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1.My sister is learning how to ____ (swim) this summer.
2.The hyena laughs like a ______ (人).
3.The ________ was an important milestone in the history of freedom.
4.What do you call a person who studies space?
A. Biologist
B. Astronomer
C. Geologist
D. ChemistB
5.I want to _____ (go/stay) home now.
6. A tectonic plate boundary where plates collide is called a ______ boundary.
7.We go to _____ (school/home) every day.
8.The falcon is known for its _________ (速度).
9.The __________ (历史的对抗) illustrate struggles for justice.
10. A chemical change results in new ______ being formed.
11. Fire of London occurred in the year _______. (1666年) The Grea
12.The first human to travel in space was _______. (尤里·加加林)
13.I love playing with my ________ (玩具车) on the floor.
14.During my free time, I enjoy ______ (画画) or playing video games. It’s a good way to relax.
15.The __________ is important for understanding geological history.
16.The cake is _______ (ready) to eat.
17.The first Olympic Games were held in ________ (古希腊).
18.What do you call the person who writes books?
A. Painter
B. Author
C. Musician
D. DirectorB
19.The __________ (建筑) reflects the local culture.
20.I think it’s important to ________ (保持好奇心).
21.The ancient Romans used _______ to build their roads. (石头)
22.What do we use to cut paper?
A. Glue
B. Scissors
C. Tape
D. Ruler
23.The giraffe has a very long _________ (脖子).
24.What is the name of the largest ocean on Earth?
A. Atlantic
B. Indian
C. Arctic
D. Pacific
25.What is the name of the famous science fiction writer known for "Dune"?
A. Isaac Asimov
B. Philip K. Dick
C. Frank Herbert
D. Arthur C. ClarkeC
26.The _____ can be found in the Kuiper Belt.
27.My aunt loves to volunteer at the ____ (shelter).
28.Which fruit is red and often mistaken for a vegetable?
A. Banana
B. Strawberry
C. Tomato
D. Grape
29.Chemical bonds hold _______ together in a molecule.
30.在中国历史上,________ (unification) 是一个重要的主题。

31.I enjoy sharing my toy ________ (玩具名称) stories with friends.
32. A ________ (水库) stores water for various uses.
33.The Atlantic Ocean is located to the _______ of the United States.
34. A bluebird is a symbol of ________________ (快乐).
35.What is the capital of Egypt?
A. Cairo
B. Alexandria
C. Luxor
D. Giza
36.Salt dissolves in _____.
37.The chemical symbol for terbium is _____.
38. A mixture is made up of two or more __________ combined together.
39.The flowers are ________ in the garden.
40.The ancient Romans built _____ to celebrate their victories.
41.We will go _____ the zoo tomorrow. (to)
42.What is the process by which plants make their food?
A. Digestion
B. Photosynthesis
C. Respiration
D. Fermentation
43. A chemical reaction can be described by a _____ equation.
44. A _______ can grow in small spaces.
45.What do we call a person who studies the past?
A. Historian
B. Archaeologist
C. Researcher
D. Anthropologist
46.What do bees produce?
A. Milk
B. Honey
C. Eggs
D. SilkB
47.What do you call a person who repairs cars?
A. Mechanic
B. Electrician
C. Plumber
D. CarpenterA
48. A _____ (植物影响研究) can explore ecological relationships.
49.What do we call a baby elephant?
A. Calf
B. Cub
C. Foal
D. KitA
50.The first person to receive a heart transplant was _______. (路易斯·阿尔巴赫)
51.ts have unique adaptations that help them ______. (某些植物有独特的适应性,有助于它们生存。

) Some pla
52.She has a _______ who is very tall.
53.What do you call the process of making cheese?
A. Churning
B. Fermenting
C. Curdling
D. Mixing
54.The __________ (历史的情感共鸣) unify groups.
55.My mom loves __________ (社区服务).
56.What do you call a place where you can borrow books?
A. Grocery store
B. Library
C. Park
D. MuseumB
57.The __________ is a major river in the Amazon rainforest. (亚马逊河)
58.They are going to ________ the zoo.
59.What do you use to write on paper?
A. Paint
B. Pencil
C. Scissors
D. GlueB
60.The invention of the telescope changed our understanding of _______.
61.What is the capital of Slovakia?
A. Bratislava
B. Prague
C. Budapest
D. ViennaA
62.My sister has a cute ________ (玩具名称).
63.The __________ (历史的价值意义) guide actions.
64.What do you call a large body of saltwater?
A. River
B. Lake
C. Ocean
D. PondC
65.Which animal is known as man's best friend?
A. Cat
B. Dog
C. Bird
D. FishB
66.What do we call a baby seal?
A. Pup
B. Calf
C. Kid
D. FoalA
67.What is the primary color of a kiwi fruit?
A. Brown
B. Green
C. Yellow
D. Red
68.The forest is very _______ (神秘的).
69. A _____ (植物资源利用) can promote sustainability.
70.The ______ (青蛙) croaks near the pond at night.
71.The density of an object determines whether it will ______ or sink in water.
72.She is _______ (riding) her bike to school.
73.My sister is a great __________. (歌手)
74.Horses are very _______ (强壮) and can run fast.
75.The color change in a reaction is a sign of a _______.
76.The __________ is soft and white after it snows. (雪)
77.What is the name of the famous landmark in Egypt?
A. Great Wall
B. Pyramids
C. Colosseum
D. Eiffel TowerB
78.The butterfly's metamorphosis is a fascinating ________________ (过程).
79.I enjoy going ______ in the summer.
80.We should _______ (珍惜) our time.
81.The ancient Chinese practiced ______ (丝绸) making.
82.The main gas we breathe is ______.
83.What is the name of the famous landmark in Paris?
A. Eiffel Tower
B. Big Ben
C. Statue of Liberty
D. ColosseumA
84.She is practicing her ___. (dance)
85.The spider spins a ______ (web).
86.My friend’s dad, ______ (我朋友的爸爸), is a computer programmer.
87.The sun is _____ after the rain. (shining)
88.What is the capital city of Norway?
A. Oslo
B. Stockholm
C. Helsinki
D. CopenhagenA
89.Igneous rocks are formed from the cooling of ______.
90.The dog is _______ (sitting) by the door.
91.She wears a _____ (红色的) dress.
92.The girl loves to ________.
93.The birthday cake is _____ (round/square).
94.The boy is _____ a story. (reading)
95.Which insect makes honey?
A. Ant
B. Butterfly
C. Bee
D. SpiderC
96.My dad _____ the car every Saturday. (washes)
97.We will go to the ________ (水族馆) next week.
98.My cousin is a ______. She loves to create content.
99. A frog has webbed ______ (脚) for swimming.
100.What is the term for the science of classifying organisms?
A. Taxonomy
B. Ecology
C. Biology
D. Genetics。
