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第一卷(5 0分)


1.------- ------------------------ ? ----- 1 enjoy it very much .

A.What ' s the book like ?

B.What ' s the book about?

C.Why do you like the book?

D.How do you like the book?

2.——learning En glish well is _________ .

---- Y es, but it will become much easier if you __________________ .

A.hard work ; hard work

B.hard work ; work hard

C.a hard work; hard work Da ha rd work ; work hard.

3.The twins ________ China since their father came to work in Shan ghai.

A.have bee n to

B.have gone to

C.have bee n in

D.have bee n

4.____ g reat fun it is _________ tricks on those boys.

A.How, to play B How, playi ng C.what, to play

D.what a, play ing .

5.——He' s n ever msed his less ons, ___________ ?

---- ---------- , sometimes.

A.is, No

B.has, Yes

C.hasn ' t , Ye

D.isn ' t, No

6.---- W here' s Lucy ?

---- S he ___________ the supermarket to buy some tea.

A.has bee n to

B.has gone to

C.we nt to Dhas bee n in

7.---- C ould I have a look at your new computer ?

------ S orry, I ________ it to Alle n . She ______ to borrow it this mor ning.

A.have lent, came

B.lend, was coming

C.had lent, came

D.have lent, will come.

8.It ' s not my house . It may be ______________ .

A.some one elses

B. some one else

C.else some one

D. some one else ' s

9.He wants to buy a walkman _________ .


B.as well

C.as good

D.as well as

10.--- L ook ! The wind is getting ____________ to us.

----- O h ! We should keep all the win dows and doors _______________ .

Aclose, closed B.close , close C.closed, ope n D.close, ope n

11.He couldn ' t wait _______ his mother the good news.

A. tell

B.telli ng .C to tell D.tells

12.After _______ , I begin to like live there.


B.some time

C.sometimes Dsome times

13.He told us everythi ng ________ , so I am quite _________ now.

A.clearly ,clear

B. clearly ,clearly

C. clear ,clear

D. clear ,clearly.

14.Most people find it _________ to watch a basketball match . But I am not ______________ in it.

A.excited, in teresti ng

B. excit ing, in teresti ng

C. excited, in terested

D. excit ing, in terested

15.1_______ t he day before yeaterday . I ' ve _______ for two days.

A.arrived ,come back


C. got,returned back

D. arrived,been back

16.His mother has lived in this tow n _________ ten years ago .



C.si nee


17.The n earest museum is 20 metres ___________ here.

A.far from

B.away from

C.far away from

D.off from

18.Trere ' re so many trees on ___________ side of the road.





19.——________ w ill you fin ish the job ? --- In half an hour.
