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Structures of the metals and concepts of crystallization

1.晶体、非晶体的概念、联系和区别concepts 、relations and difference between crystal and amorphous body(noncrystal)



∙allotropic transformations 同素异晶转变:there are no compositional alterations ∙incongruent transformations:Eutectic and eutectoid reactions, as well as the melting of an alloy

∙Crystal and amorphous state:

∙Pure metal纯金属

∙Metallic Solid solution (Sosoloid)固溶体

∙Metallic Compound:cementite 金属化合物( Fe3C)

∙Mechanical mixture:pearlite机械混合物:珠光体

∙Binary eutectic systems (Eutectic reaction)

∙BCC 体心立方晶格 Body-centered cubic

∙FCC 面心立方晶格

∙HCP 密排六方晶格Hexagonal close-packed lattice (HCP)

∙Crystallographic planes 滑移面

∙ferrite [‘ferait] 铁素体

∙cementite [si'mentait, si'men.tait] Fe3C

∙eutectoid [ju:‘tektɔid]共析混合物


∙hypoeutectoid [haipəuju(:)‘tektɔid] 亚共析

∙hypereutectoid [haipərju‘tektɔid]过共析

∙pearlite [‘pə:lait, ’pə.lait] 珠光体、珍珠岩

∙austenite [‘ɔ:stə.nɑit] 奥氏体

∙peritectic[peri‘tektik, .perə’tektik]包晶的,包晶体

∙congruent transformations 一致性转变

∙allotropic transformation同素异晶转变

∙isomerism 同分异构


∙晶化(crystallizing)/脱玻化(devitrification): (1)can be happened spontaneously because noncrystal with high internal energy,unstable晶化过程可以自发进行,因为非晶态内能高、不稳定,而晶态内能低、稳定。(2)非晶化(noncrystallizing):damage of regular arrangement of inner atoms 因内部质点的规则排列遭到破坏而转化为非晶态。Examples:非晶化一般需要外能。如天然石英是晶体,熔融过的石英却是非晶体;把晶体硫加热熔化(温度超过300℃)再倒进冷水中,会变成柔软的非晶硫,再过一段时间又会转化为晶体硫.

∙Most solids are crystals因为晶体比非晶体稳定,所以晶体的分布十分广泛,自然界的固体物质中,绝大多数是晶体。


∙anisotropic property ;isotropic(各项同性)

∙fixed melting temperature

∙X-ray diffraction

∙low internal energy and stable

2.晶格、晶胞和晶格常数的含义crystal lattice/a reduced sphere、unit cell and

lattice parameters(length of sides and angles of planes)

∙coordination number(配位数):For metals, each atom has the same number of nearest-neighbor or touching atoms, which is the coordination number

∙ atomic packing factor (APF)(致密度):is the sum of the sphere volumes of all atoms within a unit cell (assuming the atomic hard-sphere model) divided by the unit cell volume


∙The Face-Centered Cubic Crystal Structure、The Body-Centered Cubic Crystal Structure and the hexagonal close-packed crystal structure

Figure: For the face-centered cubic crystal structure, (a) a hard-sphere unit cell representation, (b) a reduced sphere unit cell, and (c) an aggregate of many atoms.

Figure: For the body-centered cubic crystal structure, (a) a hard-sphere unit cell representation, (b) a reduced sphere unit cell, and (c) an aggregate of many atoms.

Figure: For the hexagonal close-packed crystal structure(HCP), (a) a reduced-sphere unit cell (a and c represent the short and long edge lengths, respectively), and (b) an aggregate of many atoms.

Thinking:why c=1.66a?see the following picture for hint
