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d ay-day f ay-fay s ay-say
This is May.This is Fay. Fay is gay. Fay says, “Let’s pay today.”
Ray the May. play on the hay. He says we have to pay for the clay. it’s the day we play at the bay.
a : at fat hat mat sam plan a-e: ate fate hate mate same plane
a fat cat a tape
The fat cat ate a tape.
My pal is pale.
This is Pam. Pam sees a man. His name is James.
vowel pair
m aid maid s ail sail
paid p
raid n
The mail will sail. Pam and Kent sat on the rail.
ain m ain f ain pain
Pam and James had a date.
Pam made a cake. They ate the cake by the lake.
j. ake--- jake c. ake– cake s. ake– sake
J .ane—jane l .ane—lane c.ane--cane
This is Tate. This is Jane. This is a cake. Tate will bake a cake for Jane’s sake.
Dee is sweet.
She will sweep the street at three.
He and she need a jeep this week.
eal deal heal meal real seal eat feat beat neat weat meat ean bean dean jean mean clean eam beam team ream
Ray and May lay on the hay. He says we have to pay for the clay. It’s the day we play the bay. It rains all day. Jill’s mail is on the way.
eed eep
h e – he m e—me w e—we b e—be
-ev - eve -Steve
- et - ete -Pete
-es - ese -these
e—e eve steve Chinese
pete these Japanese
This is Pete. This is Steve. Pete and Steve are Chinese.
oa t - oat c oat - coat b oat - boat g oat - goat m oat -moat
oak s oak- soak oap oaf oast
oad load road toad
a moat a road a toad
There is a toad on the road near the moat.
Ray and May lay on the hay. He says we have to pay. It’s the day we play at the bay. It rains all day. Jill’s mail is on the way. You may sail in the rain.
east beast feast yeast ease tease lease please each beach peach reach teach
Jean eats beans and meat.
Please clean the seat for the dean.
The seal has a meal.
This is a goat. This is a road. The goat is on the road. This is soap. This is a coat. You can use the soap to wash the coat. This is a toad. This is a boat. The toad is fishing on the boat.
The goat is on the road. Use the soap to wash the goat. The toad is fishing on the boat.
There is a rod on the road.
Ben and Dad ran in the rain.
Sam pats the pet,and pays for the cat.
main fain pain
ai t --- ait w ait wait
The man paid the maid. The man sail with mail on a paid.
rain , rain The men ran with pain in the rain..
b ay- -- cake b ake -- bake f ane -- fane c ane—cane c ake –cake m ake-- make
This is Tate.
This is Jane.
This is a cake.
Tate will bake a cake for Jane’s sake.
fuse cube tube mute cute pure muse cure
bell bill tell hill fell till well pill hell sill
th ..
this the that then than
Kent has a hand in the sand. The jet is on the land. Jill sent the mail. Sam went west, Bill will lend me some cent. Ted gave me a tent.
K. ate – Kate
D.ane –dane
d. ate--date This is Kate.
This is Tate.
Tate is a date with Kate.
But Kate is late.
ake bake cake lake make sake stake shake
a -- a-e at –ate fat –fate hat—hate mat—mate Sam –same plan-plane
a fat cat a tape The fat cat ate a tape. pals pale My pal is pale.
This is Pam. Pam sees a man. His name is James. Pam and James had a date. Pam made a cake. They ate the cake by the lake.
cake face name make place take snake grape baby potato
we me he be pete steve these Chinese
ice rice nice ite kite like mike pike dike ide ride side wide hide side ive five hive dive Ire tire fire hire mile tile ine bine wine vine fine mine pile time bite
oke coke poke joke moke woke ole hole pole cole bole mole one bone hone pone tone ose rose pose cose hose nose rose dose ore sore tore bore core store ome home dome pome rome tome
a - -e
ame came lame name same dame tame
ane bane cane dane fane sane lane mane pane
ade fade made bade jade lade wade trade
ave Dave gave pave save bave cave
bee eel deed keep
see feel seed deep
fee teel feed sheep
lee heel seed sweep
This is Lee. This is Pete. And this is a bee. Lee and Pete feed the bee.
Jean got to feed the goat.
Ted and Dan met to buy some meat.
ake ane ade ave ame
bake bane cake cane lake dane make fane sake lane Stake mane shake pane
made fade made jade lade wade trade
cave gave pave save cave bave
came lame name dame same tame
J ake -- Jake s ake – sake J ane –Jane l ane --lane b ake – bake s ake—sake
sail nail bail hail tail mail day may hay bay pay way lay bee meet keep deep heel deem tea neat meat beat beach teach oa boat soap moat road soak toad load