A D574A引脚图及应用电路图AD574A引脚图及应用电路图AD574A是美国模拟数字公司(Analog)推出的单片高速12位逐次比较型A/D 转换器,内置双极性电路构成的混合集成转换显片,具有外接元件少,功耗低,精度高等特点,并且具有自动校零和自动极性转换功能,只需外接少量的阻容件即可构成一个完整的A/D转换器,其主要功能特性如下:分辨率:12位非线性误差:小于±1/2LBS或±1LBS转换速率:25us 模拟电压输入范围:0—10V和0—20V,0—±5V和0—±10V两档四种电源电压:±15V和5V 数据输出格式:12位/8位芯片工作模式:全速工作模式和单一工作模式AD574A的引脚说明:[1]. Pin1(+V)——+5V电源输入端。
[2]. Pin2( )——数据模式选择端,通过此引脚可选择数据纵线是12位或8位输出。
[3]. Pin3( )——片选端。
[4]. Pin4(A0)——字节地址短周期控制端。
[5]. Pin5( )——读转换数据控制端。
[6]. Pin6(CE)——使能端。
[7]. Pin7(V+)——正电源输入端,输入+15V电源。
[8]. Pin8(REF OUT)——10V基准电源电压输出端。
[9]. Pin9(AGND)——模拟地端。
[10]. Pin10(REF IN)——基准电源电压输入端。
[11]. Pin(V-)——负电源输入端,输入-15V电源。
[12]. Pin1(V+)——正电源输入端,输入+15V电源。
[13]. Pin13(10V IN)——10V量程模拟电压输入端。
[14]. Pin14(20V IN)——20V量程模拟电压输入端。
[15]. Pin15(DGND)——数字地端。
[16]. Pin16—Pin27(DB0—DB11)——12条数据总线。
考虑在芯⽚选择两个因素,⼀是抗⼲扰的能⼒,提⾼单⽚机应⽤系统的⼲扰,图2. 系统运⾏界⾯图所以单⽚机必须有较⾼的外界⼲扰;⼆是单⽚机的性能价格⽐。
合肥工业大学《计算机控制技术》课程设计——电阻炉温度控制系统设计学院专业姓名学号_______ ________ _完成时间摘要:电阻炉的类型根据其热量产生的方式不同,可分为间接加热式和直接加热式两大类。
2、工艺要求及要求实现的基本功能本系统中所选用的加热炉为间接加热式电阻炉,控制要求为采用一台主机控制8个同样规格的电阻炉温度;电炉额定功率为20 kW;)恒温正常工作温度为1000℃,控温精度为±1%;电阻炉温度按预定的规律变化,超调量应尽可能小,且具有良好的稳定性;具有温度、曲线自动显示和打印功能,显示精度为±1℃;具有报警、参数设定、温度曲线修改设置等功能。
12位A/D转换器AD574及其接口电路深圳中源单片机发展工作室AD574A是美国模拟数字公司(Analog)推出的单片高速12位逐次比较型A/D转换器,内置双极性电路构成的混合集成转换显片,具有外接元件少,功耗低,精度高等特点,并且具有自动校零和自动极性转换功能,只需外接少量的阻容件即可构成一个完整的A/D转换器,其主要功能特性如下:分辨率:12位非线性误差:小于±1/2LBS或±1LBS转换速率:25us模拟电压输入范围:0—10V和0—20V,0—±5V和0—±10V两档四种电源电压:±15V和5V数据输出格式:12位/8位芯片工作模式:全速工作模式和单一工作模式AD574A的引脚说明:[1]. Pin1(+V)——+5V电源输入端。
[2]. Pin2()——数据模式选择端,通过此引脚可选择数据纵线是12位或8位输出。
[3]. Pin3()——片选端。
[4]. Pin4(A0)——字节地址短周期控制端。
[5]. Pin5()——读转换数据控制端。
[6]. Pin6(CE)——使能端。
– 活体背膘厚、眼肌面积等
Back fat thickness, Loin eye muscle area
– 采食量、饲料利用率、生长速度等
Feed intake, Feed efficiency , Growth rate
• 遗传评估:动物模型BLUP
Genetic Evaluation: Animal model BLUP
• 分子标记辅助选择
Marker-assisted selection (MAS)
1.良种繁育 Genetic improvement • 联合育种或公司育种: 组建超级育种核心群,利用 遗传资源共享、扩大性能测定规模与统一遗传评 估 • Joint Breeding or Breeding Companies: set up a super nucleus population, share genetic resources, largescale of performance testing and genetic evaluation – 全国猪联合育种协作组、温氏 National swine breeding collaboration group Wen’s Company
1.良种繁育 Genetic improvement • 性能测定: 超声波技术、种猪自动饲喂系统
Performance testing: Ultrasonic technology (B-mode ultrasound ), Automatic feeding system(ACEMA, FIRE)
1. 良种繁育 Genetic improvement • 猪种资源的保护与利用 Protection and utilization of pig breed resources:
第二章6 采样-保持器有什么作用?说明保持电容大小对数据采集系统的影响。
7 在数据采样系统中,是不是所有的输入通道都需要加采样-保持器,为什么?答:并不是所有的模拟量输入通道都需要采样保持器的,因为采样保持器是为了防止在A/D转换之前信号就发生了变化,致使A/D转换的结果出错,所以只要A/D转换的时间比信号变化的时间短就不需要。
8 采样频率的高低对数字控制系统有什么影响?举出工业控制实例加以说明?9 A/D和D/A转换器在微型计算机控制系统中有什么作用?答:答:A/D的作用主要是把传感器检测到的模拟电信号转换为数字电信号,方便用于单片机中进行处理。
10 A/D转换器转换原理有几种?他们各有什么特点和用途?答:逐次逼近型,分辨率高,误差较低,转换速度快,应用十分广泛;双积分型:性能比较稳定,转换精度高,抗干扰能力强,电路较简单,工作速度低,多用于对转换精度要求较高,对转换速度要不高的场合,如数字电压表等检测仪器中,用的十分普遍。
11 说明逐次逼近型A/D转换器的转换原理。
南美对虾养殖英文文献Farming of South American prawns has become a booming industry, with its sustainable practices gaining global attention.The unique ecosystem of South America provides an ideal environment for the cultivation of these crustaceans, ensuring their natural growth and health.Technological advancements have played a crucial role in the efficiency and success of prawn farming, with innovations in hatchery systems and disease management.Moreover, the economic benefits of prawn farming extend beyond the industry itself, contributing to local employment and community development.Environmental considerations are paramount, with efforts made to minimize the impact on surrounding habitats and to promote biodiversity.The demand for South American prawns is on the rise, driven by their high nutritional value and the growing awareness of their eco-friendly farming methods.Regulatory frameworks are in place to ensure the quality and safety of the prawns, meeting international standards and consumer expectations.Research is ongoing to explore new techniques for disease prevention and to enhance the nutritional content of the prawns, further elevating their market appeal.The future of South American prawn farming looks promising, with a focus on innovation, sustainability, and meeting the increasing global demand for this delectable seafood.。
Negative-pressure ventilation system
Mild weather
Cold weather
Hot weather
Individual gestation sow stalls
adjustable legs, hot galvanized
auger: ф90
Automatic feeding line
Swine feed line- Tee joint
Pit fan
Air inlet
Side wall air inlet
Auto-balanceair inlet
E-feeding station
Basic ventilation rates
Chain-discfeed delivery system
Augertypefeed delivery system
slide shut-off
Feed drop pipe
Pig house ventilation
奶牛养殖专业术语(中英文对照)ADF——酸性洗涤纤ADG——日增重ADL——酸性洗涤木质素ADIN——酸性洗涤不溶氮ADP——表观可消化蛋白AP——有效磷TP——总磷Ash——灰份BCP——细菌蛋白产量BCS——体况评分BW——体重CBW——犊牛体重CF——粗纤维CP——粗蛋白CW——胚胎重DCAD——日粮阴阳离子平衡DE——消化能DM——干物质DMI——干物质采食量DIP——摄入的可降解蛋白质EBG——胴体净增重EBW——空胴体重DCAD——日粮阴阳离子平衡DE——消化能DM——干物质DMI——干物质采食量DIP——摄入的可降解蛋白质EBG——胴体净增重EBW——空胴体重ECP——内源蛋白EE——乙醚提取物EUN——内源尿氮FA——脂肪酸FBW——全重FWI——自由饮水量GE——总能IV——碘价K d——降解速率K p——流通速率LCT——最低极限温度L——木质素LW——活重LWG——每天活体增重MCP——微生物蛋白ME——代谢能MFN——代谢粪能MN——微生物氮MP——代谢蛋白质MW——成熟体重N——氮NAN——非氨态氮N DF——中性洗涤纤维NDIN——中性洗涤不溶氮NDSC——中性洗涤可溶性碳水化合物NE——净能NEG——增重净能NEL——产奶净能NEM——维持净能NEFA——非酯化脂肪酸NEFG——生长可利用净能NDSF——中性洗涤可溶纤维NFC——非纤维性碳水化合物NP——净蛋白NPN——非蛋白氮NSC——非结构性碳水化合物OM——有机物PAF——-加工调整因子RDP——瘤胃可降解蛋白RUP——-瘤胃非降解蛋白PEF——物理有效因子RDN——瘤胃可降解氮RE——存留净能SBW——收缩后的体重SCC——体细胞SC——结构性碳水化合物SWG——收缩的体增重T3, 3, 5, 3′——三碘甲腺原氨酸T4——甲状腺素TG——三酰甘油TDN——总可消化养分TDS——总可溶固体物TTDOM——消化道总可消化有机物TSS——总可溶盐UIP——摄入的非降解蛋白dl——分升VFA——挥发性脂肪酸VLDL——极低密度脂蛋白NRC——美国国家研究会PUFA——不饱和脂肪酸CLA——共轭亚油酸DFM——微生物BST——牛生长激素4%FCM——4%标准乳LCT, ℃——动物的最低极限温度NND——奶牛能量单位TFA——反式脂肪酸Gly——甘氨酸Ala——丙氨酸Try——色氨酸Cys——胱氨酸Glu——谷氨酸Tyr——酪氨酸Hyp——羟脯氨酸Pro——脯氨酸Asp——天(门)冬氨酸Ser——丝氨酸AA——氨基酸Thr——苏氨酸Val——缬氨酸Phe——苯丙氨酸Leu——亮氨酸Lys——赖氨酸Met——蛋氨酸Ile——异亮氨酸His——组氨酸Cys-Cys——半胱氨酸Arg——精氨酸EAA——必需氨基酸NEAA——非必需氨基酸FCG——造肉成本FCR——饲料转化率F:C——奶牛日粮粗精比C:F——奶牛日粮精粗比4%标准乳的换算公式:FCM=M(0.4+15F)FCM=M(0.4+0.15F)FCM——乳脂率4%的奶量M——乳脂率为F 的奶量。
课程设计任务书2012/2013 学年第 1 学期学院:电子与计算机科学技术学院专业:学生姓名:学号:课程设计题目:12位A/D转换器与单片机的接口电路设计起迄日期:课程设计地点:指导教师:系主任:下达任务书日期: 2012年12月19日课程设计任务书目录第一章设计任务及功能要求 (5)1.1摘要 (5)1.2设计课题及任务 (5)1.3功能要求及说明 (5)第二章硬件设计 (6)2.1 系统设计元器件功能说明 (7)2.2 硬件电路总体及部分设计 (10)第三章软件设计 (12)3.1 基本原理容设计 (12)3.2 keil编程调试 (13)3.3 proteus仿真电路图 (19)第三章结果分析及总结 (19)附录 (20)第一章设计任务及功能要求1.1摘要近年来随着科技的飞速发展,单片机的应用正在不断的走向深入,单片机对我们的生活影响越来越大,很多工业领域中都用到单片机,日常生活中我们也离不开单片机的应用。
关键字:AD574转换器,80c51单片机,LED数码显示,串行输出1.2 设计课题及任务1.掌握电子电路的一般设计方法和设计流程;2.学习简单电路系统设计,掌握Protel99的使用方法;3.掌握8051单片机、12位A/D芯片AD574的应用;4.学习掌握硬件电路设计的全过程。
1.3 功能要求及说明1.学习掌握8051单片机的工作原理及应用;2. 学习掌握12位A/D芯片AD574的工作原理及应用;3. 设计基于AD574的12位模拟信号采集器的工作原理图及PCB版图;4. 整理设计容,编写设计说明书。
都被确定,SAR 向逻辑控制电路送回转换结束信号时,转
(2)启动转换输入有效信号:CE=1、CS=0且 R/
换结束,时钟脉冲使输出状态变低。当外部加入读数据 C=0时,AD/574A 开始转换。
收 稿 日 期 :2011-11-22; 修 回 日 期 :2011-12-22 作者简介:白云飞 (1974-),男,山西五台人,讲师,硕士,主要从事测控技术方面的教学和研究工作。
钟 电 路 、逻 辑 控 制 电 路 以 及 三 态 输 出 锁 存 缓 存 器 。
图1 AD574A 结构框图
AD574A 采用逐次比较方式完成转换。当逻辑控制 指令时,逻辑控制电路可以发出指令读出数据。
电路接到转换指令时,立刻启动时钟电路,同时将逐次比 1.2 AD574A 的工作特性[1]
较寄存器 SAR 清零。这时输入信号首先与转换器ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ最
AD574A 的工作特性如下:
高位输出 的 电 压 相 比 较,判 断 取 舍,然 后 在 时 钟 的 控 制
(1)控 制 逻 辑 功 能 :包 括 启 动 转 换 、控 制 转 换 过 程
下,按顺序进行逐次比较,一直到 A/D转换器输出的数码 和控制转换结果输出。
2 AD574A 的应用技术
写有效信号,启动 AD574A 进行转换
由于 AD574A 的转换速度 高,一 般 常 采 用 延 时 法 和查询法来读取转换结果。 2.1 延 时 采 样 接 口 方 式 [3]
AD574A 延时采样接口如图5所示。其中,74LS245 是8路 同 相 三 态 双 向 总 线 收 发 器,用 于 数 据 缓 冲。当
D=2 048×(1+2×VVIFNS )。 或VIN =(2 0D48-1)V2FS 。
第一章:绪论1、计算机控制系统组成(作业)2、工作原理:(作业) (1)实时数据采集 (2)实时控制决策 (3)实时控制输出 (4)实时显示和数据保存 (5)联网通信(测控管一体化)失败:一、若控制时间间隔取的太长,则控制效果可能变差。
3、 (1)在线方式:在SCC 中,生产过程与计算机连接,且受计算机控制的方式称为在线方式。
由计算机中断自动产生,或采用查询方式产生,或由用户自行设定 一个在线的系统不一定是一个实时系统,但是一个实时系统必定是在线系统。
4、按完成的功能和结构(6种典型形式:···,DDC 、SCC 、DCS 、FCS 、····) 按照控制规律分类(填空)(1)数字程序和顺序控制(2)PID 控制:调节器的输出是调节器输入的比例、积分和微分的函数 (3)最小拍控制:要求设计的系统在尽可能短的时间内完成调节过程 (4)复杂规律的控制 (5)智能控制计算机控制装置生产过程按照控制方式的不同,计算机控制系统可分为开环控制系统和闭环控制系统。
5、常用的典型机型(1)单片微型计算机: 内含有微处理器的特殊超大规模集成电路,专用性强、内存容量小,本身不具备自开发功能(2)PLC:可靠性高、编程容易、功能完善、扩展灵活、安装调试简单方便(3)工业PC:小板结构模块化设计;标准化及兼容性;完善的I/O通道;环境适应能力强、可靠性高;软件丰富(组态软件)6、计算机控制系统的发展趋势一、单片机(微处理器)组成的控制系统日趋先进二、可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)得到广泛应用三、推广使用新型的集散控制系统(DCS)四、大力发展和采用现场控制总线技术五、大力研究和发展智能控制系统第二章:过程输入输出通道技术1、模拟量输入信道(A/D信道或AI信道)的任务是把被控对象的过程参数的模拟量信号转换成计算机可以接收的数字量信号.2、多路模拟信号集中采集式一、集中式数据采集系统的典型结构:(1)多路共享采集电路分时采集;(2)多路同步取样共享A/D分时采集(3)多通道同步采样A/D,分时传输数据;多信道独立取样A/D,有通道缓存二、分布式采集3、典型模拟调理电路的组成框图4、传感器的主要技术指标:(将被测量→转换后续电路可用电量)(填空) 1)测量范围:与被测量实际变化范围相一致。
Pre-starter (断奶前仔猪)Starte(断奶仔猪)grower(生长猪):指大于30公斤的猪只——也称为feeder pig。
mummified piglet(木乃伊猪):在怀孕期间死亡的胎儿以木乃伊的状态被产出。
pre-weaning mortality(断奶前死亡率):仔猪在分娩舍内的死亡数目。
post-weaning mortality(断奶后死亡率):断奶猪/生长猪到育成猪直到屠宰前死亡的数目。
Pre-starter (断奶前仔猪)Starter(断奶仔猪)grower(生长猪):指大于30公斤的猪只——也称为feeder pig。
mummified piglet(木乃伊猪):在怀孕期间死亡的胎儿以木乃伊的状态被产出。
Yorkshire 大白Duroc 杜洛克Hampshire 汉普夏Landrace 长白Farrow to wean出生到断奶Wean to feeder断奶到育肥Farrow to feeder出生到育肥Feeder to finish 育肥到育成Farrow to finish出生到育成二、养繁殖中常用专业词汇farrowing(产仔):母猪产小猪的过程-即分娩(parturition)。
Introducing control 引种控制Segregated early weaning 早期隔离?断奶lactating(泌乳):母猪产生乳汁的过程。
colostrum或colostral milk(初乳):分娩后最初几天产生的乳汁——含有较多抗体和其它因子。
集成电路英文代码及中文对照〔一〕我的文摘2021-11-21 11:32:53 阅读111 评论0 字号:大中小订阅产品名称型号规格性能说明LMLM24J 四运放(军用级)LM148J 通用四运放LM1875T 无线电控制/接收器LM224J 四运放(工业级)LM258N 别离式双电源双运放LM2901N 四电压比拟器LM2904N 四运放LM301AN 通用运算放大器LM308N 单比拟器LM311P 单比拟器LM317L 可调三端稳压器/100mALM317TLM317K 可调三端稳压器/3ALM318 高速宽带运放LM324K 通用四运放LM331N V-F/F-V转换器基准电压电路LM336 5V 基准电压电路LM337T 基准电压电路1ALM338K 可调三端稳压器5ALM339N 四比拟器LM348N 四741运放LM358N 低功耗双运放LM361N 高速差动比拟器LM386N 声频功率放大器LM3914N 十段点线显示驱动LM393N 低功耗低失调双比拟器LM399H 精细基准源(6.9)LM723CN 可调正式负稳压器LM733CN 视频放大器LM741J 单运放LM741CN 双运放NENE521 高速双差分比拟器NE5532 双运放NE5534 双运放NE555N 单运放NE555J 时基电路军品极NE556 双级型双时基电路NE564 锁相环NE565 锁相环NE567 音调译码器NE592 视频放大器OPOP07 低噪声运放OP27 超低噪声精细运放OP37 超低噪声精细运放光电耦合4N25 晶体管输出4N25MC 晶体管输出4N26 晶体管输出4N27 晶体管输出4N28 晶体管输出4N29 达林顿输出4N30 达林顿输出4N31 达林顿输出4N32 达林顿输出4N33 达林顿输出4N33MC 达林顿输出4N35 达林顿输出4N36 晶体管输出4N37 晶体管输出4N38 晶体管输出4N39 可控硅输出6N135 高速光耦晶体管输出6N136 高速光耦晶体管输出6N137 高速光耦晶体管输出6N138 达林顿输出6N139 达林顿输出MOC3020 可控硅驱动输出MOC3021 可控硅驱动输出MOC3023 可控硅驱动输出MOC3030 可控硅驱动输出MOC3040 过零触发可控硅输出MOC3041 过零触发可控硅输出MOC3061 过零触发可控硅输出MOC3081 过零触发可控硅输出TLP521-1 单光耦TLP521-2 双光耦TLP521-4 四光耦TLP621 四光耦TIL113 达林顿输出TIL117 TLL逻辑输出PC814 单光耦PC817 单光耦H11A2 晶体管输出H11D1 高压晶体管输出H11G2 电阻达林顿输出LFLF347N 宽带JFET输入四运放LF351N 宽带JFET输入运放LF353N JFET输入宽带运放LF355N JFET输入运放LF357N JFET宽带非全裣运放LF398N 采样/保持电路LF412N 低偏向飘移输入运放MCMC1377 彩色电视编码器MC1403 精细电压基准源(2.5)MC1413 周边七段驱动阵列MC1416 周边七段驱动陈列MC14409 二进制脉冲拨号器MC14433 3位半A/D转换器MC14489 多字符LED显示驱动器MC145026 编码器VD5026 编码器MC145027 译码器VD5027 译码器MC145028 译码器MC145030 编码译码器MC145106 频率合成器MC145146 4位数据总线TLTL062 低功耗JEFT输入双运放TL072 低噪声JEFTTL082TL084TL431TL494ULNULN2003 周边七段驱动陈列ULN2004 周边七段驱动陈列ULN2803 周边八段驱动陈列ULN2804 周边八段驱动陈列ICLICL7106 3位ADC/驱动LCDICL7107 3位半ADC/驱动LEDICL7109 4位半ADC/驱动LEDICL7129 4位半ADC/LCD驱动ICL7135 ADC/LCD驱动BCD输出ICL7136 3位半CMOSADC/LCD驱动ICL7218 CMOS低功耗运算放大器ICL7650 整零运放斩波ICL7652 整零运放斩波ICL7660 CMOS直流-直流转换器ICL8038 函数信号发生器ICL8049 反对数放大器CACA3140 单BIMOS运行CA3240 单BIMOS运行UCUC3842 WM电流型控制器UC3845 PWM电流型控制器DSDS12887 非易失实时时钟芯片L3845 中继接口电路SGSG3524 PWM解调调制器SG3525 PWM解调调制器20216 前置放大器MTMT8814 8x12模拟交换矩阵MT8816 8x模拟交换矩阵MT8870 综合DTMF接收器MT8870 综合DTMF接收器MT8880 综合DTMF发生接收器MIC24LC01 128x8串行EEPROM24LC02 256x8串行EEPROM24LC04 512x8串行EEPROM24LC16 2Kx8串行EEPROM93LC46 64x16串行EEPROM93LC56 256x16串行EEPROM93LC66 512x8 256x16 EEPROMPIC16C52 384x12 单片机PIC16C54 512x12 单片机PCI16C56 512x12 单片机PIC16C57 2048x12 单片机ATAT24C01 128x8串行EEPROMAT24C02 256x8串行EEPROMAT24C04 512x8串行EEPROMAT24C16 2Kx8串行EEPROMAT93C46 64x16串行EEPROMAT93C56 256x16串行EEPROMATF16V8 FLASH200门ATF20V8 FLASH300门高速ATF22V10 FLASH500门高速低电流AT28C16 2Kx8CMOS并行EEPROMAT28C17 2Kx8CMOS并行EEPROMAT28C64 8Kx8并行EEPROMAT28C256 32Kx8并行EEPROMAT28F010 128Kx8并行EEPROMA29C040 512Kx8 FLASH EEPROMHM6116 2Kx8 CMOS 静态PAMHY6264 8Kx8 CMOS 静态RAMHM6264 8Kx8 CMOS 静态RAMIS62C64 8Kx8 高速CMOS 静态RAMHY62256 32Kx8 CMOS 静态RAMHM62256 32Kx8 CMOS 静态RAMHM628128 128Kx8 CMOS 静态RAMHM628256 256Kx8 CMOS 静态RAMHM628512 512Kx8 CMOS 静态RAMHM628512 512Kx8 CMOS 静态RAM TCMTCM5087 双音调发生器MM5832 实时钟电路TCTC14433 3位半A/D转换器TC232 并行/串行接口电路TC7106 3位半ADC/LCD驱动TC7107 3位半ADC/LED驱动TC7116 3位半ADC/LCD驱动带保TC7129 4位半ADC/LCDTC7135 4位半ADC/LCD,BCD输出TC7650 整零运放斩波7575107 四差分线驱动器75174 四差分线驱动器75175 三态四差分接收器75176 差分总线接收器75188 四线驱动器75189 四线驱动器75451 双外围驱动器75452 双外围驱动器集成电路英文代码及中文对照〔二〕我的文摘2021-11-21 11:37:11 阅读191 评论0 字号:大中小订阅。
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英文原文12-Bit A/D ConverterCIRCUIT OPERATIONThe AD574A is a complete 12-bit A/D converter which requires no external components to provide the complete successive approximation analog-to-digital conversion function. A block diagram of the AD574A is shown in Figure 1.Figure 1. Block Diagram of AD574A 12-Bit A-to-D ConverterWhen the control section is commanded to initiate a conversion (as described later), it enables the clock and resets the successiveapproximation register (SAR) to all zeros. Once a conversion cycle has begun, it cannot be stopped or restarted and data is not available from the output buffers. The SAR, timed by the clock, will sequence through the conversion cycle and return an end-of-convert flag to the control section. The control section will then disable the clock, bring the output status flag low, and enable control functions to allow data read functions by external command.During the conversion cycle, the internal 12-bit current output DAC is sequenced by the SAR from the most significant bit (MSB) to least significant bit (LSB) to provide an outputcurrent which accurately balances the input signal current through the 5kΩ(or10kΩ) input resistor. The comparator determines whether the addition of each successively-weighted bit current causes the DAC current sum to be greater or less than the input current; if the sum is less, the bit is left on; if more, the bit is turned off. After testing all the bits, the SAR contains a 12-bit binary code which accurately represents the input signal to within 1/2 LSB.The temperature-compensated buried Zener reference provides the primary voltage reference to the DAC and guarantees excellent stability with both time and temperature. The reference is trimmed to 10.00 volts 0.2%; it can s upply up to 1.5 mA to an external load in addition to the requirements of the reference input resistor (0.5 mA) and bipolar offset resistor (1 mA) when the AD574A is powered from 15 V supplies. If the AD574A is used with 12 V supplies, or if external cur rent must be supplied over the full temperature range, an external buffer amplifier is recommended. Any external load on the AD574A reference must remain constant during conversion. The thin-film application resistors are trimmed to match the full-scale output current of the DAC. There are two 5 k input scaling resistors to allow either a 10 volt or 20 volt span. The 10 k bipolar offset resistor is grounded for unipolar operation and connected to the 10 volt reference for bipolar operation.DRIVING THE AD574 ANALOG INPUTFigure 2. Op Amp – AD574A InterfaceThe output impedance of an op amp has an open-loop value which, in a closed loop, is divided by the loop gain available at the frequency of interest. The amplifier should have acceptable loop gain at 500 kHz for use with the AD574A. To check whether the outputproperties of a signal source are suitable, monitor the AD574’s input with an oscilloscope while a conversion is in progress. Each of the 12 disturbances should subside in sorless.For applications involving the use of a sample-and-hold amplifier, the AD585 is recommended. The AD711 or AD544 op amps are recommended for dc applications. SAMPLE-AND-HOLD AMPLIFIERSAlthough the conversion time of the AD574A is a maximum of 35 s, to achieve accurate 12-bit conversions of frequencies greater than a few Hz requires the use of a sample-and-hold amplifier (SHA). If the voltage of the analog input signal driving the AD574A changes by more than 1/2 LSB over the time interval needed to make a conversion, then the input requires a SHA.The AD585 is a high linearity SHA capable of directly driving the analog input of the AD574A. The AD585’s fast acquisition time, low aperture and low aperture jitter are ideally suited for high-speed data acquisition systems. Consider the AD574A converter with a 35 s conversion time and an input signal of 10 V p-p: the maximum frequency which may be applied to achieve rated accuracy is 1.5 Hz. However, with the addition of an AD585, as shown in Figure 3, the maximum frequency increases to 26 kHz.The AD585’s low output impedance, fast-loop response, and low droop maintain 12-bits of accuracy under the changing load conditions that occur during a conversion, making it suitable for use in high accuracy conversion systems. Many other SHAs cannot achieve 12-bits of accuracy and can thus compromise a system. The AD585 is recommended for AD574A applications requiring a sample and hold.Figure 3. AD574A with AD585 Sample and HoldSUPPLY DECOUPLING AND LAYOUTCONSIDERATIONSIt is critically important that the AD574A power supplies be filtered, well regulated, and free from high frequency noise. Use of noisy supplies will cause unstable output codes. Switching power supplies are not recommended for circuits attempting to achieve 12-bit accuracy unless great care is used in filtering any switching spikes present in the output. Remember that a few millivolts of noise represents several counts of error in a 12-bit ADC.Circuit layout should attempt to locate the AD574A, associated analog input circuitry, and interconnections as far as possible from logic circuitry. For this reason, the use of wire-wrap circuit construction is not recommended. Careful printed circuit construction is preferred.UNIPOLAR RANGE CONNECTIONS FOR THE AD574AThe AD574A contains all the active components required to perform a complete 12-bit A/D conversion. Thus, for most situations, all that is necessary is connection of the power supplies (+5 V, +12 V/+15 V and –12 V/–15 V), the analog input, and the conversion initiation command, as discussed on the next page. Analog input connections and calibration are easily accomplished; the unipolar operating mode is shown in Figure 4.Figure 4. Unipolar Input ConnectionsAll of the thin-film application resistors of the AD574A are trimmed for absolute calibration. Therefore, in many applications, no calibration trimming will be required. The absolute accuracy for each grade is given in the specification tables. For example, if no trims are used, the AD574AK guarantees 1 LSB max zero offset error and 0.25% (10 LSB) max full-scale error. (Typical full-scale error is 2 LSB.) If the offset trim is not required, Pin 12 can be connected directly to Pin 9; the two resistors and trimmer for Pin 12 are then not needed. If the full-scale trim is not needed, a 50 1% metal film resistor should be connected between Pin 8 and Pin 10.The analog input is connected between Pin 13 and Pin 9 for a 0 V to +10 V input range, between 14 and Pin 9 for a 0 V to +20 V input range. The AD574A easily accommodates an input signal beyond the supplies. For the 10 volt span input, the LSB has a nominal value of 2.44 mV; for the 20 volt span, 4.88 mV.If a 10.24 V range is desired (nominal 2.5 mV/bit), the gain trimmer (R2) should be replaced by a 50Ωesistor, and a 200Ω trimmer inserted in series with the analog input to Pin 13 for a full-scale range of 20.48 V (5 mV/bit), use a 500 trimmer into Pin 14. The gain trim described below is now done with these trimmers. The nominal input impedance into Pin 13 is 5kΩ, and 10kΩ into Pin 14.UNIPOLAR CALIBRATIONThe AD574A is intended to have a nominal 1/2 LSB offset so that the exact analog input for a given code will be in the middle of that code (halfway between the transitions to the codes above and below it). Thus, the first transition (from 0000 0000 0000 to 0000 0000 0001) will occur for an input level of +1/2 LSB (1.22 mV for 10 V range).If Pin 12 is connected to Pin 9, the unit will behave in this manner, within specifications. If the offset trim (R1) is used, it should be trimmed as above, although a different offset can be set for a particular system requirement. This circuit will give approximately 15 mV of offset trim range.The full-scale trim is done by applying a signal 1/2 LSB below the nominal full scale (9.9963 for a 10 V range). Trim R2 to give the last transition (1111 1111 1110 to 1111 1111 1111).BIPOLAR OPERATIONThe connections for bipolar ranges are shown in Figure 5. Again, as for the unipolar ranges, if the offset and gain specifications are sufficient, one or both of the trimmers shown can be replaced by a 50 1% fixed resistor. Bipolar calibration is similar to unipolar calibration.Figure 5. Bipolar Input ConnectionsCONTROL LOGICThe AD574A contains on-chip logic to provide conversion initiation and data readoperations from signals commonly available in microprocessor systems. Figure 6 shows the internal logic circuitry of the AD574A.The control signals CE, CS, and R/C control the operation of the converter. The state of R/C when CE and CS are both asserted determines whether a data read (R/C = 1) or a convert (R/C = 0) is in progress. The register control inputs AO and 12/8 control conversion length and data format. The AO line is usually tied to the least significant bit of the address bus. If a conversion is started with AO low, a full 12-bit conversion cycleis initiated. If AO is high during a convert start, a shorter 8-bit conversion cycle results. During data read operations, AO determines whether the three-state buffers containing the 8 MSBs of the conversion result (AO = 0) or the 4 LSBs (AO = 1) are enabled. The 12/8 pin determines whether the output data is to be organized as two 8-bit words (12/8 tied to DIGITAL COMMON) or a single 12-bit word (12/8 tied to VLOGIC). The 12/8 pin is not TTL-compatible and must be hard-wired to either VLOGIC or DIGITAL COMMON. In the 8-bit mode, the byte addressed when AO is high contains the 4 LSBs from the conversion followed by four trailing zeroes. This organization allows the data lines to be overlapped for direct interface to 8-bit buses without the need for external three-state buffers. It is not recommended that AO change state during a data read operation. Asymmetrical enable and disable times of the three-state buffers could cause internal bus contention resulting in potential damage to the AD574A.Figure 6. AD574A Control LogicAn output signal, STS, indicates the status of the converter. STS goes high at the beginning of a conversion and returns low when the conversion cycle is complete.TIMINGThe AD574A is easily interfaced to a wide variety of microprocessors and other digital systems. The following discussion of the timing requirements of the AD574A control signals should provide the system designer with useful insight into the operation of the device.Figure 7 shows a complete timing diagram for the AD574A convert start operation. R/C should be low before both CE and CS are asserted; if R/C is high, a read operation will momentarily occur, possibly resulting in system bus contention. Either CE or CS may be used to initiate a conversion; however, use of CE is recommended since it includes one less propagation delay than CS and is the faster input. In Figure 7, CE is used to initiate the conversion.Figure 7Once a conversion is started and the STS line goes high, convert start commands will be ignored until the conversion cycle is complete. The output data buffers cannot be enabled during conversion.Figure 8 shows the timing for data read operations. During data read operations, access time is measured from the point where CE and R/C both are high (assuming CS is already low). If CS is used to enable the device, access time is extended by 100 ns.Figure 8. Read Cycle TimingIn the 8-bit bus interface mode (12/8 input wired to DIGITAL COMMON), the address bit, AO, must be stable at least 150 ns prior to CE going high and must remain stable during the entire read cycle. If AO is allowed to change, damage to the AD574A output buffers may result.“STAND-ALONE” OPERATIONThe AD574A can be used in a ―stand-alone‖ mode, which is useful in systems with dedicated input ports available and thus not requiring full bus interface capability. In this mode, CE and 12/8 are wired high, CS and AO are wired low, and conversion is controlled by R/C. The three-state buffers are enabled when R/C is high and a conversion starts when R/C goes low. This allows two possible control signals—a high pulse or a low pulse. Operation with a low pulse is shown in Figure 11. In this case, the outputs are forced into the high impedance state in response to the falling edge of R/C and return to valid logic levels after the conversion cycle is completed. The STS line goes high 600 ns after R/C goes low and returns low 300 ns after data is valid.Figure 11. Low Pulse for R/C—Outputs Enabled After ConversionIf conversion is initiated by a high pulse as shown in Figure 12, the data lines are enabled during the time when R/C is high. The falling edge of R/C starts the next conversion, and the data lines return to three-state (and remain three-state) until the next high pulse of R/C.Figure 12. High Pulse for R/C—Outputs Enabled While R/C High, Otherwise High-ZUsually the low pulse for R/C stand-alone mode will be used. Figure 13 illustrates a typical stand-alone configuration for 8086 type processors. The addition of the 74F/S374 latches improves bus access/release times and helps minimize digital feedthrough to the analog portion of the converter.INTERFACING THE AD574A TO MICROPROCESSORSThe control logic of the AD574A makes direct connection to most microprocessor system buses possible. While it is impossible to describe the details of the interface connections for every microprocessor type, several representative examples will be described here.GENERAL A/D CONVERTER INTERFACECONSIDERATIONSA typical A/D converter interface routine involves several operations. First, a write to the ADC address initiates a conversion.The processor must then wait for the conversion cycle to complete, since most ADCs take longer than one instruction cycle to complete a conversion. Valid data can, of course, only be read after the conversion is complete. The AD574A provides an output signal (STS) which indicates when a conversion is in progress. This signal can be polled by the processor by reading it through an external three-state buffer (or otherinput port). The STS signal can also be used to generate an interrupt upon completion of conversion, if the system timing requirements are critical (bear in mind that the maximum conversion time of the AD574A is only 35 microseconds) and the processor has other tasks to perform during the ADC conversion cycle. Another possible time-out method is to assume that the ADC will take 35 microseconds to convert, and insert a sufficient number of ―do-nothing‖ instructions to ensure that 35 microseconds of processor time is consumed Once it is established that the conversion is finished, the data can be read. In the case of an ADC of 8-bit resolution (or less), a single data read operation is sufficient. In the case of converters with more data bits than are available on the bus, a choice of data formats is required, and multiple read operations are needed. The AD574A includes internal logic to permit direct interface to 8-bit or 16-bit data buses, selected by connection of the 12/8 input. In 16-bit bus applications (12/8 high) the data lines (DB11 through DB0) may be connected to either the 12 most significant or 12 least significant bits of the data bus. The remaining four bits should be masked in software. The interface to an 8-bit data bus (12/8 low) is done in a left-justified format. The even address (A0 low) contains the 8 MSBs (DB11 through DB4). The odd address (A0 high) contains the 4 LSBs (DB3 through DB0) in the upper half of the byte, followed by four trailing zeroes, thus eliminating bit masking instructions.SPECIFIC PROCESSOR INTERFACE EXAMPLESZ-80 System InterfaceThe AD574A may be interfaced to the Z-80 processor in an I/O or memory mapped configuration. Figure 15 illustrates an I/O or mapped configuration. The Z-80 uses address lines A0–A7 to decode the I/O port address.An interesting feature of the Z-80 is that during I/O operations a single wait state is automatically inserted, allowing the AD574A to be used with Z-80 processors having clock speeds up to 4 MHz. For applications faster than 4 MHz use the wait state generator in Figure 16. In a memory mapped configuration the AD574A may be interfaced to Z-80 processors with clock speeds of up to 2.5 MHz.附录E 中文翻译12位-AD574A转换器电路工作原理AD574A是一个完善的12位A/D转换器,不需要外部组件提供完全的逐步逼近模拟数字转换功能。