独立主格结构练习 分词做状语

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❖ 类型5:名词(代词)+形容词或副词 ❖ He sat in the front row, his mouth half open. ❖ She sat at the table, collar off, head down, and pen in position,
ready to begin the long letter. ❖ 类型6:There being +名词(代词) ❖ There being nothing else to do, we went home. ❖ There being no further business, I declare the meeting closed. ❖ 类型7:It being +名词(代词) ❖ It being Christmas, the government offices were closed. ❖ It being a holiday, all the shops were shut. ❖ 类型8:名词/代词+名词 ❖ he fought the wolf, a stick his only weapon.
❖ 1) 表示时间 ❖ The meeting being over, all of us went home. ❖ Her work done, she sat down for a cup of tea. ❖ 2) 表示条件 ❖ The condition being favorable, he may succeed. ❖ All the work done, The boss went home. ❖ 3) 表示原因 ❖ There being no taxis, we had to walk. ❖ One leg hurt, he was carried to the hospital. ❖ 4) 表示伴随情况 ❖ Almost all metals are good conductors, silver being the best of all. ❖ Head held high, he went away. ❖ The car dashed away, its lights on, its horns blaring. ❖ 5) 表示补充说明 ❖ We redoubled our efforts, each man working like two. ❖ Life is no worry, bread, meat, vegetables enough.
❖ 1. 开车时再小心也不为过。 ❖ 2. 完成任务后,他们才出去玩。 ❖ 3. 在事故中受伤了,他被送进了医院。 ❖ 4. 给些水,这些植物就会鲜花盛开。 ❖ 5. 尽管被告知多次,他仍然重复相同的错误。 ❖ 6. 学生们说着笑着走出了教室。 ❖ 7. 他辞职了,给公司留下一团糟。
❖ 1. You can’t be too careful when driving. ❖ 2. Having finished the assignments, they went to play outdoors. ❖ 3. hurt in the accident, he was sent to hospital ❖ 4. Giving some water, the plants will blossom. ❖ 5. Having been told many times, he still repeats the same mistake. ❖ 6. The students went out of the classroom, talking and laughing.
❖ The job finished, we went home. ❖ The last bus having gone, we had to walk home. 类型3:名词(代词)+不定式 Nobody to come tomorrow, the meeting will be held next week. So many people to help him, he is sure to succeed. 类型4:名词(代词)+介词短语 ❖ A girl came in, book in hand. ❖ He was waiting, his eyes on her back.
❖ An Eye-witness Account of a Traffic Accident
❖ 假设你在某日某时某地目击一起车祸,就此 写一份见证书。见证书须包括以下几点: 1.车祸发生的时间及地点; 2.你所见到的车祸情况; 3.你对车祸原因的分析。
❖ Mouth opened, he went away. ❖ Mouth opening, he went away. ❖ Mouth open, he went away.
❖ 类型
❖ The question being settled, we went home. ❖ The monitor being ill, we’d better put the meeting off.