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张璠璠 1, 2* 李华茵 3 蔡映云 4 吕迁洲 4 叶晓芬 4** (1. 河南省漯河市中心医院药剂科 河南漯河 462000 ;2. 复旦大学附属中山医院临床药师培训基地 上海 200032 ;3. 复旦大学附属中山医院呼吸科 上海 200032 ;4. 复旦大学附属中山医院药剂科 上海 200032)
with the increased blood concentration of tacrolimus caused by fluconazole
ZHANG Fanfan1, 2*, LI Huayin3, CAI Yingyun4, LYU Qianzhou4, YE Xiaofen4** (1. Department of Pharmacy, the Central Hospital of Luohe City, He’nan Luohe 462000, China; 2. the Clinical Pharmacist Training Base, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai 200032, China; 3. Department of Respiratory Medicine, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai 200032, China; 4. Pharmaceutical Preparation Section, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai 200032, China)
关键词 他克莫司 氟康唑 药物相互作用
中图分类号 :R979.5; R969.2
文献标志码 :C
文章编号 :1006-1533(2019)15-0082-03
Medical monitoring of the participation of clinical pharmacists in a patient
Abstract A 52-year-old man with kidney transplantation was hospitalized in the respiratory ward due to “pulmonary cryptococcosis”. The patient was treated with tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil and methylprednisolone for anti-rejection therapy. When antifungal treatment with fluconazole was given to the patient, it was found that the blood concentration of tacrolimus was significantly increased. Clinical pharmacists proposed that the dosage regimen for tacrolimus treatment should be adjusted and tacrolimus blood concentration should be monitored while the dose regimen for fluconazole treatment should not be adjusted because the combination of tacrolimus and fluconazole would increase the blood concentration of tacrolimus. This recommendation was accepted by clinicians and the valley concentration of tacrolimus and fungal infection were well controlled.
* 作者简介:张璠璠,临床药师。究方向:临床药学。 E-mail: xiaofanjian@
** 通信作者 :叶晓芬,副主任药师。研究方向 :临 床药学。E-mail: ye.xiaofen@
主要经肝脏 CYP3A4 和 CYP3A5 代谢,治疗窗窄,个体 差异大,血药浓度易受患者的生理和病理状态、饮食、 合并用药等多种因素的影响 [1],使用时须监测血药浓度。 三唑类抗真菌药物是抗真菌治疗的一线用药,如氟康唑、 伊曲康唑和伏立康唑等,它们会抑制细胞色素 P450 酶系, 从而升高他克莫司的血药浓度,导致不良反应增加。本 文通过分析 1 例肾移植术后患者在使用氟康唑抗真菌感 染治疗过程中对他克莫司血药浓度的影响,研究两药的 相互作用情况,希望能为此类患者的药物治疗及药学监 护提供参考。
摘 要 1 例 52 岁的肾移植术后男性患者因“肺隐球菌病”入住呼吸科病房。患者长期服用他克莫司、吗替麦考酚
Key words tacrolimus; fluconazole; drug interaction
肾移植术后需使用免疫抑制剂抗排异治疗,但免疫 抑制治疗会降低患者的免疫功能,使之容易继发感染。 肾移植术后患者的感染发病率为正常人的 2 倍,最常见 的是肺部感染,其中合并真菌感染的约占 20%。他克莫 司是目前临床上器官移植术后抗排异治疗的一线用药,
张璠璠 1, 2* 李华茵 3 蔡映云 4 吕迁洲 4 叶晓芬 4** (1. 河南省漯河市中心医院药剂科 河南漯河 462000 ;2. 复旦大学附属中山医院临床药师培训基地 上海 200032 ;3. 复旦大学附属中山医院呼吸科 上海 200032 ;4. 复旦大学附属中山医院药剂科 上海 200032)
with the increased blood concentration of tacrolimus caused by fluconazole
ZHANG Fanfan1, 2*, LI Huayin3, CAI Yingyun4, LYU Qianzhou4, YE Xiaofen4** (1. Department of Pharmacy, the Central Hospital of Luohe City, He’nan Luohe 462000, China; 2. the Clinical Pharmacist Training Base, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai 200032, China; 3. Department of Respiratory Medicine, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai 200032, China; 4. Pharmaceutical Preparation Section, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai 200032, China)
关键词 他克莫司 氟康唑 药物相互作用
中图分类号 :R979.5; R969.2
文献标志码 :C
文章编号 :1006-1533(2019)15-0082-03
Medical monitoring of the participation of clinical pharmacists in a patient
Abstract A 52-year-old man with kidney transplantation was hospitalized in the respiratory ward due to “pulmonary cryptococcosis”. The patient was treated with tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil and methylprednisolone for anti-rejection therapy. When antifungal treatment with fluconazole was given to the patient, it was found that the blood concentration of tacrolimus was significantly increased. Clinical pharmacists proposed that the dosage regimen for tacrolimus treatment should be adjusted and tacrolimus blood concentration should be monitored while the dose regimen for fluconazole treatment should not be adjusted because the combination of tacrolimus and fluconazole would increase the blood concentration of tacrolimus. This recommendation was accepted by clinicians and the valley concentration of tacrolimus and fungal infection were well controlled.
* 作者简介:张璠璠,临床药师。究方向:临床药学。 E-mail: xiaofanjian@
** 通信作者 :叶晓芬,副主任药师。研究方向 :临 床药学。E-mail: ye.xiaofen@
主要经肝脏 CYP3A4 和 CYP3A5 代谢,治疗窗窄,个体 差异大,血药浓度易受患者的生理和病理状态、饮食、 合并用药等多种因素的影响 [1],使用时须监测血药浓度。 三唑类抗真菌药物是抗真菌治疗的一线用药,如氟康唑、 伊曲康唑和伏立康唑等,它们会抑制细胞色素 P450 酶系, 从而升高他克莫司的血药浓度,导致不良反应增加。本 文通过分析 1 例肾移植术后患者在使用氟康唑抗真菌感 染治疗过程中对他克莫司血药浓度的影响,研究两药的 相互作用情况,希望能为此类患者的药物治疗及药学监 护提供参考。
摘 要 1 例 52 岁的肾移植术后男性患者因“肺隐球菌病”入住呼吸科病房。患者长期服用他克莫司、吗替麦考酚
Key words tacrolimus; fluconazole; drug interaction
肾移植术后需使用免疫抑制剂抗排异治疗,但免疫 抑制治疗会降低患者的免疫功能,使之容易继发感染。 肾移植术后患者的感染发病率为正常人的 2 倍,最常见 的是肺部感染,其中合并真菌感染的约占 20%。他克莫 司是目前临床上器官移植术后抗排异治疗的一线用药,