas and smaller cities rose from 25% in 1983 to 42% 10 years later, at a time when those areas were actually losing population.`The share of the big 3—Tokyo, Nagoya, and Osaka—in national manufacturing has declined steadily, with manufacturing moving to ex-urban, small city and rural areas. There is also considerable information on Japan on how the structure of manufacturing has changed in cities. Not only has manufacturing decentralized, the manufacturing activities remaining in large cities are distinctive in terms of function within the firm.Fujita and Ishii (1994) illustrate this using the 9 major electronic firms in Japan, indicating whether different types of units are found in central business districts of metro areas (CBDs), suburbs, or non-metropolitan areas. Headquarter units of firms are found mostly in city central business districts, where business and financial services locate. R&D and trial production facilities are found disproportionately in suburban areas of the largest metro areas, where these experimental facilities still benefit from being in large metro areas. But mass production plants are disproportionately in non-metropolitan areas.For developing countries, this evolution of the location of manufacturingactivities raises two related but distinctly different points. So with innovationindustries tend to move around.for example——Black and Henderson (1999b, 2003) show that over the last 100 years in the USA, although the absolute number of cities in the top 5 percentile by size has grown, cities in that category that were there 100 years ago are there today (see also Eaton and Eckstein (1997) on this point for Japan and France). The relatively big stay big. However this is not the case for individual industries. Cities that have the highest concentrations of employment in a particular industry are much more likely to have huge relative losses in that industry overtime, and to gain high concentrations of some other industry.Despite both this churning and the de-concentration of manufacturing from the largest cities which occurs with economic development and despite the incredible technological revolutions of the last century, there is a remarkable feature about cities.The relative size distribution of cities—the share of cities which are relatively large versus small— within large countries and across countries has remained rock stable. (figure 2)Zipf's LawWhy might there be such stability?Pareto distributionMost of the world's urban population is housed in metro areas that are not mega-cities. Even restricting the comparison to metro areas over 100,000 population (housing about 60% of the world's urban population), mega-cities account of 10% of the population among these larger cities. Note China's urban population tends to live in cities that are smaller than in other countries.1.6 Summary of some facts☐urban scale economies in production are the basis for large cities to exist while diseconomies in living limit their sizes, and that there is an urban hierarchy where smaller cities tend to specialize in standardized production of different manufacturing and service activities, while bigger cities have more diverse economic bases, that are focused on high techmanufacturing and certain business services.☐In early stages of economic development, large cities tend to be manufacturing oriented, but as development proceeds manufacturing decentralizes to the hinterlands and the largest cities become service oriented.☐Finally despite the massive urbanization of the last 50 years in much of the world, the incredible technological changes, and an enormously expanded role for government, the relative size distribution of cities has remain rock stable. And most of the world's urbanpopulation lives in metro areas and cities well under 3 million population.1.6 Summary of some factsArmed with these facts and the notions underlying them,we now turn to a research agenda, driven by a set of verybasic unanswered questions about today's urbanization indeveloping counties, some of it driven by the strong role ofgovernment in some of today's countries that are rapidlyurbanizing.1 1Part two :An Agenda for an urbanizing worldSpatial concentration Spatial Income InequalityThere is a literature which examines the determinants of spatial concentration across countries. Gini measures of concentration Pareto parameters Hirschman- HerfindahlmeasuresHowever in the past such measures were not available for a large sample of countries, since they require population data for all metropolitan areas over a certain size in a country.Instead researchers until recently relied on a measure of urban primacy,typically the share of the largest metropolitan area in the national urbanpopulation.2.1.1 The literature2.1.1 The literatureNational governments tend to favor certain regions or cities of a country, typically the national capital region with a variety of advantages——import and export licenses, better fiscal conditions, and disproportionately better provision of public goods.Foremost is some type of rent-seeking behavior: bureaucrats who are the only suppliers of licenses earn more rents if they don't decentralize provision of licenses, which would creat competitors in the rent seeking-allocation business. And government officials like to improve living conditions in the places where they live.But amongst informed policy makers there can also be a belief that the national capital region is more efficient place to locate production. Policy makers may tend to see the scale economies benefits of cities reflected in rising nominal wages, and less the diseconomies and rising costs that limit real income increases.2.1.1 The literatureFavoritism induces firms to locate in favored locations, drawing in workers seeking jobs .institutions matter—the greater fiscal decentralization the more decentralized the population. Fiscal decentralization whether through greater federalism or as part of democratization allows hinterland regions to be more fiscally independent and to set more of their own regulations, allowing them to better compete with, say the national capital region.All this leads to two questions.First——if favoritism leads to excessive concentration, what are the costs of that? Second——what is at the root of such costs and how does that play out in terms of urban living conditions and income inequality across regions.(2.2spatial income inequality)2.1.1 The literature2.1.1 The literatureHenderson (2003) examines the effect of urban primacy on national economic growth. The paper finds that, for each national size and income level, there is an “optimal degree” of urban primacy, reflecting the agglomeration benefit-urban diseconomy trade-off as it plays out interms of economic growth. Deviations from that optimal degree—up or down—are costly. Aone standard deviation increase above the optimal level leads to a drop in annual growth rate by 1.4%, in a standard econometric cross-country-panel-data growth approach.This analysis is limited by the fact that most data points are small countries, where in fact urban primacy is a reasonable measure of concentration. For large countries with potentially a number of major metro areas, the approach is more limited, both because primacy really describes the role of only the biggest city, in a context with many regions and many important cities, and because the sample of large countries is very limited.2.1.2 Policy DebatesThis issue of concentration, especially in large counties is very pressing, with countries like China and India contemplating pursuing a strategy of massive increases in urban concentration nationally.Instead,While the EU follows a similar pattern, its supercity, the London region, is maybe 15m. And as we saw in Figure 3, most of the world's urban population does not live in cities of such size.2.1.2 Policy DebatesThe reports supports one of two scenarios, arguing they would better maximize real income per capita, relative to the current dispersed urbanization patterns where China supports just two supercities, the region for the largest of which supports 17 million people. And as wealready saw in Figure 3, China has a low degree of concentration of population into large metro areas compared to the rest of the world. McKinsey Global Institute (2008)If current policies in China are pursued the report sees China developing in terms on urban concentration along the lines of the USA and the rest of the world.China and India are contemplating very different urbanization patternswhere urbanization would occur mostly in a limited set of giantmetropolitan regions.2.1.2 Policy DebatesInstead, the report argues for one of two alternative scenarios, with similaroutcomes.One is a widespread supercity approach where China would develop about 15 supercities, each with an average population of around 25m.Another is more of a “hub and spoke” system of 11 giant urban network regions averaging 60m each.The latter is a more in the vein of looking at the northeast corridor within 150 miles of New York City. For India, a report which is considering a similar approach is in the early preparation stages.One proposal under consideration is that India would have over 60% of the projected urban population of 500– 600m living in 12 super-city regions regions, each averaging 25–30m, with the largest ranging up to 70–80m.2.1.2 Policy DebatesWhether constructed as supercities or giant urban network regions,we know little about the efficacy of such size urban areas.For example:A New York, London, or Tokyo.the USA, the EU and Japan each support only one such size region (althoughmaybe Los Angeles is a second for the USA).most other manufacturing and services activities seem to thrive in much smaller environments, with degrees of scale externalities that can only support limited agglomeration. So the proposed scenarios for India and China seem to advocate something that is counter to what we believe may be sustainable. They involve favoritism of not just one region, but a set of regions, at the expense of the rest of the country.2.1.2 Policy Debatesthree ways to approach the overall issue and to try to evaluate such proposalsOne is to try to compare national economic growth rates under one regime versus another -- more spatially dispersed development versus development that emphasizes huge urban regions. Second, as in Au and Henderson we can try to estimate the inverted-U that marks real income per capita against supercity or cluster size.third :For China, Au and Henderson (2006a, 2006b) find that such inverted-U's peak well before super-city sizes, but then we don't have estimates for cities which are highly business, IT, and financial service oriented. They don't yet exist in China; and as we already saw for countries like the USA the sample is 1 or at most 2. That leaves the third way-- trying to pull pieces together so as to assess the impacts. What are the pieces?2.1.2 Policy DebatesOne: For different types of industries, what are the scale benefits of different clusters and when do scale economies peter out?Another piece concerns urban diseconomies, about which we know even less. How do infrastructure costs and commuting or environmental degradation vary with supercity and urban cluster size? More generally, evaluation of urban diseconomies is made more complicated by the high public policy component.But apart from the conceptual issue of cause and effect (institutions and development are affected by urban form) there is a data issue. While the UN and World Bank have worked to try to develop some data bases, we simply do not have good measures of relevant variables for a large sample of large urban regions (let alone the sizes which have been proposed for India and China). But then data availability is also driven by the demand for use of such data, in this case very limited to date.2.2.1 The literatureThere is a vast literature documenting changes in spatial inequality fordifferent countries in the development processWilliamson-Kuznets (1965)But that is not an instantaneous process.Barros and Sala-i-Martin (1992) argue that regional income gaps in Japan were closed by backward regions modernizing. This is also consistent with the earlier discussion which noted the deconcentration of manufacturing (but not population) into hinterland areas which occurs with development.2.2.1 The literatureFigure 4 shows how per capita urban to rural consumption varies with the degree of urbanization in a country. Note the sharp decline to almost equality at high levels of urbanization.2.2.1 The literature2.2.1 The literatureWhat stands out in the graph is China. First China's urban-rural gaps are huge in comparison to other countries (in a country of almost universal literacy and completion today of at least middle school). Second those gaps have increased over time.2.2.2 The rural-urban dividePolicy is that, for some countries, the high rural-urban income gaps are not just a partof some transition process, as rural labor moves to cities and the rural sector is upgraded.favor in one or two cities or regions ofa country relative to others.local policies in favored regions which try to counteract thenegative aspects of national favoritism, by inhibiting the flowof people into the favored area.national policies that directly regulate try to laborflows and conditions of rural versus urban residents“planned” economies, most notably China; but theirefficacy has diminished under market reforms.2.2.2 The rural-urban divideChina used its household registration (hukou) system to control initial rural-urban migration through much of the last 30 years. Control involved two facets:First is “leave the land, not the village”,Second, for the urbanization that inevitably occurred especially in a context where capital was disproportionately allocated to cities Jefferson and Singhe (1999), control was used to ensure that urbanization was localized and diffuse, spread across many cities.Hence in Figure 3 earlier, there is the high proportion of Chineseliving in smaller size cities, compared to the world.2.2.2 The rural-urban divide。
・ 中彩 页 1。
城 市发 展研 究 1 9卷 2 1 0 2年 第 7期
Chr w in: ( 国皇家建筑师学会荣誉院士 ;荣誉理学士 ;奥 i T n 英 s
雅 纳院士、董事 、可持续发展顾 问 )
用以反应城市能源效应与碳效应之 间的关 联性。从 结果可 以看 出 ,上海重化工产业地区的该指数较低 。 Ma kGis er ( r n b g: 金斯伯格绿色能源策略公司负责人 )
2 世 纪 的 成 功城 市 必将 是 环 保 的 1
为 什 么 生 态城 的理 想 目标 不 能 实现 — — 从 实 践反 馈 中吸 取
提高生态城市标 准 ,从项 目实践 当中吸取经验 ,实现生态
城市发展 的 目标。欧洲 的可持续发 展的理念是通过生态足迹确
2 世纪成功 的城市将依据生态城市 的原则 。中国和美 国的 1
紧凑 、生态的城 市将是未来城市转型的方向。
长期 依靠投资来拉 动增 长是不可持续 的。在 中国广大的 中 部 、西部地 区 ,制 造业是主要 的经济基 础 ,不必盲 目追求现代 服务业 。大城 市的经济应该具有 “ 四轮驱动”的结构 。在城建
中国的城 市人 口密度在 4 0多年 的城 市化过 程 中没 有多 大 的起
伏 ,但 是最近有所下 降 ,中 国城市密度 的下降趋势 正在来临 。各类
园区不 断增加 、行政 中心与大广场 、过 多的高速公路 网 、近郊农 区 的以租 代征 、独立 的用地 模式非常粗放 、居住密度下 降是城市紧凑
思 考 与 转 型
全 球 化 20时 期 的城 市 发 展 :20 年 后 西 方城 市 的 转 型 及 . 08 对 中 国城 市 的 但也面临着资源 、
出版物刊名: 城市问题
页码: 103-103页
年卷期: 2013年 第7期
2012城市地质环境与可持续发展论坛2012 Forum on Urban Geoenvironment & SustainableDevelopment(一号通知)2012年12月3-7日香港,中国Hong Kong, Chinahttp://www.civil.hku.hk/ugsd2012/在上海世博会之际,《2010城市地质环境与可持续发展论坛》在同济大学顺利召开了。
全国近350 多位有关地质、水利、建筑、能源、铁道、交通与环境等方面的院士、专家、代表参加了论坛,共同交流和提高了加强城市地质环境的有关认识。
今后,随着城市化的进一步发展,将有八个以上的城市人口达到1000~2000万,近百个城市的人口将达到100 万至几百万,城市地质环境问题应受到持续的关注。
互动论坛 践行十二五规划 建低碳明日之家
1.明日之家引领住宅产业发展——中国国际住宅产业博览会“中国明日之家”记事 [J], ;
2.践行十二五规划建低碳明日之家 [J], 唐凯
3.践行十二五规划建低碳明日之家——开彦:解除发展障碍至关重要 [J], 陈丽
4.践行十二五规划建低碳明日之家——第十届中国国际住宅产业博览会在北京成功举办 [J], 殷晶晶
5.面向未来的低碳住宅——明日之家2012·低碳住宅搭建纪实 [J],
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