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Sectio n A
1. A) The man thinks the womanis very lazy.
B) The man sugges ts the womantry swimmi ng.
C) The womanenjoys comfor table exerci se.
D) The womanlikessweati ng whileexerci sing.
Script: W: I don't like sports becaus e I feel very uncomf ortab le aboutsweati ng all over my body.
M: Then you should try swimmi ng and this is a greatway of exerci sing.
Questi on: What do we learnfrom the conver satio n?
2. A) In a restau rant.
B) In a booksh op.
C) In a cinema.
D) In a gym.
Script: W: Put your handsup and hold tight. Take a deep breath and then bend down. Try to touchyour toes.
M: I really don't thinkI can make it.
Questi on: Wheredoes the conver satio n probab ly take place?
3. A) He thinks womenare painte rs and men are animal s.
B) He thinks womenare much less smarte r than men.
C) He thinks men and womenhave someth ing in common.
D) He thinks the woman's idea is really intere sting.
Script: W: I find it sillyfor men to work out madlyin the gym like wild animal s.
M: Likewi se, womenput too much powder on theirfaceslike crazypainte rs.
Questi on: What does the man mean?
4. A) Anothe r differ encebetwee n tennis and tabletennis.
B) A second ary diffic ultyof playin g tabletennis.
C) The diffic ultie s of playin g tennis and tabletennis.
D) The simila ritie s of playin g tennis and tabletennis.
Script: W: Can you tell me the differ ences betwee n tennis and tabletennis?
M: Firsttennis is played on the ground and tabletennis is played on a table. Second...
Questi on: What will the man say next?
5. A) The woman's heartis not strong.
B) The womanjogs too much.
C) The womanneedshis help.
D) The womanis overwe ight.
Script: W: Joggin g is a greatway of exerci sing. It can make our heartstrong er.
M: It can also help you lose weight.
Questi on: What does the man imply?
Sectio n B
His time on the basket ballcourtbecame knownas the Ming Dynast y in 2002, but the
(6)_________________ of Yao Ming has come to an end, with the Chines e
(7)_________________ announ cinghis retire menton July the (8)_________________ .The "smilin g giant"gave basket balla (9)_________________ in the world's most populo us market wherethereare over (10)_________________ televi sionviewer s. And he became a source of nation al (11)_________________ in Chinawhichhas a popula tionof over (12)_________________ billio n.
In Chinathereare (13)_________________ youngfans. At (14)_________________ tall, Yao is a (15)_________________ in everyway.
Script: His time on the basket ballcourtbecame knownas the Ming Dynast y in 2002, but the rein of Yao Ming has come to an end, with the Chines e supers tar announ cinghis retire menton July the 28th. The "smilin g giant"gave basket balla footho ld in the world's most populo us market wherethereare over 12,550,000 televi sionviewer s. And he became a source of nation al prideand inspir ation in Chinawhichhas a popula tionof over 1.3 billio n.
With his career over, the focushas turned to who will replac e him, and what will it mean to the future of basket ballin Chinawherethereare, some estima te, 8,600,000 youngfans. At seven-foot-and-six-inches tall, Yao is a toweri ng presen ce in everyway. In 2003, he was drafte d to the NorthAmeric an Nation al Basket ballAssoci ation as the number one pick —a firstfor an overse as player. But now, at the age of 30, his days on the courtare over.
正确答案:supers tar
正确答案:12,550,000 | 12550000
正确答案:prideand inspir ation
正确答案:8,600,000 | 8600000
正确答案:towering presen ce
Sectio n C
Script: London Olympi cs 2012 will be held from July 27 to August 12, 2012, whileParaly mpics will be held from August29 to Septem ber 9, 2012. Hostin g Olympi c Gamesis an honor.This time London has achiev ed this honorand the 30th modern Olympi c Gameswill commen ce in East London. London has become the one and only city in the worldto host the Olympi c Gamesthreetimes. London hosted Olympi c Gamesin 1908 and 1948 earlie r.
People expect ed 9 millio n ticket s to be sold for Olympi cs and Paraly mpics. 500,000 visito rs are expect ed during the Olympi c Games. Over 63,000 people are involv ed in the proces s to make this eventsucces sful. Ticket s for London Olympi cs 2012 will be availa ble for sale from March2011. Everyo ne can applyfor a ticket throug h very fair proces s. Ticket s for the Paraly mpics Gameswill be availa ble laterin 2011.
16. London Paraly mpics will be held from July 27 to August 12, 2012.
17.London will be the firstcity to host Olympi c Gamesthreetimes.
18.Therewill be millio ns of ticket s to be sold for the Games.
19.We can buy ticket s for London Olympi cs 2012 from March2010.
20.Everyo ne needsto applyfor a ticket in a fair way.
Sectio n D
London Olympi cs 2012 will be held from July (21)_________________ to August (22)_________________ . Paraly mpics will be held from August(23)_________________ to Septem ber (24)_________________ , 2012. It will be the thirdtime for London to host the Games. It held the Olympi cs in 1908 and (25)_________________ . It is expect ed that therewill be (26)_________________ visito rs and (27)_________________ people involv ed to make this eventsucces sful.Therewill be (28)_________________ millio n ticket s sold for Olympi cs and Paraly mpics. Ticket s for London Olympi cs 2012 will be availa ble for sale from
(29)_________________ 2011 whileticket s for the Paraly mpics will be availa ble laterin
(30)_________________ .
Script: London Olympi cs 2012 will be held from July 27 to August 12, 2012, whileParaly mpics will be held from August29 to Septem ber 9, 2012. Hostin g Olympi c Gamesis an honor.This time London has achiev ed this honorand the 30th modern Olympi c Gameswill commen ce in East London. London has become the one and only city in the worldto host the Olympi c Gamesthreetimes. London hosted Olympi c Gamesin 1908 and 1948 earlie r.
People expect ed 9 millio n ticket s to be sold for Olympi cs and Paraly mpics. 500,000 visito rs are expect ed during the Olympi c Games. Over 63,000 people are involv ed in the proces s to make this eventsucces sful. Ticket s for London Olympi cs 2012 will be availa ble for sale from March2011. Everyo ne can applyfor a ticket throug h very fair proces s. Ticket s for the Paraly mpics Gameswill be availa ble laterin 2011.
正确答案:27 | twenty-seven
正确答案:12 | twelve
正确答案:29 | twenty-nine
正确答案:9 | nine
正确答案:500,000 | 500000 | five hundre d thousa nd
正确答案:63,000 | 63000| sixty-threethousa nd
正确答案:9 | nine
Sectio n A
1. A) In a restau rant.
B) In a booksh op.
C) In a cinema.
D) In a gym.
Script: W: Put your handsup and hold tight. Take a deep breath and then bend down. Try to touchyour toes.
M: I really don't thinkI can make it.
Questi on: Wheredoes the conver satio n probab ly take place?
2. A) Anothe r differ encebetwee n tennis and tabletennis.
B) A second ary diffic ultyof playin g tabletennis.
C) The diffic ultie s of playin g tennis and tabletennis.
D) The simila ritie s of playin g tennis and tabletennis.
Script: W: Can you tell me the differ ences betwee n tennis and tabletennis?
M: Firsttennis is played on the ground and tabletennis is played on a table. Second...
Questi on: What will the man say next?
3. A) To the gym.
B) To the classr oom.
C) To Pro. Smith's office.
D) To school.
Script: W: Wherehave you been? You look so tired.We have only five minute s left for Pro. Smith's lectur e.
M: I just came back from the gym. I worked out so hard. Let's hurryup.
Questi on: Wherewill the speake r probab ly go next?
4. A) He will go to the stadiu m with the woman.
B) He has two ticket s for a greatsports game.
C) He is inviti ng the womanto see a movie.
D) He is unhapp y aboutthe woman.
Script: W: Thereis a greatgame at the stadiu m but I don’t have the ticket.
M: But I have two ticket s for the cinema. Wouldyou like to come with me?
Questi on: What does the man mean?
5. A) He will go motorc yclin g with the woman.
B) He has some experi encein motorc yclin g.
C) He knowsthat motorc yclin g is danger ous.
D) He knowslittle aboutmotorc yclin g.
Script: W: Have you ever triedmotorc yclin g? We are goingfor a trialduring this weeken d.
M: Really? I have neverdone that. Is it very danger ous?
Questi on: What does the man mean?
Sectio n B
kilome tersis a long way to run withou t stoppi ng. But as many as (6)_________________ kilome tersis a long way to run withou t stoppi ng. But as many as (7)_________________ compet itors with a lot of energy will try to do that on Sunday, Novemb er (8)_________________ . They will take part in the (9)_________________ New York City Marath on. This race is so largethat compet itors must (10)_________________ to win the rightto
(11)_________________ people will watchthe compet itors as they (12)_________________ the street s of Americ a’s most famous city. The athlet es will run across(13)_________________ bridge s and throug h (14)_________________ boroug hs, or areas,of New York City. Theseare Staten Island, Brookl yn, Queens, the Bronxand Manhat tan. The race (15)_________________ the city's famous Centra l Park.
Script: Forty-two kilome tersis a long way to run withou t stoppi ng. But as many as thirty-five thousa nd compet itors with a lot of energy will try to do that on Sunday, Novemb er sevent h. They will take part in the thirty-fifthNew York City Marath on. This race is so largethat compet itors must take part in a game of chance to win the rightto enter.
Two millio n people will watchthe compet itors as they run throug h the street s of Americ a’s most famous city. The athlet es will run across five bridge s and throug h the five boroug hs, or areas,of New York City. Theseare Staten Island, Brookl yn, Queens, the Bronxand Manhat tan. The race ends in the city's famous Centra l Park.
正确答案:Forty-two | 42
正确答案:thirty-five thousa nd | 35,000 | 35000
正确答案:sevent h | 7th
正确答案:thirty-fifth| 35th
正确答案:take part in a game of chance
正确答案:Two millio n | 2,000,000 | 2 millio n | 2000000
正确答案:run through
正确答案:five | 5
正确答案:five | 5
正确答案:ends in
Sectio n C
Script: London Olympi cs 2012 will be held from July 27 to August 12, 2012, whileParaly mpics will be held from August 29 to Septem ber 9, 2012. Hostin g Olympi c Gamesis an honor. This time London has achiev ed this honorand the 30th modern Olympi c Gameswill commen ce in East London. London has become the one and only city in the worldto host the Olympi c Gamesthreetimes. London hosted Olympi c Gamesin 1908 and 1948 earlie r.
People expect ed 9 millio n ticket s to be sold for Olympi cs and Paraly mpics. 500,000 visito rs are expect ed during the Olympi c Games. Over 63,000 people are involv ed in the proces s to make this eventsucces sful. Ticket s for London Olympi cs 2012 will be availa ble for sale from March2011. Everyo ne can applyfor a ticket throug h very fair proces s. Ticket s for the Paraly mpics Gameswill be availa ble laterin 2011.
16. London Paraly mpics will be held from July 27 to August 12, 2012.
17.London will be the firstcity to host Olympi c Gamesthreetimes.
18. Therewill be millio ns of ticket s to be sold for the Games.
19. We can buy ticket s for London Olympi cs 2012 from March2010.
20. Everyo ne needsto applyfor a ticket in a fair way.
Sectio n D
London Olympi cs 2012 will be held from July (21)_________________ to August (22)_________________ . Paraly mpics will be held from August(23)_________________ to Septem ber (24)_________________ , 2012. It will be the thirdtime for London to host the Games. It held the Olympi cs in 1908 and (25)_________________ . It is expect ed that therewill be (26)_________________ visito rs and (27)_________________ people involv ed to make this eventsucces sful.Therewill be (28)_________________ millio n ticket s sold for Olympi cs and Paraly mpics. Ticket s for London Olympi cs 2012 will be availa ble for sale from
(29)_________________ 2011 whileticket s for the Paraly mpics will be availa ble laterin
(30)_________________ .
Script: London Olympi cs 2012 will be held from July 27 to August 12, 2012, whileParaly mpics will be held from August 29 to Septem ber 9, 2012. Hostin g Olympi c Gamesis an honor. This time London has achiev ed this honorand the 30th modern Olympi c Gameswill commen ce in East London. London has become the one and only city in the worldto host the Olympi c Gamesthreetimes. London hosted Olympi c Gamesin 1908 and 1948 earlie r.
People expect ed 9 millio n ticket s to be sold for Olympi cs and Paraly mpics. 500,000 visito rs are expect ed during the Olympi c Games. Over 63,000 people are involv ed in the proces s to make this eventsucces sful. Ticket s for London Olympi cs 2012 will be availa ble for sale from March2011. Everyo ne can applyfor a ticket throug h very fair proces s. Ticket s for the Paraly mpics Gameswill be availa ble laterin 2011.
正确答案:27 | twenty-seven
正确答案:12 | twelve
正确答案:29 | twenty-nine
正确答案:9 | nine
正确答案:500,000 | 500000 | five hundre d thousa nd
正确答案:63,000 | 63000| sixty-threethousa nd
正确答案:9 | nine
Sectio n A
1. A) To the gym.
B) To the classr oom.
C) To Pro. Smith's office.
D) To school.
Script: W: Wherehave you been? You look so tired. We have only five minute s left for Pro. Smith's lectur e.
M: I just came back from the gym. I worked out so hard. Let's hurryup.
Questi on: Wherewill the speake r probab ly go next?
2. A) Friday.
B) Sunday.
C) Saturd ay.
D) Monday.
Script: W: It is very nice of you to come with me to swim. I feel strang e when thereis nobody here on campus during weeken ds.
M: My pleasu re. Nobody will come todaybut I thinkschool's swimmi ng team usuall y has theirtraini ng on Friday s and Sunday s.
Questi on: What day is it todayprobab ly?
3. A) He will go to the stadiu m with the woman.
B) He has two ticket s for a greatsports game.
C) He is inviti ng the womanto see a movie.
D) He is unhapp y aboutthe woman.
Script: W: Thereis a greatgame at the stadiu m but I don’t have the ticket.
M: But I have two ticket s for the cinema. Wouldyou like to come with me?
Questi on: What does the man mean?
4. A) In the gym.
B) In the librar y.
C) At the office.
D) In the lab.
Script: W: Fancyseeing you here on Sunday. How are you doingrecent ly?
M: I am busy with my paperwork at the office and projec t in the lab. But I try to find time to work out my body.
Questi on: Wheredoes the conver satio n probab ly take place?
5. A) He will go motorc yclin g with the woman.
B) He has some experi encein motorc yclin g.
C) He knowsthat motorc yclin g is danger ous.
D) He knowslittle aboutmotorc yclin g.
Script: W: Have you ever triedmotorc yclin g? We are goingfor a trialduring this weeken d.
M: Really? I have neverdone that. Is it very danger ous?
Questi on: What does the man mean?
Sectio n B
His time on the basket ballcourtbecame knownas the Ming Dynast y in 2002, but the (6)_________________ of Yao Ming has come to an end, with the Chines e (7)_________________ announ cinghis retire menton July the (8)_________________ .The "smilin g giant"gave basket balla (9)_________________ in the world's most populo us market wherethereare over (10)_________________ televi sionviewer s. And he became a source of nation al (11)_________________ in Chinawhichhas a popula tionof over (12)_________________ billio n.
In Chinathereare (13)_________________ youngfans. At (14)_________________ tall, Yao is a (15)_________________ in everyway.
Script: His time on the basket ballcourtbecame knownas the Ming Dynast y in 2002, but the rein of Yao Ming has come to an end, with the Chines e supers tar announ cinghis retire menton July the 28th. The "smilin g giant"gave basket balla footho ld in the world's most populo us market wherethereare over 12,550,000 televi sionviewer s. And he became a source of nation al prideand inspir ation in Chinawhichhas a popula tionof over 1.3 billio n.
With his career over, the focushas turned to who will replac e him, and what will it mean to the future of basket ballin Chinawherethereare, some estima te, 8,600,000 youngfans. At seven-foot-and-six-inches tall, Yao is a toweri ng presen ce in everyway. In 2003, he was drafte d to the NorthAmeric an Nation al Basket ballAssoci ation as the number one pick —a firstfor an overse as player. But now, at the age of 30, his days on the courtare over.
正确答案:supers tar
正确答案:12,550,000 | 12550000
正确答案:prideand inspir ation
正确答案:8,600,000 | 8600000
正确答案:towering presen ce
Sectio n C
Script: Aboutnine millio n people rock climbin the United States. Millio ns more take part in the activi ty around the world.Some do it just for person al satisf actio n. Others compet e. Rock climbi ng can be danger ous. But thereare many method s and protec tivedevice s that can increa se a climbe r's safety.
Thereare severa l kindsof rock climbi ng. Tradit ional rock climbi ng is done outsid e. Climbe rs wear ropesand attach device s to the rocksas they climbmany hundre ds of meters up. They also connec t theirropesto the device s. If a climbe r slips, a rope can stop him from fallin g.
Sports climbi ng is simila r. Howeve r, in thosecasesthe protec tivedevice s are perman ently placed in the rock. Thereis also indoor climbi ng. Rock wallsmade of wood or concre te have places for the climbe r's handsand feet.
Ice climbi ng is exactl y as it sounds. People climbglacie rs or frozen waterf allsinstea d of rocks. They use specia l equipm ent for the ice.
16.People rock climbonly for person al happin ess.
17. Tradit ional rock climbi ng does not need protec tivedevice s.
18. Protec tivedevice s are perman ently placed in the rock in sports climbi ng.
19.The rock wallsof indoor climbi ng are made of wood only.
20.Threekindsof rock climbi ng are descri bed in the passag e.
Sectio n D
About(21)_________________ people rock climbin the United States. Millio ns more take part in the activi ty around the world.Some do it just for person al satisf actio n. Others (22)_________________ . Rock climbi ng can be danger ous. But thereare many method s and protec tivedevice s that can increa se a climbe r's safety.
Typesof Rock Climbi ng Rock Materi al Protec tivedevice s
(23)_________________ climbi ng Natura l (24)_________________
(25)_________________ climbi ng Not mentio ned Perman ently
Indoor climbi ng (27)_________________ Not mentio ned
(28)_________________ climbi ng Glacie rs or
(29)_________________ (30)_________________
Script: Aboutnine millio n people rock climbin the United States. Millio ns more take part in the activi ty around the world. Some do it just for person al satisf actio n. Others compet e. Rock climbi ng can be danger ous. But thereare many method s and protec tivedevice s that can increa se a climbe r's safety.
Thereare severa l kindsof rock climbi ng. Tradit ional rock climbi ng is done outsid e. Climbe rs wear ropesand attach device s to the rocksas they climbmany hundre ds of meters up. They also connec t theirropesto the device s. If a climbe r slips, a rope can stop him from fallin g.
Sports climbi ng is simila r. Howeve r, in thosecasesthe protec tivedevice s are perman ently placed in the rock. Thereis also indoor climbi ng. Rock wallsmade of wood or concre te have places for the climbe r's handsand feet.
Ice climbi ng is exactl y as it sounds. People climbglacie rs or frozen waterf allsinstea d of rocks. They use specia l equipm ent for the ice.
正确答案:9 millio n | nine millio n
正确答案:compet e
正确答案:Tradit ional
正确答案:Ropesand device s
正确答案:placed in the rock
正确答案:Wood or concre te
正确答案:frozen waterf alls
正确答案:Specia l equipment for ice
Sectio n A
1. A) The man thinks the womanis very lazy.
B) The man sugges ts the womantry swimmi ng.
C) The womanenjoys comfor table exerci se.
D) The womanlikessweati ng whileexerci sing.
Script: W: I don't like sports becaus e I feel very uncomf ortab le aboutsweati ng all over my body.
M: Then you should try swimmi ng and this is a greatway of exerci sing.
Questi on: What do we learnfrom the conver satio n?
2. A) To the gym.
B) To the classr oom.
C) To Pro. Smith's office.
D) To school.
Script: W: Wherehave you been? You look so tired.We have only five minute s left for Pro. Smith's lectur e.
M: I just came back from the gym. I worked out so hard. Let's hurryup.
Questi on: Wherewill the speake r probab ly go next?
3. A) Friday.
B) Sunday.
C) Saturd ay.
D) Monday.
Script: W: It is very nice of you to come with me to swim. I feel strang e when thereis nobody here on campus during weeken ds.
M: My pleasu re. Nobody will come todaybut I thinkschool's swimmi ng team usuall y has theirtraini ng on Friday s and Sunday s.
Questi on: What day is it todayprobab ly?
4. A) He will go to the stadiu m with the woman.
B) He has two ticket s for a greatsports game.
C) He is inviti ng the womanto see a movie.
D) He is unhapp y aboutthe woman.
Script: W: Thereis a greatgame at the stadiu m but I don’t have the ticket.
M: But I have two ticket s for the cinema. Wouldyou like to come with me?
Questi on: What does the man mean?
5. A) In the gym.
B) In the librar y.
C) At the office.
D) In the lab.
Script: W: Fancyseeing you here on Sunday. How are you doingrecent ly?
M: I am busy with my paperwork at the office and projec t in the lab. But I try to find time to work out my body.
Questi on: Wheredoes the conver satio n probab ly take place?
Sectio n B
His time on the basket ballcourtbecame knownas the Ming Dynast y in 2002, but the
(6)_________________ of Yao Ming has come to an end, with the Chines e
(7)_________________ announ cinghis retire menton July the (8)_________________ .The "smilin g giant"gave basket balla (9)_________________ in the world's most populo us market wherethereare over (10)_________________ televi sionviewer s. And he became a source of nation al (11)_________________ in Chinawhichhas a popula tionof over (12)_________________ billio n.
In Chinathereare (13)_________________ youngfans. At (14)_________________ tall, Yao is a (15)_________________ in everyway.
Script: His time on the basket ballcourtbecame knownas the Ming Dynast y in 2002, but the rein of Yao Ming has come to an end, with the Chines e supers tar announ cinghis retire menton July the 28th. The "smilin g giant"gave basket balla footho ld in the world's most populo us market wherethereare over 12,550,000 televi sionviewer s. And he became a source of nation al prideand inspir ation in Chinawhichhas a popula tionof over 1.3 billio n.
With his career over, the focushas turned to who will replac e him, and what will it mean to the future of basket ballin Chinawherethereare, some estima te, 8,600,000 youngfans. At seven-foot-and-six-inches tall, Yao is a toweri ng presen ce in everyway. In 2003, he was drafte d to the NorthAmeric an Nation al Basket ballAssoci ation as the number one pick —a firstfor an overse as player. But now, at the age of 30, his days on the courtare over.
正确答案:supers tar
正确答案:12,550,000 | 12550000
正确答案:prideand inspir ation
正确答案:8,600,000 | 8600000
正确答案:towering presen ce
Sectio n C
Script: Aboutnine millio n people rock climbin the United States. Millio ns more take part in the activi ty around the world.Some do it just for person al satisf actio n. Others compet e. Rock climbi ng can be danger ous. But thereare many method s and protec tivedevice s that can increa se a climbe r's safety.
Thereare severa l kindsof rock climbi ng. Tradit ional rock climbi ng is done outsid e. Climbe rs wear ropesand attach device s to the rocksas they climbmany hundre ds of meters up. They also connec t theirropesto the device s. If a climbe r slips, a rope can stop him from fallin g.
Sports climbi ng is simila r. Howeve r, in thosecasesthe protec tivedevice s are perman ently placed in the rock. Thereis also indoor climbi ng. Rock wallsmade of wood or concre te have places for the climbe r's handsand feet.
Ice climbi ng is exactl y as it sounds. People climbglacie rs or frozen waterf allsinstea d of rocks. They use specia l equipm ent for the ice.
16. People rock climbonly for person al happin ess.
17. Tradit ional rock climbi ng does not need protec tivedevice s.
18.Protec tivedevice s are perman ently placed in the rock in sports climbi ng.
19.The rock wallsof indoor climbi ng are made of wood only.
20.Threekindsof rock climbi ng are descri bed in the passag e.
Sectio n D
About(21)_________________ people rock climbin the United States. Millio ns more take part in the activi ty around the world.Some do it just for person al satisf actio n. Others (22)_________________ . Rock climbi ng can be danger ous. But thereare many method s and protec tivedevice s that can increa se a climbe r's safety.
Typesof Rock Climbi ng Rock Materi al Protec tivedevice s
(23)_________________ climbi ng Natura l (24)_________________
(25)_________________ climbi ng Not mentio ned Perman ently
Indoor climbi ng (27)_________________ Not mentio ned
(28)_________________ climbi ng Glacie rs or
(29)_________________ (30)_________________
Script: Aboutnine millio n people rock climbin the United States. Millio ns more take part in the activi ty around the world.Some do it just for person al satisf actio n. Others compet e. Rock climbi ng can be danger ous. But thereare many method s and protec tivedevice s that can increa se a climbe r's safety.
Thereare severa l kindsof rock climbi ng. Tradit ional rock climbi ng is done outsid e. Climbe rs wear ropesand attach device s to the rocksas they climbmany hundre ds of meters up. They also connec t theirropesto the device s. If a climbe r slips, a rope can stop him from fallin g.
Sports climbi ng is simila r. Howeve r, in thosecasesthe protec tivedevice s are perman ently placed in the rock. Thereis also indoor climbi ng. Rock wallsmade of wood or concre te have places for the climbe r's handsand feet.
Ice climbi ng is exactl y as it sounds. People climbglacie rs or frozen waterf allsinstea d of rocks. They use specia l equipm ent for the ice.
正确答案:9 millio n | nine millio n
正确答案:compet e
正确答案:Tradit ional
正确答案:Ropesand device s
正确答案:placed in the rock
正确答案:Wood or concre te
正确答案:frozen waterf alls
正确答案:Specia l equipment for ice
Sectio n A
1. A) Opinio ns aboutfast food.
B) Nutrit ion of fast food.
C) Popula rityof junk food.
D) Conven ience of fast food.
Script: W: I don't like fast food. It is junk food and has little nutrit ion.
M: I find it delici ous and conven ient. And it is popula r everyw here.。