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Refer to the previous slide; these bullet points refer to an organisation’s “cultural web” You are about to view a 10 minute video on creating culture in the Marriott Hotel group On a blank piece of paper, use the bullet points from the previous slide to note down evidence to describe the Marriott group’s cultural web
Routines Rituals Rules and policies Symbols Stories and myths Systems and structures Values and beliefs
Creating Culture at the Marriott

Culture strength and adaptation
The aim of implementation is to achieve the strategy Is strategy achieved through

strategy, structure and systems? or, purpose, process and people?
Strategic Restructuring

Structure Culture
Heavily influences and is influenced by, strategy implementation Often reflects the values and leadership styles of senior management HRM practices can influence culture – recruitment, training, performance evaluation
(Shilbury & Hooper, 1999, p. 106).
Organisational culture,
provides members with a sense of organisational identity; generates a commitment to overarching beliefs and values helps guide daily activities of workers to meet certain goals can arise from anywhere in the organisation, although usually begins with the founder Internal integration: to integrate members so that they know how to relate to one another External adaptation: to help the organisation adapt to the external environment

cultures based on function or profession cultures based on location sub-cultures in workgroups, teams, sections and product lines

Organisations should have appropriate cultures in each unit, and coordinate these cultures •Cultures can also be leveraged to create desired strategic outcomes •E.g. cultures of consumption •Research in the events sector: •Green & Chalip (1998) •Merrilees, Getz & O’Brien (2005) •O’Brien (2007)

Serves two critical functions:

OrganisatiOnal culture

ElEmEnts of organisational culture

Organisations usually consist of several cultures

(If successful) Cultures change over time in response to organisational environment Cultural values vary from society to society – important for MNCs
Strategy implementation
Internal and External Analysis

Strategic Direction Strategy Formulation (corporate and business level) Strategy Implementation and Control

The underlying values, beliefs and patterns of behaviour that affect how the operations of the organisation should be conducted – “how we do things around here.” Usually referred to as an implicit way of thinking and acting

Culture is not statiC

Miles & snow’s strategic typology: “cultural posture”
Prospectors • First mover Analysers • Follow the first mover when opportunity is proven Defenders • Defensive strategy Reactors • No distinct strategy

Research has shown that a strong organisational culture does not necessarily ensure success, unless the culture is one that encourages a healthy adaptation to the external environment A strong culture that does not encourage adaptation can be more damaging to an organisation’s success The Icarus Paradox (Danny Miller)

Culture-strategy fit

Culture and performanCe
High-performance organisations usually have a strong culture Strong cultures help strategy implementation (unless resistant to change) Strong cultures can restrict creativity There is no one “right” culture Culture, like strategy, is usually emergent, and not always under control Effective strategy implementation requires an alignment between strategy and culture
OrganisatiOnal culture

The purposes and funcTions of organisational culture
“It could be argued that a strong organisational culture creates a competitive advantage as culture encourages consistency, coordination and control, while reducing conflict and uncertainty”
Learning objectives
3001HSL SemeSter 2, 2009 3001HSL Week 10
To understand:

Week 10: Strategy Implementation

How this week’s reading and lecture builds on last week’s material, and will relate to next week’s topic How the implementation of strategy is affected by culture, leadership, and control systems
InfluencIng the culture

Leadership: Roles of the boaRd
The role of the board:
To ensure that management is continuously and effectively striving for above-average performance, taking account of risk. This is not to deny the board’s additional role with respect to shareholder protection. To achieve above-average performance, boards of directors need to:
3 4
Strategy implementation
Environment Business Strategy Capabilities
OrganisatiOnal Culture

Organisational culture: An organisation’s system of shared values that guides employee beliefs and behaviour
When we audit the culture-strategy fit of an organisation, we ask questions such as:

What is the current culture? Is it aligned to the strategy? Are all elements of the culture supportive of each other? What needs to be changed to increase fit?

The stronger the culture, the more resistant to change Established culture is self-reinforcing

leaders chosen selection, induction and training processes procedures and systems communications of senior leaders