MEMORANDUMFrom: Olive HR ManagerTo: All staffDate: 12 June, 2008Subject: Appointment of FranciscoHere we announce the appointment of Mrs. Francisco as our new Sales Manager of the Headquarter. She will be starting her job next Monday morning. There will be a small welcome party by 9:00 that day so everyone please be on time.一、概述备忘录是一种录以备忘的公文。
它的内容可以分为以下几项:书端(Heading)收文人的姓名、头衔、地址(Addressee…s Name, Title, Address)称呼(Salutation)事因(Subject)正文(Body)结束语(Complimentary Close)署名(Signature)二、备忘录写作注意事项1、书端部分包括发文机关的名称、地址、发文日期,有的还包括电报挂号、电传号、电话号码等。
2、称呼从左边顶格写起,对一般机关、团体的负责人一般用 Dear Sir,对政府官员可用Sir.3、正文、结束语和署名等项与一般信件的格式相同。
三、经典范文(共有5篇范文)例1 Directions: Write a memorandum of about 100 words to the student service department and ask them to fix a telephone for each dormitory.MEMOAugust 16, 2005To: The leader of student service departmentFrom: Li MingSubject: TelephoneDear Sir,I would like to remind you that we are in want of a telephone for each dormitory. As a university student,we need to cope with the daily increasing communications with teachers,friends and people outside the campus.We need a telephone to get and send message,which is important for us. Though most of us have mobile phones and e-mail address,a telephone in the dormitory is after all the most convenient and cheapest tool of communication. I hope that you will pay attention to this problem and solve it as soon as possible.Regards.Yours,Li Ming注:“remind”一词用法比较多,可以在后面直接接人或宾格,如“提醒我”译为“please remind me”。
memo名词解释1. 什么是memo?Memo是英语单词”memorandum”的缩写,意为备忘录、便函或备忘。
2. memo的特点2.1 简洁明了Memo的特点之一是简洁明了,它以简单的文字和条目列举要点,不过多赘述,让读者能够快速理解和吸收信息。
2.2 内部沟通Memo主要用于内部沟通,通常是在同一个组织或机构内部部门之间进行传达。
2.3 事实导向Memo通常是基于事实和数据的,它以客观、准确的方式呈现信息,帮助读者了解背景和情况,并作出相应的决策或采取行动。
2.4 段落结构清晰Memo通常采用段落结构清晰的方式来组织内容,每个段落都有一个明确的主题或要点。
3. memo的结构和格式Memo通常包括以下几个部分: ### 3.1 日期 Memo通常以日期作为起始,以便读者知道该备忘录是哪天写的。
3.2 发送者和接收者Memo中通常会注明发送者和接收者的姓名和职务,以确保信息传达到正确的对象。
3.3 主题和目的Memo的开头会明确说明主题和目的,以便读者能够一目了然地了解备忘录的主要内容。
3.4 正文Memo的正文包括详细的信息、决策、建议或提醒。
3.5 结论与行动Memo末尾通常会总结出结论或采取行动建议,以便读者知道接下来应该如何处理。
3.6 附录如果Memo中涉及大量数据、图表或其他相关文件,可以将其作为附录附加在备忘录后面,以便读者查阅。
4. 写作技巧和注意事项4.1 清晰明了在写作Memo时,应该尽量简洁明了地表达要点,避免使用复杂的词汇和长句子,以保持读者的理解和注意力。
memo 的结构与写作技巧
memo 的结构与写作技巧一、Memo的定义Memo,全称为Memorandum,是一种用于内部通信的书面形式。
二、Memo的结构1. 头部信息Memo的头部信息包括发送者(From)、接收者(To)、日期(Date)和主题(Subject)。
2. 内容主体Memo的内容主体应该简洁明了,重点突出。
内容主体通常包括以下几个部分:a) 背景信息:提供必要的背景信息,让读者了解问题或情境的背景。
b) 目的和目标:明确说明写作目的和期望达到的目标,以便读者理解内容的重要性和紧急性。
c) 详细内容:详细描述事实、数据、进展或建议等内容,确保信息的准确性和完整性。
d) 结论和建议:根据详细内容,提出明确的结论和建议,帮助读者做出决策或采取行动。
3. 结尾Memo的结尾通常包括感谢的话语、对进一步讨论的期待或对读者的行动要求。
三、Memo的写作技巧1. 简洁明了Memo的写作风格应该简洁明了,避免冗长的句子和复杂的词汇。
2. 结构严谨Memo的结构应该严谨,内容逻辑清晰。
3. 重点突出Memo的写作要突出重点,将最重要的信息放在最显眼的位置。
4. 使用具体的数据和事实为了增加Memo的可信度和说服力,可以使用具体的数据和事实来支持陈述。
5. 避免歧义和错误信息Memo的内容应该准确严谨,避免歧义或错误信息的出现。
words and the main idea).
Body: Memos are usually used to give guidelines and instructions, keep people informed, seek information or offer support and give suggestions. The text itself is intended to use only inside the company and therefore the tone is not very formal.
The objective is the answer to some or all of the "W" questions a person might reasonably ask after having read the SUBJECT line of a memo.
Should one sentence not be enough to convey the objective, one or two more sentences can supply the background information necessary for the reader to comprehend the memo's purpose.
3. The opening and the body of the memo is not well written.
1)The opening of a memo should be direct, with a quick introduction to the message. 2)The layout of a memo should be carefully designed too. 3)Numbers, headings or tables(数字表) can be used to manage the information for readers.
Please encourage your staff to attend one of
the sessions. All teaching materials will be provided.
Presenting the secondary information
Summary Please send me the names of all interested
In the past one year, the Financial Office has been considering changes in travel allowance(津贴、补贴). Effective immediately are the following guidelines. Between now and Dec. 31, the travel allowance is RMB200 a day. Only executives(经理、 领导) may take company-approved air trips. These individuals will be allowed to take a maximum of two trips and they are to travel economy class only.
memo备忘录英语作文英文回答:Memorandum, or memo for short, is a useful tool in the workplace for communication and record-keeping. It is a written message that is typically used within an organization to inform employees about important information, updates, or decisions.For example, I remember receiving a memo from my manager last week about the upcoming team meeting. The memo outlined the date, time, and agenda for the meeting, as well as any preparation that needed to be done beforehand. This helped me to be well-prepared and informed about what to expect.Another example is when a memo was sent out to all employees regarding a change in company policy. The memo explained the reasons for the change and provided clear instructions on how to comply with the new policy. Thisensured that everyone was on the same page and understood the expectations.Overall, memos are a convenient and efficient way to communicate important information within an organization. They help to keep everyone informed and organized, leading to better productivity and collaboration.中文回答:备忘录,简称为memo,是工作场所中一种有用的工具,用于沟通和记录。
二、用途:1. 传递信息:memo通常用于向团队成员传达重要的信息或消息,例如内部政策变化、项目进展报告、会议安排等。
2. 提醒任务:通过memo,上级可以提醒下级完成特定工作或任务的截止日期,以确保工作的及时完成和组织的正常运作。
3. 请求反馈:有时,员工可能需要请求其他人的反馈或意见,这时memo可以作为一种形式进行请求,以便快速收集所需信息。
4. 共享见解:memo也可以被用来共享想法、见解或建议,以便团队成员可以对特定问题进行讨论和决策。
三、结构:memo通常包含以下几个部分:1. 头部信息:包括memo的日期、发件人和收件人,以及memo 的主题或标题。
2. 正文:正文是memo的主要部分,用于传达信息、提醒任务或请求反馈。
3. 结尾:结尾是memo的总结部分,可以包含感谢、期待反馈或进一步行动的建议。
4. 附录(可选):附录是memo的补充部分,用于提供更多详细信息、数据或支持文件。
四、写作要点:1. 明确目的:在撰写memo之前,要先明确你要传达的信息或达到的目的。
2. 简洁明了:memo的目标是传递信息,因此要尽量在文字上保持简洁明了。
首先是内部备忘录(Internal Memorandum),这种类型的"memorandum"是在组织内部使用的文件,用于传达重要信息、决策或者指示。
其次是谅解备忘录(Memorandum of Understanding,MOU),这种"memorandum"是用于明确双方意向和约定的文件,通常在商业合作、合作协议或者国际关系中使用。
再次是备忘录和文章(Memorandum and Articles of Association),这是指公司章程,其中包括了公司的基本信息、章程、组织结构等内容。
Chapter 7 照会翻译
措辞方面: 1。正文中若还需称呼受照人时,“部长”、“大使”仍翻译为“Your Excellency”, 而 “参赞”、
“代办”等译为“You”。 2。翻译致敬语时,受发照人职位低于 发照人时,用“high consideration”(崇高的敬意),而不用“highest consideration”(最崇高的敬
如:We sincerely assure you… I have the honored to …. I avail myself of the opportunity to ….
2. 时态的正确使用 中华人民共和国驻美国大使馆已经建立并开始工作。 The embassy of the People’s Republic of China in America has been established and has begun to work.
_______________ (签字)
1980年- 正文
--- 结尾敬语 --- 签字(发照人的姓名)
--- 日期、地点
English version
Note About Mr. Li Tianmin, the Charge d’Affaires ad Interim of the People’s Republic of China in Ireland No. 48/80
The translation of
备忘录(memorandums/memos)是一种比较灵活的对外交往文书。它记述事实,以备遗忘,供事后查对之用。措 辞
恰如其分,语言不卑不亢。 一般由标题、正文、落款等构成。 (1)标题:一般由发文机关、事由、文种三个要素组成。 (2)正文:常直接入题,无需表达致敬语。 (3)落款:英、汉语备忘录的落款均位于文末右下角;落款中常载明日期与地点;单独送交的备忘录,需加盖有
memo开头的单词 -回复
memo开头的单词-回复“Memo开头的单词”是指以“Memo”开头的单词,Memo 是单词Memorandum 的简称,意为备忘录或便笺。
在商业、政府和学术领域,Memo 是一种常见的书面通信工具,用于内部交流和传达信息。
一、MemorandumMemorandum(备忘录)是Memo 的完整形式,通常用来记录和传达内部事务。
Memorandum 通常采用简洁的格式,主要包括日期、发件人、收件人、主题和正文。
Memorandum 可以用于许多场合,包括但不限于以下几种:1. 内部事务传达:公司或组织内部部门之间交流和传达信息,如授权、指示、请示等。
2. 会议纪要:记录会议的议题、讨论和决议,并传达给相关人员。
3. 项目管理:在项目开展过程中,用于记录项目进展、问题、解决方案和下一步行动计划。
4. 经验总结:汇总和传达过去项目或工作中的经验教训和最佳实践。
Memorandum 的重要性在于其简洁明了的形式和快速高效的传达方式,使得团队成员和管理层能够迅速准确地获取重要信息,并采取相应行动。
Memoize 通过缓存函数的运算结果,以避免重复计算,从而节省时间和资源。
使用Memoize 技术可以将计算结果保存在内存中,当函数再次调用时,会首先在缓存中查找结果,而不是重新计算。
Memoize 的实现方式有很多种,常用的方法是使用哈希表或字典数据结构来存储函数的输入和输出对应关系。
The format of a memo
汉语的“备忘录”来自英语的 memorandum , 实际应用中通常使用其缩写形式 memo ,作 标题时一定要大写首字母,或者四个字母都 大 写 。 备 忘 录 由 名 称 (title) , 标 题 区 (heading)和正文 (body)三部分组成。其中标 题区包括四部分内容:备忘录的撰写人,收 件人,发送日期及主题。
备忘录的基本格式如下(排列格式多为齐头式): Re: New Year Party
Subject: Autumn Trading Fair Subj.: Christmas Celebration Memo SUBJECT: Beefits Coordinator To: 写出全名,有时可以加上职位 Suggesctice 2
You are a manager and going to spend holidays in Hawaii in June. Suddenly you received a letter from an important customer, Mr. Elton Deland, who will arrive on 25th June and discuss the claim. You have to delay the trip till July. Write a memo to Ms. Anne Franks, your secretary: Explain why you postpone your trip Mention the date when Mr. Elton Deland will arrive Ask her to arrange your meeting.
如果你选择使用标题形式写出“事由”,要注意用词 应当概括性强、言简意赅。 “事由”是备忘录的 “题眼”,作用在于突出备忘录的写作目的或其主要 内容,使收件人迅速识别备忘录的主要意图,判断应 由哪个业务部门处理、与自己是否有关系。事由一项 等于备忘录的标题;换句话说,备忘录的主旨应当体 现在事由的表述之中。 请比较以下同一个会议纪录的六种事由标题,
备忘录的格式和内容可以根据具体情况有所不同,但通常包括以下几个部分:1. To(收件人):备忘录的主要接收者。
2. From(发件人):备忘录的发送者。
3. Date(日期):备忘录的写作日期。
4. Subject(主题):备忘录的主题或标题,应简洁明了地反映备忘录的内容。
5. Body(正文):第一段:简要介绍备忘录的目的。
6. Cc(抄送):可能需要知悉此备忘录的其他人员。
以下是一个简单的备忘录示例:To: All EmployeesFrom: John Smith, CEODate: March 28, 2023Subject: Company PicnicDear Team,As you know, we have been working hard this quarter and I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your dedication and effort. To celebrate our success, we will be having a company picnic on April 15th at Central Park.Please RSVP by April 8th so that we can plan accordingly. More details will follow, but mark your calendars now!Best regards,John SmithCc: Jane Doe, HR Manager这个备忘录通知所有员工公司将在4月15日在中央公园举行野餐活动,并要求员工在4月8日前回复参加与否。
Memo (内部文告)1. 格式说明(Notes on Format)Memo (memorandum) 是一种常用的商务写作问题,指公司内部的文告或便函,用于向员工发布公司信息或员工之间、上下级之间相互的信息沟通。
(2)不需要作情景铺垫,开门见山,直奔主题2. 常用句型(Basic Patterns)(1) I have the honor to inform you that……我很荣幸地通知您。
(2)The board of directors approved your proposal at the meeting last week.董事会在上周的会议上通过了你的建议。
(3)I believed these changes will decrease the product cost.我相信这些改革会降低产品成本的。
(4)I hope that you will pay attention to this problem and solve it as soon as possible.我希望您能关注此事并尽快予以解决。
(5)Please feel free to contact me if you need further information.如果需要更多的信息请随时与我联系(6)I highly appreciate your considerations to these proposals.我非常期待您能考虑一下这些建议。
3. 范文(Sample)4. 练习(practice)Write a memo according to the information given below.On November 12th, Mr. Bill Bronson informs all sales representatives of the quarterly meeting. The meeting will be held off-site on November 16th at Holiday Inn in Guangzhou. It will start at 9:00 a.m. and end at 4:00 p.m.MemoTo: All Sales RepresentativesFrom: Bill BronsonDate: November 12S ubject: Quarterly MeetingIn response to the feedback at the last quarterly meeting, our fourth quarterly meeting will be held off-site—at Holiday Inn in Guangzhou on November 16. As usual, the meeting will start at 9:00 a.m. and end at 4:00 p.m.。
Memorandum ( 备忘录)
engineers yesterday to tour our plant. These guests are very important to us, for they have promised to help us with their advanced technology and may cooperate with nus in scientific research.
3 Use single words like ‘since’, ‘although’, ‘if’
and so on to link your ideas. avoid long phrases like ‘in view of’, ‘ in spite of’, ‘in the event of’ and so on.
5. Number your paragraphs or points.;
6. Tabulate (put into columns)
information involving lists of numbers, prices, dates, and so on.
Characteristics of Successful Memos
1. Subject heading
2. Single topic 3. Conversational tone 4. Conciseness
5. Visual signaling
Components of Memos
The headings and the message.
The purpose of writing a memo
to inform to request action 要求相关的行动
美国кан锋互动手机 memorandum 说明书
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Inaddition, you can get up to 98 employeecards so you can consolidate more ofyour company’s expenses into a singlepayment method, while gaining a betterunderstanding of staff spending habits.For more information, pleasevisit .au/businesssupplementarycardsAmerican Express AccessLine®With AccessLine®, eligible AmericanExpress® Business Card Customerscan make fast, secure payments, evento merchants who don’t accept Cardpayments – at a service fee of just2.15% per transaction3.MORE WAYS WE’VE GOT YOUR BACKEnjoy a wide range of business and other benefits backed by the world class service ofAmerican Express.ONLINE ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT24/7 access to your account online or via the Amex App to help keep track of business expenditure and manage your cash flow. EMERGENCY CARD REPLACEMENT7If your Card is lost or stolen, we can usually have it replaced within 48 hours, virtually anywhere in the world.We can even instantly replace your Card on your mobile wallet if you already have this provisioned on your phone.FRAUD PROTECTION GUARANTEE8Be covered for any unauthorised purchases made using your Card.T erms and ConditionsAll information is correct as of July 2022 and is subject to change. Cards are offered, issued and administered by American Express Australia Limited (ABN 92 108 952 085).®Registered T rademark of American Express Company.1. Extend your cash flow by up to 110 days: Depending on your method of payment, when you make a purchase, when your statement is issued and whether or not you are carrying forward a balanceon your account from your previous statement period. If you pay by direct debit, your payment will be processed on the 10th or 11th day prior to the due date listed on your statement. 2. American Express approval criteria apply. Subject to T erms and Conditions. Fees and charges apply. This offer is only available to those who reside in Australia. Cards are offered, issued and administered by American Express Australia Limited. Employee Card Members must be over 18 years of age. The Business, the Primary Card Member and each Employee Card Member are jointly and severally liablefor all Employee Card spending. License. 3. The information has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Y ou should read the Financial Services Guide at /content/dam/amex/au/foreign-exchange/pdf/international-payments/apply/Financial-Services-Guide.pdf and the T elegraphic T ransfers and Forward Exchange Contracts Replacement Product Disclosure Statement at /content/dam/amex/au/foreign-xchange/common/T ermsandconditions/T elegraphic-T ransfer-PDS-auS.pdf and consider the appropriateness of International Payments in relation to your individual requirements. T erms, conditions, fees and charges apply. T o view the T arget Market Determination, see com/au/foreign-exchange/international-payments. AccessLine™ is not available to individual consumers. T o enrol in this service, your business will be required to complete an application, whichis subject to review and approval by American Express. For a copy of the application, including terms and conditions, call 1300 855 749. Users need to have an American Express Corporate Card or American Express Business Card, an FX International Payments account and be registered to use AccessLine™. International Payments are arranged through American Express International Inc. (ABN 15 000 618 208 AFSL No. 237996). Incorporated with Limited Liability in Delaware, USA. 4. No preset spending limit does not mean unlimited spending. Y our purchases are approved based on a variety of factors, including current spending patterns, your payment history, credit records, and financial resources known to us. 5. MYOB bank feed is available to American Express Cards issued by American Express Australia Limited with the exception of David Jones American Express Cards and American Express Corporate Cards. The Card must be active at the time of enrolment. 6. T o use the App you must be registered for Online Services. Apple, the Apple logo, T ouch ID and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Android and Google Play are trademarks of Google Inc. The Android robot is reproduced or modified from work created and shared by Google and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License. 7. If your Card is lost or stolen, you must report it immediately. Y ou can call American Express 24 hours a day. In Australia, call us on 1300 363 687. If you are overseas, report your lost or stolen Card to the nearest American Express T ravel Service or Representative Office. Once you have notified us, you are not liable for any unauthorised charges. 8. Y ou will not be liable for any unauthorised charges, provided you notify us immediately upon discovery of any fraudulent transactions and you have complied with your Card Member Agreement.American Express Australia Limited (ABN 92 108 952 085) 12 Shelley Street, Sydney NSW 2000.® Registered T rademark of American Express Company. © 2022 American Express Company. All rights reservedAU12941500E 06/22。
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TO: Jeff Bowman , Boss
FROM: xxxx,PR Department Manager
DATE: May 18, 2012
SUBJECT: Mobile Etiquettes
As we know mobiles are extremely common ,everybody can afford it ,we can see many people using mobiles in the street ,Send messages ,Chatting with mobiles .But the phenomena of use mobiles impolitely are also common ,For example , it’s very boring that someone answer the phone loudly when we have a dinner at the restaurant .It’s also very annoying that someone as answering the phone as driving a car and put your car side ,Many people think that mobile phones will cause a big problem .
I am the manager of PR Department Manager, in order to standard the order of our company ,I set up a working group to talk about our mobile etiquettes and we have formulated a auto form .As a result , we protocol ed some guidelines about mobile etiquettes .
First , we should use mobiles at the right occasions ,we may shutdown our mobiles in quite places ,such as at the meeting ,in the classroom .What' more, we could try to keep our voice down when we answer the phone in public . Besides , we should choose the suitable ring tone. Sometimes, the rings may affect others when our mobiles ring in public or at meetings. Sometimes , if we can’t answer the call, we can send a message .
All in all, it is a useful tool, it makes our world far smaller than ever and shorten the distance between people, only with the right method can we live a comfortable environment .
And we try not to use mobiles as we driving cars or at gas station,because that is very dangerous . In addition ,using mobiles when taking planes is also very dangerous .
As we know mobiles are very common ,everybody can afford it ,we can see many people using mobiles .But the phenomena of using mobiles impolitely are also common ,For example , it's very boring that someone answer the phone loudly when we have a dinner at the restaurant .It's also very annoying that someone as answering the phone as driving a car and put your car side , Many people think that mobile phone will cause a big problem .I am the manager of PR Department Manager, in order to standard the order of our company .I set up a working group to talk about our mobile etiquettes and we have formulated a auto form . as a result ,we protocoled some guidelines about mobile etiquettes .
As follows ,first ,we should use mobiles at the riht occasions ,we may shutdown our mobiles or set vibration in quite places ,such as at the metting ,.what'more, we could try to keep our voice down when we answer the phone in com. besides , we should choose the appropiate mobile ringtone Sometimes the rings may affect others in public or at meetings. And we try not to use mobiles as we driving cars or at gas station,because that is very dangerous . In addition ,using mobiles when taking planes is also very dangerous .
All in all, it is a useful toolm, it makes our world far smaller than ever and shorten the distance between people, only with the right method can we live a comfortable environment .。