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When Miss Emily’s father died, it got about that the house was all that was left to her. Miss Emily couldn’t believe it and cut her hair.
The town had just let the contracts for paving the sidewalks, and in the summer after her father's death they began the work. And here came a foreman named Homer Barron. Then Miss Emily and Homer Barron were in love. People in the town thought she would marry him. But Homer himself had remarked--he liked men, and it was known that he drank with the younger men in the Elks' Club--that he was not a marrying man. People in the town learned that Miss Emily had been to the jeweler's and ordered a man's toilet set in silver, with the letters H. B. on each piece. Two days later they learned that she had bought a complete outfit of men's clothing, including a nightshirt, and people believed that they were married.
And then Miss Emily was seen buying poisons, people thought that she was going to kill herself. Three days later, Homer Barron was back in town. A neighbor saw the Negro man admit him at the kitchen door at dusk one evening. And that was the last time people saw him.
Some people complained to the mayor that there was a bad smell fro m Miss Emily’s home. So the mayor and another 3 member of Board of Aldermen broke open the cellar door and sprinkled lime there, and in all the outbuildings. Miss Emily saw them. After a week or two the smell went away. In 1894, the mayor remitted her taxes, the dispensation dating from the death of her father on into perpetuity. When the next generation became mayors and aldermen, this arrangement created some
little dissatisfaction. On the first of the year they mailed her a tax notice, but Miss Emily replied a note without comment. So they had to visit her, but were driven out by her.
Daily, monthly, yearly, each December people sent her a tax notice, which would be returned by the post office a week later, unclaimed.
Thus she passed from generation to generation, and so she died in one of the downstairs rooms. The whole town went to her funeral. Already people knew that there was one room in that region above stairs which no one had seen in forty years, and which would have to be forced. They waited until Miss Emily was decently in the ground before they opened it. When they entered the room they saw the man lay in the bed. And they found that Miss Emily slept with the corpse every night before she died.。
