Reviews On The Color Purple
The Color Purple

• Plot summary
• The story is told in the form of diary entries and letters. Celie is a poor uneducated young black woman in 1909 Georgia who, aged only fourteen, is raped and impregnated twice by a man she calls Pa. Her children both disappear; Celie assumes their father has murdered them, until she meets a small girl in town to whom she bears a strong resemblance. Celie is forced into a marriage against her will, to Mr.____, a man who originally approaches her father to ask permission to marry her younger sister, Nettie. Shortly after moving into her new home, she is joined by Nettie, who is also seeking to escape the unpleasant conditions at home. After Celie's husband tries to seduce her and fails he forces Nettie to leave and, following Celie's advice, she goes to the home of a local pastor, promising to write to Celie. As time passes, no letters arrive and so Celie assumes that Nettie is dead.

Alice Walker小说《The Color Purplr》的读书报告

In Search of One’s Self--- Afterthoughts on The Color PirplePartⅠ Plot SummaryThe Color Purple is a 1982 epistolary novel by American black female writer Alice Walker, which won the 1983 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and the National Book Award for Fiction. And the novel was later adapted into a film by Steven Spielberg, a famous director in America, which has been nominated for 10 Oscar Awards.The Color Purple is an epistolary novel of 92 letters, among which 70 letters are written to God and Nettie by the heroine Celie, and other 22 letters are written by Nettie to Celie. The story sets in a southern American village roughly between 1916 and 1942. When Celie is four years old, her father is lynched to death by the white. Her mother then becomes plagued by mental disorder. Consequently, Alphonso marries with the poor mother, merely for the property left by Celie’s father. Without knowing this, young sisters Celie and Nettie regard Alphonso as their biological father. When Celie is 14,her stepfather begins to rape her. She gives birth to two children, both of whom are taken away by her father. Later, Celie is forced to marry Mr._, a widower with four children.Mr._ terrorizes her and treats her as a labor tool as well as a sexual slave. At the same time, he advances on Nettie, Celie’s sister, and drives Nettie away when being refused. Nettie then goes as a junior missionary to Africa, and keeps writing letters to Celie for thirty years. However, Mr._ conceals the numerous letters that have arrived in the mail. Therefore, Celie wrongly assumes that Nettie is dead, because Nettie promises to write to Celie as long as she is alive.Celie is beaten down for many years by her life of drudgery and abused by Mr. _ and his children. But Nettie, Kate, Alphonso’s sister, Shug Avery, Mr._’s lover, and Sophia, Celie’s daughter-in-law all provide emotional support to Celie. Witnessing her submissiveness to Mr._ , Nettie exhorts her, “Don’t let them run over you, Nettie say. You got to let them know who got the upper hand…You got to fight. You got to fight.” (Walker 18) Kate feels sorry for Celie, and tells her to fight back against Mr._rather than submit to his abuses. Sofia defiantly refuses Mr._ and Harpo’s attempts to treat her as an inferior. Frustrated with Harpo’s consistent attempts to subordinate her, Sofia moves out, taking her children. Shug and Celie becomes friends as Celie takes charge of nursing Shug. Gradually, Celie becomes infatuated with Shug and develop a sexual relationship with her despite Shug’s marriage. With Shug’s help, Celie finds dozens of letters that Nettie has sent to Celie over the years. The letters indicate that Nettie marries a missionary named Samuel, who actually adopts Celie’s children. Meanwhile, Celie visits Alphoso, who confirms Nettie’s story, admitting that he is actually Celie’s stepfather. Celie begins to lose her faith in God, but Shug tries hard to get her to reimagine God in her own way, rather than in the traditional image of the old, bearded white man. One night, Celie releases her pent-up rage, angrily cursing Mr._ for his years of abuse, and announcing that she is moving to Tennessee with Shug and Squeak. Celie spends her time designing and sewing individually tailored pants, eventually turning her hobby into a prosperous business. After Alphonso dies, Celie inherits the house and the land, so she moves there. In the end, Mr._ reforms his ways. Celie and Mr._ reconcile and begin to genuinely enjoy each other’s company. Celie becomes independent financially, spiritually, and emotionally independent. Meanwhile, Nettie, Samuel, Adam and Olivia returns to America. The whole family finally gets reunited.PartⅡ A Feministic Approach to The Color Purple2.1 The Loss of SelfIn the American society, as a result of economic dependence, black women are considered to be inferior to men. Consequently, women are oppressed both physically and mentally by men. In The Color Purple, patriarchal oppression to women can be seen through patriarchal domination of Celie’s body and mind by her stepfather and her husband. Women, in the male-dominated society, have to keep silent and accept their misery. At the beginning of the novel, Celie is threatened by her stepfather: “ You better not never tell nobody but God. It’ll kill your mammy.” (Walker 1) From then on, the male voice haunts Celie’s first half of life. Celie is a girl silenced. She hasto turn to writing to God to vent her confusion, shame and the silence that has imposed on her. What is more, she thinks that death is the only way to get rid of the miseries and holds a hope in next life. Celie says , “ But I don’t know to fight. All I know how to do is stay alive.” , “I think about Nettie, dead. She fight, she run away. What good it do? I don’t fight, I stay where I’m told. But I’m alive.”, “I make myself wood, I say to myself, Celie, you are a tree, that is how come I know trees fear man.”In the eye of men, women are thought to be created to feed and support men. Many of them serve as housekeepers, maidservants, or even sexual tools for men. They bear babies, do the housework, and toil in the field year after year, but find themselves captured enslaved, sexually abused, starved, whipped.Celie, our protagonist, is exactly a labor tool and sexual servant to her stepfather and her husband, Mr._. She is denied a status as subject. She has no choice over her life, including her marriage. When introducing Celie to Mr._, her father says: “ She ugly. But she ain’t no stranger to hard work. And she clean. And God done fixed hen. You can do everything just like you want to and she ain’t gonna make you feed it or clothe it.”( Walker 9-10) When Mr._ decides to marry Celie, he does not regard Celie as his wife at all, as he says to her stepfather, “ My poor little ones sure could use a mother.”(Walker 9)Here he chooses the word “use”, from which we can see that Celie is not even a human being in her husband’s eye. Celie, instead, is some kind of marketable product waiting to be sold and merely judged by how well she does housework.Alphonso and Mr._ are typical of the patriarchal men who strive to establish their masculinity and superiority through degrading and abusing women, while Celie, as well as many other women, in the long time of male dominance, are deprived of power and discourse, eventually completely losing their voices. Yet more unfortunately, many black women passively accept and endure all this. Blindly accepting badly hinders black women's proper evaluation of themselves, and their self-liberation as well. Therefore, it is vital for women to recognize themselves—their rights, dignity and value in the society.2.2 The Awakening of SelfWithout love and care, Celie just lives a life like a withered tree. One day her desire for physical and spiritual self-fulfillment is sparked with the emotional support of other sisters. Nettie advises Celie to fight: “You got to fight. You Got to fight.”(Walker 18) Mr._’s sisters also admonish that “You got to fight them…You got to fight them for yourself”(Walker 22). Moreover, Sofia elucidates the significance of fighting for Celie in both words and action. “I had to fight my daddy. I had to fight my brothers. I had to fight my cousins and my uncles. A girl child ain’t safe in a family of men. But I never thought I’d have to fight in my own house. She let out her breath. I lovesickness Harpo…God knows I do. But I’ll kill him dead before I let him beat me.”(Walker 42)Sofia never submits to her husband, though she deeply lovesickness him. She fiercely beats him when he tries to follow his father’ example to be a familial patriarch. By fighting, Sofia gains her dignity in the family as a black female.Shug symbolizes beauty, self-confidence, self-respect and self-independence that Celie just explores for. She exists as something other than the reality in which Celie lives. She opens for Celie the realm of the unconscious, giving her another dimension of being. Shug helps to make Celie aware of her sexuality, arouse her hidden and repressive feelings to love and to be loved, and significantly, free her from self-negation to self-awaren ess. Shug creates a “Miss Celie’s song”, which punctuates her importance in C elie’s growing self-awar eness: “First time somebody made something and name it after me”( Walker 77). With the help of sisterhood, the female characters gradually get rid of male prejudice and establish themselves in the patriarchal society.2.3 The Autonomy of SelfThe exploration for independence has two layers of meaning: familial independence and social independence. Familial independence means to gain equality, respect and understanding in the family; social independence implies black woman’s exploration in a broader sense--economical, political and cultural independence. Forfamilial independence, women explores to free herself from familial bondage and quests for equality between the two sexes in the family, in which husband and wife are not master and slave or enemies but close friends who can understand and support each other. For social independence, women seeks for self-realization, by exploiting black woman’s potential from black feminine household activities, which indicates the view on black woman's self-independence-making full use of black women’s strong points and realizing social independence with their own efforts.Celie’s goal of familial equality is achieved when she finally decides to leave her husband and moves to Tennessee to begin her new life. She bravely confronts her husband, warning him that all the suffering that he has inflicted on her will be inflicted on him twofold. With the newly found voice, she openly defies her oppressor, Mr._: “You a lowdown dog. That is what’s wrong. It’s time to leave you and enter into the Creation. And your dead body just the welcome mat I need.”A bit later, Celie springs to her feet and points a knife at Mr._’s neck. Then she curses her oppressor, “Until you do right by me, everything you touch will crumble.”Desperately Mr._ rushes out and shouts to Celie with angry eyes, “I should lock you up and just let you out to work.” In a fit of rage, Mr._ raises his hands and threatens to beat Celie, just like he has done for the past years. However, our heroine, bravely stares at Mr. _ with steady and sharp eyes, and raises her hand, ready to hit back and take revenge. In the patriarchal hierarchy, men are powerful and women are powerless. But from this scene we can see that Mr._ no longer has the power over Celie,. Now Celie has extricated herself from mental fetters and become a new black woman. She heralds her glorious transformation into self-presence by shedding her scarred historical body as she leaves Mr._: “I’m pore, I’m black, I may be ugly and can’t cook, a voice say to everything listening. But I’m here.”(Walker 214) In this scene, Celie performs her triumphant being---“I’m here”. It is the powerful voice of an indignant black woman, and “the Declaration of Independence”of an awakening woman. With the help of Shug, she starts her own pant business, which receives good reputation there. She also take her house and land back after her stepfather’s death. In this way, Celie has conquered her foe, Mr._, representative of the patriarchal society, and the silence inher self, and finds her status as an individual subjectivity in the patriarchal society.PartⅢConclusionPlato says that the only difference between men and women is one of the physical function s—one begets, the other bears children. Apart from that, they both can and should perform the same functions (though men on a whole perform them better) and receive the same education to enable them to do so; for in this way society will get the best value from the both (455). However, the fact is that men stands in the center, while women in the periphery. Men distort women’s images so as to further marginalize them. Both Mr._ and Alphonso are the representatives of the patriarchy, treating women as an object to be sold and slaved. However, the female would not accept their fate obediently. By acquiring knowledge and with the help of sisterhood, women gallantly and persistently protest against the male. Celie’s rebellion against men, for example, safeguards her and makes her an independent woman. In this way, women express their sexuality and subjectivity which has long been repressed, construct their ego and find their meanings as individuals instead of the signifier of the other.Works CitedPlato. The Republic. In the Collected Dialogues of Plato. Edith Hamilton and Huntington Caims, trans. New York: Random House,1966.Walker, Alice. The Color Purple. New York: Washington Square, 1982.。
The Color Purple《紫色》—影片视听语言浅析

《The Color Purple》绽放的紫色女性主义首先,这是一部讲述黑人的电影,一部讲述黑人女性在美国种族主义昌盛,民族矛盾深化的年代,一个普通的;或说丑陋的,被继父玷污强迫生下一男一女的;嫁了一个粗暴、不忠的丈夫的;被迫与至亲至爱的妹妹分离的;这么一个黑人女性,追求自我价值,实现人生理念,打破常规束缚的这么一个“感人”的故事;为什么说它感人呢?照理说这是一个悲伤的或沉重的故事,但就在我观看的第一次,就被它深深感动,那种眼泪是动容的,是被人物内心所牵动的;而这部影片是如何做到这点,除了基本的剧情,我想还和整部影片的镜头的运用、色彩、构图和剪辑有着很大的关系。
其次,导演Steven Spielberg,作为一名白人男性,如何去表现黑人社会,乃至黑人女性的心理历程,我想是很值得揣摩的,在这边多余的提一下,《种族、性别与身份认同》一书中,有谈到关于《The Color Purple》这部影片的评价,本片根据美国黑人女作家Alice Walker小说改编,其实开始作为一个文学作品,是没有受到如此大的关注的,但在1985年电影上映之后,却引起了来自黑人社会的内部批评,更多的是对Alice Walker这位女性主义者的讨伐,他们认为影片过度丑化黑人男性,扭曲黑人社会,认为这是在投好西方世界的所谓白人对黑人社会的猎奇心态,有些黑人组织甚至聚集在影院外,阻挡前来观看的人们;也就是说,在某种意义上,这是一部遭到争议的影片,但身为一名亚洲人,为什么我能被其影片内容以及其画面所表达的深刻意义所感动,尤其是后者,是我所要探讨的。

徐奕颖Class A 2021105030The blooming violets—— the film review of Purple Here is some reflection on this film from three respects: the theme, the symbols, and the character analysis.Ⅰ.ThemeThe main theme of this film is the awaking and resistance of feminism. Looking back at the movie,we can see this more clearly.At the beginning of the movie, two girls were playing games in the purple flower field with laughter. But when their father came, they were all in silence. Men educated by the concept of female inferiority didn’t know what respect,kindness and equality were. They generally felt superior for being male and regarded women as slaves. The heroine Celie was pregnant with her father’s child at that time. Albert, who lived on the other side of the farm, had a fancy for her sister Nettie and wanted to marry her. However, Nettie was also coveted by their father. So the ugly and stupid Celie became Albert’s wife. Albert is a man who was bad and selfish. He often beat and cursed Celie. Each of his children didn’t respect the stepmother and bullied her as a matter of routine.Celie’s growth reflects the awakening of female consciousness. The three women made a big difference in Celie’s life.Her sister Nettie taught her knowledge. She said to her sister, “You got to fight, Celie. You got to.”She also taughther to read, planting the seeds of resistance in Celie.After her sister Nettie left home, the singer Shug Avery turned up in her life. She is free and outgoing, as well as beautiful. Her husband Albert had been infatuated with the woman for a long period. It was the woman who’s hot and wild in the tavern that kindled Celie’s passion. She freed Celie’s nature, showing respect and recognition to Celie at the same time. She kissed Celie and wrote for Celie. She sparked Celie’s desire for beauty.The third woman Sophia was an example of defiance against patriarchy. She would raise her fist when her husband beat her. She would say “no” to the unreasonable invitation from mayoress. In the film, her words“All my life I had to fight .” really made a great impression on me. Sophia gave Celie the courage to fight.At the end of the film, Celie said what she thought, did what she wanted, and then had the life she was eager for. Celie’s growth showed the main theme——the awaking and resistance of woman’s rights.Ⅰ.Symbols1. The color purplePurple is more melancholy than red, less weak than blue, flowing like lavender in the wind, which displayed a kind of deep love as well as deep pain.The title of the film is a very important symbol. Celie went through a hard time while noticing the beautiful things and appreciating them. When she had a difficult life, the color purple was continually equated with suffering and pain. However, later Shug pointed out to her that life must be enjoyed when they were in a field of purple flowers. Thecolor purple symbolized the beauty of life.2. GodAt the start of the film, Celie viewed God as completely separate from her world. Her faith was strong, but it was dependent on only what other people have revealed to her about God. Later, Shug told her God had no race or gender. She realized that humans cannot place qualities on God because God is a part of the unknown. Her faith was then based on her interpretation of God, not one she learned from someone else.3. LettersThe letters that Celie wrote to God, and later to her sister Nettie, symbolize a certain voice that only Celie has. Celie wrote to God for a lack of someone else to write to. She wrote to her sister, saying that she got mad at God because of her past and the people hurt by it. She asked God “Why?”, which means the start of the fight.4.PantsCelie began to make pants after she gained her freedom from Albert. Celie was able to have a job and live the life many women longed for in that period. The pants represent liberation from the common view of women as just homemakers.Ⅰ.Character Analysis1.CelieCelie is the main character, who has been oppressed by men her whole life. Celie learned from three other women and then successfully fought for her happy life.tieNettie is Celie’s younger sister, whom Celie saved fromliving the tragic life that she had to endure. She helped Celie become more enthusiastic about how the world could be.3. Shug AveryShug is a very extroverted and transcendental character. She is Albert’s mistress, the one who always got away. Shug entered and exited Celie’s life, normally making it for the better. She helped Celie devolop herself emotionally and spiritually, supplying her with even more hope and inspiration.4.AlbertAlbert is the man to whom Celie is married. Albert mistreated Celie just as her father had, and she allows it, not understanding that she doesn’t have to. Shug began to take an interest in Celie, and led Albert to start treating her better. In the end, Albert realized that he had mistreated Celie and sought a friendship with her.In a nutshell, Purple is an excellent movie so it is worthwhile to have a look. Hope we all live a happy life like Celie.。

做裤子、穿裤子的象征隐喻是黑人妇女最终获 得自信和尊严, 从而获得人格和经济上的独立。英文 中“wear the pants”的含义是“(妇女)掌权当家;( 在 婚姻等关系中) 处于支配地位, 起领导指挥作用”。妇 女穿裤子实际上是男女平等的一种表现, 让女人穿 上原本属于男人的裤子, 有着消解两性间界限的寓 意。 在整个做裤子的过程中, 茜莉是快乐的, 这是她赢得个 人身份的第一步, 是为自己走向独立而迈出的最坚实的第 一步, 迈出了这坚实的第一步, 茜莉才有了对自身创 造力的发现和培养, 终于找到了有意义的工作, 找到 了友谊、爱心和自尊, 成为一个充满信心, 有尊严, 有 个性的独立女性。作者通过这一象征隐喻手法为身处迷 茫和绝望中的黑人女性指出了一条自我拯救的出路: 黑 人女性要重拾生活的信念, 充分认识自身的价值, 团 结一致, 开创美好的未来。
Major Works
• 1965-"To Hell With Dying" (short stories) • 1973-In Love and Trouble: Stories of Black Women ( a collection short stories) • 1976-Meridian《子午线》(novel) • 1982-The Color Purple (novel) • 1989-The Temple of My Familiar (novel) • 1998-By the Light of My Father's Eyes (novel)
3.此外,“紫色”除了象征生命的尊严和人类的希 望外, 紫色还是女同性恋主义的标志。书中对茜莉 和莎格·艵微利( Shug Avery) 的同性恋描写不严 格意义上的同性恋性关系是有区分的, 激迚女权主 义者们声称, 女同性恋者实际上是自发的、“下意 识”的女权主义者,

The Trouble With The Color PurpleThe Color Purple (Steven Spielberg, 1985) can now be seen as a kind of cinematic watershed. It was a sign of the times but also of things to come: what was still unusual in 1985 would become commonplace by 1990. Since then, movies based on this mentality have become pervasive. Around that time, black men came forward charging that the movie was sexist (for perpetuating negative stereotypes of black men) as well as racist (for pitting black men and women against each other instead of white society). What caused their fury? In a nutshell, it was that every male character, without exception, is either a hopelessly stupid buffoon, a fiendishly evil tyrant, or both. And every female character, without exception, is a purely innocent victim, a quietly enduring hero, or both.In The Color Purple, this cinematic world - viewers know it only from what they actually see and hear in movie theatres or on television - consists ultimately of a battle between the forces of light represented by women and those of darkness represented by men. Unless viewers supply other information from their own world (and thus contradict what is "said" by the movie itself) or from Walker's novel (and thus add at least some depth of humanity to the male characters), they must reach the conclusion that men are inherently worthless.What has made the male characters so worthless or evil is never shown; they just are that way. Was it because of the appalling conditions black people endured in the rural South of sixty years ago? Possibly. But if the situation was so destructive, why did only the female characters emerge with their dignity and humanity intact? From what viewers are shown, only one conclusion is possible: something innate in women allows them to rise above degradation, while something innate in men prevents them from doing so.Four women are triumphant and four men defeated: Harpo, the oaf who keeps falling through the ceiling as if in a rerun of Amos 'n Andy, is taken back at the very end by his long-suffering wife. No discernible change has taken place in him, while she has grown in wisdom and tolerance. Mister, a kind of black Simon Legree, eventually repents of his evil ways. But the last scene showed him so crushed by guilt that he cannot bring himself even to ask for Celie's forgiveness. She, meanwhile, has successfully transcended the past and can thus move on into the future. Even in contrition, then, the men are worthless. At their best, in other words, they are irrelevant anachronisms.Given the roles presented, the only people who can actually identify themselves with the characters on-screen are women, whether black or white. No healthy man, black or white, could possibly do so, not only because all male characters are so unspeakably vile and so incredibly stupid but also because they are so uncinematically lifeless. Unlike the women, the men are not really people at all. They are wooden caricatures who represent crimes or pathologies, cardboard cutouts that exist in only one dimension, straw men set up to be knocked down - in short, not complex human beings in whom male and female viewers can see some of the good and evil in themselves. But this movie is not addressed to male viewers, not even to racist, white, male viewers. Apparently, the possible reaction of male viewers was considered irrelevant. The movie indicates that men are irrelevant once they stop persecuting women. In the final shot, the camera looks upward at the women, thus conferring visual monumentality and dignity on those who have escaped from their men and gone off to live together. Their pride and independence is thus emphasized in precisely the same way asthe brutality and evil of the men, Celie's father and husband, were at the beginning.There are many positive things to be said about this film - the performances, the photography, and especially the direction by Spielberg, who at this point in time was still close enough to the peak of his powers to make anything he put his name to worth watching. But the message of the film is an ugly one, something that bypassed so many of its viewers when it was first released, and to look at the many reviews surrounding this one, continues to do so now.Remarkably moving story from the maestroThis is a truly wonderful film from the guru of directing, Mr Steven Spielberg. This great director has suffered much criticism throughout his career. He was slammed by a lot of the press for 'never really growing up' and it took SCHINDLER'S LIST to quiten these critics. However almost ten years before his remarkable account of the Holocaust Spielberg directed this gem.It is the moving tale of a young black girl born into a male-dominated world, and tells the story of her gradual loss of identity followed by her defiance in reclaiming the life she lost. This was Whoopi Goldberg's remarkable screen debut that assured her of major stardom, and it is not hard to see why. Her fear towards her husband is frighteningly real, as is her silent rebellious side that ventures outwards in the last section of the film. Danny Glover paints a horrific image of a cruel husband, and still manages to give us a valid reason why he acts the way he does, before a moving conclusion to his character's development. The part of Sofia is also expertly played by Oprah Winfrey, especially during the Christmas reunion scene when the viewer can't help but share her pain through to joy. A special treat is an appearance by Laurence Fishburne (then Larry) in a small role.It is cinema such as this that proves Steven Spielberg's genius. You will often forget that it is him you are watching (not least by the lack of another genius, Mr John Williams), but it only adds to this director's credit that he is so versatile. If anyone passed over this film as a possible blip in Spielberg's career (as I shamefully did!) watch it now! You will not be disappointed.Spielberg's 1st "Serious" Film Is Beautiful and Powerful...A film that can make you shed tears of sadness and tears of joy would be considered quite a step in the career of a common filmmaker. The fact is, Steven Spielberg, probably our greatest story-teller, has been doing this in various movie formats for years. THE COLOR PURPLE, at the time, was considered risky, especially after action classics like JAWS and RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK. In hindsight, this film should have come as no surprise, for Spielberg had made us cry tears of joy and sadness in E.T. Critics called COLOR PURPLE his entrance into intellectual fare. It is quite an entrance. No special effects, no swashbuckling, just brilliant story-telling based on a literary classic by Alice Walker. One surprise is how Spielberg could present such a moving film aboutAfrican-Americans in the deep south. Slavery is gone, but in the south depicted here, it seems as though blacks are using other blacks as slaves.Spielberg is always put down for sentimentalizing his pictures or adding an element of childishness to please the audience. This is really the first of overlooked films from his career that you cannot make these observations. It is the first in a line of films people either didn't see or wouldn't see because there are no aliens. EMPIRE OF THE SUN, ALWAYS, SCHINDLER'S LIST, etc.. His awesome talent is obvious with this specific picture because A) he uses mostly untrained, first-timeactors, B) he tackles a subject most felt was unadaptable to the screen, and C) it is pure drama with no strings pulled where characters grow and change over the passage of roughly 30 years. It is almost epic-like in look and scope and the fact that it did not garner a single Academy Award from 11 nominations is a travesty and an insult.Whoopi Goldberg is fabulous as the tortured Celie, an unattractive woman given away by her incestuous father to an abusive Danny Glover, who she only knows as "Mister". The film follows a path of occasional beatings and mental torture she goes through while with "Mister". The PG-13 rated film is pretty open to the sexual issues raised by the Walker novel. This is not "The Burning Bed" in Georgia by any means. There is no blatant revenge taken as might be expected. It happens gracefully. Goldberg perfectly plays a human being, someone in need of love and someone who deserves it. The films' most poignant and heartbreaking moment comes when Goldberg and her sister, Nettie (played by Akosua Busia) are separated, maybe forever. (Possibly foreshadowing Holocaust separation of child and parent?) You may have to check for a pulse if you are not moved by this sequence.The color purple stands for the beauty of the fields and flowers surrounding these poor people. There really is something to live for, but love triumphs over all. Spielberg bashers take note: the guy can make an unforgettable classic without any cute aliens.A powerful insight into the life of a mistreated black woman in the Deep SouthThis stunning and enthralling portrayal, directed by the marvelous Steven Spielberg, is a true gem for reminding the world of the hardships of the ancestors of America's black peoples. Celie, an uneducated black woman is mistreated by her father, her "Mister", her step-children and almost anyone she is forced to endure –aside from sister Nettie of course whose companionship, I believe, reiterates an important message: to love each other no matter what.The brief injections of comedic satire in the picture enable Goldberg, in her debut, to show the world what she really is –a comic. A Golden Globe Award-winning and Oscar-nominated performance allows Goldberg to profess the destitute situation of the protagonist. One feels this was Goldberg's time to shine and really did thoroughly deserve that golden statuette from the Academy in comparison to her actual Oscar-winning supporting performance in 1990's Ghost. Nonetheless, the lack of real acclaim for this picture doesn't take away its drawing and moving storyline to see if, for once, Celie can really be happy.I didn't really recognize much of the supporting cast of the movie, expect from Oprah Winfrey. Now, I was not expecting much from Winfrey's performance as time and time again you get the occasional 'pop' and 'TV' stars who try and make the 'transition' into film. However, I was pleasantly surprised of Winfrey's portrayal of a distraught and let's say 'difficult' housewife Sofia. Although her character, I felt, did in a sense perpetuate the stereotype of the "big angry black woman" which I believe the film was trying to move away from. All in all, Winfrey garnered both an Oscar and Golden Globe nomination.One of the most beautiful pictures I have seen in years, and, not a single Oscar win, that I'll never know.Spielberg for the first time showing different new colors as a director.As much as I love Spielberg, I never have been too fond of his more dramatic movie attempts. The drama in his movies often feels very melodramatic. This movie was his first real, straight-forward, dramatic endeavor and though I also have some real problems with this movie, people seem to forget and fail to see that as far as the genre goes, this still truly is one excellent movie. People look at this movie and see that it's not up to Spielberg's usual high standards of entertainment andfilm-making but that doesn't mean at all that this movie is an horrible one.There is simply no denying it that this is a skillfully made movie. It has all of the right settings and actors in it, as well as a compelling dramatic story, that focuses mainly on an African American woman, living and trying to survive life in the early 1900's America. She has to face lots of ordeals, such as the forced split-up of her and her sister that she was incredibly close with, taking beatings and rape. It's not necessarily a movie about racism, though it still plays some part in the story but it's more one that focuses on African American society, in rural areas, in the early 1900's and on its women and their position in particular. It follows its characters for some decades. Some things change for them, while others keep remaining the same. It's a good character driven drama with a compelling story, that ensures that the movie is always going and good to watch, even though the movie is being a bit of a long sit.It really is a movie that foremost works out thanks to its characters and actors that are portraying them. Amazingly enough two of its key characters are being played by debutantes; Whoopi Goldberg and Oprah Winfrey but what a fine debut it was! Both are truly excellent and its hard to recognize them in this movie, not necessarily because they look different and younger but more because of their performances, that is unlike anything they have ever done since. I truly wish Whoopi Goldberg would had continued playing more roles like this, instead of choosing a more comical career. How different her career must have been but she wanted to stay loyal to her comical background instead, which is of course her right to do. But with all this talking about Winfrey and Goldberg, people tend to forget how great Danny Glover is being in this movie as well. But this is also only because the movie is being a sort of ode to African American woman and their strength and also tells the story from their perspective.It all combined ensures that "The Color Purple" has something that a good drama requires; some good powerful emotions and drama. It's a touching movie that perhaps goes a bit over-the-top at times but overall as a whole still works out as some powerful and memorable.Can't say I'm too fond about its last 30 minutes though. The movie tries to desperately to wrap everything up needly. Everything ends well for the 'good' guys and gals and the 'bad' ones end up badly. It feels a bit forced, as if Spielberg was too afraid to that his movie would end on a downer and would leave its audience depressed. This is actually something quite a lot of Spielberg movies suffer from; they desperately try to end on a positive and uplifting note. Even "Schindler's List" somewhat does!It's far from my favorite Spielberg movie and it's also far from the best thing he has ever done but this movie still remains one fine, effective, powerful 'colored' drama, that by the way still really is missing a John Williams musical score.。

TheColorPurple观后感全英文第一篇:The Color Purple 观后感全英文The Color Purple Celie Nettie Sophia Harpo Albert Shug AveryThe Color PurpleThe movie “The Color Purple”told a long story about a black woman named Celie.The story showed us how Celie lived her life in a terrible situation,how she fought against her miserable destiny and how she got the opportunity to change her life.I believe that everyone who has seen the film is quite familiar with the attractive plot.As a result,I will not retell the story again.But I am deeply impressed upon some of the fascinating plots in the movie.For instance,when Nettie escaping from her stepfather’house came to visit Celie,the two sisters embraced and kissed each other happily.Everybody who saw the scene could’t have failed to have sympathy with them and pray for them.In another setting,Celie’s husband Albert forced Nettie to get away with his house.The two persons,who were under great pressure and had no choice but to separate ,embraced each other closely and tightly as if they shared a same body.These details were evidence that they loved each other in their deep heart.As Nettie said to Albert and Celie,nothing could separate them but death.I couldn’t help to being full of tears every time I saw it.I always prayed for them in silence.Finally,Celie met her dearest sister who missed Celie at the same time.And both of them lived a very happy life.It was a happy ending as we were expected.Though Celie was a colored person with a homely appearance,her optimisticism,strong-minded heart and confidence touched me greatly.She deserved all of our sincererespect.第二篇:(全英文)说课稿Unit 9 What does he look like? Section B 2bYuanzhuang Middle School Zhao Youli Hello!Everyone , I’m very glad to have this opportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas.My topic is “What does he look like ?” take from book 1,Unit9 section B 2b of go for it.I divided it into five parts to talk about.They are Analysis of the teaching materials , Teaching aims of this lesson , Key points and difficult points, The teaching methods and the teaching procedures.Analysis of teaching material.This is an important lesson in this unit.In this lesson ,the students will learn some new words and phrases to describe people’s looks and they will do some listening , speaking and writingThe teaching aims of this lesson 1.Aims of the knowledge(1)Learn the new words and expressions in this section(2)Learn how to describe people’s looks2.Aims of ability(1)Deve lop the students’ ability of listening and speaking(2)Train their ability of communication3.Aims of emotion Make the students describe various people to improve the friendship Key points and difficult points 1.Master the different using of the new words e these words and phrases to describe people’s looks Something about the students 1.The students are lack of vocabularies 2.Most of them don’t often use English to express themselves and communicate with others 3.Some of them are not active in the class because they are afraid of making mistakes.The teaching methodsThis section is close to our daily I decided to choose the situation teaching method , give the situation to the student , and they want to learn how to say it in English.Let them learn theknowledge by listening and speaking, give them more chances to practice that is “learning by doing , learning by using”.in order to make the class lively and the students can learn it easily , I will use the multi-media computer and a tape recorder as teaching aids.The teaching procedures Step 1Warm-up Free talk between the students.Review some key words and language points learned in previous units.(Purpose of my designing : I think it’s important to form a better English surrounding for the studen ts and it’s necessary to provide situation to review learned knowledge.)Step 2 Presentation 1.real criminal2.a police artist3.a good picture of each of medium build.5.long straight brown the end7.a short and heavy old man.8.crimeIn this part,I will finish 2a and 2b.Listen and circle “is” or “has” below,and fill in the chart of 2b,pay attention to their pronunciation,then I will check the answer。
紫色 The color purple

《紫色》英文书名:The Color Purple荣获1983年美国普利策奖和全国图书奖。
作者:Alice Walker 艾丽丝·沃克(1944~)【美籍黑人,曾受邀拜访马丁·路德·金家中,并参与了《我有一个梦想》演讲,1972年至威尔斯利大学任教,开设了“妇女文学”课程,是美国大学中最早开设的女性研究课程之一。
内容构成:全书由九十四封书信构成,分别是女主人公Celie写给上帝,妹妹Nettie 以及爱慕的女性黑人布鲁斯歌手Shug的书信,信中所提及的故事,构成了西莉亚整个关于童年的回忆以及现今生活的画面。
《紫色》书评 读后感

《紫色》书评读后感英文回答:"The Color Purple" is a novel by Alice Walker thattells the story of Celie, a young African-American woman who is repeatedly abused and mistreated throughout her life. Despite her hardships, Celie remains resilient and hopeful, and she eventually finds love and happiness.The novel is written through the use of letters that Celie writes to God. This epistolary format allows the reader to get into Celie's head and to understand her thoughts and feelings. 。
Walker's writing is lyrical and poetic, and she uses language to create a vivid and sensory world for the reader. The novel is full of rich imagery and symbolism, and it explores themes of race, gender, and sexuality."The Color Purple" is a powerful and moving novel thatcelebrates the resilience of the human spirit and the power of love. It is a must-read for anyone who is interested in literature or in the African-American experience.中文回答:《紫色》是爱丽丝·沃克的一部小说,讲述了塞莉的故事,一个年轻的非洲裔美国女性,她在一生中遭受了反反复复的虐待和虐待。

紫色英文观后感The color purple has always held a special place in my heart. It exudes a sense of mystery and sophistication that captivates me every time. As an English teacher, I believe that the color purple can evoke a wide range of emotions and symbolism in literature. From royalty and nobility to spirituality and creativity, purple encompasses a multitude of meanings that resonate with many people.紫色一直在我的心中占据着特殊的位置。
In "The Color Purple" by Alice Walker, the color purple takes on a central role in conveying the themes of identity, empowerment, and resilience. The protagonist, Celie, finds solace and strength in the color purple as she navigates through a life marked by abuse and oppression. The symbolism of purple in the novel represents a journey towards self-acceptance and liberation, as Celie learns to embrace her inner power and voice.在爱丽丝·沃克的《紫色》中,紫色在传达身份、权力和坚韧主题方面扮演着核心角色。

AbstractThe Color Purple is one of the masterpieces of Alice Walker. Her work, along with that of such writers as Toni Morrison and Gloria Naylor, is commonly associated with the Afro-American women‟s literature. Alice Walker‟s attitude towards race, gender, class issue and her interest in the people and nature of Africa, are rooted deeply in her literary works. So I want to give an analysis on the inner world of Alice Walker in The Color Purple. This thesis can be divided into three parts: her views of racism, her views of feminism, and her views of Africa.The first chapter discusses Alice Walker‟s thought on racial oppression in The Color Purple. This chapter will support my view from two black images. From the two characters, we can deeply understand Walker‟s view on her anti-racism.The second chapter analyzes Alice Walker‟s thought on pioneering Feminism in The Color Purple. Walker regards “sisterhood” as the solution to realize women‟s consciousness-raising and to strive for final freedom. Cilice, Shag, Nettie, Sophia and other black women should struggle together for their freedom and happy life.The third chapter discusses special feelings towards Africa. Walker shows her sympathy for the Africans. They live in bad conditions. They are aggressed by the strong European countries. Alice Walker also thinks that the original reason why Africans fall behind the strong European countries is education.In a word, the description about the different characters and their different fates in the end refle ct Alice Walker‟s spiritual world.Key words spiritual world anti-racism view feminism thought Africa complex摘要《紫色》是艾丽斯·沃克的代表作。
《紫色》简评 A Brief Comment on The Color Purple

On the Road of Identity Construction She Finds Freedom ----A Brief Comment on The Color PurpleAbstract:The Color Purple is a not only a film fulfilled with humanity concerns, but also a successful film retelling the story of the identity questing and construction of the protagonist, an African-American woman. The theme of self-identification and identity-formation has always been the centre in literary narratives all around the Europe from the 18th century to the first half of the 20th century. This text mainly analyzes how the protagonist gains her identity by her own quest and in what a way the important “otherness”, that is the related persons, or the background circumstances, helped her identity construction.Key words: The Color Purple, identity, identity construction, important otherness The color purple (1982) is initially a novel written by the famous Afro-American female writer Alice Walker1(1944- ), which won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 1983.The novel was adapted into a film of the same name in 1985, directed by Steven Spielberg2 and stars Whoopi Goldberg as Celie, Danny Glover as Albert, and Oprah Winfrey as Sofia and been nominated for 11 Academy Awards. Besides, it was this adaptation brought the author a world wide fame and popularity. It has become an important research subject concerning the problem of racism and sexism. As we see it, the road of the heroine’s self-saving from the shackles of sexism, racism, and paternalism is also the road of her self-identification as an African American female, the success of her freedom serves as an excellent example and aspiration for these women struggling under the oppression. Since we are born, we humans have always been asking the questions as “who I am” and “where am I going”, as a member living in the society, whether a single person or a group, even a nation, in order to decide when and where it will ends in what a way we would like, we need to know the position we hold in our lives, that is to conform the role we play in our social life and this is exactly the question of identity of human beings. In the movie, Celie has always been seeking the answer to the question “who am I”, she finally found it with the help of her sisters.As to identity, the word Identity originated from the Latin word “identitas” and as the psychology and social science that related with the “self”develops, the meaning of identity has become abundant from the initial two meanings. And in Chinese, it can be translated as “身份” and “认同”. It has two basic meanings that is the oneness or says the definite sameness of essential or generic character in different instances and the other the distinguishing character or personality of an individual. The former means the perception and identification of the things that having the identity and consistency of oneself; the latter answers the question “who I am”, which is essentially important for one’s existence. And here we will focus on the secondmeaning, that is to answer the question “who am I”. The core point of identity is the problem of the affirmation of the subject’s self-identification, that is the reflection of “who I am”, or we can understand it in a way that identity is to describe the self-consciousness indwells in the modern individuals. Moreover, identity especially emphasizes their opposite façades that is the confirmation from the important “otherness” 3. This text is focused on the identity of Celie, how she herself constructs her identity and how the others helped in the process.The story began in a social circumstance that the black women live under the double oppression of racism and sexism, besides there is paternalism4 (though women are not the only victim of it) in the film, they began to fight against them and searching for the integrity of self and life. In such a social background, Celie faced with a serious identity crisis. In the very beginning, she doesn’t have any self-conscious of identity; she is ignorant and confused that she asked god “D ear God, I am fourteen years old. I have always been a good girl. Maybe you can give me a sign letting me know what is happening to me” when she was raped by her step-father and bore two children who were both taken away from her. Because of her lack of identity, she was totally manipulated by her step-father; her marriage became the deal between her husband and step-father which serves as another shackle for her. Under the slavery of her husband, she never sought to find herself a position at home or in the society, her obedience is absolute. The root of her lacking of identity is that she did not try to form one, that is, she did not know who she is and did not have the motive to find out the answers to her desperation in life.In the majority of the movie, Celie has been coward and timid, she does not dare to ask why as her sister Nettie does instead she reacted with indifference and apathy. When Harpo asked her how to subordinate Sophia, she even suggested beating, however, the final explosion didn’t sho w any surprise to our audiences, for the three girls compared with Celie have total different character which became the vital element of hers awaken. When faced with oppression, Nettie asked why aloud and against with running away, Sophia resisted with arms and Shug sticking to her talent. Everyone o f them formed a powerful inspiration to Celie.Nettie is always the hope in Celie’s life and also has always been like a teacher for she taught Celie how to read and write, more importantly she is the torchbearer in Celie’s identity construction. During the short period of staying in Albert’s house with Celie, Nettie witnesses the brutality and oppression to her by Albert and his children, she inspires Celie to fight against them, to rebel against her unfair fate. She tells Celie that infinite endurance is not her outlet, and the effective approach is only to teach them a good lesson and let them know “who is the upper hand.” She also tries hard to exert every possible way to teach and enlighten Celie, teach her to read and write, which enables Celie to read Nettie’s letters from Africa so that broadens Celie’s mind and make her feel a little consolatory in the desperate plight when Nettie is absent. It is the education that laid the foundation for Celie to blend into the society. And unsurprisingly she finally becomes an independent woman just as her sister Nettie hoped.Sofia Butler is the first woman who becomes the forerunner of identity seeking for Celie by her declaration “All my life I had to fight. I had to figh t my daddy. I had to fight my brothers. I had to fight my cousins and my uncles. I never thought that I need to fight in my own house.” Sofia refuses to accept this unfair social rule. She, with her determination, will not be humbled by anyone in her life, whether they are black or white. She dares to say no to her fate. Unlike Sofia, Celie doesn’t fight and keeps silent when she suffers from family violence. She even takes it for granted that men are superior to women. It is in the contrast between Sophia and herself that she learned the first lesson and begins her identity questing journey unconsciously.In the movie, Shug is the one always there duing the whole process of Celie’s identity formation. She heals Celie’s scarred psyche and makes her be aware of her sexuality and awakens her self-consciousness and helps her to find her identity as a woman with dignity. They two are both the victim of sexism and paternalism, so they both find peace and affirmation when they are together. Their mutual confirmation of their identity as a black woman rouses Celie’s hidden repressed feelings to love and to be loved. The difference is that Shug has the courage to fight, she is so brave that she becomes the one who lead and encourage Celie ask for more, to laugh, to play, and to love. Their sisterhood is essential to the success of Celie’s identity seeking and formation.Except the ones who served as the positive force in Celie’s identity, there are also negative helpers. Apparently, they are the men in Celie’s life who are in fact the oppressors to the woman. In the movie, Celie’s step-father and her husband, are themselves, the victims of racism and paternalism. Their denial of Celie’s identity as a woman instead promoted the procession of her self-identity consciousness and identity construction.In conclusion, the success of the subject’s identity seeking and construction is the result of her own efforts and effect of the confirmation or denial of her efforts. It is a long journey but worthwhile, the ending of the film is not at all surprising for Celie is so kind-hearted, she deserve the affirmation of the audience, she is a free, beautiful woman. We can see how free and happy she is when she waits Nettie back in the beautiful sunset.The road of Celie’s identity construction is the road to her freedom.NOTE:1. Alice Walker: Alice Malsenior Walker (born February 9, 1944) is an American author, poet, womanist, and activist. She is best known for the critically acclaimed novel The Color Purple (1982) for which she won the National Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize.2. Steven Spielberg: Steven Allan Spielberg (born December 18, 1946) is an American film director, screenwriter, producer, and studio entrepreneur. In a career of more than four decades, Spielberg's films have covered many themes and genres. Spielberg's early science-fiction and adventure films were seen as archetypes of modern Hollywood blockbuster filmmaking. In later years, his films began addressing humanistic issues such as the Holocaust, the transatlantic slave trade, war, and terrorism. He is considered one of the most popular and influential filmmakers in the history of cinema. He is also one of the co-founders of DreamWorks movie studio. Spielberg won the Academy Award for Best Director for Schindler's List (1993) and Saving Private Ryan (1998). Three of Spielberg's films—Jaws (1975), E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982), and Jurassic Park (1993)—achieved box office records, each becoming the highest-grossing film made at the time. To date, the unadjusted gross of all Spielberg-directed films exceeds $8.5 billion worldwide. Forbes puts Spielberg's wealth at $3.2 billion3. The “otherness” not only refers to the other people, it also includes maybe the whole social system and custom of a society, or the other nationality or civilization, etc.4. Paternalism: (or parentalism) is behavior, by a person, organization or state, which limits some person or group's liberty or autonomy for their own good. Paternalism can also imply that the behavior is against or regardless of the will of a person, or also that the behavior expresses an attitude of superiority. The word paternalism is from the Latin pater for father, though paternalism should be distinguished from patriarchy. Paternalism is sometimes thought appropriate towards children and paternalism towards adults is sometimes thought to treat them as if they were children.Bibliography:(1). English movie “the color purple” at /Drama/zise/player-0-2.html(2).李作霖:《身份认同与文学批评》《中国文学研究》2012年第2期(3). /wiki/Identity_formation(4). /view/2738787b02768e9951e73838.html(5). /wiki/The_Color_Purple。
The Color Purple《紫色》—影片视听语言浅析

《The Color Purple》绽放的紫色女性主义首先,这是一部讲述黑人的电影,一部讲述黑人女性在美国种族主义昌盛,民族矛盾深化的年代,一个普通的;或说丑陋的,被继父玷污强迫生下一男一女的;嫁了一个粗暴、不忠的丈夫的;被迫与至亲至爱的妹妹分离的;这么一个黑人女性,追求自我价值,实现人生理念,打破常规束缚的这么一个“感人”的故事;为什么说它感人呢?照理说这是一个悲伤的或沉重的故事,但就在我观看的第一次,就被它深深感动,那种眼泪是动容的,是被人物内心所牵动的;而这部影片是如何做到这点,除了基本的剧情,我想还和整部影片的镜头的运用、色彩、构图和剪辑有着很大的关系。
其次,导演Steven Spielberg,作为一名白人男性,如何去表现黑人社会,乃至黑人女性的心理历程,我想是很值得揣摩的,在这边多余的提一下,《种族、性别与身份认同》一书中,有谈到关于《The Color Purple》这部影片的评价,本片根据美国黑人女作家Alice Walker小说改编,其实开始作为一个文学作品,是没有受到如此大的关注的,但在1985年电影上映之后,却引起了来自黑人社会的内部批评,更多的是对Alice Walker这位女性主义者的讨伐,他们认为影片过度丑化黑人男性,扭曲黑人社会,认为这是在投好西方世界的所谓白人对黑人社会的猎奇心态,有些黑人组织甚至聚集在影院外,阻挡前来观看的人们;也就是说,在某种意义上,这是一部遭到争议的影片,但身为一名亚洲人,为什么我能被其影片内容以及其画面所表达的深刻意义所感动,尤其是后者,是我所要探讨的。
国外作者对The Color Purple的评价

国外作者对The Color Purple的评价本书用书信方式展开了一对黑人姐妹的一生,语言着实朴实无华但直到最后的结尾才有些许感动。
The_Color_Purple 紫色 爱丽丝 沃克

• 1. About Alice Walker
Main Characters 2. The Color Purple • • Themes More Questions
Alice Walker
Brief Introduction
• Alice Walker is an African American novelist,
Albert (husband)
Mary (his secon d wife)
• Taking place mostly in rural Georgia, the story focuses on the life of women of color in the southern United States in the 1930s. • The novel opens with a demand for silence that leaves a fourteen-year-old girl named Celie with no way to express her pain and confusion except in the letters she writes to God. Celie is raped repeatedly by her stepfather, Alphonso, and has two children by him—children he gives away without her consent.
• • • •
short-story writer, poet, essayist, and activist. the first black woman who won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction (普利策小说奖) and National Book Award (国家图书奖) participated in civil rights demonstrations. coined the word Womanist (妇女主义者) for a black feminist or feminist of color. She also continues to be active in environment, feminist causes, and issues of economic justice.
The Color Purple(结合各方面的考点分析)

这篇文章有两种出题方式,一种只顾Color Purple,还有一种和Hurton的一篇小说进行了比较。
The publication of The Color Purple transformed Alice Walker from an indubitably(不容置疑地)serious black writer whose fiction belonged to a tradition of gritty, if occasionally "magical," realism into a popular novelist, with all the perquisites and drawbacks attendant on that position. Unlike either The Third Life of Grange Copland (1970) or Meridian (1976), The Color Purple gained immediate and widespread public acceptance, winning both the Pulitzer Prize and the American Book Award for 1982-83. At the same time, however, it generated immediate and widespread critical unease over what appeared to be manifest flaws in its composition. 赞誉参半Robert Towers, writing in the New York Review of Books, concluded that on the evidence of The Color Purple "Alice Walker still has a lot to learn about plotting and structuring what is clearly intended to be a realistic novel."很多评论家(以RT为代表)认为作品不够真实=观点1:传统观点Meager 認為這個小說,是虛構的。
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Reviews On The Color PurpleThe movie shows us the life story of a black woman named Celie from her childhood to agedness. It is an attractive movie that could strike a chord.Above all, title of a movie is important for us because title influences our first impression. The title of this movie is confusing even though I watch the movie which includes a word involved with purple. I can't help thinking what the color purple in English stands for or means. However, nothing useful I get relevant to the movie.At the beginning of it, it shocks me with an incredible word that Celie's father and she have a child. And follow on, Celie gives birth to a child in terrible condition. Although I am told that he is just her stepfather, which can't decease a little astonishment. The man who sent Celie's two children away and was regarded as father by Celie soon asked her to marry a man who wanted to marry Nettie after a short talk and bargaining.Maybe man think it is the only way to own power and authority in his family by controlling his wife. While in his view the method of mastering woman is beating her and obtaining her obedience. It is ridiculous. Celie submits to her husband after continuous beat and gradually used her husband's life style. But in the marriage, it seems that she plays a part of a servant. He marries her for household affairs and picks her home immediately with her father's agreement without a wedding. Treat her without any patience and beat her when he isn't satisfied with her behavior. She calls her husband Mr and does not know his name until Shug who her husband loves appear. He does not admit her touch the mail box. Moreover, he insults her as she plans to leave with Shug and her husband.Men are of the same characteristic. So does Harpo. Harpo and Sofia live happily, but Sofia plays a leader in their marriage. But Albert teaches him that man shouldn't be ordered by woman, and I am confused when Harpo asks Celie that question and she tells him the answer "beating". I am disappointed at that character wondering why she said that. As the movie goes forward, Harpo and Sofia begin to fight for trivial things. During these fighting, their children are born one by one. Finally, Sofia can not stand this kind of life any more, and decides leave Harpo and their home with their kids.Maybe love is the powerful thing. Whatever men or women, all of them are willing to change themselves because of people they love. Celie is cowardly and timid. She is in dire need of killing Albert when shaving after he drives Nettie out to release the pent-up feelings, which doesn't succeed. And she does the same thing again found letters which were tucked away by Albert from Nettie . In the face of such a cheeky, smug man and family, Celie makes her mind and goes away. In my opinion, she will never have courage to say what she thinks anddoes what she wants for many years without Nettie's letters. Love gives her such great strength.Frankly speaking, women are easily influenced by love or inner emotion. But we can not deny that men can be affected, too. Harpo identifies that truth in the movie. After many years' apartment, Harpo and Sofia are reconciled. In Celie's store, they try on new clothes and speak sugared words. Watching this part, it occurs to me that they must love each other deeply so that they are indifferent to their appearances and shapes and can say such sweet words.Everyone has his own story.In the movie, I love Sofia and Shug because they stand for vigorousness and freedom in the terrible situation. I will never forget the scene of Sofia was walking energetically and talking with Albert decisively for marrying Harpo. However, she became a lifeless body on account of imprisonment. Life is a drama, in which we never know what is going to be staged. Shug is supposed to be a degage person and clearly knows how to enjoy herself and have a colorful life. For Celie she is light to save her from desperate life. Whereas, she is troubled for relationship with her father. Fortunately, she and her father make up decades later.This movie tells many crude matters hardly regarded it as reality ruthlessly. I have to focus on the fine side and analyze why they do that, then I draw a conclusion that is the seamy side of human nature and that is the reason why people should be saved to comfort myself.In short, how ourlife goes through depends on your action. Be wise, you will get what we want.。