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2023·05 英语世界
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many public bathing facilities, spas and 很多公共洗浴场所、水疗中心
A smooth shave 3 To begin the 50-minute treatment, Cheung runs a warm foot bath to soften the dry skin. He then intently examines my feet, feeling each patch with his finger to gauge the roughness, before pulling out the appropriate tool. 4 Cheung smooths the balls of my feet, chisels through some calluses and delicately tidies my toenails. I hardly felt anything while he was working, perhaps a tickle in places but certainly no pain. By the end, he’s used at least six blades and has carved what feels like two pounds off my heels.
体验修脚服务 3 在开始时长 50 分钟的护理 前,张先用热水给我泡了泡脚, 软化干燥的皮肤,接着他非常 仔细地对我的脚进行检查,用 手指触摸每一个地方,确定粗 糙程度,然后拿出合适的工具。 4 张把我脚上疙疙瘩瘩的地 方磨平,挫掉一些茧子,细致 地修剪了趾甲。在他操作的整 个过程中,我几乎感觉不到什 么,可能时而有一点痒,但完 全不痛。到最后结束时,他至 少用上了六把刀,仿佛从我脚 上削掉了两磅重的东西。
走出沙龙的时候,我脚底 滑溜溜的,好像是踩在两条黄 油上滑行一样。
来自上海的足部护理师 5 但香港怎么会有沪式足部 护理呢? 6 “应该要记住的是,近两个 世纪以来,上海和香港在历史 上有着非常重要的联系。”高马 可是香港大学的一位历史学教 授,也是《香港简史》的作者, 他接受美国有线电视新闻网旅 游频道采访时说,“那些年,有 成千上万的上海人移居香港。”
An urban trend 10 The Shanghai-style pedicure was named after the Chinese city, but that’s
城市掀新潮 10 虽然沪式足部护理是以中 国上海(简称“沪”)命名,但
2023·05 英语世界
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我来到香港文华东方酒店, 坐下来准备接受一次沪 式足部护理,很快意识到这次 不会是像往常那样的清洁养 护。足部护理师本杰明·张突 然拿出一个黑色皮包,里面装 着 形 状 各 样、 大 小 不 一 的 刀 具,而这些他都将用在我脚上。 20 世纪 90 年代,张与家人从 上海移居香港。他向我说明这 项传承数百年的技艺:他会用 他的各式刮刀刮去我脚上的死 皮,清除角质,修掉老茧。 2 “过去只有富人或商人才 能享受沪式足部护理,大多数 人 享 受 不 起 这 项 奢 侈 服 务。” 张接受美国有线电视新闻网旅 游频道采访时说,“1900 年代, 有上海商人迁居香港,他们需 要沪式足部护理,这项服务也 由此引入香港。如今,沪式足 部护理在香港已经非常普遍,
Walking out of the salon, my soles are slippery smooth―it’s almost like gliding on two sticks of butter.
The sifu from Shanghai 5 But why a Shanghai-style pedicure in Hong Kong? 6 “It’s worth keeping in mind that Shanghai and Hong Kong have had historic connections for almost two centuries,” John Carroll, a professor of history at the University of Hong Kong and the author of A Concise History of Hong Kong, tells CNN Travel. “Thousands of people from Shanghai emigrated to Hong Kong over the years.” Nicknamed “Emigrant Entrepreneurs,” these prople
中国故事 33
most likely not where it originated. 11 Samuel So, another sifu who works at the Mandarin Oriental and apprenticed under Shanghai masters, says that the pedicure was first practiced in rural areas and smaller cities, later making its way to Shanghai as the country urbanized. “It was named the ‘Shanghaistyle’ pedicure because Shanghai was the place where everyone first learned about the treatment,” So tells CNN Travel. “In the old days, many people wanted to move to Shanghai for a better job and a better life. Some people brought the pedicure skills with them to Shanghai. Like Hong Kong a few decades ago, Shanghai was a place with opportunities. The economy there was blooming, which led to high demands in grooming.” 12 In Hong Kong, the pedicures are thought to have first surfaced in the late 1940s with the opening of Shanghai Tong Hing Yuk Tak Bathhouse. Emulating the traditional Shanghai bathhouse culture, the Mong Kok address was a hotspot for socializing, business, entertainment and relaxation.
30 中国故事
The World’s Most Amazing Pedicure
文 / 凯特·斯普林格 译 / 范婕
By Kate Springer
As I sit down for a Shanghai-style pedicure at the Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong, I quickly realize it’s not going to be the usual buff and polish. Pedicurist Benjamin Cheung whips out a black satchel, full of blades in various shapes and sizes. And he plans to use them on my feet. Cheung, who emigrated from Shanghai with his family in the 1990s, explains the centuries-old process: He’ll use his scalpels to shave off dead skin, clean up my cuticles and whittle down any calluses. 2 “In the old days, only wealthy people or businessmen got to enjoy Shanghai-style pedicures. Most of the people could not afford these luxurious treatments,” Cheung tells CNN Travel. “When Shanghai-style businessmen moved to Hong Kong in the 1900s, there was a demand for this service and that’s how Shanghai-style pedicures were brought to this city. Now they are very common there and can be found in
这些上海人被叫做“移民企业 家”,他们办企业,还带来了专 业技术和着装风尚,这些如今 仍影响着香港文化——在香港, 随处可见沪式裁缝、餐厅、理 发师,当然了,还有沪式足部 护理师。 7 张说起以前的事:“20 世 纪八九十年代,和中国内地很 多家庭一样,我们家也来到香 港寻求发展机会,那时我 11 岁。当时的香港繁荣发达,各 个领域的劳动力需求都很大。” 8 张慢慢适应着香港文化环 境,他意识到,必须要掌握一 技之长,而且这项技能得是别 人轻易效仿不了的。“沪式足部 护理所需的专业技能和传统技 艺,是一代又一代传下来的。” 张说道,“我叔叔是位足部护理 师,受到他的激励,我也决定 干这行。”于是 18 岁时张回到 上海,在那儿学了两年的技术。 9 年轻的张学成后又返回香 港,成为一位新晋的沪式足部 护理师。起初他在一个私人度 假 村 做 足 部 护 理 师, 后 来 在 2007 年进了文华东方酒店,过 去 10 年一直在那儿上班。
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英语世界 2023·05
32 中国故事
brought businesses, expertise and sartorial style that still permeates Hong Kong culture today―evidenced by the remaining Shanghai tailors, restaurants, barbers and, yes, pedicurists peppered about the city. 7 “When I was 11, my family moved to Hong Kong to explore opportunities, like many other families from the mainland, in the ‘80s and ‘90s,” Cheung says. “At the time, Hong Kong was well developed and there was a high demand for labor in different industries.” 8 As Cheung adjusted to the culture, he realized the value of having a niche professional skill that others couldn’t easily emulate. “Shanghai-style pedicures require special and traditional skills, which are passed down from generation to generation,” says Cheung. “I was inspired by my uncle, who was a pedicurist from Shanghai, and decided to follow his path.” At 18 years old, Cheung moved back to Shanghai where he studied the techniques for two years. 9 The young man returned to Hong Kong as a budding Shanghai sifu (master) and took up the practice first at a private resort. Cheung later joined the Mandarin Oriental in 2007, where he has worked for the past decade.