一·常见按摩项目(common massage items)1·按摩massage 7·足浴foot massage2·保健按摩healthcare massage/ 8·美容facial careKeep-fit massage 9·减肥weight reduction3·医疗按摩therapeutic massage 10·药浴medicated bath therapy4·推拿tuina 11·推油oil pushing5·针灸acupuncture 12·踩背back trampling6·康复healing /rehabilitation 13·指压acupressure14·双足同步按摩simultaneous massage for both feet15·桑拿药足浴sauna & foot-bathing16·港台式足浴feet massage in the Hongkong & taiwan style17·古典式足浴feet massage in the classical style18·中式经络按摩Chinese meridian and collateral massage19·药熨按摩massage with medicated bag20·防衰按摩age-resistance massage21·日式油压Japanese acupressure with oil 27·小儿推拿children tuina22·椅式按摩chair massage 28·多功能牵引multi-function traction 23·中式按摩traditional Chinese massage 29·盲人按摩massage by the bind 24·泰式按摩massage in the Thailand style 30·日式指压shiatsu25·韩式松骨按摩massage in South Korean style 31·港式踩背26·印度草药按摩ayurvedic massage back trampling in Hongkong style32·淋巴排毒保健按摩lymph drainage massage 37·药酒medicated wine33·热石疗法hot stone therapy 38·修脚pedicure34·整脊疗法chiropractic massage 39·修手manicure35·反射疗法reflexology 40·采耳ear clearing36·香薰耳烛aroma ear candles therapy 41·火罐cupping /jar therapy 42·刮痧scraping /guasha treatment43·全身保健按摩whole-body healthcare massage44·足底保健按摩thenar healthcare massage45·色彩疗法colortherapy46·音乐疗法musictherapy47·触觉疗法tactiletherapy/touch therapy48·芳香疗法aromatherapy二·常用按摩手法(common techniques of massage)1·摩擦类(rubbing category)推法pushing 搓法palm twisting/抹法slipping/wipping rubbing with two palms摩法circular kneading 擦法rubbing/linear-rubbing2·挤压类(squeezing-pressing category) 3·摆动类(swaying category) 按pressing 揉法kneading点finger pressing 滚法rolling拨plucking/pulling 一指禅推法拿grasping thumb waving pressing/捻finger twisting/holding twisting Dhyana-thumb-pushing4·震动(vibrating category)抖法shaking 拍法patting振法vibrating 叩法tapping叩击法tapping knocking category 击法beating/knocking三·常见腧穴(frepuently used points)百会内关商阳足三里涌泉中府手三里神门风池尺泽曲池京门印堂列缺天枢委中四·常见按摩介质·器具(common ,media and appliance)1·滑石粉talcum powder 7·按摩棒massage sticks2·红花油Chinese medicated oil for bone injury 8·按摩锤massage knockers 3·清凉油Chinese refreshing ointment 9·按摩枕massage pillows4·精油essential oil 10·按摩靠垫massage cushions 5·按摩膏massage cream 11·按摩椅massage chairs6·按摩油massage oil 12·按摩床massage tables五·经络(channels and collaterals)1·手太阴肺经the lung channel of hand-taiyin2·手阳明大肠经the large intestine channel of hand-yangming3·足阳明大肠经the stomach channel of foot-yangming4·足太阴脾经the spleen channel of foot-taiyin5·手少阴心经the heart channel of hand-shaoyin6·手太阳小肠经the small intestine channel of taiyang7·足太阳膀胱经the urinary bladder channel of taiyang8·足少阴肾经the kidney channel of shaoyin9·手厥阴心包经the pericardium channel of hand-jueyin10·手少阳三焦经the sanjiao channel of hand-shaoyang11·足少阳胆经the gall bladder channel of foot-shaoyang12·足厥阴肝经the liver channel of foot-jueyin六·常见症状(common symptoms)1·头痛headache 9·半身不遂hemiparalysis /hemiplegia2·眩晕blackout/vertigo 10·冻疮chibain3·鼻塞the snuffle 11·牙痛toothache4·目胀distension in eye 12·腹泻diarrhea /diarrhoea5·胸闷chest stuff 13·便秘constipation6·食欲不振inappetence 14·神经衰弱nerve-tire /neurasthenic7·精神疲劳mental fatigue 15·中暑heat stroke8·失眠insomnia 16·耳鸣17·晕车(船)car-sickness /sea-sickness 20·颈椎病cervical spondylopathy18·营养不良malnutrition 21·肩周炎scapulohumeral periarthritis19·落枕torticollis /stiff neck 22·网球肘tennis elbowlateral humeral epicondylitis23·腕关节扭伤sprain of the wrist joint24·胸椎小关节错缝subluxation of the small joints of the thoracic vertebra25·背部肌筋膜炎facilities of back muscles26·急性腰扭伤acute strain of lumbar muscles27·慢性腰肌劳损chronic strain of lumbar muscles28·腰椎间盘突出症lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion29·骨骼关节扭伤sprain of the sacro-iliac articulation30·梨状肌综合症piriformis syndrome31·髌骨软化症chondrified knee cap syndrome32·膝关节骨性关节炎osteoarthritis of knee cap syndrome33·髌下脂肪垫劳损strain of the fatty pad under patella34·踝关节扭伤sprain of the ankle joint35·跟痛症heel pain syndrome36·呃逆hiccup 39·面瘫facial paralysis37·胃脘痛stomachache pain 40·骨盆骨折fracture of pelvis38·慢性腹泻chronic diarrhea 41·髋关节脱位dislocation of coax-joint七·其他常用术语1·解剖学anatomy 11·中医基础理论2·生理学physiology basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine 3·病理学pathology 12·神经系统nervous system4·外伤学traumatology 13·骨骼和肌肉系统5·运动解剖学exercise anatomy skeletal system and muscular system 6·运动生理学exercise physiology 14·循环系统circulatory system7·运动医学sports medicine 15·呼吸系统respiratory system8·运动创伤学sports traumatology 16·消化系统digestive system9·运动生理病理学sports physiopathology 17·泌尿系统urinary system10·运动生物力学kinetic biomechanics 18·内分泌系统endocritic system 19·生殖系统genital system。
按摩常用英语Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】按摩师常用对话第一部分初次见面的寒暄1.Hello.你好。
4.Mynameis…我叫…5.Whereareyoufrom你来自哪里?6.Whatdoyoudo你作什么工作?7.HowlonghaveyoubeeninChina你来中国多久了?8.HaveyoueverexperiencedanymassageofTCMbefore 您以前尝试过中医按摩吗?9.DoyouhaveanyideasofbenefitofmassageofTCM您知道中医按摩的好处吗?10.Well,itisyourturn.该您了。
5.Whatelsehaveyounoticed你还有别的感觉吗?6.Doyoufeelstiffonneck脖子发硬吗?7.Doyourlegs giveway双腿不听使唤吗?8.Handsswollen双手发胀吗?9.Istheretoomuchpainonhead头痛的厉害吗?10.Doyoufeelgiddyinbed躺在床上感觉眩晕吗?11.Doyoufeelsick你感到恶心吗?12.Canyougivemeyourarm伸出胳膊好吗13.Doesanypositionhelpyou改变体位会好一些码?14.Anytendernesshere这有压痛感吗?15.Howaboutyourstomachthesedays最近肠胃怎么样?16.Doyoufeeltinnitussometimes时有耳鸣吗?[tinaits]第三部分治疗中的动作1.Sitforward.面朝前坐。
刮痧疗法Scrape Therapy ; Asian Bodywork Therapy; skin scraping therapy with water, liquor or vegetable oil蜂蜜:bee honey木瓜:pawpaw,papaya火龙果:pitaya浴盐:bath salt推拿:manipulation;massage修指甲:manicure修指甲用具:manicure implementPedicure:n. 修趾甲术;足部治疗;足部治疗医师;vt. 修脚美甲:gel nail拔火罐:cupping (glass)姜片:ginger香薰:aromatherapy足底:foot massage 45mins ¥68采耳:ear cleaning 30mins ¥68头颈肩按摩:head, neck & shoulder massage 45mins ¥68修手(含抛光,打蜡): manicure (including polishing & waxing) 30mins ¥68按手: hand massage 30mins ¥68修脚(含捏刮脚): pedicure 30mins ¥68松腿: leg massage 45mins ¥68松背: back massage 45mins ¥68刮痧: scraping therapy 30mins ¥68拔火罐: cupping glass 30mins ¥68擦背: back rubbing 30mins ¥68全身推牛奶: whole body massage with milk 30mins ¥68全身推浴盐: whole body massage with bath salt 30mins ¥68全身推蜂蜜;whole body massage with bee honey 30mins ¥68敲腿: leg knocking 20mins ¥48贴姜片: apply ginger paste on knees 20mins ¥48泡脚: foot bath with milk/ bee honey/Chinese medicine/ herbs 20mins ¥48会员优惠价(非节假日6:00后进场18:00 前结账离场优惠价):Membership price: favorable price for checking in after 6:00 and checking out before 18:00 on non-holidays.Member privilege: 会员专享People with membership cards can enjoy the favorable price between the time periods from 6:00 to 18:00 on non-holidays.全场消费满238元可免本人净桑费用(净桑,小费,服务费除外)Net sauna fee can be exempted if consumption reaches ¥238.(Excluding net sauna fee, tips or service fees)会员专享6折优惠(非节假日06:00后入场18:00前结账离场)Members can enjoy 40% discount if check in after 6:00 and check out before 18:00 on non-holidays.星期一至星期四: From Monday to Thursday星期五: Friday凭会员卡在非节假日06:00-18:00时段(06:00后入场当日18:00前离场)可享受净桑,大堂项目,全身按摩(中医理疗,港式推拿,日式按摩,泰式古法按摩香薰理疗及部分美容项目),康乐项目,贵宾房(VIP房、KTV房,情侣电影院),睡眠区等项目六折优惠。
按摩时用到的英文Massage TerminologyMassage is a therapeutic practice that has been used for centuries to promote physical and mental well-being. It involves the manipulation of the body's soft tissues, such as muscles, tendons, and ligaments, using various techniques and tools. The language used in the world of massage is diverse, with a range of terms that describe the different aspects of the practice.One of the most fundamental terms in massage is "effleurage," which refers to the long, gliding strokes used to warm up the muscles and prepare them for deeper work. These strokes are often applied with the palms, fingertips, or the heel of the hand, and can be used to cover large areas of the body.Another important term is "petrissage," which describes the kneading and squeezing motions used to work deeper into the muscle tissue. This technique helps to break up adhesions and improve circulation, promoting healing and relaxation."Tapotement" is a term that refers to the percussive techniques usedin massage, such as tapping, hacking, and cupping. These techniques are often used to stimulate the muscles and increase blood flow, and can be particularly effective in addressing areas of tension or pain."Friction" is a massage technique that involves applying sustained pressure to a specific area of the body, often using the thumbs or fingers. This technique is often used to break up scar tissue and adhesions, and can be particularly effective in addressing chronic pain."Compression" is another important massage technique, which involves applying sustained pressure to a specific area of the body using the hands, elbows, or other tools. This technique is often used to promote lymphatic drainage and reduce swelling.In addition to these fundamental techniques, there are a number of other terms that are commonly used in the world of massage. For example, "Swedish massage" is a type of massage that uses long, flowing strokes and kneading motions to promote relaxation and improve circulation. "Deep tissue massage" is a more intense form of massage that targets the deeper layers of muscle tissue, and is often used to address chronic pain and muscle tension.Other terms that are commonly used in massage include "trigger point therapy," which involves applying pressure to specific points inthe muscle to release tension and relieve pain, and "myofascial release," which involves manipulating the connective tissue to improve flexibility and reduce pain.Overall, the language of massage is rich and diverse, with a range of terms that describe the different techniques and tools used in this ancient practice. Whether you are a massage therapist or a client, understanding these terms can help you to communicate more effectively and get the most out of your massage experience.。
1.Where is the discomfort? (您)哪儿不舒服?2.What is the symptom? (您)有什么症状?3.Where are the pains? (您)哪儿痛?4.How long have you been ill? 您病了多久?5.Please tell me about your illness. 请把病情告诉我。
6.Where is the most painful part? 哪个地方最疼?7.Did the pain come slowly or come suddenly? 这种疼痛是慢慢开始的,还是突然发生的?8.Any other king of symptom? 还有其他症状吗?9.My neek is bothering me. 我颈部不舒服。
10.Sometimes my head is spinning (or I feel fainf). 我有时头晕(我觉得晕)。
11.I often have a headache. 我经常头疼。
12.I often have backaches. 我经常背疼。
13.When I am holding something in my hand , I feel that there is no strength in my upper arm.持物时我感到上臂无力。
14.My right hand feels numb , especially the fourth and fifth fingers. 我右手有麻木感,尤以第4及第5指明显。
tely I have been feeling very tired and have no strength. 最近我感到疲乏无力。
16.Has the pain spread to anywhere else? 疼痛向别处放射吗?17.Is your illness connected to the change in the weather? 病情与天气变化有关吗?18.Does your pain get worse , when it is wet and cloudy? 阴雨天疼痛加重吗?19.What other sickness have you had before? 您过去得过什么病?20.What kind of treatment have you received in the past? 您以前做了些什么治疗?21.Please lie on the bed , so I can give you a check. 请躺在床上,我给您检查一下。
一·常见按摩项目(common massage items)1·按摩massage 7·足浴foot massage2·保健按摩healthcare massage/ 8·美容facial careKeep-fit massage 9·减肥weight reduction3·医疗按摩therapeutic massage 10·药浴medicated bath therapy4·推拿tuina 11·推油oil pushing5·针灸acupuncture 12·踩背back trampling6·康复healing /rehabilitation 13·指压acupressure14·双足同步按摩simultaneous massage for both feet'15·桑拿药足浴sauna & foot-bathing16·港台式足浴feet massage in the Hongkong & taiwan style17·古典式足浴feet massage in the classical style18·中式经络按摩Chinese meridian and collateral massage19·药熨按摩massage with medicated bag20·防衰按摩age-resistance massage21·日式油压Japanese acupressure with oil 27·小儿推拿children tuina22·椅式按摩chair massage 28·多功能牵引multi-function traction 23·中式按摩traditional Chinese massage 29·盲人按摩massage by the bind…24·泰式按摩massage in the Thailand style 30·日式指压shiatsu25·韩式松骨按摩massage in South Korean style 31·港式踩背26·印度草药按摩ayurvedic massage back trampling in Hongkong style32·淋巴排毒保健按摩lymph drainage massage 37·药酒medicated wine33·热石疗法hot stone therapy 38·修脚pedicure34·整脊疗法chiropractic massage 39·修手manicure35·反射疗法reflexology 40·采耳ear clearing36·香薰耳烛aroma ear candles therapy 41·火罐cupping /jar therapy:42·刮痧scraping /guasha treatment43·全身保健按摩whole-body healthcare massage44·足底保健按摩thenar healthcare massage45·色彩疗法colortherapy46·音乐疗法musictherapy47·触觉疗法tactiletherapy/touch therapy48·芳香疗法aromatherapy二·常用按摩手法(common techniques of massage)(1·摩擦类(rubbing category)推法pushing 搓法palm twisting/抹法slipping/wipping rubbing with two palms摩法circular kneading 擦法rubbing/linear-rubbing2·挤压类(squeezing-pressing category) 3·摆动类(swaying category)按pressing 揉法kneading点finger pressing 滚法rolling拨plucking/pulling 一指禅推法拿grasping thumb waving pressing/捻finger twisting/holding twisting Dhyana-thumb-pushing…4·震动(vibrating category)抖法shaking 拍法patting振法vibrating 叩法tapping叩击法tapping knocking category 击法beating/knocking三·常见腧穴(frepuently used points)百会内关商阳足三里涌泉中府手三里神门风池尺泽曲池京门!印堂列缺天枢委中四·常见按摩介质·器具(common ,media and appliance)1·滑石粉talcum powder 7·按摩棒massage sticks2·红花油Chinese medicated oil for bone injury 8·按摩锤massage knockers 3·清凉油Chinese refreshing ointment 9·按摩枕massage pillows4·精油essential oil 10·按摩靠垫massage cushions 5·按摩膏massage cream 11·按摩椅massage chairs6·按摩油massage oil 12·按摩床massage tables)五·经络(channels and collaterals)1·手太阴肺经the lung channel of hand-taiyin2·手阳明大肠经the large intestine channel of hand-yangming3·足阳明大肠经the stomach channel of foot-yangming4·足太阴脾经the spleen channel of foot-taiyin5·手少阴心经the heart channel of hand-shaoyin6·手太阳小肠经the small intestine channel of taiyang7·足太阳膀胱经the urinary bladder channel of taiyang8·足少阴肾经the kidney channel of shaoyin"9·手厥阴心包经the pericardium channel of hand-jueyin10·手少阳三焦经the sanjiao channel of hand-shaoyang11·足少阳胆经the gall bladder channel of foot-shaoyang12·足厥阴肝经the liver channel of foot-jueyin六·常见症状(common symptoms)1·头痛headache 9·半身不遂hemiparalysis /hemiplegia2·眩晕blackout/vertigo 10·冻疮chibain3·鼻塞the snuffle 11·牙痛toothache4·目胀distension in eye 12·腹泻diarrhea /diarrhoea'5·胸闷chest stuff 13·便秘constipation6·食欲不振inappetence 14·神经衰弱nerve-tire /neurasthenic7·精神疲劳mental fatigue 15·中暑heat stroke8·失眠insomnia 16·耳鸣17·晕车(船)car-sickness /sea-sickness 20·颈椎病cervical spondylopathy18·营养不良malnutrition 21·肩周炎scapulohumeral periarthritis 19·落枕torticollis /stiff neck 22·网球肘tennis elbowlateral humeral epicondylitis23·腕关节扭伤sprain of the wrist joint!24·胸椎小关节错缝subluxation of the small joints of the thoracic vertebra25·背部肌筋膜炎facilities of back muscles26·急性腰扭伤acute strain of lumbar muscles27·慢性腰肌劳损chronic strain of lumbar muscles28·腰椎间盘突出症lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion29·骨骼关节扭伤sprain of the sacro-iliac articulation30·梨状肌综合症piriformis syndrome31·髌骨软化症chondrified knee cap syndrome32·膝关节骨性关节炎osteoarthritis of knee cap syndrome33·髌下脂肪垫劳损strain of the fatty pad under patella)34·踝关节扭伤sprain of the ankle joint35·跟痛症heel pain syndrome36·呃逆hiccup 39·面瘫facial paralysis37·胃脘痛stomachache pain 40·骨盆骨折fracture of pelvis38·慢性腹泻chronic diarrhea 41·髋关节脱位dislocation of coax-joint七·其他常用术语1·解剖学anatomy 11·中医基础理论2·生理学physiology basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine 、3·病理学pathology 12·神经系统nervous system 4·外伤学traumatology 13·骨骼和肌肉系统5·运动解剖学exercise anatomy skeletal system and muscular system 6·运动生理学exercise physiology 14·循环系统circulatory system 7·运动医学sports medicine 15·呼吸系统respiratory system 8·运动创伤学sports traumatology 16·消化系统digestive system 9·运动生理病理学sports physiopathology 17·泌尿系统urinary system 10·运动生物力学kinetic biomechanics 18·内分泌系统endocritic system 19·生殖系统genital system。
1.Massage: 这个词是最常见的表达方式,也是在英文中广泛使用的。
“Massage” 表示一种用手或者特定工具在身体表面进行压力、摩擦等手法以促进放松和健康的技术或过程。
你可以说,“I went to the spa yesterday and hada great massage.” (我昨天去水疗中心做了一次很棒的按摩。
)2.Bodywork: “Bodywork” 一词用来表示一种综合性的按照治疗,同时也包括按摩。
“Yesterday,I had a bodywork session and it was very relaxing.”(昨天我做了一次综合性按摩疗程,非常放松。
)3.Therapeutic touch: 这个短语指代的是一种以触摸为基础的治疗方法。
“Therapeutic touch” 的目的是通过轻柔的触摸手法来促进身体的自然疗愈。
“I schedule regular therapeutic touch sessions to alleviate my muscle pain.”(我定期进行治疗触摸疗程来缓解我的肌肉疼痛。
)4.Reflexology: “Reflexology” 是一种特殊的按摩技术,通过对脚部或手部特定区域的按摩来对应身体其他部位的健康产生影响。
“I’m thinking about trying reflexology to improve my overall well-being.”(我在考虑尝试足部反射区按摩,以提高整体健康状况。
)5.Shiatsu: “Shiatsu” 是来自日本的一种按摩技术,强调对身体特定点位的施压。
欢迎共阅一·常见按摩项目(common massage items)1·按摩massage 7·足浴foot massage2·保健按摩healthcare massage/ 8·美容facial careKeep-fit massage 9·减肥weight reduction3·医疗按摩therapeutic massage 10·药浴medicated bath therapy 4·推拿tuina 11·推油oil pushing5·针灸acupuncture 12·踩背back trampling6·康复healing /rehabilitation 13·指压acupressure14·双足同步按摩simultaneous massage for both feet15·桑拿药足浴sauna & foot-bathing16·港台式足浴feet massage in the Hongkong & taiwan style17·古典式足浴feet massage in the classical style18·中式经络按摩Chinese meridian and collateral massage19·药熨按摩massage with medicated bag20·防衰按摩age-resistance massage21·日式油压Japanese acupressure with oil 27·小儿推拿children tuina 22·椅式按摩chair massage 28·多功能牵引multi-function traction23·中式按摩traditional Chinese massage 29·盲人按摩massage by the bind24·泰式按摩massage in the Thailand style 30·日式指压shiatsu 25·韩式松骨按摩massage in South Korean style 31·港式踩背26·印度草药按摩ayurvedic massage back trampling in Hongkong style32·淋巴排毒保健按摩lymph drainage massage 37·药酒medicated wine 33·热石疗法hot stone therapy 38·修脚pedicure34·整脊疗法chiropractic massage 39·修手manicure35·反射疗法reflexology 40·采耳ear clearing 36·香薰耳烛aroma ear candles therapy 41·火罐cupping /jar therapy 42·刮痧scraping /guasha treatment43·全身保健按摩whole-body healthcare massage44·足底保健按摩thenar healthcare massage45·色彩疗法colortherapy46·音乐疗法musictherapy47·触觉疗法tactiletherapy/touch therapy48·芳香疗法aromatherapy二·常用按摩手法(common techniques of massage)1·摩擦类(rubbing category)推法pushing 搓法palm twisting/抹法slipping/wipping rubbing with two palms摩法circular kneading 擦法rubbing/linear-rubbing2·挤压类(squeezing-pressing category) 3·摆动类(swaying category)按pressing 揉法kneading点finger pressing 滚法rolling拨plucking/pulling 一指禅推法拿grasping thumb waving pressing/捻finger twisting/holding twisting Dhyana-thumb-pushing 4·震动(vibrating category)抖法shaking 拍法patting振法vibrating 叩法tapping叩击法tapping knocking category 击法beating/knocking三·常见腧穴(frepuently used points)百会内关商阳足三里涌泉中府手三里神门风池尺泽曲池京门印堂列缺天枢委中四·常见按摩介质·器具(common ,media and appliance)1·滑石粉talcum powder 7·按摩棒massage sticks 2·红花油Chinese medicated oil for bone injury 8·按摩锤massage knockers 3·清凉油Chinese refreshing ointment 9·按摩枕massage pillows 4·精油essential oil 10·按摩靠垫massage cushions5·按摩膏massage cream 11·按摩椅massage chairs 6·按摩油massage oil 12·按摩床massage tables 五·经络(channels and collaterals)1·手太阴肺经the lung channel of hand-taiyin2·手阳明大肠经the large intestine channel of hand-yangming3·足阳明大肠经the stomach channel of foot-yangming4·足太阴脾经the spleen channel of foot-taiyin5·手少阴心经the heart channel of hand-shaoyin6·手太阳小肠经the small intestine channel of taiyang7·足太阳膀胱经the urinary bladder channel of taiyang8·足少阴肾经the kidney channel of shaoyin9·手厥阴心包经the pericardium channel of hand-jueyin10·手少阳三焦经the sanjiao channel of hand-shaoyang11·足少阳胆经the gall bladder channel of foot-shaoyang12·足厥阴肝经the liver channel of foot-jueyin六·常见症状(common symptoms)1·头痛headache 9·半身不遂hemiparalysis /hemiplegia 2·眩晕blackout/vertigo 10·冻疮chibain3·鼻塞the snuffle 11·牙痛toothache4·目胀distension in eye 12·腹泻diarrhea /diarrhoea5·胸闷chest stuff 13·便秘constipation6·食欲不振inappetence 14·神经衰弱nerve-tire /neurasthenic 7·精神疲劳mental fatigue 15·中暑heat stroke8·失眠insomnia 16·耳鸣17·晕车(船)car-sickness /sea-sickness 20·颈椎病cervical spondylopathy 18·营养不良malnutrition 21·肩周炎scapulohumeral periarthritis 19·落枕torticollis /stiff neck 22·网球肘tennis elbowlateral humeral epicondylitis 23·腕关节扭伤sprain of the wrist joint24·胸椎小关节错缝subluxation of the small joints of the thoracic vertebra 25·背部肌筋膜炎facilities of back muscles26·急性腰扭伤acute strain of lumbar muscles27·慢性腰肌劳损chronic strain of lumbar muscles28·腰椎间盘突出症lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion29·骨骼关节扭伤sprain of the sacro-iliac articulation30·梨状肌综合症piriformis syndrome31·髌骨软化症chondrified knee cap syndrome32·膝关节骨性关节炎osteoarthritis of knee cap syndrome33·髌下脂肪垫劳损strain of the fatty pad under patella34·踝关节扭伤sprain of the ankle joint35·跟痛症heel pain syndrome36·呃逆hiccup 39·面瘫facial paralysis37·胃脘痛stomachache pain 40·骨盆骨折fracture of pelvis 38·慢性腹泻chronic diarrhea 41·髋关节脱位dislocation of coax-joint七·其他常用术语1·解剖学anatomy 11·中医基础理论2·生理学physiology basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine3·病理学pathology 12·神经系统nervous system 4·外伤学traumatology 13·骨骼和肌肉系统5·运动解剖学exercise anatomy skeletal system and muscular system6·运动生理学exercise physiology 14·循环系统circulatory system 7·运动医学sports medicine 15·呼吸系统respiratory system 8·运动创伤学sports traumatology 16·消化系统digestive system 9·运动生理病理学sports physiopathology 17·泌尿系统urinary system 10·运动生物力学kinetic biomechanics 18·内分泌系统endocritic system 19·生殖系统genital system。
61、 How do you feel now?
62、 When should I come again?
63、 Do you feel warm in the lower part of your body?
64、 My lower back hurts very much sometimes and less at other times.
28、 You need a further check.
29、 Your condition needs much longer time to cure.
30、 After the treatment ,your illness will be cured.
31、 Massage is quite effective in treating your problems.
6、 Did the pain come slowly or suddenly?
7、 Any other symptoms?
8、 My neck is bothering me.
9、 Sometimes my head is spinning.
10、 I often have a headache.
44、 Doctor, what should I do?
45、 Do I need to do some exercise?
46、 You need to have one course of treatment.
47、 When I press the point ,do you feel some increasing pressure?
推拿英语术语1. Shiatsu: Shiatsu is a form of Japanese bodywork that involves applying pressure to specific points on the body to relieve tension and promote relaxation. It is often described as a form of "acupuncture without needles."2. Tui Na: Tui Na is a form of Chinese manipulative therapy that involves kneading, rolling, and pressing various parts of the body to promote circulation andrelieve muscle tension. It is often used in conjunction with acupuncture and other traditional Chinese medicine practices.3. Swedish Massage: Swedish massage is a popular form of massage therapy that involves long, flowing strokes, kneading, and circular movements to relax the body and improve circulation. It is known for its gentle and soothing effect on the muscles.4. Deep Tissue Massage: Deep tissue massage is a type of massage therapy that focuses on realigning deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue. It is often used to treatchronic pain and muscle tension by applying firm pressure to targeted areas.5. Trigger Point Therapy: Trigger point therapy is a form of massage that focuses on releasing trigger points, which are hyperirritable spots in the muscles that can cause referred pain and discomfort. Therapists use various techniques to apply pressure to these points to alleviate pain and improve muscle function.6. Reflexology: Reflexology is a type of massage that involves applying pressure to specific points on the hands, feet, and ears that correspond to different organs and systems in the body. It is believed to promote relaxation, improve circulation, and balance the body's energy flow.7. Sports Massage: Sports massage is a specialized form of massage therapy designed to help athletes recover from injuries, improve performance, and prevent future injuries. It typically involves deep tissue work, stretching, and targeted techniques to address specific areas of concern.8. Hot Stone Massage: Hot stone massage involves placing heated stones on the body to help relax muscles and improve circulation. The stones are often used in conjunction withtraditional massage techniques to enhance the overall experience and promote deep relaxation.9. Aromatherapy Massage: Aromatherapy massage combines the benefits of massage therapy with the use of essential oils to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being. Different oils are selected based on their therapeutic properties and the client's preferences.10. Thai Massage: Thai massage is a traditional form of bodywork that combines acupressure, yoga-like stretches, and deep compressions to release tension and improve flexibility. It is often performed on a mat on the floor, with the client fully clothed.中文:1. 按摩:按摩是一种通过施加压力和运动来促进身体放松和舒缓肌肉紧张的疗法。
推拿师的官方英语单词As a professional massage therapist, it is essential to have a good understanding of the official English terms related to the field. These terms not only help you communicate effectively with clients and colleagues but also demonstrate your expertise and professionalism in the industry. In this article, we will explore some key official English terms commonly used by massage therapists.1. Massage Therapy: The practice of manipulating soft tissues of the body to improve a person's overall health and well-being. Massage therapy can help reduce muscle tension, improve circulation, and promote relaxation.2. Swedish Massage: A popular type of massage that involves long, flowing strokes, kneading, and gentle tapping. Swedish massage is known for its ability to relax the entire body and improve circulation.3. Deep Tissue Massage: A massage technique that focuses on the deeper layers of muscle tissue. Deep tissue massage can help relieve chronic muscle tension, improve posture, and reduce inflammation.4. Trigger Point Therapy: A form of massage that targets specific points of tension in the muscles, known as trigger points. By applying pressure to these points, trigger point therapy can help alleviate pain and improve range of motion.5. Sports Massage: A specialized form of massage designed for athletes and active individuals. Sports massage can help improve athletic performance, prevent injuries, and speed up recovery time.6. Myofascial Release: A technique that focuses on releasing tension in the fascia, the connective tissue that surrounds muscles and organs. Myofascial release can help improve flexibility, reduce pain, and restore proper alignment.7. Reflexology: A type of massage that involves applying pressure to specific points on the hands, feet, and ears. Reflexology is based on the theory that these pointscorrespond to different organs and systems in the body, and by stimulating them, it can promote healing and relaxation.8. Prenatal Massage: A massage specifically designed for pregnant women to help alleviate common pregnancy-related discomforts such as back pain, swelling, and fatigue. Prenatal massage can also help reduce stress and promote overall well-being.9. Hot Stone Massage: A therapeutic massage that involves placing heated stones on the body to help relax muscles and improve circulation. Hot stone massage can help reduce tension, promote relaxation, and enhance overall well-being.10. Shiatsu: A form of Japanese massage that involves applying pressure to specific points on the body to promote healing and balance. Shiatsu can help relieve pain, reduce stress, and improve overall health.By familiarizing yourself with these official English terms, you can enhance your professional knowledge and better serve your clients. Whether you specialize in Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, or any other technique, having a strong grasp of these terms will help you communicate effectively and provide high-quality care to those seeking your services. Remember, continuous learning and development are key to success in the field of massage therapy.。
按摩师常用对话第一部分初次见面的寒暄1. Hello.你好。
2. It is nice to meet you.见到你很高兴。
3. Let me introduce myself.让我自我介绍一下。
4. My name is…我叫…5. Where are you from?你来自哪里?6. What do you do?你作什么工作?7. How long have you been in China?你来中国多久了?8. Have you ever experienced any massage of TCM before? 您以前尝试过中医按摩吗?9. Do you have any ideas of benefit of massage of TCM? 您知道中医按摩的好处吗?10. Well, it is your turn.该您了。
11. Take off your coat, please.请脱下上衣。
12. Relax please.请放松。
13. Sit down, please.请坐。
14. Lie down, please.请躺下。
15. Now let’s start.现在我们开始。
第二部分诊断用语1. What’s trouble with you?您哪不舒服?2. How long has all this gone on?这种症状持续多久了。
3. How often do you get them?多久发作一次?4. Please tell me all about them.请说详细一些。
5. What else have you noticed?你还有别的感觉吗?6. Do you feel stiff on neck?脖子发硬吗?7. Do your legs give way?双腿不听使唤吗?8. Hands swollen?双手发胀吗?9. Is there too much pain on head?头痛的厉害吗?10. Do you feel giddy in bed?躺在床上感觉眩晕吗?11. Do you feel sick?你感到恶心吗?12. Can you give me your arm?伸出胳膊好吗?13. Does any position help you?改变体位会好一些码?14. Any tenderness here?这有压痛感吗?15. How about your stomach these days?最近肠胃怎么样?16. Do you feel tinnitus sometimes?时有耳鸣吗?[ti?nait?s]第三部分治疗中的动作1. Sit forward.面朝前坐。
按摩师常用对话第一部分初次见面的寒暄1. Hello.你好。
2. It is nice to meet you.见到你很高兴。
3. Let me introduce myself.让我自我介绍一下。
4. My name is…我叫…5. Where are you from?你来自哪里?6. What do you do?你作什么工作?7. How long have you been in China?你来中国多久了?8. Have you ever experienced any massage of TCM before? 您以前尝试过中医按摩吗?9. Do you have any ideas of benefit of massage of TCM? 您知道中医按摩的好处吗?10. Well, it is your turn.该您了。
11. Take off your coat, please.请脱下上衣。
12. Relax please.请放松。
13. Sit down, please.请坐。
14. Lie down, please.请躺下。
15. Now let’s start.现在我们开始。
第二部分诊断用语1. What’s trouble with you?您哪不舒服?2. How long has all this gone on?这种症状持续多久了。
3. How often do you get them?多久发作一次?4. Please tell me all about them.请说详细一些。
5. What else have you noticed?你还有别的感觉吗?6. Do you feel stiff on neck?脖子发硬吗?7. Do your legs give way?双腿不听使唤吗?8. Hands swollen?双手发胀吗?9. Is there too much pain on head?头痛的厉害吗?10. Do you feel giddy in bed?躺在床上感觉眩晕吗?11. Do you feel sick?你感到恶心吗?12. Can you give me your arm?伸出胳膊好吗?13. Does any position help you?改变体位会好一些码?14. Any tenderness here?这有压痛感吗?15. How about your stomach these days?最近肠胃怎么样?16. Do you feel tinnitus sometimes?时有耳鸣吗?[ti?nait?s]第三部分治疗中的动作1. Sit forward.面朝前坐。
按摩师常用对话第一部分初次见面的寒暄1. Hello.你好;2. It is nice to meet you.见到你很高兴;3. Let me introduce myself.让我自我介绍一下;4. My name is…我叫…5. Where are you from你来自哪里6. What do you do你作什么工作7. How long have you been in China你来中国多久了8. Have you ever experienced any massage of TCM before 您以前尝试过中医按摩吗9. Do you have any ideas of benefit of massage of TCM 您知道中医按摩的好处吗10. Well, it is your turn.该您了;11. Take off your coat, please.请脱下上衣;12. Relax please.请放松;13. Sit down, please.请坐;14. Lie down, please.请躺下;15. Now let’s start.现在我们开始;第二部分诊断用语1. What’s trouble with you您哪不舒服2. How long has all this gone on这种症状持续多久了;3. How often do you get them多久发作一次4. Please tell me all about them.请说详细一些;5. What else have you noticed你还有别的感觉吗6. Do you feel stiff on neck脖子发硬吗7. Do your legs give way双腿不听使唤吗8. Hands swollen双手发胀吗9. Is there too much pain on head头痛的厉害吗10. Do you feel giddy in bed躺在床上感觉眩晕吗11. Do you feel sick你感到恶心吗12. Can you give me your arm伸出胳膊好吗13. Does any position help you改变体位会好一些码14. Any tenderness here这有压痛感吗15. How about your stomach these days最近肠胃怎么样16. Do you feel tinnitus sometimes时有耳鸣吗tinaits第三部分治疗中的动作1. Sit forward.面朝前坐;2.Sit backward.面朝后坐;3. Bend your leg, please.请屈腿;4. Take a deep breath in and out.深吸气,深呼气;5. Left turn over, please.请向左翻身;6. Right turn over, please.请向右翻身;7. Lower your head, please.请低一下头;8. Stretch your waist, please.请伸直腰;9. Make a fist, please.请握拳;10. Get up slowly.慢慢起来;11. Please rub your face gently.请揉一下脸;12. Please raise your right leg.抬起右腿;13. Now lie on your tummy.请脸朝下趴好;第四部分治疗中的交流1. How do you think of this manual technique 你觉得这种手法怎么样2. Is it comfortable for you Too harder/softer 这手法劲大/小吗3. Did you go to see doctor你看过医生吗4. What did doctor tell you about that医生跟你怎么说5. What is it like Pain怎么不好疼吗6. What kind Burning or stabbing怎么个疼法烧灼疼还是刺痛7. When did you start that这样多久了8. These things always happen.这是常有的事;9. It’s not your fault这不是你的错;10. I understand your feeling.我理解你的感受;11. Still, it looks too difficult.看来部不太好治;12. That’s life.生活就是如此;13. I’m very good at this manual technique.我很擅长这种手法;14. I’m afraid I can’t do this.恐怕这我做不了;15. I’m not very sure.我没把握;16. Excuse me for my harder technique.对不起我的手法有点重;17. You could relax for an hour and then, we will go on. 你可以休息一个小时,我们在继续;18. I can come any day except Saturday.除了周六,我那天都能来;19. Hot here, isn’t it这里很热,是不是20. You seem discomforting.你好像不舒服;第五部分治疗后征求意见1. Don’t worry.别着急;2. I strongly advise you to do more exercises.我真心劝你多锻炼;3. You have a good point there.这一点讲得很好;4. I appreciate your visiting.多谢你的光临;5. Thanks for the compliment.谢谢夸奖;6. Please call before you come, otherwise I might have noarrangement.请你来之前打个电话以防我没空;第六部分实用词汇TCM:Traditional Chinese Medicine 中医massage 按摩head ear eye nose neckmouth tooth tongue face armhand finger leg foot waistwrist lung heart。
刮痧疗法Scrape Therapy ; Asian Bodywork Therapy; skin scraping therapy with water, liquor or vegetable oil蜂蜜:bee honey木瓜:pawpaw,papaya火龙果:pitaya浴盐:bath salt推拿:manipulation;massage修指甲:manicure修指甲用具:manicure implementPedicure:n. 修趾甲术;足部治疗;足部治疗医师;vt. 修脚美甲:gel nail拔火罐:cupping (glass)姜片:ginger香薰:aromatherapy足底:foot massage 45mins ¥68采耳:ear cleaning 30mins ¥68头颈肩按摩:head, neck & shoulder massage 45mins ¥68修手(含抛光,打蜡): manicure (including polishing & waxing) 30mins ¥68按手: hand massage 30mins ¥68修脚(含捏刮脚): pedicure 30mins ¥68松腿: leg massage 45mins ¥68松背: back massage 45mins ¥68刮痧: scraping therapy 30mins ¥68拔火罐: cupping glass 30mins ¥68擦背: back rubbing 30mins ¥68全身推牛奶: whole body massage with milk 30mins ¥68全身推浴盐: whole body massage with bath salt 30mins ¥68全身推蜂蜜;whole body massage with bee honey 30mins ¥68敲腿: leg knocking 20mins ¥48贴姜片: apply ginger paste on knees 20mins ¥48泡脚: foot bath with milk/ bee honey/Chinese medicine/ herbs 20mins ¥48会员优惠价(非节假日6:00后进场18:00 前结账离场优惠价):Membership price: favorable price for checking in after 6:00 and checking out before 18:00 on non-holidays.Member privilege: 会员专享People with membership cards can enjoy the favorable price between the time periods from 6:00 to 18:00 on non-holidays.全场消费满238元可免本人净桑费用(净桑,小费,服务费除外)Net sauna fee can be exempted if consumption reaches ¥238.(Excluding net sauna fee, tips or service fees)会员专享6折优惠(非节假日06:00后入场18:00前结账离场)Members can enjoy 40% discount if check in after 6:00 and check out before 18:00 on non-holidays.星期一至星期四: From Monday to Thursday星期五: Friday凭会员卡在非节假日06:00-18:00时段(06:00后入场当日18:00前离场)可享受净桑,大堂项目,全身按摩(中医理疗,港式推拿,日式按摩,泰式古法按摩香薰理疗及部分美容项目),康乐项目,贵宾房(VIP房、KTV房,情侣电影院),睡眠区等项目六折优惠。
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
1.Where is the discomfort? (您)哪儿不舒服?2.What is the symptom? (您)有什么症状?3.Where are the pains? (您)哪儿痛?4.How long have you been ill? 您病了多久?5.Please tell me about your illness. 请把病情告诉我。
6.Where is the most painful part? 哪个地方最疼?7.Did the pain come slowly or come suddenly? 这种疼痛是慢慢开始的,还是突然发生的?8.Any other king of symptom? 还有其他症状吗?9.My neek is bothering me. 我颈部不舒服。
10.Sometimes my head is spinning (or I feel fainf). 我有时头晕(我觉得晕)。
11.I often have a headache. 我经常头疼。
12.I often have backaches. 我经常背疼。
13.When I am holding something in my hand , I feel that there is no strength in my upper arm.持物时我感到上臂无力。
14.My right hand feels numb , especially the fourth and fifth fingers. 我右手有麻木感,尤以第4及第5指明显。
tely I have been feeling very tired and have no strength. 最近我感到疲乏无力。
16.Has the pain spread to anywhere else? 疼痛向别处放射吗?17.Is your illness connected to the change in the weather? 病情与天气变化有关吗?18.Does your pain get worse , when it is wet and cloudy? 阴雨天疼痛加重吗?19.What other sickness have you had before? 您过去得过什么病?20.What kind of treatment have you received in the past? 您以前做了些什么治疗?21.Please lie on the bed , so I can give you a check. 请躺在床上,我给您检查一下。
22.Please unbuckle your belt. 请把腰带解开。
23.Please bend your knees. 请屈膝。
24.Please relax and don`t be nervous. 请放松,别紧张。
25.Please lie sideways with your left side on top. 请侧卧,左侧在上。
26.Please take a deep breath. 请深呼一口气。
27.Please lift up your right leg. 请抬右腿。
28.Please turn over and face upwards. 请翻身,面朝上。
29.Please tell me if you feel I am too strong. 如果您觉得我手法太重,请告诉我。
30.Doctor , what kind of illness do I have? 医生,我得的是什么病?31.You have problems with your cervical vertebra. 您颈椎有问题。
32.You had better have an X-ray. 您最好拍张X光片。
33.You need a further check. 您需要进一步检查。
34.Your condition needs a much longer time to cure. 您的病需要较长一段时间治疗。
35.After the treatment , your illness will be cured. 您的病经过治疗会痊愈的。
36.You will have a much better result , by using massage treatment for your condition. 用按摩疗法治您的病效果很好。
37.Your illness is a bit more difficult to be cured. 您的病治愈有点困难。
38.I often have pains in my back (in the lumbar vertebra). 我经常腰痛。
39.Please bend your back , tell me when it becomes painful. 请弯腰,有痛感时告诉我。
40.Please turn to the left. 请向左转身。
41.I hurt my back yesterday , when I was carrying something heavy. 我昨天提重东西时把腰扭伤了。
42.What kind of feeling do you have when I press my hand down? 我用手压时,您有什么感觉?43.How do you feel now , after the treatment last time? 经过上次治疗,您现在感觉怎样?44.Please get down and move about , see if the pain has become less. 请下床活动一下,看看疼痛是否减轻。
45.Please lay your head back. 请向后仰头。
46.When you walk for a long time , your left leg will hurt much more. 长时间行走,您左腿疼痛会加重。
47.When your illness becomes serous , you will feel difficulty in turning around , andinconvenience when walking. 病情严重时,您将转侧困难,行走不便。
48.It hurt very much where you have just pressed. 您刚刚按压的地方非常疼。
49.The pain is spreading to the lower part of the body on the right side. 疼痛向右下肢放射。
50.Please sit up. 请坐起来。
51.Please lower your head. 请您把头低下来一点。
52.I have not been sleeping well recently. 我最近睡眠不好。
53.Doctor , What should I look out for? 医生,我应该注意些什么?54.Do I need to do some exercise? 我需要做些锻炼吗?55.You need to have a programme for your treatment. 您需要做一个疗程的治疗。
56.When I pressed this point , did you feel some increasing pressure? 我按压这个穴位时,您有胀的感觉吗?57.Please sit down and wait for a moment. 请您坐下,稍等一会儿。
58.Doctor , my knee hurts. 医生,我膝关节疼。
59.My knee hurts when I go up and down the stairs. 我上下楼梯时膝关节疼。
60.After I have rested in bed , it becomes less painful. 卧床休息后,疼痛减轻。
61.Please point to the most painful part with your finger. 请用手指出疼痛的部位。
62.I twisted my leg a few days ago. 几天前,我把腿扭伤了。
63.My ankle is swollen. 我踝关节肿胀。
64.Under what circumstances is your illness at its worst? 什么情况下您的病情最重?65.Have you been feeling tired recently? 您最近感觉疲乏吗?66.How was your appetite lately? 进来您食欲怎样?67.I feel like vomiting sometimes. 我有时想吐。
68.Please relax and do not breathe too heavily. 请放松,不要屏气。
69.The treatment is finished for today. 今天治疗完了。
70.How do you feel now? 您现在感觉怎样?71.When should I come again? 我什么时候来复诊?72.Do you feel warm in the lower part of your body? 您感到下肢发热吗?73.My backache hurts very much sometimes and less at other times. 我腰痛时轻时重。
74.I have a really bad cough , and my throat hurts. 我咳嗽得很厉害,嗓子疼。
75.How do you feel , when I push down here? 我向下推这儿时您有什么感觉?76.What is your name please? 您叫什么名字?77.What is your nationality? 您是哪国人?78.How old are you? 您多大年纪了?79.Has your back hurt in the past? 您以前腰痛过吗?80.You are suffering from a disorder of the lumbar vertebra. 您得的是腰椎关节紊乱。