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Red Tourism Sites inShanghai
This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Many Chinese people are planning to visit red tourism attractions in the coming summer vacation. The following are some red tourism sites inShanghai.
Former Site of the Editorial Department ofNew Youth
Revolutionary magazineNew Youth,which created the New Culture Movement and spread the influence of the May Fourth Movement, was established by Chen Duxiu inShanghaiin 1915. The editorial office moved toBeijingin 1917 when Chen Duxiu was head of liberal arts atPekingUniversitybut moved back toShanghaithree years later.
Address: No. 2,100 Nanchang Road, Huangpu district
Former Residence of Chen Wangdao
This three-story building was the home of famous scholar and educator Chen Wangdao. In 1920, Chen completed the first Chinese translation ofThe Communist Manifesto(共产党宣言). He also served as President of Fudan University from 1952 to 1977.
Address:51 Guofu Road, Yangpu district
Huangpu Wharf (码头)
HuangpuWharfin Yangpu district was the place for about 650 Chinese students who headed toFrancefrom March 1919 to December 1920 to further their studies. They included Zhou Enlai, later the first premier of thePeopledRepublicofChina, and Deng Xiaoping, later the leader of the PRC.
Address:32 Qinhuangdao Road, Yangpu district
The Memorial of the Site of the First National Congress of the Communist Party ofChina
The two-story building was completed in 1920 as the residence of CPC founding member Li Hanjun. On July 23, 1921, thirteen members held their first national congress of the Communist Party of China here, marking the birth of the Party.
Address:76 Xingye Road, Huangpu district
1. When did the editorial office ofNew Youthreturn toShanghai?
A. In 1915.
B. In 1919.
C. In 1920
D. In 1921.
2. What do we know about Chen Wangdao according to the text?
A. He established theNew Youthmagazine.
B. He first translatedThe Communist Manifestointo Chinese.
C. He went toFrancefor further study.
D. He held the first national congress of the CPC.
3. Which site was the birthplace of the Communist Party of China?
A. Former Site of the Editorial Department, of New Youth.
B. Former Residence of Chen Wangdao.
D. The Memorial of the Site of the First National Congress of the CPC.
Avi Loeb, a scientist, believes that we are not alone in the universe. The belief fits withLoeb's alien spaceship theory that at least one alien spaceship might be flying over the orbit of Jupiter, which won the international attention last year.
Astronomers inHawaiifound the first known interstellar object in late 2017. It was a bit of light moving so fast past the sun that it could only have come from another star. Almost every astronomer on the planet was trying to figure out how the object, called “Oumuamua” got to our far-away part of the Milky way galaxy. “One possibility is that ‘Oumuamua’ is debris from an advanced technological equipment,” Loeb said. “Technology comes from another solar system just showed up at our door. ”
“‘Oumuamua’ is not an alien spaceship,” Paul Sutter, another scientist wrote. He suggested Loeb was seeking publicity. Most scientists think “Oumuamua” is some sort of rock. They think it could be an icy wandering comet.
Loeb says that “Oumuamua's” behavior means it can't be a block of rock shaped like a long photo. He thinks it's more likely an object that's very long and thin, perhaps like a long pancake or a ship's sail. Loeb says that if someone shows him evidence thatcontradictshis beliefs, he will immediately give in.
Loeb believes himself a truth-teller and risk-taker in an age of very safe, too-quiet scientists. “The worst thing
that can happen to me is that I would be relieved of my management duties, and that would give me even more time to focus on science,” Loeb says. He said he wouldn't mind giving up all the titles he had and returning to the Israeli farming village where he grew up.
4. What does Loeb say about “Oumuamua”?
A. It is an icy comet.
B. It looks like a long photo.
C. It is actually some sort of rock.
D. It may come from another alien civilization.
5. What does the underlined word “contradicts” in paragraph 4 probably mean?
A.Goes against.
B. Relies on.
C. Turns to.
D. Searches for.
6. What do you think of Loeb?
A. He is foolish.
B. He is unsatisfied with his titles.
C. He is a firm believer in scientific truth.
D. He is uncertain about his career future.
7. What's the best title for the text?
A. Have Aliens Paid a Visit in Spaceships?
B. Do We Really Know about Space Theory?
C. Scientists Are Working on High Technology
D. Astronomers Are Encouraging Space Travel
Why isn’t science better? Look at career incentive(激励).There are oftensubstantial gaps between the idealized and actual versions of those people whose work involves providing a social good. Government officials are supposed to work for their constituents. Journalists are supposed to provide unbiased reporting and penetrating analysis. And scientists are supposed to relentlessly probe the fabric of reality with the most rigorous and skeptical of methods.
All too often, however, what should be just isn’t so. In a number of scientific fields, published findings turn out not toreplicate(复制), or to have smaller effects than, what was initially claimed. Plenty of science does replicate — meaning the experiments turn out the same way when you repeat them -but the amount that doesn’t is too much for comfort.
But there are also waysin which scientists increase their chances of getting it wrong. Running studies with small samples, mining data for correlations and forming hypotheses to fit an experiment’s results after the fact are just some of the ways to increase the number of false discoveries.
It’s not like we don't know how to do better. Scientists who study scientific methods have known about feasible remedies for decades. Unfortunately, their advice often falls ondeaf ears.Why? Why aren't scientific methods better than they are? In a word: incentives. But perhaps not in the way you think.
In the 1970s, psychologists and economists began to point out the danger in relying on quantitative measures for social decision-making. For example, when public schools are evaluated by students’ performance on standardized tests, teachers respond by teaching “to the test”. In turn, the test serves largely as of how well the school can prepare students for the test.
We can see this principle—often summarized as “when a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure”—playing out in the realm of research. Science is a competitive enterprise. There are far more credentialed (授以证书的) scholars and researchers than there are university professorships or comparably prestigious research positions. Once someone acquires a research position, there is additional competition for tenure grant funding, and support and placement for graduate students. Due to this competition for resources, scientists must be evaluated and compared. How do you tell if someone is a good scientist?
An oft-used metric is the number of publications one has in peer-reviewed journals, as well as the status of those journals. Metrics like these make it straightforward to compare researchers whose work may otherwise be quite different. Unfortunately, this also makes these numbers susceptible to exploitation.
If scientists are motivated to publish often and in high-impact journals, we might expect them to actively try to game the system. And certainly, some do—as seen in recent high-profile cases of scientific fraud(欺诈). If malicious fraud is the prime concern, then perhaps the solution is simply heightened alertness.
However, most scientists are, I believe, genuinely interested in learning about the world, and honest. The problem with incentives is that they can shape cultural norms without any intention on the part of individuals.
8. Which of the following is TRUE about the general trend in scientific field?
A. Scientists are persistently devoted to exploration of reality.
B. The research findings fail to achieve the expected effect.
C. Hypotheses are modified to highlight the experiments' results.
D. The amount of science that does replicate is comforting.
9. What doesdeaf earsin the fourth paragraph probably refer to?
A. The public.
B. The incentive initiators.
C. The peer researchers.
D. The high-impact journal editors.
10. Which of the following does the author probably agree with?
A. Good scientists excel in seeking resources and securing research positions.
B. Competition for resources inspires researchers to work in a more skeptical way.
C. All the credentialed scholars and researchers will not take up university professorships.
D. The number of publication reveals how scientists are bitterly exploited.
11. According to the author, what might be a remedy for the fundamental problem in scientific research?
A. High-impact journals are encouraged to reform the incentives for publication.
B. The peer-review process is supposed to scale up inspection of scientific fraud.
C. Researchers are motivated to get actively involved in gaming the current system.
D. Career incentives for scientists are expected to consider their personal intention.
A world in which extinct creatures could be brought back to life came a step closer yesterday. Australian scientists have managed to extract a gene from a preserved sample of a Tasmanian tiger and make it active. Thebreakthroughhas left them dreaming that one day they will be able to recreate the animal, which died out more than 70 years ago. And if it can be done with the Tasmanian tiger, it may also be possible to resurrect (复活) creatures that have been extinct for far longer.
“There used to be a time when extinction meant forever, but no more, ” said Professor Mike Archer. “We are now able to seriously challenge whether those animals that have gone for ever. What has been achieved is a very important step in bringing back those animals that are extinct. And while I think that technically it is still pretty difficult at the moment, we can now see the possibilities. I’m personally convinced that the Tasmanian tiger will be brought back to life in my lifetime.”
The breakthrough came after nine years of experiments by scientists at the University of Melbourne, who extracted a gene from one of several tigers preserved in alcohol in a Melbourne museum. They removed the equivalent gene from a mouse embryo implanted the tiger gene and then watched as the mouse continued to grow normally, suggesting the tiger gene had been activated.
Team leader Dr. Andrew Pask said it was the first time DNA from an extinct species had been used to “induce (引起) a functional response in another living organism”.
However, the animal’s entire gene structure would have to be revived in the same way to even begin the possibility of bringing the Tasmanian tiger back from the dead.
Mick Mooney, a wildlife officer ofthe Tasmanian Government, was worried that such developments could encourage people’s indifference to the protection of endangered species.
“If people think that we can bring animals back to life after they’ve gone, they will start saying that there is nothing to worry about because we can fix it up later.”
12. What does the underlined word “breakthrough” in the l paragraph refer to?
A. Scientists have recreated new animals.
B. Scientists have resurrected endangered animal.
C. It has turned out that some creatures would not go extinct.
D. A tiger gene has been extracted successfully and activated.
13. Scientists are carrying out the experiments in order to ________.
A. bring extinct animals back to life
B. transplant the genes of tigers into other animals
C. find out what factors lead to the animals’ extinction
D. find a new way to extract animals’ DNA
14. Mike Archer thinks that ________.
A. scientists now have no technological difficulty reconnecting extinct animals
B. it’ll be a century or so before a Tasmanian tiger walks on the earth again
C. humans have come closer in reconnecting extinct animals
D. reconnecting extinct animals is impossible
15. We can learn from Mick Mooncy’s words that_________.
A. he thought it unnecessary to worry about endangered animals
B. his opinion is in contrast with that of the Tasmanian Government
C. he thought people should be encouraged to protect endangered animals
D. he is concerned that bringing extinct animals back to life may have a negative effect

Everyone complains.Even if you argue that you are the happiest person in the world, you still complain sometimes. Sometimes you complain without even realizing it, but rarely is it ever helpful.___16___Here are some tips to stop complaining and give up the negative thoughts.
When you find yourself thinking or saying a negative comment about something or someone, stop and force yourself to say something positive instead.Seek the help of a cheerful friend to change you when you complain and help you to see the positive in the situation.
Make a list of things you are grateful for.
You often complain about the things you don't have without noticing those things you already have.Be grateful for what you have in your life because you are lucky simply for being yourselves.___18___ Learn to adapt to the changes.
There are many things you can't change.___19___Always find the positive side of each situation, regardless of however difficult the situation is.With parents' and friends' support, you can survive any life changes.
Allow yourself tovent(发泄) your feelings every once in a while.
Constantly ignoring negative thoughts could add up.If you are really going through a rough time, don't be afraid to share your feelings with a close friend or family member or see a therapist.
Find what makesyou happy.
___20___Maybe it is time to make the hard decision to move on the another job or career.Uncover what your biggest complaints are about and see if you can change the situation to make you happy. Choose happiness, focus on the positive, and be kind always!
A. Change the way you think.
B. Make friends with positive people.
C. The best and only thing you can do is to accept them.
D. Are you constantly complaining about your present job?
E. Sometimes this list can be easy, full of hobbies you enjoy.
F. So how can you manage to force yourselves to end complaining?
G. Set down things you are thankful for and you'll see that you don't have any reason to complain.
阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项Have you ever given a thought to inspiration?In fact, inspiration can be a strange thing. You never know when it might____21____, and sometimes, it can come from the most____22____places.
I recently read about an author named Nnedi Okorafor. When she was in college, she had a serious spine disorder. Okorafor was told that a simple operation could____23____it. But when she woke up from her____24____, she found that she couldn’t move her legs and was in great pain.
Okorafor got____25____later. But before she did, she saw strange things in her hospital room. She imagined her____26____as a beast that hunted her from the shadows. But she also____27____a woman-a woman who could fly, in fact. This____28____woman inspired her and helped her____29____her pain. “I felt myself become_____30_____,” she wrote in her book Broken Places & Outer Spaces: Finding Creativity in the
We_____31_____know where we might find the inspiration to create. As a_____32_____, most of my inspiration comes from other people’s music. But I also find_____33_____in other places. Books, movies and_____34_____just moments in everyday life can lead to new creations.
_____35_____, I recently rewatched the film Blade Runner. I’ve seen it plenty of times before; it’s one of my favorite movies. But this time, for some reason, I saw it_____36_____.I decided to make music that could create the same feeling as the_____37_____. It’s not done yet, but the music I’m working on now is heavily_____38_____by the movie’s setting and characters.
Anything can_____39_____us. You just have to be_____40_____to catch inspiration when it hits.
21. A. work B. hit C. exist D. pass
22. A. interesting B. ordinary C. unexpected D. dangerous
23. A. fix B. make C. remove D. control
24. A. dream B. shock C. recovery D. operation
25. A. well B. bad C. worried D. annoyed
26. A. curiosity B. pain C. anger D. fear
27. A. asked B. met C. imagined D. visited
28. A. confident B. smart C. honest D. magical
29. A. forget B. recognize C. describe D. practice
30. A. richer B. better C. busier D. quieter
31. A. always B. never C. sometimes D. still
32. A. director B. dancer C. musician D. writer
33. A. tips B. messages C. examples D. ideas
34. A. even B. again C. not D. only
35. A. In short B. In addition C. For example D. After all
36. A. differently B. perfectly C. vividly D. smoothly
37. A. story B. song C. play D. film
38. A. changed B. supported C. disturbed D. influenced
39. A. impress B. inspire C. amuse D. challenge
40. A. free B. thankful C. ready D. careful
She is a professional____41.____(photograph) who has long documented happy moments of birth.
Several years ago, her close friend’s kid died of cancer. She tried to be supportive but felt____42.____(help). Then she realized she had a skill she could put to use with sadness. That was why Scantling sent out a generous call on Facebook,____43.____(offer) to do a photo shoot in her Oklahoma studio for children with cancer,___44.___charging their parents. She would dress up the children and then take pictures of them. "I made up my mind____45.____(achieve) something powerful and emotional. " said Scantling.
Three families from nearby Oklahoma towns immediately responded to her call. On the____46.____(appoint) afternoon, three little girls, all of____47.____were suffering from cancer, showed up at Scantling's studio. The girls quickly became friends and were soon smiling for photos. They had____48.____good time in the spotlight for something other than their illness.
"Watching them interact was____49.____(genuine) sweet and inspiring," one parent said. So far thousands of viewers____50.____(encourage) by Scantling's photos.







Learning is very important for each individual because we have to acquire new and advanced knowledge every day. So it will bring many advantage all through our life to be the successful learner.
Successful learners are similar to many ways. They are independent thinkers but have a positive attitude towards their study. Besides, they have the competence of applying how they have learnt to practice. How can we be successful learners? In my opinion, first of all, we should develop for our interest in study, as an old saying went, “Interest is the best teacher.” Second, we should form the habit of make plans for our study and keep a good balance between study and entertainment. Finally, remember not to depend our teachers or textbooks only. A good learner often have a lifelong habit of teaching himself.





Good morning. Today I’d like to talk about the topic of carrying forward Chinese traditional culture.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you.
1. C
2. B
3. D
4. D
5. A
6. C
7. A
8. A 9. A 10. B 11. D
12. D 13. A 14. C 15. D
16. F 17. A 18. G 19. C 20. D
21. B 22. C 23. A 24. D 25. A 26. B 27. C 28. D 29. A 30. B 31. B 32.
C 33.
D 34. A 35. C 36. A 37. D 38. D 39. B 40. C
41. photographer
42. helpless
43. offering
44. without
45. to achieve
46. appointed
47. whom 48. a
49. genuinely
50. have been encouraged

根据many可此知后面用名词复数,故把advantage--- advantages。





in many ways在许多忙面,故把to---in。

特别注意:be similar to(与---相似)句意不符。








此处develop(发展),是及物动词,后面直接跟宾语,故把for 去掉。






form the habit of doing sth.养成做---的习惯。




depend on依赖,依靠,故在depend后加on。



句子用一般现在时态,主语是A good learner,单数第三人称,故把have---has
