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人教版七年级下册Unit6 I’m watching TV.

Period 1(Section A 1a---2c)




1.Knowledge Objects


A. Know new words of several activities.

B. Learn the usage of present continuous tense.

C. Learn how to make a telephone call.

(2)Key Vocabulary:

newspaper,use,soup,wash,movie,just,house,drink,tea tomorrow.

(3)Target Language:

A.--What are you doing?

--I’m watching Tv.

B.--What’s he doing?

--He’s using the computer.

C.--What are they doing?

--They’re listening to a CD.


A.Present progressive tense.

B.“What”questions. Yes/No questions and short answers.

2.Ability Objects

To train students’ listening and speaking skills.

3.Moral Objects

A.To be interested in jion kinds of activities in an English class.

B.To raise students’s interest o f learning English.


(1)Key vocabuly are in this period:watch Tv, clean the house,read a newspaper,talk on the phone.

(2)Target language in this period:--What are you doing?

--I’m doing my homework.

--What is he/she doing?---She/He is cleaning the house.

---Is he doing...? ---Yes,he is./No,he isn’t.


1.How to improve students’ listening ability.

2.Make conversations using the key structures.

3.How to remember words well.


Combine with the teaching content of this lesson.I use the first preview shoe,the scene of teaching and game teaching method,the students use the group cooperation,independent

inquiry,autonomous learning learning methods.


1.A tape recorder.

2.A computer for multimedia use.





2.Greeting Students.









Look at the picture,please .How many people are there in the picture?What are they doing?They are watching Tv.The picture is about the thing that people are doing.We will talk about what people are doing today.







【教学新单词】通过幻灯片呈现出一张张精美的图片教学以下新单词和词组。newspaper,read a newspaper ,use the computer ,soup,make soup,wash the dishes,go to the movies




What are you doing? I’m watching Tv.

What is she/he doing? She/he is ...

What are they doing? They are ...


任务一 : Listening 1b

1.Read the instructions.

2.Play the recording.

3.Correct the answers.
