关键词:平硐盘区式走向长壁综合机械化AbstractThe design of the field area of 20.02 k㎡, design production capacity of 1.2 Mt/a. Within the field of coal seam occurrence is stable, dip Angle of coal seam in 1 °~ 3 °, belong to the nearly horizontal coal seam, the average coal thickness 4.38 m, geological condition is simpler, within the scope of the field fault rare, one of the few small fault distribution near the border of the field, so no fault in the visual field. Methane and carbon dioxide content is relatively high, the relative gas emission 4.01 m3 / t, d, normal water inflow 100.95 m3 / h, water inflow is small. According to the actual geological data of field development and preparation of preliminary design, the 22 of mining coal mine decided to adopt adit development level of single panel type classification mining, design to adopt longwall retreating all comprehensive mechanized caving mining overall height of the coal mining method at a time. And the mine transportation and ventilation system of selection of equipment, mine safety technical measures are put forward, and complete the preliminary design of the mine. All mine mechanization, the use of advanced technology and based on the experience of the modern mine high yield and benefit, achieve a high yield an efficient mines so as to achieve good economic and social benefits.Keywords:adit panel mining strike longwall comprehensive mechanization前言经过为期一个月的毕业实习,对矿上的生产系统和具体的生产流程有了一个全面的认识,通过接下来的毕业设计可以让我们对所学知识有一个总结,同时也可以加深我们对矿井的认识。
关键词:矿井设计联合开采联合开拓AbstractThe design is the shuangyashang coal trade group limited responsibility company`s dongrong mine new well of 0.6Mt/a,possess new well of0.6Mt/a,having totally3layers can adopt the coal seam,distinguishing to24#、25#、26#,total thickness in coal seam is6rice.Coal seam industry card number is1/3coal,design the well farmland can adopt to keep the 65.54Mt of deal,design service time limit as78years,this mineral well design the adoption regard the well of as to synthesize to expand the way mainly,dividing the line to two levels,six adopt the area.One works reaches to produce.The adoption24#、25#、26#layering concentrates to mine.The big lane conveyance adopts10ton a line type electrical engineering cars lead3ton bottom unload type mineral cars transport,adopting coal craft as to synthesize the mechanization adopt the coal craft.A plank handles method as to across to fall the method all.Key Phrase:Mineral well design Unites to mineUnites to expand目录摘要 (I)目录 (III)第1章井田概况及地质特征 (1)1.1井田概况 (1)1.1.1交通位置 (1)1.1.2地势和河流 (2)1.1.3气象和地震 (2)1.1.4本矿区及邻近区煤炭生产建设及规划情况 (2)1.1.5矿区经济概况 (3)1.2地质特征 (3)1.2.1地层 (3)1.2.2构造 (3)1.2.3煤层 (4)1.2.4井田内的岩石性质、厚度 (6)1.2.5水文地质 (7)1.2.6沼气、煤尘及煤的自燃性 (8)1.2.7媒质、牌号及用途 (8)1.3勘探程度及可靠性 (9)第2章井田境界、储量、服务年限 (10)2.1井田境界 (10)2.1.1井田周边状况 (10)2.1.2井田境界确定的依据 (10)2.2井田储量 (10)2.2.1井田储量的计算 (10)2.2.2保安煤柱 (11)2.2.3储量计算方法 (11)2.2.4储量计算的评价 (12)2.3矿井工作制度生产能力服务年限 (12)2.3.1矿井工作制度 (13)2.3.2矿井设计生产能力及服务年限 (13)第3章井田开拓 (14)3.1概述 (14)3.1.1井田内外及附近生产矿井开拓方式概述 (14)3.1.2影响本设计矿井开拓方式的因素及具体情况 (14)3.2矿井开拓方案的选择 (15)3.2.1井硐形式和井口位置 (15)3.2.2开采数目及水平标高 (18)3.2.3开拓巷道的布置 (20)3.3选定开拓方案的系统描述 (21)3.3.1井硐形式和数目 (21)3.3.1井硐位置及坐标 (21)3.3.3水平数目及标高 (22)3.3.4石门、大巷数目及布置 (22)3.3.5井底车场形式的选择 (25)3.3.6煤层群的关系 (26)3.3.7采区划分 (26)3.4井硐布置及施工 (27)3.4.1井硐穿过的岩石性质及井硐支护 (27)3.4.2井硐布置及装备 (28)3.4.3井硐延伸的初步意见 (30)3.5井底车场及硐室 (30)3.5.1井底车场形式的确定及论证 (30)3.5.2井底车场的布置储车线路行车线路布置长度 (31)3.5.3井底车场通过能力验算 (34)3.5.4井底车场主要硐室 (35)3.6开采顺序 (35)3.6.1沿井田走向的开采顺序 (36)3.6.2沿井田倾向的开采顺序 (36)3.6.3采区接续计划 (36)第4章采区巷道布置及生产系统 (38)4.1采区概述 (38)4.1.1采区的位置、边界、范围、采区煤柱 (38)4.1.3采区的生产能力、储量及服务年限 (38)4.2采区巷道布置 (38)4.2.1区段划分 (38)4.2.2采区上山布置 (39)4.2.3采区车场布置 (40)4.2.4采区煤仓形式、容量及支护 (47)4.2.5采区硐室简介 (48)4.2.6采区工作面接续 (49)4.3采区准备 (51)4.3.1采区巷道的准备顺序 (51)4.3.2采区巷道的断面图及支护方式 (51)第5章采煤方法 (55)5.1采煤方法的选择 (55)5.1.1采煤方法的选择原则: (55)5.1.2直接影响采煤方法选择的主要因素有以下五个方面 (55)5.1.3采煤方法的选择 (56)5.2回采工艺 (56)5.2.1选择和决定回采工作面的工艺过程及使用的机械设备 (56)5.2.2选择采煤工作面循环方式和劳动组织形式 (57)6.1矿井井下运输 (59)6.1.1运输方式和运输系统的确定 (59)6.1.2矿车的选型和数量 (59)6.1.3采区运输设备的选择 (63)6.2矿井提升系统 (64)6.2.1矿井主提升设备的选择 (64)第7章矿井通风与安全 (66)7.1矿井通风系统的确定 (66)7.2风量计算与风量分配 (67)7.2.1风量计算 (67)7.2.2风量分配 (72)7.2.3风量的调节方法与措施 (72)7.2.4风速的验算 (73)7.3矿井通风阻力的计算 (75)7.3.1确定全矿最大通风阻力和最小通风阻力的确定 (75)7.3.2矿井等积空的计算 (76)7.4通风设备的选择 (77)7.5矿井安全技术措施 (78)7.5.5其他事故的预防 (80)7.5.6避灾路线及自救 (81)第8章矿井排水 (82)8.1概述 (82)8.1.1矿井水来源及涌水量 (82)8.1.2对排水设备的要求 (82)8.2矿井主要排水设备 (83)8.2.1排水系统和排水方式简介 (83)8.2.2主排水设备及管路选择计算 (83)第9章采区供电 (87)9.1矿井供电系统概述 (87)9.2采区电器设备的型号及数目 (87)9.3变压器容量选择 (88)9.4电缆选择计算 (89)9.4.1关于采区低压电网的有关规定 (89)9.4.2规定电缆的长度 (90)9.4.3确定电缆的芯线数目 (90)9.4.4选择电缆截面 (90)第10章矿井主要技术经济指标 (94)参考文献 (97)附录1.......................................................................................错误!未定义书签。
# (一)地理位置。
# (二)地质条件。
1. 地层与岩石。
2. 构造。
# (三)矿体特征。
1. 矿体形态与产状。
2. 矿石品位与储量。
# (一)开采方法选择。
1. 你得像一个超级侦探一样,把矿山的地质条件、矿体特征这些线索都收集起来,然后从咱们学过的那些开采方法里,挑出一个最适合这个矿山的开采方法。
采矿工程 毕业设计_外文翻译 英译汉 中英文
ROOM-AND-PILLAR METHOD OF OPEN-STOPE MINING空场采矿法中的房柱采矿法Chapter 1.A Classification of the Room-and-Pillar Method of Open-Stope Mining第一部分,空场采矿的房柱法的分类OPEN STOPING空场采矿法An open stope is an underground cavity from which the initial ore has been mined. Caving of the opening is prevented (at least temporarily) by support from the unmined ore or waste left in the stope,in the form of pillars,and the stope walls (also called ribs or abutments). In addition to this primary may also be required using rockbolts , reinforcing rods, split pipes ,or shotcrete to stabilize the rock surface immediately adjacent to the opening. The secondary reinforcement procedure does not preclude the method classified as open stoping.露天采场台阶是开采了地下矿石后形成的地下洞室。
根据矿岩的物理力学性质和采场 条件,选择合适的凿岩设备和凿 岩方式,如浅孔凿岩、中深孔凿
根据矿岩性质、炸药性能及采场条 件等因素,制定合理的爆破方案和 安全措施,确保爆破效果和作业安 全。
采用合适的装载设备和运输方式, 将矿石从采场运至选矿厂或堆场, 同时处理采空区和废石。
矿区内发育有多条断层和褶皱 ,其中主要的断层有F1、F2、 F3等,主要的褶皱有M1、M2 等。
矿区的岩石类型主要为岩、岩 和岩,岩石普遍受到不同程度 的变质作用。
矿体主要呈层状、似层状和透镜状产 出,与围岩的产状基本一致。
矿体的厚度变化较大,最厚处可达米 ,最薄处仅为米左右。
矿区位于省市县境内,地理坐标为东 经°′″-°′″,北纬°′″-°′″。
矿区交通便利,有公路、铁路和水路 等多种交通方式可达。其中,最近的 公路距离为公里,铁路距离为公里, 水路距离为公里。
矿区处于构造带的部位,主要 受到方向和方向构造应力的影 响。
当前通风系统主要依赖人工调 节,未来可以引入智能化技术 ,实现自动调节和远程控制。
排水系统应对极端天气能 力不足
设计的排水系统在应对极端天 气条件时可能存在不足,需要 进一步完善应急预案和措施。
随着人工智能和大数据 技术的发展,未来采矿 工程将更加智能化,包 括智能选矿、智能采矿 装备、智能生产管理等 。建议加强相关技术的 研发和应用。
关键词:综合机械化放顶采煤法服务年限生产能力通风设计类型:模拟型AbstractThe design is about the exploitation design of 1coal seam of Dashuitou coal mine inGansu Province . The geological condition of coal mine is complexity。
The workable mine reserves is 216Mt and the designed mine capbility is1。
2Mt/a ,so the mime serveice life is 72years。
The mine gas emission is higher, so it is highly gassy mine well。
Mine with double shafts development. The initial digging in inclined, deputy shafts and return air shaft. By using single longwall mining to back type, comprehensive mechanical top coal caving mining。
Points area,drew the ventilation type .Keywords:Mechanized caving mining method serveice life production capacity ventilationPaper type:Simulation type前言毕业设计是采矿工程专业培养计划中最后一个,也是最关键、最重要的一个教学环节,是教学时间最长(14~16周),参与教师最多,学生独立学习量最大,教育任务最重的一个实践性教学环节.毕业设计的效果直接影响培养目标的实现和学生就业后在专业上的发展。
毕业设计大纲内容:目录第一章矿井概述 -------------------------第2页第二章采区地质概况 --------------------第23页第三章采区储量与生产能力 --------------第26页第四章采区巷道布置方案的选取 ----------第26页第五章采煤工艺设计 --------------------第51页第六章采煤工作面生产技术治理 ----------第67页第七章安全技术措施 --------------------第57页第一章矿井概况第一节矿井位置1.1.1 矿区地理位置与交通条件峰峰集团薛村矿位于河北省邯郸市西南部,峰峰矿区大社镇。
薛村矿地处鼓山东麓,区内有公路与主干道相通,向北22.5km到邯郸市与107国道和京沈公路接壤,并向北15 km与309国道相连,向南10km到峰峰集团公司。
图1-1 矿井交通位置图1.1.2 矿区地形特点峰峰矿区位于河北省南部,太行山余脉鼓山之东翼为平缓丘陵,地带为黄土台地。
外文原文:Adopt the crest of the coal work noodles plank managementproblem studyCrest the plank management is the point that adopts a safe management of the coal work noodles.Statistics according to the data, crest the plank trouble has 60% of the coal mine trouble about, adopting the trouble of the coal work noodles and having a crest 70% of the plank trouble above.Therefore, we have to strengthen a plank management, reducing to adopt the coal work noodles crest the occurrence of the plank trouble.1,the definition of the crest,scaleboard and it categorizeEndow with the existence coal seam on of the close by rock strata be called a plank, endow with the existence coal seam under of the close by rock strata be called scaleboard.Crest the rock,strength of the scaleboard and absorb water sex and digging to work the management of the noodles contain direct relation, they is certain crest the plank protect a way and choose to adopt the empty area processing method of main basis.1.1 planks categorizeAccording to rock,thickness and return to adopt process to fall in the 垮of difficult easy degree, crest the plank is divided into the false crest,direct crest and old crest.According to direct crest sport to adopt a field to the influence for press, the direct crest is divided into broken up,unsteady,medium etc. stability,stability,strong and tough crest plank etc. is five.According to old crest the sport Be work mineral inside the noodles press to present degree and to work safe threat of noodles of size, the old crest is is divided in to press very and severely, press mightiness, press to compare obviously, don't obviously press etc. is four.1.2 scaleboards categorizeAccording to the opposite position relation of the rock strata and the coal seam, the scaleboard is divided into direct bottom with the old bottom.Locate coal seam directly under of the rock strata be called direct bottom;locate the direct bottom or coal seam under of the rock strata be called old bottom.The coal seam crest the scaleboard type expects the influence of the geology structure sport after be subjected to the deposition environment and, its growth in different region degree dissimilarity, the coal seam possibility for have isn't whole.2,crest that need to be control plank classification and adopt the processing way of the empty areaAccording to different crest the plank type and property, choose to pay to protect a way and adopt the empty area processing method differently, is a plank management of basic principle.2.1 crest needed to pull to make plank classificationPress a knothole rock strata strength, the crest plank that needs to be control can is divided into: general crest the plank,slowness descend to sink a plank and is whole fall the crest of the cave in the danger plank etc..2.2 work noodles adopt the processing method of the empty areaThe processing method that adopts empty area mainly has: all 垮s fall a method,partial full to fill a method,the coal pillar to prop up a method to alleviate to descend to sink a method slowly etc..3,crest the plank pressure present a characteristic3.1 top the cover rock strata of the sport regulation and the work in front pay to accept pressure to distribute behindDuring the period of mine, adopt empty area above of the rock strata will take place ambulation, according to crest the plank change mind condition, taking the cranny rock strata in up the cover rock strata follow the work noodles to push forward the direction demarcation as three areas: the coal wall prop up the influence area,leave layer area and re- press solid area.The noodles opens to slice an eye to go to push forward forward in the process from the work, break original should the equilibrium of the dint field, cause should the dint re- distribute.Be adopting the coal work noodles to become to pay to accept pressure in front and back, it concretely distributes shape to have something to do with adopting the empty area processing method.3.2 first times to press to press a main manifestation with the periodFirst time to press a main manifestation:BE a plank"by oneself the vield song" range enlargement;the coal wall transform and fall to fall(the slice help);pay to protect to drill bottom etc..First time to press to want to keep on more and suddenly and generally for 2-3 days.Period to press a main manifestation:Main manifestation BE:crest the plank descend to sink nasty play increment of speed, crest the plank descend to sink quantity to become big;pay what pillar be subjected to load widespread increment;adopt empty area to hang a crest;pay pillar to make a noise;cause the coal wall slice to help,pay pillar to damage,crest plank occurrence the step descend to sink etc..If pay the pillar parameter choice to be unsuited to a proper or single body to pay the pillar stability worse, may cause the partial crest or crest plank follow the work noodles to slice to fall etc..4,crest the plank choice for protectThe work noodles the function for protect decelerate a plank to descend to sink, supporting to control a crest to be apart from the knothole integrity inside the crest, assurance work space safety.4.1 choices that protect material and formPay to protect material to mainly there are the metals support and the wood support.Pay to protect a form to mainly have a little the pillar to protect,the cote type protect to press a support with liquid.4.2s protect a specification choiceWhile choosing to pay to protect specification, mainly control the following 2:00:1.Control the work noodles adopt high and its variety.Generally can according to drill a holethe pillar form or have already dug the tunnel data of to make sure to adopt high.From last the movable regulation of the cover rock strata, can the initial assurance crest plank at biggest control a crest to be apart from place of average biggest descend to sink quantity, select to pay a pillar model number suitablely2 control the crest plank of the normal appearance to descend to sink the quantity and support can the draw back pute the biggest and high Hmax and minimum and high Hmin that pays pillar, select specification of pay the prehensive the pillar model number and specification, check related anticipate, assurance the model number of the pillar.5,the work noodles manages everyday of pointEveryday crest the point of plank management is the with accuracy certain protects density and control a method, right arrangement and organize to adopt coal and control a crest to relate to in fixed time, strengthen to pay to protect the quality management before press, the assistance that chooses to use a good necessity protect etc., attain to expel to emit a trouble, assurance the purpose of[with] efficiency.1 choice that protects density and controls a methodAccording to the work noodles crest plank rock,adopt a periodic to press obvious degree, press strength and to press in front and back a crest knothole variety a circumstance etc., the certain protect density and control a method.It adopt coal in 2 production lines with control of the crest to relate to in fixed timePeriod to don't obviously press to adopt a field, emphasize to pay to protect,adopt coal, control a parallel homework, possibly contract to adopt coal,return to pillar to put distance between an operations with speed the work noodles propulsion degree;period to press more and obviously adopt a field, at to press in front and back adopt different of,control the relation organization project, before press should not adopt coal,put a crest in the meantime homework, press after should adopt to adopt coal,put a crest to keep minimum wrong be apart from parallel homework.Field to strengthen to pay to protect the quality management assurance to pay pillar to have to prop up dint,prevent°from paying pillar to drill bottom enough before press,right adoption the assistance protect.Adopt the coal work noodles crest, the plank manages everyday of the key lie in raising the spot management,the operation level, paying to protect and adapt to adopt a field to press and crest the scaleboard variety circumstance, adopt right of the assistance protect measure, well exertivecontrol a result.译文:采煤工作面的顶板管理问题探讨顶板管理是采煤工作面安全管理的重点。
英文原文:Analytical model and application of stressdistribution on mining coal floorAbstract:Given the analysis of underground pressure,a stress calculation model of cola floor stress has been established based on a theory of elasticity.The model presents the law of stress distribution on the relatively fixed position of the mining coal floor:the extent of stress variation in a fixed floor position decreases gradually along with depth.The decreasing rate of the vertical stress is clearly larger than that of the horizontal stress at a specific depth.The direction of the maximum principal stress changes gradually from a vertical direction to a horizontal direction with the advance of the working face.The deformation and permeability of the rock mass of the coal floor are obtained by contrasting the difference of the principal stress established from theoretical calculations with curves of stress-strain and permeability-strain from tests.Which is an important mechanical basis for preventing water inrush from confined aquifers.Key words:model;coal floor;stress distribution;analysis1 IntroductionWith the development of coal seam mining,The stress field of rock strata of coal seam floors will change and continue to be redistributed because of the effect of mining.The results will bring on floor deformation,displacement and possible destruction to attain a new balance[1].A study of the law of stress distribution of floors has important,practical implications in understanding deformation and destructive characteristics and predicting water inrush from floors and for designing suitable locations for tunnels and selecting maintenance methods when depth increased.At present,the study of the law of stress distribution of floors mostly proceeds from a number of calculations based on finite element analyses and similar material tests[2-6].In this paper,the study of stress distribution of floors in relatively fixed positions is discussed analytically with a theory of elasticity and we present an application combined with actual data of a particular site.2 Fundamental principleThe formulas of stress distribution are derived from the superposition principle,given the theory of elasticity on distributed loads on a semi-infinite plane[7-8].The vertical distribution load of AB on a semi-infinite plane is assumed to be q(x),as illustrated in Fig.1.We want to solve the state of stress at a specific point inside a semi-infinite plane,such as point M .Supposing the coordinate of point is (x,z),the micro-1ength dζfrom the origin of coordinate is ζon the AB segment,the micro-concentration force d p=q dζis regarded as its force and the state of stress of the micro-concentration force at point is defined as follows.In order to calculate the stress at point M from all distributed loads,the stress which is caused by every micro-concentration force is superposed.We need to integrate Eq.(1) from ζ= -a to ζ= b and Eq.(1) then becomes:3 Stress calculation of coal seam floor3.1Foundation of the mechanical modelBased on the theory of underground pressure,the mechanical model of supporting pressure in front of the working face can be simplified,as shown in Fig.2[9-11].Where the OA segment is the plastic area,with a length of x0;the AB segment is the elastic area,with a length of L0x0.In order to calculate easily the supporting pressure of both areas p z(1),p z(2),without losing its rational,we can assume the following two linear functions:Where is the supporting pressure of the plastic area(kPa),the supporting pressure of the elastic area(kPa),the maximum stress concentration coefficient,the width of the plastic area(m),H the buried depth of the coal floor(m),the width of the area affected by the supporting pressure(m) and is the average weight of the volume of the over-lying strata (kN/m3) .3.2Stress calculation processAccording to the theory of elasticity on distributed loads on a semi-infinite plane,we can use Eq.(2) to calculate the vertical stresses σz(1) and σz(2) and the horizontal stresses σx(1)and σx(2)which are affected by the supporting pressures and .The stress equations at point M(x, z) can then be obtained correspondingly by superposition (this calculation neglects the effect of the transferred load from the goaf and the overlying strata movement as well as the effect of the initial ground stress because it does not produce subsidiary stress at point M;largely we considered the action of the supporting pressure in front of the working face). The calculations are as follows:Therefore,σz = σz(1)+σz(2)(4) and σx = σx(1)+σx(2)(5). By coordinate transformation(x = x(n = 0,1,2,…)),x is regarded as x0 in Eqs.(4) and (5) and the stress values of each section can be calculated,where the variable expresses the relative distance from the pushing position of the working face to the origin of the coordinate system. Given the related parameters of supporting pressures,the stress values,located at the relatively fixed floor section,(x =) at different depths,can be calculated by computer when the working faces advance.When x = x,Eqs.(4) and (5) can be represented as follows:3.3Example analysisGiven the actual geological conditions and mining technology at the 2702 working face of the Yangcun Colliery of the Yanzhou Mining Group Limited Company,the following related parameters are determined:=3,=5 m,=50 m,=25 kN/m3 and H=500 ing Eqs.(6) and (7),the stress distribution curves are obtained on the relatively fixed floor section x=at different depths with the working face advancing by calculation. The results are shown means of computer in Figs. 3 and 4.Fig. 3 shows that vertical stress maintains its maximum at the interface between the coal seam and floor on the section x=from the original coordinates and then quickly decreases with the increasing depth and slowly decreases at a specific depth. A similar situation is obtained when the working face advances,i.e.,the range of the vertical stress decreases with an increase in depth. From the results it can be seen that the range of depth, given the variation of vertical stress, is relatively large, i.e., within 40 m. The range of the vertical stress is clearly smaller after the working face advances 30 m.According to the relationship of the variation between vertical and horizontal stress, the multiplication of the variation of vertical stress and its corresponding coefficient of horizontal pressure (λ) is equal to the increment of horizontal stress at the point M[1]. Then the increment of horizontal stress and the horizontal stress at the point M continues to be superposed, which is inversed analysis when the working face advances 30 m. The results of the variation in stress show that the vertical stress is larger than the horizontal stress when the working face is at its original position: the maximum principal stress is the vertical stress; the minimum principal stress is horizontal stress. Because the rate of decrease of the vertical stress is faster than the horizontal stress, the horizontal stress is larger than the vertical stress within 42 m when the working face advances 30 m (for details, see Fig. 4). Considering the effect of the variation in vertical stress, the horizontal stress is much larger than the vertical stress. The maximum principal stress is the horizontal stress and the minimum principal stress is the vertical stress. It agrees with the partial reasons of the mechanical principle of floor heave[12-14].Fig. 3 also shows that the variation is almost steady on the section x=when the working face advances 30 m. Therefore, the relationship of variation in stress with depth is calculated when the working face advances from 0 to 30 m. The details are shown in Table 1.Table 1 Data of rock characteristics and correlative stress of the floor on 2702 working face in Yangcun colliery (MPa)岩层深度(m)ΔλλΔx=0 m x=30 m x=30 m x=30 mλΔ泥岩0 37.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 37.500.4316.13 16.13 5 27.25 0.04 2.12 2.08 27.21 11.70 13.78砂岩10 22.53 0.28 3.83 3.55 22.250.327.12 10.67 15 19.95 0.77 4.91 4.14 19.18 6.14 10.28 21 18.17 1.46 5.40 3.94 16.71 5.35 9.29石灰岩25 16.75 2.21 5.46 3.25 14.540.284.07 7.32 28 15.55 2.94 5.24 2.30 12.61 3.53 5.83From the analysis of the related data, the stresses + λΔin Table 1 can be regarded as the stress values,obtained from mechanical rock tests. So the variations of the principal stress from theoretical calculations and the results from the servo-controlled tests can be contrasted. Given these contrasts it is seen that, the largest stress value of mudstone is 16.13 MPa and the largest stress value of sandstone10.67 MPa. When combining Fig. 5 with Table 1 it is seen that, the largest calculated principal stress is less than the peak value of the principal stress in Fig. 5, and the calculated section is at an elastic deformation section of Fig. 5, where permeability is relatively weak. So there is still a certain ability of water resistance. It can be shown that the obvious destruction is not produced in the mudstone and sandstone when the working face advances 30 m. This is essentially consistent with the conclusions of the survey report.4 Conclusions1) Based on the mechanical model of the floor, the analysis of stress distribution is obtained on the relatively fixed floor position with an advancing of working face. Owing to heterogeneity and discontinuity of the rock mass of the coal floor, there is a certain divergence between the ideal model and actual conditions. But from analyses and calculations, the basic variation law of stress distribution is discovered on the relatively fixed floor position with an advancing of working face when specific parameters are given for the working face.2) The decreasing rate of the vertical stress is faster than that of the horizontal stress up to a certain depth and the direction of the maximum principal stress is changed from vertical at the original position to horizontal with an advancing of the working face. The horizontal stress is larger than vertical stress within 42 m when the working face advances 30 m.3) The difference between the theoretically calculated principal stress and the results of the servo-controlled penetrability test can be contrasted. Deformation and penetrability can be obtained from the floor rock mass. From an example, it is seen that the mudstone and sandstone of coal floor are at an elastic deformation stage. There is no extreme destruction on the relatively fixed floor section with an advancing of working face and there still is a certain ability of water resistanceAcknowledgementsHere we express our sincere appreciation to director for Zhao Zhenzhong, minister Song Shun of Zhengzhou Coal Industry Group for their help during the course of the sampling. Appreciating Dr. Xi Yantao of China University of Mining and Technology for his help for modification.References:[1] Zhang J C, Zhang Y Z, Liu T Q. Rock Mass Permeability and Coal Mine Water Inrush.Beijing:Geological Publishing House, 1997. (In Chinese)[2] Miao X X, Lu A H, Mao X B, et al. Numerical simulation for roadways in swelling rock undercoupling function of water and ground pressure. Journal of China University ofMining and Technology, 2002, 12(2): 120-125.[3] Gong P L, Hu Y Q, Zhao Y S, et al. 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关键词:下盘竖井开拓;阶段矿房法;单翼对角式通风AbstractThe object of this design is to initial an plan for an Zhongyangchang mining of Neimenggu involving the area of explore lines ranged from 1 to 10 and elevation of from 1064m to 1282m,its has an anticipant capability of0.4million t/a. The design has detailedy introduced the geological characteristics and copper of the ore body of Zhongyangchang mining, After a series of comparative demonstration program, the appropriate developing way , mining method and the production system has been selected .The geological structure of the ore body is relatively simple , Ore belongs to the steep thin orebody to medium thick ore body. The footwall surrounding rock is medium solid,footwall surrounding rock solid. After technical and economic comparison,,this design uses the footwall shaft development, Sublevel Room mainly shallow hole Shrinkage Method supplemented by mining methods, and ventilation mode selection wing diagonal ventilation.Ot her parts was focused on system selection and equipment selection such as: upgrading transport, drainage gas pressure for detailed design calculations.The whole design in accordance with the design standards, and the use of AutoCAD computer graphics, designed to meet the specification requirements。
【关键字】工程中国矿大采矿工程毕业设计篇一:中国矿大(标准版本)采矿工程毕业设计中国矿业大学本科生毕业设计姓名:专业:题目:兴隆煤矿设计说明书目录1 矿区概括及井田地质特征............................ 5 1.1 矿区概括..................................... 5 1.2 井田地质特征................................. 6 1.3 煤层特征..................................... 9 2 井田境界及储量................................... 11 2.1 井田境界.................................... 11 2.2 矿井工业储量................................ 11 3 矿井工作制度、设计生产能力及服务年限.............. 14 4 井田开拓......................................... 16 5 准备方式——带区巷道布置......................... 30 6 采煤方法......................................... 36 7. 井下运输........................................ 52 8 矿井提升......................................... 57 9 矿井通风......................................... 60 10 设计矿井基本技术经济指标......................... 87 参考文献............................................ 89 致谢. (91)摘要本文根据对南屯煤矿资料的学习和研究,遵照《煤矿安全规程》和《煤炭工业设计规范》的要求,充分运用所学的知识,以兴隆庄煤矿开采的实际情况为依据,对兴隆庄煤矿下组煤的开拓延伸进行设计。
目录前言 11 矿区概述及井田特征 21.1 概述 21.1.1 矿区的地理位置及行政隶属关系 21.1.2 地形、地貌、交通等情况 21.1.3 气候地震等情况 31.2 井田及其附近的地质特征 31.2.1 井田的地层层位关系及地质构造 31.2.2 含煤系及地层特征 41.2.3 水文地质 51.3 煤质及煤层特征 51.3.1 井田内煤层及埋藏条件 51.3.2 煤层的含瓦斯性、自燃性、爆炸性71.3.3 井田的勘探程度及进一步勘探要求72 井田境界及储量82.1 井田境界82.1.1 井田范围 82.1.2 边界煤柱留设 82.1.3工业广场保护煤柱留设82.1.4 边界的合理性 92.2 井田的储量 92.2.1 井田储量的计算原则92.2.2 矿井工业储量 103 矿井的年产量、服务年限及一般工作制度 12 3.1 矿井年产量及服务年限123.1.1 矿井的年产量 123.1.2 服务年限 123.1.3 矿井的增产期和减产期产量增加的可能性133.2 矿井的工作制度 134 井田开拓 144.1 井筒形式、位置和数目的确定 144.1.1 井筒形式的确定144.1.2 井筒位置及数目的确定 154.2 开采水平的设计 194.2.1 水平划分的原则194.2.2 开采水平的划分204.2.3 设计水平储量及服务年限234.2.4 设计水平的巷道布置234.2.5 大巷的位置、数目、用途和规格 234.3 采区划分及开采顺序 244.3.1 采区形式及尺寸的确定 244.3.2 开采顺序 254.4 开采水平井底车场形式的选择 264.4.1 开采水平井底车场选择的依据264.4.2 井底车场主要硐室 274.5 开拓系统综述304.5.1 系统概况 304.5.2 移交生产时井巷的开凿位置、初期工程量 315 采准巷道布置 335.1 设计采区的地质概况及煤层特征335.1.1 采区概况 335.1.2 煤层地质特征及工业储量335.1.3 采区生产能力及服务年限335.2 采区形式、采区主要参数的确定345.2.1 采区形式 345.2.2 采区上山数目、位置及用途 345.2.3 区段划分 345.3 采区车场及硐室 355.3.1 车场形式 355.3.2 采区煤仓 355.4 采准系统、通风系统、运输系统36 5.4.1 采准系统 365.4.2 通风系统 365.4.3 运输系统 365.5 采区开采顺序365.6 采区巷道断面376 采煤方法 396.1 采煤方法的选择 396.1.1 选择的要求396.1.2 采煤方法 396.2 开采技术条件396.3 工作面长度的确定406.3.1 按通风能力确定工作面长度 406.3.2 根据采煤机能力确定工作面长度 41 6.3.3 按刮板输送机能力校验工作面长度41 6.4 采煤机械选择和回采工艺确定 426.4.1 采煤机械的选择426.4.2 配套设备选型 446.4.3 回采工艺方式的确定446.5 循环方式选择及循环图表的编制47 6.5.1 确定循环方式 476.5.2 劳动组织表486.5.3 机电设备表496.5.4 技术经济指标表507 建井工期及开采计划517.1 建井工期及施工组织 517.1.1 建井工期 517.1.2 工程排队及施工组织排队527.2 开采计划537.2.1 开采顺序及配产原则537.2.2 开采计划 538 矿井通风 558.1 概述558.2 矿井通风系统的选择 558.2.1 通风方式的选择568.2.2 通风方法的选择578.3 矿井风量的计算与风量分配578.3.1 矿井总进风量 578.3.2 回采工作面所需风量的计算 588.3.3 掘进工作面所需风量598.3.4 硐室所需风量的∑Qd的计算608.3.5 其他巷道所需风量 618.3.6 风量的分配[17] 628.4 矿井总风压及等积孔的计算628.4.1 计算原则 628.4.2 计算方法 648.4.3 计算等积孔658.5 通风设备的选择 668.5.1 矿井主要扇风机选型计算668.5.2 电动机选型计算688.5.3 耗电量688.6 灾害防治综述[13] 698.6.1 井底火灾及煤层自然发火的防治措施 69 8.6.2 预防煤尘爆炸措施708.6.3 预防瓦斯爆炸的措施708.6.4 避灾路线709 矿井运输与提升719.1 概述719.2 采区运输设备的选择 719.2.1 采区运输上山皮带的选择71 9.2.2 采区轨道上山运输设备的选择72 9.2.3 运输顺槽转载机和皮带机选择72 9.2.4 回风顺槽中运输设备的选择 73 9.2.5 工作面刮板输送机的选择73 9.3 主要巷道运输设备的选择 749.4 提升749.4.1 提升系统的合理确定749.4.2 主井提升设备的选择759.4.3 副井提升设备的选择7610 矿井排水7710.1 矿井涌水7710.1.1 概述7710.1.2 矿山技术条件7810.2 排水设备的选型计算7810.2.1 水泵选型7810.3 水泵房的设计8010.3.1 水泵房支护方式和起重设备80 10.3.2 水泵房的位置8010.3.3 水泵房规格尺寸的计算80 10.4 水仓设计8110.4.1 水仓的位置及作用8110.4.2 水仓容量计算8111 技术经济指标8311.1 全矿人员编制8311.1.1 井下工人定员8311.1.2 井上工人定员8311.1.3 管理人员8311.1.4 全矿人员8411.2 劳动生产率8411.2.1 采煤工效8411.2.2 井下工效8411.2.3 生产工效8411.2.4 全员工效8411.3 成本8511.4 全矿主要技术经济指标86结论92参考文献93附录A 94附录B 97前言中国是世界最大产煤国煤炭在中国经济社会发展中占有极重要的地位煤炭是工业的粮食我国一次能量消费中煤炭占75%以上煤炭发展的快慢将直接关系到国计民生作为采矿专业的一名学生我很荣幸能够为祖国煤炭事业尽一份力毕业设计是毕业生把大学所学专业理论知识和实践相结合的重要环节使所学知识一体化是我们踏入工作岗位的过度环节设计过程中的所学知识很可能被直接带到马上的工作岗位上所以显得尤为重要学生通过设计能够全面系统的运用和巩固所学的知识掌握矿井设计的方法、步骤及内容培养实事求是、理论联系实际的工作作风和严谨的工作态度培养自己的科学研究能力提高了编写技术文件和运算的能力同时也提高了计算机应用能力及其他方面的能力该说明书为刘官屯矿0.90Mt/a井田初步设计说明书在所收集地质材料的前提下由指导教师给予指导并合理运用平时及课堂上积累的知识查找有关资料力求设计出一个高产、高效、安全的现代化矿井本设计说明书从矿井的开拓、开采、运输、通风、提升及工作面的采煤方法等各个环节进行了详细的叙述并进行了技术和经济比较论述了本设计的合理性完成了毕业设计要求的内容同时说明书图文并茂使设计的内容更容易被理解和接受在设计过程中得到了指导老师的详细指导和同学的悉心帮助在此表示感谢由于设计时间和本人能力有限难免有错误和疏漏之处望老师给予批评指正1 矿区概述及井田特征1.1 概述1.1.1 矿区的地理位置及行政隶属关系矿区位于唐山市东北约13km处的荆各庄村附近在开平煤田凤山西北侧矿井走向长5km倾斜长2.2km井田面积11km2南与马家沟矿业公司相距6km中间有陡河相隔北与陡河电厂相距3.5km行政属开平区管辖1.1.2 地形、地貌、交通等情况1) 地形地貌为一平坦的冲积平原北部山区为燕山山脉的余脉井田北、东、南三面被低山包围颇有山前扇状地景观井田地面标高-100m2) 交通该矿区的交通十分方便铁路:一条通往用煤大户陡河电厂的专用线并与吕陡线在井田上方交汇;另一条经马家沟矿业公司与老京山线的开平站相联公路:北距10km与京沈高速公路、102国道相联南距7km经开平与205国道、津秦高速公路相联形成了比较完整的交通网四通八达井田内共有8个自然村主要从事农业除东新庄外其它7个村庄已搬迁完毕图1-1 刘官屯矿交通位置图Fig.1-1 Liuguantun Mining traffic and location3) 水文本区东南的陡河发源于北部山地下游集入石榴河向南流入渤海主流全长100km河水终年不固不冻在双桥村一带有水库水库大坝距井田东端最近距离2.2km陡河最高水位+219.5m低于地面标高40m左右冬季水位介于+216~+217m1.1.3 气候地震等情况本区系于半大陆性气候夏季炎热多雨多东南风;冬季严寒凛冽秋冬多西北风雨季集中在七、八、九三个月年平均降雨量648.8毫升最高气温38.50C最低气温-22.6℃年平均气温10.6℃冻结期由11月二旬至次年3月上旬冻结深0.66m地震烈度六级1.2 井田及其附近的地质特征1.2.1 井田的地层层位关系及地质构造开平煤田位于燕山南麓在大地构造上位于中朝地台燕山沉降带的东南侧燕山南麓煤田在地质力学体系上处于天山~阴山纬向构造带、新华夏系构造带和祁吕~贺兰山山字形的三个巨型构造体系的交汇部位开平煤田受新华夏构造体系的影响以一系列NNE向的褶曲及逆断层组成北部受纬向构造的影响逐渐向南弯转成走向近东西向煤系地层由石炭系中统唐山组上统开平组、赵各庄组及下二叠系大苗庄组、唐家庄组等组成岩性以砂岩、泥岩为主基底地层为中奥陶系马家沟组石灰岩分布于煤田周边地带与煤系地层呈不整合接触见井田地质特征表1-1煤田向南倾伏其南部界限可能跨过宝坻~奔城大断层伸入另一个二级构造单元--华北断陷经钻口和电测曲线对比推断本区主要断层共有2条分别为F1 和F2区内尚未发现有大面积岩浆活动所见分布于煤田西侧和南侧区内未发现区域变质或侵入变质现象说明:据2001全国地层委员会和2004国际地层委员会发布的时代划分方案石炭纪二分二叠纪三分但为了与矿上其他资料吻合方便起见本次仍沿用旧的时代划分方案本井田西部以I号勘探线和F1断层为界东部以VI号勘探线为界北部以-300m等高线为界南部以-750等高线井田内赋存有9、12-2号两个可采煤层表1-1 井田地质特征表Tab. 1-1 Well field geological feature table 界统年代组厚度/m新生界第四系Q~~~~~~不整合~~~~~~ 洼里组0~890上古生界二叠系上统P222800P21古冶组346下统P12唐家庄组180P11大苗庄组79石系上统C32赵各庄组74C31开平组70中统C2唐山组-------平行不整合------ 马家沟组65下古生界奥陶系中统O2345下统O12亮甲山组115O11冶里组203武系上统33凤山组68 32长山组48 31崮山组82中统2张夏组120 下统12馒头组150 11景儿峪组263 元古界震旦系上统Z2W迷雾山组1200Z2Y杨庄组下统Z1K高于庄组600Z1T+H大红峪黄崖关组~~~~~~不整合~~~~~~五台群450太古界前震旦Ar1.2.2 含煤系及地层特征开平煤田构造形式以褶皱为主线型排列比较明显向斜背斜多呈相间平行排列区内由西至东有:蓟玉向斜及其两侧的窝洛沽向斜、丰登坞背斜、车轴山向斜、卑子院背斜、弯道山~西缸窑向斜、凤山~缸窑背斜、开平向斜本设计的十组煤分四个分层走向中部厚沿走向往两侧逐渐变薄但从钻孔看变化不大整个十组煤厚度均匀从全矿井看煤层角度东部较小西部边界偏大深部角度小浅部角度大1)表土层及风化层的深度矿井田内地势平坦为第四系冲积层所覆盖冲积层较厚井田浅部以风积细粉砂岩为主颗粒细而均匀表土层厚度平均在100m且有流沙2)煤层总数及可采层数本区煤层岩性变化不大煤层结构相对简单有少量夹矸共含十一个煤组本设计的十组煤全区发育9、12-2均为可采煤层1.2.3 水文地质荆东四矿的水文地质条件属一般型有八个含水层自下而上分别为:1)奥陶系石灰岩岩溶裂隙承压含水层(Ⅰ)2)K2~K6砂岩裂隙承压含水层(Ⅱ)3)K6~煤12砂岩裂隙承压含水层(Ⅲ)4)煤9~煤7砂岩裂隙承压含水层(Ⅳ)5)煤5以上砂岩裂隙承压含水层(Ⅴ)6)风化带裂隙、孔隙承压含水层(Ⅵ)7)第四系底部卵石孔隙承压含水层(Ⅶ)8)第四系中上部砂卵砾孔隙承压和孔隙潜水含水层(Ⅷ)其中与矿井生产较密切的为Ⅰ、Ⅳ、Ⅶ全矿预测涌水量:最大涌水量 419.6 m3/h正常涌水量 256.3 m3/h1.3 煤质及煤层特征1.3.1 井田内煤层及埋藏条件煤层走向主体为东西走向整体近似于长方形煤层赋存比较稳定全区发育平均倾角为14°左右可采煤层间距见表1-2表 1-2 煤层间距见表Tab .1-2 Seam pitch table煤层平均厚度(m)煤层间距(m)941512-23煤层赋存状态十煤组共分9、12-2分层全区发育见煤层柱状图如图1-2图1-2 综合柱状图Fig. 1-2 Synthesis column map本区煤层中夹石在井田中部最薄往南北两翼逐渐变厚沿倾向方向变化小沿走向方向向南北变化稍大本组地层一般厚度72.60m以粉砂岩为主粘土岩含量减少各种岩石所占的百分比为:粘土岩10.1%粉砂岩类占52.6%砂岩类占31.4%石灰岩占2.9%岩相组合上为浅海相薄层泥质碳酸盐岩和泻湖海湾相粉砂岩及砂岩沉积物的交替沉积煤的容重见表1-3表 1-3 煤的容重Tab.1-3 Bulk density of coal容重最小最大t/m31.191.461.30本组内赋存三层石灰岩由下而上命名为K4、K5、K6其中K5石灰岩为深灰色泥质生物碎屑岩时而接近钙质粘土岩特点是含灰白色的动物介壳富集成层与深灰色泥质灰岩交替成细带状形成明显的水平层理和水平波状层理极易区别于其它石灰岩厚度薄但比较稳定本组比较突出的特点是出现了含煤沉积是典型的海陆交互相沉积序列井田内各煤层的伪顶多为薄层泥岩直接顶一般为粘土岩或粉砂岩底板多为粉砂岩次之区内虽然岩性变化大但有一定规律即由东往西由下向上岩性逐渐由细变粗北部和中部较稳定各类砂岩层理不甚发育破碎易风化具有较强的膨胀性遇水后即软化断裂带附近层间滑动发育其内的巷道围岩不稳定易冒落变形位于煤层间的巷道有不同程度的移动和破坏1.3.2 煤层的含瓦斯性、自燃性、爆炸性本井田煤层瓦斯含量均很低属低沼矿井据化验资料瓦斯绝对涌出量为:1.27~5.56m3/min平均4.75 m3/min相对涌出量为:0.39~3.38m3/t平均1.17 m3/t煤尘爆炸指数为:为38.42%~64.20%;本区由于煤燃点低煤尘试验结果为火焰长度40mm岩粉量55%具有爆炸性自燃发火期为3-6个月1.3.3 井田的勘探程度及进一步勘探要求目前勘探程度已达到精查确定了高级储量为50%以上但为了满足以后生产要求应提高一水平的勘探程度使高级储量达到70%以上2 井田境界及储量2.1 井田境界2.1.1 井田范围本井田西部以I号勘探线和F1断层为界东部以VI号勘探线为界北部以-300等高线为界南部以-750等高线为界井田内赋存有9、12-2号两个可采煤层2.1.2 边界煤柱留设矿井走向长5km倾斜长2.2km井田面积11km2井田内地形比较完整井田四周依据相关规定和安全考虑分别留设20m的边界煤柱由于井田西面和南面为断层所包围故西部和南部的井田边界即为断层保护煤柱和井田境界保护煤柱按《煤矿安全规程》[2]规定边界煤柱的留法及尺寸:1) 井田边界煤柱留30m;2) 阶段煤柱斜长60m若在两阶段留设则上下阶段各留30m;3) 断层煤柱每侧各为20m;4) 采区边界煤柱留10m根据参考《煤炭工业设计规范》[1]和《矿井安全规程》[2]的相关数据要求和规定本井田所留的各种保护煤柱均合理符合规定2.1.3工业广场保护煤柱留设由《设计规范》规定:工业场地占地面积:45-90万t/年1.2~1.3公顷/10万t;120-180万t/年0.9~1.0公顷/10万t;240-300万t/年0.7~0.8公顷/10万t400-600万t/年0.45-0.6公顷/10万t本矿井设计年产90万t则工业广场占地面积为S=(90/10)*1.2=10.8公顷=108000m2 则工业广场设计成长380m宽290m的矩形在确定地面保护面积后用移动角圈定煤柱范围工业场地地面受保护面积应包括保护对象及宽度15m的围护带在工业场地内的井筒圈定保护煤柱时地面受保护对象应包括绞车房、井口房或通风机房、风道等围护带宽度为15m2.1.4 边界的合理性在本井田的划分中充分的利用到现有条件既降低了煤柱的损失也减少了开采技术上的困难使工作面的部署较为简易同时本井田的划分使储量与生产相适应矿井生产能力与煤层赋存条件、开采技术装备条件相适应井田有合理的尺寸条带尺寸满足《煤炭工业设计规范》[1]的要求走向长度划分合理使矿井的开采有足够的储量和足够的服务年限避免矿井生产接替紧张根据《煤炭工业设计规范》[1]的规定采区开采顺序必须遵守先近后远逐步向边界扩展的原则并应符合下列规定:1) 首采采区应布置在构造简单储量可靠开采条件好的块段并宜靠近工业广场保护煤柱边界线2) 开采煤层群时采区宜集中或分组布置有煤和瓦斯突出的危险煤层突然涌水威胁的煤层或煤层间距大的煤层单独布置采区3) 开采多种煤类的煤层应合理搭配开采综上所述矿井首采区定在靠近工业广场的西北部采区储量丰富有利于运输的集中和减少巷道的开拓费用所以井田划分是合理的因此综上来看本井田的划分是合理的也就是说本井田设计的边界是合理的2.2 井田的储量2.2.1 井田储量的计算原则1)按照地下实际埋藏的煤炭储量计算不考虑开采、选矿及加工时的损失;2)储量计算的最大垂深与勘探深度一致对于大、中型矿井一般不超过1000m;3)精查阶段的煤炭储量计算范围应与所划定的井田边界范围相一致;4)凡是分水平开采的井田在计算储量时也应该分水平计算储量;5)由于某种技术条件的限制不能采出的煤炭如在铁路、大河流、重要建筑物等两侧的保安煤柱要分别计算储量;6)煤层倾角不大于15度时可用煤层的伪厚度和水平投影面积计算储量;7)煤层中所夹的大于0.05m厚的高灰煤(夹矸)不参与储量的计算;8)参与储量计算的各煤层原煤干燥时的灰分不大于40%2.2.2 矿井工业储量矿井的工业储量:勘探地质报告中提供的能利用储量中的A、B、C三级储量本井田的工业储量的计算:1)工业储量井田煤层埋藏深度为-300~--750标高之间工业储量为:Eg=11000000×(4+3)×1.3/cos14=103195876.3t2)井田永久煤柱井田永久煤柱损失包括铁路、井田境界、断层防护煤柱和浅部矿井水下开采防水煤柱a断层煤柱损失断层的两侧各留20m的保护煤柱此断层的面积为1188×40=47520m2故此断层保护煤柱损失为:47520×(3+4)×1.3=43.2万tb井田境界煤柱损失井田境界留设30m的边界煤柱总长为13528m;井田境界保护煤柱所占面积为405840m2经计算故境界保护煤柱损失为:405840×7×1.3=369.31万tP1=43.2+369.31=412.51万t3)矿井设计储量Es= Eg-P1=10319.58-412.51=9907.07万t4)采区回采率矿井采区回采率应该符合下列规定:厚煤层不应小于75﹪;中厚煤层不应小于80﹪;薄煤层不应小于85﹪全矿采区回采率按下式计算:==0.775)矿井设计可采储量Ek=( Es-Pz)×(2-1)式中Ek--设计可采储量Es--井田设计储量Pz--煤柱损失--采区平均回采率煤柱损失Pz主要包括工业广场压煤、阶段间煤柱等工业广场压煤Y9煤层压煤量=(828+905)×683÷2×4×1.3=307.75万t12-2煤层压煤量=(840+926)×704÷2×3×1.3=242.44万t Y=307.75+242.44=550.19万t阶段煤柱=(2851 +1861 )×(4+3)×1.3÷cos14= 4.42 t Pz=550.19+4.42=554.61设计可采储量:Ek =(Es-Pz)=(9907.07-554.61 )0.77= 7201.4万t3 矿井的年产量、服务年限及一般工作制度3.1 矿井年产量及服务年限3.1.1 矿井的年产量矿井的年产量(生产能力)确定的合理与否对保证矿井能否迅速投产、达产和产生效益至关重要而矿井生产能力与井田地质构造、水文地质条件、煤炭储量及质量、煤层赋存条件、建井条件、采掘机械化装备水平及市场销售量等许多因素有关经分析比较设计矿井的生产能力确定为0.9 Mt/a合理可行理由如下:1)储量丰富煤炭储量是决定矿井生产能力的主要因素之一本井田内可采的煤层达到2层保有工业储量为1.03亿t按照0.9Mt/a的生产能力能够满足矿井服务年限的要求而且投入少、效率高、成本低、效益好2)开采技术条件好本井田煤层赋存稳定井田面积大煤层埋藏适中倾角小结构简单水文地质条件及地质构造简单煤层结构单一适宜综合机械化开采可采煤层均为厚煤层。
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英文原文Fuzzy evaluation on coal seam geological condition of coal face inten million ton MineAbstract:Based on coal seam geological condition in Jisan Mine,quantitative evaluation on concrete coal seam geological condition is made by using fuzzy evaluation with the view of coal mining and coal face production.The evaluation content and its realization of coal seam geological condition,the structure and the index system of evaluation factor,the membership functions and weights of evaluation factor ,evaluation model and reliability are expounded in detail ,eighty-two coal face that will be exploited is classified,Fuzzy evaluation is the basal work to select coal mining technology and ensure a ming running efficiently,safely and steadily.Key words:fuzzy evaluation;membership function1 INTRODUCTIONWith the development of mining ,the difference of coal seam geological conditions will affect the suitability of coal mining technology and coal face outputs ,i.e. qualification and economic indicator.To ensure a mining running efficiently,safely and steadily ,coal seam geological conditions must be known roundly and detailed .Fuzzy evaluation on coal seam geological conditions is a evaluation on concrete coal seam geological condition with the comprehensive view of coal mining. The main characteristic of evaluation is that a coal face is a evaluation cell.The aticle tells of fuzzy evaluation on coal seam geological conditions in Jisan Mine.2 CONDITIONS OF SEAM AND GEOLOGYThere are three sections that are exploited in Jisan Mine,i.e. north section﹑east section﹑west section,they belongs to Sanxia coal seam. Sanxia coal seam is at the bottom of Shanxizu,mean thickness of coal seam is 5.26 metres,from east to west in Mine,thickness of coal seam reduce from 5 metres to 3.5 metre. Rock character of roof is sandrock or siltite,rock character of bottom is siltite or thin sandrock. There are many faults in Jisan Mine,there are fourteen faults that their drops are bigger thantwenty metres,and there are many smaller faults. Based on the coal seam geological conditions,strike longwall mining method in fully mechanized coalface is adopted.3 FACTORS AND INDEX OF EV ALUATION3.1 STRUCTURE OF EV ALUATION FACTORSAccording to the principle of system,feasibility and simplicity,based on coal seam geological characteristic ,the structure of evaluation factors is figure 3.1.It consists of seven compound factors and eleven smaller factors,these factors are quantified by fault density q1﹑fault length exponent q2﹑fault fall exponent q3﹑variation of coal seam and band coefficient γ﹑seam thickness m﹑seam angle α﹑seam hardness R﹑immediate roof hardnessσ﹑ratio of immediate roof and seam mining thickness N﹑false roof thickness h0﹑immediate bottom hardness q c﹑coal face length l and coal face advance length s.Figure 3-1 structure of evaluation factors of coal face3.2 INDEX SYSTEM OF EV ALUATIONExplanation of eleven smaller evaluation factors is as follows:(1)fault effect:describing fault effect on mining needs three index,faultdensity-fault number in unit area;fault length-sum of fault length in unit area;fault fall exponent-ratio of fault fall and seam thickness.(2) variation of coal seam and band coefficient : ratio of seam thickness sample standard deviation and seam thickness mean. (3) Seam thickness : seam sample thickness mean. (4) Seam angle : seam sample angle mean.(5) Seam hardness : seam compression strength.(6) Immediate roof hardness : immediate roof compression strength. (7) Main roof holding power :(8) False roof effect : false roof thickness.(9) Immediate bottom hardness : immediate roof compression strength. (10) C oal face length (11) C oal face advance3.3 MEMBERSHIP FUNCTIONS OF EV ALUATION FACTORSThe membership function of evaluation factor is the quantitative description on fuzzy relationship between the change of a geological factor and the mining effect. Membership function is the foundation to build a fuzzy evaluation model.Adopting statistic analogism method , method of undetermined coefficients and heterogeneous fuzzy statistic method , membership functions are obtained as follows : (1)membership function of fault effectμa =2/ (1+exp (0.0018+0.042×q 1+0.064×q 2+0.00071×q 3))(2)membership function of variation of coal seam and band coefficient(3)membership function of seam thickness⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧><≤+⨯-<= h h h h h μ(4)membership function of seam angle⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≥<≤<=3N 1.03N 0.31.8 + N) Exp(-0.29 1.9-0.3N 0.05(N)μN(5)membership function of seam hardness0.17.2()0.51ln 0.917.2421.042c c R c c c c R R R R R μ<⎧⎪=⨯-≤≤⎨⎪>⎩⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧<≤>≥-<≤+⨯+⨯<=-8040403002.08.10.1301671.0012.01069.1ln(164.0)(24σσσσσσσσμσ(6)membership function of immediate roof hardness100010001001000.17.2)ln(5.00)(≥≤<≤⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧-=s s s s s S μ(7)main roof holding power⎪⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎪⎨⎧<≤+-<≤+-<≤+-<≤<≤=5036528.10286.036180.101389.018125.104167.01260.1631667.0)(R R R R R R R R R R R μ(8)false roof effect⎩⎨⎧≥<≤⨯-=25.0025.00)(21)(5.0γγγγμγ(9)immediate bottom hardness⎪⎪⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎪⎪⎨⎧≥<≤-⨯<≤+⨯<≤-⨯<≤-⨯<≤-⨯=1500.1150130275.00085.0130100483.0000667.0100805.00125.080607.0015.060401.0005.0)(l l l l l l l l l l l l L μ (10)coal face length⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎨⎧≥<≤<≤+⨯-<≤<≤-⨯<≤+⨯<≤-⨯<≤+⨯= m m m m m m m m m m m m m m μ (11)coal advance length⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎨⎧≥<≤<≤+⨯-<≤<≤-⨯<≤+⨯<≤-⨯<≤+⨯= m m m m m m m m m m m m m m μ 3.4 WEIGHTS OF EV ALUATION FACTORSWeight of evaluation factors is a quantity that show relative importance of per factor in system ,it is the key to unify systemic structure and function.Coam seam geological evaluation of coal face ascertains weights of evaluation factors by AHP.AHP is a easy method to quantify the quanlitative event.Appliacation of AHP needs five steps :building hierarchical model 、constructing judgement matrix 、single hierarchy collation and consistency check 、total hierarchy collation 、consistency check of total hierarchy collation.Comfirmatiom of judgement matrix is the key to use AHP ,value of judgement matrix is the quantitative description on relative importance of per factor ,the valves are one to nine and their reciprocals.Table1 shows the value ,Table2 to 4 show judgement matrix ,Table5 shows weights of evaluation factors.Figure 3B6~C judgement matrix3.5 FUZZY EV ALUATION MODELCoal seam geological conditions are multilayered evaluated by fuzzy evaluation model,fuzzy evaluation model images single factor evaluation value to total evaluation value by certain algorithm,whether propertis of evaluation sample is bad orgood are assured by total evaluation valve ,in order to comprehesively consider effect degree of per factor ,weighted avarage evaluation model is used ,the model :∑==⋅=ni ij i j m j r W b 1.....,1,2, In fomula :b j ——evaluation valve ; W i ——weight matrix 。