

Definition of Translation

Definition of Translation

文学翻译 literary translation 实用翻译/非文学翻译
pragmatic translation /Non-Literary translation
全译 摘译 节译 缩译 编译

Definition of Translation
Definition of Translation
把已说出或写出的话的意思用另一张言语表达出 来的活动。 ----《中国大百科全书. 语言文字卷》 翻译是两个语言社会之间的交际过程和交际工具, 它的目的是要促进本语言社会的政治、经济和文 化进步,它的任务时要把原作中包含的现实世界 的逻辑映像或艺术映像,完好无损地从一种语言 译注到另一种语言中去。 ---- 张今
Definition of Translation
A translation is taken to be any target language utterance with is presented or regarded as such within the target culture, on whatever grounds. ---- Gideon Toury
Definition of Translation
Translating is rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way the author intended the text. ----Peter Newmark Translation is an art that involves the recreation of a work in another language for readers with a different background. ---- Malcolm Cowley



Definition of translation1) 翻译是跨语言、跨文化、跨社会(cross-social)的交际活动。

2) 翻译是将一种语言文化承载的意义转换到另一种语言文化中的跨语言,跨文化的交际活动。

Translation is a representation or recreation in one language of what is written or said in another language.3)翻译的本质是释义,是意义的转换. meaning-based汉译英是译者将作者为汉语读者所写的汉语文本转换成功能相似、语义相符、供英文读者阅读的英语文本的活动。

Classification of translation1)Translation—— Intralingual translation(语内翻译);Interlingualtranslation(语际翻译);Intersemiotic translation(符际翻译)2) Interlingual translation——Oral (interpretation) : consecutive(交替传译); simultaneous(同声传译)3) Written: whole text literature; pragmatic excerpt; selective; adapted; rewriting; MAT & MTCriteria of translationCriteria of translation is the plumb-line for measuring the quality of a translation and the goal for a translator to strive for.1) Source-language–oriented principle(以译出语为取向的原则)Characteristics: pay extreme attention to the form of the source text, always adopts a word-for-word / line-for-line translation or transliteration.•他是只纸老虎He is a paper tiger.•这事让他丢脸This makes him lose face.2) Target-language-oriented principle (以译入语为取向的原则) Liberal translation: using large number of domestication / adaptationfor the reader’s sake. This is done at the cost of the loss or damage of the original image sometimes.•What is done is done. 木已成舟•Kicking a man when he is down. 打落水狗/落井下石•三个臭皮匠,合成一个诸葛亮Two heads are better than one.3)Author-and-reader-oriented principle (以作者和读者为取向的原则) Characteristics: take both the author and the reader into consideration, and strive to be faithful and smooth at the same time.•繁华也罢,贫穷也罢,丈夫和妻子携手一生,情深意长。



翻译的形式和类型(同声传译篇)翻译包括口译(interpretation) 和笔译(translation) ,是运用一种语言把另一种语言所表达的思维内容准确而完整地重新表达出来的语言活动,并且决不能脱离原文内涵而进行硬译、死译,必须要做到译文的忠实、通顺。

翻译要做到“ 译成之文,适如其所译” ,并要尽可能地达到“ 信、达、雅” 的境界。



口译的形式和类型:交替传译(consecutive interpreting) 、咬耳朵(whispering) 和同声传译(simultaneous interpreting) 。

同声传译(simultaneous interpreting ),又称同步翻译、同声翻译、会议翻译,简称同传;交替传译(consecutive interpreting ),又称连续翻译,简称交传。




同声传译最早始于1919 年的巴黎和会。


后来,二战后的纽伦堡军事审判法庭(1945-1946 ),同声传译第一次得到相当大规模的采用来审判纳粹战犯,效果不错。

于是在1946 年的联合国会议上开始正式采用同传,结果使会议的时间缩短了一大半,经费也相应的减少了许多。

中国是在1952 年在北京召开的亚洲地区和平会议上首次使用,时至今日也不过是40 年的发展历程。




动词---名词 例1: 原文: 他得出这一结论是深思熟虑的结果。
译文: His arrival at this conclusion was
the result of much deliberate thought. 动词---介词 例1 : 原文: 他支持这个建议,但我反对。
译文: He is for the suggestion, but I am against it.
2 It may be advisable to wait till they come back.
3 It is diligence that makes for deficiency.
汉语的谓语具有开放性,除了动词之外,名 词、形容词等词类都可以直接充当谓语, 而且可以横排式连用多个动词,而英语的 谓语通常只能由某个动词或系表结构担任, 其他动词往往以非谓语动词的形式出现。
例2: 原文:同学们的精彩表演给校领导留下良好的印象。
译文: The school leaders were __favorably impressed_by the excellent performance of the
1 语法需要:由于汉英两种语言的差异,汉译英时往往需要 补充汉语里省去的词语或没有的词类,以使译文符合英语 语法的要求。增词译法在汉译英中实际上是添加原文为了 语言简洁省去的成分,增补的词多为冠词、代词或名词、 连词和介词等。
译文: A place with water and fish is necessarily blessed with a nice setting, which in return keeps people _in__ good mood.



翻译方法总结标准化文件发布号:(9312-EUATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DDQTY-KII一.直译法(Literal translation)直译法不是一字对一字的翻译,而是按照字面翻译,不做太多的引申和注释。


(1)General Motors and Chrysler were working feverishly to bring out their subcompacts. But the head of the Ford Motor Company had stuck hishead in the sand.通用汽车公司和莱克斯勒公司正全力以赴推出他们的超小汽车,而福特公司的老板却把头埋在沙里。

(2)—A traitor to our glorious cause—The pot’s calling the kettle black好啊,你出卖了我们的光荣事业得了,你这话岂不是盆叫嚷罐黑二.意译法(Free translation)牺牲原文的某些文化特色,结合上下文进行意译,以保持原文内容的完整性(1)She was driving into such a corner that she was obliged to give up all projects with Cupid had any share她被逼的走投无路了,不得不放弃一切和恋爱婚姻有关的打算(2)but it is as dark as Egypt outdoors .We might go tomorrow if there is a moon只是外面漆黑黑的。

明个要是有月亮,明个去也成三.借用法(Borrowing method)用异语文化代替源语文化。

这种方法针对文化共性,在源出语和目的语存在内容和形式相似时,或者形式不尽相同但表达意义非常接近时使用(1)Why, I have got gooseflesh this minute, just thinking about it.这会儿,我一想到这点二就浑身起鸡皮疙瘩(2)The American ambassador may have a card up his sleeve美国大使也许胸有成竹四.分译法(Spitting method)—根据行文要求,讲一句译为几句。





The translation of the book was very accurate.(这本书的译文非常准确。

The original text was translated into several languages.(原文被翻译成了几种语言。

I need someone who can translate English to Chinese.(我需要一个能够把英语翻译成中文的人。


The text was translated into French.(这段文字被翻译成了法语。

The scientist translated the formula into English.(科学家把这个公式翻译成了英文。

The translator translated the speech from English to Spanish.(翻译员将这篇演讲从英文翻译成西班牙文。


第2课 翻译的基本概念

第2课 翻译的基本概念
Lecture 1: The Basic Concepts of Translation
1. definition of translation
1. The Oxford English Dictionary: “to turn from one language into another” “翻译是从一种语言转换成另一种语言” 2. Translation is a kind of cross-linguistic, crosscultural and cross-social communication. 翻译是跨语言、跨文化、跨社会的交际活动。 3. Translation means the conversion of an expression from one language into another. To say it plainly, translation is an art to reproduce the exact idea of the author by means of a language different from the original… 翻译指的是将词句从一种语言转换成另一种语言。简单地说, 它是用与原作不同的语言将作者的真正意思准确地复述出来的一 种艺术。
文学翻译的最高标准是“化”。把作品从 一国文字转变成另一国文字,既能不因语言习 惯的差异而露出生硬牵强的痕迹,又能完全保 留原有的风味,那就算得入于“化”
翻译要能扬长避 短,要挥译文语言优 势,忠实于原文内容, 通顺的译文形式可以 当做文学翻译的标准
香港学者蔡思德:信达贴 刘重德:信达切
“译事三难:信达雅。求其信,已大难矣!顾 信矣,不达,虽译犹不译也,则达尚焉。”

翻译导论 英文简介

翻译导论 英文简介
子曰:“学而时习之,不亦说乎?有朋自远方来, 不亦乐乎?人不知,而不愠,不亦君子乎?” 孔子说:“学了又时常温习和练习,不是很愉快 吗?有志同道合的人从远方来,不是很令人高兴 的吗?人家不了解我,我也不怨恨、恼怒,不也 是一个有德的君子吗?”
Between different languages
“我喜欢把原作想象成一块方方正正的冰。翻译 的过程就是这块冰溶化的过程。待到变成了液体 状态时,每个分子都变换了位置,没有一个分子 与其他的分子再保留着原来的关系。它们开始了 在第二种语言里形成作品的过程。分子有逃逸掉 的,新的分子涌了进来填补空缺,但是这种成形 和修补的轨迹完全是隐性的。在第二语言里确立 起来的译品是一块新的方方正正的冰块,它虽与 原来冰块不同,然而外表看上去却是一模一样 的。” (Margaret Sayers Peden)
从原语和目的语的角度来看,翻译可分为 本族语译为外语,外语译为本族语两大类, 即译入或译出(translation into or out of one’s mother tongue)
从翻译的手段来看,可分为口译、笔译和 机器翻译。 从翻译的内容来看,可分为文学翻译、政 治翻译、科技翻译和应用文翻译等。
Between different signs
Red traffic light = STOP “=” means “equal” Body Language → verbal language Sign language → verbal language
Within the same language
Introduction: What is Translation?
In their elegant but often overlooked preface to the King James Bible, the translators asserted: “Translation it is that openeth the window, to let in the light; that breaketh the shell, that we may eat the kernel; that putteth aside the curtain, that we removeth the cover of the well, that we may come by the water.”

What is translation

What is translation

What is translation?According to Eugene Nida, “translation consists of reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, firstly in terms of meaning, and secondly in terms of style” briefly speaking, translation is the communication of meaning from one language to another language, and strives to reserve the similar style of the original text. if we delve into the nature of translation, it can be seen as a science, an art, a craft or skill.据尤金·奈达(Eugene Nida)说,“翻译包括在受体语言中再现最接近于源语言信息的自然对等物,首先是从意义上,其次在风格上”,简单地说,翻译是一种语言到另一种语言的意义交流,并力求保留原文的相似风格。



First, when referred to a subject of curriculum, translation is a science, just as any subject is, with its own rules. It involves thinking and languages, and reflects the relationship between existence and cognition. Such relationship can be described with the rule-governed language, so that the translator can abide by scientific rules in his translation.首先,翻译是一门学科,就像任何学科一样,它涉及思维和语言,反映了存在与认知的关系,这种关系可以用规则支配的语言来描述,这样译者就可以在翻译中遵守科学的规则。



翻译的定义集团标准化小组:[VVOPPT-JOPP28-JPPTL98-LOPPNN]翻译的定义英国《牛津英语词典》给t r ans l ate下的定义是:t o turn from one lan g uag e in t o a no t her(从一种语言转换成另一种语言);美国《新编韦氏国际词典(第三版)》给tra nsl ate下的定义:t o tu rn i nt o on e’s own o r an o the rlanguage (转换成本族语或另一种语言)。



美国翻译理论家奈达在给翻译所下的定义中,把翻译中的“意义”概括成“语义”和“文体”,他说:Translating consi s ts i n r e pro du c ing in t hereceptor language the eq u iva lent of the source- language message,fir s t i n te rm s of mean ing and secondly in terms of s tyl e.(所谓翻译,是指在译语中用最切近而又自然的对等语再现源语的信息,首先在语义上,其次是文体上。







❝翻译方法和技巧(一)❝翻译的基础知识❝一、翻译的定义❝“translation” : “The conversion of one language into another, often used specifically with reference to written texts, as opposed to the interpretation of spoken language.”二、翻译的标准❝Alexander F. Tytler 提出了翻译三原则:❝First general rule: A translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original.❝Second general rule: The style and manner of writing in a translation should be of the same character with the original.❝Third general rule: A translation should have all the ease of original composition.❝严复的信达雅翻译标准❝用今天的话说,“信”为忠实准确,“达”为通顺流畅,“雅”为文字优美。



❝例1:Treasury securities are revalued daily.❝珍宝的安全每天都在重新估算。

(误译)❝这个译文的错误主要在于对securities 一词的理解。

作为普通用词,security 意为“安全”例如The Security Council,但在商务背景中,可以理解为“抵押、担保”或“证券、债券””等。



1. Definition of Translation 翻译的定义Down through the ages, people’s definitions of translation are diversified. It differs from person to person, it evolves with time. Changes of the world also helped to shape the connotation of translation. From the following definitions, you may have a glimpse of what translation is.﹒Translating is both a craft and an art, that is to say, it involves an accurate andcontrolled manipulation of language, tempered by a degree of freedom,imagination and creativeness.﹒Transferring the meaning of a stretch or unit of language, the whole part of astretch or unit of language, the whole part of a text, from one language toanother.﹒Translation is like busy matchmakers: they sing the praises of some half-veiled beauty and extol her charms, and arouse an irresistible longing for the original.(歌德)﹒The replacement of textual material in one language (ST) by equivalent textual material in another (TL) (Catford, 1965:20)﹒Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closestequivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and second in terms of style (Nida&Taber1969)Assignment 1What is your idea of “meaning” and “style” of Nida’s work? What is the connotation of style ? Exercise:If you were given two poems, one is by Li Bai (李白) , the other is by Dufu (杜甫) can you differentiate them, what is the author’s habitual use of the language? Similarly, if you were offered two pomes, one by Li Qingzhao (李清照),the other by Xin Qiji(辛弃疾),could you differentiate them?2. Principles and Criteria of Translation翻译的原则和标准The so-called principles and criteria of translation are actually the two aspects of the same thing. The former lays emphasis on the translator, who should follow these principles while translating; while the latter on the reader or critic, who may use the criteria to evaluate translation. Whenever principles or criteria of translation are under discussion in China, Y an Fu’s “three-character guide”, which was first proposed in 1898, would be mentioned, namely the principle of “信、达、雅”(faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance).In the past decades, Mr. Y an’s principle of translation has been generally regarded as a plumb-line for measuring the professional level of translation and a goal fortranslators to strive after. However, in the application of this principle, people have come to find some limitations to the three characters and put forward a variety of new standards instead.Three kinds of opinions are expressed on the principle of faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance. The first group maintains the original three characters, and in the meantime, adds some new concepts to the character “雅”. According to them, “雅”means far more than the English word “elegance”. Apart from the traditional interpretation, it also means classicism, and the adherence to the original style and flavor. The second group, however, argues that the word “雅” is out of place in tradition. While adopting the first two characters of Mr. Y an Fu’s principle, they discard the character “雅” and try to find some other new criteria instead. Noticeably, there are revisions such as “信、达、切” (faithfulness, expressiveness and closeness), “信、达、贴” (faithfulness, expressiveness and fitness), and so on. The third group of people, by casting away the three-word guide, proposes some new principles or criteria of translation of their own. Of the various popular theories, two of them are the most influential: spiritual conformity (神似) and sublimed adaptation (化境), the former, proposed by Fu Lei (傅雷) , emphasizes the reproduction of the spirit or the flavor of the original, while the latter, advocate by Qian Zhongshu (钱钟书), focuses on the translator’s smooth and idiomatic Chinese version for the sake of the Chinese reader.Despite the variety of opinions, two criteria are almost unanimously accepted, namely the criteria of faithfulness and accuracy (忠实准确) and that of smoothness (流畅). We may also take these tow criteria as the principles of translation in general. By faithfulness and accuracy, we mean to be faithful not only to the original contents, to the original meaning and views, but also to the original form and style. By smoothness, we mean not only easy and readable rendering, but also idiomatic expressions in the target language, free from stiff formula and mechanically copying from dictionaries.Assignment 2Exercise: 对比原文与译文,探讨忠实与通顺的关系1) All your moods are created by your thoughts o r “cognitions. “Y ou feel the way you do right now because of the thoughts you have at this moment. ”所有的情绪都是由思维产生的,或者说来源于“认识”,“你之所以感到这么做是对的,那是因为你的大脑就是这么想的。



• 3. 顺序译法
• 所谓顺序译法,就是将定语从句的关系词省略不译,将主 句与从句顺序而下译为一个整句。 1.There are two major factors that affect the pulse pressure. 有两种重要因素影响到了脉压。 2.The heart is muscular organ which is divided into a right and left half by a muscular wall. • 心脏是肌性器官,由肌壁分为左右两半。
Bowel 的基本意思是”肠, 肠道(常用复数)”, 例如: 1. The waste products are removed through the skin, lungs, bowels and kidneys.
但是, 当Bowel 与一定的动词,名词或形容词搭配时, 往往不能够 直译为”肠”. 例如: 1. To have loose bowels 2. To bind the bowels 3. To move the bowels 4. To have bowel movements 5. To keep bowels open *1. 腹泻 2. 便秘 constipation 3. 大便 4. 大便 5. 通便 1. The bowel should be kept open daily.
5. The cough is dry at first and later productive of rusty and bloody sputum. 起初是干咳, 后来咳出带血的锈色痰 6. The lungs should be carefully examined at frequent intervals for signs of pulmonary consolidation. 肺实变 7. As term approaches, there is a good possibility of complications. 应译为: 预产期 8. The victim of shock will die very quickly unless something is done to restore circulation immediately. 休克患者 9. An aggressive dosage of penicillin as high as 40, 000, 000 units per diem is recommended. 建议给以每日高达40,000,000单位青霉素的冲击剂 量.




Yan Fu’ s (严复) “three-character guide”, which was first proposed in 1898, is the principle of
Faithfulness (信)
Expressiveness (达) Elegance
A good translation is one which the merit of the original work is so completely transfused into another language as to be as distinctly apprehended and as strongly felt by a native of the country to which that language belongs as it is by those who speak the language of the original work.
To be more exact, in Nida’s & Tytler’s words:
美国翻译理论家EUGENE A. NIDA:
Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. (所谓翻译,是指在译语中用最切近而又 自然的对等语再现原语的信息,首先在语 义上,其次在文体上。)



Translation Theory姓名:常国强班级:翻译131学号:13332014Register●语域(Register)是语言使用的场合或领域的总称。

英国语言学家韩礼德(M.A. K. Halliday)将语域定义为,语言变体可以按照使用的情况划分为语域。


●Four decisive factors:1.The addresser2.The addressee3.Subject and matter4.Form of communication1.Is a global economic recessionlikely? If so, what might trigger it?Willem Bui ter, Citi’s chief economistand the Financial Times’ erstwhileMaverecon blogger, answers thesequestions: “Yes” and “China”. Hiscase is plausible. This does not meanwe must expect a recession. Butpeople should see such a scenario asplausible.2.Mr Buiter does not expect worldoutput to decline. The notion here isa “growth recession”, a period ofgrowth well below the potential rateof about 3 percent. One mightimagine 2 percent or less. Mr Buiterestimates the likelihood of such anoutcome at 40 per cent.3.His scenario would start with China.Like many others, he believesChina’s growth is overstated byofficial statistics and may be as lowas 4 percent. This is plausible, if notuniversally accepted.4.It might become even worse. First,an investment share of 46 per cent ofgross domestic product would beexcessive in an economy growing 7per cent, let alone one growing at 4per cent. Second, a huge expansionof debt, often of doubtful quality, hasaccompanied this excessiveinvestment. Yet merely sustaininginvestment at these levels wouldrequire far more borrowing. Finally,central government, alone possessedof a strong balance sheet, might bereluctant to offset a slowdown ininvestment, while the shares ofhouseholds in national income and 1.全球经济是否可能会出现衰退?若果真如此,可能引发衰退的因素是什么?花旗(Citi)首席经济学家、曾经为英国《金融时报》撰写名为“非正统经济学”(Maverecon)的博客的威廉?比特(Willem Buiter)对此的回答是:“有可能”以及“中国”。



玄奘: “五不翻”理论
一 秘密故不翻,“陀罗尼是”; 二 含义多故不翻,如“薄伽”,梵含六义 故; 三 无此故不翻,如“阎浮树”; 四 顺古故,如“阿缛菩提”,非不可翻, 而摩腾以来,常存梵音; 五Байду номын сангаас生善故,如“般若”尊重,令人生敬, “智慧”轻浅,是故不翻。
ϒ Paramartha (also called Gunarata)
Unit 1 Introduction
1. What is translation?
ϒ 1. What is translation? ϒ Translation is a representation or recreation in
one language of what is written or said in another language. ϒ or : Translation is an activity of reproducing in one language the ideas which have been expressed in another language. ϒ (翻译是把一种语言所表达的思想用另一种语言重新 翻译是把一种语言所表达的思想用另一种语言重新 表达出来的活动) 表达出来的活动
ϒ 译作:《几何原本》 《测量法义》
《几何原本》利玛窦 “字字精金美玉,为千 古不朽之作。” “欧人名著之入选中国,此 其第一。” ——梁启超 ϒ 翻译思想:欲求超胜,必须会通,会通之前, 先须翻译。
ϒ (4) In the Qing Dynasty (1644—1911A.D.) ϒ There were great translator like Yanfu and



Three key words from the definitions • 2. natural (it is not enough to produce grammatically correct sentencs but idiomatic, natural sentecnces.) Eg. When things happen that you don’t like, you have two choices: You get bitter or better. 发生你不喜欢的事情时,你有两种选择: 要么痛苦不堪,要么痛快达观。
1. Definition of Translation
英国The Oxford English Dictionary: to turn from one language into another
International Dictionary of the English Language: to turn into one’s own or
• 江 雪 • 柳宗元 • 千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭。 • 孤舟蓑笠翁,独钓寒江雪。 • 许渊冲先生译: • Fishing in Snow • From hill to hill no bird in flight, • From path to path no man in sight. • A straw- cloak’d man afloat, behold! • Is fishing snow on river cold. (许先生的形式传译可谓传神,在前两句诗的翻 译上,他不仅用介词短语取代名词词组,而且还替换了 原诗中表动作意义的词,既没有违背目的语的语言规范, 又表达出了原诗空旷孤寂的意境。这正好体现了真正 意义上的“形式对等”。)



(完整版)翻译技巧翻译方法_文档视界翻译技巧和翻译方法翻译方法:methods of translation1.直译literal translation2.意译free translation3.异化alienation4.归化domestication1. 直译(literal translation)指在翻译过程中按原文逐字逐句一对一的翻译。

人们关心的是语言层面的技术处理问题,即如何在保持原语形式的同时,不让其意义失真。 country, two systems 一国两制The three religions and the nine schools of thought 三教九流2. 意译(free translation;paraphrase)是指根据原文的大意来翻译,不作逐字逐句的翻译(区别于“直译”)。


e.g.Don’t cross the bridge till you get to it.不必过早地担心。

(不必自寻烦恼)Do you see any green in my eye?你以为我是好欺骗的吗?Don’t lock the stable door after the horse has been stolen.直译:不要等马被盗后,才去锁马厩门。


直译和意译的区别1. It’ s a Smoke Free Area.直译:它是个自由吸烟区。


2. Shakespeare put his hometown on the map.直译:莎士比亚把他的家乡放在了地图上。


3. John would not come out of his shell and talk to others at theparty.直译:晚会上,约翰不愿从壳里钻出来与其他人说话。



〔1〕好是很好,可是买这么多扇子干什么呀? A:Good is very good,but buy so many fans do What? B: It is good, but why do you buy so many fans?
〔2〕It was an old and ragged moon. A:那是一个又老又破的月亮。
2. 意译 如虎添翼 With might redoubled 瓮中之鳖 Be hopeless like a rat in a hole 冷假设冰霜 Be cold in manner 指腹为婚 The two had been engaged to each other before they were born 杯弓蛇影 extremely suspicious / self-created suspicion
4〕海内存知己,天涯假设比邻。 A bosom friend afar, brings a distant land near.
3) 英语句子构造与中文较为接近时,直译能使译文显得 通顺自然。
4) 例如: 5) 1) “Merry〞, as you may know, has two meanings:
All good things come to an end.〔意译〕
3. 三口之家 4. nuclear family
the extended family with three generations under the same roof
4. 爸爸,感谢您对我们的爱,你的辛勤工作让我和妈妈
8. 老马识途。 Sense comes with age.
9. 一花独放不是春。 One swallow does not make a summer. 不要以偏概全。



\翻译的定义1词典定义:1)Translation is the communication of the meaning of a source-language text by means of an equivalent target-language text.-------- From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia?翻译,是指在准确通顺的基础上,把一种语言信息转变成另一种语言信息的活动。


3)《牛津英语词典》:在保留意义的情况下从一种语言转变成另一种语言4) Changing (speech or writing) from one language into another.-------------- Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English) 5)《2 国内学者下的定义:老舍:翻译不是结结巴巴的学舌,而是漂漂亮亮的再创造傅雷:翻译如临画, 如伯乐相马,'重神似, 不重形似',得其精而忘其粗, 再其内而忘其外萧乾:翻译好象走钢丝,实在艰难……郭沫若:创作是处女, 翻译是媒婆。

---------黄忠廉.翻译本质论〔M〕.武汉:华中师范大学出版社, -15 .!茅盾:文学的翻译是用另一种语言,把原作的艺术意境传达出来,使读者在读译文的时候能够像读原作一样得到启发、感动和美的感受”。

(1954 年, 茅盾在当年全国文学翻译工作会议上所做的《为发展文学翻译事业和提高翻译译质量而奋斗》所作的报告)------矛盾.为发展文学翻译事业和提高翻译质量而奋斗[A] .罗新璋.翻译论集[C] , 北京:商务印书馆, 1984.朱维之:翻译是一种艺术……这是一种难度较大的艺术工作, 不但要把原著的字句翻译出来, 更主要的是要把它的思想、精神传达出来, 还要把作者的特殊风格表露出来.------翻译通讯编辑部.翻译研究论文集:1949 -1983[C]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1984. *许渊冲:翻译的艺术就是通过原文的形式(或表层),理解原文的内容(或深层),再用译文的形式,把原文的内容再现出来。

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了Translate the following sentences and phrases into Chinese
1. He did it as well be hanged(上吊的,绞死的) for a sheep as a lamb, and finally committed a crime.
As well be hanged for as heep as for a lamb.(谚语)偷大羊或偷小羊都得被绞刑。


2. Since you are raising a Cain,该隐,嫉妒亚当夏娃之子how can we get peaceful days?
3. That you make fair weather to奉承,敷衍him is as wrong as wrong can be.大错特错
4. He is now keeping body and soul together维持生命,温饱and he must die sometime or other.迟早,早晚
5. Don’t poke you nose into somebody else’s business莫管闲事, and then you can keep your nose clean.
6. I see you just fit the cap on me.
fish in troubled waters 混水摸鱼
fit the cap on指桑骂槐
flash in the pan 昙花一现
7. Don’t meet trouble halfway, or you will get a nervous breakdown.神经衰弱
meet trouble halfway杞人忧天
8. To return like for like报复,回报,以牙还牙is a common occurrence.是常有的事
9. It is not necessary to break a fly upon the wheel.
break a butterfly upon the wheel杀鸡用牛刀,小题大作
10. Don’t pull up your socks本意是把袜子拉起来,引申为多加把劲,努力改进,奋发图强的意思for him, let him do as he pleases with it.听其自便
11. He left no stone unturned千方百计to get an official job正式工作, but it’s of no use.
12. I can use no stronger condemnation不能谴责but that she must lie in the bed she has made.
13. He most dislikes a man who makes an omelet炒鸡蛋without breaking eggs. One cannot make an omelet without breaking eggs.有得有失
14. He is not honest to you, he is turning you round his finger.
15. Come on now, buck up精神振奋;奋发;欢欣鼓舞, face the music.勇于承担后果, 倾听责备或批评
16. not calling the kettle壶black老鸹别嫌猪黑,半斤八两,五十步笑百步
17. Misfortunes never come single.祸不单行
18. A burnt child dreads害怕the fire.一朝被蛇咬
19. Give him an inch 英寸and he’ll take an ell.得陇望蜀。

20. to go with the stream随波逐流。
