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Reading tasks 二、Read the Lines 9-13 and fill in the correct words.
1.从文中找出两个描写Han 外形特征的词:____t_a_ll____ _sq__u_a_r_e_e_y_e_s 2.从文中找出两个描写Sarah 头发的形容词:_s_t_r_a_ig_h_t__ _b_l_a_ck__ 3.从文中找出描写Tim外形特征的词:_w_e_a_r_s_g_la_s_s_es__ __cl_e_v_e_r__
Reading tasks 三、Read the Lines 14-20 and answer the following questions.
1.Before we draw detailed pictures and add color, what do we need to do? We need to make a rough sketch.
牛津深圳版(广州·沈阳通用) 八年级下
Learning objectives
1.巩固主要阅读文本中核心单词和短语的使用。 2.理解并掌握单词:role-play,score,team和短语play against。 3.通过对文本的进一步理解,深入了解了主要章节关于动画制作过程的内容。 4.能够理解故事的情节发展,并快速记录关键信息。 5.能够用英语表演听力部分的情节。
2.You think Han is a _ca_r_e_l_e_ss_/_fo_r_g_e_t_fu_l_ robot. Because:H__e_a_l_w_a_y_s_f_o_r_g_e_ts_t_h_i_n_g_s_. _
3.Where do Han and his friends meet? He met them at the subway station.
Quick eyes
1. be ready to 做好准备
2. look like 看起来像
3. decide on 决定
4. be used to do sth. 习惯于做某事
5. be different from 不同于
6. add...to... 添加......到......
Reading task Look at the picture,finish the flow chart for making a cartoon.
Step 4:_D_r_a_w_d_e_t_a_il_e_d_ Step5:P__u_t_t_h_e_p_i_c_tu_r_e_s Step 6:_R_e_c_o_r_d_t_h_e_v_o_i_c_e_s_ pi_c_tu_r_e_s_a_n_d_a_d_d__c_o_lo_u_r_. _to_g_e_t_h_e_r_a_s__a_f_il_m__. ___ _an__d_s_o_u_n_d__e_ff_e_c_ts_._______
the key words of flow chart for making a cartoon.
First, decide on, basic idea
Second, characters you want, what look like Third, rough sketch
Six stages
Reading tasks 一、Read the Lines 1-8 and fill in the correct words.
1.To make a cartoon,W__e__n_e_e_d_t_o__d_e_c_id__e_o_n__s_o_m__e_b_a_s_i_c_i_d_e_a_s__fo_r__a_s_t_o_r_y_.
In the second stage, think about the kinds of characters you want and what they will look like. Han is a tall robot. He has square eyes. They are actually video cameras. Tim wears glasses, so he looks clever. Sarah is a pleasant girl. She has straight, black hair.
Finally, record, voices and sound effects, match
My chat room Anna: After I've decided on the story. of my cartoon, what should I do? Jason:(1)_Y__o_u_s_h_o_u_l_d_t_h_i_n_k_a_b_o_u__t _th_e__k_in_d__s_o_f_c_h_a_r_a_c_te_r_s_y_o_u__w_a_n_t__a_n_d_w__h_a_t____ _th_e_y__w_i_ll_l_o_o_k_l_ik_e_. Anna: What should I do after that? Jason:(2)_Y_o_u__sh__o_u_ld__m__a_k_e_a_r_o_u_g_h__s_k_e_tc_h__o_f_t_h_e_s_to_r_y_.__
Reading task
五、Look at the picture,finish the flow chart for making a cartoon.
Step1:D__e_c_id_e__o_n_t_h_e_ b_a_s_i_c_i_d_e_a_. ____
Step 2:_T_h_i_n_k_a_b_o_u_t__th_e_ Step 3:_M__a_k_e_a__r_o_u_g_h__ _ch_a_r_a_c_t_e_r_s_a_n_d__w_h_a_t___ _s_k_e_tc_h__. _th_e_y__w_i_ll_l_o_o_k_l_i_k_e.
First, you need to decide on some basic ideas for a story. This story is about a robot, Han. He always forgets things. One day, Han meets his friends Sarah and Tim at the underground station. He says, “I’m happy. I bought a new notebook. Now I won’t forget things.” Sarah says, “Yes. I have one too. Here it is.” Tim asks, “Where’s yours, Han?” Han says, “Oh, no! I forgot to bring it!”
2. How are sound effects added? Sound effects must be added separately.
How many steps do we need to make a cartoon? Six.
Finally, record the voices and sound effects. The actors will do the characters’ voices. Their speech must match the pictures. Sound effects, like the noise of the underground, must also be added separately. After everything has been checked, the cartoon is ready to be played for everyone to enjoy.
Reading task 四、Read the Lines 21-26 and answer the questions.
1. What is necessary when the actors do the voices of the characters? Their speech must match the pictures.
Fill in the blanks with the correct words.
1.warn 警告(v.) _w_a_r_n_i_n_g_ (n.) 2.think 想,思考 (v.) _t_h_o_u_g_h_t__ 思想(n.) 3.appear 出现 (v.) _a_p_p_e_a_r_a_n_c_e_ 外貌 (n.) 4. appear 出现 (v.) _d_i_sa_p_p__ea_r__ 消失(v.) 录制 (v.) ________r_e_c_o录rd制 (n.) 6.warn 警告(v) __w_a_r_n_e_d_ (过去式) w__a_r_n_e_d_ (过去分词) 7.actor 男演员(v.) _a_c_t_o_r_ 女演员(n.) actress 表演(v.) __a_c_t__ 8.单独地(adv) _s_e_p_a_r_a_te_l_y___单独的(adj)_s_e_p_a_r_a_t_e_ 9. match (第三人称单数) _m__a_t_c_h_e_s___ 10.素描;速写;草图(n.)__s_k_e_tc_h________
2 How can we make the characters and things seem to move? We should make each picture a little different from the one before it.
3. What are the tasks in the next stage?
My chat room Anna: How do I make the characters and things appear to move? Jason:(3) _Y_o_u__s_h_o_u_ld__m__a_k_e_e_a_c_h__p_ic_t_u_r_e_a__li_te__d_if_fe_r_e_n_t_f_r_o_m__t_h_e_o_n_e_b__ef_o_r_e_i_t.__ Anna: What should I do next? Jason:(4) ______________________________________________________________ Anna: What should I do last? Jason: (5)_Y_o_u__s_h_o_u_ld__r_e_c_o_r_d_t_h_e_v_o_i_c_e_s_a_n_d_s_o_u_n_d__e_f_fe_c_t_s._
Play a game: Quick Response
Play a game: Quick Response
Play a game: Quick Response
7. appear to do sth. 似乎在做某事 8. do one's voice 说出自己的心声
9. think about 思考
10.forget to do sth. 忘记做某事
the character has he/she is very the words that the the words that the
an idea.
character says. character is thinking of.
Lead in Which cartoon do you like? What is its main content? Why do you like it?
1.My favorite movie is Kung Fu Panda. 2.I find the film exciting and interesting.