
1.1 课文背景
1.2 关键人物
1.3 故事情节
1.4 主题和意义
2.1 文学流派
2.2 文学名著
2.3 文学修辞手法
3.1 日常用语和口语表达
3.2 说故事的技巧
3.3 演讲和辩论技巧
4.1 阅读理解技巧
4.2 写作技巧
4.3 作文常见错误

Chapter 1 Introduction·What is the English Stylistics?It is a science that deals with the research for a wide variety of the styles of written and oral English in English language.·What are language functions?a) To deliver some infor to other peopleb) To communicate with each other in society·How do we express ourselves in a proper way?Several factors do work.a)Phoneticsb)Vocabularyc)Grammard)Some knowledge concerning English stylistics·The correctness in using the language can not replace the appropriateness in language communication. Why?Four examples:a) “ Hello ” and “ Hi ”b) “ Assist me! Assist me! ” and “ Aid! Aid! ”c) “That’s all right.” “That’s to say.” “It’s O.K..”d) See next paged) “ I am terribly sorry to hear that your husband has just died, but don’t let it upset you too much. You’re an attractive, young lady. I’m pretty sure it is very easy for you to find someone else soon. ”·The effects of language expressions are sometimes related to some non-linguistic factors.a) Sex ------ “ Oh, my God! ”b) Age ------ “ Cheers! ” and “ Bye for now. ”c) Vocation ------ “ Watch the birdie. ”d) Received education ------ “ go to W.C. ”e) Social station ------ “ What prompted you to apply for this job? ” ·Why should we learn and study English stylistics?a) It will help us to express ourselves in English properly.b) It will help us to know something about language features of a variety of English written styles.c) It will help us to select a proper way for getting the best language effects and attaining our communicative purposes.d) It will help us to go at literary criticism.e) It will help us to do the translation work well.Chapter 2 Language Description & Stylistic Analysis·There are 4 phonetic means in English:1) stress 2) Intonation 3) pause 4) voice quality.·Stress has several apparent stylistic and grammatical functions.(1) The first function is for emphasis.(2) The second function is to change the meaning or the part of speech of some words, or both.(3) The third function is to differ some English words(4) The fourth function is to show someone’s surprise, anger, fear, doubt, pleasure, etc..·Intonation can be employed to express people’s happiness, sadness, certainty, hesitation, depression, etc. There are 5 pitches in phonetics:(1) The falling pitch is used to show the meaning of definiteness, certainty and completeness.(2) The rising pitch is employed to show the meaning of indefiniteness, uncertainty and incompleteness.(3) The fall-rise pitch is used to give people some encouragement or give people a warning.(4) The rise-fall pitch is employed to give people a sincere praise or to show the feeling of shock.(5) The level pitch is used to give account on something happened in the past. ·Pause can be divided into two.精品文档a) voiced pause b) silent pause·Some useful rhetorical devices1. Period and inversion2. Parallelism and antithesis3. Climax and anti-climax4. RepetitionChapter 3 Oral Style and Written Style·Several occasions for using oral style:1. In literary masterpieces2. In everyday conversation3. In informal speeches·The differences between oral communication and written communication1. Use some gestures ( body language ) in oral communication2. Use a statement as a question in oral communication3. Use some pure oral words in oral communication·The comparison of language styles in oral style and in written style·What can be used with oral style?1) slangs 2) vogue words 3) abbreviations 4) phrasal verbs 5) idioms·What can be used with written style?1) Scientific English 2) Legal English 3) Religious English 4) Formal speech 5) Official documentsChapter 4 Formal Style & Informal Style·Five styles were advanced by Martin Joos in the book “ The Five Clocks ”1) Frozen Style: legal items, historic literature, the documents for international conferences, etc.2) Formal Style: This style is usually used to deliver some infor on formal occasions.3) Consultative Style: With this style people usually offer some background information. It is usually employed in business activities. 4) Casual Style: People usually use it between friends, acquaintances, or insiders. Its main feature is that people usually employ ellipsis, slangs or cants with it.5) Intimate Style: It is usually used between husband and wife. Moreover it is employed in jargons sometimes.Chapter 6 Societal Deviation in English·What is societal deviation in English?Societal deviation is something about societal dialects.·Black English Vernacular: (土语)urban black English·What are the reasons for you to know Black English Vernacular?(1)It will help us to know the status que of AE.(2) It will help to read somenovels in American literature.Chapter 7 Time Deviation in English·Three stages of the development of English language1) The 1st stage is from 449 to 1100 ( Old English ).(The verbs in Old English can be divided into two categories ------ one is strong verbs and another is weak verbs. The past tense forms of most of weak verbs are with the ending -cec, -ode, or -de after the original weak verbs.)2) The 2nd stage is from 1100 to 1500 (Middle English).( At that time “ hw ” in Old English became “ wh ” and “ cw ” became “ qu ”. )3) The 3rd stage is from 1500 to present time (Modern English).(There are two remarkable features in Modern English. )(1)There are many loans in Modern English. from Japanese/from French/from Latin/ from Chinese.(2) There are some neologisms(新词) in Modern English.·The application of English archaic words(过时的词)in modern times1) In legal English 2) In religious English 3) In English poetry 4) In newspapers ·Why use archaic words in modern times? formal/rhyme/show-off精品文档Chapter 8 Common Practical Styles·Three functions of English advertisements1) to attract readers’ attention 2) to arose customer interest 3) to erge customer to take actions as soon as possible.·Some features of English advertisements(1) More simple sentences(2) Less negative sentences ------ If people really want to express the negative meaning in advertisements, they may use “ nothing ” or “ no ” instead of “ not ”.(3) Frequent use of present tense(4) More and more imperative sentences(5) Far more elliptical sentences(6) More figures of speech(7) Some special adjectives(8) Some newly-created words·Journalistic English: News report/news story·two categories of newspapers1) quality paper大报2) tabloid小报·Three requirements for news reports:Swift / objective / true·Some features of journalistic English1) Some journalistic jargons 2) Some acronyms 3) Some apocopation 4) Some aphoeresis 5) Some words with front and back clipping 6) Some syncopations 7) Some neologisms 8) Some blends 9) Some nouns are used as verbs to make the headlines vivid.Scientific English·What can be written with scientific English?1) Scientific works and literature2) Academic theses3) Laboratory reports4) Product instructions ·Some important features of scientific English1) Passive voice is high-frequently used in sentences.2) Present tense is quite often employed in sentences because scientific concepts and principles are usually described as truths.3) Long and complete sentences are often used to express meanings, ideas and concepts.4) There are some words which are from Latin.5) There is a simplicity in meaning for some words in scientific English.6) There are some useful prefixes and suffixes in scientific English.Chapter 9 Literary Style·The language features of English poetry1. The rhythm and the meter of English poetryRhythm is a regular succession of weak and strong stresses, accents, sounds, or movements in speech, music, poems, dancing, etc.·How is the rhythm formed in English poems?Stressed syllables and unstressed syllables which alternately appear in a stanza may produce rhythm in English poems.·What is meter? Meter is the measur. The English poetic rhythm is based on meter.构成英诗节奏的基础是韵律,即“格律”。



英语文体学知识重点[1]Chapter 1 Introduction· What is the English Stylistics?It is a science that deals with the research for a wide variety of the styles of written and oral English in English language.· What are language functions?a) To deliver some infor to other peopleb) To communicate with each other in society·How do we express ourselves in a proper way?Several factors do work.a)Phoneticsb)Vocabularyc)Grammard)Some knowledge concerning English stylistics·The correctness in using the language can not replace the appropriateness in language communication. Why?Four examples:a) “ Hello ” and “ Hi ”b) “ Assist me! Assist me! ” and “ Aid! Aid! ”c) “That’s all right.” “That’s to say.” “It’s O.K..”d) See next paged) “ I am terribly sorry to hear that your husband has just died, but don’t let it upset you too much. You’re an attractive, young lady. I’m pretty sure it is very easy for you to find someone else soon. ”·The effects of language expressions are sometimes related to some non-linguistic factors. a) Sex ------ “ Oh, my God! ”b) Age ------ “ Cheers! ” and “ Bye for now. ”c) Vocation ------ “ Watch the birdie. ”d) Received education ------ “ go to W.C. ”e) Social station ------ “ What prompted you to apply for this job? ”·Why should we learn and study English stylistics?a) It will help us to express ourselves in English properly.b) It will help us to know something about language features of a variety of English written styles.c) It will help us to select a proper way for getting the best language effects and attaining our communicative purposes.d) It will help us to go at literary criticism.e) It will help us to do the translation work well.Chapter 2 Language Description & Stylistic Analysis·There are 4 phonetic means in English:1) stress 2) Intonation 3) pause 4) voice quality.·Stress has several apparent stylistic and grammatical functions.(1) The first function is for emphasis.(2) The second function is to change the meaning or the part of speech of some words, or both.(3) The third function is to differ some English words(4) The fourth function is to show someone’s surprise, anger, fear, doubt, pleasure, etc..·Intonation can be employed to express people’s happiness, sadness, certainty, hesitation, depression, etc. There are 5 pitches in phonetics:收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除(1) The falling pitch is used to show the meaning of definiteness, certainty and completeness.(2) The rising pitch is employed to show the meaning of indefiniteness, uncertainty and incompleteness.(3) The fall-rise pitch is used to give people some encouragement or give people a warning.(4) The rise-fall pitch is employed to give people a sincere praise or to show the feeling of shock.(5) The level pitch is used to give account on something happened in the past. ·Pause can be divided into two.a) voiced pause b) silent pause·Some useful rhetorical devices1. Period and inversion2. Parallelism and antithesis3. Climax and anti-climax4. RepetitionChapter 3 Oral Style and Written Style·Several occasions for using oral style:1. In literary masterpieces2. In everyday conversation3. In informal speeches·The differences between oral communication and written communication1. Use some gestures ( body language ) in oral communication2. Use a statement as a question in oral communication3. Use some pure oral words in oral communication· The comparison of language styles in oral style and in written style ·What can be used with oral style?1) slangs 2) vogue words 3) abbreviations 4) phrasal verbs 5) idioms ·What can be used with written style?1) Scientific English 2) Legal English 3) Religious English 4) Formal speech 5) Official documentsChapter 4 Formal Style & Informal Style·Five styles were advanced by Martin Joos in the book “ The Five Clocks ”1) Frozen Style: legal items, historic literature, the documents for international conferences, etc.2) Formal Style: This style is usually used to deliver some infor on formal occasions.3) Consultative Style: With this style people usually offer some background information. It is usually employed in business activities.4) Casual Style: People usually use it between friends, acquaintances, or insiders. Its main feature is that people usually employ ellipsis, slangs or cants with it.5) Intimate Style: It is usually used between husband and wife. Moreover it is employed in jargons sometimes.Chapter 6 Societal Deviation in English· What is societal deviation in English?收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除Societal deviation is something about societal dialects.·Black English Vernacular: (土语)urban black English·What are the reasons for you to know Black English Vernacular?⏹(1)It will help us to know the status que of AE.(2) It will help to readsome novels in American literature.⏹Chapter 7 Time Deviation in English· Three stages of the development of English language1) The 1st stage is from 449 to 1100 ( Old English ).(The verbs in Old English can be divided into two categories ------ one is strong verbs and another is weak verbs. The past tense forms of most of weak verbs are with the ending -cec, -ode, or -de after the original weak verbs.) 2) The 2nd stage is from 1100 to 1500 (Middle English).( At that time “ hw ” in Old English became “ wh ” and “ cw ” became “ qu ”. )3) The 3rd stage is from 1500 to present time (Modern English).(There are two remarkable features in Modern English. )(1)There are many loans in Modern English. from Japanese/from French/from Latin/ from Chinese.(2) There are some neologisms(新词) in Modern English.·The application of English archaic words(过时的词)in modern times1) In legal English 2) In religious English 3) In English poetry 4) In newspapers·Why use archaic words in modern times? formal/rhyme/show-off Chapter 8 Common Practical Styles·Three functions of English advertisements1) to attract readers’ attention 2) to arose customer interest 3) to erge customer to take actions as soon as possible.·Some features of English advertisements(1) More simple sentences(2) Less negative sentences ------ If people really want to express the negative meaning in advertisements, they may use “ nothing ” or “ no ” instead of “ not ”.(3) Frequent use of present tense(4) More and more imperative sentences(5) Far more elliptical sentences(6) More figures of speech(7) Some special adjectives(8) Some newly-created words·Journalistic English: News report/news story·two categories of newspapers1) quality paper大报 2) tabloid小报·Three requirements for news reports:Swift / objective / true·Some features of journalistic English1) Some journalistic jargons 2) Some acronyms 3) Some apocopation 4) Some aphoeresis 5) Some words with front and back clipping 6) Some收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除syncopations 7) Some neologisms 8) Some blends 9) Some nouns are used as verbs to make the headlines vivid.Scientific English·What can be written with scientific English?1) Scientific works and literature2) Academic theses3) Laboratory reports4) Product instructions·Some important features of scientific English1) Passive voice is high-frequently used in sentences.2) Present tense is quite often employed in sentences because scientific concepts and principles are usually described as truths.3) Long and complete sentences are often used to express meanings, ideas and concepts.4) There are some words which are from Latin.5) There is a simplicity in meaning for some words in scientific English.6) There are some useful prefixes and suffixes in scientific English. Chapter 9 Literary Style·The language features of English poetry1. The rhythm and the meter of English poetryRhythm is a regular succession of weak and strong stresses, accents, sounds, or movements in speech, music, poems, dancing, etc.·How is the rhythm formed in English poems?Stressed syllables and unstressed syllables which alternately appear in a stanza may produce rhythm in English poems. ·What is meter? Meter is the measur. The English poetic rhythm is based on meter.构成英诗节奏的基础是韵律,即“格律”。

例如,"Life is a journey."(生活就是一场旅程)就是一个常见的比喻句。
例如,"The sun smiled down on us."(阳光微笑着洒落在我们身上)中的"sun smiled"就是一个拟人的表达。
例如,"I've been waiting for ages!"(我等了好几个世纪了!)就使用了夸张手法来突出等待的时间之长。
例如,"What would you do if you had one day left to live?"(如果你只剩下最后一天可以活,你会怎么做?)中的设问引发了读者对生活的思考。
例如,"His words were as sharp as a knife, while her words were as gentle as a breeze."(他的话锋锐如刀,而她的话则温柔如微风)中的对比句增加了文章的表现力和张力。


1. 记叙文 (Narrative Writing)记叙文是讲述故事的一种文体。
例如:Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lisa. She lived in a small village...记叙文中的语言通常生动而具体,可以让读者像观看电影一样参与到故事中。
2. 说明文 (Expository Writing)说明文是用来解释、阐述事物或概念的一种文体。
例如:The Earth is the third planet from the Sun. It has a solid surface and is covered mostly by water...说明文的语言通常较为简洁明了,注重逻辑性和准确性。
3. 议论文 (Argumentative Writing)议论文是一种用来论证观点或表达意见的文体。
例如:Smoking should be banned in all public places because it is harmful to both smokers and nonsmokers...议论文的语言通常较为严谨和有力,要能够说服读者接受自己的观点。


Lectures on Stylistics
• General stylistics concentrates solely on the general features of various types of language use. It studies the stylistic features of the main varieties of language, covering the functional varieties from the dimension of fields of discourse (different social activities), formal vs informal varieties from the dimension of tenors of discourse (different addresser-addressee relationships), and the spoken vs written varieties from the dimension of modes of discourse (different mediums).
Lectures on Stylistics
or writing), the setting (private or public), the relationship with the addressee (in terms of the degree of intimacy or social distance), the subject matter (technical or nontechnical), and the purpose (to inform, to persuade, etc.)”.

Unit 1: Literature1. Literary Genres:- Fiction: includes novels, short stories, and plays.- Non-fiction: includes biographies, autobiographies, and essays.2. Elements of Fiction:- Characterization: the development of characters in a story.- Plot: the sequence of events in a story.- Theme: the main idea or message conveyed in a story.- Setting: the time and place in which a story takes place.- Point of View: the perspective from which a story is told.3. Literary Devices:- Personification: giving human qualities to non-human objects or ideas (e.g., "The wind whispered through the trees").Unit 2: Poetry1. Types of Poetry:- Sonnet: a 14-line poem with a specific rhyme scheme.- Haiku: a traditional Japanese poem consisting of three lines with a specific syllable pattern.- Free Verse: poetry without a regular rhyme or meter.2. Poetic Devices:- Rhyme: the repetition of similar sounds at the end of words.- Meter: the rhythmic pattern in poetry.- Alliteration: the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words.3. Poetic Forms and Structures:- Stanza: a group of lines in a poem.- Refrain: a repeated phrase or line in a poem.- Enjambment: the continuation of a sentence without pause beyond the end of a line.Unit 3: Drama1. Types of Drama:- Tragedy: a serious play with a tragic ending.2. Elements of Drama:- Dialogue: the conversation between characters in a play.- Stage Directions: instructions for actors and stage crew.- Monologue: a long speech by one character.3. Play Structure:- Acts: the major divisions of a play.- Scenes: smaller divisions within acts.这些知识点将帮助学生更好地理解和分析高中英语必修三《英语与文学》中的文学作品、诗歌和戏剧,为学习和阅读提供指导和帮助。




一、文体学1. 定义:文体学是研究语言表达风格和特点的学科,包括不同文体之间的差异和特征。
2. 应用:文体学可以帮助我们理解不同文本的特点,如小说、诗歌、散文和新闻报道等。
3. 知识点:- 叙述文体:用于描述事件、故事或经历的文体,如小说和传记。
- 说明文体:用于解释、阐述观点或提供事实的文体,如科学论文和说明书。
- 议论文体:用于陈述和辩论观点的文体,如论文和演讲稿。
- 描写文体:用于描绘人物、地点或对象的文体,如诗歌和旅行报道。
- 敌对文体:用于抨击和讽刺的文体,如讽刺小说和政治漫画。
二、修辞学1. 定义:修辞学是研究修辞手法和表达方式的学科,它通过运用各种修辞手法来增强语言的表达力。
2. 应用:修辞学可以用于文学作品、演讲和写作等领域,使语言更生动、美观和有说服力。
3. 知识点:- 比喻:通过对两个不同事物的比较,以便更好地理解和描绘。
- 拟人:将非人事物赋予人的特性和行为,增加描写的生动性。
- 夸张:通过夸大手法来强调某种观点或感觉。
- 反问:用问句的形式提出观点,以引发读者思考和关注。
- 排比:通过并列结构反复使用相同的词或短语,以产生韵律感和强调。
- 对偶:通过相似的句子结构和表达方式来增加语言的节奏感。

填空1. Stylistics is a branch of linguistics which applies the theory and methodology of modern linguistics to the study of style.2. Language is viewed as a system of different types of linguistic organization such as phonology, syntax and lexicon. Language is also a social phenomenon, or institution.3. A text is any passage, spoken or written, of whatever length, that forms a unified whole.4. A text is realized by a sequence of language units, whether they are sentences or not. The connection among parts of a text is achieved by various cohesive devices, and by semantic and pragmatic implication.5. Context may be linguistic or extra-linguistic. Linguistic context is alternatively termed as co-text, which refers to the linguistic unit in a text. Extra-linguistic context (interchangeable with context of situation) refers to the relevant features of the situation in which a text has meaning.6. Levels of linguistic description: the phonological/graphological levels; the lexicogrammatical level. Phonology is defined as the system of speech sounds in a language (phonemes, stress, rhythm, intonation). Graphology refers to the writing system of a language (spelling, punctuation marks, capitalization, type style, etc.) The lexicogrammatical system consists of vocabulary and syntactic structures.7. In the first place, linguistic features of a given text should be compared with a set of relative norms of language in use.8. The study of style is the study of distinctions: looking at what was said against what might have been said.9. The distinction of a style cannot be perceived without comparison.10. Elision refers to the omission of a sound or sounds in speech. When rendered in written form, elided forms often become markers of a very informal or very casual style, with a hint of sloppiness and laziness in speech.11. Sound patterning refers to the matching of identical or similar sound(s) between two or more words.12. Various aspects of design in graphology (e.g. punctuation, capitalization, spelling, paragraphing) are resources which can be utilized for communicative purposes.13. The use of exclamation marks: ①A vocative used with an exclamation mark represents urgent warning or command. ②An exclamation mark ending an imperative sentence adds to the peremptory or urgent force of a command. ③The combination of question and exclamation marks specifies the writer’s doubt or surprise about certain language items. ④Excessive use of exclamation marks is often considered as a sign of frivolous or immature writing; the use of more than one exclamation mark is a feature of very informal writing.14. Paragraphing refers to the way in which a text is divided into paragraphs.15. Distinguish clause types in terms of the structure of the verb phrase (if any) in a clause: finite clauses, non-finite clauses, and verbless clauses.16. Subordinate clauses can be further divided into nominal clauses, relative clauses, comparative clauses and adverbial clauses.17. Sentences types (in terms of the number of constituent clauses): simple sentence, compound sentence, complex sentence, and mixed sentence.18. On the syntactic level, sentences (simple of multiple) which conform to the regular patterns ofclause structures may be defined as major sentences; Minor sentences do not conform to the regular clause patterns.19. Texts may be infinitely various in terms of length, medium, purpose, topic, genre, period, but they all share the same property, namely, linearity.20. Sequence, segmentation and salience are considered the three basic factors in the formation of spoken/ written texts.21. Subordinate clauses may be positioned initially, medially, and at the end of their superordinate clause. Initial clauses are said to be left-branching; medial clauses nesting; and final clauses right-branching.22. A sentence with right branch clauses is traditionally called a loose sentence, whereas a sentence with left branch clauses a periodic sentence.23. In neutral circumstances, the new or most important information is placed towards the end of a clause (end-focus principle).24. In conjunction with the end-focus principle, there is the end-weight principle: the more weighty part of a clause is usually placed towards the end.25. The explicit connection between language units in a text is cohesion. Cohesion may be lexical and grammatical.26. The relationship between a general (superordinate) term and its specific term (hyponym) is called (hyponymy).27. Varieties according to the characteristics of language user are commonly termed dialects. A dialect is a variety habitually adopted by people in a certain region (regional dialect) or by people of a certain social group (social dialect).28. All dialect can be classified as standard or non-standard.29. Standard English refers to the particular socially-favored variety which is based on the speech and writing of educated users of the language.30. Non-standard language features are found in dialogues and first-person narrations.31. Functions of non-standard portrayals: to portray characters; to provide local color; to create humorous effects.32. How dialect forms are used for characterization: dialect forms as markers of social status; dialect forms as clues to characters' relationship; dialect forms as an aid to individualize characters.33. Comparing spoken language and written language, linguists notice that the following aspects condition the variations in speech and writing: channel limitation; spontaneity of the message; audience interaction; publicity of the situation.34. "Channel limitation" means that the transmission of a message is limited to one channel only-visual or auditory. Spoken language has no channel limitation. Thus, it has multiple-channel effect.35. Written language is limited to the visual channel only.36. Normal non-fluency: filled/unfilled pauses, unintended repetitions, and false starts.37. "+" long pause, "++" extended pause.38. To engage in a monologue is to speak in such a way as to exclude the possibility of interruption by the audience. To engage in a dialogue is to speak in such a way as to invite the participation of the audience.39. Suffice it here to say that the larger the size of the audience and the more public the setting themore formal the language.40. Features of spoken style can be found in the first person narration, interior monologue and dialogue in a novel.41. The language we use varies according to our attitudes towards the addressee. Such attitudes are related to the role relationships in various situations. By role relationship we mean the relationship between the roles adopted by addresser and addressee in a given situation.42. Language features indicating the attitude are usually classified along four scales: formality, politeness, impersonality and accessibility.43. Politeness tends to increase to the extent that the addressee is more senior in status and less intimate.44. Members of the same social or regional group may resort to the use of dialectal forms to reinforce group identification, to show the intimacy among themselves. The same is true of the use of in-group slang.45. Accessibility means whether a piece of language is easy to understand for the addressee. As the language becomes more formal, more impersonal, more specialized in certain subject matter, it tends to becomes less accessible to the ordinary reader or listener.46. An easily accessible text will have a fog index of about 10.47. “Hard”words are those which have at least three syllables, not counting inflections or compounding.48. Field of discourse refers to the type of social activity in which language plays a part. One aspect of the field is the subject matter. Another important aspect of the field is the purpose (or function).49. Language functions: referential function, expressive function, conative function, phatic function, metalinguistic function, poetic function.50. A newspaper has two main functions: to give information and to reflect, sharp and guide public opinion.51. The journalist should design his headlines for dramatic eye-catching effect so as to intrigue the potential reader. He should compress his article into a limited space. He should present his material in the most readable and attractive way.52. In headlines, monosyllabic Anglo-Saxon words are preferred to polysyllabic Latinate words, because they are space–saving and often can function both as nouns and as verbs.53. Advertisements can be classified into commercial consumer advertisements and non-profit-making charity advertisements.54. Style of advertisements may vary according to the differences in methods of selling, types of products or target audience; but the primary function of the advertising language remains the same –conative.55. A press advertisements may consist of the following components: headline, illustration(s), body copy, signature line, standing details.56. Colloquial style: simple in structure, with a preference for coordination and minor sentences.57. Rhetorical devices: pun; repetition (sound patterning, verbal repetition, syntactic parallelism); parallelism; emphasis; contrast; antithesis; alliteration; assonance腹韵or元音韵; consonance辅韵; pararhyme头尾韵; rhyme; reverse rhyme问答1. The procedure of stylistic analysis:1) Analysis of the language features of a text into two levels: a. the phonological/graphological levels; b. the lexicogrammatical level.2) Computation of relevant frequencies of language features according to needs. (In order to verify the observation that the style of a certain text is written/spoken and formal/informal, we need to know the percentage of content words, the percentage of Latinate/Anglo-Saxon words, the ratio of dependent to independent clauses, and other linguistic data.)3) Contextualization in terms of the social factors influencing a language event. Contextual factors fall into the two following categories: ①Characteristics of the user of language: a. Age; b. Sex; c. Socio-regional or ethnic background; d. Education ②Characteristics of the user of language in situation: a. Medium of communication: speech or writing; b. Setting: private or public; c. Role-relationship between addresser and addressee: the degree of intimacy, the degree of social distance; d. Purpose for which language is used: e.g. to inform, to command, to express feelings, to establish social relations, etc; e. Subject matter (of limited stylistic significance)2. The use of exclamation marks:1) A vocative used with an exclamation mark represents urgent warning or command.2) An exclamation mark ending an imperative sentence adds to the peremptory of urgent force of a command.3) The combination of question and exclamation marks specifies the writer's doubt or surprise about certain language items.4) Excessive use of exclamation marks is often considered as a sign of frivolous or immature writing; the use of more than one exclamation mark is a feature of very informal writing.3. Types of minor sentences:1) A unit consisting of a dependent clause structure 2) A non-finite construction 3) A phrase 4) An elliptical sentence 5) An abbreviated sentence 6) Block language4. Compare an elliptical sentence with an abbreviated sentence:1) An elliptical sentence is contextually conditioned. The ellipsis is recoverable from the proceeding linguistic context. In conversation it is common to find ellipsis in sentences that respond to, comment to, or question previous sentences spoken by another speaker. The ellipsis avoids repetition so as to focus on the new information.2) An abbreviated sentence is a sentence where the initial word(s) is (are) omitted. It is not contextually conditioned, and does not in any way depend on what has gone before. The omitted part is recoverable from the linguistic form of the sentence. This type is common in informal conversation, personal letters an diaries.5. Distinguish minor sentences from incompleted sentences:1) Minor sentences are those which don't conform to the regular clause patterns.(2) Incompleted sentences refers to the sentences in which for some reason (e.g. change of mind on the part of the speaker, an interruption by the hearer or some others) the speaker never reachesthe end of what he intends to communicate. Conversation and running commentary are characterized by a fairly high proportion of incomplete sentences.6. Left-branching and Right-branching1) ①Initial subordinate clauses are said to be Left-branching. ②Final subordinate clauses are said to be Right-branching.2) ①Left-branching postpones the presentment of the main clause and make the reader wait for completed information. Initial subordinate clauses are often referred to as anticipatory structures, because the reader has to bear in mind points of contributory information until he gets to the essential matter. ②Right-branching reduces the burden on reader’s immediate syntactic memory and makes it easy for his processing of information. Right branch subordinate clauses usually commend on the main clauses or supplement it with more details and add more and more information to the initial clause.3) ①Left-branching is better adapted to writing, because a printed page enables the reader to retrace the course of a sentence at need. ②Right-branching is common in speech, in relaxed and informal presentation of ideas. A writer may favor Right-branching and the use of short, simple sentences to represent a narrative style of simplicity, directness and intensity.7. Anglo-Saxon and Latinate words1) Words of Latin, French origin (Latinate) are words of science, religion and official communication; they help to create the effect of coolness, dignity and intellectual distance.2) Words of Anglo-Saxon origin constitute English-speaking people's basic vocabulary; such words are close to their heart and emotionally-charged.3) A high percentage of Anglo-Saxon words is quite usual in formal style and they are often replaced by Latinate words in formal styles.8. General and specific words1) The relationship between a general term and its specific term is called hyponymy.2) General terms are often too vague to convey any precise meaning. The use of specific words is more informative in detail and can evoke vivid images in the reader's/hearer's mind.3) General term are preferred, when there is no need for specification, or when the user wants to leave things vague for some (tactical) reason (e.g. formal, official documents).9. Conceptual and associative meaning1) Conceptual meaning covers those basic, essential components of meaning which are conveyed by the literal use of a word or phrase. The conceptual meaning of the word “mother” may consist of such components as [HUMAN], [FEMALE] and [PARENT].2) Associative meaning refer to the meanings that a word has beyond or in addition to its conceptual meaning. These meaning may: a. show people's emotions, attitudes towards what the word refers to; compare “mother--mummy/mommy (affectionate)” b. reflect the social circumstance of its use; compare “mom (AmE, informal)--mum (BrE, informal--mama (old use, esp. upper class)--ma (informal, esp. working class)” c. evoke in the reader/hearer certain association of what the word refers to. Association attached to “mother”may be “maternal love”, “the b earing and rearing of children”, “warm home” and many others, hence such expressions as“mother-land, mother earth”.3) Associative meanings may be private, varying from person to person as the result of individual experience. However, associative meanings are often shared by a group of people of the same culture or social background, sex or age.10. Verbal repetition and reiteration1) ①V erbal repetition refers to the repetition of a linguistic unit which has already occurred in the preceding context. ②In non-literary texts this kind of repetition is often considered normal, or unmarked. ③Repetition is sometimes deliberate: it is used for emotive intensification. ④In literary texts, repetition is usually rhetorical.2) ①Reiteration refers to the use of a alternative expression as a replacement for an expression in the preceding context. ②Reiteration is used to avoid the monotonous effect of the repetition of the same expression.11. Some typical features of formal written language:1) Syntactic completeness and complexity 2) Heavily premodified noun phrases 3) Cleft sentences 4) The use of personal pronouns in a subordinate clause, preceding the main clause 5) Use of various logical indicators12. The headline is the most indispensable element in an advertisement. The headline should be so designed as to capture a prospective buyer’s attention, to stimulate interest or desire, to make him/her remember the advertised brand name.分析1. Policeman & Black psychiatrist “Boy”1) The needs for stylistics: ①Style is an integral part of meaning. ②Stylistics may help us to acquire a “sense of style”. ③Stylistics prepares the way to the intrinsic study of literature. In the study of literature there are two complementary approaches: extrinsic and intrinsic.2) The word “boy” may be used to address a male inferior. In the example the form is used to address a physician, who is usually accorded high respect in the US and is addressed as “Dr So-and-so” (Title + Surname). Insistently using the form “boy”, the white policeman shows his racist contempt of and prejudice against the black people.2. “I’m in pyjamas”1) In this example the relevance of B’s remark to A’s first remark is conveyed by pragmatic implication. “I’m in pyjamas” implies an excuse for not complying with A’s command (=“No, I can’t, because I’m in pyjamas.”) A’s second remark implies that he accepts B’s excuse and undertakes to do himself what he originally asked B to do. (=“OK. I’ll go myself and see.”)2) Texts are therefore recognized as appropriately coherent in actual use. A full understanding of a text is often impossible without reference to the context in which it occurs.3. Students are asked to remind themselves of the rules of the library.1) According to the convention, the more indirect the wording, the more polite.2) The language form is very formal and polite.3) This example is impersonal, because the addresser has been effaced and the addressee is referred to indirectly. Impersonal style has a distancing effect and is typical of scientific, legal and official writing.4) In this example, linguistic markers indicating the degrees of impersonality include: the passive voice and third person nouns such as the students.4. The understanding of this spoken communication between A & B depends greatly on the shared knowledge between A & B, the shared situation and their body languages. It would not make much sense to us (outsiders) unless we are informed about its context of situation. There are many exophoric words in the dialogue. Linguistic inexplicitness (caused by the use of exophoric words) is one of the characteristics of spoken language, when both speaker and hearer understand tacitly the references within the shared situation.5. I only met him once + at your place ++ (=“I only met him once--and that was at your place.”) This example is very informal, and it is a spoken language. In this example, there is a “+” which means a long pause, and “++” which means an extended pause. “A t your place” is an appended clause; it can be regarded as an elliptical clause for which the whole or part of the proceeding or the interrupted clause constitutes the antecedent. So “I only met him once + at your place ++”=“I only met him once--and that was at your place”.。

英语阅读文体知识点总结IntroductionReading is an essential skill in acquiring knowledge, expanding vocabulary, and understanding different cultures. It is also a gateway to the world, providing access to a wide range of information and ideas. In this summary, we will explore various knowledge points related to reading in the English language, including reading strategies, types of texts, and how to improve reading comprehension.I. Types of Texts1. FictionFictional texts are stories that are created from the author's imagination. They can be further divided into subgenres such as fantasy, science fiction, romance, historical fiction, and mystery. Fictional texts often aim to entertain, evoke emotions, and convey universal truths about human nature.2. Non-fictionNon-fictional texts are based on real events, experiences, or research. They include genres such as biographies, autobiographies, essays, articles, and reports. Non-fictional texts aim to inform, persuade, or educate the reader about a specific topic.3. PoetryPoetry is a form of literary art that uses language to evoke emotional responses through rhythm, sound, and imagery. Poems can be written in various forms such as sonnets, haikus, ballads, and free verse. Poetry often explores themes of love, nature, and the human experience.4. DramaDrama is a literary form that is written to be performed by actors on stage. It includes genres such as tragedy, comedy, farce, and historical plays. Drama often explores conflicts, relationships, and societal issues.II. Reading Strategies1. SkimmingSkimming is a reading strategy that involves quickly glancing through a text to get a general idea of its content. It is useful for identifying key points, main ideas, and the overall structure of a text.2. ScanningScanning is a reading strategy that involves searching for specific information within a text. It is useful for locating names, dates, statistics, and other details without reading the entire text.3. Active ReadingActive reading involves engaging with the text by asking questions, making connections, and summarizing key points. It helps improve comprehension and retention of the material.4. PredictingPredicting involves making educated guesses about what will happen next in a text based on clues and prior knowledge. It helps maintain interest and anticipation while reading.5. Context CluesContext clues are words or phrases that surround an unfamiliar word and provide hints about its meaning. Understanding context clues can help readers decipher unfamiliar vocabulary.III. Reading Comprehension1. Literal ComprehensionLiteral comprehension involves understanding the explicit meaning of a text, including facts, details, and events presented in the text.2. Inferential ComprehensionInferential comprehension involves making logical inferences and drawing conclusions based on implicit information presented in the text.3. Evaluative ComprehensionEvaluative comprehension involves critically analyzing and making judgments about the content, style, and purpose of a text.4. SummarizingSummarizing involves condensing the main ideas and key points of a text into a concise and coherent form.IV. Improving Reading Skills1. Vocabulary BuildingExpanding vocabulary is essential for improving reading comprehension. Reading a variety of texts, using a dictionary, and keeping a vocabulary journal can help build vocabulary skills.2. Reading FluencyReading fluency refers to the ability to read smoothly, accurately, and with expression. Practicing reading aloud, using audio resources, and timing reading sessions can improve fluency.3. Comprehension StrategiesDeveloping comprehension strategies such as visualizing, making connections, asking questions, and monitoring understanding can enhance reading comprehension.4. Reading for PleasureReading for pleasure can improve reading skills by fostering a love for reading, increasing exposure to different genres, and building background knowledge.V. ConclusionIn conclusion, reading is a multifaceted skill that involves understanding different types of texts, using various reading strategies, and improving reading comprehension. By applying the knowledge points discussed in this summary, readers can enhance their reading skills and derive greater enjoyment and benefit from reading in the English language.。
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Chapter 1 Introduction· What is the English StylisticsIt is a science that deals with the research for a wide variety of the styles of written and oral English in English language.· What are language functionsa To deliver some infor to other peopleb To communicate with each other in society·How do we express ourselves in a proper waySeveral factors do work.a)Phoneticsb)Vocabularyc)Grammard)Some knowledge concerningEnglish stylistics·The correctness in using the language can not replace the appropriateness in language communication. WhyFour examples:a “ Hello ” and “ Hi ”b “ Assist me Assist me ” and “ Aid Aid ”c “That’s all right.” “That’s to say.” “It’s ..”d See next paged “ I am terribly sorry to hear that your husband has just died, but don’t let it upset you too much. You’re an attractive, young lady. I’m pretty sure it is very easy for you to find someone else soon. ” ·The effects of language expressions are sometimes related to somenon-linguistic factors.b Age ------ “ Cheers ” and “ Bye for now. ”c Vocation ------ “ Watch the birdie. ”d Received education ------ “ goto . ”e Social station ------ “ What prompted you to apply for this job ” ·Why should we learn and study English stylisticsa It will help us to express ourselves in English properly.b It will help us to know something about language features of a variety of English written styles.c It will help us to select a proper way for getting the best language effects and attaining our communicative purposes.d It will help us to go at literary criticism.e It will help us to do the translation work well.Chapter 2 Language Description & Stylistic Analysis·There are 4 phonetic means in English:1 stress2 Intonation3 pause4 voice quality.·Stress has several apparent stylistic and grammatical functions.1 The first function is for emphasis.2 The second function is to change the meaning or the part of speech of some words, or both.3 The third function is to differ some English words4 The fourth function is to show someone’s surprise, anger, fear, doubt, pleasure, etc..·Intonation can be employed to express people’s happiness, sadness, certainty, hesitation, depression, etc. There are 5 pitches in phonetics:1 The falling pitch is used to show the meaning of definiteness, certainty and completeness.2 The rising pitch is employed to show the meaning of indefiniteness, uncertainty and incompleteness.3 The fall-rise pitch is used to give people some encouragement or give people a warning.4 The rise-fall pitch is employed to give people a sincere praise or to show the feeling of shock.5 The level pitch is used to give account on something happened in the past.·Pause can be divided into two.a voiced pauseb silent pause ·Some useful rhetorical devices1. Period and inversion2. Parallelism and antithesis3. Climax and anti-climax4. RepetitionChapter 3 Oral Style and Written Style·Several occasions for using oral style:1. In literary masterpieces2. In everyday conversation3. In informal speeches·The differences between oral communication and written communication1. Use some gestures body language in oral communication2. Use a statement as a question in oral communication3. Use some pure oral words in oral communication· The comparison of language styles in oral style and in written style ·What can be used with oral style1 slangs2 vogue words3 abbreviations4 phrasal verbs5 idioms·What can be used with written style 1 Scientific English 2 Legal English 3 Religious English 4 Formal speech 5 Official documentsChapter 4 Formal Style & Informal Style·Five styles were advanced by Martin Joos in the book “ The Five Clocks ”1 Frozen Style: legal items, historic literature, the documents for international conferences, etc.2 Formal Style: This style is usually used to deliver some infor on formal occasions.3 Consultative Style: With this style people usually offer some background information. It is usually employed in business activities.4 Casual Style: People usually use it between friends, acquaintances, or insiders. Its main feature is that people usually employ ellipsis, slangs or cants with it.5 Intimate Style: It is usually used between husband and wife. Moreover it is employed in jargons sometimes. Chapter6 Societal Deviation in English· What is societal deviation in EnglishSocietal deviation is something about societal dialects.·Black English Vernacular: 土语urban black English·What are the reasons for you to know Black English Vernacular1It will help us to know thestatus que of AE.2 It will helpto read some novels in Americanliterature.Chapter 7 Time Deviation in English· Three stages of the development of English language1 The 1st stage is from 449 to 1100The verbs in Old English can be divided into two categories ------ one is strong verbs and another is weak verbs. The past tense forms of most of weak verbs are with the ending -cec, -ode, or -de after the original weak verbs.2 The 2nd stage is from 1100 to 1500 Middle English.At that time “ hw ” in Old English became “ wh ” and “ cw ” became “ qu ”.3 The 3rd stage is from 1500 to present time Modern English.There are two remarkable features in Modern English.1There are many loans in Modern English. from Japanese/fromFrench/from Latin/ from Chinese.2 There are some neologisms新词 in Modern English.·The application of English archaic words过时的词in modern times1 In legal English2 In religious English3 In English poetry4 In newspapers·Why use archaic words in modern times formal/rhyme/show-off Chapter 8 Common Practical Styles ·Three functions of English advertisements1 to attract readers’ attention2 to arose customer interest3 to erge customer to take actions as soon as possible.·Some features of English advertisements1 More simple sentences2 Less negative sentences ------ If people really want to express the negative meaning in advertisements, they may use “ nothing ” or “ no ” instead of “ not ”.3 Frequent use of present tense4 More and more imperative sentences5 Far more elliptical sentences 7 Some special adjectives8 Some newly-created words ·Journalistic English: Newsreport/news story·two categories of newspapers1 quality paper大报2 tabloid小报·Three requirements for news reports:Swift / objective / true·Some features of journalistic English1 Some journalistic jargons2 Some acronyms3 Some apocopation4 Some aphoeresis5 Some words with front and back clipping6 Some syncopations7 Some neologisms8 Some blends9 Some nouns are used as verbs to make the headlines vivid. Scientific English·What can be written with scientific English1 Scientific works and literature2 Academic theses3 Laboratory reports4 Product instructions·Some important features of scientific English1 Passive voice is high-frequently used in sentences.2 Present tense is quite often employed in sentences because scientific concepts and principles are usually described as truths.3 Long and complete sentences are often used to express meanings, ideas and concepts.4 There are some words which are from Latin.5 There is a simplicity in meaning for some words in scientific English.6 There are some useful prefixes and suffixes in scientific English. Chapter 9 Literary Style·The language features of English poetry1. The rhythm and the meter of English poetryRhythm is a regular succession of weak and strong stresses, accents, sounds, or movements in speech, music, poems, dancing, etc. ·How is the rhythm formed in English poemsStressed syllables and unstressed syllables which alternately appear in a stanza may produce rhythm in English poems. ·What is meter Meter is the measur. The English poetic rhythm is based on meter.构成英诗节奏的基础是韵律,即“格律”; ·How many meters are there in English poetic compositionThere are seven 1 iambus 抑扬格 2 trochee 扬抑格3 dactyl 扬抑抑格 4 anapaest 抑抑扬格 5 amphibrach 双行诗 6 spondee 7 purrhic ·What is stanzaIt consists of lines or verses. Simply speaking it is a poetic paragraph.·Some common forms of stanzas: 1 couplet 双行诗2 triplet 三行诗3 quatrain 4 cinquain 5sestet 6 septet 7 octet 8 Spenserian stanza 9 abba abba cde cde2 Shakespeare sonnet abab cdcd efef gg3 Spenserian sonnet abab bcbc cdcd ee·What is verse verse is the poetic sentence,line It is made up of one foot or more than one. Briefly speaking it is called a poetic sentence.·How to keep a rhyme in a poem 1 Keep an end rhyme It can be divided into four forms.1 The first form is to keep a single rhyme Sometimes it is called a masculine rhyme or a male rhyme.2 The second form is to keep a double rhyme Sometimes it is called afeminine rhyme or a female rhyme. . 3 The third form is to keep a triple rhyme.4 The fourth form is to keep an eye rhyme.2 Keep a head rhyme3 Keep an internal rhyme·Blank verse :Unrhymed verse ·Three features of blank verses 1 They do not keep any rhymes, but they are the poems with some meter. 2 They can be long or short.3 Their feet in each line are not uniform.·Common Figures of Speech Used in English Poetry Use of simile andrepetition/head-rhymed alliteration /metapher/ parallelism/personification / speaking silence, dumb confession / paradox 矛盾修饰法/hyperbole,overstatement exaggeration/ metonymy 借代转喻 · Stylistic Features in Fiction Two points of viewTwo perspectives 1 Use singular or plural number of the third person ------ as a narrator or a story-teller to narrate some plots in a novel.Notes: a. Most of writers or novelists like to use this perspective.b. The effect of using this perspective is “ objective ”. 2 Use singular or plural number of the first person ------ as one of the characters to narrate some plots in a novel.Note:In this way it will make readers think that it is really a true story and there is no trace of make-up.·The dialogs in novels1 Some useful informal words2 Some common slangs·Direct and indirect speeches in novels1 Sometimes some novelists like to use direct speech in order to make a psychological description in narrating plots in a novel.2 Sometimes some novelists like to use indirect speech in order to make a thought presentation in narrating plots in a novel.·How to analyze a literary masterpiece1 Use a way of rhetorical analysis.2 Use a way of syntactical analysis. Chapter 10 Common Expressing Styles in English Passages· What is the ornate styleIn the ornate style, people like to use some modifiers, such as adjectives, adverbs, etc, and use some rhetorical devices, such as simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, etc. In syntax, people like to use long sentences and some sentences with a complex structure or a parallel structure.·What is the plain styleIn the plain style, people prefer to use short sentences. People rarely use big words. People don’t like to use many modifiers. As for syntax, people prefer to use compound sentences.·Which style is better Simply speaking, it depends. It depends on different occasions.·What is the involved style In this style, people usually employ some detailed descriptive device to express something. They often use some specific words for their descriptions.·What is the terse styleIn this style, people usually use brief words and simple-structured sentences which have some profound implied meanings.·Relationship between Irony and humor:Irony is a language means while humor is an effect.。