Reconnaissance hydrocarbon geology of the Anadyrsky, Khatyrsky, and Penzhinskaya Guba Cenozoic

Vol.34,No.3Mar.,2021第 34 卷 第 3 期2021年3月环 境 科 学 研 究Research of Environmental Sciences污染场地卤代烃非生物自然衰减研究进展廖高明1>2'3 ,马杰1>2'3* ,谷春云1>2'3 ,杜显元心,宋权威"收稿日期:2020-06-24 修订日期:2020-09-24作者简介:廖高明( 1997-)'男'湖南张家界人'****************.*责任作者'马杰( 1986-),男'山西太原人'副教授'博士'博导'主要从事污染土壤与水体修复治理与风险评估研究,***************基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(No.21878332);北京市科技新星计划(No.Z181100006218088);中石油科技创新基金(No.2018D-5007-0607)Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.21878332) ; Beijing NOVA Program , China (No.Z181100006218088) ; Innovation Fundof Petro, China ( No.2018D-5007-0607)1. 中国石油大学(北京)化学工程与环境学院,北京1022492. 重质油国家重点实验室,北京1022493. 油气污染防治北京市重点实验室,北京1022494. 石油石化污染物控制与处理国家重点实验室,北京1022065. 中国石油安全环保技术研究院有限公司,北京102206摘要:传统的卤代烃自然衰减研究主要关注生物降解过程,然而近年有研究发现卤代烃可以被地层中的活性矿物还原降解.对天然活性矿物介导下卤代烃非生物自然衰减的研究进展总结显示,可以还原降解卤代烃的天然矿物主要包括铁硫矿物、铁氧矿物和含铁黏土矿物等,其中铁硫矿物在含水层中分布最为广泛.常见的反应机制包括还原消除、氢解、自由基加成、自由基偶联、 脱卤化氢、水解,其中还原消除和氢解是其中最重要的两种反应机制,常见于卤代烷烃和卤代烯烃的非生物降解.卤代烃的非生物降解产物主要取决于还原降解途径和母体卤代烃.不同矿物对卤代烃的降解活性大致表现为马基诺矿A 黄铁矿〉黑云母〉蛭石n 绿锈〉磁铁矿n 蒙脱石.卤代烃的降解速率除受矿物种类影响外,还受到卤代烃种类、pH 、硫化物浓度、共存金属离子、天然 有机物、矿物形态等因素的影响.现有的研究已经确证活性矿物的还原降解是卤代烃自然衰减的重要机制,但该领域中仍然有一些重要知识点有待进一步研究.关于活性铁矿物Fe(H)类型和反应能力之间的关系、还原卤代烃过程中Fe(H)的结构变化以及结构态Fe( H)向卤代烃的电子转移方式等仍然不清楚,建议进行更深入的研究;现有研究大都基于实验室小试装置,实际场 地的研究不多,建议今后进一步探究实验室发现的规律是否符合场地中的实际情况;地下水位波动导致活性矿物间歇性暴露在溶解氧中,可能产生羟自由基(・OH)实现并导致卤代烃的氧化降解,这方面的研究目前尚存在不足,建议给予更多关注.关键词:污染场地;自然衰减;卤代烃;活性矿物;非生物降解中图分类号:X53文章编号:1001-6929(2021)03-0742-13文献标志码:A DOI : 10. 13198/j. issn. 1001-6929. 2020. 09. 14Research Progress on Abiotic Natural Attenuation of Halogenated Hydrocarbons at Contaminated SitesLIAO Gaoming 1,2,3, MA Jie 1'2'3* , GL Chunyun 1,2,3, DL Xianyuan 4,5, SONG Quanwei "'51. China Lniversity of Petroleum-Beijing , College of Chemical Engineering and Environment , Beijing 102249, China2. State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing, Beijing 102249, China3. Beijing Key Lab of Oil & Gas Pollution Control , Beijing 102249, China4. State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Pollution Control, Beijing 102206, China5. CNPC Research Institute of Safety and Environment Technology, Beijing 102206, ChinaAbstract : Traditional studies of natural attenuation of halogenated hydrocarbons mainly focus on biodegradation process. However, recentstudies have found that halogenated hydrocarbons can be geochemically reduced by the reactive minerals in the subsurface environment. This process is called abiotic natural attenuation of halogenated hydrocarbons. This article reviews the latest research progress on theabiotic natural attenuation of halogenated hydrocarbons mediated by natural reactive minerals. The reactive minerals that can reducehalogenated hydrocarbons include iron-sulfur minerals, iron oxide minerals and iron-bearing clay minerals. Among them, iron-sulfur minerals are the most abundant mineral in aquifers. The reaction pathways include dichloroelimination, hydrogenolysis, radical addition,radical coupling, dehydrohalogenation, and hydrolysis. Dichloroelimination and hydrogenolysis are the most important reaction pathways,第3期廖高明等:污染场地卤代烃非生物自然衰减研究进展743especially for halogenated alkanes and halogenated alkenes.The chemical composition of abiotic degradation products mainly depends on the reaction pathway and the parent halogenated hydrocarbons.The reaction rate of various halogenated hydrocarbons reported in the literatures are compiled and analysed.The analysis of reaction rate data suggests that the reactivity of different minerals generally follows the trend:mackinawiteApyrite>biotite>vermiculite=green rust>magnetite~montmorillonite.The reaction rate is also affected by factors such as the type of halogenated hydrocarbons,pH,sulfide concentration,coexisting metal ions,natural organic matter,and mineral morphology.Overall,current studies corroborate that reduction by reactive minerals is a key natural attenuation mechanism for halogenated hydrocarbons.However,there are still several critical knowledge gaps.It is still unclear about the relationship between the types of Fe(n)in reactive minerals and their reactivity,the structural changes of Fe(D)during the reduction of halogenated hydrocarbons,and the mechanisms of electron transfer from structural Fe(D)to halogenated hydrocarbons.Current researches are mainly laboratory benchscale studies while field studies are rare.Further field studies are necessary to confirm that the knowledge obtained through laboratory studies is consistent with field observations.Fluctuations in shallow water table would cause the reactive mineral exposure to dissolved oxygen.Reactions of the reactive minerals with oxygen generate hydroxyl radical(・OH)that can oxidize halogenated hydrocarbons. Further researches are needed in this area.Keywords:contaminated site;natural attenuation;halogenated hydrocarbons;reactive minerals;abiotic degradation我国面临的污染场地问题日趋严重,卤代烃是其中最常见的一类污染物.生态环境部于2018年发布的《土壤环境质量建设用地土壤污染风险管控标准(试行)》(GB36600—2018)划定了45项污染物为基本项目,其中包含21种氯代烃、4种溴代烃,共计25种卤代烃.化学氧化、热脱附、水泥窑协同处置是我国卤代烃污染场地最常用的修复方法[1],这些修复方法经济成本高,对环境扰动大,副作用明显.例如,化学氧化技术的应用受限于氧化剂的输送和浓度反弹等方面[2-3].热脱附处理成本相对较高,处理每立方米的污染场地的成本在88~300美元之间,并且如果处理不当还可能生出毒性更高的二嚷英,造成二次污染[4].监测自然衰减是一种低成本、低扰动、绿色可持续的修复技术,在国外被广泛使用.以前有关卤代烃的自然衰减研究主要聚焦在生物降解过程[5-8],近年的研究发现卤代烃可以与地层中的活性矿物(主要是含铁矿物)经化学反应实现脱卤降解,因此卤代烃的非生物自然衰减成为一个新的研究热点[9-11].多年以来,被公认的利用非生物反应修复地下水卤代烃污染的仅有2个例子:①1,1,1-三氯乙烷(1,1,1-TCA)经脱卤化氢生成1,1-二氯乙烯(1,1-DCE)或经水解形成乙酸[6,12];②1,2-二溴乙烷(EDB)能被含有HS-的溶液非生物厌氧降解[13].天然铁矿物表面催化反应一直被忽视,不过随着用含零价铁的渗透反应屏障(PRBs)成功处理地下水中三氯乙烯(TCE)[14-15]之后,天然铁矿物表面的非生物反应逐渐成为研究热点[9,16-19].在Kriegman-king等[20]首次证明活性铁矿物中的黄铁矿悬浮液能够对四氯化碳脱氯后,相继有研究人员在实验室和污染场地发现,除了黄铁矿外,其余活性铁矿物如马基诺矿[21-25]、磁铁矿一类的铁氧化物[26-30]、蒙脱土一类的黏土矿物等[31-35]存在下的土壤和地下水环境中,同样有天然铁矿物介导的卤代烃非生物降解的证据.一般认为卤代烃非生物降解比生物降解慢[36],可能是因为自然含水层中活性铁矿物丰度较低,但DONG 研究[18]发现,当存在较高浓度铁矿物时,卤代烃的非生物降解速率可以大幅提高.Mccormick等[37]在实验室研究中发现四氯化碳(CT)的非生物降解速率是生物降解速率的60~260倍,SHAO等[38]也发现了类似现象.该文从天然活性矿物的种类、反应机理、降解途径和降解中间产物、降解速率及其影响因素等方面系统地总结了天然活性矿物介导的卤代烃非生物自然衰减的研究成果,在此基础上明晰目前研究存在的不足,并对未来研究方向进行了展望.1天然活性矿物目前发现的可以参与卤代烃还原降解的天然矿物主要包括铁硫矿物、铁氧矿物、含铁黏土矿物三大类(见图1).铁硫矿物是一类广泛分布于含水层中的活性矿物,包括马基诺矿(FeS)、磁黄铁矿(Fe“S)、灰铁矿(Fe3S4)、褐铁矿(Fe g Su)、白铁矿(斜方晶系FeS z)、黄铁矿(FeS2)等[39].黄铁矿和马基诺矿因其高反应活性受到的关注最多,黄铁矿在含水层的温度和压力下呈热力学稳定相,具有立方系晶格,其中Fe(D)和S2(D)原子可以看成是以氯化钠结构排列,每个铁原子被硫原子包围形成八面体,每个硫原子以另一个硫原子和3个铁原子作为最近邻[40].马基诺矿中每个Fe(D)原子均与4个硫原子键合,四面体共享边缘通过范德华力堆叠并相互作用形成层[10].与黄铁矿744环境科学研究第34卷绿锈黑云母图1目前发现的可参与卤代烃还原降解的活性矿物的晶体结构Fig.1The crystal structure of the reactive minerals which can reduce and degrade halogenated hydrocarbons相比,马基诺矿在热力学结构上是亚稳态的,反应活性更强,被认为是黄铁矿的前驱体[41].常见的铁氧化物包括针铁矿、磁铁矿、赤铁矿和绿锈,其中磁铁矿和绿锈的还原反应性最强[42].磁铁矿是一种混合的Fe(H)-Fe(m)矿物,为反尖晶石结构,其结构式常用Fe(川)〔Fe(U)Fe(M)〕04表示.磁铁矿在含水层中分布较广但总量较少,通常作为基岩风化产生的碎屑相存在[10],在还原条件下,可以通过铁还原菌或通过三价铁氢氧化物的转化产生非常细晶粒的自生磁铁矿,在硫酸盐还原条件下,磁铁矿将缓慢地溶解并反应形成黄铁矿.绿锈(green rust)常在还原性含水层中形成,可在铁基的渗透反应墙中生成.绿锈结构中混有二价铁和三价铁以及嵌入的阴离子,为六边形底面的薄柱状结构,呈蓝绿色,结构式常用[Fe(H)如)Fe(川)’0%广[(A)加比。

保湿 保湿一、一、 皮肤是怎样保湿的 皮肤是怎样保湿的你知道吗人体每天都有0.5公升的水分会从肌肤表面流失。
在此基础上,人们逐渐揭示出下列三种物质对保持皮肤弹性的重要作用: 要作用:1. 水; 水;2. 天然保湿因子 天然保湿因子人们称之为NMF (NA TURAL MOISTURIZING FACTOR ),即天然保湿因子。
其中起关键作用的是乳酸盐和吡咯烷酮羟酸-PCA 它们的分子结构中含有羟基,这些羟基能象手一样抓住水分子,从而把水分子留在角质层中。
3. 皮肤中的脂质 皮肤中的脂质他们薄薄地覆盖在皮肤表面,防止水分蒸发,不让水分子逃逸到周围环境中去,还能通过影响角质层细胞的粘连而对皮肤保湿产生影响。
水、NMF 、脂质三者在皮肤中的含量以及它们之间的平衡关系对皮肤影响很大(这就是许多厂家宣传的平衡保湿)。

AAcyclovir 带状泡疹、水痘药物治疗成份,需医生处方Adapalene 维他命 A 酸衍生物治疗痤疮有效成份,需医生处方Adenosine Triphosphate(ATP) 腺三磷酸使皮肤代谢正常Albumin 白蛋白水溶性蛋白质,为中性缓冲液,是一种酵素Alcohol 酒精溶剂Alfalfa Extract 紫花苜蓿萃取含多种氨基酸及红萝卜素,可抗老化Algae Extract 海藻萃取液抗氧化Algisium C 是一种生物保湿剂,可以修护肌肤并使更新暗沉的肤质,延缓老化的速度;其保湿性可维持8-12 小时Alkyl Benzoate 烃基安息香酸盐油脂剂,作为基质Allantoin 尿囊素抗炎症、促进细胞修护Almond 杏仁油天然油脂,用作基质Aloe Extract 芦荟萃取镇静、保湿、滋润、抗敏、镇静、去红肿Aloe Vera 芦荟镇静、保湿、滋润、抗敏、镇静、去红肿Alpha Hydroxy(AHA) 果酸最常用的为甘醇酸(Glycolic Acid) 及乳酸(Lactic Acid) ,主要功效在促进皮肤新陈代谢,具有角质微剥的功效Alpha Lipoic Acid 脂肪酸,硫辛酸抗氧化Alpha Tocopheryl 维他命 E 抗氧化Aluminum Chlorohydrate 氢氯酸铝可抑制身体出汗,常来用作止汗剂成份Amino Acid 天然胺基酸防止水份过度的流失,并使肌肤温和不紧绷,护肤、供给肌肤营养Aminocaproic Acid 胺基己酸预防肌肤敏感现象Ammonium Glycyrrhizate 甘草酸胺保湿、预防过敏Amniotic Fluid 羊膜液含丰富肌肤所需的胺基酸Angelica Sinensis Diels Extract 当归萃取具有行气活血功效,可促进肌肤毛细微管血液循环Angelica 白芷当归属,含天然维他命 C 及预防敏感作用Angiosperm Extract 被子植物酸具有防止发炎及抗过敏效果Anhydroalkannin 去水紫草烯紫草萃取精华,可抗炎、抗菌、活血、去瘀Anthranilates 化学性防晒成分Apple Extract 苹果萃取含有Vit-C 等美容成份,另具有爽肤、镇静消毒作用Apricot Bead 杏桃颗粒通常加在磨砂膏中,用来去除皮肤老废角质Apricot Kernel Oil 杏核油富含矿物质和维他命,是天然的保湿剂,特别适合敏感性肤质Aqua 水,溶液基质Arbutin 熊果素淡化已形成的黑色素,能安定自由基、避免肌肤老化,卫生署公布有效美白成份之一Arnica Extract 山金车萃取活血散瘀Arnica Oil 山金车油可促使伤口愈合、消毒、消肿、防止瘀斑出现Ascorbic Acid 维他命 C 抗氧化Ascorbyl Glucoside(AAG) 维他命 C 甘醣维他命 C 衍生物,为卫生署公布有效美白成份之一Ascorbyl Pamitate 维他命 C 棕榈酸盐一种脂溶性维他命 C ,是安定的维他命 CAscorbyl Stearate 酯化 C 安定的维他命 CAscorbyl Tetraisopalmitate 脂溶性维他命 C 安定的维他命 CAstragalus Membranaceus(Fisch) Bunge Extract 膜荚黄耆萃取提高肌肤活力,效用比人蔘更佳Avobenzone 化学性防晒成分,属Parsol 1789 类,罕见过敏反应Avocado Oil 骆梨油保湿剂、含大量维他命 A 、 C 、 D 、 EAzelaic Acid 壬二酸,杜鹃花酸抑制黑色素,抗菌消炎,用来治疗痤疮的温和成份BBaSO4 硫酸钡物理性防晒成份Babassuamidopropylamine 泡沫增强剂Bay Extract 月桂萃取收敛毛孔、抑制油份分泌Bearberry Extract 熊果萃取含食子单宁、葡萄糖甘等成份,具收敛、杀菌消毒、美白等功效Bees Wax 蜜蜡基质,可增强产品浓度Bentonite 膨润土,皂土有很好的清洁和吸附效果,亦具有抑制脸部油脂分泌的功效,用来调置面膜清洁皮肤,或是用作产品基质Benzalkonium Chloride 氯化苯二甲烃铵抗菌、防腐Benzoic Acid 安息香酸,苯甲酸防腐剂Benzophenones(Benzophenone-3) 二苯甲酮衍生物化学性防晒成分,可防御UVA ,属苯甲酮类Benzoyl Alcohol 产品赋型剂,作为基质Benzoyl Peroxide 过氧化苯盐是一种氧化剂,有抑菌的效果,特别是对引起青春痘的痤疮杆菌这种厌氧菌特别有效Bergamot Mint Extract 佛手柑萃取收敛毛孔、平衡油脂分泌Betula Alba Extract 桦木芽萃取抗菌Betula Extract 桦木萃取抗菌、收敛、净化作用Bilberry Extract 覆盆子萃取消毒、收敛、消脂、排水Bio-Collagen 生化胶原蛋白保湿Bio-Enzyme 酵素,脢促进细胞新陈代谢Biocatalyst 酵素促进细胞新陈代谢Biopeptide 生化蛋白质刺激胶原蛋白合成,预防老化,有助组织重建Biopeptides 双性缩胺酸促进胶原蛋白、弹力蛋白的产生,改善松弛Biota Orientalis(L.) Endle Extract 侧柏叶萃取镇定肌肤Birch Tree Extract 桦树萃取消毒、收敛,增加皮肤愈合力Bisabolo Extract 没药萃取收敛、消毒杀菌加快伤口愈合Bisabolol 甜没药醇防刺激剂,提取自洋甘菊Bletilla Striata Reichenbach Extract 白芨萃取含天然维他命 C ,可减少黑色素沉淀Borage Oil 琉璃苣油天然油脂,含丰富的维他命E、F,修补凹洞Bromclain 菠萝酵素代谢老旧细胞角质Burdock Root Extract 牛蒡根萃取调节皮脂分泌、收敛作用Burdock 牛蒡消毒、预防粉刺、促进细胞生长、抗发炎Butyl Methoxydibenzoylmethane 化学性防晒成分,属Parsol 1789 类,罕见过敏反应Butyl Paraben 丁酯防腐剂Butyl Stearate 硬脂酸赋型剂、基质Butylene Glycol 丁二醇保湿Butylhydroxyanisol 羟基茴香二丁酯酸化防止剂CC12-15 Alkyl Benzoate 赋型剂、基质CO-Q10 辅脢抗氧化,可以消灭自由基,维持细胞膜的完整和稳定Calcium Pantetheine Sulfonate 维他命B5 衍生物,为紫外线吸收剂( 化学性防晒成份)Calcium Pantothenate 泛酸钙,维他命B5 抗氧化,促进代谢Calendula Extract 金盏花萃取具舒缓、安抚敏感肌肤等功效Camellia Sinensis Extract 山茶萃取,茶多酚抗氧化Camphor 樟树抗痒、防过敏Candelilla Wax 墈地里拉蜡浓度增强剂Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride 三甘油酯皮肤润滑剂Carbomer 高份子胶浓度增强剂Carbopol 羧乙烯聚合物赋型剂Carboxymethyl Chitin 几丁质衍生物来自虾蟹外壳,为一高分子量之粘多醣体,具有保湿作用Carnauba Wax 棕榈蜡增加光泽感Carrageenan 鹿角菜胶保湿Carrot Oil 胡萝卜油可促使伤口愈合、镇痛、滋养、消毒、抗老化Carthamus Tinctorius L. Extract 红花萃取活化肌肤Castor Oil 蓖麻油含蓖麻油酸(Ricinoleic acid) ,可润滑、保湿Centella Asiatica 老公根紧实肌肤、增加弹性Ceramide 3 分子钉保湿剂Ceramide 神经醯胺、细胞质脂保湿剂Ceresin 矿蜡乳化剂Ceteareth-12 乳化剂Ceteareth-20 乳化剂Cetearyl Alcohol 十六硬脂酸酯乳化剂Cetyl Acetate 鲸蜡醋酸盐油脂剂Cetyl Alcohol 鲸腊硬酯醇、十六醇乳化剂Cetyl Dimethicone 鲸蜡硅氧烷油脂剂Cetyl Palmitate 棕榈酸鲸腊酯乳化剂Chamomil Oil 洋甘菊油抗自由基、舒缓Chamomile Extract 洋甘菊萃取含丰富的甘菊蓝,具有防止皮肤发炎的功效,亦具有清洁、安定肌肤的效果Chlorella Extract 绿藻萃取滋润、保湿Cholecalciferol 维他命D3 ,胆骨化醇内用为增加钙质吸收,外用可治疗牛皮癣Cholesterol 胆固醇乳化剂Cinnamate 桂皮酸盐类化学性防晒成分,也是目前较安全的成份Cinnamon Essential Oil 肉桂精油防腐、杀菌Cinoxate 化学性防晒成分,属桂皮酸盐类Citric Acid 柠檬酸防腐剂及平衡酸碱度Citric Alcohol 柠檬醇乳化剂Citric Oil 柠檬油润肤Citron 法国香柠檬具提神醒肤、消除肌肉疲劳以及对毛孔粗大有收敛效果等作用Citronella Essential Oil 香茅精油清洁、杀菌Citrus Extract 柑橘萃取含有维他命 C ,具有防菌效果,可以控制油脂分泌作用及防止雀斑、黑斑的形成Coal Tar 煤焦油常用来做为唇膏的染料Cocamidopropyl Betaine 烷基醯胺类界面活性剂,起泡剂,清洁用Cocamidopropyl Hydroxy Sultane 烷基醯胺类界面活性剂,起泡剂,清洁用Cocoamide DEA 非离子界面活性剂清洁用品主要成份。

各向同性介质 各向异性非均匀介质 脉冲 尖脉冲 振幅 频率
isotropic medium
anisotropic non-homogeneous medium impulse spike amplitude frequency wave number
克劳德子波 零相位子波 最小相位子波 波峰 波谷
Ricker wavelet
Klauder wavelet zero phase wavelet minimum phase wavelet wave peak, peak wave trough, trough
(复数) 介质 各向同性
medium, media
弯曲测线法 crooked line method
宽线调查 wide line survey
垂直地震剖面 地震地层学
VSP vertical seismic profile seismic stratigraphy
地震记录仪 96道记录仪 多道记录仪 检波器 陆用检波器 沼泽检波器
reflection seismology
密度 波阻抗
density acoustic impedance
反射系数;反射率 入射角 入射角 反射角 法线 临界角
reflection coefficient
reflectivity incident angle angle of incidence angle of reflection normal line critical angle
seismic recording instrument 96-channel recorder , 96-channel recording instrument multi-channel recorder geophone land case geophone marsh case geophone

Ground water Term
absorption coefficient accumulation (glacial) 吸附系数 堆积 A measure of the amount of radiant energy, incident normal to a planar surface, that is absorbed per unit distance or unit mass of a substance. All processes, which include snowfall, condensation, avalanching, snow transport by wind, and freezing of liquid water, that add snow or ice to a glacier, floating ice, or snow cover. The term also includes the amount of snow or other solid precipitation added to a glacier or snowfield by these processes. the acidic rainfall which results when rain combines with sulfur oxides emissions from combustion of fossil fuels. The acid concentration in ice core layers as a function of depth as determined from electrical measurements. The magnitudes of some volcanic eruptions in the Northern Hemisphere have been estimated from the acidity of annual layers in ice cores taken in Greenland. This methodology is sometimes referred to as acidity signal or acidity record. the molecular attraction asserted between the surfaces of bodies in contact. Compare cohesion the adhesion of a substance to the surface of a solid or liquid. Adsorption is often used to extract pollutants by causing them to be attached to such adsorbents as activated carbon or silica gel. Hydrophobic, or water-repulsing adsorbents, are used to extract oil from waterways in oil spills. Time required for a given stream of irrigation water to move from the upper end of a field to the lower end of the field. The predominately horizontal large-scale movement of air that causes changes in temperature or other physical properties. In oceanography, advection is the horizontal or vertical flow of sea water as a current. the mixing or turbulent exposure of water to air and oxgen to dissipate volatile contaminants and other pollutants into the air. (also known as the unsaturated zone):The zone above the water table is known as the aeration zone. Particulate material, other than water or ice, in the atmosphere ranging in size from approximately 10x-3 to larger than 10x2 磎 in radius. Aerosols are important in the atmosphere as nuclei for the condensation of water droplets and ice crystals, as participants in various chemical cycles, and as absorbers and scatterers of solar radiation, thereby influencing the radiation budget of the earth-atmosphere system, which in turn influences the climate on the surface of the Earth. water which is soft and acidic and can corrode plumbing, piping, and appliances. Composed of livestock, animal specialty, and irrigation water use.

一、化妆品类别二、功效类三、彩妆类四、常见名称五、化妆品 INGREDIENTS(成份)中文标示简介一、化妆品类别护肤:skin care洗面奶:facial cleanser/face wash(Foaming,milky,cream, Gel)爽肤水:toner/astringent紧肤水:firming lotion柔肤水:toner/smoothing toner (facial mist/facial spray/ complexion mist)护肤霜:moisturizers and creams精华:serum/essence喷雾:spa water/spray乳液:fluid保湿:moisturizer隔离霜,防晒:sun screen/sun block美白:whitening露:lotion,霜:cream日霜:day cream晚霜:night cream眼部GEL: eye gel面膜: facial mask/masque眼膜: eye mask护唇用:Lip care口红护膜:Lip coat磨砂膏: facial scrub去黑头: (deep) pore cleanser/striper pore refining 去死皮: Exfoliating Scrub润肤露(身体):bodylotion/moisturizer护手霜: hand lotion/moisturizer沐浴露: body wash二、功效类Acne/Spot(青春痘用品)Active(賦活用)After sun(日晒后用品)Alcohol-free(无酒精)Anti-(抗、防)Anti- wrinkle(抗老防皱)Balancing(平衡酸鹼)Clean-/Purify-(清洁用)Combination(混合性皮肤)Dry(干性皮肤)Essence(精华液)Facial(脸部用)Fast/Quick dry(快干)Firm(紧肤)Foam(泡沫)Gentle(溫和的)Hydra-(保湿用)Long lasting(持久性)Milk(乳)Mult-(多元)Normal(中性皮肤)Nutritious(滋养)Oil-control(抑制油脂)Oily(油性皮肤)Pack(剝撕式面膜)Peeling(敷面剝落式面膜)Remover(去除、卸妝)Repair(修护)Revitalite(活化)Scrub(磨砂式 (去角質))Sensitive(敏感性皮肤)Solvent(溶解)Sun block(防曬用)Toning lotion(化妝水)Trentment(修護)Wash(洗)Waterproof(防水)arifiant / Lisse——让皮肤更有光泽,更为光滑,增加容光Purifiant / Purifying / Pure——清洁Exfoliant / Gommage / Scrub——按摩,去除角质Hydratant / Hydra——保湿Contour——周边Adoucissant / Douceur——使肌肤更细嫩Shine-Free / Oil-Control / Anti-Brillance——控制皮脂分泌Nutri / Nutritive / Nourishing——丰富营养,滋润Repair / Anti-Age——恢复,抗衰老Démaquillant / Make up Remover——卸妆三、彩妆类彩妆: cosmetics遮瑕膏: concealer修容餅:Shading powder粉底: foundation (compact,stick)粉饼: pressed powder散粉:loose powder闪粉:shimmering powder/glitter眉粉: brow powder眉笔:brow pencil眼线液(眼线笔):liquid eye liner, eye liner眼影: eye shadow睫毛膏: mascara唇线笔: lip liner唇膏: lip color/lipstick(笔状 lip pencil,膏状 lip lipstick,盒装 lipcolor/lip gloss)唇彩: lip gloss/lip color腮红: blush卸装水: makeup remover卸装乳: makeup removing lotion帖在身上的小亮片: body art指甲: manicure/pedicure指甲油: nail polish/color/enamel去甲油:nail polish remover护甲液:Nail saver发: hair products/accessories洗发水: shampoo护发素: hair conditioner锔油膏: conditioning hairdressing/hairdressing gel /treat ment摩丝: mousse发胶: styling gel染发: hair color冷烫水: perm/perming formula卷发器: rollers/perm rollers工具: cosmetic applicators/accessories粉刷: cosmetic brush, face brush粉扑: powder puffs海绵扑: sponge puffs眉刷: brow brush睫毛夹: lash curler眼影刷: eye shadow brush/shadow applicator 口红刷: lip brush胭脂扫: blush brush转笔刀: pencil sharpener电动剃毛器: electric shaver-for women电动睫毛卷: electric lash curler描眉卡: brow template纸巾: facial tissue吸油纸: oil-Absorbing Sheets化装棉: cotton pads棉签: Q-tips化装包: cosmetic bag四、化妆品常见名称Facial Care Products 臉部保養品Facial Mask 面膜Peel off Mask 撕去性面膜Rinse off Mask 沖洗性面膜Intensive Whitening Mask 深度白淨面膜Gentle Cleansing Lotion/ Gentle Cleansing Foam/ Gentle Cleansing soap 溫和洗面乳(皂)Gentle Cleansing Cream 溫和洗面霜100% Oil-Free Eye Makeup Remover 100%無油性眼部卸妝油Eye Make-Up Cleansing 眼部卸妝液Gentle Eye Makeup Remover 溫和眼部卸妝(油/液/乳)Instant Eye And Lip Makeup Remover 快速眼唇卸妝(油/液/乳) Lotion Toner/ Toning Water 化妝水Clear Lotion 美白化妝水Ultra-Brightening/ Whitening Lotion 明亮白皙化妝水Refreshing Lotion 煥采化妝水Night Cream/ Night Treatments 晚霜Anti-Wrinkle Cream 抗皺霜Recoup Recovery Cream 煥膚霜Anti-Aging Moisturizer 抗老潤膚(霜/凝霜/乳液)Eye Cream/ Eye Care/ Eye Gel 眼霜Activate Eye Cream 活化眼霜Activate Skin Builder 肌膚活力精華(霜/凝膠/乳液)Brightening Moisturizing Gel 明亮潤膚凝膠Brightening Moisturizing Emulsion 明亮潤膚乳液T-Zone Balancing Gel T字部位平衡凝膠Eye Revitalizer 賦活眼(霜/凝膠/乳液)Eye Soother Anti-Puffiness/ Dark Circles 眼部清柔抗腫脹/黑眼圈(霜/凝膠/乳液)Make-Up Remover/ Cleansing Oil 卸妝油Facial Foam/ Facial Cleansing Cream/ Cleansers 洗面乳Essence Concentrate 精華液Moisturizer Lotion 乳液Oil Obsorbing Sheet 吸油面紙Lip Balm Chopstick/ Lip Conditioner 護唇膏Water Spray 保濕噴霧Body Care Products 身體保養品Fragrance/ Parfum Spray 香水Body Spray/ Body Splash 身體噴霧Lanolin Cream 綿羊油Massage Cream 按摩霜Body Cream 身體霜Body Butter 身體乳霜(油)Body Moisturing Lotion 身體保濕乳液Body Lotion 身體乳液Shower Gel 沐浴凝膠Bath And Massage Oil 沐浴按摩油Essential Oil 精油Body Wash/ Shower Gel/ Bathing Gel 沐浴乳Bouncing Bubbles 泡泡浴凝膠Body Scrub 身體去角質霜Sun Block/ Sunscreen 防曬乳Sunscreen Spray 防曬噴霧Self Tanner Oil 助曬油After-Sun Lotion 曬後乳液Hand Care Products 手部保養品Hand Cream/ Hand Lotion 護手霜(乳液) Hand Cleanser 洗手乳Nail Polish Crystal/ Nail Lacquer 指甲油Fast-Dry Nail Color 快乾指甲油Polish Remover 去光水Foot Care Products 腿部保養品Foot Scrub 腿部去角質霜Foot Cream 腿霜Cracked Heel Treatment Cream 腳後跟龜裂霜Hair Care Products 頭髮保養品Shampoo 洗髮精Conditioner 潤髮乳Glossing Shampoo 光澤洗髮精Glossing Conditioner 光澤潤髮乳Curls Shampoo 捲髮用洗髮精Curls Conditioner 捲髮用潤髮乳Nourishing Shampoo For Dry/ Damaged Hair 滋養洗髮精(乾性/受損髮質適用)Shine Shampoo For Formal 光澤洗髮精(正常髮質適用)Balancing Shampoo For Formal 均衡洗髮精(正常髮質適用) Technician Shampoo 專業用洗髮精Technician Conditioner 專業用潤髮乳Technician Color Care Mask 專業用護色髮膜Style Glossing Cream 造型亮澤霜Mousse 慕絲Curls Wave Creating Spray 造型捲髮噴霧Curl Enhancing Gel 加強捲度造型膠Hair Treatment/ Hair Essence/ Essential Oil 護髮乳(護髮精華) Cosmetics 化妝品Foundation Cosmetics 底妝化妝品Protect Base/ Block/ Makeup Base/ Control Base/ Sun Screen Lotion/ Face Protecter 隔離霜Correcting Makeup Base 遮瑕隔離霜Foundation/ Compact/ Compact Powder/ Pressed Powder/ Foundation Cake 粉餅(註明”refill”可替換粉芯)Brightening Powder Foundation 潤色增亮粉餅Pressed Powder 蜜粉餅Loose Powder 蜜粉Liquid Foundation 粉底液Glistening Powder 珠光效果的蜜粉Sensual Skin Enhancer/ Sensual Skin Primer/ Time Balm Concealer/ Corrector Concealer 飾底乳/霜(遮瑕膏/霜)Liquid Conceale 遮瑕霜Pen Concealer 遮瑕筆Stick Concealer 遮瑕膏條(Can be worn alone or under foundation 可以單獨使用也可以用於上粉底之前)(Yellow corrects dark circles 黃色的遮瑕膏可以改善黑眼圈)(Green corrects redness 綠色可以改善泛紅)Cream-To-Powder Foundation 粉凝霜Blush/ Blush Powder/ Cheek Color 腮紅餅Cream Blush/ Creamy Moist Glow 腮紅霜Glitter/ Shimmer 用於臉或身體的亮粉Eye Cosmetics 眼部化妝品Eye Shadow 眼影Single Eye Shadow 單色眼影Eye Shadow Duo 雙色眼影Trio Eye Shadow 三色眼影Eye Shadow Pen 眼影筆Eyeliner Pencil/ Eye Liner 眼線筆Liquid Eyeliner 眼線液Eye Liner Gel 眼線膠Mascara 睫毛膏Exaggeration Lengthening Mascara 超長睫毛膏Lashes Intensifying Mascara 睫毛增強睫毛膏Curling Mascara 捲俏睫毛膏Eyebrow Pencil 眉筆False Lashes 假睫毛Lip Cosmetics 唇部化妝品Lip Pencil 唇筆Long-Lasting Lipstick 持久脣膏Lipstick Rouge 脣膏Strictly Sheer Moisturizing Lipstick 薄透水潤脣膏Pure Reflection Ultra-Shine Lipstick 超亮澤脣膏Wet Pearl Lipstick 保濕珠光脣膏Lip Gloss Lacquer/ Luster Lip Balm 唇蜜Double-Ended Lip Gloss 兩端都有的脣蜜Mouth-Watering Lip Gloss 超水感脣蜜Shine Lip Lacquer/ Lip Shine/ Lip Polish 唇亮油Plump Your Pucker/ Lip Plumper/ Plump Lip Enhancer/ Lip Plumper/ Lip Balm/Soothing Lip Buffer 護脣膏Lip Kit/ Lip Palette 唇彩盤Accessories 配件Cosmetic Bags/ Cosmetic Case/ Makeup Bags/ Makeup Case 化妝包Mirrors 鏡子Eye Shadow Brush 眼影刷Double-Ended Eyelining Brush 雙頭的眼線刷Eyelash Curler 睫毛夾Lash Definer 睫毛刷Brow & Lash Comb 眉毛&睫毛刷Lip Brush 唇刷Pencil Sharpener 削筆機Blush Brush/ Face Blender Brush 腮紅刷Retractable Blush Brush 可伸縮的腮紅刷Powder Brush 蜜粉刷Brush Cleaner 刷具清潔液Hair Brush Comb 梳子Cotten Puff For Make-up/ Cotton Pads 化妝棉Powder Puff 粉撲Hair Tweezers 拔毛鉗Cotton Balls 棉花球Sponge 海綿Eyebrow Groomer 眉毛刷Foot File 腳指甲挫刀Makeup Disk/ Face Kit/ Face Paint Palette 彩妝盤(包含唇彩,眼影,腮紅等刷具組)Alpha Hydroxy Acid 果酸Collagen Protein 膠原蛋白Non-Greasy 不油膩Fragrance Free 無香味Waterproof 防水效果Hydrating 保濕Moisturizer 滋潤Whitening/ Brightening 美白Scrub Exfoliantion/ Exfoliating 去角質Rejuvenating/ Revitalizing 活膚Wrinkle Treatment 抗皺Firming 緊膚Softening 軟化Detoxifying 排毒Anti-Aging 抗老化Sign Treatment 去斑Blemish Control 控制痘疤Acne Treatment 治痘Anti-Acne 抗痘Dry Skin 乾燥肌膚Oily Skin 油性肌膚Young Skin 年輕肌膚Sensitive Skin 敏感性肌膚Normal Skin 正常肌膚Combinaiton Skin 綜合性肌膚T-Zone T字型部位五、化妆品 INGREDIENTS(成份)中文标示简介INGREDIENTS(成份)中文标示简介AAcyclovir 带状泡疹、水痘药物治疗成份,需医生处方Adapalene 维他命A酸衍生物治疗痤疮有效成份,需医生处方Adenosine Triphosphate(ATP) 腺三磷酸使皮肤代谢正常Albumin 白蛋白水溶性蛋白质,为中性缓冲液,是一种酵素Alcohol 酒精溶剂Alfalfa Extract 紫花苜蓿萃取含多种氨基酸及红萝卜素,可抗老化Algae Extract 海藻萃取液抗氧化Algisium C 是一种生物保湿剂,可以修护肌肤并使更新暗沉的肤质,延缓老化的速度;其保湿性可维持8-12小时Alkyl Benzoate 烃基安息香酸盐油脂剂,作为基质Allantoin 尿囊素抗炎症、促进细胞修护Almond 杏仁油天然油脂,用作基质Aloe Extract 芦荟萃取镇静、保湿、滋润、抗敏、镇静、去红肿Aloe Vera 芦荟镇静、保湿、滋润、抗敏、镇静、去红肿Alpha Hydroxy(AHA) 果酸最常用的为甘醇酸(Glycolic Acid)及乳酸(Lactic Acid),主要功效在促进皮肤新陈代谢,具有角质微剥的功效Alpha Lipoic Acid 脂肪酸,硫辛酸抗氧化Alpha Tocopheryl 维他命E 抗氧化Aluminum Chlorohydrate 氢氯酸铝可抑制身体出汗,常来用作止汗剂成份Amino Acid 天然胺基酸防止水份过度的流失,并使肌肤温和不紧绷,护肤、供给肌肤营养Aminocaproic Acid 胺基己酸预防肌肤敏感现象Ammonium Glycyrrhizate 甘草酸胺保湿、预防过敏Amniotic Fluid 羊膜液含丰富肌肤所需的胺基酸Angelica Sinensis Diels Extract 当归萃取具有行气活血功效,可促进肌肤毛细微管血液循环Angelica 白芷当归属,含天然维他命C及预防敏感作用Angiosperm Extract 被子植物酸具有防止发炎及抗过敏效果Anhydroalkannin 去水紫草烯紫草萃取精华,可抗炎、抗菌、活血、去瘀Anthranilates 化学性防晒成分Apple Extract 苹果萃取含有Vit-C等美容成份,另具有爽肤、镇静消毒作用Apricot Bead 杏桃颗粒通常加在磨砂膏中,用来去除皮肤老废角质Apricot Kernel Oil 杏核油富含矿物质和维他命,是天然的保湿剂,特别适合敏感性肤质Aqua 水,溶液基质Arbutin 熊果素淡化已形成的黑色素,能安定自由基、避免肌肤老化,卫生署公布有效美白成份之一Arnica Extract 山金车萃取活血散瘀Arnica Oil 山金车油可促使伤口愈合、消毒、消肿、防止瘀斑出现Ascorbic Acid 维他命C 抗氧化Ascorbyl Glucoside(AAG) 维他命C甘醣维他命C衍生物,为卫生署公布有效美白成份之一Ascorbyl Pamitate 维他命C棕榈酸盐一种脂溶性维他命C,是安定的维他命C Ascorbyl Stearate 酯化C 安定的维他命CAscorbyl Tetraisopalmitate 脂溶性维他命C 安定的维他命CAstragalus Membranaceus(Fisch) Bunge Extract 膜荚黄耆萃取提高肌肤活力,效用比人蔘更佳Avobenzone 化学性防晒成分,属Parsol 1789类,罕见过敏反应Avocado Oil 骆梨油保湿剂、含大量维他命A、C、D、EAzelaic Acid 壬二酸,杜鹃花酸抑制黑色素,抗菌消炎,用来治疗痤疮的温和成份BBaSO4 硫酸钡物理性防晒成份Babassuamidopropylamine 泡沫增强剂Bay Extract 月桂萃取收敛毛孔、抑制油份分泌Bearberry Extract 熊果萃取含食子单宁、葡萄糖甘等成份,具收敛、杀菌消毒、美白等功效Bees Wax 蜜蜡基质,可增强产品浓度Bentonite 膨润土,皂土有很好的清洁和吸附效果,亦具有抑制脸部油脂分泌的功效,用来调置面膜清洁皮肤,或是用作产品基质Benzalkonium Chloride 氯化苯二甲烃铵抗菌、防腐Benzoic Acid 安息香酸,苯甲酸防腐剂Benzophenones(Benzophenone-3) 二苯甲酮衍生物化学性防晒成分,可防御UVA,属苯甲酮类Benzoyl Alcohol 产品赋型剂,作为基质Benzoyl Peroxide 过氧化苯盐是一种氧化剂,有抑菌的效果,特别是对引起青春痘的痤疮杆菌这种厌氧菌特别有效Bergamot Mint Extract 佛手柑萃取收敛毛孔、平衡油脂分泌Betula Alba Extract 桦木芽萃取抗菌Betula Extract 桦木萃取抗菌、收敛、净化作用Bilberry Extract 覆盆子萃取消毒、收敛、消脂、排水Bio-Collagen 生化胶原蛋白保湿Bio-Enzyme 酵素,脢促进细胞新陈代谢Biocatalyst 酵素促进细胞新陈代谢Biopeptide 生化蛋白质刺激胶原蛋白合成,预防老化,有助组织重建Biopeptides 双性缩胺酸促进胶原蛋白、弹力蛋白的产生,改善松弛Biota Orientalis(L.) Endle Extract 侧柏叶萃取镇定肌肤Birch Tree Extract 桦树萃取消毒、收敛,增加皮肤愈合力Bisabolo Extract 没药萃取收敛、消毒杀菌加快伤口愈合Bisabolol 甜没药醇防刺激剂,提取自洋甘菊Bletilla Striata Reichenbach Extract 白芨萃取含天然维他命C,可减少黑色素沉淀Borage Oil 琉璃苣油天然油脂,含丰富的维他命E、F,修补凹洞Bromclain 菠萝酵素代谢老旧细胞角质Burdock Root Extract 牛蒡根萃取调节皮脂分泌、收敛作用Burdock 牛蒡消毒、预防粉刺、促进细胞生长、抗发炎Butyl Methoxydibenzoylmethane 化学性防晒成分,属Parsol 1789类,罕见过敏反应Butyl Paraben 丁酯防腐剂Butyl Stearate 硬脂酸赋型剂、基质Butylene Glycol 丁二醇保湿Butylhydroxyanisol 羟基茴香二丁酯酸化防止剂CC12-15 Alkyl Benzoate 赋型剂、基质CO-Q10 辅脢抗氧化,可以消灭自由基,维持细胞膜的完整和稳定Calcium Pantetheine Sulfonate 维他命B5衍生物,为紫外线吸收剂(化学性防晒成份) Calcium Pantothenate 泛酸钙,维他命B5 抗氧化,促进代谢Calendula Extract 金盏花萃取具舒缓、安抚敏感肌肤等功效Camellia Sinensis Extract 山茶萃取,茶多酚抗氧化Camphor 樟树抗痒、防过敏Candelilla Wax 墈地里拉蜡浓度增强剂Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride 三甘油酯皮肤润滑剂Carbomer 高份子胶浓度增强剂Carbopol 羧乙烯聚合物赋型剂Carboxymethyl Chitin 几丁质衍生物来自虾蟹外壳,为一高分子量之粘多醣体,具有保湿作用Carnauba Wax 棕榈蜡增加光泽感Carrageenan 鹿角菜胶保湿Carrot Oil 胡萝卜油可促使伤口愈合、镇痛、滋养、消毒、抗老化Carthamus Tinctorius L. Extract 红花萃取活化肌肤Castor Oil 蓖麻油含蓖麻油酸(Ricinoleic acid),可润滑、保湿Centella Asiatica 老公根紧实肌肤、增加弹性Ceramide 3 分子钉保湿剂Ceramide 神经醯胺、细胞质脂保湿剂Ceresin 矿蜡乳化剂Ceteareth-12 乳化剂Ceteareth-20 乳化剂Cetearyl Alcohol 十六硬脂酸酯乳化剂Cetyl Acetate 鲸蜡醋酸盐油脂剂Cetyl Alcohol 鲸腊硬酯醇、十六醇乳化剂Cetyl Dimethicone 鲸蜡硅氧烷油脂剂Cetyl Palmitate 棕榈酸鲸腊酯乳化剂Chamomil Oil 洋甘菊油抗自由基、舒缓Chamomile Extract 洋甘菊萃取含丰富的甘菊蓝,具有防止皮肤发炎的功效,亦具有清洁、安定肌肤的效果Chlorella Extract 绿藻萃取滋润、保湿Cholecalciferol 维他命D3,胆骨化醇内用为增加钙质吸收,外用可治疗牛皮癣Cholesterol 胆固醇乳化剂Cinnamate 桂皮酸盐类化学性防晒成分,也是目前较安全的成份Cinnamon Essential Oil 肉桂精油防腐、杀菌Cinoxate 化学性防晒成分,属桂皮酸盐类Citric Acid 柠檬酸防腐剂及平衡酸碱度Citric Alcohol 柠檬醇乳化剂Citric Oil 柠檬油润肤Citron 法国香柠檬具提神醒肤、消除肌肉疲劳以及对毛孔粗大有收敛效果等作用Citronella Essential Oil 香茅精油清洁、杀菌Citrus Extract 柑橘萃取含有维他命C,具有防菌效果,可以控制油脂分泌作用及防止雀斑、黑斑的形成Coal Tar 煤焦油常用来做为唇膏的染料Cocamidopropyl Betaine 烷基醯胺类界面活性剂,起泡剂,清洁用Cocamidopropyl Hydroxy Sultane 烷基醯胺类界面活性剂,起泡剂,清洁用Cocoamide DEA 非离子界面活性剂清洁用品主要成份。


下面是一些护肤品常用成分的中英文名对照及功能与作用,方便各位MM购买进口护肤品时参考:一、字母A-B开头的:Acrylates Copolymer 丙烯酸酯聚合体会吸收脸上油脂减少油光,搭配其它物质如甘油、环甲硅脂、维他命A醇、蔬菜油等于产品中时具有定时释放的特性藉此延长产品的效果及减少产品的直接刺激性Age Intervention Complex 含外用干扰素、Q10、有机硫MSM 有修护受损细胞、抗自由基、抗炎、维护细胞膜等功能Algae Extract 海藻粹取物促进新陈代谢、具保湿作用、使皮肤柔软、抗炎、抗自由基Alkyl Benzoate 烃基安息香酸盐柔软剂All trans retinol A醇加速表皮细胞的生长、刺激胶原蛋白的增生、减缓发炎反应、抑制皮脂分泌、抗痘、抑菌Allantoin 尿囊素保湿、帮助愈合、抗炎、剌激细胞再生及舒缓的作用Almond Extract 杏仁粹取保湿及滋润作用,使肌肤柔软,其对肌肤的渗透性佳Aloe Vera 芦荟保湿、帮助愈合、抗炎、修复功能Aluminum Chlorohydrate 氢氯酸铝收敛剂、抑制腋臭Amino Acid 胺基酸最小分子结构之蛋白质,较易为皮肤吸收,具保湿作用Aminoguandine 柔软剂保持肌肤柔软滑润Aminophyllin 氨基比林镇静、散热Ammonium Laureth Sulfate(ALES) 十二酯硫酸铵天然月桂醇衍生之洗净剂Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate(ALS) 十二硫铵天然椰子醇衍生弱酸性洗净剂Apple (Pyrus malus) Extract 苹果粹取物抑制弹性纤维酵素破坏弹性纤维、抗老化Apricot Kernel Oil 杏核油含油酸、亚麻仁油酸及维他命A、E、柔润皮肤及保持弹性Arbutin 熊果素抑制酪胺酸酵素活性,具美白效果Arginine PCA PCA鲑卵酸酯保湿滋润,具效用之胺基酸及保湿剂。

持久性有机污染物+ persistent organic pollutant修复目标+ remediation goal暴露途径+ exposure pathway人体健康风险评估+ human health risk assessment暴露评价+ exposure assessment土壤污染化学+ soil pollution chemistry生物修复+ bioremediation土壤改良+ soil amendment复合污染+ combined pollution有机污染物+ organic pollutant挥发性有机物+ volatile organic compounds土壤环境质量评价+ soil environmental quality assessment 土壤环境质量标准+ soil environmental quality standard 土壤环境容量+ soil environmental capacity土壤环境保护+ soil environmental protection植物修复+ phytoremediation土壤背景值+ soil background value地下水groundwater/ground water浅层水shallow water潜水unconfined water承压水confined water潜水含水层unconfined aquifer承压含水层confined aquifer包气带vadose zone饱和带saturation zone非饱和带unsaturated zone采样策略sampling strategy源解析source apportionment非系统性样点布设方式non-systematic sampling系统性样点布设方式systematic sampling各向异性heterogeneity各向同性homogeneity地质统计学geostatistics空间变异spatial variability场地特性site characterization背景值background level质量控制样品quality control sample土壤修复方法自然衰减natural attenuation生物修复bioremediation生物降解biodegradation生物转化biotransformation生物富集bioaccumulation/bioconcentration非生物降解abiotic degradation物化修复physical/chemical remediation生物强化/刺激技术biostimulation先锋物种pioneer species生态修复ecological restoration农艺修复agronomic remediation植物修复phytoremediation植物稳定化phytostabilization植物吸(提)取phytoextraction生物富集系数bioconcentration factor转运系数transfer coefficient超积累植物hyperaccumulator能源植物energy plant植物挥发phytovolatilization植物降解phytodegradation植物转化phytotransformation根际过滤rhizofiltration根际效应rhizosphere effect螯合诱导chelate-induced土壤蒸汽提取/汽提soil vapor extraction/air sparging(SVE/AS) 电动修复electrokinetic remediation土壤清洗soil washing土壤淋洗soil flushing土壤稳定化soil stabilization土壤固化soil solidification化学固定/稳定化chemical fixation/stabilization热解吸thermal desorption还原脱氯reductive dechlorination化学脱卤法chemical dehalogenation化学氧化chemical oxidationFenton试剂Fenton’s regent隔离层isolation layer泥浆反应器slurry reactor生物反应器bioreactor土地耕作land farming生物堆制/堆腐/堆肥法biopile/composting生物通风/土壤通气bioventing电磁波频率加热技术radio-wave heating共代谢cometabolism/co-metabolism固定化细胞反应器immobilized cell reactor好氧降解aerobic degradation厌氧降解anaerobic degradation光化学降解photochemical degradation换/客土法soil replacement基因工程菌genetically engineered microorganism渗透反应墙permeable reactive barrier(PRB) 慢速渗滤法slow rate infiltration(SRI)投菌法bioaugmentation土壤改良soil amendment土壤改良剂soil amendment agent异位修复ex-situ remediation原位修复in-situ remediation现场修复on-site remediation离场修复off-site remediation联合/协同修复combined remediation植物基因工程技术plant genetic engineering 转基因植物transgenic plant制备床法prepared bed真菌修复fungal remediation根际修复rhizoremediation超临界萃取supercritical fluid extraction(SFE) 玻璃化作用vitrification移动式处理系统mobile treatment instrument 微生态环境micro-ecological environment工程化控制engineering control修复目标remedial goal场地环境评价 Environmental Site Assessment(ESA) 焚烧 Incineration粒径分布grain size distribution粘土含量clay content阳离子交换量cation exchange capacity(CEC)疏水性有机物hydrophobic organic随机样品grab sample。


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(10–35%),plagioclase (15–40%),and quartz (up to 10%)fragments and grains of sedimentary rocks.The sandstone matrix consists of zeolites,carbonates,chlo-rite,kaolinite,leucoxene,clay minerals,sphene,and epi-dote.The presence of readily altered rocks and minerals in the clastic part provided a substantial rock fraction,which was easily altered during the regional prehnite–pumpellyite metamorphism in Sobolevskaya sandstone.This has resulted in locally decreased porosity and permeability of this formation.The open porosity of the Sobolevskaya sandstone (Table 1)is between 2.4%and 19.1%,but in the southern part of the basin where this formation produces oil,open primary porosity never exceeds 12%.Geostatic load,granular size,and sorting of the sandstone show no correlation to permeability or porosity,suggesting that the development of the sec-ondary minerals in the matrix is a significant factor in these petrophysical parameters of the rock.The per-meability of the sandstones calculated from natural gas and oil production from the Sobolevskaya sandstone is188Geologic NoteTable boratory and In-Hole Determinations of Permeability of the Sobolevskaya Formation Sandstones of the Telekaisky StructureWell number Depth (m)Permeability parallel to bedding (md)Permeability perpendicular to bedding (md)Permeability (in-hole,md)Gas (mcf/day)Oil yields (bbl/day)Water yields (bbl/day)11732–1747**88.935491**11711–1727**59.225085**41882.9–1900.20.1–1.910.1–1.8013.62**121271689.7–1731.1<0.01–0.01<0.01–0.01 1.485533**71858.9–1938.70.1–1.760.1–1.6628.23**100091863.3–1875.50.1–4.110.1–1.4961.88*895*91890–1875.60.1–1.840.1–2.43728.41*534**No core was taken.Figure 4.Achinsky oil fields of the Anadyrsky basin:(A)structural map and (B)cross section.510 kmABOil wells: map and cross-section view Reflectors (cross sections only)Equal-depth lines to the top ofSobolevskaya Formation (depth in kilometers)Cross-section reference location.between 1.5and 89md (Table 1),greatly exceeding those values determined by direct analysis of core sam-ples.In one case,within the Telekaisky structure,cal-culated permeability reaches 728md,while maximum permeability measured from core samples was only 2.4md.The Sobolevskaya sandstone yields light (API grav-ity from 39.4to 43.4j ),very low-sulfur (0.01–0.02%)oil.The carbon preference index decreases with depth from 1.47to 1.06(Ivanov,1985).Interstitial fluids analyses (Gurko et al.,1986)re-veal that the light fractions of the oils have high contents of aromatic hydrocarbons and that their concentration increases with depth.Gaseous hydrocarbons from sev-eral levels above the main oil-producing Sobolev-skaya sandstone reservoir contain high amounts of low-boiling-temperature aromatics up to C 8.Heavy paraffins in the oils reach 15vol.%in the lower part of Achinsky structure and 27%in the lower part of Telekaisky structure.The pristane/phytane ratio in the Anadyrsky basin oils is 12.67.Oil-producing structures were formed during Cenozoic tectonic activation,due to the thrusting of Al’katvaamsky and Algano-Mainitsky terranes over the Anadyrsky sedimentary basin and the collision of the Ukelayat,Emravaamsky,and Ekonaisky terranes.The faults in the upper Oligocene–lower Miocene strata served as vertical channels,along which hydrocarbon migrated from source rocks beneath already existing or syntectonic traps.Most of the steep faults do not extend above the clay strata of the Telekaisky Formation in the Anadyrsky basin.No hydrocarbons have been found associated to a monocline located immediately to the south of the Telekaisky oil field.In this region,drilling has revealed oxidized,static oil,found at the depth of 885m in fault-related fractures.Bitumens,marked by red-brown lu-minescence,were observed at depth between 2200and 2300m,but no interstitial fluid flow was observed during formation pump tests.Geophysical data,well logging,and borehole studies suggest the absence of reservoir formations in the Miocene section to a depth of 2300m.This stratigraphic level is within the inter-val that is productive in the Achinsky and Telekaisky oil fields.Khatyrsky BasinThe Khatyrsky sedimentary basin is located in the northeastern part of the Ekonaisky terrane of the Kor-yak superterrane,adjacent to the Alkatvaamsky ter-rane (Figure 1).The basement of the basin contains Carboniferous–Lower Jurassic pillow basalts and jas-pers,Carboniferous–Permian limestone blocks,Meso-zoic ophiolite complexes,and Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous tuffaceous sandstone,mudstone,tuff,and pillow basalt.Upper Maastrichtian to Miocene sand-stones,shales,siltstones,and conglomerates represent the basin-fill complex (Figure 6).Basin-fill thickness increases to the south,where sedimentation started and ended significantly earlier than in the northern parts of the basin.Presently,the Uglovoya oil field is the sole economic hydrocarbon deposit found in theHarbert et al.189Figure 5.Telekaisky oil fields of theAnadyrsky basin:(A)structural map and (B)cross section.km510AOil depositsGas depositsReflectors (cross sections only)1.9Oil wells:map and cross-section view lines to the top ofCross-section reference location.basin.The producing reservoirs are found in the Mio-cene strata of the Khatyrsky basin (Figure 6).The age of basin-filling sediments and the compo-sition of the tectonic basement in the Khatyrsky basin are quite variable.Basement lithologies include several thrust sheets of Paleozoic and Mesozoic ophiolites,Upper Jurassic to Cretaceous turbidites,tuffaceous sand-stone,mudstone,and tuff.The deposition of the sedi-mentary section began during the late Maastrichtian in the southern part of the basin and during the Oligocene in the northern part of the basin.Although the Khatyrsky basin has a complex internal structure of several troughs separated by internal uplifts,it is generally assumed that sedimentation both began and ended earlier in the south-ern part of the basin.The Uglovoya oil field is a complex structure lo-cated offshore in the northwest Bering Sea.Seismic data have been interpreted to show the main basin struc-ture as a fault-bounded anticline separated into several blocks by steep reverse faults.The major oil reservoir consists of sandstones and conglomerates of the lower Miocene Imlikinsky Formation (Figure 7).Indicators of hydrocarbons and increased gas content were observed during exploration drilling,beginning at a depth of 600m.A significant oil deposit was encountered between a 1638and 1658m depth.Gas content during drilling increased from 1.5to 20%,sometimes up to 30–40%,with con-centration of heavy hydrocarbons reaching 5–7%.Below 900m depth,beds of siltstone and sandstone show evi-dence of a hydrocarbon component,such as yellow lu-minescence and what is described as a ‘‘dead’’oil smell (Ivanov,1985).In the Khatyrsky basin,the Neivytvyrsky and Anol’sky Formations,which contain thick imperme-able claystone strata,separate the reservoir rocks of the Imlikinsky Formation from the source rocks of the Ionaysky Formation.Steep faults do not generally ex-tend above the base of the Vaamochkinsky Formation in the Khatyrsky basin,enabling the preservation of hydrocarbons in trapping structures.190Geologic NoteFigure 6.Stratigraphic column of the northern and southern parts of the Khatyrskybasin.Geochemically,hydrocarbons from the Khatyrsky basin are similar to those of the Anadyrsky basin.Hy-drocarbons from the Imlikinsky Formation are light oils with API gravity of37j and low sulfur content(0.13%). The carbon preference index of1.16has been inter-preted to show moderate input of the terrestrial sources (Ivanov,1985).The hydrocarbons are depleted in low-boiling-temperature hydrocarbons of the pentane-hexane fraction and enriched in hydrocarbons of the heptane-octane fraction.The ratio of C5+C6sat-urates to C7+C8saturates is0.28.The pristane/ phytane ratio in the Uglovoya oil reaches a value of 22.55(Gurko et al.,1985).Minor gas accumulations above the main producing reservoir are enriched by heavy hydrocarbons while the liquid phase is sub-stantially degassed.The Uglovoya uplift is interpreted to be underlain by the Eocene to lower Oligocene Ionaysky Formation,a thermally mature,organic-rich formation found during geological mapping and deep drilling within and adjacent to the basin.Vitrinite reflectance and catagenetic mineralogy show that these rocks have passed through the oil-generation window and they are the most likely source of oil in the Khatyrsky basin.Penzhinskaya GubaThe Penzhinskaya Guba basin(Figure8)has the most heterogeneous basement of the three basins described here.It is underlain by Paleozoic and Mesozoic ophi-olite tectonostratigraphic terranes consisting of olis-tostromes,parts of the Okhotsk-Chukotsk plutonic-volcanic belt and Paleozoic to Tertiary sedimentary units.A distinctive feature of the Penzhinskaya Guba sedimentary basin is the presence of Eocene to Oli-gocene shallow-water or subaerial basalt flows.K-Ar dates range from41to31Ma(Ivanov,1985)for these units and suggest that volcanism began in the south-ern to southwestern region of the basin and spread to the north and northeast.The progression of initial sedimentation suggests the same direction.Sediment accumulation began earlier in the southern parts of the basin,which today have the highest thickness of the sedimentary fill as well as the most siltstones and mudstones(Figure8).Another distinctive feature of the Penzhinskaya Guba basin is increased heat flow with respect to surrounding areas.No hydrocarbons have been found in the Penzhinskaya Guba basin. Similarities in structures and source formations toHarbert et al.191km5101.4Equal-depth lines to the top ofImlikinsky Formation (depth in kilometers)Cross-section reference location.(a)(b)Figure7.(a)Structural map and(b)representative cross section of the Uglovoya oil field,Khatyrsky basin.Refer to Figure1for the geographic location of Lake Vaamochka in the northwestern Bering Sea region.the more thoroughly studied Anadyrsky and Kha-tyrsky basins suggest that the large Penzhinskaya Guba region may be a promising region for future exploration.KINEMATIC MODELGenerally,compressional structures dominate the north-ern Kamchatka Peninsula.However,sediment accumu-lation in each of these basins began in the Paleocene with rapid accumulation occurring in the Khatyrsky basin during the Eocene.Because Euler poles,which de-scribe the relative motion of the Eurasian and North American plates and the opening of the North Atlan-tic,fall in this geographic region,small variations in the relative North America–Eurasia plate motion in the North Atlantic predict very different types of interactions and motions in the northern Kamchatka region,including periods of motion commonly asso-ciated to the development of extensional back-arc basins.Chase (1978)and Uyeda and Kanamori (1979)presented one widely accepted explanation for the ini-tiation of periods of back-arc or extensional stress in overriding subducting plates.In their model,the abso-lute,or hotspot-fixed,plate motions are compared for both the overriding and subducting plates at a partic-ular coordinate.The absolute motion vectors can be compared for a single point at the edge of the overriding plate in the region of the Khatyrsky basin.If a component of motion of the overriding plate is in the direction of the sub-duction absolute plate azimuth,then back-arc exten-sional deformation may occur.For this region of the northwestern Bering Sea,the Eurasian plate is found192Geologic NoteFigure 8.Generalized stratigraphic section of the Penzhinskaya Guba basin,northeastern Sea of Okhotsk.BasementBasalt flowsLiparite flowsBasementto be moving up to 3cm/yr in a direction parallel to and in the same direction as the subducting Pacific Plate,and back-arc extension is predicted between 48and 39Ma using models of Eurasia–North America motion presented by Pitman and Talwani (1972)and Srivastava and Tapscott (1986)as shown in Figure 9.This age agrees well with the onset of extension of basin development in the Anadyrsky and Khatyrsky basins (Figure 10).When this region is considered part of the North American plate,no period of back-arc extension is predicted.Rotation about this Euler pole may have continued during the Miocene and,possibly,later,as may be inferred from Miocene to Pliocene grabens in the northern Kamchatka Peninsula region thatHarbert et al.193Figure 9.(A)Satellite altimetry of the Kamchatka Peninsula region from Sandwell (2001,personal communication).These data have been digitally shaded resulting in enhancement of the gravity anomaly structure in the northern Sea of Okhotsk region.Interpretation of major linear structures,representing normal faults,allow the extensional axis for each to be interpreted.These interpreted directions of extension are shown by arrows.(B)Simplified model shows possible rifting geometry and formation of the Penzhinskaya Guba parison of the geological units and faults exposed along the western and eastern coasts of the Penzhinskaya Guba in the northern Sea of Okhotsk can be interpreted to record a single-or two-stage extensional history of the rift.In our model,during the first stage starting at approximately early to middle Eocene,the Euler pole of relative motion may have been located at approximately 60.8j N,162.3j E.Because of a change in the subsidence rate in the Khatyrsky basin,in our model,at 35Ma (early Oligocene),we shift the Euler pole of relative rotation between the Kamchatka Peninsula and Eurasia to 62.1j N,165.9j E.are filled with continental and shallow-water sediments and Miocene to Quaternary plateau basalts.CONCLUSIONSThe Anadyrsky,Khatyrsky,and Penzhinskaya Guba sedimentary basins in northeastern Russia have been described.The structural deformation in the Anadyr-sky basin appears to have been a response to over-thrusting of the southern flank of the basin by the Alkatvaamsky and Mainitsky terranes.In the Khatyrsky basin,the southern part of the basin is overthrusted by the Ekonaisky terrane.This suggests that intersuper-terrane movements continued to occur after the Kor-yak superterrane collided to the continent and led to the development of thrust faults in the Cenozoic formations.Movements along these faults were ac-companied by formation of isoclinal anticlines in the Povorotno-Telekaisky uplift group (Figure 3),which hosts all known oil and gas deposits of the Anadyrsky basin,and the Uglovaya structure,which hosts all known oil and gas deposits in the Khatyrsky basin.In our model,continued deformation of this region is related to back-arc-type rotational extension of the Kamchatka Peninsula away from northeastern Russia resulting in the formation of the Penzhinskaya Guba basin.Along the extreme northeastern part of the Sea of Okhotsk,the Penzhinskaya Guba shows an elevated heat flow with respect to the surrounding region.Extensional structures related to this proposed motion may have been observed by satellite altimetry.REFERENCES CITEDAnonymous,1985,USSR energy atlas:Washington,DC,CentralIntelligence Agency,79p.Anonymous,1997,Oil and gas resources of the West Siberian basin,Russia:Office of Oil and Gas,Energy Information Adminis-tration,U.S.Department of Energy,Washington DC,220p.194Geologic NoteFigure 10.Correlation of accumulation curves,possible initiation of back-arc-type extension,and selected tectonic events,northern Kamchatka Peninsula,Russia.Chase, C.G.,1978,Extension behind island-arcs and motions relative to hot-spots:Journal of Geophysical Research,v.83, 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