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%ObjectiveTo investigate the reliability, validity, and feasibility of 360-degree evaluation for the assessment of physicians.Methods We searched the EMBASE, MEDLINE and PubMed databases for peer-reviewed, English-language articles published from 1975 to December 2013. Studies inclusion criteria was following: used 360-degree evaluation instruments to assess physician performance; reported psychometric evidence of the 360-degree evaluation instruments in the form of reliability, coefficients, and construct or criterion-related validity; and information regarding the feasibility of the feedback data.Results (1) A total of 43 articles were included, the specialties as following: family medicine(n=5), pediatrics(n=5), internal medicine(n=5), surgery(n=4),obstetrics-gynecology(n=3), psychiatry(n=3), anesthesia(n=2), and emergency medicine(n=1), pathology(n=1), histopathology(n=1), radiology(n=1). (2) A total of
38(91%) studies were completed by the physicians’peers or medical colleagues, and nonphysician coworkers(n=32,74%), patients(n=23,53%), and self-assessments(n=22,51%). (3) The number of items was 4 to 57 items for self-assessment, 4 to 60 items for peers, 3 to 49 items for patient questionnaires. (4) The reliability of the 360-degree evaluation instruments was reported in 26(62%) of the studies. The instruments should have
anα≥0.90, and medical colleague(0.89 to 0.99), coworker (0.91 to 0.96), and patient(0.93 to 0.99). The generalizability coeffcients were derived in 17 studies(40%), and the coefficients for the medical colleague instrument ranged from 0.61 to 0.88, 0.56 to 0.87 for the coworker instrument, and 0.65 to 0.85 for patient instrument. (5) The assessment of physician
performance was based on the completion of the 360-degree evaluation instruments by 8 medical colleagues, 8 coworkers, and 25 patients to achieve α≥0.90 and coeffcients≥0.80, respectively.Co nclusion The 360-degree evaluation as a method to assess physicians has been shown to have high reliability, validity, and feasibility.
1.360度反馈评价法在学科馆员绩效考核设计中的应用 [J], 李易宁
2.360度绩效考核法在派驻医师绩效考核中的应用 [J], 刘瑞明;王双苗;肖俊辉;陈琴
3.360度绩效考核法在派驻医师绩效考核中的应用 [J], 刘瑞明;王双苗;肖俊辉;陈琴
4.360度反馈评价法在高职护理实习生考核中的应用 [J], 李雁平;金凤娟;高洁;李彤;田丽;李春芳
5.360度评价法在超声医学住院医师规范化培训中的应用价值 [J], 孙芳;董景云;杨智;崔广和;高岩冰;唐丽玮
