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【摘要】目的观察番茄红素(LY)对过氧化氢(H2O2)诱导的神经瘤母(N2a)细胞损伤的保护作用及可能机制.方法用H2O2处理小鼠来源N2a细胞6h,建立细胞氧化损伤模型.用LY预孵N2a细胞24 h后,加入100 μmol/LH2O2共同作用6h,以探讨LY的保护作用.实验分对照组、LY组、损伤组及保护组.采用MTT比色法测定N2a细胞活力;Hochest33258染色观察凋亡细胞形态;流式细胞仪测定N2a细胞凋亡率;Western blot法测定细胞质Bcl-2、Bax及Caspase-3蛋白表达.结果与对照组比较,损伤组明显造成细胞损伤(P<0.01),导致细胞凋亡,同时降低Bcl-2表达,增加Bax表达,Bcl-2/Bax比值显著降低,增加Caspase-3蛋白水平(P<0.01).与损伤组比较,保护组予LY预处理后,N2a细胞活力明显增加(P<0.01),凋亡细胞减少,Bcl-2/Bax比值增高,Caspase-3蛋白表达降低(P<0.05).结论 LY能有效保护
H2O2对N2a细胞的损伤,并通过提高Bcl-2/Bax比值,抑制Caspase-3 蛋白活化,发挥保护作用.%Objective To study the role of lycopene (LY) in protecting mice against hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)-induced neuroma metrocyte injury and its mechanism.Methods A mouse neuroma metrocyte injury model was established by treating the neuroma metrocytes with H2O2 for 6 h.The role of LY in protecting mice against H2 O2-induced neuroma metrocyte injury was studied by pretreating the neuroma metrocytes for
24 h followed by 100 μmol/L H2O2 for 6 h.The animals were divided into control group,LY group,injury group and protection group.The viability of neuroma metrocytes was assayed by MTT colorimetry.The morphology of apoptotic neuroma metrocytes was observed with Hochest33258 staining.The apoptosis of neuroma metrocytes was detected by flow cytometry.The expression levels of Bcl-2,Bax and caspase-3 were measured by Western blot.Results The neuroma metrocyte injury was severer,the apoptosis rate of neuroma metrocytes was higher,the Bcl-2 and caspase-3 expression levels and the Bcl-2/Bax ratio were significantly lower in injury group than in control group (P<0.01).The viability of neuroma metrocytes was significantly higher,the number of apoptotic neuroma metrocytes was significantly less,the Bcl-2/Bax ratio was significantly higher and the caspase-3 expression level was significantly lower in protection group than in injury group after LY treatment (P<0.01).Conclusion LY can effectively protect mice against H2O2-induced neuroma metrocyte injury by increasing the Bcl2/Bax ratio and inhibiting the activation of caspase-3.【总页数】5页(P640-644)
【作者单位】213003 苏州大学附属第三医院老年科;213003 苏州大学附属第三医院老年科;213003 苏州大学附属第三医院老年科;213003 苏州大学附属第三医院老年科;213003 苏州大学附属第三医院老年科
1.白藜芦醇苷体外对过氧化氢导致小鼠肝细胞损伤的保护作用 [J], 莫志贤;邵红霞
2.谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶模拟物6-CySeCD对过氧化氢诱导小鼠成纤维细胞损伤的保护作用 [J], 徐亚维;闫岗林;龚平生;牟颖;罗贵民;杨佳;吕绍武
3.槲皮素对过氧化氢损伤小鼠成纤维细胞的保护作用 [J], 宫璀璀;郑玉霞;郑乃刚;曹阳;孟明利;吴景兰
4.莱菔硫烷对过氧化氢诱导人脐静脉血内皮细胞损伤的保护作用及机制研究 [J], 康小荣;张明升;秦纲
5.和厚朴酚对过氧化氢诱导的人神经母细胞瘤细胞损伤的保护作用及机制研究 [J], 钱保进;王玉
