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【摘要】Aster xianjuensis, a new species of Astereae within the family Asteraceae from Xianju County, is described with illustrations.This new species is similar to A.spathulifolius and A.panduratus, but differs from the former in having leaves nearly glabrous abaxially, caulin leaves base cuneate and attenuate into a long petiole, involucres densely glandulose on outer surfaces.It differs from the latter in having caulin leaves base cuneate and attenuate into a long petiole, involucres 2-seris, outer surfaces densely glandulose and sparsely pilose.Observations of the indumentum of leaf abaxial surfaces, stems and involucres under SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) showed conspicuously different among the new species, A.spathulifolius and A.panduratus as well.A key to all taxa of Aster from Zhejiang is provided for identification.%描述了采自浙江仙居菊科Asteraceae紫菀族Astereae的一新种——仙居紫菀Aster xianjuensis Y.F.Lu, W.Y.Xie & X.F.Jin.该种形态上接近于匙叶紫菀A.spathulifolius Maxim.和琴叶紫菀A.panduratus Nees ex Walp.,不同前者之处在于叶片背面近无毛,茎中下叶片基部楔形下延成柄,总苞片外面被腺毛,与后者的不同在于茎中下部叶片基部楔形且下延成长柄,总苞片2层,外面密被腺毛与疏柔毛.此外,还附有浙江紫菀属分种(变种)检索表.
【作者单位】杭州师范大学生命与环境科学学院,浙江杭州 310036;浙江省森林资源监测中心,浙江杭州 310020;杭州师范大学生命与环境科学学院,浙江杭州310036;浙江农林大学暨阳学院,浙江诸暨 311800;杭州师范大学生命与环境科学学院,浙江杭州 310036
1.九龙山紫菀——浙江紫菀属(菊科)一新种 [J], 叶喜阳;陈征海;潘成椿;马丹丹;李根有
2.湖南紫菀属(菊科)一新变种--垂茎三脉紫菀 [J], 黎维平;陈功锡
3.湖南菊科紫菀属一新种——吉首紫菀 [J], 黎维平;刘胜祥
4.湖北西部菊科植物(Ⅰ):斑鸠菊族,泽兰族,紫菀族 [J], 刘胜祥
5.广义紫菀属(菊科紫菀族)系统学研究的现状 [J], 黎维平;陈三茂
