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• 库米 · 西比尔是希腊神话中的著名女相士, 在维吉尔的《依尼德》中,这个女相士 带领依尼斯通过了地狱,阿婆罗准予她 永生,但她忘记了要求永葆青春,所以 她最后变成一个不生不死的干瘪的老太 婆。这个女相士老太婆的形象本身就是 现代“荒原”的化身。
• 3. The poet should draw upon tradition: use the past to serve the resent and future( the past, present, future interrelate), borrow from authors remote in time, alien in language, diverse in interest, use the past to underscore what is missing from the present.
Thomas Stearns Eliot
A poet, dramatist, literary cHe was born in Missouri on September 26, 1888. He lived in St. Louis during the first eighteen years of his life and attended Harvard University. • In 1910, he left the United States for the Sorbonne, having earned both undergraduate and masters degrees and having contributed several poems to the Harvard Advocate. • After a year in Paris, he returned to Harvard to pursue a doctorate in philosophy, but returned to Europe and settled in England in 1914.
The Waste Land
• a 434-line modernist poem published in 1922 • It has been called “one of the most important poems of the 20th century.”
The Waste Land consists of five discontinuous segments, each composed of fragments incorporating multiple voices and characters, literary and historical allusions, bits and pieces of contemporary life, myths and legends. The central theme---desperation Although it gestured toward religious belief ,The Waste Land was not an affirmative or religious poem; the desperate quest for regeneration in a cacophonous, desolate landscape remains unfulfilled.
• “With my own eyes I saw the Sibyl hanging in a cage, at Cumae, and when the boy said to her „Sibyl, what do you want?‟ she replied: „I want to die.‟ • Sibyl: A woman in ancient times supposed to utter the prophecies of God/ Poetic or literary A woman able to foretell the future.
• The following year, he married Vivienne Haigh-Wood and began working in London, first as a teacher, and later for Lloyd's Bank. • It was in London that Eliot came under the influence of his contemporary Ezra Pound, who recognized his poetic genius at once, and assisted in the publication of his work in a number of magazines. • In 1927 he became a British citizen . • After a notoriously unhappy first marriage, Eliot separated from his first wife in 1933, and was remarried, to Valerie Fletcher, in 1956. • In 1948 he received the Nobel Prize for Literature. • In 1965 he died in London.
• 四月最残忍,从死了的 土地滋生丁香,混杂着 回忆和欲望,让春雨 挑动着呆钝的根。 冬天保我们温暖,把大地 埋在忘怀的雪里,使干了 的 球茎得一点点生命。 夏天来得意外,随着一阵 骤雨 到了斯坦伯吉西;我们躲 在廊下, 等太阳出来,便到郝夫加 登
• 1 - 7 行:通过春天和冬天对比的描写, 反映出荒原上已经没有生存的条件,即 使是春天也依然是缺乏生机,毫无希望, 人们挣扎在过去与未来的虚幻世界之中。
• 2. Modern life is chaotic, futile, fragmentary, so poetry should reflect this fragmentary nature of life and this kind nature of life should be projected, not analyzed.
• • • • • The Burial of the Dead 死者葬礼 A Game of Chess 对弈 The Fire Sermon 火诫 Death by Water 水里的死亡 What Thunder Said 雷霆的话

Quotation beneath the Title
• APRIL is the cruellest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and desire, stirring Dull roots with spring rain. Winter kept us warm, covering Earth in forgetful snow, feeding A little life with dried tubers. Summer surprised us, coming over the Starnbergersee With a shower of rain; we stopped in the colonnade, And went on in sunlight, into the Hofgarten,
His Aesthetic Views
• 1. A poem should be an organic thing in itself, a made object. Once it is finished, the poet will no longer have control of it. It should be judged, analyzed by itself without the interference of the poet’ s personal influence and intentional elements and other elements.
The Waste Land (荒原)
•his masterpiece, published in 1922.
• It revealed the spiritual crisis of postwar Europe. It reads like the manifesto of the “lost generation” and established Eliot’s position as the leader not only of American poetry, but of a whole generation of writers later to be identified as “Waste Land Painters " like Hemingway and Faulkner.
• 去喝咖啡,又闲谈了一点 钟。 我不是俄国人,原籍立陶 宛,是纯德国种。 我们小时侯,在大公家做 客, 那是我表兄,他带我出去 滑雪撬, 我害怕死了。他说,玛丽, 玛丽, 抓紧了呵。于是我们冲下 去。 在山中,你会感到舒畅。 我大半夜看书,冬天去到 南方。
• 8 - 18 行:诗人在此反映了上流社会人们的生 活。艾略特提到两个具体地点:斯坦伯格西和 哈夫珈屯,它们代表欧洲中部的现代荒原。 “我不是俄国人 ……” 说明这些人都是一战后 的一些“无根”(rootless)的流浪者,他们毫无 目的地从北到南,四季到处游山逛水,或进咖 啡馆和咖啡,闲聊往事,或在山里滑雪,或夜 里读书,寒冬就到温暖的南方去过冬。这些都 是当时欧洲社会上有闲阶级或流浪者们生活的 方式和全部内容。他们精神空虚,毫无目的, 生活无聊,只是沉浸在回忆之中。
• And drank coffee, and talked for an hour. Bin gar keine Russin, stamm' aus Litauen, echt deutsch. And when we were children, staying at the archduke's, My cousin's, he took me out on a sled, And I was frightened. He said, Marie, Marie, hold on tight. And down we went. In the mountains, there you feel free. I read, much of the night, and go south in the winter.
T.S. Eliot
( 1888-1965)
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1915: The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock 《普鲁弗洛克的情歌》 1922: The Wasteland 《荒原》 1935-1942: Four Quartets 《四个四重奏》 1935: Murder in the Cathedral 《大教堂谋杀案》 1939: Family Reunion 《合家团聚》 1949: The Cocktail Party 《鸡尾酒会》