
小学上册英语第二单元自测题(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The ________ (仙人掌) can survive in dry places with little water.2.The chemical formula for aluminum hydroxide is _____.3.The ______ has a sweet smell.4.What do you call the force that pulls objects toward the Earth?A. FrictionB. GravityC. MagnetismD. Inertia答案:B5.My _______ (小狗) loves to cuddle.6.The sky is _______ (clear) with no clouds.7.The _______ of a chemical reaction tells us what happens to the substances. (机制)8.My sister likes to draw ____.9. A __________ is formed by the melting of glaciers.10. A scientific theory is based on repeated ______ and experimentation.11. A ladybug is considered a ______ (吉祥物).12.I enjoy visiting the ________ (科技中心) to experiment.13.What do we use to write on paper?A. BrushB. PencilC. ScissorsD. Eraser答案:B14.The main source of energy for living organisms is ______.15.What do you call a place where you can borrow books?A. LibraryB. SchoolC. MuseumD. Park答案: A16.is important for the ______ (光合作用) process. Sunsets17.The cat is ________ on the sofa.18.The antelope can run very ____.19.What do we call the process of water vapor turning into liquid?A. EvaporationB. CondensationC. PrecipitationD. Sublimation答案:B.Condensation20.I love to see __________ (花朵) blooming in the garden.21.What is the color of grass?A. RedB. BlueC. GreenD. Yellow答案: C. Green22.When it rains, I can’t play with my __________ (玩具名).23.My pet ______ (狗) loves to snuggle with me.24.My bedroom is ______ and ______.25.The chemical symbol for boron is ______.26.The nucleus of an atom contains ______ and neutrons.27. A hamster's whiskers help it sense ______ (周围的环境).28.The salamander can regenerate its _________ (肢体).29.I love to eat ______ (冰淇淋) in the summer. My favorite flavor is ______ (巧克力).30. A _______ is a small particle made up of atoms.31. A tortoise can live for many ________________ (年).32.What do you call the act of listening carefully to someone?A. HearingB. Paying attentionC. UnderstandingD. Engaging答案: B33.I go shopping with my ______.34.The first successful organ donation was performed in ________.35.The turtle is a _______ (有趣的) pet to keep.36.What is the opposite of "soft"?A. HardB. SmoothC. RoughD. Weak答案: A37.My brother enjoys __________ (参加) local events.38. A __________ is a combination of two or more elements chemically bonded together.39.She has a _____ (cat/dog) at home.40.The __________ is shining brightly.41.My ________ (表姐) loves animals and wants to be a vet.42.The cat licks its _____ paw.43.What do you call a series of related events?A. HistoryB. TimelineC. SequenceD. Process答案: C44. A cow can provide ______ (牛奶).45.The __________ (地方特色) make each region unique.46.I like to help my dad ________ (洗车).47.The __________ (历史的交响乐) consists of many voices.48.The invention of the computer has changed the world of ________ (科技).49.The term “volatile” refers to subs tances that readily _____ at room temperature.50.I enjoy ______ (探索) the world around me.51.I want to _______ (学习)更多关于历史.52.I love to grow _____ (花) in my garden.53. A ______ (园艺师) designs beautiful landscapes.54. A ____ is often seen hopping in gardens and fields.55.Circuits can be series or ______.56.The cake is very _____. (tasty)57. A lizard can regenerate its ______ (尾巴).58.The dog is _______ (wagging) its tail.59.The _____ (mountains) are beautiful.60.The _____ (虫子) play a role in pollinating plants.61.What do you call the study of ancient civilizations?A. ArchaeologyB. AnthropologyC. SociologyD. History答案:A62.What do we call the study of the mind and behavior?A. SociologyB. PsychologyC. AnthropologyD. Philosophy答案: B63.Which month has Halloween?A. OctoberB. DecemberC. NovemberD. September答案: A64.I see a __ in the sky. (cloud)65.What do we call a person who sells goods?A. MerchantB. VendorC. RetailerD. All of the above答案:D66.The chemical formula for sodium acetate is ______.67.The firefly lights up the _______ (夜空).68.Which animal is known for its ability to change color?A. ChameleonB. DogC. CatD. Fish答案:A69.We will have ________ (节日) celebrations soon.70.The ________ is a lovely flower.71.The body of water that separates the UK from mainland Europe is the __________.72. A ______ helps to protect against predators.73.My cat catches ______ (老鼠) in the house.74.Minerals are natural substances that make up ______ and rocks.75.My brother is a __________ (运筹学家).76.What do we call a baby chicken?A. CubB. ChickC. PupD. Lamb答案:B.Chick77.What is the name of the famous writer known for his "Iliad" and "Odyssey"?A. HomerB. VirgilC. SophoclesD. Plato答案: A78.The __________ (社会结构) influences behavior.79.The Earth's crust contains many ______ elements.80.What do we call the act of making something new?A. CreationB. InnovationC. InventionD. All of the above答案: D81.My ________ (玩具名称) creates lasting joy.82.I can use my ________ (玩具名称) to practice my skills.83.The element with atomic number is _______.84.She is _______ (reading) a book under the tree.85.My dad is a __________ (市场分析师).86.My ______ loves to help others.87.I can ______ (克服) challenges with determination.88.ts are known for their rapid ______, making them ideal for quick results. (某些植物以其快速生长而闻名,非常适合追求快速结果的园丁。

这主要指张之洞创办了A.江南制造总局B.福州船政局C.大生纱厂D.汉阳铁厂3.洋务运动在“求富”口号下创办的近代工业是()A.安庆内军械所B.江南制造总局C.轮船招商局D.福州船政局4.洋务派在中国近代社会新旧交替的特殊历史阶段开展的自救活动有()①创办军事工业②创办民用工业③筹建海军④废除科举制A.①②③B.②③④C.①②③④D.①③④5.中日《马关条约》的签订,在国内直接引发的事件是()A.帝国主义掀起瓜分中国的狂潮B.康有为和梁启超领导公车上书C.外国在中国开设工厂D.促使中国民族资本主义的发展6.19世纪末,康有为、梁启超掀起戊戌变法运动的目的是()A.推翻清政府B.学习西方科学技术C.建立共和国D.挽救民族危亡7.有一位清朝官员曾用这样一番话教训康有为:“你老是变法呀,变法呀,可你知道不知道,祖宗之法是不能变的!”从这番话你判断这位官员应是哪一个派的代表()A.顽固派B.维新派C.革命派D.激进民主派8.某学堂因废八股、设西学而受到当地官员传讯,他们抗辩道:“此乃当今皇上旨意,何罪之有?”这个“皇上”指的是()A.康熙 B.道光 C.光绪 D.同治9.“有心杀贼,无力回天。
死得其所,快哉快哉!”结合右图判断这位是维新志士是()A.康有为B.梁启超C.谭嗣同D.光绪帝10. 他是20世纪中国走在时代前列的第一个伟人,他是中国民主革命的伟大先行者,他毕生致力于资产阶级共和国道路的探索。

2.20世纪,人类登上月球,潜(qiǎo qiáo)入深海,洞察百亿光年外的天体,探索(suǒsuō)原子核(héhái)世界的奥秘三、填空。

小学上册英语第二单元自测题(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The kitten is ___ (climbing) the curtains.2.The process of filtration is used to separate ______ mixtures.3.Sublimation is the process of a solid turning directly into a ______.4.The __________ (历史的知识) can empower.5.I often call my mom “________” (妈妈) when I need something.6.My toy car is red and ______.7. A __________ is a common example of a base.8.I like to visit the ______ (水族馆) to see colorful fish and other sea ______ (生物).9.The peacock dances to attract a _________. (伴侣)10.The __________ can indicate the presence of ancient life forms in rock.11.My uncle tells the best __________ (笑话).12.The ____ has a powerful sense of smell and can follow scents easily.13.Jupiter is the largest ______ in our solar system.14. A ______ (干旱) period can stress many plant species.15. A ____ is a tiny insect that plays an important role in nature.16.I want to visit ________ (纽约) someday.17.The rainbow trout is a beautiful _________ (鱼).18.We learn about animals in ______ (科学) class.19.The capital of Aruba is ________ (奥拉涅斯塔德).20.The __________ is a famous historical building.21.The __________ (地貌) shapes the landscape.22.My __________ (玩具名) is made of __________ (材料).23.The __________ (社区活动) strengthen bonds between people.24.ts can ______ (净化) air pollutants. Some pla25.Listen and color.(听录音,涂颜色)26. A pulley can help lift heavy ______ (loads).27.The flamingo stands on one _______ (腿) while sleeping.28. A rainbow appears when light passes through _______.29.The _____ (果树) produces sweet fruit.30.The weather is _____ (nice/bad) today.31.The process of crystallization separates solids from _______.32.My sister is learning to ______ (弹) the piano.33.My sister is a great ________.34.I hear the sound of ______ (雷声) in the distance.35.At the petting zoo, I saw a ________ (小羊). It was very ________ (可爱).36.My mom makes the best ____ (pancakes) on Sundays.37.The ________ (生态影响研究) provides insights.38.I like to ______ in the ocean. (swim)39.The teacher is _____ (耐心) with all the students.40.The chef, ______ (厨师), creates amazing dishes in the kitchen.41.古代的________ (nobility) 在政治中扮演着重要角色。
五年级上册数学 第二单元自测卷(1)

(1) 二(3)班所处的位置用数对表示是(),三(4)班所处的位置用数对表示是()。
(2) (4,2)表示的班级是(),(3,3)表示的班级是()。
(3) 第()列全部是一班,三年级全部在第()行。
(对的在题前的括号里画“√”,错的画“×”)(每题2分,共10分) ()1.用数对(5,5)表示位置时,两个“5”表示的意思是一样的。
A.(3,5) B.(8,7)C.(4,9) D.(5,8)2.刘敏在教室的位置用数对表示是(5,4),她的前面有()位同学。
A.5 B.4C.3 D.63.如右图,如果点A的位置用数对表示为(3,1),则点B的位置可以用数对表示为()。
A.(5,6) B.(6,7)C.(5,5) D.(6,6)4.王凡的位置是(4,6),下面()位置上的同学与他坐在同一行。

九年级化学第二单元自测题一.选择题1.下列物质中,属于纯净物的是()A.新鲜空气B.澄清石灰水C.液态氧D.矿泉水2.早期化学家为了认识空气的本质,将一些物质放在密闭的容器中进行实验,结果现在每次约l / 5 的空气不知去向。
这种气体为()A.氮气B.氧气C.二氧化碳D.稀有气体3.为了使气泡经久耐用,常用灯泡里面充的气体是()A.二氧化碳B.氧气C.氮气或稀有气体D.氮气和氧气4.空气中氮气、氧气的体积比约为()A.4:1 B.5:1 C.1:5 D.1:45.最早通过实验测定出空气组成的科学家是()A.舍勒B.汤姆生C.拉瓦锡D.阿伏加德罗6.为了让灯泡通电发热时,消耗灯内的残余氧气,达到保护钨丝的目的,通常在白炽灯的玻柱上涂一层物质,该物质是()A.红磷B.氧化汞C.二氧化锰D.高锰酸钾7.若把江河湖泊的水中溶解的气体收集起来,分析的结果是:氧气占的体积大于21 % ,氮气占的体积小于78 % ,对此正确的结论是()A.空气中只有氧气和氮气能溶解在水中B.溶在水中的氧气和氮气的体积分数相同C.中溶解的氧气较少所以湖泊中养鱼要采取增氧措施D.氧气比氮气更易溶于水8.以下行为不会造成空气污染的是()A.新居装修B.随地吐痰C.开窗通风D.饮酒吸烟9.今年春季沙尘暴频繁侵袭我国北方地区.会造成空气污染的哪种有害成分的增加()A.二氧化硫B.一氧化碳C.可吸入颗粒物D.二氧化碳10.自1999年初北京市政府采取措施.强制各单位使用脱硫优质煤.主要为了防止下列哪种气体对空气的污染()A.二氧化硫B.二氧化碳C.一氧化碳D.二氧化氮11.下列做法不合理的是()A.爆竹集中在一个市场出售以便于管理B.血粉厂、纺纱厂、加油站均要严禁烟火C.实验室中酒精灯着火用湿抹布盖灭D.控制助力车、摩托车的使用,减少空气污染12.许多城币都禁止燃放烟花爆竹.原因是燃放烟花爆竹时①产生有毒气体②产生噪音③产生粉尘粒子④易引起火灾()A.①②③④B.①③④C.②④D.②③④13.为把2008年北京奥运会办成“绿色”奥运.北京市有关部门对汽车尾气进行检测,此举的日的主要是为了减轻城市中的()污染( )A.水B.大气C.固体废弃物D.土壤14.右表是某城市空气质量日报的部分内容下列情况中不会对表中空气质量指标产生影响的()①生活垃圾的焚烧②使用含磷洗衣粉③机动车尾气的排放和火力发电④居民生活用煤作燃烧⑤三峡水力发电A.②⑤B.①③④C.②③④⑤D.①②③④⑤15.目前我国对城市质星监测项目中,一般不考虑的是()A.二氧化碳B.氮氧化物C.硫氧化物D.可吸入颗粒物16.下列关于氧气性质不正确的是( ) A.通常情况下,氧气是无色无味的气体B.相同条件下,氧气比同体积的空气稍重C.氧气是可燃物质燃烧的催化剂D.在通常状况下氧气与氮气不反应17.甲、乙、丙三个集气瓶分别盛有空气、氧气、氮气中的一种,用一根燃着的木条分别插人瓶中,观察到的现象依次为:甲中火焰熄灭,乙中木条继续燃烧如初,丙中木条燃烧更旺。

小学上册英语第二单元自测题英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What is the capital of Kenya?A. NairobiB. MombasaC. KisumuD. Nakuru2.The ________ (生态影响监测) keeps track of changes.3.I want to _______ (参加) a cooking class.4.I enjoy taking ________ (照片) of my family.5.小鸭子) quacks loudly at the pond. The ___6.What is the color of the sun?A. BlueB. YellowC. RedD. GreenB7.She is _______ (coloring) in her book.8.She is a _____ (设计师) who creates user-friendly apps.9. A chemical reaction can lead to the formation of new ________.10.The rabbit's _______ (灵敏) hearing helps it detect danger.11.What is the capital of Palau?A. NgerulmudB. KororC. AiraiD. MelekeokA12.The Grand Canyon is a famous ______ that was formed by the erosion of the Colorado River.13.We will _______ (go) to the aquarium.14. A __________ (活性) indicates how readily a substance will react.15.The __________ (南美洲) is home to the Amazon Rainforest.16.We saw a ________ at the aquarium.17.I love to visit the ________ (艺术馆) to see paintings.18.What do we call the stars and planets in the universe?A. GalaxyB. Solar SystemC. CosmosD. ConstellationC19.What do we call a baby cow?A. CalfB. KidC. LambD. FoalA20.I love to play ______ outside.21.I want to grow a ________ that attracts bees.22.I saw a ______ (蜗牛) on the sidewalk.23.What is the common name for H2O?A. OilB. JuiceC. WaterD. SodaC24.The _______ (小蟋蟀) chirps at night to attract a mate.25.What is the capital of Canada?A. TorontoB. VancouverC. OttawaD. MontrealC26.What do you call the material used to make cloth?A. FabricB. PaperC. WoodD. Plastic27.I love to make crafts with my old ____. (玩具名称)28.The puppy is _____ (cute/ugly).29.What is the capital of Andorra?A. Andorra la VellaB. Escaldes-EngordanyC. EncampD. La MassanaA30.What is the opposite of young?A. OldB. MatureC. NewD. FreshA31.My uncle is a ______. He works in a bank.32.Chemical kinetics studies the rates of ______.33.The ________ was a significant battle during the American Revolutionary War.34.The Earth's surface is composed of various geological ______.35.My favorite hobby is _______ (绘画).36.Which season follows summer?A. WinterB. FallC. SpringD. AutumnB37.I have a collection of miniature ________ (玩具类型).38. A _______ is a reaction that produces a flame.39.What do you call a place where animals are kept?A. ZooB. ParkC. MuseumD. Theater40.The flowers are ___. (blooming)41.How do you say "forest" in Spanish?A. BosqueB. ForêtC. WaldD. Foresta42.The _______ (Transcontinental Railroad) connected the east and west coasts of the US.43.What do you call a person who travels to space?A. PilotB. AstronautC. EngineerD. Scientist44.Exploring the world of plants can lead to a greater appreciation for ______. (探索植物的世界可以加深对自然的欣赏。

西宁2024年统编版小学四年级下册英语第二单元自测题考试时间:80分钟(总分:100)A卷一、选择题(共计20题,共40分)1、What is the opposite of 'up'?A, DownB, LeftC, RightD, Forward2、What do you call the sound a cat makes?A, BarkB, MeowC, MooD, Quack3、What do you call the outer layer of the Earth?A, CoreB, MantleC, CrustD, Shell4、What is the name of the king in the fairy tale "The Frog Prince"?A, HenryB, EdwardC, GeorgeD, Louis5、What is the first letter of the alphabet?A, AB, BC, CD, D6、Which insect makes a cocoon?A, ButterflyB, AntC, BeeD, Grasshopper7、What is the capital city of Sri Lanka?A, ColomboB, KandyC, GalleD, Jaffna8、What do we call the imaginary line dividing the Earth into the Eastern and Western Hemispheres?A, EquatorB, Prime MeridianC, Tropic of CancerD, Tropic of Capricorn9、What do bees produce?A, MilkB, HoneyC, SugarD, Butter10、What is the primary color of a stoplight for "go"?A, YellowB, GreenC, RedD, Blue11、What do you call a story that is not true?A, FactB, FictionC, HistoryD, Truth12、How many legs does a spider have?A, SixB, EightC, TenD, Twelve13、What do we call the study of weather?A, BiologyB, GeographyC, MeteorologyD, Astronomy14、What do you call a young whale?A, CalfB, PupC, KidD, Lamb15、How do you say "sun" in Spanish?A, SolB, SoleilC, SonneD, Sole16、What do you call a place where you keep animals?A, ZooB, FarmC, SanctuaryD, All of the above17、What is 5 x 6?A, 30B, 35C, 40D, 2518、What do you call a large mammal that lives in the ocean? A, FishB, WhaleC, SharkD, Dolphin19、D, HamsterWhat color do you get when you mix red and white?A, PinkB, PurpleC, Brown20、What is the name of the famous ancient city in Cambodia? A, Angkor WatB, Phnom PenhC, Siem ReapD, Battambang二、听力题(共计20题,共40分)Atoms of the same element with different masses are called ______.2、听力题:The first man to sail around the world was _______ Magellan.3、听力题:The main ingredient in bleach is _____.4、听力题:The chemical symbol for sodium is _______.5、听力题:I need my ______ for school. (pencil)6、听力题:The bubbles produced during a chemical reaction indicate the release of _______.7、听力题:I drink __________ in the morning.8、听力题:A thermometer measures ______ changes.9、听力题:The ______ teaches us about literature.10、听力题:The store is _____ (open/closed) now.11、听力题:The chemical symbol for nickel is ______.12、听力题:My favorite season is ___ (spring/fall).13、听力题:We need to ________ (clean) our room.14、听力题:The _____ (mountain/river) is high.15、听力题:The ______ is where we live on Earth.The Titanic was a famous _______ ship.17、听力题:The _____ (ball/balloon) is blue.18、听力题:I see a _____ in the sky. (cloud)19、听力题:The ______ helps people in need.20、听力题:The playground is very _______ (fun).三、填空题(共计20题,共10分)1、填空题:The _____ (植物实验) can yield important results.2、填空题:I enjoy cooking ______ (传统) dishes from my culture.3、填空题:I love to watch the _____ in the sky.4、填空题:My uncle is a wonderful __________ (谈话者).5、填空题:I like to go hiking in the ______ (山) during the summer. The views are always breathtaking.6、填空题:My sister and I built a ________ (帐篷) in the living room. We had a fun ________ (露营).7、填空题:The _____ (树) provides shade.8、填空题:Is she your _____ (女朋友)?Many cultures use plants in __________ (传统).10、填空题:My _____ (舅舅) is a pilot.11、填空题:In ancient China, the __________ Dynasty was known for its inventions. (汉朝)12、填空题:My brother is passionate about __________ (科学项目).13、填空题:A rabbit loves to munch on fresh ______ (蔬菜).14、填空题:My cat catches _______ (老鼠) in the house.15、ts can climb using ______ (藤蔓). 填空题:Some pla16、填空题:I enjoy visiting ________ (亲戚) during the holidays.17、填空题:My brother is a talented __________ (画家).18、填空题:A _______ (小花豹) is known for its speed and stealth.19、填空题:My mom bought me a new ________ (滑梯) for the backyard. I can slide down ________ (很快).20、填空题:My _____ (外婆) is a wonderful cook.。
广州2024年统编版小学五年级上册英语第二单元自测题[含答案]考试时间:80分钟(总分:100)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题)1、填空题:The __________ is a large city known for its skyscrapers. (纽约)2、How many oceans are there in the world?A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 63、填空题:The colonization of Africa led to significant ________ (变化).4、听力题:I see a _____ (tree/bush) in the yard.5、听力题:__________ are used in the electrical industry for wiring.6、听力题:The chemical formula for ammonium chloride is ______.7、填空题:At night, I look at the ________ in the sky.8、听力题:Gravity assists help spacecraft gain speed by using a planet's _______.9、听力题:A voltmeter measures electrical ______.10、What do we use to write on paper?A. BrushB. PencilC. EraserD. Ruler答案:B11、What do we call a scientist who studies animals?A. BiologistB. ZoologistC. BotanistD. Ecologist答案:B12、填空题:My mother is a _____ (作家) and publishes books.13、What is the capital of Turkmenistan?A. AshgabatB. MaryC. TürkmenabatD. Daşoguz14、What is the first month of the year?A. DecemberB. JanuaryC. FebruaryD. March15、听力题:She has a nice ________.16、Gobi Desert) is one of the largest deserts in Asia. 填空题:The ____17、What is the main source of energy for the Earth?A. MoonB. SunC. StarsD. Fire答案:B18、填空题:The __________ (历史的交响) harmonizes voices.19、What is the capital of Antigua and Barbuda?a. St. John'sb. All Saintsc. Libertad. Potters Village答案:a20、填空题:The air is cool and fresh in the ______ (早晨).21、填空题:A forest is full of __________ (生命).22、听力题:The chameleon changes color to ______ in.23、填空题:The ______ (青蛙) has smooth skin and long legs.24、听力题:A chemical reaction can be observed through changes in ______.25、What do you call a place where animals are kept for public viewing?A. ZooB. FarmC. AquariumD. Circus答案:A26、What do we call the person who writes stories?A. AuthorB. EditorC. ReaderD. Publisher27、听力题:A solid has a __________ shape.28、听力题:I want to ______ my friends at the playground. (meet)29、听力题:The ancient Egyptians wrote using _______.30、填空题:Certain plants can ______ (促进) soil health.31、What do we call the large body of freshwater surrounded by land?A. OceanB. LakeC. RiverD. Stream答案: B. Lake32、What is the name of the famous canal in Venice?A. ThamesB. SeineC. Grand CanalD. Potomac答案:C33、seas) are smaller than oceans but still large bodies of water. 填空题:The ____34、ahal was built by Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his ______ (妻子). 填空题:The Tita35、填空题:The ______ (小鸟) lays its eggs in a safe ______ (巢).36、听力填空题:One of my hobbies is __________, and I spend a lot of time __________.37、听力题:A _______ is a solid that forms from a solution during a chemical reaction.38、填空题:We can learn about ______ (植物的用途) in daily life.39、填空题:I love to go ______ (露营) with my family in the summer.40、What do you call the process of plants making their own food?A. DigestionB. PhotosynthesisC. RespirationD. Germination答案:B41、填空题:I draw ______ (图画) for my family.42、选择题:What is the color of a clear sky?A. GrayB. BlueC. WhiteD. Black43、填空题:I enjoy visiting ______ during summer.44、填空题:My grandmother has a __________ home. (舒适的)45、What is the value of 10 2 × 3 + 1?A. 5B. 6C. 7D. 8答案:C46、听力题:The movement of water can cause ______ of rocks.47、听力题:The _____ (baby) is laughing.48、听力题:I enjoy _____ (观看) movies at home.49、填空题:The dolphin is very _______ (聪明) and playful.50、Which month comes after January?A. FebruaryB. MarchC. AprilD. May答案:A51、填空题:The __________ was a significant event during the French Revolution. (巴士底狱攻陷)52、填空题:I enjoy ______ (探索) the world around me.53、What is the name of the celestial event when the Earth passes between the sun and the moon?A. Lunar EclipseB. Solar EclipseC. Total EclipseD. Partial Eclipse54、ims landed at Plymouth Rock in ______ (1620年). 填空题:The Pyra55、What do we call a person who studies the nature of reality?A. PhilosopherB. ScientistC. MathematicianD. Historian答案: A56、What is the name of the famous American author known for "Beloved"?A. Toni MorrisonB. Maya AngelouC. Alice WalkerD. Zora Neale Hurston答案: A57、听力题:My brother is great at solving ____ (puzzles).58、What is the capital of Uzbekistan?A. TashkentB. SamarkandC. BukharaD. Khiva答案:A59、听力题:The Earth's crust is made up of various ______ types.60、填空题:The _______ (小鸳鸯) swims together in pairs.61、听力题:I hear a ___. (bell)62、填空题:I love to _______ (煮饭) on weekends.63、填空题:A healthy ecosystem relies on the ______ of various plant species. (健康的生态系统依赖于各种植物物种的多样性。


第二单元自测题姓名 班级 得分一、 填空题 (每题3分,共计30分。
)1. 分解下列因式,并填上所用的方法或公式;(1) 7a 2b 2-14ab 3c= , 方法是 .(2) (x-y)2-(x-z)2 = , 方法是 .2. 等式 a 2 +31a + =(a + )2 ;a 2- +81=(a- )23.若x 2 - my 2 =(x+4y )(x-4y ),则m= 。
4.计算19⨯1012-992⨯19= ;分解因式5x-5x 3= 。
5.k= 时,k-6x+9x 2是一个完全平方式。
6.如果a 2+ma+9是一个完全平方式,则m= 。
7.若21a 2b + M =21ab (N + 2b ),则M= ,N= 。
8.(x 3-9x )÷(x+3)= 。
9.若xy=6,x-y=5,则x 2y-xy 2= ,x 2y+xy 2= 。
10.已知x+y=1,求21x 2 + xy +21y 2= 。
)11.在下列四个式子中:①6a 2b=2a 2 .3b;②x 2-4-3x=(x+2)(x-2)-3x;③ab 2-2ab=ab(b-2);④-a 2+4=(2-a)(2+a).从左到右的变形,是因式分解的有 ( )A. 4个B. 3个C. 2个D. 1个12.多项式 x 3-25x, x 2-25, x 3y+3x 2y-10xy 的公因式应当是 ( )A. x-5B. x+5C. 没有公因式D. 以上都不对13.用提公因式法分解因式:3a(x-y) -9b(y-x) 的公因式应当是 ( )A. 3a-9bB. 3a+9bC. x-yD. 3( x-y)14.下列四个多项式中,是完全平方式的是 ( )A. 4x 2+2xy+y 2B. a 2+ab+b 2C. 49a 2-14ab+b 2D. m 2-2mn+4n 215.下列各式能用平方差公式分解因式的是 ( )A. 9x 5-4y 4B. -0.25m 2-0.04n 2.C. 81(m-1)2-9(n-1)3D. -121169x 2+1 16.下列分解因式正确的是 ( )A. 4a 2-1=(4a+1)(4a-1)B. x 4+1-2x =(x 2-1)2C. 49m 2-m+91=(23m-31)2 D. -x 4+81=-(x 2+9)(x 2-9) 17.把多项式-8a 2b 3c+16a 2b 2c 2-24a 3bc 3分解因式,应提公因式是 ( )A. 2ab 2c 3B. -4abcC. -8a 2bcD. 24a 3b 3c 318. 把 -6(x-y)3-3y(y-x)3 分解因式, 结果是 ( )A. -(x-y)3(6-3y)B. -3(x-y)3(2+y)C. 3(x-y)3(y+2)D. 3(x-y)3(y-2)19.下列多项式不含因式 x-3 的是 ( )A. x 3-6x 2+9xB. x 3-9xC. 2x 2(x-2)-18(x-2) D .x 2(x+3) +9(x+3)20. 在下列各式中,可以作为分解因式最后结果的是 ( )A. [a+(b-c)] [(a+b)-c)]B. a(1+2xy-x 2-y 2)C. a(x 2+y 2)+2axyD. (x 2+y 2+xy)(x 2+y 2-xy)三.把下列各式分解因式。

晋 平 公 铸 为 大钟 , 使 工 听之 , 皆 以为 调 矣 。师 旷 日 : “ 不调 , 请 更 铸 之 。” 平公 日: “ 工 皆 以 为调 矣 。” 师旷 日: “ 后世 有知音者 , 将 知钟 之 不 调 也 , 臣窃 为君 耻 之 。” 至 于师 涓 而 果 知 钟 之 不调 也 。 是 师 旷欲 善 调 钟 , 以 为后 世 之 知 音 者 也 。
B . 读小说不能仅仅读故事 , 更要通过感悟 、 品味 、 欣赏 , 读 出故 事 背后 的 意 味 。 C . 许 多人 有 了微 博 就 放 弃 了 博 客 , 有 了博 客 就放 弃 了 书籍 , 这无疑是本末倒置 。 D. 《 中国合 伙 人 》 这 部 有青 春 、 有 梦想 、 有 友谊 、 有 奋 斗 的创 业 传 奇 电 影 , 看 后 让 人 热
血 沸腾 、 斗 志 昂扬 。 4 . 默 写 。( 8 分 )
( 1 )然 而 我 又 不 愿 意 他 们 因为 要 一 气 , 都如 我的辛苦展转而 生活 ,
( 2 )我 在 朦 胧 中 , 眼前 展 开一 片海 边 碧 绿 的 沙 地 来 , .
想 : 希望是 本无所谓有 , 无 所谓 无 的 。 这 正 如 地 上 的 路 ;
这个 问题 。
D. 据统 计 , 鲁 迅 一 生读 书应 在 万 册 左 右 。 当然 , 其 中也有 精 读 、 细读 、 泛读 、 涉猎 、 浏 览
3 . 下列 句 子 中有语 病 的 一 项 是 (
) 。( 2 分)
A. 中 国需 要 理 直 气 壮 地 组 建 自 己 的 网 络 安 全 部 队 , 全 面 实 施 提 高 国 家 网络 安 全 能 力 。

小学上册英语第二单元自测题英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The ______ (小鸟) nests in the trees for safety.2.What do you call a person who studies animals?A. BotanistB. BiologistC. ZoologistD. Ecologist3.We are going to a ______ (farm) this weekend.4.I see a ________ (cat) in the tree.5. A ________ (猴子) swings from branch to branch in the trees.6.The rabbit can hop quickly to escape ______ (捕食者).7.What is a lunar eclipse?A. When the sun covers the moonB. When the earth covers the moonC. When the moon covers the earthD. When stars align8.My favorite pet is a ______ (金鱼).9.What type of animal is a penguin?A. MammalB. BirdC. FishD. ReptileB10.What do we call the process of learning how to swim?A. DivingB. FloatingC. Swimming lessonsD. Water sportsC11.What do you call a series of mountains?A. ValleyB. RangeC. HillD. PlateauB12.The platypus is an unusual _________. (动物)13.She is ___ a letter to her grandma. (writing)14.The first successful heart transplant was performed by ______ (克里斯托弗·里德).15.Which fruit is yellow and curved?A. AppleB. BananaC. OrangeD. GrapeB16.During my vacation, I would love to visit the famous ______. It is known for its stunning views and rich ______. I want to take lots of pictures and enjoy the ______. One of the things I’m most excited about is trying the local ______. I have hear17.The ______ has a long tongue.18.The capital of Bosnia is __________.19.The _____ (marsh) supports various plant species.20.I have _____ (a/an) idea.21.The unit of measurement for mass is called a ______.22.What is the name of the famous American author known for "Harry Potter"?A. J.K. RowlingB.C.S. Lewis C. Suzanne CollinsD. Rick RiordanA23. A turtle can live for several ______ (年).24.My mom _____ breakfast every morning. (prepares)25.What do we call the science of classifying living things?A. BotanyB. TaxonomyC. ZoologyD. AnatomyB Taxonomy26. A _____ is an area of land surrounded by water on three sides.27.My brother always makes me ____.28.The air is _______ (fresh) after the rain.29.The apples are _____ and shiny. (red)30.What is the capital of Iraq?A. BaghdadB. BasraC. ErbilD. Mosul31.The __________ was a time of great exploration and discovery. (大航海时代)32._____ (wind) can help disperse seeds.33.We have a ______ (快乐的) family tradition for special occasions.34.The cookies are ___. (fresh)35.I found a ________ (小虫) in the grass and carefully put it back on a ________ (叶子).36.I saw a _______ swimming in the pond (我在池塘里看到一只_______游泳).37.The cat prowls around quietly like a _____ hunter.38.What do we call the color of an apple?A. BlueB. RedC. GreenD. All of the above39.What do we call the three primary colors?A. Red, Green, BlueB. Red, Yellow, BlueC. Red, Blue, OrangeD. Yellow, Green, Purple40. A rabbit has long _______ that help it hear very well.41.What is the color of a fire truck?A. BlueB. GreenC. RedD. Yellow42.He _____ (plays/played) video games all day.43.What is the main language spoken in England?A. FrenchB. SpanishC. GermanD. EnglishD44.My toy car is red and ______.45.How many hours are in a day?A. 24B. 12C. 36D. 48A46.My brother likes to play video games with his ____ (friends).47.The _____ (soil) needs to be rich for healthy plants.48.The milk is in the ___. (fridge)49.The main gas produced during respiration is ______.50.What is the largest planet in our solar system?A. EarthB. MarsC. JupiterD. SaturnC51.What do you call a person who studies plants?A. ZoologistB. BotanistC. GeologistD. EcologistB52.The capital of Laos is _______.53.He is a nice _____ (邻居).54.The _______ (小白鹭) stands still while hunting.55.My ______ enjoys reading novels.56. A __________ is a type of mammal that lays eggs.57.I want to grow a ________ that brings joy.58.She has a ________ smile.59.The owl hunts for _______ (食物) at night.60.Frogs have ______ to catch insects.61.What is the opposite of "big"?A. SmallB. TallC. HugeD. LargeA62.What is the capital of Vietnam?A. HanoiB. Ho Chi Minh CityC. Da NangD. Nha Trang63.The concept of ecological sustainability focuses on maintaining healthy ______.64.The _______ of a wave can be described as its height.65.The chemical formula for nitric acid is _______.66.The ______ of a wave is the distance between two peaks.67.I can ___ to music. (listen)68.The ______ (蟑螂) hides in dark places during the day.69.My pet ______ (仓鼠) loves to run at night.70.We go to the park to see ______.71.What is the name of the famous pyramid in Egypt?A. Pyramid of GizaB. Pyramid of the SunC. Pyramid of the MoonD. Pyramid of KhufuA72.t brothers completed their first flight in _______. (1903年) The Wrig73.The _______ (小金刀) is a swift swimmer in the sea.74.n Wall separated 东西德国. The Berl75. A substance that forms ions in solution is called an ______.76.What is the name of the famous sculpture by Michelangelo?A. The ThinkerB. DavidC. Venus de MiloD. The KissB77.Grass grows in ______ (草地).78.The ________ (温度) affects plant growth.79.My aunt is a good . (我阿姨是一个好的。

小学上册英语第二单元自测题英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The law of conservation of mass states that mass cannot be _______. (创造或破坏)2.What is the largest continent?A. AfricaB. AsiaC. EuropeD. AntarcticaB3.The process of ion exchange involves replacing ions in a ______.4. A puppy needs lots of ______ (关爱) and attention.5.What do we call a place where you can see many different kinds of animals?A. ZooB. AquariumC. MuseumD. ParkA6.The ______ is an organ that helps us digest food.7.What do we call the first book of the Bible?A. ExodusB. GenesisC. LeviticusD. Numbers8.My sister likes to _______ (动词) with her friends. 她总是 _______ (形容词).9.Many flowers have a lovely ______ (香气).10. A __________ is a reaction that absorbs heat.11.We have ______ (家人) gatherings on holidays.12.My friend, ______ (我的朋友), has a pet rabbit.13.My brother loves __________ (运动) and practices every day.14.I can see a __________ in the sky.15.My dad is _______ (cooking) dinner.16.The turtle is a _______ (慢) mover.17.What instrument do you use to play music?A. BrushB. GuitarC. PencilD. Ball18.What do you call a young female dog?A. PuppyB. KittenC. CalfD. Cub19.He _____ (plays/plays) soccer on weekends.20.What do you call the person who writes books?A. AuthorB. ReaderC. EditorD. LibrarianA21.The _____ (habitat) is where plants live.22.The ________ (生态保护) is important for future generations.23.The chemical symbol for silver is _______.24.My favorite vegetable is ______.25.The capital of Egypt is __________.26.He plays the _____ (guitar).27.What is the name of the famous clock tower in London?A. Big BenB. Tower BridgeC. The ShardD. London EyeA28.What is the capital of Costa Rica?A. San JoséB. LiberiaC. CartagoD. AlajuelaA29.I have a big ________ (花园) behind my house.30.The _______ of air pressure affects the weather.31.What do we call a person who repairs cars?A. DoctorB. MechanicC. PilotD. Chef32.The chemical formula for butane is _____.33.What kind of tree produces acorns?A. PineB. MapleC. OakD. Birch34. A _______ is a physical change that involves a change in state.35. A chemical formula shows the ratio of _____ in a compound.36.What is the opposite of ‘easy’?A. SimpleB. DifficultC. HardD. Challenging37.Gardening can be a great way to learn about life cycles and ______ systems. (园艺是学习生命循环和生态系统的好方法。

2024年09版小学3年级上册英语第二单元自测题考试时间:100分钟(总分:110)B卷考试人:_________题号一二三总分得分一、选择题(共计20题,共40分)1、What is the opposite of ‘near’?A, CloseB, FarC, TogetherD, Adjacent2、What is 10 4?A, 5B, 6C, 7D, 83、Which animal has a long trunk?A, GiraffeB, ElephantC, RhinoD, Hippo4、Which fruit is red and often mistaken for a vegetable?A, TomatoB, PotatoC, OnionD, Carrot5、Which planet is known for its rings?A, JupiterB, MarsC, SaturnD, Venus6、What color are emeralds?A, RedB, BlueC, GreenD, Yellow7、What do we call a story that is not real? A, FictionB, Non-fictionC, BiographyD, History8、What do we use to cut paper?A, TapeB, GlueC, ScissorsD, Ruler9、Which of these shapes has three sides? A, SquareB, TriangleC, RectangleD, Circle10、What is the main purpose of a book? A, To cookB, To readC, To writeD, To draw11、How many minutes are in an hour? A, 30B, 60C, 90D, 12012、What do bees collect from flowers? A, NectarB, HoneyC, PollenD, Water13、Which of these is an insect?A, SpiderB, AntC, SnailD, Worm14、Which instrument has strings?A, FluteB, PianoC, GuitarD, Drum15、What is the main ingredient in mayonnaise?A, EggB, OilC, VinegarD, All of the above16、What is the name of the famous clock tower in London? A, Big BenB, Tower BridgeC, London EyeD, Buckingham Palace17、What is the largest ocean?A, AtlanticB, IndianC, ArcticD, Pacific18、What do you call a person who plays music?A, ArtistB, MusicianC, ActorD, Dancer19、What is the name of our planet?A, MarsB, VenusC, EarthD, Jupiter20、Which month has 28 days?A, JanuaryB, FebruaryC, MarchD, All of them二、听力题(共计20题,共40分)I see a ______ in the garden. (flower)2、听力题:The baby is ___ in the crib. (sleeping, running, jumping)3、听力题:A fault is a crack in the Earth’s crust where movement has occurred, often causing ______.4、听力题:I can see a ___ in the garden. (flower)5、听力题:My mom enjoys ____ (gardening) in her free time.6、听力题:The process of changing from liquid to gas is called ______.7、听力题:The sky is _____ (blue/green) today.8、听力题:We have ______ (math) class at o'clock.9、听力题:We have ______ (math) class at o'clock.10、听力题:Turtles have a hard ______ for protection.11、听力题:I see a _____ bird in the tree. (red/quick/small)12、听力题:Today is ________ (Monday).13、听力题:I can see a _____ (汽车) in the street.14、听力题:I like to eat ______ (apples).15、听力题:The teacher is ______ a story. (telling)The teacher is ___ the class. (in)17、听力题:The force of gravity pulls objects ______ to the ground.18、听力题:I read a _____ (书) before bed.19、听力题:A ______ reaction absorbs heat from the surroundings.20、听力题:It is ________ (sunny) today.三、填空题(共计20题,共10分)1、填空题:I have a special box for my ____. (玩具)2、填空题:I enjoy ______ during my vacation.3、填空题:I like to play with my ________ (玩具车). It can go very ________ (快).4、填空题:I enjoy making ________ (手工艺) for holidays.5、填空题:A rabbit has long _______ that help it navigate the world.6、填空题:I enjoy _______ (听音乐)在晚上.7、填空题:I have a collection of _______.8、填空题:I have many ______ in my class.9、填空题:Did you ever feed a _______ (小家禽) on the farm?I enjoy playing with my ________ in the park.11、填空题:I have a special place for my ____.12、填空题:I like to _______ (分享) my ideas.13、填空题:I saw a ______ in the garden.14、填空题:I enjoy _______ (参加) music classes after school.15、填空题:A _____ (植物凝聚力) fosters community around shared interests.16、填空题:I like to learn about ______.17、填空题:A _____ (89) is a small stream.18、填空题:I have a toy _______ that can change colors with the touch of a button.19、填空题:A wolf's howl can be heard over long ________________ (距离).20、填空题:I have a dream to write a ________ (书). It will be about my ________ (冒险).。

金华2024年小学四年级上册英语第二单元自测题考试时间:90分钟(总分:140)B卷考试人:_________题号一二三总分得分一、选择题(共计20题,共40分)1、What do you call the season after summer?夏天之后的季节叫什么?A, Spring 春天B, Autumn 秋天C, Winter 冬天D, Rainy Season 雨季2、What do we call a plant that requires a lot of water?我们称需要大量水的植物为?A. Water-loving plantB. Drought-resistant plantC. Terrestrial plantD. Annual plant3、Which season comes after summer?A, FallB, WinterC, Spring4、What is your favorite type of soup?你最喜欢的汤是什么?A, TomatoB, Chicken noodleC, VegetableD, All of the above5、How many seconds are in a minute?一分钟有多少秒?A, 30B, 60C, 90D, 1206、What do we call a baby kangaroo? (我们称小袋鼠为什么?)A, Joey (小袋鼠)B, Cub (幼崽)C, Kit (小鼠)D, Kid (小山羊)7、What is the fastest land animal?A, CheetahB, LionC, Horse8、Which toy is often in a child's room?哪种玩具通常在儿童房间里?A, BedB, Teddy BearC, DeskD, Chair9、What do we call a plant that has a strong root system?我们称有强大根系的植物为?A, Deep-rooted plantB, Shallow-rooted plantC, Surface-rooted plantD, Ground cover plant10、What animal is known for its jumping abilities? 哪种动物以跳跃能力闻名?A, Frog 青蛙B, Kangaroo 袋鼠C, Rabbit 兔子D, All of the above 所有以上11、What does "亚洲象" mean in English?A, African elephantB, Asian elephantC, Indian elephantD, Mammoth12、Which plant is known for its waxy leaves?哪种植物以其蜡质叶子而闻名?A. Aloe vera 芦荟B. Maple 枫树C. Oak 栎树D. Grass 草13、Which animal is known for its unique swimming style and adaptability?哪种动物以独特的游泳风格和适应性而闻名?A, Dolphin (海豚)B, Octopus (章鱼)C, Both (两者)D, None of the above (以上皆不是)14、What is the main meal of the day?一天中的主要餐是什么?A, BreakfastB, LunchC, DinnerD, Snack15、What sound does a "狐" make?A, BarkB, YipC, Both A and BD, None of the above16、Which instrument has keys and is played by pressing them?A, GuitarB, DrumsC, PianoD, Flute17、Which animal is known for its long tail?哪种动物以其长尾巴闻名?A, DogB, CatC, MonkeyD, All of the above18、Which toy is often used in educationalsettings?哪个玩具通常在教育环境中使用?A, Learning toolsB, DollC, PuzzleD, Kite19、What is the English word for "植物学"?A, BotanyB, EcologyC, HorticultureD, Biology20、What do we call the colorful part of a flower?我们称花的彩色部分为?A. Petals 花瓣B. Stem 茎C. Roots 根D. Leaves 叶子二、听力题(共计20题,共40分)1、听力填空题:The ______ is the part of the plant that grows above ground.2、听力默写填空:I see a _____ (tree) in the park.3、Which of these is not a fruit?A, AppleB, CarrotC, BananaD, Orange4、What do you call the place where you can see historical artifacts? A, MuseumB, LibraryC, SchoolD, Theater5、What do we call a type of story that is made up?A, FictionB, Non-fictionC, HistoryD, Biography6、听力填空题:We ___ (visit) our aunt this weekend.7、听力填空题:The snow ___ (cover) the ground in winter.8、What do we call the large, open space covered with trees?A, DesertB, ForestC, MeadowD, Prairie9、What season comes after winter?A, FallB, SummerC, SpringD, Autumn10、What is the name of the large, flightless bird native to Australia?A, OstrichB, EmuC, KiwiD, Penguin11、听力填空题:They ___ (not/go) skiing last winter.12、听力填空题:We ___ (enjoy) playing board games.13、听力填空题(我的梦想职业)As I think about my future career, I aspire to be a _____ because I want to help others. I believe that everyone deserves access to quality healthcare and support.14、听力填空题:We ___ (go) hiking in the mountains.15、听力填空题(我和我的兄弟姐妹)Having siblings is both fun and challenging. We share laughter and sometimes argue, but we always have each other’s backs. Our _____ make our family life more vibrant.16、What is the name of the fruit that is orange and juicy?A, LemonB, OrangeC, PeachD, Kiwi17、What do you call water that falls from the sky?A, SnowB, RainC, HailD, Sleet18、听力填空题:The ______ is the time when the sun sets.19、听力填空题:I ___ (finish) my homework early.20、What do you call a baby cat?A, PuppyB, KittenC, CubD, Calf三、填空题(共计20题,共10分)1、填空题:The ______ (茎顶) may produce new leaves.2、填空题:The ______ (植物保护措施) can include various strategies.3、The ice cream is ___ delicious.A, veryB, muchC, tooD, so4、关于"人物"沟通用语填空题:An _____ directs and manages film or theater productions. (director)5、今天晚上我们要吃__________(pasta)。

小学上册英语第二单元自测题英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The first known civilization was in __________ (美索不达米亚).2. (Globe) Theatre was associated with William Shakespeare. The ____3.We like to swim in the _____ (游泳池).4.My sister enjoys __________ (参加) art competitions.5.I often think about what my ________ (玩具名) would say if they could talk.6.In my family, we call each other . (在我的家庭中,我们称呼彼此为)7. A battery stores ______ energy.8.The boiling point of water is ______ degrees Fahrenheit.9.My favorite type of music to listen to is ______.10. A ______ (食品生产) relies heavily on plant cultivation.11. A _______ is a chemical property that describes how a substance reacts with oxygen.12.The sun is very _______ (明亮) today.13.What is the name of the famous bear who is always hungry?A. PaddingtonB. Winnie the PoohC. YogiD. Smokey14.She has a red ___ . (hat)15. A physical change alters a substance without changing its ______.16.My brother likes to _____ (play/video games).17.My favorite ice cream flavor is ________ (巧克力).18.I call my cousins __________. (表亲)19.I like to collect ______ (邮票) from different countries. Each stamp tells a ______ (故事).20.What is the smallest continent?A. AsiaB. AustraliaC. EuropeD. AntarcticaB21.Chemical reactions often require an ______.22.The ocean floor is mapped using ______ technology.23.What is the capital of Sweden?A. OsloB. StockholmC. CopenhagenD. HelsinkiB24.The ______ is known for its strength.25. A grasshopper can jump very ______.26.Which animal is known as "man's best friend"?A. CatB. DogC. BirdD. FishB Dog27.When I meet someone important, I say, "Nice to meet you, __." (当我遇到重要的人时,我会说:“很高兴见到你,。

小学上册英语第二单元自测题(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The tree has many ______.2.What do we call the time it takes for the Earth to revolve around the sun?A. YearB. MonthC. DayD. Week答案: A. Year3.My cousin is very __________ (积极进取).4. A puppy loves to play with ______ (球).5.crops) grown depend on the climate and soil. The ____6. A _______ is a type of reaction where two substances combine to form a single product.7.His favorite sport is ________.8. (American) Revolution inspired other countries to seek freedom. The ____9.The park is ______ (near) my house.10.__________ (化学性质) determine how substances behave in reactions.11. A sedimentary rock that is formed from the remains of plants and animals is called ______.12.We should _____ (clean/dirty) the room.13.The _______ of a plant can be very long.14.What do you call the act of listening carefully to someone?A. HearingB. Paying attentionC. UnderstandingD. Engaging答案: B15.Did you see the _____ (小兔) hopping across the field?16.The __________ (奴隶制) was a major issue in American history.17.The Earth's rotations cause the cycle of ______.18.The ______ (小鳄鱼) lives in swamps.19.What do you call the process by which plants lose water?A. AbsorptionB. EvaporationC. TranspirationD. Condensation答案: C20.I can ______ my name in cursive. (write)21.What is the scientific name for the common house cat?A. Canis lupusB. Felis catusC. Ursus arctosD. Equus ferus答案:B22.Chlorine is a type of _______ that can be harmful.23.The ________ (discussion) encourages dialogue.24.The rabbit’s nose _______ (快速地) twitches.25.选择相应的图片。

4、18÷6=3 18是6的()数,6是18的()数。
()2、16和24 的公约数有8、4、3、1、。
()4、一个数中有2 ,这个数就一定能被2整除。
()5、如果两个数是互质数这两个数的以约数只有1 。
①1②2③3④4四、把下面各数分解质因数15%20 45 82 91 102五、求下面各数的最大公约数和最小公倍数30%33和44 9和10 39和422、5和7 16、32和80六、应用题15%1、甲乙两数的最大公约数是5,最小公倍数是360,甲乙两数各是多少?2、有两根木头分别长4.2米和3.6米,现要把它们截成同样长的小段,每段尽可能长些,但不能有余,每小段应截多少米?3、有三个小朋友在一起玩,已知他们的岁数是三个相邻的自然数,它们的积刚好是120岁,他们各是多小岁?。
部编版语文五年级上册 第2单元检测试卷

píng héng pēn qì dǎn qiè yǐn bìArray duò jiǎo qīn lüè xiàn kēng yǔn nuò2.补充下列词语和诗句。
脱()()裤清波()()人影()()( )()有序()()归赵()()请罪(1)莫等闲,。
(改为双重否定句)_____________________________________________________ (2)蔺相如说:“秦王我都不怕,还会怕廉将军吗?”(改为转述句)_____________________________________________________二.阅读感悟。
(一)蔺相如反复思量,觉得秦王还是不会信守承诺的,( )到客舍,( )叫手下人化了装,带着和氏璧抄小路先回赵国去了。
1.在文段括号里填上恰当的汉字,所填汉字表明蔺相如2.该文段出自《将相和》中( )的故事。