2020年牛津译林版五年级英语上册Unit8 At Christmas(第三课时)
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Let’s design
Make a picture book
First,choose 4 pictures . 首先,选择四张图片。 Next,stick them in order. 接着,按顺序张贴。 Then,write down the activities. 然后,写下这些活动。 Finally, read the picture books in groups. 最后,在小组内读一读绘本。
They sometimes go ….
It looks …!
Retell one
by one
Then, … comes.
幅图Fi)nally, ….They … and ….
They put …on…and wait for …. They have ….
They eat … and ….
Listen and answer
What do Bobby and Sam do at Christmas ? First, they buy a Christmas tree. Then, they sing Christmas songs.
Watch and answer
Let’s design
Make a picture book
First,choose 4 pictures . 首先,选择四张图片。 Next,write down the activities. 接着,写下这些活动。 Then,stick them in order. 然后,按顺序张贴。 Finally, read the picture books in groups. 最后,在小组内读一读绘本。
sad doesn’t People eat turkeys at Christmas.
Let’s imitate
❶ At Christmas,Sam,Bobby and their friends are very happy.
First,they buy a Christmas tree. Then,they sing Christmas songs.
Let’s review
Mike’s family always _h_a_v_e__a_l_o_t_o_f_f_u_n_ at__C_h_r_is_t_m_a_s_.
First, they buyp_r_es_e_n_ts_ and a _C_h_ri_st_m_a_s_t_re_e. They also go to see_F_a_t_h_e_r_C_h_r_is_t_m__a_s_.
On Christmas Day
Who is sad on Christmas Day?
Watch and answer
Who is sad on Christmas Day? Mr Turkey is sad.
Mr Turkey looks sad.
Think and say If you see Mr Turkey, what will you say? 如果你看见Mr Turkey,你会说什么呢?
Let’s retell
Retell together
otnoeRRgeeebtttyehelellolrne ((一一人起复复述述)
First, t(h一ey起b复uy述…)fo一r…幅. 图) Next, they put …on….
They also buy….
They also put…under….
花一样美丽,感谢你的阅读。 5、一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。Sunday, July 5, 2020July 20Sunday, July 5, 20207/5/2020 6、路遥知马力日久见人心。2时47分2时47分5-Jul-207.5.2020 7、山不在高,有仙则灵。20.7.520.7.520.7.5。2020年7月5日星期日二〇二〇年七月五日 8、有花堪折直须折,莫待无花空折枝。14:4714:47:527.5.2020Sunday, July 5, 2020
Let’s design
Merry Christmas
FiFnaiNrlsleyTt,,xhwwte,eenw,hmewaagveekivseaeinbccபைடு நூலகம்iaagCrrdddhsisnrintfsooetrmroowuauristrhfsrfirooeieunrngdfdsasm. .ily .
Quick response
Brain storm
LeLte’st’shPaKre 全同班桌比 分拼享
What do people do at Christmas? They…
Let’s retell Mike’s family have a lot of fun at Christmas.
They all__h_a_v_e_a__g_o_o_d__ti_m_e____.
Let’s learn
Grammar time
表示时间或事情发展先后顺序的副词。 可以让说话或文章更有条理性、逻辑性。
Let’s write
用first, next, then, finally填空 P81
春去燕归来,新桃换旧符。在那桃花盛开的地方,在 1、三人行,必有我师。
这醉人芬芳的季节,愿你生活像春天一样阳光,心情像桃 3、会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。14:477.5.202014:477.5.202014:4714:47:527.5.202014:477.5.2020 4、纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行。7.5.20207.5.202014:4714:4714:47:5214:47:52
Next, theyWphuicthsowmored_sp_rh_eet_ltpy__tuhs_in_rg_est_eollnsothoerdtreerely.? They also pu(t p哪r些es单en词ts帮_u助_n_你d_复e_r_述_th_地e_那_tr_么e_e有__条_理. ?)
Then,C_h_r_is_tm__a_s_E_v_e comes. They put a _s_to_c_k_in_g_ on the beds and wait for_p_r_e_se_n_t_s_.
Finally, it’s _C_h_ri_s_tm__as__D_a_y. They _o_p_e_n_their presents. They eat a _tu_r_k_e_y__and pudding.
❷ Sam and Bobby like Christmas.
I like Christmas. I always have a big dinner on Christmas Day.
I like Christmas too! It's a lot of fun!
❸ Sam and Bobby see Mr Turkey.
Unit 8 At Christmas
(Grammar time &Cartoon time)
Quick response
Rules (规则)
If you see a phrase, please read it.
If you see Father Christmas, please stand up and say ‘Merry Christmas’.
Read vividly(生动地读)
Let’s act
四人小组合作,角色分工, 三人摆出最具人物特点的造 型,一人向大家提问。
Let’s imagine How to make Mr Turkey happy?
怎样让Mr Turkey开心?
Christmas is coming!
What’s your plan(计划)?
Mr Turkey looks sad. What's wrong with him ?
Merry Christmas,Mr Turkey!
I don't like Christmas. People eat us on Christmas Day.
Read in roles
以R四ea人d 小co组rre为ct单ly位(正,确分地角读) 色Mr朗T读Rue,rakdSefyal,ume,n旁tlB白yo(。b流by利,地读)
What’s wrong with him? 他(宾格)
What's the matter with him?
Read and find
happy like
buy a Christmas tree sing Christmas songs have a Christmas party have a big dinner have a lot of fun