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Unit3A Audrey Hepbur n- A true angelin this world
Audrey Hepbur n thrill ed audien ces with starri ng rolesin notewo rthyfilmslike Breakf ast at Tiffan y's, Sabrin a, RomanHolida y, My Fair Lady, War and Peace, and Always.
Despit e her succes s in the film domain, the rolesshe most prefer red portra yingwere not in movies. She was an exempl ary mother to her two sons and a UNICEF (the United Nation s Intern ation al Childr en's Emerge ncy Fund) Ambass adorof Goodwi ll servin g victim s in war-torn countr ies.
As a younggirl during the Nazi occupa tionof her native Hollan d, Audrey Hepbur n was awareof the brutal ity, death, and destru ction
of war. She was hungry and malnou rishe d, as her family was bankru ptedas a result of the invasi on. Audrey's father abando ned the family, and two of her uncles were takencaptiv e and killed. Audrey was grabbe d off the street by Nazisand placed in line to be sent to a work camp. When the guards glance d away she darted off, barely escapi ng, and huddle d in a cold, foul baseme nt full of rats.
The little girl who wouldbecome the world's most magica l actres s beganas an anonym ous refuge e confro nting life's horror s and fragil ity firsth and. But she refuse d to allowher spirit to be afflic ted by the desper ate realit y of her younglife. Instea d, she
r, to be hungry, aloneand helple ss.
transc ended thosechalle ngesbut neverforgot what it felt like to suffe
Afterthe war, Audrey and her mother left Hollan d, arrivi ng in London as poor immigr ants. Her dreamof becomi ng a primedancer droveher into a rigoro us schedu le at a famous ballet school. Later, she was spotte d by a produc er and eventu allylanded a role in the film RomanHolida y starri ng Gregor y Peck, one of Hollyw ood's top leadin g men.
Soon, Audrey was transf ormed from a malnou rishe d immigr ant to an intern ation allyfamous moviestar. Direct or BillyWilder compli mente d her, saying, "Audrey walked beauti fully, she spokebeauti fully. Althou gh she won many Academ y Awards and otherhonors for acting, Audrey felt that her most signif icant work was humani taria n work with thosein need, and as the mother to her two sons. She suffer ed throug h two divorc es and from her memori es of the war. Yet, Audrey neverlet her sadnes s overco me her or jeopar dizeher hope for a bright er future. Audrey finall y met her soul mate, Robert Wolder s, and spentthe last 12 yearsof her life with him.
最后,奥黛丽遇到了她的灵魂伴侣,罗伯特·沃尔德斯,并和他一起度过了人生的最后12 年。
of respon sibil ity to allevi ate Becomi ng famous neverchange d Audrey's genero us and compas siona te charac ter. She felt a deep sense
suffer ing of thosein need, especi allychildr en. Friend s said Audrey had a comple te lack of ego and accept ed and apprec iated others as they were.
Though she became very wealth y, she ownedonly one home in Switze rland. For Audrey it was a paradi se whereshe couldhide from
in nature.
the worldwith her belove d family, work in her garden and take long walks
In 1988, Audrey was appoin ted a Goodwi ll Ambass adorfor UNICEF design ed to provid e emerge ncy food and health careto childr en suffer ing the destru ction of war or othercatast rophe s. In that role, her lifelo ng passio n for helpin g thosein need, foundits greate st callin g.
1988 年,奥黛丽被任命为联合国儿童基金会亲善大使,这个基金会专门为受到战争或其他大灾难伤害的儿童提供紧急食品援助和卫生保健。
She turned down threemillio n dollar s to pen her autobi ograp hy and instea d accept ed one dollar a year in the more consci entio us role as diplom at for UNICEF. For sevenmonths out of each of her last five years, she and Robbyleft the peaceand beauty in theircozy home to embark on outrea ch tripsinto some of the most diffic ult places on earth. From Bangla desh, Sudan, India, Vietna m, Kenya, Ethiop ia, Centra l and SouthAmeric a, to Somali a, Audrey Hepbur n travel ed repres entin g UNICEF, making over 50 emotio nally draini ng and physic allydanger ous missio ns into bleakdestin ation s to raiseworldawaren ess of wars and drough ts. Having been a victim of war, she unders toodthe blessi ng of beingthe benefi ciary of food, clothi ng, and, most of all, hope.
Audrey felt it was wicked that billio ns of childr en were depriv ed of simple joys and drowne d in overwh elmin g misery. She believ ed deeply in the ideolo gy that all people sharein the duty to care for thosein need. Audrey Hepbur n was always readyto lead by exampl e. She said: "When you deny childh ood, you deny life. She saw UNICEF's work as an integr al, sacred forcein people's livesand said of UNICEF's result s, "Anyone who doesn't believ e in miracl es is not a realis t."
In 1992, Audrey was strick en by cancer. She, Robbyand her two sons return ed to theirhome in Switze rland for theirlast Christ mas togeth er.
1992 年,奥黛丽患了癌症。
Audrey's long-time friend and world-famous French fashio n design er, Hubert de Givenc hy, spoketo his cheris hed friend for the last
v ed everyt hingwith perfec tion".
e at the end becaus e she knew she had achie
time, just before she died. He said she was seren
Audrey Hepbur n's passio n for servic e was enduri ng. Even as her life endedat 63 yearsof age, she remain ed a gracio us womanwho perpet ually signif ied simpli city, charit y, charmand kindne ss.
即使在她63 岁生命终止的时候,她仍然充满着关爱,永远象征着纯朴、仁爱、魅力和善良。
The majest y of Audrey Hepbur n's spirit of social respon sibil ity and dedica tionliveson in her words: "Rememb er, if you ever need a helpin g hand, it's at the end of your arm. As you get older, rememb er you have anothe r hand: The firstis to help yourse lf, the second is to help others." And "For beauti ful eyes, look for the good in others; for beauti ful lips, speakonly wordsof kindne ss; and for poise, walk with the knowle dge that you are neveralone."