工业产品设计外文翻译参考文献工业产品设计外文翻译参考文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)Design Without DesignersI will always remember my first introduction to the power of good product design.I was newly arrived at Apple, still learning the ways of business, when I was visited by a member of Apple's Industrial Design team. He showed me a foam mockup of a proposed product. "Wow," I said, "I want one! What is it?"That experience brought home the power of design: I was excited and enthusiastic even before I knew what it was. This type of visceral "wow" response requires creative designers. It is subjective, personal. Uh oh, this is not what engineers like to hear. If you can't put a number to it, it's not important. As a result, there is a trend to eliminate designers. Who needs them when we can simply test our way to success? The excitement of powerful, captivating design is defined as irrelevant. Worse, the nature of design is in danger.Don't believe me? Consider Google. In a well-publicized move, a senior designer at Google recently quit, stating that Google had no interest in or understanding of design. Google, it seems, relies primarily upon test results, not human skill or judgment. Want to know whether a design is effective? Try it out. Google can quickly submit samples to millions of people in well-controlled trials, pitting one design against another, selecting the winner based upon number of clicks, or sales, or whatever objective measure they wish. Which color of blue is best? Test. Item placement? T est. Web page layout? Test.This procedure is hardly unique to Google. /doc/f51636438.html, has long followed this practice. Years ago I was proudly informed that they no longer have debates about which design is best: they simply test them and use the data to decide. And this, of course, is the approach used by the human-centered iterative design approach: prototype, test, revise.Is this the future of design? Certainly there are many who believe so. This is a hot topic on the talk and seminar circuit. After all, the proponents ask reasonably, who could object to making decisions based upon data?Two Types of Innovation: Incremental Improvements and New ConceptsIn design—and almost all innovation, for that matter—there are at least two distinct forms. One is incremental improvement. In the manufacturing of products, companies assume that unit costs will continually decrease through continual, incremental improvements. A steady chain of incremental innovation enhances operations, the sourcing of parts and supply-chain management. The product design is continually tinkered with, adjusting the interface, adding new features, changing small things here and there. New products are announced yearly that are simply small modifications to the existing platform by a different constellation of features. Sometimes features are removed to enable a new, low-cost line. Sometimes features are enhanced or added. In incremental improvement, the basic platform is unchanged. Incremental design and innovation is less glamorous than the development of new concepts and ideas, but it is both far more frequent and far more important. Most of these innovations are small, but most are quite successful. This iswhat companies call "their cash cow": a product line that requires very little new development cost while being profitable year after year.The second form of design is what is generally taught in design, engineering and MBA courses on "breakthrough product innovation." Here is where new concepts get invented, new products defined, and new businesses formed. This is the fun part of innovation. As a result, it is the arena that most designers and inventors wish to inhabit. But the risks are great: most new innovations fail. Successful innovations can take decades to become accepted. As a result, the people who create the innovation are not necessarily the people who profit from it.In my Apple example, the designers were devising a new conception. In the case of Google and Amazon, the companies are practicing incremental enhancement. They are two different activities. Note that the Apple product, like most new innovations, failed. Why? I return to this example later.Both forms of innovation are necessary. The fight over data-driven design is misleading in that it uses the power of one method to deny the importance of the second. Data-driven design through testing is indeed effective at improving existing products. But where did the idea for the product come from in the first place? From someone's creative mind. Testing is effective at enhancing an idea, but creative designers and inventors are required to come up with the idea.Why Testing Is Both Essential and IncompleteData-driven design is "hill-climbing," a well-known algorithm for optimization. Imagine standing in the dark in an unknown, hilly terrain. How do you get to the top of the hill when you can't see? Test the immediate surroundings to determine whichdirection goes up the most steeply and take a step that way. Repeat until every direction leads to a lower level.But what if the terrain has many hills? How would you know whether you are on the highest? Answer: you can't know. This is called the "local maximum" problem: you can't tell if you are on highest hill (a global maximum) or just at the top of a small one.When a computer does hill climbing on a mathematical space, it tries to avoid the problem of local maxima by initiating climbs from numerous, different parts of the space being explored, selecting the highest of the separate attempts. This doesn't guarantee the very highest peak, but it can avoid being stuck on a low-ranking one. This strategy is seldom available to a designer: it is difficult enough to come up with a single starting point, let alone multiple, different ones. So, refinement through testing in the world of design is usually only capable of reaching the local maximum. Is there a far better solution (that is, is there a different hill which yields far superior results)? Testing will never tell us.Here is where creative people come in. Breakthroughs occur when a person restructures the problem, thereby recognizing that one is exploring the wrong space. This is the creative side of design and invention. Incremental enhancements will not get us there.Barriers to Great InnovationDramatic new innovation has some fundamental characteristics that make it inappropriate for judgment through testing. People resist novelty. Behavior tends to be conservative. New technologies and new methods of doing things usually take decades to be accepted - sometimes multiple decades. But the testing methods allassume that one can make a change, try it out, and immediately determine if it is better than what is currently available.There is no known way to tell if a radical new idea will eventually be successful. Here is where great leadership and courage is required. History tells us of many people who persevered for long periods in the face of repeated rejection before their idea was accepted, often to the point that after success, people could not imagine how they got along without it before. History also tells us of many people who persevered yet never were able to succeed. It is proper to be skeptical of radical new ideas.In the early years of an idea, it might not be accepted because the technology isn't ready, or because there is a lot more optimization still to be done, or because the audience isn't ready. Or because it is a bad idea. It is difficult to determine which of those reasons dominates. The task only becomes easy in hindsight, long after it becomes established.These long periods between formation and initial implementation of a novel idea and its eventual determination of success or failure in the marketplace is what defeats those who wish to use evidence as a decision criterion for following a new direction. Even if a superior way of doing something has been found, the automated test process will probably reject it, not because the idea is inferior, but because it cannot wait decades for the answer. Those who look only at test results will miss the large payoff.Of course there are sound business reasons why ignoring potentially superior approaches might be a wise decision. After all, if the audience is not ready for the new approach, it wouldinitially fail in the marketplace. That is true, in the short run. But to prosper in the future, the best approach would be to develop and commercialize the new idea to get marketplace experience, to begin the optimization process, and to develop the customer base. At the same time one is preparing the company for the day when the method takes off. Sure, keep doing the old, but get ready for the new. If the company fails to recognize the newly emerging method, its competitors will take over. Quite often these competitors will be a startup that existing companies ignored because what they were doing was not well accepted, and in any event did not appear to challenge the existing business: see "The innovator's dilemma."Gestural, multi-touch interfaces for screen-driven devices and computer games are good examples. Are these a brilliant new innovation? Brilliant? Yes. New? Absolutely not. Multi-touch devices were in research labs for almost three decades before the first successful mass-produced products. I saw gestures demonstrated over two decades ago. New ideas take considerable time to reach success in the marketplace. If an idea is commercialized too soon, the result is usually failure (and a large loss of money).This is precisely what the Apple designer of my opening paragraph had done. What I was shown was a portable computer designed for schoolchildren with a form factor unlike anything I had ever seen before. It was wonderful, and even to my normally critical eye, it looked like a perfect fit for the purpose and audience. Alas, the product got caught in a political fight between warring Apple divisions. Although it was eventually released into the marketplace, the fight crippled its integrity and it was badly executed, badly supported, and badly marketed.The resistance of a company to new innovations is well founded. It is expensive to develop a new product line with unknown profitability. Moreover, existing product divisions will be concerned that the new product will disrupt existing sales (this is called "cannibalization"). These fears are often correct. This is a classic case of what is good for the company being bad for an existing division, which means bad for the promotion and reward opportunities for the existing division. Is it a wonder companies resist? The data clearly show that although a few new innovations are dramatically successful, most fail, often at great expense. It is no wonder that companies are hesitant - resistant - to innovation no matter what their press releases and annual reports claim. To be conservative is to be sensible.The FutureAutomated data-driven processes will slowly make more and more inroads into the space now occupied by human designers. New approaches to computer-generated creativity such as genetic algorithms, knowledge-intensive systems, and others will start taking over the creative aspect of design. This is happening in many other fields, whether it be medical diagnosis or engineering design.We will get more design without designers, but primarily of the enhancement, refinement, and optimization of existing concepts. Even where new creative artificial systems are developed, whether by neural networks, genetic algorithms, or some yet undiscovered method, any new concept will still face the hurdle of overcoming the slow adoption rate of people and of overcoming the complex psychological, social, and political needs of people. T o do this, we need creative designers, creative business people, and risk takers willing to push the boundaries.New ideas will be resisted. Great innovations will come at the cost of multiple great failures.Design without designers? Those who dislike the ambiguity and uncertainty of human judgments, with its uncertain track record and contradictory statements will try to abolish the human element in favor of the certainty that numbers and data appear to offer. But those who want the big gains that creative judgment can produce will follow their own judgment. The first case will bring about the small, continual improvements that have contributed greatly to the increased productivity and lowering of costs of our technologies. The second case will be rewarded with greatfailures and occasional great success. But those great successes will transform the world.不需要设计师的设计唐·诺曼我永远也不会忘记我第一次向人们介绍优秀产品设计的魅力的经历,那时候我刚刚到苹果公司,还在逐渐的学习工作上的事务。
污水处理工业废水回用中英文对照外文翻译文献XXX and resource recovery in us industries。
and they are of significant XXX-catalysis has been well established for water recovery and reuse。
chemo-catalysis is only starting to make an XXX-catalytic processes for water reuse。
XXX.2.Chemo-XXX reuseChemo-XXX。
including XXX。
One of the most promising ns of chemo-XXX。
This process has been shown to be effective in removing COD (chemical oxygen demand) XXX.3.XXX COD removalXXX treatment。
The process involves the use of a XXX can be a metal oxide or a metal complex。
and the oxidizing agent can be hydrogen peroxide。
or XXX mild ns。
and the process is XXX.4.XXXXXX (AOPs) such as XXX。
photo-Fenton n。
and electro-XXX include the use of anic frameworks (MOFs) XXX.5.nIn n。
chemo-catalytic processes。
such as AOPs。
and nanomaterials。
机械类文章翻译案例 中英对照
妙文翻译公司翻译样稿One concept – the whole system for all functions一个概念–具有所有功能的整体系统Power units动力单元The power unit is the heart of the turbine, supplying the power necessary to operate pitch, yaw and braking systems and providing backup in case of power failure, ensuring a safe stop with no risk of damage.Our hydraulic power units are designed with reliabilty, ease of maintenance and a wide operating temperature range in mind.动力单元是风轮机的心脏,为浆距、偏航和制动系统的运行提供必要的电力,并在断电时提供备用措施,保证安全停止,无损坏危险。
Added life寿命增加Parker filtration technology extends the life and increases the reliability of wind turbines by using environmental solutions.In addition to a wide range of hydraulic filters, lube filters and reservoir accessories, Parker offers you the global leader in fluid condition monitoring with the Laser CM portable particle counter.A comprehensive range of quality products to cover all your needs!通过应用环境条件解决方案,Parker过滤技术延长了风轮机的寿命并提高了可靠性。
Foreign material:Chemical Industry1.Origins of the Chemical IndustryAlthough the use of chemicals dates back to the ancient civilizations, the evolution of what we know as the modern chemical industry started much more recently. It may be considered to have begun during the Industrial Revolution, about 1800, and developed to provide chemicals roe use by other industries. Examples are alkali for soapmaking, bleaching powder for cotton, and silica and sodium carbonate for glassmaking. It will be noted that these are all inorganic chemicals. The organic chemicals industry started in the 1860s with the exploitation of William Henry Perkin’s discovery if the first synthetic dyestuff—mauve. At the start of the twentieth century the emphasis on research on the applied aspects of chemistry in Germany had paid off handsomely, and by 1914 had resulted in the German chemical industry having 75% of the world market in chemicals. This was based on the discovery of new dyestuffs plus the development of both the contact process for sulphuric acid and the Haber process for ammonia. The later required a major technological breakthrough that of being able to carry out chemical reactions under conditions of very high pressure for the first time. The experience gained with this was to stand Germany in good stead, particularly with the rapidly increased demand for nitrogen-based compounds (ammonium salts for fertilizers and nitric acid for explosives manufacture) with the outbreak of world warⅠin 1914. This initiated profound changes which continued during the inter-war years (1918-1939).Since 1940 the chemical industry has grown at a remarkable rate, although this has slowed significantly in recent years. The lion’s share of this growth has been in the organic chemicals sector due to the development and growth of the petrochemicals area since 1950s. The explosives growth in petrochemicals in the 1960s and 1970s was largely due to the enormous increase in demand for synthetic polymers such as polyethylene, polypropylene, nylon, polyesters and epoxy resins.The chemical industry today is a very diverse sector of manufacturing industry, within which it plays a central role. It makes thousands of different chemicals whichthe general public only usually encounter as end or consumer products. These products are purchased because they have the required properties which make them suitable for some particular application, e.g. a non-stick coating for pans or a weedkiller. Thus chemicals are ultimately sold for the effects that they produce.2. Definition of the Chemical IndustryAt the turn of the century there would have been little difficulty in defining what constituted the chemical industry since only a very limited range of products was manufactured and these were clearly chemicals, e.g., alkali, sulphuric acid. At present, however, many intermediates to products produced, from raw materials like crude oil through (in some cases) many intermediates to products which may be used directly as consumer goods, or readily converted into them. The difficulty cones in deciding at which point in this sequence the particular operation ceases to be part of the chemical industry’s sphere of activities. To consider a specific example to illustrate this dilemma, emulsion paints may contain poly (vinyl chloride) / poly (vinyl acetate). Clearly, synthesis of vinyl chloride (or acetate) and its polymerization are chemical activities. However, if formulation and mixing of the paint, including the polymer, is carried out by a branch of the multinational chemical company which manufactured the ingredients, is this still part of the chemical industry of does it mow belong in the decorating industry?It is therefore apparent that, because of its diversity of operations and close links in many areas with other industries, there is no simple definition of the chemical industry. Instead each official body which collects and publishes statistics on manufacturing industry will have its definition as to which operations are classified as the chemical industry. It is important to bear this in mind when comparing statistical information which is derived from several sources.3. The Need for Chemical IndustryThe chemical industry is concerned with converting raw materials, such as crude oil, firstly into chemical intermediates and then into a tremendous variety of other chemicals. These are then used to produce consumer products, which make our livesmore comfortable or, in some cases such as pharmaceutical produces, help to maintain our well-being or even life itself. At each stage of these operations value is added to the produce and provided this added exceeds the raw material plus processing costs then a profit will be made on the operation. It is the aim of chemical industry to achieve this.It may seem strange in textbook this one to pose the question “do we need a chemical industry?” However trying to answer this question will provide(ⅰ) an indication of the range of the chemical industry’s activities, (ⅱ) its influence on our lives in everyday terms, and (ⅲ) how great is society’s need for a chemical industry. Our approach in answering the question will be to consider the industry’s co ntribution to meeting and satisfying our major needs. What are these? Clearly food (and drink) and health are paramount. Other which we shall consider in their turn are clothing and (briefly) shelter, leisure and transport.(1)Food. The chemical industry makes a major contribution to food production in at least three ways. Firstly, by making available large quantities of artificial fertilizers which are used to replace the elements (mainly nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) which are removed as nutrients by the growing crops during modern intensive farming. Secondly, by manufacturing crop protection chemicals, i.e., pesticides, which markedly reduce the proportion of the crops consumed by pests. Thirdly, by producing veterinary products which protect livestock from disease or cure their infections.(2)Health. We are all aware of the major contribution which the pharmaceutical sector of the industry has made to help keep us all healthy, e.g. by curing bacterial infections with antibiotics, and even extending life itself, e.g. ß–blockers to lower blood pressure.(3)Clothing. The improvement in properties of modern synthetic fibers over the traditional clothing materials (e.g. cotton and wool) has been quite remarkable. Thus shirts, dresses and suits made from polyesters like Terylene and polyamides like Nylon are crease-resistant, machine-washable, and drip-dry or non-iron. They are also cheaper than natural materials.Parallel developments in the discovery of modern synthetic dyes and the technology to “bond” th em to the fiber has resulted in a tremendous increase in the variety of colors available to the fashion designer. Indeed they now span almost every color and hue of the visible spectrum. Indeed if a suitable shade is not available, structural modification of an existing dye to achieve this canreadily be carried out, provided there is a satisfactory market for the product.Other major advances in this sphere have been in color-fastness, i.e., resistance to the dye being washed out when the garment is cleaned.(4)Shelter, leisure and transport. In terms of shelter the contribution of modern synthetic polymers has been substantial. Plastics are tending to replace traditional building materials like wood because they are lighter, maintenance-free (i.e. they are resistant to weathering and do not need painting). Other polymers, e.g. urea-formaldehyde and polyurethanes, are important insulating materials f or reducing heat losses and hence reducing energy usage.Plastics and polymers have made a considerable impact on leisure activities with applications ranging from all-weather artificial surfaces for athletic tracks, football pitches and tennis courts to nylon strings for racquets and items like golf balls and footballs made entirely from synthetic materials.Like wise the chemical industry’s contribution to transport over the years has led to major improvements. Thus development of improved additives like anti-oxidants and viscosity index improves for engine oil has enabled routine servicing intervals to increase from 3000 to 6000 to 12000 miles. Research and development work has also resulted in improved lubricating oils and greases, and better brake fluids. Yet again the contribution of polymers and plastics has been very striking with the proportion of the total automobile derived from these materials—dashboard, steering wheel, seat padding and covering etc.—now exceeding 40%.So it is quite apparent even from a brief look at the chemical industry’s contribution to meeting our major needs that life in the world would be very different without the products of the industry. Indeed the level of a country’s development may be judged by the production level and sophistication of its chemical industry4. Research and Development (R&D) in Chemical IndustriesOne of the main reasons for the rapid growth of the chemical industry in the developed world has been its great commitment to, and investment in research and development (R&D). A typical figure is 5% of sales income, with this figure being almost doubled for the most research intensive sector, pharmaceuticals. It is important to emphasize that we are quoting percentages here not of profits but of sales income, i.e. the total money received, which has to pay for raw materials, overheads, staff salaries, etc. as well. In the past this tremendous investment has paid off well, leading to many useful and valuable products being introduced to the market. Examplesinclude synthetic polymers like nylons and polyesters, and drugs and pesticides. Although the number of new products introduced to the market has declined significantly in recent years, and in times of recession the research department is usually one of the first to suffer cutbacks, the commitment to R&D remains at a very high level.The chemical industry is a very high technology industry which takes full advantage of the latest advances in electronics and engineering. Computers are very widely used for all sorts of applications, from automatic control of chemical plants, to molecular modeling of structures of new compounds, to the control of analytical instruments in the laboratory.Individual manufacturing plants have capacities ranging from just a few tones per year in the fine chemicals area to the real giants in the fertilizer and petrochemical sectors which range up to 500,000 tonnes. The latter requires enormous capital investment, since a single plant of this size can now cost $520 million! This, coupled with the widespread use of automatic control equipment, helps to explain why the chemical industry is capital-rather than labor-intensive.The major chemical companies are truly multinational and operate their sales and marketing activities in most of the countries of the world, and they also have manufacturing units in a number of countries. This international outlook for operations, or globalization, is a growing trend within the chemical industry, with companies expanding their activities either by erecting manufacturing units in other countries or by taking over companies which are already operating there.化学工业1.化学工业的起源尽管化学品的使用可以追溯到古代文明时代,我们所谓的现代化学工业的发展却是非常近代(才开始的)。
毕业论文中英文资料外文翻译文献附录附录1:英文原文Selection of optimum tool geometry and cutting conditionsusing a surface roughness prediction model for end milling Abstract Influence of tool geometry on the quality of surface produced is well known and hence any attempt to assess the performance of end milling should include the tool geometry. In the present work, experimental studies have been conducted to see the effect of tool geometry (radial rake angle and nose radius) and cutting conditions (cutting speed and feed rate) on the machining performance during end milling of medium carbon steel. The first and second order mathematical models, in terms of machining parameters, were developed for surface roughness prediction using response surface methodology (RSM) on the basis of experimental results. The model selected for optimization has been validated with the Chi square test. The significance of these parameters on surface roughness has been established with analysis of variance. An attempt has also been made to optimize the surface roughness prediction model using genetic algorithms (GA). The GA program gives minimum values of surface roughness and their respective optimal conditions.1 IntroductionEnd milling is one of the most commonly used metal removal operations in industry because of its ability to remove material faster giving reasonably good surface quality. It is used in a variety of manufacturing industries including aerospace and automotive sectors, where quality is an important factor in the production of slots, pockets, precision moulds and dies. Greater attention is given to dimensional accuracy and surface roughness of products by the industry these days. Moreover, surface finish influences mechanical properties such as fatigue behaviour, wear, corrosion, lubrication and electrical conductivity. Thus, measuring and characterizing surface finish can be considered for predicting machining performance.Surface finish resulting from turning operations has traditionally received considerable research attention, where as that of machining processes using multipoint cutters, requires attention by researchers. As these processes involve large number of parameters, it would bedifficult to correlate surface finish with other parameters just by conducting experiments. Modelling helps to understand this kind of process better. Though some amount of work has been carried out to develop surface finish prediction models in the past, the effect of tool geometry has received little attention. However, the radial rake angle has a major affect on the power consumption apart from tangential and radial forces. It also influences chip curling and modifies chip flow direction. In addition to this, researchers [1] have also observed that the nose radius plays a significant role in affecting the surface finish. Therefore the development of a good model should involve the radial rake angle and nose radius along with other relevant factors.Establishment of efficient machining parameters has been a problem that has confronted manufacturing industries for nearly a century, and is still the subject of many studies. Obtaining optimum machining parameters is of great concern in manufacturing industries, where the economy of machining operation plays a key role in the competitive market. In material removal processes, an improper selection of cutting conditions cause surfaces with high roughness and dimensional errors, and it is even possible that dynamic phenomena due to auto excited vibrations may set in [2]. In view of the significant role that the milling operation plays in today’s manufacturing world, there is a need to optimize the machining parameters for this operation. So, an effort has been made in this paper to see the influence of tool geometry(radial rake angle and nose radius) and cutting conditions(cutting speed and feed rate) on the surface finish produced during end milling of medium carbon steel. The experimental results of this work will be used to relate cutting speed, feed rate, radial rake angle and nose radius with the machining response i.e. surface roughness by modelling. The mathematical models thus developed are further utilized to find the optimum process parameters using genetic algorithms.2 ReviewProcess modelling and optimization are two important issues in manufacturing. The manufacturing processes are characterized by a multiplicity of dynamically interacting process variables. Surface finish has been an important factor of machining in predicting performance of any machining operation. In order to develop and optimize a surface roughness model, it is essential to understand the current status of work in this area.Davis et al. [3] have investigated the cutting performance of five end mills having various helix angles. Cutting tests were performed on aluminium alloy L 65 for three milling processes (face, slot and side), in which cutting force, surface roughness and concavity of a machined plane surface were measured. The central composite design was used to decide on the number of experiments to be conducted. The cutting performance of the end mills was assessed usingvariance analysis. The affects of spindle speed, depth of cut and feed rate on the cutting force and surface roughness were studied. The investigation showed that end mills with left hand helix angles are generally less cost effective than those with right hand helix angles. There is no significant difference between up milling and down milling with regard tothe cutting force, although the difference between them regarding the surface roughness was large. Bayoumi et al.[4] have studied the affect of the tool rotation angle, feed rate and cutting speed on the mechanistic process parameters (pressure, friction parameter) for end milling operation with three commercially available workpiece materials, 11 L 17 free machining steel, 62- 35-3 free machining brass and 2024 aluminium using a single fluted HSS milling cutter. It has been found that pressure and friction act on the chip – tool interface decrease with the increase of feed rate and with the decrease of the flow angle, while the cutting speed has a negligible effect on some of the material dependent parameters. Process parameters are summarized into empirical equations as functions of feed rate and tool rotation angle for each work material. However, researchers have not taken into account the effects of cutting conditions and tool geometry simultaneously; besides these studies have not considered the optimization of the cutting process.As end milling is a process which involves a large number f parameters, combined influence of the significant parameters an only be obtained by modelling. Mansour and Abdallaet al. [5] have developed a surface roughness model for the end milling of EN32M (a semi-free cutting carbon case hardening steel with improved merchantability). The mathematical model has been developed in terms of cutting speed, feed rate and axial depth of cut. The affect of these parameters on the surface roughness has been carried out using response surface methodology (RSM). A first order equation covering the speed range of 30–35 m/min and a second order equation covering the speed range of 24–38 m/min were developed under dry machining conditions. Alauddin et al. [6] developed a surface roughness model using RSM for the end milling of 190 BHN steel. First and second order models were constructed along with contour graphs for the selection of the proper combination of cutting speed and feed to increase the metal removal rate without sacrificing surface quality. Hasmi et al. [7] also used the RSM model for assessing the influence of the workpiece material on the surface roughness of the machined surfaces. The model was developed for milling operation by conducting experiments on steel specimens. The expression shows, the relationship between the surface roughness and the various parameters; namely, the cutting speed, feed and depth of cut. The above models have not considered the affect of tool geometry on surface roughness.Since the turn of the century quite a large number of attempts have been made to find optimum values of machining parameters. Uses of many methods have been reported in the literature to solve optimization problems for machining parameters. Jain and Jain [8] have usedneural networks for modeling and optimizing the machining conditions. The results have been validated by comparing the optimized machining conditions obtained using genetic algorithms. Suresh et al. [9] have developed a surface roughness prediction model for turning mild steel using a response surface methodology to produce the factor affects of the individual process parameters. They have also optimized the turning process using the surface roughness prediction model as the objective function. Considering the above, an attempt has been made in this work to develop a surface roughness model with tool geometry and cutting conditions on the basis of experimental results and then optimize it for the selection of these parameters within the given constraints in the end milling operation.3 MethodologyIn this work, mathematical models have been developed using experimental results with the help of response surface methodolog y. The purpose of developing mathematical models relating the machining responses and their factors is to facilitate the optimization of the machining process. This mathematical model has been used as an objective function and the optimization was carried out with the help of genetic algorithms.3.1 Mathematical formulationResponse surface methodology(RSM) is a combination of mathematical and statistical techniques useful for modelling and analyzing the problems in which several independent variables influence a dependent variable or response. The mathematical models commonly used are represented by:where Y is the machining response, ϕ is the response function and S, f , α, r are milling variables and ∈is the error which is normally distributed about the observed response Y with zero mean.The relationship between surface roughness and other independent variables can be represented as follows,where C is a constant and a, b, c and d are exponents.To facilitate the determination of constants and exponents, this mathematical model will have to be linearized by performing a logarithmic transformation as follows:The constants and exponents C, a, b, c and d can be determined by the method of least squares. The first order linear model, developed from the above functional relationship using least squares method, can be represented as follows:where Y1 is the estimated response based on the first-order equation, Y is the measured surface roughness on a logarithmic scale, x0 = 1 (dummy variable), x1, x2, x3 and x4 are logarithmic transformations of cutting speed, feed rate, radial rake angle and nose radiusrespectively, ∈is the experimental error and b values are the estimates of corresponding parameters.The general second order polynomial response is as given below:where Y2 is the estimated response based on the second order equation. The parameters, i.e. b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b12, b23, b14, etc. are to be estimated by the method of least squares. Validity of the selected model used for optimizing the process parameters has been tested with the help of statistical tests, such as F-test, chi square test, etc. [10].3.2 Optimization using genetic algorithmsMost of the researchers have used traditional optimization techniques for solving machining problems. The traditional methods of optimization and search do not fare well over a broad spectrum of problem domains. Traditional techniques are not efficient when the practical search space is too large. These algorithms are not robust. They are inclined to obtain a local optimal solution. Numerous constraints and number of passes make the machining optimization problem more complicated. So, it was decided to employ genetic algorithms as an optimization technique. GA come under the class of non-traditional search and optimization techniques. GA are different from traditional optimization techniques in the following ways:1.GA work with a coding of the parameter set, not the parameter themselves.2.GA search from a population of points and not a single point.3.GA use information of fitness function, not derivatives or other auxiliary knowledge.4.GA use probabilistic transition rules not deterministic rules.5.It is very likely that the expected GA solution will be the global solution.Genetic algorithms (GA) form a class of adaptive heuristics based on principles derived from the dynamics of natural population genetics. The searching process simulates the natural evaluation of biological creatures and turns out to be an intelligent exploitation of a random search. The mechanics of a GA is simple, involving copying of binary strings. Simplicity of operation and computational efficiency are the two main attractions of the genetic algorithmic approach. The computations are carried out in three stages to get a result in one generation or iteration. The three stages are reproduction, crossover and mutation.In order to use GA to solve any problem, the variable is typically encoded into a string (binary coding) or chromosome structure which represents a possible solution to the given problem. GA begin with a population of strings (individuals) created at random. The fitness of each individual string is evaluated with respect to the given objective function. Then this initial population is operated on by three main operators – reproduction cross over and mutation– to create, hopefully, a better population. Highly fit individuals or solutions are given theopportunity to reproduce by exchanging pieces of their genetic information, in the crossover procedure, with other highly fit individuals. This produces new “offspring” solutions, which share some characteristics taken from both the parents. Mutation is often applied after crossover by altering some genes (i.e. bits) in the offspring. The offspring can either replace the whole population (generational approach) or replace less fit individuals (steady state approach). This new population is further evaluated and tested for some termination criteria. The reproduction-cross over mutation- evaluation cycle is repeated until the termination criteria are met.4 Experimental detailsFor developing models on the basis of experimental data, careful planning of experimentation is essential. The factors considered for experimentation and analysis were cutting speed, feed rate, radial rake angle and nose radius.4.1 Experimental designThe design of experimentation has a major affect on the number of experiments needed. Therefore it is essential to have a well designed set of experiments. The range of values of each factor was set at three different levels, namely low, medium and high as shown in Table 1. Based on this, a total number of 81 experiments (full factorial design), each having a combination of different levels of factors, as shown in Table 2, were carried out.The variables were coded by taking into account the capacity and limiting cutting conditions of the milling machine. The coded values of variables, to be used in Eqs. 3 and 4, were obtained from the following transforming equations:where x1 is the coded value of cutting speed (S), x2 is the coded value of the feed rate ( f ), x3 is the coded value of radial rake angle(α) and x4 is the coded value of nose radius (r).4.2 ExperimentationA high precision ‘Rambaudi Rammatic 500’ CNC milling machine, with a vertical milling head, was used for experimentation. The control system is a CNC FIDIA-12 compact. The cutting tools, used for the experimentation, were solid coated carbide end mill cutters of different radial rake angles and nose radii (WIDIA: DIA20 X FL38 X OAL 102 MM). The tools are coated with TiAlN coating. The hardness, density and transverse rupture strength are 1570 HV 30, 14.5 gm/cm3 and 3800 N/mm2 respectively.AISI 1045 steel specimens of 100×75 mm and 20 mm thickness were used in the present study. All the specimens were annealed, by holding them at 850 ◦C for one hour and then cooling them in a furnace. The chemical analysis of specimens is presented in Table 3. Thehardness of the workpiece material is 170 BHN. All the experiments were carried out at a constant axial depth of cut of 20 mm and a radial depth of cut of 1 mm. The surface roughness (response) was measured with Talysurf-6 at a 0.8 mm cut-off value. An average of four measurements was used as a response value.5 Results and discussionThe influences of cutting speed, feed rate, radial rake angle and nose radius have been assessed by conducting experiments. The variation of machining response with respect to the variables was shown graphically in Fig. 1. It is seen from these figures that of the four dependent parameters, radial rake angle has definite influence on the roughness of the surface machined using an end mill cutter. It is felt that the prominent influence of radial rake angle on the surface generation could be due to the fact that any change in the radial rake angle changes the sharpness of the cutting edge on the periphery, i.e changes the contact length between the chip and workpiece surface. Also it is evident from the plots that as the radial rake angle changes from 4◦to 16◦, the surface roughness decreases and then increases. Therefore, it may be concluded here that the radial rake angle in the range of 4◦to 10◦would give a better surface finish. Figure 1 also shows that the surface roughness decreases first and then increases with the increase in the nose radius. This shows that there is a scope for finding the optimum value of the radial rake angle and nose radius for obtaining the best possible quality of the surface. It was also found that the surface roughness decreases with an increase in cutting speed and increases as feed rate increases. It could also be observed that the surface roughness was a minimum at the 250 m/min speed, 200 mm/min feed rate, 10◦radial rake angle and 0.8 mm nose radius. In order to understand the process better, the experimental results can be used to develop mathematical models using RSM. In this work, a commercially available mathematical software package (MATLAB) was used for the computation of the regression of constants and exponents.5.1 The roughness modelUsing experimental results, empirical equations have been obtained to estimate surface roughness with the significant parameters considered for the experimentation i.e. cutting speed, feed rate, radial rake angle and nose radius. The first order model obtained from the above functional relationship using the RSM method is as follows:The transformed equation of surface roughness prediction is as follows:Equation 10 is derived from Eq. 9 by substituting the coded values of x1, x2, x3 and x4 in termsof ln s, ln f , lnαand ln r. The analysis of the variance (ANOV A) and the F-ratio test have been performed to justify the accuracy of the fit for the mathematical model. Since the calculated values of the F-ratio are less than the standard values of the F-ratio for surface roughness as shown in Table 4, the model is adequate at 99% confidence level to represent the relationship between the machining response and the considered machining parameters of the end milling process.The multiple regression coefficient of the first order model was found to be 0.5839. This shows that the first order model can explain the variation in surface roughness to the extent of 58.39%. As the first order model has low predictability, the second order model has been developed to see whether it can represent better or not.The second order surface roughness model thus developed is as given below:where Y2 is the estimated response of the surface roughness on a logarithmic scale, x1, x2, x3 and x4 are the logarithmic transformation of speed, feed, radial rake angle and nose radius. The data of analysis of variance for the second order surface roughness model is shown in Table 5.Since F cal is greater than F0.01, there is a definite relationship between the response variable and independent variable at 99% confidence level. The multiple regression coefficient of the second order model was found to be 0.9596. On the basis of the multiple regression coefficient (R2), it can be concluded that the second order model was adequate to represent this process. Hence the second order model was considered as an objective function for optimization using genetic algorithms. This second order model was also validated using the chi square test. The calculated chi square value of the model was 0.1493 and them tabulated value at χ2 0.005 is 52.34, as shown in Table 6, which indicates that 99.5% of the variability in surface roughness was explained by this model.Using the second order model, the surface roughness of the components produced by end milling can be estimated with reasonable accuracy. This model would be optimized using genetic algorithms (GA).5.2 The optimization of end millingOptimization of machining parameters not only increases the utility for machining economics, but also the product quality toa great extent. In this context an effort has been made to estimate the optimum tool geometry and machining conditions to produce the best possible surface quality within the constraints.The constrained optimization problem is stated as follows: Minimize Ra using the model given here:where xil and xiu are the upper and lower bounds of process variables xi and x1, x2, x3, x4 are logarithmic transformation of cutting speed, feed, radial rake angle and nose radius.The GA code was developed using MATLAB. This approach makes a binary coding system to represent the variables cutting speed (S), feed rate ( f ), radial rake angle (α) and nose radius (r), i.e. each of these variables is represented by a ten bit binary equivalent, limiting the total string length to 40. It is known as a chromosome. The variables are represented as genes (substrings) in the chromosome. The randomly generated 20 such chromosomes (population size is 20), fulfilling the constraints on the variables, are taken in each generation. The first generation is called the initial population. Once the coding of the variables has been done, then the actual decoded values for the variables are estimated using the following formula: where xi is the actual decoded value of the cutting speed, feed rate, radial rake angle and nose radius, x(L) i is the lower limit and x(U) i is the upper limit and li is the substring length, which is equal to ten in this case.Using the present generation of 20 chromosomes, fitness values are calculated by the following transformation:where f(x) is the fitness function and Ra is the objective function.Out of these 20 fitness values, four are chosen using the roulette-wheel selection scheme. The chromosomes corresponding to these four fitness values are taken as parents. Then the crossover and mutation reproduction methods are applied to generate 20 new chromosomes for the next generation. This processof generating the new population from the old population is called one generation. Many such generations are run till the maximum number of generations is met or the average of four selected fitness values in each generation becomes steady. This ensures that the optimization of all the variables (cutting speed, feed rate, radial rake angle and nose radius) is carried out simultaneously. The final statistics are displayed at the end of all iterations. In order to optimize the present problem using GA, the following parameters have been selected to obtain the best possible solution with the least computational effort: Table 7 shows some of the minimum values of the surface roughness predicted by the GA program with respect to input machining ranges, and Table 8 shows the optimum machining conditions for the corresponding minimum values of the surface roughness shown in Table 7. The MRR given in Table 8 was calculated bywhere f is the table feed (mm/min), aa is the axial depth of cut (20 mm) and ar is the radial depth of cut (1 mm).It can be concluded from the optimization results of the GA program that it is possible toselect a combination of cutting speed, feed rate, radial rake angle and nose radius for achieving the best possible surface finish giving a reasonably good material removal rate. This GA program provides optimum machining conditions for the corresponding given minimum values of the surface roughness. The application of the genetic algorithmic approach to obtain optimal machining conditions will be quite useful at the computer aided process planning (CAPP) stage in the production of high quality goods with tight tolerances by a variety of machining operations, and in the adaptive control of automated machine tools. With the known boundaries of surface roughness and machining conditions, machining could be performed with a relatively high rate of success with the selected machining conditions.6 ConclusionsThe investigations of this study indicate that the parameters cutting speed, feed, radial rake angle and nose radius are the primary actors influencing the surface roughness of medium carbon steel uring end milling. The approach presented in this paper provides n impetus to develop analytical models, based on experimental results for obtaining a surface roughness model using the response surface methodology. By incorporating the cutter geometry in the model, the validity of the model has been enhanced. The optimization of this model using genetic algorithms has resulted in a fairly useful method of obtaining machining parameters in order to obtain the best possible surface quality.中文翻译选择最佳工具,几何形状和切削条件利用表面粗糙度预测模型端铣摘要:刀具几何形状对工件表面质量产生的影响是人所共知的,因此,任何成型面端铣设计应包括刀具的几何形状。
中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)英文:High-speed millingHigh-speed machining is an advanced manufacturing technology, different from the traditional processing methods. The spindle speed, cutting feed rate, cutting a small amount of units within the time of removal of material has increased three to six times. With high efficiency, high precision and high quality surface as the basic characteristics of the automobile industry, aerospace, mold manufacturing and instrumentation industry, such as access to a wide range of applications, has made significant economic benefits, is the contemporary importance of advanced manufacturing technology. For a long time, people die on the processing has been using a grinding or milling EDM (EDM) processing, grinding, polishing methods. Although the high hardness of the EDM machine parts, but the lower the productivity of its application is limited. With the development of high-speed processing technology, used to replace high-speed cutting, grinding and polishing process to die processing has become possible. To shorten the processing cycle, processing and reliable quality assurance, lower processing costs.1 One of the advantages of high-speed machiningHigh-speed machining as a die-efficient manufacturing, high-quality, low power consumption in an advanced manufacturing technology. In conventional machining in a series of problems has plagued by high-speed machining of the application have been resolved.1.1 Increase productivityHigh-speed cutting of the spindle speed, feed rate compared withtraditional machining, in the nature of the leap, the metal removal rate increased 30 percent to 40 percent, cutting force reducedby 30 percent, the cutting tool life increased by 70% . Hardened parts can be processed, a fixture in many parts to be completed rough, semi-finishing and fine, and all other processes, the complex can reach parts of the surface quality requirements, thus increasing the processing productivity and competitiveness of products in the market.1.2 Improve processing accuracy and surface qualityHigh-speed machines generally have high rigidity and precision, and other characteristics, processing, cutting the depth of small, fast and feed, cutting force low, the workpiece to reduce heat distortion, and high precision machining, surface roughness small. Milling will be no high-speed processing and milling marks the surface so that the parts greatly enhance the quality of the surface. Processing Aluminum when up Ra0.40.6um, pieces of steel processing at up to Ra0.2 ~ 0.4um.1.3 Cutting reduce the heatBecause the main axis milling machine high-speed rotation, cutting a shallow cutting, and feed very quickly, and the blade length of the workpiece contacts and contact time is very short, a decrease of blades and parts of the heat conduction. High-speed cutting by dry milling or oil cooked up absolute (mist) lubrication system, to avoid the traditional processing tool in contact with the workpiece and a lot of shortcomings to ensure that the tool is not high temperature under the conditions of work, extended tool life.1.4 This is conducive to processing thin-walled partsHigh-speed cutting of small cutting force, a higher degree of stability, Machinable with high-quality employees compared to the company may be very good, but other than the company's employees may Suanbu Le outstanding work performance. For our China practice, we use the models to determine the method of staff training needs are simple and effective. This study models can be an external object, it can also be a combination of internal and external. We must first clear strategy for the development of enterprises. Through the internal and external business environment and organizational resources, such as analysis, the future development of a clear business goals and operational priorities. According to the business development strategy can be compared to find the business models, through a comparative analysis of the finalization of business models. In determining business models, a, is the understanding of its development strategy, or its market share and market growth rate, or the staff of the situation, and so on, according to the companies to determine the actual situation. As enterprises in different period of development, its focus is different, which means that enterprises need to invest the manpower and financial resources the focus is different. So in a certain period of time, enterprises should accurately selected their business models compared with the departments and posts, so more practical significance, because the business models are not always good, but to compare some aspects did not have much practical significance, Furthermore This can more fully concentrate onthe business use of limited resources. Identify business models, and then take the enterprise of the corresponding departments and staff with the business models for comparison, the two can be found in the performance gap, a comparative analysis to find reasons, in accordance with this business reality, the final identification of training needs. The cost of training is needed, if not through an effective way to determine whether companies need to train and the training of the way, but blind to training, such training is difficult to achieve the desired results. A comparison only difference between this model is simple and practical training.1.5 Can be part of some alternative technology, such as EDM, grinding high intensity and high hardness processingHigh-speed cutting a major feature of high-speed cutting machine has the hardness of HRC60 parts. With the use of coated carbide cutter mold processing, directly to the installation of a hardened tool steel processing forming, effectively avoid the installation of several parts of the fixture error and improve the parts of the geometric location accuracy. In the mold of traditional processing, heat treatment hardening of the workpiece required EDM, high-speed machining replace the traditional method of cutting the processing, manufacturing process possible to omit die in EDM, simplifying the processing technology and investment costs .High-speed milling in the precincts of CNC machine tools, or for processing centre, also in the installation of high-speed spindle on the general machine tools. The latter not only has the processing capacity of general machine tools, but also for high-speed milling, a decrease of investment in equipment, machine tools increased flexibility. Cutting high-speed processing can improve the efficiency, quality improvement, streamline processes, investment and machine tool investment and maintenance costs rise, but comprehensive, can significantly increase economic efficiency.2 High-speed millingHigh-speed milling the main technical high-speed cutting technology is cutting the development direction of one of it with CNC technology, microelectronic technology, new materials and new technology, such as technology development to a higher level. High-speed machine tools and high-speed tool to achieve high-speed cutting is the prerequisite and basic conditions, in high-speed machining in the performance of high-speed machine tool material of choice and there are strict requirements.2.1 High-speed milling machine in order to achieve high-speed machiningGeneral use of highly flexible high-speed CNC machine tools, machining centers, and some use a dedicated high-speed milling, drilling. At the same time a high-speed machine tool spindle system and high-speed feeding system, high stiffness of the main characteristics of high-precision targeting and high-precision interpolation functions, especially high-precision arc interpolation function. High-speed machining systems of the machine a higher demand, mainly in the followingareas:General use of highly flexible high-speed CNC machine tools, machining centers, and some use a dedicated high-speed milling, drilling. At the same time a high-speed machine tool spindle system and high-speed feeding system, high stiffness of the main characteristics of high-precision targeting and high-precision interpolation functions, especially high-precision arc interpolation function. High-speed machining systems of the machine a higher demand, mainly in the following areas:High-speed milling machine must have a high-speed spindle, the spindle speed is generally 10000 ~ 100000 m / min, power greater than 15 kW. But also with rapid speed or in designated spots fast-stopping performance. The main axial space not more than 0 .0 0 0 2 m m. Often using high-speed spindle-hydrostatic bearings, air pressure-bearing, mixed ceramic bearings, magnetic bearing structure of the form. Spindle cooling general use within the water or air cooled.High-speed processing machine-driven system should be able to provide 40 ~ 60 m / min of the feed rate, with good acceleration characteristics, can provide 0.4 m/s2 to 10 m/s2 acceleration and deceleration. In order to obtain good processing quality, high-speed cutting machines must have a high enough stiffness. Machine bed material used gray iron, can also add a high-damping base of concrete, to prevent cutting tool chatter affect the quality of processing. A high-speed data transfer rate, can automatically increase slowdown. Processing technology to improve the processing and cutting tool life. At present high-speed machine tool manufacturers, usually in the general machine tools on low speed, the feed of the rough and then proceed to heat treatment, the last in the high-speed machine on the half-finished and finished, in improving the accuracy and efficiency at the same time, as far as possible to reduce processing Cost.2.2 High-speed machining toolHigh-speed machining tool is the most active one of the important factors, it has a direct impact on the efficiency of processing, manufacturing costs and product processing and accuracy. Tool in high-speed processing to bear high temperature, high pressure, friction, shock and vibration, such as loading, its hardness and wear-resistance, strength and toughness, heat resistance, technology and economic performance of the basic high-speed processing performance is the key One of the factors. High-speed cutting tool technology development speed, the more applications such as diamond (PCD), cubic boron nitride (CBN), ceramic knives, carbide coating, (C) titanium nitride Carbide TIC (N) And so on. CBN has high hardness, abrasion resistance and the extremely good thermal conductivity, and iron group elements between the great inertia, in 1300 ℃ would not have happened significant role in the chemical, also has a good stability. The experiments show that with CBN cutting toolHRC35 ~ 67 hardness of hardened steel can achieve very high speed. Ceramics have good wear resistance and thermal chemical stability, its hardness, toughness below the CBN, can be used for processing hardness of HRC <5 0 parts. Carbide Tool good wear resistance, but thehardness than the low-CBN and ceramics. Coating technology used knives, cutting tools can improve hardness and cutting the rate, for cutting HRC40 ~ 50 in hardness between the workpiece. Can be used to heat-resistant alloys, titanium alloys, hightemperature alloy, cast iron, Chungang, aluminum and composite materials of high-speed cutting Cut, the most widely used. Precision machining non-ferrous metals or non-metallic materials, or the choice of polycrystalline diamond Gang-coated tool.2.3 High-speed processing technologyHigh-speed cutting technology for high-speed machining is the key. Cutting Methods misconduct, will increase wear tool to less than high-speed processing purposes. Only high-speed machine tool and not a good guide technology, high-speed machining equipment can not fully play its role. In high-speed machining, should be chosen with milling, when the milling cutter involvement with the workpiece chip thickness as the greatest, and then gradually decreased. High-speed machining suitable for shallow depth of cut, cutting depth of not more than 0.2 mm, to avoid the location of deviation tool to ensure that the geometric precision machining parts. Ensure that the workpiece on the cutting constant load, to get good processing quality. Cutting a single high-speed milling path-cutting mode, try not to interrupt the process and cutting tool path, reducing the involvement tool to cut the number to be relatively stable cutting process. Tool to reduce the rapid change to, in other words when the NC machine tools must cease immediately, or Jiangsu, and then implement the next step. As the machine tool acceleration restrictions, easy to cause a waste of time, and exigency stop or radical move would damage the surface accuracy. In the mold of high-speed finishing, in each Cut, cut to the workpiece, the feed should try to change the direction of a curve or arc adapter, avoid a straight line adapter to maintain the smooth process of cutting.3 Die in high-speed milling processing ofMilling as a highly efficient high-speed cutting of the new method,inMould Manufacturing has been widely used. Forging links in the regular production model, with EDM cavity to be 12 ~ 15 h, electrodes produced 2 h. Milling after the switch to high-speed, high-speed milling cutter on the hardness of HRC 6 0 hardened tool steel processing. The forging die processing only 3 h20min, improve work efficiency four to five times the processing surface roughness of Ra0.5 ~ 0.6m, fully in line with quality requirements.High-speed cutting technology is cutting technology one of the major developments, mainly used in automobile industry and die industry, particularly in the processing complex surface, the workpiece itself or knives rigid requirements of the higher processing areas, is a range of advanced processing technology The integration, high efficiency and high quality for the people respected. It not only involves high-speed processing technology, but also including high-speed processing machine tools, numerical control system, high-speed cutting tools and CAD / CAMtechnology. Die-processing technology has been developed in the mold of the manufacturing sector in general, and in my application and the application of the standards have yet to be improved, because of its traditional processing with unparalleled advantages, the future will continue to be an inevitable development of processing technology Direction.4 Numerical control technology and equipping development trend and countermeasureEquip the engineering level, level of determining the whole national economy of the modernized degree and modernized degree of industry, numerical control technology is it develop new developing new high-tech industry and most advanced industry to equip (such as information technology and his industry, biotechnology and his industry, aviation, spaceflight, etc. national defense industry) last technology and getting more basic most equipment. Marx has ever said "the differences of different economic times, do not lie in what is produced, and lie in how to produce, produce with some means of labor ". Manufacturing technology and equipping the most basic means of production that are that the mankind produced the activity, and numerical control technology is nowadays advanced manufacturing technology and equips the most central technology. Nowadays the manufacturing industry all around the world adopts numerical control technology extensively, in order to improve manufacturing capacity and level, improve the adaptive capacity and competitive power to the changeable market of the trends. In addition every industrially developed country in the world also classifies the technology and numerical control equipment of numerical control as the strategic materials of the country, not merely take the great measure to develop one's own numerical control technology and industry, and implement blockading and restrictive policy to our country in view of " high-grade, precision and advanced key technology of numerical control " and equipping. In a word, develop the advanced manufacturing technology taking numerical control technology as the core and already become every world developed country and accelerate economic development in a more cost-effective manner, important way to improve the overall national strength and national position. Numerical control technology is the technology controlled to mechanical movement and working course with digital information, integrated products of electromechanics that the numerical control equipment is the new technology represented by numerical control technology forms to the manufacture industry of the tradition and infiltration of the new developing manufacturing industry, namely the so-called digitization is equipped, its technological range covers a lot of fields: (1)Mechanical manufacturing technology; (2)Information processing, processing, transmission technology; (3)Automatic control technology; (4)Servo drive technology;(5)Technology of the sensor; (6)Software engineering ,etc..Development trend of a numerical control technologyThe application of numerical control technology has not only brought the revolutionary change to manufacturing industry of the tradition, make the manufacturing industry become the industrialized symbol , and with the constant development of numerical control technology andenlargement of the application, the development of some important trades (IT , automobile , light industry , medical treatment ,etc. ) to the national economy and the people's livelihood of his plays a more and more important role, because the digitization that these trades needed to equip has already been the main trend of modern development. Numerical control technology in the world at present and equipping the development trend to see, there is the following several respect [1- ] in its main research focus.5 A high-speed, high finish machining technology and new trend equippedThe efficiency, quality are subjavanufacturing technology. High-speed, high finish machining technology can raise the efficiency greatly , improve the quality and grade of the products, shorten production cycle and improve the market competitive power. Japan carries the technological research association first to classify it as one of the 5 great modern manufacturing technologies for this, learn (CIRP) to confirm it as the centre in the 21st century and study one of the directions in international production engineering.In the field of car industry, produce one second when beat such as production of 300,000 / vehicle per year, and many variety process it is car that equip key problem that must be solved one of; In the fields of aviation and aerospace industry, spare parts of its processing are mostly the thin wall and thin muscle, rigidity is very bad, the material is aluminium or aluminium alloy, only in a situation that cut the speed and cut strength very small high, could process these muscles, walls. Adopt large-scale whole aluminium alloy method that blank " pay empty " make the wing recently, such large-scale parts as the fuselage ,etc. come to substitute a lot of parts to assemble through numerous rivet , screw and other connection way, make the intensity , rigidity and dependability of the component improved. All these, to processing and equipping the demand which has proposed high-speed, high precise and high flexibility.According to EMO2001 exhibition situation, high-speed machining center is it give speed can reach 80m/min is even high , air transport competent speed can up to 100m/min to be about to enter. A lot of automobile factories in the world at present, including Shanghai General Motors Corporation of our country, have already adopted and substituted and made the lathe up with the production line part that the high-speed machining center makes up. HyperMach lathe of U.S.A. CINCINNATI Company enters to nearly biggest 60m/min of speed, it is 100m/min to be fast, the acceleration reaches 2g, the rotational speed of the main shaft has already reached 60 000r/min. Processing a thin wall of plane parts, spend 30min only, and same part general at a high speed milling machine process and take 3h, the ordinary milling machine is being processed to need 8h; The speed and acceleration of main shaft of dual main shaft lathes of Germany DMG Company are up to 120000r/mm and 1g.In machining accuracy, the past 10 years, ordinary progression accuse of machining accuracy of lathe bring 5μm up to from 10μm already, accurate grades of machining center from 3~5μm, rise to 1~1.5μm, and ultrap recision machining accuracy is it enter nanometer grade to begin already(0.01μm).In dependability, MTBF value of the foreign numerical control device has already reached above 6 000h, MTBF value of the servo system reaches above 30000h, demonstrate very high dependability .In order to realize high-speed, high finish machining, if the part of function related to it is electric main shaft, straight line electrical machinery get fast development, the application is expanded further .5.2 Link and process and compound to process the fast development of the lathe in 5 axesAdopt 5 axles to link the processing of the three-dimensional curved surface part, can cut with the best geometry form of the cutter , not only highly polished, but also efficiency improves by a large margin . It is generally acknowledged, the efficiency of an 5 axle gear beds can equal 2 3 axle gear beds, is it wait for to use the cubic nitrogen boron the milling cutter of ultra hard material is milled and pared at a high speed while quenching the hard steel part, 5 axles link and process 3 constant axles to link and process and give play to higher benefit. Because such reasons as complicated that 5 axles link the numerical control system , host computer structure that but go over, it is several times higher that its price links the numerical control lathe than 3 axles , in addition the technological degree of difficulty of programming is relatively great, have restricted the development of 5 axle gear beds.At present because of electric appearance of main shaft, is it realize 5 axle complex main shaft hair structure processed to link greatly simplify to make, it makes degree of difficulty and reducing by a large margin of the cost, the price disparity of the numerical control system shrinks. So promoted 5 axle gear beds of head of complex main shaft and compound to process the development of the lathe (process the lathe including 5).At EMO2001 exhibition, new Japanese 5 of worker machine process lathe adopt complex main shaft hair, can realize the processing of 4 vertical planes and processing of the wanton angle, make 5 times process and 5 axles are processed and can be realized on the same lathe, can also realize the inclined plane and pour the processing of the hole of awls. Germany DMG Company exhibits the DMUVoution series machining center, but put and insert and put processing and 5 axles 5 times to link and process in once, can be controlled by CNC system or CAD/CAM is controlled directly or indirectly.5.3 Become the main trend of systematic development of contemporary numerical control intelligently, openly, networkedly.The numerical control equipment in the 21st century will be sure the intelligent system, the intelligent content includes all respects in the numerical control system: It is intelligent in order to pursue the efficiency of processing and process quality, control such as the self-adaptation of the processing course, the craft parameter is produced automatically; Join the convenient one in order to improve the performance of urging and use intelligently, if feedforward control , adaptiveoperation , electrical machinery of parameter , discern load select models , since exactly makes etc. automatically; The ones that simplified programming , simplified operating aspect are intelligent, for instance intelligent automatic programming , intelligent man-machine interface ,etc.; There are content of intelligence diagnose , intelligent monitoring , diagnosis convenient to be systematic and maintaining ,etc..Produce the existing problem for the industrialization of solving the traditional numerical control system sealing and numerical control application software. A lot of countries carry on research to the open numerical control system at present, such as NGC of U.S.A. (The Next Generation Work-Station/Machine Control), OSACA of European Community (Open System Architecture for Control within Automation Systems), OSEC (Open System Environment for Controller) of Japan, ONC (Open Numerical Control System) of China, etc.. The numerical control system melts to become the future way of the numerical control system open. The so-called open numerical control system is the development of the numerical control system can be on unified operation platform, face the lathe producer and end user, through changing, increasing or cutting out the structure target(numerical control function), form the serration, and can use users specially conveniently and the technical know-how is integrated in the control system, realize the open numerical control system of different variety , different grade fast, form leading brand products with distinct distinction. System structure norm of the open numerical control system at present, communication norm , disposing norm , operation platform , numerical control systematic function storehouse and numerical control systematic function software development ,etc. are the core of present research.The networked numerical control equipment is a new light spot of the fair of the internationally famous lathe in the past two years. Meeting production line , manufacture system , demand for the information integration of manufacturing company networkedly greatly of numerical control equipment, realize new manufacture mode such as quick make , fictitious enterprise , basic Entrance that the whole world make too. Some domestic and international famous numerical control lathes and systematic manufacturing companies of numerical control have all introduced relevant new concepts and protons of a machine in the past two years, if in EMO2001 exhibition, " Cyber Production Center " that the company exhibits of mountain rugged campstool gram in Japan (Mazak) (intellectual central production control unit, abbreviated as CPC); The lathe company of Japanese big Wei (Okuma ) exhibits " IT plaza " (the information technology square , is abbreviated as IT square ); Open Manufacturing Environment that the company exhibits of German Siemens (Siemens ) (open the manufacturing environment, abbreviated as OME),etc., have reflected numerical control machine tooling to the development trend of networked direction.5.4 Pay attention to the new technical standard, normal setting-up5.4.1 Design the norm of developing about the numerical control systemAs noted previously, there are better common ability, flexibility, adaptability, expanding in theopen numerical control system, such countries as U.S.A. ,European Community and Japan ,etc. implement the strategic development plan one after another , carry on the research and formulation of the systematic norm (OMAC , OSACA , OSEC ) of numerical control of the open system structure, 3 biggest economies in the world have carried on the formulation that nearly the same science planned and standardized in a short time, have indicated a new arrival of period of change of numerical control technology. Our country started the research and formulation of standardizing the frame of ONC numerical control system of China too in 2000.5.4.2 About the numerical control standardThe numerical control standard is a kind of trend of information-based development of manufacturing industry. Information exchange among 50 years after numerical control technology was born was all because of ISO6983 standard, namely adopt G, M code describes how processes, its essential characteristic faces the processing course, obviously, he can't meet high-speed development of modern numerical control technology's needs more and more already. For this reason, studying and making a kind of new CNC system standard ISO14649 (STEP-NC) in the world, its purpose is to offer a kind of neutral mechanism not depending on the concrete system, can describe the unified data model in cycle of whole life of the products, thus realize the whole manufacture process, standardization of and even each industrial field product information.The appearance of STEP-NC may be a revolution of the technological field of the numerical control, on the development and even the whole manufacturing industry of numerical control technology, will exert a far-reaching influence. First of all, STEP-NC puts forward a kind of brand-new manufacture idea, in the traditional manufacture idea, NC processes the procedures to all concentrate on individual computer. Under the new standard, NC procedure can be dispersed on Internet, this is exactly a direction of open , networked development of numerical control technology. Secondly, STEP-NC numerical control system can also reduce and process the drawing (about 75%), process the procedure to work out the time (about 35%) and process the time (about 50%) greatly.At present, American-European countries pay much attention to the research of STEP-NC, Europe initiates IMS plan (1999.1.1-2001.12.3) of STEP-NC. 20 CAD/CAM/CAPP/CNC users, manufacturers and academic organizations from Europe and Japan participated in this plan. STEP Tools Company of U.S.A. is a developer of the data interchange software of manufacturing industry in the global range, he has already developed the super model (Super Model ) which accuses of information exchange of machine tooling by counting, its goal is to describe all processing courses with the unified norm. Such new data interchange form has already been verified in allocating the SIEMENS, FIDIA and European OSACA-NC numerical control at present.6 pairs of basic estimations of technology and industry development of numerical control of our country。
化工 外文翻译模板
毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学院:机械工程学院专业班级:机械设计制造及其自动化 G机械132 学生姓名:孙铷学号: 2013150075指导教师:訾克明(副教授) 外文出处:Biotechnology Reports 3(2014)99-107附件:1.外文资料翻译译文; 2.外文原文在双螺杆挤出机中酶法水解预处理后的玉米穗轴蒸汽爆炸残留物Jun Zhenga ,Kim Chooa,b ,Chris Bradtc ,Rick Lehouxc ,Lars Rehmanna, *A 化学工程与生物工程系,西安大略大学,里士满1151街,伦敦,在N6A 3K7。
B 加拿大莱姆顿学院,1457街,伦敦路,在N7S 6K4。
此外,玉米芯具有产生约8000Btu / lb的高热值(HHV)。
High-speed millingHigh-speed machining is an advanced manufacturing technology, different from the traditional processing methods. The spindle speed, cutting feed rate, cutting a small amount of units within the time of removal of material has increased three to six times. With high efficiency, high precision and high quality surface as the basic characteristics of the automobile industry, aerospace, mold manufacturing and instrumentation industry, such as access to a wide range of applications, has made significant economic benefits, is the contemporary importance of advanced manufacturing technology. For a long time, people die on the processing has been using a grinding or milling EDM (EDM) processing, grinding, polishing methods. Although the high hardness of the EDM machine parts, but the lower the productivity of its application is limited. With the development of high-speed processing technology, used to replace high-speed cutting, grinding and polishing process to die processing has become possible. To shorten the processing cycle, processing and reliable quality assurance, lower processing costs.1 One of the advantages of high-speed machiningHigh-speed machining as a die-efficient manufacturing, high-quality, low power consumption in an advanced manufacturing technology. In conventional machining in a series of problems has plagued by high-speed machining of the application have been resolved.1.1 Increase productivityHigh-speed cutting of the spindle speed, feed rate compared withtraditional machining, in the nature of the leap, the metal removal rate increased 30 percent to 40 percent, cutting force reduced by 30 percent, the cutting tool life increased by 70% . Hardened parts can be processed, a fixture in many parts to be completed rough, semi-finishing and fine, and all other processes, the complex can reach parts of the surface quality requirements, thus increasing the processing productivity and competitiveness of products in the market.1.2 Improve processing accuracy and surface qualityHigh-speed machines generally have high rigidity and precision, and other characteristics, processing, cutting the depth of small, fast and feed, cutting force low, the workpiece to reduce heat distortion, and high precision machining,surface roughness small. Milling will be no high-speed processing and milling marks the surface so that the parts greatly enhance the quality of the surface. Processing Aluminum when up Ra0.40.6um, pieces of steel processing at up to Ra0.2 ~ 0.4um.1.3 Cutting reduce the heatBecause the main axis milling machine high-speed rotation, cutting a shallow cutting, and feed very quickly, and the blade length of the workpiece contacts and contact time is very short, a decrease of blades and parts of the heat conduction. High-speed cutting by dry milling or oil cooked up absolute (mist) lubrication system, to avoid the traditional processing tool in contact with the workpiece and a lot of shortcomings to ensure that the tool is not high temperature under the conditions of work, extended tool life.1.4 This is conducive to processing thin-walled partsHigh-speed cutting of small cutting force, a higher degree of stability, Machinable with high-quality employees compared to the company may be very good, but other than the company's employees may Suanbu Le outstanding work performance. For our China practice, we use the models to determine the method of staff training needs are simple and effective. This study models can be an external object, it can also be a combination of internal and external. We must first clear strategy for the development of enterprises. Through the internal and external business environment and organizational resources, such as analysis, the future development of a clear business goals and operational priorities. According to the business development strategy can be compared to find the business models, through a comparative analysis of the finalization of business models. In determining business models, a, is the understanding of its development strategy, or its market share and market growth rate, or the staff of the situation, and so on, according to the companies to determine the actual situation. As enterprises in different period of development, its focus is different, which means that enterprises need to invest the manpower and financial resources the focus is different. So in a certain period of time, enterprises should accurately selected their business models compared with the departments and posts, so more practical significance, because the business models are not always good, but to compare some aspects did not have much practical significance, Furthermore This can more fully concentrate on the business use of limited resources. Identify business models, and then take the enterprise of the corresponding departments and staff with the business models for comparison, the two can be found in the performance gap, a comparative analysis to find reasons, in accordance with this business reality, the final identification of training needs.The cost of training is needed, if not through an effective way to determine whether companies need to train and the training of the way, but blind to training, such training is difficult to achieve the desired results. A comparison only difference between this model is simple and practical training.1.5 Can be part of some alternative technology, such as EDM, grinding high intensity and high hardness processingHigh-speed cutting a major feature of high-speed cutting machine has the hardness of HRC60 parts. With the use of coated carbide cutter mold processing, directly to the installation of a hardened tool steel processing forming, effectively avoid the installation of several parts of the fixture error and improve the parts of the geometric location accuracy. In the mold of traditional processing, heat treatment hardening of the workpiece required EDM, high-speed machining replace the traditional method of cutting the processing, manufacturing process possible to omit die in EDM, simplifying the processing technology and investment costs . High-speed milling in the precincts of CNC machine tools, or for processing centre, also in the installation of high-speed spindle on the general machine tools. The latter not only has the processing capacity of general machine tools, but also for high-speed milling, a decrease of investment in equipment, machine tools increased flexibility. Cutting high-speed processing can improve the efficiency, quality improvement, streamline processes, investment and machine tool investment and maintenance costs rise, but comprehensive, can significantly increase economic efficiency.2 High-speed millingHigh-speed milling the main technical high-speed cutting technology is cutting the development direction of one of it with CNC technology, microelectronic technology, new materials and new technology, such as technology development to a higher level. High-speed machine tools and high-speed tool to achieve high-speed cutting is the prerequisite and basic conditions, in high-speed machining in the performance of high-speed machine tool material of choice and there are strict requirements.2.1 High-speed milling machine in order to achieve high-speed machiningGeneral use of highly flexible high-speed CNC machine tools, machining centers, and some use a dedicated high-speed milling, drilling. At the same time a high-speed machine tool spindle system and high-speed feeding system, high stiffness of the main characteristics of high-precision targeting and high-precision interpolation functions, especially high-precision arc interpolation function. High-speedmachining systems of the machine a higher demand, mainly in the following areas: General use of highly flexible high-speed CNC machine tools, machining centers, and some use a dedicated high-speed milling, drilling. At the same time a high-speed machine tool spindle system and high-speed feeding system, high stiffness of the main characteristics of high-precision targeting and high-precision interpolation functions, especially high-precision arc interpolation function. High-speed machining systems of the machine a higher demand, mainly in the following areas: High-speed milling machine must have a high-speed spindle, the spindle speed is generally 10000 ~ 100000 m / min, power greater than 15 kW. But also with rapid speed or in designated spots fast-stopping performance. The main axial space not more than 0 .0 0 0 2 m m. Often using high-speed spindle-hydrostatic bearings, air pressure-bearing, mixed ceramic bearings, magnetic bearing structure of the form. Spindle cooling general use within the water or air cooled.High-speed processing machine-driven system should be able to provide 40 ~ 60 m / min of the feed rate, with good acceleration characteristics, can provide 0.4 m/s2 to 10 m/s2 acceleration and deceleration. In order to obtain good processing quality, high-speed cutting machines must have a high enough stiffness. Machine bed material used gray iron, can also add a high-damping base of concrete, to prevent cutting tool chatter affect the quality of processing. A high-speed data transfer rate, can automatically increase slowdown. Processing technology to improve the processing and cutting tool life. At present high-speed machine tool manufacturers, usually in the general machine tools on low speed, the feed of the rough and then proceed to heat treatment, the last in the high-speed machine on the half-finished and finished, in improving the accuracy and efficiency at the same time, as far as possible to reduce processing Cost.2.2 High-speed machining toolHigh-speed machining tool is the most active one of the important factors, it has a direct impact on the efficiency of processing, manufacturing costs and product processing and accuracy. Tool in high-speed processing to bear high temperature, high pressure, friction, shock and vibration, such as loading, its hardness and wear-resistance, strength and toughness, heat resistance, technology and economic performance of the basic high-speed processing performance is the key One of the factors. High-speed cutting tool technology development speed, the more applications such as diamond (PCD), cubic boron nitride (CBN), ceramic knives, carbide coating, (C) titanium nitride Carbide TIC (N) And so on. CBN has high hardness, abrasion resistance and the extremely good thermal conductivity, and iron group elements between the great inertia, in 1300 ℃ would not have happened significantrole in the chemical, also has a good stability. The experiments show that with CBN cutting toolHRC35 ~ 67 hardness of hardened steel can achieve very high speed. Ceramics have good wear resistance and thermal chemical stability, its hardness, toughness below the CBN, can be used for processing hardness of HRC <5 0 parts. Carbide Tool good wear resistance, but the hardness than the low-CBN and ceramics. Coating technology used knives, cutting tools can improve hardness and cutting the rate, for cutting HRC40 ~ 50 in hardness between the workpiece. Can be used to heat-resistant alloys, titanium alloys, hightemperature alloy, cast iron, Chungang, aluminum and composite materials of high-speed cutting Cut, the most widely used. Precision machining non-ferrous metals or non-metallic materials, or the choice of polycrystalline diamond Gang-coated tool.2.3 High-speed processing technologyHigh-speed cutting technology for high-speed machining is the key. Cutting Methods misconduct, will increase wear tool to less than high-speed processing purposes. Only high-speed machine tool and not a good guide technology, high-speed machining equipment can not fully play its role. In high-speed machining, should be chosen with milling, when the milling cutter involvement with the workpiece chip thickness as the greatest, and then gradually decreased. High-speed machining suitable for shallow depth of cut, cutting depth of not more than 0.2 mm, to avoid the location of deviation tool to ensure that the geometric precision machining parts. Ensure that the workpiece on the cutting constant load, to get good processing quality. Cutting a single high-speed milling path-cutting mode, try not to interrupt the process and cutting tool path, reducing the involvement tool to cut the number to be relatively stable cutting process. Tool to reduce the rapid change to, in other words when the NC machine tools must cease immediately, or Jiangsu, and then implement the next step. As the machine tool acceleration restrictions, easy to cause a waste of time, and exigency stop or radical move would damage the surface accuracy. In the mold of high-speed finishing, in each Cut, cut to the workpiece, the feed should try to change the direction of a curve or arc adapter, avoid a straight line adapter to maintain the smooth process of cutting.3 Die in high-speed milling processing ofMilling as a highly efficient high-speed cutting of the new method,in Mould Manufacturing has been widely used. Forging links in the regular production model, with EDM cavity to be 12 ~ 15 h, electrodes produced 2 h. Milling after the switch to high-speed, high-speed milling cutter on the hardness of HRC 6 0 hardenedtool steel processing. The forging die processing only 3 h20min, improve work efficiency four to five times the processing surface roughness of Ra0.5 ~ 0.6m, fully in line with quality requirements.High-speed cutting technology is cutting technology one of the major developments, mainly used in automobile industry and die industry, particularly in the processing complex surface, the workpiece itself or knives rigid requirements of the higher processing areas, is a range of advanced processing technology The integration, high efficiency and high quality for the people respected. It not only involves high-speed processing technology, but also including high-speed processing machine tools, numerical control system, high-speed cutting tools and CAD / CAM technology. Die-processing technology has been developed in the mold of the manufacturing sector in general, and in my application and the application of the standards have yet to be improved, because of its traditional processing with unparalleled advantages, the future will continue to be an inevitable development of processing technology Direction.4 Numerical control technology and equipping development trend and countermeasure Equip the engineering level, level of determining the whole national economy of the modernized degree and modernized degree of industry, numerical control technology is it develop new developing new high-tech industry and most advanced industry to equip (such as information technology and his industry, biotechnology and his industry, aviation, spaceflight, etc. national defense industry) last technology and getting more basic most equipment. Marx has ever said "the differences of different economic times, do not lie in what is produced, and lie in how to produce, produce with some means of labor ". Manufacturing technology and equipping the most basic means of production that are that the mankind produced the activity, and numerical control technology is nowadays advanced manufacturing technology and equips the most central technology. Nowadays the manufacturing industry all around the world adopts numerical control technology extensively, in order to improve manufacturing capacity and level, improve the adaptive capacity and competitive power to the changeable market of the trends. In addition every industrially developed country in the world also classifies the technology and numerical control equipment of numerical control as the strategic materials of the country, not merely take the great measure to develop one's own numerical control technology and industry, and implement blockading and restrictive policy to our country in view of " high-grade, precision and advanced key technology of numerical control " and equipping. In a word, develop the advanced manufacturing technology taking numerical control technology as the core and already become every world developed country and accelerate economic development in a more cost-effective manner, important way to improve the overall national strength and national position.Numerical control technology is the technology controlled to mechanical movement and working course with digital information, integrated products ofelectromechanics that the numerical control equipment is the new technology represented by numerical control technology forms to the manufacture industry of the tradition and infiltration of the new developing manufacturing industry, namely the so-called digitization is equipped, its technological range covers a lot of fields: (1)Mechanical manufacturing technology; (2)Information processing, processing, transmission technology; (3)Automatic control technology; (4)Servo drive technology; (5)Technology of the sensor; (6)Software engineering ,etc.. Development trend of a numerical control technologyThe application of numerical control technology has not only brought the revolutionary change to manufacturing industry of the tradition, make the manufacturing industry become the industrialized symbol , and with the constant development of numerical control technology and enlargement of the application, the development of some important trades (IT , automobile , light industry , medical treatment ,etc. ) to the national economy and the people's livelihood of his plays a more and more important role, because the digitization that these trades needed to equip has already been the main trend of modern development. Numerical control technology in the world at present and equipping the development trend to see, there is the following several respect [1- ] in its main research focus.5 A high-speed, high finish machining technology and new trend equippedThe efficiency, quality are subjavanufacturing technology. High-speed, high finish machining technology can raise the efficiency greatly , improve the quality and grade of the products, shorten production cycle and improve the market competitive power. Japan carries the technological research association first to classify it as one of the 5 great modern manufacturing technologies for this, learn (CIRP) to confirm it as the centre in the 21st century and study one of the directions in international production engineering.In the field of car industry, produce one second when beat such as production of 300,000 / vehicle per year, and many variety process it is car that equip key problem that must be solved one of; In the fields of aviation and aerospace industry, spare parts of its processing are mostly the thin wall and thin muscle, rigidity is very bad, the material is aluminium or aluminium alloy, only in a situation that cut the speed and cut strength very small high, could process these muscles, walls. Adopt large-scale whole aluminium alloy method that blank " pay empty " make the wing recently, such large-scale parts as the fuselage ,etc. come to substitute a lot of parts to assemble through numerous rivet , screw and other connection way, make the intensity , rigidity and dependability of the component improved. All these, to processing and equipping the demand which has proposed high-speed, high precise and high flexibility.According to EMO2001 exhibition situation, high-speed machining center is it give speed can reach 80m/min is even high , air transport competent speed can up to 100m/min to be about to enter. A lot of automobile factories in the world at present, including Shanghai General Motors Corporation of our country, have already adopted and substituted and made the lathe up with the production line part that the high-speed machining center makes up. HyperMach lathe of U.S.A. CINCINNATI Companyenters to nearly biggest 60m/min of speed, it is 100m/min to be fast, the acceleration reaches 2g, the rotational speed of the main shaft has already reached 60 000r/min. Processing a thin wall of plane parts, spend 30min only, and same part general at a high speed milling machine process and take 3h, the ordinary milling machine is being processed to need 8h; The speed and acceleration of main shaft of dual main shaft lathes of Germany DMG Company are up to 120000r/mm and 1g.In machining accuracy, the past 10 years, ordinary progression accuse of machining accuracy of lathe bring 5μm up to from 10μm already, accurate grades of machining center from 3~5μm, rise to 1~1.5μm, and ultraprecision machining accuracy is it e nter nanometer grade to begin already (0.01μm).In dependability, MTBF value of the foreign numerical control device has already reached above 6 000h, MTBF value of the servo system reaches above 30000h, demonstrate very high dependability .In order to realize high-speed, high finish machining, if the part of function related to it is electric main shaft, straight line electrical machinery get fast development, the application is expanded further .5.2 Link and process and compound to process the fast development of the lathe in 5 axesAdopt 5 axles to link the processing of the three-dimensional curved surface part, can cut with the best geometry form of the cutter , not only highly polished, but also efficiency improves by a large margin . It is generally acknowledged, the efficiency of an 5 axle gear beds can equal 2 3 axle gear beds, is it wait for to use the cubic nitrogen boron the milling cutter of ultra hard material is milled and pared at a high speed while quenching the hard steel part, 5 axles link and process 3 constant axles to link and process and give play to higher benefit. Because such reasons as complicated that 5 axles link the numerical control system , host computer structure that but go over, it is several times higher that its price links the numerical control lathe than 3 axles , in addition the technological degree of difficulty of programming is relatively great, have restricted the development of 5 axle gear beds.At present because of electric appearance of main shaft, is it realize 5 axle complex main shaft hair structure processed to link greatly simplify to make, it makes degree of difficulty and reducing by a large margin of the cost, the price disparity of the numerical control system shrinks. So promoted 5 axle gear beds of head of complex main shaft and compound to process the development of the lathe (process the lathe including 5).At EMO2001 exhibition, new Japanese 5 of worker machine process lathe adopt complex main shaft hair, can realize the processing of 4 vertical planes and processing of the wanton angle, make 5 times process and 5 axles are processed and can be realized on the same lathe, can also realize the inclined plane and pour the processing of the hole of awls. Germany DMG Company exhibits the DMUVoution series machining center, but put and insert and put processing and 5 axles 5 times to link and process in once, can be controlled by CNC system or CAD/CAM is controlled directly or indirectly.。
在这些研究中,结果表明,二价阳离子,如钙和镁改善活性污泥的性质,而单价阳离子如如钠,钾和铵离子,不利于这些属性. “二价阳离子通过衔接机制,促进负责絮凝带负电荷的生物大分子(主要是蛋白质和多糖).结果发现,氧化铁起着重大作用,在活性污泥的絮凝和决心通过铁和生物大分子之间的表面相互作用的性质。
前言活性污泥是由微生物财团和胞外聚合物和二价阳离子(手冢,1969年形成了矩阵一起举行的有机和无机粒子;诺瓦克和豪根,1981年埃里克森和ALM,1991; Bruus等,1992;希金斯和诺瓦克,1997年,B)。
bruus等人. (1992年)和希金斯和诺瓦克(1997年b)表明,多余的单价阳离子可引起中絮状物的恶化结构和沉降性能。
化工原料和产品中英文对照(doc 450页)
灭滴灵Metronidazole柠檬酸Citric Acid硝酸钙calcium nitrate癸二酸Sebacic Acid冰醋酸glacial acetic acid维生素C磷酸镁Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate 对苯二酚Hydroquinone环丙沙星盐酸CIPROFLOXACIN HCL氢氧化钠Sodium Hydroxide吗菌灵醋酸盐dodemorph acetate烯酰吗啉dimethomorph百菌清Chlorothalonil尼索朗hexythiazox哒螨灵pyridaben葡萄糖酸-δ-内酯glucono delta lactone硫酸粘杆菌素colistine sulfate恩诺沙星Enrofloxacin Base土霉素盐酸OxyTetraCycline HCl黄磷Yellow Phosphorus索布瑞醇Sobrerol焦棓酸PYROGALLOL硫乙醇酸THIOGL YCOLLIC ACID茴香硫醚THIOANISOLE1-溴-3-氯丙烷1-BROMO-3-CHLOROPROPANE 氟苯FLUOROBENZEN叔丁基胺tert-butylamine丙烯酸树脂Acrylic resin顺铂Cisplatin卡铂Carboplatin依托泊苷Etoposide食用乳糖EDIBLE LACTOSE十六烷醇cetyl alcohol甘油Glycerine过硫酸铵ammonium persulfate三聚磷酸钠Sodium tripolyphosphate氧化镁Magnesium oxide 97%硅酸乙酯Ethyl silicate 40青蒿琥酯Artesunate磷酸三钠triSodium Phosphate对苯二酚hydroquinone月桂醇硫酸钠sldium lauryl sulfate对羟基苯甲酸para hydroxy benzoic acid乙酰基六角缩氨酸-3 Acetyl Hexapeptide-3双氰胺Dicyandiamide二氯异氰尿酸钠SODIUM DICHLORO ISO CY ANURATE 氯霉素棕榈酸酯CHLORAMPHENICOL PALMITATE三硬脂酸铝Aluminium Tristearate Micronized sterile维生素B6 VITAMIN B6磺胺胍Sulfaguanidine松香树脂Gum Rosin苯甲酸钠SODIUM BENZOA TE双氧水Hydrogen Peroxide6-氨基己烷-1-醇6-aminohexan -1-ol邻苯二甲酸酐Phthalic Anhydride2,3-二氨基甲苯2,3-diamino toluene吲哚indole2-甲基吲哚2-methyl indole三苯基硼triphenyl borane松油精Dipentine十六烷醇Cetyl Alcohol呋喃-2-硼酸FURAN-2-BORONIC ACID莫匹罗星Mupirocin高锰酸钾Potassium Permanganate噻苯咪唑Thiabendazole2-amino-2-(hydroxy methyl)-1,3,propane diol二环戊二烯Dicyclopentadiene (DCPD)金红石型氧化钛Titanium Dioxide (Rutile) Top grade 硼酸boric acid氧化铅Lead Oxide邻苯二甲酸酐Phthalic Anhydride叔丁基锡烷tributyl stannane碳黑Carbon Black Elftex 430碳黑Carbon Black N300碳黑Carbon Black N-326磷酸PHOSPHORIC ACID硝酸铅LEAD NITRATE硬脂酸铅LEAD STEARA TE次硫酸钠Sodium Hydrosulfite磷酸二氢铵Ammonium Dihydrogen Phosphate水合肼Hydrazine Hydrate甲氧萘丙酸naproxen扑热息痛paracetamol干酪素casein food grade柠檬酸citric acid黄磷YELLOW PHOSOPHORUS硫代硫酸钠Sodium Thiosulfate玉嘧磺隆rimsulfuron 25%硝酸钙Calcium nitrate硫酸钾Potassium sulphate磺胺地索辛钠sulfadimethoxine sodium氯化钠Sodium Chloride藻酸钠sodium alginate烯丙酰氯Acryloyl Chloride柠檬铬黄Lemon chrome yellow三聚磷酸钠Sodium Tri Poly Phosphate磷酸酯SULPHOSUCCINIC ACID ESTER轻质苏打灰SODA ASH ( LIGHT )间氯苯胺m-chloro aniline马来酐Maleic Anhydride氰基胍Dicyandiamide头孢他啶Ceftazidime头孢曲松Ceftriaxone二硫化钼molybdenium disulfide三氯乙酸TRICHLOROACETIC ACID CRYSTAL 癸二酸sebacic acid尿素urea诺氟沙星Norfloxacin噻吩草胺-P Dimethenamid-P三聚磷酸钠Sodium Tripolyphosphate氧化铁黄iron oxide yellow氧化铁红iron oxide red1,1,1-三氯乙烷1,1,1-TrichloroEthane氯化铵Ammonium Chloride苯酚PHENOL甲氧苄氨嘧啶TRIMETHOPRIM磷酸三钙tricalcium phosphate酒石酸苯甲曲秦Phendimetrazine Tartrate碳酸氢钠sodium bicarbonate氯四环素盐酸Chlortetracycline HCl三水合氨卡青霉素Ampicillin Trihydrate micronized 山梨糖醇Sorbitol Powder一水葡萄糖Dextrose Monohydrate碳化钙calcium carbide柚皮甙Naringin叶绿素铜钠盐sodium copper苏打灰soda ash酒石酸盐tartrate鉻酸銨AMMONIUM CHROMATE苦味酸PICRIC ACID甲酸铵AMMONIUM FORMATE聚丙烯薄膜PP SHEET FOR OPP TAPE氨基乙酸Glycine氨比西林AMPICILINE土霉素盐酸Oxytetracycline HCL6-溴-2-羟基萘6-Bromo-2-hydroxynaphthalene2,6-二甲氧基萘2,6-Dimethoxynaphthalene2,6-二羟基萘2,6-Dihydroxynaphthalene6-甲氧基-2-羟基萘6-Methoxy-2-hydroxy naphthalene 2-叔丁基-4-甲基苯酚2-Tertiary-butyl-4-methylphenol 炉甘石Calamine5-溴-2-甲基嘧啶5-Bromo-2-methyl pyridine氯化镁Magnesium Chloride氢氧化钾Potassium Hydroxide二氯甲烷METHYLENE CHLORIDE六缩氨酸乙酸酯acetyl hexapeptide-3邻苯二甲酸二异丁酯Diisobutyl Phthalate单硬脂酸甘油酯Glyceryl Monostearate艾地苯醌Idebenone百灭宁Permethrin制霉菌素Nystatin细胞色素C Cytochrome C二甲基对甲苯胺Dimethyl-p-toluidine十八烷基酰氯Octadecyl chloride氨基葡萄糖硫酸钾Glucosamine Sulfate Potassium三偏磷酸钠Sodium Trimetaphosphate4-溴苯酚4-bromophenol甘油glycerine安息香酸benzoic acid大豆脂肪酸soya fatty acid二环戊二烯Dicyclopentadiene固体石蜡PARAFFIN WAX疏松石蜡RESIDUE WAX残余蜡RESIDUE W AX橡胶加工油RUBBER PROCESS OIL丁基橡胶BUTYL RUBBER冰醋酸ACETIC ACID, GLACIAL三氯乙烯TRICHLOROETHYLENE乙酰乙酸甲酯Methyl acetoacetate磷酸三苯脂Triphenyl Phosphate三氟乙酸乙酯Trifluoroacetic Acid Ethyl Ester七水硫酸亚铁FERROUS SULFATE HEPTAHYDRATE硬脂酸钙Calcium stearate3-氨基巴豆酸甲酯METHYL-3-AMINO CROTONA TE亚硫酰二氯Thionyl Chloride乙二醛-双(2-羟基缩苯胺)Glyoxal bis (2-hydroxyanil) 氧化镍黑NICKEL OXIDE black硅酸钠Sodium Metasilicate水合肼Hydrazine HydrateN-月桂酰肌氨酸钠Sodium Lauroyl Sarcosinate二水目酸钠Sodium Molybdate Dihydrate草酸Oxalic Acid二甲基二硫代氨基甲酸钠Sodium Dimethyl Dithio CarbamateN,N-二(3-氨丙基)甲胺N,N-Bis(3-aminopropyl)methylamine二甲基环己胺Dimethyl cyclohexyl amine三乙二胺triethlene diamine松香Gum rosin维生素C Vitamin C磷酸Phosphoric Acid六偏磷酸钠Sodium Hexa Meta Phosphate硝酸Nitric Acid(R)-(-)-噻唑啉-4-羧酸(R)-(-)-THIAZOLIDINE-4-CARBOXYLIC ACID 二氯甲烷Methylene Chloride丙烯酸丁酯Butyl acrylate5α-雄烯二醇环戊丙酸酯5-alpha Androstenediol Cypionate硼酸Boric Acid氯化铁FERRIC CHLORIDE六偏磷酸钠Sodium HexametaPhosphate焦磷酸四钠Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate磷酸二氢钠Monosodium Phosphate阿维菌素abamectin伊维菌素Ivermectin聚乙二醇600 Polyethylene Glycol-6002-氯乙醇2-Chloroethanol克他命盐酸Ketamine HCL氨己烯酸Vigabatrin硫酸庆大霉素GENTAMICIN SULPHATE 苯芴醇LUMEFANTRINE重质苏打灰dense soda ash尿素Urea一乙醇胺Mono Ethanol Amine邻苯二甲酸二丁酯Di Butyl Phthalate液体无水氨Liquid Anhydrous Ammonia 碳酸氢铵AMMONIUM BICARBONATE 硫脲Thio Urea甲氧普烯methoprene葵子麝香musk ambrette麝香酮musk ketone甲基柏木醚methyl cedryl ether二戊烯dipentene二苯醚DIPHENYL OXIDE喹啉-6-羧酸QUINOLINE-6-CARBOXYLIC ACID重铬酸钠Sodium Bichromate四苯基溴化磷Tetraphenylphosphonium Bromide2-甲基-5-硝基酚2-methyl-5-nitrophenol钼酸钠Sodium Molybdate甲苯Toluene三磷酸钠Sodium Tripolyphosphate碳化钙Calcium Carbide表氯醇Epichlorohydine水合肼Hydrazine HydrateP-甲酚p-CresolP- 3-氨基对甲苯甲醚P - CRESIDINE过(二)硫酸系列Persulfates Series锌粉ZINC DUST二甲基二硫代氨基甲酸钠Sodium Dimethyl Dithio Carbamate 二水钼酸钠Sodium Molybdate Dihydrate2-溴戊酮2-Bromopentane苏打灰SODA ASH LIGHT 99.2%磷酸氯代对苯二酚CHLORQUINE PHOSPHA TE.乙酸锰manganese acetate4-叔丁基-儿茶酚4-tert-Butylcatechol酶enzyme氧化钴Cobalt Oxide草酸Oxalic Acid2-甲基-5-甲氧苯并唑2-methyl-5-methoxy benzoxazole三磷酸钠Tri sodium Phosphate电缆用聚氯乙烯树脂PVC RESINS FOR CABLE MANUFACTURING 2,4-二硝基-6-溴苯胺2,4 dinitro 6 bromo aniline蚁酸&氢氟酸Formic acid & Hydrofluoric acidFerric acid & Iron oxide二硫化碳CARBON DISULPHIDE1,2,3-氢硫基四唑唑1,2,3-Mercaptotetrazole5或6硝基苯甲酸咪唑5 or 6 Nitrobenzo imidazole甲基苯并三唑Methylbenzotriazole邻苯二甲酸酐Phthalic Anhydride min 99.5%食盐(工业级)NACL / COMMON SALT ( INDUSTRIAL GRADE)5-氟-2-甲基吲哚5-Fluoro-2-methylindole7-甲氧吲哚7-Methoxyindole6-甲氧吲哚6-Methoxyindole5-甲氧吲哚5-Methoxyindole4-甲氧吲哚4-Methoxyindole过氧化氢HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 50%柠檬酸Citric Acid Mono BP-93 & BP-98白甜菜糖white beet sugaar 45 icumsa钠羧甲基纤维素CMC (Sodium Carboxymethyl Cellulose) BP/USP 固体石腊PARAFFIN WAX2,3-二甲基吡啶2,3-Lutidine/2,3-Dimethyl Pyridine反丁烯二酸的FUMARIC ACID草甘膦Glyphosate 62 % IPA Salt乙酸锰Manganese Acetate玉米淀粉CORN STARCH1,10-无水邻二氮杂菲1,10-Phenanthroline anhydrous硫酸软骨素Chondroitin Sulfate (Bovine) 85% min. dry basis磺胺嘧啶Sulphadiazine BP反丁烯二酸FUMARIC ACID TECH GRADE六磷酸钠sodium hexametaphosphate地塞米松Dexamethasone Base棕榈油(天然)palm oil (crude)氯化聚丙烯Chlorinated Polypropylene III二氧化锆ZIRCONIUM DIOXIDE 99.5%碳酸锰Manganese carbonate氧化钴Cobalt oxide 72%反丁烯二酸Fumaric acid柠檬酸citric acid硝酸钡barium nitrate 99.3%min碳化钙calcium carbide三羟甲基丙烷TriMethylolPropane(TMP)微晶纤维素MICROCRYSTALINE CELLULOSE M 1012-羟基萘Beta Naphthol ( 2-hydroxy naphthalene)顺丁烯二酐Maleic Anhydride冰醋酸Glacial acetic acid戊二醛(医药级) Glutaraldehyde(Pharm. grade)鱼石脂Ichthammol base氢氧化钠Sodium Hydroxide柠檬酸Citric Acid mono硬脂酸Triple Pressed Stearic Acid叔丁醇tert-butanol十二(烷)酸lauric acid苯肼Phenylhydrazine高锰酸钾Potassium Permanganate美远志根酊TINCTURE SENEGA吐根酊TINCTURE IPECAC磷霉素钙Fosfomycin Calcium二甲基二硫代氨基甲酸钠Sodium Dimethyl Dithiocarbamate 松节油GUM TURPENTINE OIL氰亚铁酸钾POTASSIUM FERROCY ANIDE 99%二氧化钛Titanium Dioxid TiO2 Food grade丙烯酸(酯化级) acrylic acid(esterification grade)钛Titanium metal powder铬合金Chrome metal powderN-甲基o-苯二胺N-Methyl-o-phenylenediamine甲酰四氢叶酸LEUCOVORIN ACETA TE阿霉素Doxorubicin蚁酸Formic Acid-85%一水柠檬酸citric acid - monohydrate二氧化钛titanium dioxideN-丁基醋酸N-Butyl Acetate磺胺钡BARIUM SULPATE PRECIPITATED2-氯乙烯盐酸胺2- Chloroethyl Amine Hydrochloride苯(甲)酸苄酯benzyl benzoate4-巯基-2-乙烷基苯酚4-mercapto-2-ethyl phenol磷酸phosphoric acid聚丙烯片PP Lamination Grade,3375 RM大豆低聚糖(颗粒)SOYBEAN OLIGO SACCHARIDE (Granules) 6-醌氯亚胺酸6-QUINOLINECARBOXYLIC ACID碳酸钡Barium Carbonate - 99.5% Min.无水硫酸钠, Sodium Sulphate Anhydrous, Soda Ash (Heavy & Light 无水硫酸钠, Sodium Sulphate Anhydrous, Soda Ash (Heavy & Light 石油焦(炭)Cacined Petroleum Coke高锰酸钾Potassium Permanganate硫酸铝aluminium sulphate硅酸钠sodium silicate保险粉Rongalite C梭链孢酸钠Fusidic Acid Sodium (Sodium Fusidate)硫磺C. I. Sulphur Blue 7 (53440)硬脂酸Triple Pressed Stearic Acid凝胶Gelatin 250 bloom and above (BORVINE)碳酸钙CALCIUM CARBONA TE FROM OYSTER SHELL 甲酸钠SODIUM FORMA TE 97%甲酸钠SODIUM FORMA TE 97%氢硫化钠SODIUM SULFHYDRATE硫化钠SODIUM SULFIDE 60% MIN.聚氯乙烯混合物PVC Compound中间体intermediates甘露醇mannitol pyrogen free usp.泛酰醇d.panthenol usp/ip泛酸钙d.calcium pantothenate usp/ip蓝硅胶Blue Silica Gel 3-5mm糠醛furfural 98.5%保险粉sodium hydrosulfite水杨酸salicylic acid , BP / USP Grade二氯甲烷Methylene Chloride保险粉rongalite氧化铬绿chrome oxide green三价铬酸chromic acid蚁酸Formic acid 85%草酸Oxalic acid 99%过氧化氢hydrogen peroxide 50%2-氨基5-甲基噻唑2-amino-5-methyl thiazole五氟苯penta fluoro benzene四氟苯tetra fluoro benzene3-溴噻吩3-bromo thiophene3-甲基噻吩3-methyl thiophene癸二酸SEBACIC ACID甲苯,二甲苯,溶剂级石脑油Toluene, Xylene, Solvent Naphtha维他命B1/B6 Vitamin B1/B6维他命AD3 Vitamin AD3长石Feldspar石灰石(钙)Limestone (Calcium Carbonate)碱灰(碳酸钠)Soda Ash (Sodium Carbonate)硅石Silica sand冰醋酸ACETIC GLACIAL ACID丙酮Acetone醋酸ACETIC ACID 99 % ( GLACIAL ) - TECHNICAL GRADE二氧化钛Titanium Dioxide b 101 Anatase Grade5-硫代异酞酸二氢钠盐5-Sulfoisophthalic acid monosodium salt 氟酸FLuorspar Acid Grade三甲基苯氯化铵Trimethyl Phenyl ammonium chloride乙酸甲酯Methyl acetate草酸Oxalic acid 99.6% min.乙酰胆碱碘Acetyl choline Iodide三氟甲烷磺胺锂Lithium Trifluoro methanesulfonateN-(2-氯乙烯)-甲烷磺胺N-(2-Chloroethyl)-methanesulfonamide 硝酸Nitric Acid冰醋酸Glacial Acetic Acid液态石蜡light liquid paraffin oil过氧化钠sodiumperoxide丁内酯Gamma-butyrolactone二甲基硫dimethyl sulphide硫化钠Sodium Sulphide2-二乙基氨基乙基硫醇2-DIETHYL AMINOETHANE THIOL 制霉菌素NYSTA TIN无水乳糖Lactose Anhydrous硬脂酸镁Magnesium Stearate亚磷酸钾potassium phosphite三甲基苯氯化铵Trimethyl Phenyl ammonium chloride三氧化锑Antimony trioxide min 99,5 %聚丙烯Polypropylene (PP)萘Naphthaline balls 3/4固体石腊Paraffin Wax Semi Refined木胶wood glue柠檬酸Citric Acid Mono and Anh2,6-二异丙基苯酚2,6-diisopropylphenol铑Metallic Rhodium氯化铑(III)Rhodium (III) Chloride Hydrate乙酸甲酯methyl acetate磷酸三丁酯Tributyl phosphate三氯化磷PHOSPHOROUS TRICHLORIDE白色接合剂WHITE CEMENT二氧化锰Manganse Dioxide氯酸钾POTASSIUM CHLORATE 99.8%六偏磷酸钠Sodium Hexa Meta Phosphate阻燃剂flame retardant过氧化氢Hydrogen Peroxide 60%过氧化氢Hydrogen Peroxide 60%冰醋酸Glacial acetic acid min. 99.5%异丙醇(食品级) ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL-FOOD GRADE 甲乙酮Methyl Ethyl Ketone4,4二醛联苯4,4'-Biphenyldialdehyde重铬酸钠SODIUM DICHROMA TE磷酸三丁酯Tributyl phosphate乙酸甲酯methyl acetate三乙丙撑二醇Triethylene Glycol色氨酸d-tryptophan钼酸钠Sodium Molybdate五氧化二钒Vanadium Pentoxide二氯苯Dichloro Benzene硒Selenium亚硝酸钠sodium nitrite硼砂Borax硫酸二甲基二硫代氨基甲酸sodium Dimethyldithiocarbamate 硫酸铜(食品级)Copper sulphate (feed grade)结晶香草醛V ANILLIN CRYSTAL硝酸钠(化肥级)sodium nitrate (fertilizer grade)反丁烯二酸FUMARIC ACIDL-谷酰胺L-Glutamine橡胶用磷酸三氯乙烯Trichloroethyl Phosphate for rubber一水柠檬酸Citric Acid Monohydrate安息香酸benzoic acid混合二甲苯Mixed Xylene环己酮Cyclohexanone1,4-丁二醇1,4-Butanediol反丁烯二酸FUMARIC ACID硝酸钠sodium nitrate香草糖晶体V ANILLIN CRYSTAL硫酸铜Copper sulphate (feed grade)L- 赖氨酸盐酸盐L-lysine HCL双氯芬酸钠DICLOFENAC SODIUM BP镉合金Cadmium Metal硅酸锆矿石zirconium ore silicate硒金属粉末Selenium Metal Powder一水氢氧化锂Lithium Hydroxide MonohydrateSBS热塑人造橡胶SBS Thermoplastic elastomer white color powder 甲苯xylene维他命vitamin a palmitiat石墨粉末powdered graphite聚氯乙烯粉状/P废料VC POWEDER & PVC SCRAPS环己酰亚胺cycloheximidel-苏氨酸l-threoninel-一水赖氨酸l-lysine monohydratel-半胱氨酸l-cysteine氨基葡(萄)糖盐酸Glucosamine HCL多聚氨酯泡沫Poly-Urethane Foam Agent氯化锌zinc chloride 98% min氯化铵ammonium chloride碘Iodine磷酸二氢钾Monopotassium phosphate戊二醛Glutaric dialdehyde碳酸水SODA ASH DENSE多虑平中间体DOXEPIN INTERMEDIATES冰醋酸Acetic Acid Glacial醋酸丁酯N-BUTYL ACETA TE氢氧化钾potasium hydroxide硫酸镁magnisium sulphate二甲基二硫代氨基甲酸钠sodium Dimethyldithiocarbamate 吐温-60 Tween-60盐酸HCl 98-99% (USB/BP standard )盐酸HCl 98-99% (USB/BP standard )碳酸水石soda ash三聚氰胺Melamine马来酸氟伏沙明FLUVOXAMINE MALEATE卡马西平Carbamzepine硫化褐10号C.I. Sulphur Brown 10硫化兰7号C.I. Sulphur Blue 7柠檬酸钠Sodium Citrate一水柠檬酸CITRIC ACID MONO苛性苏打薄片Caustic Soda Flakes 96% and 99%磷酸三氯乙酯Trichloroethyl Phosphate乳酸环丙沙星注射液Ciprofloxacin Lactate山梨酸钾Potassium Sorbate碳酸氢钠SODIUM BICARBONATE聚乙烯基吡咯烷酮PVP K120多虑平中间体DOXEPIN INTERMEDIATES母料Master Batch高氯酸钠Sodium Perchlorate三氧化二砷Arsenic Trioxide硫酸亚铁ferrous sulphateFluorene(95%)维生素c usp ,土霉素Vitamin C USP, Oxytetracycline HCl 重晶石Barytes过氧化氢Hydrogen Peroxide氯羟柳胺OXYCLOZANIDE BPV亚硝酸钠Sodium Nitrite Tech Grade三月桂胺trilaurylamine (Tridodecylamine对羟基苯甲酸甲酯Methyl p-Hydroxybenzoate盐酸甲基麻黄碱Methylephedrine HCL高三尖杉酯碱Homoharringtonine1-(氯甲基)萘1-(Chloromethyl) naphthalene氧化铁黄IRON OXIDE YELLOW HD718反丁烯二酸FUMARIC ACID苛性苏打薄片CAUSTIC SODA FLAKES甲基氢醌toluhydroquinoneSodium Hyaluronate 透明质酸钠n-丁基醋酸N-butyl Acetate硝酸镍薄片NICKEL NITRA TE FLAKES硝酸钴晶体/薄片COBALT NITRATE CRYSTALS / FLAKES 环已亚胺Hexamethyleneimine磷酸三钙Tricalcium Phosphate二氧化锰Manganese Dioxide双氯苯双胍己烷葡(萄)糖酸盐CHLORHEXADINE 20%戊二醛LUTARALDEHYDE一氯乙酸Monochloro Acetic Acid二氧化钛TITANIUM DIOXIDE -- RKB2 & VULKACIT -- LDA 硼酸Boric Acid黄磷Yellow Phosphorus亚硫酸氢钠SODIUM BISULPHITE碳酸氢钠SODIUM BICARBONATE磷酸phosphoric acid 85 % tech. grade五水硼砂BORAX PENTAHYDRATE-99.9% MIN冰醋酸ACETIC ACID GLACIAL 99.5%无水亚硫酸钠sodium sulphite anhydrous 99.3%苏打soda ash light 99%苛性碱颗粒caustic soda prills 99%过氧化氢HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 50%过氧化脲N46 UREA N46〈药〉扑热息痛paracetamol氯化钙drous calcium chloride维生素B1,B2,B3,B12,K3,... Vitamins B1,B2,B3,B12,K3,... 磷酸phosphoric acid十二(烷)醇钠Lauryil Sodium无水硫酸钠SODIUM SULPHATE ANHYDROUS分散蓝79 200%Disperse Blue 79 200%分散蓝56 100% Disperse Blue 56 100%分散黑EX-SF Disperse Black EX-SF硫酸锰MANGANESE SULPHA TE 32% IN MN反丁烯二酸FUMARIC ACID三硫化二锑Antimony Trisulfide三苯甲烷triphenyl borate硫酸镁Magnesium sulphate硝酸钙Calcium nitrate磷酸二氢钾Monopotassium phosphate卡托普利Captopril次氯酸钙Calcium Hypochlorite水合葡萄糖DEXTROSE MONOHYDRATE小苏打Sodium Bicarbonate苏打SODA ASH LIGHT对氨基苯酚para amino phenol过(二)硫酸甲POTASSIUM PERSULFATE异丙醇Iso propyl Alcohol氯仿Chloroform富铝红柱石砖(325 目)mullite 325 mesh羟甲基乙二醛HYDROXYMETHYL GL YOXAL戊醛V ALERALDEHYDEL-苹果酸L-MALIC ACID2,6二甲代苯胺2,6-Xylidine酒石酸唑吡坦片Zolpidem Tartrate6-硝基藜芦酸6-nitroveratric acid2-硝基-4,5二甲氧基安息香酸2-Nitro-4,5-dimethoxybenzoic acid 磷酸phosphoric acid磷酸三钠trisodium phosphate9-芴甲基-N-琥珀酰亚胺基碳酸酯Fmoc-Osu氰硼氢化钠SODIUM CY ANO BOROHYDRIDE三氟乙酸酐TRIFLUORO ACETIC ANHYDRIDE甲酚p-cresol塞克硝唑Secnidazole2-亚氨氢氯化硫醇2-Iminothiolane hydrochloride (Traut's Reagent) 硫酰胺SULFAMIDE苄醇Benzyl Alcohol二甲替甲酰胺DIMETHYL FORMAMIDE白明胶GELATINE (bovine)锂Lithium Products焦碳酸二叔丁酯Di-tert butyl pyrocarbonate4-羧酸-噻唑(R)-(-)-Thiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid叔丁基咔唑盐Tert-Butyl Carbazate锌(用做涂料等的)钡白lithopone环丙沙星ciprofloxacin base混合物mix fcl过氧化氢Hydrogen Peroxide多阴离子纤维素poly anionic cellulose for oil drilling ,HVp-氯-0-硝基苯胺p-chloro-o-nitroaniline灰黄霉素Griseofulvin1,3-二甲基-4,5-二氨基尿嘧啶1,3-dimethyl 4,5-diamino uracil苯(甲)酸钠Sodium Benzoate磷酸三钠TRI SODIUMPHOSPHATE氯化钙粉CaCl2-powder电石Calcium Carbide2-氨基-5-氟代甲基苯酸2-Amino-5-fluorobenzoic acid过氧化双苯甲酰Di benzoyl peroxide paste3-氟安息香酸3-Fluorobenzoic acidDL酒石酸DL TARTARIC ACID氧化锌93% zinc oxide 93%硫酸锌zinc sulphate mono8-苄基茶碱8-Benzyl Theophyllined-戊醛糖d-xylose磷酸二钙饲料等级dicalcium phosphate feed grade水合肼Hydrazine Hydrate氟利昂11,12 Freon 11, 12高锰酸钾Potassium Permanganate BP93 or BP98氨基磺酸Sulphamic Acid 99.5%min二氯甲烷methylene chloride新霉素硫酸盐NEOMYCIN SULPHA TE叔-丁基卡唑TERT-BUTYL CARBAZA TE碱库SODA ASH LIGHT过氧化氢HYDROGEN PEROXIDE安息香酸Benzoic Acid二氧化钛b101 锐钛矿TITANIUM DI OXIDE B101 ANA TASEP-甲苯磺酰氰p-Toluene sulfonyl cyanide4,4'-二醛联苯4,4' Biphenyldialdehyde卫生球naphthalene一甲胺Monomethylamine聚氯乙烯糊PVC paste苯胺油aniline oil三聚磷酸钠Sodium Tripolyphosphate左旋(四)咪唑盐酸Levamisole Hcl BP/USP一种肺结核特效药oxamic hydrazide2,6-二硝基苯胺202,6-dinitroaniline黄磷yellow Phosphorous精酰胺DMPAT四氮六甲圜Hexamine乙二醇乙醚Ethylene Glycol1,2双乙氧基苯1,2-DIETHOXY BENZENE (C.A.S.:250.46.6 乙酸乙酯ethyl acetate碳化钙Calcium Carbide单烷基醚聚乙烯Poly Mono Alkyl Ether氯化甲基苯基尿素Chloro Alkyl Phenyl Urea Condensate磺酸钠烷Sodium alkane Sulphonate聚乙烯醇薄膜PV A (PVOH) FILM头孢西丁钠盐cefoxitin sodium salt精酰胺DMPAT甲氰咪胍CIMETIDINE USP雷尼替丁RANITIDINE HCL铅铬绿Chrome Green 99.0%min二氧化钛Titanium Dioxide6-氨基-1,3双甲基尿嘧啶6-amino-1,3-dimethyluracil双氰胺Dicyanadiamide 99.5%乙烷深蓝醋酸盐Ethyl Cyano Acetate调药血管注射剂项目PHARMA INJECTABLE ITEMSBon Acid无水硫酸钠sodium sulphate anhydrous二氧化钛TiO2-Enamel grade-5FCL氯乙酸乙酯Ethyl Chloro Acetate无水硫酸钠SODIUM SULPHATE ANHYDROUS无水硫酸钠SODIUM SULPHATE ANHYDROUS 99%硫酸铵ammonium sulphate 21%七水硫酸镁MAGNESIUM SULPHA TE HEPTAHYDRATE 99.5% 羟基安息香酸Para Hydroxy Benzoic Acid1,3-丙磺内酯1,3-propane sultone青霉素P-12 钠盐Oxacillin sodium salt盐酸林肯霉素lincomycin hydrochloride柠檬酸CITRIC ACID FOOD GRADE碳酸二甲酯Di Methyl Carbonate苏打soda bicarbonate硫化钠SODIUM SULPHIDE 60% MIN. RED & YELLOW甲酸钠SODIUM FORMA TE RECOVER FROM SODIUM HYDRO PLANT 扑热息痛PARACETAMOLo-nitrotoluene扑热息痛细粉Paracetamol BP Fine Powder三甲氧苄二氨嘧啶Trimethoprim BP乳酸Lactic Acid 88%硫酸盐新霉素NEOMYCIN SULPHA TE不规则聚丙烯Atactic Polypropylene三磷酸盐钠STPP( sodium tripolyphosphate)2,4-二氯-5-氟苯乙酮2,4-Dichloro-5-Fluoro Acetophenone丙酮acetone异丙醇isopropanol三(氮)唑核苷Ribavirina苯(甲)酸钠sodium benzoate bp 98硫酸镁magnesium sulphate硫氰酸盐Erythormycin Thiocyanate1,4-丁二磺酰,二钠盐1, 4-butanedisulfonic acid, disodium salt氧化铬绿Chrome Oxide green 99.0%min头孢氨苄Cephalexin Monohydrate Micro/Compacted对硝基甲苯Para Nitro Benzyl Chloride氢氧化钠SODIUM HYDROSULPHITE二氧化钛Titanium Dioxide尿素Urea 46% prilled二硫龙disulfuram谷氨酸单钠msg powder type硫磺sulphur dyes all colors无水茶碱Theophylline Anhydrous磷酸钾Mono potassium phosphate氯苄Benzyl Chloride香草醛vanillin扑热息痛Paracetamol琥珀酰亚胺succinimide硝基苯胺N-methyl-p-nitroaniline巯基乙酸Thioglycolic acid丙二醇Propylene glycol马来酸盐PHENRAMINE MALEATE金属钠sodium Metal 99.5%氯化镁Magnesium Chloride (Anhydrous)二硫龙disulfuram聚乙烯Polyethylene Granules (LDPE & HDPE) 2-羧基-9-芴酮9-fluorenone-2-carboxylic acid聚醚Polyether PU and MDI尿素UREA 46二甘醇DIETHYLENE GL YCOL乙醇1-Piperdino Ethanol青霉素酶penicillin injections聚乙烯吡咯烷酮pvp k 30 technical grade硫脲thiourea dioxide 99%聚乙烯醇PV A 1788无水柠檬酸citric acid anhydrous bp柠檬酸钠sodium citrate扑热息痛Paracetamol强力霉素Doxycycline hychlate甲氟喹Mefloquine hydrochloride氯胍proguanil hydrochloride双甘膦PMIDA 98%螺旋霉素Spiramycin Base硫酸庆大霉素GENTAMYCIN SULPHATE STERILE BP98 邻苯二甲酸Diisonoyl Phthalate (DINP)酞酸二异癸酯Diisodecyl Phthalate (DIDP) AmmoniumChloide battery grade丙烯酰胺ACRYLAMIDE铬酸chromic acid氢溴酸Hydrobromic acid 48% in water solution维生素Vitamin C苯酚晶体phenol crystal油酰胺Oleamide氧氟沙星Ofloxacin Usp24苯甲精Ortho tolyl benzonitrile丙酰氯propionyl chloride离析大豆蛋白isolated soy protein氨基乙酸glycine food grade苯二胺meta phenylene diamine萘酚BETA NAPHTHOL邻甲氧基苯胺ORTHO ANISIDINE碘IODINE CRUDE双氰胺DICYANDIAMIDE 99.5 PCT丙二酸diethyl malonateN-甲基吡咯烷酮N-methylpyrrolidone硫脲Thiourea 99% min碳酸钙CALCIUM CARBONA TE (FOOD GRADE) て镁MgO吡喹酮praziquantel梭链孢酸FUSIDIC ACID硬化防止剂Antioxidant 22E46杀螟晴Cyanox 1790二甲基二硫醚Dimethyl Disulfide辅酶Coenzyme Q10硅烷Dimethyl Dichloro Silane二甲基碳酰氯Dimethyl Carbonyl Chloride 烟酸甲酯Methyl Nicotinate3-氯苯甲基氰化物3-Chloro Benzyl Cyanide 1,2,3-苯并三唑1,2,3-Benzotriazole赤铁HEMATITE, SPECULAR (Fe203)法莫替丁Famotidine碳酸钡Barium carbonate黄磷Yellow Phosphoru酪氨酸L-TYROSINE4-苯基-1-丁醇4-phenyl-1-butanol电石Calcium Carbide安息香酸M-nitro benzoic acid硝酸钠Sodium Nitrate碳酸钙Calcium Carbonate水银& 硒Mercury & Selenium三聚磷酸钠STPP tech grade曲酸Kojic Acid蛋黄素LECITHIN硫代硫酸钙Calcium Thiocyanate硫氰酸盐ERYTHROMYCIN THIOCYANATE BP98环戊醇CYCLOPENTANEMETHANOL糖精钠Sodium Saccharin BP932-甲氧基-5-硝基吡啶2-methoxy-5-nitropyridine二氧化钛TITANIUM DIOXIDE POWDER, ANATASE巴龙霉素Paromomycin sulfate2-羟基-1,4-萘醌2-Hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone (Lawsone). 偶氮二异丁腈Diisopropyl azodicarboxylate双氯芬酸钾Diclofenac Potassium双氯芬酸钠(游离溴)Diclofenac sodium (free bromide)3-溴甲苯3-bromotoluene1-苯甲基-4-哌啶酮1-benzyl-4-piperidone抗坏血酸维生素C ASCORBIC ACID葡萄糖DEXTROSE过硼酸钠Sodium Perborate碳酸钠CALCIUM CARBONA TE二苯胺diphenylamine辅酶Q10 coenzyme Q10氢氯化物Homomorpholine hydrochloride尿素UREA 46%粗石油焦RAW PETROLEUM COKE ( RPC )二氧化钛TITANIUM DIOXIDE FIBER GRADE尿素Thio Urea二甲基聚乙烯Poly Dimethyl Diallyl Ammonium Chloride黄体酮HYDROXY PROGESTERRONE CAPTORA TE BP98 1-溴己烷Hexyl Bromide ; 1-Bromohexane过硫酸铵Ammonium Persulfate (98.5% min)甘油GL YCERINE CRUDE苯甲酮Benzophenone三氧化锑Antimony Trioxide低密度聚乙烯new LDPE (film grade)氰化钙calcium cyanide三甲基乙酸pivalic acid碳化钙CALCIUM CARBIDE地塞米松Dexamethasone BP93地塞米松Dexamethasone BP93乙酰苯Acetophenone戊基Amyl alcohol磷酸Phosphoric Acid (Technical Grade)无水重铬酸钠Sodium Dichromate anhydrous炔丙醇propargyl alcohol (PA)邻苯二甲酸盐Dibutyl Phthalate磷酸二氢铵monoammonium phosphate (ammophos)硝苯吡啶NIFEDIPINE DDP过氧化氢hydrogen peroxide 35%维他命vitamin b6 usp蒽醌Anthraquinone 98.5%4-氯,三氟甲苯4-chloro Benzotrifluoride乳酸Lactic Acid溴氯乙酸Bromodi chloroacetic acid戊烷Pentane4-甲基苯磷二酚4-Methyl Catechol四氧化三铁Iron Oxide聚乙烯POL Y ETHYLEN甘露醇Mannitol pyrogen free USP24周效磺胺Sulphadoxine bp/usp乙嘧啶Pyrimethamine bp/usp三苯基锑Antimony Trioxide安息香酸BENZOIC ACID-INDUSTRIAL GRADE苯甲醇Benzyl Alcohol4-羟基香豆素4-HYDROXY COUMARIN苯亚甲基丙酮BENZALACETONE钨酸钠sodium tungstate dihydrate吡啶羧酸2,3-Pyridinedicarboxylic acid乙酰丁基乙酸酯2-(Acetoxymethyl)-4-(benzyloxy)butyl acetate亚硫酸钠Sodium sulfide间苯二酚Resorcinol diacetate羟甲基吡啶4-hydroxymethylpiperidine3-氨基-1-吡唑3-amino-1-pyrazole苯并噻唑2,2'-Dithiobis(benzothiazole)丙酰溴PROPIONYL CHLORIDE麦芽糖醇Maltitol Crystalline Dry Form丙二醇Propylene Glycol USP水合肼HYDRAZINE HYDRATE邻苯二甲酸盐DiButyl Phthalate泛酸钙d.calcium pantothenate usp/ip泛酰醇d.panthenol usp/ip树脂酸钙Calcium Resinate过氧化氢Hydrogen Peroxide甘露醇Mannitol Usp 24左旋(四)咪唑LEVAMISOL HCL.氨基环己醇Trans-4-Amino Cyclohexanol碳酸二甲酯Dimethyl Carbonate 99.5%挥发性漆稀释剂LACQUER THINNER蚁酸FORMIC ACID 85%异抗坏血酸钠D-SODIUM ERYTHORBATE 亚硝酸钠sodium nitrite 99%硝基苯m-nitro chloro benzene三溴化磷PHOSPHORUS TRIBROMIDEN-丁间酮酰苯胺ACETOACETAMIDE乙醇deodorized ethanol抗坏血酸维生素C Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)四氮六甲圜Hexamine硫酸铝Aluminium Sulfate氢氧化铝Hydrate Alumina烃氧基钠sodium alginate双环己基DICYCLO HEXYL KETON次氯酸钙Calcium hypochlorite 65%马来酸酐Anhydride Maleic苏打soda ash light & soda bi carbonate阿苯哒唑Albendazole CP 2000焦磷酸钾Mono potassium phosphate柠檬酸Citric Acid anhydrous BP山梨酸钾Potassium sorbate foodgrade焦亚硫酸钠Sodium metabisulfite foodgrade糖精钠Sodium Saccharine 450 x BP钙化醇Ergocalciferol硫代硫酸钠SODIUM THIOCYANATE 99% PURE 戊醛酸PivalicAcid硅酸铝pure aluminium silicate柠檬酸钠SODIUM CITRA TE次氯酸钠SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE阿替洛尔Atenolol氟化氢铵AMMONIUM BIFLUORIDE酸酐ERYTHROMYCIN ESTOLATE硬脂酸盐Erythromycin stearate氯化钾POTASSIUM CHLORIDE无水柠檬酸CITRIC ACID ANHYDROUS BP98 / USP 24 右旋糖DEXTROSE乙烯-醋酸乙烯共聚物EV A Copolymer 18%山梨(糖)醇SORBITOL醋酸苄酯Benzyl Acetate FFC甲苯Toluol反丁烯二酸FUMARIC ACID硫化钠SODIUM SULPHIDE三羟乙基胺TRIETHANOLAMINE无水柠檬酸Citri Acid Anhydrous BP93葡(萄)糖胺Glucosamine HCL三乙胺Triethylamine二异丁烯Diisobutylene琥珀酸盐SUMA TRIPTAN SUCCINATE双氰胺DIcyandiamide硬脂酸STEARIC ACID苯甲酸乙酯Ethyl Benzoate硫化钠SODIUM SULPHIDE三乙醇胺TRIETHANOLAMINE3,4-二氨基苯甲醇3,4-Diaminobenzenemethanol无水柠檬酸Citri Acid Anhydrous氟美松,倍他米松Dexamethasone Base,Betamethasone Base 蚁酸FORMIC ACID 8 5 %萘Fine Naphthalene苛性钠Caustic Soda碳酸锶Strontium Carbonate黄磷Yellow Phosphorus软骨素Chondroitin Sulfate (Bovine)4-噻唑羧酸4-Thiazole carboxylic acid乙胺丁醇Ethambutol free base六氯环己烷HEXACHLOROBUTADIENE甲酸钠SODIUM FORMA TE抗坏血酸维生素C ascorbic acid柠檬酸citric acid焦磷酸钾potassium permangenate维生素C vitamin c香草醛vanillin抗坏血酸维生素C ascorbic acid usp/bp盐酸amprolium HCl氨基喹啉3-Aminoquinoline三氟醋酸银Silver Trifluoroacetate1,3-丁二烯Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene硅酸镁Magnesium Silicate q-agent安息香酸TRIMETHOXY BENZOIC ACID (FOR MANUFACTURING OF T.M. 维生素C Vitamin C ( ascorbic acid )马来酸多潘立酮Domperidone Maleate重铬酸钠Sodium Bicarbonate - Food Grade呋喃TETRA HYDRO FURAN纤维醇inositol邻苯二甲酰胺PHTHALIC ANHYDRIDE水合茶叶碱THEOPHYLLINE ANHYDROUS硫脲THIOUREA丙酮acetone丁基醋酸盐butyl acetate二甲苯Xylene三聚磷酸钠STPP聚甲烯化合物POL YMETHYLENE POL YPHENYLISOCYANATE乙胺丁醇Ethambutol一水柠檬酸Citric acid monohydrate Food grade 无水柠檬酸Citric acid anhydrous Food grade磷酸三钠Trisodium Phosphate Tech. Grade铬酸Chromic acid三苯基锑antimony trioxide铵ammonium heptamolybdate四氢萘酮Tetralone an intermediate of Sertraline 硫尿素Thio Urea甲基尿嘧啶6-Methyl Uracil硝酸铵AMMONIUM NITRA TE酞菁染料iron phthalocyanine联乙醯对二氨基联苯N.N'-Diacetyl benzidine甲氧萘丙酸NAPROXEN USP /BP2000硫酸羟胺hydroxylamine sulphate盐酸赖氨酸Lysine HCL Feed Grade二甲基丙二烯3:3 DIMETHYL ACRYLIC ACID 炭黑Carbon Black N330氢氧化锂Lithium Hydroxide MonoHydrate癸二酸Sebacic Acid壬二酸Azelaic Acid碳酸水Soda Ash Light 99.2% min.硅酸二钙Dicalcium Phosphate (Feed Grade)磺胺Sulfanilamide (Best Quality)二盐酸吡啶pyridine 2- aldehyde异癸醇isodecanol高锰酸钾Potassium Permanganate 99.5%钼酸钠Sodium Molybdate钠Sodium Moly Ore氯吡啶2-Chloropyridine-n-oxide溴安替比林2-Bromopyridine-n-oxide Hbr云母Talc Powder氯化钙Calcium Chloride Flakes 77%过氧化氢hydrogen peroxide铬酸钙Calcium Chloride Prills 94%反丁烯二酸Fumaric Acid (Food grade)半胱氨酸蛋白酶L-Cysteine HCL Anhydrous (左旋)苯丙氨酸氮芥Meloxicam亚乙基二硝胺Dinitro salicylic Acid二氧化钛Homatropine Methylbromide过(二)硫酸钠Sodium Persulfate过硫酸铵Ammonium Persulfate阿苯哒唑Albendazole 99% (BP98 /USP)磷钼酸铵AMMONIUM MOL YBDATE 85% 钨酸钠SODIUM TUNGSTATE氯化钙Calcium Chloride联乙醯对二氨基联苯N.N'-Diacetyl benzidine联苯4,4-Diiodo Biphenyl3-甲基二苯胺3-methyl diphenylamine二甲基苯胺dimethyl aniline雷酸钠SODIUM FORMA TE 97%甲硫氨酸dl methionine feed grade氯化铵AMMONIUM CHLORIDE 99.5% MIN亚硝酸钠SODIUM NITRITE 99%重铬酸氨AMMONIUM BICARBONATE氢氧化钠4-Styrenesulfonic Acid, Sodium Salt Hydrate软化剂Anionic Softener聚乙烯醇Poly vinyl Alcohol柠檬酸Citric acid monohydrate酞化青染料PHTHALOCY ANINE GREEN 7苯(甲)酸钠SODIUM BAICARBONATE 99% (FOOD GRADE) 辅酶Coenzyme Q10苛性苏打CAUSTIC SODA FLAKES 99%MIN氯化钙CALCIUM CHLORIDE FLAKES 74%MIN扑热息痛PARACETAMOL三溴硝基甲烷5-bromophthalide硫酸锌Zinc Sulfate。
International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and MaterialsVolume 17, Number 4, August 2010, Page 500DOI: 10.1007/s12613-010-0348-yCorresponding author: Zhuan Li E-mail: li_zhuan@© University of Science and Technology Beijing and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010 Preparation and properties of C/C-SiC brake compositesfabricated by warm compacted-in situ reaction Zhuan Li, Peng Xiao, and Xiang XiongState Key Laboratory of Powder Metallurgy, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China(Received: 12 August 2009; revised: 28 August 2009; accepted: 2 September 2009)Abstract: Carbon fibre reinforced carbon and silicon carbide dual matrix composites (C/C-SiC) were fabricated by the warm compacted-insitu reaction. The microstructure, mechanical properties, tribological properties, and wear mechanism of C/C-SiC composites at differentbrake speeds were investigated. The results indicate that the composites are composed of 58wt% C, 37wt% SiC, and 5wt% Si. The densityand open porosity are 2.0 g·cm–3 and 10%, respectively. The C/C-SiC brake composites exhibit good mechanical properties. The flexuralstrength can reach up to 160 MPa, and the impact strength can reach 2.5 kJ·m–2. The C/C-SiC brake composites show excellent tribologicalperformances. The friction coefficient is between 0.57 and 0.67 at the brake speeds from 8 to 24 m·s−1. The brake is stable, and the wear rateis less than 2.02×10−6 cm3·J−1. These results show that the C/C-SiC brake composites are the promising candidates for advanced brake andclutch systems.Keywords: C/C-SiC; ceramic matrix composites; tribological properties; microstructure [This work was financially supported by the National High-Tech Research and Development Program of China (No.2006AA03Z560) and theGraduate Degree Thesis Innovation Foundation of Central South University (No.2008yb019).]温压-原位反应法制备C / C-SiC刹车复合材料的工艺和性能李专,肖鹏,熊翔粉末冶金国家重点实验室,中南大学,湖南长沙410083,中国(收稿日期:2009年8月12日修订:2009年8月28日;接受日期:2009年9月2日)摘要:采用温压−原位反应法制备炭纤维增强炭和碳化硅双基体(C/C-SiC)复合材料。
Container Dump SiteAs an important part of international transportation chain and logistics chain, container transport trade plays a crucial role, and further more, some advanced country look it as a important symbol behaved their integrated logistics competition. Container Terminal, which is a container transport nerve, connects the water transport with land—carriage, it affects the container transport. Because of application of modern hi—tech in port, the loaded and unloaded system becomes more and more large-scale, high-speed, automatism, and information, and the size of Container Terminal is more big, the work efficiency is more high and the throughput is also more much。
Just because of all this, the conventional design of port distinct with the operation fact of modern Container Terminal. Design method of port needs improvement constantly, and design thought also needs innovation。
Foreign material:Chemical Industry1.Origins of the Chemical IndustryAlthough the use of chemicals dates back to the ancient civilizations, the evolution of what we know as the modern chemical industry started much more recently. It may be considered to have begun during the Industrial Revolution, about 1800, and developed to provide chemicals roe use by other industries. Examples are alkali for soapmaking, bleaching powder for cotton, and silica and sodium carbonate for glassmaking. It will be noted that these are all inorganic chemicals. The organic chemicals industry started in the 1860s with the exploitation of William Henry Perkin’s discovery if the first synthetic dyestuff—mauve. At the start of the twentieth century the emphasis on research on the applied aspects of chemistry in Germany had paid off handsomely, and by 1914 had resulted in the German chemical industry having 75% of the world market in chemicals. This was based on the discovery of new dyestuffs plus the development of both the contact process for sulphuric acid and the Haber process for ammonia. The later required a major technological breakthrough that of being able to carry out chemical reactions under conditions of very high pressure for the first time. The experience gained with this was to stand Germany in good stead, particularly with the rapidly increased demand for nitrogen-based compounds (ammonium salts for fertilizers and nitric acid for explosives manufacture) with the outbreak of world warⅠin 1914. This initiated profound changes which continued during the inter-war years (1918-1939).Since 1940 the chemical industry has grown at a remarkable rate, although this has slowed significantly in recent years. The lion’s share of this growth has been in the organic chemicals sector due to the development and growth of the petrochemicals area since 1950s. The explosives growth in petrochemicals in the 1960s and 1970s was largely due to the enormous increase in demand for synthetic polymers such as polyethylene, polypropylene, nylon, polyesters and epoxy resins.The chemical industry today is a very diverse sector of manufacturing industry, within which it plays a central role. It makes thousands of different chemicals whichthe general public only usually encounter as end or consumer products. These products are purchased because they have the required properties which make them suitable for some particular application, e.g. a non-stick coating for pans or a weedkiller. Thus chemicals are ultimately sold for the effects that they produce.2. Definition of the Chemical IndustryAt the turn of the century there would have been little difficulty in defining what constituted the chemical industry since only a very limited range of products was manufactured and these were clearly chemicals, e.g., alkali, sulphuric acid. At present, however, many intermediates to products produced, from raw materials like crude oil through (in some cases) many intermediates to products which may be used directly as consumer goods, or readily converted into them. The difficulty cones in deciding at which point in this sequence the particular operation ceases to be part of the chemical industry’s sphere of activities. To consider a specific example to illustrate this dilemma, emulsion paints may contain poly (vinyl chloride) / poly (vinyl acetate). Clearly, synthesis of vinyl chloride (or acetate) and its polymerization are chemical activities. However, if formulation and mixing of the paint, including the polymer, is carried out by a branch of the multinational chemical company which manufactured the ingredients, is this still part of the chemical industry of does it mow belong in the decorating industry?It is therefore apparent that, because of its diversity of operations and close links in many areas with other industries, there is no simple definition of the chemical industry. Instead each official body which collects and publishes statistics on manufacturing industry will have its definition as to which operations are classified as the chemical industry. It is important to bear this in mind when comparing statistical information which is derived from several sources.3. The Need for Chemical IndustryThe chemical industry is concerned with converting raw materials, such as crude oil, firstly into chemical intermediates and then into a tremendous variety of other chemicals. These are then used to produce consumer products, which make our livesmore comfortable or, in some cases such as pharmaceutical produces, help to maintain our well-being or even life itself. At each stage of these operations value is added to the produce and provided this added exceeds the raw material plus processing costs then a profit will be made on the operation. It is the aim of chemical industry to achieve this.It may seem strange in textbook this one to pose the question “do we need a chemical industry?” However trying to answer this question will provide(ⅰ) an indication of the range of the chemical industry’s activities, (ⅱ) its influence on our lives in everyday terms, and (ⅲ) how great is society’s need for a chemical industry. Our approach in answering the question will be to consider the industry’s co ntribution to meeting and satisfying our major needs. What are these? Clearly food (and drink) and health are paramount. Other which we shall consider in their turn are clothing and (briefly) shelter, leisure and transport.(1)Food. The chemical industry makes a major contribution to food production in at least three ways. Firstly, by making available large quantities of artificial fertilizers which are used to replace the elements (mainly nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) which are removed as nutrients by the growing crops during modern intensive farming. Secondly, by manufacturing crop protection chemicals, i.e., pesticides, which markedly reduce the proportion of the crops consumed by pests. Thirdly, by producing veterinary products which protect livestock from disease or cure their infections.(2)Health. We are all aware of the major contribution which the pharmaceutical sector of the industry has made to help keep us all healthy, e.g. by curing bacterial infections with antibiotics, and even extending life itself, e.g. ß–blockers to lower blood pressure.(3)Clothing. The improvement in properties of modern synthetic fibers over the traditional clothing materials (e.g. cotton and wool) has been quite remarkable. Thus shirts, dresses and suits made from polyesters like Terylene and polyamides like Nylon are crease-resistant, machine-washable, and drip-dry or non-iron. They are also cheaper than natural materials.Parallel developments in the discovery of modern synthetic dyes and the technology to “bond” th em to the fiber has resulted in a tremendous increase in the variety of colors available to the fashion designer. Indeed they now span almost every color and hue of the visible spectrum. Indeed if a suitable shade is not available, structural modification of an existing dye to achieve this canreadily be carried out, provided there is a satisfactory market for the product.Other major advances in this sphere have been in color-fastness, i.e., resistance to the dye being washed out when the garment is cleaned.(4)Shelter, leisure and transport. In terms of shelter the contribution of modern synthetic polymers has been substantial. Plastics are tending to replace traditional building materials like wood because they are lighter, maintenance-free (i.e. they are resistant to weathering and do not need painting). Other polymers, e.g. urea-formaldehyde and polyurethanes, are important insulating materials f or reducing heat losses and hence reducing energy usage.Plastics and polymers have made a considerable impact on leisure activities with applications ranging from all-weather artificial surfaces for athletic tracks, football pitches and tennis courts to nylon strings for racquets and items like golf balls and footballs made entirely from synthetic materials.Like wise the chemical industry’s contribution to transport over the years has led to major improvements. Thus development of improved additives like anti-oxidants and viscosity index improves for engine oil has enabled routine servicing intervals to increase from 3000 to 6000 to 12000 miles. Research and development work has also resulted in improved lubricating oils and greases, and better brake fluids. Yet again the contribution of polymers and plastics has been very striking with the proportion of the total automobile derived from these materials—dashboard, steering wheel, seat padding and covering etc.—now exceeding 40%.So it is quite apparent even from a brief look at the chemical industry’s contribution to meeting our major needs that life in the world would be very different without the products of the industry. Indeed the level of a country’s development may be judged by the production level and sophistication of its chemical industry4. Research and Development (R&D) in Chemical IndustriesOne of the main reasons for the rapid growth of the chemical industry in the developed world has been its great commitment to, and investment in research and development (R&D). A typical figure is 5% of sales income, with this figure being almost doubled for the most research intensive sector, pharmaceuticals. It is important to emphasize that we are quoting percentages here not of profits but of sales income, i.e. the total money received, which has to pay for raw materials, overheads, staff salaries, etc. as well. In the past this tremendous investment has paid off well, leading to many useful and valuable products being introduced to the market. Examplesinclude synthetic polymers like nylons and polyesters, and drugs and pesticides. Although the number of new products introduced to the market has declined significantly in recent years, and in times of recession the research department is usually one of the first to suffer cutbacks, the commitment to R&D remains at a very high level.The chemical industry is a very high technology industry which takes full advantage of the latest advances in electronics and engineering. Computers are very widely used for all sorts of applications, from automatic control of chemical plants, to molecular modeling of structures of new compounds, to the control of analytical instruments in the laboratory.Individual manufacturing plants have capacities ranging from just a few tones per year in the fine chemicals area to the real giants in the fertilizer and petrochemical sectors which range up to 500,000 tonnes. The latter requires enormous capital investment, since a single plant of this size can now cost $520 million! This, coupled with the widespread use of automatic control equipment, helps to explain why the chemical industry is capital-rather than labor-intensive.The major chemical companies are truly multinational and operate their sales and marketing activities in most of the countries of the world, and they also have manufacturing units in a number of countries. This international outlook for operations, or globalization, is a growing trend within the chemical industry, with companies expanding their activities either by erecting manufacturing units in other countries or by taking over companies which are already operating there.化学工业1.化学工业的起源尽管化学品的使用可以追溯到古代文明时代,我们所谓的现代化学工业的发展却是非常近代(才开始的)。
中英文对照外文翻译(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)译文:化学工业1. 化学工业的定义在本世纪初,定义出化学工艺制品的构成是不难的,因为那时制造出来的化学产品很有限,例如,强碱、硫酸溶液。
2. 化学工业的需要化学工业与许多原材料的加工有密切关系。
The impact of “3r” principles to industrial designAbstractWhile industrial design creates modem life and living surroundings for people,it also accelerates the exhaustion of the natural resources and the energy resources.Besides,it has done harm to the ecological balance,and threatened the existence and the sustainable development of human beings.Confront with this situation,the strategy of sustainable development,proposed in 1990s,is accepted by many people.Recycling economy and its key point,“3r” prin ciple,were born for this situation and become important principle in all kinds of economic activities and in the area of design and manufacture.By decoding the connotation of “3r” principle,the article analyzes the influence and the guidance over industria l design of “3r” principle.Furthermore,the article tries to discuss the conception of redesign,which is the extension of the “3r” principle in the area of industrial design,and explicates 4R principle of industrial design for recycling economy at last.Key words3 R principle;industrial design;recycling economy;Redesign1 IntroductionIndustrial design as a cross-cutting technology and the arts disciplines,it is closely related to the economy and to maintain its development and progress of society. It can be summarized:First,it services for industrial mass production,making industrial products enhance the value and value-added. Second,It leads the fashion,to effectively stimulate consumption,so that consumers not only use the product at the same time,but also enjoy the new technology and material;Third,it puts technology to link up with the market,making products enhance competitiveness;Last but not the least,it can bring the innovation into the enterprise. Therefore,the economic development needs industrial design which has become indispensable to the country's economic construction .However,along with the traditional industrial design creating high-quality modern lifestyle and living environment and promoting economic development ,it also speeds up the consumption of resources and energy. What is more ,it dose harm to the ecological balance of the Earth and brings about a serious of great damage to human survival and sustainable development. Especially the excessive commercialization of industrial design,utilitarian and excessive pursuit of profit,the implementation of "merchandise has plans to abolish the system"without taking into account production,use,process waste,such as the environment,the impact of resources. It can be said that people are in inappropriate and excessive consumption patterns of life,the industrial design objectively becomes essential medium to encourage people to uncontrolled consume,which is countered to the essence of industrial design—creating a science and healthy way of life.Facing the threat of human survival and sustainable development,in the 20th century,people began to question the sustainable development of humanity ,to carry out a profound reflection on sustainable development and to put forward a suitable model of circular economy ,the principle of circular economy is “3r” (i.e. Reduce,Reuse,Recycle) which is of great significance to the implementation and promotion of socio-economic stability,sustainable development Against this background,the concept of sustainable development into rapid economic development is inextricably linked to the design,based on this ongoing exploration and practice. “3r” principles intended to sort out this article on various aspects of industrial design and the guiding role,and attempts to explore the “3r” principles of industrial design at the extension.2 Cycle economic model and the principle of “3r”Economy is engaged in production,consumption and reproduction activities,which is to meet human material needs of their own material .Recycling economy is considered following the original economy,the agricultural economy,industrial economy after the time of the post-industrial economy,with the industrial economy is different between the resources and environment relationship. Following the economic cycle refers to the natural ecosystem of the material circulation and energy flow reconstruction of the economic system so that it harmoniously into the natural ecosystems of the material energy recycling process to product clean production,resource recycling and efficient recycling characterized eco-economic development patterns,also known as eco-economy,green economy.2.1 The relationship between economic model,environment and the resourcesHuman survival and economic activities rely on the resources and the environment. On one hand ,it is the source of the human beings material system;on the other hand,it bears the economic activities of human waste generated by the various roles. The Earth can provide resources but are limited,even though it must have the ability to purify,however it is subject to human economic activity the ability of emissions is also limited.Industrial economic development patterns are from "One Product One resource pollution" posed by one-way flow of material and an open economy,this openness has led to a global depletion of resources and waste,as well as the serious deterioration of the ecological environment.Circular economy development pattern is from "one of resources of renewable resources,one of green products" posed by the material energy of the closed-loop feedback loop process,this closed loop system,can maintain economic production of low,high-quality,low-waste,which will be economic activity of natural resources and environmental impacts to minimize damage.2.2 Interpretation of the circular economy mode “3r” principle“3r” principle is the basic manifestation of the economic cycle,and its specific contents are as follows:"Reduction" principle is the first principle of circular economy,that is the source of control method,which requires the source of economic activity - the design stage,pay attention to the use of resources-saving and pollution reduction requirements with fewer resources to achieve the established purpose of the production or consumption In the production areas,usually the energy-saving production processes,materials and conservation of resources,the products of small size and lightweight,and easy and simple packaging requirements in order to achieve the purpose of reducing waste emissions;In the consumer area,reduction of the supremacy of the principle of a change in consumer lifestyles and advocate moderate consumption and green consumption. "Reuse" principle is the second principle of circular economy,that is,process control methods,with the aim to improve the products and resources use efficiency,it calls for product design to initial the form of packaging for multiple items to prevent premature become waste. In the design,to the use ofstandard-sized parts,repair and upgrade in order to replace,thus prolonging the service life of products;In the consumer area,to promote the purchase of durable consumer goods,to reduce the use of disposable products,such as after-sales service by strengthening the means to extend the product life as possible and not waste."Recycling" principle is the third principle of circular economy,that is,terminal control method of production and consumption in the process of waste generated,through the "resources" of the means of its re-processing of raw materials can be re-used or product,put it back on consumption. Resources of the so-called class of resources usually include the originaland secondary resources. The original class of resources is the waste of resources after the formation of the same with the original products,sub-resource is the waste of resources into different types of after the new products. To promote waste recycling economy will be the source of the original and sub-class of combining resources in order to fully realize the recycling use of resources.3. The impact of the “3r” principle of to industrial design“3r” principle is not only on products from the design,production,sales,use,disposal and so on throughout the life cycle have an impact on all aspect,but also on the industrial design itself,a more extensive and profound changes:3.1 The impact of design conceptIn modern industrial economy,the product design is often to serve the people,just from the people to meet needs and solve the problem as the starting point,and do not consider the follow-up products,use of resources and energy consumption and emissions on the environment and other ecological problems. “3r” principle in the design concept under the influence from the "people-oriented" towards the "harmony between man and nature" of green design,while respecting the needs of people,but also consider the safety of the ecosystem. Cycle economic model of the industrial design under the design concept,put people and nature live in harmony and common development in the first place,the use of systems theory and Calibration of all acts of industrial design,from product design at the beginning of themacro-environment had priority to consider and pay attention to the coordination of products that run the various elements of the process in order to achieve system optimization. Here,the environmental factors are the starting point of the whole design and end points,through the design,efforts to improve and reduce the products in the production,use,recycling process,such as the adverse impact of the environment. So Green Design Products are in the "harmony between man and nature" under the guidance of thought to the harmonious development of man and nature,the principle of human - machine system one considers the environment,a comprehensive optimization of the industrial design of a new concept.3.2 The impact of design styleSimple is an aesthetic pursuit of extremists on the design of easy style,popular in the 20th century,in the United States age 80. If we say that in the industrial economic model,the simple style of product design aesthetic is a subjective pursuit of people,then in the recycling economy mode,the structure of the simplest and most parsimonious of the materials,the mostbeautiful modeling,the most pristine appearance simplicity of product design,sustainable development concept is a concrete manifestation. “3r” Products doctrine of the meaning of this simple style more in-depth,specific,practical significance.First,the premise of ensuring the functionality as far as choice of materials can be recycled,such as biological materials,so less material on refined,appropriate;Second,to promote. Small is beautiful ". Less Is More",the lightweight and pleasant form of products. Third,the design features of the object collation,evaluation,definition,must always focus on the merger,to simplify,optimize,and makes the core functions briefly products;Fourth,the product is intended to be simple and clear language;Fifth,the structure of simple,easy to create;Sixth,the choice of degradable material,the structure of easy solutions,such as withholding together.3.3 The impact of design methodThe impact of the “3r” principle and under the guidance of the implementation of green design methods are:modular design,removable design,recyclable design,long-life design.Modular design is at a certain range of different functions or different functions the same performance,different specifications of the products on the basis of functional analysis,and design into a series of functional modules,through the selection and combination of modules can constitute different products to designed to meet the different needs of the Ways. The benefits of modular design:First,make products with good performance Recycling demolition,settled design different types of products and waste of resources;Second,it will be able to be easy to use or duplicate the functions of independent recovery,enhance the versatility of the components,once the end-of-life products,they can re-use or recycling;Third,improve the repair of products can extend the life of the product.Product design is removable at the design stage,so that parts of the Products has a good performance of the demolition. Conducive to the re-use of components or recycled materials to save not only protect the environment and Materials. The demolition of the design requirements,Product First,connect the various parts and components,as far as possible the use of detachable connection,such as threaded connections,unified type fasteners,reducing the number of fasteners,try not to use welding,riveting,bonding and other non-removable the connection;Second,in the selection and processing of raw materials,the demolition of the connection;to use and reuse of recyclable materials,the types of materials,such as less as possible.Recyclable design refers to product design,to take full account of the various materials Product components the possibility of recycling,recovery treatment,recycling and product recovery of costs related to a series of questions,thus saving materials and reducing waste,minimum of environmental pollution for the purpose of a design method. Long-life design is the design of products based on life in the economic indicators to ensure that products,value and environmental requirements at the same time try to make our products to extend the life to achieve the slow resource consumption of a design method. Specifically include the following:First,improving product reliability and durability;Second,products are easy to repair and maintenance;Third,using standard,modular product structure3.4 The impact of design material“3r” principle in guidance and norms,product design,material selection should be taken into consideration:First of all,minimize the use of materials. Try using high quality materials to enhance the service life of products;the prohibition of the use of contaminated material against big,look for the corresponding sound material substitution;Reuse as much as possible the use of recyclable materials. Secondly,the preferred sound of the ecological environment of the material,after the preferred decomposition of waste and the natural world to absorb the material,preferred low power,low cost,low-polluting materials,preferred easy processing,and processing of non-polluting or less polluting materials,preferred materials recycling. Finally,to reduce the use of the types of materials in order to reduce the cost of Recycling Materials;maintain original material,as far as possible the use of simple materials,the use of alloy materials,to avoid material harm to the environment of the surface treatment;Marked parts Products material composition for the materials to facilitate recycling and so on.4. From “3r” to 4RIn the recycling economy mode,the product life cycle from the previous end-of-life for the end product,after the extension to the end-of-life recycling. It should be noted that starting from the waste products for the consideration of a second use for them,so that the product design is no longer a product before,but the other products. Therefore,the design process we will call it "re-engineering (Redesign)"4.1 The concept of re-engineeringThe so-called re-engineering,that is,through the product components as well as their overall utilization of the re-design method to save resources. Given the United Kingdom Environmental Design Alliance is defined as:"Materials by Product,the structure of ameaningful way to re-use,in order to save resources for the purpose of the premise,to extend the product life cycle,and tap the potential ecological value of the design method." In short,the product re-engineering refers to the product life cycle after the re-use design.Whether they are re-engineering the design of a new trend,or the design of a self-activity changes,which are related to the sustainable development strategy in line belong to the scope of green design. If it is said that green design is usually considered the entire product life-cycle environmental impact,and re-design considerations are at the end of product life-weeks to reduce the environmental impact of problem,it is the “3r” principle in the extension of the field of industrial design. Therefore,the re-engineering in conjunction with the “3r” principle,as a mode of circular economy 4R principles of industrial design.4.2 The form of re-engineeringProduct re-engineering is aimed at new products to effectively use the original parts and components products and materials. Product re-engineering have a variety of forms,for the same product re-engineering can have a variety of forms,can be divided into assimilation and alienation of the re-engineering.Assimilation refers to re-design is a before and after re-engineering products,have been recycling their own re-engineering of the parts not changed before and after. For example,before the re-design car audio,re-engineering the home was converted into sound.Alienation refers to the re-engineering re-design before and after are different products,re-use of components was necessary in order to be used transformation. For example,re-engineering before the cell phone components,into a walkie-talkie after the re-engineering of an important part of;In another example,the re-engineering of old jeans before,byre-engineering can be turned into shorts,vest and so on.5. ConclusionsCircular economy is to achieve sustainable human development of new economic development model,“3r” principle is the core substance of the economic cycle,the idea of circular economy is the fundamental expression. "Re-design" are able to make the best of “3r” in the extension of the field of industrial design and development,is a matter of deep study and practice the new task,it should be,together with the “3r” principle,become a model of circular economy are industrial 4R principles of design.As the international chairman of the Federation of Societies of Industrial Design,Mr. Peter said "the design of human development as an important factor,with the exception ofself-destruction might be the ruin of mankind,human arrival may also become a shortcut to a better world." Today,in the framework of national sustainable development strategies,the role of industrial design is changing,and actively looking for a new direction for the development of circular economy at all levels play a role. Industrial design will become a powerful for cycling of our country economic.“3r”原则对的工业设计的影响摘要在工业设计为人类创造了现代生活和生活环境的同时,也进一步加速自然资源和能源资源的消耗。
High-speed millingHigh-speed machining is an advanced manufacturing technology, different from the traditional processing methods. The spindle speed, cutting feed rate, cutting a small amount of units within the time of removal of material has increased three to six times. With high efficiency, high precision and high quality surface as the basic characteristics of the automobile industry, aerospace, mold manufacturing and instrumentation industry, such as access to a wide range of applications, has made significant economic benefits, is the contemporary importance of advanced manufacturing technology. For a long time, people die on the processing has been using a grinding or milling EDM (EDM) processing, grinding, polishing methods. Although the high hardness of the EDM machine parts, but the lower the productivity of its application is limited. With the development of high-speed processing technology, used to replace high-speed cutting, grinding and polishing process to die processing has bee possible. To shorten the processing cycle, processing and reliable quality assurance, lower processing costs.1 One of the advantages of high-speed machiningHigh-speed machining as a die-efficient manufacturing, high-quality, low power consumption in an advanced manufacturing technology. In conventional machining in a series of problems has plagued by high-speed machining of the application have been resolved.1.1 Increase productivityHigh-speed cutting of the spindle speed, feed rate pared withtraditional machining, in the nature of the leap, the metal removal rate increased 30 percent to 40 percent, cutting force reduced by 30 percent, the cutting tool life increased by 70% . Hardened parts can be processed, a fixture in many parts to be pleted rough, semi-finishing and fine, and all other processes, the plex can reach parts of the surface quality requirements, thus increasing the processing productivity and petitiveness of products in the market.1.3 Cutting reduce the heatBecause the main axis milling machine high-speed rotation, cutting a shallow cutting, and feed very quickly, and the blade length of the workpiece contacts and contact time is very short, a decrease of blades and parts of the heat conduction. High-speed cutting by dry milling or oil cooked up absolute (mist) lubrication system, to avoid the traditional processing tool in contact with the workpiece and a lot of shortings to ensure that the tool is not high temperature under the conditions of work, extended tool life.1.4 This is conducive to processing thin-walled partsHigh-speed cutting of small cutting force, a higher degree of stability, Machinable with high-quality employees pared to the pany may be very good, but other than the pany's employees may Suanbu Le outstanding work performance. For our China practice, we use the models to determine the method of staff training needs are simple and effective. This study models can be an external object, it can also be a bination of internal and external. We must first clear strategy for the development of enterprises. Through the internal and external business environment and organizational resources, such as analysis, the future development of a clear business goals and operational priorities. According to the business development strategy can be pared to find the business models, through a parative analysis of the finalization of business models. In determining business models, a, is the understanding of its development strategy, or its market share and market growth rate, or the staff of the situation, and so on, according to the panies to determine the actual situation. As enterprises in different period of development, its focus is different, which means that enterprises need to invest the manpower and financial resources the focus is different. So in a certain period of time, enterprises should accurately selected their business models pared with the departments and posts, so more practical significance, because the business models are not always good, but to pare some aspects did not have much practical significance, Furthermore This can more fully concentrate on the business use of limited resources. Identify business models, and then take the enterprise of the corresponding departments and staff with the business models for parison, the two can be found in the performance gap, a parative analysis to find reasons, in accordance with this business reality, the final identification of training needs. The cost of training is needed, if not through an effective way to determine whether panies need to train and the training of the way, but blind to training, such training is difficult to achieve the desired results. A parison only difference between this model is simple and practical training.1.5 Can be part of some alternative technology, such as EDM, grinding high intensity and high hardness processingHigh-speed cutting a major feature of high-speed cutting machine has the hardness of HRC60 parts. With the use of coated carbide cutter mold processing, directly to the installation of a hardened tool steel processing forming, effectively avoid the installation of several parts of the fixture error and improve the parts of the geometric location accuracy. In the mold of traditional processing, heat treatment hardening of the workpiece required EDM, high-speed machining replace the traditional method of cutting the processing, manufacturing process possible to omit die in EDM, simplifying the processing technology and investment costs .High-speed milling in the precincts of C machine tools, or for processing centre, also in the installation of high-speed spindle on the general machine tools. The latter not only has the processing capacity of general machine tools, but also for high-speed milling, a decrease of investment in equipment, machine tools increased flexibility. Cutting high-speed processing can improve theefficiency, quality improvement, streamline processes, investment and machine tool investment and maintenance costs rise, but prehensive, can significantly increase economic efficiency.2 High-speed millingHigh-speed milling the main technical high-speed cutting technology is cutting the development direction of one of it with C technology, microelectronic technology, new materials and new technology, such as technology development to a higher level. High-speed machine tools and high-speed tool to achieve high-speed cutting is the prerequisite and basic conditions, in high-speed machining in the performance of high-speed machine tool material of choice and there are strict requirements.2.1 High-speed milling machine in order to achieve high-speed machiningGeneral use of highly flexible high-speed C machine tools, machining centers, and some use a dedicated high-speed milling, drilling. At the same time a high-speed machine tool spindle system and high-speed feeding system, high stiffness of the main characteristics of high-precision targeting and high-precision interpolation functions, especially high-precision arc interpolation function. High-speed machining systems of the machine a higher demand, mainly in the following areas: General use of highly flexible high-speed C machine tools, machining centers, and some use a dedicated high-speed milling, drilling. At the same time a high-speed machine tool spindle system and high-speed feeding system, high stiffness of the main characteristics of high-precision targeting and high-precision interpolation functions, especially high-precision arc interpolation function. High-speed machining systems of the machine a higher demand, mainly in the following areas: High-speed milling machine must have a high-speed spindle, the spindle speed is generally 10000 ~ 100000 m / min, power greater than 15 kW. But also with rapid speed or in designated spots fast-stopping performance. The main axial space not more than 0 .0 0 0 2 m m. Often using high-speed spindle-hydrostatic bearings, air pressure-bearing, mixed ceramic bearings, magnetic bearing structure of the form. Spindle cooling general use within the water or air cooled.High-speed processing machine-driven system should be able to provide 40 ~ 60 m / min of the feed rate, with good acceleration characteristics, can provide 0.4 m/s2 to 10 m/s2 acceleration and deceleration. In order to obtain good processing quality, high-speed cutting machines must have a high enough stiffness. Machine bed material used gray iron, can also add a high-damping base of concrete, to prevent cutting tool chatter affect the quality of processing. A high-speed data transfer rate, can automatically increase slowdown. Processing technology to improve the processing and cutting tool life. At present high-speed machine tool manufacturers, usually in the general machine tools on low speed, the feed of the rough and then proceed to heat treatment, the last in the high-speed machine on the half-finished and finished, in improving the accuracy and efficiency at the same time, as far as possible to reduce processing Cost.2.2 High-speed machining toolHigh-speed machining tool is the most active one of the important factors, it has a direct impact on the efficiency of processing, manufacturing costs and product processing and accuracy. Tool in high-speed processing to bear high temperature, high pressure, friction, shock and vibration, such as loading, its hardness and wear-resistance, strength and toughness, heat resistance, technology and economic performance of the basic high-speed processing performance is the key One of the factors. High-speed cutting tool technology development speed, the more applications such as diamond (PCD), cubic boron nitride (CBN), ceramic knives, carbide coating, (C) titanium nitride Carbide TIC (N) And so on. CBN has high hardness, abrasion resistance and the extremely good thermal conductivity, and iron group elements between the great inertia, in 1300 ℃ would not have happened significant role in the chemical, also has a good stability. The experiments show that with CBN cutting toolHRC35 ~ 67 hardness of hardened steel can achieve very high speed. Ceramics have good wear resistance and thermal chemical stability, its hardness, toughness below the CBN, can be used for processing hardness of HRC <5 0 parts. Carbide Tool good wear resistance, but the hardness than the low-CBN and ceramics. Coating technology used knives, cutting tools can improve hardness and cutting the rate, for cutting HRC40 ~ 50 in hardness between the workpiece. Can be used to heat-resistant alloys, titanium alloys, hightemperature alloy, cast iron, Chungang, aluminum and posite materials of high-speed cutting Cut, the most widely used. Precision machining non-ferrous metals or non-metallic materials, or the choice of polycrystalline diamond Gang-coated tool.2.3 High-speed processing technologyHigh-speed cutting technology for high-speed machining is the key. Cutting Methods misconduct, will increase wear tool to less than high-speed processing purposes. Only high-speed machine tool and not a good guide technology, high-speed machining equipment can not fully play its role. In high-speed machining, should be chosen with milling, when the milling cutter involvement with the workpiece chip thickness as the greatest, and then gradually decreased. High-speed machining suitable for shallow depth of cut, cutting depth of not more than 0.2 mm, to avoid the location of deviation tool to ensure that the geometric precision machining parts. Ensure that the workpiece on the cutting constant load, to get good processing quality. Cutting a single high-speed milling path-cutting mode, try not to interrupt the process and cutting tool path, reducing the involvement tool to cut the number to be relatively stable cutting process. Tool to reduce the rapid change to, in other words when the NC machine tools must cease immediately, or Jiangsu, and then implement the next step. As the machine tool acceleration restrictions, easy to cause a waste of time, and exigency stop or radical move would damage the surface accuracy. In the mold of high-speed finishing, in each Cut, cut to the workpiece, the feed should try to change the direction of a curve or arc adapter, avoid a straight line adapter to maintain the smooth process of cutting.3 Die in high-speed milling processing ofMilling as a highly efficient high-speed cutting of the new method,inMould Manufacturing has been widely used. Forging links in the regular production model, with EDM cavity to be 12 ~ 15 h, electrodes produced 2 h. Milling after the switch to high-speed, high-speed milling cutter on the hardness of HRC 6 0 hardened tool steel processing. The forging die processing only 3 h20min, improve work efficiency four to five times the processing surface roughness of Ra0.5 ~ 0.6m, fully in line with quality requirements.High-speed cutting technology is cutting technology one of the major developments, mainly used in automobile industry and die industry, particularly in the processing plex surface, the workpiece itself or knives rigid requirements of the higher processing areas, is a range of advanced processing technology The integration, high efficiency and high quality for the people respected. It not only involves high-speed processing technology, but also including high-speed processing machine tools, numerical control system, high-speed cutting tools and CAD / CAM technology. Die-processing technology has been developed in the mold of the manufacturing sector in general, and in my application and the application of the standards have yet to be improved, because of its traditional processing with unparalleled advantages, the future will continue to be an inevitable development of processing technology Direction.4 Numerical control technology and equipping development trend and countermeasureEquip the engineering level, level of determining the whole national economy of the modernized degree and modernized degree of industry, numerical control technology is it develop new developing new high-tech industry and most advanced industry to equip (such as information technology and his industry, biotechnology and his industry, aviation, spaceflight, etc. national defense industry) last technology and getting more basic most equipment. Marx has ever said "the differences of different economic times, do not lie in what is produced, and lie in how to produce, produce with some means of labor ". Manufacturing technology and equipping the most basic means of production that are that the mankind produced the activity, and numerical control technology is nowadays advanced manufacturing technology and equips the most central technology. Nowadays the manufacturing industry all around the world adopts numerical control technology extensively, in order to improve manufacturing capacity and level, improve the adaptive capacity and petitive power to the changeable market of the trends. In addition every industrially developed country in the world also classifies the technology and numerical control equipment of numerical control as the strategic materials of the country, not merely take the great measure to develop one's own numerical control technology and industry, and implement blockading and restrictive policy to our country in view of " high-grade, precision and advanced key technology of numerical control " and equipping. In a word, develop the advanced manufacturing technology taking numerical control technology as the core and already bee every world developed country and accelerate economic development in a more cost-effective manner, important way to improve the overall national strength and national position.Numerical control technology is the technology controlled to mechanical movement and working course with digital information, integrated products of electromechanics that the numerical control equipment is the new technology represented by numerical control technology forms to the manufacture industry of the tradition and infiltration of the new developing manufacturing industry,namely the so-called digitization is equipped, its technological range covers a lot of fields:(1)Mechanical manufacturing technology; (2)Information processing, processing, transmission technology; (3)Automatic control technology; (4)Servo drive technology; (5)Technology of the sensor;(6)Software engineering ,etc..Development trend of a numerical control technologyThe application of numerical control technology has not only brought the revolutionary change to manufacturing industry of the tradition, make the manufacturing industry bee the industrialized symbol , and with the constant development of numerical control technology and enlargement of the application, the development of some important trades (IT , automobile , light industry , medical treatment ,etc. ) to the national economy and the people's livelihood of his plays a more and more important role, because the digitization that these trades needed to equip has already been the main trend of modern development. Numerical control technology in the world at present and equipping the development trend to see, there is the following several respect [1- ] in its main research focus. 55.2 Link and process and pound to process the fast development of the lathe in 5 axesAdopt 5 axles to link the processing of the three-dimensional curved surface part, can cut with the best geometry form of the cutter , not only highly polished, but also efficiency improves by a large margin . It is generally acknowledged, the efficiency of an 5 axle gear beds can equal 2 3 axle gear beds, is it wait for to use the cubic nitrogen boron the milling cutter of ultra hard material is milled and pared at a high speed while quenching the hard steel part, 5 axles link and process 3 constant axles to link and process and give play to higher benefit. Because such reasons as plicated that 5 axles link the numerical control system , host puter structure that but go over, it is several times higher that its price links the numerical control lathe than 3 axles , in addition the technological degree of difficulty of programming is relatively great, have restricted the development of 5 axle gear beds.At present because of electric appearance of main shaft, is it realize 5 axle plex main shaft hair structure processed to link greatly simplify to make, it makes degree of difficulty and reducing by a large margin of the cost, the price disparity of the numerical control system shrinks. So promoted 5 axle gear beds of head of plex main shaft and pound to process the development of the lathe (process the lathe including 5).At EMO2001 exhibition, new Japanese 5 of worker machine process lathe adopt plex main shaft hair, can realize the processing of 4 vertical planes and processing of the wanton angle, make 5 times process and 5 axles are processed and can be realized on the same lathe, can also realize the inclined plane and pour the processing of the hole of awls. Germany DMG pany exhibits the DMUVoution series machining center, but put and insert and put processing and 5 axles 5 times to link and process in once, can be controlled by C system or CAD/CAM is controlled directly or indirectly.。
挖掘机论文中英文资料外文翻译文献外文文献A Summary of Small-size Excavators Home and Abroad I. The brief introduction of hydraulic excavatorParts such as the hydraulic excavator is by engine, hydraulic system and works device and walks device and electric control etc are formed. The hydraulic system is formed by hydraulic pump, control valve, hydraulic cylinder, hydraulic pressure motor, pipe route and fuel tank etc. The electric control system includes supervision dish, motor control system, pump brain and various kinds of sensor and solenoid valves etc. The hydraulic excavator is general by the work device and turns round the device and walks device three is mostly formed. According to his construction and use, we can differentiate : many kinds of types such as caterpillar tread type, tyre type, walk type, full hydraulic pressure, half hydraulic pressure, turns round entirely, not turns round entirely, utility version, mould for a special purpose, the joining with a hinge type and arm type stretched out and drawn back etc.The work device is directly accomplishing the device that excavates the assignment. It has been joined with a hinge by moves the arm, fights the pole and shovels the fill etc three parts. Moving that the arm rises and falls and the pole fought stretches out and draws back and shoveling fighting moves all with moving back and forth type two effect hydraulic cylinders control. In order to suit the needs of various difference construction school assignments, the hydraulic pressure excavator can be joined in marriage loading many kinds of work devices, if excavating and many kinds of school assignment machines and tools such as lifting job, loading, leveling, clamp and pushes soil and shock hammer etc.Turning round and walks the device is the organism of hydraulic pressure excavator, upper setting up power-on device and transmission system of turntable. The engine is the power supply of hydraulic pressure excavator, and adopts diesel oil will also can modify the electromotor in the convenient place mostly.The hydraulic drive system by way of the hydraulic pump with the engine the motivepromotion work device moves, thus accomplishes the various school assignments. Take more PV-200's mould hydraulic pressure excavators of use in building site as the example. This machine adopts the type the opening center load of advanced version to be passed feeling system (OLSS). This system is with oblique of control type oblique the method of angle (export volume of flow ) variable plunger pump, and reduced the power delivery of engine, thus reduces the oil consumption burnt, and is one kind of saving energy mould system. The characteristic of this kind of hydraulic system is: the fixed torque is controlled, and it is unchangeable to keep the hydraulic pump drive torque, and year absolutely control can reduce the off-loading loss of school assignment time; Oil capacity is controlled, and the export volume of flow of hydraulic pump in the time of can reducing neutral gear and fine control reduces the power loss.The history of the first hand excavator was published up to now to have more than 130 years, and went through from the steam drive fill to turn round that the machinery turns round the developing the course step by step of the complete automatic hydraulic pressure excavator of excavator and application mechanical and electrical liquid integration technology to power drive and the internal-combustion engine drive in the time. The application owing to the hydraulic technique had to join in marriage on the tractor loading hydraulic pressure to anti- the type hanging which shoveled machinery in the 1940’s, and developing out the pulling type at the initial stage of in the 1950’s w ith middle period in succession, to turn round the full hydraulic pressure of hydraulic pressure excavator and caterpillar tread type entirely mechanical. Initial stage the trial hydraulic pressure excavator is the hydraulic technique that adopts plane and machine tool, lacking the hydraulic pressure component that is suitable in the mechanical various operating modes, it is stable inadequately to make the quality, and necessary is not completely yet. From in the 1960’s, the hydraulic pressure excavator is entered the popularization and in vigorous development stage, and mechanical manufacturing plant and the breed of each country increases very fast, and the output is rapidly increased. 83% of the mechanical gross output was occupied to hydraulic pressure excavator output, and is close to 100% at present 1968-1970 certain period.ⅡSmall excavator development and its tendency20th century 80 ~ 90's small mechanical device in construction and soon in municipal engineering, transportation, pipeline has displayed abigger superiority and can rapidlymakes thesmall excavator mainly to use in the city the constructionconstruction and generally left a bigger contribution,gradually became in the city construct ionto have the representative construction machinery.The small excavator development mainly relies on the urbanconstruction development, because city transformation, constructionconstruction more, the request construction time short, theconstruction machinery affects small, safe, the low pollution, theradius of gyration to the environment is small, is advantageous fortransports as well as has with the city scenery appearancecoordination outward appearance, the small excavator has satisfied thecity each kind of work request, can maximum limit display itsproductivity in the city narrow working space, therefore has theunique superiority.1. The development of small excavatorsThe small excavator mainly uses in the city the constructionconstruction and the general housing repairs and maintains and so onthe work, the request has the good operating performance and therotation performance.Initial small excavator by tire type primarily, because the tire typewalks the natural in the soft ground and the passing difference,afterwards gradually by the marching substitution, and in moved thearm strut organization place to increase the rotation organizationabout, enabled the entire work equipment the relative organism tocarry on swings, completed the trench sidewall excavation renovationwork behind, but this kind of small excavator excavation scope wassmall, cannot realize the material. Hereafter, the small excavator increased upside has rotated theorganization, has solved behind themetial and so on the problem, enhancedthe excavator operating performance, formed the small excavator thebasic structure. Afterwards, the small excavator in the radius ofgyration, behind the field of vision, moved aspect and so on armelevation angle, machine capability has the further improvement,develops for the present standard type.2.Technical progressesSmall excavator working conditions majority of in city, in order toprevent walks when damages the road surface, starts from the 80's touse the rubber caterpillar band, and gradually obtains thepopularization. A rubber caterpillar band heavy wheel is when theinternal iron circuit board the movement, the hard circuit board jointplace and the heavy wheel contact falls to the ground, becomes walksthe destruction road surface main reason. Before uses the width shapeiron circuit board, a rubber caterpillar band heavy wheel diameter isbigger, therefore when approaches the ground, this slit changes in abig way, creates the caterpillarheavy wheel, onlywas the hard circuit board which in the caterpillar band used changesnarrowly, therefore when contacted the ground the slit changesslightly, reduced to the damage of ground.Rear area the small rotation excavator rotation rear part size isextremely small, in order to guarantee the excavator work thestability, must have the enough counterweight, and in does notincrease the mechanical weight under the premise, uses increases thecaterpillar band length and widens the chassis and so on the effectivemethod.But, the chassis width is transported the truck width the limit, forsolves this problem, has used ViCTAS in the super small excavator (Vio- Crawler Technology by Advanced Stability) the technology.fortablenessThe small excavator majority of seals cab, has not rained when thechair frequently drips wet by the rain seeps. In order to solve thisproblem, the use surface and the interior gather a peaceful fat rubberbody to manufacture has not sewn the seam the chair, cannot againfrom sew the seam place destruction, the durability also can enhance,becomes the complete waterproofing chair.Impels the small excavator market fast development the factor:(1) The small excavator has the widespread serviceable small excavatorvolume small, mobile is flexible, extremely is suitable for work andso on cities each kind of pipelining, foundation construction, publicutilities as well as house service. The small excavator compactvolume, the special design enable its to carry on the work in theenvironment which the large-scale excavator is unable to construct.(2) The small excavator has the multi-purpose small excavator truemerit is it has multi-purpose. The small excavator can install manyauxiliary works machines and tools, like the installment brokenhammer, the hydraulic pressure pliers use in the lightweightdemolision work, installs a clamp to use in to eliminate the work,installs the drum, the plate uses in the trench to fill in buriesthe compaction, the installment turns on lathe digs drills uses in thedrill hole, the lift hook uses in to hoist up heavy item and so on.(3)The small excavator is advantageous for the transportation and oneof shift work location small hydraulic pressure excavator market rapidexpansion reasons should belong to its size and the weight. The smallexcavation function conveniently shifts in each job location, thesmall excavator does not need the large-scale trailer perhaps theheavy-duty truck carries on the transportation, the small transportmeans may deliver. Like this not only can facilitate(4) Small excavator bright work characteristic: The rear part radiusof turn for the zero design, causes the small excavator not to need inthe work space limited environment mean industry time excavatoroperator to consider the job location is, whether thus enable theoperator to have the obstacle to hinder the excavator the rotation tosuffice wholly absorbed to the scoop operation, this has alsoprevented around the job location the building as well as theexcavator own damage.(5) Invests the repayment rate to be high, the cost recycles quicklyThe small excavator price is cheap, the cost recycles quickly.Slightly digs take the 6t level as the example, American, the Europeandate brand machine price about 400,000 Yuan, South Korea's machineprice about 320,000 Yuan, the domestically produced machine price is30 ~ 320,000 Yuan some brands is lower; But the 20t level center digsthe price in 70 ~ 1 million Yuan. The higher investment repayment ratecauses the small excavator deeply the general center small earthworkconstruction to contract owner's welcome.4 Small excavators technological development tendenciesThe small excavator technological development complied with the globaldiversification job location the demand, has experienced more than 30years history successional variation process, passes through theunceasing improvement consummation, in aspect and so on technicalperformance, job function, work efficiency, security, environmentalprotection, energy conservation and maintenance maintenance had thelarge scale enhancement, has formed the quite consistent technicalstandard and the work standard. Mainly manifests in following severalaspects:(1) The tailless rotation and moves the arm deflection technology totake slightly digs the basic concept to move the arm deflection andthe tailless rotation function later period promotes in the 1990s facethe world market. Moves the arm deflection in the organism front part,but does not have the organization to be able to realize is locatednearby the lower part of wall the direct excavation work to havefrequently to move the fuselage. The tailless rotation structureapplication, causes it when the neck of land work does not need toworry the rear part the collision. The tailless rotation structuraldesign difficulty lies in rotates in the platform the generalarrangement, the dynamic system thermal equilibrium solution as wellas the entire machine stable solution. But moves the arm deflectionorganization the design difficulty to lie in an articulation positionthe determination and the hinge body manufacture technology.(2) New hydraulic control technologyserviceability is good, has the good efficiency, may carryon the high efficiency, the powerful work. The new fluid environmentcompatibility presses the system not to shoulder the size theinfluence, completely needs the oil of the hydraulic pressure system, the current capacity accordingto the control handle scope distribution point, definitely may deferto operator's intention with ease to complete the work. At the sametime, because the engine load is small may avoid the current capacitythe senseless loss, can realize slightly moves the operation and thecompound operation. The new hydraulic control technology applicationalso can increase the dynamic output, enhances the work speed, reducesthe fuel consumption.(3)Security performanceHas the strict legal rule in the European market and the North Americamarket to the security, the equipment security performance can givethe operator to provide the relieved work the environment, enhancesoperator's security. The small excavator security performance mainlymanifests in the cab ROPS/FOPS design below, should satisfy theperformance requirement in the cab experiment:①May satisfy must energy absorption;② May satisfy must anti- load;③The crew member safety zone enough is big.(4) Environmental protection technologyMainly manifests in the power, the low oil consumption, cleanlydischarges the engine in the application. The new engine shouldsatisfy the American EPATier2 standard and the European EU standard,will cause the environmental pollution the compound to discharge thecontrol in the threshold. The new engine simultaneously reduced thevibration and the noise, is beneficial to the environmental protectionand operator's health.(5) Man-machine project technologyThe cab conforms to the man-machine engineering principle,internal spacious, field of vision open, modelling artistic, the easeof operation, reduces effort the measuring appliance demonstrationdirect-viewing, is accurate, can provide one kind of comfortableoperating environment to the pilot, fully reduces pilot's weariness.(6) Services the maintenance technologyMaintains from the current maintenance to the regular inspectionservice, the simplification operation is extremely essential, canenhance the machine the reliability, makes the machine throughout tomaintain the good condition. Must cause the daily inspection side,operation.Maintenance repair then quickly dnd simplely, but fast carries on theinternal spare part and the system inspection and the service. Moreover, in the design must fully consider prevents the machine theaccident damage.Such as the cowling, the guard plateguards against the collision structural design;Moves the arm hydraulic cylinder guard plate design; Fuel oil tank draw-offvalve; The independence bulldozes the board hydraulic pressure hosedesign; Waterproofing electric system design; In the work installmenthose sets at the design; X frame and halfway up the mountainsidecaterpillar band design; The engine machine oil filter elementreplacement time lengthens; Has forerunner system which the pipelinefilters; Dual spatially filters structure design and so on.5 ConclusionsSociety's development has a more tremendous influence to the smallexcavator, at present the overseas small excavator had the suitable development, like Carter other forces, company and so on Hitachi,small pine, Mitsubishi, the small excavator product has formed theseries, and in unceasingly carries on the development, the expandeduse, the increase appendix type. The domestic small excavatordevelopment has also obtained the certain result, but all needsfurther to improve and the consummation in the technology and theproduction.中文译文国内外小型挖掘机发展综述一、液压挖掘机简介液压挖掘机是由发动机、液压系统、工作装置、行走装置和电气控制等部分组成。
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英文译文Slogan:Leading Development through Innovation, Forging Future with Quality,Establishing Market with SatisfactionOur companyShanghai XXXX Environmental Protection Equipment Works Co,. Ltd, is a professional company devoted to research, R&D, manufacturing and service of various industrial filtration products, and is one of the “100 Best Enterprises in Chinese Environmental Protection Industry” and “and is a “Shanghai High-Tech Enterprise”. Located in XXXXi, the company covers a land area of 50,000 square meters and boasts 280 employees at present with an annual sales volume of over RMB 0.1 billion yuan. The company has established a highly initiative and well-coordinated management team and a prefect production system, which is operating in strict conformity with the regulations of ISO9000.We stick to constant technical innovations and has set up a technical center of our own. Moreover, we boast many exclusive and patented techniques, and we produce bag filters, pleated element filter/filtration section, membrane filter and PTFE product series, which have been widely applied in many industries such as metallurgy, cement, machinery, chemical industry, electric power, garbage incineration, tobacco and pharmacy, etc. With 25 years’ professional experience, we have won a leading position nationwide.Our products✧Series industrial dedusting and purification equipment and fittings1. Bag filter2. filter bags laminated with ePTFE membrane3. Pleated element filter4. Pleated Elements✧Series ePTFE microporous membrane1. filter medium laminated with ePTFE membrane in industrial filtration2.filtration material for medical and sanitary uses.In Addition l: filter medium laminated with ePTFE membrane (sketch), filter medium laminated with ePTFE membrane (finished product)✧Series 100% PTFE fiber✧Series membrane liquid filter and fittings1. membrane liquid filter2. Filter bag/cartridge3. Automatic Pinch ValvesIn addition: liquid filter(appearance), liquid filter(tube plate)bag filter and filter assemblySee product materials for details✧Applied Industry :Metallurgical IndustryCement IndustryMechanical IndustryChemical IndustryPower IndustryGarbage IncinerationTobacco IndustryPharmacy✧Applied Area:Industry Dedusting, Purification and FiltrationSpecial Cloth (Fireman Cloth, Mountaineering Suit) Battery Membrane BarrierMedical and Sanitary FiltrationLiquid Sealing and etc.✧Applied Area:Industry Dedusting, Purification and FiltrationCompressed PackingsBuilding FabricSewing Thread for Industry ApplicationDental Floss for Medical Treatment and etc.✧Applied Industy:Iron and Steel IndustryEnergy IndustryChemical IndustryPower IndustryMedicalElectronics and etc.Our Advantages✧Advanced TechnologyWe hold many exclusive and patented techniques, such as ePTFE membrane and, rotary-switching dust remover with the function of locating blowing, and have developed several products which are totally new in domestic and have met international advanced standard. With the support of government’s special research funds, we continue to develop and generalize our new technologies and products in the world.✧Perfect DesignWe do not merely help our clients to select products, but provide customized solution and all-round technical service to them to meet their specific needs and working conditions, including consultation on the products and their application.✧Market OrientedTo know our clients and to satisfy them are the objectives of all our work. And the clients always lie at the focus throughout the whole process of transacting each order. And we have established long-term partnership in which we and our clients trust each other due to high flexibility in business and good faith.✧Build Our BrandWe possess professional experiences and are able to provide high-quality products and service, which have been fully reflected by our outstanding performance and good reputation, and therefore we have got an dominant status in the industry successfully. Regardless of the past, today or the future, we will work harder in future to maintain thecompany’s reputation seriously and devote us to the development of the company with no hesitation.文献来源:华译网翻译公司官方网站/。