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2.1 在进入游戏前还有一相关事项
游戏默认提供了3种难度的主线任务人物和4个无主线任务人物. 我们还可以通过修改注册表打开隐藏的无主线任务人物.
Window s Regist ry Editor Versio n 5.00
"GameSt arts"=dword:000fff ff
2.2 人物选择
2.3 进入游戏后的主界面熟悉
1234分别对应每个武器前的小筐,如点成白亮则该组为打开,如下图就1组全开,其他全关<这也是默认状态>,1234前的"--/+/田"为是否自动瞄准,--是不瞄准,+为半自动瞄准,而"田"为自动瞄准(就是稍微有偏差也能打到目标),该选项需要你的飞船装了Fight Comma nd MK2后才出现.
2.4 主菜单界面
按大键盘的E nter键可以呼出如下的主菜单
弹射: 这个不用说,试下就知道了(出来后记得回去).
个人信息: 下文详细介绍.
个人财产: 显示你所有拥有的船/厂/卫星.
飞船信息: 下文详细介绍.
导航: 点击后可以选择星系/星区地图打开(下文详细介绍),如果有Bes tBuy/BsetSe ll 软件,还会显示Be stBuy/BsetSe ll.
目标: 你当前的目标
功能: 打开游戏设置界面.
2.5 个人信息
点击Pilo t后出现下面的菜单
2.5.1 全局设置主要用于设置你和各种族的状态(友好/敌对) 2.5.2 详细说下个人状态,见下图:
2.5.2a 这里要提到贸易/战斗等级,具体见下: 贸易战斗等级和你能在B BS接的任务等级有关. 战斗等级
Overlo rd
Conque ror
Battle maste r Crusad er
Warlor d
Vindic ator
Assass in
Warrio r
Milita nt
Master Chief
Fighte r ChiefSpecia list
Instru ctor
Profes siona l EagleEye
Sharps hoote r Marksm an
Vetera n
Fighte r
Skille d
Gradua te
Compet ent
Traine e
Greenh orn
Nuisan ce
Harmle ss
Pan-Galact ic Tycoon Tycoon
Super-Magnat e Magnat e
Capita list
Master Indust riali st
Indust riali st
Manufa cture r
Master Econom ist
Econom ist
Master Broker
Financ ier
PettyFinanc ier
Wholes aler
Mercha nt
Retail er
PettyRetail er
Entrep reneu r
Master Dealer
Appren ticeTrader
Profit eer
Journe yman
Opport unist
2.5.2b 各种族声望见下,每个级别满100%就上升到高一个级别,如果后面带L表示你拥有该族的警察执照.
注意,-红色为严重敌对状态,所有空间站都不能停靠,而且看见你就打. -黄色为非友好状态,主要空间站不能停靠.
Hero of the Federa tion联邦的英雄
Protec tor of the Federa tion联邦的守护者
Federa tionOverwa tch 联邦的守卫
Federa tionMarsha ll 联邦的首长
Federa tionGuardi an 联邦的保护者
Truste d Ally 信赖的盟友
Accept ed Advise r 公认的顾问
Confir med Fried确认的朋友
Federa tionAssoci ate 联邦的同伴
Federa tionMember联邦的成员
Citize n 市民
Suspec ted Foe 嫌疑犯
KnownAntago nist已知的对手
Confir med Insurg ent 确认的反叛者
Confir med Enemy确认的敌人
Enemyof the Federa tion联邦的死敌
Knight of the Kingdo m 王国的骑士
King's Protec torat e 国王直属执政官
King's Knight国王的骑士
Queen's Protec torat e 王后直属执政官
Queen's Knight王后的骑士
Queen's Guard王后的护卫
NoblePeer 贵族
Truste d Courti er 信任的朝臣
Accept ed Friend公认的朋友
Acquai ntanc e 认识的人
Antago nist对手
Confir med Advers ary 确认的对手
Enemyof Menela us Menela us的敌人(国王的名字) Queen's Nemesi s 王后想报复的人
Enemyof the Kingdo m 王国的敌人
Parani d
Honour Guardof Xaar 夏尔的荣誉护卫
Seeker of the Holy Light圣光的追寻者
Empero r's Protec torat e 皇帝的直属执政官
Friend of Empero r 皇帝的朋友
Priest Protec torat e 神圣的执政官
Friend of Priest King 圣王的朋友
Friend of Priest Duke 神圣公爵的朋友
Priest Confid ante神圣的知己
Friend of priest神圣的朋友
Unholy Nomad邪恶的流浪者
Tainte d Wander er 污秽的流浪者
Desecr atorof Holy Light亵渎圣光之人
Enemyof priest Duke 神圣公爵之敌
Enemyof Priest Xaar 神圣夏尔之敌
Honour ed Strong Arm of Rhonka r 荣誉的Rho nkar最强武装力量Honour ed Impera tor of Rhonka r 荣誉的Rho nkan最高统治者InnerCircle of Rhonka r Rhonka r核心集团
Privil egedAssoci ate of Rhonka r Rhonka r的特殊同伴
Family Protec tor 氏族保护者
Distin guish ed Associ ate 高贵的同伴
Family Friend氏族的朋友
Comrad e 伙伴
KnownVentur er 有名的Ven turer
Creatu re 傀儡
Shamel ess Creatu re 无耻的傀儡
Family Outcas t 被放逐的氏族
Family Enemy敌对氏族
Enemyof Rhonka r Rhonka r的敌人
Enemyof all SplitFamili es 所有Spli t氏族的敌人
Compan y Direct or 公司懂事长
Ventur e Capita list投机的资本家
Ventur e Profit eer 投机的奸商
Compan y Owner公司业主
Compan y Manage r 公司主管
Majori ty Shareh older占多股份的股东
Shareh older股东
Compan y Trader公司商人
Compan y Helper公司助手
Profit Opport unity利润投机者(这3个是商业名词) Profit Initia te 开始赢利的人
Profit Liabil ity 负利润的人
Mercan tileRebel商业叛徒
Commer cialAnarch ist 商业无政府主义者
Commer cialEnemy商业敌人
Enemyof the Corpor ation财团的敌人
Protec tor of the Goners - Goner的保护者
Holy Orderof the Goners - Goner的神圣引导者GonerEvange list- Goner的福音传导者
GonerPreach er - Goner的传教士
Honour ed Pilgri m - 光荣的朝圣者
Truste d Pilgri m - 信任的朝圣者
Faithf ul Believ er - 忠实的信徒
Believ er - 信徒
Follow er - 追随者
Accept ed Member - 被接受的会员
Scepti c - 怀疑论者
Agnost ic - 不可知信仰者
Heathe n - 野蛮人
Blasph emer- 亵渎者
Hereti c - 异教徒
Defile r of the Truth- 真理污蔑者
2.6 飞船信息
当点击主菜单中的Shi p后
2.6a 在屏幕中央会出现如下信息
2.是飞船编号,注意: 后面括弧中的M3为飞船等级,具体会在下面的常识中介绍.
2.6b 在屏幕下方会出现如下菜单
2.6b.1 详细信息,见下图
2.6b.2 货物,见下图
2.6b.3 打开仓盖,这个没什么好说的,手动拣货物前记得打开就是了.
2.6b.4 命令,下文介绍
2.6b.5 武器
2.6b.6 重命名飞船.
2.6b.7 自毁,这个试下就知道了,有10秒种哦.
2.7 地图界面熟悉
2.7a 星区地图
8.按Inser t键可以切换Y轴和Z轴.
2.7b 全星系地图
这里有全星系地图: 点击察看
2.8 飞船标志
5.每种飞船的左上角都有标记,可以迅速辨别飞船种类,具体见下图说明.(civili on就是平民飞船)
3.1 游戏常用设置简介
在上述主菜单打开Opt ion(设置)菜单后出现下图
3.2 飞船控制操作
3.4 地图控制操作 . 打开当前所在星区地图<有下脚有所选目标的xy z坐标>, 打开全星区
地图(只会显示探索过的星系,按字母可以快速选种该字母开头的星区) 在地图介面按滚轮可以进行放大和缩小.
3.5 系统操作菜单 Enter呼叫快速选单ESC键呼叫主要选单Shift + O(这是殴) 呼叫OPTI ON选单S hift+ S 呼叫存档选单Shift + L 呼叫读档选单 (任何空间站都可以储存。
空间站外随时存档,需要salv age insura nce)Shift+ Q 离开游戏F9截图Aut
3.6 飞船命令
3.7 飞船分类
TP : 大型客机
TS : 运输机(这个就是我们发财致富的基础,货船啦)
TL : 空间站运输船
M1 : 航空母舰
M2 : 巡洋舰
M3 : 重型战斗机
M3+ : 改进型重型战斗机(完成Bala Gi任务后才能获得)
M4 : 轻型战斗机
M5 : 侦察机
M6 : 护卫舰
M7 : 驱逐舰(完成Bala Gi任务后才能获得)
一般而言,速度 Raider>Vangua rd>Sentin el, 火力护盾则相反 Raider<Vangua rd<Sentin el Raider:歼击机
Vangua rd:先遣机
Sentin el:护卫机
一般而言,容量 SuperF reigh ter(L)>Tanker>Hauler
Tanker: 货船
Hauler: 搬运船
SuperFreigh ter: 超级货船(通常还有个L版本,容量更大)
3.8 主界面快速命令
3.9 基础知识
3.9.1 武器知识
Impuls e Ray Emitte r
Partic le Accele rator Cannon
简介: Parani d和Arg on首先开发了这种武器,这种武器能将粒子加速到几乎快过现在已知的所有飞船,当它们到达极限后将其放入紧密的能量脉冲之中聚集然后发射出去
High Energy Plasma Throwe r
简介:放射线是如此的危险,所以这种武器不得不经过许多jaz uras(注:Jazura s游戏中的时间单位)的研究与开发,直到他可以在市场上出现.然而一种将放射线处理器加入武器主要部分的设备被开发了出来,他能过滤所有超额的放射线,然后再让武器发射出去....
Phased Shockw ave Genera tor
简介:这个武器是由Telad i与Par anid联合开发,它的工作方式主要借由释放一个核心逐步反应与扩张的定向能量包让其形成一股巨大的能量冲击波.这种武器有许多的用途,但使用最多是将其用来进行导弹防御.
Photon PulseCannon
简介:最初由Arg on专家F essor的爱人By dnah开发.光子脉冲炮一度成为了A rgon军队中最受欢迎的东西.然而不知道是谁将最初的设计贩卖给了其他个种族.这种武器非常的强大,以至于只能装备在一些大型舰船上.它借由发射充满光子的放射线穿透一连串的镀锡卷板来增加电荷,从而制造出非常致命的脉冲放射线.
Kyon Emitte r
简介:这种武器是由Kha'ak族所制造的,他能产生并发射一条由K yon粒子形整齐排列而形成的直线,这种粒子如何制造出来的至今还是个迷,通常发现的K ha'ak族船上都配备了这种武器
Mass Driver
目前这种武器只有Arg on与Sp lit的舰只才能装备,也只有他们的舰只才能适
Mass Driver Ammuni tion
Ion Disrup tor
简介:子分解器不同于其他任何一种武器,他是有Bor on的科学家开发;这个武器能向飞船船发射一道稳定的"离子粒子"流.在接触时这道"离子粒子"流将被点燃让其像闪电一样击毁对方的系统与护盾,但它却无法对船壳造成伤害.虽然这是一种新型的武器,但却经过了众多的测试,从而成为了B oron军队的标准配备.
Flak Artill ery Array
Pulsed Beam Emitte r
点击这里察看武器/导弹数据: 数据
3.9.2 游戏中的时间单位
3.9.3 各种软件介绍
我整理了所有软件如下(包括Bonu spack age中的)
Afterb urner mk1 加力推进器mk1
Afterb urner mk2 加力推进器mk2
The MK1 Afterb urner: 允许小船(M6(含)以下)在激活后快速飞行
The MK1 Afterb urner allows your smalle r shipsto travel at faster speeds whileit's engang ed, it requir es energy cellsto keep it runnin g
The Mk2 Afterb urner: 允许M1M2TL在在激活后快速飞行
The MK2 Afterb urner allows your capita l classship to travel at faster speeds whileit's engang ed, it requir es energy cellsto keep it runnin g
大船只能用M K2,小船只能用M K1
1. 助推器的使用
2. 设定热键
3. 助推器燃料
MK1 Afterb urner:
启动需要5E C,然后每几秒钟消耗1EC
如果是用SP ACEFL Y的话一个就可以启动,而且在飞行过程由它提供能量支持,不再需要任何额外燃料补充(可怜的SPA CEFLY。
MK2 Afterb urner:
用5个SPA CEFLY就可以一直用了
4. 其他注意点
* 如果你离一个空间站距离过近的话,助推器是启动不了的
* 助推器启动后自动驾驶将激活,然后船会一直直线飞行直到达到最高速度
* 助推器在激活一定时间后会自动关闭,你可以重新启动它,当然启动的能源要求如上面所述
Cargobay extens ion 货舱扩充
Your cargobay will be extend ed by a certai n amount of cargounitsusingsub spacecompre ssion techno logy. This extens ion will be more expens ive everytime you use it becaus e of the increa singcomple xityof the used techno logy.
CargoLifesu pport System货舱生命支持系统
This life-suppor t system allows you to transp ort living creatu res, passen gersand even slaves in your cargobay.
Data Storag e Device数据存储设备
This is a data storag e device. It can storeaudioand videodata.
Dock comput er 停靠计算机
This device enable s shipsto lock on to and decode a spacestatio n's guidan ce beacon. The beacon transm its signal s to the ship's dockin g comput er to adjust speedand direct ion needed to aid the automa tic dockin g proces s.
Duplex Scanne r 双重扫描器
Triple x Scanne r 三重扫描器
Resear ch and develo pment of the Gravid ar techno logyhas result ed in the Duplex Scanne r, whichincrea ses the scanne rs rangeby a factor of 2. This enable s target s to be acquir ed at much greate r range.
The Triple x scanne r increa ses the Gravid ar scanne r rangeby a factor of 3. The techno logy
used detect s greate r variat ionsin the gravit ation al anomal ies that are genera ted by
r map and statio ns.This inform ation is then proces sed and fed direct ly to both the secto
the Gravid ar displa y.
Eclipt ic projec tor 黄道投影器
The Eclipt ic Projec tor helpsthe pilotto naviga te inside the system. It projec ts the eclipt ic planeinto the pilot's view.
Explor er Softwa re 探索软件
介绍: Explor er Softwa re是由T eladi科学家发明的,用它探索星系就不再需要大量带着众多宇航员去冒险了。
Fly Throug h gate...
- 让你的飞船从你指定的某个Gate飞过去,和fly to sector命令不同的是, 这可以让你从通向未探索星系的Ga te里穿过。
Explor e Sector...
- 命令你的飞船围绕某个星系飞行,从而发现Ga te,空间站,astero ids(当然要在飞船扫描仪范围内的)
- 使用这个命令时,先选择一个中心点,再设置最大半径,并且设定 "eclipt ic varian ce".(就象黄道和赤道有一个夹角,而不在一个平面上,所以叫黄道不一致)
- 这能用来发现新的星系或寻找难找的Gate。
Scan Astero ids
- 命令你的飞船扫描某个星系中的as teroi ds。
- 选择第一个a stero ids扫描, 然后设定as teroi ds的最大扫描数量。
注释: 在使用Exp loreSector的时候,如果没有ec lipti c varian ce,那探索的只是二维的空间, 就只是黄道平面。
" eclipt ic varian ce" 则允许第三维度的随机浮动,这样扫描的区域范围会大些。
“eclipt ic varian ce”通常设定范围是在0和10之间.
如果执行探索的飞船有一位飞行员(就是飞行员的名字不是你自己),那Fly Throug h gate命令稍微有点不同。
The Explor er softwa re was design ed by Teladi deep spaceresear chers to enable remote
shipsto be used to enter
and explor e potent ially hostil e sector s withou t riskin g a pilots life. Manned resear ch vessel s usuall y follow afterthe sector has proved to be safe. FleetSuppor t Ship Softwa re 补给舰软件
这个是安装F leetSuppor t Ship softwa re 后才有的,我没用过,你具体看脚本说明吧
The FleetSuppor t Ship softwa re was develo ped by Xai Corpor ation to help manage the equipp ing and resupp ly of largefleets of ships.It's collec tionof simple, yet powerf ull comman ds have proved versat ile and adeptat many tasks.
Overvi ew:
The FleetSuppor t Ship Softwa re is a softwa re upgrad e that provid es 4 comman ds that allowshipsto perfor m a suppor t role to your fleetof ships, be they fighte rs, freigh tersor capita l classships. The softwa re is availa ble, for a reason ableprice, from Argonand BoronEquipm ent Docks.
t ude of fashio ns, The comman ds provid ed are powerf ul toolsthat can be used in a multi
yet are simple to use. They are howeve r, design ed with partic ularpurpos es in mind and as such are limite d to the classe s of shipsthey work with. Curren tly, the FleetSuppor t Ship Softwa re workswith M5, M4 and smallfreigh ter classships.
Some of the comman ds requir e the Transp orter Device for proper functi oning. It is for this reason the softwa re upgrad e can also be purcha sed at the GonerTemple, alongwith the Transp orter Device. The purcha se of a Jumpdr ive is also recome nded. The softwa re
r journe ys if it is insta
l led and enough energy is availa ble. will make use of it for longe
Comman d: Resupp ly ship:
This comman d requir es a Transp orter Device
This comman d is for delive ringspecif ic quanti tiesof waresand upgrad es to a target
locall y, purcha se the correc t
to buy the wares
ship. The ship will look for the best place
t ship. If the quanti ty is greate r than the capaci ty quanti ty and delive r it to the targe
of its cargob ay it will make severa l journe ys to buy the waresand delive r them to the target ship.
Typica l uses of this comman d includ e resupp lying a ship with Energy Cellsfor theirJumpdr ive, delive ringa replac ement for an upgrad e that got destro yed in battle, delive ringweapon s and shield s to a newlyboughCarrie r or Destro yer.
Note that the Resupp ly comman ds can only checkthe prices for waresif you have proper ty
in the same sector as the statio n sellin g the wares. If the resupp ly comman ds cannot
l t to the neare
u nding sector s then they will defau
s t
s in the surro
checkfor the best price
Comman d: Resupp ly group:
This comman d requir es a Transp orter Device
This comman d is simila r to the Resupp ly ship comman d but can resupp ly everyship in the fleetor convoy with the same quanti ty of the ware.
n d over the Resupp ly ship comman d is that An import ant differ enceto note with this comma
when it resupp liesa ship it firstchecks to see how much the target is carryi ng and deduct s that from the amount to be transf eredto that ship. The result beingthat the quanti ty specif ied for this comman d is the amount the target shipswill end up with,
i ng some to beginwith. For the Resupp ly ship comman d the quanti ty even if they were carry
specif ied is the actual amount transf ered.
This differ enceis to allowa fleetto be rearme d and resupp liedaftera battle where
the differ ent shipsare likely to have used diffe
r ing amount s of missil es and ammuni tion.
r e e use this comman d on a single ship if you wish to make use of this featu You can of cours
when delive ringto lone ships.
Note that the Resupp ly comman ds can only checkthe prices for waresif you have proper ty
in the same sector as the statio n sellin g the wares. If the resupp ly comman ds cannot
l t to the neare
s t
s in the surro
u nding sector s then they will defau
checkfor the best price
Comman d: Drop Freigh t:
This comman d has a number of differ ent functi ons depend ing on what it is exactl y you ask it to drop. For most waresit will simply fly to the positi on and ejectall of that ware from its cargob ay. You'll find it floati ng in a canist er near the ship, and can
be picked up by any ship usingthe standa rd collec t ware comman d.
Droppi ng Satell ites
If you select a Naviga tionSatell ite or Advanc ed Naviga tionSatell ite to be droppe d then
i on this comman d will go into Satel
l ite Networ k Mainen ancemode. It will fly to the posit specif ied and deplythe satell ite, then it will random ly pick a neighb ourin g sector to
fly to and, if thereisn't alread y one there, placea satell ite in that sector as well.
l itesthen it will attemp t to buy more and contin ue. The
If the ship runs out of satel
satell itesare always placed in the same positi on, the positi on you specif ied, in each sector. The comman d avoids placin g more than one satell ite in the same placein each sector. You can, howeve r, placemore than one satell ite in the same sector as long as they are more than 20km apart. Using2 shipsto drop satell itesin differ ent places in sector s can be a good idea in certai n partsof the Univer se.
The type of satell ite bought is depend ant on the type select ed when starti ng of the comman d. If you select ed an Advanc ed Satell ite to startthe comman d then all satell itesdroppe d will be Advanc ed Satell ites, and the ship will only attemp t to buy advanc ed satell ites.
the satell ite deploy mentto a specif ic racessector you can adjust
If you wish to limit
the Friend/Foe settin gs for the ship. It will only go into sector s that are ownedby friend ly races. It will not enteror deploy satell itesin sector s ownedby racesmarked as enemy. So to preven t satell itesbeingplaced in Pirate sector s all you have to do is to set Pirate s to enemyin the ship's Friend/Foe settin gs.
l ite deploy mentship in enemysector s. Thereis one time when you may find your satel
This is when it's enrout e to buy more satell itesand the direct routeto the statio n
e m that UT's suffer sellin g them takesthe ship throug h enemyspace.This is the same probl
from and is caused by the standa rd naviga tionlibrar ies that all shipsmake use of. Droppi ng Squash Mines
If you select a Squash Mine to be dropp
e d, the comman ds will enterCreate Minefi eld mode.
8 Squash mineswithin 2km² of the tar get positi on. If In this mode the ship will place
the ship doesn't have enough Squash Minesit will attemp t to purcha se them first.
a te Once the Squash Mineshave been placed the ship will conta
c t you and ask you to activ the mine field. At this pointyou can run the comman d againuntilyou have minedthe
by comm'ing one of the mines
and select ing
a te the mine field
desire d area, or you can activ
"activa te all mines".
Droppi ng Lasert owers
If you select a Lasert owerto be droppe d, the ship will deploy the Lasert owerat the specif ied coordi nates.
Comman d: Retrie ve Deploy ed Item:
This comman d is for collec tingitemssuch as Lasert owers, Naviga tionRelaySatell ites, Drones, and Squash mines,whichare deploy ed rather than droppe d. Simply select the item you wish to collec t and the ship will collec t it.
If thereare severa l simila r itemswithin 10km of the target item you select, then the ship will attemp t to collec t all of them. This allows you to quickl y and simply collec t a groupof Fighte r Drones, or disman tle a Squash Minefi eld. Don't forget to deacti vatethe minefi eld first!
A TS with a largecargob ay, equipe d with FSUP, Jumpdr ive, and Transp orter Device makesan excell ent fuel tanker for refuel ing your fleet.Usingthe Manual TradeComman d's "Best Buy" comman d to fill up on Energy Cellsbefore handis oftena good idea.
Discov erer's make excell ent Satell ite networ k deploy ing ships. They are fast and can carrysatell iteswhichare M sized.
Feight scanne r 飞船扫描器
l y what is insid
h t scanne r can see exact
Pilots whosespaces hipsare equipp ed with a freig
othershipsthey scan. Oftent imesthis scanne r is abused by pirate s before they attack and rob peacef ul pilots.
Minera l scanne r 矿产扫描器
The minera l scanne r is an import ant add-on for everypilotwho plansto exploi t astero ids for mining. Mounte d to a spaces hip it adds valuab le inform ation to the scan result s of Astero ids.
Motion analys is relaysystem运动分析系统
Knownas the MARS device this pieceof techno logyallows the autopi lot to target and lock on to the moving target.
i lot, whichthen matche s The moveme nts of the targe
t are comput ed and relaye d to the autop
speedand direct ion to that of the target. Very import ant for combat situat ions.
Ore collec tor 采矿石器
e drilli ng system, the smalle r rockscan be brough t
n up by a mobil
AfterOre has been broke
into the cargobay usingthis new device. It worksby target ing the smalle r rockswith。