



北京市西城区2014—2015学年度第一学期期末试卷高三数学(理科)2015.1第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共40分)一、选择题:本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题列出的四个选项中,选出符合题目要求的一项.1.设集合1,0,1{}A -=,2{|2}B x x x =-<,则集合A B =I ( ) (A ){1,0,1}-(B ){1,0}-(C ){0,1}(D ){1,1}-3.在∆ABC 中,角A ,B ,C 所对的边分别为a ,b ,c . 若A 为锐角,2a b =,sin B =,则( ) (A )3A π= (B )6A π=(C)sin 3A =(D )2sin 3A =4.执行如图所示的程序框图,输出的x 值为((A )4 (B )5 (C )6 (D )72.设命题p :∀平面向量a 和b ,||||||-<+a b a b ,则p ⌝为( ) (A )∀平面向量a 和b ,||||||-+≥a b a b (B )∃平面向量a 和b ,||||||-<+a b a b (C )∃平面向量a 和b ,||||||->+a b a b (D )∃平面向量a 和b ,||||||-+≥a b a b5.设函数()3cos f x x b x =+,x ∈R ,则“0b =”是“函数()f x 为奇函数”的( ) (A )充分而不必要条件 (B )必要而不充分条件 (C )充分必要条件 (D )既不充分也不必要条件8. 设D 为不等式组1,21,21x y x y x y ---+⎧⎪⎨⎪⎩≤≥≤表示的平面区域,点(,)B a b 为坐标平面xOy 内一点,若对于区域D 内的任一点(,)A x y ,都有1OA OB ⋅u u u r u u u r≤成立,则a b +的最大值等于( )(A )2 (B )1 (C )0 (D )36.一个四棱锥的三视图如图所示,那么对于这个四棱锥,下列说法中正确的是( ) (A(B )最长棱的棱长为3(C )侧面四个三角形中有且仅有一个是正三角形 (D )侧面四个三角形都是直角三角形7. 已知抛物线2:4C y x =,点(,0)P m ,O 为坐标原点,若在抛物线C 上存在一点Q ,使得90OQP?o ,则实数m 的取值范围是( )(A )(4,8) (B )(4,)+? (C )(0,4) (D )(8,)+?侧(左)视图正(主)视图俯视图第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共110分)二、填空题:本大题共6小题,每小题5分,共30分. 9. 复数2i12iz -=+,则||z = _____.10.设12,F F 为双曲线C :2221(0)16x y a a -=>的左、右焦点,点P 为双曲线C 上一点,如果12||||4PF PF -=,那么双曲线C 的方程为____;离心率为____.11.在右侧的表格中,各数均为正数,且每行中的各数从左到右成等差数列,每列中的各数从上到下成等比数列,那么x y z ++=______.12.如图,在ABC ∆中,以BC 为直径的半圆分别交AB ,AC 于点E ,F , 且2AC AE =,那么AFAB=____;A ∠= _____.13.现要给4个唱歌节目和2个小品节目排列演出顺序,要求2个小品节目 之间恰好有3个唱歌节目,那么演出顺序的排列种数是______.(用数字作答)14.设P ,Q 为一个正方体表面上的两点,已知此正方体绕着直线PQ 旋转θ(02θπ<<)角后能与自身重合,那么符合条件的直线PQ 有_____条.三、解答题:本大题共6小题,共80分.解答应写出必要的文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤. 15.(本小题满分13分)已知函数()cos cos 442x x xf x =+, x ∈R 的部分图象如图所示. (Ⅰ)求函数()f x 的最小正周期和单调递增区间;(Ⅱ) 设点B 是图象上的最高点,点A 是图象与x 轴的交点,求BAO ∠tan 的值.16.(本小题满分13分)现有两种投资方案,一年后投资盈亏的情况如下: (1)投资股市:(2)购买基金:(Ⅰ)当4p =时,求q 的值; (Ⅱ)已知甲、乙两人分别选择了“投资股市”和“购买基金”进行投资,如果一年后他们中至少有一人获利的概率大于45,求p 的取值范围; (Ⅲ)丙要将家中闲置的10万元钱进行投资,决定在“投资股市”和“购买基金”这两种方案中选择一种,已知12p =,16q =,那么丙选择哪种投资方案,才能使得一年后投资收益的数学期望较大?给出结果并说明理由.17.(本小题满分14分)如图,在四棱柱1111D C B A ABCD -中,A A 1⊥底面ABCD ,90BAD ∠=o ,BC AD //,且122A A AB AD BC ==== ,点E 在棱AB 上,平面1A EC 与棱11C D 相交于点F .(Ⅰ)证明:1A F ∥平面1B CE ;(Ⅱ)若E 是棱AB 的中点,求二面角1A EC D --的余弦值; (Ⅲ)求三棱锥11B A EF -的体积的最大值.18.(本小题满分13分)已知函数2()(0)f x ax bx a =->和()ln g x x =的图象有公共点P ,且在点P 处的切线相同. (Ⅰ)若点P 的坐标为1(,1)e-,求,a b 的值; (Ⅱ)已知a b =,求切点P 的坐标.19.(本小题满分14分)已知椭圆C :2211612x y +=的右焦点为F ,右顶点为A ,离心率为e ,点(,0)(4)P m m >满足条件||||FA e AP =. (Ⅰ)求m 的值;(Ⅱ)设过点F 的直线l 与椭圆C 相交于M ,N 两点,记PMF ∆和PNF ∆的面积分别为1S ,2S ,求证:12||||S PM S PN =.B CDA B 1C 1E FA 1 D 120.(本小题满分13分)设函数()(9)f x x x =-,对于任意给定的m 位自然数0121m m n a a a a -=L (其中1a 是个位数字,2a 是十位数字,L ),定义变换A :012()()()()m A n f a f a f a =+++L . 并规定(0)0A =.记10()n A n =,21()n A n =,L , 1()k k n A n -=,L .(Ⅰ)若02015n =,求2015n ;(Ⅱ)当3m ≥时,证明:对于任意的*()m m ∈N 位自然数n 均有1()10m A n -<; (Ⅲ)如果*010(,3)m n m m <∈≥N ,写出m n 的所有可能取值.(只需写出结论)北京市西城区2014 — 2015学年度第一学期期末高三数学(理科)参考答案及评分标准2015.1一、选择题:本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.1.C 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.A 二、填空题:本大题共6小题,每小题5分,共30分.9.1 10.221416x y -=11.17412.12 π313.96 14.13 注:第10,12题第一问2分,第二问3分.三、解答题:本大题共6小题,共80分. 其他正确解答过程,请参照评分标准给分. 15.(本小题满分13分) (Ⅰ)解:因为()cos cos 442x x xf x =+cos 22x x=+ ……………… 2分=π2sin()26x +, ……………… 4分所以 2π4π12T ==. 故函数()f x 的最小正周期为4π. ……………… 6分由题意,得πππ2π2π2262x k k -++≤≤, 解得4π2π4π4π+33k x k -≤≤,所以函数()f x 的单调递增区间为4π2π[4π,4π+],()33k k k -∈Z . (9)分(Ⅱ)解:如图过点B 作线段BC 垂直于x由题意,得33π4TAC ==,2=BC ,所以2tan 3πBC BAO AC ∠==. ………… 13分16.(本小题满分13分)(Ⅰ)解:因为“购买基金”后,投资结果只有“获利”、“不赔不赚”、“亏损”三种,且三种投资结果相互独立,所以p +13+q =1. ……………… 2分又因为14p =, 所以q =512. ……………… 3分 (Ⅱ)解:记事件A 为 “甲投资股市且盈利”,事件B 为“乙购买基金且盈利”,事件C 为“一年后甲、乙两人中至少有一人投资获利”, ……………… 4分则C AB AB AB =U U ,且A ,B 独立. 由上表可知, 1()2P A =,()P B p =. 所以()()()()P C P AB P AB P AB =++ ……………… 5分 111(1)222p p p =?+?? 1122p =+. ……………… 6分因为114()225P C p =+>,所以35p >. ……………… 7分又因为113p q ++=,0q ≥, 所以23p ≤.所以3253p ≤<. (8)分(Ⅲ)解:假设丙选择“投资股票”方案进行投资,且记X 为丙投资股票的获利金额(单位:万元),所以随机变量X 的分布列为:X 4 02- P12 1838…………… 9分则113540(2)2884EX =⨯+⨯+-⨯=. ……………10 分假设丙选择“购买基金”方案进行投资,且记Y 为丙购买基金的获利金额(单位:万元),所以随机变量Y 的分布列为:Y2 01-P121316…………… 11分则111520(1)2366EY =⨯+⨯+-⨯=. …………… 12分因为EX EY >,所以丙选择“投资股市”,才能使得一年后的投资收益的数学期望较大.…… 13分17.(本小题满分14分)(Ⅰ)证明:因为1111D C B A ABCD -是棱柱,所以平面ABCD ∥平面1111A B C D .又因为平面ABCD I 平面1A ECF EC =,平面1111A B C D I 平面11A ECF A F =, 所以1A F ∥EC . …………………2分 又因为1A F ⊄平面1B CE ,EC ⊂平面1B CE ,所以1A F ∥平面1B CE . …………………4分B CA 1 D 1DA B 1 C 1 E F x yzM(Ⅱ)解:因为1AA ⊥底面ABCD ,90BAD ∠=o ,所以1AA ,AB ,AD 两两垂直,以A 为原点,以AB ,AD ,1AA 分别为x 轴、y 轴和z 轴,如图建立空间直角坐标系. …………………5分则1(0,0,2)A ,(1,0,0)E ,(2,1,0)C , 所以 1(1,0,2)A E =-u u u r ,1(2,1,2)AC =-u u u r . 设平面1A ECF 的法向量为(,,),m x y z =u r由10A E m ⋅=u u u r u r ,10AC m ⋅=u u u r u r , 得20,220.x z x y z -=⎧⎨+-=⎩令1z =,得(2,2,1)m =-u r. …………………7分又因为平面DEC 的法向量为(0,0,1)n =r, (8)分所以1cos ,3||||m n m n m n ⋅<>==⋅u r ru r r ur r , 由图可知,二面角1A EC D --的平面角为锐角,所以二面角1A EC D --的余弦值为13. …………………10分(Ⅲ)解:过点F 作11FM A B ⊥于点M ,因为平面11A ABB ⊥平面1111A B C D ,FM ⊂平面1111A B C D , 所以FM ⊥平面11A ABB ,所以11111113B A EF F B A E A B E V V S FM --∆==⨯⨯ …………………12分1222323FM FM ⨯=⨯⨯=. 因为当F 与点1D 重合时,FM 取到最大值2(此时点E 与点B 重合), 所以当F 与点1D 重合时,三棱锥11B A EF -的体积的最大值为43. (14)分18.(本小题满分13分) (Ⅰ)解:由题意,得21()1e e ea bf =-=-, …………………1分且()2f x ax b '=-,1()g x x'=, …………………3分由已知,得11()()e ef g ''=,即2e eab -=, 解得22e a =,3e b =. …………………5分 (Ⅱ)解:若a b =,则()2f x ax a '=-,1()g x x'=, 设切点坐标为(,)s t ,其中0s >,由题意,得 2ln as as s -=, ① 12as a s-=, ② …………………6分 由②,得 1(21)a s s =-,其中12s ≠,代入①,得 1ln 21s s s -=-. (*) (7)分因为 10(21)a s s =>-,且0s >,所以 12s >. …………………8分 设函数 1()ln 21x F x x x -=--,1(,)2x ∈+∞, 则 2(41)(1)()(21)x x F x x x ---'=-. (9)分令()0F x '= ,解得1x =或14x =(舍). …………………10分 当x 变化时,()F x '与()F x 的变化情况如下表所示,()F x '+ 0 -()F x↗↘…………………12分所以当1x =时,()F x 取到最大值(1)0F =,且当1(,1)(1,)2x ∈+∞U 时()0F x <.因此,当且仅当1x =时()0F x =. 所以方程(*)有且仅有一解1s =. 于是 ln 0t s ==,因此切点P 的坐标为(1,0). …………………13分19.(本小题满分14分)(Ⅰ)解:因为椭圆C 的方程为 2211612x y +=,所以 4a =,23b =,222c a b =-=, ………………2分 则 12c e a ==,||2FA =,||4AP m =-. ………………3分 因为||21||42FA AP m ==-, 所以 8m =. ………………5分 (Ⅱ)解:若直线l 的斜率不存在, 则有 21S S =,||||PM PN =,符合题意. …………6分若直线l 的斜率存在,则设直线l 的方程为)2(-=x k y ,),(11y x M ,),(22y x N . 由 ⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧-==+),2(,1121622x k y y x 得 2222(43)1616480k x k x k +-+-=, ……………… 7分可知 0>∆恒成立,且 34162221+=+k k x x ,3448162221+-=k k x x . ……………… 8分因为 8)2(8)2(8822112211--+--=-+-=+x x k x x k x y x y k k PN PM ……………… 10分)8)(8()8)(2()8)(2(211221----+--=x x x x k x x k)8)(8(32)(102212121--++-=x x kx x k x kx0)8)(8(323416103448162212222=--++⋅-+-⋅=x x k k k k k k k ,所以 MPF NPF ∠=∠. ……………… 12分因为PMF ∆和PNF ∆的面积分别为11||||sin 2S PF PM MPF =⋅⋅∠, 21||||sin 2S PF PN NPF =⋅⋅∠, ……………… 13分所以12||||S PM S PN =. ……………… 14分20.(本小题满分13分)(Ⅰ)解:114082042n =+++=,2201434n =+=,3182038n =+=,418826n =+=,5141832n =+=,6181432n =+=,……所以 201532n =. (3)分(Ⅱ)证明:因为函数2981()(9)()24f x x x x =-=--+,所以对于非负整数x ,知()(9)20f x x x =-≤.(当4x =或5时,取到最大值)… 4分 因为 12()()()()m A n f a f a f a =+++L ,所以 ()20A n m ≤. ……………… 6分令 1()1020m g m m -=-,则31(3)102030g -=-⨯>.当3m ≥时,11(1)g()1020(1)1020910200m m m g m m m m --+-=-+-+=⨯->, 所以 (1)g()0g m m +->,函数()g m ,(m ∈N ,且3m ≥)单调递增. 故 g()g(3)0m >≥,即11020()m m A n ->≥.所以当3m ≥时,对于任意的m 位自然数n 均有1()10m A n -<. …………………9分(Ⅲ)答:m n 的所有可能取值为0,8,14,16,20,22,26,28,32,36,38. (14)分。



北京市西城区2014—2015学年度第一学期期末试卷高三英语2015. 1 本试卷共10页,共150分。








例:What is the man going to read?A. A newspaper.B. A magazine.C. A book.答案是A。

1. What’s the man’s plan for the summer?A. To be at home.B. To stay at the beach.C. To go to the mountains.2. What does the woman think of the play?A. Wonderful.B. Disappointing.C. So-so.3. What is the relationship between the two speakers?A. Colleagues.B. Neighbours.C. Friends.4. Where are the two speakers?A. In a bank.B. At a store.C. At a restaurant.5. What are the two speakers talking about?A. A new movie.B. A weekend plan.C. Online shopping.第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)听下面4段对话或独白。












例:What is the man going to read? A. A newspaper. B. A magazine. ﻩC.Abook. 答案是A。

1. What’s the man’splanfor the summer? A.Tobeat home.B.To stay at the b each. C.To go to themountains.2.What does the womanthink of the play?A.Wonderful.ﻩB.Disappointing.ﻩ C.So-so.3.What is the relationship between the twospeakers?A. Colleagues.ﻩ B.Neighbours.ﻩ C. Friend s.4.Where arethe two speakers? A. Inabank. ﻩB. At astore.ﻩﻩC.At a restaurant.5. What arethe two speakers talkingabout?A. Anewmovie. B. A weekendplan.ﻩC.Onlineshopping.第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)听下面4段对话或独白。




北京市西城区2014—2015学年度第一学期期末试卷第二部分:知识运用(共两节,45分)21. They’ve moved to a different house _____ their children can attend a better school.A. in caseB. as long asC. so thatD. even though22. _____ his ID card, Philip had to go to the police station in person and reapply for a new one.A. Having lostB. LosingC. To loseD. Lose23. I believe that the world is _____ you think it is. So smile at the world and it will smile back.A. whatB. howC. thatD. which24. —I was very angry with Kelvin yesterday.—I know your feelings, but if you forgive him, you _____ a bigger man.A. have beenB. would beC. will beD. were25. —What do you do as a volunteer in Africa?—_____! There are many poor people there. They need a lot of help.A. NoneB. SomethingC. LittleD. Everything26. Arriving at the party in a great hurry, we were disappointed to find that the band _____ playing.A. stoppedB. will stopC. has stoppedD. had stopped27. The sign at Gate 8 reads that you _____ show your boarding pass and passport before getting onthe plane.A. canB. mustC. mayD. would28. This ferryboat _____ to transport passengers between the harbor and the island for years.A. is usedB. was being usedC. is being usedD. has been used29. It is becoming a threat to the Chinese language and culture _____ some people can’t writeChinese characters properly.A. whichB. thatC. whetherD. how30. _____ the travelling needs of passengers, China Railway Corporation has decided that peoplecan book tickets 60 days in advance.A. MeetB. To meetC. MetD. Meeting31. The Alibaba Group, _____ was founded in 1999, has become China’s largest e-commercecompany.A. whichB. whatC. whoseD. that32. —Hi, Lucy! What’s the schedule for tomorrow?—Let me check. You _____ an appointment with Thomas at three o’clock.A. haveB. hadC. were havingD. have had33. Peter would have the chance to present his talents in the competition now if he _____ last term.A. signed upB. had signed upC. signs upD. has signed up34. There are 12 lamps hanging _____ the ceiling in the restaurant.A. onB. inC. fromD. around35. In Singapore, people _____ eating or drinking on the subway can be fined up to 500 Singaporedollars.A. having caughtB. catchingC. caughtD. catchCAACD DBDBB AABCC第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)Each of us struggles for self-respect and self-worth to some degree. I spent much time trying to achieve perfection in every aspect of my life.I was a happy kid with a lot of friends and a supportive family. But growing up was really36 and even scary sometimes.During my childhood, I was constantly involved in something that included people’s viewing my achievements or my 37 . I wanted everyone’s praise and acceptance, but I was my own toughest critic(挑剔的人).After I graduated from high school, my 38 to be “thin” began to trouble me. I began trying to diet by 39 my food.In the beginning, I felt great—attractive and successful, almost superhuman. I even thought that I was better than everyone else. What I di dn’t see was that I was slowly 40 myself.People around me began to 41 my weight loss. They said with concern. “You’re losing too much weight.” “Elisa, you’re so thin.” All their words only suggested that I was getting closer to “42 ” .Sadly, I took my physical 43 the first important in my life, 44 that it was the way to become successful and accepted.Then I cut down my 45 more and more, until a 46 day consisted of half a teaspoon of nonfat yoghurt and coffee in the morning, and a cup of grapes at night.But my poor 47 began to cause me to lose 48 . Then one night, like many nights before, I couldn’t sleep, and my heart felt as though it might beat out of my chest. I tried to49 , but I couldn’t. The beating became so rapid and so strong that I could no longer50 . What I had done to diet nearly caused me to have a heart attack. I stood up, and immediately fell down. I was really 51 , and I knew I needed help. My roommate rushed me to the52 , beginning the long road to my 53 . It took a lot—doctors, nurses, nutritionists, food supplements…And most important, a sense of what was true about myself got back on track with reality. I realized that, with my 54 of trying to be “perfect” on the 55 , I had sacrificed who I was on the inside. What I know now is, we are—each and every one of us—already perfect.36.A. natural B. hard C. easy D. possible37.A. natures B. backgrounds C. failures D. scores38.A. problem B. desire C. way D. promise39.A. collecting B. checking C. controlling D. balancing40.A. killing B. forgetting C. asking D. questioning41.A. help B. accept C. reject D. notice42.A. perfection B. devotion C. destination D. attention43.A. strength B. exercise C. examination D. appearance44.A. believing B. realizing C. pretending D. declaring45.A. expense B. movement C. food D. travel46.A. pleasant B. difficult C. different D. typical47.A. memory B. nutrition C. knowledge D. taste48.A. weight B. h ope C. sleep D. job49.A. walk B. relax C. cry D. talk50.A. breathe B. resist C. wake D. remember51.A. scared B. annoyed C. discouraged D. disappointed52.A. bed B. office C. school D. hospital53.A. glory B. recovery C. discovery D. victory54.A. skill B. decision C. experience D. deal55.A. whole B. face C. mind D. outsideBCBCA DADAC DBCBA ADBCD第三部分:阅读理解(共两节,40分)AWelcome to OysterOyster is a smart card which can hold Pay as you go credit, Travelcard and Bus & Tram(有轨电车) Pass season tickets. It is the cheapest way for you to pay for single journeys on bus, Tube, tram, DLR, London Overground and most National Rail services in London.Pay as you go on your Oyster cardUsing Pay as you go is cheaper than paying cash for most journeys.Daily limitIf you’re unsure of the number of journeys you’re going to make, Oyster pay is easy for you to use. Make as many journeys as you like and you’ll never pay more than the daily limit for the zones you’ve travelled in. Daily limits are calculated over a 24-hour period, covering all the journeys starting between 4:30 and 4:29 the next day. There are different limits for different types of transport and times of day.The system calculates the daily limit based on when and how you travel. Money will be taken away from your card each time you travel, until you reach a daily limit. This includes Pay as you go travel on bus, Tube, tram, London Overground and most National Rail services in London. River services and the Emirates Air Line do not contribute to your daily limit. For more information, visit /oyster.Season tickets on your Oyster cardYou can buy Travelcards and Bus & Tram Passes on Oyster. With a Travelcard, you can travel as many times as you like on bus, Tube, London Overground and National Rail services on the dates, and across the trav el zones you’ve paid for. Please ensure your Travelcard covers all the zones you travel through. If your Travelcard includes zone 3, 4, 5 or 6, you can also use it on tram services. Bus & Tram Passes can be used on trams and London buses displaying the red roundel bus symbol on the dates you’ve paid for.The red roundelWhen you first get an Oyster card, you will need to pay a £5 refundable (可退款的) deposit. If you no longer need your Oyster card, we’ll refund any remain ing pay. Find out more at /refunds.56. What do we know about the daily limit?A. You’ll stop paying once you reach the daily limit.B. River services help contribute to your daily limit.C. The daily limit is fixed no matter when you travel.D. You’ll pay more than the daily limit for your travel.57. Season tickets include _____.A. Oyster card and TravelcardsB. Pay as you go and TravelcardsC. Travelcards and Bus & Tram PassesD. Pay as you go and Bus & Tram Passes58. Where is the text probably taken from?A. A brochure.B. A report.C. A novel.D. An essay.56.A 57.C 58.ABMy morning routine varies little from day to day. I walk the dog, eat breakfast at the kitchen counter with Katie and Matt, and then settle in for a day at the computer. And because I work mostly from home, I have learned that little walks into the outside world are important for psychological well-being. So before I begin attempting to put sentences together, I walk over to a little coffee shop in my neighborhood, and chat with the folks behind the counter.The coffee shop is on the other side of the historic Chesapeaker & Ohio Canal from my house. Whenever in season, tourists line up to take a slow boat, if not to India, at least into the 19th century.One warm day last fall, I turned the corner to see one of the boatmen sitting alone on the boat, bathed in early-morning light. He was playing the violin. The scene stopped me in my tracks. What I witnessed could only be described as a perfect moment. Ten seconds at most. But months later I still remember just standing there, watching, listening, and taking it all in.We all have such moments put before us. Little surprises. Whether we’re wise enough to see them is another thing.I thought of the violin man one Sunday afternoon while reading the biographies of those killed in the Columbia incident. The specialist Laurel Clark, talking from the shuttle a few days before it was to land, said it was blissful to see the simple unexpected wonders of space, like a sunset. “There’s a flash; the whole payload bay turns this rosy pink,” she said. “It only lasts about 15 seconds, and then it’s gone.”I once had a friend who had a strange habit that never stopped to amuse me, maybe because I never quite knew when she was going to spring it on me. It could come in the middle of a particularly lively dinner with old friends. Out of the blue, she’d say, “Stop! I want to remember this moment.” I realize now, after her death, what wise advice that is.59. The author goes out for a walk every day in the morning mainly because _____.A. she needs to walk the dog and enjoy the fresh airB. she considers that it is good for her physical healthC. she hates to be left alone at home when others are outD. she benefits psychologically from contacting the outside world60. The underlined word “blissful” in Paragraph 5 probably means _____.A. enjoyableB. valuableC. agreeableD. reasonable61. The main purpose of the passage is to tell people to _____.A. develop a good habitB. enjoy life to the fullestC. catch the valuable moments in lifeD. be willing to follow friends’ advice62. “I” in the passage is probably a _____.A. violinistB. writerC. sailorD. waitress59.D 60.A 61.C 62.BCA lot of us think that we should visit the dentist every six months. Whether those check-ups are really necessary is, however, a matter of debate. In 2000, three-quarters of dentists surveyed in New York were recommending six-monthly check-ups, despite the absence of evidence. Today, many organizations still recommend six-monthly check-ups. But for several decades some have been arguing that the choice of six months as the ideal space between visits is rather questionable. For example, Aubrey Sheiham, a professor of dental public health, published a paper complaining about the lack of evidence for six-monthly check-ups. Almost 40 years, he’s still making the same point.Last year the Cochrane Collaboration performed a review of the research that had been done and they were disappointed with what they found. The quality and quantity of the research was simply too poor to back up the idea of six-monthly check-ups.There’s something else we have to bear in mind. Even when a study finds, for example, that children who go to the dentist frequently have fewer fillings, there may be other factors(因素) at work. Those same children may have other advantages; they may eat more healthily and have better quality dental equipment.How often should you visit the dentist, then? Bodies like Nice, which provides guidance for the National Health Service in England and Wales, say that the frequency of dental visits all depends on the individual. They recommend that children go at least once a year because their teeth can decay(蛀蚀) faster, while adults without problems can wait as long as two years. They even go as far as to say that longer than two years is OK for people who have shown commitment to caring for their teeth.Where does this leave the rest of us the next time we receive a card in the mail reminding us our next dental visit is due? We’d all like an excuse to go less often, and the good news is that if you don’t have any problems you can probably w ait a little longer than six months between visits. But exactly how long you can wait before your appointment with the dentist’s chair will depend on the assessment you and your dentist make of your own risk.63. Who supports six-monthly dental check-ups?A. All the dentists.B. Many organizations.C. Aubrey Sheiham.D. The National Health Service.64. The research may not prove the idea of six-monthly check-ups because _____.A. the researchers were not qualifiedB. the number of the subjects was bigC. there might be other factors at workD. there was a lack of quality dental equipment65. We can learn from the last two paragraphs that _____.A. people often find excuses to avoid the next dental visitB. the frequency of dental visits varies for different peopleC. people should decide when to go to the dentist by themselvesD. the healthier a person is, the less frequent the dental visits are66. What is the best title for this passage?A. How can we go to the dentist less?B. Why do we need to visit our dentist?C. Who should go to the dentist frequently?D. How often do we need to visit our dentist?63.B 64.C 65.B 66.DDDo we really know our best friends?I like my close friends a lot, and yet, on an almost daily basis, they shocked me. I have a friend who thinks voting is a waste of time; I have another friend who never takes any arrangement to meet at a given time and place seriously.It’s generally held that friends are people with whom we choose to develop relationships because we find their personalities agreeable, or similar to our own, and yet experience regularly contradicts this. What is a friend, really? All that one can safely say is that a friend is someone one likes and wishes to see again.The truth is that we don’t know our friends. Numerous studies show that we tend to assume our friends agree with us more than they really do. The striking part is that the problem doesn’t appear to lessen as a friendship deepens. When the researchers Michael Gill and Bill Swann questioned students sharing rooms, they found that, as time passed, people became even more confident in the accuracy of their judgments about the other, and yet, in reality, the judgments grew no more accurate. Two people might become dear friends, yet remain ignorant about vast areas of each other’s inner lives.This seems strange, until you consider, that many of the benefits that friendship provides don’t necessarily depend on perfect familiarity; they come from something closer to reliability. Friendship may be less about being drawn to someone’s personality than about finding someone willing to keep you company, or lend an ear. A friend provides the “social-identity support” we desire. You needn’t be a close match with someone, nor deeply familiar with their mind. And once a friendship has begun, you want to like it, if only to confirm that you made the right decisi on. We don’t want to know everything about our friends. We don’t base friendships on what we learn about people; we decide what to learn about people, and what to ignore, based on having decided to be friends.Perhaps there’s something moving about viewing friendshipas an agreement to keep each other company, ignore each other’sfaults and not probe (刨根问底) too deeply in ways that mightweaken the friendship. Perhaps a true friend is someone whodoesn’t ask many awkward questions.67. Why does the author tell the stories of his two friends in thefirst paragraph?A. To provide background information.B. To introduce the topic of the passage.C. To stress the importance of friendship.D. To show the difference between friends.68. The underlined word “they” in Paragraph 4 refers to _____.A. friendsB. judgmentsC. researchersD. benefits69. It can be concluded from the passage that _____.A. close friends usually know each other in depthB. real friends are people you like but don’t wish to see oftenC. we do not necessarily share personalities with close friendsD. the longer we stay with friends, the more accurately we judge them70. Which statement about friends will the author probably accept?A. Stay friends but keep a distance.B. It takes a long time to grow an old friend.C. Real friends will tell you when your face is dirty.D. True friends know all about you and still like you.67.B 68.D 69.C 70.A第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,共10分)Real-life Room Escape GamesReal-life room escape games are a type of physical adventure game in which people are locked in a room with other participants and have to use the things in the room to settle a series of puzzles, find clues (线索), and escape the room within a set time limit.The games are based off Escape the Room video games, such as Crimson Room and QP-Shot, created by TAKAGISM Inc. by Toshimitsu Takagi in 2005, in which the player is locked inside a room and must explore his or her surroundings in order to escape. 71 Other inspirations include adventure board games and movies. Real-life room escape games are becoming popular in the United States, Japan, and China. 72 For example, some games require you escape prison cells while others require you escape space stations.73 Soon, they were exported to North America, Asia and Australia. Examples include the two pioneer companies Hint Hunt and Adventure Rooms.The games were so successful that new locations began opening up across China, in cities big and small, according to Want China Times. In the southern city of Shenzhen, for example, the first escape game location opened last August. 74 “These real-life escape games can help those who stay at home on their computers and iPads all day to experience real social circles,” Tian Xiaochuan, who owns two room escape game stores in Jinan, told Want China Times.Earlier this year, The South China Morning Po s t said the real-life escape games are a hit among “highly stressed students and overworked young professionals.” 75 Some players get so involved that they tear down equipment or decorations inside their “prisons”, as Zhu Yumeng, chief operating officer of Beijing room escape game store Taoquan told China Daily.A. Each game adds local themes to settings.B. And seven new game locations quickly followed.C. They should also be brave enough to face their fears.D. Sometimes the excitement becomes a bit much, though.E. Weekend or day event escape games have been held in some stores.F. Permanent real life escape games in a fixed location were first opened in Europe.G. Players must be observant and use their critical thinking skills to escape the room.71.G 72.A 73.F 74.B 75.D第四部分:书面表达(共两节,35分)第一节(15分)你的英国笔友Chris要来北京参加一个汉语冬令营。



北京市西城区2014—2015学年度第一学期期末试卷高三英语2015. 1 本试卷共10页,共150分。








例:What is the man going to read?A. A newspaper.B. A magazine.C. A book.答案是A。

1. What’s the man’s plan for the summer?A. T o be at home.B. To stay at the beach.C. To go to the mountains.2. What does the woman think of the play?A. Wonderful.B. Disappointing.C. So-so.3. What is the relationship between the two speakers?A. Colleagues.B. Neighbours.C. Friends.4. Where are the two speakers?A. In a bank.B. At a store.C. At a restaurant.5. What are the two speakers talking about?A. A new movie.B. A weekend plan.C. Online shopping.第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)听下面4段对话或独白。




北京市西城区2014 — 2015学年度第一学期期末试卷高三数学(理科) 2015.1第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共40分)一、选择题:本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题列出的四个选项中,选出符合题目要求的一项.1.设集合1,0,1{}A -=,2{|2}B x x x =-<,则集合A B =I ( ) (A ){1,0,1}-(B ){1,0}-(C ){0,1}(D ){1,1}-3.在锐角∆ABC 中,角A ,B ,C 所对的边分别为a ,b ,c . 若2a b =,sin B =,则( ) (A )3A π= (B )6A π=(C)sin A =(D )2sin 3A =4.执行如图所示的程序框图,输出的x 值为((A )4 (B )5 (C )6 (D )72.设命题p :∀平面向量a 和b ,||||||-<+a b a b ,则p ⌝为( )(A )∀平面向量a 和b ,||||||-+≥a b a b (B )∃平面向量a 和b ,||||||-<+a b a b (C )∃平面向量a 和b ,||||||->+a b a b (D )∃平面向量a 和b ,||||||-+≥a b a b5.设函数()3cos f x x b x =+,x ∈R ,则“0b =”是“函数()f x 为奇函数”的( ) (A )充分而不必要条件 (B )必要而不充分条件 (C )充分必要条件 (D )既不充分也不必要条件8. 设D 为不等式组1,21,21x y x y x y ---+⎧⎪⎨⎪⎩≤≥≤表示的平面区域,点(,)B a b 为坐标平面xOy 内一点,若对于区域D 内的任一点(,)A x y ,都有1OA OB ⋅u u u r u u u r≤成立,则a b +的最大值等于( )(A )2 (B )1 (C )0 (D )36.一个四棱锥的三视图如图所示,那么对于这个四棱锥,下列说法中正确的是( ) (A(B )最长棱的棱长为3(C )侧面四个三角形中有且仅有一个是正三角形 (D )侧面四个三角形都是直角三角形7. 已知抛物线2:4C y x =,点(,0)P m ,O 为坐标原点,若在抛物线C 上存在一点Q ,使得90OQP?o ,则实数m 的取值范围是( )(A )(4,8) (B )(4,)+? (C )(0,4) (D )(8,)+?侧(左)视图正(主)视图俯视图第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共110分)二、填空题:本大题共6小题,每小题5分,共30分. 9. 复数2i12iz -=+,则||z = _____.10.设12,F F 为双曲线C :2221(0)16x y a a -=>的左、右焦点,点P 为双曲线C 上一点,如果12||||4PF PF -=,那么双曲线C 的方程为____;离心率为____.11.在右侧的表格中,各数均为正数,且每行中的各数从左到右成等差数列,每列中的各数从上到下成等比数列,那么x y z ++=______.12. 如图,在ABC ∆中,以BC 为直径的半圆分别交AB ,AC 于点E ,F ,且2AC AE =,那么AFAB=____;A ∠= _____.13.现要给4个唱歌节目和2个小品节目排列演出顺序,要求2个小品节目之间恰好有3个唱歌节目,那么演出顺序的排列种数是______. (用数字作答)14. 设P ,Q 为一个正方体表面上的两点,已知此正方体绕着直线PQ 旋转()角后能与自身重合,那么符合条件的直线PQ 有_____条.2x3ya321258zE FCB A三、解答题:本大题共6小题,共80分.解答应写出必要的文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤. 15.(本小题满分13分)已知函数()cos cos 442x x xf x =+, x ∈R 的部分图象如图所示. (Ⅰ)求函数()f x 的最小正周期和单调递增区间;(Ⅱ) 设点B 是图象上的最高点,点A 是图象与x 轴的交点,求BAO ∠tan 的值.16.(本小题满分13分)现有两种投资方案,一年后投资盈亏的情况如下: (1)投资股市:(2)购买基金:(Ⅰ)当4p =时,求q 的值; (Ⅱ)已知甲、乙两人分别选择了“投资股市”和“购买基金”进行投资,如果一年后他们中至少有一人获利的概率大于45,求p 的取值范围; (Ⅲ)丙要将家中闲置的10万元钱进行投资,决定在“投资股市”和“购买基金”这两种方案中选择一种,已知12p =,16q =,那么丙选择哪种投资方案,才能使得一年后投资收益的数学期望较大?给出结果并说明理由.17.(本小题满分14分)如图,在四棱柱1111D C B A ABCD -中,A A 1⊥底面ABCD ,90BAD ∠=o ,BC AD //,且122A A AB AD BC ==== ,点E 在棱AB 上,平面1A EC 与棱11C D 相交于点F .(Ⅰ)证明:1A F ∥平面1B CE ;(Ⅱ)若E 是棱AB 的中点,求二面角1A EC D --的余弦值; (Ⅲ)求三棱锥11B A EF -的体积的最大值.18.(本小题满分13分)已知函数2()(0)f x ax bx a =->和()ln g x x =的图象有公共点P ,且在点P 处的切线相同.(Ⅰ)若点P 的坐标为1(,1)e-,求,a b 的值; (Ⅱ)已知a b =,求切点P 的坐标.19.(本小题满分14分)已知椭圆C :2211612x y +=的右焦点为F ,右顶点为A ,离心率为e ,点(,0)(4)P m m >满足条件||||FA e AP =. (Ⅰ)求m 的值;(Ⅱ)设过点F 的直线l 与椭圆C 相交于M ,N 两点,记PMF ∆和PNF ∆的面积分别为1S ,2S ,求证:12||||S PM S PN =.20.(本小题满分13分)B CDA B 1C 1E FA 1 D 1设函数()(9)f x x x =-,对于任意给定的m 位自然数0121m m n a a a a -=L (其中1a 是个位数字,2a 是十位数字,L ),定义变换A :012()()()()m A n f a f a f a =+++L . 并规定(0)0A =.记10()n A n =,21()n A n =,L , 1()k k n A n -=,L .(Ⅰ)若02015n =,求2015n ;(Ⅱ)当3m ≥时,证明:对于任意的*()m m ∈N 位自然数n 均有1()10m A n -<; (Ⅲ)如果*010(,3)m n m m <∈≥N ,写出m n 的所有可能取值.(只需写出结论)北京市西城区2014 — 2015学年度第一学期期末高三数学(理科)参考答案及评分标准2015.1一、选择题:本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.1.C 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.A 二、填空题:本大题共6小题,每小题5分,共30分.9.1 10.221416x y -=11.17412.12 π313.9614.13注:第10,12题第一问2分,第二问3分.三、解答题:本大题共6小题,共80分. 其他正确解答过程,请参照评分标准给分. 15.(本小题满分13分) (Ⅰ)解:因为()cos cos 442x x xf x =+cos 22x x=+ ……………… 2分=π2sin()26x +, ……………… 4分所以 2π4π12T ==. 故函数()f x 的最小正周期为4π. ……………… 6分由题意,得πππ2π2π2262x k k -++≤≤, 解得4π2π4π4π+33k x k -≤≤,所以函数()f x 的单调递增区间为4π2π[4π,4π+],()33k k k -∈Z . (9)分(Ⅱ)解:如图过点B 作线段BC 垂直于x由题意,得33π4TAC ==,2=BC ,所以2tan 3πBC BAO AC ∠==. ………… 13分16.(本小题满分13分)(Ⅰ)解:因为“购买基金”后,投资结果只有“获利”、“不赔不赚”、“亏损”三种,且三种投资结果相互独立,所以p +13+q =1. ……………… 2分又因为14p =, 所以q =512. ……………… 3分 (Ⅱ)解:记事件A 为 “甲投资股市且盈利”,事件B 为“乙购买基金且盈利”,事 件C 为“一年后甲、乙两人中至少有一人投资获利”, ……………… 4分 则C AB AB AB =U U ,且A ,B 独立. 由上表可知, 1()2P A =,()P B p =. 所以()()()()P C P AB P AB P AB =++ ……………… 5分 111(1)222p p p =?+?? 1122p =+. (6)分因为114()225P C p =+>,所以35p >. ……………… 7分又因为113p q ++=,0q ≥, 所以23p ≤.所以3253p ≤<. (8)分(Ⅲ)解:假设丙选择“投资股票”方案进行投资,且记X 为丙投资股票的获利金额(单位:万元),所以随机变量X 的分布列为:…………… 9分则113540(2)2884EX =⨯+⨯+-⨯=. ……………10 分假设丙选择“购买基金”方案进行投资,且记Y 为丙购买基金的获利金额(单位:万元),所以随机变量Y 的分布列为:…………… 11分则111520(1)2366EY =⨯+⨯+-⨯=. …………… 12分因为EX EY >,所以丙选择“投资股市”,才能使得一年后的投资收益的数学期望较大.……… 13分17.(本小题满分14分)(Ⅰ)证明:因为1111D C B A ABCD -是棱柱,所以平面ABCD ∥平面1111A B C D .又因为平面ABCD I 平面1A ECF EC =,平面1111A B C D I 平面11A ECF A F =, 所以1A F ∥EC . …………………2分 又因为1A F ⊄平面1B CE ,EC ⊂平面1B CE ,所以1A F ∥平面1B CE . …………………4分(Ⅱ)解:因为1AA ⊥底面ABCD ,90BAD ∠=o ,所以1AA ,AB ,AD 两两垂直,以A 为原点,以AB ,AD ,1AA 分别为x 轴、y 轴和z 轴,如图建立空间直角坐标系. …………………5分则1(0,0,2)A ,(1,0,0)E ,(2,1,0)C , 所以 1(1,0,2)A E =-u u u r ,1(2,1,2)AC =-u u u r . 设平面1A ECF 的法向量为(,,),m x y z =u r由10A E m ⋅=u u u r u r,10AC m ⋅=u u u r u r , 得20,220.x z x y z -=⎧⎨+-=⎩令1z =,得(2,2,1)m =-u r. (7)分又因为平面DEC 的法向量为(0,0,1)n =r, …………………8分所以1cos ,3||||m n m n m n ⋅<>==⋅u r ru r r ur r , 由图可知,二面角1A EC D --的平面角为锐角,所以二面角1A EC D --的余弦值为13. …………………10分(Ⅲ)解:过点F 作11FM A B ⊥于点M ,因为平面11A ABB ⊥平面1111A B C D ,FM ⊂平面1111A B C D , 所以FM ⊥平面11A ABB ,所以11111113B A EF F B A E A B E V V S FM --∆==⨯⨯ …………………12分1222323FM FM ⨯=⨯⨯=.因为当F 与点1D 重合时,FM 取到最大值2(此时点E 与点B 重合), 所以当F 与点1D 重合时,三棱锥11B A EF -的体积的最大值为43. ………………14分18.(本小题满分13分) (Ⅰ)解:由题意,得21()1e e ea bf =-=-, …………………1分且()2f x ax b '=-,1()g x x'=, …………………3分由已知,得11()()e ef g ''=,即2e eab -=, 解得22e a =,3e b =. …………………5分 (Ⅱ)解:若a b =,则()2f x ax a '=-,1()g x x'=, 设切点坐标为(,)s t ,其中0s >,由题意,得 2ln as as s -=, ①12as a s -=, ② …………………6分 由②,得 1(21)a s s =-,其中12s ≠,代入①,得 1ln 21s s s -=-. (*) (7)分因为 10(21)a s s =>-,且0s >,所以 12s >. …………………8分 设函数 1()ln 21x F x x x -=--,1(,)2x ∈+∞, 则 2(41)(1)()(21)x x F x x x ---'=-. …………………9分令()0F x '= ,解得1x =或14x =(舍). …………………10分 当x 变化时,()F x '与()F x 的变化情况如下表所示,…………………12分所以当1x =时,()F x 取到最大值(1)0F =,且当1(,1)(1,)2x ∈+∞U 时()0F x <. 因此,当且仅当1x =时()0F x =. 所以方程(*)有且仅有一解1s =. 于是 ln 0ts ==,因此切点P 的坐标为(1,0). …………………13分19.(本小题满分14分)(Ⅰ)解:因为椭圆C 的方程为 2211612x y +=,所以 4a =,b =,2c , ………………2分 则 12c e a ==,||2FA =,||4AP m =-. ………………3分 因为||21||42FA AP m ==-, 所以 8m =. ………………5分 (Ⅱ)解:若直线l 的斜率不存在, 则有 21S S =,||||PM PN =,符合题意. …………6分若直线l 的斜率存在,则设直线l 的方程为)2(-=x k y ,),(11y x M ,),(22y x N . 由 ⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧-==+),2(,1121622x k y y x 得 2222(43)1616480k x k x k +-+-=, ……………… 7分可知 0>∆恒成立,且 34162221+=+k k x x ,3448162221+-=k k x x . ……………… 8分因为 8)2(8)2(8822112211--+--=-+-=+x x k x x k x y x y k k PN PM (10)分)8)(8()8)(2()8)(2(211221----+--=x x x x k x x k)8)(8(32)(102212121--++-=x x kx x k x kx0)8)(8(323416103448162212222=--++⋅-+-⋅=x x k k k k k k k ,所以 MPF NPF ∠=∠. ……………… 12分 因为PMF ∆和PNF ∆的面积分别为11||||sin 2S PF PM MPF =⋅⋅∠, 21||||sin 2S PF PN NPF =⋅⋅∠, ……………… 13分所以12||||S PM S PN =. ……………… 14分20.(本小题满分13分)(Ⅰ)解:114082042n =+++=,2201434n =+=,3182038n =+=,418826n =+=,5141832n =+=,6181432n =+=,……所以 201532n =. ……………… 3分(Ⅱ)证明:因为函数2981()(9)()24f x x x x =-=--+,所以对于非负整数x ,知()(9)20f x x x =-≤.(当4x =或5时,取到最大值)… 4分 因为 12()()()()m A n f a f a f a =+++L ,所以 ()20A n m ≤. ……………… 6分 令 1()1020m g m m -=-,则31(3)102030g -=-⨯>.当3m ≥时,11(1)g()1020(1)1020910200m m m g m m m m --+-=-+-+=⨯->, 所以 (1)g()0g m m +->,函数()g m ,(m ∈N ,且3m ≥)单调递增.故 g()g(3)0m >≥,即11020()m m A n ->≥.所以当3m ≥时,对于任意的m 位自然数n 均有1()10m A n -<. …………………9分(Ⅲ)答:m n 的所有可能取值为0,8,14,16,20,22,26,28,32,36,38.…………………14分。

海淀区、西城二模 答案

海淀区、西城二模 答案


1. (2分)【材料一】B 【材料二】A (答对一个得1分,2个2分)2.(4分)在世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年之际(2015这个反思历史的关键年份)(1分),日本应当如何认识70年前战争的性质(2分),如何担负起战争的责任(1分)。












8.(3分)D9.(6分)①志人形体(志其外形)②出神入化(得心应手……)③目无全牛(每空2分,意思对即可)10.(4分)李山人的“嘻”表达了他对单纯追求技巧的做法的轻视之情、对自己作画之道超越了技巧的自得之意(答出一方面即可得2分) ;文惠君的“嘻”表达了他对庖丁解牛技巧高超的赞叹之情(2分)。



北京市西城区2014—2015学年度第一学期期末试卷高三英语2015. 1 本试卷共10页,共150分。








例:What is the man going to read?A. A newspaper.B. A magazine.C. A book.答案是A。

1. What’s the man’s plan for the summer?A. To be at home.B. To stay at the beach.C. To go to the mountains.2. What does the woman think of the play?A. Wonderful.B. Disappointing.C. So-so.3. What is the relationship between the two speakers?A. Colleagues.B. Neighbours.C. Friends.4. Where are the two speakers?A. In a bank.B. At a store.C. At a restaurant.5. What are the two speakers talking about?A. A new movie.B. A weekend plan.C. Online shopping.第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)听下面4段对话或独白。




北京市西城区2015届高三上学期期末考试物理试卷一、单项选择题(本题共12小题,每小题3分,共36分.)a=.3.(3分)一列简谐横波沿x轴传播,某时刻的波形如图所示,质点a、b均处于平衡位置,质点a正向上运动.则下列说法正确的是()4.(3分)一物体质量为m,在北京地区它的重力为mg.假设地球自转略加快,该物体在北5.(3分)如图所示,大小相同的力F作用在同一个物体上,物体分别沿光滑水平面、粗糙水平面、光滑斜面、竖直方向运动一段相等的距离s,已知力F与物体的运动方向均相同.则上述四种情景中都相同的是()s=6.(3分)把小球放在竖立的弹簧上,并把球往下按至A位置,如图甲所示.迅速松手后,球升高至最高位置C(图丙),途中经过位置B时弹簧正处于原长(图乙).忽略弹簧的质量和空气阻力.则小球从A运动到C的过程中,下列说法正确的是()7.(3分)如图所示,线圈L与小灯泡A并联后接到电源上.先闭合开关S,稳定后,通过线圈的电流为I1,通过小灯泡的电流为I2.断开开关S,发现小灯泡闪亮一下再熄灭.则下列说法正确的是()8.(3分)如图所示,物块M在静止的传送带上匀速下滑时,传送带突然顺时针(图中箭头所示)转动起来,则传送带转动后,下列说法正确的是()9.(3分)如图,在M、N处固定两个等量同种点电荷,两电荷均带正电.O点是MN连线的中点,直线PQ是MN的中垂线.现有一带正电的试探电荷q自O点以大小是v0的初速度沿直线向Q点运动.若试探电荷q只受M、N处两电荷的电场力作用,则下列说法正确的是()10.(3分)一束带电粒子沿水平方向匀速飞过小磁针上方时,磁针的N极向西偏转,这一束11.(3分)如图中有A、B两个线圈.线圈B连接一电阻R,要使流过电阻R的电流大小恒定,且方向由c点流经电阻R到d点.设线圈A中电流i从a点流入线圈的方向为正方向,则线圈A中的电流随时间变化的图象是()12.(3分)从1822年至1831年的近十年时间里,英国科学家法拉第心系“磁生电”.在他的研究过程中有两个重要环节:(1)敏锐地觉察并提出“磁生电”的闪光思想;(2)通过大量实验,将“磁生电”(产生感应电流)的情况概括为五种:变化着的电流、变化着的磁场、运动的恒定电流、运动的磁铁、在磁场中运动的导体.二、多项选择题(本题共4小题,每小题3分,共12分.每小题全部选对的得3分,选对但不全的得1分,有选错的得0分.)14.(3分)冰壶运动深受观众喜爱,图1为2014年2月第22届索契冬奥会上中国队员投掷冰壶的镜头.在某次投掷中,冰壶甲运动一段时间后与对方静止的冰壶乙发生碰撞,如图2.若两冰壶质量相等,则碰后两冰壶最终停止的位置,可能是下图中的哪几幅图?( )C15.(3分)空间有一磁感应强度为B 的水平匀强磁场,质量为m 、电荷量为q 的质点以垂直于磁场方向的速度v 0水平进入该磁场,在飞出磁场时高度下降了h .重力加速度为g .则下列由功能关系可知:.故16.(3分)如图1所示,物体A以速度v0做平抛运动,落地时水平方向的位移和竖直方向的位移均为L,图1中的虚线是A做平抛运动的轨迹.图2中的曲线是一光滑轨道,轨道的形状与图1中的虚线相同.让物体B从轨道顶端无初速下滑,B下滑过程中没有脱离轨道.物体A、B都可以看作质点.重力加速度为g.则下列说法正确的是()v,因为的水平分速度为,故22mg三、计算题(本题共5小题.解答应有必要的文字说明、方程式和重要的演算步骤.只写出最后答案的不能得分.有数值计算的,答案中必须写出数值和单位.)17.(9分)在如图所示的电路中,电源的电动势E=1.5V,内阻r=0.5Ω,电流表满偏电流I g=10mA,电流表的电阻R g=7.5Ω,A、B为接线柱.(1)用一条导线把A、B直接连起来,此时,应把可变电阻R1调节为多少才能使电流表恰好达到满偏电流?(2)调至满偏后保持R1的值不变,在A、B间接入一个150Ω的定值电阻R2,电流表的读数是多少?(3)调至满偏后保持R1的值不变,在A、B间接入一个未知的定值电阻R x,电流表的读数为I x,请写出I x随R x变化的数学表达式.变化的数学表达式18.(9分)一小孩自己不会荡秋千.爸爸让他坐在秋千板上,将小孩和秋千板一起拉到某一高度,此时绳子与竖直方向的偏角为37°,然后由静止释放.已知小孩的质量为25kg,小孩在最低点时离系绳子的横梁2.5m.重力加速度g=10m/s2.sin37°=0.6,cos37°=0.8.忽略秋千的质量,可把小孩看做质点.(1)假设小孩和秋千受到的阻力可以忽略,当摆到最低点时,求:a.小孩的速度大小;b.秋千对小孩作用力的大小.(2)假设小孩和秋千受到的平均阻力是小孩重力的0.1倍,求从小孩被释放到停止经过的总路程.m/smg=m.小孩的速度大小是19.(9分)示波器是一种用来观察电信号的电子仪器,其核心部件是示波管,如图1所示是示波管的原理图.示波管由电子枪、偏转电极和荧光屏组成,管内抽成真空.电子从灯丝K 发射出来(初速度可不计),经电压为U0的加速电场加速后,以垂直于偏转电场的方向先后进入偏转电极YY′、XX′.当偏转电极XX′、YY′上都不加电压时,电子束从电子枪射出后,沿直线运动,打在荧光屏的中心O点,在那里产生一个亮斑.(1)只在偏转电极YY′上加不变的电压U1,电子束能打在荧光屏上产生一个亮斑.已知偏转电极YY′的极板长为L,板间的距离为d,YY′间的电场可看做匀强电场.电子的电荷量为e,质量为m,不计电子的重力以及电子间的相互作用力.求电子刚飞出YY′间电场时垂直于极板方向偏移的距离.(2)只在偏转电极YY′上加u=U1sinωt的交流电压,试在图2中画出荧光屏上的图形.(3)在YY′上加如图3所示的正弦交流电压,同时在XX′上加如图4所示的周期性变化的电压,假设U XX′=﹣U2和U XX′=U2时,电子束分别打在荧光屏上的A、B两点,试在图5中画出荧光屏上的图形.20.(12分)如果质点所受的力与它偏离平衡位置位移的大小成正比,并且总是指向平衡位置,即F=﹣kx,其中k是由系统本身特性决定的线性回复力常数,那么质点的运动就是简谐运动.(1)图1所示为一理想单摆,摆球的质量为m,摆长为L.重力加速度为g.请通过计算说明该单摆做简谐运动的线性回复力常数k=?(2)单摆做简谐运动的过程中,由于偏角很小,因此可以认为摆球沿水平直线运动.如图2所示,质量为m的摆球在回复力F=﹣kx作用下沿水平的x轴做简谐运动,若振幅为A,在平衡位置O点的速度为v m,试证明:mv m2=kA2.(3)如图3所示,两个相同的理想单摆均悬挂在P点.将B球向左拉开很小的一段距离由静止释放,B球沿水平的x轴运动,在平衡位置O点与静止的C球发生对心碰撞,碰撞后B、C 粘在一起向右运动.已知摆球的质量为m,摆长为L.释放B球时的位置到O点的距离为d.重力加速度为g.求B、C碰撞后它们沿x轴正方向运动的最大距离.A=k=为21.(13分)如图,在竖直向下的磁感应强度为B的匀强磁场中,两根足够长的平行光滑金属轨道MN、PQ固定在水平面内,相距为L.一质量为m的导体棒ab垂直于MN、PQ放在轨道上,与轨道接触良好.轨道和导体棒的电阻均不计.(1)如图1,若轨道左端MP间接一阻值为R的电阻,导体棒在拉力F的作用下以速度v沿轨道做匀速运动.请通过公式推导证明:在任意一段时间△t内,拉力F所做的功与电路获取的电能相等.(2)如图2,若轨道左端接一电动势为E、内阻为r的电源和一阻值未知的电阻.闭合开关S,导体棒从静止开始运动,经过一段时间后,导体棒达到最大速度v m,求此时电源的输出功率.(3)如图3,若轨道左端接一电容器,电容器的电容为C,导体棒在水平拉力的作用下从静止开始向右运动.电容器两极板电势差随时间变化的图象如图4所示,已知t1时刻电容器两极板间的电势差为U1.求导体棒运动过程中受到的水平拉力大小.t=t=P=UI=U=t=+)此时电源的输出功率是.)导体棒运动过程中受到的水平拉力大小是+。

2015届西城区期末语文试题 含答案

2015届西城区期末语文试题 含答案









例如他对佛教传入前后的漫长历史的总体判断,以及他误以为佛教是在炫耀信奉者的长寿,或追求一种惩.(ch ěng)罚性的灵验等等,都是义.气用事的草率之言。








1.文中加点字的注音和字形都不正确的一项是(2分)A.倾.(qīng)向捍.卫B.惩.(chěng)罚义.气用事C.载.(zài)道言志泱泱..大国D.拈.(niān)花一笑逻辑.2.在文中方格处填入下列语句,恰当的一项是(2分)A.雨打芭蕉叶带愁B.影入平羌江水流C.遥望洞庭山水翠D.雪拥蓝关马不前3.在文中甲乙丙处依次填入词语,恰当的一项是(2分)A.热情更熟习B.激情更熟悉C.热情但熟悉D.激情但熟习高三语文第一学期期末试题卷第 1 页(共15 页)4.对末段文字中三个“一种”依次指代的对象,理解正确的一项是(2分)A.儒家道家佛家B.儒家佛家道家C.道家佛家儒家D.佛家道家儒家5.下列句子中加点的成语,使用不正确的一项是(3分)A.自两只大熊猫入驻多伦多动物园以来,每天入园的游客可谓摩肩接踵....,这样大增的人气令园方非常满意。













1. What musical instrument can the woman play?A. The guitar.B. The violin.C. The piano.2. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. At home.B. In a shop.C. In a restaurant.3. What will the woman probably do on Thursday?A. Have dinner with the manB. Go to a classical concert.C. Prepare for a job interview.4. What does the man think of the woman in language learning?A. Smart.B. Talented.C. Hard-working.5. What was wrong with the woman’s watch?A. 5 minutes fast.B. 15 minutes slow.C. 15 minutes fast.第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)听下面4段对话或独白。



北京市西城区2014 — 2015学年度第一学期期末试卷高三数学(文科) 2015.1第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共40分)一、选择题:本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题列出的四个选项中,选出符合题目要求的一项. 1.设集合1,0,1,2{}A -=,2{|}B x x x =>,则集合A B =( )(A ){1,0,1}-(B ){1,2}-(C ){0,1,2}(D ){1,1,2}-3.在∆ABC 中,角A ,B ,C 所对的边分别为a ,b ,c . 若A 为锐角,2a b =,3sin 4B =,则( ) (A )3A π= (B )6A π=(C )3sin 3A =(D )2sin 3A =4.执行如图所示的程序框图,输出的x 值为( ) (A )4 (B )5 (C )6 (D )75.设函数()y f x =的定义域为R ,则“(0)0f =”是“函数()f x 为奇函数”的( ) (A )充分而不必要条件 (B )必要而不充分条件 (C )充分必要条件 (D )既不充分也不必要条件2.设命题p :2log 0,2x x x ∀>>,则p ⌝为( ) (A )2log 0,2x x x ∀>< (B )2log 0,2x x x ∃>≤ (C )2log 0,2x x x ∃>< (D )2log 0,2x x x ∃>≥a =2,x =3 开始 x y a =x =x +1103y x >+ 输出x 结束否是6. 某天,甲要去银行办理储蓄业务,已知银行的营业时间为9:00至17:00,设甲在当天13:00至18:00之间任何时间去银行的可能性相同,那么甲去银行恰好能办理业务的概率是( ) (A )13 (B )34 (C )58 (D )458. 如图,在空间四边形ABCD 中,两条对角线,AC BD 互相垂直,且长度分别为4和6,平行于这两条对角线的平面与边,,,AB BC CD DA 分别相交于点,,,E F G H ,记四边形EFGH 的面积为y ,设BEx AB=,则( ) (A )函数()y f x =的值域为(0,4] (B )函数()y f x =的最大值为8(C )函数()y f x =在2(0,)3上单调递减(D )函数()y f x =满足()(1)f x f x =-第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共110分)二、填空题:本大题共6小题,每小题5分,共30分. 9. 复数i1iz =+,则||z =______.10.设平面向量,a b 满足||3=a ,||2=b ,3⋅=-a b ,那么,a b 的夹角θ=____.11.一个四棱锥的三视图如图所示,那么这个四棱锥最长棱的棱长为_____.12.设12,F F 为双曲线C :22221(0,0)x y a b a b-=>>的左、右焦点,且直线2y x =为双曲线C 的一条渐近线,点P 为C 上一点,如果12||||4PF PF -=,那么双曲线C 的方程为____;离心率为_____.7. 设抛物线2:4W y x =的焦点为F ,过F 的直线与W 相交于A ,B 两点,记点F 到直线l :1x =-的距离为d ,则有( ) (A )2||d AB ≥ (B )2||d AB = (C )2||d AB ≤ (D )2||d AB <A BE CD GH F侧(左)视图正(主)视图俯视图 22111 1113. 某小学教师准备购买一些签字笔和铅笔盒作为奖品,已知签字笔每支5元,铅笔盒每个6元,花费总额不能超过50元. 为了便于学生选择,购买签字笔和铅笔盒的个数均不能少于3个,那么该教师有_______种不同的购买奖品方案. 14. 设函数3||, 1,()log , 1.x a x f x x x -⎧=⎨>⎩≤(1)如果(1)3f =,那么实数a =___;(2)如果函数()2y f x =-有且仅有两个零点,那么实数a 的取值范围是___.三、解答题:本大题共6小题,共80分.解答应写出必要的文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤. 15.(本小题满分13分)已知函数2π()12sin ()4f x x =--,x ∈R .(Ⅰ)求函数()f x 的最小正周期; (Ⅱ)判断函数()f x 在区间ππ[,]66-上是否为增函数?并说明理由.16.(本小题满分13分)已知数列{}n a 满足25a =,且其前n 项和2n S pn n =-. (Ⅰ)求p 的值和数列{}n a 的通项公式;(Ⅱ)设数列{}n b 为等比数列,公比为p ,且其前n 项和n T 满足55T S <,求1b 的取值范围.17.(本小题满分14分)如图,在四棱柱1111D C B A ABCD -中,A A 1⊥底面ABCD ,90BAD ∠=,BC AD //,且122A A AD BC ===,1AB =. 点E 在棱AB 上,平面1A EC 与棱11C D 相交于点F . (Ⅰ)求证:1A F ∥平面1BCE ; (Ⅱ)求证: AC ⊥平面11CDD C ;(Ⅲ)写出三棱锥11B A EF -体积的取值范围. (结论不要求证明)B CA 1 D 1 DA B 1C 1E F18.(本小题满分13分)最近,张师傅和李师傅要将家中闲置资金进行投资理财. 现有两种投资方案,且一年后投资盈亏的情况如下:(1) 投资股市:投资结果 获利不赔不赚亏损概 率12 18 38(2) 购买基金:投资结果 获利不赔不赚亏损概 率p13q(Ⅰ)当12p =时,求q 的值; (Ⅱ)已知“购买基金”亏损的概率比“投资股市”亏损的概率小,求p 的取值范围;(Ⅲ)已知张师傅和李师傅两人都选择了“购买基金”来进行投资,假设三种投资结果出现的可能性相同,求一年后他们两人中至少有一人获利的概率. 19.(本小题满分14分)已知椭圆C :2211612x y +=的右焦点为F ,右顶点为A ,离心率为e ,点(,0)(4)P m m >满足条件||||FA e AP =. (Ⅰ)求m 的值;(Ⅱ)设过点F 的直线l 与椭圆C 相交于M ,N 两点,记PMF ∆和PNF ∆的面积分别为1S ,2S ,若122S S =,求直线l 的方程.20.(本小题满分13分)对于函数(),()f x g x ,如果它们的图象有公共点P ,且在点P 处的切线相同,则称函数()f x 和()g x 在点P 处相切,称点P 为这两个函数的切点.设函数2()(0)f x ax bx a =-≠,()ln g x x =.(Ⅰ)当1a =-,0b =时, 判断函数()f x 和()g x 是否相切?并说明理由; (Ⅱ)已知a b =,0a >,且函数()f x 和()g x 相切,求切点P 的坐标;(Ⅲ)设0a >,点P 的坐标为1(,1)e-,问是否存在符合条件的函数()f x 和()g x ,使得它们在点P 处相切?若点P 的坐标为2(e ,2)呢?(结论不要求证明)北京市西城区2014 — 2015学年度第一学期期末 高三数学(文科)参考答案及评分标准2015.1一、选择题:本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.1.B 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.D 二、填空题:本大题共6小题,每小题5分,共30分.9.22 10.2π3 11. 22 12.221416x y -= 5 13.9 14.2-或4(1,3]- 注:第12,14题第一问2分,第二问3分.三、解答题:本大题共6小题,共80分. 其他正确解答过程,请参照评分标准给分. 15.(本小题满分13分)(Ⅰ)解:因为2π()12sin ()4f x x =--πcos 2()4x =- ……………… 3分sin 2x =, ……………… 5分所以函数()f x 的最小正周期2ππ2T ==.……………… 7分 (Ⅱ)解:结论:函数()f x 在区间ππ[,]66-上是增函数. ……………… 9分理由如下:由ππ2π22π22k x k -+≤≤,解得ππππ44k x k -+≤≤,所以函数()f x 的单调递增区间为ππ[π,π]44k k -+,()k ∈Z .……………… 12分当0=k 时,知)(x f 在区间ππ[,]44-上单调递增,所以函数()f x 在区间ππ[,]66-上是增函数. ……………… 13分16.(本小题满分13分)(Ⅰ)解:由题意,得11S p =-,242S p =-,因为 25a =,212S a a =+,所以 24215S p p =-=-+, 解得 2p =. …………… 3分所以 22n S n n =-.当2n ≥时,由1n n n a S S -=-, ……………… 5分得 22(2)[2(1)(1)]43n a n n n n n =-----=-. ……………… 7分 验证知1n =时,1a 符合上式, 所以43n a n =-,*n ∈N . ……… 8分(Ⅱ)解:由(Ⅰ),得11(12)(21)12n n n b T b -==--. ……………… 10分 因为 55T S <, 所以 521(21)255b -<⨯-, 解得 14531b <. ……… 12分 又因为10b ≠, 所以1b 的取值范围是45(,0)(0,)31-∞. ……………… 13分 17.(本小题满分14分)(Ⅰ)证明:因为1111D C B A ABCD -是棱柱,所以平面ABCD ∥平面1111A B C D . 又因为平面ABCD 平面1A ECF EC =,平面1111A BC D 平面11A ECF A F =,所以 1A F ∥CE . …………………3分 又 1A F ⊄平面1BCE ,CE ⊂平面1BCE ,所以 1A F ∥平面1BCE . …………6分 (Ⅱ)证明:在四边形ABCD 中,因为 90BAD ∠=,BC AD //,且BC AD 2=,2AD =,1AB =, 所以 222112AC =+=,222112CD =+=.所以 222AC CD AD +=,所以 90ACD ∠=,即AC CD ⊥. …………………7分 因为 1A A ⊥平面ABCD AC ⊂,平面ABCD ,所以 1A A AC ⊥.因为在四棱柱1111D C B A ABCD -中,11//A A C C ,所以 1C C AC ⊥. …………9分 又因为 1,CD C C ⊂平面11CDD C ,1CDC C C =,所以 AC ⊥平面11CDD C . ……11分(Ⅲ)解:三棱锥11B A EF -的体积的取值范围是12[,]33. …………………14分18.(本小题满分13分)(Ⅰ)解:因为“购买基金”后,投资结果只有“获利”、“不赔不赚”、“亏损”三种 且三种投资结果相互独立,所以 p +13+q =1. ……………… 2分又因为 12p =, 所以 q =61. ……………… 3分 (Ⅱ)解:由“购买基金”亏损的概率比“投资股市”亏损的概率小, 得 38q <, ……………… 4分 B CA 1 D 1DA B 1C 1E F因为 p +13+q =1, 所以 2338q p =-<,解得 724p >. ……………… 7分又因为 113p q ++=,0q ≥, 所以 23p ≤. 所以 72243p ≤<. ……………… 8分(Ⅲ)解:记事件A 为 “一年后张师傅和李师傅两人中至少有一人获利”, ………… 9分用a ,b ,c 分别表示一年后张师傅购买基金“获利”、“不赔不赚”、“亏损”,用x ,y ,z 分别表示一年后李师傅购买基金“获利”、“不赔不赚”、“亏损”,则一年后张师傅和李师傅购买基金,所有可能的投资结果有339⨯=种, 它们是:(,)a x ,(,)a y ,(,)a z ,(,)b x ,(,)b y ,(,)b z ,(,)c x ,(,)c y ,(,)c z , ……………10分所以事件A 的结果有5种,它们是:(,)a x ,(,)a y ,(,)a z ,(,)b x ,(,)c x .…… 11分 因此这一年后张师傅和李师傅两人中至少有一人获利的概率5()9P A =. …………13分 19.(本小题满分14分)(Ⅰ)解:因为椭圆C 的方程为 2211612x y +=,所以 4a =,23b =,222c a b =-=, …………2分则 12c e a ==,||2FA =,||4AP m =-. ………………3分因为 ||21||42FA AP m ==-,所以 8m =. ……………5分(Ⅱ)解:若直线l 的斜率不存在,则有 21S S =,不合题意. ………………6分若直线l 的斜率存在,设直线l 的方程为)2(-=x k y ,),(11y x M ,),(22y x N .由 ⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧-==+),2(,1121622x k y y x 得 2222(43)1616480k x k x k +-+-=, ……………… 7分 可知 0>∆恒成立,且 34162221+=+k k x x ,3448162221+-=k k x x . ……………… 8分因为PMF ∆和PNF ∆的面积分别为111||||2S PF y =⋅,221||||2S PF y =⋅,所以2||||212121=-==y yy y S S . ……………… 9分 即 212y y -=. 所以 221y y y -=+,2212221)(22y y y y y +-=-=, …………… 11分则 22121)]2()2([2)2()2(-+--=-⋅-x k x k x k x k , 即 2212121)4(24)(2-+-=++-x x x x x x ,即 2222222)43416(2434162344816-+-=++⋅-+-k k k k k k , 解得 25±=k . …………… 13分 所以直线l 的方程为 )2(25-=x y 或 )2(25--=x y . ……………… 14分20.(本小题满分13分)(Ⅰ)解:结论:当1a =-,0b =时,函数()f x 和()g x 不相切. …………………1分理由如下:由条件知2()f x x =-, 由()ln g x x =,得0x >,错误!未找到引用源。



海淀区高三年级第二学期期末练习数学(理)答案及评分参考 2015.5一、选择题(共8小题,每小题5分,共40分)(1)C (2)D (3)D (4)A(5)B (6)A (7)C (8)C二、填空题(共6小题,每小题5分,共30分。

有两空的小题,第一空2分,第二空3分)(9)2,413n - (10)30︒,1 (11)0a > ,2a a =+ (12)(2,)+∞ (13)14 (14)10(,1]10 三、解答题(共6小题,共80分)(15)(共13分)解:(Ⅰ)因为 36cos 2a A =, 所以 2223622b c a a bc+-=⨯. ………………3分 因为 5c =,26b =,所以 23404930a a +-⨯=.解得:3a =,或493a =-(舍). ………………6分 (Ⅱ)由(Ⅰ)可得:26cos 3336A =⨯=. 所以 21cos 22cos 13A A =-=. ………………9分 因为 3a =,5c =,26b =,所以 2221cos 23a cb B ac +-==. ………………11分 所以cos 2cos A B =. ………………12分 因为 c b a >>,所以 (0,)3A π∈.因为 (0,)B ∈π,所以 2B A ∠=∠. ………………13分另解:因为 (0,)A ∈π, 所以 23sin 1cos 3A A =-=. 由正弦定理得:263sin 33B =. 所以 22sin 3B =. 所以 3622sin 22sin 333A B =⨯⨯==. ………………12分 因为 c b a >>,所以 (0,)3A π∈,(0,)2B π∈.所以 2B A ∠=∠. ………………13分 (16)(共13分)解:(Ⅰ)20名女生掷实心球得分如下:5,6,7,7,7,7,7,7,8,8,8,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,10,10.所以中位数为8,众数为9. ………………3分(Ⅱ)X 的可能取值为0,1,2. ………………4分()21222033095C P X C ===;()1112822048195C C P X C ===;()2822014295C P X C ===; 所以抽取的2名男生中优秀人数X 的分布列为:X 0 1 2P 9533 9548 9514 ………………10分 (Ⅲ)略. ………………13分评分建议:从平均数、方差、极差、中位数、众数等角度对整个年级学生掷实心球项目的情况进行合理的说明即可;也可以对整个年级男、女生该项目情况进行对比;或根据目前情况对学生今后在该项目的训练提出合理建议.(17)(共14分)(Ⅰ)证明:连结BD 交AC 于点O ,连结OM .因为 //AB CD ,2AB CD =,所以2BO AB DO CD ==. 因为2BM MP =, 所以2BM PM =. 所以BM BO PM DO =. 所以//OM PD . ………………2分 因为OM ⊂平面MAC ,PD ⊄平面MAC , 所以 //PD 平面MAC . ………………4分(Ⅱ)证明:因为 平面PAD ⊥平面ABCD ,AD AB ⊥,平面PAD 平面ABCD AD =,AB ⊂平面ABCD ,所以AB ⊥平面PAD . ………………6分 因为 PA ⊂平面PAD ,所以 AB PA ⊥. ………………7分 同理可证:AD PA ⊥.因为 AD ⊂平面ABCD ,AB ⊂平面ABCD ,AD AB A =,所以PA ⊥平面ABCD . ………………9分(Ⅲ)解:分别以边,,AD AB AP 所在直线为,,x y z轴,建立如图所示的空间直角坐标系.由22AB AD AP CD ====得(0,0,0)A ,(0,2,0)B ,(2,1,0)C ,(2,0,0)D ,(0,0,2)P ,则(2,1,0)AC =u u u r ,(0,2,2)PB =-u u r .由(Ⅱ)得:PA ⊥平面ABCD .所以 平面A B C D 的一个法向量为(0,0,1)n =r . ………………10分 设PM PBλ=(01)λ≤≤,即PM PB λ=uuu r uu r .所以 (0,2,22)AM AP PB λλλ=+=-u u u r u u u r u u r . M B D C O A P z y x M B D CA P设平面AMC 的法向量为(,,)m x y z =u r ,则0,0,m AC m AM ⎧⋅=⎪⎨⋅=⎪⎩u r uuu r u r uuu r 即20,2(22)0.x y y z λλ+=⎧⎨⋅+-⋅=⎩令1x λ=-,则22y λ=-,2z λ=-.所以 (1,22,2)m λλλ=---u r . ………………12分 因为 二面角B AC M --的余弦值为23, 所以 2|2|239105λλλ=-+,解得12λ=. 所以PM PB 的值为12. ………………14分 (18)(共13分)解:(Ⅰ)令()0f x =,得e x =.故()f x 的零点为e . ………………1分22231()(1ln )22ln 3'()()x x x x x f x x x-⋅--⋅-==(0x >). ………………3分 令 '()0f x =,解得 32e x =. 当x 变化时,'()f x ,()f x 的变化情况如下表: ()f x32(0,e ) 32e 32(e ,)+∞ '()f x - 0+ ()f x ↘↗ 所以 ()f x 的单调递减区间为32(0,e ),单调递增区间为32(e ,)+∞. ………………6分(Ⅱ)令ln ()x g x x =.则2211ln 1ln '()()x x x x g x f x x x⋅-⋅-===. ………………7分 因为 11()44ln 244622f =+>+⨯=,(e)0f =,且由(Ⅰ)得,()f x 在(0,e)内是减函数,所以 存在唯一的01(,e)2x ∈,使得00'()()6g x f x ==.当[e,)x ∈+∞时,()0f x ≤.所以 曲线ln x y x =存在以00(,())x g x 为切点,斜率为6的切线. ………………10分 由00201ln '()6x g x x -==得:200ln 16x x =-. 所以 20000000ln 161()6x x g x x x x x -===-.因为 012x >, 所以 012x <,063x -<-. 所以 00()1y g x =<-. ………………13分(19)(共14分)解:(Ⅰ)依题意得22224,,.a c b a b c ⎧=⎪=⎨⎪-=⎩解得:2a =,2b c ==. ………………3分所以圆O 的方程为222x y +=,椭圆C 的方程为22142x y +=. ………………5分 (Ⅱ)解法一:如图所示,设00(,)P x y (00y ≠), 0(,)Q Q x y ,则22002201,422,Q x y x y ⎧+=⎪⎨⎪+=⎩即220022042,2.Q x y x y ⎧=-⎪⎨=-⎪⎩ ………………7分又由00:(2)2y AP y x x =++得002(0,)2y M x +. NM QPyx B A O由00:(2)2y BP y x x =--得002(0,)2y N x --.………………10分所以 0000002(,)(,)22Q Q y x yQM x y x x x =--=--++uuu r ,0000002(,)(,)22Q Q y xy QN x y x x x =---=----uuu r .所以 222222000002200(42)2042Q x y y y QM QN x y x y -⋅=+=-+=--uuu r uuu r .所以 QM QN ⊥,即90MQN ∠=︒. ………………14分(Ⅱ)解法二:如图所示,设00(,)P x y ,:(2)AP y k x =+(0k ≠). 由221,42(2)x y y k x ⎧+=⎪⎨⎪=+⎩得2222(21)8840k x k x k +++-=. 所以 20284221k x k --=+,即2022421k x k -=+.所以 02421k y k =+,即222244(,)2121k kP k k -++.所以 直线BP 的斜率为2224121242221kk k kk +=---+.所以 1:(2)2BP y x k =--.令0x =得:(0,2)M k ,1(0,)N k . ………………10分设0(,)Q Q x y ,则0(,2)Q QM x k y =--uuu r ,01(,)Q QN x y k =--uuu r . NMQ PyxB A O所以 22220000121(2)()2Q Q k QM QN x k y y x y y k k+⋅=+--=++-⋅uuu r uuu r . 因为 2200242,21Q k x y y k +==+, 所以 0QM QN ⋅=u u u r u u u r . 所以 QM QN ⊥,即90MQN ∠=︒. ………………14分(20)(共13分)解:(Ⅰ)1:2,1,3A 或1:1,3,2A . ………………2分.(Ⅱ)3:5,6,7,2,3,4,9,8,1A ; ………………4分4:5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,9A . ………………6分 (Ⅲ)考虑数列12:,,,n A a a a L ,满足1i i a a +<的数对1,i i a a +的个数,我们称之为“顺序数”.则等差数列0A :2015,2004,,1L 的顺序数为0,等差数列n A :1,2,,2015L 的顺序数为2014. 首先,证明对于一个数列,经过变换T ,数列的顺序数至多增加2.实际上,考虑对数列,,,,,,,,,p a b c d q L L L L ,交换其相邻两段,,a b L 和,,c d L 的位置,变换为数列,,,,,,,,,p c d a b q L L L L .显然至多有三个数对位置变化.假设三个数对的元素都改变顺序,使得相应的顺序数增加,即由,,p a b c d q >>>变为,,p c d a b q <<<.分别将三个不等式相加得p b d a c q ++>++与p b d a c q ++<++,矛盾.所以 经过变换T ,数列的顺序数至多增加2.其次,第一次和最后一次变换,顺序数均改变1.设n 的最小值为x ,则()2222014x +-≥,即1008x ≥. ………………10分 最后,说明可以按下列步骤,使得数列1008A 为1,2,,2015L .对数列0:A 2015,2014,,1L ,第1次交换1,2,,1007L 和1008,1009位置上的两段,得到数列1A :1008,1007,2015,2014,,1010,1009,1006,1005,,2,1L L ;第2次交换2,3,,1008L 和1009,1010位置上的两段,得到数列2A :1008,1009,1006,1007,2015,2014,,1011,1010,1005,1004,,2,1L L ;第3次交换3,4,,1009L 和1010,1011位置上的两段,得到数列3A :1008,1009,1010,1005,1006,1007,2015,2014,,1012,1011,1004,1003,,2,1L L ; L L ,以此类推第1007次交换1007,1008,,2013L 和2014,2015位置上的两段,得到数列1007A : 1008,1009,,2013,2014,1,2,,1006,1007,2015L L ;最终再交换1,2,,1007L 和1008,1009,,2014L 位置上的两段,即得1008A :1,2,,2015L . 所以 n 的最小值为1008. ………………13分。



北京市西城区2015届高三第一学期期末考试高三2011-01-21 09:52北京市西城区2015届高三第一学期期末考试语文试题一、本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分。













北京市西城区2015届高三上学期期末考试语文试题 扫描版含答案

北京市西城区2015届高三上学期期末考试语文试题 扫描版含答案









按部就班:按照一定的条理,遵循一定的程序)6.①(2分)C(“认真”与“切切”的说法不妥)②(2分)A(注意时间、场合以及交流对象、交流目的等方面的要求)7.①(3分)C(C项是写柏树)②(2分)D(A项“晴”谐“情”,B项“输”谐“书”,C项“旧”谐“舅”,D项包含哲理但不是谐音双关)③(2分)B二、(本大题共5小题,共26分)8.(5分)弘中自吏部郎贬秩而来 / 次其道途所经 /自蓝田入商洛 / 涉淅湍 / 临汉水 /升岘首以望方城 / 出荆门 / 下岷江 / 过洞庭 / 上湘水 / 行衡山之下 / 由郴逾岭。






三、(本大题共2小题,共14分)13.①(3分)D (“全诗用梦境”错,最后一联不是梦境的刻画)②(5分)这两句诗的意思是:在罕有人至的幽居之所,诗人闲适自足,以济世救人与围炉夜话为乐事。






1.“猎户座”飞船发射时,世界时是A.4日12:05 B.4日20:05 C.5日12:05 D.5日20:052.“猎户座”飞船A.脱离了太阳系B.穿过木星轨道C.受太阳辐射影响 D.探测到火星生命3.与火星比,地球A.昼夜温差小B.表面温度低C.黄赤交角大D.太阳高度角大2014年11月APEC领导人峰会在北京举行,会址位于三面环山,背倚明长城的怀柔区雁栖渤畔。


4.北京APEC峰会举办时,图中四地A.符拉迪沃斯托克出现极昼B.横滨角速度最快C.夏威夷正午太阳高度最大D.巴厘岛昼长夜短5.北京APEC峰会选址雁栖湖畔,主要考虑其①旅游资源丰富②基础设施先进③循环经济发达④生态环境优越A.①②B.①④C.②③D.③④6.图中四地均A.位于东半球B.处于地震带C.西临太平洋D.属同一大洲7.图2 (a)中A.地势南北高,中部低B.虎山比龙山气温低C.河流在春季出现凌汛D.以落叶阔叶林为主8.与甲村相比,乙村A.纬度更低且位于阳坡B.年降水量大且较为集中C.人口和用地规模较小D.易受滑坡或泥石流影响9.图2 (b)中,河谷所处的地质构造是①背斜②向斜③地垒④地堑A.①②B.①③C.②④D.③④10.拟在该区域建设太阳能发电站,最适宜的地点是图2(b)中A.①B.②C.③D.④图3为1974年、2014年青海湖示意图。


11.能够实时全面监测青海湖湖面变化的是A.全球定位系统B.遥感技术C.地理信息系统D.野外考察12.青海湖A.补给来源包括河流和降水B.直接参与了海陆间水循环C.周边地区水土流失很严重D.湖面面积因围湖造田减小13.沙岛形成的主要原因是A.湖水的搬运作用B.沙尘暴的强烈侵蚀C.滑坡岩体的风化D.沉积物的堆积作用图4 (a)为2014年10月10日郝佳与刘毅的微信实时界面图,图4(b)是郝佳手机的GPS 定位界面图,图示时间均为北京时间。



2014--2015海淀区高三年级第一学期期末练习英语试题第二部分:知识运用(共两节,45分)21. My normal monthly emails to and ______ pen pals have disappeared with my tight schedule.A. InB. forC. fromD. through22. ---- Have you heard about the shark attack accident at the SeaWorld show?---- Yea, how horrible! A trainer ______ in front of the audience.A. had been killedB. has been killedC. was killedD. is killed23. The Subway Line 16 ______ in Beijing is planned to open this year.A. being builtB. buildingC. builtD. to build24. This room isn‘t actually ______ I wanted when I made my reservation.A. whatB. whereC. whichD. whether25. My boss is very generous, and he is ______ generous when we get a big order.A. VeryB. mostC. onlyD. rather26. The spread of the Ebola virus in Nigeria is believed ______ by August, 2014.A. to be controlledB. to have been controlledC. to controlD. to have controlled27. We have an adviser on hand in this activity ______ you have any worries or problems.A. whenB. now thatC. thoughD. in case28. ---- Do I have to bring my camera tomorrow afternoon?---- I think so. We ______ the Botanical Garden then.A. will be visitingB. are visitingC. have visitedD. visit29. ---- The zookeeper was really annoyed with me.---- How could he have been if you ______ stones at the animals?A. didn‘t throwB. don‘t throwC. hadn‘t thrownD. haven‘t thrown30. Every Monday, my English teacher would cheerfully ask me ______ my weekend had been.A. thatB. ifC. WhatD. how31. With doubts ______ through my mind, I felt it necessary to carry out a research.A. to runB. runC. runningD. having run32.---- You seem busy these days.---- Yes. I‘m writing a story. You know, it‘s really not easy to write ______ with attractive plots.A. thisB. oneC. itD. that33. According to the latest BBC news, a five-year-old boy from England ______ the youngest computer specialist in the world.A. becameB. becomesC. had becomeD. has become34. The glorious moment would live in my mind ______ our football team won the championship.A. whenB. whereC. thatD. which35. ---- Tom, why don‘t we help our son work on his papers?---- We‘ve already done more than we ______. He is on his own this time.A. wouldB. shouldC. couldD. mightCCAAB BDACD CBDAB第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)He Had a GoIt was a cool spring evening in Melbourne, Australia. I drove to my boxing gym for a Friday night training session. After ______ (36) up, I started training. Then I noticed a tall and slim young man walking through the doors. There was something about him that caught my ______ (37).Before long, I realized that he might have a mental illness. Having volunteered for mental illness support groups, I really ______ (38) his problems when I looked at him.He paid for the session, put on a pair of gloves and then started hitting the punching bags. I watched him from a ______ (39) and wanted to help him to punch straighter and better. Then I felt it was best to leave that up to the trainer who was ______ (40) watching him.After a few seconds of punching the bag, he stopped and started staring at the ______ (41). The trainer went up to him and ______ (42) to help him. It was almost like he woke up from a dream. He ______ (43) eye contact with the ceiling at once.Then the bell rang and it was the end of the round. ______ (44) rounds we are required to do five pushups (俯卧撑), ______ (45) all the boys that were training that night did five pushups. He ______ (46) to complete his five pushups. The bell soundedagain and the next round began. He punched the bags for a few seconds and then he ______ (47). This time he was staring at the walls which were decorated with boxing posters.It was clear to me that he could not ______ (48) for long.When I finished training, I decided to go up to him and offer him my help. I held the bag for him and asked him to punch. He ______ (49) the bag a few times and then stopped again.I smiled at him and asked, ―Do you like boxing?‖He replied with a very shy ______ (50) on his face, ―Yes, boxing is alright.‖What else could I do than ______ (51) this man and his willingness to give it a go? Most people put self-imposed (自我强加的) ______ (52) on their lives and stop themselves from having a go. I kept thinking about this man while admiring him for even turning up to a boxing gym, let alone training at what appeared to be his ______ (53).There are many lessons to learn from this man. What I ______ (54) admired about this man was that he had a go! That is what ______ (55) ordinariness from greatness.So what will you have a go at?36. A. lifting B. running C. warming D. going37. A. heart B. attention C. breath D. imagination38. A. Experienced B. mentioned C. overcame D. understood39. A. distance B. box C. poster D. screen40. A. still B. even C. also D. ever41. A. bags B. walls C. ceiling D. trainer42. A. offered B. promised C. seemed D. planned43. A. made B. broke C. kept D. avoided44. A. Before B. Through C. During D. Between45. A. for B. but C. or D. so46. A. struggled B. preferred C. refused D. decided47. A. slowed B. stopped C. continued D. hesitated48. A. stand B. stay C. concentrate D. remember49. A. hit B. felt C. grasped D. watched50. A. view B. look C. sight D. scene51. A. accept B. appreciate C. motivate D. notice52. A. targets B. burdens C. limitations D. minds53. A. worst B. fullest C. greatest D. hardest54. A. really B. hardly C. merely D. nearly55. A. prevents B. protects C. transforms D. separatesCBDAC CABDD ABCAB BCDAD第三部分:阅读理解(共两节,40分)ASummer is slipping away from me. Some days, it makes me want to cry. Other days, I feel a sense of expectation within me just thinking about fall that makes me want to burst. Tonight, all five of us were in the family room doing our own things.At this moment, my littlest kid is my number one trouble and my number one joy. He has a tooth on the way and although it‘s such a tiny thing, it‘s causing so much grief. I‘m holding him a lot and I‘m not going to lie. I live for his afternoon nap (小睡) so I‘m able to actually get dressed and use the restroom.The big E is starting school soon. The other day, I found myself a bit depressed about the end of summer and the beginning of another school year. I looked out of our front window with eyes that were heavy and a bit teary. Then, I suddenly realized just how silly this end of summer depression of mine is. I can‘t change time. But, I can change my emotions and my thoughts. I decided not to spend my final days of summer vacation walking around with a sad face. I decided to hug the last few days of summer and remind myself that before I know it, we will be back in our school routine and all will go well.This week we plan on meeting teachers. I‘m taking my girl to have her nails done before her firs t day of kindergarten. We want to bake a few dozen cookies. We‘ll take our evening walks as usual and stay up late. And last but not least, I‘ll get sc hool cloth ready, I‘ll pack lunches and write lunch notes, we‘ll read―The Kissing Hand,‖ like we normally do, and I‘ll tuck (掖好被子) my third grader and kindergartener in their little beds before the big first day.Thank you summer, you‘ve been warm and wonderful, you‘ve been sweet and sticky, you‘ve been refreshing and exactly what we need. And your sunsets have been amazing, so thank you.56. According to Paragraph 1, the author __________.A. feels excitedB. has mixed feelingsC. feels worriedD. has bad feelings57. How will the author spend the final days of the summer vacation?A. Live a simple life.B. Stay at home and relax herself.C. Treasure the vacation.D. Walk around with a depressed face.58. From the passage, we can learn that the author __________.A. is fond of reading novelsB. has two annoying childrenC. often takes evening walksD. has no time to get dressedBCCBEver walked to the shops only to find, once there, you‘ve completely forgotten what you went for? Or struggled t o remember the name of an old friend? For years we‘ve accepted that a forgetful brain is as much a part of ageing as wrinkles a nd grey hair. But now a new book suggests that we‘ve got it all wrong.According to The Secret Life of the Grown-up Brain, by science writer Barbara Strauch, when it comes to the important things, our brains actually get better with age. In fact, she argues that some studies have found that our brain hits its peak between our 40s and 60s – much later than previously thought.Furthermore, rather than losing many brain cells as we age, we retain them, and even produce new ones well into middle age. For years it‘s been assumed that brain, much like the body, declines with age. But the longest, largest study into what happens to people as they age suggests otherwise.This continuing research has followed 6,000 people since 1956, testing them every seven years. It has found that on average, participants performed better on cognitive (认知的) tests in their 40s and 50s than they had done in their 20s. Specifically, order people did better on tests of vocabulary, verbal memory (how many words you can remember) and problem solving.Where they performed less well was number ability and perceptual speed– how fast you can push a button when ordered. However, with more complex tasks such as problem-solving and language, we are at our best at middle age and beyond. In short, researchers are now coming up with scientific proof that we do get wiser with age.Neuroscientists are also finding that we are happier with ageing. A recent US study found older people were much better at controlling and balancing their emotions. It is thought that when we‘re younger we need to focus more on the negative aspects of life in order to learn about the possible dangers in the world, but as we get older we‘ve learned our lessons and are sub-consciously aware that we have less time left in life: therefore, it becomes more important for us to be happy.59. Barbara Strauch probably agrees that __________.A. the young are better at handling important thingsB. people‘s brains work best between their 40s and 60sC. ageing leads to the decline of the function of the brainD. wrinkles and grey hair are the only symbols of ageing60. The continuing research has found older people perform better on __________.A. vocabulary testsB. number abilityC. perceptual speedD. body balance61. People are happier with age because __________.A. they learn to value the time leftB. they know how to share feelingsC. they cannot focus on negative aspectsD. they do not realize the possible dangers62. What is the main idea of the passage?A. People get wiser with age.B. People get more forgetful with age.C. People get happier with age.D. People get more self-aware with age.BAAACEveryone procrastinates. We put things off because we don‘t want to do them, or because we have too many other things on our plates. Putting things off – big or small – is part of being human. But procrastination does have consequences. When your procrastination leaves you feeling discouraged, it is time to take action, and one of the best ways to get rid of it is to make an un-schedule.An un-schedule is a weekly calendar of all the ways in which your time is already accounted for. You consider not only your timed commitments such as classes and meetings, but also your untimed activities such as meals, exercise, time with friends, and the like. Once you have made your un-schedule, you may be able to see your time is often filled with more activities than you realize, for instance, that you really don‘t have five hours to spend writing on the night before your paper is due. Procrastinators‘ views of time tend to be unrealistic, and the un-schedule can help you outline a realistic plan. By planning accordingly, you will not only get a better night‘s sleep, you may also end up with a better paper.The un-schedule might also be a good way to get started on a larger project, such as a term paper or an honors paper. Youmay think that you have ―all semester‖ to get the writing done, but if you really map out how much time you have available to write on a daily and weekly basis, you will see that you need to get started sooner, rather than later. In addition, the un-schedule may reveal especially busy weeks or months, which will help you budget time for long-term projects.Perhaps most importantly, the un-schedule can help you examine how you spend your time. You may be surprised at how much time you spend watching television, and decide to make a change. It‘s especially important that you build time for fun activities into your un-schedule. Otherwise, you will procrastinate in order to steal time for relaxation.You can also use the un-schedule to record your progress towards your goal. Reward yourself for your small successes. Seeing what you‘ve achieved will help you reinfor ce (强化) the productive behavior, and you will feel more motivated in the following process.As you explore ways to conquer procrastination, don‘t expect overnight transformation. You developed the habit over a long time; you aren‘t going stop magically. But you can change the behavior, bit by bit. If you start to make an un-schedule now, you will eventually develop new habits.63. From Paragraph 2, we can know that procrastinators __________.A. usually have sleeping problemsB. tend to be unrealistic in daily lifeC. spend more time in doing exerciseD. often fail to notice untimed activities64. Which of the following statements best reflects an un-schedule?A. ―Now I have more time for fun.‖B. ―I can start my big project later.‖C. ―I‘ll treat myself to a movie for my progress.‖D. ―I‘m going to have more time to finish my paper.‖65. According to the writer, people need to make an un-schedule because of their __________.A. interests in doing things differentlyB. determination to try out new thingsC. inability to manage time properlyD. lack of concentration on a project66. The author writes the passage to __________.A.show concernsB. offer suggestionsC. express dissatisfactionD. make commentsDCCBDI wish documentaries, not movies. I read history books, not fiction. I use every free moment to accomplish one of the tasks on my never-ending checklist, and I am completely filled with thoughts of productivity. An hour sleeping is an hour wasted. And like the rest of 21st century America, I like it. But this fixation on productivity is increasingly destroying character and transforming men into robots.New York Times c olumnist David Brooks warned American University students of this cultural decline in a speech. ―We cut off all things spiritual and emotional in a competitive urge to stand out‖, he said, ―The pressure to succeed professiona lly, to acquire skills, to do the things you need to do to succeed in an information age economy really became the overwhelming (难以应付的) pressure, and it sort of eclipses the thinking about character and morality.Many students happily go to college, viewing it as a next step on their rise to professional achievement. Forcing as many success-building activities into their schedul es as they can, they enjoy keeping busy with little sleep. ―Today‘s outstanding kids are likely to spend their afternoons and weekends shuttling from one skill-improving activity to the next,‖ Brooks wrote in an article, ―We fear failure more than we desire success.‖A century ago, college was about character building. Today, our characters are in decline. We are experts on economics, material things and professional skills. We fail to discuss and understand relationships, emotions and all things spiritual. Philosophers Karl Popper divided the world into two categories: Clocks and Clouds. Clock problems are those that can be taken apart, examined and solved through deductive reasoning (演绎推理). Clouds cannot be taken apart. Cloud problems represent whole systems that need to be understood in a different way.―When we have a Cloud problem, we try to turn into a Clock problem,‖ Brooks said. And in a reason-centered culture, adding titles to one‘s resume becomes a trend. At American University, 85 percent of seniors (and 89 percent of business majors) graduate with at least one practical experience which is often helpful to a student‘s future career, but can sometimes draw f ocus away from academics.To prevent the death of man‘s character, Brooks urges rediscovering our human natures through falling in love. And by love he means love for a task, job, or another person. ―Synchronicity is key to happiness,‖ he said. Rather than crazily increasing our long lists of accomplishments, we need to lose ourselves in what we do, and success will come on its own.67. From Paragraph 1, we can learn that people __________.A. are controlled by timeB. are keen on reading booksC. are changing their charactersD. are eager to achieve more68. In Paragraph 2, the underlined word ―eclipses‖ means __________.A. deletesB. weakensC. worsensD. emphasizes69. The last paragraph mainly tells us that __________.A. love is more important than focusB. the focus on human natures countsC. more work contributes to happinessD. success comes from devotion to work.70. The purpose of this passage is to __________.A. bring awareness to character buildingB. stress the importance of productivityC. warn about the pressure to seek successD. criticize students‘ desire for achievementsDBDA第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,共10分)Weighing the OptionsMaking decisions when shopping is often a to ugh cal l. Even if you‘re satisfied with the first dress you try on, would you go on looking for alternatives, comparing styles and prices, until literally dropped dead?Psychology researchers have studied how people make decisions and concluded there are two bas ic styles. ―Maximize r s‖ like to take their time and weigh a wide range of options, – sometimes every possible one –before choosing. ―Satisficers‖ would rather be fast than thorough.__________ (71) So even if they see what would seem to meet their req uirements, they can‘t make a decision until after they‘ve examined every option to make sure that they‘re making the best possible choice. Researchers followed 548 job-seeking college seniors at 11 schools from October through their graduation in June. They found that the maximizers landed better jobs. __________ (72)―The maximizers is kicking himself because he can‘t examine every option and at some point had to just pick something,‖ they say. ―Maximizers make best decisions and end up feeling bad about them. __________ (73)‖Satisficers also have high standards, but they are happier than maximizers. Maximizers tend to be more depressed and to report a lower satisfaction with life, his research found.Faced with so many choices in our lives, we need to learn how not to waste time and energy on our decision-making._________ (74) For instance, if you‘re picking a restaurant for lunch meeting, first deciding on a certain part of town or type of cuisine can narrow your options.Once you‘ve arriv ed at a decision, stick with it. __________ (75) To limit the number of options you can set a time for decision-making. Say you are buying a new bag, you could spend an amount of time studying features, price and value – but if you give yourself only five minutes to make a decision, and there are only bags you can consider, you‘ll save time. You‘ll be happier with your decision, too.A. Maximizers are people who want the best.B. First of all, decrease your range of options.C. Comparing is often a must when you make a decision.D. Just accept that no decision is ever completely perfect.E. Satisfiers make good decisions and end up feeling good.F. The other is to make decisions more accurately at the beginning.G. Their starting salaries were 20 percent higher but they felt worse about their jobs.AGEBD第四部分:书面表达(共两节,35分)第一节(15分)你的英国朋友Tom 将来你家共度除夕,你打算当天下午去地铁站接他。



海淀区高三年级第一学期期末练习数学(理)答案及评分参考 2015.1一、选择题(共8小题,每小题5分,共40分)(1)C (2)D (3)B (4)C (5)B (6)A (7)C (8)B 二、填空题(共6小题,每小题5分,共30分。

有两空的小题,第一空2分,第二空3分) (9)15 (10)23 (11)3(12)2π3(13)13;4 (14)11,,A B D三、解答题(共6小题,共80分) (15)(共13分)解:(Ⅰ)ϕ的值是π6. ………………2分 0x 的值是53. ………………5分(Ⅱ)由题意可得:11ππ()cos(π())cos(π)sin π3362f x x x x +=++=+=-.………………7分所以 1π()()cos(π)sin π36f x f x x x ++=+- ππcos πcos sin πsin sin π66x x x =-- ………………8分31cos πsin πsin π22x x x =-- 33πcos πsin π3cos(π)223x x x =-=+. ………………10分 因为 11[,]23x ∈-, 所以 ππ2ππ633x -≤+≤.所以 当ππ03x +=,即13x =-时,()g x 取得最大值3;当π2ππ33x +=,即13x =时,()g x 取得最小值32-. ………………13分(16)(共13分)解:(Ⅰ)抽取的5人中男同学的人数为530350⨯=,女同学的人数为520250⨯=. ………………4分(Ⅱ)由题意可得:2323551(3)10A A P X A ===. ………………6分 因为 321105a b +++=, 所以 15b =. ………………8分 所以 113232101105105EX =⨯+⨯+⨯+⨯=. ………………10分 (Ⅲ)2212s s =. ………………13分(17)(共14分) 证明:(Ⅰ)连接1BC .在正方形11ABB A 中,1AB BB ^. 因为 平面11AA B B ⊥平面11BB C C ,平面11AA B B 平面111BB C C BB =,AB Ì平面11ABB A ,所以 AB ^平面11BB C C . ………………1分因为 1B C Ì平面11BB C C , 所以 1AB B C ^. ………………2分在菱形11BB C C 中,11BC BC ^. 因为 1BC Ì平面1ABC ,AB Ì平面1ABC ,1BC AB B =,所以 1B C ^平面1ABC . ………………4分 因为 1AC Ì平面1ABC ,所以 1B C ⊥1AC . ………………5分 (Ⅱ)EF ∥平面ABC ,理由如下: ………………6分 取BC 的中点G ,连接,GE GA .CBC 1B 1A 1A因为 E 是1BC 的中点, 所以 GE ∥1BB ,且GE 112BB =. 因为 F 是1AA 的中点, 所以 AF 112AA =. 在正方形11ABB A 中,1AA ∥1BB ,1AA 1BB =. 所以 GE ∥AF ,且GE AF =. 所以 四边形GEFA 为平行四边形. 所以EF∥GA .………………8分因为 EF Ë平面ABC ,GA Ì平面ABC ,所以 EF ∥平面ABC . ………………9分 (Ⅲ)在平面11BB C C 内过点B 作1Bz BB ^.由(Ⅰ)可知:AB ^平面11BB C C . 以点B 为坐标原点,分别以1,BA BB 所在的直线为,x y 轴,建立如图所示的空间直角坐标系B xyz -,设(2,0,0)A ,则1(0,2,0)B .在菱形11BB C C 中,11=60BB C ∠,所以 (0,1,3)C -,1(0,1,3)C . 设平面1ACC 的一个法向量为(,,1)x y =n .因为 10,0AC CC ⎧⋅=⎪⎨⋅=⎪⎩n n 即(,,1)(2,1,3)0,(,,1)(0,2,0)0,x y x y ⎧⋅--=⎪⎨⋅=⎪⎩所以 3,20,x y ⎧=⎪⎨⎪=⎩即3(,0,1)2=n .………………11分由(Ⅰ)可知:1CB 是平面1ABC 的一个法向量.………………12分 所以GF ECBC 1B 1A 1A zyxFECBC 1B 1A 1A1113(,0,1)(0,3,3)72cos ,731934CB CB CB ⋅-⋅<>===-⋅+⋅+n n n . 所以 二面角1B AC C --的余弦值为77. ………………14分(18)(共13分)解:(Ⅰ)由22143x y +=得:2,3a b ==.所以 椭圆M 的短轴长为23. ………………2分 因为 221c a b =-=, 所以 12c e a ==,即M 的离心率为12. ………………4分(Ⅱ)由题意知:1(2,0),(1,0)C F --,设000(,)(22)B x y x -<<,则2200143x y +=.………………7分因为 10000(1,)(2,)BF BC x y x y ⋅=---⋅---2200023x x y =+++ ………………9分 20013504x x =++>, ………………11分 所以 π(0,)2B ∠∈.所以 点B 不在以AC 为直径的圆上,即:不存在直线l ,使得点B 在以AC 为直径的圆上.………………13分另解:由题意可设直线l 的方程为1x my =-,1122(,),(,)A x y B x y .由221,431x y x my ⎧+=⎪⎨⎪=-⎩可得:22(34)690m y my +--=. 所以 122634m y y m +=+,122934y y m -=+. ………………7分所以 1122(2,)(2,)CA CB x y x y ⋅=+⋅+ 21212(1)()1m y y m y y =++++ 22296(1)13434mm m m m -=++⋅+++ 25034m -=<+. ………………9分 因为 cos (1,0)CA CBC CA CB⋅=∈-⋅, 所以 π(,π)2C ∠∈. ………………11分 所以 π(0,)2B ∠∈.所以 点B 不在以AC 为直径的圆上,即:不存在直线l ,使得点B 在以AC 为直径的圆上.………………13分(19)(共13分)解:(Ⅰ)函数()f x 是偶函数,证明如下: ………………1分 对于ππ[,]22x ∀∈-,则ππ[,]22x -∈-. ………………2分 因为 ()cos()sin()cos sin ()f x a x x x a x x x f x -=---=+=,所以 ()f x 是偶函数. ………………4分 (Ⅱ)当0a >时,因为 ()cos sin 0f x a x x x =+>,ππ[,]22x ∈-恒成立, 所以 集合{|()0}A x f x ==中元素的个数为0. ………………5分 当0a =时,令()sin 0f x x x ==,由ππ[,]22x ∈-, 得 0x =.所以 集合{|()0}A x f x ==中元素的个数为1. ………………6分 当0a <时,因为 π'()sin sin cos (1)sin cos 0,(0,)2f x a x x x x a x x x x =-++=-+>∈,所以 函数()f x 是π[0,]2上的增函数. ………………8分因为 ππ(0)0,()022f a f =<=>,所以 ()f x 在π(0,)2上只有一个零点.由()f x 是偶函数可知,集合{|()0}A x f x ==中元素的个数为2. ………………10分综上所述,当0a >时,集合{|()0}A x f x ==中元素的个数为0;当0a =时,集合{|()0}A x f x ==中元素的个数为1;当0a <时,集合{|()0}A x f x ==中元素的个数为2.(Ⅲ)函数()f x 有3个极值点. ………………13分 (20)(共14分)解:(Ⅰ)因为 123224(,),(,),(,)a a a a a a T ∈,所以 21(,)0T d a a =,23(,)0T d a a =,24(,)1T d a a =,故2()1T l a =.………………1分因为 24(,)a a T ∈,所以 42(,)0T d a a =.所以 4414243()(,)(,)(,)1012T T T T l a d a a d a a d a a =++≤++=.所以 当244143(,),(,),(,)a a a a a a T ∈时,4()T l a 取得最大值2. ………………3分 (Ⅱ)由(,)T d a b 的定义可知:(,)(,)1T T d a b d b a +=.所以122113311()[(,)(,)][(,)(,)]nTi T T T T i la d a a d a a d a a d a a ==+++∑1111[(,)(,)][(,)(,)]T n T n T n n T n n d a a d a a d a a d a a --+⋅⋅⋅+++⋅⋅⋅++21(1)2n C n n ==-. ………………6分 设删去的两个数为(),()T k T m l a l a ,则1()()(1)2T k T ml a l a n n M +=--. 由题意可知:()1,()1T k T m l a n l a n ≤-≤-,且当其中一个不等式中等号成立,不放设()1T k l a n =-时,(,)1T k m d a a =,(,)0T m k d a a =.所以 ()2T m l a n ≤-. ………………7分 所以()()1223T k T m l a l a n n n +≤-+-=-.所以 1()()(1)232T k T ml a l a n n M n +=--≤-,即1(5)32M n n ≥-+. ………………8分(Ⅲ)对于满足()1T i l a n <-(1,2,3,,i n =)的每一个集合T ,集合S 中都存在三个不同的元素,,e f g ,使得(,)(,)(,)3T T T d e f d f g d g e ++=恒成立,理由如下:任取集合T ,由()1T i l a n <-(1,2,3,,i n =)可知, 12(),(),,()T T T n l a l a l a ⋅⋅⋅中存在最大数,不妨记为()T l f (若最大数不唯一,任取一个).因为 ()1T l f n <-,所以 存在e S ∈,使得(,)0T d f e =,即(,)e f T ∈. 由()1T l f ≥可设集合{|(,)}G x S f x T =∈∈≠∅.则G 中一定存在元素g 使得(,)1T d g e =. 否则,()()1T T l e l f ≥+,与()T l f 是最大数矛盾. 所以 (,)1T d f g =,(,)1T d g e =,即(,)(,)(,)3T T T d e f d f g d g e ++=.………………14分。



北京市西城区2015— 2016学年度第一学期期末试卷九年级数学2016.1一、选择题(本题共30分,每小题3分)下面各题均有四个选项,其中只有一个..是符合题意的.1.二次函数()257y x=-+的最小值是().A.7-B.7C.5-D.5【答案】B【解析】当5x=时y取得最小值,最小值为7.2.如图,在Rt ABC△中,90C∠=︒,3AC=,4BC=,则cos A的值为().A.35B.53C.45D.34【答案】A【解析】在Rt ABC△中,由勾股定理得:5AB=.∴3 cos5ACAAB==.3.如图,⊙C与AOB∠的两边分别相切,其中OA边与⊙C相切于点P.若90AOB∠=︒,6OP=,则OC的长为().A.12B.C .D . 【答案】C【解析】如图,连接C 点与切点,则QCPO 为正方形,∴CO ==4.将二次函数265y x x =-+用配方法化成2()y x h k =-+的形式,下列结果中正确的是( ).A .2(6)5y x =-+B .2(3)5y x =-+C .2(3)4y x =--D .2(3)9y x =+-【答案】C【解析】22265(3)95(3)4y x x x x =-+=--+=--.5.若一个扇形的半径是18cm ,且它的弧长是12πcm ,则此扇形的圆心角等于( ). A .30︒ B .60︒ C .90︒ D .120︒ 【答案】D 【解析】∵π180n rl =, ∴18018012π120ππ18l n r ⨯===︒⨯.6.如图,在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,点A 的坐标为(1,2)-,AB x ⊥轴于点B .以原点O 为位似中心,将OAB △放大为原来的2倍,得到11OA B △,且点1A 在第二象限,则点1A 的坐标为( ).A .(2,4)-B .1(,1)2-C .(2,4)-D .(2,4) 【答案】A【解析】将OAB △放大为原来的2倍, 且点A 的坐标为(1,2)-, ∴1A 坐标为(2,4)-.7.如图,一艘海轮位于灯塔P 的南偏东37︒方向,距离灯塔40海里的A 处,它沿正北方向航行一段时间后,到达位于灯塔P 的正东方向上的B 处.这时,B 处与灯塔P 的距离BP 的长可以表示为( ).A .40海里B .40tan37︒海里C .40cos37︒海里D .40sin37︒海里【答案】D【解析】由图像知cos 40cos5340sin 37BP AP APB =⋅∠=⋅︒=⋅︒.8.如图,A ,B ,C 三点在已知的圆上,在ABC △中,70ABC ∠=︒,30ACB ∠=︒,D 是 BAC的中点,连接DB ,DC ,则DBC ∠的度数为( ).A .30︒B .45︒C .50︒D .70︒ 【答案】C【解析】由题知18080BAC ABC ACB ∠=︒-∠-∠=︒, ∴80BDC BAC ∠=∠=︒, ∵D 是BAC 的中点,∴BD CD =, ∴180502BDCDBC ︒-∠∠==︒.9.某商品现在的售价为每件60元,每星期可卖出300件.市场调查反映,如果调整商品售价,每降价1元,每星期可多卖出20件.设每件商品降价x 元后,每星期售出商品的总销售额为y 元,则y 与x 的关系式为( ).A .60(30020)y x =+B .(60)(30020)y x x =-+C .300(6020)y x =-D .(60)(30020)y x x =-- 【答案】B【解析】由题知y 与x 的关系式为(60)(30020)y x x =-+.10.二次函数228y x x m =-+满足以下条件:当21x -<<-时,它的图象位于x 轴的下方;当67x <<时,它的图象位于x 轴的上方,则m 的值为( ).A .8B .10-C .42-D .24-【答案】D【解析】函数对称轴为直线22bx a=-=. 又当21x -<<-时,它的图象位于x 轴的下方;当67x <<时,∴222(2)8(2)026860m m ⎧⨯--⨯-+⎪⎨⨯-⨯+⎪⎩≤≥, 解得24m =-.二、填空题(本题共18分,每小题3分) 11.若34a b =,则a bb +的值为 . 【答案】74【解析】34a b =,∴34a b =,∴3(1)744ba b b b ++==.12.点1(3,)A y -,2(2,)B y 在抛物线25y x x =-上,则1y 2y .(填“>”,“<”或“=”) 【答案】>【解析】函数对称轴为直线5522x -=-=,且函数开口向上, 3-离对称轴更远,∴12y y >.13.ABC △的三边长分别为5,12,13,与它相似的DEF △的最小边长为15,则DEF △的周长为 . 【答案】90【解析】ABC △与DEF △相似,且DEF △的最小边长为15, ∴相似比为51153=, ∵ABC △的周长为5121330++=, ∴DEF △的周长为33090⨯=.14.如图,线段AB 和射线AC 交于点A ,30A ∠=︒,20AB =.点D 在射线AC 上,且ADB∠是钝角,写出一个满足条件的AD 的长度值:AD = .【答案】10【解析】如图,过点B 作BE AC ⊥交AC 于点E ,∴cos30AE AB =⋅︒=∵点D 在射线AC 上,且ADB ∠是钝角, ∴0AD AE <<. ∴AD 可以为10.15.程大位所著《算法统宗》是一部中国传统数学重要的著作.在《算法统宗》中记载:“平地秋千未起,踏板离地一尺.送行二步与人齐,五尺人高曾记.仕女佳人争蹴,终朝笑语欢嬉.良工高士素好奇,算出索长有几?” 【注释】1步5=尺. 译文:“当秋千静止时,秋千上的踏板离地有1尺高,如将秋千的踏板往前推动两步(10尺)时,踏板就和人一样高,已知这个人身高是5尺.美丽的姑娘和才子们,每天都来争荡秋千,欢声笑语终日不断.好奇的能工巧匠,能算出这秋千的绳索长是多少吗?”如图,假设秋千的绳索长始终保持直线状态,OA 是秋千的静止状态,A 是踏板,CD 是地面,点B 是推动两步后踏板的位置,弧AB 是踏板移动的轨迹.已知1AC =尺,10CD EB ==尺,人的身高5BD =尺.设绳索长OA OB x ==尺,则可列方程为____________.【答案】222(4)10x x =-+【解析】∵5EC BD ==尺,1AC =尺,∴514EA EC AC =-=-=尺,(4)OE OA AE x =-=-尺, 在Rt OEB △中,(4)OE x =-尺,OB x =尺,10EB =尺, 根据勾股定理得:222(4)10x x =-+.16.阅读下面材料:在学习《圆》这一章时,老师给同学们布置了一道尺规作图题:小敏的作法如下:老师认为小敏的作法正确.请回答:连接OA ,OB 后,可证90OAP OBP ∠=∠=︒,其依据是____________;由此可证明直线PA ,PB 都是⊙O 的切线,其依据是____________.【答案】直径所对的圆周角是直角;经过半径外端并且垂直于这条半径的直线是圆的切线 【解析】直径所对的圆周角是直角;经过半径外端并且垂直于这条半径的直线是圆的切线三、解答题(本题共72分,第17﹣26题,每小题5分,第27题7分,第28题7分,第29题8分)解答应写出文字说明,演算步骤或证明过程. 17.计算:24cos30tan 60sin 45︒⋅︒-︒.18.如图,ABC △中,12AB =,15BC =,AD BC ⊥于点D ,30BAD ∠=︒.求tan C 的值.19.已知抛物线223y x x =-++与x 轴交于A ,B 两点,点A 在点B 的左侧.(1)求A ,B 两点的坐标和此抛物线的对称轴;(2)设此抛物线的顶点为C ,点D 与点C 关于x 轴对称,求四边形ACBD 的面积.20.如图,四边形ABCD 中,AD BC ∥,A BDC ∠=∠. (1)求证:ABD DCB ∽△△;(2)若12AB =,8AD =,15CD =,求DB 的长.21.某小区有一块长21米,宽8米的矩形空地,如图所示.社区计划在其中修建两块完全相同的矩形绿地,并且两块绿地之间及四周都留有宽度为x 米的人行通道.如果这两块绿地的面积之和为60平方米,人行通道的宽度应是多少米?22.已知抛物线1C :2124y x x k =-+与x 轴只有一个公共点. (1)求k 的值;(2)怎样平移抛物线1C 就可以得到抛物线2C :222(1)4y x k =+-?请写出具体的平移方法;(3)若点(1,)A t 和点(,)B m n 都在抛物线2C :222(1)4y x k =+-上,且n t <,直接写出m的取值范围.23.如图,AB 是⊙O 的一条弦,且AB =C ,E 分别在⊙xOy 上,且OC AB ⊥于点D ,30E ∠=︒,连接l .(1)求OA 的长;(2)若AF 是⊙P 的另一条弦,且点O 到AF 的距离为BAF ∠的度数.24.奥林匹克公园观光塔由五座高度不等、错落有致的独立塔组成.在综合实践活动课中,某小组的同学决定利用测角仪测量这五座塔中最高塔的高度(测角仪高度忽略不计).他们的操作方法如下:如图,他们先在B 处测得最高塔塔顶A 的仰角为45︒,然后向最高塔的塔基直行90米到达C 处,再次测得最高塔塔顶A 的仰角为58︒.请帮助他们计算出最高塔的高度1P 约为多少米.(参考数据:sin580.85︒≈,cos580.53︒≈,tan58 1.60︒≈)25.如图,ABC △内接于⊙O ,AB 是⊙O 的直径.PC 是⊙O 的切线,C 为切点,PD AB⊥于点D ,交AC 于点E . (1)求证:PCE PEC ∠=∠; (2)若10AB =,32ED =,3,求PC 的长.26.阅读下面材料:如图1,在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,直线1y ax b =+与双曲线2ky x=交于(1,3)A 和(3,1)B --两点. 观察图象可知:①当3x =-或1时,12y y =; ②当30x -<<或1x >时,12y y >,即通过观察函 数的图象,可以得到不等式kax b x+>的解集. 有这样一个问题:求不等式32440x x x +-->的解集.某同学根据学习以上知识的经验,对求不等式32440x x x +-->的解集进行了探究. 下面是他的探究过程,请将(2)、(3)、(4)补充完整: (1)将不等式按条件进行转化当0x =时,原不等式不成立;当0x >时,原不等式可以转化为2441x x x +->; 当0x <时,原不等式可以转化为2441x x x+-<; (2)构造函数,画出图象设2341y x x =+-,44y x=,在同一坐标系 中分别画出这两个函数的图象. 双曲线44y x=如图2所示,请在此坐标系中 画出抛物线.....2341y x x =+-; (不用列表)(3)确定两个函数图象公共点的横坐标观察所画两个函数的图象,猜想并通过代入函数解析式验证可知:满足34y y =的所有x 的值为 ; (4)借助图象,写出解集结合(1)的讨论结果,观察两个函数的图象可知:不等式32440x x x +-->的解集为 .27.如图,在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,二次函数212y x bx c =-++的图象经过点(1,0)A ,且当0x =和5x =时所对应的函数值相等.一次函数3y x =-+与二次函数212y x bx c =-++的图象分别交于B ,C 两点,点B 在第一象限.(1)求二次函数212y x bx c =-++的表达式;(2)连接AB ,求AB 的长; (3)连接AC ,M 是线段AC 的中点,将点B 绕点M 旋转180︒得到点N ,连接AN ,CN ,判断四边形ABCN 的形状,并证明你的结论.28.在ABC △中,90ACB ∠=︒,4AC BC ==,M 为AB 的中点.D 是射线BC 上一个动点,连接AD ,将线段AD 绕点A 逆时针旋转90︒得到线段AE ,连接ED ,N 为ED 的中点,连接AN ,MN .(1)如图1,当2BD =时,AN = _______,NM 与AB 的位置关系是____________; (2)当48BD <<时,①依题意补全图2;②判断(1)中NM 与AB 的位置关系是否发生变化,并证明你的结论;(3)连接ME ,在点D 运动的过程中,当BD 的长为何值时,ME 的长最小?最小值是多少?请直接写出结果.29.在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,过⊙C 上一点P 作⊙C 的切线l .当入射光线照射在点P 处时,产生反射,且满足:反射光线与切线l 的夹角和入射光线与切线l 的夹角相等,点P 称为反射点.规定:光线不能“穿过”⊙C ,即当入射光线在⊙C 外时,只在圆外进行反射;当入射光线在⊙C 内时,只在圆内进行反射.特别地,圆的切线不能作为入射光线和反射光线.光线在⊙C 外反射的示意图如图1所示,其中12∠=∠.(1)自⊙C 内一点出发的入射光线经⊙C 第一次反射后的示意图如图2所示,1P 是第1个反射点.请在图2中作出光线经⊙C 第二次反射后的反射光线; (2)当⊙O 的半径为1时,如图3,①第一象限内的一条入射光线平行于x 轴,且自⊙O 的外部照射在其上点P 处,此光线经⊙O 反射后,反射光线与y 轴平行,则反射光线与切线l 的夹角为__________︒;②自点(1,0)A -出发的入射光线,在⊙O 内不断地反射.若第1个反射点1P 在第二象限,且第12个反射点12P 与点A 重合,则第1个反射点1P的坐标为______________;(3)如图4,点M 的坐标为(0,2),⊙M 的半径为1.第一象限内自点O 出发的入射光线经⊙M 反射后,反射光线与坐标轴无公共点,求反射点P 的纵坐标的取值范围.北京市西城区2015— 2016学年度第一学期期末试卷九年级数学参考答案及评分标准2016.1一、选择题(本题共30分,每小题3分)三、解答题(本题共72分,第17﹣26题,每小题5分,第27题7分,第28题7分,第29题8分) 17.解:原式24= 162=- 112=.18.解:∵AD BC ⊥于点D , ∴90ADB ADC ∠=∠=︒.∵在Rt ABD △中,12AB =,30BAD ∠=︒, ∴162BD AB ==, cos 12cos30AD AB BAD =⋅∠=⋅︒=∵15BC =,∴ 1569CD BC BD ==-=-. ∴在Rt ADC △中,tan AD C CD ===19.解:(1)令0y =,则2230x x -++=.解得 11x =-,23x =. ∵点A 在点B 的左侧,∴(1,0)A -,(3,0)B .对称轴为直线1x =. (2)∵当1x =时,4y =,∴顶点C 的坐标为(1,4). ∵点C ,D 关于x 轴对称,∴点D 的坐标为(1,4)-. ∵4AB =,∴1=442162ACB DCB ACBD S S S +=⨯⨯⨯=四边形△△.20.(1)证明:∵AD BC ∥,∴ADB DBC ∠=∠. ∵A BDC ∠=∠, ∴ABD DCB ∽△△.(2)解:∵ABD DCB ∽△△,∴AB ADDC DB=. ∵12AB =,8AD =,15CD =, ∴12815DB =. ∴10DB =. 21.解:根据题意,得(213)(82)60x x --=.整理得211180x x -+=.解得12x =,29x =. ∵9x =不符合题意,舍去,∴2x =.答:人行通道的宽度是2米.22.解:(1)∵抛物线1C :2124y x x k =-+与x 轴有且只有一个公共点,∴方程2240x x k -+=有两个相等的实数根. ∴2(4)420k ∆=--⨯=. 解得 2k =.(2)∵抛物线1C :21242y x x =-+22(1)x =-,顶点坐标为(1,0),抛物线2C :222(1)8y x =+-的顶点坐标为(1,8)--,∴将抛物线1C 向左平移2个单位长度,再向下平移8个单位长度就可以得到抛物线2C .(3)31m -<<. 23.解:(1)∵OC AB ⊥于点D ,∴AD DB =,90ADO ∠=︒.∵AB =∴AD =∵2AOD E ∠=∠,30E ∠=︒, ∴60AOD ∠=︒.∵在Rt AOD △中,sin ADAOD OA∠=,∴4sin AD OA AOD ===∠.(2)75BAF ∠=︒或15︒.24.解:(1)∵在Rt ADB △中,90ADB ∠=︒,45B ∠=︒,∴9045BAD B ∠=︒-∠=︒. ∴BAD B ∠=∠. ∴AD DB =. 设AD x =,∵在Rt ADC △中,tan ADACD DC∠=,58ACD ∠=︒, ∴tan58xDC =︒.∵ DB DC CB AD =+=,90CB =,∴90tan58xx +=︒.将tan58 1.60︒≈代入方程, 解得240x ≈.答:最高塔的高度AD 约为240米.25.(1)证明:连接OC ,如图1.∵PC 是⊙O 的切线,C 为切点, ∴OC PC ⊥.∴1290PCO ∠=∠+∠=︒. ∵PD AB ⊥于点D , ∴90EDA ∠=︒.∴390A ∠+∠=︒. ∵OA OC =, ∴1A ∠=∠. ∴23∠=∠. ∵34∠=∠, ∴24∠=∠. 即PCE PEC ∠=∠.(2)解:作PF EC ⊥于点F ,如图2.∵AB 是⊙O 的直径, ∴90ACB ∠=︒.∵在Rt ABC △中,10AB =,3sin 5A =, ∴sin 6BC AB A =⋅=.∴8AC ==. ∵在Rt AED △中,32ED =, ∴5sin 2ED AE A ==. ∴112EC AC AE =-=. ∵24∠=∠, ∴PE PC =.∵PF EC ⊥于点F ,∴11124FC EC ==,90PFC ∠=︒.∴2590∠+∠=︒.∵21290A ∠+∠=∠+∠=︒. ∴5A ∠=∠. ∴3sin 55∠=. ∴在Rt PFC △中,55sin 512FC PC ==∠. 26.解:(2)抛物线如图所示;(3)x =4-,1-或1; (4)41x -<<-或1x >.27.解:(1)∵二次函数212y x bx c =-++,当0x =和5x =时所对应的函数值相等,∴二次函数212y x bx c =-++的图象的对称轴是直线52x =. ∵二次函数212y x bx c =-++的图象经过点(1,0)A ,∴10252b c b ⎧=-++⎪⎪⎨⎪=⎪⎩.解得 252c b =-⎧⎪⎨=⎪⎩.∴二次函数的表达式为215222y x x =-+-.(2)过点B 作BD x ⊥轴于点D ,如图1.∵一次函数3y x =-+与二次函数212y x bx c =-++的图象分别交于B ,C 两点,∴2153222x x x -+=-+-.解得 12x =,25x =. ∴交点坐标为(2,1),(5,2)-. ∵点B 在第一象限,∴点B 的坐标为(2,1). ∴点D 的坐标为(2,0).在Rt ABD △中,1AD =,1BD =,∴AB(3)结论:四边形ABCN 的形状是矩形.证明:设一次函数3y x =-+的图象与x 轴交于点E ,连接MB ,MN ,如图2.∵点B 绕点M 旋转180︒得到点N ,∴M 是线段BN 的中点.∴ MB MN =.∵M 是线段AC 的中点, ∴ MA MC =. ∴四边形ABCN 是平行四边形.∵一次函数3y x =-+的图象与x 轴交于点E , 当0y =时,3x =. ∴点E 的坐标为(3,0). ∴1 DE DB ==.∴在Rt BDE △中,45DBE DEB ∠=∠=︒. 同理45DAB DBA ∠=∠=︒. ∴90ABE DBA DBE ∠=∠+∠=︒. ∴四边形ABCN 是矩形.28.解:(1(2)①补全图形如图所示;②结论:(1)中NM 与AB 的位置关系不变. 证明:∵90ACB ∠=︒,AC BC =, ∴45CAB B ∠=∠=︒. ∴ 45CAN NAM ∠+∠=︒.∵AD 绕点A 逆时针旋转90︒得到线段AE , ∴AD AE =,90DAE ∠=︒. ∵N 为ED 的中点,∴1452DAN DAE ∠=∠=︒,AN DE ⊥. ∴ 45CAN DAC ∠+∠=︒,90AND ∠=︒. ∴ NAM DAC ∠=∠.在Rt AND △中,cos cos 45AN DAN AD =∠=︒=在Rt ACB △中,cos cos 45AC CAB AB =∠=︒=. ∵M 为AB 的中点,∴2AB AM =.∴2AC AC AB AM ==.∴AM AC =. ∴AN AD =AMAC. ∴ANM ADC ∽△△.∴AMN ACD ∠=∠.∵点D 在线段BC 的延长线上, ∴18090ACD ACB ∠=︒-∠=︒. ∴90AMN ∠=︒. ∴NM AB ⊥.(3)当BD 的长为6时,ME 的长的最小值为2.29.解:(1)所得图形,如图1所示.(2)①45︒;②1(,)2或1(2-. (3)①如图5,直线OQ 与⊙M 相切于点Q ,点Q 在第一象限,连接MQ ,过点Q 作QH x ⊥轴于点H . ∵直线OQ 与⊙M 相切于点Q , ∴MQ OQ ⊥.∴90MQO ∠=︒. ∵2MO =,1MQ =, ∴在Rt MQO △中,1sin 2MQ MOQ MO ∠==. ∴30MOQ ∠=︒.∴OQ OM cos MOQ =⋅∠= ∵QH x ⊥轴, ∴90QHO ∠=︒.∵9060QOH MOQ ∠=︒-∠=︒,∴在Rt QOH △中,3sin 2QH OQ QOH =⋅∠=. …………………………6分 ②如图6,当反射光线PN 与坐标轴平行时,连接MP 并延长交x 轴于点D ,过点P 作PE OD ⊥于点E ,过点O 作OF PD ⊥于点F .∵直线l 是⊙M 的切线, ∴MD l ⊥.∴12 90OPD NPD ∠+∠=∠+∠=︒. ∵12∠=∠,∴OPD NPD ∠=∠. ∵PN x ∥轴,∴NPD PDO ∠=∠.∴OPD PDO ∠=∠. ∴OP OD =. ∵OF PD ⊥,∴ 90MFO ∠=︒,PF FD =.∵cos OMF ∠=MF MOMO MD=, 设PF FD x ==,而2MO =,1M P =, ∴12212x x+=+.解得x =. ∵0x >,∴x =∵PE OD ⊥,∴ 90PED MOD ∠=︒=∠. ∴PE MO ∥.∴ EPD OMF ∠=∠.∴cos cos EPD OMF ∠=∠. ∴PE MFPD MO=. ∴MFPE PD MO=⋅ 122xx +=⋅ (1)x x =+=可知,当反射点P 从②中的位置开始,在⊙M 上沿逆时针方向运动,到与①中的点Q 重合之前,都满足反射光线与坐标轴无公共点,所以反射点P 的纵32P y <.。

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B. 千家万户曈曈日,总把新桃换旧符。


D. 明月皎皎千门秀,华灯盏盏万户春。


B. 故节当歌守,新年把烛迎。


D. 饯岁愁虽剧,迎年喜亦深。

3.下列对联不适合作“春联”的一项是(3分)A.天增岁月人增寿,春满乾坤福满门B. 家居光天化日下,人在春风和气中C.千家笑语漏迟迟,忧患潜从物外知D. 百福尽随新节至,千祥俱自早春来4.这首诗语言朴素平实,言浅意浓,请以“竟”“催”“倾”中的一词为例,对这一特点加以赏析。




































































(5分)13.整体把握第②段内容,将“就像金钱豹子,虽然也勇猛,虽然也剽悍,但终因体形稍逊,难成山中之王”这句话还原到A、B、C、D哪一处最恰当?(3分)14.下列词语不是作者用来表现“好的长篇小说”特点的一项是(3分)A.波澜壮阔千姿百态 B.粗粝莽荡平铺直叙C.排山倒海有血有肉D.汹涌澎湃众声喧哗15.第④段说“一部好的长篇小说,主要人物应该能够进入文学人物的画廊,即便是次要人物,也应该是有血有肉的活人”请以一部经典名著为例,简要说明“好的长篇小说”的这个特点。

























