自考英语国家概况名词解释(余志远删减版)3.The British Commonwealth 英联邦The British Empire was replaced by the British Commonwealth or the Commonwealth of Nations in 1931.It is a free association of independent countries that were once colonies of Britain. Member nations are joined together economically and have certain trading arrangements. The Commonwealth has no special powers. The decision to become a member of the Commonwealth is left to each member nation. At present there are 50 members counties whit in the commonwealth (1991).是曾为英国殖民地,但现在已经独立构成的自由联合体。
10.British islesThe British Isles is made up of two large islands and hundreds of small ones. The two large islands are Great Britain and Ireland.13.Geoffrey ChaucerHe was an important English poet in the fourteenth century. His best known is The Canterbury Tales, which describes a group of pilgrims travelling to Canterbury to visit Thomas Becket’s tomb坟墓. Because he was the first important English poet to write in English. He has been known as the “Father of English Poetry”.14.Joan of arc:圣女贞德she was a national heroine of France during the hundred year’s war,she successfully led the france to drive the English out of france.16.The Puritans清教徒The Puritans were wealthy, well-educated gentlemen. They wanted to purify the Church of England and threatened withreligious persecution, the Puritans leaders saw the New world as the a refuge provided by God for those He meant to save.19.Heptarchy七王国During the Anglo-Saxon's time,Britain was divided into many kingdoms,among which there were seven principal kingdoms of Kent,Essex,Sussex,Wessex,East Anglia,Mercia and Northumbria.They were given the name of Heptarchy.20.St.AugustineIn 597,Pope Gregory I sent St.Augustine to England to convert the English People to Christianity.He was very successful in converting the king and the nobility.He was the first archbishop of Canterbury. 教皇,格里高力一世派圣奥古斯丁到英格兰去使英格兰人皈依基督教。
【英语国家概况】general survey of Australia澳大利亚概况
![【英语国家概况】general survey of Australia澳大利亚概况](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f7d2295c49649b6648d747e6.png)
【英语国家概况】general survey of Australia澳大利亚概况Commonwealth of Australia? 国名:澳大利亚联邦(Commonwealth of Australia)首都:堪培拉面积:7,682,300.00 平方公里人口:2112万人(2007年10月)语言:英语,土著语言,澳大利亚的官方语言是英语。
Map of AustraliaMap of AustraliaAustralia: Flag and AnthemThe Commonwealth of Australia1. 澳大利亚一词,意即―南方大陆‖,欧洲人在,,世纪初叶发现这块大陆时,误以为这是一块直通南极的陆地,故取名―澳大利亚‖,australia 即由拉丁文terraaustralis (南方的土地)变化而来。
2. Name:澳大利亚联邦(The Commonwealth of Australia)3. National Flag:呈横长方形,长与宽之比为,?,。
4. National Anthem :澳大利亚国徽左边是一袋鼠,右边是一只鸸鹋,这两种动物均为澳大利亚所特有,是国家的标志,民族的象征,中间是一个盾,盾面上有六组图案分别象征这个国家的六个州。
英语国家概况(名词解释)第一部分英国概况1 the Commonwealth:It is a free association of independent countries that were once colonies of Britain. Member nations are joined together economically and have certain trading arrangements. The Commonwealth has no special powers. The decision to become a member of the Commonwealth is left to each nation.2. British Empire:Britain has been one of the most important countries in the world. About a hundred years ago, as a result of its imperialist expansion, Britain ruled an empire that had one fourth of the world’s people and one fourth of the world’s land area. It had colonies ont only in North America, but also I Asia, Africa and Australia. However, the two world wars greatly weakened Britain. The British colonies became independent one after another . The British Empire gradually disappeared and it was replaced by the British Commonwealth of Nations in 1931.3 Alfred the Great: Alfred was the King of Wessex, who was strong enough to defeat the invading Danes and reached a friendly agreement with them. He founded a strong fleet and is known as ‘the father of the British navy.’He also reorganized the Saxon army, making it more efficient. He encouraged learning in others, established schools and formulated a legal system. He translated a Latin book into English. All these make him worthy of his title ‘ Alfred the Great’4Heptarchy:During the Anglo-Saxon’s time, Britain was divided into many kingdoms. These seven principal kingdoms of Kent, Essex, Sussex, Wessex, East Anglia,Mercia and Nothumbria have beengiven the name of Heptarchy.5the Witan: The Witnam was thecouncil or meeting of the wisemen. Itwas created by the Anglo-Saxons toadvise the king. It’s the basis of thePrivy Council which still exists today.6 English feudal system: In thissystem, the King owned all the landpersonally, who gave his barons largeestates in England in return for apromise of lilitary service and aproportion of the land’s produce.7 the Black Death: It was the modernname given to the deadly bubonicplague, an epidemic disease spread byrat fleas through Europe in the 14thcentury, particularly in 1347-1350. Itswept through England in the summerof 1348 without warning, and withoutany cure. It killed between one half andone third of the population of England,causing far-reaching economicconsequences.8 Oliver Cromwell: He was the leaderof the Parliamentary Army during theEnglish Civil War in the revolutionaryperiod of the 17th century. He defeatedKing Charles I and condemned him todeath in 1649. After that, he establishedthe Commonwealth in England andbecame the Lord Protector of thecountry. The Commonwealth endedwith the Restoration of Charles II in1660.9 Blood Mary: It is the nicknamegiven to Mary I , the English Queenwho succeeded to the throne afterEdward VI. She was a devout Catholicand had so many protestants burnt todeath that she is remembered less byher official title Mary I that by hernickname Blood Mary.10 the Industrial Revolution :It referto the mechanization of industry andthe consequent changes in social andeconomic organization in Britain in thelate 18th and early 19th centuries.Britain was the first country toindustrialize in Europe.11 Whigs(in Britain):The name ofWhigs originated with the GloriousRevolution. It was known by thenickname. It was a derogatory name forcattle drivers. Loosely speaking, theWhigs were those who opposedabsolute monarchy and supported theright to religious freedom forNonconformists.12 Tories (in Britain) : The name ofTories originated with the GloriousRevolution . It was known by thenickname. It was an Irish wordmeaning thugs. The Tories were thosewho supported hereditary monarchyand were reluctant to remove kings.The Tories were the forerunners of theConservative Party, which still bearsthe nickname today.13 the House of Lords: The House ofLords is a part of Parliament . It ismade up of the Lords Spiritual and theLords Temporal. The main function ofthe House of Lords is to bring the wideexperience of its members into theprocess of law-making.14 the House of Commons:TheHouse of Commons is a part ofparliament , and its members areelected by universal adult suffrage. Itconsists of 651 Members of Parliament(MPs). It has the ultimate authority inmaking laws.15 constitutional monarchy : It is aform of government in which themonarch’s power is limited byParliament. The United Kingdom is aconstitutional monarchy: the head of State is a king or a queen. In practice, the Sovereigh reigns, but does not rule. The United Kingdom is governed, in the name of the Sovereign, by His or Her majestry’s Government.16 the Cabinet:The Cabinet consists of usually 20 most senior ministers. Ministers are appointed by the Queen on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. Ministers are responsible collectively to Parliament for all Cabinet decisions; individual Ministers are responsibl to Parliament for the work of their departments.17 the Privy Council:The Privy Council is a consultative body of the British monarch. Its origin can be traced back to the times of the Norman Kings. After the Gloious Revolution of 1688, its importance was gradually diminished and replaced by the Cabinet. Today, it is still a consultation body of the British monarch. Its membership is about 400, and includes all Cabinet ministers, the speaker of the House of Commons, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, and senior British and Commonwealth statesmen.18 the Metropolitan Police Force:The police service for the United Kingdom is organized and controlled on a local basis under the Home Secretary and the Scottish and Northern Ireland Secretaries. London’s Metropolitan Police Force is directly under the control of the Home Secretary.19NHS:The full name of NHS is National Health Service. The National Health Service provides for every resident, regardless of income, a full range of medical service. The service was established in the United Kingdom in 1948. 20 bank holidays:Official publicholidays are also called ‘bank holidays’.The term ‘Bank Holidays’ goes back tothe Bank Holidays Act of 1871, whichowes its name to the fact that banks areclosed on the days specified.21Remembrance Sunday:The onlyreally important patriotic festival isRemembrance Sunday. It is also calledArmistice Day, which is the Sundaynearest to November 11. On thisSunday the dead of both world wars areremembered in special church servicesand civic ceremonies, the chief ofwhich is the laying of wreathes at theCenotaph, London by members of theroyal family in the presence of leadingstatesmen and politicians.22 Church of England:Church ofEngland is the most importantestablished church in Britain. It islegally recognized as official church ofthe State. It is uniquely related to theCrown in that the Sovereign must be amember of that Church and mustpromise to uphold it. The Church isalso linked with the State through theHouse of Lords, in which the twoarchbishops and some other bishopshave seats.23 Boxing Day:In Britain December26th is called Boxing Day because itwas formerly the custom to give‘Christmas boxes’, or gifts of money ,to servants and tradesmen on this day.24Open University:The OpenUniversity is a non-residentialuniversity. It is so named because it isopen to all to become students. TheUniversity was founded in 1969 andbegan its first courses in 1970. TheUniversity offers degree and othercourses for adult students of all ages inBritain and the other member countriesof the European Union. It uses acombination of specially producedprinted texts, correspondence tuition ,television and radio broadcasts andaudio/ video cassettes.25IRA :The full name for IRA is IrishRepublic Army. It is a nationalistorganization formed by MichaelCollins after the Easter Uprising of1916. The IRA opposed the separationof Northern Ireland from the Republicof Ireland in the 1920s by terroristmethods. It has been responsible formany raids and bomb explosions inEngland and in Northern Ireland.26the Anglo-Irish Treaty: In 1921 theBritish signed the Anglo-Irish Treatyestablishing an Irish Free State withdominion status with a separategovernment in theProtestant-dominated Northern Ireland.27the Great Famine:The GreatFaminine began in Ireland in 1845. Itwas caused by the failure of potatocrop. One of the most dramatic,large-scale sociological consequencesof the Great Famine was a significantpopulation decline in Ireland. Manypeople died of hunger. There was also abig flow of emigration from Ireland.About 6 million people left Irelandeither for Britain, the United States orCanada in the century following theGreat Famine.第二部分美国部分1Ellis Island: Ellis Island of New Yorkas an important immigration receptionspot in the 1890s and at the turn of thecentury.2baby boom: Baby boom refers to thegreat increase of birth ratebetween1946 and 1964. Nearly 80million Americans were born in thisperiod . People born in this period arecalled baby boomers.3 ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’:The first blacks were brought to North America as slaves in 1619. For a long period of time they were concentrated in the agricultural South, working on plantations growing cotton and tobacco. Their life was no better than that of cattle. In order to keep the black slaves under control, the slave-owners resorted to brutal methods. Uncle Tom’s Cabin is the novel giving a vivid description of the miserable life of the black slaves.4the Civil Rights Act of 1964: The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is considered to be the most far-reaching act on civil rights in modern times, forbidding discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, gender and national origin. It’s the result of a strong Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s. The act added protections for the rights to vote, to use public facilities and to enjoy the same education as white people. It also contained provisions guaranteeing equal employment opportunities.5 the Puritans: The Puritans were wealthy, well-educated gentlemen. They wanted to purify the Church of England. Dissatisfied with the political corruption in England and threatened with religious persecution, the Puritan leaders saw the New World as a refuge provided by God for those he meant to save.6 ‘No taxation without representation’:This was the slogan of the people in the colonies before the War of Independence. They opposed the British policies toward the colonies. By the slogan they declared that, without their representatives taking part in decision-making, they had no obligation to pay taxes.7the Bill of Rights:In 1789, JamesMadison introduced in the House ofRepresentatives a series ofamendments which later were draftedinto twelve proposed amendents andsent to the states for ratification. Ten ofthem were ratified in 1791 and this firstten amendments to the constitutionwere called the Bill of Rights.8 abolitionists:They were people,mostly Northern humanitarians, whostrongly opposed slavery and aimed toabolish the system.9 the Gettysburg Address:TheGettysburg Address refers to the shortspeech made by President Lincolnwhen he dedicated the nationalcemetery at Gettysburg. He ended hisspeech with ‘the government of thepeopled, by the people, for the people,shall not perish from the earth’10 the Emancipation Proclamation:After the Civil War began, Lincolnissued the Emancipation Proclamationto win more support at home andabroad. It granted freedom to all slavesin areas still controlled by theConfederacy.11 the First Bontinental Congress: In1774, the First Continental Congresswas held in Philadelphia, whichencouraged Americans to refuse to buyBritish goods, and organized colonialmilitia units.12 the New Deal: The program wasput forward by President Franklin D.Roosevelt in 1932 to deal with theGreat Depression. Roosevelt madeCongress pass a large number of NewDeal acts and helped to set up manyefficient social economical andfinancial systems. The New Deal didhelp overcome the most seriouseconomic crisis of the capitalist systemup to that time.13 the Muchrakers: At the turn of the20th century in the United States, thereemerged a group of reform-mindedjournalists, who made investigationsand exposed various dark sides of theseemingly prosperous society.President Theodore Roosevelt calledthem Muchrakers.14 The stock market crash of 1929:On October24, 1929, the New Yorkstock market crashed. It was calledBlack Thursday, because it was thebeginning of a long economicdepression. The Great Depression hadfar-reaching consequences. It sweptthrough the globe quickly. The rate ofunemployment increased rapidly. Agreat deal of companies and businessesclosed and went into bankruptcy.American economy didn’t recover untilthe New Deal was put forward.15 the Ku Klux Klan: The Ku KluxKlan was the first organized in 1866and then reformed in 1867. The KuKlux Klan terrorized and attacked notonly blacks, but also progressives,labor union organizers ,Communist orsocialist party members.16. McCarthyism:Joseph R.McCarthy was a senator. He started acampain of wild accusation and arrestsin 1950. His full-scale anti-Communisthysteria in American history was calledMcCarthyism . In December 1954,theSenate condemned him for certainimproper, extreme behavior andMcCarthysim ended.17 Richard Nixon: Richard Nixon wasthe former President of the UnitedStates of America. In the early 1970s,he was involved in the Watergatescandal, for which he was forced toresign from the presidency.18Truman Doctrine:On March 20, 1949, President Truman put forward the Truman Doctrine in his speech to the joint session of Congress. The Doctrine meant to support any country which said it was fighting communism.19 monetarist policies:Since the American economy was plagued by stagflation, in the early 1980s, the traditional Keynesian approach was replaced by new monetarist policies, which sought to fight inflation by increasing supply and reducing demand. On the one hand, taxes were cut to increase economic dynamism. On the other hand, interest rates were raised to reduce the supply of money.20 the US Federal system:It is a system of government in which has two layers of rule. There is central or federal government for the nation which alone has the power to answer questions that affect the nation as a whole. There are also state and local governments . Each layer of government has separate and distinct powers laid down in the Constitution. 21 separation of power:It refers to the principle that the national government is divided into three branches: legislative, executive and judicial. In the legislative branch, power is divided further nto two houses. Each branch has part of the powers but not all the power.22 US presidential inauguration: In the US the presidential term of four years begins on January 20. The President starts his official duties with an inauguraton ceremony, traditionally held on the steps of the US Capitol. The President publicly takes an oath of office, which is administered by the Chief Justice of the United States. Theoath-taking ceremony is usuallyfollowed by an inauguration address.23 public school: Public schoolsusually larger in size, are operated bypublicly elected or appointed schooloffcials. The program and activities ofthe schools are under the control ofthese officials. The schools aresupported mainly by public funds.24 private school: Private schools arecontrolled by an individual or by anagency other than a state, a subdivisionof a state or the federal government .They are usually supported by fundswhich are not public funds and theoperation of the school’s program restswith people who are not publiclyelected or appointed officials.25 school districts: They aresubdivisions of the states.Currently,there are some 15,500 operating localpublic school districts. Each localschool district has a governing boardwhich is usually elected by thevoters.Its major responsibilities are thehiring of professional and support staff,determining the most suitable localcurriculum, and developing andapproving a budget to carry outeducational program.26 Easter Sunday:Easter Sunday isthe second of the two most importantreligious holidays for Christians. It’s onthe first Sunday after the full moon thatoccurs on or after March 21, and it’sfor celebrating the rising of JesusChrist from his tomb, where he hadlain for three days following his death.On the Easter morning, millions ofpeople gather together to salute anotherEaster dawn. The Easter Parade is verypopular in the United States. There areseveral symbols for Easter. The eggand the hare are those most frequentlyassociated with Easter.27 Halloween:Halloween is anight-time children’s day and a time forfrightening costumes, masks , parties,games and tricks--- all for fun.Children with curious masks fo fromhouse to house to frighten friends orneighbours and threaten them with‘Trick or treat’.第三部分加拿大,澳大利亚28the Canadian Shield : Almost halfof Canada is covered by the CanadianShield. It is a semicircular band ofrocky highlands and plateaus aroundHudson Bay from the northern shoresof Quebec to the Artic shores of theNorthwest Territories. It is a region ofrounded hills, tens of thousands oflakes and swamp. The Shield containsa wealth of minerals , much water andgreat forests.29 the Statute of Westminster: By theStatute of Westminster in 1931 theBritish Dominions, including Canada,were formally declared to be partnernations with Britain and ‘equal instatus, in no way subordinate to eachother’, and bound together only bytheir loyalty to a common Crown.Since then, Canada became a memberof the Commonwealth of Nations.30 Bilingualism in Canada:Bilingualism means having twolanguages. In Canada the officialLanguage Act went into effect in 1969.The Act made English and French theofficial languages of Canada. Theyhave equal status and rights in allinstituations of Parliament and theFederal Government.31 Multiculturalism:For a long timethe Canadian Government pursued apolicy of assimilation , that is toassimilate different minority groups into the mainstream Canadian culture. But immigrants from different countries still kept their own cultures, religious, languages, and ways of life. So in 1976, the Canadian Government adopted a policy of multiculturalism. Accordingly immigrants may be instructed in at least one official language to help them become full participants in Canadian society and, at the same time, are encouraged to maintain their particular cultural heritage.32 school of air :children learn their lessons through a radio educational system called School of the Air. Lessons are transmitted by radio. Homework is now exchanged by fax.33 the Flying Doctors:It is a special health service which provides medical care for people living in isolated areas in Australia. Doctors travel by plane from their base and keep in touch with their patients by radio.34 Maoritanga:In New Zealand, Maoritanga in Maori culture, the Maori way of life and view of the world. Maori views of the world, of nature, of education, of spirituality and of death, are becoming more and more part of the New Zealand way of life.35 Kiwi:The kiwi is a noctural bird that can’t fly in New Zealand. The kiwi is a national symbol an New Zealanders refer to themselves as Kiwis.36 the Treaty of Waitangi:The Treaty of Waitangi was an agreement between the chiefs of the Maori people and the British Crown in 1840.37 Waitangi Day:In 1840, the first official governor, William Hobson, was sent to negotiate with Maori leaders. In 1840 Hobson, representng QueenVictoria, and some Maori chiefs,signed the Treaty of Waitangi. ModernNew Zealand was founded. Theanniversary of the signing, February 6,is celebrated as New Zealand NationalDay, Waitangi Day, and is a nationalholiday.38Mark Twain: Mark Twain’s realname was Samuel Langhorne Clemens.He gained a wide knowledge ofhumanity through his life experience.In 1865, he became nationally famouswith his short story The CelebratedJumping Frog. The Adventures of TomSawyer was an immediate success as‘a boy book’, and The Adventures ofHuckleberry Finn became his masterbook. All stories of his novels aresimple and he presented Americansocial life through portrayal of localplaces he knew best and through hiscolloquial style. His other famousbooks are: A Tramp Abroad, Life on theMississippi, The Gilded Age andInnocents Abroad.39Walt Whitman:Walt Whitman is anAmerican poet. He broke free from theconvention of the poetic rhymeexhibiting a freedom in form unknownbefore. In his masterpiece Leaves ofGrass, he praised the ideas of equalityand democracy and celebrated thedignity, the self-reliant spirit and thejoy of the common man. He was thefirst to explore fully the possibilities offree verse. He invented a completelynew and completely American form ofpoetic expression.40knicherbockers era: In the early partof the nineteenth century, New YorkCity was the centre of Americanwriting. Its writers were called‘Knickerbockers’and the period from1810 to 1840 is known as the‘knickerbockers era’of Americanliterature. The name comes from AHistory of New York, by DiedrickKnickerbocker written by WashingtonIrving.41 Ernest Hemingway:ErnestHemingway was one of the mostimportant American writers in the 20th ,and was the spokensman for the ‘LostGeneration’ of young intellectuals whobecame disappointed and bitter afterWorld War I. He was awarded theNobel Prize for Literature in 1954. Hisfirst important novel The Sun AlsoRises is a description of young peoplein the post-war era.He wrote a lot ofother novels and short stories. AFarewell to Arms and For Whom theBell Tolls are two novels about the Firstand Second World Wars. The Old Manand the Sea is considered to be hisrepresentative work . He is also famousfor his simple style and carefulstructuring of his fiction.42 Theodore Dreiser:TheodoreDreiser was one of the naturalists whoin their works reported truthfully andobjectively the life in the slums. Hisfirst novel Sister Carrie traces thematerial rise of Carrie Meeber and thetragic decline of Hurstwood. Hispursue was to describe the actual stateof things in the United States. Hisdescription of the sharp contrast ofwealth and poverty in Chicago andNew York was another example. Hewas also famous for his Trilogy ofDesire and An American Tragedy ,which is considered to be his best.。
悉尼同性恋狂欢节 2月底开始,为期两周。阳光明媚、观念颠覆、大都市和同性恋。欢迎在 一年一度的同性恋狂欢节期间来到悉尼。无论您是何种性取向,也无论您 是什么年纪,都会喜欢上从二月底开始在市内迸发出的这种欢快迷人的能 量。
澳大利亚的文化是基于英国的基础之上,澳大利亚人的饮食 习惯和英国人类似。从第二次世界大战之后,世界各地的移 民陆续到来成为人口的多数。澳大利亚的饮食受到了来自世 界各地人们的影响。欧洲、中东、印度、亚洲等地的饮食都 是很常见的。麦子、大米、橙子、香蕉和葡萄是澳大利亚广 泛种植的作物,肉食是澳大利亚人饮食的主要部分。奶制品 如牛奶、乳酪也食用很多。肉食烧烤很受欢迎。澳大利亚还 生产大量的葡萄酒,人们喜欢在吃饭的时候饮用葡萄酒或是 啤酒。澳大利亚还有一些当地特有的食品。丛林野食是一种 在土著人饮食基础上产生的食品 ,是用很种野草、野菜、野果 和野生动物肉制成的。
3月28-31日:复活节 从28日耶稣受难日开始,为期4天。 4月25日:澳纽兵团日 为纪念一站中被英国借派的澳大利亚新西 兰联合军在土耳其卡利波里半岛的决死登 陆而设。 6月9日:女王诞生日,伊丽莎白女王生日 假日设在6月的第二个周一以便连休,只有 西澳大利亚是9月29日。 12月26日:开盒节 打开圣诞所赠礼盒的日子,在南澳大利亚, 称为“宣告节”。全国共同的节日为9天, 另外各州也自行设立节日:点缀堪培拉每 年九月中,堪培拉都会举办春季花展。湖 畔的公园和花园都会种满色彩缤纷的花卉, 包括数以千计的郁金香,你又岂能错过。
SOME FLOWERS 木兰 雏菊 紫罗兰 罂粟 兰 花 小苍兰 薰衣草 郁金香 小石竹 薄荷 常春藤
Some animals
美丽的大堡礁风光 大堡礁(英文: Great Barrier Reef Queensland, Australia法文: Grande barriè de re corail)是世界上最 大、最长的珊瑚礁群, 是世界七大自然景观 之一,也是澳大利亚 人最引以为自豪的天 然景观。又称为“透 明清澈的海中野生王 国”。
英语国家概况名词解释——加拿大澳大利亚加拿大部分treaty of Paris in 1763---the seven years’war ended with the signing of the treaty of Paris in 1763.by the treaty of Paris, new France with its 65,000settlers was ceded割让 to Britain.Constitutional act of 1791---Britain divided the old province of Quebec into two parts, lower Canada(modern Canada) and upper Canada(modern Ontario),each with its own legislature.立法机构。
Act of union in 1840---联合法案recommended that the two Canadas be united in one province.FTA and NAFTA---it stands for the Canada-united states free trade agreement signed by the two countries, which came into effect in 1989.Canadian Shield加拿大地盾---The Canadian Shield covers almost half of Canada. It is a semicircular半圆的 band of rockyhighlands and plateaus around Hudson Bay from the northern shores of Quebec to the Arctic shores of the Northwest Territories. It is a region of hills, lakes, and swamps.沼泽Mackenzie RiverMackenzie River is one of two principal river systems in Canada. It flows between the Canadian Shield and the Rocky Mountains in west Canada. It is the second largest river system of North American.LoyalistThe first British settlers in Canada were American refugees, who refused to fight against the British Army in the American War of Independence, because they felt they were more English than American. They called themselves Loyalists. Their settlements laid the base of English-speaking Canada.Canadian PrairieCanadian Prairie is the Canadian section of the Great Plains of North America. Great stretches of level and fertile grassland are found here. This region is the center of rich wheat belt. Wheat farming and cattle and sheep grazing areimportant here.British North America ActThe British North America Act is an act passed by the British parliament in 1867 to set up the Dominion of Canada, uniting Canada, New Bruck and Nova Scotia under a federal government.Meech Lake AccordIn 1987 Canada’s top politicians reached an argument, offering Quebec special status within the country and privileges to unilaterally promote its French culture and language. The agreement was called Meech Lake Accord. It failed because of the strong opposition from Canada’s English-speaking majority.the InuitThe Inuit, also called the Eskimo, is the native people of Canada who came from Asia in prehistoric times. The word Inuit means “the people ” in their own language, whereas Eskimo is an Indian word meaning “eaters of raw flesh”.吃生鱼的人Group of Severn七人画派The Group of Severn was a group of Canadian painters. Theyappeared in the early 20th century. The group was the first to express a pictorial nationalism and a Canadian Impressionism.表现了绘画的民族主义和加拿大的印象主义。
一、英国(United Kingdom)英国是英语的发源地,也是英语国家中最重要的一个。
二、美国(United States)美国是世界上最大的英语国家之一,也是世界上最强大的国家之一。
五、新西兰(New Zealand)新西兰是一个位于南太平洋的岛国,也是一个英语国家。
英语国家概况 第二单元 General Information on Canada, Australia and New Zealand
![英语国家概况 第二单元 General Information on Canada, Australia and New Zealand](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/fe2ca9af0029bd64793e2c09.png)
Master the key facts of Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Identify the representative symboles of these three countries. Make an oral report about the characteristics of these three countries.
Unit One General Introduction
Lesson 2 General Information on Canada, Australia and New Zealand
Canada's National Tower
Sydney Opera House
HAKA of The Maori
polar bear
A fascinating and dangerous animal most often found in Northern Manitoba(曼尼托巴 省) in Canada. The polar bear is found throughout the Arctic Ocean and adjacent( 临近的 ) seas. Due to the absence of human development in its remote habitat, it retains more of its original range than any other extant large carnivore.
Sleeping koala
Unit One General Introduction---Lesson 2 General Introduction On Canada, Australia and New Zealand
英语国家概况中文版 part5澳大利亚
![英语国家概况中文版 part5澳大利亚](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3010f66958fafab069dc0210.png)
• 西澳大利亚州简 称西澳洲,是澳 大利亚联邦最大 的州主要城市有 邦布瑞、费里曼 图、杰瑞尔顿。[
• 澳大利亚首都领地(又译 作澳大利亚首都特区)大 体位于澳大利亚的悉尼和 墨尔本之间,环绕着堪培 拉市,建于1911年,是澳 大利亚联邦的政府所在地, 是澳大利亚面积最小但人 口最为稠密、教育程度最 高的州及领地层级行政区, 是众多政府机构、办事处、 大使馆及科学教育机构的 集中地。公园与保护区覆 盖了该领地53%的土地,被 称为“森林首都”。别代表联邦各州;白底上红色圣乔治十字和金狮代 表新南威尔士州; 蓝底白星和金冠代表维多利亚州; 白底马耳他十字和王冠代表昆士兰州; 黄底黑、白两色伯劳鸟代表南澳大利亚州; 黄底黑天鹅代表西澳大利亚州; 白底红狮代表塔斯马尼亚州。
澳大利亚(Australia)是全球土地面积第六大 的国家,国土比整个西欧大一半。。澳大利 亚不仅国土辽阔,而且物产丰富,是南半球 经济最发达的国家,是全球第四大农产品出 口国,也是多种矿产出口量全球第一的国家。 澳大利亚拥有很多自己特有的动植物和自然 景观。澳大利亚有多个城市曾被评为世界上 最适宜居住的地方之一。
澳利亚的国大利亚为英联邦成员国,英国女王为澳大家元首。 国旗的左上角为英国国旗图案,表明澳大利亚与英国的传统关系。 一颗最大的七角星象征组成澳大利亚联邦的六个州和两个联邦领地(北领地和首都领地) 。五颗小星代表南十字星座(是南天小星座之一,星座虽小,但明亮的星很多), 表明该国处于南半球。这是1903年从三万多个作品中选出来的 澳大利亚国旗
• 新南威尔士州的州旗设计制做于1876年;州徽设计于 1906年,并于同年获英国国王爱德华七世批准,上面 用拉丁文写着“ORTA RECENS QUAM PURA NITES”,中 文大意是新升起的太阳多么明亮
1.英国(United Kingdom):英国是英语的发源地,也是世界上第一个大规模使用英语的国家。
2.美国(United States):美国是世界上最大的英语国家,也是全球最强大的经济实体之一。
5.新西兰(New Zealand):新西兰是一个位于南太平洋的国家,也
7.南非(South Africa):南非是非洲最发达的国家之一,也是一
国概名词解释(全部版)1.The Thames RiverThe Thames River is the second largest and most important river in Britain. It is 336 KM long, rising in southwest England and flowing through England and out into the North Sea. It flows ra ther slowly, which is very favorable for water transportation.2.The High LandersThey are the Scots who live in the mountainous regions of the Highlands in Northern Scotland. They are a proud, independent and hardy people who maintain their strong cultural identity. They mainly live by farming sheep in mountain areas or fishing on the coasts and islands.3.The British Commonwealth 英联邦The British Empire was replaced by the British Commonwealth or the Commonwealth of N ations in 1931.It is a free association of independent countries that were once colonies of Brit ain. Member nations are joined together economically and have certain trading arrangements. T he Commonwealth has no special powers. The decision to become a member of the Commonwealth is l eft to each member nation. At present there are 50 members counties whit in the commonwealth (19 91).是曾为英国殖民地,但现在已经独立构成的自由联合体。
一、英语国家概况1. 英语国家数量截至目前,全球有超过70个国家和地区官方或主要使用英语。
2. 英语在国际交流中的地位由于历史、文化、经济和政治原因,英语成为了世界共通的交流语言。
3. 英语国家文化特点英语国家拥有丰富多样的文化,包括文学、艺术、音乐、电影等。
4. 英语国家的教育体系英语国家拥有世界顶尖的教育体系,包括英国的牛津大学、剑桥大学等,美国的哈佛大学、斯坦福大学等。
二、参考内容1. 英国英国是英语国家的发源地,拥有悠久的历史、文化和传统。
2. 美国美国是使用英语的最大国家,也是世界上最强大的国家之一。
3. 加拿大加拿大是英语国家中面积最大的国家,也是全球最宜居的国家之一。
4. 澳大利亚澳大利亚是一个位于南半球的国家,英语是其官方语言。
学习好资料欢迎下载英语国家概况名词解释——加拿大澳大利亚加拿大部分treaty of Paris in 1763---the seven years' war ended with the signing of the treaty of Paris in 1763.by the treaty of Paris, new France with its 65,000settlers was ceded割让 to Britain.Constitutional act of 1791---Britain divided the old province of Quebec into two parts, lower Canada(modern Canada) and upper Canada(modern Ontario),each with its own legislature.立法机构。
Act of union in 1840---联合法案 recommended that the two Canadas be united in one province.FTA and NAFTA---it stands for the Canada-united states free trade agreement signed by the two countries, which came into effect in 1989.Canadian Shield加拿大地盾---The Canadian Shield covers almostband of rocky半圆的half of Canada. It is a semicircular学习好资料欢迎下载highlands and plateaus around Hudson Bay from the northern shores of Quebec to the Arctic shores of the Northwest Territories. It is a region of hills, lakes, and swamps.沼泽Mackenzie RiverMackenzie River is one of two principal river systems in Canada. It flows between the Canadian Shield and the Rocky Mountains in west Canada. It is the second largest river system of North American.LoyalistThe first British settlers in Canada were American refugees, who refused to fight against the British Army in the American War of Independence, because they felt they were more English than American. They called themselves Loyalists. Their settlements laid the base of English-speaking Canada.Canadian PrairieCanadian Prairie is the Canadian section of the Great Plains of North America. Great stretches of level and fertilegrassland are found here. This region is the center of rich wheat belt. Wheat farming and cattle and sheep grazing are学习好资料欢迎下载important here.British North America ActThe British North America Act is an act passed by the British parliament in 1867 to set up the Dominion of Canada, uniting Canada, New Bruck and Nova Scotia under a federal government.Meech Lake AccordIn 1987 Canada's top politicians reached an argument, offering Quebec special status within the country and privileges to unilaterally promote its French culture and language. The agreement was called Meech Lake Accord. It failed because of the strong opposition from Canada's English-speaking majority.the InuitThe Inuit, also called the Eskimo, is the native people of Canada who came from Asia in prehistoric times. The word Inuit means “the people ” in their own language, whereas Eskimo is an Indian word meaning “eaters of raw flesh”.吃生鱼的人Group of Severn七人画派The Group of Severn was a group of Canadian painters. They学习好资料欢迎下载appeared in the early 20th century. The group was the first to express a pictorial nationalism and a Canadian Impressionism.表现了绘画的民族主义和加拿大的印象主义。
英语国家概况 英文
![英语国家概况 英文](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b81fe5596ad97f192279168884868762caaebb08.png)
1. 英国:作为英语的诞生地,英国是最重要的英语国家之一。
2. 美国:作为全球最强大的经济体之一,美国是世界上最多样化和多元化的国家之一。
3. 加拿大:加拿大是第二个最大的英语国家,英语是该国的一种官方语言,与法语并列。
4. 澳大利亚:澳大利亚是一个位于南半球的国家,也是一个英语国家。
5. 新西兰:新西兰是一个位于南太平洋的岛国,英语是该国的主要语言。
6. 南非:英语是南非的官方语言之一,这个国家拥有多种语言和文化。
1. 英语国家概述英语国家是指以英语作为官方语言或重要语言的国家。
2. 英国英国是英语的发源地和最重要的英语国家之一。
3. 美国美国是世界上最大的英语国家之一,拥有丰富的资源和多元文化。
4. 加拿大加拿大是世界上第二大国家,拥有广袤的土地和丰富的自然资源。
5. 澳大利亚澳大利亚位于南半球,是世界上最大的岛屿国家。
6. 新西兰新西兰位于太平洋地区,是一个自然环境优美的国家。
7. 爱尔兰爱尔兰位于欧洲西部,是一个英语国家,英语是该国的官方语言。
8. 其他英语国家除了以上国家,英语也是印度、菲律宾、南非等许多国家和地区的官方语言或教育语言。
1. BroadcastingBBC 2. TelevisionBBC1, BBC2, ITV3, ITV4, ITV5 3. News AgenciesReuters, Press Association (新闻联合社), AFX News Ltd. 4. Newspapers Times – the first newspaper in the world – 泰晤士报; The Guardian – The Manchester Guardian – 卫报; The Financial Times – 金融时报; The Daily Telegraph – 每日电讯报; The Observer-– 观察家报; The Daily Express – 每日快报; The Daily Mail – 每日邮报; The Mirror-– 镜报 5. Magazines The Economist, The Spectator, The New Statesman, The Woman’s Own, etc.
Niagara Waterfall
It contains two falls, on the New York side is the American Falls, over on the canadian side is the great big Horseshoe Falls.
Maid Of the Mist Tour
A Brief Survey of the English Speaking Countries
英国(UK) 美国(United States) 加拿大(Canada) 澳大利亚(The Commonwealth of Australia ) 新西兰(New Zealand)
加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰和爱尔兰1. Canada 加拿大Canada's geography and history 加拿大的地理与历史Canada's geographical features 加拿大的地理特点位于美国以北,地广人稀,人口分布集中,地形多样。
Geographical regions and their characteristics 地理区域及其特征加拿大由10个省,2个领地组成。
The European discovery of Canada 欧洲人发现加拿大约翰。
The rivalry between the British and the French 英国人与法国人的敌对在征服消北美领土的过程中成为对手。
Survey Of English-Speaking Countries第七章加拿大和澳大利亚基本概况Chapter VII An overview Canada and Australia7.1 加拿大国土、人民、历史、政治、经济和社会习俗概况7.1 Overview of Canadian territory, people, history, politics, economy and social customs7.1.1 TerritoryCanada is a country located in the north of North America, bordering the Atlantic Ocean in the East, the Pacific Ocean in the west, Alaska in the northwest, the United States in the South and the Arctic Ocean in the north. It’s area ranks second in the world. Most of the climate is sub polar continental climate(副极地大陆性气候) and temperate continental humid climate(温带大陆性湿润气候), while the northern polar region is polar long cold climate(极地长寒气候). As of November 2019, Canada has 10 provinces and 3 regions, with Ottawa as its capital.The eastern part of Canada is the low Labrador plateau (拉布拉多高原), and the southeastern part is Lake Superior, Lake Huron, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario, which are among the Great Lakes. It is connected with Lake Michigan in the United States to form the St. Lawrence River. It is sandwiched between the St. Lawrence mountains and the Appalachian Mountains to form a valley with flat terrain and many basins. Between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario is the spectacular Niagara Falls.In the west is the Rocky Mountains of the Cordillera mountains. The highest mountain is Mount Logan. In the Arctic Archipelago, there are many hills and low mountains, which are covered by ice and snow due to the influence of polar climate. The central part is the great plain and low plateau, covering about half of the territory. Toronto, the largest city in Canada, the capital of Ontario, is the financial center in Canada and economic and cultural center of the English-speaking region in Canada.7.1.2 PeopleThe population of Canada are mainly of European descent, such as British and French, and indigenous people account for about 3%. The rest are of Asian, Latin American and African descent.English and French are both official languages. Among the residents, 45% believed in Catholics and 36% believed in Christianity.7.1.3 HistoryCanada used to be the residence of Indians and Inuit.In the 16th century, the French dreamed of discovering and ruling more territories, expanding their trade, and making countries around the world believe in their beliefs.In 1535, Francois I, the then King of France, ordered Jacques Kartier, the navigator, to explore the "New World" in order to find a way to India. Kartier came to Quebec, which the local Indians called "Stadakona". Two Indian youths told Jacques Kartier the route to "Kanata." they referred to Canada at that time, and the name was used until the early 17th century.The word "Canada" comes from the Indian word "Canada", which means "community" or "village". Since the 16th century, Canada has become a French and British colony. From 1756 to 1763, Britain and France broke out a "The Seven Years War" in Canada, and France was defeated. The Paris Peace Treaty1763made Canada a British colony. Canada was reunified in 1841 and became the province of Canada.In 1926, Britain recognized Canada's "equal status", and Canada gained diplomatic independence.In 1931, Canada became a member of the British Commonwealth, and its parliament also gained equal legislative power with theBritish Parliament, but it still had no right to amend the constitution.In 1982, the queen of England signed the Canadian Constitution Act, which gave the Canadian Parliament full power to establish and amend the constitution. In March 1982, the British House of Lords and the house of Commons passed the Canadian Constitution 1982. In April, the Act came into force with the approval of the queen. Since then, Canada has gained all the power to legislate and amend the constitution.In 1982, Canada renamed the dominion day (自治领日) on July 1 as Canada Day, and Canada became independent from Britain in fact. When the Federation was founded, the new country was named Canada.7.1.4 Politics(1) RegimeCanada is a parliamentary constitutional monarchy. The king of England is the head of state of Canada. The Governor (总督) is the representative of the king of England in Canada. The Prime Minister is the head of government. Since the establishment of the Canadian Federation in 1867, the Liberal Party and the Progressive Conservative Party have been in power in turn.(2) ParliamentThe Canadian Parliament consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives. Bills passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives become laws after they are signed by the Governor. The Governor has the power to call and dissolve parliament.(3) GovernmentThe Canadian government implements the Cabinet System, in which the leader of the political party who holds the majority in the House of Representatives is the Prime Minister and forms a Cabinet.(4) Parties(a) Liberal Party: the ruling party. Founded in 1873. It represents the interests of industrial monopoly capital groups and gives consideration to the interests of small and medium-sized enterprises.(2) Conservative Party: formal opposition party, plus right-wing party. Formed by the coalition party and Progressive Conservative Party in December 2003, it represents the interests of bank insurance industry, railway transportation industry, monopoly capital of energy industry and big farmers.(3) New Democratic Party: opposition party. In 1961, it was formed by the Alliance for civilian cooperation and the Canadian Labor Conference.(4) Bloc Quebecois: opposition party. Established in 1990. Representing the interests of Quebec people and advocating Quebec independence.Other political parties include the green party.(5) LawsConstitutionCanada does not have a complete constitution, which is mainly composed of Constitutional Acts passed in different historical periods, including the British North America Act passed by the British Parliament in 1867.JudicialCanada has three levels of courts: federal, provincial and local.7.1.5 EconomicsCanada is one of the seven largest industrial countries in the West.The manufacturing industry, high-tech industry and service industry are developed, and the resource industry, primary manufacturing industry and agriculture are the main pillars of the national economy.ResourcesIt has a vast territory and rich forest and mineral resources with more than 60 kinds of minerals, mainly including potassium, uranium, tungsten, cadmium, nickel, lead, etc. Crude oil reserves are second only to Venezuela (委内瑞拉) and Saudi Arabia (沙特), ranking third in the world, 97% of which are in the form of oil sands. Agriculture and animal husbandryCanada is the largest exporter of fishery products in the world, with 75% of its fishery products exported.TourismThe main tourist cities are Vancouver, Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal, Quebec City, etc.FinanceThe main banks are: (1) Royal Bank of Canada, the largest private bank established in 1864. (2) Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce: formed by the merger of Canadian Commercial Bank (founded in 1867) and Canadian Imperial Bank (founded in 1875) in 1961. (3) Bank of Montreal: founded in 1817.festival7.1.6 Festivals(1) Canada DayCanada Day (National Day) is July 1 every year, originally known as "Dominion Day" (自治领日).(2) St. Patrick's Day is March 17 every year.(3) Tulip Festival is held on May 9 every year.(4) Queen Victoria's Day (the Queen's birthday) every Monday before May 25.(5) Thanksgiving Day is the second Monday in October every year.(6) Canadian Remembrance Day is on November 11 every year(7) Banff Summer Arts Festival (班夫艺术节)Opera, symphony, ballet and drama performances are held every year in Banff Art Center, which is one of the biggest art activities in North America.7.2 澳大利亚国土、人民、历史、政治、经济和社会习俗概况7.2 Overview of Australian territory, people, history, politics, economy and social customs7.2.1 TerritoryAustralia (Commonwealth of Australia), located between the South Pacific and the Indian Ocean, is composed of islands and overseas territories such as the Australian mainland and Tasmania. It is close to the Coral Sea (珊瑚海) and Tasman Sea (塔斯曼海) in the Pacific Ocean in the East, and faces the Indian Ocean and its marginal sea in the west, north and south. It is the only country in the world that monopolizes a continent.The terrain of Australia is very distinctive. Eastern Mountain, central plain, western plateau. The highest peak, Mount Kosciuszko, is 2228 meters above sea level. Near the sea, it is a narrow beach with gentle slope, gently inclined to the West and gradually becoming a plain. There are great barrier reefs along the northeast coast.About 70% of Australia's territory belongs to arid or semi-arid (干旱或半干旱) areas, most of the central region is not suitable for human habitation. Australia is the flattest and driest continent in the world. Lake Eyre in the middle is the lowest point in Australia, with the lake level 16 meters below sea level.Australia has two climatic zones. The northern part is tropical. Southern Australia is temperate. The central and western parts are deserted deserts with drought and littlerain, high temperature and large temperature difference; in coastal areas, there is abundant rainfall and humid climate.7.1.2 PeopleAustralia used to be an Australian Aboriginal settlement. The earliest inhabitants of Australia were aborigines. In the 17th century, Spanish, Portuguese and Dutch colonists arrived here. In 1788, he became a British colony. In 1901, he formed the Commonwealth of Australia and became a British autonomous territory. In 1931, it became an independent country in the British Commonwealth.Australia is a typical immigrant country, which is described by sociologists as a "national puzzle" (民族的拼盘). Since the day when British immigrants embarked on this beautiful land. Most Australians had ancestors of 19th and 20th century British immigrants, and many from other countries.7.1.3 HistoryThe word Australia, originally meaning "the continent of the South", is derived from the Latin terraaustralis. When Europeans discovered this continent in the 17th century, they mistook it for a piece of land leading to the south pole, so they named it"Australia". In 1606, the ships of Spanish navigator Luis Vaezde Torres sailed through the strait between Australia and New Guinea; in the same year, the Duyfken of Dutch William Jens set foot in Australia, which was the first recorded real landing of foreigners in Australia, and named it "New Holland".In 1770, the British navigator Captain James Cook discovered the east coast of Australia, named it "New South Wales" and declared that the land belonged to Britain.In July, 1900, the British Parliament passed the Commonwealth Constitution of Australia (澳大利亚联邦宪法) and the British Dominion Ordinance (不列颠自治领条例). On January 1, 1901, the colonies of Australia were changed into states, and the six colonies were unified into a federation, forming the Federation of Australia. At the same time, the first constitution was passed. In 1931, the British Parliament passed the Statute of Westminster, which made Australia an independent country in the Commonwealth. In 1986, the British Parliament gave Australia full legislative and judicial power of final adjudication.7.1.4 PoliticsRegimeThe nominal head of state of Australia is the king of England, and the Governor of Australia is appointed as its representative. In fact, the Governor of Australia does not interfere in the operation of the government. The Australian government is a federal system, with six states and two territories (Northern Territory and Capital Territory). Each state has a governor who is responsible for state affairs. The Australian government consists of a majority party or a coalition of parties in the House of Representatives, with a term of three years. T he Cabinet is the highest decision-making organ of the government, with 30 ministers. The highest executive leader of the country is the Prime Minister.Australia is a federal constitutional monarchy. The head of state is the monarch of Australia. The Governor of Australia is the representative of the Australian monarch when he is not in Australia. He exercises his functions and powers on behalf of the monarch under the Australian Constitution. According to the modern Australian Constitutional Convention, the monarch does not ask about Australian politics except when appointing or replacing the Governor.ParliamentThe Federal Parliament is the highest legislative body in Australia, also known asParliament. It was established in 1901 and is composed of the queen (represented by the Governor of Australia), the House of Representatives and the Senate. There are 150 members of the House of Representatives elected in proportion to the population for a three-year term. The Senate has 76 Members, 12 in each of the six states and two in each of the two regions. The term of office of state senators is six years, half of them are reelected every three years, and the term of office of district senators is three years.GovernmentThe federal government consists of a majority party or a coalition of political parties in the House of Representatives. The leader of the party is the Prime Minister, and the ministers are appointed by the Prime Minister.JudicialThe High Court of Australia is the highest judicial body in Australia. It has appellate jurisdiction over other courts at all levels and makes decisions on cases involving constitutional interpretation. It is composed of one chief justice and six justices.PartiesThe main political parties in Australia are:(1) Australian Liberal Party: It mainly represents the interests of industrial and commercial owners and has been in power for many times.(2) Australian National Party: formerly known as the Rural Party, later known as the National Rural Party, changed its current name in 1982. Its sphere of influence is mainly in rural areas, representing the interests of farmers.(3) Australian Labor Party: it is the largest political party in Australia. It has a close relationship with the trade union and its members are mostly collective members.7.1.5 EconomicsAustralia is a highly developed capitalist country. Australia is well-developed in agriculture and animal husbandry and rich in natural resources.It is known as "a country riding on the back of sheep", "a country sitting on a harvester" and "a country holding ears of wheat". (“骑在羊背上的国家”,“坐在矿车上的国家”和“手持麦穗的国家”)7.1.6 CustomsAlthough Australia is often portrayed as a country dominated by rural areas, infact, it is still dominated by urban culture and metropolitan lifestyle, including the delicious food available from all over the world.补:英语国家概况背诵版06-英美教育及大众传媒Survey Of English-Speaking Countries第五章英国和美国的教育概况Chapter V An overview of education of the UK and the USA5.1 英国教育体系5.1 Education system of the UKEducation system of the UK can be divided into three stages: compulsory education, further education and higher education.5.1.1 Compulsory EducationCompulsory Education includes 3 detailed stages: The first stage(Kindergarten education from 5 to 7 years old); The second stage (Primary education at the age of 7-11); The third stage (Secondary education at the age of 11-16). British students start to receive compulsory education at the age of 5 and enjoy free national welfare.General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE普通中学证书) refers to the diploma obtained after finishing the last two years (Form 3\4,中3、中4)of secondary education. The compulsory education period is from 5 to 16 years old. School age children must go to school, and the state is responsible for the necessary tuition, books and supplies.Scoring method: Grade A * - a good result of exceptional quality; Grade B, Grade C; Grade D - average grades-a good base from which to grow; Grade E - The lower, but still useful, grades of achievement; Grade G - Ungraded, no score5.1.2 Transitional periodThe fourth stage (16-18 years old) is a senior class in middle school or a preparatory class in University. It is a transitional period from middle school to university, also known as the stage of continuing education. It is mainly for academic and professional learning.Students who have completed the preparatory course mainly take the general certificate of Education (general certificate of education,advanced level,Abbreviation: GCE-A level), while students in vocational and technical schools should take the general national vocational qualification(GNVQ: General National V ocationalQualification) in addition to GCE-A level.5.1.3 Further Education (延续教育)It is the "tertiary" education (第三级教育) after primary and secondary education. To lay a foundation for higher education or employment. It is divided into two systems: academic route and vocational route. The academic line focuses on the cultivation of talents in academic research, while the career line combines the professional needs of all levels of society to cultivate talents with special skills and knowledge in various industries. The two systems are equally valued in the UK. (和中国的高中和中职分类相似)5.1.4 Academic routeA-LevelThe full name of A-level is "General Certificate of Education Advanced Level" (普通教育高级证书), which is an important stage of the academic route. It has more than 100 subjects in total. The length of schooling is generally two years, and the major is very detailed. We tend to regard A-level as a basic course in universities, which is equivalent to the first two years of undergraduate courses in Chinese universities. A-level course selection is very important for students, generally according to two principles (professional goal principle, good at principle) to choose courses.5.1.5 Career path (职业路线)British vocational education is rich and colorful. If your hands-on ability is very strong, or in some areas have special expertise (such as art, computer operation, etc.), you can choose to take the road of vocational education. There is a certain correspondence between vocational education and academic route in Britain.General National V ocational Qualification (GNVQ普通国家职业资格) is a wide range of vocational education courses, which is parallel to GCSE and A-level in the academic route, but not inferior to this kind of courses in academic depth and difficulty. Students choose their favorite career in the process of learning and working at the same time.5.1.6 University education.The fifth stage, generally, from the age of 18, takes 3-4 years to study as an undergraduate (5 years for Medical Science) and obtain a bachelor's degree. There are many kinds of bachelor's degrees in the UK. The following are common types:Bachelor of Art (BA); Bachelor of Science (BSC); Bachelor of Engineering (BEng); Bachelor of Law (LLB). The master's degree is usually 1-2 years, and the doctor's degree is 3-5 years.Higher National Diploma (HND高级文凭) is also a very useful diploma. It is the highest stage in the vocational education system, and the length of schooling is generally two years. In theory, HND is equivalent to China's college diploma, but in fact, its level is higher than that of college diploma.Exercise: Which statement about the British universities is NOT true?A. They enjoy academic freedom.B. They cannot appoint their own staff.C. They are governed by royal charters.D. They provide their own courses and award their own degrees.【答案】B【解析】本题考查的是英国大学的一般概况,按照教材阐述,英国的大学享有高度的学术自由;自行聘任教员和自行设置课程,所以答案应该选择B。
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英语国家概况名词解释——加拿大澳大利亚加拿大部分treaty of Paris in 1763---the seven years’war ended with the signing of the treaty of Paris in the treaty of Paris, new France with its 65,000settlers was ceded割让 to Britain.Constitutional act of 1791---Britain divided the old province of Quebec into two parts, lower Canada(modern Canada) and upper Canada(modern Ontario),each with its own legislature.立法机构。
Act of union in 1840---联合法案recommended that the two Canadas be united in one province.FTA and NAFTA---it stands for the Canada-united states free trade agreement signed by the two countries, which came into effect in 1989.Canadian Shield加拿大地盾---The Canadian Shield covers almost half of Canada. It is a semicircular半圆的 band of rockyhighlands and plateaus around Hudson Bay from the northern shores of Quebec to the Arctic shores of the Northwest Territories. It is a region of hills, lakes, and swamps.沼泽Mackenzie RiverMackenzie River is one of two principal river systems in Canada. It flows between the Canadian Shield and the Rocky Mountains in west Canada. It is the second largest river system of North American.LoyalistThe first British settlers in Canada were American refugees, who refused to fight against the British Army in the American War of Independence, because they felt they were more English than American. They called themselves Loyalists. Their settlements laid the base of English-speaking Canada.Canadian PrairieCanadian Prairie is the Canadian section of the Great Plains of North America. Great stretches of level and fertile grassland are found here. This region is the center of rich wheat belt. Wheat farming and cattle and sheep grazing areimportant here.British North America ActThe British North America Act is an act passed by the British parliament in 1867 to set up the Dominion of Canada, uniting Canada, New Bruck and Nova Scotia under a federal government.Meech Lake AccordIn 1987 Canada’s top politicians reached an argument, offering Quebec special status within the country and privileges to unilaterally promote its French culture and language. The agreement was called Meech Lake Accord. It failed because of the strong opposition from Canada’s English-speaking majority.the InuitThe Inuit, also called the Eskimo, is the native people of Canada who came from Asia in prehistoric times. The word Inuit means “the people ” in their own language, whereas Eskimo is an Indian word meaning “eaters of raw flesh”.吃生鱼的人Group of Severn七人画派The Group of Severn was a group of Canadian painters. Theyappeared in the early 20th century. The group was the first to express a pictorial nationalism and a Canadian Impressionism.表现了绘画的民族主义和加拿大的印象主义。
Les Jeunesses Musicals du Canada加拿大青年音乐学会JMC was founded in 1949 to spread musical culture and promote the musical development of young Canadians. Today JMC has over 100,000 members.Australia (澳大利亚)the land down under---Australia lies in the southern hemisphere. it is almost halfway around the world from England. that’s why from the European point of view Australia is down under.outback内地---in Australia is the areas that are far away from towns and cities are called the outback, especially the desert areas in central Australia.(考过一句话)muliticulturalism多元文化主义---it is a theory that it is beneficial to a society to maintain more than one culture within its structure. it also refers to the policy based on this theory.school of the air---it is an educational system in which lessons are transmitted by radio and children learn their lessons through a radio system.built environmen t营造的环境---it was built by the people,and it was changed by the people.dreaming梦幻时代---this is the mythical神话past of the Australian is also the basis of their religious beliefs and creation stories.是一个表现想象力及创造力的时期。
convict system囚犯制度---it is the system of imprisoning convicts in a penal colony,especially in a penal labour settlement.eureka stockade尤里卡围桩---a number of goldminers armed themselves behind a stockade of wooden slabs厚板and raised a new Australian flag. this event is often referred to as the eureka stockade.Australian bush灌木丛---it refers to an area of land coveredwith natural bushes and trees which has never been farmed and where there are very few people.the Anzacs---The Anzacs refers to Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. They joined British and French forces to fight the Turks at Gallipoli during WWⅡ. Although they later withdrew, the Gallipoli Campaign was seen as a noble defeat. The Anzacs Day (April 25) has remained Australia’s most important holiday.ACTU澳大利亚工会理事会---it stands for Australian council of trade unions, it is the main organizational body of the trade-union movement in Australia.White Australian Policy---The White Australian Policy refers to the Immigration Restriction Act of 1901. According to the policy, only European, especially British and Irish, were allowed to migrate to Australia. When they settled in Australia, all migrants should assimilate 吸收themselves into white society.Marvelous Melbourne----After the gold rush in 1850s and 1860s,there was an important revolution in transport, especially with the network of tram and railway systems. This changed the pace of urban life and the appearance of the city and soon people were calling the city “Marvelous Melbourne”. But by the 1890s outsiders were calling the city “Marvelous Melbourne” because of the bad smell of the city.Murray---Murray is Australia’s longest river. It forms the major part of the boundary between the States of New South Wales and Victoria. It enters the sea in South Australia.Tasmania---Tasmania is the smallest of the Australian States. It is an island lying south of the southeastern corner of the Australian mainland. It is often called the holiday Isle. It’s capital is Hobart.Australian Capital Territory---Shortly after the forming of federation in 1901, the Australian Capital Territory was mapped out of the states of New South Wales to be the site. Canberra is the capital of Australia.Snowy Mountains Project---The Snowy Mountains Project, a majordevelopment project, was set up in 1949 by the Chifley government. The aim was to trap Snowy Mountains river waters, and direct the water into the Murrumbidgee and Murray Rivers through dam and tunnels. It would provide electricity and water for irrigation.double dissolution双重解除---A double dissolution is the dissolving of both Houses of parliament by the Governor-General at the request of Prime Minister. This occurs when a bill has been passed by the House of Representatives and rejected by the Senate and after three months have elapsed, again passed by Representatives but rejected by the Senate. Then a general election may be called to solve the deadlock.由联邦总督在总理的要求下解散议会两院the Accord---Between 1983 and 1993 there were seven agreements between the Labor government and the ACTU. They are mainly concerned with economic and social politics such as wage politics工资政策. These agreements are known as the Accord. 协调,主要涉及经济和社会政策,例如各种工资政策。