
白鲸英文版第二章生词和读后感"Moby-Dick" Chapter 2 Vocabulary and Reflections.Vocabulary:1. Whiteness: The purity or absence of color, often symbolizing innocence or purity. In "Moby-Dick," the whiteness of the whale represents its purity and also its power.2. Peculiar: Unusual or unusual, particular. Ishmael's description of the whale as "peculiar" highlights its uniqueness and sets it apart from other creatures.3. Leviathan: A biblical reference to a巨大怪鱼monster fish, often used to describe whales. It evokes a sense of grandeur and mystery.4. Fabled: Based on legends or myths, not necessarily true. The whale's reputation as a fabled creature adds toits mystique.5. Appurtenances: Accessories or additions that belong to or complement something. In the context of the whale, these refer to its fins, tail, etc.6. Catastrophe: A sudden and usually disastrous event. The captain's fear of a whale's attack is seen as a potential catastrophe.7. Albatross: A type of seabird known for its long wingspan and ability to fly for extended periods without landing. In the novel, the albatross serves as a symbol of good luck and fate.8. Sabbath: A reference to the Sabbath, a day of rest in the Jewish and Christian faiths. Here, it is used to evoke a sense of stillness and peace before the excitement of the hunt begins.Reflections:Reading the second chapter of "Moby-Dick" is an immersive experience that immediately draws the reader into the world of the whale hunt. Melville's use of vivid imagery and descriptive language creates a sense of awe and wonder, making the leviathan seem both majestic and terrifying.The chapter introduces us to Ishmael, a man who has chosen to embark on this dangerous journey for reasons that are not immediately clear. His curiosity and perhaps even his need for adventure are evident in his observations and reflections. His description of the whale as "peculiar" hints at the uniqueness of the creature and also at the uniqueness of the journey he is about to embark on.The captain's fear of the whale is palpable, and Melville uses this to create a sense of tension and excitement. The whale is not just a target for the hunters; it is a force of nature, a creature that commands respect and even awe. The captain's respect for the whale's power and his fear of its potential for destruction add depth and complexity to the narrative.The chapter also explores themes of fate and luck, with the albatross serving as a symbol of both. The albatross's appearance seems to预示着presage good luck for the crew, but it also serves as a reminder that their fate is ultimately out of their control. Melville uses this symbol to explore the idea that even in the face of danger and uncertainty, people often find comfort in the belief that there is some higher power guiding their destiny.Overall, the second chapter of "Moby-Dick" is a masterful blend of adventure, suspense, and philosophical exploration. It sets the stage for the rest of the novel and leaves the reader eagerly anticipating what lies ahead. Melville's attention to detail and his ability to evoke strong emotional responses through his writing make this chapter a standout among the many memorable passages inthis classic novel.。
床头灯英语3000词 白鲸

《白鲸》是赫尔曼·梅尔维尔(Herman Melville)所写的一部经典小说,讲述了一艘捕鲸船与一头白鲸的生死搏斗。
"The white whale. Aye, Moby Dick. Call him what you will, he is deeper than all the sea. He is as old as the great Leviathan himself. Of what strange unknown origin is the White Whale? Whence came he, and what is he? Of what is he made, and what does he do? Did he come into the world before the world itself, or was he created with the world? For all we know, all whales, small and great, and the great Leviathan himself, may have been created in imitation of him; so that the white whale is the original model to all whales; the Arch-type as it were of all things whale-like. ...He is the grand central Whale of all whales, the white whale of all whales."

The Scarlet Letter (1850), a story of rebellion within an emotionally constricted Puritan society, is an undisputed masterpiece written by Hawthorn. The Scarlet Letter reveals both Hawthorne…s superb craftsmanship and the powerful psychological insight wit h which he probed guilt and anxiety in the human soul. Hawthorne…s remarkable sense of the Puritan past, his understanding of the colonial history in England, his apparent preoccupation with the moral issue of sin and guilt, and his keen psychological analysis of people are brought to full display in this novel. So his dream is Thought, full of mental activities. Thought propels action and grows organically out of the interaction of the characters. With modern psychological insight, Hawthorne probe the secret motivation in human behavior and the guilt and anxiety that he believed resulted from all sins against humanity, especially those of pride. Hawthorne is a master of symbolism. The structure and the form of the novel are carefully worked out to cater for the thematic concern. By using Pearl as a thematic symbol, Hawthorne emphasizes the consequence the sin of adultery has brought to the community and people living in that community. As a key to the whole novel, the letter A takes on different layers of symbolic meanings as the plot develops. The ambiguity is one of the salient features of the work.Published in 1851, Moby Dick is considered a master piece by Herman Melville. Holding the thesis that ―all visible objects are but as pasteboard mask,‖ Melvil le strikes through the surface of his adventurous narrative to formulate concepts of good and evil imbedded as allegory in its events. Under Melville…s pen, Moby-Dick urns out to be a symbolic voyage of the mind in quest of the truth and knowledge of the u niverse, a spiritual exploration into man…s deep reality and psychology. Melville uses symbols as representations of different ideas, and through facts and incidents to acquire universal meanings: the Pequod is the microcosm of human society and the voyage becomes a search for truths. The white whale, Moby Dick, symbolizes nature, for it is complex, unfathomable, malignant, and beautiful as well. For the character Ahab, however, the whale represents only evil; for the author, as well as for the reader and Ishmael, the narrator, Moby Dick is an ultimate mystery of the universe, and the voyage of the mind will forever remain a search of the truth.《白鲸》(Moby Dick)是19世纪美国最重要的小说家之一赫尔曼·梅尔维尔(Herman Melville 1819—1891)于1851年发表的一篇海洋题材的小说,小说描写了亚哈船长为了追逐并杀死白鲸莫比·迪克,最终与白鲸同归于尽的故事。
英美文学 白鲸 Moby dick

英语081 2008141060Moby dickHe is a giant, albino sperm whale and the main antagonist of the novel. He had bitten off Ahab's leg, and Ahab swore revenge. The cetacean also attacked the Rachel and killed the captain's son. Although the novel is named for him, he only appears at the end of it and kills the entire crew with the exception of Ishmael. Unlike the other characters, the reader does not have access to Moby Dick's thoughts and motivations, but the whale is still an integral part of the novel. Moby Dick is sometimes considered to be a symbol of a number of things, among them God, nature, fate, the ocean, and the very universe itself.Herman Melville uses symbols instead of putting the battle between Ahab and the big whale into simple statements. Referring to symbols, the symbolic meaning of Moby Dick is more typical, because Moby Dick possesses various symbolic meaning for various individuals, as shown by the symbol of evil, the symbol of human being to the Pequod’s crew including Ahab, and the symbol o f omnipotent God to some whale men except for Pequod’s crew and Ahab.ⅠTo the Pequod’s crewTo the Pequod’s crew, the legendary white whale is a concept onto which they can displace their anxieties about their dangerous and often very frightening jobs. Because they have no delusions about Moby Dicks .They believe deeply that the legendary white whale act malevolently towards men, so Moby Dick is the incarnation of evil.Ⅱ To Ahab:To Ahab, “all evil are visibly personified, and make practically assailable in Moby Dick” . In chase of Moby Dick, he loses one of his legs, so he hates Moby Dick very much. He wants to take revenge. He dedicates his ship and crew to destroying Moby Dick, because they see Moby Dick as the living embodiment of all that is evil and malignant in the universe. By ignoring the physical dangerous that this quest entails, setting himself against other men, and presuming to understand and fight evil on a cosmic scale, Ahab arrogantly defies the limitations imposed upon human being. Also, just the evil of Moby Dick makes the crew including Ahab get close to death.ⅢT o the reader:1)a symbol of the physical limits that life imposes upon man.2)a symbol of nature, or an instrument of God’s vengeance upon evil man.To readers, in terms of the suffering of the crew including Ahab, Moby Dick is the incarnation of evil to some extent. Although Ahab becomes almost crazy, he is the representation of the people who are determined to fight against evil. In an ultimate demonstration of defiance, A hab uses his “last breath” to curse the whale and fate. Although the strength of Ahab and his crew is negligible and in some ways their action is a little blind, their spirit of fighting against the evil and perseverance is worthy of learning today. Nowadays, life is becoming more and more comfortable, and the will-power of people becomes weaker and weaker. In some ways, ignoring Ahab’s craziness and blindness, his braveness and perseverance really set a good example for today’s people.Ⅳ.T o Ishmael:the whale has multiple implications. It is an astonishing force, an immense power, which defies rational explanation due to a sense of mystery it has.It also represents the tremendous organic vitality of the universe.1. 白鲸是庞大的资本主义生产方式的象征小说中最具有象征意义的是白鲸莫比·迪克。

1. "Ignorance is the parent of fear."(无知是恐惧的根源。
2. "It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation."(宁愿在独创性上失败,也不愿在模仿上成功。
3. "A smile is the chosen vehicle of all ambiguities."(微笑是一切模棱两可的载体。
4. "It is not down in any map; true places never are."(真实之地无法在任何地图上找到。
5. "Hope is the struggle of the soul."(希望是灵魂的奋斗。
Moby_Dick 《白鲸》

Captain Ahab
Ahab is the tyrannical captain of the Pequod.A man who is obsessed with the killing of a white whale that has taken a leg from him.The novel is essentially the story of Ahab and his quest to defeat the white whale.
The novel is the realistic account of a whaling Voyage within which sets a symbolic account of the conflict between man and his fate.
Major Characters
Moby Dick possesses various symbolic meanings for various individuals. 1) Symbol of nature for human beings,because it is mysterious, powerful, unknown,out of control. 2) Symbol of evil for the Captain Ahab. 3) Symbol of good and purity because of its whiteness.
He is the chief mate of the Pequod.Among the characters in Moby Dick, it is only Starbuck who openly opposes Captain Ahab, believing his quest against the great whale to be an impulsive and suicidal folly. Despite his misgivings, he feels himself bound by his obligations to obey the captain.
Herman Melville——Moby Dick《白鲸》

3). Evoluty Dick is one of the greatest novels in the world. To get to know the 19th century American mind and America itself, one has to read this book. It is an encyclopedia of everything, history, philosophy, religion, etc. in addition to a detailed account of the operations of the whaling industry. But it is first a Shakespearean tragedy of man fighting against overwhelming odds in an indifferent and even hostile universe. It is a spiritual exploration into man's deep reality and psychology. It reveals the basic pattern of 19th-century Am. life: loneliness and suicidal individualism in a self-styled democracy. (P85) It is regarded as the first American prose epic. It turns out to be a symbolic voyage of the mind in quest of the truth and knowledge of the universe, a spiritual exploration into man‘s deep reality and psychology.
Moby Dick and Bible

《白鲸》 Moby Dick
白鲸莫比·迪克(Moby Dick)
船长亚哈(Ahab) 以实玛利(Ishmael) 大(Starbuck)、二、三副
“‘象征’一词源自希腊文,是一剖为二、 各执一半的木制信物”,随着历史的发展,“
是亚哈心中邪恶与恐怖、难以征 服而又必须予以摧毁的仇敌
莫比·迪克 (Moby Dick)
对以实玛利来说,白鲸既代表高洁安 宁,也代表恐怖死亡,它是宇宙间一 切对立矛盾的结合,象征宇宙的浩阔 与奥秘、上帝的无边神力
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
社会政治的角度来看,白鲸象征着 庞大的资本主义生产力
不折不扣的暴君和邪恶魔王的象征 :执迷不悟于一己私仇,全然置船 员的安危于不顾
船长亚哈 (Ahab)
人类反抗英雄的象征:敢于搏击 邪恶、挑战命运、反抗神明
"裴廓德号”捕鲸船 (Pequod)
运: 取自被灭绝的印第安部落之名
人与自然的关系:亚哈船长剿灭白鲸的过程就是人类征服 自然过程;小说最后那重归宁静的大海,人与自然和谐相 处 宗教主题:服从神意和反叛神明

白鲸经典句子英文1. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.2. The best way to predict the future is to create it.3. Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.4. In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.5. A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.6. Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.7. The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.8. The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.9. It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.10. The only way to do great work is to love what you do.11. The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.12. Believe you can and you're halfway there.13. Your time is limited, don't waste it living someone else's life.14. Change your thoughts and you change your world.15. I haven't failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.16. Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.17. The question I love to ask is "What did you learn from that?"18. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.19. It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.20. The best revenge is massive success.21. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.22. Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.23. The harder I work, the luckier I get.。

白鲸名言名句1. “白鲸就像大海的精灵,难道不是吗?就像哈利在海上遇到白鲸时惊叹的那样:‘哇,这大家伙可真神奇啊!’当你看到白鲸在海中自由游弋,你也会被它的魅力所折服。
”例子:我那次去海洋馆看到白鲸,真的被震撼到了,那优美的身姿,可不就是大海的精灵嘛!2. “白鲸可是海洋里的歌唱家呀!你听听那叫声,多美妙,就如同阿美说的:‘哇,这声音太好听啦!’它真的能让我们沉浸在那神奇的海洋世界里。
3. “对白鲸来说,海洋就是它的家,这就好比我们对自己温馨的家的感情呀!想想看,小军每次提起白鲸都说:‘那是它们的天堂啊!’白鲸在海洋里是多么自由自在啊。
4. “白鲸有着自己的智慧,可不是呆头呆脑的,就像小芳形容的:‘哇,这白鲸聪明得很呢!’它们能做出很多让人惊叹的事情。
5. “白鲸的友谊也是很珍贵的呀,不是吗?就像阿强遇到的那对白鲸,它们总是互相陪伴,阿强都说:‘这俩家伙感情真好!’我们也应该珍惜身边的友情。
6. “白鲸的勇气也是让人钦佩的!就像阿伟看到白鲸勇敢面对风浪时说的:‘太牛了,这白鲸真勇敢!’它们面对困难从不退缩。
7. “白鲸是海洋的宝贝,这是毋庸置疑的!瞧瞧大家对它们的喜爱,不就像小敏说的:‘哎呀,白鲸太可爱啦!’我们要好好保护它们。

白鲸记优美句子双语1. 求描写白鲸的语句亚哈的象征意义和白鲸一样,不是唯一的或者绝对的,其性格是多重的,矛盾的,其象征意义也是复杂的,难以把握的。

5.MobyDick《白鲸》读后感5. Moby DickName: Zhu MiClass: English 112Be in Harmony with NatureCaptain Ahab took revenge on the white whale, as a matter of fact, the Almighty God, and omnipotent nature is his enemy. Moby Dick bites him then he regards it as the wicked representative. Later, he is so stubborn since then. He is determined to fight for his destiny. In fact, Moby Dick is out of self-protection to bite Captain Ahab.As someone pose out that Ahab is such a tragic type of heroes. His dual images displays in two sides. On the one hand, he is an indomitable, fearless, courageous and experienced captain; on the other hand, in order to achieve his personal vindictive purpose, he di sregards the crew’s life and death, never listens to others exhorts. He is insane to his revenge plan and becomes a paranoid, selfish and imperious devil.From my point of view, I am strongly against Captain Ahab’s reaction to revenge on the white whale. F irst, it’s an accident for his losing of his leg. Second, it pays a lot to revenge on the white whale for it results in all the crews’ death. Third, it is a stupid and cruel behavior to kill animals in such a crazy way.We live in and surrounded by nature, so it’s natural for us to live in harmony with it. Otherwise, we will get punishment sooner or later.As we can see through the novel that Moby-Dick is symbolic of nature. Melville depicts the whale as being graceful and peaceful in its natural habitat, much like nature in general. Heshows that when an outside force interrupts the true course of nature, it can result in violence and unexpected actions of either of the two. The whale is also similar to nature in that it is bound by natural laws, but that within these laws they are capable of being powerful and immortal, at the same time being temperate and peaceful.Ahab views the whale as being similar to nature in that it is destructive. Ishmael associates the whale to nature in that they are both beautiful and wonderful. Starbuck seems to relate Moby -Dick to nature because of its ability to nourish, and he concentrates on what the whale has to offer, such as the oil and money he will obtain in killing it.When I see the crews all lost their lives except one, to be harmony with all nature objects is important for human beings living in the world. Though many of the crew is noble and humane, Ishmael is the only one who has realized the brutality of human and obtained the inner harmony unrealized by Ahab, thus his survival in the end.。

白鲸英文Beluga WhaleIntroductionThe beluga whale, or Delphinapterus leucas, is also known as the white whale. It is a small toothed whale that lives primarily in the Arctic and sub-Arctic regions. The beluga whale is one of the most unique and interesting marine mammals in the world. With its pure white coloration and special characteristics, it has become a popular animal to study and observe.CharacteristicsBeluga whales are easily identified by their distinctive white coloring, which sets them apart from other marine mammals. They have a rounded body shape and a small head with a bulbous melon. Their melon is used to help them produce sounds and navigate, making it a crucial part of their anatomy. These whales are small in size, measuring up to 16 feet in length and weighing up to 3,500 pounds.One of the most fascinating characteristics of the beluga whale is its ability to change facial expressions. Their flexible lips and vocal cords allow them to make a wide range of sounds, which are used for communication and navigation. They are also known for their ability to mimic human sounds, making them a favorite among researchers and trainers.Habitat and RangeBeluga whales are found primarily in the Arctic and sub-Arctic regions of the world. They can be found in coastal areas such as the St. Lawrence River and the Hudson Bay in Canada, as well as in open waters and ice floes. These whales are well adapted to living in cold environments, with a layer of blubber that helps them to maintain body heat.DietBeluga whales are opportunistic feeders, which means that they will eat a wide variety of prey depending on what is available. They primarily feed on fish, but they will also eat squid, octopus, crabs, and other small marine animals. They have a flexible neck that allows them to move their head in different directions, making it easier for them to capture prey.Breeding and ReproductionBeluga whales are social animals that live in groups, or pods. They are known for their strong maternal and paternal instincts, with both parents playing an important role in the care and upbringing of their young. Female beluga whales reach sexual maturity at around 5-7 years of age, while males reach maturity at around 7-9 years of age.The gestation period for beluga whales is approximately 14-15 months, with females giving birth to a single calf. Calves are born gray or dark brown in color and remain with their mothers for up to two years, during which time they learn essential survival skills such as hunting and communication.Threats and ConservationBeluga whales face a number of threats in the wild, including pollution, climate change, and hunting. Many belugas are hunted for their meat and blubber, as well as for their ivory-like teeth, which are highly prized. These threats have led to a decline in beluga whale populations, with some populations listed as endangered or threatened.Conservation efforts are ongoing to protect beluga whales and their habitats. These efforts include establishing protected areas, reducing pollution, regulating hunting practices, and promoting sustainable fishing practices.ConclusionThe beluga whale is a fascinating and unique marine mammal that has captured the imagination of people around the world. With its distinctive white coloration and special characteristics, it has become a popular animal to study and observe. Conservation efforts are essential to ensure that these amazing creatures continue to thrive in the wild.。

To make himself more financially stable for his impending迫切的 marriage, Melville sought a position with the U.S. Treasury 财政部 and took on extra work writing book reviews. Moby Dick published in November 1851, received poor reviews and did not sell.
In 1840, Melville set sail aboard the Acushnet, a whaling ship headed for the South Pacific. The rough conditions of the sea toughened 坚韧the romantic New Englander and he took such a liking to sea life that he sailed around the globe four years aboard various ships.
Writing Thought 写作思想 Moby Dick penetrate a main line from beginning to end : Once exposure to nature, the only choice is to act as a conqueror, the relationship between the conqueror and the conquered object is inevitable the opposite. The two are incompatible with each other. Melville especially highlight it on the shape of the captain Ahab, make it the soul of this book. 《白鲸》从始到终贯穿一条主线:人一旦置身于大自然中,唯一 的选择只有充当征服者,他与被征服对象的关系必然是对立的, 两者是彼此仇视的、互不相容的。麦尔维尔对亚哈船长的塑造尤 其突出了这一点,使其成为《白鲸》这部书的灵魂 . “Conquest and possession” is indeed a big theme of the era before and after 1851, Melville clinged to it, and took possession of it in the writing of “Moby Dick” . “征服和占有”确实是1851前后那个时代的大主题,麦尔维尔 紧紧地抓住了它,又在《白鲸》写作中占有了它。

白鲸英文名句The White Whale: Famous Quotes in EnglishIntroduction:The White Whale, known for its majestic presence in the ocean, has captivated the minds and hearts of people throughout history. In this article, we will explore some significant English quotes related to the White Whale, their meanings, and the profound lessons they convey.1. "He piled upon the whale's white hump, the sum of all the general rage and hate felt by his whole race from Adam down; and then, as if his chest had been a mortar, he burst his hot heart's shell upon it." - Herman Melville, Moby-DickThis line from the renowned novel Moby-Dick exemplifies the intensity of human emotions, showcasing the protagonist Ahab's deep-seated anger and obsession towards the White Whale. It serves as a reminder that unchecked hatred and vengeance can consume a person, leading to their ultimate downfall.2. "And still deeper the meaning of that story of Narcissus, who, because he could not grasp the tormenting, mild image he saw in the fountain, plunged into it and was drowned." - Herman Melville, Moby-DickIn this quote, Melville draws a parallel between the myth of Narcissus and mankind's fascination with the White Whale. It emphasizes the danger of being consumed by one's own desires and the detrimental consequences that can arise from an inability to accept reality.3. "Moby-Dick represents the inscrutable malice lurking in the universe, which presents itself in the form of a giant white whale." - D.H. Lawrence, Studies in Classic American LiteratureD.H. Lawrence's perspective on the enigmatic nature of Moby-Dick sheds light on the symbolic interpretation of the White Whale. He suggests that it represents a malevolent force that humans cannot fully comprehend, symbolizing the intrinsic mysteries of life and the universe.4. "That unwaning, terrible whiteness." - William Shakespeare, The TempestAlthough not directly referring to the White Whale, Shakespeare's phrase encapsulates the awe-inspiring presence often associated with the majestic creature. It portrays a sense of both terror and beauty, highlighting the whale's indescribable allure and power.5. "The White Whale swam before him as the monomaniac incarnation of all those malicious agencies which some deep men feel eating in them, till they are left living on with half a heart and half a lung." - Herman Melville, Moby-DickMelville's quote explores the concept of monomania, portraying the White Whale as a symbol of the destructive obsession that can consume individuals. It serves as a warning against allowing one's obsessions to overpower reason and lead to self-destruction.Conclusion:The White Whale, a powerful and enduring symbol in literature, represents various themes and emotions that resonate deeply with readers.From Herman Melville's Moby-Dick to William Shakespeare's The Tempest, these quotes showcase the profound impact of the White Whale on human imagination and the lessons it imparts. Whether it be Ahab's relentless pursuit or the emblem of mankind's innermost fears, the White Whale continues to captivate, inspire, and provoke contemplation among those who encounter its presence in literature.。

The waves hit on both sides with envy, want to drown my channel.2、伟大人物,刹那间所积起的深重痛苦,往往等于常人终其一生所经历的全部平淡痛苦。
The great man, the sudden accumulation of deep pain, often equal to the ordinary people throughout their lives through all the pain.3、海鸟围着此地盘旋,声声凄厉。
Seabirds around here circling, shrill sound. The waves roll away, still unusual. Everything seems to have never happened.4、他的眼睛的光芒就像是北天上的北极星一样,历经六个月,而光芒丝毫不减。
His eyes were like the north star in the north, six months, and the light did not decrease. On the contrary, with the date of arrival, the fire more, the stars are more dazzling.5、最终的港口在哪儿,让我们不再远航?在哪一片穹苍下航行,能使疲惫者永不疲惫?弃儿的父亲藏匿在何处?我们的灵魂就像那些孤儿,他们未婚的母亲因怀他们而死去:身世的秘密埋藏在坟墓里,只有到了那里才能知晓。
Where is the final port, let us no longer voyage? What a piece of sailing in the sky, to the weary, never tired? A father hiding in where? Our souls are like orphans, and their unmarried mothers die for them: the secret of life is buried in the grave, only to be known.6、对于本性阴险的海洋来讲,人类的这种态度无疑是对他的挑衅,所招致的也无疑是毁灭。

白鲸英文名句【释义】1white whale1.白鲸:一种鲸类动物。
2beluga[脊椎]白鲸;白色大鳇鱼3belouga白鲸【短语】1白鲸记Moby Dick;Moby Dic;or The Whale2白鲸座Cetus Moses3白鲸属Delphinapterus;white whale;beluga4白鲸鲨White Whale Sharks5白鲸天帆号Beluga SkySails6白鲸超绞拳Kaitos Spouting Bomber;Cetus Spouting Bomber7火箭白鲸Rocket Beluga8白鲸记2Moby Dick9白鲸座摩西斯Cetus Moses【例句】1白鲸来自俄国。
The white whales are from Russia.2事实上,在《白鲸记》的删节版中,这常常是被省略的章节之一。
Indeed,in abridged editions of Moby-Dick,it is often one of the chapters omitted.3这部分是狄更斯的作品,是对老伦敦、城市工人阶级的刻板印象,但这不仅仅是狄更斯的。
It's Dickens in part,that stereotype of old London,of the urban working class,but it's not just Dickens.Moby Dick is here too.4白鲸有40个用来抓鱼圆锥形小牙齿。
Belugas have40small conical teeth which they use to grasp fish.5潜水员常常炫耀与白鲸玩。
Divers often play with white whales who seem to show off.。
白鲸moby dick

Ishmael suggests that Ahab is “crazy‖” and call him ―“a raving lunatic”,why? That ‘s because Ahab is a man of "no fear of God, just like a God.“
In the story, Arab is the most attractive role , being both hero and villain. His mind and will, courage and conviction make him a best man above others. However, the novel more than once asserted that he is paranoid and stubborn and his hatred white whale as a symbol of evil, he thought that Moby Dick is his monomaniac, and Moby Dick must die, or Ahab can't live any longer.
2.Why does Ahab react so violently
against the white whale?
First, he lost one of his legs because of the white whale when Ahab was attacking him. Second, He considers Moby Dick the embodiment of evil in the world, and he pursues the White Whale, because he believes it his inescapable fate to destroy this evil.


白鲸读书笔记摘抄英文以下是白鲸读书笔记中的英文摘抄:1. 'The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.' - Dr. Seuss2. 'Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.' - Charles W. Eliot3. 'Reading is a basic tool in the living of a good life.' - Mortimer J. Adler4. 'A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading.' - William Styron5. 'There is no friend as loyal as a book.' - Ernest Hemingway6. 'The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them.' - Mark Twain7. 'Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.' - Joseph Addison8. 'The books that the world calls immoral are books that show the world its own shame.' - Oscar Wilde9. 'Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new after all.' - Abraham Lincoln10. 'The best books... are those that tell you what you know already.' - George Orwell。
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Great men, the deep pain accumulated in an instant, are often equal to all the plain pain that ordinary people experience throughout their lives.
I would like to be like a match to light my goal. Even if it is gunpowder, I will spare no effort.
Seabirds hovered around the place, their voices were sad. The waves rolled away, still ordinary. Everything seems to have never happened.
They crossed their breasts, condemning similar acts and begging God to forgive them.
However, the louder I shout, the more terrified my soul is.
Even at the expense of myself, I will illuminate what I dare to do. I have this determination.
For a sea of insidious nature, this attitude of human beings is undoubtedly a provocation to him, and the result is undoubtedly destruction.
I could have thought a lot in silence, but my heart and my mind were beating violently all the time and could not be quiet at all. Sometimes once it was quiet, it seemed as if it had been frozen.
Human doubts are often the strongest when he has become a player, but in the face of this helpless situation, he has to deceive himself to cover it up.
Buckington is just the kind of warrior people expect. His efforts will not be in vain. His perseverance will pay off. Be brave. Be as energetic as Buckington. Go ahead!
Don't look at the sun like an oyster in the water, mistake muddy water for thin air, the true or false of soul and body needs your constant care.
His eyes, like the Polaris in the northern sky, had been shining for six months without a loss of light. On the contrary, with the arrival of that date, the fire became more intense and the stars more dazzling.
Ah, young people, you must bear in mind that human greatness is often accompanied by human morbidity, you
must be vigilant!
How much happiness you enjoy, how much misfortune you will suffer, how much misfortune you will experience, how much happiness you will get.
Everything in the world, noble people seem to have some melancholy qualities.
The waves of jealousy surged on both sides, trying to drown my waterway.
The incredible things in the world are silently carried out, the noisy people are not sincere, and the deepest memory is also in the form of no tombstone.
Maybe darkness is the way our human nature exists, so you will always have a false feeling if you don't close your eyes.
The air always allows the sailors above the bow to breathe before the commander on the deck. However, he thought he had breathed first.
Human greatness is associated with human morbidity.
Many years ago, when my wallet was flat, there seemed to be nothing to mix up on land. Let's go to the sea and stroll in the sea which occupies an absolute area in our world.
Sooner or later, people will be abandoned, or the soul will go out of the body, the body will decay slowly, or the body will decay first, flexible but still wandering, homeless, and finally fly to heaven.
We can't guess it, but it deters us all the time. They seem light, but they weigh heavily on our hearts, making us feel
powerless because of their existence.。