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1. After graduati on he took an o ____________ a s a teacher in the city.
2. The a _____________ o ffered by the manager is difficult for him to finish.
3. An expert is a man who is en gaged in p ____________ bus in ess.
4. All his c who work with him in the samefactory are all ready
to help others.
5. You should c ___________ on your work whe n you study.
6. In the ________ (案子)of Ma Haitao ,he was treated un fairly.
7. We also can a ________________ kno wledge duri ng play ing.
8. He hit meon the head with a ball d _________________ which made mevery angry.
9. He felt g ______________ after he stole some money from the old couple.
10. His _______________ (简练)in troduct ion of the product got great
in terest of the people.
11. He worked as a e _______________ in that n ewspaper.
12. She graduated from En glish d _______________ of Beiji ng Un iversity.
13. Don't just say almost , nearly ............... , what we need is a ____________ n umber.
14. My shoes are so dirty that they n eed to be P ___________ .
15. I can't understand your meaning , can you give mea little h _____________________ .
16. Before marrying , they always made an a _____________ in that park.
17. If rve hurt your feeli ngs , it was quite without _______________ (有
18. Her father will n ever a ___________ (同意)of her marriage to you.
19. I don't want a ______________ (否定的)an swer to my questi on.
20. In harvest time , he has to _________________ (雇佣)more people to work
for him.
21. A p ____________ i s a type of job that required adva need educati on or
trai ning.
22. If you have an a _________ w ith some one , you have arran ged to see them
at a particular time , usually in conn ecti on with their work.
23. An i _________ that you have is an idea or pla n of what you are going
to do.
24. Your o ____________________ is your job.
25. In dustrial developme nt is being _____________
(集中)in the west of Chi na.
26. He had to rewrite his essay 5 because his teacher said it n eeded some ____________________ (润饰)in Ianguage.
27. The little boy cried ___________ (故意地)to draw his mother's
atte nti on.
28. An __________ (精确的)instrument is able to give you information
is correct to a detailed level.
29. Somesmoking and alcoholic drinks are an _______________ (获得的)taste are not in born.
30. The busy mother feels really ________ (内疚的)at forgett ing her
daughter's birthday aga in.
1. 全神贯注于________________________________________
2. 因……指责或控告___________________________________________
3. 为了(做……) _____________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________ 填(表)
5. 依靠;依赖_________________________________________________
6. 传递_______________________________________________________ that and
26. He had to rewrite his essay 5 because his teacher said it n eeded 7. 开始工作________________________________________________
8. 最终;最后____________________________________________________
9. 从事于____________________________________________________
10. 被用在……上(中)____________________________________________
1. We should ___________ (保卫)ourselves aga inst the coming flood.
2. They found that cave _________________ (意外地)。
3. It's necessary for young people to receive ________ _____________________ (正规教育)
4. They are all ______ __________________ t hat idea (反对)。
5. You should concen trate yourselves on the class and avoid
6. 消费者利益保护委员会的创立旨在保护顾客的权益,使其免受奸商的欺诈。
The Consumer Council exists to _____________ the customers' right and interests
__________ un scrupulous traders.
7. 那个著名的教授被指控偷取学生的理念并将它们发表。
The famous professor has been _____________ __________ stealing his student's ideas and publish ing them.
8. 政府今年所做的事情对所有的广州市民都很有利。
What the government has done this year will be of ______________ _________ all the citize ns liv ing in Guan gzhou.
9. 经理决定今年冬天公司的全体员工去安徽的黄山游玩。
The manager has decided all the _________ of the company will go on a _____________ to the Yellow Mountain in Anhui province this winter.
10. 那个女记者冒着生命的危险为凤凰卫视报道了伊拉克的情况。
The woma n reporter _______ ___________ ________ to cover the situati on in
Iraq for Phoe nix TV.
11. 如果你想开一家餐馆,最好向Mary请教,她对这行的诀窍很清楚。
If you want to ope n a restaura nt ,you should ask Mary's advice. She knows
all the _________ of the trade.
12. 我看到报纸上说失业情况有所改善,但事实上完全弄错了一一失业率仍在上升。
I read in the newspaper that the ________________ figures had improved but it has
got hold of the wrong end of the stick ----- un employme nt is still _________ .
13. 人类都有这样的一个天性,就是不到失去的时候都不懂得珍惜自己所拥有的东
Such is human nature that many people don't _____________ t he things they process
un til they have lost them.
14. 他们刚赶到机场飞机就起飞了。
__________ had they got to the airport __________ the pla ne took off.
15. 只有当你掌握了良好的语法知识的时候,你才能写出正确的文章。
Only when you have acquired a good ___________ of grammar can you write
appo in tme nt
appo in tme nt
1. occupati on
2. assig nment
3. professi onal
4. colleague
5. concen trate
6. case
con cise
7. acquire 8. deliberately 9. guilty
10. 11. editor 12. departme nt 13. accurate 14. polish 15. hi nt
16. 17. intention 18. approve 19. negative 20. employ 21. profession 22. 23. i nte ntion 24. occupati on 25. concen trated 26. polishi ng 27. deliberately
28. accurate 29. acquired 30. guilty
1. Concentrate …on
2. accuse …of
3. so as to
4. fill in
5. depend
1. defend
2. by accide nt/cha nee
3. normal education
4. opposite to
5. losing mi nd
6. defend ; against
7. accused of
8. ben efit to
9. employees ; visit 10. risked her life 11. tricks 12. un emloyme nt 13. value 14. Hardly ; when 15. knowledge ; correctly
6. pass on
7. set to work
8. last of all
9. work on 10. be used on。