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一、True or False (10*1’=10’)
1.?Trade is a zero-sum activity; if one country gains, the other must lose.
2.? A nation maximizes satisfaction by reaching the highest possible indifference curve,
and in the absence of trade will produce where its production possibilities schedule is tangent to an indifference curve.
3.? The factor endo wments model predicts that international trade will tend to equalize
the prices of trade-able goods among nations, but to increase the wage gap between capital-abundant and labor-abundant nations.
4.? A tax of 10 percent on imports of shoes would be an example of a specific tariff.
5. An import quota will not raise the domestic price of the product as would a tariff,
because it is not a tax on imports.
6.? In bala nce-of-payme nts account, a transaction resulting in receipt of a payment is
recorded as a credit, whereas a transaction resulting in a payment to other nations
is recorded as a debit.
7.? Because they do not include an exchange of goods or services, unilat eral transfers
do not appear on a nation's balance of payments account.
8. David Hume was one of the first econo mists to provide analytical support for
mercantilist trade policies.
9. A nation would be most likely to find its trade balance improving afte r a currency
depreciation if that nation’s demand for imports and foreign demand for its exports was very inelastic.
10.? A nation with neither a balance of payments surplus nor a balance of payments
deficit is said to be in internal balance.
1.?The la w of comparative advantage
a). was ratified by the World Trade Organization
b). explains ho w all countries can benefit when each specializes in producing items in which it has the greatest relative efficiency
c). explains ho w only the most efficient nations can benefit from trade
d). is used to evaluate a country’s military strength
2.?The theory of absolute advantage was developed by
a. the Mercantilists
b. David Hume
c. Adam Smith
d. David Ricardo
3.?David Ricardo developed the principle of co mparative advantage showing that
a. a nation must be the least-cost producer of a good in order to export that item
b. no nation could have an absolute advantage in all goods
c. in a two-country example, only one nation can have a comparative advantage
d. even a nation that has lower productivity in all goods can benefit by exporting the item in which it is relatively less inefficient
4.?An indifference curve
a. sho ws that most people really are indifferent about international trade
b. sho ws the demand preferences of consumers
c. reflects the relative costs of production within a nation
d. indicates how much labor a country has
5.?To maximize its satisfaction, a nation will ensure that its terms-of-trade line
a. is tangent to its production possibilities frontier at one point (production point) and also to the highest attainable indifference curve at another point (consumption point)
b. is tangent to its production possibilities frontier and intersects an indi fference curve
c. intersects its production possibilities frontier and is tangent to an indifference curve
d. intersects its production possibilities frontier at one point and an indifference curve at another point
6.?Factor-price equalization predicts that with international trade
a. the price of a nation’s abundant factor will rise and that of its scarce factor will fall
b. the price of a nation’s abundant factor will fall and that of its scarce factor will rise
c. the prices of a nation’s abundant a nd scarce factors both will rise
d. the prices of a nation’s abundant and scarce factors both will fall
7.?The effective rate of protection
a. distinguishes between tariffs that are effective and those that are ineffective
b. is the minimum level at whi ch a tariff beco mes effective in limiting imports
c. sho ws the increase in value-added for do mestic production that a particular tariff structure makes possible, in percentage terms
d. sho ws how effective a tariff is in raising revenue
8.?The institutio nal frame work developed in 1947 to promote trade liberalization is kno wn as
a. the GATT
b. the WTO
c. the IMF
d. The World Bank
9.?Developing nations
a. have very limited involvement in international trade
b. trade mostly with each other
c. rely heavily on exports of primary products to industrial nations
d. rely heavily on exports of manufactured products
10.?A customs union is unique in that it
a. has no tariffs on trade among member nations
b. has no tariffs on trade among me mber nations and a c o mmon set of tariffs on imports from non-members
c. has no tariffs on trade among me mber nations, a common set of tariffs on imports from non-me mbers, and free mobility of factors of production such as labor and capital among me mbers
d. allows unrestricted labor immigration from non-me mber nations
11.?A nation's balance of payments statement
a. is a record of that nation's assets abroad and its liabilities to those from other nations
b. is an accounting adjustment process ensuring that a nation's expor ts will be equal to its imports
c. does not include transactions of foreign citizens or companies living or operating within that nation
d. is a record of the economic transactions between residents of that nation and the rest of the world, usually f or a period of one year. 12.?Since balance-of-payments accounting is a double-entry accounting system, an export
of U.S. wheat to Mexico paid for by a deposit to the U.S. exporters account in a Mexican bank would be recorded on the U.S. balance of payments as
a. a credit for merchandise exports and a credit to short-term financial flows
b. a credit for merchandise exports and a debit to short-term financial flows.
c. a credit for merchandise exports and a debit to unilateral transfers
d. a credit for merchandise exports and a debit to official settlements
13.?The foreign-exchange market
a. is located in New York
b. is a market in Chicago for the international trading of commodities such as wheat or copper.
c. is a mechanism for indiv iduals and institutions to exchange one national or regional currency or debt instrument for those of other nations or regions.
d. is open fro m 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Ne w York time, Monday through Friday.
14.?Market fundamentals that might be expected to influence exchange rate movements
include all of the following factors except
a. differences in real income growth rates betwe en countries
b. differences in real interest rates between countries
c. speculative opinion about future exchange rates
d. changes in perceived profitability of economic investments between two countries
15.?If inflation is higher in Mexico than in the United States, the la w of one price would predict that
a. trade between Mexico and the United States would decline
b. the dollar price of autos purchased in Mexico would be higher than the dollar price of
comparable autos purchased in the United States
c. the peso would appreciate relative to the dollar by an amount equal in percentage terms
to the difference between the two infl ation rates
d. the peso would depreciate relative to the dollar by an amount equal in percentage terms
to the difference between the two inflation rates
三、Questions(45’, answer these questions in Chinese)
1. Assume that labor is the only factor used in production, and that the costs of producing
(1) Express the price of butter relative to the price of cloth in terms of labor content for Home and Foreign in the absence of trade.
(2) What do these relative prices reveal about each country’s comparative advantage?
(3) What do these relative prices sugge st about the world price of butter relative to cloth that will exist once these countries trade with each other?
(4) If the world price stabilizes at 1 with trade, what are the gains by the Home country achieved through trade with the Foreign country?
2. Explain the immiserizing growth and list the case for immiserizing growth to be occur. (8’)
3. Explain the exchange rate overshooting theory (8’)
4. Suppose that the nominal interest rate on 3-month Treasury bills is 8 percent in the
United States and 6 percent in the United Kingdom, and the rate of inflation is 10 percent in the United States and 4 percent in the United Kingdom.(9’)
(1) What is the real interest rate in each nation?
(2) In which direction would international investment flo w in response t o these real interest rates?
(3) What impact would these investment flo ws have on the dollar’s exchange value?
5. What effects does labor migration have on the country of immigration? The country of
emigration? The world as a whole?(12’)
一、判断题(每题1分,共10分)╳√ ╳╳╳√ ╳╳╳╳
二、选择题(每题3分,共45分)bcdba acacb dbccd
1、(1) 封闭条件下,本国可以用一半的生产一单位布的劳动时间生产一单位黄油。