IBM Endpoint Manager V9.1 产品说明书

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IBM Endpoint Manager for Security and
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BigFix®b z;b]8N Q IBM®Endpoint Manager B f.G.e!I Q\O N A s&k X#e w N.v m V b W8H|.& &x U OY.L V g G:@C/!!u9b X v B0.{/!s N A s!k Q m.O m$.Q8m M Y n-&n b I;-v,%:) >,&>W p Y O p Y L:M k UU OY.
IBM Endpoint Manager&g k O i6w:!e#f{8N,a G B p Y O g k Z5H|O T|.R v V m,;N8g W.v)M G ,a)N M s|x L v S{N w%L.&&x O g,$%;@A s N!-C`O)T$X v&8e R v V@OY.L?{L m A Y w v b{N^C!W|.C:[!-B u N n&0b I G E S Q&xz$C L!I O g,6w L Z E G/$d8g W!B T V g G; U1T6$R v V5O X]OY.
IBM Endpoint Manager V9.1:k U H v m V b|.M8H W X v V g G;&x U OY.W.m u N n Y I b I;_!O m C' {{k|'&.k O)Y=;w TU OY.
v Red Hat Enterprise Linux W DB2®&IBM Endpoint Manager Server C'{8N_!v x R v V B u/,Q h!I G.
v-v M,s L p.#k E;'Q b;O#-b I z N M],a D;M W p Y O p Y L:&|.O b'Q_!8H8:I G.
v Mac,OS X10.8,Windows8W Windows Server2012!k X L|! 1.:H v x L\!Solaris11,Debian6W Ubuntu12.04 !!L|.&h!O b'Q.e H v x.
v API(Application Programming Interface),g k L,n m I`N M d L:b]G u S m#\Q REST(Representational State Transfer). IBM Endpoint Manager for Security and Compliance V9.1:q k}(,9b5(R W8H'h;Y L b'Q k`:|.,Z -H8H8:|.W P!|.&w TO)b I:'.&k UU OY.IBM Endpoint Manager for Security and Compliance B Y _#e w N.8#58,W.v)Z<K*W L?D p Y L:&n G|.&\O N A s N-@OY.L B O*G|.W8m\V, O*G|.-v W O*G#e w N.!L|.&G L U OY.
IBM Endpoint Manager for Security and Compliance B Y=z0:b I;&x U OY.
v IBM Endpoint Manager for Security and Compliance Analytics(SCA)s B#e w N.8H W'h r!&'Q u N n%b]V C.I L G.
v Windows,Linux W UNIX n5<&k u N n DISA(Defense Information System Agency)STIG(Security Technical Implementation Guide)\Y w g L.<..
v USGCB(United States Government Configuration Baseline)&k X NIST(National Institute of Standard and Technology)!-&x O B v';b]8N O B n!v u8H8:|.<).:..
v CMEP(Client Manager for Endpoint Protection)G$T D.N Microsoft Forefront.
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v v D b]:/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21584549
v w3W?B O<:/developerworks/forums/category.jspa?categoryID=506
IBM Endpoint Manager v|9.1Licensed Materials-Property of IBM.©Copyright IBM Corp.2013,ernment Users Restricted Rights-Use,duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
IBM,IBM N m W ®:|<h)/9!!n O H International Business Machines Corp.G s%G B n O s%T OY.b8&0W-q:L':IBM G B8g G s%T OY.v g IBM s%q O:%:"z[G W s%$8";(/legal/copytrade.shtml)!V@OY.
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