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1.________ (植物生态关系) is fascinating to explore.
2.My ________ (玩具名称) can jump and bounce.
3.The _____ (sunflower) is tall.
4.My friend is a ______. He enjoys writing scripts.
5.The ______ is a powerful animal in the jungle.
6.The _______ of sound can be perceived in different ways depending on the environment.
7.Every summer, I attend a ________ (艺术营) to improve my painting skills.
8.My favorite animal is a _____ (lion/tiger).
9.The flowers are blooming ___. (beautifully)
10.The movement of the tectonic plates can lead to the formation of ______.
11.I have two ___. (sisters)
12.The chemical formula for calcium sulfate is _____.
13.My sister enjoys crafting ____ (cards).
14.The ______ (狮子) roars loudly in the wild.
15.What is the name of the famous mountain range in Asia?
A. Rockies
B. Andes
C. Himalayas
D. AlpsC Himalayas
16.What do we call the layer of the Earth that is made up of molten rock?
A. Crust
B. Mantle
C. Core
D. Lithosphere
17.The __________ (历史的工具) aid in research.
18.Mixtures that are uniform throughout are called ______.
19.The capital of Samoa is ________ (阿皮亚).
20.What do we call the time when you wake up?
A. Morning
B. Afternoon
C. Evening
D. Night
21.What do we call a place where you can see many animals?
A. Zoo
B. Farm
C. Park
D. AquariumA
22.What sport uses a bat and ball and involves running bases?
A. Basketball
B. Tennis
C. Baseball
D. SoccerC
23.What is the primary purpose of a lock?
A. To keep doors open
B. To protect belongings
C. To hold things together
D. To keep things warmB
24.Which fruit is known for keeping the doctor away if eaten one a day?
A. Banana
B. Orange
C. Apple
D. GrapeC
25.The ______ shares interesting facts about history.
26.The _____ (蜗牛) curls up when it feels threatened.
27.I saw a ______ in the pond.
28.I love __________ in the summer.
29.In ancient Egypt, the people worshipped many __________ (神).
30.What is the name of the activity where you create art?
A. Drawing
B. Painting
C. Sculpting
D. CraftingA
31.What is the process of water turning into vapor called?
A. Melting
B. Freezing
C. Evaporation
D. CondensationC
32.I enjoy making ________ (特别的食物) for holidays.
33.The chemical formula for strontium hydroxide is _____.
34.My neighbor is a _____ (退休) teacher.
35.Which vegetable is orange and long?
A. Potato
B. Carrot
C. Cucumber
D. TomatoB
36.My cousin is very __________ (勤奋的) and studies hard.
37.Dogs have a good sense of _______ (嗅觉).
38.The cookies smell _______ and sweet.
39.Which color is a stop sign?
A. Red
B. Green
C. Yellow
D. BlueA
40.What is the color of a peach?
A. Pink
B. Orange
C. Yellow
D. Brown
41.The process of separating liquids by their boiling points is called _____.
42.I can ______ (完成) my tasks on time.
43.My favorite color is ___. (blue)
44.The tree has green ________.
45.Ancient __________ (玛雅) civilization was known for its calendar.
46.What do we call a book that tells us how to do something?
A. Novel
B. Manual
C. Guidebook
D. Recipe book
47.What do we call a person who studies history?
A. Historian
B. Archaeologist
C. Scientist
D. GeographerA
48.We use a thermometer to measure ______.
49.The ________ (presentation) was engaging.
50.Which food is a fruit?
A. Carrot
B. Potato
C. Banana
D. LettuceC
51.Which animal is known as the "king of the jungle"?
A. Elephant
B. Lion
C. Tiger
D. Bear
52.The sunflower grows tall in the ______.
53.The ______ (种子的传播) methods vary among plant species.
54. A _______ (青蛙) lives in wet areas.
55. A _______ is a property that describes how a substance behaves in a chemical reaction.
56.What is the name of the sweet treat made from sugar and gelatin?
A. Gummy Bears
B. Candy Corn
C. Jelly Beans
D. MarshmallowsD
57.What do you call a book with pictures and stories for children?
A. Novel
B. Dictionary
C. Comic
D. MagazineC
58.The ocean floor has ______ features like ridges and trenches.
59.The ______ helps make important decisions.
60.The __________ can help reveal patterns in sedimentation and erosion.
61. A chemical change results in the formation of new ______.
62.An endothermic reaction requires an _____ of energy.
63.What is the primary color of a lime?
A. Yellow
B. Green
C. Red
D. Orange
64.What do you call a person who studies the past?
A. Historian
B. Archaeologist
C. Researcher
D. All of the aboveD
65.The chemical formula for bismuth oxide is _______.
66.小蟋蟀) jumps into the grass. The ___
67.The __________ are areas where the earth's crust is thinner.
68.What is the capital of China?
A. Shanghai
B. Beijing
C. Hong Kong
D. TaipeiB
69.What do we call the person who writes books?
A. Author
B. Editor
C. Publisher
D. LibrarianA
70.The ________ was a famous market in ancient Rome.
71.The capital city of France is ________.
72.The rabbit thumps its foot when it feels ______ (害怕).
73.The sun is setting ________ (在地平线上).
74.What do you call a story that teaches a lesson?
A. Fable
B. Novel
C. Poem
D. BiographyA Fable
75.The water is ________ (冷) in winter.
76.My mom is my caring _______ who always gives me hugs.
77.What do plants need to grow?
A. Water
B. Soda
C. Oil
D. Salt
78.The sun is shining ___. (brightly)
79.What do we call a person who studies plants?
A. Botanist
B. Zoologist
C. Geologist
D. Ecologist
80.What is the name of the famous scientist known for his work on vaccination?
A. Edward Jenner
B. Louis Pasteur
C. Jonas Salk
D. Albert SabinA
81.The capital city of Maldives is __________.
82.My brother has a passion for __________ (历史).
83.My dad bought me a new _____.
84.My favorite sport is ______ (游泳).
85.What do you wear on your feet?
A. Hat
B. Shoes
C. Gloves
D. Belt
86.I help my sister with her __________. (画画)
87.The ancient Romans drew inspiration from ________ mythology.
88.What do we call a scientist who studies fungi?
A. Mycologist
B. Botanist
C. Zoologist
D. Microbiologist
89.I have a ___ (story/book) to read.
90.There is a _______ (小狗) in the garden.
91.Which vegetable is orange?
A. Potato
B. Carrot
C. Broccoli
D. LettuceB
92.The invention of the steam engine revolutionized ________ (工业).
93.The _______ can thrive in a variety of conditions.
94. A __________ is a measurement of the angle of a slope.
95.The fish in the tank are very _______ (活泼).
96.What do you call the place where people go to pray?
A. Mosque
B. Church
C. Temple
D. All of the above
97.Atoms are made up of protons, neutrons, and ________.
98.What is the first month of the year?
A. December
B. January
C. February
D. MarchB
99.What is the term for a baby rabbit?
A. Kit
B. Pup
C. Calf
D. ChickA
100.The _______ (Lewis and Clark Expedition) explored the western territories of the US.。
