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1 My brother is a ______. He enjoys participating in science fairs.
2 The ________ swings from branch to branch.
3 What do we call the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean?
A. Amelia Earhart
B. Bessie Coleman
C. Harriet Quimby
D. Jacqueline Cochran
4 A __________ is a large body of freshwater.
5 The sky is _______ (clear) with no clouds.
6 My best friend's little sister is very _______ (形容词). 她总是 _______ (动词).
7 A quail is a small ______ (鸟).
8 I like to ________ (explore) caves.
9 The _____ is made up of billions of stars.
10 My uncle is very _______ (形容词) about his work. 他总是 _______ (动词).
11 What do we call the science of matter and its changes?
A. Biology
B. Chemistry
C. Physics
D. Environmental Science
12 The _____ (野生动植物) depend on local plants for survival.
13 The study of rocks and minerals helps us understand Earth's ______.
14 What is the name of the famous artist known for his surrealist paintings?
A. Salvador Dalí
B. Pablo Picasso
C. Vincent van Gogh
D. Claude Monet
15 The dog is ___ at the door. (barking)
16 My dad enjoys __________ (参加运动会).
17 An astronaut experiences weightlessness in ______ (space).
18 What is the name of the famous novel by Mark Twain?
A. Moby Dick
B. The Great Gatsby
C. Huckleberry Finn
D. To Kill a Mockingbird
19 What is the opposite of "soft"?
A. Hard
B. Smooth
C. Rough
D. Weak
答案: A
20 What is the name of the layer of the sun's atmosphere that is visible during a solar eclipse?
A. Core
B. Photosphere
C. Chromosphere
D. Corona
21 The stars are _____ (bright/dim) in the sky.
22 The capital of Iceland is __________.
23 What do we call the primary source of energy for most ecosystems?
A. Water
B. Sunlight
C. Heat
D. Soil
24 I can ______ (保持) an open mind.
25 The ________ was a notable treaty that fostered peace and stability.
26 My _____ (舅舅) is visiting next month.
27 Solar flares can disrupt radio and satellite ______.
28 I enjoy ________ (徒步旅行) in the mountains.
29 The penguin waddles on the ______ (冰). It is very ______ (可爱).
30 The bear hibernates during the _______ (冬天).
31 I can learn about nature with my ________ (玩具名称).
32 The boy is learning to ________.
33 Which animal can swim?
A. Horse
C. Dog
D. Cat
34 A mixture that has a uniform composition throughout is called a _____ mixture.
35 What do bees make?
A. Milk
B. Honey
C. Silk
D. Butter
答案: B
36 I feel _______ (很开心) today.
37 A collection of atoms bonded together is called a ______.
38 What do you call a person who studies the weather?
A. Meteorologist
B. Climatologist
C. Geologist
D. Hydrologist
39 A _____ (74) is a large flat area of grassland.
40 What do we call the system of government in which people elect representatives?
a. Monarchy
b. Dictatorship
c. Democracy
d. Oligarchy
41 What do you call a large natural stream of water?
a. Lake
b. River
c. Ocean
d. Pond
42 A rainbow is a spectrum of light that appears after ______.
43 We celebrate ________ (New Year) with fireworks.
44 The ________ (覆盖层) protects the soil.
45 The starling is known for its beautiful ______ (羽毛).
46 What do you call the natural habitat of a polar bear?
A. Desert
B. Jungle
C. Tundra
D. Savanna
47 A chemical reaction can be classified based on the changes it causes in ______.
48 They are going to ________.
49 _____ (asparagus) is a spring delicacy.
50 What do you call the leader of a country?
A. President
B. Teacher
C. Mayor
D. Governor
51 I need to ________ my lunch.
52 A ________ (草原) is a habitat for many species.
53 Which animal is known for its intelligence and ability to learn tricks?
A. Cat
B. Dog
C. Fish
D. Bird
54 My sister enjoys __________ (参与博物馆活动).
55 We write with a ___. (pen)
56 The ______ is known for her support of local charities.
57 I enjoy watching ________ in the trees.
58 In a redox reaction, the oxidized species loses _____ while the reduced species gains it.
59 The chemical symbol for gold is ______.
60 The ______ helps us learn about mathematics.
61 The Amazon River flows through _______.
62 A _______ is a mixture where one substance dissolves in another.
63 I love to _______ (体验) new adventures.
64 The _______ will bloom when the weather is warm.
65 A plateau is an elevated flat ______.
66 What do you call the study of living things?
A. Biology
B. Chemistry
C. Physics
D. Geography
67 What is the name of our nearest star?
A. Alpha Centauri
B. Proxima Centauri
C. Sirius
D. Betelgeuse
68 How do you say "please" in Spanish?
A. Por favor
B. S'il vous plaît
C. Bitte
D. Per favore
69 The __________ (可再生能源) helps reduce pollution.
70 The dog is _____ (sleeping/eating).
71 She is a _____ (模特) in fashion shows.
72 What do we call the study of matter and its changes?
A. Chemistry
B. Physics
C. Biology
D. Geology
答案: A
73 What do we call a collection of different species living together?
A. Ecosystem
B. Habitat
C. Environment
D. Community
答案: A. Ecosystem
74 The ______ (小鸭) quacks all day long.
75 I can evoke emotions with my ________ (玩具名称).
76 A reaction that requires energy is called an ______ reaction.
77 The __________ (文化遗产) is worth preserving.
78 The cake has _____ (chocolate/strawberry) icing.
79 What do you call the time of day when it is light outside?
A. Night
B. Dawn
C. Daytime
D. Twilight
80 What is the name of the soft, fluffy animal that loves to hop?
A. Dog
B. Cat
C. Rabbit
D. Mouse
答案: C
81 I can _____ my name in cursive. (write)
82 I love visiting the __________ (公园) in spring.
83 She has a ___ (big/small) family.
84 The starfish can regenerate lost ______ (部分).
85 The bird is singing a ______ (happy) song.
86 The rabbit is ______ (hopping) around.
87 我的朋友喜欢 _______ (活动). 她觉得这很 _______ (形容词)
88 The cheetah has spots on its _____.
89 She is ___ (tall/short) for her age.
90 We will go ______ for ice cream after dinner. (out)
91 The __________ is a region with many islands. (群岛)
92 My school has a big ________ (图书馆) full of books.
93 What is the capital of Russia?
a. Moscow
b. St. Petersburg
c. Kiev
d. Minsk
94 My pet ______ (猫) loves to play with toys.
95 A wave's frequency is inversely related to its ______.
96 The __________ (土壤的质量) is vital for growth.
97 My favorite game on my tablet is about ________ (建设城市). I can build parks and ________ (商店).
98 Astronomical units (AU) are used to measure distances in the _______ system.
99 The __________ (历史的情感共鸣) foster connections.
100 What do we use to measure temperature?
A. Ruler
B. Scale
C. Thermometer
D. Stopwatch
答案: C。