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1. They are regarded by all the good wives, far and near, as perfect barometers.(7) 晴雨表,气压表

about their summits, which, in the last rays of the setting sun, will glow and light up like a crown of glory.(8) 风景;山峰;荣誉

3. It is a little village, of great antiquity, having been founded by some of the Dutch

5. He was, moreover, a kind neighbor, and an obedient hen-pecked husband.(8) 温顺的;妻管严

6. A termagant wife, may, therefore, in some respects, he considered a tolerable blessing; and if so, Rip Van Winkle was thrice blessed. 暴躁的,凶悍的;可以容忍的

8. Not a dog would bark at him throughout the neighborhood. (9) 吠叫;邻里

aversion to all kinds of

by acre.



16. His only alternative, to escape from the labor of the farm and the clamor of his wife, was to take gun in hand and stroll away into the woods. (13) 选择;吵闹;漫步而去

17. Rip to one of the highest parts of the Kaatskill

late in the afternoon, on a green knoll, covered with mountain herbage, that crowned the brow of a precipice. 气喘吁吁的;筋疲力尽的

stealing over him. (14) 理解,恐惧

his eyes swam in his head, his head



1. The birds were bushes, and the eagle was wheeling aloft, and breasting the pure mountain breeze.(16) 跳跃;叽叽喳喳;清风


(17) 引诱



7. Rip a precise himself, as he went up the mountain. (21)

8. In the midst of his bewilderment, the man in the cocked hat demanded who he was, and what was his name? (21) 迷惑

9. Rip had but one question more to ask; but he put it with a faltering voice. (22) 结结巴巴的,踌躇颤抖的

10. He was a descendant of the historian of that name, who wrote one of the earliest

11. He had got his neck out of the yoke of matrimony. (23) 牛轭,束缚;婚姻

12. The old Dutch inhabitants, however, almost universally gave it full credit. (24) 居民;完全相信


1.not fail to arise in the minds of some, that he had privately

2.what mostly troubled him was an uncertainty about of his father‟s

death. 方式

3.reached the ear of young Hamlet, that an


all that he had ever learned should be instantly forgotten by him, and nothing live in his brain but the memory of what the ghost had told him, and enjoined him to do. 严肃的决定;立即;恳求

5.At the representation of this play, the king, who did not know the trap which was

laid for him, was present, with his queen and the whole court. 陷阱;出席的

6.She, affrighted at his earnest manner, and fearful lest in his lunacy he should do

her a mischief, cried out; 被吓到;神经错乱

7.the ship was attacked by pirates, and a

course of which Hamlet, desirous to show his valour, with sword in hand singly

‟s vessel; 开始;在……过程;登上(船)
