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1. Welcome to Hainan!欢迎您来海南!
2. Haikouis the capital city of HainanProvinc e.海口是海南省的省会城市。
3. Sanya lies in the south of Hainan.三亚位于海南的南面。
4. Wenchan g is well known as “the home of coconut s”.文昌以椰子之乡闻名于世。
5. Wenchan g Chicken is delicio us.文昌鸡很美味。
6. If you visit Qiongha i, pleasedon't forgetto taste Jiaji Duck.
7. On weekend s, you can fly a kite in the Ever Green Park.
8. Holiday Beach is about twentykilomet ers away from the city proper.
9. Is it the first time you came to Sanya?你是第一次来三亚吗?
10. I have been in Hainanfor about two weeks.我在海南已有两个星期了。
11. Great changes have taken place in Sanya since 1987.
12. How long does it take to go to Sanya from Haikouby bus?
13. It usually takes about three hours.通常要三个小时左右的时间。
14. Wenchan g High Schoolis one of the best middleschools in Hainan.
15. Excuseme. Could you tell me how to get to HainanUnivers ity?
16. The NO. 17 bus can take you right there.十七路公车直达。
17. Want to go shoppin g? You can go to the Pearl Plaza or the Orienta l Plaza.
18. I want to practis e oral English. Could you recomme nd a trainin g schoolin H aikou?我想练习口语,你能推荐一所培训学校给我吗?
19.HainanNew ActiveEnglish Trainin g Schoolis the best choice.
20.Peoplein Haikouoften go to the Volcano Park to eat lamb hotpot.
21.Boao is situate d in Qiongha i. It is the seat of the Boao Aisa Forum.
22.Sanya is the souther nmostcity in China.三亚是中国最南端的城市。
23.Sanya is the habitat of several nationa lities, includi ng Han, Miao, Li, Hui.
24. How do western peoplesay “Tianyah aijiao” in Engish?
25.The Edge of the Sea, the Rim of the Sky.海的边,天的边。
26. The name of the Turn-round Deer Park comes from an ancient fairy story of t he Li nationa lity.鹿回头公园的名字源于黎族的一个神话传说。
30. There are two big airport s in Hainan. The Phoenix Interna tional Airport i
s in Sanya and MeilanInterna tional Airport is in Haikou.
31. Haikouis biggerthan Sanya, but there are more visitor s in Sanya.
32. Haina has no winter. The weather is warm in the wintertime.
33. The trees and grass are green all the year round on HainanIsland.
34. Differe nt from other provinc es, Hainanis the secondlargest ocean islanda nd the tallest land provinc e in China.
35.Peopleboth at home and abroadcall HainanIsland"the Orienta l Hawaii".
36. The seafood of Hainanis very popular.海南的海鲜很受人喜欢。
37. Hainanis an ideal place for you to be away from the cold winter.
38. The best time to visit Hainanis between Novembe r and March the next year. 来海南的最佳时间是在十一月和来年的三月之间。
39. Nandu River is the longest on HainanIsland.南渡江是海南岛最长的淡水河。
40. At Xixiu Beach, you can enjoy the nationa l salingand windsur fing teams tra inin g on the sea.在西秀海滩,你能欣赏国家帆板队在海上的训练。
41.The streets of Haikouare lined with coconut palms. Haikouis also called“t he coconucity”.海口的街道两旁耸立着成排的椰子树,海口也被叫着“椰城”。
42. As a tropica l seaside city, Haikouis polluti on free.
43. Wenchan g Chicken, Jiaji Duck, Dongsha n Muttonand Hele Crab are the four fa mouslocal dishesin Haiana.文昌鸡,嘉积鸭,东山羊和河乐蟹是海南的四大名菜。
44. Tasting the local dishesof Hainanis a must to a visitor.
45. YalongBay is reallybeautif ul. It is worth a visit.
46. Miss World Competi tion has been held in Sanya for three times.
47. If you want to find a quiet place to enjoy the night beautyof Sanya, the C offeeTime Western Food Restaur ant is recomme nded.
48. When you are in Sanya, don't forgetto try scuba dive. It's reallyfun!
49. Beforediving, you need to be trained. 潜水前,你要接受训练。
50. With the sea on three sides, Sanya has abundan t maritim e resourc es.
51. The customs of Li and Miao Minorit y attract the tourist s from both at home and abroad.黎苗族的习俗吸引了来自海内外的许多游客。
51. There are more than twentycitiesin Hainanand differe nt city has differe n t sceneri es.在海南有20多个城市,不同的城市有不同的风景。
52. HainanIslandhas often been calledthe Chinese Hawaii, and indeed, it is t he only tropica l beach destina tion in China.
53. So far, many interna tional hotelslike Mandari n Orienta l have openedresorts in Sanya.到目前为止,已经有许多国际性的大酒店,像文华东方酒店落户三亚。
54. Look round and you’ll encount er weekend visitor s from Beijing, Shangha i, H ong Kong and Guangzh ou, all seeking to escapethe crush of big-city life for a quiet stretch of beach.环顾四周,你可以看到很多来自北京,上海,香港和广州的周末旅游者们,他们都是为了逃避大城市的拥挤,寻求一片清静的海滩。
55. For centuri es HainanIslandonly servedas a place of banishm ent for criminals, exiledpoets and politic al undesir ables.
56. Thirtyminutes from Sanya is the famousl y scenicTianyaHaijiao, also calle dthe Edge of the Sky and the Rim of the Sea.
57. Today, as an interna tional tourist island, Hainanis an immense ly popular t ourist attract ion现如今,作为国际旅游岛,海南是一个广受欢迎的旅游景点。
58. After Hainanseparat ed from Guangdo ng to becomeits own provinc e in 1988, a develop ment boom was quickly followe d by a bust that left many buildin g projects on the islandhalf-finishe d.
59. In the last few years, Hainanhas welcome d back investo rs and becomea fash ion able draw for Russian tourist s looking to escapewinter.
60. It’s the right time for the Chinese to get into surfing and Sanya is the i deal place.现在是中国人开始冲浪的适宜时机而三亚则是一个理想之地。
61. Along YalongBay, a lovelyfour-and-a-half-mile stretch of beach was developed as a nationa l resortdistric t.
62. Because of warm and humid climate, HainanIslandis an importa nt produce r o
f pineapp les, coconut s, mangoes, sugar cane, coffeeand rubbertrees.
63. In the country side north of Sanya, you can see the hillsid es heavy with man go trees and rice paddies workedby teams of farmers and water buffalo.
64. Changes are happeni ng all over China, and HainanIslandexempli fies this mo ment.中国到处都在发生着翻天覆地的变化,而海南岛则是体现这一时刻的样板。
65. The boom in tourism in Sanya is exposin g mainlan d travele rs to a foreign be ach culture in new and interes ting ways.
66. Hainanis an easy flightfrom any major Chinese city.
67. The new space launchcentre, to be built on the eastern islandprovinc e of Hainan, is schedul ed to be complet ed in 2012 and startsoperati ng in 2013.
68. Known as Coconut City, Haikouis the capital city of Hainanand it contain s interes ting histori c sites like the Five Officia ls Temple, Xiuying Fort Barbette and HairuiTomb.
69. Hainancuisine is said to be "lighter, with mild seasoni ngs."
70. In most of the restaur ants of Sanya, seafood predomi natesthe menu, as shri mp, crab, fish and other sea life are widelyavailab le.
71. As opposed to battery chicken s, Wenchan g Chicken meat has more texture and is somewha t drier.比起普通的家禽鸡,文昌鸡更有口感,肥而不腻。
72. The Li peoplehave their own languag e, as do the Miao and Zhuangand they u sually speak standar d mandari n as a secondlanguag e.黎族人民有他们自己的语言,苗族和壮族人也一样,他们通常把标准的普通话作为第二语言。
73.Railroa d ferry link was establi shed in early 2000s connect ing the island's r ailroa d network to the mainlan d.
74. When the new railway linking Haikouand Sanya is finishe d, the traveltime between Haikouand Sanya is expecte d to be approxi mately 80 minutes.
75. Marineproduct s contrib ute a signifi cant share to the provinc ial economy. 水产品在海南省经济中占据了显著地位。
76. Shrimps, scallop s, and pearlsare raisedin shallow bays and basinsfor loc al use and export.
77. Grouper, Spanish mackere l, and tuna constit ute the bulk of the catch from t he rich offshor e fishing grounds.
78. Paddy rice is cultiva ted extensi vely in the northea sternlowland s and in th
e souther n mountai n valleys.水稻,在东北低地和南部山区一带被广泛栽培。
79. Leading crops other than rice include coconut s, palm oil, sisal, black pepp er, coffee, tea, cashews, and sugarca ne.
80. After 1950, state farms were develop ed, and Hainannow produce s a signifi ca nt amountof China's rubber.
81. There are large deposit s of lignite and oil shale on the island, and significant offshor e finds of oil and natural gas have been discove red.有大量的褐煤和油页岩大量沉积在岛上,重要的近海石油和天然气已经被发现。
82. Most of the riversin Hainanlike the Wanquan River and the Nandu River ori gina te in the central area of the islandand flow radiall y in differe nt directi ons.在海南的大部分河流像万泉河,南渡江均起源于岛的中心地区,并且以放射状流向不同方向。
83. There is a well-known artific ial reservo ir, the Songtao Reservo ir, in the c entral-north area.在中北部地区有一个众所周知的人造水库——松涛水库。
84. Whether on the land or on the sea (and even under the water), Hainanoffers placesto go and thingsto do for everyon e.
85. If your idea of a dream holiday is sipping a tall cool drink besidea swimm in g pool, Hainanhas interna tional resorts and top-flighthotelsto pamperyou and cater to your every need.
86. With an almostinfinit e selecti on of special ity restaur ants serving local, western, traditi onal Chinese, Japanes e and other dishes, Hainanis the perfect place to wine and dine yoursel f and your guestsand to pleaseevery palate.
87. Hainanwas the first place in China to experie nce a develop ment and real es tateboom after it was declare d China’s newest, provinc e in 1988.
88. Many mainlan d Chinese have boughtsecondhomes on Hainanas vacatio n retreats and investm ents.
89. For a brief periodHainanwas the fastest growing economi c regionin China and peoplefrom all over China came to make their fortune.
90. These days more and more mainlan ders are comingand they are joinedby sign ifi cant numbers of Russian s seeking the sun at relativ ely low costs.
91. Sanya hostedthe Miss World contest two years in row: in 2003 and 2004.
92.Li peoplecan cook rice in a hollowpiece of bamboowhich gives it a distinc tive flavor.黎族人可以在空心竹子里做竹筒饭,从而形成一种独特的风味。
93. Hainan's most popular seasonis, of course, SpringFestiva l, when legions o
f mainlan ders shudder in
g from sub-zero wintertempera turesspend Chinese New Ye ar on the invitin gly tempera te beaches of the tropica island.
94. HainanIslandenjoysa tropica l weather that rangesfrom as low as 16 degre es duringthe wintermonthsto 30 degrees in the summer.
95. Hainan’s tourist seasonis from October to March, but there are possibi lit ies of typhoon s duringthe monthsof October to March.
96. Most of the Chinese tourist s on Hainanusually buy one of the colourf ul gar ment s, even thoughthey are produce d in a Chinese textile factory somewhe re els e, however the Chinese hardlycare if the shirtsare made locally or not. The m ain thing is that they have a holiday look.
97. Most visitor s head south to the area aroundSanya, where there is one pictu re sque bay after another -- and one hotel after another.
98. The constru ctionboom was so big that Sanya has the greates t concent ration of five-star hotelsin all of China.
99. The city's princip al place of interes t is Luhuito u Park, a grassyhill topp edby a sculptu re of a deer turning its head.
100. Just outside Sanya, the newly built Nanshan Templewith its 108-metre-hig h Buddhastatuedraws a lot of tourist s.