





我们学习的理由有 ( ) (4分)①学校是知识的殿堂,进步的阶梯②通过学习,我们发现自己的潜质,培育自己的能力③学习町以使我们获得所有知识④接受义务教育是每个中国公民法定的权利和义务A、①②③B、①②④C、②③④D、①③④2、有一位同学在作文中这样介绍自己:“我活泼开朗,爱好文学。


”这位同学( ) (4分)A、能发展的看待自己B、能全面的看待自己C、介绍自己时太自信D、能约束自己的行为3、一个人的学习成绩好坏受到多种因素的影响.其中起直接影响作用的因素是( )(4分)①态度②视力③方法④家庭条件⑤班级座位⑥习惯A、①③⑥B、②④⑤C、③④⑤D、①②③4、进入初中后,我们进入了一个全新的学习天地,但有的同学对学习却存在不正确的认识:小明感到学习很辛苦,成绩又不如意,所以连续五天不到校上学了.”班主任上门家访,动员他返校,小明却认为上不上学是自己的事;同班同学小刚却认为:初中阶段只要重视学习就够了,参加学校的义务劳动与我无关。








苏州市立达中学校期末考试试卷初一数学一、填空题(每空2分,共20分)1.一个数的绝对值是2,则这个数是______.2.国家体育场“鸟巢”的建筑面积达258000m 2,用科学记数法表示为______ m 2. 3.如图,直线AB 、CD 、EF 相交于点O ,则∠1+∠2+∠3=______º. 4.一个多项式加上232x x -+-得到21x -,则这个多项式是___________. 5.一个角的补角是它的余角的3倍,则这个角的大小为_________º. 6.在下午的2点30分,钟表上时针与分针所成的角是______º.7.用不等式表示:y 的75%与3的差大于y 的三分之一:_________.8.若如图的平面展开图折叠成正方体后,相对面上的两个数都互为相反数,那么()ca b +=____________.9.如图,是用若干个小立方块搭成的几何体的主视图和俯视图,则搭成这个几何体最少需要______个小立方块.10.点A 、B 、C 在直线l 上,AB =4,BC =6,点E 是AB 中点,点F 是BC 的中点,EF =______.二、选择题(每小题2分,共20分)每题给出的4个答案,其中只有一个是正确的,请把正确答案的字母代号填在下面的表内........11.下列计算正确的是( )(A) 32a b ab -= (B) 532y y -= (C)277a a a += (D)22232x y yx x y -= 12.如图,数轴上A 、B 两点分别对应数a 、b ,则下列结论正确的是 ( )(A)0a b +> (B)0ab >(C)0a b -> (D) 0a b ->13.若a cb ad bcd =-,那么当1x x - 245=时,x 的值为 ( ) (A)-2 (B)53 (C)3 (D)1314.如图,直线AB 和直线CD 交于点O ,OE ⊥CD ,垂足为O ,则∠AOE 和∠DOB 的关系是( )(A)大小相等 (B )对顶角 (C )互为补角 (D)互为余角 15.下列说法中正确的是( ) (A)两点之间,直线最短(B)过一点有且只有一条直线与已知直线平行(C)若两个角的一组边在同一直线上,另一组边互相平行,则这两个角相等 (D)若两条直线相交所形成的四个角相等,则这两条直线互相垂直16.如图,点P 是直线a 外的一点,点A 、B 、C 在直线a 上,且PB ⊥a ,垂足是B ,PA ⊥PC ,则下列说法中错误..的是( )(A)线段AC 的长是点A 到直线PC 的距离 (B) PA 、PB 、PC 三条线段中,PB 最短 (C)线段PB 的长是点P 到直线a 的距离(D)线段PC 的长是点C 到直线PA 的距离17.将如图所示的图形绕虚线旋转一周,所成的几何体是( )18.如图,下列说法中错误..的是 ( )(A) OA 表示的方向是东北方向 (B) OB 表示的方向是北偏西60º (C) OC 表示的方向是南偏西60º (D) OD 表示的方向是南偏东60º19.下列说法:①代数式327x yz -是单项式,系数为-2;②多项式222351abc a b +-的最高次项系数是3;③18.3º=18º24';④若a b >,则2323a b -+<-+;⑤四棱柱和五棱锥的棱数相等.其中正确的个数为 ( )(A)1 (B)2 (C)3 (D)420.某种肥皂原零售价每块2元,凡购买2块以上(包括2块),商场推出两种优惠销售办法,第一种:一块肥皂按原价,其余按原价的七折销售;第二种:全部按原价的八折销售,你在购买相同数量肥皂的情况下,要使第一种方法比第二种方法得到的优惠多,最少需要买( )块肥皂.(A)5 (B)4 (C)3 (D)2 三、解答题(共60分)21.计算(每小题4分,共8分)(1) ()32213211()2-+--÷-- (2)()201111(1 2.75)24183-+-⨯+-22.先化简,再求值(本小题4分):2225[23(2)]2x y x y xy x y xy ----+,其中1,2x y =-=-23.(每小题4分,共16分)(1) 解方程221146x x +--= (2)解不等式5438x x ->+(3)解不等式组()()2(8)10433112184x x x x ⎧+≤--⎪⎨+-->-⎪⎩(4)解不等式24832x x x -<-≤+,将它的解集在数轴上表示出来,并写出它的最大 整数解24.(本题4分)如果关于x 的方程5327x a x -=-的解是负数,试求a 的取值范围.25.(本题4分)如图,在方格纸中有一个格点三角形ABC (顶点在小正方形的顶点上). (1)将三角形ABC 绕点A 顺时针旋转180º,画出旋转后的三角形AB 1C 1; (2)将三角形ABC 向右平移8格,再向上平移l 格,画出平移后的三角形A 2B 2C 2; (3)过点C 画AB 的平行线l ,并标出直线l 经过的一个格点D ; (4)过点A 画AC 的垂线m ,并标出直线m 经过的一个格点E .26.(本题4分)如右图,是由一些棱长都为lcm的小正方体组合成的简单几何体.该几何体的主视图如图所示,请在下面方格纸中分别画出它的左视图和俯视图.27.(本题8分)如图,直线AB与CD相交于点O,OE⊥AB,OF⊥CD,OP平分∠AOD.(1)图中∠COE的余角是________________________(把符合条件的角都填出来);(2)若∠BOC=130º,①那么根据“__________________”,可得∠AOD=____________º;②根据OP平分∠AOD,可得∠DOP=______º;(3)若∠DOP=2∠BOF,求∠DOP的大小.28.(本题8分)春节期间,七(1)班的小明等同学随家长共12人一同到某公园游玩,在购买门票时,小明的爸爸看到价目表上写着“成人门票每张30元,学生门票每张按成人票5折优惠”,计算出一共需要300元.(1)列方程解决:小明他们一共去了几个成人,几个学生?(2)小明看到价目表上还写着“团体票(16人以上,含16人):按成人票6折优惠”,他觉得可能有更省钱的购票方法,请你帮助小明算一算,如何购票更省钱?说明理由,并计算出他们一共应付多少钱;(3)当小明准备买票时,发现七(2)班的一些同学在班长小涛的带领下也来购票,于是小明向小涛提出要两部分人合起来买团体票...,小涛计算后发现合起来买团体票还比他们两部分人分开按各自的最优惠方案买票一共花的钱要多,已知准备进公园的七(2)班同学不足26人,请问七(2)班来了多少同学?(4)如果两部分人合起来买票,应该如何购票最省钱?请直接写出最省钱的购票方案,并计算出他们一共应付多少钱.29.(本题4分)(1)观察下列各图,图①中有1个三角形,图②中有3个三角形,图③中有6个三角形,图④中有10个三角形,……,根据这个规律可知图⑤中有______个三角形.(2)问在上述图形中是否存在这样的一个图形,该图形中共有1275个三角形?若存在请写出是第几张图;若不存在请通过具体计算说明理由.(3)在下图中,点B是线段AC的中点,D为AC延长线上的一个动点,记△PDA的面积为S1,△PDB的面积为S2,△PDC.的面积为S3.试探索S1、S2、S3之间的数量关系,并说明理由.。



潜山县2009-2010学年第一学期七年级期末测试卷一、 选择题(3×10=30分)1、安庆市2010年1月份某天的最高气温是7,最低气温是-1,那么这天的温差是( ) A.B .C.D.2、一个长方体的面共有( )A.2个 B.4个 C. 6个 D. 8个3、在数轴上表示到-2的距离为4个单位的点是( ) A .4,-4 B .6,-6 C .-6,4 D .-6,24、,则x 的值为( )A .-2 B .-2,6 C .6 D .2,-65、下列合并同类项正确的是( )A.a 4+a 2=a 6B.3x-2x=1C. 3x 3+4x 3=7x 6D .x 2y+2yx 2=3x 2y 6、一个多项式加上2x 2y-2xy 2得x 3-2x 2y 则这个多项式是( )A .x 3+2xy 2B. x 3-2xy 2C. x 3-4x 2y +2xy 2D .x 3-4x 2y -2xy 27、已知直线L 上共有6个点,那么总共能组成线段的条数为( ) A . 6条 B.10条 C.12条 D .15条 8、在∠AOB 内部任取一点C ,作射线OC ,那么一定有( )A. ∠AOB ∠BOCB. ∠BOC ∠AOCC. ∠AOC ∠BOC D .∠AOC ∠BOC9、两人同向练习跑步,如果乙先跑14米,甲7秒可以追上乙,如果乙先跑2秒,则甲5秒可以追上乙,求甲乙二人每秒各跑多少米?若设甲每秒跑x 米,乙每秒跑y 米,则所列方程组应该是( )A. 147()52x y x x =-⎧⎨-=⎩B. 771475x y y x -=⎧⎨=⎩C. 7147527x y x y =+⎧⎨-=⎩ D .5147752x y x y -=⎧⎨-=⎩10、下列调查最适合用全调查方式的是( )A .夏季冷饮市场上冰淇淋的质量情况B .对全市中考学生的数学试卷答题情况进行分析C .你所在班级的同学的身高情况D .安庆市市一月的流动人口情况 二、填空题。



四方区2010---2011学年度第一学期期末学科质量调研七 年 级 数 学一、选择题(本题满分24分,共有8道小题,每小题3分) 1.-2的绝对值是( )A.2B.-2C.21D.-212.如下左图所示的几何体,从上面看所得到的图形是( )3.2010年4月14日晨,青海省玉树发生7.1级地震,震后中国红基金会积极开展募捐活动,截止4月15日下午5点,共收到支援青海玉树地震灾区的到账款物及意向函承诺捐款1113.2万元,把它用科学计数法表示为( )A. 8101113.0⨯元B. 710132.11⨯元C.610132.11⨯元D.810132.11⨯元 4.下列事件中是确定事件的有( )①2011年青岛大年初一会下雪;②小明任意买一张电影票,会买到座位号是双号的票;③现有10张卡片,上面分别写有1,2,3,......,10,把它们装入一个口袋中,从中随机抽出2张,这2张卡片的和是20:;④元旦节这一天刚好是1月1日。


某村将其中27亩耕地改为种果树,如右图所示,其中枣树和李树种植面积一样大,则李树占地面积为( )A.10.8亩B.9亩C.13.5亩D.5.4亩 6.已知a-b=-3,c+d=2,则)()(d a c b --+的值为( )A.-1B.1C.-5D.5 7.如果2(x+3)的值与3(1-x )的值互为相反数,那么x 等于( ) A.-9 B.-8 C.9 D.88.如下图,已知线段AB 上有两点C 、D ,且AC=BD,M 、N 分别是线段AC 、AD 的中点,若AB=10cm,AC=BD=8cm,则线段MN 的长为( )A.3cmB.4cmC.5cmD.6cm二、填空题(本题满分24分,共有8道小题,每小题3分)9.植树时只要先定好两个树坑的位置,就能确定一行树所在的位置,其根据是 .10.某物品的标价为132元,若以9折出售,仍可获利10%,则该物品的进价是 元.11.小明所在学校每天下午进行“阳光体育”活动,开始活动时小明看了一下手表,正好是3点30分,那么此时分针与时针夹角的度数是____________()1800︒<<︒夹角)12.从一副扑克牌(大小王除外,A 、K 、Q 、J 分别算作1、13、12、11)中任意抽取一张,抽到的牌是奇数比抽到的牌是偶数的可能性 (填“大”,“小”或“相等”). 13.将一个底面直径是10厘米、高为40厘米的圆柱锻压成底面直径为15厘米的圆柱,求锻压后圆柱的高,设锻压后圆柱的高为x 厘米,则可列方程为 .14.已知射线OA ,在同一平面内,由O 点再引射线OB 、OC ,如果︒=∠70A OB ,︒=∠40BOC ,那么AOC ∠的度数等于 .15.气象台记录了某地本周七天的气温变化情况(如下表),其中正号表示的数据是比前一天上升的温度,负号表示的数据是比前一天降低的温度,已知上周日气温为C 3︒,根据表中数据,请你判断该地本周最低气温是 C ︒. 星期 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 气温变化C ︒+2-4-1-2+3-5-316.小亮用8根、14根、20根火柴搭的1条、2条、3条“金鱼”,按此方法搭n 条“金鱼”需要火柴 根.(用含n 的代数式表示)三、作图题(本题满分4分)用圆规、直尺作图,不写作法,但要保留作图痕迹. 17.如图,已知线a 、b ,求作一条线段c ,使c=2a-b.四、解答题:(本大题满分68分)18.计算或解方程(本题满分16分,每小题4分)(1)3241318124)()()(-++-⨯- (2)3232943)(-⨯÷-解: 解:(3))1(283-=-x x (4)8352443x x --=-解: 解:19.先化简再求值(本题满分6分))63(312222ab a a ab +--)(.其中a=-1,b=21.解:20.(本题满分6分)为了提高同学们的身体素质,增强技能,某校七年级六班同学组建了足球、篮球、乒乓球、跳绳四个体育活动小组. 经调查,全班同学全员参与,各活动小组人数分布情况的扇形图和条形图如下: (1)求该班学生人数;(2)请你补上条形图的空缺部分; (3)求跳绳人数所占扇形圆心角的大小.21.(本题满分6分)如果有2个质地大小都相同的球,球上分别标有数字1、2,放入一个不透明的盒子里。



苏州市立达中学校期末考试试卷初一英语一、听力选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)A) 根据听到的句子选择相应的答句。


1. A. It’s Monday. B. It’s windy.C. It’s May 1st.D. It’s eight.2. A. Computers. B. Dogs.C. English.D. Purple3. A. Thank you. B. You’re good.C. But I think it’s oldD. See you.4. A. Tomorrow. B. 500 yuan.C. Her birthday.D. I’ve no idea.5. A. They’re big. B. I’m a size 5.C. I want to buy them.D. It’s size 5.B)听对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案。


6. A. By bus. B. On foot.C. By bikeD. By car.7. A. Milk and bread. B. Rice and fruit.C. Rice and eggs.D. Bread and eggs.8. A. Six yuan. B. Eight yuanC. Twelve yuan,D. Fourteen yuan.9. A: Maybe in the park. B. Maybe in hospital.C. Maybe at school.D. Maybe in the office.10. A. She will lend the car to the man,B. She won’t lend the car to the man.C. Her car is in the supermarket right now,D. She will take the man to the supermarket.二、选择填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)11. Our school day ______at 8:00 in the morning.A. finishB. is beginningC. startsD. over12. I sometimes chat ______my friends ______lunchtime.A. with, atB. with, onC. to, atD. t0, on13. -- ______do you usually go for a trip? --By planeA. WhatB. WhenC. HowD. Which14. On the table, there ______some chicken, some rice and some vegetables.A. isB. areC. haveD. has15. September l0th is ______.A. Women’s DayB. Children’s DayC. New Year’s DayD. Teachers’ Day16. Thank you for ______ me about the special festival.A. tellB. to tellC. tellsD. telling17. There is ______‘k’ and ______ ‘n’ in the word ‘know’.A. an, aB. a, anC. a, aD. an, an18. It’s getting dark. Would you please ______ the lights?A. turn inB. turn downC. turn onD. turn around19. Those cards ______Kate 100 yuan.A. payB. takeC. costD. spend20. Millie’s birthday is ______the last day ______December.A. in, inB. on, inC. at ofD. on, of21. You should ______ something ______ the people in poor countries.A. donate, toB. donate, forC. raise, toD. raise, with22. They want to ask ______some questions.A. I and RonB. Ron and IC. Ron and meD. me and Ron.23. These ______boots look so cool!A. white leather longB. long white leatherC. leather long whiteD. white long leather24. --Can you go to the cinema with me now?--Sorry, I can’t. I ______finish all the work before lunch today.A. needB. willC. mayD. must25. It’s so ______to read the text again and again. Look! Almost everyone feels ______.A. boring, boringB. boring, boredC. bored, boredD. bored, boring三、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)Bill wants 26 football after school today. So he must finish _27_ homework first. He opens his pencil-box and would like to 28 his pen out. But, his pen isn’t there! Bill begins to look 29 it everywhere 30 his classroom, but he can’t find 31 . At that time, his classmate, Peter 32 into the classroom. So Bill asks him, ‘Don’t you _ 33 _ my pen?’ Peter answers, ‘No.’ Then he looks at Bill and says, ‘But what’s _ 34 _your hand? Isn’t it a pen?’ Bill looks at his left hand and 35 , ‘Oh, yes. I’ve found it at last.’And he begins to do his homework.26. A. to play B. plays C. playing D. play27. A. he B. him C. his D. he’s28. A. put B. bring C. carry D. take29. A. at B. for C. after D. out30. A. on B. at C. in D. for31. A. it B. them C. pen D. its32. A. come B. coming C. to come D. comes33. A. look B. see C. watch D. look at34. A. on B. in C. at D. into35. A. talks B. talk C. says D. say四.阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)(A)People say the lion is the ‘King of Animals’ because they are very strong.Lions live in families. In a lion’s family, there are usually about 12 members. They live and work together to get food and help the small ones. The mother lions usually get food for the baby lions. The father lions sleep most of the day. But don’t think fathers are lazy. They are listening and watching all the time.Now there are only a few thousand lions in the world. People are killing (杀)them.36. How many members are there in the lion families?A. 10B. 11C.9D. about 1237. How do the lion families live?A. They live each alone (独立).B. All the members of a family live together.C. They live in cars.D. They sleep most of the day.38. Who get food for the baby lions?A. Father lions.B. Baby lions.C. Old lions.D. Mother lions.(B)Kim’s Diary7:00 a.m.: Wake up, It is Sunny today.7:30 a.m.: Have breakfast quickly because I get up late.7:45 a.m.: Tony arrives on his bike.8:00 a.m.: Spend morning riding our bikes, We visit Mingming and Gordon,12:30 p.m.: Have lunch at Tony’s house. His mother makes hamburgers. They are good to eat.3:00 p.m.: Go home after playing computer games. See Simon in the park on the way home.4:00 p.m.: Watch TV until(直到) dinner time,39. What is the weather like on the day Kim writes her diary?A. Cloudy.B. Windy.C. Wet.D. Sunny.40. Who does Kim see on the way home?A. Gordon.B. Mingming.C. Tony,D. Simon41. The right order (顺序)of the things Kim does is to ______.A. watch TV, eat lunch, ride 8 bike and play computer gamesB. eat lunch, ride a bike, watch TV and play computer gamesC. ride bike. eat lunch, play computer games and watch TVD. play computer games, watch TV, eat lunch and ride a bike(C)Mary doesn’t understand these sentences like, ‘She is blue today’, ‘You are yellow’, ‘He has a green thumb(大拇指)’,‘He told a little white lie’ and so on. And she goes to her teacher for help.Mary: Mrs. Smith, there is a colour in each of these sentences. What do they mean?Mrs. Smith: In everyday English, blue sometimes means sad. Yellow sometimes means afraid(害怕).A person with a green thumb grows plants well, and a white lie is nota bad one.Mary: Would you give me an example for ‘a white lie’?Mrs. Smith: Certainly. Now I give you a cake. In fact(事实上),you don’t like it, but you won’t say it. You say, ‘No, thanks. I’m not hungry.’ That’s a white lie.42. In everyday English, the colour blue sometimes means____.A. poorB. strangeC. happyD. sad43. The sentence ‘Tom has a green thumb’ means ‘________’.A. Tom’s plants grow badlyB. Tom’s plants grow wellC. To m’s plants look greenD. Tom’s plants need light44. Which of the following is ‘a white lie’?A. ‘Tom breaks a glass. He says that is done by a cat.B. Tom does not want his mother to know he is ill. He says he is quite all right.C. Tom does not tell the enemy (敌人)where the gun(枪)is.D. Tom forgets to turn off the light when he leaves the room.45. Which sentence means ‘He is yellow.’?A. Tom is happy to climb the tree.B. Tom is afraid to climb the tree.C. Tom is old enough to climb the tree.D. Tom is tall enough to climb the tree.五、根据中文提示以及句意填空,每空一词(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)46. I think he has an MP3 ______(已经).47. Look! There are different kinds of ______(随身听)on the shelves.48. Most people think leather shoes are____(舒适的)to wear.49. How much is the ____(丝绸)dress? Maybe I can buy it for my mother.50. Be careful! Here____(来)the bus.51. Is there a____(折扣)on the flowers?52. He is____(躺)on the sofa again, How lazy he is!53. The doctor asks me not to eat sweet snacks ______(在……之间)meals.54. People in the ______(西方)celebrate their birthdays in many ways.55. They plan to talk about the materials for ______(制作)clothes.六、用所给词的适当形式填空(共10小题:每小题1分,满分10分)56. The children ______ (sit) on the grass right now.57. The coat makes me____(feel) warm in winter.58. There ______ (be) some good news in today’s newspaper.59. Simon likes sport. We can find something good for him in a____(sport) shop.60. Emily is looking forward to ______ (receive) the letter from her grandpa in the USA.61. The young man usually ______ (stay) out late.62. A lot of ______ (visit) come to China every year.63. May I ______ (borrow) your photos of the fashion show?64. Everyone knows the rich ______ (be) not always happy.65. We need vitamins to stay ______ (health)七、句型转换(共5题;每小题2分,满分10分)66. My mum always pays much money for clothes. (改为同义句)My mum always _______much money ____clothes.67. A healthy diet is important for a dancer.(改为同义句)It’s ______________________________________________68. Her aunt does exercise every day.(改为否定句)________________________________________________69. He goes to the museum three times a month. (对划线部分提问)________________________________________________70. His hair style looks cool today. (改为how引导的感叹句)________________________________________________八、句子翻译(共5题;每小题3分,满分15分)71. 我们希望你们喜欢这场时装表演。



2010—2011学年度第一学期七年级地理期末测试题卷班级姓名考号1、有关地球形状描述正确的是()A、地球形状是一个圆形B、规则的球体C、不规则的球体D、“天圆地方”的球体2、经线指示的方向是()A、东西方向B、东北——西南方向C、南北方向D、西北——东南方向3、有关比例尺叙述正确的是()A、比例尺表示图上距离比实际距离的放大程度B、比例尺越大,表示内容越详细C、比例尺越小,表示范围越小D、中国地图比例尺比世界地图的比例尺小4、在某地图上,2厘米表示实际距离100千米,该地图的比例尺为()A、1:50 B 50千米 C、1:5000 000 D、1:10 000 0005、由于地球的自转便产生了()A、昼夜现象B、昼夜交替C、四季更替D、地球公转6、巴拿马运河沟通的大洋是()A、太平洋和大西洋B、印度洋和大西洋C、北冰洋和太平洋D、印度洋和太平洋7、火山地震多发生在()A、大州与大洋之间B、大洲与大洲之间C、板块之间D、大洋于大洋之间8、如果你的父亲在1月要到澳大利亚(南半球)出差,你将会建议带()A、春装B、夏装C、秋装D、冬装9、在地球以上,陆地占地比例是()A、71%B、29%C、50%D、39%10、下列地区中地广人稀的是()A、中国B、印度C、欧洲D、青藏高原11、下列数据分别表示出生率和死亡率,其中自然增长率最低的一组是()A、2.2%,1.7%B、2.1%,1.5%C、1.5%,0.7%D、1.0%,0.8%12、能看到极昼极夜的大洲是()A、亚洲B、非洲C、欧洲D、南极洲13、下列叙述中描述气候的是()A、夜来风雨声花落知多少B、终年严寒C、午后阴有小雨D、昨天最高气温打300C14、、亚非两洲的地理分界线()A苏伊士运河 B直布罗陀海 C土耳其海峡 D马六甲海峡15、七月,全球最炎热的地方是()A赤道地区 B东亚地区 C撒哈拉沙漠 D中亚地区16、某地气温为230C,距此1500米高的山顶气温为()A320C B10C C290C D170C17、东西半球的分界线是()A、20W——160EB、0经线C、180D、赤道18、阿拉伯人信仰的宗教是。



昆山市2010—2011学年第一学期期末考试试卷初一数学(满分100分,考试时间120分钟)一.选择题(每小题2分,共20分.)把下列各题的正确答案前面的字母填入下表:1.下列各组数中,相等的一组是A .(-3)2与-32B .与-32C .(-3)3与-33D .33-与-332.已知某些多面体的平面展开图如图所示,其中是三棱柱的有A .1个B .2个C .3个D .4个3.如果一个角的补角是150º,那么这个角的余角是A .60ºB .50ºC .40ºD .30º4.已知方程262x x +=+的解满足1215x a x +=-,则a 的值是A .-15B .15C .10D .-105.物理教科书中给出了几种物质的密度,符合科学记数法的是A .水银13.6×103kg/m 3B .铁7.8×103kg/m 3C .金19.3×103 kg/m 3D .煤油0.8×103kg/m 36.已知等腰三角形的两边长分别为4和7,这个三角形的周长是A .15B .18C .15或18D .14或167.如图,AB//DE ,则下列说法中一定正确的是A .∠1=∠2+∠3B .∠1+∠2-∠3 =180ºC .∠1+∠2+∠3=270ºD .∠1-∠2+∠3=90º8.若a +b<0,ab <0,则下列判断正确的是A .a 、b 都是正数B .a 、b 都是负数C .a 、b 异号且负数的绝对值大D .a 、b 异号且正数的绝对值大9.几个同学在日历竖列上圈出了三个数,算出它们的和,其中错误的一个是A .28B .33C .45D .5710.如图,点P 是直线a 外的一点,点A 、B 、C 在直线a 上,且PB ⊥a ,垂足是B ,PA ⊥PC ,则下列不正确的语句是A .线段PB 的长是点P 到直线a 的距离B .PA 、PB 、PC 三条线段中,PB 最短C .线段AC 的长是点A 到直线PC 的距离D .线段PC 的长是点C 到直线PA 的距离二、填空题(每小题2分,共20分)11.12的相反数是________. 12.不等式2x +3≤0的解集为________.13.化简:()()22222232a b a b ---=________.14.如果你想将一根细木条固定在墙上,至少需要钉2个钉子,这一事实说明了:________________________________________________________.15.若523m x y +与2n x y 是同类项,则n m =________.16.如图,A 、O 、B 在同一条直线上,如果OA 的方向是北偏西24º30',那么OB 的方向是东偏南...________. 17.请你写出一个含有字母a 的代数式,使字母a 不论取什么值,这个代数式的值总是正数.你所写的代数式是__________________18.在下午的2点30分时,时针与分针的夹角为________度.19.如图,是用若干个小立方块搭成的几何体的主视图和俯视图,则搭成这个几何体最少需要________个小立方块.20.我们知道,式子3x -的几何意义是数轴上表示数x 的点与表示数3的点之间的距离,则式子21x x -++的最小值为______________.三、解答题(本大题共11题,共60分,解答应写出必要的计算过程,推演步骤或文字说明).21.计算:(每小题3分,共6分) (1) 32422()93-+÷- (2)()311252525()424⨯--⨯+⨯-22.解方程:(每小题3分,共6分)(1) ()34122x x x -+=+ (2)212134y y -+=-23.解不等式并把解集在数轴上表示出来(每小题4分,共8分) (1)132x x -≥+ (2)232223x x --->24.(本题6分)如图,直线AB 与CD 相交于点O ,OP 是∠BOC 的平分线,OE ⊥AB ,OF ⊥CD .(l)图中除直角以外,还有相等的角吗?请写出两对:①________________________________;②________________________________.(2)如果∠AOD =40º,则①∠BOC =________度,②因为P 是∠BOC 的平分线,所以∠COP =_________度(3)求∠BOF 的度数.25.(本题4分)先化简,再求值:()22112(2)2x x x -----,其中2x =-26.(本题满分4分)如图,AB//CD ,直线EF 分别交AB 、CD 于点E 、F ,EG 平分∠BEF .若∠EFG =70º,求∠EGD 的度数.27.(本题5分)如图,平面上有三点A、B、C,按要求画图:(l)连结AB;(2)作直线AC;(3)作射线CB;(4)过点C作线段AB的垂线,垂足为D;(5)量出点C到线段AB的距离是________(精确到mm).28.(本题满分5分)小王购买了一套经济适用房,他准备将地面铺上地砖,地面结构如图所示.根据图中数据(单位:m),解答下列问题:(l)写出用含x、y的式子表示地面的总面积;(2)如果y=1.5m,且地面总面积是卫生间面积的15倍,铺1m2地砖的平均费用为80元,求铺地砖的总费用为多少元.29.(本题满分5分)如图,线段AB=8cm,C是线段AB上一点,AC=3.2cm,M是AB的中点,N是AC的中点,求线段MN的长.30.(本题满分5分)某电器销售商为促销商品,将某种电器打折销售,如果按标价的六折出售,每件将亏本36元;如果按标价的八折出售,每件将盈利52元,问:(1)这种电器每件的标价是多少元?(2)为保证盈利不低于10%,最多能打几折?31.(本题6分)某商场计划从厂家购进50台电视机,已知厂家生产三种不同型号的电视机,出厂价分别为:甲种每台1500元,乙种每台2100元,丙种每台2500元,(1)若甲、乙、丙三种型号的电视机的数量比为3:2:5,则该商场共需投资多少元?(2)若该商场同时购进两种不同型号的电视机共50台,恰好用去9万元,请你设计一下商场的进货方案.。










七年级英语期末试卷笔试部分(80分)五.单项选择(每小题一分,共15分)21. Would you like home with me?A. going toB. go toC. to go toD. to go22. –Where’s Wu Yi?-- He is Zhang Jie.A.behind ofB. in frontC. next D in front of23. There a teacher and thirty students in the classroom.A. hasB. haveC.is D .are24. Lucy and Lily got any new books?A. HaveB. HasC. DoD. Does25. --Can I help you?--I’d like three shoes for my daughters.A. pairs ofB. pair ofC. pairD. /26. -- Hi, Anna. Thank you for my little sister last week.-- You’re welcomeA. looked afterB. look afterC. to look afterD. looking after27. Daming always his mother the housework at weekends.A. help; doB. helps; doC. helps; doingD. help; to do28. Linda loves music and she always goes toA. librariesB. concertsC. cinemasD. science labs29. -- How many workers are there in the factory?-- There are .A.two thousandB. two thousand ofC. more than two thousandsD. thousands of30. -- Could I have apples?-- Sorry, we don’t have .A.some; someB. any; anyC. some; anyD. any; some31. Does the wolf live the forest or the desert?A. in, inB. in, onC. on, inD. on, on 32. -- do you go to the Pizza Hut with your family?-- Oh, about once a month.A. How longB. How soonC. How farD. How often33. the morning of Teachers’ Day, manystudents send flowers to their teachers..A. ToB. InC. AtD. On34. –What’s the weather like in Hefei in winter?-- .A. It’s warmB. It’s hotC. It’s coldD. It’s cool35. -- do I write my name?-- Write it on the paper.A. WhereB. WhenC. HowD. Which六.补全对话(5分)A: Hello, Kate!B: Hello, Justin!A: There is a piano concert this Sunday. 36B: That’s a great idea! 37A: It’s at Hefei Theatre.B: 38A: It’s in the afternoon and in the evening.B: Oh, 39B: 40七.阅读理解(30分)ACome and see the Indian elephants and the new tigers form America. The bears are waiting to meet you, and the monkeys A: OK! See you then.A. How much is theticket?B. Would you like to go with me?C. What time is it now?D. Where is the film?E. Let’s go in the evening.F. See you.G. When is the concert?form China are waiting to throw things at you. The lovely kangraoos from Australia are waiting to laugh at you, and the giraffes from Zambia are waiting to look down on you.51. How many kinds of animals are talked about in the passage?A. Four.B. Five.C. Six.D. Seven.52. Mr Liu is in the zoo with his two sons, one is 14 years old and the other is 10 years old, how much are the tickets together?A. ¥20.00.B. ¥30.00.C. ¥40.00.D. ¥50.00.53. Which of the following is the visiting time?A. 8:30a.m. Monday.B. 9:30a.m. Sunday.C. 3:00p.m. Friday.D. 5:00p.m. Tuesday.54. Where are the elephants and tigers are from?A. India and America.B. America and India.C. Australia and America.D. Australia and India.55. Which of the following can we do in the zoo?A. To give some food to the fish.B. To touch the monkey on the head.C. To throw(扔) things everywhere.D. To take a few nice photos.BJane always goes to school early. She likes to talk to her friends before class. After school she does not go home early. She is always late. Jane stops to see the animals in the pet shop. She likes to see the dogs. One of them is a little dog. She watches the little white dog play in the window of the shop. She watches for a long time, so she comes home late.One day her father and mother ask why she is late, and she tells them about the little dog in the pet shop.Jane is not late the next day. She stops to look in the window of the shop. But she doesn’t se e the little white dog,and she is very sad. She is also very happy, today is her birthday.Mother shows her a big birthday cake and Father gives her a birthday surprise. He gives the little white dog from the shop. Jane is very happy. The next day Jane does not come home late. She runs home to play with the white dog.56. Before class begins, Jane usually ________.A. plays with her friendsB. talks to her friendsC. looks at the dogs in the windowD. have a break57. After school Jane ________.A. comes home earlyB. does not go home lateC. plays with the dogsD. always goes home late58. Jane likes _________best.A. the pet shopB. the little white dogC. little animalsD. the window of the shop59. Who bought (买) the little white dog?A. Jane.B. Jane’s friends.C. Jane’ s father.D. Nobody.60. The birthday surprise is ________.A. a big cakeB. some presentsC. some flowersD. the little white dogCThe English people like take-away food. The most popular food is fish and chips. They usually go to a fish and chip shop.They put the food in paper bags, and take it home, or to their work place. At lunch time, many people eat take-away food in the park. Chinese takeaways are also very popular in England. People in the USA and Australia like Chinese take-away food, too. But the most popular food in the USA is fried chicken.根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。




( )1. --- Can you see there is _____________ apple on the table?--- Yes. _____________ apple is for you.A. a; TheB. the; TheC. an; AnD. an; The( )2. --- Happy New Year! --- __________ .A. Thank youB. That’s rightC. The same to you.D. OK.( )3. --- __________________?--- The y’re fine, thank you.A. How are youB. Who are youC. What are theyD. How are your mother and father( )4. Barack Obama is from the .A. UNB. USAC. PRCD. HK( )5. When the light is red, you ________ cross the road. You ___________ wait for the green light.A. can; mustB. can; must notC. can’t; mustD. can’t; must not( )6. Millie ________ eating fruit ________ apples, oranges and pears.A. likes, likeB. like, likesC. like, likeD. likes, likes( )7. ---_________, where’s the bookshop, please?---_______________, I don’t know.A. Excuse me; SorryB. Excuse me; Excuse meC. Sorry; Excuse meD. Sorry; Sorry( )8. ---Whose ball is this?---It’s__________.A. Jim’s and Tom’sB. Tom’s and JimC. Jim and Tom’sD. Jim and Tom( )9. There _________ some milk and bread on the table. You can have them _________ breakfast.A. are; forB. are; inC. is; forD. is; in( )10. ---Does Daniel often play ________ you?---No. He often looks ________ things on the Internet.A. for; onB. with; outC. with; forD. for; out( )11.---Is Peter from America?---No. Peter is an _________ boy, but he’s in ___________.A. America; EnglandB. English; AmericaC. American; EnglishD. England; America( )12. I have a watch here. It says 1:58 .A. two past twoB. fifty-eight past oneC. two to oneD. two to two( )13. Does your mother cook __________ you ___________ the weekend?A. for; inB. for; atC. with; onD. to; at( )14. Please ___________ the picture. What can you __________?A. look at; seeB. see; look atC. look at; look atD. see; see( your uncleA. Do; goB. Do; go toC. Does; goD. Does; go to( )16. --- __________ pencil-box is that?--- It’s not __________, it’s __________.A. Who’s, mine, hersB. Which , my, herC. What, me, herD. Whose, hers, his( )17. Kitty is a nice girl. She enjoys __________ very much.A. singingB. to singC. singsD. sang( )18. Thank you for _________ me ________ my Maths.A. help; atB. helping; onC. help; withD. helping; with( )19. Peter and John are __________. The two boys are the same age and look the same.A. twin sistersB. twins sistersC. twins brothersD. twin brothers( )20. How do you __________ that in English?A. tellB. talkC. speakD. say( )21. ---Can I have a look at your new pen, please?--- _______________________.A. Yes, I canB. No, I can’tC. OK. Here you areD. No, I’m not.( )22. Mrs. Wang is Tom’s mother. She is my aunt. Tom is my _________.A. cousinB. twin brotherC. sonD. uncle( )23. ---Are there __________ halls in the building? ---Yes, there are __________.A. some; someB. any; anyC. some; anyD. any; some( ) 24. The sign on the right means (意思是) “______________.”A. Don’t swim in the lakeB. Don’t fly kites hereC. Don’t smoke hereD. Don’t ride the bike here( )25. ---Would you like a cup of tea?--- ____________________.A. Sorry, I wo uldn’tB. No, thanksC. I don’t knowD. Yes, I don’t like itII.完形填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。









这一例子()①每个人的生命都是有价值的②告诉我们当他人的生命遭遇困境需要帮助时,尽自己所能伸出援助之手③生命是顽强的,也是脆弱的④说明两位大学生虽死犹生,其生命价值获得更长的延伸、更充分的体现A.①②③④ B.①②③ C.①② D.①6.进入青春期,我们的身体在悄悄变化,我们的心理也发生着一系列的变化。




滦南县2010-2011学年度七年级第一学期期末考试英 语 试 卷友情提示:请同学们将所有答案填写在答题纸上,答在试卷上无效.......。

听力部分(25分)Ⅰ. 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。

(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)( )1. A. 592-8632 B. 529-8326 C. 592-8623( )2. A. ID card B. ID C. card( )3. A. I don ’t like apples B. I like bananas C. I like apples( )4. A. Chinese books. B. English books . C. math books.( )5. A. sounds interesting . B. sounds boring. C. sounds difficultⅡ. 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。

(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)( )6. A. Yes, I do B. No, I don ’t . C. I want some oranges.( )7. A. 8 . B. 56. C. 66( )8. A. Because I like comedies. B. Because they are boring.C. Because they are funny.( )9. A. Yes, a little. B. The art club. C. I can draw.( )10. A. At home . B. After school. C. At 6:30Ⅲ. 听对话和问题,选择适当选项。

(共5小题, 每小题1分,计5分)6单元( )11. A. No, It isn ’t . B. Yes , it is . C. We don ’t know.( )12. A. On the table B. In the bag C. In the box( )13. A. Apples. B. Pears. C. Oranges0.( )14.A. B. C.( )15.B. C.IV . 听对话短文和问题,选择正确答案。

七年级英语试卷 B卷

七年级英语试卷 B卷


(第一至四节,每小题1分,共25分)第一节: 听下面5段对话,每段对话后都有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,每段对话仅读一遍。


1. What’s Tina’s telephone number ?A. 3734621B.3735621C. 3734631听第二段对话,回答第2小题。

2. Where is the boy’s baseball ?A. It’s under the bed.B. It’s in his backpack.C. It’s in your backpack.听第三段对话,回答第3小题。

3. What kind of movies does his father like?A. ThrillersB. ComediesC. Action movies听第四段对话,回答第4小题。

4. Does the man like broccoli?A. Yes, he does.B. No, he doesn’t.C. We don’t know.听第五段对话,回答第5小题。

5. What’s on the tree?A. Pears.B. Apples.C. Bananas.第二节: 听下面3段对话,每段对话后都有2个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,每段对话读两遍。


6. What time is it now ?A. 8:02B. 8:12C. 8:207. What does the boy want to do?A. Go to school.B. Go shopping.C. Go to work.听第七段对话,回答第8-9小题。

8. Who is the boy ?A. The woman’s son.B. A student.C. The woman’s brother.9. What color is the new sweater?A. Black.B.White.C. Black and brown.听第八段对话,回答第10-11小题。



洛阳市第一学期期末考试七年级语文试卷一、语文知识积累及运用(22分)1. 用楷书抄写下面冰心的一首小诗,并谈谈你读了这首诗的感受。


(1)抄写:(2)感受:2.下列词语中加点字注音错误最多....的一项是 ( )(2分)A .乳臭.未干(xi ù) 无边无垠.(y ín ) 猝.不及防(z ú) 头晕目眩.(xu án )B .随声附和.(h ã) 模.样可怜(m ó) 煞.费苦心(sh à) 诲.人不倦(hu ǐ)C .言简意赅.(g üi ) 精神虐.杀(n ûâ) 执著.守候(zh ù) 瞑.目蹲身(m íng )D .精神恍.惚(hu ǎng ) 熹.微晨光(x ǐ) 泥沙沉淀.(di àn ) 不能自己.(y ǐ)3.下列词语书写完全正确的一项是 ( )(2分)A .销声匿迹 无可耐何 司空见贯 心有余悸B .笑容可掬 寥寥可数 棱角分明 涛涛不绝C .微不足道名副其实 不缀劳作 含辛茹苦 D .崭露头角 任劳任怨 趋之如归 扑朔迷离4.从上下文连贯的要求看,依次填入下面横线上的语句最恰当的一项是( )(2分)黄河,中华民族的母亲河,五千多年的华夏文明史,与黄河有着血肉相连的关系。

黄河流千年,流出了 ,流出了 ,流出了 。

○1黄皮肤人的群落 ○2灿若明珠的黄河古文化 ○3漫无边际的黄土地A.○1○2○3 B.○3○1○2 C.○3○2○1 D.○2○3○15.生活即是语文,关注生活就是学习语文。






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2010-2011学年第一学期期末考试七年级成绩优良学生 2010-2011学年第一学期期末考试七年级成绩优良学生
班 级 1 9 6 2 4 6 9 1 11 6 5 1 3 4 2 9 4 12 1 1 2 2 5 7 10 5 6 6 7 4 4 2 10 1 5 1 9 8 11 12 10 12 2 10 1 8 考号 101310101 101310901 101310601 101310201 101310402 101310604 101310908 101310110 101311102 101310603 101310514 101310113 101310306 101310403 101310218 101310902 101310404 101311241 101310109 101310102 101310202 101310210 101310504 101310708 101311003 101310508 101310607 101310613 101310701 101310407 101310406 101310215 101311020 101310115 101310503 101310106 101310904 101310804 101311101 101311209 101311024 101311204 101310235 101311002 101310103 101310803 姓名 语文 数学 英语 科学 林炜欣 94 叶文瑶 91.5 谢玉萍 92 苏泳妍 91.5 妮格 92.5 赖依婷 94 刘健 91 林泽鑫 90.5 陈翠婷 91 蔡茹芸 93.5 黄鑫科 93 许晨薇 91.5 何雯燕 90.5 邱平 93 周颖晨 93 赖昭媛 92.5 曾鑫 89 傅文秀 94 陈天姝 93.5 蔡茹莹 91.5 黄文婷 89 李嘉仪 91 蔡少佳 94 黎依弘 89.5 刘晓如 90 高寒 88.5 吴彤 90.5 林佳珠 94 林柔柔 92.5 余俊豪 93.5 吴丽雪 89.5 李达豪 90 顾悦 88.5 廖文静 91.5 林文雅 89 詹华曦 94.5 张铭 92 林敏 93 林晓彤 90 王同娇 85 李婷 88.5 文成辉 91 陈冰莹 83 余秋莉 94 方泽文 90.5 黄庆 92 100 98 98 99 97 100 100 100 99 97 100 100 97 98 98 100 100 100 97 100 98 97 97 100 98 100 98 96 100 100 100 98 100 100 98 98 98 95 98 100 100 97 98 98 94 99 98.3 99.5 98.8 98.5 98.8 95.8 98.8 97.5 98.5 95.3 92 97.8 99.8 97.3 96.5 97.3 97.8 96 96.3 95.3 98.5 96.8 96 98.8 96.5 98 95.8 95.5 98.8 93 93.8 95.3 96.3 94.5 97.3 96 96.5 97.5 97.8 98.8 97 98 98.3 98.8 99.8 96.8 100 100 99 98 98.5 98.5 100 98.5 97.5 98.5 98.5 100 97 99 97.5 92 100 96 97.5 97.5 97.5 96.5 100 95.5 98.5 98.5 100 95.5 96 95.5 99 98.5 100 97.5 99 94 97.5 97.5 93.5 99 96.5 94.5 100 96 93 97.5



台头二中2009 --- 2010学年度第一学期期末地理段考试卷(七年级)命题:马洪征“不为失败找理由,只为成功找方法!为最后的胜利而冲刺,加油!”班级:姓名:等级一、选择题(将所选的正确答案填在下表中题号下方的空格内。

每小题2分,共50分)一、选择题(25﹡2ˊ=50分)1、阿拉伯人的长袍多为白色,是为了A挡风沙 B美观 C反射阳光 D遵守伊斯兰教的规定2、下列比例尺中,最大的是()A 1:1000B 1:500C 1:2000D 1:100003、一年当中,南半球大陆月平均气温最高值出现在()A.七月B.八月C.一月D.二月4、麦哲伦环球航行没有经过下列哪个大洋()A太平洋 B印度洋 C大西洋 D北冰洋5、经纬网中,经线和纬线的形状组合正确是()A半环状、圆圈 B 直线、直线 C 圆圈、直线 D 半环状、弧形6、东西半球的分界线是()A 0°经线B 180°经线C 20°W、160°ED 0°纬线7.关于经线和纬线的叙述正确的是[ ]A.所有经线都与本初子午线平行 B.纬度越低,纬线越长C.经线和纬线都长度相等 D.纬线指示南北方向8、“我们这里四季分明,夏季炎热,经常下雨,冬季寒冷,很干燥。


[ ]A.撒哈拉地区B.北京C.西伯利亚地区D.亚马孙平原9.面积最大、水温最高、水体最深的大洋是()A.大西洋 B.太平洋 C.印度洋 D.北冰洋10.珠穆朗玛峰海拔8844米,死海海拔-400米,两地相对高度是()A.8844米 B.9244米 C.12844 米 D.2108米11、分层设色地形图上,绿色地区表示的地形是()A.高原 B.山地 C.丘陵 D.平原12、下列不属于世界人口密集的地区的是 [ ]A 亚洲东部B 欧洲西部C 非洲北部D 北美洲东部13、下列关于人口迁移论述不正确的是()A.农村人多地少到城里打工 B.农村环境比城市更加恶化导致人口迁出C.城里有更多的就业机会 D.城市教育事业发达吸引农村人口14、世界上使用人数最多和分布最广的语言分别是(A.英语、汉语 B.汉语、法语 C.汉语、英语 D.法语、日语15、下列搭配中,正确的是[ ]A、西亚——白种人——佛教——发展中国家B、巴西——黄种人——西班牙语——发展中国家C、美国——白种----基督教——发达国家D、日本——黄种人——日语——发展中国家16、太阳能够垂直照射的最北界线是:()A 南回归线 B北回归线 C北极圈 D 南极圈17、当太阳光线直射赤道时,下列各地哪个太阳高度角最低[ ]A、100NB、500NC、200SD、800S18、“早穿皮袄午穿纱,围着火炉吃西瓜”所描述的气候类型是:(A温带大陆性气候 B 高山气候 C 温带季风气候 D 亚热带季风气候19. 规模最大与最有影响力的全球性国际组织是:()A UNB OPEC C WTOD APEC20、世界上最长的山脉是()A 安第斯山脉 B喜马拉雅山脉 C落基山脉 D 昆仑山脉21、世界最高的高原()A巴西高原 B西伯利亚高原C黄土高原D青藏高原22、我国于2001年12月正式加入的国际组织是: [ ]A 世界贸易组织 B.亚太经合组织 C.上海合作组织 D.东南亚国家联盟23、北极圈(66.5°N)以内,主要居住在北冰洋沿岸的土著居民是因纽特人。



2010~2011学年第一学期期末模拟测试卷 七年级英语

2010~2011学年第一学期期末模拟测试卷 七年级英语

2010~2011学年第一学期期末模拟测试卷七年级英语Class_________ Name_________Ⅰ听力部分(共30分)一、根据你所听到的内容,选择正确答案.(5分)( )1.A.//B.//C.//( )2.A.//B.//C.//( )3.A.//B.//C.//( )4.A.//B.//C.//( )5.A.chips B.oranges C.stickers( )6.A.the 1990s B.the 1980s C.the 1970s( )7.A.6:10 B.5:50 C.6:50( )8.A.a black shirt B.a blue suit C.black shorts ( )9.A.88075643 B.88705642 C.88076542( )10.A.turns on B.turns off C.turns down二、根据你所听到的内容,用阿拉伯数字给下列图片编号:(5分)三、根据你所昕到的对话,选择正确答案.(5分)( )1.When does the girl go home?A.At 5:10.B.At 5:20.C.At 5:50.( )2.Where does the woman go?A.To the park.B.To the supermarket.C.To her office.( )3.How often does the woman go swimming?A.Twice a week.B.Once a week.C.Three times a week.( )4.Where are they?A.In a bookshop.B.In an electrical shop.C.In a shoe shop.( )5.What day is it tomorrow?A.Monday.B.Sunday.C.Tuesday.四、根据你所听到的短文内容,选择正确答案.(5分)( )1.Where are the students?A.In the classroom.B.Near the window.C.In their teacher’s room.( )2.What is Kate doing?A.She is looking at the blackboard.B.She is carrying the desk.C.She is cleaning the blackboard.( )3.What is Sam doing?A.He is cleaning the blackboard.B.He is cleaning the windows.C.He is carrying the desk.( )4.Who are cleaning the windows and the door?A.Kate.B.Lucy and Lily.C.Tom and Mike.( )5.What is the teacher doing?A.He is helping his students.B.He is standing in the classroom.C.He is cleaning the windows and the doors.五、根据你所听到的一封信内容,填入所缺的单词.(10分)Would you like to come with me to supper in London on______________________? The___________________leaves at half past four.It gets to Victoria Street(维多利亚街)at a quarter past____________________.We can______________________________ at five twenty.The _______________is very near.It’s between a__________________ and a post office.It’s _______________to find.It cooks very nice__________________ and chicken.But it’s not ________________.See you at the_______________.Ⅱ书面部分(共130分)一、单词拼写(10分)1.where are you going for your summer______________(假期)this year?2.Do you have any_________________(信息)about the class trip?3.There are different kinds of________________(饮料)in the new supermarket.4.I am__________________(计划)to buy a new computer.5.Simon gives me a____________________(特别的)present on my birthday.6.My Chinese teacher doesn’t like_________________(聊天)on the Internet.7.—What is your favourite fruit? —_______________(芒果).8.I’d like 2___________________(公斤)of beef.9.It’s good for students to eat_____________________(健康的)food.10.My brother often__________________(练习)speaking English after class.二、词形变化(10分)1.I think life(生活)in Suzhou is_________________(colour)and comfortable.2.The______________________(one)day of the week is Sunday.3.At Halloween,we often play a game________________(call)‘trick or treat’.4.There are some____________________(knife)in the box.5.The_____________________(dance)names are on the paper.6.Millie is in the__________________(swim)pool now.7.There is always a lot of____________________(tradition)food in different countries.8.Are there any_______________________(potato)in the{ridge?9.We can buy a basketball in the________________________(sport)shop.10.Are all the___________________(run)ready for the match now?三、句型转换(10分)1.How long do you spend on your homework every day?(改为同义句)How long does_____________ _______________you to do your homework every day? 2.There is only one packet of salt in the kitchen.(对画线部分提问)__________ ____________ ___________of salt__________ ________in the kitchen? 3.What do you think of China?(改为同义句)_______________do you_____________ China?4.Sandy often buys new clothes from the shop.(用now改写)Sandy____________ ____________new clothes from the shop now.5.His birthday is on August 15th.(改为同义句)He____________ _______________on August 15th.6.The hair clip matches her dress very well.(改为同义句)The hair clip__________ ___________ __________her dress.7.How much is it?(改为同义句)How much_____________ it___________?8.My mother is cooking in the kitchen now.(对画线部分提问)___________your mother__________ now?四、单项填空(20分)( )1.There is_________“o”and_________“l”in the word“bowl”.A.a;an B.an;a C.a;a D.an;an( )2.—________Jim_________ a pair of white trainers,Tom? —Yes,he is.A.Does;in B.Does;wearing C.Is;wear D.Is;in( )3.There__________ some bread and a glass of orange in the fridge.A.is B.are C.has D.have( )4.This kind of ice cream is nice.Could you give me_________?A.some too B.some more C.any too D.any more ( )5.That’s all__________ today’s talk.__________do you think of our talk?A.with;What B.of;How C.for;What D.for;How ( )6.My favorite dress___________ me¥100.A.spends B.uses C.costs D.pays( )7.—__________does it take you to do your homework every day? —More than an hour.A.How far B.How long C.How much D.When ( )8.If you would like________ some money,please call us__________55518887.A.donate;on B.to donate;onC.donate;in D.to donate;in( )9.I hope_________ your homework carefully(仔细地).A.you to do B.you doing C.to you do D.you can do ( )10.—_________do you go to the Reading Club at school? —Seldom.A.How long B.How many C.How often D.How much ( )11.This football isn’t__________.It’s__________.A.mine;him B.my;his C.mine;his D.my;him ( )12.She is talking__________ her e-friend_________ her school life__________ the Internet.A.about;to;on B.with;to;inC.to;about;on D.to;with;of( )13.—What’s your sister like? —She__________.A.likes her mother B.is tall and prettyC.is a nurse D.likes dancing( )14.—Would you like to have_________ more cakes?—No,thanks.I don’t want to have_________ now.A.some;some B.some;anyC.any;some D.any;any( )15._________Millie and Tom often_________ shopping together?A.Do;go B.Does;go C.Are;going D.Is;going ( )16.He always speaks much and does little.We all think he’s very_________.A.good B.important C.interesting D.lazy( )17.__________nice the MP4 is! I’ll take it!A.How a B.What C.How D.What a ( )18.—Would you like a glass of water? —_________.A.Yes,I’m afraid not.B.No,don’t give it to me.C.No,not at all.D.Yes,please.( )19.—________I do my homework later,Mum? —No,you________ do it now.A.Can;can’t B.May;may notC.Must;must D.May;must( )20.—Your new bike is nice.—__________.A.OK B.Thank you C.I’m sorry D.You’re nice五、完形填空(10分)Fred works in a factory(工厂).He does not have 1 ,and he gets a lot of 2 every week.He loves cars,and has 3 one every year.He likes 4 very fast,and he always buys small,fast,red 5 .He sometimes takes his mother out 6 them and then she always says,“But,Fred,why do you drive(驾驶)these cars? We’re almost(几乎) 7 on the road.”Then Fred laughs and is happy.He likes being very near the road.Fred is very 8 and very strong.“How do you get into that 9 car?”His friend asks him.Fred laughs and says,“I don’t get into it.I 10 it on.”( )1.A.time B.children C.cars D.work ( )2.A.money B.friends C.food D.water ( )3.A.the same B.a small C.a new D.an old ( )4.A.walking B.working C.talking D.driving ( )5.A.cars B.bikes C.buses D.trucks ( )6.A.from B.in C.on D.of( )7.A.sitting B.standing C.listening D.watching ( )8.A.fast B.long C.tall D.short ( )9.A.small B.big C.red D.fast ( )10.A.get B.take C.have D.put六、阅读理解(30分)(A)All students need to have good habits(习惯):when you have good study habits,you learn things quickly.You also remember(记得)them easily.Do you like to study in the living room? That is not a good place because it is usually too noisy(嘈杂的).You need to study in a quiet place,like your bedroom.A quiet place will help you only think about one thing,and you will learn better.Before you begin to study,do not forget(忘记)to clean your desk.A good desk light is important,too.You’ll feel tired easily if there is not enough light.( )1.When you have good study habits,you will__________.A.learn things quickly B.remember things easilyC.think about one thing D.both A and B( )2.The living room is not a good place for study because it is too________.A.quiet B.noisy C.good D.clean( )3.You’ll feel tired easily if the light is_________.A.good B.enough C.bad D.wonderful ( )4.What’s the Chinese meaning of the word“quiet”?A.安静的B.宽敞的C.明亮的D.温馨的( )5.The best title(标题)for this passage(文章)is_________.A.Study in the Bedroom B.Good Study HabitsC.How to Study D.Desk Light Is Important(B)( )6.Where does Fred meet Ann?A.At Brown’s house.B.In the hospital.C.At the bus stop.D.At Kate’s house.( )7.How many hours a week does Fred do his part-time job?A.Five hours.B.Six hours.C.Ten hours.D.Eleven hours.( )8.__________is in hospital(住院).A.Doctor Brown B.Joy C.Tom D.Kate( )9.Kate’s birthday is on__________.A.Tuesday B.Friday C.Sunday D.Thursday ( )10.How long does Fred learn English on Saturday?A.For 3 hours.B.For 4 hours.C.For 2 and a half hours.D.For 2 hours.Hello,Today is Mid-Autumn Day.We will watch the moon tonight,and look for Chang’e and Wu Gang.We usually eat mooncakes.They are round,like the moon.National Day is also in autumn,on October 1 st.My mother and father are usually free for seven days! We will do many things together.I like going to the National Day party.But the best thing in autumn is my birthday.It’s also in October.I will be fifteen years old.Yours,Thank you for your e-mail! I love autumn too.In Canada,we have an autumn holiday called Thanksgiving Day.Family members always celebrate it together.I will go to my grandmother and grandfather’s house.My uncles,aunts and their children will be there too.Canadian Thanksgiving Day is in early October.In the USA,they celebrate Thanksgiving Day in late November.Have a good time on your birthday,Li Ming! On my birthday,I have a cake with candles.Everyone sings the song“Happy birthday”.Then I blow out the candles! Will you have a cake for your birthday?Your friend,Jenny ( )11.When is Li Ming’s birthday?A.After September 29 th.B.In September.C.Before September 29th.D.On September 29th.( )12.Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day___________.A.in late November B.in early NovemberC.in late October D.in early October( )13.Canadians usually__________ on Thanksgiving Day.A.eat cakes B.stay togetherC.watch the moon D.sing a song( )14.The subject(主题)of Jenny’s e-mail is_________.A.Your birthday B.My birthdayC.Thanksgiving Day D.National Day( )15.Li Ming and Jenny must use_________ when they e-mail each other.A.pens B.paper C.computers D.telephones七、动词填空(10分)1.Frank often__________________(carry)his books in a strong paper bag.2.I like watching a film before__________________(eat)supper.3.Amy watches TV every day.But she____________(read)English now.4.Thank you for_______________(give)me so much help.5.It’s time__________________(go)to bed.Turn off the TV.6.Look! Tom with his father________________(lie)on the couch.7.She spends two hours_________________(help)her mother do the housework.8.I will finish__________________(do)my homework in 30 minutes.9.His family____________________(swim)in the pool now.10.Here_________________(be)some important news for you and your friends.八、句子翻译(20分)1.年轻人喜欢看时装表演._________________________________________________________________________ 2.这双靴子是皮做的._________________________________________________________________________ 3.每个人在聚会上都玩得很开心._________________________________________________________________________ 4.在我家前面有一些树._________________________________________________________________________ 5.Simon穿着白色的衣服看起来既神气又时髦._________________________________________________________________________ 6.我可以借你的橡皮吗?_________________________________________________________________________ 7.你知道这个问题的答案吗?_________________________________________________________________________ 8.阳光正通过窗户照进来._________________________________________________________________________ 9.对他来说,每天多喝水很重要._________________________________________________________________________ 10.这两斤柠檬要多少钱?_________________________________________________________________________ 九、书面表达(10分)请根据以下提示,以“My Good Friend”为题,写一篇60词左右的短文.1.我的好朋友叫Frank,今年13岁;2.他又高又壮;3.他在第一中学学习;4.他热爱阅读和打篮球;5.他篮球打得很好,是我校篮球队的成员.6.他能唱很多英文歌曲(song),他还会跳舞和游泳;7.我们大家都喜欢和他交朋友.My Good Friend_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________。



七年级 数学 第一学期期末考试卷(卷面分值120分,考试时间90分钟)一、填空题(每小题3分,共30分) 1.如果水位上升3米记作+3米,那么水位下降5米记作 .2.我国的领土面积约为9 600 000 km 2,这个数据用科学记数法应记为 km 2.3.如果篮球m 元/个,排球n 元/个,则买3个篮球和5个排球共需要 元.4.如图,从A 地到B 地的四条路线中,路程最短的是②,其中的数学道理是 .5.写出 -5x 2y 3的一个同类项 .6.若3x -2 和4-5x 互为相反数,则x = .7.方程5x -6=0的解为x = .8.如图,在4点整时,时针与分针的夹角为 度.9.对单项式“6a ”,可以这样解释:苹果每千克6元,买a 千克,共需6a 元。

请你对“6a ”再给出另一个实际生活方面的合理解释: .(第4题图)A B(第8题图)10.种一批树,如果每人种10棵,则剩6棵未种;如果每人种12棵,则缺6棵,设有x 人种树,根据题意,可以列出方程: .二、单项选择题(每小题4分,共20分)11.质量检测中抽取标准为100克的袋装牛奶,结果如下(超过标准的质量记为正数)其是最合乎标准的一袋是 ---------------------------------------()(A ) ② (B ) ③ (C) ④(D ) ① 12.a -b +c 的相反数是( )(A ) a -b -c (B ) -a -b +c (C ) b -a +c (D ) b -a -c 13.一个两位数,个位上是a ,十位上是b ,用代数式表示这个两位数 ( )(A ) ab (B ) ba (C) 10a +b (D ) 10b +a14.小明把400元钱存入银行,年利率为1.8%,到期时得到利息36元,则他一共存( )(A ) 6年 (B ) 5年 (C ) 4年 (D ) 3年15.将下列图形绕直线l 旋转一周,可以得到右图所示的立体图形的是( )llll(A ) (B ) (C) (D ) (第15题图)三、解答题(每小题6分,共30分)16.计算:(-1)100×|-5|-4×(-3)-4217.化简:4(x2+xy)-2(x2+2xy-1)18.解方程:3x -13 - x +12 =119.某储蓄代办员办理业务,约定存入为正,取出为负.某天他办理了6件业务:-780元、-650元、+1250元、-310元、-420元、+240元. (1)若他早上领取备用金5000元,那么下班时应交回银行多少元?(2)若每办一件业务,银行发给业务量的0.08%作为奖励,这天他应得奖金多少元?20.在求代数式(2x3-3x2y-2xy2)-(x3-2xy2+y3)+(-x3+3x2y-y3)的值,其中x=0.5,y=-1时,甲同学把x=0.5错抄成x=-0.5,但他计算的结果是正确的。

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II.笔试部分(90分)五.单项选择(共15小题,计15分)21. What kind of _______does Helen like?-----Beijing opera.A. moviesB. subjectsC. sportsD. food22. My favorite subject is science. The underlined letters“ce”is pronounced as______.A. /z/B./s /C./e/D./k/23.----Thank you very much.-----_________.A.OKB. Thank youC. That’s all rightD. All right24. Gina is my friend. _______phone number is 23482.A. HisB. HerC. Y ourD. My25. Sally likes sports, _______she doesn’t like music.A. andB. soC. orD. but26. ----How about this sweater? ----It’s too ______for me. I want a small one.A. newB. oldC. bigD. long27. ------Let’s play computer games. ---- Great! That sounds ___A. interestingB. difficultC. boringD. scary28.For boys, you can buy socks for only 2yuan each. Anybody can ______our prices.A. affordB. buyC. sellD. have29. ---______is my pen? I can’t find it。

----Look! It’s under the table.A. WhyB. WhatC. WhereD. When30. Yi Jianlian is my favorite sports star. He is now a ______player in the NBA.A. tennisB. baseballC. soccerD. basketballually, I would like to _____ after a PE class.A. take a showerB. go to schoolC. brush my teethD. get up32. ---- What month is after October? ----_______.A. JanuaryB. SeptemberC. DecemberD. November33.----______Lucy and Lily like sports?----Y es, very much.A. DoesB. AreC. DoD. Is34.---I like bananas and salad. What do you like? -----I like_______A. pear and broccoliB. pears and broccolisC. bananas and broccolisD. bananas and broccoli35.---________.Is this your pen?-----Y es, it is.A. SorryB. HelloC. Excuse meD. Hi六.完形填空(共10小题,计10分)Hello! I am an English boy. My name is Robert Black. So my 36 ______ name is Robert. I’m a middle school student. I’m 37______ Class Two, Grade Seven. Do you want to know about my school 38______in England? Let me tell you.I have classes from Monday to Friday. School usually 39_____at 8 o’clock in the morning. I usually 40_____ the bus to school. We have four classes in the morning. In the afternoon we have two 41______. We have English, math, biology, history….. at school. My favorite subject is biology. I think it’s very 42______. After school we have no homework, so we have43____ time to do many interesting things. I am in the 44____club. Every Sunday I go to the club. There I play the piano45______ two hours.st B.good C.family D.first37. A. in B. on C. at D. of38. A. homework B. teachers C. life D. clubs39. A. calls B. listens C. works D. starts40. A. take B. bring C .afford D. have41. A. subjects B. classes C. students D. books42. A. difficult B. boring C. interesting D. happy43. A. much B. a C. little D. no44. A. chess B. music C. swimming D. basketball45. A. for B. at C. in D. with七.阅读理解(共10小题,计20分)ADear friend,My name is Simon. I live in Ottawa, Canada, and I want a pen pal in China. I think China is a very interesting place. I’m 14 years old and my birthday is in November. I can speak English and a little French. I have a brother, Paul, and a sister, Sarah. They have pen pals in England and Australia. I like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports. My favorite subject is PE. It’s fun.But I don’t like physics. It’s too difficult! Can you write to me soon?Simon46. Where is Simon from?A. AustraliaB. ChinaC. CanadaD. England47.What languages can Simon speak?A. English and ChineseB. Chinese and FrenchC. French and GermanD. English and French48. What does Simon want?A. He wants to go to ChinaB. He wants a pen pal in AustraliaC. He wants a Chinese pen palD. He wants to live in China49.Why doesn’t Simon like physics?A. Because it’s not interesting.B. Because it’s too boringC. Because it’s too easyD. Because it’s too hard.50. What does Simon like?A. He likes physics very much.B. He likes going to the movies with my friends and playing sports.C. He likes playing chess with friends.D. He likes playing sports and singing English songs.BI’m going to (准备去)see a movie with my friends this weekend. We love seeing movies, but we all like different kinds. I like to see thrillers and science fictions, my friend Sam loves action movies and comedies, and my best friend, Lee, loves a good romance. We have different favorites, it can be difficult to choose(选择). So we take turns(轮流). And now it’s my turn to choose this weekend, so we’re going to see Harry Potter VII, a new movie. It’s Number One at the box office, and everyone says what a great movie it is. I can take some fruits and drinks to the movie. Oh, I can’t wait(等)。
