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Unit 14
Difficult sentences
1.Today New York…taste(para2): Today New York is often in disagreement with the
taste of the American people.今日的纽约往往也合不上美国人生活情趣变化的节拍。

2.New York even prides…American trends(para 2):New York even indulges itself in
a feeling of satisfaction for it can resist the prevailing trends of America.

3.sitcoms cloned and…airways from California(para 3):situation comedies which are
similar in content and style are produced in large amounts in Hollywood and the live broadcasting of John Carson’s talk show dominated the radio and TV channels of California(metaphor:sitcom; alliteration: cloned and canned).而好莱坞大量生产出的情景喜剧和约翰尼·卡森节目的实况转播却占满了加利福尼亚的广播电视发送频道。

4.it is making…tourist attraction(para 4): it is regaining somewhat its status as
a tourist attraction.但现在它似乎正在一定程度上争回其作为旅游胜地的地位。

5.they take more readily…its alien mixtures(para 5):they are fond of the
complicated life of such an international city as New York than most Americans do. They also like the standards that still exist in the sixty in this city so far away from Europe and the mixture of so many foreign nationalities.他们比大多数美国人更欣赏纽约这个国际大都市的五彩缤纷的生活,它那残存的、独此一家的欧洲社会准则以及它那众多外来民族混杂而居的社会。

6.To win…the frustrated majority(par 6): A person who succeeds in New York is
disturbed by constant worries that he might fail someday in the fierce competition.
A person who fails has to live among the defeated people, who are in the majority
in New York.在纽约,一个人若成功了,他会感到惶惶不安;如果失败了,他就得和那灰心丧气的大多数人一起苦熬岁月。

7.Nature’s pleasure…in New York(para 8): The chances to enjoy the pleasures of
Nature are very limited in New York.在纽约所能欣赏到的自然美景非常有限。

8. a fear of giving…one’s talents(para 9): they are afraid that they might give in
to the most commonplace and easily sold part of their talent so that they will not be able to demonstrate the best.怕让自己的才能沦为极其平庸而易于上市的商品。

9.But the purty…be exaggerated(para 9): But a wholehearted dedication to art, which
is a bohemian style, can be overstated. 可是,也许是波希米亚式艺术献身的纯洁性被人渲染过甚。

10.In both these roles…it creates(para 10): In these two role of banking and
communication headquarters, New York originates very few things but gives its approval a lot to many things created by other cities.它是美国金融和通讯的中


11.A market …for knowledge(para 11): In New York, a shrewd understanding to appraise
intellectual products is needed and well-paid but the knowledge itself that brings out these products are not considered valuable(irony: knowingness, knowledge).

12.The condescending view…off from humanity(para 12): These people look down
patronizingly from their offices high up in a skyscraper at the ordinary people below, which makes them feel that they have nothing in common with these people.


13.The television generation…presence of hype(para 13):The generation who grew up
watching and enjoying TV was constantly and strongly influenced by exaggerated advertisements.电视的一代是在强烈的广告刺激的环境中成长起来的一代。

14.those who are writing …on the magazines(para 13): writers who are creating
challenging novels make their living at the same time by writing articles for popular magazines. 作家在创作鸿篇巨著的同时还得为通俗杂志撰文以维持生计。

15.Broadway, which seemed…astir again(para 15): Broadway, which seemed to give in
to the flashy shows put on in the surrounding areas, becomes active again.曾一度似乎是在繁华旖旎的环境包围之下一蹶不振的百老汇大街如今又呈现出勃勃的生机。

16.he prefers…of urban life(para 16): he likes the unhealthy turmoil and lively
atmosphere of a city more.他又会说他更欣赏都市生活那种虽有害于健康但却热热闹闹的活泼气氛。

17.The defeated…of town(para 17): The people who failed in the struggle of life are
not hidden away in slums where other people cannot see them(euphemism: wrong side-slums).那些在竞争中吃了败仗的人并非躲在城里某个看不见的地方。

18.The place constantly…exhilarates(para 20): New York constantly irritates the
people living here but occasionally it simulates them.这个地方经常使人恼怒,有时也让人振奋。
