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《⼤学英语4 》复习⾃整理
1 ⼈类⽣活在⼤⾃然的王国⾥。
2 ⼈类不仅⽣活在⼤⾃然之中,同时也在改变着⼤⾃然。
3 随着社会的发展,⼈类对⼤⾃然的直接依赖越来越少,⽽间接的依赖却越来越多。
4 然⽽,随着岁⽉的流逝,⼈类越来越关注的是在何处以及如何得到⽣产所需的不可替代的⾃然资源的问题。
5 ⽬前,⼈与⾃然以及⾃然与社会整体之间过去存在的动态平衡,已呈现崩溃的迹象。
6 现代技术的特征是⽣产和使⽤⽇益丰富的⼈⼯合成产品。
7 久⽽久之,这些合成物质转变成废弃物,那些原本毒性不⼤的物质在⾃然循环中变为极其有害的物质。
8 ⼈与⼤⾃然的关系——⽣态环境的危机——已经成为⼀个全球性问题。
9 但是,回到我们原先的主题上,令⼈难以接受的事实是那些违背了⾃然规律、破坏了⽣物圈和谐的⼈类⾏为将会带来灾难,⽽这种灾难也许是全球性的。
spark of consideration for your family, you wouldn't have taken so many stupid risks.
2) Due to the lack of an adequate labor force, even women in this village were compelled to work in the coal mines.
3) We went through lovely countryside with great mountains, some of them beautiful and green and wooded, while others bare and wild.
4) The cleaner took off his coat and began to scrape the ashes from the furnace with his bare hands.
5) People in that area are already threatened with environmental destruction since 60% of the forest there has been destroyed.
6) The auto company has seen a huge increase in the output of private cars this year due to the improved working efficiency.
7) Under severe attack from enemy aircraft, the troops were forced to retreat from the front.
8) When I came up to a giraffe lying on the grasses, I found that it had been killed with a spear tipped with poison.
9) He stayed eight days in an open boat with no food, and he was still alive; his survival was a(n) miracle .
10) Survival of the Fittest is a(n) eternal truth of nature.
11) His heart sank when he saw the fresh pile of mails, memos and telephone messages on his desk.
12) The military government refused to transfer power to a democratically elected civilian government.
13) In that area nearly six million people are affected by the drought and the civil war, and there is a real danger of mass starvation.
14) Postal service personnel who are severely irresponsible purposely delay sending mail, thereby giving rise to great loss of public trust.
15) With the increase in the number of foreign funded enterprises, various kinds of financial disputes have emerged.
16) The earthquake may trigger landslides that cause great damage and loss of life.
17) Deforesting and global warming threaten to ruin the current and future state of our environment.
18) It is reported that large quantities of beer are consumed, with almost 7 million liters served during the 16-day beer festival in Germany this year. 19) On a bitterly cold night, the only shelter he could find was the hollow trunk of a great tree.
1) Shortly after the government's new policy was put into effect, the economy of our country began to show signs of recovery.
2) We knew well what difficulties we had to cope with in bringing our work to a successful conclusion.
3) She lived in fear of getting injured and never participated in any violent sports games.
4) It looks like this snow will stop the food supplies and we shall be hungry for
a time, but we've no choice but to tough it out.
5) Many trees in this area have been cut down to make room for buildings, which has worsened our living environment.
6) In order to avoid possible infection by the unknown viruses, researchers are protected from head to foot with caps, face masks and white gowns.
7) Despite the warm weather the explorers searched out some snow on the northern slope and boiled it for drinking water.
8) Starting bare-handed, you have built up so many steel plants. This is nothing short of miraculous!
9) As yet we haven't felt the need for any extra hands, but it's only a matter of time.
10) While one cannot choose one's birthplace, one can certainly decide, based on what one has experienced, the best place to settle in.
11) Parents who spend time and money teaching their children music,take heart — a new Canadian study shows young children who take music lessons have better memories than their nonmusical peers.
1) The war went on for years, killing thousands upon thousands of people (夺去了成千上万⼈的⽣命).
2) The farmers used a new insecticide(杀⾍剂), thus raising the average yield by 15 percent (将平均产量提⾼了15%).
3) Einstein watched the toy in delight, trying to deduce its operating principle (想推导出它的运转原理).
4) Seeing that everyone was bending over his / her book (看到⼤家都在聚精会神地看书), we stopped talking and began to study.
5) Not having heard from his parents for a long time (好久没有收到⽗母的来信了), he was worried about them.
6) The old scientist died all of a sudden, leaving the project unfinished. (留下了未完成的项⽬).
7) Turning to the right (向右转弯), you will find a path leading to his cottage.
8) Not wanting to make the patient nervous (不想使病⼈紧张), the doctor did not explain the seriousness of his illness.
1) 这个村⼦离边境很近,村民们⼀直担⼼会受到敌⼈的攻击。
(live in fear of) The village is so close to the border that the villagers lived in constant fear of attacks from the enemy.
2) 这个国家仅⽤了20年的时间就发展成了⼀个先进的⼯业强国。
(transform) In only twenty years the country was transformed into an advanced industrial power.
3) 看到项⽬顺利完成,那些为此投⼊了⼤量时间和精⼒的⼈们都感到⾮常⾃豪。
(invest … in)
Seeing the project successfully completed, those who had invested so much time and energy in it felt very proud.
4) 鉴于⽬前的⾦融形势,美元进⼀步贬值(devalue)是不可避免的。
(inevitable) Given the current financial situation, it is inevitable that the US dollar will be further devalued.
5) 现在的汽车太多了,这个地区的道路⼏乎⽆法应对当前的交通状况。
(cope with)
There are so many vehicles nowadays that the roads in this area are barely adequate to cope with the present traffic.
6) 天⽓没有出现好转的迹象,所以政府号召我们做好防洪的准备。
(show signs of; call upon)
The weather showed no signs of getting better so the government called upon us to get prepared for floods.
7) 那场车祸以后爱丽丝⼗⼏年卧床不起,所以她的康复真是⼀个奇迹。
(nothing short of)
Alice had been confined to bed for over 10 years after the traffic accident, and so her recovery seemed nothing short of a miracle.
8) 这些同学对世界杯⼗分关注,每天⾄少花两个⼩时看⽐赛的现场直播。
(be concerned about; at least)
The students were all very much concerned about the World Cup, spending at least two hours every day watching the live matches on TV.
9) 托马斯说他家半个多世纪前就在佛罗⾥达定居了。
(settle in)
Thomas said that his family had settled in Florida more than half a century ago.
10) 寻求他⼈的帮助,别⾃⼰⼀个⼈扛着。
(tough it out)
Ask for help. Don't tough it out yourself. I learned this lesson early in my life.
Human beings live in the realm of nature. They are not only dwellers in nature, but also transformers of it. With the development of society and its economy, people tend to become less dependent on nature directly, but indirectly their dependence grows.
Human beings are connected with nature b y “blood” ties. No one can live outside nature. However, the previous dynamic
balance between man and nature has shown signs of breaking down. Problems such as the population explosion, ecological imbalance and the shortage of natural resources have become major factors keeping human society from being further developed. Professor Spirkin holds that the only choice for human beings is the wise organization of production and care for Mother Nature.
1 20世纪的美国⼈、欧洲⼈和东亚⼈都享受到了过去历代⼈都⽆法想象的物质和技术
2 那么,根据⼤多数标准衡量,你会说,现在的美国⼈⽐上个世纪中叶富裕多了。
3 ⾃⼯业⾰命开始以来,幸福与技术之间的关系⼀直是社会批评家和哲学家们长期研究的课题,然⽽,基本上还没有受到经济学家和社会学家们的关注。
4 这好像⼏乎是⼀种普遍现象。
5 ⼈们对待技术的态度也是⼀样的:⽆论⼀种新事物多么引⼈注⽬,也⽆论它使我们的⽣活变得多么舒适,⼈们都认为这是理所当然的事情。
6 那么,我们对技术进步的快速吸收是否意味着技术没有发挥什么作⽤呢?不,决⾮如此。
7 在互联⽹数据库世界⾥,隐私变得越来越脆弱。
8 这种⼴义上关于技术影响⼈际关系的批评颇有趣味,尤与幸福的问题相关,因为我们真正有把握说清楚的事情没有⼏件,但其中之⼀是:⼈们的朋友越多,关系越密切,就越幸福。
9 今天的技术变化异常神速,购买某种产品时你就知道,再过⼏个⽉,⽐这个产品性能更好、运作更快的款式就会问世,⽽你却还得使⽤旧款式的产品。
10 ⽇常⽣活的压⼒,⼀种令⼈烦恼的失望感、对政府知道你的情况超出你所希望程度的恐惧感——这些显然都是技术降低了⼈们幸福感的⼏个⽅⾯。
11 从更深的层次上说,我们在健康和长寿⽅⾯所取得的进步却强调了在国家和全球层⾯讨论幸福问题的⼀个⾃相⽭盾的说法。
productivity increases.
2)Private space travel is a relatively new phenomenon. It's difficult at the moment to assess its effects.
3)All of us need to build up relationships with others unless we choose to live in complete isolation from the outside world.
4)Since sending her child to the kindergarten, she has been delighted to see a(n) gradual change in the boy's character; he seems less self-centered now.
5)As an active environmentalist(环境保护主义者), Davis has earned a reputation as an outspoken opponent of any kind of nuclear waste dumping at sea.
6)Quills(⽻⽑笔) were the chief writing tool from the 6th century until the advent of steel pens in the mid 19th century.
7)Do you think it will ever be possible to alter human genetic code in order to produce the “perfect” human being?
8)In the end her sheer competence and professionalism won universal respect within and out of the government.
9)His political views are rather extreme; I hate to discuss anything with him.
10) The cheap perfume you see on special offer in petrol stations often smells nasty after a couple of hours.
11) The consumer boom of the 1980s led to an explosion of shopping centre development in big cities around the country.
12) You shouldn't use “Yours faithfully” — it's too formal for this kind of personal letter.
13) According to a(n) survey among 1000 residents, garbage collection service in the city is far from satisfactory.
14) The cost of food and clothing has come down in recent years. Similarly, fuel prices have fallen quite considerably.
15) The technicians are working hard to modify the design of the new car to make it more competitive in the overseas market.
16) In my childhood memories, we were living a(n) rough but happy life, with no luxuries to speak of.
1) The two runners reached the finish line almost at the same time; who came in first was indistinguishable to the naked eye.
2) As a result of the recent financial collapse, many people are stuck with worthless investments.
3) The survey suggests that many college students don't know for certain what kind of job is suitable for them.
4) You can ask him again if you like, but it would make no difference — he will still say no to you.
5) The doctor explained that on average people who don't smoke are healthier than those who do.
6) I'm familiar with the operating system installed on the computer, but when it comes to repairing the machine I don't know a thing.
7) Although peasants in some areas are better off now, those in many other areas still live in poverty.
8) The new staff insisted that opportunities for promotion should be built into the work contract.
9) As they are discussing influential modern artists, three names immediately come to mind.
10) I don't know the exact number, but there are close to three million unemployed at present.
11) Considering the recent storms and landslides, I am certainly not in favor of an outing in this weather.
1) 虽然⾬下得很⼤,但他们仍然继续踢⾜球。
Though it was raining hard, yet they went on playing football.
2) 不管你忙不忙,你都要参加毕业典礼。
You will have to attend the commencement whether you are free or busy.
3) ⽆论天⽓多么冷,她都敞着卧室的窗户。
She leaves her bedroom windows open, however cold it is.
4) 即使天⽓不好,我们也要做⼀次旅⾏。
(even if / though)
We will make a trip even if / though the weather is bad.
5) 不管你是谁,你都要遵纪守法。
(no matter who / whoever)
No matter who / Whoever you are, you must abide by the law.
6) 这份⼯作虽然很艰难,但是他们决定接受下来。
Difficult as the job was, they decided to accept it.
7) ⽆论我说什么或怎么说,他总认为我是错的。
(no matter what)
No matter what I say or how I say it, he always thinks I'm wrong.
8) 不管我什么时候问她问题,她似乎都有现成的答案。
(whenever / no matter when)
She seems to have a ready answer, whenever / no matter when I ask her a question.
1) 他的确懂得很多理论,但是,⼀碰到实际⼯作就显得⾮常⽆知。
(when it comes to)
He really knows a lot about theory, but when it comes to actual work, he seems to be quite ignorant.
2) 最新调查表明,⼤多数市民⽀持政府再建⼀个新图书馆的计划。
The latest survey shows /showed that the majority of the citizens support / supported the government's plan to build a new library.
3) 这两个国家之所以能够成功地达成科学技术合作协定是因为有利于他们进⾏合作的好⼏种因素⼀直在发挥作⽤。
(at work) The two countries could reach agreement successfully on scientific and technological cooperation because several factors favorable to their cooperation had been at work.
4) 我在上⼩学时就看过那部电影,可就是⼀时想不起它的名字来。
(come to mind)
I saw the film when I was in the primary school, but the title just won't come to mind for the moment.
5) 尽管每天平均⼯作约12个⼩时,他仍然陷于重重债务之中。
(on average; be stuck with)
He has been stuck with heavy debt though he works about twelve hours every day on average.
6) 有必要知道他的⾝⾼吗?在我看来,这与他能否成为⼀个好的律师没有关系。
(not relevant to)
Is it necessary to know his height? To me, it is not relevant to whether he can be a good lawyer or not.
7) 橱柜被安装到墙⾥,既节约空间,⼜使⽤⽅便。
(build … into …)
The cupboard is built into the wall so that it both saves space and is convenient to use.
8) 这些⼯⼈挣的钱⽐我们多,可话⼜说回来,他们的⼯作也危险得多。
(the other side of the coin)
These workers earn more than we do, but the other side of the coin is that their job is more dangerous.
9) 海伦在⼤学⾥学的是经济学,与此同时她把哲学作为第⼆专业来学习。
(at the same time)
Helen majors in economics at the university and at the same time she studies philosophy as her second major.
10) 重要的是你们要⾃⼰发现问题和解决问题,我是否到现场去⽆关紧要。
(make no difference)
What is most important is that you must find out and solve the problems by yourselves. It makes no difference whether I go there or not.
Nowadays, many people are enjoying the benefits brought about by material and technological advances unimaginable in previous eras. With the development of science and technology, people's standard of living is getting higher and higher. People's life expectancy has soared, too.
However, oddly enough, many people do not feel happier than they used to be. It can be seen that there is no close correlation between people's income and their happiness. Happiness cannot, after all, be bought with money.
Although the majority of people are not very satisfied with their lives, they are happy to be alive, and the more time they live on earth, the better off they feel they'll be. What is important is that material wealth is far from enough. People need spiritual happiness, too.
1 声誉极像⼀个追逐⾃⼰尾巴的动物,抓住了以后除继续穷追不舍外,再也不知道还能做什么。
2 名⼈有名多因有⼀技之长,如唱歌、跳舞、绘画、写作等等。
3 ⼀个⼈有了名誉,就有了名⽓,就能赢得忠实的追捧者的⾼度关注,在任何领域都是这样。
4 历史充分证明,有些⼈在⼀⽣的某个时刻遭遇失败,的确能激发他们更加努⼒地追求成功,继续对⾃⼰充满信⼼。
5 那么,⼈们为什么要追求声誉呢?你追求声誉吗?你希望许多⼈都知道你、赞赏你吗?你想得到那些往往伴随声誉⽽来的⾦
6 对那些拼命追求声誉、财富和名望的⼈们,我想说:祝你们好运。
1) There are always people who dream of making a(n) fortune from gambling, even though they know the chances are slim.
2) The inventor Thomas Edison was regarded as a(n) dull boy when he was young because he couldn't work out easy mathematical calculations.
3) The police had chased after the robbery suspect for about two days before they finally caught him in a deserted warehouse.
4) The local newspaper has launched a campaign to raise money for the girl who has caught a rare disease.
5) Rock climbing is attractive especially to young people because it is always accompanied with hardship and adventure.
6) The face value of the bill is one dollar, but its intrinsic value is nothing but that of a piece of paper.
7) Having won several championships in international matches recently, he currently ranks second among the world's professional tennis players.
8) There has been a great deal of publicity in the media about the campaign against genetically modified food.
9) The coach was relieved that Michael had recovered sufficiently from his knee injury and he was able to play in the semi-finals next week.
10) He has dropped his old bad-boy image and now portrays himself as something of an angel.
11) Due to its inefficiency, the cable TV company has become a frequent target of criticism from the public these days.
12) A few mirrors can transform a dark room, making it look larger and lighter instantly.
13) Earthquakes had destroyed their houses, so they had no choice but to live temporarily in the tents put up overnight.
14) The argument never ceased as to whether it was fair to cover celebrities' private lives in the mass media.
15) Kelly got a new job as a secretary, but two weeks later she became bored with the endless office chores; so she quit.
16) These two TV programs are both about news or current affairs, but they have attracted very different audiences in the United States.
17) Jane's parents held her in high regard and they supported her decision to be an actress.
18) When the results of the vote were announced, the Prime Minister acknowledged defeat.
19) Scientists are unable to predict with accuracy when and where earthquakes will strike.
1) The teachers felt sorry for Nick, a former straight-A student, because he was thrown out of college in the second year for taking drugs.
2) You can do things for your health in the way of diet, exercise, good lifestyle, and so on.
3) As the ship began to turn to its one side, the horrified passengers all clung on to the other for dear life.
4) Many of the young girls I know set their sights on lofty goals and try very hard to accomplish what they aim at.。