哆啦A梦英语介绍ppt (1)
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今天 我们要介绍的动漫人物很有趣 他猜拳的时候只能出石头 而且有一 个神奇口袋 什么东西都能变出来 看 到下面的铃铛了吗 知道老师说的是 谁吗?
没有错 相信大家也应该看 过这部动漫 老师说的就是 蓝胖子《哆啦a梦》
哆啦a梦是由日本漫画家藤本弘(左)和 安孙子素雄(右)共同创作的漫画作品。
1987年12月23日后,由于两位作者 打算各自创作漫画,《哆啦A梦》系 列的创作便完全由藤本弘负责。该 漫画叙述了一只来自22世纪的猫型 机器人——哆啦A梦,受主人野比世 修的托付,回到20世纪,借助从四 维口袋里拿出来的各种未来道具, 来帮助世修的高祖父——小学生野 比大雄化解身边的种种困难问题, 以及生活中和身边的小伙伴们发生 的轻松幽默搞笑感人的故事。
Now,let me introduce something about Doraemon
eyes: in the dark can be see Atomic furnace: fat body will eat many things,turn into the atomic energy
but hisvoice is very bad. His
advantage is brave and has a sense of justice, in a large adventure, he behave bravery.
任意门 哆啦A梦的常用道具 从 口袋掏出任意门后,只要心里想 着要去的地方,然后打开此门之 后可以到达使用者想去的任何地 方。但其有空间局限性和时间限 制,对任意门来说,10光年以外 的,以及没有被输入任意门地图 上的地方是到不了的。
Hobbies: buy the new things, show them The fear: JiAn, mother, teacher
Bad habits: bully the weak and fear the strong
Future occupation : Chairman
Rich and love to show off, proud of himself, bully the weak and fear the strong.His family is very rich, so he likes to show off to friends. Fu always playing with JiAn, because he believe that together with JiAn will better than JiAn bully him. QiangFu feels himself so pretty, but a little short.His goal is to be a president
Strict, cleverness, understanding, a good student, and loved by everyone.
She is a smart and a beautiful girl.
After growing up, she finally married DaXiong, their have a son called XiongZhu.
Hobby: play baseball, singing, cooking The fear: Mom, teacher
Bad habits: Bully
Future occupation: supermarket boss
Irritable, strong, bully, so everyone is afraid of him.
Courage is times more than the others. JiAn is such a bully, will very rude to others who he didn’t like and other things. His goal is to be a singer,
JingXiang Hobbies: eat a roast sweet potato, take a shower Bad habits : the average of take a shower 3 times a day Speciality: cooking, sewing The fear: DaXiong will come in from random door,and then playing the piano when she takes a shower.
哆啦a梦口袋的道具也让《哆啦a梦》 这部动漫作品没有结局 但是也陪伴 了我的童年 为我的童年增添上浓墨 重彩的一笔
Indeed, a number of DORAEMON stories have been told about bravery in the face of danger, parental love and guidance, and the environmental issues.
For anyone who has the chance to read DORAEMON, it offers an excellent look at child's eye view of Japanese home life of the 70s, and should not be missed.
Hobbbies:sleeping 、reading travesty Speciality:sleping、shooting The fear:JiAn 、Mon、teacher Bad hobbies :dreaming 、late for school
Due to the" innocent",often bullied by JiAn and QiangFu,after ,cry and then shout Doraemon. He doesn't study well, but he is not stupid.After the duck ,he alway have a way of making fun of others by the means of Doraemon. But,every time he got the magic tool,always abuse it,so,the result are victims of himself.
Name: Doraemon ドラえもん Like food:Dorayaki(铜锣烧) Hate the things:Mouse Place of birth: Japan
Doraemon(哆啦a梦) 本作的主角。名字的 意思是铜锣卫门。心肠好,乐于助人,做事很 拼命 但却心肠软。每次大雄遇到困难,他总 会帮大雄。但有时会用愚蠢的方法来帮助大雄。 当它吃不到铜锣烧或人们叫他狸猫时,脾气会 非常暴躁。
Doraemon is a machine cat, is a famous Japanese cartoon" Doraemon" the protagonist. Doraemon is a cat robot from the future , using his magical bag and all kinds of wonderful props ulties.
没有错 相信大家也应该看 过这部动漫 老师说的就是 蓝胖子《哆啦a梦》
哆啦a梦是由日本漫画家藤本弘(左)和 安孙子素雄(右)共同创作的漫画作品。
1987年12月23日后,由于两位作者 打算各自创作漫画,《哆啦A梦》系 列的创作便完全由藤本弘负责。该 漫画叙述了一只来自22世纪的猫型 机器人——哆啦A梦,受主人野比世 修的托付,回到20世纪,借助从四 维口袋里拿出来的各种未来道具, 来帮助世修的高祖父——小学生野 比大雄化解身边的种种困难问题, 以及生活中和身边的小伙伴们发生 的轻松幽默搞笑感人的故事。
Now,let me introduce something about Doraemon
eyes: in the dark can be see Atomic furnace: fat body will eat many things,turn into the atomic energy
but hisvoice is very bad. His
advantage is brave and has a sense of justice, in a large adventure, he behave bravery.
任意门 哆啦A梦的常用道具 从 口袋掏出任意门后,只要心里想 着要去的地方,然后打开此门之 后可以到达使用者想去的任何地 方。但其有空间局限性和时间限 制,对任意门来说,10光年以外 的,以及没有被输入任意门地图 上的地方是到不了的。
Hobbies: buy the new things, show them The fear: JiAn, mother, teacher
Bad habits: bully the weak and fear the strong
Future occupation : Chairman
Rich and love to show off, proud of himself, bully the weak and fear the strong.His family is very rich, so he likes to show off to friends. Fu always playing with JiAn, because he believe that together with JiAn will better than JiAn bully him. QiangFu feels himself so pretty, but a little short.His goal is to be a president
Strict, cleverness, understanding, a good student, and loved by everyone.
She is a smart and a beautiful girl.
After growing up, she finally married DaXiong, their have a son called XiongZhu.
Hobby: play baseball, singing, cooking The fear: Mom, teacher
Bad habits: Bully
Future occupation: supermarket boss
Irritable, strong, bully, so everyone is afraid of him.
Courage is times more than the others. JiAn is such a bully, will very rude to others who he didn’t like and other things. His goal is to be a singer,
JingXiang Hobbies: eat a roast sweet potato, take a shower Bad habits : the average of take a shower 3 times a day Speciality: cooking, sewing The fear: DaXiong will come in from random door,and then playing the piano when she takes a shower.
哆啦a梦口袋的道具也让《哆啦a梦》 这部动漫作品没有结局 但是也陪伴 了我的童年 为我的童年增添上浓墨 重彩的一笔
Indeed, a number of DORAEMON stories have been told about bravery in the face of danger, parental love and guidance, and the environmental issues.
For anyone who has the chance to read DORAEMON, it offers an excellent look at child's eye view of Japanese home life of the 70s, and should not be missed.
Hobbbies:sleeping 、reading travesty Speciality:sleping、shooting The fear:JiAn 、Mon、teacher Bad hobbies :dreaming 、late for school
Due to the" innocent",often bullied by JiAn and QiangFu,after ,cry and then shout Doraemon. He doesn't study well, but he is not stupid.After the duck ,he alway have a way of making fun of others by the means of Doraemon. But,every time he got the magic tool,always abuse it,so,the result are victims of himself.
Name: Doraemon ドラえもん Like food:Dorayaki(铜锣烧) Hate the things:Mouse Place of birth: Japan
Doraemon(哆啦a梦) 本作的主角。名字的 意思是铜锣卫门。心肠好,乐于助人,做事很 拼命 但却心肠软。每次大雄遇到困难,他总 会帮大雄。但有时会用愚蠢的方法来帮助大雄。 当它吃不到铜锣烧或人们叫他狸猫时,脾气会 非常暴躁。
Doraemon is a machine cat, is a famous Japanese cartoon" Doraemon" the protagonist. Doraemon is a cat robot from the future , using his magical bag and all kinds of wonderful props ulties.