at BPS4000 rev(yy/mm/dd)SupersedingDoc160-006AM040322BHTI Alternate Materials List M&P 299-947-100-690115BHTI Procurement Specification for Epoxy Adhesive, Heat Resistant M&P 299-947-320-820507BHTI Adhesive Film and Primer System, Intermediate CureTemperature (260-290º F) Service Temperature 67-225º F)M&P 68A900000G011101BAC Finish Spec: F-15M&P 74A900000E990308BAC Finish Specification for F18 Aircraft M&P 74A900004DG M051220BAC Ctrl: Fract Crit Parts, F-18M&P 74A901001F981208BAC Std Finish Codes: F-18 A\C M&P 901-947-002CA D950510BHTI Finish Specification for the V-22 Aircraft (Bell Boeing) Model901) EMD AircraftM&P A-A-208See Special Notes DL C120719FED Ink, Marking, Stencil, Opaque Use A-A-00208 in lieu of A-A-208.M&P A-A-2962Cancelled - no s/s spec A980810Cancel Notice 2FED Commercial Item Description Enamel, Alkyd, Exterior, SolventBased, Low VocOk to use canc spec.M&P A-A-3097DC-970506Notice 4FED Commercial Item Description Adhesives, Cyanoacrylate, RapidRoom Temperature-Curing, SolventlessM&P A-A-3165DE A071116FED Lacquer, Gloss, for A/C Use M&P A-A-00208See Special Notes DL D121001FED Commercial Item Description Ink, Marking, Stencil, Opaque(Porous and Non-Porous Surfaces)Use A-A-00208 in lieu of A-A-208.M&P A-A-52080B980523Notice 1FED Tape, Lacing, and Tying, Nylon M&P A-A-52081DF B980523Notice 1FED Tape, Lacing, and Tying, Polyester M&P A-A-52082DC D090817FED Tape, Lacing and Tying, TFE-Fluorocarbon M&P A-A-52083BJ C040223FED Tape, Lacing, and Tying, Glass M&P A-A-52084B980523Notice 1FED Tape, Lacing and Tying, Aramid M&P A-A-55829DC A110322DLA Acetic Acid, Glacial, Technical M&P A-A-56032CN D030521Notice 1FED Commercial Item Description (CIDS) Ink, Marking, Epoxy Base M&P A-A-59126-970926FED Terminals, Feedthru (Insulated) and Terminals, Stud (Insulatedand Noninsulated)ENG A-A-59132CR A100607Validation Notice 1DLA Amyl Acetate, Technical M&P A-A-59135CR-971028FED Commercial Item Description Packaging Material, Sheet M&P A-A-59136CR-971028FED Cushioning Material, Packaging, Closed Cell Foam Plank M&PA-A-59178DD A041012Notice 1USGOVT Nipple, Electrical Terminal ENGA-A-59503DC C110303FED Commercial Item Description Nitrogen, Technical M&PA-A-59551CP A091022USGOVT Wire, Electrical, Copper (Uninsulated) M&PA-A-59569DJ C090122Notice 1DLA Qualification Sampling and Testing of Steels for TransverseTensile PropertiesENG A-A-59588DJ B120130Notice 1FED Commercial Item Description Rubber, Silicone M&P A-A-59877CT-100909FED Commercial Item Description Insulating Compound, Electrical,EmbeddingM&P AIR4127CG - 071101SAE Steel: Chemical Composition and Hardenability M&P AISI-1010Unavailable-AISI Low Carb Stl Unavailable M&P AISI-50100Unavailable-AISI Bearing Stl Unavailable M&P AISI-52100Unavailable-AISI Bearing Stl Unavailable M&P AISI-B-1112Unavailable-AISI Low Carb Free Mach Stl Unavailable M&P AISI-C-1212Unavailable-AISI Material Spec, Stl Unavailable M&P AISI-C-1213Unavailable-AISI Low Carb Free Mach Stl Unavailable M&P AISI-C-1214Unavailable-AISI Material Spec, Stl Unavailable M&P AMS 2175CR A100601SAE Castings, Classification and Inspection of M&P AMS 2201Cancelled CN Can940901SAE Tolerances Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Bar, Rod, Wire, andForging Stock Rolled or Cold-FinishedANSI H35.2M&P AMS 2221G060201SAE Tolerances, Copper and Copper Alloy Bars and Rods M&P AMS 2222BG J060201SAE Tolerances, Copper and Copper Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate M&Pat BPS4000 rev(yy/mm/dd)SupersedingDocAMS 2223BF H060201SAE Tolerances Copper and Copper Alloy Seamless Tubing M&P AMS 2224G060201SAE Tolerances Copper and Copper Alloy Wire M&P AMS 2241CN R070701SAE Tolerances, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant Steel, Iron Alloy,M&PTitanium, and Titanium Alloy Bars and WireM&P AMS 2242CC G080604SAE Tolerances Corrosion and Heat Resistant Steel, Iron Alloy,Titanium and Titanium Alloy Sheet, Strip and PlateAMS 2243DH K130601SAE Tolerances Corrosion and Heat-Resistant Steel Tubing M&PM&P AMS 2248DB G110301SAE Chemical Check Analysis Limits Corrosion and Heat-ResistantSteels and Alloys, Maraging and other Highly-Alloyed Steels,and Iron AlloysAMS 2249CN G090701SAE Chemical Check Analysis Limits Titanium and Titanium Alloys M&PM&P AMS 2259CN E071201SAE Chemical Check Analysis Limits Wrought Low-Alloy andCarbon SteelsAMS 2269CN F060501SAE Chemical Check Analysis Limits Nickel, Nickel Alloys, andM&PCobalt AlloysM&P AMS 2300CU L100801SAE Steel Cleanliness, Premium Aircraft-Quality Magnetic ParticleInspection ProcedureM&P AMS 2301CT K100801SAE Steel Cleanliness, Aircraft Quality Magnetic Particle InspectionProcedureAMS 2303CT F100801SAE Steel Cleanliness, Aircraft Quality, Martensitic CorrosionM&PResistant Steels Magnetic Particle Inspection ProcedureM&P AMS 2304CV B100801SAE Steel Cleanliness, Special Aircraft-Quality Magnetic ParticleInspection ProcedureM&P AMS 2310BE F060201SAE Qualification Sampling and Testing of Steels for TransverseTensile PropertiesAMS 2315DF G130201SAE Determination of Delta Ferrite Content M&P AMS 2350Cancelled - no s/s spec CN BA891001SAE Standards and Test Methods Ok to use canc spec.M&PM&P AMS 2355DB K110301SAE Quality Assurance Sampling and Testing Aluminum Alloys andMagnesium Alloy Wrought Products (Except Forging Stock),and Rolled, Forged, or Flash Welding RingsAMS 2360CN D070701SAE Room Temperature Tensile Properties of Castings M&PM&P AMS 2370DB K110601SAE Quality Assurance Sampling and Testing Carbon and Low-AlloySteel Wrought Products and Forging StockAMS 2371DB J110601SAE Quality Assurance Sampling and Testing Corrosion and Heat-M&PResistant Steels and Alloys Wrought Products and ForgingStockM&P AMS 2372DB F110601SAE Quality Assurance Sampling and Testing Carbon and Low-AlloySteel ForgingsAMS 2375CN D070601SAE Control of Forgings Requiring First Article Approval M&P AMS 2380CN F080601SAE Approval and Control of Premium-Quality Titanium Alloys M&P AMS 2400DG X130201SAE Plating, Cadmium M&P AMS 2401DF J130201SAE Plating, Cadmium Low Hydrogen Content Deposit M&P AMS 2403BM L041001SAE Plating, Nickel General Purpose M&P AMS 2404CH F081201SAE Plating, Electroless Nickel M&P AMS 2405DL E131001SAE Electroless Nickel Plate, Low Phosphorous M&P AMS 2406DE M121101SAE Plating, Chromium Hard Deposit M&P AMS 2408DL K130901SAE Plating, Tin M&P AMS 2410CR K100401SAE Plating, Silver Nickel Strike, High Bake M&P AMS 2411DM H131201SAE Plating, Silver for High Temperature Applications M&P AMS 2412CN J091201SAE Plating, Silver Copper Strike, Low Bake M&P AMS 2416CU L101201SAE Plating, Nickel-Cadmium Diffused M&P AMS 2417DL J130901SAE Plating, Zinc-Nickel Alloy M&P AMS 2418CU H110201SAE Plating, Copper M&P AMS 2419BM C030501SAE Plating, Cadmium-Titanium M&PM&P AMS 2420D021201SAE Plating of Aluminum for Solderability Zinc Immersion Pre-Treatment Processat BPS4000 rev(yy/mm/dd)SupersedingDocAMS 2423See Special Notes CE D020401SAE Plating, Nickel Hard Deposit Continue to use AMS-QQ-N-290 for Class 2Nickel.M&P AMS 2424CR F100401SAE NI Plate, Low Stressed Deposit M&P AMS 2426DL E130901SAE Coating, Cadmium Vacuum Deposition M&P AMS 2427DD D070701SAE Aluminum Coating Ion Vapor Deposition M&P AMS 2429CY D111001SAE Bronze Plate Masking M&P AMS 2430DB S120701SAE Shot Peening, Automatic M&P AMS 2432DF D130201SAE Shot Peening, Computer Monitored M&P AMS 2433C041001SAE Plating, Nickel-Thallium-Boron or Nickel-Boron M&P AMS 2434CY D110901SAE Plating, Tin-Zinc Alloy M&P AMS 2435Noncurrent CN G070601SAE Coating, Tungsten Carbide-Cobalt Coating, Detonation Process M&P AMS 2437BN C710111SAE Coating, Plasma Spray Deposition M&P AMS 2438CL D090701SAE Plating, Chromium Thin, Hard, Dense Deposit M&P AMS 2444BM A001201SAE Coating, Titanium Nitride Physical Vapor Deposition M&P AMS 2451CW C110701SAE Plating, Brush General Requirements M&PAMS 2460See Special Notes DF A130301SAE Plating, Chromium If dwg requires chrome plate per AMS-QQ-C-320then stress relief and embritlmnt (emb) bake reliefper BPS4620. If dwg req's chrome plate per AMS2460then stress relief and bake relief per AMS M&PAMS 2468Cancelled CN G981001SAE Hard Anodic Coating Treatment of Aluminum Alloys AMS 2469M&P AMS 2469DM J140201SAE Hard Anodic Coating Treatment of Aluminum and AluminumAlloys Processing and Performance RequirementsM&P AMS 2470DH N130701SAE Anodic Treatment of Aluminum Alloys Chromic Acid Process M&P AMS 2471DM H140201SAE Anodic Treatment of Aluminum Alloys Sulfuric Acid Process,Undyed CoatingM&P AMS 2472DD F070801SAE Anodic Treatment of Aluminum Alloys Sulfuric Acid Process,Dyed CoatingM&P AMS 2473DK H130801SAE Chemical Film Treatment for Aluminum Alloys General PurposeCoatingM&P AMS 2474Noncurrent DD D060201SAE Chemical Treatment for Aluminum Alloys Low ElectricalResistance CoatingAMS 2477M&P AMS 2477DD A100401SAE Conversion Coating for Aluminum Alloys Low Electrical Coating M&P AMS 2481CP J100201SAE Phosphate Treatment Antichafing M&P AMS 2482CN D100101SAE Hard Anodic Coating on Aluminum AlloysPolytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)-Impregnated or CodepositedM&P AMS 2485BY K080101SAE Coating, Black Oxide M&P AMS 2486CR E100501SAE Conversion Coating of Titanium Alloys Fluoride-PhosphateTypeM&P AMS 2487CN A000301SAE Anodic Treatment of Titanium and Titanium Alloys Solution pH12.4 MaximumM&P AMS 2488D000606SAE Anodic Tr: Ti, Ti Alys M&P AMS 2515DE G130101SAE Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Resin Coating Low Build, 370 to400 °C (698 to 752 °F) FusionM&P AMS 2516DF E130301SAE Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Resin Coating High Build, 370to 400 °C (698 to 752 °F) FusionM&P AMS 2525DJ D130701SAE Graphite Coating, Thin Lubricating Film Impingement Applied M&P AMS 2526DE D130101SAE Molybdenum Disulfide Coating, Thin Lubricating FilmImpingement AppliedM&P AMS 2590DD-101201SAE Rotary Flap Peening of Metal Parts M&P AMS 2615BM F060901SAE Pressure Testing Hydraulic Pressure as Specified M&P AMS 2630CR C100101SAE Inspection, Ultrasonic Product Over 0.5 Inch (12.7 mm) Thick M&P AMS 2631CW D110701SAE Ultrasonic Inspection Titanium and Titanium Alloy Bar and Billet M&P AMS 2632BN A950301SAE Inspection, Ultrasonic, of Thin Materials 0.50 Inch (12.7 mm)and Under in Cross-Sectional ThicknessM&P AMS 2635Cancelled Can810701SAE Radiographic Insp ASTM E1742M&Pat BPS4000 rev(yy/mm/dd)SupersedingDocAMS 2640Cancelled CH Can960401SAE Magnetic Particle Inspection ASTM E1444M&P AMS 2645Cancelled CH Can950201SAE Fluorescent Penetrant Inspection ASTM E1417M&P AMS 2649DM D131201SAE Etch Inspection of High Strength Steel Parts M&P AMS 2658CN C091001SAE Hardness and Conductivity Inspection of Wrought AluminumAlloy PartsM&P AMS 2664CH F950701SAE Brazing, Silver for Use Up to 800 °F (427 °C)M&P AMS 2665DH H130501SAE Brazing, Silver for Use up to 400 °F (204 °C)M&P AMS 2666Cancelled Can840101SAE Ag Braz, High Temp AMS 2664M&P AMS 2670BK J060601SAE Brazing, Copper M&P AMS 2671Cancelled CH Can920101SAE Copper Brazing Corrosion and Heat Resistant Steels andAlloysAMS 2670M&P AMS 2672CY G120101SAE Brazing, Aluminum Torch or Furnace M&P AMS 2673DB E120101SAE Brazing, Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys Molten Flux (Dip)M&P AMS 2675DF H130201SAE Brazing, Nickel Alloy Filler Metal M&P AMS 2680C010601SAE Electron-Beam Welding for Fatigue Critical Applications M&P AMS 2681B000301SAE Electron Beam Welding M&P AMS 2685Noncurrent CP E071001SAE Welding, Tungsten Arc, Inert Gas GTAW Method M&P AMS 2689Noncurrent CH A980201SAE Fusion Welding Titanium and Titanium Alloys M&P AMS 2694DE C130101SAE In-Process Welding of Castings M&P AMS 2700DA E111101SAE Passivation of Corrosion Resistant Steels All acceptance testing shall be per Class 4except for Martensitic CRES alloy 440C,which requires no class testing.M&PAMS 2728DC C120901SAE Heat Treatment of Wrought Copper Beryllium Alloy Parts M&P AMS 2745CJ A071201SAE Induction Hardening of Steel Parts M&P AMS 2750DB E120701SAE Pyrometry M&P AMS 2753CF C080801SAE Liquid Salt Bath Ferritic Nitrocarburizing Non-Cyanide Bath M&P AMS 2755Cancelled CM Can090701SAE Nitriding, Molten Salt Bath Process not available, consider AMS 2753 asreplacement.M&P AMS 2759CE E081001SAE Heat Treatment of Steel Parts General Requirements M&PAMS 2759/1CJ E090201SAE Heat Treatment of Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel Parts MinimumTensile Strength Below 220 ksi (1517 MPa)Supersedes MIL-H-6875 for carbon & low-alloy steels below 220 ksi.M&PAMS 2759/2CR F100501SAE Heat Treatment of Low-Alloy Steel Parts Minimum TensileStrength 220 ksi (1517 MPa) and Higher Supersedes MIL-H-6875 for low-alloy steels,220 ksi & higher.M&PAMS 2759/3CE E080801SAE Heat Treatment Precipitation-Hardening Corrosion-Resistantand Maraging Steel Parts Supersedes MIL-H-6875 for precipitationhardening & maraging steel.M&PAMS 2759/4CA C080301SAE Heat Treatment Austenitic Corrosion-Resistant Steel Parts Supersedes MIL-H-6875 for austentic steels.M&P AMS 2759/5D040601SAE Heat Treatment Martensitic Corrosion Resistant Steel Parts Supersedes MIL-H-6875 for martensiticsteels.M&P AMS 2759/6BM B051101SAE Gas Nitriding and Heat Treatment of Low - Alloy Steel Parts Use Standard Drawing Notes per BDS2240.M&P AMS 2759/7CT B100501SAE Carburizing and Heat Treatment of Carburizing Grade SteelPartsM&PAMS 2759/8CG A070601See Special Notes SAE Ion Nitriding 1. Infrared pyrometry may be used to measuretemperature. 2. The nitriding temperature may beless than 50 degrees below the tempering or agingtemperature provided that the core hardness is notreduced. 3. for small loads, a minimum of twot t ti i b d i li M&PAMS 2759/9CL D090501SAE Hydrogen Embrittlement Relief (Baking of Steel Parts)Supersedes MIL-H-6875 for stress relievingsteels.M&P AMS 2759/10CN A060601SAE Automated Gaseous Nitriding Controlled by Nitriding Potential M&P AMS 2759/11BW-050401SAE Stress Relief of Steel Parts M&P AMS 2762Noncurrent CP B020101SAE Carburizing Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel Parts M&P AMS 2768CR C100701SAE Heat Treatment of Magnesium Alloy Castings M&P AMS 2769DD B091201SAE Heat Treatment of Parts in a Vacuum M&P AMS 2770DM L140501SAE Heat Treatment of Wrought Aluminum Alloy Parts M&Pat BPS4000 rev(yy/mm/dd)SupersedingDocAMS 2771DF E130201SAE Heat Treatment of Aluminum Alloy Castings M&P AMS 2772CW F110701SAE Heat Treatment of Aluminum Alloy Raw Materials M&P AMS 2774DC D121001SAE Heat Treatment Wrought Nickel Alloy and Cobalt Alloy Parts M&P AMS 2800CN D060801SAE Identification Finished Parts M&P AMS 2801B030301SAE Heat Treatment of Titanium Alloy Parts M&PM&P AMS 2807CF B080201SAE Identification Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant Steels and Alloys Sheet, Strip, Plate and AircraftTubingAMS 3025CN C090901SAE Polyalkylene Glycol Heat Treat Quenchant M&P AMS 3106Cancelled Can830401SAE Primer, Adhesive, Corr Inhib AMS 3107M&P AMS 3107A910401SAE Primer, Adhesive, Corr-Inhibiting M&P AMS 3195CV F110501SAE Silicone Rubber Sponge, Closed Cell, Medium M&PM&P AMS 3216G050901SAE Fluorocarbon (FKM) Rubber High-Temperature - FluidResistant Low Compression Set 70 to 80AMS 3218C050901SAE Fluorocarbon (FKM) Rubber High-Temperature - FluidM&PResistant Low Compression Set 85 to 95M&P AMS 3276CB E080301SAE Sealing Compound, Integral Fuel Tanks and General Purpose,Intermittent Use to 360 °F (182 °C)AMS 3301DB H110601SAE Silicone Rubber, General Purpose, 40 Durometer M&P AMS 3305H900401SAE Silicone Rubber, Gen Purp, 75-85M&P AMS 3374DL D131101SAE Sealing Compound Aircraft Firewall, Silicone M&P AMS 3410J981001SAE Flux, Ag Braz M&P AMS 3411D981001SAE Flux Silver Brz, High Temp M&PM&P AMS 3644BL G060901SAE Plastic: Polyimide for Molded Rod, Bar, and Tube, Plaque, andformed PartsM&P AMS 3645CY D120101SAE Polychlorotrifluoroethylene (PCTFE), Compression MoldedHeavy Sections, UnplasticizedM&P AMS 3650CY D120101SAE Rods, Sheets, and Molded Shapes, Polychlorotrifluoroethylene(PCTFE) UnplasticizedAMS 3651Cancelled Can870401SAE PTFE AMS 3667M&P AMS 3651Cancelled Can870401PTFE AMS 3652M&P AMS 3651Cancelled Can870401PTFE AMS 3656M&P AMS 3651Cancelled Can870401PTFE AMS 3660M&P AMS 3652C930101SAE PTFE Film, Non-Crit Grade M&P AMS 3656CW H110801SAE PTFE Extrusions, Normal Strength, As Sintered M&P AMS 3657CW F110801SAE PTFE, Extrusions, Premium Strength, As Sintered M&P AMS 3658CW F110801SAE PTFE, Extrusions, Premium M&P AMS 3659CW F110801SAE Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Extrusions, Premium Strength,M&PSintered and Stress-RelievedAMS 3660CW E110801SAE Polytetrafluoroethylene Moldings M&P AMS 3666DB E120101SAE PTFE Sht, Glass Reinforced M&PM&P AMS 3667CW E110801SAE Polytetrafluoroethylene Sheet, Molded General Purpose Grade,As SinteredAMS 3668CW E110801SAE PTFE, Moldings, Premium Grade, A Sintered M&P AMS 3670/1B950401SAE Unfilled Polyamide-Imide, Bar M&P AMS 3824CN C950901SAE Cloth, Glass Finished for Resin Laminates M&P AMS 4001Cancelled CK Can070701SAE Aluminum Sheet and Plate 0.12Cu (1100-0) Annealed ASTM B209M&P AMS 4013DM G140201SAE Aluminum Sheet, Laminated Surface Bonded M&PM&P AMS 4015CN L070201SAE Aluminum Alloy, Sheet and Plate 2.5Mg - 0.25Cr (5052-0)AnnealedM&P AMS 4016DE M130101SAE Aluminum Alloy, Sheet and Plate 2.5Mg - 0.25Cr (5052-H32)Strain Hardened, Quarter Hard, and Stabilizedat BPS4000 rev(yy/mm/dd)SupersedingDocAMS 4017CN K041201SAE Aluminum Alloy Sheet and Plate 2.5Mg - 0.25Cr (5052-H34)M&PStrain-Hardened, Half Hard, and StabilizedM&P AMS 4023Noncurrent CN E840401SAE Aluminum Alloy Sheet and Plate Alclad 1.0Mg - 0.60Si - 0.28Cu- 0.20Cr (Alclad 6061; -T6 Sheet, -T651 Plate)AMS 4025CE L080701SAE Aluminum Alloy, Sheet and Plate 1.0Mg - 0.60Si-0.28Cu-AMS-QQ-A-250/11A - cancelled - 2008M&P0.20Cr(6061-0) AnnealedAMS-QQ-A-250/11A - cancelled - 2008M&P AMS 4026CE M080701SAE Aluminum Alloy, Sheet and Plate 1.0Mg -0.60Si-0.28Cu-0.20Cr(6061;-T4 Sheet, T-451 Plate) Solution Heat Treated andNaturally AgedAMS-QQ-A-250/11A - cancelled - 2008M&P AMS 4027CE N080701SAE Aluminum Alloy, Sheet and Plate 1.0Mg -0.60Si-0.28Cu-0.20Cr(6061;-T6 Sheet, T-651 Plate) Solution and Precipitation HeatTreatM&P AMS 4037CY P111201SAE Aluminum Alloy, Sheet and Plate 4.4Cu - 1.5Mg - 0.60Mn(2024; - T3 Flat Sheet, T351 Plate) Solution Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4048CW N100801SAE Aluminum Alloy Sheet and Plate, Alclad 5.6Zn - 2.5Mg - 1.6Cu -0.23Cr (Alclad 7075-O) Annealed or When Specified, "Asfabricated" (Alclad 7075-F)AMS 4049CW L101201SAE Aluminum Alloy Sheet and Plate, Alclad 5.6Zn - 2.5Mg - 1.6Cu -M&P0.23Cr (Alclad 7075; -T6 Sheet - T651 Plate) Solution andPrecipitation Heat TreatedAMS 4056DB G101001SAE Aluminum Alloy, Sheet and Plate 4.4Mg - 0.70Mn - 0.15CrM&P(5083-01)M&P AMS 4080CN N091201SAE Aluminum Alloy, Drawn Seamless Tubing 1.0Mg - 0.60Si -0.28Cu - 0.20Cr (6061-O) AnnealedM&P AMS 4081CC J080601SAE Aluminum Alloy Tubing, Hydraulic, Seamless, Drawn, Round1.0Mg - 0.60Si - 0.28Cu - 0.20Cr (6061-T4) Solution HeatTreated and Naturally AgedM&P AMS 4083DE L121101SAE Aluminum Alloy Tubing, Hydraulic, Seamless, Drawn, Round1.0Mg - 0.60Si - 0.28Cu - 0.20Cr- (6061-T6) Solution andPrecipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4086BL N060901SAE Aluminum Alloy, Drawn, Round, Seamless Hydraulic Tubing4.4Cu-1.5Mg-0.60Mn (2024-T3) Solution Heat Treated, ColdWorked, and Naturally AgedAMS 4088BT K070301SAE Aluminum Alloy, Drawn, Seamless Tubing 4.4Cu-1.5Mg-M&P0.60Mn (2024-T3) Solution Heat Treated and Cold WorkedAMS 4107F051101SAE Alum Aly Die Forg, (7050-T14)M&PM&P AMS 4113CH E030701SAE Aluminum Alloy, Extruded Profiles 1.0Mg - 0.60Si - 0.28Cu -0.20Cr (6061-T6) Solution and Precipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4115CU H090701SAE Aluminum Alloy, Rolled or Cold-Finished, Bars, Rods, Wire,and Flash Welded Rings Annealed 1.0Mg - 0.60Si - 0.2Cu -0.20Cr (6061-0)M&P AMS 4116CN H090701SAE Aluminum Alloy, Bars, Rods, and Wire 1.0Mg - 0.60Si - 0.3Cu -0.20Cr (6061-T4) Cold Finished, Solution Heat Treated andNaturally AgedM&P AMS 4117CM J090701SAE Aluminum Alloy, Rolled or Cold Finished Bars, Rods, and Wireand Flash Welded Rings 1.0Mg -0.60Si - 0.28Cu - 0.20Cr(6061; - T6, -T651) Solution and Precipitation Heat TreatedAMS 4120M&P AMS 4119Cancelled CN Can900101SAE Aluminum Alloy Bars, Rolled, Drawn, or Cold Finished 4.4Cu -1.5Mg - 0.60Mn (2024-T351) Stress Relief StretchedAMS 4120R020901SAE Aluminum Alloy, Rolled or Cold Finished Bars, Rods, and WireM&P4.4Cu - 1.5 Mg - 0.60Mn (2024) Solution Heat Treated andNaturally Aged (T4) Solution Heat Treated, Cold Worked, andNaturally Aged (T351)M&P AMS 4121CA H071101SAE Aluminum Alloy Bars, Rods, and Wire, Rolled or Cold Finished4.5Cu - 0.85Si - 0.80Mn - 0.50Mg (2014-T6) Solution andPrecipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4123CN H060101SAE Aluminum Alloy, Rolled or Cold Finished Bars and Rods (7075-T651) Solution and Precipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4124DG E120901SAE Aluminum Alloy, Rolled or Cold Finished Bars, Rods, and Wire5.6Zn-2.5Mg-1.6Cu-0.23Cr (7075-T7351) Solution HeatTreated, Stress Relieved by Stretching and OveragedM&P AMS 4128CN D071001SAE Aluminum Alloy Bars, Rolled or Cold Finished 1.0Mg - 0.60Si -0.30Cu - 0.20Cr (6061-T451) Solution Heat Treated and StressRelieved by Stretchingat BPS4000 rev(yy/mm/dd)SupersedingDocAMS 4132DF G130201SAE Aluminum Alloy, Die and Hand Forgings, Rolled Rings, andM&PForging Stock 2.3Cu-1.6Mg-1.1Fe-1.0Ni-0.18Si-0.07Ti (2618-T61) Solution and Precipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4133CN E090301SAE Aluminum Alloy Forgings and Rolled Rings 4.4Cu -0.85Si -0.80Mn - 0.50Mg (2014-T6) Solution and Precipitation HeatTreatedAMS 4133M&P AMS 4135Cancelled CN Can860401SAE Aluminum Alloy Forgings 4.5Cu - 0.85Si - 0.80Mn - 0.50Mg(2014-T6) Solution and Precipitation Heat TreatedAMS 4141CE F081001SAE Aluminum Alloy Die Forgings 5.6Zn - 2.5Mg - 1.6Cu - 0.23CrM&P(7075-T73) Solution and Precipitation Heat TreatedAMS 4144BN F060501SAE Aluminum Alloy, Hand Forgings and Rolled Rings 6.3Cu -M&P0.30Mn - 0.18Zr - 0.10V - 0.06Ti (2219-T852/T851) SolutionHeat Treated, Mechanically Stress Relieved, and PrecipitationHeat-TreatedM&P AMS 4149D020901SAE Aluminum Alloy, Die and Hand Forgings 5.6n - 2.5Mg - 1.6Cu -0.23Cr (7175-T74) Solution and Precipitation Heat TreatedAMS 4150DG M130401SAE Aluminum Alloy, Extrusions and Rings 1.0Mg - 0.60Si - 0.28Cu -M&P0.20Cr - (6061-T6) Solution and Precipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4162D030701SAE Aluminum Alloy, Extrusions 6.3Cu - 0.30Mn - 0.18Zr - 0.10V -0.06Ti (2219-T8511) Solution Treated, Stress Relief Stretched,Straightened, and Precipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4173DG F130401SAE Aluminum Alloy, Extrusions 1.0Mg - 0.60Si - 0.30Cu - 0.20Cr(6061-T6511) Solution Heat Treated, Stress Relieved byStretching, Straightened, and Precipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4181C030401SAE Aluminum Alloy, Welding Wire 7.0Si - 0.38Mg - 0.10Ti (4008)(UNS A94008)M&P AMS 4182CN G091201SAE Alum Aly Wire, Annealed 5.0Mg - 0.12Mn - 0.12Cr (5056-0)AnnealedAMS 4185DB E120201SAE Fill Mtl, Alum Braz, 12SI, (4047)M&P AMS 4188Cancelled Can861001SAE Wldg Wire AMS 4181M&P AMS 4188Cancelled Can861001SAE Wldg Wire AMS 4233M&P AMS 4188Cancelled Can861001SAE Wldg Wire AMS 4244M&P AMS 4188Cancelled Can861001SAE Wldg Wire AMS 4245M&P AMS 4188Cancelled Can861001SAE Wldg Wire AMS 4246M&PM&P AMS 4210CN K050301SAE Aluminum Alloy, Castings 5.0Si - 1.2Cu - 0.50Mg (355.0-T51)Precipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4212CU K110201SAE Aluminum Alloy Castings 5.0Si - 1.2Cu - 0.50Mg (355.0-T6)Solution and Precipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4214CN J080601SAE Castings, Aluminum Alloy Sand 5.0Si - 1.2Cu - 0.50Mg (355.0T71) Solution Heat Treated and OveragedM&P AMS 4215CN H080301SAE Aluminum Alloy, Castings 5.0Si - 1.2Cu - 0.50Mg (C355.0-T6)Solution and Precipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4217CN H070401SAE Aluminum Alloy, Castings 7.0Si - 0.32Mg (A356.0-T6) (formerlyT6P Temper) Solution and Precipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4218CN J100101SAE Aluminum Alloy Castings 7.0Si-0.35Mg (A356.0-T6) (formerlyT6P Temper) Solution and Precipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4223CN D070401SAE Aluminum Alloy, Castings 4.5Cu - 0.70Ag - 0.30Mn - 0.25Mg -0.25Ti (A201.0-T4) Solution Heat Treated and Naturally AgedOk to use canc spec.M&P AMS 4224Cancelled - no s/s spec CN C100101SAE Aluminum Alloy Castings, Sand 4.0Cu - 2.1Ni - 2.0Mg - 0.30Cr -0.30Mn - 0.13T - 0.13V (243.0) StabilizedM&P AMS 4225CN D070601SAE Aluminum Alloy, Heat Resistant, Castings 5.0Cu - 1.5Ni -0.25Mn - 0.25Sb - 0.25Co - 0.20Ti - 0.20Zr (203.0-T6) SolutionHeat Treated and Precipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4226Noncurrent CN A830101SAE Aluminum Alloy Castings, High Strength 5.0Cu - 0.35Mn -0.18Zr- 0.10V (224.0) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated(Overaged)AMS 4227Cancelled - no s/s spec CN E050701SAE Aluminum Alloy, Casting, Sand, 8.0Cu 6.0Mg 0.50Mn 0.50Ni,Ok to use canc spec.M&PAs CastAMS 4229DA F120201SAE Aluminum Alloy Castings, High Strength 4.5Cu - 0.7Ag -M&P0.30Mn - 0.25Mg - 0.25Ti (A201.0-T7) Solution Heat Treatedand OveragedM&P AMS 4233C030301SAE Aluminum Alloy, Welding Wire 4.5 Cu - 0.70Ag - 0.30Mn -0.25Mg - 0.25Ti (A201.0-T7) Solution Heat Treated andOveragedat BPS4000 rev(yy/mm/dd)SupersedingDocAMS 4235CN B080301SAE Aluminum Alloy Castings 4.6Cu - 0.35Mn - 0.25Mg - 0.22Ti(A206.0-T71) Solution and Precipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4236DF C130201SAE Aluminum Alloy Castings 4.6Cu - 0.35Mn - 0.25Mg - 0.22Ti(A206.0-T4) Solution Heat Treated and Naturally AgedM&P AMS 4237Cancelled - no s/s spec CN B070401SAE Aluminum Alloy Castings, Sand 4.6Cu - 0.35Mn - 0.25Mg -0.22Ti (206.0 - T71) Solution Heat Treated and Naturally AgedOk to use canc spec.M&P AMS 4241CN D091101SAE Aluminum Alloy Castings 7.0Si - 0.58Mg - 0.15Ti -0.06Be(D357.0 - T6) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated DendriteArm Spacing (DAS) ControlledM&PAMS 4244CE B080701SAE Aluminum Alloy, Welding Wire 4.6Cu - 0.35Mn - 0.25Mg -0.22Ti for Welding A206.0 Type AlloysM&PAMS 4245CR E100401SAE Aluminum Alloy, Welding Wire 5.0Si - 1.2Cu - 0.50Mg (355)(UNS A03550)M&PAMS 4246Noncurrent CP D080201SAE Aluminum Alloy, Welding Wire 7.0Si - 0.52Mg (357) (UNSA03570)M&PAMS 4260Not Acceptable to Use atParker HannifinAerospace CL G080601SAE Alum Aly Cast, Invest (356.0-T6)BPS4829AMS 4260 rev. G unacceptable for ParkerUse. BPS4829 created as replacement.M&PAMS 4261CN F091201SAE Aluminum Alloy Castings, Investment 7.0Si - 0.32Mg (356.0 -T51) Precipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4280CN J080601SAE Aluminum Alloy Castings, Permanent Mold 5.0Si - 1.2Cu -0.5Mg (355.0-T71) Solution Heat Treated and OveragedM&P AMS 4284DC J110301SAE Aluminum Alloy Castings, Permanent Mold 7.0Si - 0.30Mg(356.0-T6) Solution and Precipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4289CN-011101SAE Aluminum Alloy Castings 7.0Si - 0.55Mg - 0.12Ti (F357.0-T6)Solution and Precipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4291CT H101001SAE Aluminum Alloy, Die Castings 8.5Si - 3.5Cu (A380.0-F) (SeeAS1990) As CastM&P AMS 4315CK-050701SAE Aluminum Alloy Sheet and Plate 5.6Zn - 2.5Mg - 1.6Cu - 0.23Cr7075: (-T76 Sheet, -T7651 Plate) Solution and PrecipitationHeat TreatedM&PAMS 4316CY A111101SAE Aluminum Alloy, Alclad Sheet and Plate 5.6Zn - 2.5Mg M&P AMS 4437DM F140201SAE Magnesium Alloy Castings, Sand 8.7Al - 0.70Zn (AZ91C-T6)Solution Heat Treated and AgedM&P AMS 4507BW H011101SAE Copper Alloy (Brass), Sheet, Strip, and Plate 70Cu - 30Zn HalfHard (H02)M&P AMS 4510CN G010501SAE Phosphor Bronze, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 94.5Cu - 4.0Sn -0.19P Spring Temper (H08)M&P AMS 4511A040701SAE Copper Beryllium Alloy Castings 97Cu-2.1Be-0.52(Co+Ni)-0.28Si Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated (TFOO)M&P AMS 4530CY J110901SAE Copper-Beryllium Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate 98Cu - 1.9BeSolution Heat Treated (TB00)M&P AMS 4533DF D130201SAE Copper-Beryllium Alloy, Bars and Rods 98Cu - 1.9Be Solutionand Precipitation Heat Treated (TF00, formerly AT)-UNSC17200M&PAMS 4597CY A111201SAE Copper-Nickel-Tin Alloy, Bars and Rods 77Cu - 15Ni - 8SnSolution Annealed, Cold Finished and Spinodal Hardened (TXTS)M&PAMS 4631Noncurrent CL E880401SAE Aluminum Bronze Rods, Bars, and Forgings 90.5Cu - 7.5Al -1.95: Stress RelievedM&P AMS 4633CL A031201SAE Bronze, Aluminum Silicon, Rods, Bars, and Forgings 90Cu -7.0Al - 1.8Si Drawn and Stress Relieved (HR50)M&P AMS 4634CL B090301SAE Aluminum Bronze Bars, Rods, and Forgings 905Cu - 7.5Al -1.9Si Stress RelievedM&P AMS 4635CL F090701SAE Aluminum Bronze Bars, Rods, and Forgings 87Cu - 9Al - 3FeStress RelievedM&P AMS 4640CV H110501SAE Aluminum Bronze, Bars, Rods, Shapes, Tubes, and Forgings81.5Cu - 10.0Al - 4.8Ni - 3.0Fe Drawn and Stress Relieved(HR50) or Temper Annealed (TQ50)M&PAMS 4650DF M130201SAE Copper-Beryllium Alloy, Bars, Rods, Shapes and Forgings98Cu - 1.9Be Solution Heat Treated TB00 (A)M&P AMS 4651CN C050701SAE Copper-Beryllium Alloy, Bars and Rods 98Cu - 1.9Be (CDA172) Hard Temper (TD04)M&P AMS 4674CN G060901SAE Nickel - Copper Alloy, Corrosion-Resistant, Bars and Forgings67Ni - 30Cu - 0.04S Free MachiningM&P AMS 4701CN G091001SAE Copper Wire, Oxygen-Free 99.95 (Cu+Ag) Annealed M&P。
Electrical Safety Analyzer• Superior compliance with multiple standards:IEC60601:2005, EN62353, VDE 751, ANSI/AAMI ES1:1993, NFPA-99, AN/NZS 3551, IEC61010 • Three test loads• Expanded leakage ranges through 10,000 µA • Dual-lead resistance, leakage, and voltage tests • AC only, dc only and true-rms leakage readings • 100 % and 110 % mains voltage for mains on applied part (lead isolation) test • 200 mA and 25 A ac PE test current• DSP filter technology for improved accuracy in leakage measurements • 20 A equipment current• More applied parts selections• ECG and performance waveforms • Intuitive user interface• Easy-to-use applied parts (ECG) connections • Insulation posts on applied parts connections • Five different insulation tests • Varying insulation test voltage500 V dc and 250 V dc• 2- or (optional) 4-wire ground wire resistance • Optional Ansur plug-in software • USB connection• CE, C-TICK and CSA for USA and Canada • RoHS compliance• Designed, tested, and built to incomparable Fluke quality standardsTechnical DataThe ESA620 Electrical Safety Analyzer, featuring smart technology to enhance productivity under any standard, represents the next generation in portable electrical safety testers. With selections of three test loads, two protective earth test currents and two insulation test voltages, this versatile device performs all primary electrical safety tests as well as several additional leakage tests for premium standards compliance worldwide.A convenient 20 A device receptacle broadens the range of equipment that can be tested using the ESA620. Standard 2-wire and optional 4-wire protective earth measurement capabilities offer first-rate time savings, while new DSP technology offers better accuracy of leakage measurements throughout specified ranges.Equipped with ten unique safety-enhanced ECG posts, the ESA620 offers simulation of ECG and performance waveforms so both electrical safety and basic tests on patient monitors can be performed with a single connection. When combined with optional Ansur computer-based software, the ESA620 allows for test procedure automation, the capture of results and comparison to standard limits, printed reports, and total digital data management.Key featuresSpecifications2 Fluke Biomedical ESA620 Electrical Safety Analyzer*No-cost extended warranty available after first-year calibration at any Fluke Biomedical authorized service center.ESA620 Electrical Safety Analyzer Fluke Biomedical 3Models2785725 ESA620 Electrical Safety Analyzer US, 115 V 20 A 3051408 ESA620 Electrical Safety Analyzer EUR, 230 V 3051390 ESA620 Electrical Safety Analyzer FR, 230 V 3051413 ESA620 Electrical Safety Analyzer ISR, 230 V 3051424 ESA620 Electrical Safety Analyzer ITA, 230 V 3051436 ESA620 Electrical Safety Analyzer AUS, 230 V 3051449 ESA620 Electrical Safety Analyzer UK, 230 V 3051451 ESA620 Electrical Safety Analyzer SWI, 230 VStandard accessories2814967 Operator’s Manual CD2814971 Multilingual Getting Started Guide 2195732 15 A to 20 A Adapter (USA only) 2814980 Carrying Case 1626219 Data Transfer Cable Power Cord (country specific)ESA620 Accessory Kit (country specific)Optional accessories3116463 Ansur ESA620 Plug-In 1903307 Retractable Test Leads 2242165 Ground Pin Adapter2067864 Kelvin Cable Set for 4-Wire MeasurementOrdering informationFluke Biomedical.Better products. More choices. One company.Fluke Biomedical 6045 Cochran RoadCleveland, OH 44139-3303 U.S.A.Fluke Biomedical Europe Science Park Eindhoven 5110 5692EC Son, The NetherlandsFor more information, contact us:In the U.S.A. (800) 850-4608 or Fax (440) 349-2307In Europe/M-East/Africa +31 40 267 5435 or Fax +31 40 267 5436From other countries +1 (440) 248-9300 or Fax +1 (440) 349-2307Email:*************************Web access: ©2007-2008 Fluke Biomedical. Specifications subject to change without notice. Printed in U.S.A. 9/2008 3086339 D-EN-N Rev CModification of this document is not permitted without written permission from Fluke Corporation.About Fluke Biomedicalfor all your equipment calibration needs.range of software and hardware tools to meet today’s challenges.Fluke Biomedical Regulatory Commitmentcertified and our products are:• CE Certified, where required • NIST Traceable and Calibrated• UL, CSA, ETL Certified, where required • NRC Compliant, where required。
16-100A 16-100电流重型,600V三极配置说明书
Technical information
UL General Purpose Amp Rating IEC AC21 amp rating Approvals
Maximum Operating Voltage Technical Ratings - UL
Maximum Horsepower Ratings Three Phase
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Weight (lbs)
0.29 0.29
Catalog Number
OHB65J5E011 OHB65L5E011
OT16, 25, 32E3C & E4C – Transfer switches
1.38 35
0.18 DIA. 4.5
On-Load Switching
Electrical Characteristics of the OT transfer switch line allows on-load switching between two power supplies, adding value to and enhancing the performance of the transfer switch and its applications.
Clear Position Indication
ABB Manual Transfer Switches are equipped with three definite positions (I-O-II). Isolation between two power supplies is guaranteed by the contact mechanisms, designed as a positive opening construction with mechanically operated contacts.
代码名称1渤 海2黄 海20000100胶州湾20000101湾头河20000102楼山河20000103板桥坊河20000104李村河20000105海泊河20000106洋河20000107巨洋河20000108错水河20000200白马河20000300吉利河20000400横河20000500甜水河20000600浮山河20000700风河3东 海4南 海AA-AC黑龙江流域AA000000海拉尔河AA010000库都尔河AA020000特尼河AA030000伊敏河AA030100辉河AA030200鄂依那河AA030300威特很高勒河AA030400锡尼很高勒河AA030500丹宁高勒河AA040000免渡河AA040100乌尼日河AA050000克鲁伦河AA050100呼仑湖AB000000额尔古纳河AB010000莫尔格勒高勒河AB020000乌尔逊河AB030000贝尔湖AB040000哈拉哈河AB050000根河AB050100图里河AB050200额根河AB050300得耳布干河AB050400哈乌尔河AB060000莫尔道嘎河AB060100古纳河AB070000激流河AB070100安格林河AB070200敖鲁古雅河AB070300阿龙山河AB070400金河AB080000阿巴河AB090000恩和哈达河AC000000黑龙江AC010000北极村河AC020000额木尔河(克波河、大林河) AC020100古莲河AC020200老槽河AC020300二龙河AC020400大林河AC030000盘古河AC040000西尔根气河AC040100小西尔根气河AC050000呼玛河AC050100阿吉羊河AC050200卡马兰河AC050300亚里河AC050400呼玛尔河AC050500白呼玛尔河AC050600塔哈河(塔河)AC050700瓦拉干河AC050800伊沙溪河AC050900绰纳河AC051000倭勒根河AC051100古龙干河AC060000宽河AC070000汗达河AC080000托牛河AC090000法别拉河AC090100刺尔滨河AC090200古兰河AC100000公别拉河AC110000宋集屯水库AC120000逊河AC120100乌底河AC120200茅兰河AC120300卧牛河AC120400辰清河AC120500沾河AC120501都鲁河AC130000库尔滨河AC130100二皮河AC130200阿廷河AC140000乌云河AC150000结烈河AC160000嘉荫河AC170000鸭蛋河AC180000浓江AC190000安邦河AC200000西河AC210000莲花河AD-AF松花江流域AD000000嫩江AD010000纳文河AD020000南阳河AD030000嘎拉河AD040000罕诺河AD050000古里昆河AD060000窝都河AD070000那都里河AD080000古里河AD080100小古里河AD090000固固河AD100000多布库尔河AD110000欧肯河AD120000门鲁河AD120100泥鳅河AD130000科洛河AD130100沐河AD140000甘河AD140100阿里河AD140200奎勒河AD140201卧罗河AD140300额而格奇河AD140400克一河AD150000郭恩河AD160000霍日里河AD170000讷谟尔河(南北河) AD170100老莱河AD170200卫星运河AD170300五大连池AD170400南阳河AD170500引龙河AD170600二道河子河AD170700鲁木河AD180000诺敏河AD180100托河AD180200牛尔坑河AD180300毕拉河AD180301扎文河AD180302纳门河AD180400大沟河AD180500西瓦尔图河AD180501新发水库AD180600格尼河AD180601马河AD190000黄蒿沟AD190100太平湖水库AD200000阿伦河AD200100大索尔奇河AD200101复兴水库AD200200库仑河AD210000音河AD210100音河水库AD210200三道沟AD210201向阳峪水库AD220000乌裕尔河AD220100鸡爪河AD220200津河AD230000双阳河AD240000雅鲁河AD240100爱林河AD240200阿木牛河AD240300卧牛河AD240400中和沟AD240500济沁河AD240501库提河AD240600罕达罕河AD240601力根河AD240700白山河AD250000绰尔河AD250100莫柯河AD250200固里河AD250300哈布气河AD250400特门河AD250500柴河AD250600托欣河AD260000北部引嫩总干渠AD270000呼尔达河AD280000洮儿河AD280100归流河AD280200蛟流河AD280300那金河AE000000第二松花江AE010000长白山天池AE020000二道江AE020100露水河AE020200头道白河AE020400三道白河AE020500四道白河AE020600五道白河AE020700古洞河AE020701西北岔河AE020702寒葱河AE030000富尔河AE030100古洞河AE040000头道江AE040100头道花园河AE040200松江河AE040201二道松江河AE040202三道松江河AE040203槽子河AE040300蒙江AE040400那尔轰河AE040500石头河AE050000满江AE050100汤河AE050200锦江AE060000辉发河(柳河)AE060100红石水库AE060200大沙河AE060300梅河AE060400一统河AE060401乌鸡河AE060500三统河AE060501后河AE060600富太河AE060700石道河AE060800哈蟆河AE060900栏石河AE061000金沙河AE070000木箕河AE080000漂河AE090000蛟河AE090100拉法河AE100000温德河AE110000牛河AE120000丰满水库(松花湖)AE130000五里河AE140000傲龙河AE140100蒐登河AE150000团山子河AE160000沐石河AE170000饮马河AE170200岔路河AE170300雾开河AE170301干雾海河AE170400三道沟AE170500伊通河AE170501新开河AE170502洼中高排总干渠AE170503翁克河AE170504伊丹河AF000000松花江AF010000拉林河AF010100溪浪河AF010101呼兰河AF010200珠琪河AF010300牤牛河AF010301二浪河AF010302桃山水库AF010303龙凤山水库AF010400大泥河AF010500卡岔河(白音河) AF010501三道河AF010502二道河AF010600大荒沟AF010700八家河AF020000阿什河AF030000呼兰河AF030100柳河AF030200小呼兰河AF030300伊吉蜜河AF030400安邦河AF030500欧根河AF030600格木克河AF030700诺敏河AF030800克音河AF030900通肯河AF031000扎音河AF031001东方红水库AF031100海伦河AF031200二道乌龙河AF031300泥尔根河AF031400泥河AF031401泥河水库AF031500肇兰新河AF040000蜚克图河AF050000小陵河AF050100漂河AF070000木兰达河AF070100香磨山水库AF080000双汾河AF090000白杨木河AF100000蚂蚁河AF100100东亮珠河AF100200驿马河AF110000岔林河AF120000小罗勒密河AF130000西北河AF140000牡丹江AF140100勃力河AF140200乌斯浑河AF140300沙河AF140400二道梁河AF140500黄泥河AF140600小石河AF140700大石河AF140800珠尔多河AF140900尔站西沟河AF141000威虎河AF141100官地河AF141200都凌河AF141300蛤蟆河AF141301桦树川水库AF141400镜泊湖AF141500小北湖AF141600海浪河AF141700二道海浪河AF141800五林河AF141900头道河AF142000二道河AF142100三道河AF150000巴兰河AF160000倭肯河AF160100八虎力河AF160200吉兴河AF160300松木河AF160400向阳山水库AF160500七虎力河AF160600桃山水库AF170000汤旺河AF170100伊汤灌溉渠AF170200朱拉比拉河AF170300大丰河AF170500双子河AF170600西南岔河AF170601永翠河AF170700友好河AF170800西汤旺河AF170900伊春河AF170901么河AF171000大西林河AF171100南岔河AF171200东汤旺河AF171300援朝河AF171400抗美河AF171500红旗河AF171600丽林河AF171700丰林河AF171800长青河AF171900五道库河AF172000小西林河AF172100柳树河AF172200亮子河AF180000梧桐河AF180100鹤立河AF190000阿凌达河AF200000都鲁河AG乌苏里江流域AG000000乌苏里江AG010000别拉洪河AG020000松阿察河AG030000穆棱河AG030100大石头河AG030200向阳河AG030300裴德里河AG030301团结水库AG030302哈达河水库AG030400牤牛河AG040000七虎林河AG050000阿布沁河AG060000都木河AG070000挠力河AG070100小佳河AG070200蛤蟆通河AG070300蛤蟆通水库AG070400宝石河AG070500外七星河AG070600七星沁河AG070700七星河AG080000兴凯湖AG090000小兴凯湖AG100000大索伦河AH东北地区其他国际河流AH010000绥芬河AH010100大绥芬河AH010200舒法河AH010300小绥芬河AH010400道芬河AH010500瑚布图河AH020000图们江AH020100红旗河AH020200大马鹿河AH020300红丹水AH020400布尔哈通河AH020401朝阳河AH020402海兰河AH020403长仁河AH020404蜂蜜河AH020500嘎呀河AH020501桦皮甸子河AH020502大汪清河AH020503小汪清河AH020504前河AH020505春阳河AH020600密江AH020700土门子河AH020800珲春河AH020801兰家趟子河AH030000鸭绿江AH030100叆河AH030101草河AH030102八道河AH030103二道坊河AH030200安平河AH030300水丰水库AH030400浑江AH030401太平哨水库AH030402回龙山水库AH030403桓仁水库AH030404大鹿圈河AH030405红土崖河AH030406哈泥河AH030407清河AH030408富尔江AH030409汪清河AH030410半拉江AH030411南古河AH030412北股河AH030413小雅河AH030414大雅河AH030415小新开河AH030416苇沙河AH030417蝲蛄河AH030418大二河AH030500云峰水库AH030600三道沟河AH030700五道沟河AH030800七道沟河AH030900八道沟河AH031000十九道沟河AH031100二十三道沟河AH031200孤山子河AH031300蒲石河AH031400铁甲水库BA辽河流域BA010000老哈河BA010100羊肠河BA010200蹦河BA010300英金河BA010301英金河灌溉渠BA010302锡泊河BA010303西路嘎河BA010304召苏河BA010305半支剑河BA010400坤兑河BA010500黑里河BA020000西拉木伦河BA020100百岔河BA020200查干木伦河BA020201古力古台河BA020202嘎苏代河BA020300萨河BA020400响水河BA020500大沙河BA030000西辽河BA030100台河BA030200羊肠河BA030300教来河BA030400孟克河BA030500新开河BA030600西马莲河BA030700胜利河BA040000东辽河BA040100卡伦河BA040200孤山河BA040300小辽河BA040400温得河BA040500兴开河BA050000辽河BA050100招苏台河BA050101二道河BA050102条子河BA050103小南河BA050104小河子河BA050105北太平河BA050106下二台子河BA050107红山河BA050108苇子河BA050200亮子河BA050300清河BA050301寇河BA050302叶赫河BA050303碾盘河BA050304马仲河BA050305碧苔河BA050306阿拉河BA050307二道沟河BA050308前马河BA050309金场河BA050310艾青河BA050311乌鲁河BA050312小寇河BA050313石银沟河BA050314岔沟河BA050315城关河BA050316大妞河BA050400柴河BA050401南柴河BA050500凡河BA050600拉马河BA050601胜利河BA050700秀水河BA050800养息牧河BA050801地河BA050900柳河(新开河) BA050901养畜牧河BA051000绕阳河BA051001东沙河BA051002西沙河BA051003苇塘河BA051004洋长河BA051005辽绕运河BA051006兀拉排站BA051100沙河BA051101南沙河BA051200王河BA051201新开河BA051202东洋河BA051203西坝河BA051300长沟子河BA051301跃进沟BA051302南岭沟BA051303施荒地沟BA051304锁龙沟BA051305后峪沟BA051306胡家沟BA051400万泉河BA051401西小河BA051500杖沟子河BA051600梅凌河BA052000长河BA054000左小河BA055000王河BA060000大辽河(浑河、营口段)BA060100大伙房水库BA060200苏子河BA060300沈水BA060400蒲河BA060401九龙河BA060402南小河BA060403北运河BA060404南运河BA060500太子河BA060501细河BA060502南太子河BA060503兰河BA060504汤河BA060505杨柳河BA060506海城河BA060507五道河BA060508沙河(北沙河)BA060509柳壕河BA060510南沙河BA060600白塔堡河BA060700杨官河BA060800满堂河BA060900社河BB大凌河及辽东沿海诸河流域BB010000大凌河BB010100细河BB010101伊吗图河BB010102汤头河BB010103清河BB010104五道桥子河BB010105高林台河BB010200牤牛河(朝阳)BB010300凌河BB010400牤牛河BB020000小凌河BB020100女儿河BB030000兴城河BB040000六股河BB050000狗河BB060000石河BB070000牤牛河(北票)BB070100北沟河BB080000大洋河BB080100汤池河BB080200雅河BB080300哨子河BB080400拉古河BB080500红旗河BB080600土牛子河BB080700小洋河BB080800哈达河BB080900偏岭河BB081000牤牛河BB081100牡牛河BB081200石庙河BB081300青河BB081400渭水河BB090000英那河BB100000庄河BB110000碧流河BB120000沙河(大沙河)BB130000复州河BB140000熊岳河BB150000大清河BB160000登沙河CA滦河流域CA-CB海滦河流域CA010000闪电河CA020000滦河CA030000黑河川CA040000黑风河CA050000八里河CA060000吐力根河CA070000图尔根郭勒CA080000小滦河CA090000兴洲河CA100000伊逊河CA100100伊马吐河(蚁蚂吐河)CA110000武烈河CA110100鹦鹉河CA120000老牛河CA130000柳河CA140000瀑河CA150000潵河CA160000长河CA170000青龙河CA170100温河CA180000引滦入津渠CA190000滦河灌溉渠CA200000潘家口水库CA210000潮河CA220000小河子CA230000溯河CB海河流域CB010000海河CB010100州河(沙河)CB010200红土河CB010300北运河CB010301温榆河(含上段)CB010302凉水河(上段)CB010303温榆河下段CB010304凉水河中下段CB010305桃峪口沟(含桃峪口水库)CB010306十三陵水库CB010307东沙河CB010308北沙河CB010309关沟CB010310南沙河CB010311清河上段CB010312清河下段CB010313万泉河CB010314小月河CB010315坝河上段CB010316坝河下段CB010317土城沟CB010318北小河CB010319亮马河CB010320小中河CB010321通惠河上段CB010322通惠河下段CB010323南护城河CB010324北护城河CB010325长河CB010326永引上段CB010327永引下段CB010328京密引水渠CB010329京密引水渠昆玉段CB010330二道沟CB010331莲花河CB010332新开渠CB010333马草河CB010334丰草河CB010335小龙河CB010336玉带河CB010337肖太后河CB010338通惠北干渠CB010339西排干CB010340半壁店明沟CB010341观音堂明沟CB010342大柳树明沟CB010343凤河CB010344小龙河CB010345大龙河CB010346凤港减河CB010347港沟河CB020000永定河CB020001官厅水库CB020002永定河山峡段(含珠窝、落坡岭水库)CB020003永定河平原段CB020004新华营河CB020005古城河(含古城水库)CB020006清水河(含斋堂水库)CB020007清水涧CB020008念坛水库CB020100桑干河CB020101清水河(青白口镇)CB020102壶流河CB020103御河CB020104十里河CB020105音图河CB020106淤泥河CB020107浑河CB020108南干渠CB020109陆庄河CB020110源子河CB020111恢河CB020200黄水河CB020300御河(饮马河) CB020400壶流河CB020500洋河(东洋河) CB020501南洋河CB020502白登河CB020503黑水河CB020504洪塘河CB020505清水河(东沟)CB020506鄂卜坪河CB020507西洋河CB020600妫水河CB020700天堂河CB020800北京排污河CB020801凤河CB030000大清河(白沟河、独流减河、南拒马河、北拒马河)CB030001大宁水库CB030002小清河CB030003崇青水库CB030004刺猬河CB030005长辛店明沟CB030006大石河上段CB030007大石河下段CB030008丁家洼河(含丁家洼水库)CB030009东沙河CB030010周口店河CB030011马刨泉河CB030012挟括河(含天开水库)CB030100拒马河CB030101中易水CB030102紫石口沟CB030103白涧沟河CB030200古阳河CB030300漕河CB030400苏水CB030500白沟引河CB030600赵王新渠CB030601瀑河CB030602青水河(龙泉河、界河)CB030700唐河CB030701通天河CB030800白洋淀CB030900珠龙河CB031000沙河(大沙河)CB031001磁河CB031002沙河总干渠CB031003胭脂河CB031004冉庄和CB031100小白河CB040000子牙河(子牙新河)CB040100滹沱河CB040101冶河CB040102小作河CB040103桃河CB040104温河CB040105卸甲河CB040106清水河(资承水)CB040107牧马河CB040108北云中河CB040109阳武河CB040110峨河CB040111乌河CB040112松溪河CB040113石津总干渠CB040200滏阳河CB040201滏阳新河CB040202泜河CB040203澧河CB040204小马河CB040205沙河CB040206午河CB040207槐沙河CB040208洺河CB040209北洺河CB040210南洺河CB040300天平沟CB040400黑龙港河CB040500南运河(卫运河、小运河) CB050000卫河(大沙河)CB050100清量江CB050101老盐河CB050102江江河CB050103清河CB050104分洪河CB050105老沙河CB050200漳河(浊漳河、浊漳南源) CB050201民有总干渠CB050202红旗渠CB050203浊漳CB050204浊漳西源CB050205浊漳北源CB050206涅河CB050207浊漳南源CB050208绛河CB050209清漳河CB050210清漳东源CB050211清漳西源CB050300共产主义渠CB050400淇河CB050401浙河CB050500汤河CB050600南峪河CB050700安阳河CB050701洹河CB050800人民胜利渠CB050900漳卫新河CB051000捷地减河CB051100京密引水渠CB051200马厂减河CC华北地区沿海诸河流域CC010000石河CC020000北戴河CC030000洋河CC040000新滦河CC050000沙河CC060000陡河CC060100西沙河CC070000蓟运河CC070003海子水库CC070004黄松峪石河(含黄松峪水库)CC070005错河(洳河)上段CC070006错河(洳河)下段CC070007镇罗营石河(含西峪水库)CC070008金鸡河CC070100还乡河CC070200泃河CC070201泃河上段CC070202泃河下段CC070300黎河CC070400国河CC070500沙河(十河)CC070600淋河(西大河)CC080000北排水河(滏东排河、老漳河) CC090000江江河CC090100泸河(老盐河)CC100000潮白河CC100001潮白河上段CC100002潮白河下段CC100003天河CC100004渣汰沟CC100005琉璃庙河CC100006白马关河CC100007忙牛河(含半城子水库)CC100008安达木河(含遥桥峪水库)CC100009清水河CC100010红门川(沙场水库)CC100011怀河CC100012雁栖河(含雁栖湖)CC100013怀柔水库CC100014怀沙河CC100015怀九河CC100016箭杆河CC100017城北减河CC100018运潮减河CC100100青龙湾河CC100200潮河CC100201潮河上段CC100202潮河下段CC100300白河CC100301汤河CC100302黑河CC100303白河上段CC100304白河下段CC110000密云水库CC120000永定新河CC130000独流减河CC140000子牙新河CC150000宣惠河CC160000马颊河CC170000德惠新河CC180000徒骇河CC190000赵牛河(新赵牛河)CC200000沙河(土马河、大峪水库)DA黄河上游干流区间DA-DE黄河流域DA000010第四排水沟(中卫)DA000011第一排水沟(中卫)DA000012第三排水沟(中卫)DA000013北河子沟DA000014南河子沟DA000015清水沟DA000016南干沟DA000020中(干)沟DA000021第一排水沟DA000022中滩沟DA000025灵武东沟DA000030第二排水沟DA000031永清沟DA000040永二干沟DA000042中干沟DA000061四二干沟DA000062银新干沟DA000070第五排水沟DA000080第三排水沟DA000081三二干沟DA000082三二干沟(石嘴山)DA010000约古宗列渠DA010100卡日曲DA010200扎曲DA020000多曲DA020100勒那曲DA020200邹玛曲DA020300白玛曲DA020400贝敏曲DA020500多钦安科郎渠DA030000热曲DA030100黑河DA030101赫曲DA030200擦曲DA040000东曲DA050000昌马河DA060000白马曲DA070000夏曲DA080000优尔曲DA090000科曲DA100000达日河(达日曲)DA100100都曲DA100200达尔洛曲DA110000吉曲DA110100吉拉曲DA120000当曲DA130000西科曲(科曲贡麻) DA140000折安河DA150000朵曲DA150100则格拉曲DA160000章额河DA170000尼格曲DA180000哈曲DA190000沙柯河DA200000阿万曲DA210000贾曲DA210100抗日曲DA220000白河DA220100阿木柯河DA230000玛尔莫曲DA240000郎曲DA250000黑曲DA250100达水曲DA250200德纳合曲DA250300墨洼曲DA250400额曲DA250500班佑沟DA260000西科河DA270000泽曲DA270100夏德日河DA270200宁委曲DA270300尕群曲DA270400曲纳阔河DA280000得科曲DA290000切木曲DA290100东曲DA290200格曲DA300000巴沟(巴曲)DA300100朵干曲DA310000曲什安河DA310100曲龙DA320000大河坝河DA320100水塔拉河DA330000芒拉河DA340000沙沟DA350000龙羊峡水库DA360000农春河DA370000莫曲沟河DA380000高红崖河DA380100西沟(西河)DA380200东沟DA390000隆务河DA390100清水河(来玉镇)DA390200扎毛河DA400000清水河(清水镇)DA410000大夏河DA410100咯河DA410200麻历河DA410300桑科河DA410400洛浪河DA410500刘家峡水库DA420000洮河DA420100代桑雄曲DA420200周曲DA420300科才河DA420400括合曲DA420500博拉河DA420600车巴河DA420700大峪河DA420800迭沙河DA420900羊沙河DA421000冶木河DA421100南川河DA421200岔河DA421300东峪河DA421400广通河DA421500改河DA430000湟水DA430100麻皮寺河DA430200哈利涧河DA430300药水河DA430400西纳川DA430500北川河DA430501黑林河DA430600南川河DA430700沙塘川DA430800哈拉直沟DA430900大通河DA430901唐莫日曲DA430902永安河DA440000庄浪河DA440100金强河DA450000宛川河DA460000阿干水DA470000祖厉河DA470100东河DA470200关川河DA470300小河DA470400老堡子河DA480000景泰川引黄渠DA490000清水河DA490100大营河DA490200中河DA490201东至河DA490300苋麻河DA490400双井河DA490500折死沟DA490600麻春堡河DA490700马营河DA490800贺宝河DA490900金鸡儿沟DA500000红柳沟DA510000固海扬水灌渠DA520000卫宁灌区诸渠DA530000西干渠DA540000唐徕渠DA550000汉延渠DA560000惠农渠DA570000苦水河DA570100甜水河DA580000大合子沟DA590000都思兔河DA600000吉兰泰盐池DA610000顶格牛河DA620000乌加河(乌珠尔郭勒) DA630000三盛公水利枢纽DA630100北岸总干渠DA630200南岸总干渠DA640000杨家河DA650000乌拉河DA660000丰济渠DA670000义和渠DA680000通济渠DA690000长济渠DA700000乌梁素海DA710000毛不浪孔兑DA720000卜尔色太沟DA730000黑赖沟DA740000西柳沟DA750000昆都仑河DA760000美岱沟DA770000什拉乌素河DA770100沙河DA770200银号河DA780000哈什拉川DA790000木呼尔沟DA800000呼斯太河DA810000大黑河DA810100枪盘河DA810200哈拉沁沟DA820000浑河DA820100清河DB黄河中下游干流区间DB010000黄河DB020000红河DB030000杨家川DB040000偏关河DB050000正川DB050100十里长川DB070000县川河DB080000孤山川河DB090000朱家川DB090100二道河DB100000岚漪河DB110000蔚汾河DB120000窟野河(乌兰木伦河) DB120100考考乌素沟DB120200勃牛川DB130000红碱淖DB140000秃尾河DB150000佳芦河DB160000青凉寺沟DB170000湫水河DB180000三川河(北川河)DB180100南川河DB180200东川河DB190000留誉川DB200000屈产河DB210000无定河(红柳河)DB210100那仁郭勒DB210200黑河子DB210300白河(白河渠)DB210400榆惠渠DB210500贺家川DB210600海流兔河DB210700芦河DB210701西芦河DB210800榆溪河DB210900马湖峪河DB211000大理河DB211001小理河DB211100淮宁河DB220000清涧河(秀延河)DB220100永坪川DB230000芝河DB240000昕水河DB240100义亭河DB240200城川河DB240300东川河DB250000延河DB250100杏子河DB250200西川河DB250300蟠龙河DB260000云岩河(汾川河)DB270000仕望河DB270200交卯河DB270300小南川DB280000清水河DB290000白水河DB300000鄂河DB310000川儿河(猴儿川)DB320000凿开河DB330000澽水DB340000金水沟DB350000解池河DB360000涑水河DB370000宏农涧河DB370100川口河DB370200东涧河DB380000青龙涧河DB390000泗交河DB400000坡涧河DB410000毫清河DB420000洋河DB430000西洋河DB440000东洋河DB450000大峪河DB460000伊洛河DB460100洛河(南洛河)DB460101石坡河DB460102西峪河DB460103沙河DB460104文峪河DB460105渡洋河DB460106永昌河DB460107韩城河DB460108涧水DB460109汜水河DB460200伊河DB460201小河DB460202明白川DB470000沁河DB470100紫红河DB470200泗河DB470300端氏河DB470400佐泽河DB470500长河DB470600丹河DB470700蟒河DB480000汶河(大清河、东平湖) DB480100牟汶河DB480101瀛汶河DB480102雪野水库DB480103汶河南支DB480200方下河DB480300柴汶河DB480400汇河DB480500漕河DB480600大清河DB480601东平湖水库DB490000玉符河DB500000潮河DB510000草桥沟DB520000新桃河DB530000黄河故道DB540000臭水河DB550000天然文岩渠DC汾河流域DC000000汾河DC010000东碾河DC020000岚河DC030000潇河DC030100白马河DC030200涂河DC040000乌马河DC040100象峪河DC050000汾河灌区灌溉渠系DC060000磁窑河DC070000昌源河DC080000文峪河DC080100胜水DC090000龙凤河DC100000双池河DC110000洪安涧河DC120000曲亭河DC130000涝河DD渭河流域DD000000渭河DD010000咸河DD020000榜沙河DD020100漳河DD020200露幕河DD030000秦祁河DD040000漆家河DD050000散渡河DD060000葫芦河DD060001渝河DD060100滥泥河DD060200南河DD060300甘渭河DD060400小洛河DD060500水洛河DD060600清水河DD060700郭嘉河DD070000耤河DD080000牛头河DD080100后川河DD080200樊河DD080300汤浴河DD090000通关河DD100000金陵河DD110000宝鸡峡引渭总干渠DD120000千河DD130000石头河DD140000漆水河DD140100大北沟DD140200渭总干渠DD140300祝家河DD140400河DD150000黑河DD160000田峪河DD170000涝河DD180000沣河DD180100潏河DD190000皂河DD200000灞河DD200100蓝桥河DD200200网峪河DD200300汤峪河DD200400河DD210000泾河DD210100泾水DD210200小路河DD210300大路河DD210400潘杨涧河DD210500汭河DD210501石堡子河DD210502策底河DD210600洪河DD210700蒲河DD210701大黑河DD210702康家河DD210703白家川DD210704安家川河DD210800黑河DD210900茹河(小川河)DD210901古城河DD210902交口河DD211000马莲河(环江、西川) DD211001东川DD211002马坊川DD211003安山川DD211004合道川DD211005柔远河DD211006柔远川DD211007合水川DD211008湘乐川DD211009固城川DD211010平道川DD211011九龙河DD211100四郎河DD211200黑河DD211201达溪河DD211202南川河DD211203南河DD211300红岩河DD211400水帘河DD211500马栏河DD211600姜家河DD211700泾惠渠DD211800泔河DD211900渭惠渠DD220000石川河DD230000漆水河DD240000清河DD240100浊峪河DD240200清峪河DD240201冶峪河DD240300陈村河DD240400沮河DD250000零河DD260000洛河(头道川)DD260100乱石头川DD260200二道川DD260300宁赛川DD260400周河DD260500界子河DD260600葫芦河DD260601小河子川DD260700仙姑河DD260800沮河DD260801建庄河DD260802青河DD260900五里河DD261000雷塬河DD261100沙家河(石堡川) DD261200白水河DD261300大峪河DD261400洛惠渠DE山东半岛诸河流域DE010000漳卫新河DE010100四女寺减河DE010200岔河DE010300六五河DE020000马颊河DE020100笃马河DE020101赵王河DE020200二股河DE020300朱龙河DE020400德惠新河DE020401幸福河DE020402商东河DE020403临商河DE030000沾利河DE040000秦口河DE040100清波河DE040200沟盘河DE050000徒骇河DE050100沙河DE050200潘庄总干渠DE050300温聪河DE050400倪伦河DE050500老赵牛河DE050600赵牛河DE050601中心河DE050602巴公河DE050700苇河DE050800土马河DE060000大沙河DE070000淄脉沟DE080000小清河DE080100杏花河DE080200孝妇河DE080300绣江DE080400淄河DE090000新塌河DE090100织女河DE090200北阳河DE100000弥河DE100100尧河DE110000白浪河DE120000虞河DE130000潍河DE130100汶河DE130200渠河DE140000五龙河DE140100富水河DE140200清水河DE140300砚河DE150000崂山水库DE160000墨水河DE170000王河DE180000界河DE190000黄水河DE190100内夹河DE200000大沽夹河DE200100清阳河DE200200门楼水库DE210000老母猪河DE210100母猪河DE220000黄垒河DE230000乳山河DE240000大沽河DE240100小沽河DE240200五沽河DE240300潴河DE240400胶莱河DE240401胶河DE240402泽河EA淮河流域EA-EC淮河流域EA010000淮河干流EA020000淮河入江水道EA030000洪泽湖EA030100怀洪新河EA040000漴潼河EA040100潼江EA040200唐河EA050000竹竿河EA050100小潢河EA060000清水河EA070000寨河EA080000闾河EA090000潢河EA090100泼河EA100000洪河(小洪河、大洪河)EA100101奎王河EA100102臻头河EA110000白露河EA120000史河EA120100灌河EA120200泉河EA120300食畈河EA120400石槽河EA120500长江河EA120600梅山水库EA120700史河红石嘴段EA120800史河叶集段EA120900史河霍邱段EA130000淠史杭灌区渠系EA130100史河总干渠-沣西干渠EA130200沣东干渠-水门塘EA130300淠河总干渠EA130301淠河总干渠-裕安段EA130302淠河总干渠-金安段EA130400淠东干渠EA130401淠东干渠市区段EA130402淠东干渠-安丰塘EA130500灌区其它渠系EA140000梅山南干渠EA150000史灌河EA150100灌河EA160000濛河EA160100界南新河EA160200分洪河EA170000谷河EA170100界南河EA180000润河EA190000沣河(穷水)EA190100城西湖EA190200沣河霍邱段(沿岗河)EA200000汲河EA200100东汲河EA200200西汲河EA200300汲河固镇段EA200400城东湖EA210000淠河EA210100西淠河(燕子河)EA210101毛坦河EA210102响洪甸水库EA210103西淠河裕安段EA210200东淠河EA210202漫水河EA210203东流河EA210204磨子潭-佛子岭水库EA210205东淠河霍山段EA210300淠河裕安段EA210400淠河市区段EA210500淠河大店岗段EA220000颍河EA220100清水河EA220200沙河EA220201灰河EA220300双流河EA220400大浪河EA220500清潩河EA220600沂河EA220700北汝河EA220701邀水EA220702苇子河EA220800文化河EA220801运粮河EA220900濦水EA221000澧河EA221001捌河EA221100甘江河EA221200贾鲁河EA221201双洎河EA221202溱水EA221203康沟河EA221204洧水EA221205清水沟EA221300大浪沟EA221301清流河EA221302老潩水EA221303二道河EA221400新运河EA221500新蔡河EA221600茨河EA221601晋沟河EA221602黑河EA221700泉河EA221800白沙水库EA221900清潩河EA221901石梁河EA221902小泥河EA221903小洪河EA231701涎河EA231703黑河EA231704泥河EA231705阜临鲖新河EA240000东淝河EA240100瓦埠河EA240200东淝河寿县段EA250000西淝河EA250100界洪新河EA250200济河EA250300焦岗湖EA260000利凤新河EA270000泥河EA280000窑河(洛河) EA280100高塘湖EA290000茨淮新河EA300000天河EA310000芡河EA320000涡河EA320100尉扶河EA320200老涡河EA320300涡河故道EA320400小清河EA320500大埝沟EA320600铁底河EA320700惠济河EA320701淤泥河EA320702通惠河EA320703蒋河EA320704废黄河EA320705太平沟EA320800古宋河EA320900洮河EA321000大沙河EA321100赵王河EA321200漳河EA321201洺河EA321300百尺河EA321400武家河EA321500阜蒙新河EA330000北淝河EA340000濠水(濠河)EA350000浍河EA350100东沙河EA350200洛沟EA350300包河EA350400澥河EA360000游河EA370000浉河EA370100东双河EA370200沙河EA370300双河EA380000新汴河EA380100溪河EA380200沱河(虬龙河) EA380201响河EA380202王引河EA380203北沱河EA390000新濉河EA400000池河EA410000濉河EA410100老濉河EA410200奎河EA410300运料河EA420000徐洪河(安河)EA420100老龙河EA420200徐沙河EA420300潼河EA420400西沙河EA430000西民便河EA440000淮沭河EA450000苏北灌溉总渠EA460000洪河EA470000洪河分洪道EA470100临艾河EA480000白塔河EB沂沭泗流域EB010000泗河EB010100小沂河EB020000惠河EB020100白沙河EB030000淮沭新河EB040000灌河EB040100南六塘河EB040200总六塘河EB040300北六塘河EB040400六塘河EB040500柴米河EB050000古泊善后河EB060000新沭河(沭河) EB060100汤河EB060200浔河EB060300袁公河EB060400盐河EB060401石安河EB060402朱稽河EB060500蔷薇河EB070000高榆河EB080000分沂入沭河EB090000付疃河EB100000沂河EB100100白马河EB100200小涑河EB100300祊河EB100301温凉河EB100400蒙河EB100500汶河EB100501螳螂水EB100502东汶河EB110000新沂河EB120000白沙河EB130000龙王河EB140000青口河EB150000京杭运河(梁济运河、湖西航道) EB150100赵王河EB150101不牢河EB160000京杭运河(韩庄运河、鲁运河)EB160100南四湖(微山湖、昭阳湖、独山湖、南阳湖)EB160200洙赵新河EB160201洙水河EB160300万福河EB160301翻身河EB160302沙河EB160303胜利河EB160400东鱼河EB160401东鱼河南支EB160500复兴河EB160501太行堤和河EB160600峰城大沙河EB160700郑集河EB160800白马河EB160900南沙河EB161000北沙河EB161100城河EB161200十字河EB161300小汶河EB161400蟠龙河EB170000京杭运河(中运河) EB180000京杭运河(里运河)EB190000废黄河EB200000中山河(新淮河)EC里下河地区沿海诸河流域EC010000射阳河EC010100西塘河EC010200东塘河EC010300串通河EC010400运棉河EC020000黄沙港EC030000新洋港EC030100朱沥沟EC040000兴盐界河EC050000王港EC060000蚌蜒河(北澄子河)EC070000新通扬运河EC080000通榆运河EC090000通启运河EC100000通吕运河EC110000如泰运河EC120000马丰河EC130000栟茶河EC140000梁垛河EC150000东台河EC160000川东港EC160100西潘堡河EC170000江界河EC180000斗龙港EC180100渭水河EC180200海沟河EC180300大丰干河EC190000串场河EC190100梓辛河EC190200西港河EC190300盐靖河EC190400泰东河EC200000渠北排水渠FA-FB长江上游干流区间FA-FM长江流域FA000000通天河FA010000沱沱河(玛曲)FA010100波陇曲FA010200斜日贡尼曲FA010300扎木曲FA020000当曲FA020100庭曲(天曲)FA020200布曲FA020300尕尔曲(尕日曲)FA020301冬曲(旦曲)FA020302握布龙曲FA030000沙丁曲FA040000查曲FA050000吾钦曲FA060000查午曲FA070000果曲FA080000郭纽曲FA090000日阿尺曲FA100000FA110000莫曲FA110100巴子曲FA110200君曲FA120000牙哥曲FA120100帮曲FA130000北麓河(勒玛曲) FA140000科欠曲FA150000勒池曲FA160000楚玛尔河FA160100扎日尕那曲FA160200牙扎曲FA170000色吾曲FA170100昂日曲FA180000宁恰曲FA180100多采曲FA190000登艾龙曲(登额曲) FA200000德曲FA210000曼宗曲FA220000叶曲(益曲)FA230000小漕河FB000000金沙江FB010000巴塘河FB020000加日河FB030000盖哈沟FB040000俄沟FB050000夕河FB060000白曲FB070000麦宿河FB070100登龙沟FB080000赠曲FB080100卡曲FB080200图根曲FB080300朵拉曲FB090000欧曲(偶曲)FB090100边坝河FB100000藏曲FB100100字曲FB110100马曲FB110200哇曲FB120000降曲FB130000西曲FB140000曲戈河(巴塘河、巴曲) FB150000达拉河(宗曲)FB150100鲁州河FB160000仁波河(麦曲)FB170000中岩曲FB180000松麦河(定曲)FB180100马衣河FB180200硕衣河(硕曲河、乡城河) FB190000翁水河FB190100格咱河FB200000支巴洛河FB210000腊普河FB220000冲江河FB230000硕多岗河(硕多图河)FB240000水落河FB240100稻城河FB240200拉波河FB240300赤土河FB240400东义河FB240500尼汝河FB250000五郎河FB260000漾弓江FB270000落漏河FB280000达旦河FB290000渔泡江(泡江)FB290100涟河FB300000马过河FB310000万马河FB320000新庄河FB330000龙川江FB330100石者河FB330200紫甸河FB330300蜻蛉河FB330301永仁河FB340000勐果河FB350000普隆河FB350100会川河FB360000鲹鱼河FB370000普渡河FB370100掌鸠河FB370200螳螂川FB370201滇池FB380100款庄河FB390000洗马河FB390100可郎河FB400000大桥河FB410000小江FB410100块河FB420000以礼河FB420100四甲河FB420200蚂蝗河FB430000黑水河FB430100西罗河FB440000西溪河FB440100金曲FB440200则普拉达河FB450000牛栏江FB450100硝河FB450200哈喇河FB450300西泽河FB450400马龙河FB460000美姑河FB470000西宁河FB480000中都河FB490000横江FB490100拖洛河FB490200洛泽河FB490201白水河FB490202奕良小河FB490300牛街河FB490400洒鱼河FB490401大关河FB500000南广河FB500100筠连河FB510000黄沙河FB520000长宁河FB520100泯溪河FB530000永宁河FB530100古宋河FB550000赤水河FB550100雨河FB550200倒流河FB550300马洛河FB550301鱼洞河FB550400二道河FB550500桐梓河(牛渡河) FB550501混子河FB550502沙溪场大河FB550600古蔺河FB550700大村河FB550800大同河FB560000习水河FB570000松溉河FB580000永川河FB590000塘河FB590100小槽河FB590200大槽河FB600000壁河(壁南河)FB600100梅江河FB600101九龙河FB610000綦江FB610200蒲河(孝子河)FB610201清溪河FB610202刘家河FB610300藻渡河FB610301鲤鱼河FB610302溱溪河FB610400松坎河FB610500笋溪河FB610501茶坝河FB610600三溪FB620000箭滩河(一品河)FB630000木洞河(五步河)FB640000御临河(大洪河)FB640100东河FB640200白水河FB650000桃花溪FB660000龙溪河(高滩河)FB660100大沙河FB660200回龙河FB670000黎香溪FB670100龙潭河FB670200油江河FB680000渠溪河FB690000龙河FB700000黄金河(干井沟)FB710000汝溪河FB720000瀼渡河FB730000小江(东河、彭溪河) FB730100江里河(桃溪河)FB730200普里河FB740000汤溪河FB740100弯滩河FB750000磨刀溪FB750100驷步河。
1 华北北京30分钟天津30 分钟河北25分钟山西30分钟内蒙古95分钟2 东北辽宁38分钟吉林40分钟黑龙江95分钟3 华东上海30分钟江苏30分钟浙江30分钟安徽30分钟福建30分钟江西25分钟山东30分钟4 华中河南38分钟湖北38分钟湖南38分钟5 华南广东38分钟海南30分钟广西30分钟6 西南重庆90分钟四川35分钟贵州38分钟云南35分钟西藏96分钟7 西北陕西38分钟甘肃38分钟青海90分钟宁夏38分钟新疆95分钟8 港澳台香港50分钟澳门50分钟台湾40分钟希望对你有帮助!点亮每个区域都可以获得奖励,所获奖励是和领取奖励的次数相关的:第一个区域:380元宝第二个区域:580元宝第三个区域:880元宝第四个区域:980元宝第五个区域:1280元宝第六个区域:2980元宝第七个区域:4380元宝第八个区域:5000元宝986■■■■■暗属性■■■■■■●1星白骨王 36021814 DP3250怪物眼 84133008 DP500魔?科学家 34206604 DP13000帮手矮人 19086954 DP2600?革之腧 36262024 DP3380栗子球 40640057 DP3120矮人王 18590133 DP4680混沌死灵使 01434352 DP2600暗?的宝箱怪 LV1 74713516 DP3250白骨 32274490 DP1560被封印的右足 08124921 DP7800被封印的左足 44519536 DP7800被封印的右腕 70903634 DP7800被封印的左腕 07902349 DP7800千眼的邪教神 27125110 DP2600失误哥布林 12057781 DP2600平庸鬼 99171160 DP2600?次元驯兽师 86498013 DP2600●2星?之?面 28933734 DP3900??魔女 80741828 DP500??魔戌? 09156135 DP3380魔草人面荆 07802006 DP2600捕脑魔 40267580 DP2600宣告不幸的黑猫 24140059 DP3380哈帝斯的使魔 89258225 DP2600梦魇马 59290628 DP2600恶魔布兰基 69015963 DP5200限界壶 73414375 DP2600 黑暗使魔 58551308 DP2600 精神寄生体 04266839 DP2600 人造人殓7号 32809211 DP500固执的老魔戌? 45141844 DP3380巨型病毒 95178994 DP3640混沌的?戌? 75946257 DP2600?魔?? 库兰 46128076 DP2860石像鬼小丑 42647539 DP2600?次元的?察? 03773196 DP2600暗黑界的斥侯斯卡 05498296 DP2600?魔的?察者 81863068 DP500跟随黑暗的人 15507080 DP500屋顶不散的阴魂 17238333 DP500魅惑的怪盗 24348204 DP500午夜恶魔 83678433 DP500未熟的?魔 64154377 DP500魔人泓 43905751 DP500魔货物车辆博科伊奇 08715625 DP2600 小丑僵尸 92667214 DP500书怪 68963107 DP500法老的仆人 52550973 DP2600火焰恶魔 53581214 DP500?魔的镜 15150371 DP500大炮达磨 96967123 DP500D?拿破伦 76211194 DP500幻影战士 80600490 DP500死者之腕 52800428 DP500彷徨的亡者 93788854 DP500萨塔那 77603950 DP500指挥官 06400512 DP500幽灵 61201220 DP500黑魔族的幕布 22026707 DP500?面道化 77581312 DP500怨念集合体 04920010 DP2600 命运的蜡烛 47695416 DP500●3星融合?印生物-? 52101615 DP2600 暗?小丑?彼德 52624755 DP3380??破?者 48700891 DP2860弩弓手 52090844 DP2600被封印的埃及使者 33396948 DP9100奇袭的哨兵 22609617 DP3900吸血鬼宝贝 56387350 DP2600友善战士 89731911 DP2600?依血魔 52860176 DP2600守墓的?戌? 50712728 DP2600 破?神巴萨高 50259460 DP2600深?的暗?者 16226786 DP9100二重身 61831093 DP2600死亡考拉 69579761 DP4160魂削的死? 23205979 DP4160吸精的骨塔 63012333 DP2600隐形鸟 03510565 DP3900屎壳郎群 15383415 DP2600漆?的?? 47415292 DP2600蹴杀者 90407382 DP2600未来壶 34124316 DP9100黑蝎―破坏陷阱的克里夫 06967870 DP2600 黑蝎-飞速逃跑的齐克 61587183 DP5200 三只眼 26202165 DP9100水泡 70307656 DP2600?化支援机械?重装兵器 23265594 DP3900凶?犯-开膛手 40884383 DP2600蝗虫军队 41872150 DP2600暗?的宝箱怪 LV3 01102515 DP3900 暗?界的猎人布拉乌 79126789 DP3120 阿斯旺的亡? 88236094 DP2600封印? 眼睛 02468169 DP3380科学特殊兵 67532912 DP2600 ●4星龙族领主-龙之支配者- 17985575 DP3640呗?的魔戌? 06337436 DP3120??戌? 皆空 88240808 DP3900罕贵金属龙 25236056 DP2600再生丧尸 23421244 DP2600复活丧尸 03072077 DP2600长枪龙人 11125718 DP2600来自黑暗的恐怖 34193084 DP3120 暗之住人暗影杀手 20939559 DP2600?晦之城 00062121 DP2600女邪神努比亚 12953226 DP2600冥界的使者 75043725 DP2600 万力魔神死亡拷问 56043446 DP3120魔导战士?破坏者 71413901 DP9100魔装机关车迪科伊奇 87621407 DP2600魔法之国的王女-库兰 02316186 DP3120吸血者 97783659 DP2600吸血鬼女郎 26495087 DP3380 秒?的暗?者 96890582 DP2340墓守的番兵 37101832 DP3120墓守的樘?兵 63695531 DP3640墓守的?察者 24317029 DP2600墓守的大火炮兵 99877698 DP2600墓守的暗?者 25262697 DP2600钮特力安 04335645 DP2600首钌-沙鲁达 76922029 DP4680钢钻甲 99050989 DP2600卡通?加农炮兵 79875176 DP3900卡通??面魔道士 16392422 DP2600?魔的整理? 71107816 DP2600死亡独角兽 81985784 DP2600死亡袋鼠 78613627 DP3120月臻命 34853266 DP9100双头地狱犬 88132637 DP2600双价体 44436472 DP3640黑暗英雄 ZOMBIRE 88472456 DP3640黑暗胶质人 90980792 DP2600按妖精 21417692 DP2600速攻的?忍者 41006930 DP2600?幅的?意 14255590 DP2600球体定时炸弹 26302522 DP2860死?蛟士 78700060 DP5200?刑人-魔修罗 21593977 DP13000召?僧 00423585 DP5200熟?的?魔?? 73752131 DP4160重装武者 84430950 DP2600G?平庸鬼 58185394 DP2600橡树巨魔 73698349 DP2600 漆?的?士狼人 88975532 DP2600地?的番熊 75375465 DP2600 灭绝帝王恶魔 35975813 DP3640精神突击兵 39978267 DP2600电子恶魔 59907935 DP2600再生僵尸 70821187 DP2600 矮人腐尸 63665875 DP2600幻影的壁 13945283 DP2600 月锾魔 21887179 DP3250 KA-2死亡钳 52768103 DP2600 黑?盗贼团 40933924 DP4160 黑蝎-荆棘的美奈 74153887 DP3640 黑森林魔女 78010363 DP13000残酷 82642348 DP2600杀手番茄 83011277 DP2860加农炮兵 11384280 DP3120?面魔道士 10189126 DP500 守护者?巴奥 73544866 DP3120元素战士 66712593 DP2600 元素恶魔 23118924 DP2600 元素恐龙 92755808 DP2600 埃及使者的亡灵 12600382 DP4680 邪眼人 51351302 DP2600 ?次元的案内人 52702748 DP2600?次元生还者 48092532 DP2600 宇宙人马兽 63749102 DP4680暗黑界之尖兵贝基 33731070 DP2600 暗黑界的狂王布隆 06214884 DP2860 巨斧龙人 84914462 DP2600红色独眼巨人 14531242 DP2600 灯之魔精 97590747 DP3380?魔界的?士 11321183 DP2600梅尔基多四面兽 86569121 DP2600 机械猎人 07359741 DP2600 ?魔的亡? 68049471 DP2600 魔??士-J 83764996 DP2600 血之魔人 14898066 DP4680食人宝石箱 13723605 DP2600 死亡巫师 49218300 DP2600恶魔战士 49881766 DP2600邪?男爵 86325596 DP2600 暗黑的狂犬 79182538 DP2600 暗黑界之骑士祖尔 07459013 DP2600●5星诅咒之龙 28279543 DP2600死?伯爵 66989694 DP2600 暗黑界的军神希尔瓦 32619583 DP3380 暗黑界的武神高尔德 78004197 DP3900 E?HERO 死灵黑侠 89252153 DP3380猎卡死神 33066139 DP2600 蛟革 84814897 DP2600 ?大天狗 02356994 DP2600 黑蝎-强力的高戈 48768179 DP2600 地??人 76052811 DP4160影子怪 30778711 DP2600 堕天使玛莉 57579381 DP2600 钢针螯 98162242 DP2600暗黑贵族 19153634 DP2600冲击魔人 17597059 DP2990巴风特 77207191 DP2600 吸血鬼总督 53839837 DP5200 地狱将军?靡非斯特 46820049 DP3380魔法操纵人偶 08034697 DP2600 镭射恶魔 16475472 DP2600●6星双刀恶魔 11761845 DP2600恶魔的召? 70781052 DP5200单摆刃的拷问机械 24433920 DP2600 暗黑魔族基路法恶魔 50287060 DP4160 业火之槌 17185260 DP2600阿努比斯的末裔 65403020 DP5200诅咒之吸血鬼 34294855 DP3640混沌巫师 09596126 DP5200巨大战舰巨大核心 14148099 DP3900伟大魔兽?聚变神 47942531 DP3900幽灵王 29155212 DP2600死灵操纵傀儡师 41442341 DP4160人造人索加?精神震撼者 77585513 DP9100迅雷魔王-骸骨恶魔 61370518 DP4680 浸?防御将? 75372290 DP2600 大神官迪.札特 88989706 DP4680吞时者 44913552 DP2600 月之女?士 64751286 DP3900卡通恶魔 91842653 DP3640卡通黑魔导少女 90960358 DP4160 革?者 28563545 DP2600黑魔导少女 38033121 DP6500袖珍手枪龙 25551951 DP4160白角之龙 73891874 DP5200空气的思想 66690411 DP2600魔导心理战士 66362965 DP3120冥王哈帝斯 53982768 DP4160?骨鬼 57281778 DP5200传奇恶魔 99747800 DP2600●7星邪恶骑士龙 66516792 DP500新月龙 38277918 DP500老虎机AM-7 03797883 DP2600恶魔牛 24311372 DP2600黑魔导 46986414 DP5200真剪眼黑革 74677422 DP4680墙壁之影 63162310 DP2600可变机兽枪手龙 51632798 DP3900合成魔兽?聚变鬼 08794435 DP3640疾风的暗黑骑士佳亚 16589042 DP3120不死王 39711336 DP3640?魔??行官 29436665 DP5200黑魔导骑士 50725996 DP2600手枪龙 81480460 DP4680●8星宇宙女王 38999506 DP26003角魔龙 39111158 DP2600暗黑侵略者 56647086 DP2600混沌帝? -剿焉的使者- 82301904 DP13000混沌的黑魔戌? 40737112 DP9100暗黑人偶?尼古罗菲娅 31829185 DP3640恶魔王?魔折罗 06133894 DP2600 狂暴丧尸龙 85605684 DP2600破坏龙甘多拉 64681432 DP5200吸血鬼创世主 22056710 DP5200胜利龙 44910027 DP5200冥王龙重力场破坏离子 24857466 DP3900金属恶魔牛 50705071 DP2600出于黑暗的绝望 71200730 DP3900真红眼黑铁龙 64335804 DP2600●9星(共3张)?衣大亵者 92377303 DP3900黑魔法神官 88619463 DP3900真剪眼?革 96561011 DP5200●10星(共2张)幻魔皇拉比艾尔 69890967 DP6500邪神Dread root(恐惧之根源) 62180201 DP5200●11星(共1张)门之守护者 25833572 DP5200................................................................................ ........................................................■■■■■■风属性■■■■■■●1星言遮道断侍 11760174 DP2600究极昆虫LV1 49441499 DP2600●2星八汰? 03078576 DP13000炸弹椿象 57409948 DP2600奈菲斯之引导者 98446407 DP3900音波干扰器 84550200 DP2600宣告幸运的猫头鹰 23927567 DP2600一刀?断侍 16222645 DP3120??革 55013285 DP2080神鹰少女 34100324 DP2600●3星魔术神灯 54912977 DP4160风灵使薇茵 37744402 DP2600多鲁多拉 43586926 DP9100?之女王 51371017 DP2600空中昆虫兵 07019529 DP500微风精灵 53530069 DP2600瞬着炸弹 53828396 DP2860小直升机 18325492 DP2600死之4星瓢虫 83994646 DP2600挥风 29618570 DP2600守护者?艾尔玛 74367458 DP3120女忍者?八重 82005435 DP2600鹰眼 53693416 DP2600究极昆虫LV3 34088136 DP3120武装龙LV3 00980973 DP3250蜥蜴兵 20831168 DP2600团结的反抗军 85936485 DP2860黑暗蝙蝠 67049542 DP2600音速鸭 84696266 DP2600他者 60246171 DP2600双眼的白老虎 32269855 DP2600E?HERO 羽翼侠 21844576 DP2860●4星小警卫员 90790253 DP2600有翼亵者 87523462 DP2600暴锾小僧 15090429 DP2600凭依装着-薇茵 31764353 DP2600神鹰女郎1 91932350 DP2600神鹰女郎2 27927359 DP2600神鹰女郎3 54415063 DP2600神鹰女郎SB 80316585 DP3640 鹰面 45547649 DP2600纽特 78636495 DP5200暴风鸟 71283180 DP3380龙蜻蜓 84834865 DP2860链击者 88190453 DP2600跳舞妖精 90925163 DP2600音波干扰器 57617178 DP2600灵魂龙 67957315 DP2600标枪龙 31553716 DP3640朔风?西路费都 73001017 DP2600影骑士恶魔 09603356 DP2600喷气小飞机 43697559 DP2600克蓝特龙 93220472 DP2600风之精灵?加尔达 12800777 DP3380混沌驭者?冥府骑士 47829960 DP2600氧素龙 58071123 DP3380武器召唤师 85489096 DP2600一?必?侍 64538655 DP3840机械猎隼 30655537 DP2600飞螳螂 03134241 DP2600愿望之鱼 31987274 DP2600神鹰女郎 76812113 DP2080鸟人 30532390 DP2600忍犬 11987744 DP2600守城翼龙 87796900 DP500洞窟龙 93346024 DP2600蓝宝石龙 11091375 DP3640断头甲虫 84620194 DP2600●5星机械飞龙 48766543 DP3900龙骑士 62762898 DP2600武装龙LV5 46384672 DP3900究极昆虫LV5 34830502 DP3900戏法师 14778250 DP3640魔法取消器 84636823 DP3640●6星翡翠龙 17658803 DP2600巨大怪? 35712107 DP500螳螂女帝 58818411 DP2600昆虫公主 37957847 DP3640霞之谷的大怪? 28143906 DP2600巨大?? 44954628 DP3900神鹰女郎三姐妹 12206212 DP2600●7星武装龙 LV7 73879377 DP5200究极昆虫LV7 19877898 DP3900神鹰的宠物龙 52040216 DP2600风魔神―修加 62340868 DP3900●10星武装龙LV10 59464593 DP5200................................................................................ ........................................................怪最多的暗、地属性的搞完咯~~~下面应该会轻松点了吧!/m3:/m4:■■■■■■地属性■■■■■■■■●1星红色忍者 14618326 DP2600小灵犀 07489323 DP2600蓝色忍者 09076207 DP500猫耳族 95841282 DP2600夏布提的护身符 50412166 DP2600古里古鲁 95744531 DP500寄生体扁虱 87978805 DP2600幼毛虫 58192742 DP2600●2星刺毛虫 87756343 DP2600美杜莎虫 02694423 DP2600变形壶 33508719 DP9100喷烟蟹 46657337 DP2600迷之剑士LV2 47507260 DP3900流浪猫 96501677 DP2600地狱卒恶魔 73219648 DP2600剑齿兔 58268433 DP2600食人虫 54652250 DP3120英雄小子 32679370 DP2600哈尼哈尼 07089711 DP2600 替身石人 13532663 DP2600穿孔虫 88733579 DP2600 高速鼯鼠 22567609 DP3640蛇壶 86801871 DP2600静寂虫 40867519 DP2600 蟑螂宝宝 14472500 DP2600 幻惑之猪笼草 31440542 DP2600 寄生虫 27911549 DP2600 古代的?械宠台 80045583 DP2600 古代的?? 31557782 DP2860恶魔蝎 26566878 DP2600王家守罪者 89959682 DP2600 ●3星灾厄之像 12160911 DP2600 火箭弹跳手 53890795 DP2600绿叶精灵 06979239 DP2600融合?印生物-地 88696724 DP2600 武僧战士 03810071 DP2600恩惠之像 85166216 DP2600 地雷石人 76321376 DP2600搌境大亵者 38742075 DP3380 救援狗 06480253 DP2600纤维壶 78706415 DP13000半蛇人 75109441 DP2600隼蛟士 21015833 DP2600 共?虫 93107608 DP2600 鬣狗 22873798 DP2600手拿七把武器的猎人 01525329 DP2600梦小丑 13215230 DP500陷阱大师 46461247 DP2600龙骑士 63018132 DP2600传说的柔戌家 25773409 DP2600 死亡骆驼 02326738 DP2600死亡仓鼠 06104968 DP3120死亡袋熊 09637706 DP2600恶魔调教师 37620434 DP2600?魔神 99284890 DP2600 地灵使阿乌丝 37970940 DP2600 丹笛狮 15341821 DP4680?空放花 65064143 DP2600 僵尸虎 47693640 DP2600深决的魔弓使 55001420 DP2600咄化之老 40240595 DP2600俊足的似鸟龙 45894482 DP3380邪恶蛆魔兽 06285791 DP500沙貘 13409151 DP2600密码侦察者 79853073 DP4420言灵 19406822 DP2600蟑螂骑士 33413638 DP500切入敌阵的队长 02460565 DP5200 逆袭的熊猫 09817927 DP2600 机械王-原型 89222931 DP2600华丽的潜入工作员 89698120 DP2600空手道家 23289281 DP2600混沌壶 79106360 DP5200注射天使 79575620 DP9100幻影绵羊 30451366 DP2600因幡之白? 77084837 DP2600?次元狂? 48148828 DP2600亚马逊的吹箭兵 73574678 DP2600装甲苍蝇 42364374 DP2600罕贵金属女士 92421852 DP2600罕贵金属战士 38916461 DP2600蛇女 52121290 DP2600软糖豆人 23635815 DP2600小单车 45945685 DP2600岩石巨兵 13039848 DP2600格斗鼠中助 08508055 DP2600杂技猴 47372349 DP2600●4星失落守护者 45871897 DP2600红齿轮 86445415 DP5200救援猫 14878871 DP2600盲信的矮人 35215622 DP2600猛咄的?角? 79870141 DP2600石像迎?宠 45159319 DP2600姆多拉 82108372 DP2600 中型盾守卫者 75487237 DP2860迷之剑士 LV4 74591968 DP4550磨破吝魏 40695128 DP3250 动真格的熊猫 60102563 DP2600翻弄的精灵?士 52077741 DP3900剧毒木乃伊 43716289 DP2600方块人 48115277 DP3640血之萼 46571052 DP2600物儋整哌? 44072894 DP3120不屈晏士磊磊 84173492 DP2860金字塔龟 77044671 DP5200?依装着-阿乌丝 31887905 DP2600 投人莽汉 43714890 DP2600巨盾卫兵 65240384 DP4420 石人哨兵 52323207 DP2600小警车 71930383 DP2600超级槌首龙 02671330 DP2600狂怒?人猿 39168895 DP2600流氓?兵部? 74131780 DP9100纳米破坏者 70948327 DP3640 珠之傀儡师 54098121 DP500 特洛伊木马 38479725 DP2600 小钻头 71218746 DP2600 髑篝? 天道虫 64306248 DP2600 投石部? 76075810 DP2600 卡通?双生妖精 42386471 DP3640卡通?小矮人突?部队 15270885 DP3640何者 57062206 DP2600 ?蛟士基亚 00423705 DP3120死亡石斛 12965761 DP2600 无限之恐龙 83235263 DP2600 圆毙斗士 19612721 DP2600 D.D.攻击者 70074904 DP5200 ??刃虫 77252217 DP5200食魂者巴滋 40133511 DP2600 代打蝗虫 26185991 DP2600 卓尔加 16268841 DP2600 蒸汽小火车 44729197 DP2600 雷帝神 40473581 DP3900 神殿守护者 24221739 DP9100 地雷蜘蛛 94773007 DP2600 漆黑的豹?士 42035044 DP2600 沙沼怪 73648243 DP2600 彷徨的木乃伊 42994702 DP2600 ?千本 33977496 DP2600 电子独眼巨人 96428622 DP2600 小矮人突?部? 78658564 DP4680 矮人精英部? 85306040 DP3640 荒野的女?士 05438492 DP2730 亵者凯罗恩 16956455 DP4680 凯尔柏克 54878498 DP2600 凯尔多 80441106 DP2600 激昴的牛头魔人 76909279 DP3640 巨神灵 92736188 DP3640墓场食人魔 40937767 DP2730绿齿轮 41172955 DP5200腐朽的武将 10209545 DP2600巨大老鼠 97017120 DP2860??砦的钢甲兵 30190809 DP3640巨石基钢提斯 47606319 DP2600袋鼠冠军 95789089 DP2600守护者雕像 75209824 DP2600王族尤徐? 16509093 DP2600王座侵略者 03056267 DP500王虎 83986578 DP2600E?HERO 荒野人 86188410 DP3900人工智能明星 11460577 DP3380岩之精灵?泰坦 76305638 DP3380棘之妖精 91559748 DP2600?次元?士 37043180 DP3120黄齿轮 13839120 DP5200古代机械士兵 56094445 DP2600亚马逊的宠物虎 10979723 DP2860亚马逊的慢?士 47480070 DP3380亚马逊的?士 94004268 DP3120亚马逊的骈使 29654737 DP2860亚马逊的格晏?士 55821894 DP2730亚马逊的射手 91869203 DP3120暴走牛鬼 89718302 DP2600先人的石像 31812496 DP3640阿基多 16135253 DP2600飞龙战士 64428736 DP2600长虫妖 73216412 DP2600磁石?士α 99785935 DP3120磁石?士β39256679 DP3120磁石?士γ11549357 DP3120力量守卫 62327910 DP2600地狱犬 56369281 DP2600利刃滑冰者 97023549 DP2600 新锐甲虫 16587243 DP2600双生妖精 69140098 DP3120魂?魔刀 31242786 DP2600达人僵尸 24530661 DP2600大木人18 97923414 DP2600魂虎 15734813 DP2600擒龙战士哥雷法 75953262 DP2600歧途?士 66073051 DP2600骨犬小栗子 86652646 DP2600 幻兽王加赛尔 05818798 DP2600 无首骑士 05434080 DP2600 格林机炮车 02311603 DP2600 绘画潜入者 32541773 DP2600 鬼坦克T-34 66927994 DP2600 E?HERO 黏土侠 84327329 DP2600甲虫装甲蛟士 35052053 DP2600 地苦? 67105242 DP2600●5星??巨神像 29172562 DP500千年之盾 32012841 DP2600 迷?壁 67284908 DP3120吃食蚁兽的巨蚁 13250922 DP2600守护者?格拉尔 47150851 DP3120守护者斯芬克斯 40659562 DP5200激昂之姆卡姆卡 91862578 DP2600 无败将军弗里德 49681811 DP3900吞噬使徒之虫 65878864 DP2600 巨大木乃伊 78266168 DP2600胡狼的灵骑士 13386503 DP2600?二千本 83228073 DP2600华丽之哈尼 28357177 DP2600 巨角猛犸象 59380081 DP2600武僧宗师 49814180 DP3640千年蝎 82482194 DP2990●6星审判官 30113682 DP2600流星龙 64271667 DP2600古代?械? 10509340 DP2860?械王 46700124 DP2600城堡之门 36931229 DP2600斯芬克斯克莱欧 18654201 DP2860 砂??? 89111398 DP3640圣兽塞尔凯特 89194033 DP3900 军刀甲虫 49645921 DP2600暗黑三芋龙 65287621 DP2600地帝格兰玛格 60229110 DP3900死亡病毒龙 81059524 DP2600斯芬克斯海尔拉克 82260502 DP3900最大值6 30707994 DP3380迷之剑士LV6 60482781 DP5200●7星暗黑骑士佳亚 06368038 DP2600巨象战士 49888191 DP2600巨型考拉 42129512 DP2860百兽王贝希摩斯 22996376 DP3900昆虫女王 91512835 DP3900E?HERO 刀锋侠 59793705 DP3640巨大战舰隐蔽核心 15317640 DP4160狩剑猎人 51345461 DP2600杀龙剑士 78193831 DP4680暗黑恐? 38670435 DP2600机械猎犬 22512237 DP2600巨岩龙 71544954 DP3640●8星千年原人 76232340 DP2600??装甲虫 65957473 DP2600古代?械巨人 83104731 DP3900完全究极态大飞蛾 48579379 DP2600雷霆剑圣 69933858 DP5200大飞蛾 14141448 DP2600磁石战士磁体战神 75347539 DP5200守护神艾克佐德 55737443 DP5200恶魔铲土虫 76039636 DP5200完美机械王 18891691 DP5200................................................................................ ........................................................■■■■■■■光属性■■■■■■●1星白毛球 87774234 DP3380模仿的幻想师 26376390 DP3640迷犬?小栗子 11548522 DP2600魔?腙?商人 32362575 DP5200飞翼羽毛球 57116033 DP3900薄幸美少女 51275027 DP3120神圣魔术师 31560081 DP5200守护灵爱琳 11678191 DP2600原子萤火虫 87340664 DP2600子机 14291024 DP2600悠悠 27288416 DP2600●2星薄幸的少女 27618634 DP3640?间魔戌? 71625222 DP3120电池人-单二型 19733961 DP2600 骸骨天使 60694662 DP2340 超级星 67629977 DP2600 白魔导士?绒儿 81383947 DP4160 幻影妖精 08687195 DP3380 神圣球体 39552864 DP2600扰乱者?黑 79335209 DP3640扰乱者?黄 42941100 DP3640扰乱者?绿 12482652 DP3640●3星融合?印生物-光 15717011 DP2600 棉花糖 31305911 DP9100原型电子龙 26439287 DP3900光之追放者 61528025 DP3120 ?池人-?三型 63142001 DP2600死亡城堡恶魔 72192100 DP2600 力量代行者?火星 91123920 DP3250 呼魂者 48659020 DP2600股子壶 03549275 DP2600创造代行者?金星 64734921 DP3250开幕钟 20228463 DP2600正义之味方海马侠 34627841 DP3900 升灵术师?上元 41855169 DP3900沙之赌徒 50593156 DP2600沉默剑士LV3 01995985 DP4550幻想召?? 14644902 DP2340 革?之? 39751093 DP2600大毙振舞侍 77379481 DP2600 绿洲的使者 06103294 DP2600 异形的使者 02792265 DP2600 生化僧? 58696829 DP2600●4星Y-龙头 65622692 DP3380 火箭战士 30860696 DP3640 炼金生物血乌鸦 40410110 DP2600 轮盘炸弹 46303688 DP3380 雷?娘娘 70797118 DP2600 机械犬小栗子 94667532 DP2600 幻象龙 15960641 DP2600万手神 95492061 DP2600 玛哈维路 93013676 DP2600魔导装甲?判决者 07180418 DP2600 魔导兽刻尔伯洛斯55424270 DP3640 魔导女武神 80304126 DP3380魔镜导士?限界反射者 02851070 DP9100白色忍者 01571945 DP2600放浪勇者?弗雷德 16556849 DP3380镶边骑士 39507162 DP2600魔法之国的王女-绒儿 75917088 DP3120封魔传承者 15595052 DP2600神经质天使 21297224 DP2600白兵战型援护机械 47025270 DP2600忍者统帅佐助 04041838 DP3900迪比斯的梦魇 51838385 DP2600W-弹射飞翼 96300057 DP2600?世者化身 97093037 DP3120千手神 23401839 DP3120Z-金属履带 64500000 DP3120圣鸟?辉之鹤 30914564 DP2600心眼女神 53493204 DP2600熟?的白魔?? 46363422 DP3640光明天使 95956346 DP2860 慈悲心重的修道女 84080938 DP2600 沉默魔法师LV4 73665146 DP3900原始太阳赫利俄斯 54493213 DP3640国王骑士 64788463 DP3120吸?天? 49771608 DP2600帝王海马 17444133 DP2600王立魔法??疝 70791313 DP3640元素魔法师 65260293 DP2600元素女武神 97623219 DP2600元素龙 30314994 DP3640英知代行者?水星 38730226 DP3250?次元女?士 07572887 DP9100阿修吝 02134346 DP2600魔法?士尼奥 50930991 DP2600神圣人偶 91939608 DP500圣妖精 15025844 DP2600V-喷气虎 51638941 DP2600神圣女武神 12493482 DP2600超时空战斗机 10992251 DP2600神龙末日光 62113340 DP3640光辉阿比斯 87303357 DP2600皇后骑士 25652259 DP3380X-首领加农 62651957 DP3380E?HERO 闪电侠 20721928 DP2860●5星卫兵骑士 90876561 DP2860天空骑士 18036057 DP5200守护者?托莱斯 46037213 DP3120电子龙 70095154 DP6500沉默剑士LV5 74388798 DP4550卫星加农炮 50400231 DP3900闪电龙 31786629 DP3120神龙-卓越之光 10032958 DP3640 太??士 57482479 DP2600D?D?M 82112775 DP3120梵天 16469012 DP3900雷帝?扎波鲁格 51945556 DP5200 ●6星黄金之人工生命体 27408609 DP3120帝王翔风龙 52824910 DP2600混沌魔术师 72630549 DP3380电子护罩龙 68774379 DP3900电子魔导师 59023523 DP3640裁决代行者?土星 91345518 DP3250法老之魂 25343280 DP4680圣导骑士伊修扎克 57902462 DP3900二重赫利俄斯 80887952 DP3640 神圣之魂 77527210 DP1560小小UFO 07602840 DP3640 ●7星E?HERO 新生侠 89943723 DP3120钻石龙 62397231 DP2600织翼者 31447217 DP2600无限的真理 43580269 DP4160守护天使?贞德 68007326 DP2600剑圣-解除拘束的基亚弗里德- 57046845 DP5200电子镭射龙 04162088 DP4940沉默剑士LV7 37267041 DP5200狐狼的圣战士 98745000 DP2600雷魔神―萨加 25955164 DP3900 ●8星青眼白? 89631139 DP7800混沌战士-开辟的使者 72989439 DP13000雷霆剑圣 36354007 DP3900沉默魔法师LV8 72443568 DP3900 ?世神 61505339 DP5200 大天使?捷拉特 18378582 DP5200 青眼卡通龙 53183600 DP4680三重赫利俄斯 17286057 DP4160幻影骑士 49217579 DP3380●9星湿度星人 75285069 DP2600●10星青眼光? 53347303 DP6500飞翼毛球LV10 98585345 DP4550斯芬克斯?迪蕾雅 51402177 DP3640降雷皇哈蒙 32491822 DP6500斯芬克斯?安得鲁 15013468 DP3640斯芬克斯?安得鲁吉尼司 87997872 DP3640................................................................................ .......................................................■■■■■■水属性■■■■■■●1星黄泉青蛙 12538374 DP5200杀手蛇 08131171 DP13000?魂邪苦止 10456559 DP3120阿米巴 95174353 DP500受镇压的民众 58538870 DP2860迷你义豪 53776525 DP2600●2星炮弹铁枪贝 95614612 DP2600企鹅兵 93920745 DP3900抽卡青蛙 56840658 DP2600X?E?N?O 05257687 DP2600星星小子 08201910 DP2600军队食人鱼 50823978 DP2600●3星往黄泉的渡船 51534754 DP2600魔力吸?球体 71466592 DP3380沼地魔神王 79109599 DP3640首钌? 03493978 DP2600黑暗主教恶魔 35798491 DP2600水灵使艾莉娅 74364659 DP2600偷偷靠近的恶魔鳐 52571838 DP2600小乌龟 80233946 DP2600草地幽灵 41249545 DP2600酤雷酤 90337190 DP2600恶魔青蛙 49522489 DP2600狂怒龙虾 97240270 DP2600海马 98456117 DP2600雷鳗 27671321 DP2600●4星毒根王 40320754 DP2600 裂蕈牙 62543393 DP2600 再生史莱姆 31709826 DP2600 水之精灵?阿奎利亚 40916023 DP3380人鱼骑士 24435369 DP2600 噩梦企鹅 81306586 DP2600人鱼公主 85802526 DP2600 海啸?焚里尔 00218704 DP2600 冰岩魔? 85359414 DP2600凭依装着-艾莉娅 68881649 DP2600髭襞鱼 92084010 DP2600 爆风蜥蜴 77491079 DP2600氢素龙 22587018 DP3380沼地魔?王 99426834 DP2600纳加 71829750 DP2600同族感染病毒 33184167 DP9100卡通美人鱼 65458948 DP2600 水陆两用战斗艇 MK―3 64342551 DP2600母灰熊 57839750 DP2860贪食龙 13944422 DP2600守护者?凯丝特 09633505 DP3120E?HERO水泡侠 79979666 DP2600 E?HERO新水泡侠 05285665 DP3380 海神的巫女 17214465 DP3120 深渊的战士 18318842 DP6500彩虹鱼 23771716 DP2600生化史莱姆 46821314 DP2600太空翻车鱼 36119641 DP2600岛龟 04042268 DP2600 海鳞蛇 58831685 DP2600魔蜥义豪 49003308 DP2600 海盗船斯卡尔布拉特号 05265750 DP2600 打喷嚏的河马兽 51934376 DP2600 暗?海革兵 42071342 DP2600●5星魔神?魔蜥义豪 43793530 DP3900灭绝帝王鲑 78060096 DP3640 暗?大要塞稣 63120904 DP2600弹射龟 95727991 DP3120巨大战舰晶核号 22790789 DP3900 深海?士 24128274 DP2600死亡青蛙 84451804 DP3640传说的渔人 03643300 DP3120 ●6星岩石龟 09540040 DP500海龟鸟 72929454 DP500新?水魔导师 49563947 DP2600半鱼兽 67371383 DP4680冰帝美比乌斯 04929256 DP5200妖精王奥贝隆 45425051 DP2600●7星水魔神―史加 98434877 DP3900金属化寄生生物-月之羽衣 07369217 DP2600海龙?创造者 37721209 DP3640●8星海龙神-新创造者 10485110 DP5200水龙 85066822 DP4160豪魔神?魔蜥义豪 39674352 DP3900●10星此者 69456283 DP2600................................................................................ ......................................................■■■■■■炎属性■■■■■■●1星荷露斯的仆人 09264485 DP3380大木炭18 13179332 DP2600●2星名工虎? 73431236 DP3640努比亚的卫士 51616747 DP2600陷阱处理班 A组 13026402 DP2600狐火 88753985 DP2600火焰巫女 12883044 DP2600流离的饥民 12143771 DP2860●3星再造的死神 39180960 DP2600燃藻 41859700 DP2600?面革 39191307 DP3640超?血球? 67934141 DP2600侵略之炎 26082229 DP2600逆?的炎之精? 90810762 DP2600红莲魔兽达?伊扎 36584821 DP3380火灵使茜塔 00759393 DP2600操炎者 34460851 DP500死神回旋镖 30325729 DP2600E?HERO 爆热女郎 58932615 DP2860●4星飞碟龟 60806437 DP2860 荷露斯之黑炎龙LV4 75830094 DP3900 炎之精灵?伊夫里特 13522325 DP3380 日珥龙 45985838 DP2600 火炎支配者 41089128 DP2600 血魔导 -炼狱之魔术师- 21051146 DP3900 不死之炎? 38538445 DP2600 凭依装着-茜塔 04376658 DP2600 爆炎少女 64752646 DP2600 爆炎集合体凝视之魂 51355346 DP2600 火炎? 87473172 DP2600 天下人紫炎 41589166 DP2600 灼热僵尸 04732017 DP2600 灼岩魔? 59364406 DP2600 指挥骑士 10375182 DP2600 火山潜伏者 78243409 DP2600 守护者?西路 10755153 DP3120冥府皇后恶魔 08581705 DP3380 业火?因非鲁诺 74823665 DP2600 炎之?豪 78861134 DP2600 橄榄战斗员 48094997 DP2600爆裂战士 05388481 DP2600巨型野猪 11813953 DP2600?械?曹 44203504 DP2600火炎木人18 05464695 DP2600 ●5星炸弹先生 31477025 DP2600 溶岩巨大人 17192817 DP2600 人造木人18 35322812 DP2600 彼者 48202661 DP2600 ●6星荷露斯之黑炎龙LV6 11224103 DP5200 双头的猛兽 82035781 DP3380 炎帝帝斯戴洛斯 26205777 DP3900 暗黑的蝎尾狮 77121851 DP6500 地狱犬 60862676 DP2600 炎翼飞马 27054370 DP2600宇宙大爆炸之龙 78984772 DP2600齿轮战士 86281779 DP2600●7星八歧大蛇 76862289 DP3380 卡通龙蛋 38369349 DP2600 ●8星熔岩魔神 00102380 DP4420荷露斯之黑炎龙LV8 48229808 DP5200火之迦具土 75745607 DP2600奈菲斯之凤凰神 61441708 DP9100暴君龙 94568601 DP3900●9星狱炎帝皇 19847532 DP5200●10星浸?服?魔人 32240937 DP2600神炎皇尤利亚 06007213 DP6500................................................................................ .....................................................■■■■■■融合怪兽■■■■■■●1星千眼纳祭魔 63519819 DP9100●5星E?HERO 蒸汽医疗者 81197327 DP3640火炎剑士 45231177 DP500音?家的帝王 56907389 DP500水陆两用突击艇 40173854 DP500魔人布莱特 80071763 DP2600死亡恶魔龙 66235877 DP4680驱使梦魇的死灵 85684223 DP3120乘龙的飞龙战士 03366982 DP2990朱雀 35752363 DP500●6星XZ-机甲炮 99724761 DP5200XY-钢龙炮 02111707 DP3640E?HERO 闪电巨人 61204971 DP4550E?HERO 火焰翼人 35809262 DP4550E?HERO 泥球侠 52031567 DP3640E?HERO 壁垒枪手 47737087 DP5460扰乱之王 90140980 DP3900豆腐王 13803864 DP2600古力奇 53539634 DP2600黑炎骑士 13722870 DP3640蒸汽小直升机 05368615 DP2600龙之守护战士 49868263 DP2600VW-弹射虎 58859575 DP3640有翼幻兽奇米拉 04796100 DP2600暗魔界之龙骑士黑暗之剑 86805855 DP3380罕贵金属女武神 75923050 DP2600罕贵金属骑士 01412158 DP2600YZ-机甲龙 25119460 DP5200●7星异星的最终战士 86099788 DP3640人工智能滑冰者 10248389 DP5200千年革 41462083 DP2600圣女贞德 21175632 DP2600双钷雷? 54752875 DP2600生化长虫妖 05600127 DP2600龙骑士佳亚 66889139 DP2600龙魔人龙骑士之王 13756293 DP3900迷宫魔战车 99551425 DP2600●8星XYZ-神龙炮 91998119 DP3900E?HERO 闪光火炎翼人 25366484 DP5200E?HERO 暴风侠 83121692 DP4940E?HERO 剑齿荒野人 10526791 DP4680青蛙?三重死亡 09910360 DP2600机炮龙 87751584 DP5200电子双生龙 74157028 DP6500超魔导剑士―黑暗帕拉丁 98502113 DP6500VWXYZ-神龙弹射炮 84243274 DP4680流星黑龙 90660762 DP2600●9星黑魔龙 11901678 DP2600口袋大树熊之主 27134689 DP3900天位骑士 06150044 DP2600●10星UFO战士 32752319 DP4550电子终结龙 01546123 DP7800E?HERO 永生侠 29342724 DP3770●12星究?革蛟士 62873545 DP5200青眼究极龙 23995346 DP7800F?G?D 99267150 D5200................................................................................ .......................................................■■■■■■仪式怪兽■■■■■■●1星纳祭之魔 64631466 DP5200●3星精灵术师树精 99414168 DP3900●4星白革慢蛟士 73398797 DP4290●6星饥饿汉堡 30243636 DP500骷髅骑手 99721536 DP500恶魔镜 31890399 DP500舞蹈战士 04849037 DP500●7星传说的爆炎使 60258960 DP2600伽玛剑 90844184 DP500超级战狮 33951077 DP500●8星假面魔兽覆颜?地狱使 49064413 DP5980天界王?西那托 86327225 DP4420暗之支配者-佐克 97642679 DP5200混沌战士 05405694 DP3900混沌黑魔术师 30208479 DP2600杰拉 69123138 DP2600终焉之王迪米斯 72426662 DP3900大邪神雷瑟夫 62420419 DP5200破灭之女神露茵 46427957 DP3900................................................................................ ........................................................■■■■■■魔法卡■■■■■■●场地魔法水世界 82999629 DP2600海 22702055 DP2600离心分离力场 01801154 DP2600王家长眠之谷 47355498 DP3120盖亚之力 56594520 DP2600荒野 23424603 DP2600光明闪耀 81777047 DP2600慢域的歌声 81380218 DP2600草原 86318356 DP2600黑暗领域 18161786 DP2600断?地? 28120197 DP3380沙漠风暴 45778932 DP2600天空的慢域 56433456 DP3640传说之都-亚特兰堤斯 00295517 DP3900血焰火山 19384334 DP2600神鹰之狩猎场 75782277 DP2600万魔殿-?魔的?窟- 94585852 DP2600光之罪封? 69296555 DP3640融合之门 33550694 DP4160摩天楼 63035430 DP3640森 87430998 DP2600 山 50913601 DP2600 ? 59197169 DP2600●永续魔法??的拷?部屋 85562745 DP2600??的蜃?楼 41482598 DP13000暗黑之门 30606547 DP2600 古代的?械城 92001300 DP3640愤怒之豆腐 01965724 DP2600 ?次元的边境? 60912752 DP2600蠕动之黑影 59237154 DP2600 外部离子射线 97342942 DP3900王家的神殿 29762407 DP2600 怨?的湿地? 95220856 DP2600反击机炮拳 68057622 DP2600混沌护圈 04542651 DP2600蛟士道精神 60519422 DP2600 葚量化 37231841 DP2600 黑蛇病 47233801 DP2600 砂?の劫界 31476755 DP2600死之留言「E」 31893528 DP3900死之留言「A」 67287533 DP3900 死之留言「T」 94772232 DP3900死之留言「H」 30170981 DP3900 地毙沈下 90502999 DP4420 散弹式洗牌 12183332 DP2600螺旋?? 49328340 DP2600史莱姆?殖炉 21770260 DP2600生?的宝札 57953380 DP2340第2次机会 36562627 DP2600 浸?魔法禁止区域 20065549 DP26007 67048711 DP2600 前?基地 46181000 DP2600千里眼 60391791 DP2600 第三之棺 78697395 DP2600 第二之棺 04081094 DP2600 魂吸? 68073522 DP2600通行税 82003859 DP2600 二人小组战斗 25578802 DP2600 绊倒 34646691 DP2600 ?壁的布? 96631852 DP2600危险机械类型6 76895648 DP3380天?地? 62966332 DP2600卡通世界 15259703 DP5200 守墓的使魔 16762927 DP2730波动加农 38992735 DP5200 平和使者 44656491 DP3640 猛毒之牙 76539047 DP2600 BOSS来袭 66947414 DP2600 凡人的心术 35762283 DP2600 棉花糖的眼镜 66865880 DP2600 物量击发 34906152 DP2600 魔法吸? 51481927 DP2600 魔力俭约术 04259068 DP2600 魔力之枷 79323590 DP2600 魔力?力化的假面 20765952 DP2600 木乃伊的呼声 04861205 DP2600 ?限手牌 94163677 DP2600 除虫网 23615409 DP2600 冥界的宝札 68304813 DP2600 熊熊燃烧的大地 24294108 DP2600 暗之护封剑 12923641 DP3380 勇?的旗印 10012614 DP2600 再生 96316857 DP2600 ???生 44182827 DP2600灵子能源固定装置 99173029 DP2600 等级制限B地区 03136426 DP6500 呗合? 00403847 DP3640 ●仪式魔法?魔缫的?式 81933259 DP500纳祭的?式 41426869 DP3120 世界的终结 08198712 DP2600 起舞准备 43417563 DP500混沌-黑魔戌的?式- 76792184 DP2600 混沌?式 55761792 DP2600龙之誓言 76806714 DP500 ?面魔?的?式 94377247 DP2600伽玛剑的誓言 78577570 DP500奇叟的方舟 60365591 DP2600 灼?的?? 33031674 DP2600标枪甲虫的契约 41182875 DP500 骷髅骑士的?活 31066283 DP500杰拉的?式 81756897 DP2600 大邪神的?式 60369732 DP2600 大地?? 59820352 DP2600恰克拉的?活 39399168 DP500。
EC2007张家河EC2008阜坎干渠EC2009北八滩渠EC2010中八滩渠EC2011郭集干渠EC2012二支渠(滨海)EC2013南八滩渠EC2014三支渠(滨海)FA长江流域--长江上游干流区间FA0000通天河FA0100沱沱河(玛曲)FA0101波陇曲FA0102斜日贡尼曲FA0103扎木曲FA0200当曲FA0201庭曲(天曲)FA0202布曲FA0203尕尔曲(尕日曲)FA0300沙丁曲FA0400查曲FA0500吾钦曲FA0600查午曲FA0700果曲FA0800郭纽曲FA0900日阿尺曲FA1000冬布里曲FA1100莫曲FA1101巴子曲FA1102君曲FA1200牙哥曲FA1201帮曲FA1300北麓河(勒玛曲)FA1400科欠曲FA1500勒池曲FA1600楚玛尔河FA1601扎日尕那曲FA1602牙扎曲FA1700色吾曲FA1701昂日曲FA1800宁恰曲FA1801多采曲FA2000德曲FA2100曼宗曲FA2200叶曲(益曲)FB长江流域--长江上游干流区间FB0000金沙江FB0100巴塘河FB0200加日河FB0300盖哈沟FB0400俄沟FB0500夕河FB0600白曲FB0700麦宿河FB0701登龙沟FB0800赠曲FB0801卡曲FB0802图根曲FB0803朵拉曲FB0900欧曲(偶曲)FB0901边坝河FB1000藏曲FB1001字曲FB1100热曲FB1101马曲FB1102哇曲FB1200降曲FB1300西曲FB1400曲戈河(巴塘河、巴曲)FB1500达拉河(宗曲)FB1501鲁州河FB1600仁波河(麦曲)FB1700中岩曲FB1800松麦河(定曲)FB1801马衣河FB1802硕衣河(硕曲河、乡城河)FB1900翁水河FB1901格咱河×FB2000支巴洛河FB2100腊普河FB2200冲江河FB2300硕多岗河(硕多图河)FB2400水落河FB2403赤土河FB2404东义河FB2405尼汝河FB2500五郎河FB2501程海FB2600漾弓江FB2601三束河FB2602玉河FB2603拉市海FB2700落漏河FB2800达旦河FB2801花桥水库FB2802大银甸水库FB2900渔泡江(泡江) FB2901涟河FB2902青海湖FB2903普朋水库FB3000马过河FB3001仙人河FB3100万马河FB3200新庄河FB3201鲤鱼河FB3300龙川江FB3301石者河FB3302紫甸河FB3303蜻蛉河FB3304龙川河FB3305毛板桥水库FB3400勐果河FB3500普隆河FB3501会川河FB3600参鱼河FB3700普渡河FB3701掌鸠河FB3702螳螂川FB3703洗马河FB3704石板河FB3800蟒栗河FB3801款庄河FB3900洗马河FB3901可郎河FB4101块河FB4102深沟FB4200以礼河FB4201四甲河FB4202蚂蝗河FB4300黑水河FB4301西罗河FB4400西溪河FB4401金曲FB4402则普拉达河FB4500牛栏江FB4501硝河FB4502哈喇河FB4503西泽河FB4504马龙河FB4505对龙河FB4506果马河FB4507跃进水库FB4600美姑河FB4700西宁河FB4800中都河FB4900横江FB4901拖洛河FB4902洛泽河FB4903牛街河FB4904洒鱼河FB4905昭鲁河FB4906东门河FB4907白水江FB5000南广河FB5001筠连河FB5002罗布河FB5100黄沙河FB5200长宁河FB5201泯溪河FB5300永宁河FB5301古宋河FB5400沱江(绵远河) FB5401湔江FB5402石亭江FB5403鸭子河FB5405清溪河FB5406绛溪河FB5407资水河(阳化河) FB5408九曲河FB5409球溪河FB5410麻柳河FB5411蒙溪河FB5412大清流河FB5413釜溪河FB5414白吉子河FB5415胡市河(濑溪河) FB5500赤水河FB5501雨河FB5502倒流河FB5503马洛河FB5504二道河FB5505桐梓河(牛渡河) FB5506古蔺河FB5507大村河FB5508大同河FB5509铜车河FB5510母享河FB5511洛甸河FB5600习水河FB5700松溉河FB5800永川河FB5900塘河FB5901小槽河FB5902大槽河FB6000壁河(壁南河) FB6001九龙河FB6100綦江FB6101清溪河FB6102蒲河FB6103藻渡河FB6104松坎河FB6105笋溪河FB6106三溪FB6200箭滩河FB6300木洞河(五步河)FB6400御临河(大洪河)FB6401东河FB6500桃花溪FB6600龙溪河(高滩河) FB6601大沙河FB6602回龙河FB6700黎香溪FB6800渠溪河FB6900龙河FB7000黄金河(干井沟) FB7100汝溪河FB7200襄渡河FB7300小江(东河)FB7301江里河(桃溪河) FB7302普里河FB7400汤溪河FB7401弯滩河FB7500磨刀溪FB7501驷步河FB7502泥溪河FB7600长滩河FB7700梅溪河FB7800大溪河(五马河) FB7801新民河FB7900大宁河FB7901西溪河FB7902东溪河FB7903后溪河FB8000抱龙河FB8100边鱼溪(巫峡)FB8200万石河FB8300沿渡河(龙船河) FB8400三溪河(西陵峡)FB8500清干河FB8600叱溪河FB8700香溪FB8701九冲河FB8702高岚河FB8800东旺河FB8900交界河FB9000金庄河FB9100冈曲河FB9200黑白水河FB9300桑园河FB9500大汶溪FB9600中甸河FB9601碧塔海FB9602纳帕海FB9603蜀都湖FC长江流域--长江中下游干流区间FC0000长江中下游干流FC0001铜井河FC0002牧龙河FC0003江宁河FC0004板桥河FC0005秦淮新河FC0006金川河FC0007北十里长沟(东十里长沟)FC0008九乡河FC0009便民河FC0010七乡河FC0011驷马山河FC0012石碛河FC0013高旺河FC0014城南河FC0015七里桥河FC0016朱家山河FC0017马汊河FC0018岳子河FC0019划子口河FC0020大道河FC0021高资港FC0022运粮河(镇江)FC0023虹桥港FC0024东西河FC0025大套河FC0026南北河FC0027新坝港FC0028联丰港FC0029三茅港FC0030六圩港FC0031穿心港FC0032超飘港FC0033桃花港FC0034利港河FC0037夏港河FC0038白屈港FC0039胥浦河FC0040仪扬河FC0041夹江FC0042廖家沟(扬州)FC0043泰州引江河FC0044南官河(泰州)FC0045天星港FC0046焦土港FC0047横港FC0048九圩港(靖江)FC0049罗家桥港FC0050夏仕港FC0100清江FC0200沮漳河FC0201漳河FC0300陆水FC0400内荆河(荆河) FC0500东荆河FC0600金水FC0700府杯河(府河)FC0701九道水FC0702厥水FC0703均水FC0704差水FC0705刘家河FC0706漂水FC0707浪河FC0708余店河FC0709徐家河FC0710漳水FC0711杯水FC0712环河FC0800滠水FC0801西大河FC0900倒水FC1000举水FC1001浮桥河FC1002阎家河FC1003沙河FC1300巴河FC1301白庙河FC1302天堂河FC1400浠水FC1401西河FC1402东河FC1500白莲河FC1600大港FC1700雷溪河FC1800蕲水FC1900富水FC1901通山河FC1902横石河FC1903龙港河FC1904三溪河FC2000长河FC2100龙坪河FC2200郎河FC2300华阳河FC2400尧渡新河FC2500皖河(长河)FC2501太湖河FC2502牛镇河FC2503潜水FC2504皖水FC2600黄盆河FC2700大沙河(柏年河、菜子湖) FC2701挂车河FC2702孔城河FC2703龙眼河FC2800秋浦河FC2801龙舒河FC2802白洋河FC2900罗昌河FC3000梅埂河FC3100青通河FC3101南河FC3200漳河FC3300青弋江FC3301麻川河(麻河)FC3302徽水FC3402东津河FC3403郎溪河FC3404郎川河FC3405姑溪河FC3406运粮河FC3407保胜河FC3500裕溪河(巢湖) FC3501丰乐河FC3502上派河FC3503南肥河FC3504西河FC3505十五里河FC3506烟墩河FC3600得胜河FC3700秦淮河FC3701句容河FC3702内秦淮河FC3703玄武湖FC3704莫愁湖FC3705紫霞湖FC3706前湖FC3707月牙湖FC3708琵琶湖FC3709南湖FC3710大洪池FC3711溧水河FC3712云台山河FC3713牛首山河FC3714响水河FC3715运粮河(南京)FC3716南河(南京)FC3800滁河FC3801襄河FC3802清流河FC3803来安河(乌衣河) FC3804皂河FC3805八百河FC3806新禹河FC3807新篁河FC3808万寿河FC3809永宁河FC3900京杭运河(江南运河) FC3901运河苏州段FC3902澜溪塘FC3903麻溪FC3904漕江FC3905行船路FC3906胥江FC3907苏州外城河FC3908太湖稍FC3909张鸭荡FC3910莺豆湖FC3911浒光运河FC3912运河无锡段FC3913伯渎港FC3914双河FC3915南西漳河FC3916古运河(无锡)FC3917内塘河FC3918顾桥港FC3919民丰河FC3920寺头港FC3921严埭港FC3922转水河FC3923耕渎河FC3924北新河FC3925锡北运河FC3926横港(锡山)FC3927陡门浜FC3928五牧河FC3929运河常州段FC3930三山港FC3931陈楚河FC3932藻江河FC3933唐门汀河FC3934南童子河FC3935潞横河FC3936丁塘港FC3937横塘河(常州市区)FC3938北塘河FC3939市河FC3940关河(常州市区)FC3941老澡港河FC3943凤凰河(常州市区)FC3944新孟河FC3945运河镇江段FC3946越渎河FC3947中心河FC3948城河(丹阳)FC3949九曲河FC3950古运河镇江FC3951京杭运河(邗江靠江段)FC3952邗江河FC4000界河FC4001顺金港FC4002羌溪河FC4003蔡家港FC4004庙宇港FC4005中心港FC4006大港FC4007季黄河FC4008十圩港FC4009芦场港FC4010百花港FC4100东姜黄河FC4101周山河FC4102新生产河FC4103南干河FC4104古马干河FC4200如海运河FC4201龙游河FC4202立新河FC4203西司马港FC4204大明河FC4205白毛港FC4300通扬运河FC4301红旗河(江都)FC4302泰西河FC4303马楼河FC4304城河(泰州)FC4305引水沟FC4306葛港河FC4307黄村河FC4308中干河(姜堰)FC4309三水闸河FC4311运粮河(姜堰)FC4312白米河(姜堰)FC4313曲雅河FC4314陈家港FC4315下坝河FC4316小焦港河FC4317翻身河FC4318外环城河FC4319小李港FC4320芦泾河FC4321港闸河FC4322刘陈河FC4323白李河FC4324跃进河(如皋)FC4325东司马港FC4400通吕运河FC4401任港FC4402濠河FC4403刘秦河FC4404海港引河FC4405新江海河FC4406竖石河FC4407运盐河(通州)FC4408袁灶竖河FC4409运盐河(海门)FC4410余西竖河FC4500三和港FC4501蒿枝港FC4502协兴河FC4503中央河FC4504南引河FC4600通启运河FC4601裤子港FC4602天星横河FC4603庙桥竖河FC4604浒通河FC4605圩角港FC4606青龙河FC4607大洪河FC4608大新河(海门)FC4609黄家港FC4700焦港河FC4702胜利河(如皋)FC4703大寨河FC4800九圩港FC4801团结河(南通市)FC4802新生竖河FC4803幸福竖河FC4804刘新河FC4805英雄竖河FC4806兴石河FC4807亭石河FC4808遥望港FC4809飞跃河FC4810南荡河FC4900海门河FC4901灵甸河FD长江流域--雅砻江流域。
' 1040= 糖衣炮弹
' 1044= 玫瑰手斧
' 1052= 情人手雷
' 1056= 黄金加特林
' 1060= AUG-Red
' 1064= M4A1-Red
' 1068= 柯尔特-Red
' 1072= AWM-Red
' 1076= 军用铁锹-Red
' 1148= 黄金AWM
' 1332= AKS-74U
' 1336= 毛瑟军用shouqiang
' 1344= 青铜双管猎(蟹)枪
' 1348= 水晶双管猎(蟹)枪
' 1352= 足球手雷
' 1360= XM8-茉莉
' 1364= AK47-茉莉
' 1380= Heraclops
' 1384= Chaos
' 1560= FAL CAMO
' 1760= FN F2000
' 1764= 黄金M249 Minimi
' 1792= 百城AK47
' 1796= 百城M4A1
' 1800= 百城AWM
JET PBF-1650D双面16ga盒胶囊钢筋弯曲机操作说明书和零部件手册
Operating Instructions and Parts ManualDual-Sided 16ga. Box and Pan BrakeModel PBF-1650DJET427 New Sanford RoadLaVergne, Tennessee 37086 Part No. M-752130 Ph.: 800-274-6848 Edition 1 09/2016 Copyright © 2016 JETThis .pdf document is bookmarked1.0 IMPORTANT SAFETYINSTRUCTIONSREAD ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USING THIS MACHINE.WARNING – To reduce the risk of injury:1. Read and understand the entire owner'smanual before attempting assembly or operation.2. Read and understand the warnings posted onthe machine and in this manual. Failure tocomply with all of these warnings may causeserious injury.3. Replace the warning labels if they becomeobscured or removed.4. This box and pan brake is designed andintended for use by properly trained and experienced personnel only. If you are notfamiliar with the proper and safe operation of abrake, do not use until proper training andknowledge have been obtained.5. Do not use this brake for other than its intendeduse. If used for other purposes, JET disclaimsany real or implied warranty and holds itselfharmless from any injury that may result fromthat use.6. Always wear ANSI Z87.1 approved safetyglasses or face shield while using this brake.(Everyday eyeglasses only have impact resistant lenses; they are not safety glasses.) 7. Before operating this machine, remove tie,rings, watches and other jewelry, and rollsleeves up past the elbows. Do not wear looseclothing. Confine long hair. Non-slip footwear oranti-skid floor strips are recommended.8. Wear ear protectors (plugs or muffs) if noisereaches unsafe levels.9. CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 WARNING:This product contains chemicals known to theState of California to cause cancer, or birthdefects or other reproductive harm.10. This product, when used for welding, cutting, orworking with metal, produces fumes, gases, ordusts which contain chemicals known to theState of California to cause birth defects and, insome cases, cancer. (California Health andSafety Code Section 25249.5 et seq.) 11. Do not operate this machine while tired or underthe influence of drugs, alcohol or any medication.12. Remove adjusting keys and wrenches. Form ahabit of checking to see that keys and adjustingwrenches are removed from the machine before turning it on.13. Keep safety guards in place at all times whenthe machine is in use. If removed for maintenance purposes, use extreme cautionand replace the guards immediately after completion of maintenance.14. Check damaged parts. Before further use of themachine, a guard or other part that is damagedshould be carefully checked to determine that itwill operate properly and perform its intendedfunction. Check for alignment of moving parts,binding of moving parts, breakage of parts, mounting and any other conditions that mayaffect its operation. A guard or other part that isdamaged should be properly repaired or replaced.15. Provide for adequate space surrounding workarea and non-glare, overhead lighting.16. Keep the floor around the machine clean andfree of scrap material, oil and grease.17. Keep visitors a safe distance from the workarea. Keep children away.18. Make your workshop child proof with padlocks,master switches or by removing starter keys. 19. Give your work undivided attention. Lookingaround, carrying on a conversation and “horse-play” are careless acts that can result in seriousinjury.20. Maintain a balanced stance at all times so thatyou do not fall into the blade or other movingparts. Do not overreach or use excessive forceto perform any machine operation.21. Use recommended accessories; improperaccessories may be hazardous.22. Maintain tools with care. Keep blades sharp andclean for the best and safest performance.Follow instructions for lubricating and changingaccessories.23. Do not stand on the machine. Serious injurycould occur if the machine tips over.24. Remove loose items and unnecessary workpieces from the area before operating the machine.25. Do not use in dangerous environment. Do notuse machine in damp or wet location, or exposeto rain. Keep work area well lighted.26. Sheet metal stock has sharp edges; use cautionwhen handling to prevent cuts.27. Keep hands clear of bending area whileoperating. 28. Do not exceed rated capacity of brake.29. The brake should be secured to floor withappropriate fasteners.Familiarize yourself with the following safety notices used in this manual:This means that if precautions are not heeded, it may result in minor injury and/or possible machine damage.This means that if precautions are not heeded, it may result in serious, or possibly even fatal, injury.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS2.0 About this manualThis manual is provided by JET, covering the safe operation and maintenance procedures for a JET Model BPF-1650D Dual-Sided Box and Pan Brake. This manual contains instructions on installation, safety precautions, general operating procedures, maintenance instructions and parts breakdown. Your machine has been designed and constructed to provide consistent, long-term operation if used in accordance with the instructions as set forth in this document.This manual is not intended to be a guide to sheet metal bending, bend allowances, material choice, etc. Consult a machinery’s handbook and/or experienced users for such information. Whatever accepted methods or materials are used, always make personal safety a priority.If there are questions or comments, please contact your local supplier or JET. JET can also be reached at our web site: .Retain this manual for future reference. If the machine transfers ownership, the manual should accompany it.Read and understand the entire contents of this manual before attempting assembly or operation! Failure to comply may cause serious injury!Register your product online -/us/en/service-and-support/warranty/registration/3.0 Table of contentsSection Page1.0 IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS (2)2.0 About this manual (3)3.0 Table of contents (4)4.0 Specifications for 16x50 Box and Pan Brake (5)4.1 Floor Diagram (5)5.0 Features and terminology (6)6.0 Setup and assembly (7)6.1 Unpacking and cleanup (7)6.2 Contents of shipping container (7)6.3 Tools required for assembly (7)6.4 Assembly (7)7.0 Operation (7)7.1 Finger spacing (7)7.2 Adjusting setback (7)7.3 Adjusting clamping pressure (8)7.4 Repeat bends (8)7.5 General procedure (8)8.0 User-maintenance (8)8.1 Lubrication (8)8.2 Additional servicing (8)9.0 Troubleshooting PBF-1650D Box and Pan Brake (8)10.0 Replacement Parts (8)10.1.1 BPF-1650D Box and Pan Brake – Exploded View (9)10.1.2 PBF-1650D Box and Pan Brake – Parts List (10)11.0 Warranty and service (12)4.0 Specifications for 16x50 Box and Pan BrakeModel Number ...................................................................................................................................... PBF-1650D Stock Number (752130)Materials:Frame .......................................................................................................................... welded steel plate/tubing Clamping fingers .............................................................................................................................. ground steel Clamping block ................................................................................................................. p recision ground steel Capacities:Bending length .......................................................................................................................... 50 in. (1270 mm) Maximum thickness, mild steel ................................................................................................... 16 ga. (1.5 mm) Bending angle .................................................................................................................................. 0 – 135 deg. Maximum beam lift ................................................................................................................ 1-13/16 in. (46 mm) Maximum box depth ................................................................................................................. 2.5 in. (63.5 mm) Minimum flange in capacity material ............................................................................................. 0.4 in. (10mm) Nose angle (upper fingers) ...................................................................................................................... 42 deg. Nose radius ............................................................................................................................. 1/32 in. (0.79 mm) Number of fingers ............................................................................................................ ......12 upper, 12 lower Finger widths ........................................................... 1, 1-1/8, 1-3/8, 1-1/2, 1-3/4, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7-3/4, 10, 10-5/8 in. Weights:Net ............................................................................................................................................... 772 lb (350 kg) Shipping ....................................................................................................................................... 849 lb (385 kg) Dimensions:Height, floor to working surface ............................................................................................ 35-1/2 in. (902 mm) Shipping (LxWxH) .......................................................................... 67-3/8 x 28 x 51-1/2 in. (171 x 71 x 131 cm) Assembled (LxWxH) ................................................................................... 63 x 38 x 45 in. (160 x 97 x 114 cm) The specifications in this manual were current at time of publication, but because of our policy of continuous improvement, JET reserves the right to change specifications at any time and without prior notice, without incurring obligations.L=length, W=width, H=height4.1 Floor DiagramFigure 15.0 Features and terminologyFigure 21. Clamping leaf2. Clamping fingers3. Clamping adjustment nut (x2)4. Stop bolt5. Setback locking screw (x2)6. Setback knob (x2)7. Bending leaf fingers8. Bending leaf9. Foot pedal for clamping 10. Foot pedal lock11. Leg extension (x2)12. Crown adjustment rod13. Air spring14. Grease fitting (x2)15. Stop collar16. Stop collar screw17. Eccentric disc6.0 Setup and assemblyRead and understand all assembly instructions before attempting assembly. Failure to comply may cause serious injury.6.1 Unpacking and cleanupInspect contents of shipping container for shipping damage. Report any damage to your distributor. Remove all contents from carton, and compare to the contents list in this manual. Report any part shortages to your distributor.Do not discard carton or packing material until machine is assembled and working properly. Exposed metal areas may have a rust protectant applied. Remove this with a soft rag and solvent such as kerosene. (Do not use gasoline, paint thinner, acetone, etc., as these will damage painted surfaces.)6.2 Contents of shipping container1 Box and Pan Brake2 Support legs with screws1 Instructions and Parts Manual (not shown)1 Warranty Card (not shown)6.3 Tools required for assembly8mm hex key6.4 AssemblyNumbers in parentheses refer to items in Figure 2. 1. Remove any straps or screws securing thebrake, and raise machine using properly ratedlifting equipment. See Figure 3 for lifting strapplacement.Figure 3Continue to stabilize machine while installing support legs. 2. Attach the two leg extensions (11) with theprovided socket head screws and flat washers. 3. Secure brake to floor using lag screws or similarsystem. See diagram, Figure 1. Also level thebrake; use shims if needed.4. The stop collar screw (16) has been tightenedfor shipping purposes. This screw must beloosened to allow clamping machine adjustments.7.0 OperationNumbers in parentheses refer to items in Figure 2. 7.1 Finger spacingUpper (2) and lower (7) fingers are mounted on T-nuts that slide within the underlying channel. Remove fingers by removing the screw(s); or reposition fingers at any place along the beam by loosening screw and sliding the T-nuts. Firmly tighten screws on fingers before operating.7.2 Adjusting setbackThe bending leaf lower fingers (7) must be adjusted for proper clearance or “setback” (A, Figure 3) based on material thickness (B, Figure 3). Generally, setback for material within four gauges of capacity should be twice the thickness of material. For lighter gauges, use 1-1/2 times the material thickness. Consult a machinery handbook for bend allowances.Figure 31. Loosen setback locking screws (5).2. Rotate setback knobs (6) in equal amounts(clockwise decreases distance). Refer to adjoining scale, marked with 0.002-inch graduations.Note: When increasing distance (counter-clockwise), you may have to pull back slightlyon the bending leaf to take up any backlash.3. Bring clamping leaf into position and checksetback.4. Repeat above steps until proper distance isachieved.5. Tighten locking screws (5).If a crown develops in the material, this can be adjusted out by loosening or tightening the hex nuts on the crown adjustment rod (12). Note: This rod has been correctly set by the manufacturer and should only be adjusted when needed.7.3 Adjusting clamping pressure Clamping pressure may vary depending upon material gauge. Pressure should be great enough to hold material securely, but not so much that it becomes difficult to clamp.Rotate clamping adjustment nuts (3) equally to set clamping pressure. Proper adjustment will allow foot pedal (9) to be locked (10).7.4 Repeat bendsLoosen stop collar screw (16) and adjust stop bolt (4) to limit swing of bending leaf. Retighten screw (16).7.5 General procedure1. Adjust upper and/or lower fingers for width ofmaterial and type of bend.2. Adjust for setback and clamping pressure.3. Position stop bolt if needed.4. Align material in machine and press foot pedaluntil it locks.5. Raise bending leaf to desired angle.6. Lower bending leaf and press foot pedal lock torelease material.8.0 User-maintenance Periodically wipe down machine with a soft rag. Keep upper and lower fingers clean and clear of debris. Apply light coat of SAE30 oil to upper and lower fingers.Periodically check tightness of fasteners.8.1 LubricationDaily insert a multi-purpose grease into the two fittings (14).Lightly apply grease to pivot points around machine, such as setback rods and eccentric disc.Apply light coat of SAE30 oil to all machined (unpainted) parts when not in use, to inhibit rust. 8.2 Additional servicingAny additional servicing should be performed by an authorized service technician.9.0 Troubleshooting PBF-1650D Box and Pan Brake Symptom PossibleCause CorrectionBends created with great difficulty.Machine capacity exceeded. Use material within capacity. Incorrect setback. Increase setback.Clamping leaf will not clamp properly.Improper adjustment.Decrease distance between fingers andbeam.Clamping not even across width. Rotate adjustment nuts equal amount.Bend radius not consistent across material.Machine capacity exceeded. Use material within capacity.Bending leaf edge not parallel to fingers. Adjust bending leaf equally on both ends. Bending leaf has crown. Correct with crown adjustment rod.10.0 Replacement PartsReplacement parts are listed on the following pages. To order parts or reach our service department, call 1-800-274-6848 Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CST. Having the Model Number and Serial Number of your machine available when you call will allow us to serve you quickly and accurately.Non-proprietary parts, such as fasteners, can be found at local hardware stores, or may be ordered from JET. Some parts are shown for reference only, and may not be available individually.10.1.1 BPF-1650D Box and Pan Brake – Exploded View10.1.2 PBF-1650D Box and Pan Brake – Parts ListIndex No Part No Description Size Qty1 ................ H40-210 .................... Adjusting Nut ........................................................... .. (2)2 ................ PBF1650D-02 ........... Clamping Leaf. ........................................................ .. (1)3 ................ PBF1650D-03 ........... T-Nut ........................................................................ (48)4-1 ............. PBF1650D-04-1 ........ Upper Finger ............................................................ 1” .. (1)4-2 ............. PBF1650D-04-2 ........ Upper Finger ............................................................ 1-1/8” . (1)4-3 ............. PBF1650D-04-3 ........ Upper Finger ............................................................ 1-3/8” . (1)4-4 ............. PBF1650D-04-4 ........ Upper Finger ............................................................ 1-1/2” . (1)4-5 ............. PBF1650D-04-5 ........ Upper Finger ............................................................ 1-3/4” . (1)4-6 ............. PBF1650D-04-6 ........ Upper Finger ............................................................ 2” .. (1)4-7 ............. PBF1650D-04-7 ........ Upper Finger ............................................................ 3” .. (1)4-8 ............. PBF1650D-04-8 ........ Upper Finger ............................................................ 4” .. (1)4-9 ............. PBF1650D-04-9 ........ Upper Finger ............................................................ 6” .. (1)4-10 ........... PBF1650D-04-10 ...... Upper Finger ............................................................ 7-3/4” . (1)4-11 ........... PBF1650D-04-11 ...... Upper Finger ............................................................ 10” (1)4-12 ........... PBF1650D-04-12 ...... Upper Finger ............................................................ 10-5/8” .. (1)5 ................ TS-1505021 .............. Socket Head Cap Screw ......................................... M10x20 .. (66)6 ................ PBF1650D-06 ........... Clamping Block ........................................................ .. (1)7 ................ PBF1650D-07 ........... Adjusting Nut Spring ................................................ .. (2)8 ................ TS-155011 ................ Flat Washer ............................................................. 20mm . (6)9 ................ PBF1650D-09 ........... Grease Fitting .......................................................... M8x1 .. (2)10 .............. H40-227 .................... Bushing .................................................................... .. (2)11 .............. H40-226 .................... Flat Washer ............................................................. 30 . (2)12 .............. H40-209 .................... Bending Leaf Pin ..................................................... .. (1)13 .............. TS-1505051 .............. Socket Head Cap Screw ......................................... M10x35 . (1)14 .............. H40-204 .................... Stop Collar ............................................................... .. (1)15 .............. TS-1540071 .............. Hex Nut .................................................................... M10 . (1)16 .............. TS-1505061 .............. Socket Head Cap Screw ......................................... M10x40 . (1)17 .............. PBF1650D-17 ........... Leg ........................................................................... .. (2)18 .............. BPF1240-18 .............. Ext. Retaining Ring .................................................. 25mm .. (13)19 .............. H40-208 .................... Leg Pin .................................................................... .. (3)20 .............. TS-1505041 .............. Socket Head Cap Screw ......................................... M10x30 . (4)21 .............. H40-217-3G .............. Extension Bracket .................................................... .. (2)22 .............. PBF1650D-22 ........... Disc Spring .............................................................. Ø40xø20x1mm . (4)23 .............. H40-205 .................... Rod .......................................................................... .. (2)24 .............. H40-206 .................... Foot Pedal Lever ..................................................... .. (4)25 .............. H40-207.................... Lever Pin .................................................................. .. (4)26 .............. PBF1650D-26 ........... Foot Pedal ............................................................... .. (1)27 .............. H40-402 .................... Tread Plate Rubber ................................................. .. (1)28 .............. H40-211 .................... Roll Pin .................................................................... .. (1)29 .............. BPF1240-29 .............. Ext. Retaining Ring .................................................. 10mm . (2)30 .............. H40-213.................... Foot Pedal Lock ....................................................... .. (1)31 .............. BPF1240-31 .............. Spring Pin ................................................................ 8x50mm (1)32 .............. TS-1550061 .............. Flat Washer ............................................................. 8mm (1)33 .............. H40-212 .................... Pedal Lock Spring ................................................... .. (1)34-1 ........... PBF1650D-34-1 ........ Lower Finger ............................................................ 1” .. (1)34-2 ........... PBF1650D-34-2 ........ Lower Finger ............................................................ 1-1/8” . (1)34-3 ........... PBF1650D-34-3 ........ Lower Finger ............................................................ 1-3/8” . (1)34-4 ........... PBF1650D-34-4 ........ Lower Finger ............................................................ 1-1/2” . (1)34-5 ........... PBF1650D-34-5 ........ Lower Finger ............................................................ 1-3/4” . (1)34-6 ........... PBF1650D-34-6 ........ Lower Finger ............................................................ 2” .. (1)34-7 ........... PBF1650D-34-7 ........ Lower Finger ............................................................ 3” .. (1)34-8 ........... PBF1650D-34-8 ........ Lower Finger ............................................................ 4” .. (1)34-9 ........... PBF1650D-34-9 ........ Lower Finger ............................................................ 6” .. (1)34-10 ......... PBF1650D-34-10 ...... Lower Finger ............................................................ 7-3/4” . (1)34-11 ......... PBF1650D-34-11 ...... Lower Finger ............................................................ 10” (1)34-12 ......... PBF1650D-34-12 ...... Lower Finger ............................................................ 10-5/8” .. (1)35 .............. BPF1240-31 .............. Spring Pin ................................................................ 8x50mm (2)37 .............. PBF1650D-37 ........... O-Ring ..................................................................... 25x3.55mm . (2)38 .............. PBF1650D-38 ........... Setback Rod ............................................................ .. (2)Index No Part No Description Size Qty39 .............. PBF1650D-39 ........... Setback Knob .......................................................... .. (2)40 .............. PBF1650D-40 ........... Operating Handle .................................................... .. (2)41 .............. PBF1650D-41 ........... Adjusting Rod .......................................................... .. (1)42 .............. PBF1650D-42 ........... Bending Leaf ........................................................... .. (1)43 .............. TS-1550111 .............. Flat Washer ............................................................. 20 . (2)44 .............. TS-2310201 .............. Hex Nut .................................................................... M20 . (2)45 .............. TS-2228161 .............. Hex Cap Screw ........................................................ M8x16 (2)46 .............. PBF1650D-46 ........... Fixing Plate .............................................................. .. (1)47 .............. PBF1650D-47 ........... Air Spring ................................................................. .. (1)48 .............. TS-2211451 .............. Hex Cap Screw ........................................................ M12x45 . (2)49 .............. TS-2311121 .............. Hex Nut .................................................................... M12 . (2)50 .............. PBF1650D-50 ........... Eccentric Holder ...................................................... .. (1)51 .............. TS-155011 ................ Flat Washer ............................................................. M20 . (2)52 .............. TS-1502021 .............. Socket Head Cap Screw ......................................... M5x10 (2)53 .............. PBF1650D-53 ........... Rubber Pad ............................................................. .. (2)54 .............. PBF1650D-54 ........... Bushing .................................................................... .. (4)55 .............. TS-1521031 .............. Socket Set Screw .................................................... M4x8 .. (2)56 .............. PBF1650D-56 ........... Scale ........................................................................ .. (2).................. LM000240 ................. ID/Warning Label, PBF-1650D (not shown) ............ .. (1).................. JET-165 ..................... JET Logo (not shown) ............................................. 165x68mm .. (1)11.0 Warranty and serviceJET warrants every product it sells against manufacturers’ defects. If one of our tools needs service or repair, please contact Technical Service by calling 1-800-274-6846, 8AM to 5PM CST, Monday through Friday.Warranty PeriodThe general warranty lasts for the time period specified in the literature included with your product or on the official JET branded website.•JET products carry a limited warranty which varies in duration based upon the product. (See chart below) •Accessories carry a limited warranty of one year from the date of receipt.•Consumable items are defined as expendable parts or accessories expected to become inoperable within a reasonable amount of use and are covered by a 90 day limited warranty against manufacturer’s defects. Who is CoveredThis warranty covers only the initial purchaser of the product from the date of delivery.What is CoveredThis warranty covers any defects in workmanship or materials subject to the limitations stated below. This warranty does not cover failures due directly or indirectly to misuse, abuse, negligence or accidents, normal wear-and-tear, improper repair, alterations or lack of maintenance. JET woodworking machinery is designed to be used with Wood. Use of these machines in the processing of metal, plastics, or other materials outside recommended guidelines may void the warranty. The exceptions are acrylics and other natural items that are made specifically for wood turning. Warranty LimitationsWoodworking products with a Five Year Warranty that are used for commercial or industrial purposes default to a Two Year Warranty. Please contact Technical Service at 1-800-274-6846 for further clarification.How to Get Technical SupportPlease contact Technical Service by calling 1-800-274-6846. Please note that you will be asked to provide proof of initial purchase when calling. If a product requires further inspection, the Technical Service representative will explain and assist with any additional action needed.JET has Authorized Service Centers located throughout the United States. For the name of an Authorized Service Center in your area call 1-800-274-6846 or use the Service Center Locator on the JET website.More InformationJET is constantly adding new products. For complete, up-to-date product information, check with your local distributor or visit the JET website.How State Law AppliesThis warranty gives you specific legal rights, subject to applicable state law.Limitations on This WarrantyJET LIMITS ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES TO THE PERIOD OF THE LIMITED WARRANTY FOR EACH PRODUCT. EXCEPT AS STATED HEREIN, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE EXCLUDED. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.JET SHALL IN NO EVENT BE LIABLE FOR DEATH, INJURIES TO PERSONS OR PROPERTY, OR FOR INCIDENTAL, CONTINGENT, SPECIAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING FROM THE USE OF OUR PRODUCTS. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.JET sells through distributors only. The specifications listed in JET printed materials and on official JET website are given as general information and are not binding. JET reserves the right to effect at any time, without prior notice, those alterations to parts, fittings, and accessory equipment which they may deem necessary for any reason whatsoever. JET® branded products are not sold in Canada by JPW Industries, Inc.Product Listing with Warranty Period90 Days – Parts; Consumable items1 Year – Motors; Machine Accessories2 Year – Metalworking Machinery; Electric Hoists, Electric Hoist Accessories; Woodworking Machinery usedfor industrial or commercial purposes5 Year – Woodworking MachineryLimited Lifetime – JET Parallel clamps; VOLT Series Electric Hoists; Manual Hoists; Manual HoistAccessories; Shop Tools; Warehouse & Dock products; Hand Tools; Air ToolsNOTE: JET is a division of JPW Industries, Inc. References in this document to JET also apply to JPW Industries, Inc., or any of its successors in interest to the JET brand.。
《幽灵⾏动荒野》全武器图鉴⼀览 《幽灵⾏动荒野》作为⼀款射击题材游戏各式各样的枪械⾃然不能少,从我们熟悉的A K、M4到稀奇古怪的改装枪械应有尽有,今天⼩编带来“r o995922”分享的《幽灵⾏动荒野》全武器图鉴⼀览,下⾯我们⼀起来欣赏吧。
步枪-A K-47 A K47 「她的」A K-47(步枪) 「他的」A K-47(步枪) A K-47起意(步枪)%{p a g e-b r e a k|步枪-A K-47|p a g e-b r e a k}% 步枪-G R F S A C R、A K12G R与S I G556⽺驼 G R F S A C R A K12G R N e t w o r k S I G556⽺驼%{p a g e-b r e a k|步枪-G R F S A C R、A K12G R与S I G556⽺驼|p a g e-b r e a k}% 步枪-G36C、556x i与805B r e n A2 G36C 556x i 805B r e n A2%{p a g e-b r e a k|步枪-G36C、556x i与805B r e n A2|p a g e-b r e a k}% 步枪-A C R、A K-12与A U G A3 A C R A K-12 A U G A3%{p a g e-b r e a k|步枪-A C R、A K-12与A U G A3|p a g e-b r e a k}% 步枪-G2、L85A2与M4A1 G2 L85A2 M4A1 M4A1战术步枪%{p a g e-b r e a k|步枪-G2、L85A2与M4A1|p a g e-b r e a k}% 步枪-M k17、P416与R5R G P M k17 P416 R5R G P%{p a g e-b r e a k|步枪-M k17、P416与R5R G P|p a g e-b r e a k}% 步枪-S R3M、TA R-21与韵律 S R3M TA R-21 韵律%{p a g e-b r e a k|步枪-S R3M、TA R-21与韵律|p a g e-b r e a k}% 狙击枪-S V D、G28与H T I D r a g u n o v(S V D) G28 H T I%{p a g e-b r e a k|狙击枪-S V D、G28与H T I|p a g e-b r e a k}% 狙击枪-L115A3、M40A5与M1891 L115A3 M40A5 M1891%{p a g e-b r e a k|狙击枪-L115A3、M40A5与M1891|p a g e-b r e a k}% 狙击枪-M K14、M S R与S R-1 M K14 M S R S R-1%{p a g e-b r e a k|狙击枪-M K14、M S R与S R-1|p a g e-b r e a k}% 狙击枪-S R25、S R S A1与坏⼥孩 S R25 S R S A1 坏⼥孩 S R S A1⿊寡妇%{p a g e-b r e a k|狙击枪-S R25、S R S A1与坏⼥孩|p a g e-b r e a k}% 狙击枪-命运之⽭、战鹰与M S R T h e r m i t e 命运之⽭ 战鹰 M S R T h e r m i t e%{p a g e-b r e a k|狙击枪-命运之⽭、战鹰与M S R T h e r m i t e|p a g e-b r e a k}% 霰弹枪-S A S G-12、S PA S-12与超级矮⼦ S A S G-12 S PA S-12 超级矮⼦%{p a g e-b r e a k|霰弹枪-S A S G-12、S PA S-12与超级矮⼦|p a g e-b r e a k}% 霰弹枪-⽆声⽆息、礼物与说书⼈ ⽆声⽆息 礼物 说书⼈%{p a g e-b r e a k|霰弹枪-⽆声⽆息、礼物与说书⼈|p a g e-b r e a k}% 霰弹枪-荒野、碎裂冰刃与群⽜狂奔 荒野 碎裂冰刃 群⽜狂奔%{p a g e-b r e a k|霰弹枪-荒野、碎裂冰刃与群⽜狂奔|p a g e-b r e a k}% 机枪-6P41、M G121与M K-48 6P41 M G121 M K-48。
Buffalo LinkStation 420用户手册说明书
FEATURESSHARED STORAGEWith terabytes of storage, LinkStation 420 provides a reliable, central location to store and protect all data from every PC and Mac ® computer, tablet device and smartphone in your home or small o ce. Store, access and share files from anywhere over your wireless network at speeds up to twice as fast as EASY SCHEDULED BACKUPLinkStation 420 features NovaBACKUP ® Professional for Windows ® and Time Machine ® support for Mac for whole home data backup. Disaster and hard drive failures happen unexpectedly; don’t leave your important files and treasured memories in the hands of chance. Schedule backups for every computer in your house and easily * Figures represent the average number of photos taken with a 10 megapixel camera with an average file size of 2.2 MB per photo. † Figures represent the number of movies based on an average file size of 1 GB per movie. ‡ Figures represent the number of MP3 files at an average length of 00:03:25/160 Kbps with an average file size of 4 MB per song. 1 MB = 1,000,000 bytes, 1 GB = 1,000,000,000 bytes, 1 TB = 1,000,000,000,000 bytes. Total accessible capacity varies depending on operating environment.ULTRA PERFORMANCE2-DRIVE NETWORK STORAGELinkStation ™ 420 network storage provides ultra fast shared storage and backup for all PC and Mac ® computers on your home network with the security of RAID data protection. Simply connect it to your wireless router for access anywhere in your home. Equipped with a high performance processor, LinkStation 420 boasts transfer speeds up to 100 MB/s, three times faster than a standard NAS device. Addi-tionally, it’s DLNA Certified ™ and it can be used as an iTunes ® server for simplified media storage and streaming. While on the go, the easy to use WebAccess service allows you to create a free personal cloud for easy remote access anytime, anywhere over the Internet, and even on your iPhone ®, iPad ® and Android ™ devices. With LinkStation 420, you can back up multiple computers simultaneously and enjoy uninter-rupted access to terabytes of storage anytime, anywhere.FREE PERSONAL CLOUD SERVICEBu alo’s free WebAccess service allows you to create a personal cloud for easy remote access and file sharing with anyone, anywhere over the Internet. Your data remains securely stored in one place on your home network, but you can access it quickly from any computer, tablet or smartphone device www.Bu NetworkSimplified Media Streaming& Remote Access!USB PORTLinkStation 420 features a USB 2.0 port on the back of the unit for added functionality. Attach a printer to the network or add a hard drive to back up your LinkStation 420 NAS.INC. LinkStation and LinkStation logo are either trademarks or registered trademarks of BUFFALO INC. or its affiliates in the United States and other countries. The names and logos of other companies mentioned herein belong to their respective owners.www.Bu 。
ARRI ALEXA Mini LF 摄影机说明书
Identity Number K1.0024074Model ALEXA Mini LFSensor Type Large Format ARRI ALEV III (A2X) CMOS sensor with Bayer pattern colorfilter arraySensor Maximum Resolution and Size4448 x 309636.70 x 25.54 mm / 1.444 x 1.005"⌀ 44.71 mm / 1.760"Sensor Frame Rates0.75 - 90 fpsWeight∼2.6 kg / ∼5.7 lbs(camera body with LPL lens mount)800 g (MVF-2)Photosite Pitch8.25 μmSensor Active Image Area Photosites LF Open Gate ProRes 4.5K: 4448 x 3096LF Open Gate ARRIRAW 4.5K: 4448 x 3096LF 16:9 ProRes HD: 3840 x 2160LF 16:9 ProRes 2K: 3840 x 2160LF 16:9 ProRes UHD: 3840 x 2160LF 16:9 ARRIRAW UHD: 3840 x 2160LF 2.39:1 ProRes 4.5K: 4448 x 1856LF 2.39:1 ARRIRAW 4.5K: 4448 x 1856Sensor Active Image Area Dimensions LF Open Gate ProRes 4.5K: 36.70 x 25.54 mm / 1.445 x 1.006"LF Open Gate ARRIRAW 4.5K: 36.70 x 25.54 mm / 1.445 x 1.006"LF 16:9 ProRes HD: 31.68 x 17.82 mm / 1.247 x 0.702"LF 16:9 ProRes 2K: 31.68 x 17.82 mm / 1.247 x 0.702"LF 16:9 ProRes UHD: 31.68 x 17.82 mm / 1.247 x 0.702"LF 16:9 ARRIRAW UHD: 31.68 x 17.82 mm / 1.247 x 0.702"LF 2.39:1 ProRes 4.5K: 36.70 x 15.31 mm / 1.445 x 0.603"LF 2.39:1 ARRIRAW 4.5K: 36.70 x 15.31 mm / 1.445 x 0.603" Recording File Container Size LF Open Gate ProRes 4.5K: 4480 x 3096LF Open Gate ARRIRAW 4.5K: 4448 x 3096LF 16:9 ProRes HD: 1920 x 1080LF 16:9 ProRes 2K: 2048 x 1152LF 16:9 ProRes UHD: 3840 x 2160LF 16:9 ARRIRAW UHD: 3840 x 2160LF 2.39:1 ProRes 4.5K: 4480 x 1856LF 2.39:1 ARRIRAW 4.5K: 4448 x 1856Recording File Image Content LF Open Gate ProRes 4.5K: 4448 x 3096LF Open Gate ARRIRAW 4.5K: 4448 x 3096LF 16:9 ProRes HD: 1920 x 1080LF 16:9 ProRes 2K: 2048 x 1152LF 16:9 ProRes UHD: 3840 x 2160LF 16:9 ARRIRAW UHD: 3840 x 2160LF 2.39:1 ProRes 4.5K: 4448 x 1856LF 2.39:1 ARRIRAW 4.5K: 4448 x 1856Exposure Latitude14+ stops over the entire sensitivity range from EI 160 to EI 3200 asmeasured with the ARRI Dynamic Range Test Chart (DRTC-1) Exposure Index Adjustable from EI 160-3200 in 1/3 stopsEI 800 base sensitivityShutter Electronic shutter, 5.0°- 356° or 1s - 1/8000sRecording Formats MXF/ARRIRAWMXF/Apple ProRes 4444 XQMXF/Apple ProRes 4444MXF/Apple ProRes 422 HQRecording Media Codex Compact DrivesRecording Frame Rates LF Open Gate ProRes 4.5K: 0.75 - 40 fpsLF Open Gate ARRIRAW 4.5K: 0.75 - 40 fpsLF 16:9 ProRes HD: 0.75 - 90 fpsLF 16:9 ProRes 2K: 0.75 - 90 fpsLF 16:9 ProRes UHD: 0.75 - 60 fpsLF 16:9 ARRIRAW UHD: 0.75 - 60 fpsLF 2.39:1 ProRes 4.5K: 0.75 - 60 fpsLF 2.39:1 ARRIRAW 4.5K: 0.75 - 60 fpsNote: maximum fps values are preliminary informationRecording Modes Standard real-time recordingNo Pre-recordingNo IntervalometerViewfinder Type Multi Viewfinder MVF-2 with 4" flip-out monitorViewfinder Technology OLED viewfinder displayLCD fold out monitorViewfinder Resolution Pixel1920 x 1080Viewfinder Diopter Adjustable from -5 to +5 dioptersColor Output Rec 709Rec 2020Log CCustom Look (ARRI Look File ALF-2)Look Control Import of custom 3D LUTASC CDL parameters (slope, offset, power, saturation)White Balance Manual and auto white balance, adjustable from 2000K to 11000K in 10KstepsColor correction adjustable range from -16 to +16 CC1 CC corresponds to 035 Kodak CC values or 1/8 Rosco valuesFilters Built-in motorized ND filters 0.6, 1.2, 1.8Fixed optical low pass, UV, IR filterImage Outputs 1x proprietary signal output for MVF-2 viewfinder on VF CoaXPressconnector (video, audio, power, control signals)SDI 1:-HD only, Processed or Clean, with or without a look file applied-1.5G 422 HD (SMPTE ST292-1, up to 30 fps, progessive (p) or progressivesegmented frame (psf))-3G 422 HD (SMPTE ST425-1, up to 60 fps, p)-3G 444 HD (SMPTE ST425-3, up to 30 fps, p)SDI 2:-HD or UHD, Clean only, with or without a look file applied, or SDI 1 clone-1.5G 422 HD (SMPTE ST292-1, up to 30 fps, p or psf)-3G 422 HD (SMPTE ST425-1, up to 60 fps, p)-3G 444 HD (SMPTE ST425-3, up to 30 fps, p)-6G 422 UHD (SMPTE ST2081-10, up to 30 fps, p)“Clean” is an image without surround view or overlays (status, false color,zebra, framelines, etc.)“Processed” is an image with surround view or overlays.Lens Squeeze Factors and Focus Tools False ColorZebraZoomAperture and Color PeakingAudio Input1x LEMO 6pin balanced stereo line in with 12V power output(Line input max. level +24dBu correlating to 0dBFS)Audio Output SDI (embedded)3,5mm stereo headphone jack (on MVF-2)Audio Recording 2 channel linear PCM, 24 bit 48 kHzRemote Control Options MVF-2 viewfinder can act as wired remote control with 10m/33ft cableWeb-based remote control from smart phones, tablets and laptops viaWiFi & Ethernet (beta version)Camera Access Protocol (CAP) via Ethernet & WiFiGPIO interface for integration with custom control interfacesWCU-4 hand-unit with control over lens motors and operationalparameters via built-in white radioSXU-1 hand-unit with control over one lens channelOCU-1 and Master Grip control of lens and user buttonsInterfaces1x LEMO 5pin LTC Timecode In/Out1x LEMO 10pin Ethernet for remote control and service1x BNC SYNC IN1x LEMO 7pin EXT multi purpose accessory interface w. RS pin and 24Vpower output1x LEMO 4pin LBUS (on lens mount) for lens motors, daisy chainable1x USB 2.0 in media bay (for user setups, look files etc)Wireless Interfaces Built-in WiFi module (IEEE 802.11b/g)Built-in White Radio for ARRI lens and camera remote controlLens Mounts LPL lens mount with LBUS connectorPL-to-LPL adapterLeitz M mount (available from Leitz)Flange Focal Depth LPL mount: 44 mmwith PL-to-LPL adapter: 52 mmPower Input1x LEMO 8pin (11-34 V DC)Power Consumption Around 65 W when recording ARRIRAW at 24 fps with MVF-2 attached(preliminary information)Power Outputs 1x Fischer 3pin 24V RS1x LEMO 2pin 12V1x LEMO 7pin EXT 24V power outputPower Management-Measurements HxWxL140 x 143 x 188 mm / 5.5 x 5.6 x 7.4"(camera body with LPL lens mount)Operating Temperature-20° C to +45° C / -4° F to +113° F @ 95% relative humidity max, noncondensing, splash and dust proof through sealed electronics Storage Temperature-30° C to +70° C / -22° F to +158° FSound Level< 20 dB(A) at 24fpsSoftware Licenses-。
10001Schutzkontaktsteckdose16A 230V 2P+E IP44grau (RAL 7035)Flansch 38x38 mm4015609003433 10003Schutzkontaktsteckdose16A 230V 2P+E IP54blau Flansch 38x38 mm4015609003457 10003AA Schutzkontaktsteckdose16A 230V 2P+E IP44blau, inkl. Dichtung Flansch 38x38 mm4015609491247 10004MONDO Schuko-Dose16A 230V 2P+E IP44RAL 70354015609003464 10005Schutzkontaktsteckdose16A 230V 2P+E IP44blau Flansch 75x75 mm4015609003471 10006Schutzkontaktsteckdose16A 230V 2P+E IP44grau Flansch 60x60 mm4015609003488 10007MONDO Schuko-Dose16A 230V 2P+E IP44Aufputz RAL 70354015609003495 10008MONDO Schuko-Dose16A 230V 2P+E IP44Unterputz RAL 10134015609003501 10010Gerätedose für Anbaudosen 75x75 mm Befestigungsmaß 60x60ohne Klemmen IP444015609003525 10011Gerätedose für Anbaudosen 75x75 mm Befestigungsmaß 60x60mit 5 Klemmen IP444015609003532 10014Berührungsschutz nach BGV A2 für Schutz-kontaktsteckdosen4015609180493 10015Blindflansch für Anbaudosen Flansch 75x75 mm RAL 70354015609252923 10015PW Blindflansch für Anbaudosen Flansch 75x75 mm RAL 10134015609252930 10015RW Blindflansch für Anbaudosen Flansch 75x75 mm RAL 90104015609252947 10016MONDO UP-Einbaudose16A4015609003556 10017MONDO UP-Einbaudose32A4015609003563 10018UP-Einbaudose für MONDO II 16A4015609224753 10019Flansch für Einbaugeräte mit Durchmesser 22.5RAL 70354015609252954 10019PW Flansch für Einbaugeräte mit Durchmesser 22.5RAL 10134015609252961 10019RW Flansch für Einbaugeräte mit Durchmesser 22.5RAL 90104015609252978 10021Zwischenflansch für Anbaudosen 75x75 mm Befestigungsmaß 60x601-teilig4015609003587 10022Zwischenflansch für Anbaudosen 75x75 mm Befestigungsmaß 60x602-teilig4015609003594 10028MONDO Abdeckplatte kleine Form 1-teilig IP44RAL 10134015609003631 10028LG MONDO Abdeckplatte kleine Form 1-teilig IP44RAL 70354015609173938 10028RW MONDO Abdeckplatte kleine Form 1-teilig IP44RAL 90104015609173945 10029MONDO Abdeckplatte kleine Form 2-teilig IP44RAL 10134015609003648 10029LG MONDO Abdeckplatte kleine Form 2-teilig IP44RAL 70354015609173952 10029RW MONDO Abdeckplatte kleine Form 2-teilig IP44RAL 90104015609173969 10100NORVO Wandsteckdose16A 2P 24V 0h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben 2 Kabeleinf. unten4015609003679 10101NORVO Wandsteckdose16A 2P 42V 12h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben 2 Kabeleinf. unten4015609003686 10102NORVO Wandsteckdose16A 2P 42V 4h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben 2 Kabeleinf. unten4015609003693 10103NORVO Wandsteckdose16A 2P 42V 2h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben 2 Kabeleinf. unten4015609003709 10104NORVO Wandsteckdose16A 2P 42V 3h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben 2 Kabeleinf. unten4015609003716 10105NORVO Wandsteckdose16A 2P 42V 10h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben 2 Kabeleinf. unten4015609003723 10106NORVO Wandsteckdose16A 2P 42V 10h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben 2 Kabeleinf. unten4015609003730 10110NORVO Wandsteckdose16A 2P 24V 0h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609003747 10111NORVO Wandsteckdose16A 2P 42V 12h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609003754 10112NORVO Wandsteckdose16A 2P 42V 4h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609003761 10113NORVO Wandsteckdose16A 2P 42V 2h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609003778 10114NORVO Wandsteckdose16A 2P 42V 3h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609003785 10115NORVO Wandsteckdose16A 2P 42V 10h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609003792 10116NORVO Wandsteckdose16A 2P 42V 10h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609003808 10120MONDO Wandsteckdose16A 3P 24V 0h IP44Aufputz4015609003815 10121MONDO Wandsteckdose16A 3P 42V 12h IP44Aufputz401560900382210123MONDO Wandsteckdose16A 3P 42V 2h IP44Aufputz4015609003846 10124MONDO Wandsteckdose16A 3P 42V 3h IP44Aufputz4015609003853 10125MONDO Wandsteckdose16A 3P 42V 11h IP44Aufputz4015609003860 10140NORVO Wandsteckdose16A 3P 24V 0h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben 2 Kabeleinf. unten4015609003877 10141NORVO Wandsteckdose16A 3P 42V 12h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben 2 Kabeleinf. unten4015609003884 10142NORVO Wandsteckdose16A 3P 42V 4h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben 2 Kabeleinf. unten4015609003891 10143NORVO Wandsteckdose16A 3P 42V 2h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben 2 Kabeleinf. unten4015609003907 10144NORVO Wandsteckdose16A 3P 42V 3h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben 2 Kabeleinf. unten4015609003914 10145NORVO Wandsteckdose16A 3P 42V 11h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben 2 Kabeleinf. unten4015609003921 10150NORVO Wandsteckdose16A 3P 24V 0h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609003938 10151NORVO Wandsteckdose16A 3P 42V 12h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609003945 10152NORVO Wandsteckdose16A 3P 42V 4h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609003952 10153NORVO Wandsteckdose16A 3P 42V 2h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609003969 10154NORVO Wandsteckdose16A 3P 42V 3h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609003976 10155NORVO Wandsteckdose16A 3P 42V 11h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609003983 10160MONDO Wandsteckdose16A 2P 24V 0h IP44Aufputz4015609004003 10161MONDO Wandsteckdose16A 2P 42V 12h IP44Aufputz4015609004010 10162MONDO Wandsteckdose16A 2P 42V 4h IP44Aufputz4015609004027 10163MONDO Wandsteckdose16A 2P 42V 2h IP44Aufputz4015609004034 10164MONDO Wandsteckdose16A 2P 42V 3h IP44Aufputz4015609004041 10165MONDO Wandsteckdose16A 2P 42V 10h IP44Aufputz4015609004058 10166MONDO Wandsteckdose16A 2P 42V 10h IP44Aufputz4015609004065 10210NORVO Stecker16A 2P 24V 0h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004089 10211NORVO Stecker16A 2P 42V 12h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004096 10212NORVO Stecker16A 2P 42V 4h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004102 10213NORVO Stecker16A 2P 42V 2h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004119 10214NORVO Stecker16A 2P 42V 3h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004126 10215NORVO Stecker16A 2P 42V 10h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004133 10216NORVO Stecker16A 2P 42V 10h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004140 10220NORVO Stecker16A 2P 24V 0h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004164 10221NORVO Stecker16A 2P 42V 12h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004171 10222NORVO Stecker16A 2P 42V 4h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004188 10223NORVO Stecker16A 2P 42V 2h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004195 10224NORVO Stecker16A 2P 42V 3h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004201 10225NORVO Stecker16A 2P 42V 10h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004218 10226NORVO Stecker16A 2P 42V 10h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004225 10250NORVO Stecker16A 3P 24V 0h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004256 10251NORVO Stecker16A 3P 42V 12h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004263 10252NORVO Stecker16A 3P 42V 4h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004270 10253NORVO Stecker16A 3P 42V 2h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004287 10254NORVO Stecker16A 3P 42V 3h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004294 10255NORVO Stecker16A 3P 42V 11h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004300 10260NORVO Stecker16A 3P 24V 0h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004317 10261NORVO Stecker16A 3P 42V 12h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung401560900432410263NORVO Stecker16A 3P 42V 2h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004348 10264NORVO Stecker16A 3P 42V 3h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004355 10265NORVO Stecker16A 3P 42V 11h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004362 10280NORVO Stecker16A 2P 24V 0h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609004379 10281NORVO Stecker16A 2P 42V 12h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609004386 10282NORVO Stecker16A 2P 42V 4h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609004393 10283NORVO Stecker16A 2P 42V 2h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609004409 10284NORVO Stecker16A 2P 42V 3h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609004416 10285NORVO Stecker16A 2P 42V 10h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609004423 10286NORVO Stecker16A 2P 42V 10h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609004430 10290NORVO Stecker16A 3P 24V 0h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609004447 10291NORVO Stecker16A 3P 42V 12h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609004454 10292NORVO Stecker16A 3P 42V 4h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609004461 10293NORVO Stecker16A 3P 42V 2h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609004478 10294NORVO Stecker16A 3P 42V 3h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609004485 10295NORVO Stecker16A 3P 42V 11h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609004492 10310NORVO Kupplung16A 2P 24V 0h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004522 10311NORVO Kupplung16A 2P 42V 12h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004539 10312NORVO Kupplung16A 2P 42V 4h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004546 10313NORVO Kupplung16A 2P 42V 2h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004553 10314NORVO Kupplung16A 2P 42V 3h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004560 10315NORVO Kupplung16A 2P 42V 10h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004577 10316NORVO Kupplung16A 2P 42V 10h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004584 10320NORVO Kupplung16A 2P 24V 0h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004591 10321NORVO Kupplung16A 2P 42V 12h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004607 10322NORVO Kupplung16A 2P 42V 4h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004614 10323NORVO Kupplung16A 2P 42V 2h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004621 10324NORVO Kupplung16A 2P 42V 3h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004638 10325NORVO Kupplung16A 2P 42V 10h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004645 10326NORVO Kupplung16A 2P 42V 10h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004652 10350NORVO Kupplung16A 3P 24V 0h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004669 10351NORVO Kupplung16A 3P 42V 12h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004676 10352NORVO Kupplung16A 3P 42V 4h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004683 10353NORVO Kupplung16A 3P 42V 2h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004690 10354NORVO Kupplung16A 3P 42V 3h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004706 10355NORVO Kupplung16A 3P 42V 11h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004713 10360NORVO Kupplung16A 3P 24V 0h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004720 10361NORVO Kupplung16A 3P 42V 12h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004737 10362NORVO Kupplung16A 3P 42V 4h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004744 10363NORVO Kupplung16A 3P 42V 2h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004751 10364NORVO Kupplung16A 3P 42V 3h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004768 10365NORVO Kupplung16A 3P 42V 11h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609004775 10380NORVO Kupplung16A 2P 24V 0h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609004782 10381NORVO Kupplung16A 2P 42V 12h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz401560900479910383NORVO Kupplung16A 2P 42V 2h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609004812 10384NORVO Kupplung16A 2P 42V 3h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609004829 10385NORVO Kupplung16A 2P 42V 10h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609004836 10386NORVO Kupplung16A 2P 42V 10h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609004843 10390NORVO Kupplung16A 3P 24V 0h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609004850 10391NORVO Kupplung16A 3P 42V 12h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609004867 10392NORVO Kupplung16A 3P 42V 4h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609004874 10393NORVO Kupplung16A 3P 42V 2h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609004881 10394NORVO Kupplung16A 3P 42V 3h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609004898 10395NORVO Kupplung16A 3P 42V 11h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609004904 10400NORVO Anbaudose16A 2P 24V 0h IP44gerade Flansch 50x50 mm4015609004928 10401NORVO Anbaudose16A 2P 42V 12h IP44gerade Flansch 50x50 mm4015609004935 10402NORVO Anbaudose16A 2P 42V 4h IP44gerade Flansch 50x50 mm4015609004942 10403NORVO Anbaudose16A 2P 42V 2h IP44gerade Flansch 50x50 mm4015609004959 10404NORVO Anbaudose16A 2P 42V 3h IP44gerade Flansch 50x50 mm4015609004966 10405NORVO Anbaudose16A 2P 42V 11h IP44gerade Flansch 50x50 mm4015609004973 10406NORVO Anbaudose16A 2P 42V 10h IP44gerade Flansch 50x50 mm4015609004980 10440NORVO Anbaudose16A 3P 24V 0h IP44gerade Flansch 50x50 mm4015609004997 10441NORVO Anbaudose16A 3P 42V 12h IP44gerade Flansch 50x50 mm4015609005000 10442NORVO Anbaudose16A 3P 42V 4h IP44gerade Flansch 50x50 mm4015609005017 10443NORVO Anbaudose16A 3P 42V 2h IP44gerade Flansch 50x50 mm4015609005024 10444NORVO Anbaudose16A 3P 42V 3h IP44gerade Flansch 50x50 mm4015609005031 10445NORVO Anbaudose16A 3P 42V 11h IP44gerade Flansch 50x50 mm4015609005048 10500NORVO Anbaudose16A 2P 24V 0h IP44schräg Flansch 68x62 mm4015609005055 10501NORVO Anbaudose16A 2P 42V 12h IP44schräg Flansch 68x62 mm4015609005062 10502NORVO Anbaudose16A 2P 42V 4h IP44schräg Flansch 68x62 mm4015609005079 10503NORVO Anbaudose16A 2P 42V 2h IP44schräg Flansch 68x62 mm4015609005086 10504NORVO Anbaudose16A 2P 42V 3h IP44schräg Flansch 68x62 mm4015609005093 10505NORVO Anbaudose16A 2P 42V 10h IP44schräg Flansch 68x62 mm4015609005109 10506NORVO Anbaudose16A 2P 42V 10h IP44schräg Flansch 68x62 mm4015609005116 10540NORVO Anbaudose16A 3P 24V 0h IP44schräg Flansch 68x62 mm4015609005123 10541NORVO Anbaudose16A 3P 42V 12h IP44schräg Flansch 68x62 mm4015609005130 10542NORVO Anbaudose16A 3P 42V 4h IP44schräg Flansch 68x62 mm4015609005147 10543NORVO Anbaudose16A 3P 42V 2h IP44schräg Flansch 68x62 mm4015609005154 10544NORVO Anbaudose16A 3P 42V 3h IP44schräg Flansch 68x62 mm4015609005161 10545NORVO Anbaudose16A 3P 42V 11h IP44schräg Flansch 68x62 mm4015609005178 10600NORVO Anbaudose16A 2P 24V 0h IP44gerade Flansch 75x75 mm4015609005185 10601NORVO Anbaudose16A 2P 42V 12h IP44gerade Flansch 75x75 mm4015609005192 10602NORVO Anbaudose16A 2P 42V 4h IP44gerade Flansch 75x75 mm4015609005208 10603NORVO Anbaudose16A 2P 42V 2h IP44gerade Flansch 75x75 mm4015609005215 10604NORVO Anbaudose16A 2P 42V 3h IP44gerade Flansch 75x75 mm4015609005222 10605NORVO Anbaudose16A 2P 42V 10h IP44gerade Flansch 75x75 mm4015609005239 10606NORVO Anbaudose16A 2P 42V 10h IP44gerade Flansch 75x75 mm4015609005246 10640NORVO Anbaudose16A 3P 24V 0h IP44gerade Flansch 75x75 mm401560900525310642NORVO Anbaudose16A 3P 42V 4h IP44gerade Flansch 75x75 mm4015609005277 10643NORVO Anbaudose16A 3P 42V 2h IP44gerade Flansch 75x75 mm4015609005284 10644NORVO Anbaudose16A 3P 42V 3h IP44gerade Flansch 75x75 mm4015609005291 10645NORVO Anbaudose16A 3P 42V 11h IP44gerade Flansch 75x75 mm4015609005307 10700MONDO Anbaudose16A 2P 24V 0h IP44Kanalinstallation4015609005321 10700PW MONDO Anbaudose16A 2P 24V 0h IP44Kanalinstallation RAL 10134015609178148 10700RW MONDO Anbaudose16A 2P 24V 0h IP44Kanalinstallation RAL 90104015609178155 10701MONDO Anbaudose16A 2P 42V 12h IP44Kanalinstallation4015609005338 10701PW MONDO Anbaudose16A 2P 42V 12h IP44Kanalinstallation RAL 10134015609178179 10701RW MONDO Anbaudose16A 2P 42V 12h IP44Kanalinstallation RAL 90104015609178162 10702MONDO Anbaudose16A 2P 42V 4h IP44Kanalinstallation4015609005345 10703MONDO Anbaudose16A 2P 42V 2h IP44Kanalinstallation4015609005352 10704MONDO Anbaudose16A 2P 42V 3h IP44Kanalinstallation4015609005369 10705MONDO Anbaudose16A 2P 42V 10h IP44Kanalinstallation4015609005376 10706MONDO Anbaudose16A 2P 42V 10h IP44Kanalinstallation4015609005383 10740MONDO Anbaudose16A 3P 24V 0h IP44Kanalinstallation4015609005390 10740PW MONDO Anbaudose16A 3P 24V 0h IP44Kanalinstallation RAL 10134015609178230 10740RW MONDO Anbaudose16A 3P 24V 0h IP44Kanalinstallation RAL 90104015609178247 10741MONDO Anbaudose16A 3P 42V 12h IP44Kanalinstallation4015609005406 10741PW MONDO Anbaudose16A 3P 42V 12h IP44Kanalinstallation RAL 10134015609178254 10741RW MONDO Anbaudose16A 3P 42V 12h IP44Kanalinstallation RAL 90104015609178261 10742MONDO Anbaudose16A 3P 42V 4h IP44Kanalinstallation4015609005413 10743MONDO Anbaudose16A 3P 42V 2h IP44Kanalinstallation4015609005420 10744MONDO Anbaudose16A 3P 42V 3h IP44Kanalinstallation4015609005437 10745MONDO Anbaudose16A 3P 42V 11h IP44Kanalinstallation4015609005444 10800NORVO Gerätestecker16A 2P 24V 0h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609005451 10801NORVO Gerätestecker16A 2P 42V 12h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609005468 10802NORVO Gerätestecker16A 2P 42V 4h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609005475 10803NORVO Gerätestecker16A 2P 42V 2h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609005482 10804NORVO Gerätestecker16A 2P 42V 3h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609005499 10805NORVO Gerätestecker16A 2P 42V 10h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609005505 10806NORVO Gerätestecker16A 2P 42V 10h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609005512 10840NORVO Gerätestecker16A 3P 24V 0h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609005529 10841NORVO Gerätestecker16A 3P 42V 12h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609005536 10842NORVO Gerätestecker16A 3P 42V 4h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609005543 10843NORVO Gerätestecker16A 3P 42V 2h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609005550 10844NORVO Gerätestecker16A 3P 42V 3h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609005567 10845NORVO Gerätestecker16A 3P 42V 11h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609005574 10910MONDO Wandsteckdose16A 2P 24V 0h IP44Unterputz mit UP-Dose4015609005598 10911MONDO Wandsteckdose16A 2P 42V 12h IP44Unterputz mit UP-Dose4015609005604 10912MONDO Wandsteckdose16A 2P 42V 4h IP44Unterputz mit UP-Dose4015609005611 10913MONDO Wandsteckdose16A 2P 42V 2h IP44Unterputz mit UP-Dose4015609005628 10914MONDO Wandsteckdose16A 2P 42V 3h IP44Unterputz mit UP-Dose4015609005635 10915MONDO Wandsteckdose16A 2P 42V 10h IP44Unterputz mit UP-Dose401560900564210950MONDO Wandsteckdose16A 3P 24V 0h IP44Unterputz mit UP-Dose4015609005666 10951MONDO Wandsteckdose16A 3P 42V 12h IP44Unterputz mit UP-Dose4015609005673 10952MONDO Wandsteckdose16A 3P 42V 4h IP44Unterputz mit UP-Dose4015609005680 10953MONDO Wandsteckdose16A 3P 42V 2h IP44Unterputz mit UP-Dose4015609005697 10954MONDO Wandsteckdose16A 3P 42V 3h IP44Unterputz mit UP-Dose4015609005703 10955MONDO Wandsteckdose16A 3P 42V 11h IP44Unterputz mit UP-Dose4015609005710 110Wandsteckdose16A 5P 400V 6h IP44Außenbefestigung 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609000012 110 NI Wandsteckdose16A 5P 400V 6h IP44Außenbefestigung 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609008803 110304Wandsteckdose16A 3P 110V 4h IP44Außenbefestigung 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609008841 110306Wandsteckdose16A 3P 230V 6h IP44Außenbefestigung 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609008858 110306AS Wandsteckdose16A 3P 230V 6h IP44Außenbefestigung 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609513796 110309Wandsteckdose16A 3P 400V 9h IP44Außenbefestigung 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609008889 110402Wandsteckdose16A 4P >50-500V300-500Hz 2h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609008957 110404Wandsteckdose16A 4P 110V 4h IP44Außenbefestigung 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609008971 110406Wandsteckdose16A 4P 400V 6h IP44Außenbefestigung 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609008995 110407Wandsteckdose16A 4P 500V 7h IP44Außenbefestigung 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609009008 110409Wandsteckdose16A 4P 230V 9h IP44Außenbefestigung 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609009015 110410Wandsteckdose16A 4P >50-500V100-300Hz 10h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609009022 110504Wandsteckdose16A 5P 110V 4h IP44Außenbefestigung 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609009091 110509Wandsteckdose16A 5P 230V 9h IP44Außenbefestigung 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609009138 110706Wandsteckdose16A 7P 400V 6h IP44Außenbefestigung 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609009183 110707Wandsteckdose16A 7P 500V 7h IP44Außenbefestigung 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609009190 110709Wandsteckdose16A 7P 230V 9h IP44Außenbefestigung 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609009206 110SL Wandsteckdose16A 5P 400V 6h IP44Außenbefestigung 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609577453 111Wandsteckdose16A 5P 400V 6h IP44Innenbefestigung 2 Kabeleinf. oben4015609000029 111 NI Wandsteckdose16A 5P 400V 6h IP44Innenbefestigung 2 Kabeleinf. oben4015609009237 11100NORVO Wandsteckdose32A 2P 24V 0h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben 2 Kabeleinf. unten4015609005741 11101NORVO Wandsteckdose32A 2P 42V 12h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben 2 Kabeleinf. unten4015609005758 11102NORVO Wandsteckdose32A 2P 42V 4h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben 2 Kabeleinf. unten4015609005765 11103NORVO Wandsteckdose32A 2P 42V 2h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben 2 Kabeleinf. unten4015609005772 11104NORVO Wandsteckdose32A 2P 42V 3h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben 2 Kabeleinf. unten4015609005789 11105NORVO Wandsteckdose32A 2P 42V 11h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben 2 Kabeleinf. unten4015609005796 11106NORVO Wandsteckdose32A 2P 42V 10h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben 2 Kabeleinf. unten4015609005802 11110NORVO Wandsteckdose32A 2P 24V 0h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609005819 11111NORVO Wandsteckdose32A 2P 42V 12h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609121656 11112NORVO Wandsteckdose32A 2P 42V 4h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609005826 11113NORVO Wandsteckdose32A 2P 42V 2h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609005833 11114NORVO Wandsteckdose32A 2P 42V 3h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609005840 11115NORVO Wandsteckdose32A 2P 42V 11h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609005857 11116NORVO Wandsteckdose32A 2P 42V 10h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609005864 11120MONDO Wandsteckdose32A 3P 24V 0h IP44Aufputz4015609005871 11121MONDO Wandsteckdose32A 3P 42V 12h IP44Aufputz4015609005888 11122MONDO Wandsteckdose32A 3P 42V 4h IP44Aufputz4015609005895 11124MONDO Wandsteckdose32A 3P 42V 3h IP44Aufputz4015609005918111304Wandsteckdose16A 3P 110V 4h IP44Innenbefestigung 2 Kabeleinf. oben4015609009305 111306Wandsteckdose16A 3P 230V 6h IP44Innenbefestigung 2 Kabeleinf. oben4015609009312 111309Wandsteckdose16A 3P 400V 9h IP44Innenbefestigung 2 Kabeleinf. oben4015609009329 11140NORVO Wandsteckdose32A 3P 24V 0h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben 2 Kabeleinf. unten4015609005932 111402Wandsteckdose16A 4P >50-500V300-500Hz 2h IP44 2 Kabeleinf. oben4015609144389 111404Wandsteckdose16A 4P 110V 4h IP44Innenbefestigung 2 Kabeleinf. oben4015609009336 111406Wandsteckdose16A 4P 400V 6h IP44Innenbefestigung 2 Kabeleinf. oben4015609009343 111407Wandsteckdose16A 4P 500V 7h IP44Innenbefestigung 2 Kabeleinf. oben4015609009350 111409Wandsteckdose16A 4P 230V 9h IP44Innenbefestigung 2 Kabeleinf. oben4015609009367 11141NORVO Wandsteckdose32A 3P 42V 12h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben 2 Kabeleinf. unten4015609005949 111410Wandsteckdose16A 4P >50-500V100-300Hz 10h IP44 2 Kabeleinf. oben4015609009374 11142NORVO Wandsteckdose32A 3P 42V 4h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben 2 Kabeleinf. unten4015609005956 11143NORVO Wandsteckdose32A 3P 42V 2h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben 2 Kabeleinf. unten4015609005963 11144NORVO Wandsteckdose32A 3P 42V 3h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben 2 Kabeleinf. unten4015609005970 11145NORVO Wandsteckdose32A 3P 42V 11h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben 2 Kabeleinf. unten4015609005987 11150NORVO Wandsteckdose32A 3P 24V 0h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609005994 111504Wandsteckdose16A 5P 110V 4h IP44Innenbefestigung 2 Kabeleinf. oben4015609009411 111509Wandsteckdose16A 5P 230V 9h IP44Innenbefestigung 2 Kabeleinf. oben4015609352838 11151NORVO Wandsteckdose32A 3P 42V 12h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609006007 11152NORVO Wandsteckdose32A 3P 42V 4h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609006014 11153NORVO Wandsteckdose32A 3P 42V 2h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609006021 11154NORVO Wandsteckdose32A 3P 42V 3h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609006038 11155NORVO Wandsteckdose32A 3P 42V 11h IP44 1 Kabeleinf. oben4015609006045 11160MONDO Wandsteckdose32A 2P 24V 0h IP44Aufputz4015609006069 11161MONDO Wandsteckdose32A 2P 42V 12h IP44Aufputz4015609006076 11162MONDO Wandsteckdose32A 2P 42V 4h IP44Aufputz4015609006083 11163MONDO Wandsteckdose32A 2P 42V 2h IP44Aufputz4015609006090 11164MONDO Wandsteckdose32A 2P 42V 3h IP44Aufputz4015609006106 11165MONDO Wandsteckdose32A 2P 42V 11h IP44Aufputz4015609006113 11166MONDO Wandsteckdose32A 2P 42V 10h IP44Aufputz4015609006120 111706Wandsteckdose16A 7P 400V 6h IP44Innenbefestigung 2 Kabeleinf. oben4015609009497 111707Wandsteckdose16A 7P 500V 7h IP44Innenbefestigung 2 Kabeleinf. oben4015609135110 111SL Wandsteckdose16A 5P 400V 6h IP44Innenbefestigung 2 Kabeleinf. oben4015609579976 11210NORVO Stecker32A 2P 24V 0h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006151 11211NORVO Stecker32A 2P 42V 12h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006168 11212NORVO Stecker32A 2P 42V 4h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006175 11213NORVO Stecker32A 2P 42V 2h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006182 11214NORVO Stecker32A 2P 42V 3h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006199 11215NORVO Stecker32A 2P 42V 11h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006205 11216NORVO Stecker32A 2P 42V 10h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006212 11220NORVO Stecker32A 2P 24V 0h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006236 11221NORVO Stecker32A 2P 42V 12h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006243 11222NORVO Stecker32A 2P 42V 4h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006250 11223NORVO Stecker32A 2P 42V 2h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung401560900626711225NORVO Stecker32A 2P 42V 11h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006281 11226NORVO Stecker32A 2P 42V 10h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006298 11250NORVO Stecker32A 3P 24V 0h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006311 11251NORVO Stecker32A 3P 42V 12h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006328 11252NORVO Stecker32A 3P 42V 4h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006335 11253NORVO Stecker32A 3P 42V 2h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006342 11254NORVO Stecker32A 3P 42V 3h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006359 11255NORVO Stecker32A 3P 42V 11h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006366 11260NORVO Stecker32A 3P 24V 0h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006380 11261NORVO Stecker32A 3P 42V 12h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006397 11262NORVO Stecker32A 3P 42V 4h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006403 11263NORVO Stecker32A 3P 42V 2h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006410 11264NORVO Stecker32A 3P 42V 3h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006427 11265NORVO Stecker32A 3P 42V 11h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006434 11280NORVO Stecker32A 2P 24V 0h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609006441 11281NORVO Stecker32A 2P 42V 12h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609006458 11282NORVO Stecker32A 2P 42V 4h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609006465 11283NORVO Stecker32A 2P 42V 2h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609006472 11284NORVO Stecker32A 2P 42V 3h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609006489 11285NORVO Stecker32A 2P 42V 11h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609006496 11286NORVO Stecker32A 2P 42V 10h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609006502 11290NORVO Stecker32A 3P 24V 0h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609006519 11291NORVO Stecker32A 3P 42V 12h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609006526 11292NORVO Stecker32A 3P 42V 4h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609006533 11293NORVO Stecker32A 3P 42V 2h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609006540 11294NORVO Stecker32A 3P 42V 3h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609006557 11295NORVO Stecker32A 3P 42V 11h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609006564 11310NORVO Kupplung32A 2P 24V 0h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006588 11311NORVO Kupplung32A 2P 42V 12h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006595 11312NORVO Kupplung32A 2P 42V 4h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006601 11313NORVO Kupplung32A 2P 42V 2h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006618 11314NORVO Kupplung32A 2P 42V 3h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006625 11315NORVO Kupplung32A 2P 42V 11h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006632 11316NORVO Kupplung32A 2P 42V 10h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006649 11320NORVO Kupplung32A 2P 24V 0h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006656 11321NORVO Kupplung32A 2P 42V 12h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006663 11322NORVO Kupplung32A 2P 42V 4h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006670 11323NORVO Kupplung32A 2P 42V 2h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006687 11324NORVO Kupplung32A 2P 42V 3h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006694 11325NORVO Kupplung32A 2P 42V 11h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006700 11326NORVO Kupplung32A 2P 42V 10h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006717 11350NORVO Kupplung32A 3P 24V 0h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006724 11351NORVO Kupplung32A 3P 42V 12h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006731 11352NORVO Kupplung32A 3P 42V 4h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung401560900674811354NORVO Kupplung32A 3P 42V 3h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006762 11355NORVO Kupplung32A 3P 42V 11h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006779 11360NORVO Kupplung32A 3P 24V 0h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006786 11361NORVO Kupplung32A 3P 42V 12h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006793 11362NORVO Kupplung32A 3P 42V 4h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006809 11363NORVO Kupplung32A 3P 42V 2h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006816 11364NORVO Kupplung32A 3P 42V 3h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006823 11365NORVO Kupplung32A 3P 42V 11h IP44mit Trompeten-verschraubung4015609006830 11380NORVO Kupplung32A 2P 24V 0h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609006847 11381NORVO Kupplung32A 2P 42V 12h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609006854 11382NORVO Kupplung32A 2P 42V 4h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609006861 11383NORVO Kupplung32A 2P 42V 2h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609006878 11384NORVO Kupplung32A 2P 42V 3h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609006885 11385NORVO Kupplung32A 2P 42V 11h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609006892 11386NORVO Kupplung32A 2P 42V 10h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609006908 11390NORVO Kupplung32A 3P 24V 0h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609006915 11391NORVO Kupplung32A 3P 42V 12h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609006922 11392NORVO Kupplung32A 3P 42V 4h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609006939 11393NORVO Kupplung32A 3P 42V 2h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609006946 11394NORVO Kupplung32A 3P 42V 3h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609006953 11395NORVO Kupplung32A 3P 42V 11h IP44mit Kabelknickschutz4015609006960 114Mini-Kombi Wanddose16A 5P 400V 6h IP44mit Schuko-Dose16A 230V 2P+E IP444015609000043 114 UV Mini-Kombi Wanddose16A 5P 400V 6h IP44mit Schuko-Dose16A 230V 2P+E IP444015609009763 11400NORVO Anbaudose32A 2P 24V 0h IP44gerade Flansch 50x50 mm4015609006977 11401NORVO Anbaudose32A 2P 42V 12h IP44gerade Flansch 50x50 mm4015609352111 11402NORVO Anbaudose32A 2P 42V 4h IP44gerade Flansch 50x50 mm4015609006991 11403NORVO Anbaudose32A 2P 42V 2h IP44gerade Flansch 50x50 mm4015609007004 11404NORVO Anbaudose32A 2P 42V 3h IP44gerade Flansch 50x50 mm4015609007011 11405NORVO Anbaudose32A 2P 42V 11h IP44gerade Flansch 50x50 mm4015609007028 11406NORVO Anbaudose32A 2P 42V 10h IP44gerade Flansch 50x50 mm4015609007035 114306Mini-Kombi Wanddose16A 3P 230V 6h IP44mit Schuko-Dose16A 230V 2P+E IP444015609009787 11440NORVO Anbaudose32A 3P 24V 0h IP44gerade Flansch 50x50 mm4015609007042 11441NORVO Anbaudose32A 3P 42V 12h IP44gerade Flansch 50x50 mm4015609007059 11442NORVO Anbaudose32A 3P 42V 4h IP44gerade Flansch 50x50 mm4015609007066 11443NORVO Anbaudose32A 3P 42V 2h IP44gerade Flansch 50x50 mm4015609007073 11444NORVO Anbaudose32A 3P 42V 3h IP44gerade Flansch 50x50 mm4015609007080 11445NORVO Anbaudose32A 3P 42V 11h IP44gerade Flansch 50x50 mm4015609007097 115Mini-Kombi Wanddose16A 5P 400V 6h IP44mit Schuko-Dose16A 230V 2P+E IP444015609000050 115 NI Mini-Kombi Wanddose16A 5P 400V 6h IP44mit Schuko-Dose16A 230V 2P+E IP444015609122868 11500NORVO Anbaudose32A 2P 24V 0h IP44schräg Flansch 68x62 mm4015609007110 11501NORVO Anbaudose32A 2P 42V 12h IP44schräg Flansch 68x62 mm4015609007127 11502NORVO Anbaudose32A 2P 42V 4h IP44schräg Flansch 68x62 mm4015609007134 11503NORVO Anbaudose32A 2P 42V 2h IP44schräg Flansch 68x62 mm4015609007141 11504NORVO Anbaudose32A 2P 42V 3h IP44schräg Flansch 68x62 mm4015609007158。
äöü德国国防军军衔对照Generalfeldmarschall 元帅Generaloberst 大将General der Infanterie (etc) 上将(兵种将军,例如此为步兵上将)Generalleutnant 中将Generalmajor 少将Oberst 上校Oberstleutnant 中校Major 少校Hauptmann 上尉Oberleutnant 中尉Leutnant 少尉Stabsfeldwebel 军士长(Sergeant Major)Oberfähnrich 候补军官(Sr Officer candidate)Oberfeldwebel 军士长Feldwebel 技术军士Fähnrich 候补军士Unterfeldwebel 上士Unteroffizier 中士Obergefreiter 下士Gefreiter 代理下士Oberschütze 一等兵Schütze 二等兵二战德国陆军作战师种类炮兵师(Artillerie-Divisionen )训练师(Ausbildungs-Division )特种师(勃兰登堡师)(Divisionen z.b.V.)堡垒守备师(Festungs-Divisionen )元首警卫师(Führer-Begleit-Division)山地师(Gebirgs-Divisonen )掷弹兵师(Grenadier-Divisionen )步兵师(Infanterie-Divisionen )摩托化步兵师(Infanterie-Divisionen (motorisierte))猎兵师(Jäger-Divisionen )骑兵师(Kavallerie-Divisionen )轻装非洲师(Leichte Afrika-Divisionen )轻装师(Leichte-Divisionen )轻步兵师(Leichte Infanterie-Divisionen )装甲师(Panzer-Divisionen )装甲掷弹兵师(Panzergrenadier-Divisionen)劳工步兵师(Reichsarbeitdienst-Divisionen )安全守备师(Sicherungs-Divisionen )防空师(Skijäger-Division )突击师(Sturm-Divisionen )人民掷弹兵师(Volksgrenadier-Divisionen )人民突击师(Volks-Sturm-Division )哥萨克骑兵师(Kossaken-Kavallerie-Divisionen)滑雪步兵师(Skijäger-Division)预备师(Reserve-Division)帝国掷弹兵师(Reichs-Grenadier-Division)元首掷弹兵师(Führer-Grenadier-Division)补充兵师(Ersatz und Ausbildungs-Division/Feldersatz-Division/Erstatz-Division)以数字或名字命名的师(如Division Nr5/Division Denecke)二战德军军事术语Abteilung营Abteilungkommandeur营长Adjutant副官Armeekorps集团军Armeeoberkommando集团军司令部Artilleriekommandeur炮兵指挥Artillerie炮兵Ausfürung型号Beobachtung观测Brandenburg“勃兰登堡”特种作战营Befehlshaber集团军司令Befehlspanzer指挥坦克Bergepanzer装甲抢修车Bertriebstoff 汽油、燃料Brigade旅Bataillon营Bataillons Führer Wagen四号坦克Division师Dienstgrad级别/军衔Dienstgradabzeichen军衔徽章、标志Deutsche Reichsbahn德意志国营铁路局Eisenbahn铁路Ersatz补充兵Einheitsfeldmütze山地帽Entgiftung防化Feldausbildungsdivision野战师Festung要塞Feldhaubitze野战榴弹炮Feldkanone野战炮Feldkommandant战地宪兵指挥官Feldjacke装甲兵战斗夹克Feldmütze船形便帽Feuerwerker技术兵Funklenk无线电操纵的Funklenkwagen无线电遥控的车辆Funker坦克机电员Fernleit遥控的Fliegerabwehr防空的Flugabwehrkanone高射炮Flakvierling四联装高射炮Feld-Nachrichten-Kommandatur野战通信指挥Freiherr男爵Fallschirmjager空降兵Füsilier步兵Gasschützunteroffizier防化兵军士Geschütz加农炮Gebirg山地gemischter 混合Geheimefeldpolizei战地秘密警察GHQ陆军总司令部Gebirgskanone山地炮gepanzert装甲化的Gruppe集团军集群Grenadier掷弹兵GSO(Beamte)公务员(军事)Haubitze榴弹炮Heer德国国防军陆军Höhere Artillerie Kommandeur Higher炮兵指挥(师级以上) Hilfswillige俄罗斯志愿兵Heeresgruppe集团军集群Heeres-Küstenartillerieabteilung陆军岸防炮营HMG重机枪Höhere Kommando高级指挥部(军级以上) Hoheitsabzeichen德国老鹰标志Infanterie步兵Infanterie-Geschütz步兵炮Instandsetzung整修/整备Jagdbomber对地攻击机Jagdpanzer坦克歼击车Jäger轻步兵Kanone火炮Kommando司令部Kraftfahrzeug摩托化车辆Kampfgruppe临时战斗集群Kettenkrad半履带摩托车Kette履带klein小型/轻型Kommandeur der Eisenbahntruppen铁道工程兵指挥官Kolonne纵队Kommandanten rückwärtiges Armeegebiet后方安全指挥Kompanie连Kompanieführer连长Kraftstoff汽油、燃料Kraftwagenführer驾驶员Krankenpanzerwagen装甲医疗车Kreigsstärkenachweisung战斗力统计表格Kubelwagen大众公司82型小车Kampfwagenkannone坦克炮leicht轻型Luftwaffe德国空军Ladesschütz坦克弹药装填手Ladungsträger遥控炸弹车Landwirtschaftlicher Schlepper一号、二号坦克Leichtgeschütz无后座炮Lichtmess光测LastKraftwagen卡车Luftlande空降LMG轻机枪Landesschützen动员兵LSSAH(Leibstandarte-SS Adolf Hitler')党卫队警卫旗队”装甲师Landwehr民兵(预备队)Leicht Zerlegbares Brückengerät重型架桥装备Mörser重型榴弹炮mittlere中型Militärbefehlshaber集团军指挥Melder传话器Maschinengewehr机枪motorisiert摩托化motorisierter Selbstfahrlafette半机动车motorisierter Zug机动牵引的Mittlerer Schützanpanzerwagen中型半履带装甲运兵车Mannschaftstransportwagen装甲人员输送车Nachrichten信号Nebel烟雾Nebeltruppen火箭炮部队Nebelwerfer火箭炮Neubaufahrzeug早期的五、六号坦克(流产型)NCO军士Oberbefehlshaber总指挥OB作战序列ObdH集团军群总指挥OFK高级宪兵指挥OK地方保安司令OKH最高统帅部OKW国防军最高统帅部OT(托特组织)Panzerabwehrkanone反坦克炮Pionier突击队/工兵Pionierpanzerwagen装甲工兵车辆Personenkraftwagen货车、人员运输车Polizei警察P.O.L.油/润滑剂P.O.W. 战俘Propaganda宣传Panzer坦克Panzerabteilung装甲营Panzerbefehwagen指挥坦克Panzerfunkwart坦克无线电机Panzerdivision装甲师Panzergranate穿甲弹Panzergrenadier摩托化步兵Panzer Grenadier Division装甲掷弹兵师gepanzert装甲步兵Panzerjäger歼击坦克/半装甲反坦克车/反坦克步兵Panzerkommandant坦克车长Panzerkompanie装甲连Panzerkorps装甲军Panzeroberschütz装甲一等兵Panzerkampfwagen坦克Panzerregiment装甲团Panzerschütz装甲兵Panzerwart装甲修理兵RAD德国劳工组织Reserve预备队Reichsführer-SS党卫队全国总指挥Regiment团Regimentskommandeur团长Reichskommisariat管理占领区的文官Raupenschlepper Ost全履带运输车Richtschütz瞄准员/炮手Rommelkiste坦克后部的储物箱Schallmess声测Schreiber连书记员Schirmmütze带檐的帽子Schirrmeister书记军士Schulterklappe军士/兵肩章Schluterstücke军官肩章Schürzen装甲侧裙板Schwimmwagen水陆两用车Schnell机动Sonder特种Sonder-Kraftfahrzeug特种军用车辆Spiess陆军上士的俗称Selbstfahrlafette机动运输车Sicherheit(s-)安全部门SMG冲锋枪Schützenpanzerwagen装甲人员输送车Sprenggranate高爆弹、榴弹Waffen-SS纳粹武装党卫队SS-DR(Das Reich)党卫队“帝国”师SS-T(Totenkopf)党卫队“骷髅”师SS-W(Wiking)党卫队“维京”师Stab参谋人员/ 指挥部Stabskompanie连指挥部Strass公路Sturm袭击/突击StuG(Sturmgeschütz)突击炮Sturmhaubitze突击榴弹炮Sturmpanzer突击车tropisch 热带的(沙漠使用)Tross运输队Turm炮塔VW(Volkswagen)大众汽车Versorg支援/补给Versorgungskompanie补给连Vermessung测绘Versuchskonstruktion样车Vpfl.A.(Verpflegungsamt) 分遣队Waffenmeister装备部士兵Waffenoffizier装备部军官Wehrmachtsbefehlshaber国防军领袖Wehrmachtsbeamte国防军文职人员Werfer火箭、榴弹发射器Wehrkreis军区/战区Werkstattkompanie整修连zur besonderer Verwendung特种用途的Zug排Zugführer排长Zug铁路机车Zugmaschine / Zugkraftwagen半履带卡车Zug Führer Wagen三号坦克Oberstabsgefreiter 一等兵Oberstabsgfreiter 一等水兵Stabsgefreiter 二等兵Stabsgefreiter 二等水兵Hauptgefreiter三等兵Hauptgefreiter三等水兵Obergefreiter 四等兵Obergefreiter 四等水兵Gefreiter (OA) 后备军官上等兵Gefreiter (OA) 后备军官上等水兵Gefreiter (FA) 后备高级士官上等兵Gefreiter (BA) 后备高级士官上等水兵Gefreiter (UA) 后备低级士官上等兵Gefreiter (MA) 后备低级士官上等水兵Gefreiter 五等兵Gefreiter 五等水兵Schütze.../Flieger 列兵Matrose 水兵Mannschaften(兵)Matrosen,海军五等水兵,对应英国海军二级普通水兵(Ordinary Seaman 2nd Class)——Seeoffiziersanwärter,海军五等兵军官候补生——Ingenieursoffziersanwärter,五等兵工程师军官候补生——Sanitätsoffiziersanwärter,五等兵医疗军官候补生——Waffenoffiziersanwärter,五等兵武器军官候补生——Verwaltungsoffziersanwärter,五等兵行政军官候补生——Marinebaubeamtensanwärter,五等兵海军建设军官候补生——Bootsmannsmatrose,五等兵水手——Maschinenmatrose,五等轮机兵——Signalmatrose,五等信号兵——Funkmatrose,五等无线电员——Fernschreibmatrose,五等电传打字机电报员——Zimmermannsmatrose,五等兵木匠——Feuerwerkermatrose,五等兵弹药储藏员——Mechanikermatrose,五等兵机械手——Verwaltungsmatrose,五等行政水手——Schreibermatrose,五等文书——Sanitätsmatrose,五等医疗兵——Sperrwaffenmechanikermatrose,五等兵封锁武器(水雷)机械手——Torpedomechanikermatrose,五等兵鱼雷机械手——Artilleriemechanikermatrose,五等兵火炮机械手——Musikmatrose,五等兵乐手——Marineartillerist,海军五等炮兵——Kraftfahrer,五等兵司机——Flugmelder,五等兵防空观察员Matrosengefreite,海军四等水兵,对应英国海军一级普通水兵(Ordinary Seaman 1st Class)——Seekadett,海军四等军官候补生——Kadett des Marineingenieurwesens,四等工程师军官候补生——Marinesanitätskadett,四等兵医疗军官候补生——Kadett des Marinewaffenwesens,四等兵武器军官候补生——Kadett der Marineverwaltung,四等兵行政军官候补生——Marinebaubeamtenskadett,四等兵海军建设军官候补生——Matrosengefreiter UO-Anwärter,四等兵军士候补生——Matrosengefreiter,四等兵水手——Maschinengefreiter,四等兵轮机手——Signalgefreiter,四等兵信号手——Funkgefreiter,四等兵无线电手——Fernschreibgefreiter,四等兵电传打字机电报员——Zimmermannsgefreiter,四等兵木匠——Mechanikergefreiter,四等兵机械手——Torpedomechanikergefreiter,四等兵鱼雷机械手——Sperrwaffenmechanikergefreiter,四等兵封锁武器(鱼雷)机械手——Artilleriemechanikergefreiter,四等兵火炮机械手——Verwaltungsgefreiter,四等兵行政水手——Schreibergefreiter,四等兵文书——Sanitätsgefreiter,四等医疗兵——Musikgefreiter,四等兵乐手——Marineartilleriegefreiter,四等海军炮兵——Kraftfahrgefreiter,四等兵司机——Flugmeldegefreiter,四等兵防空观察员Matrosenobergefreite,海军三等水兵,对应英国海军一等水兵(Able Seaman)——Matrosenobergefreiter,三等兵水手——Maschinenobergefreiter,三等兵轮机手——Signalobergefreiter,三等兵信号手——Funkobergefreiter,三等兵无线电员——Fernschreibobergefreiter,三等兵电传打字机电报员——Zimmermannsobergefreiter,三等兵木匠——Mechanikerobergefreiter,三等兵机械手——Torpedomechaniker-obergefreiter,三等兵鱼雷机械手——Sperrwaffenmechaniker-obergefreiter,三等兵封锁武器(鱼雷)机械手——Artilleriemechaniker-obergefreiter,三等兵火炮机械手——Verwaltungsobergefreiter,三等兵行政水手——Schreiberobergefreiter,三等兵文书——Sanitätsobergefreiter,三等医疗兵——Musikobergefreiter,三等兵乐手——Marineartillerieobergefreiter,三等海军炮兵——Kraftfahrobergefreiter,三等兵司机——Flugmeldeobergefreiter,三等兵防空观察员Matrosenhauptgefreite,海军二等水兵,对应英国海军上等水兵(Leading Seaman)——Matrosenhauptgefreiter,二等兵水手——Maschinenhauptgefreiter,二等兵轮机手——Signalhauptgefreiter,二等兵信号手——Funkhauptgefreiter,二等兵无线电员——Fernschreibhauptgefreiter,二等兵电传打字机电报员——Zimmermannshauptgefreiter,二等兵木匠——Mechanikerhauptrgefreiter,二等兵机械手——Torpedomechaniker-hauptgefreiter,二等兵鱼雷机械手——Sperrwaffenmechaniker-hauptgefreiter,二等兵封锁武器(鱼雷)机械手——Artilleriemechaniker-hauptgefreiter,二等兵火炮机械手——Verwaltungshauptgefreiter,二等兵行政水手——Schreiberhauptgefreiter,二等兵文书——Sanitätshauptgefreiter,二等医疗兵——Musikhauptrgefreiter,二等兵乐手——Marineartilleriehauptgefreiter,二等海军炮兵——Kraftfahrhauptgefreiter,二等兵司机——Flugmeldehauptgefreiter,二等兵防空观察员Matrosenstabsgefreite ——海军上等水兵——Matrosenstabstgefreiter,上等兵水手——Maschinenstabsgefreiter,上等兵轮机手——Signalstabsgefreiter,上等兵信号手——Funkstabsgefreiter,上等兵无线电员——Fernschreibstabsgefreiter,上等兵电传打字机电报员——Zimmermannsstabsgefreiter,上等兵木匠——Mechanikerstabsrgefreiter,上等兵机械手——Torpedomechaniker-stabsgefreiter,上等兵鱼雷机械手——Sperrwaffenmechaniker-stabsgefreiter,上等兵封锁武器(鱼雷)机械手——Artilleriemechaniker-stabsgefreiter,上等兵火炮机械手——Verwaltungsstabsgefreiter,上等兵行政水手——Schreiberstabsgefreiter,上等兵文书——Sanitätsstabsgefreiter,上等医疗兵——Musikstabsrgefreiter,上等兵乐手——Marineartilleriestabsgefreiter,上等海军炮兵——Kraftfahrstabsgefreiter,上等兵司机——Flugmeldestabsgefreiter,上等兵防空观察员Unteroffiziere ohne Portepee 无缨带的军士Maat,海军二级下士——Bootsmannsmaat,二级下士水手——Maschinenmaat,二级下士轮机手——Steuermannsmaat,二级下士舵手——Vermessungssteuermannsmaat,二级下士测量舵手——Signalmaat,二级下士信号手——Funkmaat,二级下士无线电员——Fernschreibmaat,二级下士电传打字机电报员——Zimmermannsmaat,二级下士木匠——Feuerwerksmaat,二级下士弹药储藏员——Mechanikermaat,二级下士机械手——Torpedomechanikermaat,二级下士鱼雷机械手——Verwaltungsmaat,二级下士行政水手——Schreibermaat,二级下士文书——Sanitätsmaat,二级医疗下士——Musikmaat,二级下士乐手——Marineartilleriemaat,二级海军炮兵下士——Kraftfahrmaat,二级下士司机——Wehrersatzwesen-Maat,征兵事物二级下士——Flugmeldemaat,二级下士防空观察员Obermaat,海军一级下士——Fähnrich zur See,一级下士候补军官——Fähnrich d. Marineingenieurwesens,一级下士海军工程候补军官——Marinesanitätsfähnrich,一级下士海军医疗候补军官——Fähnrich d. Marinewaffenwesens,一级下士海军武器候补军官——Fähnrich d. Marineverwaltung,一级下士海军行政候补军官——Fähnrich,一级下士候补军官(海军建设)——Oberbootsmannsmaat,一级下士水手——Obermaschinenmaat,一级下士轮机手——Obersteuermannsmaat,一级下士舵手——Vermessungsobersteuermannsmaat,一级下士测量舵手——Obersignalmaat,一级下士信号手——Oberfunkmaat,一级下士无线电员——Oberfernschreibmaat,一级下士电传打字机电报员——Oberzimmermannsmaat,一级下士木匠——Oberfeuerwerksmaat,一级下士弹药储藏员——Obermechanikermaat,一级下士机械手——Torpedoobermechanikermaat,一级下士鱼雷机械手——Verwaltungsobermaat,一级下士行政水手——Schreiberobermaat,一级下士文书——Sanitätsobermaat,一级医疗下士——Musikobermaat,一级下士乐手——Marineartillerieobermaat,一级海军炮兵下士——Kraftfahrobermaat,一级下士司机——Wehrersatzwesens-Obermaat,征兵事物一级下士——Flugmeldeobermaat,一级下士防空侦察员Unteroffiziere mit Portepee 佩缨带的军士Feldwebel,海军三级中士——Bootsmann,三级中士水手——Maschinist,三级中士轮机手——Steuermann,三级中士舵手——Signalmeister,三级中士信号手——Funkmeister,三级中士无线电员——Fernschreibmeister,三级中士电传打字机电报员——Zimmermeister,三级中士木匠——Feuerwerker,三级中士弹药储藏员——Mechaniker,三级中士机械手——Verwaltungsfeldwebel,三级中士行政水手——Schreiberfeldwebel,三级中士文书——Sanitätsfeldwebel,三级医疗中士——Musikfeldwebel,三级中士乐手——Marineartillerie- feldwebel,三级海军炮兵中士——Kraftfahrfeldwebel,三级中士司机——Wehrersatzwesen-Feldwebel,征兵事物三级中士——Flugmeldefeldwebel,三级中士防空观察员Stabsfeldwebel,海军二级中士——Stabsbootsmann,二级中士水手——Stabsmaschinist,二级中士轮机手——Stabssteuermann,二级中士舵手——Stabssignalmeister,二级中士信号手——Stabsfunkmeister,二级中士无线电员——Stabsfernschreibmeister,二级中士电传打字机电报员——Stabszimmermeister,二级中士木匠——Stabsfeuerwerker,二级中士弹药储藏员——Stabsmechaniker,二级中士机械手——Verwaltungsstabs-feldwebel,二级中士行政水手——Schreiberstabsfeldwebel,二级中士文书——Sanitätsstabsfeldwebel,二级医疗中士——Musikstabsfeldwebel,二级中士乐手——Marineartillerie- feldwebel,二级海军炮兵中士——Kraftfahrfeldwebel,二级中士司机——Wehrersatzwesens-Stabsfeldwebel,征兵事物二级中士——Flugmeldefeldwebel,二级中士防空观察员Oberfeldwebel,海军一级中士;——Oberfähnrich z.See,海军一级中士候补军官——Oberfähnrich d. Marineingenieurwesens,海军一级中士工程候补军官——Marineunterarzt,海军一级中士候补医疗军官——Oberfähnrich d. Marinewaffenwesens,海军一级中士武器候补军官——Oberfähnrich d. Marineverwaltung,海军一级中士行政候补军官——Oberfähnrich,海军一级中士候补军官(建设)——Oberbootsmann/Oberstückmeister,一级中士水手——Obermaschinist,一级中士轮机手——Obersteuermann,一级中士舵手——Obersignalmeister,一级中士信号手——Oberfunkmeister,一级中士无线电员——Oberfernschreibmeister,一级中士电传打字机电报员——Oberzimmermeister,一级中士木匠——Oberfeuerwerker,一级中士弹药储藏员——Obermechaniker,一级中士机械手——Verwaltungsoberfeldwebel,一级中士行政水手——Schreiberoberfeldwebel,一级中士文书——Sanitätsoberfeldwebel,一级医疗中士——Marineartillerie- oberfeldwebel,一级海军炮兵中士——Kraftfahroberfeldwebel,一级中士司机——Wehrersatzwesen-Oberfeldwebel,征兵事物一级中士——Flugmeldeoberfeldwebel,一级中士防空观察员Stabsoberfeldwebel,海军上士——Stabsoberbootsmann/Stabsoberstückmeister,上士水手——Stabsobermaschinist,上士轮机手——Stabsobersteuermann,上士舵手——Stabsobersignalmeister,上士信号手——Stabsoberfunkmeister,上士无线电员——Stabsoberfernschreibmeister,上士电传打字机电报员——Stabsoberzimmermeister,上士木匠——Stabsoberfeuerwerker,上士弹药储藏员——Stabsobermechaniker,上士机械手——Verwaltungsstabsoberfeldwebel,上士行政水手——Schreiberstabsoberfeldwebel,上士文书——Sanitätsstabsoberfeldwebel,医疗上士——Marineartillerie- stabsoberfeldwebel,海军炮兵上——Kraftfahr-stabsoberfeldwebel,上士司机——Wehrersatzwesen- Stabsoberfeldwebel,征兵事物上士——Waffenwart,Oberwaffenwart——Flugmelde-stabsoberfeldwebel,上士防空观察员注:连司务长(Kompaniefeldwebel)一职在第三帝国海军中往往由一级中士或上士担任,德语统称为Hauptfeldwebel。
海康威视 CCTV 摄像机产品说明书
1. Backnu t1.1 Rear Compression Spigot 1.2 Rear Seal2. Middle N u t3. Pot Cap4. R u bber Pot5. EntryAStrip Cable to suit equipment as shown above,removing all cable fillers.Length I to suit equipment.If required, fit shroud.See Notes re. Drain Wires.BPosition rear of pot cap level with prepared face of cable insulation, ensuring that the cap remains concentric to cable at all times.Shroud OptionCompoundCable Preparation Gland PreparationCSpread the cable cores out for the compound packing. Pack the compound between the cores as shown.See notes overleaf and Fig. 7 for compound preparation.Operating temperature range -60°C +80°CGland Type: ICG 623Exdb IIC Gb / Exeb IIC Gb / Extb IIIC Db Baseefa06ATEX0058X II 2 GD IP66IECEx BAS06.0015X IEx 14.0272XEAC ТC RU C-GB.ГБ05.B.00750c CSA us No: 1024328 Class 1 Zone 1 AExd IIC, AExe II, Zone 21 AExtD Class 1 Div 2 ABCD, Class II Div 2 Groups EFG, Class III CNEx12.3448XCertification DetailsAI 305 - Issue U / Page 1 of 4AI 305 / Issue U - 06/17Assembly Instructions for cable gland:ICG 623I34521 1.11.223133Product supplied may differ slightly from that shown.Images are for illustrationpuproses only.EReplace the entry ⑤ over the rubber pot ④ ensuring that compound does not cover end of rubber pot ④ FLocate and hand tighten the sub-assembly ① and ② to the entry ⑤.GTo further locate and support the compoundand rubber pot assembly, while holding the middle nut ② with a spanner/wrench, tighten the backnut ① until the seal grips the cable to prevent movement of the cable gland.IMPORTANT NOTE: The conductors must not be moved for a minimum of four hours.HAllow the compound to cure.(See Fig. 7 for Curing Times).Untighten firstly the backnut ① from ② and secondly the middle nut ② from the entry ⑤.The rubber pot ④ may be removed for inspection to ensure that the packing is satisfactory. Add further compound if necessary.IRe-assemble rubber pot ④ and the entry ⑤.Tighten the sub-assembly ① and ② to the entry ⑤and add half a turn to ② with a spanner/wrench.Tighten the backnut ① to form a seal around the cable, then tighten a further full turn using a spanner/wrench. Ensure that the middle nut ② does not rotate when tightening the backnut ①.Locate the shroud over the cable gland if applicable.TapeRemove surplus compoundRemovesurplus compoundRemovesurplus compoundCompoundDWith all gaps and voids filled, bring the conductors back together and pack more compound around the outside of the conductors. Tape the conductors together to prevent disturbance of the compound seal.Pass the rubber pot ④ over pot cap ③ and remove any surplus compound from the top of rubber pot ④ and joint faces as indicated.AI 305 - Issue U / Page 2 of 435mm43541252453215211EPOXY COMPOUND PREPARATIONWhen handling this material, the gloves supplied must be worn. The epoxy compound is supplied in the form of a two part package. These should be mixed into the ratio of 1:1 until both colours have blended into one, without any streaks. Rolling and folding is the most satisfactory method of obtaining an even blend. Once mixed, the compound must be used within 30 minutes. After this time it will begin to stiffen. The compound should be kept at an ambient temperature of no less than 20°C prior to using. At lower temperatures it becomes difficult to mix. Should any compound come into contact with the skin it should be cleaned off with skin cleaner and not allowed to dry on the skin. Only compound for immediate terminations should be mixed.The mixing and installation of the compound at an ambient temperature below 4°C is not recommended due to extended curing period.The storage of the compound shall be at temperatures between 5°C and 30°C.● The compound may be adversely affected by some solvent vapours. If such vapours are likely to be present in the vicinity of the cable gland in service, suitable precautions may be necessary. (Contact Hawke's Technical Dept).● The compound cures at a Shore D hardness of 85, when it can be handled. The compound when fully cured is suitable for use at a temperature range of -60°C to +80°C.AI 305 - Issue U / Page 3 of 41.0 INSULATING DRAIN WIRES WITH HEAT SHRINK OR COLD SHRINK TUBING 1.1 Fold back the armour / braid and bend it to right angles from the inner sheath. 1.2 Remove foils and tape level with the outer sheath, exposing the drain wires and insulated conductors. Cut back a further 10mm of inner sheath. 1.3 Pass 100mm length of heat shrink or cold shrink tubing over the drain wire until it comes into contact with the foils, then shrink the tubing evenly down onto the drain wire so that no air pockets occur. 1.4 To insulate the joint between the foils and the tubing a suitable piece of 10mm long shrink tubing or neoprene stretch tubing or a 10mm wide lap of PVC tape may be used. 1.5 After completing 1.1 to 1.4 on each drain wire, lay the armour / braid parallel to the cable, if applicable, then carry out instruction B.DRAIN WIRE PREPARATIONThe following instructions are the various BASEEFA approved methods of passing drain wires etc. through the compound barrier and should be followed if permitted by cable installation specifications.2.0 INSULATING DRAIN WIRES / SCREENS WITH SEPARATE INSULATED CRIMPED CONDUCTORS OR SOLDERED CONNECTION 2.1 Fold back the armour / braid and bend to right angles from the inner sheath. 2.2 Remove a further 15mm of inner sheath (See Fig. 1). 2.3 Unravel one or two groups of wires from the screen wires, then remove the remainder of the screen wires (See Fig. 2). 2.4 Twist the group of screen wires into a pigtail and cut to 15mm long. 2.5 Crimp an insulated conductor to the pigtail wih a suitable insulated butt ferrule (or soldered connection), leaving enough length of the insulated conductor to enable the remote end to be connected to the earth terminal in the equipment. (See Fig. 3). Note: There shall be a minimum of 10mm of compound on both ends of the crimped / soldered joint. 2.6 To insulate the joint between the screen wires and the insulated conductor, place one lap of PVC insulating tape over the exposed metallic joint. 2.7 After completing 2.1 to 2.6 on each drain wire, lay the armour / braid parallel to the cable. Then carry out instruction B.3.0 INSULATING DRAIN WIRES WITH INSULATING VARNISH OR PAINT 3.1 Fold back the armour / braid and bend it at right angles from the inner sheath. 3.2 Remove the foil and tape level with the inner sheath exposing the drain wires and conductor pairs. 3.3 Cut back a further 10mm of inner sheath (See Fig. 4). 3.4 Spray or paint the drain wires with insulating varnish or paint, then leave to dry (See Fig. 5) 3.5 To insulate the foil ends a suitable piece of 10mm long shrink tubing or neoprene stretch tubing or a 10mm wide lap of PVC tape may be used (See Fig. 6).3.6 After completing 3.1 to 3.5 on each drain wire, lay the armour / braid parallel to the cable. Then carry out instruction B.Outer SheathArmour / braidArmour / braid15mm10mmInner Sheath One or two groupsof screen wiresInsulated ConductorCrimp or SolderScreen WiresInner Sheath FoilsDrain WireInsulatedDrain WireSleevingFig. 1Fig. 2Fig. 3Fig. 6Fig. 5Fig. 41289080706050403020100S h o r e H a r d n e s sTime (Hours)40 ºC 25 ºC 4 ºC416Epoxy CompoundCure Time Vs. TemperatureFig. 7ACCESSORIES:Before cable gland assembly or stripping of the cable gland assembly, consideration should be given to any cable gland accessories that may be required, such as: -● Shroud, to offer additional corrosion protection.● Locknut, to secure cable glands into position.● Sealing washer, to offer additional ingress protection of the enclosure at the cable gland entry.●Serrated washer, to dampen any vibrations that may loosen the locknut or cable gland assembly.SCHEDULE OF LIMITATIONS - Baseefa ATEX / IECEx:1. These glands are suitable for use within an operating temperature range of -60°C to +80°C.2. When the gland is used for increased safety, the entry thread shall be suitably sealed to maintain the ingress protection rating of the associated enclosure.AI 305 - Issue U / Page 4 of 4CABLE GLAND SELECTION TABLEEntry ThreadSizeMetric Size Ref.NPT Across Flats Across Corners Hexagon Dimensions O A B C C2D E FM20M20M25M32M40M50M63M7511.016.221.926.337.147.859.012.518.424.729.741.753.565.3/ Sheath/CoresOuter SheathMax.Cable Acceptance Details8.910.0426080100120Min.Max.Min.Standard Seal Alternative Seal (S)7.511. M2024.056.455.858.862.064.572.877.080.756.466636870728790926626.58.08.0 3.08.0---------½" - ¾"2" - 2½"2½" - 3"½"½"¾" - 1"1" - 1¼"1¼" - 1½"1½" - 2"Max.Over Cores Max.Inner Sheath C o m p r e s s e d L e n g t hM a x i m u m L e n g t h12153012Max. No.of Cores NOTES - c CSA us:1. Class 1 Division 2 suitable for Marine Shipboard applications only according to CSA Standard 245 and IEEE45 / IEC 600092-353 Standards, or certified equivalent,for use on Shipboards and Offshore Rigs / Platforms only.2. Glands must comply with the Canadian Electrical Code and National Electric Code requirements for threaded entries.3. For Exe applications, a sealing washer or thread sealant may be required between the enclosure and the gland to maintain the IP rating of the enclosure.4. Drain wires and earth screening may pass through the compound barrier using one of the methods which are details in this assembly instruction; heat shrink orcold shrink tubing, or addition of an insulated crimped or soldered conductor or insulation by varnish or paint.5. This cable gland may only be installed when temperature is above +4°C. After completion of the installation, the assembly is then suitable for -60°C to +80°C.EU Declaration of Conformity in accordance with European Directive 2014/34/EU Manufacturer: Hawke InternationalAddress: Oxford Street West, Ashton-under-Lyne, OL7 0NA, United Kingdom Equipment: Group II Barrier Cable Glands Type: ICG 623Provisions of the Directive fulfilled by the Equipment: Group II Category 2GD Exeb IIC Gb, Exdb IIC Gb, Extb IIIC Db – IP66Notified Body for EU-Type Examination: SGS-Baseefa 1180 Buxton UK EU-type Examination Certificate: Baseefa06ATEX0058X Notified Body for production: SGS-Baseefa 1180 Buxton UKHarmonised Standards used: EN 60079-0:2012+A11:2013, EN60079-1:2014, EN60079-7:2015, EN60079-31:2014On behalf of the above named company, I declare that, on the date the equipment accompanied by this declaration is placed on the market, the equipment conforms with all technical and regulatory requirements of the above listed directives.………………………………….A. TindallTechnical Manager……………………………。
Reel-X Fish Tape Operation Manual
1Reel-X ™Fish T ape© 2019 Greenlee Tools, Inc.11/19Español ...............13Français .. (25)52087553 REV 1Greenlee Tools, Inc.2Reel-X ™ Fish Tape4455 Boeing Dr. • Rockford, IL 61109-2988 USA • 815-397-7070KEEP THIS MANUALTable of ContentsCover Page .....................................................................1Table of Contents ...........................................................2Safety Symbols ..............................................................3General Safety Warnings ................................................4Work Area Safety .......................................................4Personal Safety ..........................................................4Fish Tape Use and Care .............................................4Service .......................................................................4Identification and Illustration ..........................................5Features .....................................................................5Benefits ......................................................................5Specifications .................................................................5Tool Operation ................................................................6Pre-Operation Inspection ...........................................6Set-Up and Operation ................................................6Storage & Maintenance ..................................................7Assembly Storage ......................................................7Reel Cartridge Storage ..............................................7Replace Reel Cartridge ...............................................8-9Replace Storage Lock ....................................................9Repairing Fiberglass Tape or Replacing the Eye ..........10Replacement Parts . (10)Replacement manuals are available upon request at no charge at .Do not discard this product or throw away! For recycling information, go to .Greenlee Tools, Inc.3Reel-X ™ Fish Tape4455 Boeing Dr. • Rockford, IL 61109-2988 USA • 815-397-7070Safety SymbolsIn this operator’s manual and on the product, safety symbols and signal words are used to communicate important safety information. This section is provided to improve understanding of these signal words and symbols.This is the safety alert symbol. It is used to alert you to potential personal injury hazards. Obey all safety messages that follow this symbol to avoid possible injury or death.injury or death.Hazards or unsafe practices which, if not avoided, MAYresult in injury or property damage.Greenlee Tools, Inc.4Reel-X ™ Fish Tape4455 Boeing Dr. • Rockford, IL 61109-2988 USA • 815-397-7070GENERAL SAFETY WARNINGS SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSWORK AREA SAFETYKeep your work area clean and well lit. Cluttered or dark areas invite accidents.Keep children and bystanders away while operating fish tape. Distractions can cause you to lose control.PERSONAL SAFETYStay alert, watch what you are doing and usecommon sense when operating a tool. Do not use tools while tired or under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or medication. A moment of inattention while operating tools may result in serious personal injury.Dress properly. Do not wear loose clothing orjewelry. Keep your hair and clothing away from moving parts. Loose clothes, jewelry, or long hair can be caught in moving parts.Do not overreach. Keep proper footing and balance at all times. This enables better control of the tool in unexpected situations.Do not let familiarity gained from frequent use of this tool allow you to become complacent and ignore tool safety principles. A careless action can cause severe injury within a fraction of a second.Use personal protective equipment. Always wear eye protection. Protective equipment such as dust mask, non-skid safety shoes, hard hat, gloves, or hearing protection used for appropriate conditions will reduce personal injuries .FISH TAPE USE AND CAREDo not force fish tape if jammed. Use the correct fish tape for your application. The correct fish tape will do the job better and safer at the rate for which it was designed. Overloading fish tape could result in injury.Store idle fish tape out of reach of children and do not allow persons unfamiliar with the tool or these instructions to operate the fish tape. Fish tapes are dangerous in the hands of untrained users.Maintain tools with care. Check for misalignment or binding of moving parts, breakage of parts and any other condition that may affect the fish tape’s operation. If damaged, have the fish tape repaired before use. Keep fish tape clean. Dirty fish tapes can bind and become hard to control.Use only accessories and material that arerecommended by the manufacturer for your model. Accessories that may be suitable for one tool may become hazardous when used on another e the fish tape, accessories, etc. in accordance with these instructions, taking into account the working conditions and the work to be performed. Use of the fish tape for operations different from those intended can result in a hazardous situation.Keep handles and grasping surfaces dry, clean and free from oil and grease. Slippery handles and grasping surfaces do not allow for safe handling and control of the fish tape in unexpected situations.SERVICETool service must be performed only by qualified repair personnel in accordance with this instruction manual. Service or maintenance performed by unqualified personnel could result in a risk of injury.When servicing a tool, use only identicalreplacement parts. Follow instructions from this manual. Use of unauthorized parts or failure to follow maintenance instructions may create a risk of injury.Do not modify fish tape. Modifying the fish tape in any manner may result in personal injury.Before operating a fish tape, read and understand:• This operator’s manual,• The instructions for any other equipment used with this tool.Failure to follow all instructions and warnings may result in property damage and/or serious injury.Greenlee Tools, Inc.5Reel-X ™ Fish Tape4455 Boeing Dr. • Rockford, IL 61109-2988 USA • 815-397-7070Identification and IllustrationComponents1. Front Housing2. Rear Housing3. Reel Cartridge4. Pulling Eye5. Fish Tape Material6. Storage Lock7. ScrewsSpecificationsFish Tape Material SpecificationsUnit Specifications Catalog Number Material Type Diameter Length Tensile Strength Housing Diameter Housing Thickness Weight FTXF-50Fiberglass 11/64 in (4.4 mm)50 ft (15.2 m)300 lbs (1.3 kN)12.8 in (325 mm) 2.5 in (64 mm) 3.5 lbs (1.6 kg)FTXF-100Fiberglass11/64 in (4.4 mm)100 ft (30.5 m)300 lbs (1.3 kN)12.8 in (325 mm)2.5 in (64 mm)4.2 lbs (1.9 kg)FeaturesA. Primary Exit:• Traditional exit allows for ambidextrous use of the case at any orientation or angle B. Secondary Exit:• Set your case on the ground to free up both hands while feeding into conduit or pulling C. Storage Lock• Keeps the fish tape contained within the case during transport D. T extured Grip• Ribbing along the edge of the case allows you to hold it securely at any angle E. Quick-Change Reel Cartridge• Inner reel spins freely to reduce tape friction, speeding up your pull• Eliminates binding and overcomes kinks • 2x Faster (when compared with a traditional fish tape)BenefitsMaximum Comfort & Ergonomics• Reduce fatigue with lower forces needed to feed & pull tape• Decrease discomfort during use with a case that promotes neutral arm & wrist positions• Minimize strain with a case designed to encourage holding it closer to your body Speed & Versatility• Swap-out reel cartridges to quickly replace tape • Case opens easily to access reel and remove any dirt & debris• Case designed to fit all users and most fishing environments• Fish faster when you hold the case between your legs or set it on the ground to free up both hands2.1.6.3., E.4.5.7.figure 1Greenlee Tools, Inc.6Reel-X ™ Fish Tape4455 Boeing Dr. • Rockford, IL 61109-2988 USA • 815-397-7070TOOL OPERATION Pre-Operation Inspectionelectric shock, crushing injuries, equipment failure and other causes, and prevent tool damage.1. Clean any oil, grease or dirt from the tool. This aidsinspection and helps prevent the tool or control from slipping in your grip.2. Inspect the tool for:• Proper assembly, maintenance and completeness.• Any broken, worn, missing, misaligned or binding parts.• Any breaks, gouges, nicks, rust or sharp bends (will weaken all fish tape).• Presence and readability of the tool warnings.• Any other condition which may prevent safe and normal operation.If any problems are found, do not use the fish tape until the problems have been repaired.3. Inspect and maintain any other equipmentbeing used per its instructions to make sure it is functioning properly.4. Remove any obstructions or dangers in work area.Setup and Operation1. Move storage lock to the unlocked position asshown Figure 1.2. Manually feed the fish tape through the conduit.3. Fasten the pull line securely as shown in Figure 2.4. Wrap the connection with plastic or electrical tapeto protect the connection. See Figure 3.5.Pull the fish tape through the conduit.Line or RopeEye FittingFigure 2Figure 3Figure 1Greenlee Tools, Inc.7Reel-X ™ Fish Tape4455 Boeing Dr. • Rockford, IL 61109-2988 USA • 815-397-7070MaintenanceKeep the fish tape clean and dry. If friction is increased, spray silicone lubricant through the utility holes. If reel is jammed, take apart and clean out assembly. (Refer to replacement reel assembly instructions.)Note: Using incorrect lubricant can increase friction and decrease ease of use.This product works best with a silicone lubricant or equivalent (no additives).Utility HolesUtility HolesSTORAGE & MAINTENANCE Assembly (Housing & Reel) StorageEngage storage lock by sliding it to the locked position as shown.Reel Cartridge StorageProperly secure fish tape to reel cartridge toprevent fish tape from unwinding when not in housing.Greenlee Tools, Inc.8Reel-X ™ Fish Tape4455 Boeing Dr. • Rockford, IL 61109-2988 USA • 815-397-7070Replace Reel Cartridge1. Place front housing (fig. 1, component 1) facingdown on a flat, stable surface.2. Remove the 4 screws (fig. 1, component 7) andrear housing (fig. 1, component 2).3. To prevent tape from unwinding, place tie or straparound the reel cartridge (and not housing) (fig. 1, component 3). 4. Remove reel cartridge.HousingReel CartridgeGreenlee Tools, Inc.9Reel-X ™ Fish Tape4455 Boeing Dr. • Rockford, IL 61109-2988 USA • 815-397-7070Replace Reel cont.5. Retrieve replacement reel cartridge.6. Place pulling eye (fig. 1, component 4) throughdesired exit in front housing (fig. 1, component 1).If using the primary exit: Make sure fish tape9. Screw the 4 screws (fig. 1, component 7) until tight.10. Extend and retract fish tape material to ensure thereel freely spins. If reel does not spin freely, check to ensure tape is inside of guide wall and guide track.Note: To switch exits (primary to secondary exit or vice versa), follow all previous steps except instead of switching out reels, move the pulling eye through the other exit.Replace Storage Lock1. Insert storage lock flange into opening. Flangeshould slide underneath housing wall on the locked position.Greenlee Tools, Inc.10Reel-X ™ Fish Tape4455 Boeing Dr. • Rockford, IL 61109-2988 USA • 815-397-7070Repairing Fiberglass Tape orReplacing the Eye1. Cut the end of the fish tape with a fine-toothhacksaw or sharp knife. Do not pinch, crack, or crush the fiberglass core.2. Carefully strip approximately 1/2" (12.7 mm) lengthof the outer plastic jacket with a wire stripper or sharp knife. Do not cut into the fiberglass core. 3. Use emery cloth to rough up the surface of thestripped fiberglass core. Do not oversand. Note: Do not touch the fiberglass surface after sanding. Do not attempt to reuse the end fitting. A new end fitting is required for a good bond.4. Test assemble the new fitting to the stripped tape toassure a good fit.5. Use the adhesive provided in repair kit (10565)and follow the adhesive manufacturer’s safety information and instructions. Apply and spread adhesive on the fiberglass core. Immediately insert the end of the tape into the fitting with a twisting motion.Note: If splicing, repeat Steps 2-5 for the other end ofthe tape.Replacement PartsReplacement Reel Cartridges Cat.Part No.Material Length RFTXF-5052087577Fiberglass 50'RFTXF-10052087578Fiberglass100'Repair Parts Cat.Part No.DescriptionRFTXH52087630Housing Kit (includes front housing, rear housing, storage lock and screws x 4)RFTXSL 52087631Storage Lock Kit 3593050359304Pulling Eye 1056550105655Repair Kit (includes threaded ferrule, splice ferrule and pulling eye)Greenlee Tools, Inc.11Reel-X ™ Fish Tape 4455 Boeing Dr. • Rockford, IL 61109-2988 USA • 815-397-7070USA Tel: 800-435-0786 Fax: 800-451-2632Canada Tel: 800-435-0786 Fax: 800-524-28534455 Boeing Drive • Rockford, IL 61109-2988 • USA • 815-397-7070©2019 Greenlee Tools, Inc. • An ISO 9001 Company International Tel: +1-815-397-7070 Fax: +1-815-397-9247。
MSL level: Not ApplicableRFID systems for Logistic & Inventory Management of Retail, Pharmaceutical, Automotive Industries; Industrial automation, Contactless smart cards.• RoHS Compliant • SMD Type • High GainRange of Receiving Frequency 865-868 MHzFrequency of Lowest Return Loss 892±3MHz (On TEST Plane) Tag center frequency868±5 MHzOn Metal surfaceG AIN1.0dBi(On70x70 G ND Plane) Polari z ation Model Linear(Right H and Circular Polari za tion) Im ped anceEPCΩWorking Tem pe rature -40 +85˚CStorage Tem pe rature-40 +110˚CFrequency Tem pe rature Coefficient0±10pp m/˚CTray Outer BoxCAUTION:(1) Do not apply excess mechanical stress to the component body or termination s. Do not attempt to re-form or bend the compone nts as this will cause damage to the component.(2) Do not expose the component to open flame.(3) This specification applies to the functionality of the component as a single un i t. Please insure the component is thoroughly evaluated in the application circuit.NOTE:1) The p arts are manufactured in accordance with this s p ecification. If other conditions and s p ecifications which are required for this s p ecifica-tion, p lease contact ABRACON for more information.2) ABRACON will su pp ly the p arts in accordance with this s p ecification unless we receive a written request to modify p rior to an order p lacement.3) In no case shall ABRACON be liable for any p roduct failure from in a pp ro p riate handling or o p eration of the item beyond the sco p e of this s p ecifica-tion.4) When changing your p roduction p rocess, p lease notify ABRACON immediately.5) ABRACON Cor p oration’s p roducts are COTS – Commercial-Off-The-Shelf p roducts; suitable for Commercial, Industrial and, where designated, Automotive A pp lications. ABRACON’s p roducts are not s p ecifically designed for Military, Aviation, Aeros p ace, Life-de p endant Medicala pp lications or any a pp lication requiring high reliability where com p onent failure could result in loss of life and/or p ro p erty. For a pp lications requiring high reliability and/or p resenting an extreme o p erating environment, written consent and author iz ation from ABRACON Cor p oration is required. Please contact ABRACON Cor p oration for more information.6) All s p ecifications and Marking will be subject to change without notice.。
FS FORTH-SYSTEME GmbH Mod520C_2 产品说明书
Mod520C_2P.O. Box 11 03l D-79200 Breisach, Germany Kueferstrasse 8l D-79206 Breisach, Germany (+49 (7667) 908-0 l Fax +49 (7667) 908-200 l e-mail:****************Mod520C_2© Copyright 2004:FS FORTH-SYSTEME GmbHPostfach 1103, D-79200 Breisach a. Rh., GermanyRelease of Document:May 27, 2004Filename:Mod520C_2.docAuthor:Hans-Peter SchneiderAll rights reserved. No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of FS FORTH-SYSTEME GmbH.2Mod520C_2 Table of Contents1.Introduction (4)2.Features (5)3.Functional Description (6)3.1.1.CPU AMD ÉlanSC520 (6)3.1.2.SDRAM stage (6)3.1.3.ROM stage (6)3.1.4.SRAM stage (6) I/O Ports (7) Byte EEPROM for BIOS and Applications on PIO30,31 (7)3.1.7.On-board Power Supply (7)3.1.8.Voltage Supervision, RESET Generation (7)3.1.9.Serial Ports (7)3.1.10.Fast Ethernet Controller Stage (8)3.1.11.Dual CAN Controller Stage (8)3.1.12.GP Bus used for ISA Bus (9)4.Connectors Of MOD520C (10)4.1.System Connector X2 (10)4.2.System Connector X4 (12)5.Application Notes (14)5.1.Power Supply (14)5.2.Important Signals (14)5.2.13.PCICLKRTN PCICLK PCICLKETHER (14)5.2.14.ISA-Bus Signals (14)5.2.15.CAN-Interrupt IRQ11 (15)6.Members of the MOD520C family (16)3Mod520C_21. IntroductionThe module MOD520C with its integrated and optional peripherals, based on the 32 Bit AMD ÉlanSC520 microcontroller, is designed for medium to high performance applications in telecommunication, data communication and information appliances on the general embedded market. It can easily be designed in customized boards.The AMD ÉlanSC520 microcontroller combines a low voltage 586 CPU running on 133 MHz, including FPU (Floating Point Unit) with a set of integrated peripherals: 32 Bit PCI controller, SDRAM controller for up to 256 MByte, GP (General Purpose) bus with programmable timing and ROM/Flash controller. Enhanced PC compatible peripherals like DMA controller, two UARTs and battery buffered RTC and CMOS, watchdog and software timers make this device a very fast system for both real time and PC/AT compatible applications. Insyde Software’s Mobile BIOS is available which offers serial and parallel remote features (video, keyboard, floppy). Furthermore FS FORTH-SYSTEME has adapted Datalight Sockets (TCP/IP Stack), ROM-DOS and the Flash File System FlashFX to this environment.The MOD520C offers the software engineer the possibility to reduce the time-to-market phase even more. FS FORTH-SYSTEME added several features on-board as SDRAM (up to 64 MByte), PCI Fast Ethernet controller to facilitate networking and remote control. A Strata-FLASH for booting and data is included on board. Two CAN Ports are additionally available for communication. 512 Kbyte SRAM is available for battery buffered data. The enhanced JTAG port for low-cost debugging is supported. This allows instruction tracing during execution. FS FORTH-SYSTEME has adapted Windows CE 3.0 to this platform and offers drivers and support. With Ethernet debugging the software designer has powerful means for fast debugging his applications.Due to the 16 MByte FLASH it is possible to build larger, complete systems on this module like Linux, QNX or VxWorks.4Mod520C_252. Features• 16 MByte STRATA-FLASH or 2 MByte AMD FLASH • 64 MByte or 16 MByte SDRAM • 512 KByte battery buffered SRAM• PCI Ethernet controller with EEPROM. Rx and Tx signals are providedon the System Connectors • Two CAN-Buses.• Enhanced JTAG port available on System Connector.• GP-Bus signals available on System Connector • PCI-Bus signals available on System Connector• BIOS for ÉlanSC520 by Insyde Software Inc. Including serial or parallelremote features (Video, Keyboard, Floppy).Mod520C_23. Functional Description3.1.1. CPU AMD ÉlanSC520The CPU AMD ÉlanSC520 is powered with 2.5V (core and analog path) and 3.3V (all other voltages) except VRTC, which is powered with about 3V either from battery or from on-board 3.3V. This voltage is limited to 3.3V, the other 3.3V power planes have a limit of 3.6V.The CPU is clocked with a 32.768 kHz quartz. An internal PLL derives from this frequency the RTC clock and DRAM refresh clock and the clocks for PC/AT compatible PIT (1.1882 MHz) and UARTs (18.432 MHz). All other stages (CPU, PCI, GP bus, GP DMA, ROM, SSI, timers) are fed from the second clock generator driven by a 33.33 MHz clock oscillator. SDRAM is clocked with 66.66 MHz.3.1.2. SDRAM stageThe SDRAM (up to 128 MByte on-board) has its own DRAM bus containing memory addresses MA0..12, memory data MD0..31 and control signals for up to four banks. Due to small load no buffering of clocks and signals is necessary.3.1.3. ROM stageROM or FLASH are driven by the general purpose address bus GPA0..25. It has three programmable chip selects with each up to 64 MByte range. The ROM Data bus is either the 32 bit general purpose bus GPD0..31 or the memory data bus MD0..31. Configuration pins decide, which bus at boot time is used. The bus size is selectable with 8, 16 or 32 bit. The MOD520C has a FLASH IC for up to 16 MByte 16 bit ROM or FLASH selected by BOOTCS# connected to MD0..15. 3.1.4. SRAM stageThe SRAM (512 KByte on-board) is buffered by VBAT. The Memory Location is defined in the System BIOS. ROMCS1# is used to access the SRAM.6Mod520C_23.1.5. 32 I/O PortsThe ÉlanSC520 CPU has 32 I/O ports. They have alternate functions. Most of them are control signals for GP bus (PIO0..26) used as ISA-bus. PIO27 (GPCS0#) is used as a programmable external chip select and PIO28,29 are not connected. PIO30,31 are used to drive a serial parameter EEPROM on-board. 3.1.6. 256 Byte EEPROM for BIOS and Applications on PIO30,31An on-board serial EEPROM with 256 byte and I2C bus is controlled by PIO30 (I2CDAT) and PIO31 (I2CCLK). 128 byte are used for non-volatile BIOS defaults, the remaining range may contain application specific data and parameters. The BIOS contains calls to read and write to this memory (see BIOS documentation).3.1.7. On-board Power SupplyThe 2.5V on-board voltage is generated from +5V.An external battery may be connected to the signal VBATIN. Battery status is controlled by BBATSEN, which sets a power fail bit in a status register for RTC, if BBATSEN is low at power-up.3.1.8. Voltage Supervision, RESET GenerationThree voltages are used on board: +2.5V, +3.3V and +5V. U2 controls +5V and U10 controls +3.3V. LBOUT or PWRGOOD will become low, if these voltages are out of tolerance. An external SRESET# is wired or-ed to U10. It can also be activated from extended JTAG signal SRESET# via X1. The wired OR of 1RESET# and 2RESET# control U10. Its output PWRGOOD is low (not active), if either the signals described above from U10 are low or +5V is out of tolerance. Typical length of PWRGOOD low is longer than 1 sec (minimum 790 msec).3.1.9. Serial PortsThe AMD ÉlanSC520 CPU has two internal asynchronous ports and one synchronous serial port. Both of this ports are available at the System Connectors.7Mod520C_23.1.10. Fast Ethernet Controller StageConnected to the PCI bus device 0 (REQ/GNT0#) of the Élan SC520 CPU, a Fast Ethernet Controller U7 supports 10/100Mbps transfer depending on driver software. X3 is a JST B5B-PH-SM3 5 pin connector. Parameters as physical address and power down modes are stored in a 64X16 bit Serial EEPROM controlled by U7. 2 status LEDs LE1, LE2 show the state of the Ethernet connection. For a more detailed hardware and software description see Intel 82559ER manual.3.1.11. Dual CAN Controller StageThe CAN Controller is selected via ROMCS1# and the Memory location is selectable in the BIOS Setup Screen. The CAN Interrupt provided by 82C900 is inverted by the onboard Lattice CPLD. Since the Interrupt asserted by the 82C900 is only a low active pulse of 0.2µs the CPLD holds the interrupt active until the software accesses the Memory at the location CAN-Base+1xxh. The BIOS routes this interrupt to IRQ11.8Mod520C_2 3.1.12. GP Bus used for ISA BusThe AMD ÉlanSC520 CPU contains an 8/16bit General Purpose Bus (GP bus) with 26 address lines (GPA0..25), 16 data lines (GPD0..15) and different control lines using PIO ports in their alternate GP bus function. Its timing is programmable for speeds up to 33MHz. This bus is to emulate a 16 bit ISA bus (PC/104) running with 8 MHz. ISA bus signal are connected without buffers directly to the lines of the CPU due to the 5V tolerance of the 3.3V signals.8 bit signals SMEMRD# and SMEMWR# (active only at addresses beyond 1 MByte) are not supported (GPMEM_RD# and GPMEM_WR# used).The AMD ÉlanSC520 CPU has only 4 DMA channels on GP bus. DMA channel 2 is used for Super-I/O (U2) on EVAMOD520. All four channels are connected to edge connector X2.Not supported ISA bus signals 0WS#, IOCHK#, IRQ15, REFRESH#, 8MHz and 14.318 MHz clocks, MASTER#.9Mod520C_24. Connectors Of MOD520C4.1. System Connector X2Pin Function I/O Pin Function I/O1+3.3V power2GND power 3+3.3V power4GND power 5GPD0I/O6TDP O7GPD1I/O8TDN O9GPD2I/O10not connected11GPD3I/O12RDP I13GPD4I/O14RDN I15GPD5I/O16not connected17GPD6I/O18DRQ0I19GPD7I/O20DRQ2I21GPD8I/O22DRQ5I23GPD9I/O24DRQ7I25GPD10I/O26DACK0#O27GPD11I/O28DACK2#O29GPD12I/O30DACK5#O31GPD13I/O32DACK7#O33GPD14I/O34GND power 35GPD15I/O36GPRESET O37GND power38GPIORD#O39GPA0O40GPIOWR#O41GPA1O42GPALE O43GPA2O44GPBHE#O45GPA3O46GPRDY I47GPA4O48GPAEN O49GPA5O50GPTC O51GPA6O52GPDBUFOE#O53GPA7O54GPIO_CS16#O55GPA8O56GPMEM_CS16#O57GPA9O58GPCS0#O59GPA10O60GPMEM_RD#O61GPA11O62GPMEM_WR#O63GPA12O64GND power 10Pin Function I/O Pin Function I/O65GPA13O66EXTRES#I67GPA14O68PWRGOOD O69BUFA15O70CLKTEST71BUFA16O72PRG_RESET73BUFA17O74GND power75BUFA18O76GPCS1#O77BUFA19O78GPCS2#O79BUFA20O80GPCS3#O81BUFA21O82GPCS4#O83BUFA22O84GPCS5#O85BUFA23O86GPCS6#O87BUFA24O88GPCS7#O89BUFA25O90VBATIN power91GND power92GND power93IRQ1I94RSTLD0I95IRQ3I96RSTLD1I97IRQ4I98RSTLD2I99IRQ5I100RSTLD3I101IRQ6I102RSTLD4I103IRQ7I104RSTLD5I105IRQ9I106RSTLD6I107IRQ10I108RSTLD7I109CANINT I110DBGDIS I111IRQ12I112INSTRC I113IRQ14I114DBGENTR I115SPEAKER O116not connected117+5V power118GND power119+5V power120GND power114.2. System Connector X4Pin Function I/O Pin Function I/O1PCICLKRTN I2GND power 3PCICLK O4PCICLKETHER I5AD0I/O6CBE0#I/O7AD1I/O8CBE1#I/O9AD2I/O10CBE2#I/O11AD3I/O12CBE3#I/O13AD4I/O14not connected15AD5I/O16not connected17AD6I/O18not connected19AD7I/O20not connected21AD8I/O22GND power 23AD9I/O24RXD1I25AD10I/O26TXD1O27AD11I/O28CTS1#I29AD12I/O30DCD1#I31AD13I/O32DSR1#I33AD14I/O34RIN1#I35AD15I/O36DTR1#O37AD16I/O38RTS1#O39AD17I/O40RXD2I41AD18I/O42TXD2O43AD19I/O44CTS2#I45AD20I/O46DCD2#I47AD21I/O48DSR2#I49AD22I/O50RIN2#I51AD23I/O52DTR2#O53AD24I/O54RTS2#O55AD25I/O56CANH1/TXD157AD26I/O58CANL1/RXD159AD27I/O60CANH2/TXD261AD28I/O62CANL2/RXD263AD29I/O64GND power 12Pin Function I/O Pin Function I/O65AD30I/O66SRESET#I67AD31I/O68GPRESET#O69GND power70TCK O71INTA#I72TMS73INTB#I74TDI I75INTC#I76TDO O77INTD#I78TRST#I79REQ0#I80CMDACK81REQ1#I82BR/TC83REQ2#I84GND Power85REQ3#I86STOP/TX87REQ4#I88TRIG/TRACE89GNT0#O90not connected91GNT1#O92ACTLED#O93GNT2#O94LILED#O95GNT3#O96SPEEDLED#O97GNT4#O98not connected99GND power100GND power101PAR I/O102SSI_CLK O103PERR#I/O104SSI_DO O105SERR#I106SSI_DI I107FRAME#I/O108not connected109TRDY#I/O110ISP_TDI I111IRDY#I/O112ISP_TDO O113STOP#I/O114ISP_TMS115DEVSEL#I/O116ISP_TCK I117RST#O118BSCAN#119GND power120GND power135. Application Notes5.1. Power SupplyThe MOD520C needs +3.3V and 5V power supply.3.3V worst case supply current is 1130 mA5V worst case supply current is 550 mABe sure to design your power supply for this current including large load transients.5.2. Important Signals5.2.13. PCICLKRTN PCICLK PCICLKETHERPCICLK is the clock source for the PCI-Bus. PCICLKETHER is the clock input for the Ethernet Controller. PCICLKRTN is the clock input of the AMD Élan Sc520. This pin is used to synchronize the CPU with the external PCI-Bus. Therefore it is important that all clock traces have the same length to provide each PCI-Target with the clock at the same time. Trace length of each of this clocks is 68mm on the module. If you do not plan to connect an additional PCI-Target on your board you just add a serial resistor 33R between PCICLK and PCICLKRTN and one between PCICLK and PCICLKETHER.5.2.14. ISA-Bus SignalsIf you use the ISA-Bus Signals you have to add some resistors to the following Signals:GPD0 – GPD15 4k7 pull upGPRDY1k pull downIRQ´s10k pull upDRQ´s10k pull down145.2.15. CAN-Interrupt IRQ11IRQ11 is used for the CAN-Controller 82C900 and is not sharable. Since the interrupt provided by 82C900 is a low active pulse with a length of 0.2µs the CPLD inverts this signal and holds it until the software acknowledges the interrupt. To acknowledge this interrupt the software has to access a memory location with the offset 1xxh to the CAN-Base. This memory access is just an access of the system memory, not an access of the CAN-Controller.156. Members of the MOD520C familyNumbe r Variant Flash SDRAM SRAM CAN CAN-DriverTemp.320MOD520C_0_V018M*16, Strata(=16 Mbyte)1*TM014452*4M*16(=16 Mbyte)2*TM01519512k*8Yes Yes0..70°321MOD520C_0_V021M*16, AMD(=2 Mbyte)1*TM015202*4M*16(=16 Mbyte)2*TM01519512k*8Yes Yes0..70°322MOD520C_0_V038M*16, Strata(=16 Mbyte)1*TM014452*16M*16(=64 Mbyte)2*TM01249512k*8Yes Yes0..70°334MOD520C_1_V01MOD520C_2_V018M*16, Strata(=16 Mbyte)1*TM014452*4M*16(=16 Mbyte)2*TM01519512k*8TM0Yes no0..70°335MOD520C_1_V02MOD520C_2_V021M*16, AMD(=2 Mbyte)1*TM015202*4M*16(=16 Mbyte)2*TM01519512k*8TM0Yes no0..70°336MOD520C_1_V03MOD520C_2_V038M*16, Strata(=16 Mbyte)1*TM014452*16M*16(=64 Mbyte)2*TM01249512k*8TM0Yes no0..70°184MOD520C_1_V048M*16, Strata(=16 Mbyte)1*TM014452*4M*16(=16 Mbyte)2*TM01519No No No0..70°16。
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3、 提交第二次作业。 4、 在班级论坛里参与本班的研修主题讨论活动。
学习每门课程内容。 课程名称: 1、 1、小学语文实用文的教学策略 2、小学语文文学作品的教学策略 3、小学语文写字教学技能与策略 第五周 12月20日-12月26日 4、小学语文字词教学的策略 2、 提交第七篇、第八篇研修日志。
3、 提交一篇教学反思。 4、 在班级论坛里参与本班的研修主题讨论活动。 1、 准时参加继教网学科专家视频答疑,视频答疑具体时间待定。 第六周 12月27日-1月2日 2、 提交第三次作业 3、 提交1个教学叙事故事,作为培训期间的研修主题成果。 4、 在班级论坛里参与本班的研修主题讨论活动。